ट्याग अभिलेखालयबाट: टायरेल भाग्य

दुई विश्व शीर्षक झगडा! MCKEE-पिटबुल 2, NEMKOV-एन्डरसन शीर्ष अविश्वसनीय रूपमा स्ट्याक गरिएको नयाँ फाईट कार्ड सेट अप्रिलको लागि 15

अपराजित विश्व च्याम्पियनA.J. MCKEE BELLATOR MMA 145-पाउन्ड विश्व शीर्षकको रक्षा गर्न पहिलेको नम्बर एक पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्डको विरुद्धमा पुन: म्याचमा & दुई डिभिजन च्याम्पियनप्याट्रिक पिटबुल

205-पाउण्ड च्याम्पियनVADIM NEMKOV लडाई शीर्ष-रैंक प्राप्त गर्नकोरी एन्डरसन को लागी $1 BELLATOR लाइट हेवीवेट वर्ल्ड ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फाइनलमा मिलियन पुरस्कार

पुरुषहरूको समूह

विवरण स्वचालित रूपमा मध्यम विश्वास संग उत्पन्न

BELLATOR 277 शुक्रबारको लागि सेट गर्नुहोस्, अप्रिल 15, AT 10 P.M. एट / 7 P.M. PT सान जोस मा SAP केन्द्र भित्र शोटाइम मा लाइभ, क्यालिफोर्निया.

यो शुक्रबार बिक्रीमा टिकटहरू

LOS ANGELES (Feb. 16, 2022) -दुई उत्कृष्ट विश्व च्याम्पियनशिप शोडाउन. BELLATOR MMA को सबै भन्दा राम्रो पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड लडाकुहरू मध्ये चार. एक उच्च प्रत्याशित पुन: म्याच. कम्पनीको स्वदेशी सुपरस्टारलाई हाइलाइट-रिल हानिको बदला लिन प्रयासरत प्रमोशनको सबै समयको सबैभन्दा ठूलो एथलीट. विजेतालाई सात अंकको ज्याकपोट प्रदान गर्ने प्रतियोगिताको फाइनल.

BELLATOR को चौथो अभूतपूर्व लडाई कार्ड 2022 युगको लागि एक हुने वाचा.

आफ्नो आगामी प्रतिद्वन्द्वीको 117-सेकेन्डको विनाश र दावी गर्दै $1 BELLATOR MMA फेदरवेट वर्ल्ड ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फिनालेमा मिलियन बाउन्टी, अपराजित BELLATOR फेदरवेट विश्व टाइटलधारकA.J. McKee (18-0) खेलकुदको सबैभन्दा ठूलो लडाकु बन्नको लागि अर्को कदम चाल्ने आशा राख्छ किनकि उसले भूतपूर्व शीर्ष पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड र दुई-डिभिजन च्याम्पियनसँग लड्छ।Patricio Pitbull (32-5) शुक्रबार नौ महिना भन्दा कममा दोस्रो पटक, अप्रिल 15, मा10 p.m. एट / 7 p.m. PT SHOWTIME बस्ने.

को सह सुविधा माBELLATOR 277: म्याकी बनाम. Pitbull 2 सान जोस मा SAP केन्द्र मा, क्यालिफोर्निया।, हालको 205-पाउंड BELLATOR MMA विश्व च्याम्पियनVadim Nemkov (15-2) तेस्रो पटक आफ्नो उपाधि रक्षा गर्ने र घरेलु खेल्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ $1 मिलियन पुरस्कार तीन दिन अघि अमेरिका. कर दिवस जब उसले बढ्दो नम्बर विरुद्ध स्क्वायर गर्यो. 1-छ स्थान दावेदारकोरी एन्डरसन(16-5)BELLATOR MMA लाइट हेभीवेट विश्व ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फाइनलमा.

को लागि टिकटBELLATOR MMA 277: म्याकी बनाम. Pitbull 2 यो शुक्रबार बिक्रीमा जानुहोस्, Feb. 18 दुबै माTicketmaster.com रBellator.com अघिल्लो दिन सुरु हुने विशेष प्रिसेलको साथ.

यसबाहेक, चार प्रारम्भिक बाउट घोषणा गरिएको छ जसमा दुई उच्च श्रेणीका हेवीवेटहरू बीचको माउथवाटरिङ म्याचअप समावेश छ।. 5-छ स्थानटिम जोन्सन (15-8) अनुहारहरु नं. 6-छ स्थानटायरेल भाग्य(11-2, 1 कांग्रेस) बाट पुनः खेलमाBELLATOR 239. तिनीहरूको पहिलो लडाई जोनसनको लागि ठूलो विचार कमाउने जीत हासिल गरेर समाप्त भयो 2020 वर्षको KO। प्रारम्भिक बाउट्स तीन घण्टा अघि प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण हुनेछ7 p.m. एट / 4 p.m. PT BELLATOR MMA YouTube च्यानलमा, SHOWTIME खेलकुद YouTube च्यानल र Pluto TV.

Inglewood मा फोरम मा आफ्नो ऐतिहासिक प्रारम्भिक म्याचअप मा, क्यालिफोर्निया।, म्याकीले टाउकोमा दण्डित गर्ने बायाँ खुट्टाको लात हानेर पिटबुललाई स्तब्ध पारे 1:40 मा उद्घाटन श्लोक कोBELLATOR MMA 263जुलाई मा 31, 2021. च्याम्पियनले त्यसपछि ब्राजिलियन लिजेन्डलाई फर्श गर्ने क्रूर अनुत्तरित हेड शटहरूको श्रृंखला जारी गरेर आक्रमण जारी राख्यो।.

केही क्षण पछि म्याकीले समयभन्दा पहिले आफ्नो हातहरू उत्सवमा उठाए, पिटबुल पराजयको गहिराइबाट उठे मात्र आफ्नो मुकुट चोर्न र दावी गर्ने लडाकु नरकबाट स्वागत गर्न। $1 मिलियन पुरस्कार. 25-समय BELLATOR MMA दिग्गजले बारको विरुद्धमा समर्थन गरे, MMA को सबैभन्दा उज्यालो युवा झगडा गर्ने गिलोटिन चोकमा बन्द. पिटबुलले चेतना गुमाएको जस्तो देखिन्छ, रेफ्री माइक बेल्ट्रानले मामिला रोके 1:57 खोल्ने फ्रेम को.

"विश्वका उत्कृष्ट मिक्स्ड मार्शल आर्टिस्टहरूको महान शहर सान जोसमा मेजबानी गर्नु मेरो लागि एक लडाइँ प्रवर्द्धकको रूपमा मेरो क्यारियरमा महत्त्वपूर्ण भएको कुरा हो र म अप्रिल 15 मा हाम्रो कार्डको साथ जारी राख्न पाउँदा खुसी छु," BELLATOR अध्यक्ष स्कट कोकर। भन्नुभयो. "एजे बीचको पुन: खेल. फेदरवेट उपाधिका लागि म्याकी र प्याट्रिसियो पिटबुल, साथै हाम्रो लाइट हेभीवेट वर्ल्ड ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फाइनल कोरी एन्डरसन विरुद्ध वादिम नेमकोभ प्रस्तुत गर्ने दुईवटा झगडाहरू हुन् जसले कुनै पनि घटनालाई आफ्नै रूपमा हेडलाइन गर्न सक्छ।, तर हामी दुबैलाई सान जोसको SAP केन्द्रमा एकै रातमा ल्याइरहेका छौं यहाँका फ्यानहरूलाई देखाउनको लागि कि हामी वर्षौंभरि उनीहरूको समर्थनलाई साँच्चै मूल्यवान गर्छौं।”

लङ बिचको मूल निवासी, क्यालिफोर्निया।, BELLATOR को शीर्ष-मूल्याङ्कन पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड लडाकुले आफ्नो व्यावसायिक डेब्यू पछि तीन दिन पछि उनीमा राखिएको उच्च अपेक्षाहरू पार गरेको छ। 20th जन्मदिन. छ नकआउट र सात सबमिशनको साथ सशस्त्र, टोली Bodyshop उत्पादन, जो परिणत हुनेछ 27 पिटबुल विरुद्धको खेलको आठ दिन अघि, संग बिजुली-छिटो फिनिश सुरक्षित गर्न को लागी एक सीप देखायो 10 पहिलो राउन्डमा आउँदैछ. "भाडा" ले उसको विरोध गर्ने हरेक लडाकुमाथि प्रबल विजय हासिल गरेको छ, पूर्व विश्व च्याम्पियन पिटबुल सहित, पेट curran, र ड्यारियन काल्डवेल, जसलाई म्याकीले दुर्लभ-परिमार्जित गर्दन क्र्याङ्कको साथ पेश गर्यो जुन पछि "McKee-otine" डब गरिएको थियो। को विजेता 2020 काल्डवेलको 71 सेकेन्डको विनाशको लागि पेश गरेको वर्ष पुरस्कारले कुल लडेको छ। 33 चारैतिर गोलो 18 क्यारियर प्रतियोगिताहरू (1.8 प्रति बाउट राउन्ड), भन्दा कम लगिङ गर्दा 41 अगस्टमा प्रो बनेदेखि BELLATOR केजमा जम्मा मिनेटहरू 2012.

भ्यान्टेड पिटबुल ब्रदर्सको एक आधा जोडी, Patricio लामो समयदेखि BELLATOR MMA को मुकुट गहना मानिन्छ, जहाँ उनी अहिले नं. 3 BELLATOR MMA पुरुषको पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड रैंकिंगमा. एक उल्लेखनीय होल्डिंग 32-5 कुलीन प्रतिस्पर्धामा जीत संग कीर्तिमान, पूर्व विश्व च्याम्पियन प्याट कुरान को मनपर्ने सहित, जोन अर्च्युलेटा, र ड्यानियल स्ट्रास (दुई). मा 2019, 34 वर्षीय ब्राजिलियनले माइकल चन्डलरबाट BELLATOR लाइटवेट विश्व च्याम्पियनशिप कब्जा गरे।, एकै साथ दुई उपाधि जित्ने दोस्रो BELLATOR एथलीट बने. संग 23 मा समाप्त हुन्छ 37 व्यावसायिक झगडे, पिटबुलले बारम्बार देखाएको छ कि उनीसँग धेरै तौल वर्गहरूमा शासन गर्न आवश्यक राम्रो गोलाकार कौशलता छ।.

हाल BELLATOR MMA को दोस्रो श्रेणीको पाउन्ड-फर-पाउन्ड लडाकु, नेम्कोभले दोस्रो चरणको TKO मार्फत रायन बडरलाई हराएर BELLATOR MMA लाइट हेवीवेट मुकुट कब्जा गरे।BELLATOR MMA 244 अगस्ट 2020 मा। जुनमा फिर्ता डेटिङ एक नौ-लडाई विजेता स्ट्रीक सवारी 2016, उग्र २९ वर्षीया खेल सात पहिलो राउण्ड नकआउट, कार्यको प्रारम्भिक मिनेटमा दुईसँग. फिल डेभिसमाथि कडा सर्वसम्मत निर्णय कमाएर आफ्नो हल्का हेवीवेट बेल्ट सफलतापूर्वक रक्षा गरेपछि, बेलगोरोड को गर्व, रूस र फेडर इमेलियानेन्को प्रोटेगेले अक्टोबरमा आफ्नो अन्तिम आउटिङमा बेलेटर लाइट हेभीवेट वर्ल्ड ग्रान्ड प्रिक्सको सेमिफाइनलमा लेट प्रतिस्थापन जुलियस एङ्गलिकासको चौथो राउन्डको सबमिशन गोल गरे।. 16, 2021.

एन्डरसन, Robbinsville को, N.J., आफ्ना विगतका आठ विपक्षीहरूमध्ये सातलाई पराजित गर्दै BELLATOR 205-पाउन्ड वरीयताको शीर्षमा उक्लिएको छ।, मा Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov को तेस्रो राउन्ड स्टपेज सहितBELLATOR MMA 257 अप्रिल मा 16, 2021. ठीक छ महिना पछि माBELLATOR MMA 268, रकफोर्ड, बिरामी।, नेटिभहरू द डोर्सको "फाइभ टू वन" को स्पेलबाइन्डिङ आवाजहरूमा पिंजरामा गए,र एरिजोना स्टेट युनिभर्सिटी रेसलिंग लिजेन्ड रायन बडरलाई नकआउट गरेर गीतको शीर्षक शाब्दिक रूपमा लिनुभयो। 51 फिनिक्सको फुटप्रिन्ट सेन्टरमा बदरको गृहनगर भीडको अगाडि सेकेन्ड, एरिज। उनको पहिलो प्रचारात्मक उपस्थितिमा, "ओभरटाइम" ले डच किकबक्सिङ लिजेन्ड मेल्भिन म्यानहोफमाथि दोस्रो चरणको TKO दर्ता गर्यो।BELLATOR MMA 251 नोभेम्बर मा 2020. BELLATOR मा सामेल हुनु अघि, एन्डरसनले ए 10-5 प्रतिद्वन्द्वी पदोन्नति संग रेकर्ड, मा "द अल्टिमेट फाइटर 19" प्रतियोगिता जित्दै 2014, र Glover Teixeira मा प्रभावशाली जीत घमण्ड गर्दै, Jan Blachowicz र जोनी वाकर, अरूलाई बीचमा.

समय रेखा

विवरण स्वतः उत्पन्न भयो

अतिरिक्त bouts चाँडै घोषणा गरिनेछ.

BELLATOR 277: McKEE VS. पिटबुल २मुख्य कार्ड:

शुक्रबार, अप्रिल 15 - बाँच्नुहोस्SHOWTIME

10 p.m. एट / 7 p.m. PT

फेदरवेट विश्व च्याम्पियनशिप: सीA.J. McKee (18-0) विरुद्ध नम्बर. 1-Patricio Pitbull (15-5)

 लाइट हेवीवेट विश्व ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स फाइनल: सी-Vadim Nemkov (15-2) बनाम. के छैन. 1-कोरी एन्डरसन (16-5)

प्रारंभिक कार्ड: 

BELLATOR MMA YouTube च्यानल | SHOWTIME खेलकुद YouTube च्यानल | प्लुटो टिभी

7 p.m. एट / 4 p.m. PT

हैवीवेट bout: के छैन. 5-टिम जोन्सन(15-8) विरुद्ध नम्बर. 6-टायरेल भाग्य(11-2, 1 कांग्रेस)

Welterweight bout: के छैन. 10-काइल क्रचमर(8-1) बनाममाइकल लोम्बार्डो(12-2, 1 कांग्रेस)

Welterweight bout: शेन किफे(2-0) बनामटायसन मिलर (2-0)

140-पाउन्ड अनुबंध वजन बाउट: Gaston Bolanos (5-3) बनामक्यास बेल(5-2)

*कार्ड परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ.

कृपया भ्रमणBellator.com थप जानकारी को लागि.

BELLATOR मिडिया प्रमाणहरूको लागि आवेदन दिनुहोस्

BELLATOR भर्चुअल मिडिया उपलब्धताहरूको लागि RSVP


BELLATOR घटनाहरूको अद्यावधिक तालिका

बुध, Feb. 19 // BELLATOR 274: ग्रेसी विरुद्ध. स्टर्ली // Mohegan रवि अखाडा // Uncasville, Conn.

फ्री. Feb. 25 // BELLATOR 275: मुसाज बनाम. भान्डरफोर्ड // 3अखाडा // डबलिन, आयरल्याण्ड

फ्री. सागर. 12 // BELLATOR 276: बोरिक्स बनाम. बर्नेल // पारिवारिक एरेना // सेन्ट. लुई, तपाईं.

फ्री. अप्रिल. 15 // BELLATOR 277: म्याकी बनाम. Pitbull 2/Nemkov vs. एन्डरसन // SAP केन्द्र // सान जोस, क्यालिफोर्निया.

फ्री. मई 6 // BELLATOR पेरिस: बदर विरुद्ध. कांगो 2 // Accor Arena // पेरिस, बाट

फ्री. मई 13 // BELLATOR लन्डन: अमोसोभ बनाम. MVP // OVO एरेना वेम्बली // लन्डन

Five New Preliminary Matchups Added to BELLATOR MMA 271 शुक्रबार, नोभेम्बर. 12, SHOWTIME मा बाँच्न



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द एन्जल्स -In addition to the Featherweight World Title main event pitting current 145-pound championCris “Cyborg” (24-2, 1 कांग्रेस) against No. 5-rankedSinead Kavanagh(7-4), BELLATOR MMA has added several star-studded matchups to the preliminary portion ofBELLATOR MMA 271: Cyborg vs. Kavanaghशुक्रबार, नोभेम्बर. 12, at Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla।

SHOWTIME will televise the fantastic five-fight main card live at 10 p.m. एट / 7 p.m. PT.यसबाहेक, the must-watch preliminary fights will stream live three hours earlier at7 p.m. एट / 4 p.m. PT BELLATOR MMA YouTube च्यानलमा, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV.

Tickets for BELLATOR MMA 271: Cyborg vs. Kavanagh are currently on sale at Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com. थप bouts शीघ्र घोषणा गरिनेछ.

In female flyweight actionMiami’s“Master” Valerie Loureda (3-1) hopes to steal the show yet again, as the 23-year-old star prepares for Knoxville’sTaylor Turner (5-7), while Brazilian sensationBruna Ellen (5-3) challenges the heavy-handedDesiree “Dirty Dez” Yanez (5-3).  

Fighting out of Key West, Fla।, the undefeated knockout artistरोमन फाराल्डो (5-0) returns to the BELLATOR cage to face fellow Floridian and Pensacola-nativeRobert Turnquest (11-7) in a 170-pound contest. AdditionallyRoufusport productJordan Newman (3-0) hopes to keep his perfect record intact in a middleweight showdown against Palm Beach, Florida’sShane O’Shea (4-2).  

अन्तमा, former Penn State wrestler and current American Top Team standoutकोडी कानून (4-0) puts his unblemished professional mark on the line in a featherweight clash with Fort SmithArkansas’Colton Hamm (4-3). 

In the co-main event., top-10 heavyweights will go toe-to-toe as No. 5-छ स्थानटायरेल भाग्य (11-1, 1 कांग्रेस) squares up with No. 8 Linton Vassell (20-8, 1 कांग्रेस).

Rounding out the five-bout SHOWTIME telecast, the always electric and No. 5-छ स्थानहारून पिको (8-3) will square off against undefeated No. 8 Justin Gonzales (12-0), while No. 1-छ स्थानArlene Blencowe (14-8) attempts to cement her place as the next in line for a shot at the 145-pound crown against No. 7 पाम सोरेन्सन(9-3). Kicking off the main card, अपराजित कुनै. 7-ranked Boca Raton, Fla।, resident Steve Mowry (9-0) will continue his quest toward the top of the heavyweight ranks as he takes on veteranRakim Cleveland (22-13-1, 1 कांग्रेस).


शुक्रबार, नोभेम्बर. 12 - बाँच्नुहोस्SHOWTIME 

10 p.m. एट / 7 p.m. PT 

Featherweight World Title Boutसी-Cris “Cyborg” (24-2, 1 कांग्रेस) बनाम. #5-Sinead Kavanagh(7-4) 

Heavyweight Co-Main Event#5-टायरेल भाग्य (11-1, 1 कांग्रेस) बनाम. #8-Linton Vassell (20-8, 1 कांग्रेस) 

Featherweight bout: #5-हारून पिको (8-3) बनाम. के छैन. 8-Justin Gonzales (12-0) 

Featherweight bout: #1-Arlene Blencowe(14-8)बनाम. #7-पाम सोरेन्सन(9-3) 

हैवीवेट bout: #7-Steve Mowry(9-0)बनाम. Rakim Cleveland (22-13-1, 1 कांग्रेस) 

प्रारंभिक कार्ड: 

BELLATOR MMA YouTube च्यानल | SHOWTIME खेलकुद YouTube च्यानल | प्लुटो टिभी 

7 p.m. एट / 4 p.m. PT 

फ्लाईवेट बाउट: Bruna Ellen (5-3) बनामDesiree Yanez (5-3) 

Welterweight bout: रोमन फाराल्डो (5-0) बनामRobert Turnquest (11-7) 

Featherweight bout: कोडी कानून(4-0) बनामColton Hamm (4-3)  

फ्लाईवेट बाउट: Valerie Loureda (3-1) बनामTaylor Turner (5-7) 

Middleweight bout: Jordan Newman (3-0) बनामShane O’Shea(4-2) 

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, please visit BELLATOR.com.

** Card subject to change **

BELLATOR घटनाहरूको अद्यावधिक तालिका 

फ्री. नोभेम्बर. 5 // BELLATOR 270: Queally vs. Pitbull 2// 3अखाडा // डबलिन, आयरल्याण्ड

फ्री. नोभेम्बर. 12 // BELLATOR 271: Cyborg vs. Kavanagh // Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & क्यासिनो // हलिउड, FL

फ्री. Dec. 3 // BELLATOR 272: Pettis vs. Horiguchi// Mohegan रवि अखाडा // Uncasville, Conn।


Official Fight Night Results, Quotes & Photos for BELLATOR MMA 262: Velasquez vs. Kielholtz

A group of people in a wrestling ring

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सी-Juliana Velasquez (12-0) पराजित #3-Denise Kielholtz (6-3) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (48-47, 47-48, 48-47)

Juliana Velasquez:
“I think I would be clinching a bit more, her striking didn’t surprise me, but I felt that I did enough to retain the title.”

“I beat her with my jab, if you look at her face, it’s messed up, if you look at mine, my face is fine. I think people in the audience favor her because she has a kickboxing style and I counter, but I think it was my boxing that was the difference tonight.”

“When I come in here, I don’t think of myself as a champion, I think of myself as someone who needs to earn the belt and tonight I felt that I did that.”

#5टायरेल भाग्य (11-1, 1 कांग्रेस) पराजित #7-मत्ती Mitrione (13-9, 1 कांग्रेस) जम्मा मार्फत (आइपर्दा) मा 1:45 राउन्ड एक को

टायरेल भाग्य:
“I feel great coming out of the fight. He stepped forward so I went for the shot instead of throwing the punch and I guess I made contact with my head. Besides that I was running through him for the takedown. As you saw, I finished on top, and the fight went from there.

“I didn’t feel it (the clash of heads), I can only go off of what he was saying at the time. Like I said, I was just looking to get on top and continue to fight so I didn’t really know what else to do. I thought if there was a contact that the ref would have saw and we would have stopped that’s why I paused for a second on top of him. I didn’t go right to punching. Once the ref said to continue, I was continuing to fight.

“I want Tim Johnson. I don’t want a title shot. I’d rather have Tim Johnson first. That’s really the only fight I’ve been training for since that loss. मलाई, with him taking that loss (against Valentin Moldavsky) and me getting this win, it should line us right up… I’m gonna’ try to knock his aout just like he did me.”

Matheus Mattos (13-2-1) पराजित Cee Jay Hamilton (15-9) TKO मार्फत (आइपर्दा) मा 1:33 राउन्ड दुई

Matheus Mattos:
“He’s a wrestler. त्यसैले, he could have done the boring game and taken me down. But he chose to go for the striking. खुसीको, he did it because it was a beautiful knockout. If Bellator could send more strikers to me, then they would be welcomed.”

"म ठूलो महसुस, perfectly strong. But I felt my knee go ‘thwack.’ And I stopped moving a lot. I didn’t do much footwork. I knew this was going to be on my hands, because my leg was painful. आशा छ, everything went well.

“My two losses were to two of the best in the world. त्यसैले, I’ve been fighting at a high level a long time and I’m prepared for everyone. They can see that this fight welcomed me to Bellator, and now they know me. They know Matheus Mattos is a striker and he’s coming for us.

“I’m in my prime now so I’m prepared for everyone.”

#2Arlene Blencowe (14-8) पराजित Dayana Silva (9-6) TKO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 1:00 राउन्ड तीन

Arlene Blencowe:
"म ठूलो महसुस. I want to give a shout out to my kids at home. I’ve been away from home for nine weeks and it’s the longest I’ve ever been without my kids. त्यसैले, this win is for you.”

“I was just trying to gauge my distance. It was starting to be a little bit of a slow fight, so sorry about that fans. I could hear you yelling. But I was determined to keep my pace and not rush into anything. We knew that she swung with power and that the overhand right and the left hook came pretty quick. We’ve been working a lot on kicks, and I’m going to have a lot of bruises tomorrow. And hopefully her calves will be sore too.”

#5-जोनी एब्लेन (9-0) पराजित Travis Davis (10-5) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

जोनी एब्लेन:

“My coaches when I came back to the corner told me not to brawl. त्यसैले, I took their advice and I thought I wrestled smart.”

“He was talking s— यसो, 'अरे, let’s brawl in the corner.’ I’m like, ‘Bro, that’s stupid.’ That’s why you’re not where I’m at. Because you don’t fight smart. You’re trying to come out here and brawl. You can do that all you want, but you’re not going to be a world champion like me.”

प्रारम्भिक कार्ड:
Said Sowma (7-2) पराजित Ronny Markes (19-9) KO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 1:09 राउन्ड एक को
कोडी कानून (4-0) पराजित Theodore Macuka (1-1) TKO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 1:54 राउन्ड एक को
डायना अवसारगोवा (4-0) पराजित Gabriella Gulfin (2-3) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Adil Benjilany (6-3, 1 कांग्रेस) पराजित जोनी सोटो (4-2) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Charlie Campbell (4-1) पराजित Nicholas Giulietti (2-2) TKO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 1:30 राउन्ड दुई

कृपया भ्रमण Bellator.com थप जानकारी को लागि.

BELLATOR को बारेमा
BELLATOR MMA is a leading global mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. अनुभवी झगडा प्रवर्तक स्कट Coker निर्देशनमा, BELLATOR घटनाहरू विश्वभरका प्रमुख शहरहरूमा हुन्छन् र टेलिभिजनमा देख्न सकिन्छ 160 एक अर्ब भन्दा बढी मानिसहरूको उपलब्ध दर्शकहरूको लागि देशहरू. संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका मा, BELLATOR SHOWTIME मा देख्न सकिन्छ. BELLATOR एक कार्यकारी टोलीको समावेश छ जसमा टेलिभिजन उत्पादनमा शीर्ष उद्योग पेशेवरहरू समावेश छन्, जीवित घटना आर्केस्ट्रा, लडाकु विकास / सम्बन्ध, स्थल खरीद, प्रायोजन सृष्टि / विकास, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय लाइसेन्स, विपणन, विज्ञापन, publicity, and commission relations. BELLATOR हलिउड मा आधारित छ, क्यालिफोर्निया. र मनोरञ्जन विशाल ViacomCBS को स्वामित्वमा छ, टेलिभिजन भर सशक्त सामग्री माध्यम दर्शकहरु संग कनेक्ट संसारको प्रमुख मनोरञ्जन ब्रान्ड घर, चलचित्र, अनलाइन र मोबाइल प्लेटफर्म.



Bellator 239: Ruth vs. Amosov
मुख्य कार्ड:

Yaroslav Amosov (23-0) पराजित अनि रूथ (8-2) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Myles Jury (18-5) पराजित ब्रैंडन Girtz (16-9) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

टिम जोन्सन (13-6) पराजित टायरेल भाग्य (8-1) KO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 2:35 राउन्ड एक को

Valentin Moldavsky (9-1) पराजित Javy Ayala (11-8) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-25, 30-24, 30-24)

प्रारम्भिक कार्ड:

Davion Franklin (1-0) पराजित J.W. Kiser (5-3) TKO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 1:30 राउन्ड एक को

Chris Gonzalez (4-0) पराजित Aaron McKenzie (7-2-1) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

Kevin Croom (21-12) पराजित Adil Benjilany (5-3, 1 कांग्रेस) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Cris Lencioni (6-2) पराजित Salim Mukhidinov (7-4) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 30-27, 29-28)

काइल क्रचमर (6-0) पराजित Scott Futrell (11-10) जम्मा मार्फत (anaconda choke) मा 2:58 राउन्ड एक को

Grant Neal (3-0) पराजित Claude Wilcox (1-2) TKO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 3:37 राउन्ड तीन

Josh Hill (19-3)पराजित Vinicius Zani (11-6) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Solo Hatley Jr. (8-2) पराजित Gaston Bolanos (5-3) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Denise Kielholtz (5-2) पराजित Kristina Williams (3-3) जम्मा मार्फत (पछि-नाङ्गो दमा) मा 2:15 राउन्ड एक को

TeeJay Britton (6-2) पराजित गब्रिएल Varga (1-1) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Keith Lee (6-3) पराजित Shawn गुच्छा (9-5) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-26, 29-28, 29-27)

Christian Edwards (3-0) पराजित Marco Hutch (3-3) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-26, 30-26, 30-25)

कृपया भ्रमण Bellator.com थप जानकारीको लागि.



LOS ANGELES – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s return to WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, Okla. यस शुक्रबार, फेब्रुअरी 21 has been finalized with a stacked four-fight main card airing at 9 p.m. एट / 8 p.m. CT on Paramount Network and DAZN. यसबाहेक, a total of 13 preliminary fights will stream on Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel and DAZN beginning at 6:15 p.m. PT/5:15 p.m. CT.

को मुख्य घटना Bellator 239 will feature an exciting welterweight clash between two of the division’s best prospects, as three-time NCAA National Wrestling Champion अनि रूथ (8-1) takes on undefeated Ukrainian striker Yaroslav Amosov (22-0). साथै कार्डमा, a premiere lightweight matchup between Minnesota’s own ब्रैंडन Girtz (16-8) and recent Bellator free agent signing Myles Jury (17-5), as well as two pivotal matchups in the heavyweight division as टायरेल भाग्य (8-0) is set to meet UFC-veteran तिमोथी जनसन (12-6) र शीर्ष दावेदार Javy Ayala (11-7) goes to battle against a member of Fedor Emelianenko’s team in Russia, Valentin Moldavsky (8-1).

Preliminary action for Bellator 239: Ruth vs. Amosov will be highlighted by a number of young undefeated prospects returning to the cage, including Oklahoma’s काइल क्रचमर (5-0), Christian Edwards (2-0), Chris Gonzalez (3-0), Grant Neal (2-0) and Texas’ Lucas Brennan (2-0), while familiar names in Cris Lencioni (5-2), Gaston Bolanos (5-2) र Shawn गुच्छा (9-4) are also scheduled to compete on the card.

यसबाहेक, the prelims will feature appearances by two Bellator Kickboxing champions in flyweight champ Denise Kielholtz (4-2) and featherweight titleholder गब्रिएल Varga (1-0) as they both return to the Bellator MMA cage.

कृपया भ्रमण Bellator.com थप जानकारीको लागि.

Bellator 239: Ruth vs. Amosov मुख्य कार्ड:

Paramount Network and DAZN

9 p.m. एट / 8 p.m. CT

Welterweight मुख्य घटना: अनि रूथ (8-1) बनाम. Yaroslav Amosov (22-0)

हल्का सह-मुख्य घटना: ब्रैंडन Girtz (16-8) बनाम. Myles Jury (17-5)

हेवीवेट मेन कार्ड बाउट: टायरेल भाग्य (8-0) बनाम. टिम जोन्सन (12-6)

हेवीवेट मेन कार्ड बाउट: Javy Ayala (11-7) बनाम. Valentin Moldavsky (8-1)

प्रारम्भिक कार्ड:

Bellator MMA’s YouTube Channel and DAZN

6:15 p.m. र / 5:15 p.m. CT:

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Christian Edwards (2-0) बनाम. Marco Hutch (3-2)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Shawn गुच्छा (9-4) बनाम. Keith Lee (5-3)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: गब्रिएल Varga (1-0) बनाम. TeeJay Britton (5-2)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Denise Kielholtz (4-2) बनाम. Kristina Williams (3-2)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Gaston Bolanos (5-2) बनाम. Solo Hatley Jr. (7-2)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Josh Hill (18-3) बनाम. Vinicius Zani (11-5)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Grant Neal (2-0) बनाम. Claude Wilcox (1-1)

175-lb. Contract Weight Bout: काइल क्रचमर (5-0) बनाम. Scott Futrell (11-9)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Cris Lencioni (5-2) बनाम. Salim Mukhidinov (7-3)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Adil Benjilany (5-2, 1 कांग्रेस) बनाम. Kevin Croom (20-12)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Lucas Brennan (2-0) बनाम. Jamese Taylor (0-1)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Chris Gonzalez (3-0) बनाम. Aaron McKenzie (7-1-1)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: J.W. Kiser (5-2) बनाम. Davion Franklin (प्रो पदार्पण)

*कार्ड परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ

कृपया भ्रमण Bellator.com थप जानकारीको लागि.


Full Fight Night Photos Here

मुख्य कार्ड:

यूहन्ना साल्टर (17-4) पराजित Costello van Steenis (12-2) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Andrew Kapel (15-6) पराजित "राजा मो" Lawal (21-10) KO मार्फत (पंच) मा 1:22 राउन्ड एक को

Arlene Blencowe (13-7) पराजित Leslie Smith (11-8-1) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

टायरेल भाग्य (8-0) पराजित Zu Anyanwu (15-6) TKO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 1:56 राउन्ड दुई

प्रारम्भिक कार्ड:

Aaron McKenzie (7-1-1) पराजित Sean Clements (3-2) जम्मा मार्फत (पछि-नाङ्गो दमा) मा 4:31 राउन्ड एक को

Lucas Brennan (2-0) पराजित Jacob Landin (0-3) जम्मा मार्फत (पछि-नाङ्गो दमा) मा 3:38 राउन्ड एक को

Tyree Fortune (5-0) पराजित Chuck Campbell (2-1) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Logan Storley (11-0) पराजित E.J. ब्रूक्स (13-6) TKO मार्फत (injury) मा 5:00 राउन्ड एक को

जुलियस एङ्गलिकास (8-1) पराजित Jordan Young (11-1) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Amanda Bell (7-6) पराजित Janay Harding (5-4) TKO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 4:44 राउन्ड तीन

काइल क्रचमर (5-0) पराजित Robert Gidron (4-4) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

रोमेरो कपास (4-0) पराजित Jason Perrotta (3-4) via verbal submission (injury) मा 2:16 राउन्ड एक को

Christian Edwards (2-0) पराजित Cesar Bennett (0-1) knockout मार्फत (head kick) मा 0:16 राउन्ड एक को

Grant Neal (2-0) पराजित Jimmy Lugo (1-1) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (30-26, 30-26, 29-28)

कृपया भ्रमण Bellator.com थप जानकारीको लागि.




LOS ANGELES - Bellator will hold the first-ever MMA event at Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport, Conn. शनिबार, अगस्ट 24 when the always-exciting मत्ती Mitrione (13-6, 1 कांग्रेस) once again squares off against सर्गेई Kharitonov (29-7, 2 कांग्रेस) in a heavyweight headliner.

The remainder of the main card features four other must-see bouts, including two additional heavyweight slugfests, as former Bellator heavyweight champion Vitaly Minakov (21-1) अनुहार Javy Ayala (11-7) यो सह-मुख्य घटना मा, while undefeated heavyweight prospects टायरेल भाग्य (6-0) र Rudy Schaffroth (6-0, 1 कांग्रेस), who both originally hail from Portland, घण्टामा।, collide in the main card opener.

Rounding out the five-fight card on Paramount Network – the man with the most appearances inside the Bellator Cage in history, दाऊदले Rickels (21-5, 2 कांग्रेस), takes on the undefeated Ukrainian Yaroslav Amosov (21-0) in a 175-pound catchweight bout, and former flyweight title contender Alejandra Lara (7-3) भेट्छन्Taylor Turner (4-5) bantamweight मा, who returns after recently upsetting Heather Hardy at Madison Square Garden earlier this summer.

The main card can be seen live on सर्व नेटवर्कDAZN मा 9 p.m. एट / 8 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com, DAZN र विश्वव्यापी रूपमा Bellator मोबाइल अनुप्रयोग मा शुरुवात 5:45 pm EST/2:45 pm PST.

को लागि टिकट Bellator 225: Mitrione vs. Kharitonov 2 अब बिक्री मा हो, and are available in-person at the Click It or Ticket Box Office at Webster Bank Arena, as well as online at Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.

Earlier in the evening, कनेक्टिकट आफ्नै "कुख्यात" निक नेवेल (15-2) will lace up the Bellator gloves for the first time in his career and make the short drive from his home in Milford, Conn. to Webster Bank Arena, जब उहाँले पूरा Corey Browning (5-2), a man who has already defeated “Baby Slice” and Aaron Chalmers. Also representing the “The Constitution State,” the surging Mike “The Savage” Kimbel (3-1) will be looking to impress the partisan crowd againstChris Disonell (3-3).

Preliminary action is highlighted by appearances from top Bellator prospects, including Royce Gracie’s eldest son Khonry Gracie (1-1), Israel’s Aviv Gozali (2-0) and the promotional debut of light heavyweight Grant “The Truth” Neal (1-0). थप, long-time UFC and TUF veteran Sabah Homasi (12-8) returns to the Bellator Cage for the first time since Bellator 124.

साथै कार्डमा, अविजित Austin “The Gentleman” Vanderford (7-0) will make his middleweight debut against Georgia’s Joseph Creer (6-0-1), New Jersey’s Ricky Bandejas (11-3) will return to action for the first time since relocating to American Top Team in Florida, when he competes at bantamweight against Virginia’s Ahmet Kayretli (8-3, 1 कांग्रेस) and the always-exciting टिम जोन्सन (12-5) will make his sophomore Bellator appearance against recently signedAzunna Anyanwu (15-5) of Philadelphia in a heavyweight matchup.

Complete Bellator 225: Mitrione vs. Kharitonov 2 लडाई कार्ड:

Heavyweight Main Event: मत्ती Mitrione (13-6, 1 कांग्रेस) बनाम. सर्गेई Kharitonov (29-7, 2 कांग्रेस)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Vitaly Minakov (21-1) बनाम. Javy Ayala (11-7)

Bantamweight Feature Bout: Alejandra Lara (7-3) बनाम. Taylor Turner (4-5)

175-Pound Catchweight Feature Bout: दाऊदले Rickels (21-5, 2 कांग्रेस) बनाम. Yaroslav Amosov (21-0)

Heavyweight Feature Bout: टायरेल भाग्य (6-0) बनाम. Rudy Schaffroth (6-0, 1 कांग्रेस)

प्रारम्भिक कार्ड:

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Khonry Gracie (1-1) बनाम. Oscar Vera (0-1)

165-Pound Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Aviv Gozali (2-0) बनाम. Eduard Muravitskiy (9-8)
Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Grant Neal (1-0) बनाम. Alpha Toure (प्रो पदार्पण)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Sabah Homasi (12-8) बनाम. Micah Terrill (14-7, 1 कांग्रेस)

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: अस्टिन भान्डरफोर्ड (7-0) बनाम. Joseph Creer (6-0-1)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: टिम जोन्सन (12-5) बनाम. Azunna Anyanwu (15-5)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Ricky Bandejas (11-3) बनाम. Ahmet Kayretli (8-3, 1 कांग्रेस)

140-Pound Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Mike Kimbel (3-1) बनाम. Chris Disonell (3-3)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: निक नेवेल (15-2) बनाम. Corey Browning (5-2)

165-Pound Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Kastriot Xhema (3-3, 1 कांग्रेस) बनाम. Connor Dixon (प्रो पदार्पण)

175-Pound Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Jon Manley (11-6) बनाम. Thiago Rela (10-7)

*कार्ड परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ.




SANTA MONICA, क्यालिफोर्निया (Dec. 6, 2016) – It was announced today that one of MMA’s hottest prospects, अनि रूथ (1-0), will waste no time continuing to build his resume, as he fights Emanuele Palombi (5-2) for his second fight in as many months. The bout takes place यस शुक्रबार मा "Bellator 168: Sakara vs. Beltran," मा Dec. 10 from the Mandela Forum in Florence and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 4pm एट/PT.


मा मात्र 26 वर्ष पुराना, Ruth is looking to pave the way for the other members of “The New Breed," a group of highly accomplished wrestlers who have all signed to fight under the Bellator MMA banner including: Joey Davis (1-0), टायरेल भाग्य (1-0), Jarod Trice (1-0) साथै हारून पिकोरोमेरो कपास – the last of which have yet to make their highly anticipated professional debuts. Before he was a three-time National Champion and four-time All-American wrestler at Penn State University, Ruth attended the world-renown Blair Academy in Susquehanna Township, PA, where he was the top-ranked recruit in the nation for his weight class. Having achieved great success at every stage of competition throughout his life, Ruth aspires to have the Bellator middleweight gold around his waist before long. After making the move across the country to Fresno, क्यालिफोर्निया।, where he now trains at Dethrone Basecamp with other Bellator MMA fighters like यहो Koscheckक्रिस Honeycutt, Ruth made his professional MMA debut just last month on नोभेम्बर. 4, when he finished Dustin Collins-Miles with strikes at 3:19 पहिलो चरणको मा.


Ruth now faces Rome’s Palombi, a seven-fight veteran with five victories including three KO’s and one submission. Ruth, who is taking the fight on less than a week’s notice, must quickly learn how to tune out a hometown crowd, who will certainly be heavily in favor of the Italian fighter.


The evening is highlighted by a main event featuring Italy’s most renowned mixed martial artist एलेसियो Sakara (18-11, 2 कांग्रेस), who will duke it out with Joey “The Mexicutioner” Beltran (17-13, 1 कांग्रेस) in a light heavyweight main event. Other Bellator MMA competitors will also be in action, लगायत यूहन्ना साल्टर (12-3), Yamauchi माथि (31-9) र Philipe Lins(10-1).


The Bellator Kickboxing brand will also be on display in Italy with a card that features a female flyweight rematch between Denise Kielholtz (45-3) र Gloria Peritore (11-1-1), but this time, a world title will be on the line. "Bellator किकबक्सिङ: Florence” will also include a lightweight clash between Giorgio Petrosyan (82-2-2, 1 कांग्रेस) and British kickboxing champion Jordan Watson (48-11-2), a middleweight matchup pitting जो Schilling (19-9) विरुद्धमा Victorio Lermano (30-7), a welterweight contest pairing Luca Novello (22-4-2) संग Karim Ghajji (96-13-1), र Kevin Ross(31-9) पूरा हुनेछ Alessio Arduini (26-14-2) हल्का लड्न. "Bellator किकबक्सिङ: Florence” airs शुक्रबार, Dec. 16 मा 11:15 pm एट, immediately following "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii.”


पूर्ण "Bellator 168: Sakara vs. Beltran” Card:

हल्का हैवीवेट सुविधा सङ्घर्ष: एलेसियो Sakara (18-11, 2 कांग्रेस) बनाम. कान्छा Beltran (17-13, 1 कांग्रेस)

हल्का हैवीवेट सुविधा सङ्घर्ष: Philipe Lins (10-1) बनाम. Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7)

Middleweight Feature Fight: यूहन्ना साल्टर (12-3) बनाम. Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Yamauchi माथि (31-9) बनाम. Mircea Valeriu (12-3)

Middleweight Feature Fight: अनि रूथ (1-0) बनाम. Emanuele Palombi (5-2)

Complete “Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” Card:

Lightweight Feature Fight: Giorgio Petrosyan (82-2-2, 1 कांग्रेस) बनाम. Jordan Watson (48-11-2)

Flyweight World Title: Denise Kielholtz (45-3) बनाम. Gloria Peritore (11-1-1)

Middleweight Feature Fight: जो Schilling (19-9) बनाम. Victorio Lermano (30-7)

Welterweight सुविधा सङ्घर्ष: Luca Novello (22-4-2) बनाम. Karim Ghajji (96-13-1)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Kevin Ross (31-9) बनाम. Alessio Arduini (26-14-2)



Complete Event Photos Here / Full Event Highlights Here


UNCASVILLE, Conn. (नोभेम्बर. 4, 2016) – It’s a wonderful life for फिल डेविस (17-3), who dethroned लियम McGeary (11-1) शुक्रबार रात मा “Bellator 163,taking home the light heavyweight championship.

As has been the case plenty of times throughout Davisillustrious career, his wrestling pedigree was the deciding factor, nullifying the world-class jiu-jitsu of the Renzo Gracie-trained former champion. For nearly 25-minutes, “श्री. Wonderfulmaintained top pressure on the New York-native, frustrating McGeary and putting him into desperation mode in the fifth and final round. McGeary fought valiantly to both stop and submit the longtime Alliance MMA-product, तर अन्त मा, Davis took home the unanimous decision with scorecards of 50-43, 50-45, 50-44.

McGeary, who suffered the first loss of his young career, was humble in defeat, admitting that while Davis was the better man throughout their main event fight, he will be back to reclaim what he feels is rightfully his.

Returning home to Southern California with a new belt in tow, Davis now sets his sights on his pregnant wife, who is due to give birth to his second son सोमबार.

ब्रेनन वडा & Saad Awad Provide 90 Seconds of Pure Violence

In an absolute barnburner, ब्रेनन वडा तपाईं AWAD went toe-to-toe for the 86 seconds they shared the Bellator MMA cage together, doing their best imitation of Rock EmSock EmRobots until “आइरिस” caught “हत्यारा” with an uppercut that sent the Palestinian face first into the canvas. With the knockout, Ward moves into sixth place on the all-time list of KO’s under the promotion’s banner, and now sets his sights on a future matchup against the elite at 170-pounds.

Neiman Gracie Tells the MMA World, ‘Gracie Jiu-Jitsuis Back

After finding out they would be competing live on SPIKE less than 24 hours before entering the Bellator MMA cage, Neiman Gracie (5-0) बनेको छिटो काम Rudy आकार (16-15), latching on to an arm bar 4:39 into the opening frame and forcing the tap fromBad News.Gracie was able to add to his impressive submission record, which has now been stretched to three victories in three Bellator MMA appearances, including a pair of first-round submissions. The 27-year-old was also able to please रयस Gracie, who was cornering his bout for the evening.

Javy Ayala Spoils Return of Sergei Kharitonov in 16 सेकेन्ड

In what many people thought would be a triumphant return to the sport of MMA for सर्गेई Kharitonov (23-6), Javy Ayala (10-5) spoiled that, sending the Russian heavyweight to the canvas in a heap following an overhand right 16 seconds into the matchup. विजय संग, “Eye Candyimmediately inserted himself into further big-time match-ups, namedropping both बबी Lashleyमत्ती Mitrione during his post-fight interview. In his last two outings, the Northern California-native has finished his foe in the opening round via stoppage.

प्रारम्भिक कार्ड परिणाम:

अनि रूथ (1-0) पराजित Dustin Collins-Miles (0-1) TKO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 3:19 राउन्ड एक को

टायरेल भाग्य (1-0) पराजित Cody Miskell (0-1) TKO मार्फत (घूंसे) मा 2:22 राउन्ड एक को

टिम caron (6-0) पराजित Steve Skrzat (8-9) via TKO at 1:22 राउन्ड एक को

Hannah Regina (1-0) पराजित सारा Paying (1-4) जम्मा मार्फत (arm bar) मा 4:51 राउन्ड एक को

टिम caron (6-0) पराजित Steve Skrzat (8-9) via TKO at 1:22 राउन्ड दुई

ब्लेयर Tugman (9-6) पराजित वाल्टर स्मिथ-Cotito (4-5, 1 कांग्रेस) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (29-28)

Christopher Foster (10-4) पराजित Thomas English (6-7) सर्वसम्मत निर्णय मार्फत (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

टायलर राजा (12-4) पराजित जोश DIEKMANN (15-8, 1 कांग्रेस) जम्मा मार्फत (पछि-नाङ्गो दमा) मा 1:39 राउन्ड दुई

Carlos Corriea (2-0) पराजित इल्या Kotau (1-2) विभाजित निर्णय मार्फत (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

Vinicius De Jesus (5-1) पराजित James Boran (6-1) जम्मा मार्फत (पछि-नाङ्गो दमा) मा 1:55 को गोल 2


SANTA MONICA, क्यालिफोर्निया. (अक्टोबर. 25, 2016) - Hey America! As we near the 2016 Presidential Election, Bellator MMA is headed to the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn on शुक्रबार, नोभेम्बर 4 with one of the most intriguing cards of the year. Headlining the event, Phil “Mr. Wonderful” Davis is on the campaign trail as he prepares for one of the biggest fights of his career vs current Light Heavyweight Champion, लियम McGeary.


In advance of the card’s main event, Bellator’s digital team collaborated with Davis and stand-up comedian, Adam Hunter, to produce a collection of six original digital campaign videos with a clear message that there is a better choice! Complementing the digital shorts, fans can actually vote for Davis at the touch of a button at www.VoteForPhilDavis.com up until fight night on नोभेम्बर 4. In the meantime, watch these “wonderful” clips below and see why Davis’ stance outside the cage will make MMA great again!


One of the more outspoken athletes in MMA, Davis comes in having won three consecutive contests and seven of his last nine. साथै, the 31-year-old has finished his opponent in half of his 16 career wins, including five submission victories. Davis earned his shot at McGeary and the highly coveted 205-pound belt with a key win over “King Mo” मा "Bellator 154: डेविस बनाम. King Mo” यस वर्षको सुरूमा. A 13-fight veteran of the UFC, Davis will likely not be fazed by the bright lights of the Mohegan Sun Arena, in what is possibly the biggest challenge of his illustrious career. Look for the former NCAA National Champion wrestler to take this contest to the canvas and display his impeccable ground game in front of a packed Connecticut crowd.

















"Bellator 163: McGeary vs. Davis” Fight Card

Light Heavyweight World Title Fight: लियम McGeary (11-0) बनाम. फिल डेविस (16-3)

Welterweight Co-Main Event: तपाईं AWAD (19-8) बनाम. ब्रेनन वडा (13-4)

Welterweight Feature Bout: पावलले Daley (38-14-2) बनाम. डेरेक एन्डरसन (14-2)

Heavyweight Feature Bout: सर्गेई Kharitonov (23-5) बनाम. Javy Ayala (9-5)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Marloes Coenen (23-7) बनाम. Talita Nogueira (6-0)


प्रारम्भिक कार्ड

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: अनि रूथ (पदार्पण) बनाम. Mark Mangiardi (पदार्पण)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: टायरेल भाग्य (पदार्पण) बनाम. Cody Miskell (पदार्पण)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Neiman Gracie (4-0) बनाम. Rudy आकार (16-14)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: जोश DIEKMANN (15-7, 1 कांग्रेस) बनाम. टायलर राजा (11-4)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: ब्लेयर Tugman (8-6) बनाम. वाल्टर स्मिथ-Cotito (4-4, 1 कांग्रेस)

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Michael Zichelle (8-4) बनाम. टिम caron (5-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: इल्या Kotau (1-1) बनाम. Carlos Corriea (1-0)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: सारा Paying (1-3) बनाम. Hannah Regina (पदार्पण)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Keenan रेमंड (3-3) बनाम. Kastroit Xhema (पदार्पण)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: James Boran (6-0) बनाम. Vinicius De Jesus (4-1)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Thomas English (6-6) बनाम. Christopher Foster (9-4)