श्रेणी अभिलेखालयबाट: लास भेगास

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क्रिस कोल्बर्ट ब्रुकलिन मिडिया वर्कआउट उद्धरण र फोटोहरू

"उसले म कति खतरनाक छु भनेर आफैले सिक्न गइरहेको छ ... मलाई मन पर्छ जब मानिसहरूले सोच्दछन् कि शक्तिले उनीहरूलाई मेरो विरुद्धमा बचाउनेछ।"

अपराजित राइजिंग स्टार कोलबर्ट अपराजित डोमिनिकन ओलम्पियन हेक्टर गार्सिया हेडलाइनिङ विरुद्ध शोडाउन नजिक छ SHOWTIME मा लाइभ® शनिबार, फेब्रुअरी 26 द कस्मोपोलिटनबाट प्रिमियर बक्सिङ च्याम्पियन्स कार्यक्रममा
लास भेगास को

क्लिक यहाँ स्टेफनी Trapp / देखाउने समय फोटोहरू लागि

BROOKLYN – फेब्रुअरी 18, 2022 - अविजित उदाउँदो तारा क्रिस "प्राइमटाइम" कोलबर्ट शुक्रबार आफ्नो गृहनगर ब्रुकलिनमा मिडिया वर्कआउट गरे, जब उसले अपराजित डोमिनिकन ओलम्पियनसँग खेल्ने तयारी गर्छ Hector गार्सिया शनिबारको SHOWTIME मुख्य कार्यक्रममा, फेब्रुअरी 26 लस भेगासको कस्मोपोलिटन भित्र चेल्सीबाट प्रिमियर बक्सिङ च्याम्पियन्स कार्यक्रममा.

कोलबर्ट बनाम. गार्सिया स्ट्याक गरिएको शोटाइम च्याम्पियनसिप बक्सिङमा शीर्ष स्थानमा छ® tripleheader मा सुरु हुन्छ 10 p.m. एट / 7 p.m. WBA सुपर फेदरवेट टाइटल एलिमिनेटरमा अपराजित लडाकुहरूको रूपमा PT.

जीवित घटना को लागि टिकट, TGB प्रचार द्वारा बढुवा छ जो, अहिले बिक्रीमा छन् र मार्फत खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ Ticketmaster.com.

२५ वर्षीय कोलबर्टले NYC Cops मा कसरत गरेका थिए & किड्स बक्सिङ क्लब जहाँ उनले आफ्नो बक्सिङ यात्रा सुरु गरे, एमेच्योर रैंकमा उनको सजाइएका दिनहरूबाट, उसको बढ्दो प्रो क्यारियरमा. यहाँ कोलबर्टले प्रशिक्षण शिविरको बारेमा के भन्यो, उनको फेब्रुअरी 26 विपक्षी र थप:

क्रिस कलबर्ट

"म कति खतरनाक छु भनेर उसले आफैंले सिक्न गइरहेको छ. उसले रिंगमा ल्याउने कुनै कुरामा म चिन्तित छैन. मलाई मन पर्छ जब मानिसहरूले सोच्छन् कि शक्तिले उनीहरूलाई मेरो विरुद्धमा बचाउनेछ.

"मलाई 'प्राइमटाइम' नाममा बाँच्नु पर्दैन, त्यो म मात्र हुँ. त्यो म को हुँ. जनतालाई थाहा छ म को हुँ. मसँग एउटा काम छ र म फेब्रुअरीमा गर्न जाँदैछु 26.

"म गार्सियाको बारेमा वास्तवमा केहि जान्दिन. मलाई थाहा छ उसको दुई हात र दुई खुट्टा छन्, र त्यसभन्दा माथि म उसले आफ्नो ए-खेल ल्याउने अपेक्षा गर्छु, किनभने उसले मेरो विरुद्धमा छ. त्यहाँ कुनै तरिका छैन कि म उसलाई ढिलो प्रतिस्थापनको रूपमा आउन र मलाई हराउन दिनेछु.

"मैले प्रशिक्षण शिविरको अधिकांश समय मियामीको Caicedo खेलकुदमा प्रशिक्षक Aureliano Sosa र Herman Caicedo सँग बिताएँ।, तर विपक्षीको परिवर्तनसँगै मैले ब्रुकलिनको मेरो जिममा फर्कने निर्णय गरें किनभने हामीसँग यहाँ जिममा तीन लेफ्टीहरू छन्।.

"यस शिविरको लागि एउटै वास्तविक भिन्नता यो हो कि मसँग अहिले एक पोषण विशेषज्ञ छ, त्यसैले तिनीहरूले मलाई कडा आहारमा ल्याएका छन् र म पहिले भन्दा बढी केन्द्रित छु. यस शिविरको बारेमा अर्को कुरा यो हो कि मैले सुरुमा डिसेम्बरको मध्यमा लड्नु पर्ने थियो, तर पछि यसलाई अहिले फर्काइयो. त्यसोभए हामी मूल रूपमा दुईवटा क्याम्पहरू पार गयौं. यो कुल 14-हप्ता शिविर भएको छ.

"हामी मुख्यतया मौसमको कारण मियामी गयौं, र कोच हर्मनसँगको हाम्रो सम्बन्धको कारणले. मलाई उत्तरतिरको चिसो घृणा छ. र त्यसपछि तिनीहरूले मियामीमा मेरो लागि धेरै गुणस्तरीय स्प्यारिङ साझेदारहरू पनि पाएका छन् र उनीहरूले मलाई यो लडाईको लागि तयार पार्न केही राम्रो काम दिए।.

"म सबै समायोजन गर्ने बारेमा छु. मैले पहिले विपक्षी प्रतिस्थापन गरेको छु, र मलाई थाहा छ यो बक्सिङको व्यवसायको हिस्सा हो. म केवल मुक्का संग रोल गर्नुपर्छ, यी कागतीबाट लेमोनेड बनाउनुहोस् र म फेब्रुअरीमा के गर्छु 26.

"म बेल्टको लागि लडिन. म पैसा र मेरो विरासतको लागि लड्छु. मसँग अर्को शनिबार काम गर्न बाँकी छ. म अझै तलब पाइरहेको छु. मैले जितिसकेपछि, म बेल्टको लागि छिट्टै फेरि लड्न पाउँछु र त्यो लडाईको लागि फेरि भुक्तानी पाउँछु।

हेक्टर गार्सिया प्रशिक्षण शिविर उद्धरण – अपराजित डोमिनिकन ओलम्पियन गार्सियाले अपराजित उदाउँदो स्टार क्रिस कोल्बर्टको सामना गर्दै SHOWTIME® शनिबार, फेब्रुअरी 26

"म क्रिस कोलबर्टलाई विशेष खतरनाक ठान्दिन।"

अपराजित डोमिनिकन ओलम्पियन हेक्टर गार्सियाले अपराजित उदीयमान स्टार क्रिस कोल्बर्टलाई शोटाइममा लाइभ® SATURDAY, फेब्रुअरी 26 प्रिमियर बक्सिङ च्याम्पियनहरूमा लस भेगासको कस्मोपोलिटनको घटना

वेगास (फेब्रुअरी 17, 2022) - अपराजित डोमिनिकन ओलम्पियन हेक्टर गार्सिया उसले अपराजित साथीसँग सामना गर्दा आफूलाई च्याम्पियनशिप सपनाको एक कदम नजिक राख्न खोज्नेछ क्रिस "प्राइमटाइम" कोलबर्ट १२ राउन्डको WBA सुपर फेदरवेट वर्ल्ड टाइटल एलिमिनेटरमा SHOWTIME शनिबार लाइभ हेडलाइन गर्दै, फेब्रुअरी 26 लस भेगासको कस्मोपोलिटन भित्र चेल्सीबाट प्रिमियर बक्सिङ च्याम्पियन्स कार्यक्रममा.

"मलाई यो अवसर दिनु भएकोमा म मेरो सम्पूर्ण टोलीलाई धेरै आभारी छु,गार्सियाले भने, जसको रेकर्ड छ 14-0, संग 10 knockouts. "यो संसारलाई देखाउने समय हो कि त्यहाँ छायामा लुकेको एक डोमिनिकन लडाकु थियो र ऊ यो मौकामा पाउन तयार छ।."

डब्ल्यूबीए सुपर फेदरवेट च्याम्पियन रोजर गुटिएरेज सकारात्मक COVID-19 परीक्षणको कारण फिर्ता भएपछि गार्सियाले कोलबर्टको सामना गरे।. अचानक परिवर्तन भए पनि, 30-वर्षीय कोलबर्टले रिंगमा ल्याउने कुराको लागि तयार छ.

"म क्रिस कोल्बर्टलाई विशेष खतरनाक ठान्दिन,गार्सियाले भने. "मैले उसलाई पहिले लडिरहेको देखेको छु र मलाई थाहा छ कि म फुर्तिलो हुनुपर्छ, किनकि उहाँ धेरै छिटो हुनुहुन्छ. लस भेगासमा उहाँसँग मिल्दोजुल्दो शैलीहरू भएका धेरै प्रशिक्षण साझेदारहरूसँग म झगडा गरिरहेको छु र यसले मलाई लडाइँमा पुगेपछि समायोजन गर्न मद्दत गर्छ। ”

लस भेगासमा प्रख्यात कोच इस्माइल सालास द्वारा प्रशिक्षित, गार्सियाले डेभिन ह्यानी र रोलान्डो "रोली" रोमेरो लगायतका च्याम्पियन र शीर्ष दावेदारहरूसँग झगडा गरेका छन्।. उसले आफ्नो करियरको सबैभन्दा प्रभावशाली जित निकाल्दै यो लडाईमा प्रवेश गर्छ, डिसेम्बरमा आइज्याक एभेलरमाथि सर्वसम्मत निर्णयको विजय 2021.

"म निश्चित मिति वा विपक्षीको लागि प्रशिक्षण नगरे पनि म आकारमा रहन्छु भनेर निश्चित गर्दछु,गार्सियाले भने. "मैले यो अवसरको बारेमा सुनें जब म डोमिनिकन रिपब्लिकबाट लस भेगास फर्के, र मलाई भर्खर थाहा थियो कि मैले गोरुलाई सिङले समात्नु पर्छ. म यो सुनिश्चित गर्दैछु कि मैले सबै भन्दा राम्रो सम्भावित तयारी गरेर यसको अधिकतम उपयोग गर्न सक्छु।"

सान जुआन डे ला मागुआना, डोमिनिकन रिपब्लिक उत्पादनलाई थाहा छ कि यो उसको अन्डरडगबाट विश्व च्याम्पियनशिपको प्रतियोगीमा जाने मौका हो, र आफ्नो करियरको अहिलेसम्मको सबैभन्दा ठूलो लडाईमा आफ्नो बहुमुखी प्रतिभा र शक्ति देखाउने योजना छ.

"मानिसहरूले फेब्रुअरी 26 मा मेरो सम्भावना देख्नेछन्," गार्सियाले भने. "उनीहरूले यो पनि पत्ता लगाउन जाँदैछन् कि म कुनै पनि प्रकारको दूरीबाट झगडा गर्न वा रणनीतिक हुन सक्छु. यदि मैले आफैलाई एक शब्दमा बक्सरको रूपमा परिभाषित गर्नुपर्‍यो भने, त्यो 'बहुमुखी' हुनेछ. मेरो शक्ति एउटा हतियार हो किनभने म तिमीलाई जुनसुकै कुराले हानि पुर्‍याउन सक्छु जुन मैले फ्याँक्छु।"

गार्सिया एक उत्साही बोस्टन रेड सोक्स फ्यान हो जसले बेसबल खेल्ने गर्दथ्यो र फेनवे पार्कमा होम रन हिर्काउने सपना देख्ने गर्दथ्यो जबकि डोमिनिकन बेसबल लिजेन्डहरू जस्तै पेड्रो मार्टिनेजको प्रशंसा गर्दै।, डेभिड ओर्टिज र म्यानी रामिरेज. उसको परिवारले उसलाई पढ्न चाहन्थे, तर गार्सिया किशोरावस्थामा उनको सौतेनी भाइले उनलाई बक्सिङमा फर्कायो.

"बेसबल मेरो पहिलो प्रेम थियो, तर मेरो जेठो सौतेनी भाइ Derlin Valdez बक्सिङ गर्थे र उहाँले मलाई पनि त्यसै गर्न प्रोत्साहन दिनुहुन्थ्यो,गार्सियाले भने. "उहाँले मलाई जिम जान भन्नुभयो र, जब म थिएँ 14, मैले उनको सल्लाह पालन गर्ने र बक्सिङमा आफूलाई समर्पित गर्ने निर्णय गरें. सुरुमा म वास्तवमै चाहन्न, तर मसँग साँचो पेशेवर बेसबल सम्भावना हुन आवश्यक स्रोतहरू पनि थिएनन्।

गार्सिया डिसेम्बरमा प्रो बने 2016 मा उपविजेता समाप्त भएपछि 2015 टोरन्टोमा प्यान-एम खेलहरू र छनोट 2016 रियो दि जेनेरियोमा ओलम्पिक.

"मैले पर्खें (2016) ओलम्पिक खेल्नु अघि प्रो,गार्सियाले भने. ‘मेरो सपना पदक जित्ने थियो, र प्रारम्भिक राउन्डमा अनुचित हारको कारण म पुग्न सकिन।"

छ वर्षपछि, गार्सियाको परिवारमा बक्सिङ अझै पनि पारिवारिक कुरा हो. यही कुराले उनलाई सफल हुन प्रेरित गर्छ.

‘मेरो लक्ष्य विश्व च्याम्पियन बन्ने हो, र म मेरो परिवारलाई देखाउन समर्पित छु कि म एक खेलाडीको रूपमा सफल हुन सक्षम छु,गार्सियाले भने. “उनीहरूले म अध्ययन गरेको चाहन्थे, अध्ययन, अध्ययन र केहि थप अध्ययन, तर मैले मेरो लक्ष्य हासिल गरेको छु भनेर म तिनीहरूलाई देखाउँदैछु।"

कलबर्ट VS को बारेमा. गार्सिया
कोलबर्ट बनाम. गार्सियाले अपराजित उदाउँदो तारा देख्नेछन् क्रिस "प्राइमटाइम" कोलबर्ट अपराजित डोमिनिकन ओलम्पियन विरुद्ध स्क्वायर अफ हेक्टर गार्सिया १२ राउन्डको WBA सुपर फेदरवेट वर्ल्ड टाइटल एलिमिनेटरमा SHOWTIME शनिबार लाइभ हेडलाइन गर्दै, फेब्रुअरी 26 लस भेगासको कस्मोपोलिटन भित्र चेल्सीबाट प्रिमियर बक्सिङ च्याम्पियन्स कार्यक्रममा.

शोटाइम च्याम्पियनशिप बक्सिङ® प्रसारण सुरु हुन्छ 10 p.m. एट / 7 p.m. PT र सह-मुख्य प्रतियोगितामा अर्को अपराजित युवा फेनोम फिचर गर्नेछ. गैरी एन्टुआन रसेल, एक 2016 U.S. ओलिंपियन, पूर्व विश्व च्याम्पियनको सामना गर्दै भिक्टर Postol एक 10-गोल सुपर हल्के bout मा, जबकि IBF जुनियर ब्यान्टमवेट विश्व च्याम्पियन Jerwin Ancajas अपराजित अर्जेन्टिनाविरुद्ध आफ्नो उपाधि रक्षा गर्दै फर्नान्डो मार्टिनेज लोडेड ट्रिपलहेडरको टेलिभिजन ओपनरमा.

जीवित घटना को लागि टिकट, TGB प्रचार द्वारा बढुवा छ जो, अहिले बिक्रीमा छन् र मार्फत खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ Ticketmaster.com.


WBA Super Featherweight Champion Roger Gutierrez Forced To Withdraw After Positive COVID-19 Test

अब बिक्री मा टिकट!

LAS VEGAS – February 14, 2022 – Undefeated rising star क्रिस "प्राइमटाइम" कोलबर्ट will now square off against unbeaten Dominican Olympian Hector Luis Garcia १२ राउन्डको WBA सुपर फेदरवेट वर्ल्ड टाइटल एलिमिनेटरमा SHOWTIME शनिबार लाइभ हेडलाइन गर्दै, फेब्रुअरी 26 लस भेगासको कस्मोपोलिटन भित्र चेल्सीबाट प्रिमियर बक्सिङ च्याम्पियन्स कार्यक्रममा.

The southpaw Garcia replaces WBA Super Featherweight World Champion Roger Gutierrez, who was forced to withdraw after a positive COVID-19 test.

शोटाइम च्याम्पियनशिप बक्सिङ® प्रसारण सुरु हुन्छ 10 p.m. एट / 7 p.m. PT र सह-मुख्य प्रतियोगितामा अर्को अपराजित युवा फेनोम फिचर गर्नेछ. गैरी एन्टुआन रसेल, एक 2016 U.S. ओलिंपियन, पूर्व विश्व च्याम्पियनको सामना गर्दै भिक्टर Postol एक 10-गोल सुपर हल्के bout मा, जबकि IBF जुनियर ब्यान्टमवेट विश्व च्याम्पियन Jerwin Ancajas अपराजित अर्जेन्टिनाविरुद्ध आफ्नो उपाधि रक्षा गर्दै फर्नान्डो मार्टिनेज लोडेड ट्रिपलहेडरको टेलिभिजन ओपनरमा.

जीवित घटना को लागि टिकट, TGB प्रचार द्वारा बढुवा छ जो, अहिले बिक्रीमा छन् र मार्फत खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ Ticketmaster.com.

Representing his native Brooklyn, N.Y., Colbert (16-0, 6 KOS) has quickly shot up the 130-pound rankings, taking on high-level competition in his first 16 समर्थक झगडे. Already established as a fighter with dazzling boxing skills, Colbert showcased his ability to fight toe-to-toe with an 11th-round stoppage of Jaime Arboleda in December 2020 before most recently besting Tugstsogt Nyambayar in July 2021. यो 25 वर्षीया लागेका समर्थक मा 2015 and defeated three unbeaten fighters in his first eight contests. Prior to the Arboleda fight, Colbert scored a highlight-reel first-round knockout against Miguel Beltran Jr. सेप्टेम्बर मा 2019 and a dominant 12-round decision victory over former champion Jezzreel Corrales in January 2020.

Tall and rangy with good power in his left hand and a dedicated body attack, the 30-year-old Garcia (14-0, 10 KOS) scored the most impressive victory of his career in his last fight, when he defeated Isaac Avelar by unanimous decision in December 2021. यो 5-9 गार्सिया, who sparred with Devin Haney and Rolly Romero for the Avelar win, represented his native San Juan de la Maguana, डोमिनिकन गणतन्त्र, मा 2016 Olympics before turning pro in December that year. Garcia is trained by the highly respected Ismael Salas, who has guided a long list of standouts, including Yordenis Ugás, गिलर्मो Rigondeaux, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Nonito Donaire, र जर्ज Linares. Garcia will be fighting for just the third time in the U.S. फेब्रुअरी मा 26, having defeated Avelar in Minneapolis. He was zeroing in on facing a top contender in 2022. Now he will get his chance.

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अधिक जानकारी यात्रा लागि www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, follow #ColbertGarcia, ट्विटर @ShowtimeBoxing मा पालना, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

Undefeated World Light Heavyweight Contender Gilberto Ramirez believes in “Zurdo,” Golden Boy & his Mexican heritage

(एल-अनुसन्धान) – Oscar de la Hoya, Gilberto Ramirez & बर्नार्ड Hopkins

वेगास (अगस्ट 23, 2021) – Undefeated Gilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez (42-0, 28 KOS) feels he’ll get his first World light heavyweight title shot because he believes in himself, his promoter Golden Boy Promotions, and his Mexican heritage.

The former World Boxing Organization (पाउरोटी) super middleweight World champion is a leading light heavyweight contender, हाल रेटेड कुनै. 2 विश्व बक्सिङ संगठन द्वारा (पाउरोटी) र कुनै. 5 by the International Boxing Federation (आईबीएफ), साथै कुनै रूपमा. 9 मा रिंग independent rankings for the first time in the 175-pound division.

After Ramirez’ recent knockout victory over सुलिवान Barrera (22-3, 14 KOS), positioning him for a World title shot, the boxing world looked forward to “Zurdo” challenging World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Light Heavyweight Champion Dmitry Bivol later this year. Bivol had all but assured a showdown with Ramirez through social media posts, but suddenly he changed his tune and was dreaming of a match this November that isn’t going to happen against WBA and WBC Super Middleweight Champion “Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (56-1-2, 38 KOS).

The 30-year Ramirez has openly called for a fight with Bivol or either of the other World light heavyweight title holders, Artur Beterbiev (WBC/IBF) र जो स्मिथ, जूनियर. (पाउरोटी), whose rumored unification fight doesn’t appear to be on the horizon.

यसैबीच, all three reigning World light heavyweight champions have gone dark, at least in terms of fighting Ramirez. Is “Zurdo” too risky for them, or are they just hesitant to fight a proven Mexican challenger?

“I leave my opponents to my promoter, सुनौलो केटा, and its matchmaker, Robert Diaz,” Ramirez explained. “They’re aware of what I want, and I trust they are diligent and will do whatever is best for me. एक लडाकू रूपमा, I’ve been clear that all the World light heavyweight champs are on my hit list; and I don’t retract my statement or shy away from the fights as most of them have. In this world, all I have are my word and balls, and I don’t break ‘em for anyone. I fight not just for myself, but for my pride and the spirit of Mexican people. We are proud of our heritage and have been the best fighters. Russians know I will take out both Bivol and Beterbiev; जो स्मिथ, जूनियर. is just an appetizer.”

“Canelo” and Julio Cesar Gonzalez (2003) are the only native Mexicans to be crowned World Light Heavyweight Champions, but everybody in boxing knows Mexican boxers are called warriors for a good reason.

“I think they’re all reluctant to fight a Mexican light heavyweight like me,” Ramirez added. “There’s a reason why Bivol is retracting his statement and staying quiet after all his social media antics. If he was serious, it’s an easy fight to make, and he knows it (both fighters have fought on DAZN). I’m also hearing (यहोशू) Buatsi’s name in the mix, but I would absolutely destroy him. All these guys talk the talk but rarely walk the walk. I am a Mexican warrior; everybody knows the way we are built!"

Other potential contenders in the mix, excluding the reigning world champions, may include Badou जैक, Eleider अल्वारेज, Maxim Vlasov (Ramirez defeated him as super middleweights), र Lyndon Arthur.

“My time will come, Ramirez concluded. “I know Golden Boy is working hard on making this a reality and when that time comes, all these guys will have nowhere to run or hide. I leave who I fight next up to my matchmaker, Robert Diaz. I trust that Golden Boy will do whatever is best for my career.

“I’m not frustrated, this is part of the process. I’m a veteran in this game. Many will talk, but they will fall when it’s time to act. फेरि, I trust Golden Boy will do what has been promised and I look forward to what fight they will present me with.”

वेबसाइट: www.ZurdoPromotions.com
Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions
ट्विटर: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez


“Victor Ortiz and I are both exciting fighters…everyone knows this is going to be a fan-friendly dog fight," – योद्धा

Former World Champions Robert Guerrero & Victor Ortiz Meet In Clash of All-Action Welterweights Saturday, अगस्ट 21 on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Undercard from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas

क्लिक यहाँ for Photos from Team Guerrero

वेगास (अगस्ट 13, 2021) – Former multiple-division world champion Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero previewed his upcoming showdown against fellow all-action brawler “Vicious” Victor Ortiz before they square off on the Manny Pacquiao vs. Yordenis Ugas FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View undercard Saturday, अगस्ट 21 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

जीवित घटना को लागि टिकट, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and MP Promotions, अहिले बिक्रीमा छन् र मार्फत खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ tmobilearena.comaxs.com.

The two former world champions are known for their aggressive styles and have been in numerous Fight of the Year candidates throughout their storied careers. अगस्ट मा 21 they meet looking to score a victory that will put them back in position to vie for a world title once again.

Here is what Guerrero had to say about the matchup, training camp and more:

On his upcoming matchup with Victor Ortiz:

“This fight has been a long-time coming, as I remember it was mentioned years ago, but never happened. I am excited for this bout since we both need a win, and the fans are very familiar with both of our styles. Victor Ortiz and I are both exciting fighters, and everyone knows this is going to be a fan friendly dog fight. Fighting Victor is the type of bout that got me excited to have a full professional training camp. I’m grateful to be fighting on this huge FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View card, and I’m going to give it my all.”

On his recent training camp with coach and father Ruben Guerrero:

“I have been working very hard for this camp, वास्तवमा, my father Ruben and I took camp to Las Vegas and brought along some young fighters to keep me motivated. I’ve been getting good sparring with DJ Zamora III, who is very fast. I’m feeding off all the young fighters that are training with me, and that is what keeps me fresh. You need to be around hungry fighters who are motivated to stay at this level, because it is easy to lose focus if it’s just you in the gym.

On returning to the ring after a long layoff:

"मेरो क्यारियर मा यस बिंदु, it is about getting the best fights. I got the rust off and now it’s about getting fights that get me and the fans excited. Everyone knows that when I fight, I bring it, and Victor Ortiz is an exciting fighter as well. I am at a point where I have done a lot in the sport, so I am not going to be fighting every other month like when I was a prospect. When you know how to fight, a layoff isn’t always a bad thing.

On what a win will do for his career:

“A win here puts me in a position to get in contention for a world title, and that should be the goal of everyone who is fighting, to win a world title. If you’re not fighting to win a world title, you shouldn’t be in the sport. I want to win at least one more world title before it’s all said and done. It’s a lofty goal, but I believe in myself.”

# # #

Pacquiao vs. Ugás will see eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao taking on WBA Welterweight World Champion Yordenis Ugás in the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View main event Saturday, अगस्ट 21 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

The pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. एट / 6 p.m. PT and will see former world champions and all-action brawlers Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero “Vicious” Víctor Ortiz meet in a 10-round welterweight duel, unbeaten featherweight contender Mark Magsayo battle former world champion जुलाई Ceja in a WBC Featherweight Title Eliminator, plus undefeated contender Carlos Castro will take on former title challenger Óscar Escandón in a 10-round featherweight attraction that kicks off the pay-per-view.

How to Watch the Saturday, अगस्ट 21, FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Fight
Manny Pacquiao vs. Yordenis Ugas
मुख्य कार्ड: 9 p.m. एट / 6 p.m. PT

टिभी: Available on all major U.S. & Canadian PPV providers, लगायत
Xfinity, Spectrum, Contour, Fios, and Optimum, अरूलाई बीचमा (U.S.);
साथ साथै रोजर्स, Bell, श, SaskTel and TELUS (क्यानाडा)

Streaming: FOX Sports App and FOXSports.com

Suggested retail price: $74.99 (U.S. & क्यानाडा)

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थप जानकारीको लागि: यात्रा www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, ट्विटरPremierBoxing मा पालन, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes and @TGBPromotions become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,
www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda In Florida for first time but on important business trip

This Friday showdown vs. unbeaten NABO champion Yomar “The Magic” Alamo

वेगास (फेब्रुअरी 27, 2020) – Undefeated super lightweightKendo “Tremendo” Castaneda (17-0, 8 KOS) flew into Orlando from his native San Antonio this past Tuesday night on his first visit to Florida.

Unlike millions of people who go to Orlando for Disneyworld, यद्यपि, Castaneda’s initial look at palm trees is simply part of his business trip. Castaneda challenges North American Boxing Organization (NABO) च्याम्पियनYomar “The Magic” Alamo (17-0-1, 12 KOS) in this Friday night’s 10-round main event, airing live on Boxeo Telemundo, मा शुरू 11:30 p.m. र / 8:30 p.m. PT, from Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, फ्लोरिडा.

Alamo vs. Castaneda is co-promoted by All-Star Boxing, which promotes Alamo and the event, and Castaneda’s promoter, रय जोन्स जुनियर. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions.

“It’s pretty cool here,” Castaneda shared his first impressions of Florida. “A guy working for the promoter met us at the airport to film my arrival and interview me, so it’s been a welcoming experience, and people in Florida know I’m in the house. I like it here. It’s nice and in a way, I feel like I’m at home. I’m going to put on a show for fans, I’m going to be like their Disney World. I’m ready for the big ride and to put on a great show for the people.”

Castaneda captured the vacant North American Boxing Association (साथै) crown a year ago, taking a 10-round decision from previously undefeatedGilbert Venegas, जूनियर(10-0), and followed that with an impressive 10-round unanimous decision over Dominican veteranEudy Berbardo (24-3).

Last October in Reno, नेवादा, Castaneda stoppedStan Martyniouk (20-3) in the sixth round, after which he was installed by the World Boxing Organization as its No. 15 rated super lightweight in the world.

WBO No. 8 ranked Alamo, fighting out of Puerto Rico, is coming off the only blemish on either fighter’s pro record, fighting to a draw withएन्टोनियो मोरन (24-4-1).

Alamo, 24, is the former World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World and FECARBOX super lightweight champion, who has made three successful NABO title defenses.

“After this fight,” Castaneda concluded, “people are going to forget this Alamo (not the famous Alamo in Castaneda’s hometown) and remember me, The Tremendous One. I expect the fight t to end in a spectacular knockout in my favor, late in the fight, because I like to punish my opponent.”


Websites:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com 

ट्विटर: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @KeithVeltre, @KendoTremendo

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @KeithVeltre

फेसबुक: /RJJBoxing, /KeithVeltre

ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, जूनियर. and Keith Veltre, रय जोन्स, जूनियर. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions has been reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for CBS Sports, देखाउने समय, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, लास भेगास, NV, रय जोन्स जुनियर. Boxing Promotions is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: पाउरोटी #6 rated bantamweight Max Ornelas, featherweight Ray Ximenez, पाउरोटी #15 rated super lightweight Kendo Castaneda,  middleweights John Vera, Connor Coyle and Shady Gamhour, super middleweight Juan Barajas, and heavyweight Alexander Flores.


Rakhmanov Replaces Malik Hawkins Who Was Forced To Withdraw For Medical Reasons

NEW YORK – February 24, 2020 – Undefeated rising prospect Keith “The Bounty” Hunter will face talented Sanjarbek “War” Rakhmanov in a rematch in the 10-round super lightweight ShoBox: नयाँ पुस्ता main event Friday, फेब्रुअरी 28 SHOWTIME बस्ने (10:45 p.m. एट / पीटी) from Sam’s Town Casino in Las Vegas. Rakhmanov steps in to replace previously scheduled opponent Malik Hawkins who was forced to withdraw for medical reasons.

शिकारी (11-0, 7 KOS) and Rakhmanov (12-2-1, 6 KOS) first met on February 5, 2019, in an eight-round welterweight contest that resulted in a narrow-split decision victory for Hunter. Although Hunter controlled the action in the early rounds and scored a knockdown in the second, Rakhmanov recovered and landed some heavy blows in the later rounds. The scorecards read 77-74, 76-75 र 75-76.

Rakhmanov, who fought to a draw with Alfonso Olvera on ShoBox in May of 2016, will be making his second appearance on the prospect developmental series and his ninth start at Sam’s Town Live. In his most recent performance on September 20, 2019, he broke down Andre Byrd, delivering punishment to the body for four straight rounds, leading to Byrd taking a knee and ending the fight. He currently trains with Chris Ben-Tchavtchavadze at the Mayweather Boxing Club.

The 30-year-old Rakhmanov, who was born in Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan, was a top amateur with more than 140 अन्त, including a Gold Medal win at the 2009 Asian Amateur Boxing Championship. मा 2013, he became the national champion of Uzbekistan. After signing with Mayweather Promotions in 2014, he turned pro with an impressive 1:21 first-round knockout over Brett Simmons in June of 2015.

मा ShoBox सह-मुख्य घटना, 2016 Olympian and undefeated super lightweight prospect Richardson Hitchins (10-0, 5 KOS) takes on Rhode Island’s Nick DeLomba (16-2, 5 KOS) एक 10-गोल bout मा. Once-beaten Las Vegas native Kevin Newman II (11-1-1, 6 KOS) faces Albania’s Genc Pllana (7-1-1, 4 KOS) in a 10-round super middleweight matchup to open the telecast.

Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. यो कार्यकारी निर्माता रिचर्ड Gaughan उत्पादन र रिक फिलिप्स निर्देशन संग गर्डन हल छ.

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अधिक जानकारी यात्रा लागि: www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com, follow on Twitter: @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, , @mayweathersprts and, Instaram: @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, या फेसबुक मा एक प्रशंसक मा बन्न www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions
#ShoBox #SinCityShowdown

Wilder बनाम. Fury the rematch In-Depth Preview and Analysis

गरेर: टोनी Penecale

The Heavyweight Championship has always been the most noteworthy prize in the sport. Over the last few years, the interest in the fistic giants has dwindled. That has changed with the exciting power of Deontay Wilder and the charismatic showmanship of Tyson Fury.

With their first encounter ending in a controversial draw, they find themselves sharing the ring again. Both men with undefeated records and only a single draw (against each other) on their ledger.

The big men are taking center stage for the undisputed prize. “The Bronze Bomber” and “The Gypsy King”…. Who will reign supreme?

उमेर, अभिलेख, र आँकडे

Wilder:  उमेर:   34 वर्ष पुराना

रेकर्ड:  42-0-1 (41 Knockouts)

उचाइ:  6’7”

वजन:  219 * * पछिल्लो bout लागि वजन (11-23-19)

पुग्न:  83"

Fury: उमेर:  31 वर्ष पुराना

रेकर्ड:  29-0-1 (20 Knockouts)

उचाइ:  6’9”

वजन:  254 * * पछिल्लो bout लागि वजन (9-14-19)

पुग्न:  85"

रिंग उपलब्धिहरूलाई


WBC हैवीवेट च्याम्पियन (’15-Pres)


WBA Heavyweight Champion (’15-‘16)

WBO Heavyweight Champion (’15-‘16)

IBF Heavyweight Champion (’15-‘16)

IBO Heavyweight Champion (’15-‘16)

Lineal Heavyweight Champion (’15-Pres)



A wild-swinging, often-sloppy fighter with long arms and fight-changing power in both fists, Wilder likes to set the range with his lead hand and follow it with a variety of power punches. He carries his power late into his fights and is capable of scoring a knockout at any time.


A confident, self-assured, and sometimes cocky fighter, Fury has nimble moves and quickness for such a large fighter. He combines good footwork with upper-body movement and ability to box either orthodox or southpaw, keeping opponents off-balance and setting up his own offensive attack.


Wilder-Fury I: Fury opened the bout with effective movement, keeping Wilder off balance and unable to land anything significant. Wilder was able to land several hard jabs in the 4th गोल, trickling blood from Fury’s nose. Fury spent time in the mid rounds as a southpaw and found success. Wilder scored a knockdown in the 9th round but his follow-up attack left him fatigued, allowed Fury to regain the momentum through the 11th round. The memorable 12th round saw Wilder break through and land a right hand and left hook combination. Fury fell hard to the canvas, flat on his back. He amazingly rose at the count of 9 and was outlanding Wilder as the final round concluded. Alejandro Rochin scored 115-111 Wilder, Robert Tapper scored 114-112 Fury, and Phil Edwards scored 113-113.



* Power – The detonation at the end of Wilder’s fists, primarily is right hand, is of nuclear proportions. While his left hand carries substantial pop in it, it is Wilder’s right hand that is seen as maybe the most devastating punch in boxing today. He can end fights by landing his right hand straight down the middle, arcing it over the top, or splitting the guard as an uppercut.

* Conditioning – Early in his career, when he was ending all of his fights within a few rounds, there were question marks if Wilder would fade in the later rounds. He has proven that he can fight equally as hard in the late rounds and capable of a knockout until the final bell.

* Athleticism – Wilder combines a rare blend of size, गति, शक्ति, and athletic ability where is easy to imagine him being dominant in any type of athletic environment.


* Movement – For a man with the size and physique that resembles a silverback, Fury moves with the grace and agility of a ballet dancer. He is light on his feet and possesses shifty upperbody movement that is uncanny for someone so large.

* Confidence – Fury is supremely confident in himself and believes in his ability. He shows little or no fear in the ring. His self-assured charismatic nature gives him a psychological advantage.

* Resilient – Whether it was climbing off the canvas against Wilder, overcoming a horrific cut against Wallin, or battling against depression and substance abuse, Fury has shown a toughness and resiliency that are to be admired.



* Sloppy – Wilder shows so much faith in his power that he is frequently wild and sloppy with his punches and footwork. He often times looks very amateurish in the ring.

* Trouble With Boxers – Fighters who use good movement and boxing ability trouble Wilder. He struggles setting his feet and is often a step behind. He was trailing Luis Ortiz in both fights and was outclassed for most of his first fight with Fury.

* Chin – The few times that Wilder was seriously chin-checked, he showed some flaws in his durability. Ortiz had him badly hurt and close to a knockout loss.


* Distractions – Fury is loving his new-found fame and talking WWE and MMA. He split with his trainer Ben Davidson and is calling his own shots. Fury also has spells in the ring where he loses focus and he has found himself on the canvas more than once during a lapse in concentration.

* Personal Life – It is well-documented Fury’s past personal demons with depression and substance abuse, along with a weight gain to over 400 lbs. While his triumphs over those demons is admirable, the lasting physical effects cannot be denied.

* Skin– It’s only been five months since Fury suffered a terrible gash over his right eye against Otto Wallin, requiring 47 stitches. While doctors have deemed the cut sufficiently healed, his tender skin could reopen at the most inopportune time.

अघिल्लो bout

Wilder:  (11/23/19) – Wilder again scored a come-from-behind knockout against Luis Oritz. After being outboxed for the majority of the first six rounds, Wilder set his range against a tiring Ortiz and landed a pulverizing right hand which resulted in a one-punch knockout.


(9/14/19) – Fury survived a bloody contest with the undefeated but unknown Otto Wallin. Fury suffered a cut over his right eye in the 3rd round and the blood clearly affected his vision. Despite the impairment, Fury still controlled the action and hurt Wallin several times en route to a decision victory.

3 श्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन


* आर्थर पिन (1/16/16) – After falling behind early, Wilder took over in the 4th round and started to settle down and control the action. A single right hand in the 9th round sent Szpilka down and unconscious, को 2016 वर्ष को नकआउट.

* गोल्ड कप (1/17/15) – Wilder answered questions about his stamina by going the full 12 rounds for the first time in his career and capturing the WBC title in the process. Wilder utilized his long jab and kept Stiverne at bay with his underrated skillset.

* लुइस ओर्टिज (3/3/18) – Wilder survived some scary moments against the oft-avoided Cuban veteran before prevailing by 10th round knockout. Wilder was troubled by Ortiz’s boxing skills early before knocking him down in the 5th round. An Ortiz rally in the 7th had Wilder seriously hurt but Wilder was able to regroup and score the knockout a few rounds later.


*  Wladimir Klitschko (11/25/15) – Fury went into Klitschko’s backyard and wrested the unified and lineal heavyweight championships via unanimous decision. While the bout was a cautious affair, Fury was able to outwork Klitschko with superior footwork, आन्दोलन, and a higher punch output.

* Derek Chisora (11/29/14) – Fury dominated the rematch with his British rival, boxing from a distance, switching between orthodox and southpaw, and punishing his adversary until the corner stopped the fight after 10 one-sided rounds.

* Deontay Wilder (12/1/18) – With the exception of two knockdowns and some curious judging, Fury was in control for most of the bout. He avoided Wilder’s punches and landed effective counters, making Wilder looked confused and off-balance in the process.

विजय हुने तरिकाहरू


* Utilize his jab and negate Fury’s awkward style

* Keep his power punches short and compact

* Don’t get mesmerized by Fury’s upperbody movement


* Change the pace and keep Wilder guessing

* Use lateral movement to keep Wilder from setting his feet

* Do not get cocky against the ropes



* Can Wilder handle Fury’s unorthodox movement?

* Will Wilder employ a better gameplan?

Will Wilder become frustrated?


* Will Fury try too hard for the knockout?

* Is Fury totally focused on boxing

* Is his cut eye susceptible to reinjury?

PENECALE भविष्यवाणी

Both combatants are exceptional showmen and their respective ring entrances will have the crowd abuzz. The electricity will be at a fever pitch at the opening bell. With their familiarity, there will be less of a feeling out process than their first encounter. Fury will be on his toes moving forward and Wilder will try to time his advances and land counter punches. At the end of the 1सेन्ट गोल, Fury will taunt Wilder and there will be an exchange of words.

Fury’s constant movement and single punches will trouble Wilder as his counter punches will find mostly empty air. The following rounds will be an exciting game of cat and mouse with the smaller Wilder in the role of the cat, futility trying to corner the larger Wilder.

Wilder will find success with his jab in the 6th र 7th rounds and a looping right hand will catch Fury on top of the head, knocking him off balance to the canvas. Fury will rise, wink at his corner, and come bouncing back into action. The excitement will have Wilder swinging wildly and falling to the canvas himself after missing overexaggerated right hand.

With Wilder seemingly arm-weary from his punch output the previous round, Fury will turn southpaw and land several hard right hands, then bounce out of range of any counter punches.

Fury’s movement and higher workrate will carry the action through the championship rounds, leading him again to an apparent lead going into the final round.

The decision this time will be unanimous with Dave Moretti and Glenn Feldman both scoring 115-112 and Steve Weisfeld a shade closer at 114-113, all in favor of “The Gypsy King” Tyson Fury.

Two-Division World Champion Michael Spinks Confirmed for Sixth Annual Box Fan Expo, During Cinco de Mayo Weekend, Saturday May 2, लास भेगास

Box Fan Expothe Largest Boxing Fan Event held in the U.S

the Ultimate Boxing Fan Experience

Tickets On-Sale Now at EventBrite

तत्काल रिहाई लागि

लास भेगास (फेब्रुअरी 20, 2020) – Two-division world champion Michael Spinks has confirmed that he will appear at the sixth annual Box Fan Expo on Saturday, मई 2, 2020, at the Cox Pavilion in Las Vegas from 10 a.m. गर्न 5 p.m.

Spinks will hold a Meet & Greet with his fans at his booth during the fan event held over the Cinco De Mayo weekend.

The Box Fan Expo is an annual fan event that coincides with some of the sports’ महान, classic fights in Las Vegas, including Mayweather vs. Maidana द्वितीय, Mayweather बनाम. Berto, Canelo vs. Chavez Jr., Canelo vs. GGG II, and Canelo vs. याकूब. Centered in boxing’s longtime home – लास भेगास – this year’s Expo is a must-do for fight fans coming in for this legendary weekend, with dozens of professional fighters, प्रमोटरों, and companies involved in the boxing industry. The Expo is the largest and only Boxing Fan Expo held in the United States. http://boxfanexpo.com@BoxFanExpo

यो बक्स प्रशंसक एक्सपो गर्न टिकट अनलाइन उपलब्ध छन्:

Spinks will make his second appearance at this yearsExpo and will be signing gloves, फोटो, personal items and memorabilia. Spinks will also have merchandise on sale at his booth, and fans will also have an opportunity to take pictures with this boxing legend also known asJinx.

About Michael Spinks
Spinks is a two-division world champion, having held the undisputed light heavyweight title from 1983 गर्न 1985, and the lineal heavyweight title from 1985 गर्न 1988. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1994. As an amateur he won a gold medal in the middleweight division at the 1976 ओलम्पिकमा.

Spinks is the brother of former world heavyweight champion Leon Spinks, and uncle of Cory Spinks, a former welterweight and light middleweight champion.
Spinks went undefeated in his first 31 व्यावसायिक झगडे, beating such opponents as Dwight Muhammad Qawi, कुर्कुच्चा मुस्तफा मुहम्मद, Marvin Johnson and Eddie Davis en route to becoming the undisputed light heavyweight champion. Following ten successful title defenses, Spinks moved up to heavyweight, and as an underdog defeated long-reigning IBF heavyweight champion Larry Holmes; यसो मा, Spinks became the first reigning light heavyweight world champion to win the heavyweight title. Spinks only defeat in his professional career came to the hands of Mike Tyson on June 27, 1988. The International Boxing Research Organization and BoxRec rank Spinks among the ten greatest light heavyweights of all time.

About Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo is the ultimate boxing fan experience event, which allows fans to meet the stars of boxing that represent the past, present and future of the sport. With hosted autograph signings, meet-and-greets with current and former boxing world champions, limited edition merchandise for sale, giveaways and more, this is the ultimate event for fans of the sport.

Past boxing stars that have participated include: फ्लोइड Mayweather, माइक टायसन, रोबर्टो DURAN, चीनी रे लियोनार्ड, Julio Cesar Chavez, जुआन मानुएल Marquez, टमी Hearns, रय जोन्स जुनियर, Marco Antonio Barrera, एरिक Morales, Andre वडा, Mikey गार्सिया, Marcos Maidana, Devin Haney, दाऊदले Benavidez, Errol Spence जूनियर, सर्जियो मार्टिनेज, किथ Thurman, डैनी गार्सिया, टिम ब्राडली, Deontay Wilder, अमीर खान, Shawn पोर्टर, Fernando वर्गेस, अबनेरले Mares, जेम्स Toney, Jessie वर्गेस, विन्नी पाज़, Mia St.John, लियो सांताक्रूज, Badou जैक, टेरी Norris, Riddick Bowe, Earnie र shavers, माइकल & लियोन Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Claressa ढाल, Teofimo Lopez, ब्रैंडन रियोस, जर्ज Linares, and many more.

Exhibitors include boxing promoters, gear, परिधान, equipment, energy drinks, supplement products, broadcasting media, sanctioning bodies, and other companies who showcase their brand to fans and the boxing industry as a whole.

Throughout the next few months leading up to the Event, there will be weekly updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo.

Tickets to the Box Fan Expo are available at Eventbrite