标记档案: 威利·梦露小

中量级竞争者小威利·门罗. 会谈即将于周六对阵杰马尔·查洛, 十二月 22 在顶级拳击比赛中
福克斯频道的冠军 & 福克斯将行动从巴克莱中心驱逐出境
布鲁克林 “我现在在马厩里,准备飞出马厩
12月22日,门” – 梦露

罗切斯特,纽约. (十二月 4, 2018) – 中量级竞争者和前冠军挑战者 威利·梦露JR. 讨论了他即将对阵 WBC 临时中量级冠军的比赛 Jermall夏洛茨维尔 当他准备周六参加超级拳击冠军赛时, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心的 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 直播, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.

随着战斗之夜的临近, 梦露在家乡罗彻斯特努力工作,纽约. 和他的教练蒂莫西·诺兰一起, 门罗相信他有望在对阵不败对手的比赛中取得出色的表现.

“现在营地里的一切都在按部就班地向前推进,” 门罗说。”我们每天都在完成我们需要的工作. 我们知道如何顺利​​运营营地. 如果我无法判断有什么问题, 然后就一切顺利了。”

A 两次与根纳迪·戈洛夫金 (Gennady Golovkin) 进行中量级世界冠军争夺的老将 比利·乔·桑德斯, 门罗着眼于查洛的再次对决 向精英中量级选手证明自己.

“我有 总是观看杰莫尔的战斗,因为我关注我周围的任何人 重量等级,” 门罗说. “在过去一年左右的时间里,我开始 我想我真的会参加这场战斗,我很兴奋它的到来 12月硕果累累 22.

“他是 被认为是顶级中量级之一,这使得这场比赛非常精彩. 这 是时候我将有一个完整的训练营了,这是我以前从未有过的 戈洛夫金和桑德斯,这会对我有帮助。”

尽管 他不具备对手惊人的击倒能力, 梦露是 非常有信心他的其他戒指属性可以弥补这一点 不同之处.

“是 都处于该部门的顶端,如果没有很多东西,你就不可能走得这么远 身体能力的,” 门罗说. “这场战斗不在于谁是谁 虽然最快和最强, 这是关于我们将如何执行. 我不是 专注于谁击球更重,但谁击球更聪明. 这总是会发生 确定谁赢得拳击比赛.

“拳击 首先是智力,然后才是一切. 我能吗 执行并让杰马尔感到不舒服? 我们将看看战斗中会发生什么 夜晚. 不过我会做好准备的. 我现在在我的马厩里,我已经准备好来了 12月22日飞出大门。”

查洛 担任 FS1 上梦露八月之战的色彩评论员,此后 然后两人在两次不同的新闻发布会上面对面交流 战斗之夜. 随着战斗周的临近, 梦露认为频繁的见面时间 将会打出更加精彩的战斗.

“我是 一遍又一遍地看到杰马尔,肯定更加渴望战斗,” 门罗说. “你亲自捡到的小东西往往会造成 你想更加战斗. 你看到了对手并进一步加强了它 你的头脑并用它来激励. 我认为这会让事情变得更加 当我们最终到达那里时很有趣。”

门票 为了演出, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB 共同推广 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合促销, 开始于 $50 并且正在 现在出售. 门票可在购买ticketmaster.combarclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可以在美国运通售票处购买 在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.

电视转播 覆盖开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT 并由杰梅尔·查洛 (Jermell Charlo) 防守 他对阵托尼·哈里森的 WBC 超次中量级世界冠军, 此外 查洛 vs. 门罗对决. 电视转播的动作还有重量级人物 多米尼克·布雷泽尔和卡洛斯·内格隆之间的对决.

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粉丝 可以在 FOX Sports 应用程序上直播比赛, 有英文版或 通过 FOX 或 FOX Deportes 提供的西班牙语节目. 战斗可在 FOXSports.com 桌面版和应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括 苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

为了 更多信息: 访问www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage 和www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @布鲁克林拳击 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 的粉丝:www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

中美. 奥林匹亚选手特雷尔·高沙 (Terrell Gausha) 对阵乔伊·埃尔南德斯 (Joey Hernandez) & 两级冠军兰斯·巴泰勒米 & 周六,重量级拳击冠军埃菲·阿贾格巴 (Efe Ajagba) 登上拳击台,参加由超级拳击冠军举办的堆叠底牌比赛, 十二月 22 从布鲁克林巴克莱中心出发

更多! 前景光明 加里·安图安 & 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔

布鲁克林 (十一月 27, 2018) – 中美. 奥运选手和超次中量级竞争者 特雷尔Gausha 与身经百战的老兵发生冲突 乔伊·埃尔南德斯 在一场 10 回合的比赛中,前两个级别的世界冠军和古巴明星 兰斯·巴泰勒米 参加 10 回合超轻量级格斗比赛, 同时重量级的感觉 卡通Ajagba, 作为一个可怕的拳击手,他正在撼动这个部门, 周六,作为充满动感的底牌比赛的一部分,进入六轮比赛的擂台, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家庭和总理拳击冠军呈现.




堆叠的底牌引出了福克斯节目中的重磅 PBC 节目,其中查洛双胞胎捍卫了他们的世界冠军头衔, 黄金时段多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 和卡洛斯·内格隆 (Carlos Negron) 之间的重量级对决. Jermall夏洛茨维尔, 他和他的兄弟通过掷硬币获胜来决定他们的战斗顺序, 将在 12 回合 WBC 临时中量级冠军赛中对阵威利·门罗, 小, 而杰梅尔·查洛则将对阵托尼·哈里森,卫冕 WBC 超次中量级世界冠军头衔.




拥挤的底牌上还有中量级竞争者 马特·科罗博夫(28-1, 14 科斯) 在八回合的战斗和十回合的超次中量级对决中 布兰登·夸尔斯 (20-4-1, 10 科斯) 和 托德·曼努埃尔 (17-16-1, 5 科斯).




这场比赛仍在继续,羽量级世界冠军小加里·拉塞尔 (Gary Russell Jr.) 的不败前景和弟弟们不断崛起。, 如 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 (7-0, 7 科斯) 八回合超轻量级比赛并保持不败 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔 (12-0, 10 科斯) 看起来在八轮雏量级比赛中保持不败.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 开始于 $50 与现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




31岁的高莎 (20-1, 9 科斯) 在一场超次中量级冠军争夺战中,他以一致判定输给了埃里斯兰迪·拉拉,这是他职业生涯的第一次失利。 2017 在巴克莱中心. 美国的一员. 拳击队在 2012 伦敦奥运会, 克利夫兰的高沙希望在对阵埃尔南德斯的比赛中反弹.




埃尔南德斯 (27-4-1, 17 科斯) 自从输给奥斯汀·特劳特以来,已经连续三场淘汰赛获胜 2015 在 FS1 上. 来自迈阿密的 34 岁左撇子, 埃尔南德斯在八月 TKO 战胜何塞·安东尼奥·罗德里格斯 8.




祖国古巴一位多产的业余爱好者, 缪 (26-1, 13 科斯) 在职业生涯第一次失利后重返拳台, 在三月份与 Kiryl Relikh 的超轻量级世界冠军争夺战中. 这位32岁的选手成为了世界冠军 2014 当他击败阿吉尼斯·门德斯 (Argenis Mendez) 夺得 130 磅级冠军时, 并击败丹尼斯·沙菲科夫夺得空缺的轻量级金腰带,成为两个级别的冠军.




松鼠 (7-0, 6 科斯) 今年夏天,当他的对手在触摸手套后走出拳击场并在 FS1 现场直播首轮比赛的铃声响起时,引起了人们的关注. 他是唯一一位在对阵24岁的阿贾格巴时毫发无损地离开擂台的对手, 他是尼日利亚拳击队的成员 2016 里约奥运会,今年将第五次踏上拳击场,也是第二次作为职业选手在巴克莱中心.




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球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,并通过应用程序商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Puerto Rican Olympian Negron Ready to Take on Top Heavyweight Contender Dominic Breazeale Saturday, 十二月 22 in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action Live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


MIAMI, FL. (十一月 9, 2018) – 波多黎各奥海 卡洛斯·内格龙 is deep into training camp in Miami for his 10-round heavyweight showdown against top contender 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE 发生星期六, 十二月 22 live on FOX and FOX Deportes and presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.




Born in San Juan, Negron represented his home country at the 2008 Olympic games and is eager to return to fight in front of New York’s large contingent of Puerto Rican boxing fans on December 22.




This is a great opportunity not only against a top opponent, but to be on the big stage in front of the great Puerto Rican fans and put on a great performance for them,” said Negron, who last fought in New York in 2010. “I’m very confident in my abilities and I understand the job I have in front of me. Everyone will see how hard I’ve worked when we get in the ring.




Under the guidance of trainer Herman Caicedo, Negron will return to the ring for the first time since June 2017, when he scored a knockout victory over veteran contender Derric Rossy in a dominating performance that saw him score multiple knockdowns. Negron has worked with Caicedo for nearly a year, previously helping prepare Luis Ortiz for his heavyweight title bout against Deontay Wilder.




Having Carlos in camp for an extended period of time before the Breazeale fight was even announced has really allowed us to be leaps ahead at this point in training camp,” 凯塞多说. “Mentally and physically he is really sharp right now and it’s going to show on fight night.




Working with Luis Ortiz and the other fighters in our gym has really helped push me to another level,” said Negron. “We’re grinding every day and they truly demand the best out of me. There’s no being mediocre here. You have to put in your best effort every day.




With the six-foot-six Negron meeting the six-foot-seven Breazeale, this matchup is sure to display the power of two giants of the division. A former title challenger and U.S. 奥林匹亚, Breazeale has shown the ability to come back in a fight and turn the tides with one punch. For Negron, he knows the task in front of him is tall in stature and order.




Breazeale is a very tough fighter and what he might lack in skill, he more than makes up for in heart,” said Negron. “He certainly has shown skill to get to this point in his career, but he also has that special something that’s gotten him through some tough fights.




It’s going to come down to intelligence and controlling the ring. I’m a very smart fighter with a lot of experience. I’ve had a loss and I don’t want to experience that again. I believe whoever gets thrown off their game plan is going to suffer and I’m going to make sure I’m prepared for everything he throws at me.




The PBC on FOX & FOX Deportes broadcast begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT and is co-headlined by twin champions the Charlos as Jermall夏洛茨维尔 defends his interim WBC middleweight title against 威利·梦露JR., while WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell 夏洛茨维尔 战斗 托尼·哈里森.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




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球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,并通过应用程序商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Top Heavyweight Contender Takes on Puerto Rican Olympian
Carlos Negron Saturday, 十二月 22 in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action Live from Barclays Center 布鲁克林
点击 这里 Luis Mejia / TGB促销的照片

LOS ANGELES (十一月 2, 2018) – Top heavyweight and WBC mandatory challenger 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE spoke to media in Los Angeles Friday at a luncheon to discuss his his Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes showdown against Puerto Rican Olympian 卡洛斯·内格龙 星期六, 十二月 22 live from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.




广播开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT and is co-headlined by twin champions the Charlos as Jermall夏洛茨维尔 defends his interim WBC middleweight title against 威利·梦露JR., while WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell夏洛茨维尔 战斗 托尼·哈里森.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




Here is what the luncheon participants had to say Friday at lunch from Watty’s at The Flats in Beverly Hills, which featured a special guest in former two-division world champion Danny Garcia:


多米尼克BREAZEALE, 白细胞编号. 1 Heavyweight Challenger




I’ve been staying in the gym consistently. My trainer Manny Robles does a great job of keeping me sharp. He makes sure I’m watching other guys spar and learning new tools.




I have worked hard to get to the top and I’ve done it by bringing the fight each and every time. I’ve waited for this opportunity and my time is now.




Carlos Negron is a great fighter who I’ll be ready for. People want to see exchanges and that is what I’m aiming for. I’m going to give the fans a great show and bring home a victory.




I know that I’m a contender in the heavyweight division. I came up short against Anthony Joshua, but now I have a beautiful opportunity to go after the WBC title. I’m not letting anyone stand in my way.




My goal was to not be in camp trying to get in shape. I see too much of that. So I made sure once it was time to focus in on this fight, that I was already at fighting weight. I feel great right now and I see the difference.




I’m looking forward to this big fight on FOX and FOX Deportes. It’s been a long time coming to get back in the ring and this is a great stage for me to do it on.




My main focus is on this fight and securing the title shot. I’m preparing for Carlos Negron like he’s Deontay Wilder. I would be a little upset if Tyson Fury wins because I really want to face Wilder.




My plan is to win on December 22 and next time I fight, that green belt will be on the line. I’m ready for this shot at the belt that I’ve worked for.


MANNY ROBLES, Breazeale的教练




Dominic is really prepared for this fight. He will be ready because he is an extremely hard-working fighter. His strength and conditioning work has been really focused and we think it’s going to show in this fight.




We are taking this fight very seriously, as we do every fight. This is one of his better camps we’ve had together. So far things are going great. I am not just saying that. I truly believe you will see a better Dominic than ever before.




We are working on a lot of different things – 速度, 步法, 耐力. We understand that we have a good boxer-puncher in front of us. He is up for the task. Dominic will be great. Expect fireworks on December 22.


BRITTANY GOOSSEN BROWN, Vice President of TGB Promotions




This is going to be a great heavyweight matchup on December 22 布鲁克林. Dominic Breazeale is always in action fights and he knows he needs to win in style to get another shot at the heavyweight world championship.




Breazeale is the mandatory challenger for the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury winner, but he can’t look past the experienced Puerto Rican Olympian Carlos Negron. This fight is going to be a great way to kick off the FOX and FOX Deportes telecast.




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球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & FOX Deportes Press Conference Quotes & 照片



Charlo Twins Headline as Unbeaten Jermall Charlo takes on Willie Monroe Jr. While Jermell Charlo Defends Title Against
托尼·哈里森 星期六, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心
点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ TGB促销图片

布鲁克林 (十月 25, 2018) – Twin brothers and world champions Jermall夏洛茨维尔Jermell夏洛茨维尔 took part in a press conference in Brooklyn Thursday to announce their fights that kick off a new season of FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的顶级拳击冠军 live in primetime on Saturday, 十二月 22 在巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.




With twin titans entering the ring in back-to-back fights, a coin toss was conducted at the press conference by legendary heavyweight Gerry Cooney to decide who would be the main event. With a call of heads on the WBC commemorative coin, Jermall won the right to enter the ring last on fight night as he takes on 威利·梦露JR., while Jermell will battle 托尼·哈里森.




The PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes broadcast will begin at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 周五发售, 十月 26 在 10 A.M. AND. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 从周六开始,还可在巴克莱中心的美国运通售票处购买门票, 十月 27 美国东部时间中午. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from the Barclays Center GEICO Atrium:





I got a good chance to see Monroe up close when I commentated his last fight. He looked good and I knew this was a possibility. I’m excited that it’s here and I have someone to perform against.




Monroe has tested himself against some of the best fighters in the world and that motivates me even more. He’s faced the fighters that I want to get in there with, so I see this as an opportunity to measure myself against their performances.




This is our first show with Lions Only Promotions for me and my brother and we’re really excited to have the opportunity. We’ve worked hard to get this thing going and we’re ready to show everyone all we can do.




We always dreamed of fighting on the same card like this with each other. We love winning together. It’s been like this all of our lives and it’s another chance for us to show-off together on December 22.




I’ve worked so hard to make it to this point where I’m able to be in this position. I promise on December 22 I’m going to bring something explosive that Willie Monroe is going to remember for the rest of his life. The Charlos have their own show. Mama, we made it!”






I’m glad that Jermall took this fight. He was commentating my last fight and I knew then that this was a fight I definitely wanted a lot. I’m going to take the most of it and leave no doubt that I deserved this chance in the first place.




My team has really stuck through with me and now I’m at such an exciting time in my career. I know that I have the tools to get the job done on December 22. It’s my second time fighting at Barclays Center and I know none of the bright lights are going to affect me.




I’m at a great time in my career. I have the opportunities in front of me and a path to making the most of it. It’s just time for me to show up. I know what I have to do against one of the top fighters in the world. We’re going to make it happen.






Tony Harrison is a great fighter and I’m happy to be up against him. There are a lot of great fighters in this division and he’s another quality one. He’s dropped 21 战士, so we know he has power. I feel like I’ve faced the much tougher competition and I’m going to show it on December 22.




I love Brooklyn and I’m excited to be on the first PBC on FOX show of this new deal. You can forget the critics because this is going to be a great fight. Me and Tony Harrison are coming to fight. It’s going to be two strong explosive guys leaving it all out there.




It’s great to have our own Charlos card. We’ve already been in training camp working hard for this one. Now we’re going to lock in even more and I know we’ll be at our best on fight night.




We’re driven by our legacy. Right now we’re going to keep increasing out levels in this sport. We know that the biggest fights are in our reach. We’ve always been competing against each other and trying to lift each other up.




This is something big for the Charlo twins and Lions Only Promotions. We’re going to do what we always do, and that’s bring it on fight night with some heat and flavor. We understand that part of boxing. It’s going to be an exciting night for Brooklyn.






I’m excited to be back here at this spot fighting at Barclays Center again. I’ve been so resilient in this sport. I haven’t talked my way into this fight. I have been ready for any fight offered to me and it was no different with this fight.




Sometimes there are things you have to do for yourself and this fight is one of them. In my heart I know I’m supposed to be here and I know what I’m capable of. Charlo is a true champion for taking this fight and he obviously has a great team around him. He applies pressure to himself to keep competing on this level each time and I respect that.




We’re both very competitive and that defines us as fighters, so I believe that’s going to add up to make this a truly explosive fight. I was honestly surprised that he took the fight, and I commend him as an athlete. He knows the danger in this fight that he’s taking.




I’ve been at this level before. I’ve taken my bumps and bruises. I’ve always came through as a true champion and all of it has led me to where I am right now. 十二月 22, I guarantee I’m going to show up and leave it all in the ring.


罗尼盾, Jermall’s Trainer




“这是一个很高兴来到这里, especially with a great fighter like Jermall. I’m looking forward to fight night. Jermall trains so hard every day. He knows this is going to be a tough fight and he’s looking forward to the challenge.




I hope everyone comes out and enjoys the show, because Jermall is grinding each day to be at his very best. He’s a special fighter and he never cheats us in the gym. This is going to be a night you don’t want to miss.


德里克·詹姆斯, Jermell’s Trainer




“这将是一个伟大的斗争. We know who Tony Harrison is and what he’s about. He’s very tough and he comes to win. I thought he was up on the cards when he faced Jarrett Hurd and now he’s going to challenge Jermell, so we could start to have a chance to see how everyone stacks up at the top of this division.




We’re going to come in shape and be ready. This is going to help build us up to what’s next for us and what our long term goals are. Make sure you come out and see what we’re going to bring into the ring on fight night.


汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统




I’m thankful to everyone for being here for this announcement of a sensational show that will take place here at Barclays Center. It’s an honor to be here to kick off this FOX series on December 22.




This is going to be another high quality card at Barclays Center. They were recently named PBC’s official East Coast venue and we’re thrilled to start that agreement with this fight.




Both of the Charlos have fought at Barclays Center before, and Harrison and Monroe have also fought here, with all of them combining for a perfect record. There’s something about this building that brings out the best in fighters and we can’t wait to see what’s in-store from these great fighters on December 22.


STEVE BECKER, Vice President of Production for PBC on FOX




FOX Sports is very excited to be kicking off their new partnership with PBC live on FOX and FOX Deportes beginning at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT with these exceptional fights. This is free TV on FOX and FOX Deportes and we’re excited to have these matchups step into the ring on December 22.




FOX has a long tradition of covering combat sports and we look forward to continuing that and highlighting the stellar lineup of PBC boxers, as we start a new era of boxing.






We’re truly honored and thrilled to host the first PBC on FOX event as part of this new partnership on December 22 布鲁克林. We are the new mecca of boxing and I’m very proud of it.




Jermell and Jermall have both experienced incredible success in this building and I’m excited for them to co-headline this card. It will be historic for you and this building. We consider you members of the BROOKLYN BOXING family. I have a twin in the same industry as me, so I understand what it means to be recognized on the highest level with alongside your brother.




Willie Monroe you’re a tough competitor and I’m confident you will put on another great show here. It’s also an honor to have Tony Harrison here with us and fighting back at Barclays Center. I look forward to seeing everyone on December 22. This is truly a holiday gift to all of Brooklyn and we anticipate a huge crowd.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


World Champions Jermall Charlo & Jermell Charlo to Defend Titles on FOX & FOX Deportes in Primetime Saturday, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心布鲁克林
更多! Top Heavyweight Dominic Breazeale Battles Puerto Rican Olympian Carlos Negron in Heavyweight Showdown that Opens the Broadcast at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT
上周五销售门票, 十月 26 在 10 A.M. AND!

布鲁克林 (十月 25, 2018) – Twin brothers and world champions Jermall夏洛茨维尔Jermell夏洛茨维尔 will kick off the new season of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes live in primetime on Saturday, 十二月 22 在巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家. The Charlos are two of the hottest young rising stars in boxing today and they made history in 2016 when they became the first twin boxers to ever hold titles simultaneously in the same weight class.




Jermall Charlo will defend his WBC interim middleweight title against top-rated contender 威利·梦露, 小, while Jermell Charlo makes the fourth defense of his WBC super welterweight championship against hard-hitting former title challenger 托尼·哈里森. Jermall’s fight will serve as the main event of the show after he won the coin toss at today’s press conference to determine which Charlo twin will close the show.




The exciting night of action will also see WBC mandatory challenger and 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE 战斗 卡洛斯·内格龙, a member of the Puerto Rican boxing team at the 2008 Bejing Olympics, in a 10-round heavyweight attraction that opens the FOX and FOX Deportes broadcast at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 周五发售, 十月 26 在 10 A.M. AND. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 从周六开始,还可在巴克莱中心的美国运通售票处购买门票, 十月 27 美国东部时间中午. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




The Charlo twins at the top of a boxing card always brings excitement and entertainment,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “In recent memory there haven’t been any twin world champion boxers to have the ring presence of the Charlos. Jermall will be tested by the slick southpaw skills of Willie Monroe, JR. and Jermell will face a tough challenge from Tony Harrison, who also has his eye on winning a world championship. Heavyweight Dominic Breazeale is a throw-back battler who is never out of any fight, but he’ll have his hands full against Carlos Negron, who has an Olympic pedigree. It’s going to be a special night for those at Barclays Center and those tuning into the primetime broadcast on FOX and FOX Deportes.




FOX Sports is excited to be kicking off this new deal with the PBC on Saturday, 十二月 22 with these exceptional fights,” said Mark Silverman, 总统, National Networks, FOX体育. “Over the next four years, we’re looking forward to highlighting the PBC’s stellar lineup of boxers and telling their amazing stories.




It’s fitting for Barclays Center to close out its strong year of BROOKLYN BOXING programming with a major fight night televised in primetime on FOX,” 布雷特说Yormark, BSE的全球首席执行官. “As a twin myself, I understand how special it is to achieve career milestones alongside your brother, and I am looking forward to seeing Jermell and Jermall bring their unique brand of excitement to boxing fans in Brooklyn. With the inclusion of a top heavyweight bout in Breazeale vs. Negron, the card will deliver on the BROOKLYN BOXING guarantee of competitive matchups, 特色 50/50 fights and the sport’s best personalities.




This will be the third fight for each Charlo twin at Barclays Center, as they enter December 22 a combined 4-0 with four knockouts at the venue.




The 28-year-old Jermall Charlo (27-0, 21 科斯) is one-minute older than his identical twin brother and won his first world title a year earlier than Jermell when he scored a devastating third round knockout of Cornelius Bundrage to win the IBF 154-pound title in 2015. Born in Richmond, Texas and growing up in Houston with Jermell, Jermall still trains in Houston with renowned coach Ronnie Shields. He successfully defended his 154-pound title three times, including a devastating knockout of top contender Julian Williams, before moving up in weight to campaign at middleweight.




Jermall proved to be just as dominant at 160 英镑,因为他在 154 pounds when he made his middleweight debut by stopping Jorge Sebastian Heiland in the fourth round of their July 2017 结束. Jermall became the interim WBC middleweight champion with a second round knockout victory over Hugo Centeno, JR. in his last fight on March 3.




I’m very excited and the fire is lit to be back in Brooklyn,” said Jermall Charlo. “It’s great to be headlining a big show with my twin brother in Brooklyn. It’s going to be an exciting night of boxing. Willie Monroe is one of those fighters that will get me to the level I need to for all those great fights. And believe me, we’ll get them. This is a fight that he’s been asking for and it makes it special to know he’s keying in on me. Everybody knows what I come for. 我要击倒他. I’m going to be as explosive as I can and close the show. The journey begins now in Brooklyn.




The 31-year-old Willie Monroe, JR. (23-3. 6 科斯) has shown the skills to compete at the elite level, but the slick southpaw will face a tough challenge when he goes up against the hard-hitting Charlo. Fighting out of Rochester, 纽约州, Monroe will be fighting for the second time in his career at Barclays Center after he scored a unanimous decision over Carlos Galvan on March 3. He followed that up by beating Javier Francisco Maciel by unanimous decision on Aug. 24 and has faced top middleweights Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders throughout his career.




I’ve been in this position before and it won’t faze me on December 22,” 门罗说. “This is my third shot at a title, I’m the third Willie Monroe from my family in the line, and having already fought twice for the title, I know that the third time is going to be the charm. There’s a job to be done and nothing about it will be easy. Jermall Charlo is right up there with my past opponents Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders, so it’s another tough outing. But it’s definitely a challenge that I’m up for and a challenge that I think I can conquer.




Jermell夏洛茨维尔 (31-0, 15 科斯) joined his brother as a 154-pound world champion when he scored an eighth-round knockout over John Jackson in 2016 on the same night his brother defended his own 154-pound title. The 28-year-old had previously had previously picked up wins over Vanes Martirosyan, Joachim Alcine and Gabriel Rosado before securing the world title opportunity. The world title fight against Jackson was also Jermell’s first fight training in Dallas with Derrick James, where he will be training for this fight.




Since earning the title, Jermell has successfully defended three times, He delivered sensational highlights-reel knockouts of Charles Hatley and Erickson Lubin in 2017 before putting Austin Trout on the canvas three times in June on his way to a decision victory. This fight represents Charlo’s opportunity to tighten his grip on the 154-pound division.




This is a super fight for me, bigger than any fight, because I get to be on a big show with my brother and we get to showcase our talents together,” said Jermell Charlo. “十二月 22, there’s nothing on after us. After we fight the fans go home and we’ll have put on a great show. I’m working with my trainer Derrick James and we’re getting ready to be built up and not just for Tony Harrison. We’re trying to unify. We’re coming for everybody in the division. I’m super stoked to be with my brother and opening this first show on the new deal between PBC and FOX.




The 28-year-old Harrison (27-2, 21 科斯) is a top contender in the 154-pound division who looks to make the most of his second shot a world title. 格斗出底特律, Harrison has strung together three straight victories since losing to unified 154-pound champion Jarrett Hurd in 2017 在FOX. Harrison’s most recent performance saw him pick up a decision victory over former world champion Ishe Smith in Smith’s hometown of Las Vegas. Harrison owns knockout victories over Sergei Rabchenko and Fernando Guerrero and hopes to emerge with a world title in his toughest test since facing Hurd.




Based on my last performance against Ishe Smith, I feel like I’ve earned this opportunity,” Harrison说. “Jermell Charlo is a terrific fighter. I like his attitude toward the sport and his skills in the ring, and I expect to face him at his best. But that just gets my competitive juices flowing. It’s going to be skill-for-skill, and there will be a lot of back-and-forth rounds from round one on. It’s going come down to who is best at sticking to their game plan. It’s hard to get opportunities in this division so I’m going to go in there and leave it in the ring and make it an exciting fight.




的成员 2012 中美. Olympic team at the London games, BREAZEALE (19-1, 17 科斯) has fought his way into the mandatory contender’s slot in the WBC rankings with impressive knockout victories in his last two fights. After losing a heavyweight title fight against Anthony Joshua in 2016, the 33-year-old knocked out then unbeaten Izu Ugonoh in a February 2017 war before stopping former title challenger Eric Molina in November that year. The Glendale, California-native also owns victories over Amir Mansour, Fred Kassi and Yasmany Consuegra.




This will my first time back at the Barclays Center in the 13 months since I beat Eric Molina and I’m excited to show the fans that I’m here to stay,” 说Breazeale. “Carlos Negron is a big guy and a fellow Olympian. I want to show that I don’t have any ring rust. I’ve been out of the ring, but I’ve lived in the gym and I can box, press the pedal to the metal and get the knockout when the opportunity arises.




Fighting out of San Juan, 波多黎各, Negron (20-1, 16 科斯) 赢得了他的第一个 13 pro fights after turning pro in 2009 following his stint at the 2008 奥林匹克运动会. The 30-year-old has won seven straight fights by knockout including a December 2016 stoppage of then unbeaten Cristian Galvez and a dominant performance in June 2017 where he dropped Derric Rossy twice on his way to the TKO victory.




I’m thankful to have this opportunity and for my team that always been there for me,” said Negron. “Anyone who knows this sport knows how hard a task it is and I’m working hard every day to win this fight. When I was offered Breazeale I said yes right away. I want to be the first born and raised Puerto Rican heavyweight champion and on December 22 I will fight with honor, heart and pride. I’m going to announce a new heavyweight in the mix.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Three-Hour Premier Boxing Champions Show Features Jamal James Delivering Second Round Knockout of Mahonry Montes in Front of Hometown Crowd Friday Night on FS1 & FOX Deportes from The Armory in Minneapolis

明尼阿波利斯 (八月 24, 2018) – 次中量级竞争者 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 (24-1, 11 科斯)gave his hometown crowd a treat as he sent 马洪里蒙特斯 (35-8-1, 24 科斯)to the canvas for a second round knockout in the main event of a jam-packed three-hour night of 总理拳击冠军 action Friday fromthe Armory in Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州.




I came out here to make a statement and I’m even happier to be able to do it right here at home,” 詹姆斯说. “The support in Minnesota is amazing and it gave me the extra motivation to get the job done in spectacular fashion. Everyone knows I attack the body and tonight I was able to use it to get the finish




In his second straight fight at the Armory, James made a statement by quickly dispatching Mexico’s Montes with a punishing left hook to the body that left his opponent crumpled on the canvas.




James broke through in the last 30 第二轮秒, landing numerous unanswered right hands that put Montes in immediate trouble. James finished the show with the devastating body shot that eventually forced referee Mark Nelson to halt the bout at 2:58 该轮.




I feel like I’m ready for the elite welterweights and tonight proved it again,” 詹姆斯说. “I’m going to keep working hard and taking down anyone they put in front of me. It’s time for me to make my mark in the division.




在合作的主要事件, 中量级竞争者 威利·梦露JR. (23-3, 6 科斯) showed off his boxing skill and picked apart Javier Francisco Maciel (33-7, 23 科斯) to score a unanimous decision in their 10-round bout.




Monroe was dominant with his jab, movement and an array of offensive attacks. He was able to vary his punches enough to keep the aggressive Maciel from landing anything that caused damage.




Maciel looked to score with power punches and body shots, but the former title challenger Monroe was comfortable on the outside and mixing it up inside on his way to winning the fight by scores of 99-91 和 100-90 两次.




The opening bout of the telecast featured fast-rising prospect and 2016 立陶宛奥海 Eimantas Stanionis (7-0, 5 科斯) as he earned a unanimous decision over 莱文Ghvamichava (18-4-1, 13 科斯)in their eight-round welterweight matchup.




Stanionis rode a powerful jab and sharp combination punching to the dominant victory as he faced the toughest opposition of his pro career to date. Ghvamichava was game and tried to counter the hard-charging Stanionis but was too often taking the worst of exchanges on the inside. At the end of the action all three judges saw the bout in favor of Stanionis by scores of 80-72 和 79-73 两次.




Additional action saw 杰森罗萨里奥 (16-1-1, 11 科斯) 一致决定 Jamontay克拉克 (13-1, 7 科斯) in their 10-round super welterweight bout.




Rosario scored a highlight reel knockdown with a counter right hand in the third round that saw Clark tumble out of the ring. Clark was able to return to the ring and beat the count, but he took more damage throughout the bout before losing the decision by scores of 99-90, 98-91 和 97-92, all in favor of Rosario.




A scheduled heavyweight bout ended in shocking fashion before it ever began, as heavyweight prospect 卡通Ajagba (6-0, 5 科斯) was awarded a victory by disqualification against 柯蒂斯·哈珀 (13-6, 9 科斯) when Harper exited the ring moments after the opening bell rang, opting not to face Ajagba.




Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes saw rising super welterweight prospect 塞巴斯蒂安·丰多拉 (10-0, 6 科斯) stop Antonio Urista (10-3, 2 科斯)在 2:22 第四轮, 超次中量级不败 莱昂·劳森 (8-0, 4 科斯) 赢得了一致的决定 布兰登·亚当斯 (4-7-1, 2 科斯) in their six-round fight and unbeaten prospect 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔 (12-0,10 科斯) score a first round knockout of 尼克·奥蒂诺 (31-15, 13 科斯) 刚 1:18 进出线.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing.

A 90-minute Prelims Telecast Added to Blockbuster Three-Hour Premier Boxing Champions Show Live on FS1 & FOX Deportes Friday, 八月 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis (6:30 P.M. 及/ 3:30 P.M. PT)

Unbeaten Super Welterweight Prospect Sebastian Fundora Takes on Antonio Urista in Main Event
更多! Undefeated Prospect Antonio Russell in Bantamweight Action



明尼阿波利斯 (八月 20, 2018) – A 90-minute prelims telecast has been added to an already stacked three-hour Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) show live on FS1 and FOX Deportes on Friday, 八月 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis.




Unbeaten rising super welterweight 塞巴斯蒂安·丰多拉 will take on Michigan’s Antonio Urista in a 10-round showdown that headlines the live prelims telecast.




Coverage of prelims begins at 6:30 P.M. 及/ 3:30 P.M. PT and will also feature the pro debut of former amateur standout 奥马尔华雷斯, as he steps into the ring in a four-round lightweight bout and undefeated bantamweight prospect 安东尼奥·拉塞尔 发生在 尼克·奥蒂诺 of Kenya in an eight-round bout.




Prelims precede a three-hour telecast of PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes action beginning at 8:00 P.M. AND / 5:00 P.M. PT and headlined by welterweight contender 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 returning to action in his hometown as he takes on Mexico’s 马洪里蒙特斯.




门票现场活动, 由TGB Promotions和Warriors Boxing推广, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.comTick​​etmaster.com.




Standing an astounding 6-foot-6, 丰多拉 (9-0, 5 科斯)continued his ascent with a fifth-round stoppage of previously unbeaten Veshawn Owens in April on FS1 at the Armory. Born in West Palm Beach but now fighting out of California, the 20-year-old has fought in Mexico, Argentina and Uruguay since turning pro in 2016 在年龄 19. He will take on the 31-year-old Urista (10-2, 2 科斯) of Lansing, 密歇根, who enters this matchup on a three-fight winning streak.




经过出色的业余职业, the 19-year-old 华雷斯 will step into the ring for the first time as a pro on August 24. He fights out of the Brownsville-area of Texas and is a motivational speaker for kids in the area while also attending the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley.




25岁的 罗素 (11-0, 9 科斯), brother of featherweight champion Gary and unbeaten Gary Antuanne, has stayed unbeaten since turning pro in 2015, most recently knocking out Jonathan Ramos in May. Russell is trained alongside his brothers by their father, 加里·拉塞尔老, and will look to continue his rise toward another world champion to the Russell lineage on August 24.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.


Action-Packed Night of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes on Friday, 八月 24 Expands to Three Hours with The Addition of Two Thrilling Matches to Already Stacked Card

Rising Unbeaten Prospect Eimantas Stanionis Takes on
Hard-Hitting Veteran Levan Ghvamichava from the
Armory in Minneapolis
更多! Explosive Prospect Efe Ajagba Steps into the Ring for
Televised Heavyweight Matchup
重量级竞争者 & Minneapolis Fan-Favorite Jamal James Battles Mexico’s Mahonry Montes in the Main Event

明尼阿波利斯 (八月 8, 2018) – An already stacked card is expanding to a three-hour telecast with exciting showdowns presented by Premier Boxing Champions as rising unbeaten 2016 Olympian Eimantas Stanionis faces the toughest test of his young career when he battles Levan Ghvamichava and explosive heavyweight prospect Efe Ajagba steps into the ring looking to deliver another knockout performance live on FS1 and FOX Deportes Friday, 八月 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州.

The PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes telecast is headlined by welterweight contender Jamal James returning to action in his hometown as he takes on Mexico’s Mahonry Montes. Middleweight contenders Willie Monroe Jr. and Immanuwel Aleem will square-off in the co-main event while rising prospect Jamontay Clark will take on once-beaten Jeison Rosario in a super welterweight showdown. Those five fights will play out over three hours of non-stop action, 它开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.

Highlighting the non-televised undercard will be Minnesota-native and former super middleweight world champion Caleb “金色” Truax as he returns to the ring after two straight world title fights to face Brazil’s Fabiano Pena in a 10-round super middleweight fight.

门票现场活动, 由TGB Promotions和Warriors Boxing推广, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.com or Ticketmaster.com.

After representing his native Lithuania in the 2016 奥运会, 斯塔尼奥尼斯 (6-0, 5 科斯) moved to California to train with legendary coach Freddie Roach and begin his pro career. The 23-year-old made his pro debut in April 2017 with a first-round knockout of Rasheed Lawal and followed it up with knockout wins in four of his next five bouts. Stanionis has scored stoppage victories over Hector Munoz and Erick Daniel Martinez so far in 2018 and will look to make it three-straight when he steps in for the eight-round welterweight affair.

Originally from the nation of Georgia but now fighting out of California, Ghvamichava (18-3-1, 13 科斯) has had his last four fights appear on FS1 and FOX Deportes broadcasts as he’s challenged former champion Sergey Lipinets and top contender Yordenis Ugas, while picking up victories over Oscar Molina and Breidis Prescott. The 33-year-old was unbeaten in seven straight fights after his first defeat in 2013.

Coached by renowned trainer Ronnie Shields in Houston, 松鼠 (5-0, 5 科斯) has been impressive since turning pro after representing his native Nigeria in the 2016 奥林匹克运动会. The 24-year-old has five knockout victories in five pro fights so far, with only one opponent reaching the second round.

特鲁阿克斯 (29-4-2, 18 科斯) became just the third Minnesota-born fighter to win a world title when he went on the road to the UK last December and defeated James DeGale in one of the biggest upsets of 2017. The Osseo-product lost a close decision in the rematch to DeGale in April and will return to action to take on the 30-year-old Pena (15-10-1, 11 科斯), who has faced numerous top contenders including Jose Uzcategui, 乔 - 史密斯JR. and Tureano Johnson to name a few.

# # #

球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.

For more information visit www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage and www.foxdeportes.com.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, and www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Highlights available at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

重量级竞争者 & Minneapolis Fan-Favorite Jamal James Takes On Mexico’s Mahonry Montes Friday, 八月 24 in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes from the Armory in Minneapolis

Middleweight Contenders Willie Monroe Jr. & 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆
Unbeaten Rising Prospect Jamontay Clark Steps in Against Once-Beaten Jeison Rosario in Super Welterweight Action

明尼阿波利斯 (八月 2, 2018) – 次中量级竞争者 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 will return to action in his hometown as he takes on Mexico’s 马洪里蒙特斯 in the main event of an exciting night of FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的顶级拳击冠军 action Friday, 八月 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州.




电视节目开始在 8:00 P.M. AND / 5:00 P.M. PT and will feature middleweight contenders 威利·梦露JR. 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆 going to battle in a 10-round attraction and unbeaten rising prospect Jamontay克拉克 接受曾经的打击 杰森罗萨里奥 在10轮超中量级比赛.




门票现场活动, 由TGB Promotions和Warriors Boxing推广, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.comTick​​etmaster.com.




Jamal James is building a following in his hometown of Minneapolis as he builds momentum in the welterweight division, and this fight against Mahonry Montes will help him accomplish both things,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “The undercard features some strong matches that include boxers who will figure prominently into the championship picture in the near future. It will be an entertaining show for the fans in Minneapolis and those tuning in on FS1 and FOX Deportes.




Warriors Boxing is very excited to return to the beautiful newly-renovated Armory in Minneapolis with another PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes show,” 说莱昂Margules, 勇士拳击总统. “In addition to the great lineup of televised fights, headlined by local star Jamal James, favorite son and former world champion Caleb Truax returns to the ring at home for the first time since back-to-back road performance in world title fights.


詹姆斯 (23-1, 10 科斯) built on the biggest victory of his careera knockout over tough veteran Diego Chaves last Decemberwith a decision win against Abel Ramos in April at the Armory and on FS1. The 30-year-old James has picked up three-straight victories since suffering the only loss of his careera unanimous decision defeat to Yordenis Ugas in August 2016. He returns to downtown Minneapolis looking to keep his momentum going towards the top of the welterweight division.




I’m in camp training hard for another thriller at home against a pressure fighter in Mahonry Montes,” 詹姆斯说. “I’m going to use my height, range and skills to show that I’m hungry and keeping my eyes on the prize. Once I get past Montes, a big name is going to have to fight me. I’m right on the road to a world title challenge.




这位28岁的 蒙特斯 (35-7-1, 24 科斯) has challenged everyone from world champions to top rising prospects throughout his pro career and enters this bout having scored knockout victories in consecutive fights. Representing Sinaloa, 墨西哥, Montes owns a victory over welterweight contender Francisco Santana in a fight last year that saw Montes drop his opponent on the way to a decision victory.




I’m am so excited to have this opportunity against Jamal James,” said Montes. “My last loss was unfortunate because I thought I had my opponent hurt, but I’ve picked up a couple of wins since then and have been training very hard. I’m ready to show everyone that I belong with the best fighters in the world. I’m never in a bad fight and I’m going to show the fans in Minnesota how a real Mexican fights.




A two-time title challenger, 梦露 (22-3, 6 科斯) has faced current titlists Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders in his forays into championship fights. The 31-year-old from Rochester, New York has defeated Gabriel Rosado, Brian Vera and John Thompson since 2015 to earn multiple opportunities at the middleweight title. Monroe most recently won a dominant decision over Carlos Galvan in March.




Fighting out of Virginia, 阿利姆 (18-1-1, 11 科斯) stopped Juan De Angel in the sixth-round of their May fight to get back in the win column after his first defeat in a bout against Hugo Centeno Jr last August. The 24-year-old had stopped then unbeaten Ievgen Khytrov in the sixth round of a January 2017 fight that became a Fight of the Year nominee prior to the Centeno fight.




这位23岁的 克拉克 (13-0, 7 科斯) has used his height and reach to establish himself as a fast-rising prospect on his way to contender status. The Cincinnati-native had two impressive victories in 2017, first defeating then unbeaten Ivan Golub and then a decision victory over Domonique Dolton last November as he came out victorious against his toughest pro opponent so far.


玫瑰园 (15-1-1, 11 科斯) fights out of Miami but is originally from the Dominican Republic. Rosario suffered his first defeat last year at the hands of Nathaniel Gallimore, but has rebounded to be undefeated in his last four fights. This run has seen the 23-year-old fight to a draw with Mark Anthony Hernandez in February before defeating Justin DeLoach and dropping him twice on his way to a decision victory in May.




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球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.