ट्याग अभिलेखालयबाट: टिम जोन्सन

दुई विश्व शीर्षक झगडा! MCKEE-पिटबुल 2, NEMKOV-एन्डरसन शीर्ष अविश्वसनीय रूपमा स्ट्याक गरिएको नयाँ फाईट कार्ड सेट अप्रिलको लागि 15

अपराजित विश्व च्याम्पियनA.J. MCKEE BELLATOR MMA 145-पाउन्ड विश्व शीर्षकको रक्षा गर्न पहिलेको नम्बर एक पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्डको विरुद्धमा पुन: म्याचमा & दुई डिभिजन च्याम्पियनप्याट्रिक पिटबुल

205-पाउण्ड च्याम्पियनVADIM NEMKOV लडाई शीर्ष-रैंक प्राप्त गर्नकोरी एन्डरसन को लागी $1 BELLATOR लाइट हेवीवेट वर्ल्ड ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फाइनलमा मिलियन पुरस्कार

पुरुषहरूको समूह

विवरण स्वचालित रूपमा मध्यम विश्वास संग उत्पन्न

BELLATOR 277 शुक्रबारको लागि सेट गर्नुहोस्, अप्रिल 15, AT 10 P.M. एट / 7 P.M. PT सान जोस मा SAP केन्द्र भित्र शोटाइम मा लाइभ, क्यालिफोर्निया.

यो शुक्रबार बिक्रीमा टिकटहरू

LOS ANGELES (Feb. 16, 2022) -दुई उत्कृष्ट विश्व च्याम्पियनशिप शोडाउन. BELLATOR MMA को सबै भन्दा राम्रो पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड लडाकुहरू मध्ये चार. एक उच्च प्रत्याशित पुन: म्याच. कम्पनीको स्वदेशी सुपरस्टारलाई हाइलाइट-रिल हानिको बदला लिन प्रयासरत प्रमोशनको सबै समयको सबैभन्दा ठूलो एथलीट. विजेतालाई सात अंकको ज्याकपोट प्रदान गर्ने प्रतियोगिताको फाइनल.

BELLATOR को चौथो अभूतपूर्व लडाई कार्ड 2022 युगको लागि एक हुने वाचा.

आफ्नो आगामी प्रतिद्वन्द्वीको 117-सेकेन्डको विनाश र दावी गर्दै $1 BELLATOR MMA फेदरवेट वर्ल्ड ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फिनालेमा मिलियन बाउन्टी, अपराजित BELLATOR फेदरवेट विश्व टाइटलधारकA.J. McKee (18-0) खेलकुदको सबैभन्दा ठूलो लडाकु बन्नको लागि अर्को कदम चाल्ने आशा राख्छ किनकि उसले भूतपूर्व शीर्ष पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड र दुई-डिभिजन च्याम्पियनसँग लड्छ।Patricio Pitbull (32-5) शुक्रबार नौ महिना भन्दा कममा दोस्रो पटक, अप्रिल 15, मा10 p.m. एट / 7 p.m. PT SHOWTIME बस्ने.

को सह सुविधा माBELLATOR 277: म्याकी बनाम. Pitbull 2 सान जोस मा SAP केन्द्र मा, क्यालिफोर्निया।, हालको 205-पाउंड BELLATOR MMA विश्व च्याम्पियनVadim Nemkov (15-2) तेस्रो पटक आफ्नो उपाधि रक्षा गर्ने र घरेलु खेल्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ $1 मिलियन पुरस्कार तीन दिन अघि अमेरिका. कर दिवस जब उसले बढ्दो नम्बर विरुद्ध स्क्वायर गर्यो. 1-छ स्थान दावेदारकोरी एन्डरसन(16-5)BELLATOR MMA लाइट हेभीवेट विश्व ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फाइनलमा.

को लागि टिकटBELLATOR MMA 277: म्याकी बनाम. Pitbull 2 यो शुक्रबार बिक्रीमा जानुहोस्, Feb. 18 दुबै माTicketmaster.com रBellator.com अघिल्लो दिन सुरु हुने विशेष प्रिसेलको साथ.

यसबाहेक, चार प्रारम्भिक बाउट घोषणा गरिएको छ जसमा दुई उच्च श्रेणीका हेवीवेटहरू बीचको माउथवाटरिङ म्याचअप समावेश छ।. 5-छ स्थानटिम जोन्सन (15-8) अनुहारहरु नं. 6-छ स्थानटायरेल भाग्य(11-2, 1 कांग्रेस) बाट पुनः खेलमाBELLATOR 239. तिनीहरूको पहिलो लडाई जोनसनको लागि ठूलो विचार कमाउने जीत हासिल गरेर समाप्त भयो 2020 वर्षको KO। प्रारम्भिक बाउट्स तीन घण्टा अघि प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण हुनेछ7 p.m. एट / 4 p.m. PT BELLATOR MMA YouTube च्यानलमा, SHOWTIME खेलकुद YouTube च्यानल र Pluto TV.

Inglewood मा फोरम मा आफ्नो ऐतिहासिक प्रारम्भिक म्याचअप मा, क्यालिफोर्निया।, म्याकीले टाउकोमा दण्डित गर्ने बायाँ खुट्टाको लात हानेर पिटबुललाई स्तब्ध पारे 1:40 मा उद्घाटन श्लोक कोBELLATOR MMA 263जुलाई मा 31, 2021. च्याम्पियनले त्यसपछि ब्राजिलियन लिजेन्डलाई फर्श गर्ने क्रूर अनुत्तरित हेड शटहरूको श्रृंखला जारी गरेर आक्रमण जारी राख्यो।.

केही क्षण पछि म्याकीले समयभन्दा पहिले आफ्नो हातहरू उत्सवमा उठाए, पिटबुल पराजयको गहिराइबाट उठे मात्र आफ्नो मुकुट चोर्न र दावी गर्ने लडाकु नरकबाट स्वागत गर्न। $1 मिलियन पुरस्कार. 25-समय BELLATOR MMA दिग्गजले बारको विरुद्धमा समर्थन गरे, MMA को सबैभन्दा उज्यालो युवा झगडा गर्ने गिलोटिन चोकमा बन्द. पिटबुलले चेतना गुमाएको जस्तो देखिन्छ, रेफ्री माइक बेल्ट्रानले मामिला रोके 1:57 खोल्ने फ्रेम को.

"विश्वका उत्कृष्ट मिक्स्ड मार्शल आर्टिस्टहरूको महान शहर सान जोसमा मेजबानी गर्नु मेरो लागि एक लडाइँ प्रवर्द्धकको रूपमा मेरो क्यारियरमा महत्त्वपूर्ण भएको कुरा हो र म अप्रिल 15 मा हाम्रो कार्डको साथ जारी राख्न पाउँदा खुसी छु," BELLATOR अध्यक्ष स्कट कोकर। भन्नुभयो. "एजे बीचको पुन: खेल. फेदरवेट उपाधिका लागि म्याकी र प्याट्रिसियो पिटबुल, साथै हाम्रो लाइट हेभीवेट वर्ल्ड ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फाइनल कोरी एन्डरसन विरुद्ध वादिम नेमकोभ प्रस्तुत गर्ने दुईवटा झगडाहरू हुन् जसले कुनै पनि घटनालाई आफ्नै रूपमा हेडलाइन गर्न सक्छ।, तर हामी दुबैलाई सान जोसको SAP केन्द्रमा एकै रातमा ल्याइरहेका छौं यहाँका फ्यानहरूलाई देखाउनको लागि कि हामी वर्षौंभरि उनीहरूको समर्थनलाई साँच्चै मूल्यवान गर्छौं।”

लङ बिचको मूल निवासी, क्यालिफोर्निया।, BELLATOR को शीर्ष-मूल्याङ्कन पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड लडाकुले आफ्नो व्यावसायिक डेब्यू पछि तीन दिन पछि उनीमा राखिएको उच्च अपेक्षाहरू पार गरेको छ। 20th जन्मदिन. छ नकआउट र सात सबमिशनको साथ सशस्त्र, टोली Bodyshop उत्पादन, जो परिणत हुनेछ 27 पिटबुल विरुद्धको खेलको आठ दिन अघि, संग बिजुली-छिटो फिनिश सुरक्षित गर्न को लागी एक सीप देखायो 10 पहिलो राउन्डमा आउँदैछ. "भाडा" ले उसको विरोध गर्ने हरेक लडाकुमाथि प्रबल विजय हासिल गरेको छ, पूर्व विश्व च्याम्पियन पिटबुल सहित, पेट curran, र ड्यारियन काल्डवेल, जसलाई म्याकीले दुर्लभ-परिमार्जित गर्दन क्र्याङ्कको साथ पेश गर्यो जुन पछि "McKee-otine" डब गरिएको थियो। को विजेता 2020 काल्डवेलको 71 सेकेन्डको विनाशको लागि पेश गरेको वर्ष पुरस्कारले कुल लडेको छ। 33 चारैतिर गोलो 18 क्यारियर प्रतियोगिताहरू (1.8 प्रति बाउट राउन्ड), भन्दा कम लगिङ गर्दा 41 अगस्टमा प्रो बनेदेखि BELLATOR केजमा जम्मा मिनेटहरू 2012.

भ्यान्टेड पिटबुल ब्रदर्सको एक आधा जोडी, Patricio लामो समयदेखि BELLATOR MMA को मुकुट गहना मानिन्छ, जहाँ उनी अहिले नं. 3 BELLATOR MMA पुरुषको पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड रैंकिंगमा. एक उल्लेखनीय होल्डिंग 32-5 कुलीन प्रतिस्पर्धामा जीत संग कीर्तिमान, पूर्व विश्व च्याम्पियन प्याट कुरान को मनपर्ने सहित, जोन अर्च्युलेटा, र ड्यानियल स्ट्रास (दुई). मा 2019, 34 वर्षीय ब्राजिलियनले माइकल चन्डलरबाट BELLATOR लाइटवेट विश्व च्याम्पियनशिप कब्जा गरे।, एकै साथ दुई उपाधि जित्ने दोस्रो BELLATOR एथलीट बने. संग 23 मा समाप्त हुन्छ 37 व्यावसायिक झगडे, पिटबुलले बारम्बार देखाएको छ कि उनीसँग धेरै तौल वर्गहरूमा शासन गर्न आवश्यक राम्रो गोलाकार कौशलता छ।.

हाल BELLATOR MMA को दोस्रो श्रेणीको पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड लडाकु, नेम्कोभले दोस्रो चरणको TKO मार्फत रायन बडरलाई हराएर BELLATOR MMA लाइट हेवीवेट मुकुट कब्जा गरे।BELLATOR MMA 244 अगस्ट 2020 मा। जुनमा फिर्ता डेटिङ एक नौ-लडाई विजेता स्ट्रीक सवारी 2016, उग्र २९ वर्षीया खेल सात पहिलो राउण्ड नकआउट, कार्यको प्रारम्भिक मिनेटमा दुईसँग. फिल डेभिसमाथि कडा सर्वसम्मत निर्णय कमाएर आफ्नो हल्का हेवीवेट बेल्ट सफलतापूर्वक रक्षा गरेपछि, बेलगोरोड को गर्व, रूस र फेडर इमेलियानेन्को प्रोटेगेले अक्टोबरमा आफ्नो अन्तिम आउटिङमा बेलेटर लाइट हेभीवेट वर्ल्ड ग्रान्ड प्रिक्सको सेमिफाइनलमा लेट प्रतिस्थापन जुलियस एङ्गलिकासको चौथो राउन्डको सबमिशन गोल गरे।. 16, 2021.

एन्डरसन, Robbinsville को, N.J., आफ्ना विगतका आठ विपक्षीहरूमध्ये सातलाई पराजित गर्दै BELLATOR 205-पाउन्ड वरीयताको शीर्षमा उक्लिएको छ।, मा Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov को तेस्रो राउन्ड स्टपेज सहितBELLATOR MMA 257 अप्रिल मा 16, 2021. ठीक छ महिना पछि माBELLATOR MMA 268, रकफोर्ड, बिरामी।, नेटिभहरू द डोर्सको "फाइभ टू वन" को स्पेलबाइन्डिङ आवाजहरूमा पिंजरामा गए,र एरिजोना स्टेट युनिभर्सिटी रेसलिंग लिजेन्ड रायन बडरलाई नकआउट गरेर गीतको शीर्षक शाब्दिक रूपमा लिनुभयो। 51 फिनिक्सको फुटप्रिन्ट सेन्टरमा बदरको गृहनगर भीडको अगाडि सेकेन्ड, एरिज। उनको पहिलो प्रचारात्मक उपस्थितिमा, "ओभरटाइम" ले डच किकबक्सिङ लिजेन्ड मेल्भिन म्यानहोफमाथि दोस्रो चरणको TKO दर्ता गर्यो।BELLATOR MMA 251 नोभेम्बर मा 2020. BELLATOR मा सामेल हुनु अघि, एन्डरसनले ए 10-5 प्रतिद्वन्द्वी पदोन्नति संग रेकर्ड, मा "द अल्टिमेट फाइटर 19" प्रतियोगिता जित्दै 2014, र Glover Teixeira मा प्रभावशाली जीत घमण्ड गर्दै, Jan Blachowicz र जोनी वाकर, अरूलाई बीचमा.

समय रेखा

विवरण स्वतः उत्पन्न भयो

अतिरिक्त bouts चाँडै घोषणा गरिनेछ.

BELLATOR 277: McKEE VS. पिटबुल २मुख्य कार्ड:

शुक्रबार, अप्रिल 15 - बाँच्नुहोस्SHOWTIME

10 p.m. एट / 7 p.m. PT

फेदरवेट विश्व च्याम्पियनशिप: सीA.J. McKee (18-0) विरुद्ध नम्बर. 1-Patricio Pitbull (15-5)

 लाइट हेवीवेट विश्व ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फाइनल: सी-Vadim Nemkov (15-2) बनाम. के छैन. 1-कोरी एन्डरसन (16-5)

प्रारंभिक कार्ड: 

BELLATOR MMA YouTube च्यानल | SHOWTIME खेलकुद YouTube च्यानल | प्लुटो टिभी

7 p.m. एट / 4 p.m. PT

हैवीवेट bout: के छैन. 5-टिम जोन्सन(15-8) विरुद्ध नम्बर. 6-टायरेल भाग्य(11-2, 1 कांग्रेस)

Welterweight bout: के छैन. 10-काइल क्रचमर(8-1) बनाममाइकल लोम्बार्डो(12-2, 1 कांग्रेस)

Welterweight bout: शेन किफे(2-0) बनामटायसन मिलर (2-0)

140-पाउन्ड अनुबंध वजन बाउट: Gaston Bolanos (5-3) बनामक्यास बेल(5-2)

*कार्ड परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ.

कृपया भ्रमणBellator.com थप जानकारी को लागि.

BELLATOR मिडिया प्रमाणहरूको लागि आवेदन दिनुहोस्

BELLATOR भर्चुअल मिडिया उपलब्धताहरूको लागि RSVP


BELLATOR घटनाहरूको अद्यावधिक तालिका

बुध, Feb. 19 // BELLATOR 274: ग्रेसी विरुद्ध. स्टर्ली // Mohegan रवि अखाडा // Uncasville, Conn.

फ्री. Feb. 25 // BELLATOR 275: मुसाज बनाम. भान्डरफोर्ड // 3अखाडा // डबलिन, आयरल्याण्ड

फ्री. सागर. 12 // BELLATOR 276: बोरिक्स बनाम. बर्नेल // पारिवारिक एरेना // सेन्ट. लुई, तपाईं.

फ्री. अप्रिल. 15 // BELLATOR 277: म्याकी बनाम. Pitbull 2/Nemkov vs. एन्डरसन // SAP केन्द्र // सान जोस, क्यालिफोर्निया.

फ्री. मई 6 // BELLATOR पेरिस: बदर विरुद्ध. कांगो 2 // Accor Arena // पेरिस, बाट

फ्री. मई 13 // BELLATOR लन्डन: अमोसोभ बनाम. MVP // OVO एरेना वेम्बली // लन्डन

Complete Fight Night Results, Quotes & Photos For BELLATOR MMA 269: Fedor बनाम. जनसन

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Complete Event Photos Here – Please Credit: लुकास Noonan / BELLATOR MMA

BELLATOR 269 Post-Fight Interviews


Fedor Emelianenko (40-6, 1 कांग्रेस) डेफ. के छैन. 2 टिम जोन्सन (15-8) via KO at 1:46 राउन्ड एक को

Fedor Emelianenko:
“I feel very great. म राम्रो महसुस. Two years passed. I’m happy that everything worked out the way we were thinking.

“I’m very happy for the fact that we made the audience happy and we delivered such great joy to our fans. To those who follow our career and Bellator events.

“Its much easier for me to perform in America. I don’t have such huge attention, or maybe I do get the attention, but all the events are strictly planned. Here at home all our camp and our preparation for the fight took place under the supervision of media, journalists and so forth and so on.

“Its difficult to say, I think this is one of the most important wins of my career taking into consideration the location, the country (रूस), the age. Taking into consideration the force of Tim Johnson, who is a strong opponent.

“Thank god I’m still in sports and I’m not losing my speed.

“Its difficult to answer the ‘what if’ questions. I would like to say that at this moment I’m not planning on finishing my career. I will talk to Scott Coker and my family.”

के छैन. 8 Said Sowma (8-2) डेफ. Vitaly Minakov (22-2) via TKO at 3:08 राउन्ड तीन

Said Sowma:
“I couldn’t hit the guy while he was fixing his finger when it was broken. I told the ref that his finger was messed up when he was telling us to keep fighting. I want to fighting him like a true martial artist, not like that.

“I haven’t thought about who’s next, I’m just excited about this one right now. He was a lot heavier than I was, but it wasn’t a fight that I took on short notice. I just wanted a step up in opponents. I believe that if you fight bums your whole life, then you will be a bum. I hope I laid a path for everyone at home that you can achieve anything you set your mind to no matter where you’re from.

“Minakov didn’t finish me in one minute like he usually does with his opponents so I’m pretty happy, but it was definitely a bit of a bittersweet win for me.”

के छैन. 6 Usman Nurmagomedov (14-0) डेफ. Patrik Pietila (11-9) जम्मा मार्फत (RNC) मा 4:06 राउन्ड एक को

Usman Nurmagomedov:
“I’m feeling good. I want to thank God for this victory. It was amazing fighting here in Russia. I am so happy right now.

“I certainly planned on taking this fight to the ground. I was trying to catch him so that I could take it to the ground, where I knew I had an advantage.

“I want to take on a top fighter next. A Top-10 or Top-15 fighter, it doesn’t really matter to me, but I want a top fighter. I will need about a week of rest and then I will be back and ready to go.

“I have not yet talked to Scott Coker about anything in relation to title shots. I don’t know who will win the world title fight between Patricky Pitbull and Peter Queally, but I’m going to take that belt and bring it back home with me.”

Anatoly Tokov (30-2) डेफ. Sharaf Davlatmurodov (18-4-1) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)

Anatoly Tokov:

“I felt a little bit rusty in this fight because of the two-year absence. It felt like my reach was a bit off. It was not an easy fight. I was glad that it went three rounds because it allowed me to breath and it allowed me to take control of the situation.”
“Nothing was surprising about this fight because we used to train together and I know his strengths and I know that he’s a really serious fighter. It was a true challenge for me, but nothing was surprising about this one. I also wasn’t nervous at all and in fact I knew that I took care of him in each round.”


kirill Sidelnikov (13-6) डेफ. Rab Truesdale (10-8-1) via TKO at 2:01 राउन्ड एक को
Katarzyna Sadura (5-4) डेफ. Darina Mazdyuk (4-2) via TKO at 3:17 राउन्ड दुई
Irina Alekseeva (4-1) डेफ. Stephanie Page (5-3) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Nikita Mikhailov (8-1) डेफ. Brian Moore (14-8) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Alexey Shurkevich (13-4) डेफ. Grachik Bozinyan (11-5) via KO at 2:25 राउन्ड एक को
Aiden Lee (10-5) डेफ. Alexander Osetrov (8-3-1) जम्मा मार्फत (RNC) मा 3:41 राउन्ड एक को

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, यात्रा BELLATOR.com.

** कार्ड परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ **


A person with a beard

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LOS ANGELES – BELLATOR MMA announced this morning that the greatest heavyweight mixed martial artist of all-time, Fedor “The Last Emperor” Emelianenko (39-6, 1 कांग्रेस) will take on number two ranked heavyweight टिम जोन्सन (15-7) को मुख्य घटना मा BELLATOR Moscow: Fedor बनाम. जनसन शनिबार, अक्टोबर. 23 at the VTB Arena.

Tickets for the highly anticipated event are on sale now and can be purchased at Kassir.ru. Additional matchups and SHOWTIME telecast details will be revealed soon.

Widely regarded as the greatest heavyweight in mixed martial arts history, Fedor Emelianenko returns to the BELLATOR cage for the first time since his dominant first-round TKO victory over Quinton "Rampage" जैक्सन मा 2019. With an illustrious career that has seen him earn 30 stoppages in his 39 victories over legendary opposition, the former PRIDE FC Heavyweight World Champion will be fighting in his home country of Russia for the first time in five years. A four-time combat sambo world champion, “The Last Emperor” put together an insane eight-year unbeaten streak on his way to becoming an international MMA icon. Emelianenko has established Team Fedor, which features several top Russian fighters including BELLATOR’s Light Heavyweight World Champion Vadim Nemkov and BELLATOR’s Interim Heavyweight Champion Valentin Moldavsky. With his last three victories coming by way of first-round finish, Fedor is looking to add another exciting chapter to his storied fighting career on October 23.

2020 was a huge year for Johnson, as the UFC vet notched three wins in as many fights with impressive first-round finishes over मत्ती Mitrione टायरेल भाग्य and a decision victory over Cheick कांगो during the historic, first-ever major MMA event in France. The Xtreme Couture-product showed that he’s got the skill and stamina for championship rounds as he went the full five with Team Fedor’s Valentin Modlavsky (11-1) यो पछिल्लो जुन. Proudly hailing from North Dakota, Johnson is a current member of the United States National Guard who won two national championships while wrestling at Minnesota State University.

Updated BELLATOR Moscow: Fedor बनाम. जनसन Card:

Heavyweight Main Event: Fedor Emelianenko (39-6, 1 कांग्रेस) बनाम. #2-टिम जोन्सन (15-7)


*कार्ड परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ.

कृपया भ्रमण Bellator.com थप जानकारी को लागि.

Complete Weigh-In Results & Photos for Tomorrow’s BELLATOR 261: जनसन बनाम. Moldavsky Event – SHOWTIME मा बाँच्न


UNCASVILLE, Conn. - BELLATOR 261: जनसन बनाम. Moldavsky will be broadcast tomorrow, शुक्रबार, जुन 25 on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. एट / 6 p.m. PT, while preliminary bouts will stream on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel beginning at 6:30 p.m. र / 3:30 p.m. PT.

BELLATOR MMA 261: जनसन बनाम. Moldavsky मुख्य कार्ड:
शुक्रबार, जुन 25 – Live on SHOWTIME
9 p.m. एट / 6 p.m. PT

Interim Heavyweight World Title Main Event: #1-तिमोथी जनसन (260) बनाम. #3-Valentin Moldavsky (234)
Flyweight Co-Main Event: #2-Liz Carmouche (125.5) बनाम. #3-Kana Watanabe (125.25)
Featherweight bout: #6-दानियल Weichel (145.5) बनाम. Keoni Diggs (146)
हल्का bout: #4-Myles Jury (156) बनाम. #6-Sidney Outlaw (156)
प्रकाश हैवीवेट bout: Christian Edwards (206) बनाम. Simon Biyong (204.5)

प्रारम्भिक कार्ड:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube Channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel | प्लुटो टिभी
6:30 p.m. र / 3:30 p.m. PT

हल्का bout: Soren Bak (156) बनाम. Bobby Lee (155.25)
हल्का bout: Isaiah Hokit (155.75) बनाम. Corey Samuels (156)
Bantamweight bout: Jaylon Bates (136) बनाम. Cody Matthews (135)
Middleweight bout: Taylor Johnson (185.25) बनाम. लान्स राइट (184.75)
Featherweight bout: John Macapa (144.75) बनाम. John de Jesus (145.5)

कृपया भ्रमण Bellator.com थप जानकारी को लागि.


BELLATOR को बारेमा
BELLATOR MMA एक अग्रणी विश्वव्यापी मिश्रित मार्शल आर्ट संगठन हो जसले विश्वका धेरै उत्कृष्ट लडाकुहरू समावेश गर्दछ।. अनुभवी झगडा प्रवर्तक स्कट Coker निर्देशनमा, BELLATOR घटनाहरू विश्वभरका प्रमुख शहरहरूमा हुन्छन् र टेलिभिजनमा देख्न सकिन्छ 160 एक अर्ब भन्दा बढी मानिसहरूको उपलब्ध दर्शकहरूको लागि देशहरू. संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका मा, BELLATOR SHOWTIME मा देख्न सकिन्छ. BELLATOR एक कार्यकारी टोलीको समावेश छ जसमा टेलिभिजन उत्पादनमा शीर्ष उद्योग पेशेवरहरू समावेश छन्, जीवित घटना आर्केस्ट्रा, लडाकु विकास / सम्बन्ध, स्थल खरीद, प्रायोजन सृष्टि / विकास, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय लाइसेन्स, विपणन, विज्ञापन, प्रचार र आयोग सम्बन्ध. BELLATOR हलिउड मा आधारित छ, क्यालिफोर्निया. र मनोरञ्जन विशाल ViacomCBS को स्वामित्वमा छ, टेलिभिजन भर सशक्त सामग्री माध्यम दर्शकहरु संग कनेक्ट संसारको प्रमुख मनोरञ्जन ब्रान्ड घर, चलचित्र, अनलाइन र मोबाइल प्लेटफर्म.

देखाउने समय नेटवर्क इंक. (SNI), a wholly owned subsidiary of ViacomCBS Inc., owns and operates the premium service SHOWTIME®, which features critically acclaimed original series, provocative documentaries, box-office hit films, comedy and music specials and hard-hitting sports. SHOWTIME is available as a stand-alone streaming service across all major streaming devices and Showtime.com, as well as via cable, DBS, telco and streaming video providers. SNI also operates the premium services THE MOVIE CHANNEL र FLIX®, as well as on demand versions of all three brands. SNI बजार र SHOWTIME PPV माध्यम एक तलब-प्रति-दृश्य आधारमा ग्राहकहरु प्रदर्शनी को लागि खेल र मनोरञ्जन घटनाहरू वितरित®. थप जानकारीको लागि, जाने www.SHO.com.



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LOS ANGELES – के छैन. 1 ranked heavyweight तिमोथी जनसन र कुनै. 3 ranked heavyweight Valentin Moldavsky previewed their monumental inaugural interim heavyweight title fight at BELLATOR 261 on SHOWTIME during a virtual media day Wednesday. जनसन बनाम. Moldavsky caps off an amazing main card this Friday, जुन 25 मा SHOWTIME बस्ने 9 p.m. एट / 6 p.m. PT.

यो BELLATOR 261 main card also features a top-five women’s flyweight bout in the co-main event slot as the No. 2 छ स्थान Liz Carmouche takes on the undefeated No. 3 छ स्थान Kana Watanabe. साथै, lightweights square off as No. 4 छ स्थान Myles Juryclashes with the No. 6 छ स्थान Sidney Outlaw in a contest holding major title implications and former title challenger No. 6 छ स्थान featherweight दानियल Weichel battles the undefeated Keoni Diggs in a 145-pound bout. Top prospect Christian Edwards opens the action on SHOWTIME in a light heavyweight banger against Simon Biyong.

यहाँ लडाकूको बुधवार भन्न के थियो छ:

Tim Johnson BELLATOR Heavyweight

*क्लिक यहाँ to view Johnson’s full media session

“I’m counting this as a title, I’ll let everyone else put interim in front of it. Moldavsky is a championship level fighter and so am I, so in my eyes this fight is to become the best heavyweight in the division.”

“It was easy to focus on his gameplan because it is the exact same thing I do. We both are strong wrestlers and have heavy ground and pound. I guess we are going to have see who does it better on Friday.”

“My resurgence in my career comes from me not doubting myself. I lost a few in a row and it was an easy excuse to quit and doubt myself, but I didn’t, and I was able to rip off three in a row and put myself in a position to win a title.”

Valentin Moldavsky BELLATOR Heavyweight

*क्लिक यहाँ to view Moldavsky’s full media session

“Yes, there are some similarities between me and Tim. My style is a little different, यद्यपि, I like to take people down and finish them there.”

“Now that this is a title fight, I understand that there is more on the line, but this is just another fight for me. I plan to do what I always do and that is fight my fight and come out with a victory.”

“It is an honor to train with Fedor and represent his team.”

“His wrestling is not better than mine, and my sambo is going to be more impactful than his wrestling.’

Liz Carmouche BELLATOR Women’s Flyweight

*क्लिक यहाँ to view Carmouche’s full media session

“I plan to get a dominant finish and earn a title shot. I don’t think either of us want this to go to a decision. Weather it be me knocking her out, cutting her open or ground and pound, I plan to finish this fight in a dominating fashion.”

“It is really exciting to fight in front of the fans and feel that energy again. Walking in and walking out is where you feel it, but when I step foot in the cage it is just me and my opponent.”

“This has nothing to do with Kana and her record. I have to put on a dominant performance and show why I deserve to be the champion in this division. When I got to Bellator, I wanted to climb all the way up the rankings, and that is what I have done and plan on continuing to do.”

“Without giving too much away I see a lot of possibilities here. I see a lot of disabilities in her game that I can capitalize on that will enhance my game. This will allow me to put on a great performance and finish her.”

Kana Watanabe BELLATOR Women’s Flyweight

*क्लिक यहाँ to view Watanabe’s full media session

“I am very flattered by the comparison to Rhonda, but my judo and my ground and pound is very advanced and much different than Rhonda’s.”

“If I have a positive showing Friday, then I believe I deserve a shot at the title.”

“Liz is one of the biggest names I have ever fought, but this does not change my mindset or make me feel pressure. I am honored to fight Liz and can’t wait to step foot in the cage with her.”

“I am honored to be the co-main event on Friday. That all means nothing, यद्यपि, if I don’t put on a show and an impressive performance. I plan to do that.’

Myles Jury BELLATOR Lightweight

*क्लिक यहाँ to view Jury’s full media session

“I try to focus on the things I can control, but a win Friday along with how I have been fighting should put me in the conversation for a title shot.”

“I credit my toughness for this two-fight win streak. I continue to show up and work hard. When I was on that three-fight losing streak, I did not allow for myself to get down. After Friday I will be on a three-fight win streak and in a great spot for a shot at the title, and I credit my toughness and resilience for that.”

Sidney Outlaw BELLATOR Lightweight

“I have improved in every way possible. Jury is just another guy who breathes air, so I have nothing to worry about.”

“Fighting guys like Michael Chandler have helped me, but at the end of the day it is me vs. मलाई. I am confident, and that has translated to every other aspect of my life. I am prepared for this fight and am going to put on a show.”

Daniel Weichel BELLATOR Featherweight

*क्लिक यहाँ to view Weichel’s full media session

“I think Keoni is a tough fighter, but I am looking forward to giving him his first loss. I am extremely excited for this fight and giving him his first loss is going to be a challenge for me, and I look forward to It.”

"ईमानदारी, I don’t want to look ahead of this fight. It was easy to do that in the Grand Prix, and I did not like it. Keoni is a tough opponent, and my focus has been on him. I had a great camp and look forward to showing that Friday night.”

Keoni Diggs BELLATOR Featherweight

*क्लिक यहाँ to view Diggs full media session

“I’m stoked for the challenge. This is my toughest fight to date, and it’s against the toughest opponent. I am looking forward to making a statement and solidifying myself in this division.”

“My game plan never changes. I am going to take what he gives me and beat him. I believe I am better than him everywhere, I am not really looking forward to wins and losses, but I just want to put on a great performance and show what I am capable of.”

“Just because he has more fights doesn’t mean he has mystical powers. I train with some very tough people, and I am a veteran myself. I have a lot of confidence in myself and don’t see him doing anything that will shock me when we step in the cage.”

Christian Edwards BELLATOR Light Heavyweight

*क्लिक यहाँ to view Edward’s full media session

“Simon is very tough, and it is definitely the toughest opponent of my career. I know my skill set, यद्यपि, and I know what I can do, and I expect to show that Friday.”

“I know Simon is very powerful and athletic. It is his first fight in the United States, so I expect him to come out flying. I plan to weather the storm and then take him into deep waters where I can finish the fight.”

Simon Biyong BELLATOR Light Heavyweight

*क्लिक यहाँ to view Biyong full media session

“It is a dream to fight in the United States and making my debut here is a huge opportunity. I was originally on the prelims and now I am on the main card, what more could I ask for?"

“I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare for Edwards, but it doesn’t matter because at the end of the day it is a fight. It is short notice for me, and it is short notices for him. I will be ready and can’t wait to show my skills.”

“I am here to put myself in a position to get a ranked opponent, and Christian Edwards is in my way. I think he looked good in his last fight, but I am not his last opponent. I hope he is ready because I am.”

BELLATOR को बारेमा
BELLATOR MMA is a leading global mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. अनुभवी झगडा प्रवर्तक स्कट Coker निर्देशनमा, BELLATOR घटनाहरू विश्वभरका प्रमुख शहरहरूमा हुन्छन् र टेलिभिजनमा देख्न सकिन्छ 160 एक अर्ब भन्दा बढी मानिसहरूको उपलब्ध दर्शकहरूको लागि देशहरू. संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका मा, BELLATOR SHOWTIME मा देख्न सकिन्छ. BELLATOR एक कार्यकारी टोलीको समावेश छ जसमा टेलिभिजन उत्पादनमा शीर्ष उद्योग पेशेवरहरू समावेश छन्, जीवित घटना आर्केस्ट्रा, लडाकु विकास / सम्बन्ध, स्थल खरीद, प्रायोजन सृष्टि / विकास, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय लाइसेन्स, विपणन, विज्ञापन, प्रचार र आयोग सम्बन्ध. BELLATOR हलिउड मा आधारित छ, क्यालिफोर्निया. र मनोरञ्जन विशाल ViacomCBS को स्वामित्वमा छ, टेलिभिजन भर सशक्त सामग्री माध्यम दर्शकहरु संग कनेक्ट संसारको प्रमुख मनोरञ्जन ब्रान्ड घर, चलचित्र, अनलाइन र मोबाइल प्लेटफर्म.

देखाउने समय नेटवर्क इंक. (SNI), a wholly owned subsidiary of ViacomCBS Inc., मालिक र प्रिमियम टेलिभिजन नेटवर्क SHOWTIME संचालित®, चलचित्र CHANNEL र FLIX®, र पनि मागमा देखाउने समय प्रदान®, चलचित्र CHANNEL मा मांग र FLIX माग®, र सञ्जाल गरेको प्रमाणीकरण सेवा SHOWTIME Anytime®. देखाउने समय डिजिटल इंक, a wholly owned subsidiary of SNI, यो अडान-एक्लै स्ट्रिमिन्ग सेवा देखाउने समय संचालित®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS, and telco providers, and as a stand-alone streaming service through Amazon, Apple®, गूगल, LG Smart TVs, Oculus Go, वर्ष®, Samsung Smart TVs, Xbox One and PlayStation®4. Consumers can also subscribe to SHOWTIME via Amazon’s Prime Video Channels, Apple TV Channels, AT&T TV Now, FuboTV, Hulu, The Roku Channel, Sling TV and YouTube TV. Viewers can also watch on computers at Showtime.com. SNI बजार र SHOWTIME PPV माध्यम एक तलब-प्रति-दृश्य आधारमा ग्राहकहरु प्रदर्शनी को लागि खेल र मनोरञ्जन घटनाहरू वितरित®. थप जानकारीको लागि, जाने www.SHO.com.

Heavyweight Interim Title Bout Announced for BELLATOR 261 शुक्रबार, जुन 25 – SHOWTIME मा बाँच्न



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द एन्जल्स -As current BELLATOR MMA heavyweight championरयान Badercontinues his pursuit of re-claiming his light heavyweight championship in the ongoing Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix, BELLATOR MMA has officially introduced an interim title for the heavyweight division.

शुक्रबार, जुन 25, के छैन. 1 ranked heavyweightटिम जोन्सन (15-6) र कुनै. 3 ranked heavyweightValentin Moldavsky (10-1) will vie for the interim title in the main event ofBELLATOR MMA 261.The event will be available live on SHOWTIME, with the main card set to kickoff at9 p.m. एट / 6 p.m. PT, emanating from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

The winner of the interim title will become Bader’s mandatory challenger when he returns to the heavyweight division or will be elevated to full champion in the event that Bader chooses to stay at light heavyweight following the culmination of the current Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix.

In addition to the main event, three additional preliminary bouts have been confirmed. Two lightweight bouts, के छैन. 5 छ स्थान Myles Jury (19-5) versus No. 6 छ स्थान Sidney Outlaw (15-4) र Isaiah Hokit (शुरुवात लागि) विरुद्धमा Aaron Hughes (1-1) have been confirmed. साथै, a women’s strawweight tilt pitting Lena Ovchynnikova (12-6, 1 कांग्रेस) विरुद्धमा Kyra Batara (8-4) will also take place on June 25. The preliminary card of BELLATOR MMA 261: जनसन बनाम. Moldavsky streams live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT. Additional bouts will be announced at a later date.

Riding a three-fight win streak, UFC veteran Timothy Johnson firmly entrenched himself as the clear-cut number one contender in the BELLATOR heavyweight division with impressive first-round finishes overमत्ती Mitrioneटायरेल भाग्यHis October 2020 विजयCheick कांगो during the first-ever major MMA event in France catapulted him to the top of the division. Proudly hailing from North Dakota, but fighting out of Las Vegas, the Xtreme Couture-product is also won two national championships while wrestling at Minnesota State University and a heavyweight championship on the regional MMA circuit.

Training under the tutelage of heavyweight legendFedor Emelianenko, Valentin Moldavsky has begun carving out his own legacy, becoming the No. 3 ranked BELLATOR heavyweight and securing himself an interim title shot with a perfect 5-0 record within the confines of the BELLATOR cage. A multi-time European Sambo champion, Moldavsky has defeated top heavyweight contenders such asJavy AyalaLinton Vassell, and Roy Nelson on his climb to the top. Born in Ukraine, the 29-year-old looks to join teammateVadim Nemkov and bring more gold to Team Fedor’s trophy case on June 25.

SHOWTIME streaming service is offering a 30-day free trial, followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months. Viewers can sign up atSHO.com/BellatorMMASubscribers will be delivered two premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 र परे, with all events scheduled to air live on Friday nights at 9 p.m. एट / 6 p.m. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

BELLATOR MMA 261: Johnson vs. Moldavskyमुख्य कार्ड:


9 p.m. एट / 6 p.m. PT

Interim Heavyweight Title Main Event#1-टिम जोन्सन (15-6) vs. #3-Valentin Moldavsky(10-1)

प्रारम्भिक कार्ड: 

BELLATOR MMA YouTube च्यानल | SHOWTIME खेलकुद YouTube च्यानल | प्लुटो टिभी

6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Strawweight bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (12-6, 1 कांग्रेस) बनामKyra Batara (8-4)

हल्का bout: Isaiah Hokit (शुरुवात लागि) बनामAaron Hughes (1-1)

हल्का bout: #5-Myles Jury(19-5) बनाम. #6-Sidney Outlaw (15-4)




LOS ANGELES-Bellator एमएमए, a leading mixed martial arts promotion owned by ViacomCBS, सीबीएस खेल नेटवर्कhave announced an exciting new partnership that will see the organization’s live events featured on the 24-hour home of CBS Sports beginning this fall.

CBS Sports Network will televise Bellator events, both domestic and international, LIVE in all U.S. बजार, while preliminary matchups will stream on CBSSports.com and Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel. Additional details will be announced at a later date.

To kick off the new partnership, CBS Sports Network will air Bellator events live from Europe, लगायतBellator 247बिहिबार, अक्टोबर. 1 (4 p.m. र) मिलान मा, इटाली, as well as the monumentalBellator Parisघटना शनिबार, अक्टोबर. 10 (11:30 a.m. र) in France.Bellator 247is headlined by a welterweight battle between veteranपावलले Daley (42-17-2) रडेरेक एन्डरसन (16-3, 1 कांग्रेस), जबकिBellator Parissees“MVP” Michael Page (17-1) लिनुRoss Houston (8-0, 1 कांग्रेस) at welterweight andCheick कांगो (30-10-2, 1 कांग्रेस) अनुहारटिम जोन्सन (14-6) एक हैवीवेट पल्ट मा.

The first primetime event live from the U.S. takes place Thursday, अक्टोबर. 15 (9 p.m. र) with a massive card anchored by the first world title defense of current championCris “Cyborg” (22-2, 1 कांग्रेस), who takes on Australia’sArlene Blencowe (13-7), माBellator 249from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

“We’re excited to have CBS Sports Network serve as the new home of live Bellator MMA events. It’s a great opportunity to showcase some of the best events and biggest names in the sport,” said CBS Sports Executive Vice President of Programming Dan Weinberg. “Adding Bellator MMA to the CBS Sports portfolio will allow for greater promotion, engagement and exposure across all our platforms and assets including CBS Sports Network, CBSSports.com, CBS Sports HQ as well as our various social accounts.”

“I am thrilled that Bellator live events will be coming to CBS Sports Network beginning on Oct. 1, as well as the unique opportunities the partnership creates across all CBS Sports platforms,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “CBS Sports is synonymous with iconic sports broadcasting and it is incredible to now have Bellator MMA included in that family. I would like to thank Paramount Network, formerly Spike TV, for the years of support that helped build Bellator into the organization that it is today, and this news marks yet another exciting relationship between two ViacomCBS properties. I look forward to bringing the biggest fights, featuring the top athletes in the world, live to CBS Sports Network and introducing Bellator to an entirely new audience this fall.”

सीबीएस खेल नेटवर्क, the 24-hour home of CBS Sports, is available through all major cable, satellite and telco distributors as well as via OTT streaming service providers YouTube TV, fuboTV, DirecTV and Hulu.

Bellator will continue to produce all of its own live events, led by Executive Producer Scott Fishman.

The second Bellator woman’s featherweight champion in the company’s history, Cris “Cyborg” is coming off of a dominant performance over Julia Budd in January to win the 145-pound world title. Already an MMA legend at 35-years-old, “Cyborg” will be looking to further her legacy as the greatest woman’s mixed martial artist of all-time when she meets Arlene Blencowe on Oct. 15. After winning the Bellator belt in her 12th career title fight, “Cyborg” made history by becoming a world champion in her fourth major promotion, previously holding belts in both the UFC and Strikeforce. With a professional record of 22-2, 1 कांग्रेस, लगायत 18 wins by way of finish, the Brazilian-born fighter holds victories over tough competition such as Budd, होली Holm, Felicia Spencer and Gina Carano.

With wins in six of her last seven fights, including five knockouts, “Angerfist” has put herself in position to challenge for the women’s featherweight title. Coming off a unanimous decision victory over Leslie Smith, the former two-time boxing world champion will look to keep her momentum rolling and claim her first MMA title. Tied for the most knockouts in Bellator woman’s featherweight history, the fighter out of New South Wales, Australia aims to claim sole possession of that record, as she takes on her toughest challenge to date in Cris “Cyborg.”

A longtime MMA veteran, Paul Daley has competed professionally since 2003, amassing over 60 career fights. Throughout his tenure, “Semtex” has been one half of some of the most memorable bouts in MMA history, सहित एकknockout of the year over Brennan Ward in 2017. सबै भन्दा हाल, the Nottingham, England native notched consecutive wins over Erick Silva and Saad Awad, running his record in Bellator MMA to 8-4. Fighting out of San Diego, क्यालिफोर्निया।, the 30-year-old Derek Anderson will be making his 11th appearance for Bellator MMA in search of his third consecutive victory. संग 11 को आफ्नो 16 career wins coming by way of finish, “The Barbaric” hopes to earn his eighth promotional victory and first of his 2020 अभियान.

Currently riding a three-fight win streak, माइकल "venom" पृष्ठ, better known to fans as “MVP,” returns with the intention of spoiling the debut of European welterweight prospect, Ross Houston. Holding a career record of 17-1, संग 14 wins coming by way of stoppage, the pride of London Shootfighters looks to remind people why he is one of the most exciting strikers in all of MMA. After signing with Bellator in February, Scotland’s Houston will make his promotional debut against one of Bellator’s biggest stars in Page. “The Hitman” plans on keeping his 8-0, 1 NC undefeated record intact and improve on the three submission victories already to his name by using his known Brazilian jiu-jitsu skills.

Holding an impressive MMA record of 30-10-2, 1 कांग्रेस, France’s Cheick Kongo returns to action following a title fight against heavyweight champion Ryan Bader last September. The former kickboxer remains unbeaten since 2015 and will enter the Bellator cage on home soil for a rematch against a familiar opponent in heavyweight contender in Tim Johnson. Coming off a dominant TKO victory over veteran Matt Mitrione atBellator 243 अगस्ट मा, Johnson is set to compete for the third time in 2020 seeking revenge in a rematch from 2018 against Kongo. Now training out of Las Vegas, Johnson has quickly earned his place near the top of the Bellator heavyweight division with his recent wins, including a viral knockout over top prospect Tyrell Fortune in February.

*Fight cards subject to change.

कृपया भ्रमणBellator.com थप जानकारी को लागि.



Tickets on sale Tuesday, सात. 15!

द एन्जल्स - France has approved the practice of mixed martial arts and has placed the sport under the supervision of the French Boxing Federation (FFB). With these recent government approvals, Bellator is pleased to announce that it will become the first promotion to hold a major MMA event in France with a monumental show on Saturday, अक्टोबर 10, 2020 at Accor Arena in Paris. Bellator Paris सुविधा हुनेछ 13 MMA bouts and three boxing matchups.

Among the athletes competing atBellator Paris, 10 French fighters will appear on the card, including the renownedCheick कांगो (30-10-2, 1 कांग्रेस), who will face off againstटिम जोन्सन (14-6) एक भारी वजनदार संघर्षमा. यसबाहेक, an exciting welterweight bout betweenमाइकल “Venom” पृष्ठ (17-1), better known to fans as “MVP,” and the debuting undefeatedRoss Houston (8-0,1 कांग्रेस) is also booked for the event.

A limited number of fans will be allowed in attendance for this historic eventTickets will be available beginning at 10 a.m. CEST on Tuesday, सेप्टेम्बर 15 माaccorarena.com रbellator.fr.

Following the governmental decree, the French Boxing Federation is responsible for the implementation of MMA in France. “If I made the choice to initiate a delegation procedure for MMA, it was for its recognition; it is to liberate, supervise and develop its practice,” indicates the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu. This is a turning point in the history of French sport, as MMA is a discipline that is enjoying growing success, proven by these events capable of bringing together thousands of people and attracting millions of spectators.


“This is a monumental moment in the history of the sport, as well as our organization, and I am honored that Bellator will promote the very first MMA event in France by a major promotion,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “Many people have worked tirelessly to bring this to fruition, and it would not have been possible without the support of the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, as well as the French Kickboxing Federation sanctioning body. I would also like to thank Accor Arena, who have been an incredible venue partner, and I cannot wait for the French fans to be in attendance and join us live for what will be an unforgettable night of action in Paris on Oct 10.”

Holding an impressive MMA record of 30-10-2, 1 कांग्रेस, France’s Cheick Kongo returns to action following a title fight against heavyweight champion Ryan Bader last September. The former kickboxer remains unbeaten since 2015 and will enter the Bellator cage on home soil for a rematch against a familiar opponent in heavyweight contender, टिम जोन्सन. With the most fights (15) and wins (12) in Bellator heavyweight history, as well as victories over Vitaly Minakov, Mirko Cro Cop, Antoni Hardonk and Matt Mitrione, the Parisian is planning for a successful homecoming on Oct. 10.

On the heels of a dominant TKO victory over veteran Matt Mitrione atBellator 243 अगस्ट मा, Tim Johnson is set to compete for the third time in 2020 seeking revenge in a rematch from 2018 against Cheick Kongo. Now training out of Las Vegas, Johnson has quickly earned his place near the top of the Bellator heavyweight division with his recent wins, including a viral knockout over top prospect Tyrell Fortune in February. Boasting a career record of 14-6, संग 11 coming by way of finish, the Minnesota-born military veteran looks to carry his momentum into a fight that has future world title implications.

Currently riding a three-fight win streak, माइकल "venom" पृष्ठ, better known to fans as “MVP,” returns with the intention of spoiling the debut of European welterweight prospect, Ross Houston. Holding a career record of 17-1, संग 14 wins coming by way of stoppage, the pride of London Shootfighters looks to remind people why he is one of the most exciting strikers in all of MMA. In addition to his MMA accolades, Page is a 10-time kickboxing world champion and also undefeated as a professional boxer.

After signing with Bellator in February, Scotland’s Ross Houston will make his promotional debut against one of Bellator’s biggest stars in Michael Page. “The Hitman” plans on keeping his 8-0, 1 NC undefeated record intact and moving one step closer to Bellator gold in the toughest test of his career to date. With three submission victories to his name, Houston’s Brazilian jiu-jitsu skills make him a viable threat if the fight goes to the ground against one of Bellator’s most feared strikers.

Follow Bellator France on Instagram@BellatorFrance र मा फेसबुक माwww.facebook.com/BellatorFrance/.

कृपया भ्रमणwww.Bellator.fr रBellator.com थप जानकारी को लागि.

UpdatedBellator ParisCard:

Heavyweight Feature FightCheick कांगो(30-10-2, 1 कांग्रेस) बनामटिम जोन्सन(14-6)

Welterweight सुविधा सङ्घर्ष: माइकल पृष्ठ(17-1) बनामRoss Houston(8-0, 1 कांग्रेस)

*कार्ड परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ.
