Tag Archives: Utah

I Campionati Nazionali di Boxe USA tornano a Salt Lake City la prossima settimana

Più di 700 dei migliori pugili dilettanti negli Stati Uniti boxer per i titoli nazionali
COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Novembre. 27, 2018) — Campionati Nazionali Elite e Giovanili USA di boxe & Junior e Prep Open ritorna al Salt Palace di Salt Lake City, Utah per il secondo anno consecutivo, Dicembre. 1-8.




Più di 700 dei migliori pugili della nazione, invecchiato 8 a 40, entrerà sul ring a partire da dicembre. 4 cercando la loro possibilità di vincere un titolo nazionale. Il torneo di quest'anno servirà anche come prima qualificazione al 2020 Prove olimpiche per la boxe per quei pugili della divisione elite (19-40).




Vincitori junior (15-16), gioventù (17-18) e la divisione elite guadagneranno un posto nella High Performance Squad di USA Boxing, che darà loro l'opportunità di partecipare a campi di addestramento presso lo United States Olympic Training Center a Colorado Springs, Colo., oltre a rappresentare il Team USA nella competizione internazionale in 2019. Pugili nelle divisioni di preparazione (8-14) guadagnerà preziosi punti in classifica per il prossimo anno.




“Non vediamo l'ora di tornare a Salt Lake City per un altro anno di incredibile boxe,” ha dichiarato Mike McAtee, direttore esecutivo di USA Boxing. “Questi campionati sono un passo importante verso la qualificazione al Team USA e la loro possibilità di provare a qualificarsi al Tokyo 2020 Olimpiadi, oltre a guadagnare un posto nella nostra squadra ad alte prestazioni per i nostri pugili più giovani.”




La boxe USA darà il via al torneo di una settimana con una conferenza stampa lunedì, Dicembre. 3 nella stanza 155 presso il Salt Palace Convention Center. Pugili locali dello Utah, Medagliati ai campionati mondiali, così come gli alunni di USA Boxing dovrebbero parlare. Un elenco degli oratori sarà annunciato più vicino al giorno della conferenza stampa.




La boxe inizierà martedì, Dicembre. 4 con due sessioni, mezzogiorno e 6:00 p.m., e sarà gratuito per il pubblico fino alle finali. Due sessioni continueranno fino a giovedì, Dicembre. 6, con venerdì, Dicembre. 7 avendo solo una sessione di mezzogiorno. I campionati si concluderanno con le finali junior e giovanili con inizio alle 3:00 p.m., seguito dagli incontri del campionato d'elite a partire da 6:00 p.m. I biglietti saranno disponibili per l'acquisto per tutta la settimana presso la sede o all'ingresso prima dell'inizio delle finali.




USA Boxing e la USA Boxing Alumni Association ospiteranno anche il secondo ricevimento annuale della Hall of Fame della Alumni Association presso il Radisson Hotel (215 S. Tempio di St.) il Venerdì, Dicembre 7. Visita teamusa.org/usa-boxing/alumni per maggiori informazioni.




Cinguettio: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Simply the best….. Roy Jones, Jr.

USA Boxing Alumni Association, Classe di 2018 inductee

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Settembre 6, 2018) – Living legend Roy Jones, Jr., universally recognized as one of the greatest pound-for-pound boxers of all-time, leads a celebrated quintet of Class of 2018 inductees into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame.




La seconda edizione del Boxing USA Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione, organizzato in concomitanza con la 2018 USA Boxing Elite e Campionati Nazionali Giovanili e Junior e Prep Aperto, Dicembre 2-8, will be held Dec. 7, presso il Radisson Hotel (215 S. Tempio di St.) a Salk Lake City, Utah.





Oltre a Jones, la classe di 2018 also includes two U.S. Olympic gold medalists and world (professionale) campioni, Andre Ward e Claressa Shields, as well as former USA Boxing National Director of Coaching Emanuel Steward and veteran USA Boxing official Tom Cleary. The latter two will be posthumously inducted.




La classe charter introdotta lo scorso anno inclusa Muhammad Ali e Evander Holyfield, così come allenatori veterani Roosevelt Sanders e Tom Coulter.




I am honored to be selected for induction into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame,” Jones commented, “especially as a member of this great class with my fellow inductees.




Amateur boxing gave me the chance to learn life skills as well as face every other possible scenario inside of the ring.




Jones, ironicamente, got into boxing at the age of 11 because of Ali. “I saw Ali vs. (Joe) Frazierand just felt as though Ali and I had the same mental concept on life,” Jones explained.




Jones went on to become one of the best amateur boxers in the world, compiling a reported 121-13 record, including gold medal performances at the 1984 National Junior Olympics and 1986 & 1987 National Golden Gloves Tournaments.




Al 1988 Olimpiadi di Seoul, Corea Del Sud, Jones reached the championship final of the light middleweight division against Park Si-Hun, della Corea del Sud. Jones suffered arguably the worst decision in boxing history, losing 3-2, despite outpunching his opponent, 86 a 32 pugni sbarcati, and he was forced to settle for a silver medal. Even his opponent admitted that Jones won their fight, leading the AIBA to later suspend the three judges who selected the hometown fighter as the winner.




How disgraceful was this decision? Jones was selected as the Val Barker Trophy winner as the best boxer of the 1988 Olympics and, due to controversy, the scoring system for Olympic boxing was changed, replacing the 20-point must system with electronic scoring.




I was angered,” Jones admitted, “yet promoted to prove that I was the best fighter there, and in the world, at that time.




Jones made his professional debut May 6, 1989, at home in Pensacola, Florida, in a scheduled eight-round bout, in which RJJ stopped Ricky Randall nel secondo turno. His long, glorious journey has produced a remarkable 66-9 (47 KO) pro record, highlighted by nine major world titles in four different weight classes.




In 2003, Jones defeated John Ruiz by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to become the first former world middleweight champion to become world heavyweight title holder in more than a century.




The possessor of exceptional hand and foot speed, Atletico, movement and reflexes, Jones went undefeated through his first 34 lotte pro, 22-3 (14) in lotte di titolo mondiale. Against former, present or future world champions, Jones was 19-9 (8 KO) and included among his victims were greats such as Bernard Hopkins, James Toney, Mike McCallum,Vinnie Pazienza, Virgil Hill, Antonio Tarver e Felix Trinidad.




Oggi, the 49-year-old Jones, technically speaking, is still an active fighter. He also has two promotional companies and gyms, located in Pensacola and Las Vegas, trains several pro boxers and serves as a color commentator for HBO Boxing. He recently opened gyms in South Africa.




For the past two years, Jones has hosted theFuture Stars of Boxing Tournament” a Las Vegas, showcasing some of the best amateur boxers in the world.




Hosting the tournament in Las Vegas gives me the opportunity to give back to amateur boxing,” Jones explained. “It’s a great experience for the boxers and it reminds them that who they may have or still look up to, are watching them as well.




Roy Jones, Jr. with one of the many amateur boxers who participated in this year’sFuture Stars of Boxingtournament in Las Vegas (photo courtesy of RJJ Boxing Promotions)




When USA Boxing alumni discuss their favorite fighters,” suddetto Chris Tofflemire, USA Boxing Alumni Association direttore esecutivo, “Roy Jones is near the top of everyone’s list. His spectacular talent, dedication to his craft, and infectious personality make him a no-brainer to headline this year’s Hall of Fame class. He continues to give back to amateur boxing and support the next generation. Roy deserves to be celebrated for all he has accomplished, and we look forward to honoring him in December.




Creato per sostenere una vita, relazioni reciprocamente vantaggiose tra USA Boxing ed i suoi ex allievi, –pugili, funzionari, allenatori e appassionati di boxe — l'Associazione Alumni collega generazioni di campioni, ispirando e restituendo ai futuri campioni di boxe USA Boxing, in e fuori dal ring.




Gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association è aperta a chiunque abbia un amore per la boxe e vorrebbe rimanere in contatto con il pugilato dilettantistico. I membri hanno accesso a una vasta gamma di speciali ospita eventi dall'Associazione Alumni, compresi gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione.




Per aderire all'Associazione Alumni, semplicemente registrarsi al alumni@usaboxing.org per un $40.00 all'anno quota associativa. I nuovi membri riceveranno una T-shirt, portachiavi e e-wallet.



Quotes of Note from other World Champions


Soleorge Foreman: “(Jones) hits like a heavyweight and moved like a lightweight.


Montell Griffin: “Floyd (Mayweather, Jr.) was no comparison as far as speed. Roy was much faster.


Mike McCallum: “(Jones is) the greatest fighter of all time.





If he ever hangs-up his gloves for good, Roy Jones, Jr. will be a first ballot inductee into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. There may never be another boxer quite like RJJ.




Cinguettio: @USABoxing, USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


SU USA Boxing: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, sviluppare il carattere, sostenere lo sport del pugilato, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.


USA Boxing Alumni Association announces Hall of Fame Class of 2018

Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward, Claressa Shields,
Emanuel Steward & Tom Cleary
Dicembre. 7 reception in Salt Lake City, Utah


COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Agosto 6, 2018) – The USA Boxing Alumni Association has announced its second class to be inducted into its Hall of Fame, Dicembre 7, presso il Radisson Hotel (215 S. Tempio di St.) a Salk Lake City, Utah.




The reception is being held in conjunction with the 2018 USA Boxing Elite e Campionati Nazionali Giovanili e Junior e Prep Aperto, Dicembre. 2-8, also held in Salt Lake City.




La Classe di 2018 includes U.S. Medagliati a squadre olimpiche e mondiali (professionale) campioni Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward e Claressa Shields, as well as former USA Boxing National Director of Coaching Emanuel Steward and veteran USA Boxing official Tom Cleary. The latter two will be posthumously inducted.




This year’s inductees were selected amongst a group of 17 nominees by the hundreds of registered USA Boxing Alumni Association members during the months of June and July.




USA Boxing Alumni Association is extremely excited to honor this year’s Hall of Fame class, as each inductee represents everything good that amateur boxing has to offer,” suddetto Chris Tofflemire, USA Boxing Alumni Association direttore esecutivo. “Last year’s class contributed to a fantastic inaugural Hall of Fame reception and we’re looking forward to recognizing this year’s class with an even better event.




Creato per sostenere una vita, relazioni reciprocamente vantaggiose tra USA Boxing ed i suoi ex allievi, –pugili, funzionari, allenatori e appassionati di boxe — L'Alumni Association collega generazioni di campioni, ispirando e restituendo ai futuri campioni di boxe USA Boxing, in e fuori dal ring.




La classe charter introdotta lo scorso anno inclusa Muhammad Ali e Evander Holyfield, in addition to veteran coaches Roosevelt Sanders e Tom Coulter.




Each inductee has given so much to Olympic-style amateur boxing and the alumni community wants to thank them, for doing so,” Cugliari added. “We look forward to seeing USA Boxing Alumni members come out in droves to support this year’s Hall of Fame class in December.




Gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association è aperta a chiunque abbia un amore per la boxe e vorrebbe rimanere in contatto con il pugilato dilettantistico. I membri hanno accesso a una vasta gamma di speciali ospita eventi dall'Associazione Alumni, compresi gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione.




Per aderire all'Associazione Alumni, semplicemente registrarsi al alumni@usaboxing.org per un $40.00 all'anno quota associativa. I nuovi membri riceveranno una T-shirt, portachiavi e e-wallet.




Cinguettio: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Jose Haro fighting for a break in 2018

WEST JORDAN, Utah (Dicembre 18, 2017) – United States Boxing Association (USBA) featherweight champion Jose “PepitoHaro (14-1-1, 8 KO) is suffering from unfair blowback for the accidental role he played this past summer, in which his opponent, Daniel Franco, nearly died from injuries resulting from their nationally televised fight in Idaho.
Il 3-2 underdog Haro, fighting out of West Jordan, Utah, dropped Franco with a chopping right in the eighth round, soon followed by a crisp combination of devastating punches, which resulted in a knockout victory and the USBA title for Haro.
Purtroppo, Franco (16-2-3, 11 KO) was sent to Mercy Medical Hospital, where he underwent two brain surgeries to relieve pressure caused by brain bleeds. He came out of a medically induced coma and, fortunately, Franco continues to recover at home in California from what his father/trainer, Al Franco, has described as a miracle.
I can’t forget it,” Haro said about his last fight. “It’s been traumatic. I’m very happy Franco is recovering but, every time something comes up about him on social media, a lot of people tag me. I don’t answer, I just need to deal with it. My victory was taken away, I couldn’t enjoy it. I fought a clean fight, but some people blame me for what happened.
Haro hasn’t fought since that fateful night in Iowa last June. Whitfield Haydon, who serves as Haro’s agent, is a veteran Southern California matchmaker, forse, best known for discovering under-the-radar boxing talent such as Haro. It appeared that Haro was finally going to catch a big break in late October, when Haydon was contacted about a non-mandatory title fight for Haro with International World Boxing (IBF) Featherweight World Champion “Fulmine” Lee Selby (26-1, 9 KO). The Selby vs. Haro world title fight contract was reportedly being drawn up and Team Haro had agreed to promotional options in the event of him winning. Suddenly, anche se, communications with Team Selby went dark. Team Haro later learned that Selby had gone in another direction, Eduardo Ramirez, who Selby defeated by way of a 12-round unanimous decision December 9 a Londra.
We were going to London for short money because the world title shot was worth it,” Haydon explained. “Haro would have been one helluva live dog in that fight. I must not have been the only one thinking that way. I’ve been hearing that, within the boxing industry, Haro has become a hot potato after his Franco fight. How ridiculous is this? Last time I checked, Haro’s a featherweight who’s also capable of fighting at junior lightweight or super lightweight. My phone has been silent, anche se, other than for a late notice fight or a fight at lightweight. Boxing sometimes eats its own. This is a joke.
Haro, who was a member of the USA Junior Olympic Boxing Team during his amateur days, isn’t 100-percent sure why he’s not being offered good fights, but he does blame most of it on boxing politics.
After the Franco fight,” Haro remarked, “I feel like I’ve been benched. I think I’m not getting good fights is because I’m a high risk, no reward fighter. I’m depressed right now about it. I love boxing but, Sono 30 with a wife and five kids. Boxing politics is the reason!”
Boxing is the most unforgiving sport, boxers risk their lives every time they walk up the three steps into the ring. The aftereffects of a boxing tragedy like this is traumatic for all parties involved. Nobody knows that better than the 30-year-old Haro.
Classificato n. 15 nel mondo dalla IBF, Haro works fulltime for Pepsi, putting product on shelves at supermarkets in Utah. The father of three girls and two boys, the hard-working Mexican-American starts at 3 a.m. and works until 12 mezzogiorno, then goes home to watch his children because his wife, Yesenia, also needs to work to make ends meet.
Haro has overcome so many obstacles during his career that some refer to him as, “Hard Luck Haro.In addition to repercussions from the Franco fight, back in 2015, he was shot in both feet (see accompanying picture) in a parking lot after shopping by a stranger for no apparent reason. Haro noted, “I was tainted by that because only bad guys get shot, destra?”
Losing the opportunity to fight in his world title fight against Selby was another example of what Haro’s been facing the past six months. “I’m not much of a talker,” ha ammesso, “but I won’t be used for leverage. I won’tbe used as piece of meat. I’m not taking a fight just for the money, I’m going in the ring to give it my all to win for me, my family and team.
I’m riding this out (boxing career) for my wife and children. I’m teaching my kids to never give up and to continue working hard no matter what life may throw you. It’s been rough. We’ve had our ups and downs, but I have to continue working until, fiduciosamente, I get a big payday.
For Haro and Haydon, they’re both due for a big break in 2018.

Field set for 2017 USA Boxing Women’s Elite National Championships

Dicembre. 5-9 a Salt Lake City, Utah
COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO (Novembre 30, 2017) – Team USA women’s boxing hopefuls will be competing in the prestigious USA Women’s Elite National Championships, Dicembre 5-9, a Salt Lake City, Utah.
This year’s field is stacked with talent, Compreso 2016 Olympic Trials Champion Virginia Fuchs (campo, Texas), who will be looking to close out an impressive 2017 year that included four international titles and an undefeated 16-0 record, and two-time World Champion and 2014 Youth Olympic Champion Jajaira Gonzalez (Fontana, Colo.)
Other top contenders include featherweight Christina Cruz (New York, N.Y.), leggero Rashida Ellis (Lynn, MA), as well as middleweight Naomi Graham (Colorado Springs, CO) e welter Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio)
Following a year of highly-competitive national events, the best U.S. female amateur boxers are set to compete in the 2017 USA Boxing Elite National Championship. With up to six spots in each division already secured, based on the results of the 2016 Campionati Nazionali Elite, 2017 Elite Western Qualifier and 2017 Elite Eastern Qualifier, the remaining spots have been filled based on the wild-card application process to complete the field of elite boxers.
Un totale di 88 boxers applied for a wild card qualification with 35 allocations awarded to finalize the Elite National Championships brackets.
With this being the first year of the new elite athlete selection process, we are excited to see the top talent in the country compete to represent Team USA in 2018,” suddetto Matt Johnson, Direttore USA Boxing High Performance. “We are looking forward to a high level of competition during these championships, and are confident that the increased competitiveness at the national stage will translate to further improvement of USA’s performance internationally on the road to Tokyo in 2020.
Below is the final list of elite boxers, in order of ranking, who will contend for the title of national champion:
Jacquelyn Cuddleback – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Hillary Perez – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Mia Valdez – 2017 Western Qualifier
Jazzelle Bobadilla – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Veronica Rodriguez – 2017 Western Qualifier
Elimarie Torres – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Monica LazadaleWild Card Selection
Sabrina SlatteryWild Card Selection
pesi piuma (112 lbs.)
Virginia Fuchs – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Kristyn Juarez – 2017 Western Qualifier
Maryquenn Vellinga – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Indeya Smith – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Leslis RosasWild Card Selection
Christina Cruz – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Dacia Jacquez – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Mikiah Gamberi – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Mariana Gonzalez – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Kristen McMurtree – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Jayda Davis – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Melanie Costa – Wild Card Selection
Bantamweights (125 lbs.)
Trudy Li – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Carmen Vargas – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Eliza Peralta – 2017 Western Qualifier
Nephateria Miller – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Brittany Sims – 2017 Western Qualifier
Clarice Morales – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Rianna RiosWild Card Selection
Leslie SotoWild Card Selection
Pesi leggeri (132 lbs.)
Rashida Ellis – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Jajaira Gonzalez – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Lupe Gutierrez – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Stacia Suttles – Wild Card Selection
Diana EstradaWild Card Selection
Wendy CaseyWild Card Selection
welterweights LUCE (141 lbs.)
Amelia Moore – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Whitney Gomez – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Annalicia Sustaita – 2017 Western Qualifier
Destiny Jones – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Nargis Shanghais – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Raven BrownWild Card Selection
Ashleigh Moore – Wild Card Selection
Welterweights (152 lbs.)
Stephanie Malone – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Oshae Jones – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Deseree Jamison – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Pesi (165 lbs.)
Naomi Graham – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Leah Cooper – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Brooke Mullen – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Krystal Dixon – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Amber Montoya – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Kristen Leija – 2017 Qualificazione orientale
Fallon Farrar – Wild Card Selection
Pesi massimi (178+ lbs.)
Danielle Perkins – 2016 Campionati Nazionali
Shadasia GreenWild Card Selection
Cinguettio: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing


RFA 38 – Moises vs Emmers




Biglietti in vendita presso CageTix.com
LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Resurrection Fighting Alliance (RFA) president Ed Soares announced today that there has been a change at the top of next week’s RFA 38 event set to take place in southern California. E.J. Chavez was forced to withdraw from his lightweight title fight in the main event of RFA 38 due to illness. RFA lightweight champion Thiago Moisés (7-1) will now defend his title against collegiate wrestler turned MMA prospect Jamall “Pretty Boy” Emmers (9-2) in the evening’s main event. RFA 38 – Moisés vs. Emmers takes place Venerdì, June 3rd at The Hangar at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa, California.
Thiago Moisés vs. Jamall Emmers is the new lightweight title fight in the main event of RFA 38 su June 3rd,” Dichiarato Soares. “Moisés took full advantage of a similar situation in February due to a last-minute injury to a fighter in the main event of RFA 35. He got elevated to the main event and won the RFA lightweight title. Jamall Emmers is now looking to do the same thing. This will be a great title fight between two young, Affamato, and talented prospects.
Biglietti RFA 38 – Moisés vs. Emmers are available for purchase NOW. You can support your favorite fighter by purchasing your tickets through CageTix.com
RFA 38 – Moisés vs. Emmers takes place this Venerdì, June 3rd at The Hangar at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa, California. This will be the RFA’s seventh event to take place inThe Golden Stateof California and it will be the fifth RFA event of 2016. L'intera carta principale della RFA 38 sarà trasmessa in diretta e su scala nazionale AXS TV a 10 p.m. E / 7 p.m. PT su Venerdì, June 3rd.
Si prega di visitare RFAfighting.com per gli aggiornamenti combattimento e informazioni. RFA è anche su Facebook a Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram a RFAfighting, e Twitter a RFAfighting.
Chi RFA: RFA è un misto di promozione professionale di arti marziali che dà astri nascenti e top contendenti la possibilità di dimostrare il loro talento ai tifosi e leader nel settore. La RFA presenta eventi dal vivo su base mensile per gli Stati Uniti tra cui Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Denver e Milwaukee. RFA può essere visto in diretta in corso 43 milioni di case a livello nazionale attraverso la sua offerta televisiva con AXS TV. Con sede a Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA è una delle organizzazioni più attive MMA e rispettati in più rapida crescita dello sport in tutto il mondo. (The Octagon, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, e l'ottagonale tappeto la concorrenza e il design della gabbia sono marchi registrati di proprietà esclusiva di Zuffa registrati, LLC. Tutti i diritti riservati).

Chi AXS Combattimenti TV: AXS TV combatte è rinomato per la sua universalmente riconosciuta Venerdì Notte Mixed Martial Arts ed eventi Kickboxing. Come la vostra casa per MMA, AXS TV utilizza una vasta rete di promozioni da parte degli Stati Uniti, Canada, e l'Europa. E Asia per trasmettere combattimenti più vivo che qualsiasi altra rete televisiva. “The Voice” Michael Schiavello e cinque volte campione del mondo MMA Pat Miletich forniscono spettatori play-by-play esperto, copertura di caccia in profondità, e un'analisi approfondita di ogni carta di lotta. AXS TV trasmette eventi di livello mondiale di lotta diretta da RFA, Lotta Lion, Legacy FC, e MFC ogni Venerdì notte a 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. E.


Tickets are on sale NOW through CageTix.com
LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Resurrection Fighting Alliance (RFA) president Ed Soares announced today that there has been a last-minute shuffle at the top of questo Venerdì night’s RFA 35 event set to take place in Utah. Zach Juusola has pulled out of his lightweight title fight in the main event of RFA 35 due to injury. This has elevated RFA 35 co-headliner Thiago Moisés (6-1) to the evening’s main event against David Castillo (19-7). Moisés and Castillo will compete for the vacant RFA lightweight title
RFA vet and BJJ black belt Thiago Alves (9-3) has also stepped up to take Moisésplace in the RFA 35 co-main event against David Putvin (7-1). This is the second time that Alves has stepped up on short notice after a Juusola withdrawal. Alves replaced Juusola last June in the co-main event of RFA 26 in Colorado. Alves and Putvin will meet at a catchweight of 160-pounds.
Thiago Moisés vs. David Castillo is the new lightweight title fight in the main event of RFA 35 il Venerdì, Dichiarato Soares. “Moisés has been elevated from co-main event after Zach Juusola withdrew due to injury. Thiago Alves is also stepping up on short notice once again. He will fight David Putvin in the co-main event.
Biglietti RFA 35 – Moisés vs. Castillo are available for purchase now on SmithsTix.com. You can also support your favorite fighter by purchasing your tickets through CageTix.com/RFA.
RFA 35 – Moisés vs. Castillo takes place this Friday, February 19th at the UCCU Center in Orem, Utah. This will be the promotion’s first event to take place in the state of Utah and it will be the second RFA event of 2016. L'intera carta principale della RFA 35 sarà trasmessa in diretta e su scala nazionale AXS TV a 10 p.m. E / 7 p.m. PT questo Venerdì, 19 febbraio.
Si prega di visitare RFAfighting.com per gli aggiornamenti combattimento e informazioni. RFA è anche su Facebook a Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram a RFAfighting, e Twitter a RFAfighting.
Chi RFA: RFA è un misto di promozione professionale di arti marziali che dà astri nascenti e top contendenti la possibilità di dimostrare il loro talento ai tifosi e leader nel settore. La RFA presenta eventi dal vivo su base mensile per gli Stati Uniti tra cui Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Denver e Milwaukee. RFA può essere visto in diretta in corso 43 milioni di case a livello nazionale attraverso la sua offerta televisiva con AXS TV. Con sede a Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA è una delle organizzazioni più attive MMA e rispettati in più rapida crescita dello sport in tutto il mondo. (The Octagon, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, e l'ottagonale tappeto la concorrenza e il design della gabbia sono marchi registrati di proprietà esclusiva di Zuffa registrati, LLC. Tutti i diritti riservati).
Chi AXS Combattimenti TV: AXS TV combatte è rinomato per la sua universalmente riconosciuta Venerdì Notte Mixed Martial Arts ed eventi Kickboxing. Come la vostra casa per MMA, AXS TV utilizza una vasta rete di promozioni da parte degli Stati Uniti, Canada, e l'Europa. E Asia per trasmettere combattimenti più vivo che qualsiasi altra rete televisiva. “The Voice” Michael Schiavello e cinque volte campione del mondo MMA Pat Miletich forniscono spettatori play-by-play esperto, copertura di caccia in profondità, e un'analisi approfondita di ogni carta di lotta. AXS TV trasmette eventi di livello mondiale di lotta diretta da RFA, Lotta Lion, Legacy FC, e MFC ogni Venerdì notte a 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. E.