Таг Архива: Tom Coulter

USA Boxing Alumni Association announces Hall of Fame Class of 2018

Рој Џонс, Џуниор, Андре Вард, Claressa Шилдс,
Емануел Стјуард & Tom Cleary
Декември. 7 reception in Salt Lake City, Utah


COLORADO SPRINGS, Лап. (Август 6, 2018) – The USA Boxing Alumni Association has announced its second class to be inducted into its Hall of Fame, Декември 7, at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) in Salk Lake City, Utah.




The reception is being held in conjunction with the 2018 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships and Junior and Prep Open, Декември. 2-8, also held in Salt Lake City.




The Class of 2018 includes U.S. Olympic Team medalists and world (професионална) champions Рој Џонс, Џуниор., Андре Вард и Claressa Шилдс, as well as former USA Boxing National Director of Coaching Емануел Стјуард and veteran USA Boxing official Tom Cleary. The latter two will be posthumously inducted.




This year’s inductees were selected amongst a group of 17 nominees by the hundreds of registered USA Boxing Alumni Association members during the months of June and July.




USA Boxing Alumni Association is extremely excited to honor this year’s Hall of Fame class, as each inductee represents everything good that amateur boxing has to offer,” рече Крис Куliари, USA Boxing Alumni Association Executive Director. “Last year’s class contributed to a fantastic inaugural Hall of Fame reception and we’re looking forward to recognizing this year’s class with an even better event.




Создадено за да биде шампион доживотно, взаемно корисни односи меѓу САД бокс и нејзините алумни, –боксери, службени лица, тренери и boxубители на боксот — Здружението на алумни ги поврзува генерациите на шампиони, инспирирање и враќање на идните шампиони во боксот во САД-боксот, во и надвор од прстенот.




The charter class inducted last year included Мухамед Али и Evander Холифилд, in addition to veteran coaches Roosevelt Sanders и Tom Coulter.




Each inductee has given so much to Olympic-style amateur boxing and the alumni community wants to thank them, for doing so,” Cugliari added. “We look forward to seeing USA Boxing Alumni members come out in droves to support this year’s Hall of Fame class in December.




Асоцијацијата за алумни во боксот во САД е отворена за секој што има forубов кон боксот и би сакал да остане поврзан со аматерскиот бокс. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events host by the Alumni Association, including the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.




Да се ​​придружиме на Здружението на алумни, едноставно се регистрирате на alumni@usaboxing.org за $40.00 годишно членарина. Новите членови ќе добијат маица, приврзок за клучеви и е-паричник.




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