标记档案: 罗素佩尔茨

佩尔茨拳击: 终身LOVE STORY; Ĵ罗素佩尔茨庆祝拳击半世纪

费城 — 为 50 岁月, Ĵ罗素佩尔茨已经生活和呼吸拳击. 在十月 4, 他将庆祝他的五十周年的费城子标题为八回合卡 “血液, 汗 & 50 年份,” 在 2300 竞技场. 由于九月. 30, 1969, 他已经在这个城市的机构, 提供数百平台, 如果不是数千费城战士展示自己的才华. 他提拔过千的拳击项目,在 40 世界冠军较量. 半个世纪以来,, 佩尔茨已骑的小过山车- 和大拳击, 与世界各地的车站.

佩尔茨’ 拳击爱情已经失去导师, 父母, 一姐, 一个儿子和一个婚姻. 它已经在他的成年生活的全部常量, 和内疚的避难所, 悲伤和失落. 这是他用时,他无法忍受的拐杖, 和山从他尖叫着他的成功. 它一直是一个持久的激情与安全, 不露面的游泳池在那里他可以倾吐爱的巨大量, 响亮地, 和没有内疚或恐惧的判断.

他回忆打架的日期的学者般的能力, 谁是每个卡上, 而发生在每一轮什么. 他记得详细的40岁的故事, 打架, 对话和事件,如他们发生在昨天.

对于他的14岁生日, 他的父亲带他到他的第一次战斗,这是爱在第一钟. 他知道他将是拳击的美丽残暴的一部分. 他的妈妈拒绝让他去更多的战斗; 她不想让他成为其中的一部分 “该元素。” 他会撒谎说,他与朋友或在聚会在外面, 然后去战斗. 最终,她心软了, 和他的父亲带他到更多的战斗. 他会放弃一个新兴的体育新闻事业事业,促进他在9月第一个事件. 30, 1969.

Ĵ罗素佩尔茨在上层中产阶级家庭中长大, 从费城搬到巴拉辛瓦伊德的富人社区在费城的主线当他进入三年级. 他的父亲, 伯纳德·佩尔茨, 像他自己的爸爸水暖工, 已经扩大佩尔茨水暖到包括加热和空调. 通过所有测量, 他的生意是成功的, 迎合住宅维修和大公司和政府设施. 他的父亲是被他心爱的员工.

佩尔茨有管道品味生活过的两个夏天 1963 和64年,并是断然坏吧. 这是十几岁的佩尔茨一个灾难性的努力, 谁没有机械倾斜. 导致属于一个富裕的客户数油画毁灭一个错误, 和一个大型的法案,他的父亲的脚.

他的父亲是没有太大的体育迷的拳击之外. 他的父亲, 佩尔茨’ 祖父, 是一个狂热的球迷和西部联盟工作. 在战斗之夜, 包括杰克·登普西在VS. 基因Tunney在打 1926 费城, 他是马戏团, 收集更新和副本,并将它们传送到线服务.

随着佩尔茨告诉它, 他的父亲, 喜欢的孩子很多父母谁在50年代和60年代来了年龄, 与他的情绪表现不. “他只是没有那种人,” 佩尔茨开始, 然后停顿. “任何比我更, 可能表现出来. 我妈妈的情感, 爱一个。”

与佩尔茨交谈什么时候照过, 是他的父母有多么爱对方. 当男人不应该哭一次, 佩尔茨的父亲, 谁他描述为一个 “男人中的男人,” 拉着妻子的照顾,同时她生病多年,肺气肿. “他们是热恋,” 佩尔茨说. “事情变得岩石后面, 尤其是当我的母亲生病, 但他一直爱着她。.

“她太虚弱,他将不得不削减了她的肉和预咀嚼, 所以她会强大到足以咀嚼它的其余部分,” 记得佩尔茨. “他会做这些事情,你可以看到,他爱她。”

在经过他的母亲去世 1975, 佩尔茨发现她的遗物中一箱: “当我妈妈去世, 我发现故事的剪报一盒约我, 其中一些我以前从未见过. 我知道她是爱我的。”

他的父亲给了他一个办公室工作从, 并两次借给他钱的时候佩尔茨需要升压通过节目或糟糕的一年拿到. 如果佩尔茨没有被压垮悔恨, 他可能已经看到了儿子的拳击经纪人生涯的这些手势和支持, 其中他向外不赞成, 话说他父亲的路,我爱你.

裂痕的家庭开发时佩尔茨娶了第一任妻子, 非犹太女孩, 在 1969, 对他父母的意愿. 这一分歧将上色自己多年的其余部分一起.

在 72 岁, 佩尔茨回顾了这些年,看到一个自私, 他自己不成熟的版本, 谁没有把他的父母那么好. “我从来没有与我的父母成熟的关系,” 佩尔茨会说一次以上. “我对那可怕的遗憾。” 他的叔叔告诉他,他的决定嫁给他的第一任妻子是杀死他的母亲, 和佩尔茨相信他. 内疚是显而易见的,他描述了他母亲的最后的日子.

他在他的父母感到苦味’ 反应到他的婚姻和他们的唠叨 “得到一份真正的工作” 对他所选择的专业态度,把空间在它们之间. 后,两个已经过去了, 骄傲和怨恨很快让位给了内疚和后悔.

到底, 这是他的姐姐家,然后他的父母’ 回家他会去当他的第一次婚姻土崩瓦解. 他每天会停止打招呼,他的父亲, 谁建造了他的办公室在他的水暖企业. 他家的基础, 其中已建成的沉默的爱和承诺, 多年来探明不屈.

这不是他的母亲去世后不久,他遇到的女人谁将会成为他现在的妻子–在劳尔梅里恩高中高中老同学. 佩尔茨从他们第一次约会,他会娶琳达Sablosky知道. 所有疑问唠叨的感情,他进入了他的第一次婚姻是无处可寻. 有人谁认为自己是不露声色和unexpressive, 他的爱和奉献琳达的从第一次约会的严重性,直到这一天是显而易见的. 在四个小时的采访, 它是当他谈到琳达,他敲响了最满足,精神振奋.

“家庭是一切琳达,” 佩尔茨说. “她汇集了疏远的表兄弟和其他家庭成员,她变得非常接近我的父亲, 每天给他打电话.

“如果我的妈妈遇到了琳达,” 他继续, 轻声哭泣, “她将有一个活下去的理由。”

琳达适合毫不费力地进入他的世界拳击. 她经常出席活动, 与佩尔茨旅行. “琳达是谁可以在任何世界上存在什么样的人, 在任何气氛, 大家都喜欢她。” 佩尔茨说. “它帮助我在拳击. 人们说, “他怎么坏能? 她嫁给他!’

“琳达是从来没有闲. 她可以填补 24 小时全天候服务. 她是一元店的女王. 她受不了坐着无所事事. 如果琳达有 400 事情要做,我只希望做 200 其中, 她说我无聊。”

这两个将有两个儿子, 马修和丹尼尔. 马修, 最老的, 感兴趣的音乐和女孩. 他是一个“无输出,’ 在Grateful Dead的球迷赋予的绰号, 并与他们走过一夏. 他最终移居到以色列,并成为一名犹太拉比. 他已婚并有四个孩子.

丹尼尔是运动员, 参加各种体育, 包括短的业余拳击生涯佩尔茨从丹尼尔的母亲躲了很短的时间段.

佩尔茨尽最大努力从未错过任何一场比赛. “他总是对我有,” 丹尼尔说. “他游历了许多地方, 但他总是让时间为我的体育赛事. 他没有错过一个里程碑。”

佩尔茨和他的妻子失去了马修吸毒过量在 2017. 他是唯一 38. 在佩尔茨疼痛’ 当他谈到他们试图挽救他们的儿子这些年来的声音是心脏痛心. 无数前往戒毒所, 失信和复发窝在过去几年的时间在一起. 他喜欢马修硬和彻底任何父母能有, 但毕竟是吸毒的小偷拿走马修远离他的父母, 他的哥哥和他的孩子们.

在儿子的葬礼佩尔茨告诉投标丑闻震撼管道行业在费城时,他还是个孩子的故事. 这个故事已经见诸报端, 与时任能得到他的手文章, 他读的每一个字, 那些参与其中寻找他父亲的名字, 希望并祈祷它不存在. 他再次破裂的声音,因为他复述它. “当我到了故事的底部, 它列出所有参与修复公司… 他的名字是不是在那里. 我觉得很proud.of他.

“所以,这只是我知道,伯尼佩尔茨的一天公平的工资提供了一天的辛苦工作. 三十年后, 从我有一天下班回家,琳达递给我电话. 你儿子想和你谈谈. 我说:“这是怎么回事马特。’ 他说:“爸爸, 如何来当体育记者写拳击发起人, 他们总是写不好的东西就像他们骗战士, 他们偷他们的钱, 他们还清了评委和裁判, 他们解决了排名… 但每当他们写你,” 他停下来闻一闻沉重的眼泪掉了, “他们总是写的好东西. 最后,他说:“这太酷。’ 我没有意识到这一点的时间,但随着岁月的流逝,我意识到,我的儿子有同样的感觉关于我的,我觉得我的爸爸。”

佩尔茨背着他琳达的除了他自己的痛苦的重量在他们儿子的损失. “所有琳达曾经想要的是一个母亲. 在那里当孩子们放学回家,” 佩尔茨召回. “那是什么让失去马修很毁灭她. 她怀疑她的能力作为一个母亲.

“如果马修有过任何其他母亲,” 佩尔茨说, 他的声音激动开裂, “他不会作出它甚至20。”

佩尔茨找到安慰他的孙子. “噗很亲热与孩子们,” 丹尼尔说, 谁拥有两个女儿. “他有六个孙子 — 他爱他们,他们崇拜他。”

历年, 佩尔茨带来了许多拳击手进入他的内圆, 许多他们成为家庭. Osnel查尔斯, 谁打架十月 4, 问佩尔茨是在他的婚礼共伴郎. 他说,在许多霍尔的成名归纳, 婚丧嫁娶,在过去的半个世纪.

他谈到了他最近的一个收费, 贾森·索萨, 以情. 一个在他漫长的职业生涯的最高点正在目睹弱旅索萨停止哈维尔财神,赢得了世界冠军 2016 在北京, 中国.

“当战斗结束了,我们走回酒店,” 他记得. “琳达走到了房间,因为她累了. 我走进酒店酒吧. 其中一个真正现代化的霓虹灯亮条. 我坐在那空杆,我觉得等世界之巅. 人们回到美国才刚刚新闻,我在这里由我自己有啤酒北京,我感觉真好. 你知道为什么? 这主要是因为在我的职业生涯的,它发生的时间. 要赢得世界冠军一样,, 在异乡, 从后面来了画布, 无杆拿下除淘汰赛…与琳达尖叫和哭泣,她跳起来,因为她爱的杰森. 这就像如此之大. 这种美妙的感觉. 是我职业生涯的亮点. 这不是一个数字,但它像1A。”

第一, 他加了, 是时,他的第一次充电, 本尼·布里斯科, 淘汰托尼·芒迪恩在巴黎 1974: “这将永远是一个数字. 这是一个消除. 我们是弱者. 这是我第一次去欧洲,这是你可以有没有它的标题中最大的打击. 它就是这样一个美妙的夜晚。”

他的门生, 愤怒的米歇尔贝贝罗萨, 是谁推动 “爱, 汗 & 50 年份,” 是很多人的一个谁看到佩尔茨作为一个父亲般的人物. 他的七岁罗萨的导师会在他的火炬传递给他的勤奋指导者达到高潮. “领导建立领导. 因为他不具有自我, 而斜而不倒在像这样众多的同行中一切代价来保护他的秘密, 他能够指导BAM [布列塔尼·罗杰斯] 而我和教我们的绳索. 我很荣幸,他相信我能继续他的遗产。” 佩尔茨知道吹嘘罗萨他的同事们在业务. 当他谈到了她, 一个骄傲的父亲和专业的尊重和敬佩之间语气交替. 他们可能打和尖叫,却总是最终调和家庭一样那么经常.

佩尔茨准备他的第50周年庆典后慢. 对这项运动的变化已经磨薄了他的欲望继续下去. “这不是我爱上了这项运动,” 他说,. “它不是像它曾经是. 伙计们只是想打. 如果家伙是内 10 英镑我们吵架了。”

在十月 4, 他将逐步减少,他的职业生涯牵线搭桥用一种卡,他已经成为过去著名的费城 50 岁月. 强硬, 费城费城与胜负难料的比赛. 那种卡,吸引了他拳击和保留他有半世纪.

这些关系, 该佩尔茨与琳达的那些, 丹尼尔和他的孙子, 与米歇尔, 与Osnel查尔斯, 本尼·布里斯科, 贾森·索萨和无数其他拳手–这些关系不发生意外. 他们建立在尊重和爱. 爱,没有尖叫出声, 但通过动作感觉. 爱,是伪装成扬眉吐气的感觉, 或作为内疚和遗憾的重量. 一个爱的等于或或许比他的拳击爱情更. 拳击总是会在那里佩尔茨可以爱出声的地方, 但他的遗产将永远是他爱那些安静的方式,他摸过去 50 岁月.


门票 “佩尔茨拳击50周年庆祝活动” 售价 $50, $70 和 $90. 他们可以在网上购买的 www.2300arena.com 或致电 215-758-2173 和/或 215-765-0922. 门开处 6:30 PM和第一回合是在 7:30 下午. 凭据申请在九月到期 20 并可以要求在 ragingbabe.com/credentials. 血液, 汗 & 50 年由罗科的碰撞和Cricket Wireless赞助.


Tickets are on sale now for the October 19th 卡, which features tough, local match-ups

DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA八月 25, 2017Raging Babe and Hall of Fame Matchmaker 罗素佩尔茨 have assembled what could be the best card North Carolina has seen this year. 什么时候 “Raging Babe” Michelle Rosado first stepped foot into North Carolina, she did so with intent and purpose. North Carolina has, for too long, been seen as a place where fighters can go pad their records. Rosado was committed to changing that, and the newly minted Promoter plans on delivering on that commitment when she presents 星期四 夜战斗October 19thDurham Armory.

The main event is a local match-up, thick with bad blood. MarkoThe Bull City Bully” 贝利 (5-0, 3KO) faces off against Charlotte’s StevieThe AnswerMassey (4-1, 4KO). in a six-round bout that has been brewing since both fighters were in the amateur ranks. The behind-closed-doors trash talk that both fighters have partaken in over the past few years has spilled over onto social media, and will now culminate in North Carolina State Championship bout onOctober 19th. “He runs his mouth too much,” said Bailey of his opponent. “This is personal. I want to beat the sout of him. I have waited a long time to get my hands on this guy, and I’m going to break him down over six rounds. I’m going to make him look bad.This is Bailey’s first six round bout, and he enters camp with the words of Undisputed Super Lightweight Champion Terence Crawford in his mind. “I spent some time with Bud last weekend. He told me that even when you’re struggling, and times get hard, you gotta fight through it no matter what. No excuses.Bailey is training three hours from home with his head coach Don Turner. “It’s not easy work, training hours each day on a farm with only work, rest and corn.Said Rosado of Bailey’s camp. Bailey isn’t deterred. “You gotta fight through adversity. That’s what makes champions. That’s what shows what you’re made of,” said the young fighter.

Massey plans on letting his fists do the talking. “I don’t back down from nobody,” said Massey of the match-up. “We should have fought in the amateurs, but it didn’t happen, and now it’s time.The 24-year old featherweight is moving up in weight to fight Bailey, and Bailey is moving down. They are meeting in the middle at 132 磅. Massey is coming off his first loss, a tough unanimous decision to Reggie Barnett Jr. Many fighters would take an easier touch after a loss, but that’s not the way Massey is built. “The loss gave me that hunger back. He better strap up because October 19th, I’m coming.

It is the kind of matchup that Rosado and Peltz like best. “听, Michelle is a go- getter, she’s aggressive,” 佩尔茨说. “She buys into the local match-ups theory. There’s nothing wrong with boxing that good fights won’t help. Michelle understands that. You have to make competitive fights. If you can make them at the local level without TV, it’s only going to help boxing in the long run. We’re trying change culture in NC. Anytime you get two local kids to fight each other in the 21st century, it’s a big deal.

在合作的主要事件, two undefeated, local Durham fighters step up to face each other in a six round bout at Junior Middleweight. 约瑟夫·杰克逊 (8-0, 6KO) 广场抵销 MonrecoKing ReekGoldston (5-0-1, 3KO), with both fighters putting their ‘O’ 在线上. It will be Goldston’s first bout in over a year, after having scored a majority draw with Virginia’s Robert Sweeney in May 2016. The bout will be Jackson’s fourth this year. He is coming off a knockout win over Darryol Humphrey last Saturday, 8月19日.

也对卡, Carlos Olmeda (2-0, 2KO) faces a very tough opponent in New York brawler Vinnie Denierio (1-2, 1KO). It isn’t the first time the 5’10Southpaw Denierio has fought in the Bull City. He faced Marko Bailey there in April, before rematching him in June in Philadelphia. Both bouts earned standing ovations from the crowd. Olmeda isn’t the type to back down, despite being the smaller of the two fighters, plans to give the New Yorker all he can handle.

The remainder of the card is stacked with some of North Carolina’s most promising talent. Undefeated Junior Middleweight 甄子丹马歇尔 (5-0, 4KO) makes an appearance on the card, alongside Super Middleweight prospect 布雷克 “柯景” 曼斯菲尔德 (4-1-1, 2KO) , and Raleigh Heavyweight 内特·威廉姆斯 (1-0, 1KO). 也对卡, 美国人拉赫曼, JR. makes his North Carolina debut. The heavyweight is following in his father’s footsteps, and has earned two wins, both by knockout, since his April debut.

The fight card fulfills Rosado’s promise to the fans of North Carolina. “These fighters are not messing around,” 罗萨多说. “It’s refreshing to work with guys that want to fight.Rosado noted that, to the fighterscredit, the aforementioned match-ups were an easy sell. “They wanted to come and fight for the fans. No outlandish press tours, no pay-per-view, no circus acts, no embarrassing match-ups. Just real boxers fighting real fights, Durham style.

星期四 Night Fights is sponsored by Corona Extra. 门票现已公开发售 ($75, 50, 40), and available at RagingBabe.com 或致电 919-584-4849.


Rosado returns to finish what she started in the Bull City

DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA八月 15, 2017 -This time last year, “Raging Babe” Michelle Rosado touched down in Raleigh for the first time, determined to help a local boxing promoter make his mark in North Carolina. Rosado and her company, Raging Babe, did just that, and have now emerged as North Carolina’s newest boxing promoter.October 19th, Raging Babe promotes its own event at the Durham Armory, aptly named The Return. The card will feature some of the best young talent from across North Carolina in competitive fights, matched by Hall of Fame Matchmaker and mentor to Rosado, 罗素佩尔茨.

随着组合 50+ years of experience in the rough and tumble world of boxing, Rosado and Peltz brought a well-tested formula to Wilson in their first North Carolina endeavor in February. The sell-out event was followed up by the debut of 星期四 Night Fights in Durham. Throwing a boxing event on a星期四 night was a hard sell for Rosado. “I had to really work on the promoter to get them to give 星期四 Night Fights a shot. Durham is a fight town. I knew that if we threw a solid, quality card, with good fights, that fans would come out on a 星期四 夜晚, and they did.When planning The Return, Rosado opted to bring back 星期四 夜战斗, and return to the Durham Armory.

After two wildly successful events, followed by a dramatic falling out with the now defunct promotional company, Rosado was reluctant to return to the Tar Heel State. She realized, 虽然, after so many months of putting her sweat and passion into boxing in North Carolina, she owed to herself and the gyms, fighters and fans she met there to return, and fulfill the commitments she made to them to deliver quality fights, while treating the fighters ethically and with respect.

It took a while to get to know the personalities, the gyms, the fighters and their stories,” 罗萨多说. “For a long time, North Carolina was a place that managers and promoters brought their fighters to rack up wins. The fighters here deserve so much more than that, as do the fans. I made it a point to let everyone I met in North Carolina know that we were here to work on changing that.

In planning The Return, Rosado has felt that she could fully put her passions and ideas to work for North Carolina boxing. “I’m excited for the opportunity to do it my way,” 罗萨多说, who has put on events in Phoenix, 图森, Philadelphia and Danbury, 康涅狄格. “I’m happy to work with any fighter that wants to step up and fight. There are no easy touches on my cards. We want to pack the venue and give fans a night to remember. Russell is putting together a phenomenal fight card. The main and co-main events are going to have people so excitedI get goosebumps thinking about it. These guys are really stepping up to give the fans some of the best fights Durham has seen in a while. I wasn’t even sure we could put these fights together, and all of these fighters signed on the dotted line with no hesitation. They are daring to be great, and putting their undefeated records on the line, and I can’t wait to formally announce what we’ve been working on these last few weeks.

Rosado is also planning to work with the fighters to help the community in and around Durham. “I want to bring positivity to Durham, and to North Carolina boxing. These guys are given a stage to showcase their talent, and we want to use that platform to give back to the community in any way we can.

The complete fight card will be announced August 24th, and tickets for The Return go on sale that morning. Tickets can be purchased through the fighters or at ragingbabe.com.



星期五, 六月 24, at the 18,000-seat Beijing Capital Gym in Beijing, 中国, one of boxing’s most exciting fighters, 哈维尔 “该Abejon” 运气 (29-0-1, 21 科斯) will make the second defense of his WBA World Super Featherweight Championship against hard-punching WBA #8 contender Jason Sosa (18-1-4, 14 科斯). The potential war between the two sluggers will be also be seen by an audience of nearly 100 million Chinese via cctv5 channel live broadcast.
Fortuna vs. Sosa was officially announced at a press conference in Beijing today as the first in an ongoing series of four high-profile events per year that will be put on by the co-promotional partnership of Mr. Min Du Modoson and Mr. Liu Gang of Max Power PromotionsMPPand Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing.
26-year-old Fortuna, 拉罗马纳, 多明尼加共和国, has been a standout in boxing since his days as a decorated amateur who participated in the inaugural Pan American Junior Championships in 2003. Considered one of the most exciting fighters in the sport, Fortuna won his current title with a unanimous decision over Bryan Vasquez in May 2015. He defended it successfully in September of last year with a TKO 10 over Carlos Ivan Velasquez. Fortuna previously won the Interim WBA Featherweight Championship by beating formerly undefeated Patrick Hyland in December 2012. The powerful southpaw is also known for scoring highlight reel knockouts over formidable opponents including Yuandale Evans (WHO 1) and Miguel Zamudio (KO 1). Fortuna is promoted by Sampson Boxing.
28-year-old Sosa, 卡姆登, 新泽西州, is of proud Puerto Rican descent. He earned his title shot and caught the eyes of the boxing world in December of last year by fighting to a surprise draw with one of the sport’s top fighters, two-time world champion Nicholas “斧民” Walters of Jamaica. The fight was televised on HBO Boxing After Dark. A powerful puncher, Sosa was riding a 13-fight knockout streak before facing Walters. Sosa is also known for his aggressive style and iron chin. He has been called the best fighter to come out of Camden since former world champion DwightCamden BuzzsawMuhammad Qawi. Sosa is promoted by Peltz Boxing.
Here’s what the promoters, participants and their trainers had to say:
我感觉好极了. I am honored to be fighting in China.
He’s a strong fighter and he is always thinking in there. 然而, I feel that I’m more talented and have more ability. I also have the stronger punching power.
I have been waiting for this opportunity. I am looking forward to this fight for my team and my country.
I’ve fought punchers before and I box them until their power starts to dissipate and then I rumble with them.
I appreciate all the love I get from the fans, 全世界. That’s why I train hard: to gain fans and to make myself the best fighter I can be.
这是一个很好的机会. This is what every fighter dreams of: to fight for a world title.
It depends on what kind of fight Fortuna wants. I’ll be in there fighting smart and just see what kind of fight he wants to bring. We can go to war, or we can box. It’s up to him.
He’s a little aggressive. A little wild. Just another guy.
I’m not really doing anything different training for him. Everything I’m doing is working, so I don’t fix anything that’s not broken.
I’m excited and nervous to fight in China. It’s my first time out of the country for me. I can’t wait to go there and I know it’ll be a beautiful experience.
先生. Min Du Modoson
We are happy to be partnering with international matchmaker and promoter Sampson Lewkowicz to bring world-class boxing to the county of China.
Javier Fortuna has what it takes to become a star in China. He and his worthy opponent will be greeted with open arms by our people.
先生. Liu Gang
This event will be huge in the country of China. Our company, MPP, is excited to work with Sampson Lewkowicz and to be able to bring such a great fight to the people.
China is a boxing-rich country. Boxers here are heroes to the people. Both fighters will be treated like celebrities and the fight will be watched by millions and millions of people.
I am happy to be helping to put on this event in the beautiful country of China and looking forward to a long and prosperous co-promotional partnership with Mr. Min Du Modoson and Mr. Liu Gang of MPP.
We have plans to feature many of the world’s best fighters in terrific match-ups like this one.
Javier Fortuna will be facing a fighter with almost as much power as he has, and he will have to be at his best to get another victory.
It’s going to be a great fight and Sosa is looking forward to winning the world title.
Sosa just held his own and fought to a draw with one of the top junior lightweights in the world, 尼古拉斯·沃尔特斯, and it boosted his confidence level even higher.
Fortuna and Sosa are the same size, so I think that’s good. Sosa also has great sparring with another very good left hander, Tevin农民. They’re stablemates. Tevin is the perfect imitation, size wise, not style wise, of Fortuna.
赫克托·贝穆德兹 (Fortuna Trainer)
I think it’s going to be an excellent fight for Fortuna to show off his talents internationally.
Sosa is a great opponent that we’ll have to train hard for and be focused against. It won’t be easy but Fortuna is training hard and it should be a great fight.
Sosa is a pressure fighter and a big puncher with the left hand. He’s rugged and throws combinations.
我, 作为一个教练, I have already picked Sosa apart. He lunges a lot. He’s definitely aggressive and has a huge left hook.
Raul Rivas
It’ll be an interesting fight.
Fortuna is very talented, but I do believe that this is a good time for Jason to take this fight. He’s fought the better opposition.
Fortuna is a fighter that comes to fight, and we come to fight, so I believe it’ll be a very exciting fight, with two guys doing what they do best out there.
I believe we have the better and stronger fighter, so I like our chances.
I’ve never been to China, neither has Jason. We’re looking forward to the experience as a team; to be in a different country and experience something different. I know the Chinese population loves boxing, and combat sports. We are expecting a great show.
一个非常成功的奔跑作为媒人和顾问后,, 桑普森Lewkowicz切换到职业拳击推广方一月 2008.
桑普森拳击已经成长为世界上最负盛名的推广公司之一, 代表许多世界上最好的战士,最有前途的年轻竞争者.

桑普森拳击有促销的合作伙伴遍及北美和南美, 非洲, 亚洲, 新西兰, 澳大利亚, 欧洲,中美洲和桑普森拳击事件被电视上的首映式等网络作为HBO, 开演时间, ESPN, VS. 和一些国际网络.

Prize Promotions Tabs Russell Peltz and BrittanyBamRogers for Matchmaking Duties

丹伯里, CT (四月 16, 2015)- At the beginning of April, newly licensed Connecticut boxing promoter A.J. Galante introduced his company, 有奖促销. Galante spoke of his goal of bringingOld Schoolboxing to Connecticut.

To prove he is serious about his vision, Galante has turned his matchmaking over to Hall of Fame Philadelphia promoter, 罗素佩尔茨 along with one of the sports youngest and most promising promoters and matchmakers, 布列塔尼 “BAM


Russell is the definition of Old School matchmaking, he’s one of the last out there, so it was a no brainer for me to reach out to him, and I am honored that he is willing to work with me.” 加兰特说, “His resume speaks for itself, I am extremely confident that working together, we will put on spectacular showsGalante was also extremely excited to work with BrittanyBAM” 罗杰斯, who works in conjunction with Russell Peltz,

I’m often referred to as one of the youngest boxing people on the business side of things, but BAM is actually younger than me, and has been in the sport longer than me. I have a lot of respect for her and have been learning a lot through working with her.

Ultimately Galante said what cemented his choice on his matchmakers, was a trip to Philladelphia in October, to attend a show promoted by both Peltz and Rogers, “When you think Philly boxing, you think gritty and exciting, and you can’t think Philadelphia boxing without Russell Peltz and Brittany Rogers, and I am looking forward to bringing those types of shows and that environment here to Connecticut.It won’t be long for Galante to fulfill his promise, as his first show Danbury Fight Night, will take place on5月30日 在丹伯里竞技场, in his hometown of Danbury, CT.

The card is currently taking shape, 并将很快宣布. 门票可通过访问购买 www.prizepromotions.netPricing: $100,$75, $50 & $25