标记档案: 美国摔跤

美国摔跤将国家和地区赛事推迟到7月 1

由于举办国家或地区美国摔跤比赛的性质,, 首先是所有参与者的健康和安全, 美国摔跤将其国家和地区赛事的推迟时间延长到了7月 1.

除了 10 美国摔跤先前推迟到5月的国家和地区性事件 10, 有 10 现在已推迟的其他事件:

•西部地区锦标赛, 法明顿, OUT, 五月 14-16
•北部平原地区锦标赛, 罗切斯特, MN, 五月 15-17
•中央区域锦标赛, 韦恩堡, 在, 五月 15-17
•东南地区锦标赛, 威明顿, NC, 五月 22-24
•UWW U23 & 少年世界队选拔赛, 日内瓦, OH, 五月 29-31
•南部平原地区锦标赛, 道奇城, KS, 六月 5-7
•16U国家双打, 爱公园, IL, 六月 9-13
•14U国家双打, 富兰克林, 在, 六月 10-14
•少年双打, 塔尔萨, 行, 六月 16-20
•美国摔跤儿童国民, 威斯康星州戴尔, 威斯康星州, 六月 25-27

与COVID-19咨询委员会合作,并依靠卫生和政府机构的最新建议, 美国摔跤协会目前正在制定必须采取的特定安全措施,以恢复俱乐部惯例以及地方或州比赛. 只有在当地和州卫生当局制定的指导原则下并遵守针对这项运动制定的安全措施,才能进行任何此类活动.

由于关于这种大流行的这种情况仍然不稳定且不断发展, 美国摔跤将继续监视其有关国家和地区赛事的政策, 认可的活动和俱乐部惯例, 并且可以对这些政策进行其他更改.

美国摔跤通过,挂起批准五月事件和全国性活动 10

三月 31, 2020  - 通过一致支持美国摔跤COVID-19咨询委员会, 美国摔跤已暂停通过5月向所有认可的活动和国家活动 10.

这是在3月宣布之前暂停活动的延伸 16, 至四月其停止制裁事件 6 并通过四月推迟或取消全国性活动 20.

对于美国摔跤, 我们的首要任务始终是我们的运动员和他们的家人的安全, 我们的所有成员, 我们的国家工作人员和整个中美. 摔跤社区.

这一决定对齐美国与中美摔跤. 中心从三月疾病控制的指导 16 没有任何的聚会 50 或更多的人发生以下8周.

美国摔跤COVID-19咨询委员会包括博士. 汤姆普赖斯, 医生谁是过去中美. 卫生部长人力服务和过去的国会议员; 博士. 伯纳德·费尔德曼, UWW医疗委员会成员和名人摔跤医师; 和约翰Bardis, 过去中美. 健康和人类服务的助理国务卿, 并长期担任美国摔跤领导人谁拥有在医疗行业成功的职业生涯.

还包括在COVID-19咨询委员会呼叫美国摔跤总裁Bruce鲍姆加特纳, 执行董事富德尔和所有美国摔跤的工作人员董事, 这样他们可以直接通信,以它们的组成组.

除了七个美国搏斗的国家和区域活动在三月和四月推迟, 另外三个事件被推迟:

Ø东北区域锦标赛, 马纳拉潘, N.J. - 五月 1-3, 2020

Ø美国摔跤女子全国锦标赛, 欧文, 德克萨斯州 - 五月 8-10, 2020

Ø中美. 海滩和腰带全国锦标赛, 卡罗莱纳海滩, N.C.-五月 8-9, 2020

有很多事情,美国摔跤成员可以在短期内做. 美国摔跤推出TheMat.tv, 扩展的视频门户, 以及在其网站上TheMat.com与其他资源COVID-19段. 许多州协会和俱乐部有在线的做法. 许多美国摔跤的伙伴组织也提供方案和材料. 在家里训练, 交叉训练和跑步也有很大的想法,让当地政府和卫生部门.

美国摔跤每天监测这种情况. 请您理解,这种情况是流体, 并有可能基于来自医学专家的国家和地方政府规章和建议,这和其他美国摔跤政策的进一步变化, 包括疾病预防中心, 和世界卫生组织, 和美国摔跤的COVID-19咨询委员会. 另外, 美国摔跤建议其所有成员的指他们的国家和地方卫生部门指导有关COVID-19的情况在他们的区域.

美国摔跤一直, 并且将继续与国家领导人定期会晤, 国家队的运动员和其他人提供信息和支持他们, 以及接收它们的输入.

美国摔跤已经承诺增加其成员前进的直接沟通, 包括有机会直接从COVID-19咨询委员会成员接收信息.

美国摔跤是在其网站专门讨论COVID-19更新页面HTTPS://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2020/March/14/COVID-19-Special-Section. 此页面包含了摔跤社会资源链接, 报表以及列表, 新闻稿和将更新和教育全体成员对COVID-19大流行的文章.

击败街道周年权益返回到Hulu的剧院在麦迪逊广场花园五月 28 继满座事件去年

中美顶尖. 男子和女子选手有望在花园中“抓斗竞争,“

11 每年募捐帮助筹集资金用于青年非营利击败街道

纽约- 亮点之一就为每年的业余摔跤日历回报 11 连续两年为击败街道摔跤 (BTS), 在美国最大的基层内城摔跤节目, 和美国摔跤今天宣布,一年一度的BTS好处将于星期四, 五月 28. 摔跤的惊心动魄的夜晚, 被誉为“抓斗在花园,”将再次在Hulu的剧院在麦迪逊广场花园进行一个非常成功举行后,, 在满座登场有 2019 下面在各种其他标志性的纽约市场地近十年.

的较量将再次其次是年收益庆典, 这不仅承认精英运动员谁在竞争情况也是BTS杰出的事物青年摔跤手谁概括的不以营利为目的组织做全年工作. 预计竞争是具有全国高中全明星比赛了一起BTS摔跤手, NCAA冠军和国际奥林匹克男女, 和潜在的混合武术运动员谁开始的摔跤手.

票务信息以及运动员, 对决, 时间表和广播的细节将在日后公布.

“我们已经不能更高兴,在麦迪逊广场花园在葫芦剧院响应我们的第一年,”说击败街道执行董事 布伦丹·巴克利. “售完人群带来了不停能源, 由世界级的摔跤动作自上而下推动. 我们预计这将是今年与地平线上的东京奥运会的更热的票。”

“董事会垮掉的街道很高兴能够呈现另一个突出的竞争,我们筹集资金,为纽约市的青年,补充说:”董事会主席BTS 雷Barczak. “支持我们捐助者收到, 球迷和其他人我们的年收益期间使我们能够实现我们的使命. 随着越来越多的比 3,000 参加以上男女学生运动员 150 跨区域项目, 击败街道是改变生活,并提供机会,真正有所作为的第14年“。

击败街道效益比赛开始 2010 并从此成为最优秀的国际摔跤的一大展示. 这种独特的和通电的年度盛会已经帮助提高基站数百万美元,以支持其授权的年轻人在纽约市当地青年摔跤项目. 该 2019 事件引发 $1.3 万元,为组织. 由奥运冠军亮相 乔丹·巴勒斯 (2012, 金), 凯尔·斯奈德 (2016, 金) 和 J'den考克斯 (2016, 青铜) 和当地人最喜欢的 尼克Suriano (罗格斯大学/帕拉姆斯, 新泽西州), 詹姆斯。格林 (威林伯勒, 新泽西州) 和 安东尼Ashnault (罗格斯/所以. 普兰菲尔德, 新泽西州) 是晚上的许多万人空巷亮点中.

第一拍街道效益举行的U.S.S. 强悍, 停靠在曼哈顿西侧航母. 自那以后, 利益已经发生在其他著名的纽约市的景点,如中央车站和时代广场. 美国队已经面对反对球队来自世界各地,包括日本各地, 古巴, 俄罗斯, 伊朗和加拿大, 以及国际全明星队. 在 2018, 比赛在新码头主持 17 在海港区,其中包括备受瞩目的宝来VS. 弗兰克·查米索 (意大利) 比赛.

纽约市的麦迪逊广场花园是世界上最著名的体育和娱乐场馆之一. 葫芦剧院在麦迪逊广场花园是一个令人印象深刻的场地与座位上的能力 5,000. 剧院已经举办著名的摔跤活动,包括 1998 友好运动会摔跤比赛和 2017 抓斗在花园大学摔跤事件.


击败街道的使命是发展都市青年的全部潜力,并加强纽约市摔跤文化. BTS直接与教育的纽约市教育局在公共 - 私营伙伴关系带来的改变生活的搏斗过的运动 3,000 纽约市的学生运动员,帮助他们实现他们的个人和运动目标. 通过对摔跤项目在初中和高中在五个区的操作, BTS和美国能源部提供安全, 积极向上的氛围中,弱势群体和边缘青少年可以学习砂砾的基本生活教训, 个人责任和团队精神, 体质和营养, 和终身学习. 培育强的目标, 成熟的学生运动员通过训练交付, 课后计划, 生活技能工作坊, 和夏令营. 更多信息可以在这里找到 www.btsny.org.


美国摔跤是国家管理机构对摔跤在美国体育和, 像这样, 是其代表美国奥委会和联合国世界摔跤, 国际摔跤联合会. 简单地, 美国摔跤是协调业余摔跤项目在全国和作品创造的兴趣和参与这些计划的中央组织. 它拥有超过 250,000 全国各地的会员, 男孩和女孩, 所有年龄段的男性和女性, 代表这项运动的各个层面. 其总裁是布鲁斯·鲍姆加特纳, 其执行董事为丰富本德尔. 更多信息可在TheMat.com可以找到?

Olympians Jordan Burroughs, Ben Askren To Battle For First Time May 6 At Beat the Streets ‘Grapple At The Garden’

Gold Medalist, Longtime Beat the Streets Competitor Burroughs Takes On UFC Standout Askren At 74kg To Highlight Tenth Annual Youth Non-profit Fundraiser At Hulu Theater at MSG
Two of the most decorated and well-known recent Olympic wrestlers will square off for the first time as 2012 Gold Medalist 乔丹·巴勒斯 发生在 2008 奥林匹亚 本Askren
作为 10 annual “Grapple at the Garden” Beat the Streets (BTS) benefit at Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden on May 6. Burroughs, who has competed at numerous past BTS events, will battle Askren, who has parlayed his wresting talents into a strong mixed martial arts career in the UFC and other promotions, at 74kg in the highly-anticipated matchup.

“Grapple at the Garden” supports Beat the Streets, 在美国最大的基层内城摔跤节目, serving as both a fundraiser for the organization and to celebrate its athletes as they compete on the biggest stage in the center of the world.
Burroughs, a four-time World freestyle champion (2011, 2014, 2015, 2017), has won eight consecutive BTS benefit matches, downing fellow Olympian 弗兰克·查米索
last year in a thrilling, come-from-behind 8-5 verdict in the main event Supermatch.

Burroughs was a three-time All-American at Nebraska, winning two NCAA titles. The Sicklerville, 新泽西州, native also competed at the 2016 Olympics in Rio but did not medal.
Burroughs has the most World gold medals in USA history with four, tied with John Smith, Adeline Gray and Tricia Saunders. His five World and Olympic gold medals trails only Smith, who has six. He also has won two World bronze medals, giving him seven World and Olympic medals in his storied career.

Askren, 谁去 1-1 but didn’t medal in his lone Olympic appearance, was a four-time NCAA finalist at Missouri, winning the crowns in 2006 和 2007. His MMA career has included wins in his first 19 火柴, most recently at UFC 235 上个月. He has fought for several other promotions, primarily One Championship and Bellator, in amassing his perfect record.

Both Burroughs and Askren competed at 74 kg at the Olympic Games. Combined, they represented the USA at this weight class for the last three Olympic Games.

“Jordan Burroughs is a great champion who has been a great supporter of Beat the Streets for years, and Ben Askren has made a name for himself with his outsize talent and personality to match,”说击败街道执行董事 布伦丹·巴克利

. “This is a match that many fans have been hoping for, and we couldn’t be more excited to bring them together in a way that will benefit our BTS kids on what is shaping up to be a huge night of wrestling at Hulu Theater.”

The news follows last week’s first announced main event bout, between New Jersey natives
詹姆斯。格林 (威林伯勒) 和 安东尼Ashnault (South Plainfield). Additional matchups in the Team USA vs. NCAA Champions main events will be announced in the coming weeks. Those will be preceded by several youth matches, with one previously announced: 一
battle of local State Champions in Jo Jo Aragona (Pope John XXIII HS/New Jersey) VS.
Adam Busiello (Eastport-South Manor HS/New York).

Tickets for the evening’s action are available now via TicketMaster, priced starting at $30 在
HTTPS://www.ticketmaster.com/event/3B005668AA091B69. A variety of donation packages which include “Grapple in the Garden” tickets are also available at
HTTPS://www.btsny.org/bts-events 或通过电子邮件 molalde@btsny.org, 在开始 $1000
. Doors open on May 6 在 5:30 下午, with the main event starting at 6 P.M.
For the fifth straight year, FloSports will provide live and on-demand coverage on FloWrestling.com.

Beat the Streets, Inc. will invite select members of the 2018 中美. Men’s Freestyle World Team, which placed second in the 2018 World Championships and won seven World medals, as well as select top USA women’s wrestlers.

Beat the Streets Benefit competitions, which began in 2010, have since become a major showcase of the best of international wrestling. This unique and electrifying annual event has helped Beat the Streets raise millions of dollars to support local youth wrestling programs which empower young people in New York City.

第一拍街道效益举行的U.S.S. 强悍, 停靠在曼哈顿西侧航母. 自那以后, the benefit has taken place at other notable New York City spots like Grand Central Station and Times Square. 美国队已经面对反对球队来自世界各地,包括日本各地, 古巴, Russia and Iran. 去年, 比赛在新码头主持 17 在海港区,其中包括备受瞩目的宝来VS. Chamizo match.

该 2018 中美. World Team, which competed in Budapest, 匈牙利, featured 2018 World champions Kyle Dake, David Taylor and J’den Cox, 2018 World silver medalist Kyle Snyder, 和 2018 World bronze medalists Joe Colon, Jordan Burroughs and Nick Gwiazdowski. Burroughs and Snyder are both multiple Olympic and World champions. Others on the USA team included 2016 World champion Logan Stieber, two-time World bronze medalist James Green and 2017 World silver medalist Thomas Gilman.

纽约市的麦迪逊广场花园是世界上最著名的体育和娱乐场馆之一. 葫芦剧院在麦迪逊广场花园是一个令人印象深刻的场地与座位上的能力 5,000. 剧院已经举办著名的摔跤活动,包括 1998 友好运动会摔跤比赛和 2017 抓斗在花园大学摔跤事件.

击败街道的使命是发展都市青年的全部潜力,并加强纽约市摔跤文化. BTS直接与教育的纽约市教育局在公共 - 私营伙伴关系带来的改变生活的搏斗过的运动 3,000 纽约市的学生运动员,帮助他们实现他们的个人和运动目标. 通过对摔跤项目在初中和高中在五个区的操作, BTS和美国能源部提供安全, 积极向上的氛围中,弱势群体和边缘青少年可以学习砂砾的基本生活教训, 个人责任和团队精神, 体质和营养, 和终身学习. 培育强的目标, 成熟的学生运动员通过训练交付, 课后计划, 生活技能工作坊, 和夏令营. 更多信息可以在这里找到 www.btsny.org.

美国摔跤是国家管理机构对摔跤在美国体育和, 像这样, 是其代表美国奥委会和联合国世界摔跤, 国际摔跤联合会. 简单地, 美国摔跤是协调业余摔跤项目在全国和作品创造的兴趣和参与这些计划的中央组织. 它拥有超过 230,000 全国各地的会员, 男孩和女孩, 所有年龄段的男性和女性, 代表这项运动的各个层面. 其总裁是布鲁斯·鲍姆加特纳, 其执行董事为丰富本德尔. More information can be found at TheMat.com.
# # #

USA World Team to Battle in the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden for Beat the Streets Annual Benefit on May 6

Members of the 2018 中美. Men’s and Women’s World Team to compete in annual fundraiser to help raise money for youth non-profit Beat the Streets

纽约- Beat the Streets Wrestling (BTS), 在美国最大的基层内城摔跤节目, and USA Wrestling announced today that the annual BTS benefit will be held on Monday, 五月 6, 在Hulu的剧院在麦迪逊广场花园. This is the first time in six years that the annual event will be held indoors.

Beat the Streets, Inc. will invite select members of the 2018 中美. Men’s Freestyle World Team, which placed second in the 2018 World Championships and won seven World medals, as well as select top USA women’s wrestlers. The athletes will compete in freestyle wrestling. Team USA’s opponents will be announced at a later date.

“When we decided to move the event indoors we knew there was only one place iconic enough to host it – Madison Square Garden,”说击败街道执行董事

. “Thanks to the wrestling community, this event has really grown over the past few years and by having it at the Hulu Theater at MSG many more fans will be able to experience the event live in person.”

This year celebrates the 10 straight year of Beat the Streets Benefit competitions, which began in 2010 并从此成为最优秀的国际摔跤的一大展示. This unique and electrifying annual event has helped Beat the Streets raise millions of dollars to support local youth wrestling programs which empower young people in New York City.
第一拍街道效益举行的U.S.S. 强悍, 停靠在曼哈顿西侧航母. 自那以后, the benefit has taken place at other notable New York City spots like Grand Central Station and Times Square. 美国队已经面对反对球队来自世界各地,包括日本各地, 古巴, Russia and Iran. 去年, 比赛在新码头主持 17 在海港区,其中包括备受瞩目的宝来VS. Chamizo match.

该 2018 中美. World Team, which competed in Budapest, 匈牙利, featured 2018 World champions Kyle Snyder, David Taylor and J’den Cox, 2018 World silver medalist Kyle Snyder, 和 2018 World bronze medalists Joe Colon, Jordan Burroughs and Nick Gwiazdowski. Burroughs and Snyder are both multiple Olympic and World champions. Others on the USA team included 2016 World champion Logan Stieber, two-time World bronze medalist James Green and 2017 World silver medalist Thomas Gilman.

纽约市的麦迪逊广场花园是世界上最著名的体育和娱乐场馆之一. 葫芦剧院在麦迪逊广场花园是一个令人印象深刻的场地与座位上的能力 5,000. 剧院已经举办著名的摔跤活动,包括 1998 友好运动会摔跤比赛和 2017 抓斗在花园大学摔跤事件.

Ticket information and the final event schedule have not yet been finalized.

击败街道的使命是发展都市青年的全部潜力,并加强纽约市摔跤文化. BTS直接与教育的纽约市教育局在公共 - 私营伙伴关系带来的改变生活的搏斗过的运动 3,000 纽约市的学生运动员,帮助他们实现他们的个人和运动目标. 通过对摔跤项目在初中和高中在五个区的操作, BTS和美国能源部提供安全, 积极向上的氛围中,弱势群体和边缘青少年可以学习砂砾的基本生活教训, 个人责任和团队精神, 体质和营养, 和终身学习. 培育强的目标, 成熟的学生运动员通过训练交付, 课后计划, 生活技能工作坊, 和夏令营. 更多信息可以在这里找到 www.btsny.org.

美国摔跤是国家管理机构对摔跤在美国体育和, 像这样, 是其代表美国奥委会和联合国世界摔跤, 国际摔跤联合会. 简单地, 美国摔跤是协调业余摔跤项目在全国和作品创造的兴趣和参与这些计划的中央组织. 它拥有超过 230,000 全国各地的会员, 男孩和女孩, 所有年龄段的男性和女性, 代表这项运动的各个层面. 其总裁是布鲁斯·鲍姆加特纳, 其执行董事为丰富本德尔. More information can be found at TheMat.com

USA Men’s And Women’s Wrestlers To Face International Power Japan In New York City’s Times Square May 17 for Beat the Streets Annual Benefit

Select American stars to take Japanese wrestlers in first-time New York dual meet; Youth Wrestlers and High School Wrestlers take The Mat; Benefit Celebration Follows

纽约- Beat the Streets Wrestling, Inc. and USA Wrestling announced today that the men’s and women’s national wrestling teams of the United States and Japan will square off in New York City’s Times Square on 星期三, 五月 17 in the seventh annual wrestling celebration. This year’s event will take place in Times Square’s Duffy Square (间 46和 47 streets). Competitors for Team USA, which will include members of the 2016 Olympic team as well as other elite stars, and their Japanese opponents will be announced in the coming weeks.

We welcome our friends and colleagues from Japan to help us spread the word and once again make history with our event in Times Square,” said Beat the Streets Chairman of the Board Mike Novogratz. “We have worked with many nations in our goodwill mission for young people over the years, but bringing both the men’s and women’s elite wrestlers from Japan here for this dual meet will be a unique experience for all, with every dollar helping further our mission of growing the sport of wrestling in New York City across the country and around the world, from the grassroots on up.”

在 2013, the event dubbed “The Rumble on the Rails,” was hosted in historic Grand Central Terminal and featured dual meets between Team USA, Russia and Iran. Playing an important role in the international Keep Olympic Wrestling effort, this historic wrestling event gained international media coverage and helped wrestling retain its status on the Olympic Games program.

The world-class competition has been hosted in Times Square five previous times. 在 2011, the United States defeated World Champion Russia, 5-2, the first sports event ever held in historic Times Square. 在 2012, another U.S. VS. Russia dual meet was held in Times Square, along with the U.S. Olympic Team Wrestle-off for the 60 kg/132 lbs. position on the U.S. Olympic Team in men’s freestyle. 在 2014, Team USA defeated a World All-Star Team in Times Square, 8-3. 在 2015, “Salsa in the Square” featured a meeting between Team USA and Team Cuba in the three Olympic styles, held shortly after the historic change in USA and Cuban political relations. Last year the US met Iran in a dual meet in Times Square as a preview to the 2016 奥运会.

This will be the eighth straight year in which a major international-style wrestling competition will be hosted as part of the Beat the Streets Benefit activities. 在 2010, an all-star challenge featuring top U.S. wrestlers was held on the USS Intrepid, 停靠在曼哈顿西侧航母.

Top Beat the Streets youth wrestlers will take the mat showcasing their skills in exhibition matches beginning at 3:00 P.M. to kick off the NYC Benefit. For the second straight year, the Benefit will feature the PSAL Girls Freestyle Dual Meet Championships finals, showcasing the two top New York City girl’s freestyle wrestling high school teams from the spring girl’s freestyle season. Then it’s Team USA vs. Japan at 6:00 P.M. with video highlights and special guest appearances followed by the Beat the Streets Benefit Celebration.

Tickets are required for entry and can be purchased at www.btsny.org212.245.6570 或通过电子邮件 beatthestreets@eventassociatesinc.com. Standing room available for non-ticket holders on first come first serve basis. A ticket is required for the Benefit Celebration at the Marriott Marquis. More details are available at http://www.btsny.org/gala.

The Benefit Celebration will follow the wrestling competition. This unique and electrifying annual event helps Beat the Streets (BTS) raise significant funds to further its mission. Whether it’s providing a safe, constructive outlet for our urban youth, fighting childhood obesity, empowering women, or uniting entire nations, wrestling teaches persistence, 奉献, and the value of working hard to achieve one’s goals and creates opportunities for personal and universal growth. BTS currently serve over 3,000 student-athletes every year.

Beat the Streets Wrestling Schedule

In New York City, 五月 17, 2017

3:00 P.M. – Beat the Streets Youth Exhibition Matches between 46th and 47th Streets

4:45 P.M. – New York City Girl’s Freestyle Dual Meet Championships Finals between 46th and 47th Streets

6:00 P.M. – World Class Wrestling: Team USA vs. Team Japan between 46th and 47th Streets

Followed by Benefit Celebration


击败街道的使命是发展都市青年的全部潜力,并加强纽约市摔跤文化. BTS直接与教育的纽约市教育局在公共 - 私营伙伴关系带来的改变生活的搏斗过的运动 3,000 纽约市的学生运动员,帮助他们实现他们的个人和运动目标. 通过对摔跤项目在初中和高中在五个区的操作, BTS和美国能源部提供安全, 积极向上的氛围中,弱势群体和边缘青少年可以学习砂砾的基本生活教训, 个人责任和团队精神, 体质和营养, 和终身学习. 培育强的目标, 成熟的学生运动员通过训练交付, 课后计划, 生活技能工作坊, 和夏令营. 更多信息可以在这里找到 www.btsny.org.


美国摔跤是国家管理机构对摔跤在美国体育和, 像这样, 是其代表美国奥委会和联合国世界摔跤, 国际摔跤联合会. 简单地, 美国摔跤是协调业余摔跤项目在全国和作品创造的兴趣和参与这些计划的中央组织. 它拥有超过 220,000 全国各地的会员, 男孩和女孩, 所有年龄段的男性和女性, 代表这项运动的各个层面. Its president is James Ravannack, 其执行董事为丰富本德尔. More information can be found at TheMat.com




科罗拉多斯普林斯 - 美国摔跤, 国家管理机构摔跤在美国, 和UFC®联合宣布,双方已经续签合作伙伴关系,以促进摔跤的兴趣和混合武术 (MMA), 而在各种项目合作,支持各组织的活动.

“美国摔跤高兴地恢复与UFC的合作伙伴关系, 度过了一个成功的第一年,合作. 我们的体育是紧密交织在一起, 而且有很多方法,我们可以帮助互相支持. 我们期待着找到创造性的有效途径,甚至更多的价值添加到这个强有力的关系,“富德尔说, 美国摔跤执行董事.

“我们非常高兴能够延续我们与美国摔跤伙伴关系,并继续建立在我们已经经历了去年的成功,” 联邦关系和企业社会责任娄劳里亚的UFC副总裁. UFC有着悠久而丰富的历史支撑业余运动员的发展,我们与USAWrestling关系可以追溯到UFC的开始。”


摔跤和MMA共享一个紧密的联系而积极的影响,这两种运动. 摔跤是在MMA中取得成功所需的核心技术,而且被认为是这项运动中的基础性学科. 众多选手已经在实现MMA重大成功, 许诺他们的运动和职业生涯一个额外的机会自己摔跤天后完成后.

谁也与竞争美国摔跤运动员众多已经在成为成功的UFC选手, 含: 奥运冠军亨利Cejudo, 奥运银牌得主萨拉杰伦麦曼和马特林德兰德, 两届奥运选手丹·亨德森, 两届奥运会和六次U.S. 打开全国冠军丹尼尔·科米尔, 两届NCAA冠军约翰尼·亨德里克斯, NCAA所有美国人克里斯·魏德曼和该隐贝拉斯克斯, 女子学院全美卡拉埃斯帕扎和许多其他.

一起工作, 美国摔跤和UFC将继续支持和促进摔跤发展. 通过利用UFC的行业领先的专业知识和资源, 美国摔跤,其活动将在多个领域进行特色,如UFC的节目, 社会和数字媒体.

美国摔跤将提供其 250,000 独家机会,社区成员通过一系列的平台,包括体验UFC: UFC事件, UFC搏击俱乐部®, UFCGYM®地点, UFC FIGHTPASS®, UFC奖励和国际斗争周. 美国摔跤也将利用其众多的媒体平台来分享UFC的信息和机会,其成员.


Immel, 汉密尔顿, Effner, 战士, Bartachek, 湖上周六的卷布广播节目!

战网提出了从野蛮工作室为柯敏产业和卷布无线电广播 04 水引入卷布摔跤电台, 我们以美国的运动脉搏!

加入主机斯科特Casber, 托尼·海格, 蒂姆·哈姆斯, 史蒂夫·福斯特, 杰夫·墨菲和布拉德·约翰逊 这个星期六10 A.M. 到 1 P.M. (美东时间) 住在KXNO.com, IHeartRadio.com和TakedownRadio.com.

9:00 A.M. -Eric格雷罗- 助理主教练在俄克拉何马州


9:20 A.M. -Andy汉密尔顿- 德梅因注册记者摔跤


9:40 A.M. - 罗斯Bartachek- IAwrestle作家

10:00 是 杰森Effner- 摔跤运营克利夫兰州立主任

10:20 A.M. -Richard Immel- 美国摔跤社会媒体协调员


10:40 A.M. 凯文 - 湖- 项目总监击败洛杉矶街头

进入卷布运动装超级 星期天 单赠品,即有机会赢取每单 星期天 今年通过Facebook的下面我们Facebook.com/TakedownWrestling并在Twitter上@TakedownWrestle, @TakedownShop和@IAwrestle.

对于比赛和会话使用电话 866-333-5966515-284-596610 A.M.到 1 P.M. (美东时间). 听取KXNO.com展会, Takedownradio.com或在您的无线电iHeart在iTunes和Android应用.