标记档案: 康涅狄格


梅威瑟宣传部的罗兰多·罗梅罗(Rolando Romero)赢得了WBA轻量级冠军的一致好评; Otto Wallin TKO Travis Kauffman重量级废料

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安卡斯维尔, 康涅狄格州. 日 - 8月 16, 2020 –大卫·贝纳维德斯(David Benavidez)保持完胜后的纪录 23 在周六晚上从Uncasville的Mohegan Sun Arena进行的令人兴奋的拳击之夜现场直播的主要活动中,与Alexis Angulo进行了一场出色的比赛, 康涅狄格州, 由总理拳击冠军提出.
(对于亮点, 点击 这里)

在精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 三头卡, 23岁的Benavídez (23-0, 20 科斯) -上周五失去了WBC世界冠军腰带-击败前世界冠军挑战者安古洛(Angulo)取得了胜利 (26-2, 22 科斯), 他的角落在 10 圆.

“我给自己打了八分,贝纳维德斯说. “我本可以做得更好一些, 但总体来说还是很不错的表现. 我不想太快,让自己暴露于一些大人物. 他是个重拳手. 但是就像我说的, 我喜欢做没有人做过的事情. 没有人阻止过他,我很确定没有人会再让他看起来像那样. 我从第一轮到第十轮将他拆了。”

七岁的亲 23, 贝纳维德斯登陆 56 他在战斗中挥拳的百分比并取平均值 29 的 70 每轮掷拳. 贝纳维德斯(Benavidez)登上职业生涯新高 54 一拳 10.

哥伦比亚的安古洛, 现在的战斗迈阿密, 佛罗里达州。, 通过三连胜赢得了他的第二个世界冠军头衔机会, 但无法反抗贝纳维德斯向他投掷的任何东西.

贝纳维德斯说,他对周五没有达到168磅的体重限制感到失望和尴尬. “每个人都对我说的都是真的,贝纳维德斯说. “我应该是一名专业人士,并且体重增加, 但是这次我做不到. 这是我职业八年以来第一次没有体重增长。”

“我真的必须和我的推销员交谈,看看接下来会发生什么,” Benavidez添加了. “我会与任何人战斗,回到我当时的位置. 今晚的这场表演你可以看到, 我可以对任何人进行出色的表演,而人们会为此付出代价. 我可能会马上回到训练营,以确保我不会错过体重。”

在合作的主要事件, 轻巧的罗兰多“罗莉”罗梅罗 (12-0, 10 科斯) 在先前不败的杰克逊·玛丽亚兹(JacksonMaríñez)上获得了有争议的一致决定 (19-1, 7 科斯) 捕获临时的WBA轻量级标题. 该得分 115-113, 116-112 和 118-110, 都赞成罗梅罗.
(对于亮点, 点击 这里).

这场战斗的故事是玛丽亚尼斯可靠的刺戳,因为多米尼加战斗机赢得了该部门的战斗 (14 相较于Romero的百分比 10 百分). 是罗梅罗, 然而, 谁在连接动力打孔机上保持优势 24 百分 (31 的 228) 相比 18 Maríñez的百分比 (72 的 401).

“我认为我的表现并不差,”罗梅罗说, 自信地预测残酷的淘汰赛将在他的战斗前评论中结束回合. “我想我赢得了战斗. 不管一切, 我现在是世界冠军. 我很高兴。“

罗梅罗在第九轮的头部撞伤时左眼上方有轻微割伤, 但这似乎并没有影响他在冠军赛中的表现. “他的表现比我想象的要强硬一些。,罗梅罗说. “但是他所做的只是在整个战斗中四处走动. 他甚至都没有尝试参与. 很难将不愿意参与的人击倒. 我用身体投篮和几个钩子多次伤了他. 有片刻我用右手伤害了他,他低下了头. 很难把他赶走.

“是啊 [我会给他复赛]. 他没有做任何特别的事情。”

29岁的玛丽娜(Maríñez), 谁拥有WBA的. 6 排行, 由Robert Garcia培训, 不在玛丽亚内斯角上的人,他选择不从他在南加州的家中穿越国家.

“那纯粹是抢劫,玛丽涅斯说. “我赢得了战斗. 我被砍了, 开箱. 你可以说他没想到他后来赢了. 这是抢劫。”

在转播的开幕回合, 重量级竞争者奥托·沃林(Otto Wallin)在 2:32 第五轮对阵特拉维斯·考夫曼, 在第五轮开始时,他重新撕裂了左唇,无法抬起手臂. 裁判迈克尔·奥尔特加(Michael Ortega)表示战斗已结束,此后考夫曼宣布他将退出拳击比赛。, 就在他的前几天 35 生日.
(对于亮点, 点击 这里)

29岁的沃林 (21-1, 14 科斯) 他比考夫曼有四英寸的身高优势, 说他为受伤的考夫曼感到, 但在战斗中占主导地位. “我把他弄坏了. 我还有很多,瓦林说. “可惜他最后伤了肩膀, 但我要打断他,并以良好的准点击中他。”

沃林(Wallin)自9月份差一点击败泰森·弗瑞(Tyson Fury)以来,第一次重获冠军 2019. 他降落 12 刺戳每轮和 54 在整个战斗中,他的力量投篮命中率. 目前居住在纽约市,最初代表他的祖国松兹瓦尔, 瑞典, 沃林有前冠军乔伊·加马奇(Joey Gamache)参加角逐.

双方战斗机都已从伤病中恢复过来, 以及COVID-19病毒. “我对COVID没有任何感觉,瓦林说. “我受过很好的训练. 我三月份生病了, 但是COVID并没有给我很大的打击. 我很幸运. 对于因COVID丧生的所有人感到抱歉.

“我想接下来回到纽约,放松一下. 我已经训练了很长时间了, 快一年了. 因此,我想放松一下,希望到年底能再打一架。”

这位34岁的考夫曼 (32-4, 23 科斯) 从阅读, 霸。, 在没有教练纳齐姆·理查森(Naazim Richardson)的情况下进行了五年零七次的首次战斗, 上个月意外死亡. 战斗结束后, 考夫曼说他将从拳击中退休.

“我撕裂了我的左唇,为 [路易斯] 奥尔蒂斯战斗,考夫曼说. “像个假人, Ortiz战斗后,我等了五个月才接受手术 [的十二月 2018]. 我开始感觉好多了,打算在三月份进行一次调教, 但是后来发生了COVID. 机会来了,我不想错过,我感觉很好. 在第一轮我伤了它. 我感觉到了, 但后来消失了,我想也许只是我的想法而已. 然后在第五轮中,我听到了. 又被撕裂了.

“我受够了. 我退休. 我有孩子. 我已经做了很久了,考夫曼说.

在SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING广播中, 即将到来的九月有一些重要更新 26 世界冠军查洛(Charlo)双胞胎的SHOWTIME PPV双胞胎帐单, 将从以下位置开始直播 7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT. 一口价的六人制双人双打比赛中有五场将与世界冠军腰带争夺战.

杰尔马尔·沙洛(Jermall Charlo)为他的WBC中量级冠军辩护,因为他将面对第. 1-排名竞争者Sergiy Derevyanchenko. 多用途布兰登·菲格罗亚(Brandon Figueroa)将为达米恩·巴斯克斯(Damien Vasquez)捍卫WBA超级最轻量级冠军. WBO最轻量级选手山雀约翰·里尔·卡西梅罗(John Riel Casimero)将卫冕自己的122磅重腰带,以对抗一名将被提名的对手.

中场休息后, 按次付费电视将以154磅的统一节目为特色,再进行三场比赛,这是WBC冠军Jermell Charlo接任WBA和IBF主唱Jeison Rosario的主要赛事. 路易斯·内里(Luis Nery)因空缺的WBC超级最轻量级冠军而面对亚伦·阿拉米达(Aaron Alameda),前统一世界冠军丹尼·罗曼(Danny Roman)在超级最轻量级的特别吸引力中挑战胡安·卡洛斯·帕亚诺(Juan Carlos Payano).

星期六的SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING电视转播, 在接下来的五个月里举行的九场电视节目中的第二场, 将于周一在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

行业领先的制作团队和剧组宣布交付的所有景点, Mohegan Sun Arena的声音和戏剧. 资深广播人布赖恩·卡斯特主持电视节目, 多才多艺的战斗运动声音Mauro Ranallo与名人堂分析师Al Bernstein和三分区世界冠军以及奥林匹亚Abner Mares一起为动作比赛提供专家分析. 两位名人堂成员扩大了SHOWTIME电视转播团队的实力-非官方的马戏团得分手史蒂夫·法罗德(Steve Farhood)和举世闻名的电视台播音员吉米·列侬(Jimmy Lennon Jr). 执行制片人是戴维·丁金斯(David Dinkins), JR. 和主任鲍勃·邓菲.

该电视节目通过辅助音频编程在西班牙语中是可用 (SAP) 亚历杭德罗·与月亮和前世界冠军劳尔·马尔克斯调用动作.

星期六的拳击比赛由总理拳击冠军介绍,并由TGB促销和梅威瑟促销推广. 与Sampson Boxing联合推广主要赛事,与Salita Promotions和Kings Promotions联合推广Wallin-Kauffman bout.

* * *

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

不败的WBC超级中量级世界冠军大卫·贝纳维兹捍卫头衔,对抗前冠军挑战者亚历克西斯·安古洛(Alexis Angulo),头条新闻拳击冠军周六, 八月 15 住在Showtime

冉冉升起的竞争者罗兰多·罗梅罗(Rolando Romero)成为不败杰克逊·马尔(Jackson Mar)ez代表WBA轻量级冠军


奥托·沃林(Otto Wallin)与特拉维斯·考夫曼(Travis Kauffman)战斗时,重量级人物一脚踢

在电视广播上始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

纽约– 八月 5, 2020 – 不败的WBC超中量级世界冠军人群d“红旗”贝纳夫将针对前世​​界冠军挑战者卫冕亚历克西斯·安古洛(Alexis Angulo)在星期六的总理拳击冠军赛中, 8月15日,直播在Uncasville的Mohegan Sun Arena放映, 康涅狄格州.

欣欣拳击锦标赛® 电视节目开始在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT并且还具有轻量化的特点罗兰“罗利”罗梅罗承担同胞不败杰克逊·马这个在12轮争夺WBA轻量级冠军的争夺战中, 而重量级的竞争者奥托沃林特拉维斯考夫曼在10轮对决中平局。

“大卫·贝纳维德斯(DavidBenavídez)希望保持他的完美记录不变, 继续发挥他的超级球星潜力,并进一步巩固他在168磅重的堆叠部门中的定位,”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “作为不败的世界冠军, 贝纳维德斯可以期待亚历克西斯·安古洛(Alexis Angulo)的强大挑战, 它将在SHOWTIME创建一个充满动作的主事件. 结合“罗莉”罗梅罗和杰克逊·马涅斯在饥肠un的轻量级战役中, 加上奥托·沃林(Otto Wallin)和特拉维斯·考夫曼(Travis Kauffman)之间的重量级战斗, 这将成为另一个不可错过的高风险动作之夜。”

“在战斗之夜,能在David‘El Bandera Roja’Benavídez的角落里真是太好了,” Sampson Boxing的Sampson Lewkowicz说, 从最近的手术中恢复过来的人. “我感觉好极了,而且坚强,我真的迫不及待地想要支持历史上最年轻的超级中量级冠军。”

该活动由TGB促销和Sampson Boxing推广. 罗梅罗vs. 玛丽妮丝·布特(Maríñezbout)由梅威瑟促销联合推广.

23岁的贝纳维德斯 (22-0, 19 科斯) 在九月击败两届超中量级冠军安东尼Dirrell后辩护,他带, 阻止他在九发. Benavidez是由他的父亲何塞高级训练的, 沿着他的兄弟和前冠军挑战者, 约瑟夫·JR. 在 2017, 他通过在刚上精彩表演击败罗纳德·加弗里尔成为拳击历史上最年轻的超中量级冠军 20 岁. 代表他的故乡凤凰城, 亚利桑那州. Benavídez与Gennady Golovkin和Peter Quillin争吵时来自15岁的神童, 与来自10战斗淘汰赛连胜世界冠军争夺 2015 通过 2017, 包括罗杰里奥·麦迪纳(Rogelio Medina)的亮点转轮淘汰赛以及七打组合,这使他赢得了第一次冠军争夺战.

“距离我上一次战斗已经快一年了, 所以我非常渴望回到现场,并为粉丝们带来一场精彩的战斗,赛义德·贝纳维德兹(SaidBenavídez). “训练营真是太神奇了. 幸好, 我父亲在大流行前就开了自己的体育馆, 因此我们接受了私人培训,并能够安全地引入陪练伙伴来帮助我开展工作. 我面对一个非常棘手和坚固的战斗机, 所以我非常重视他. 我觉得我可以利用他的防守中的一些空缺,像我每次战斗一样寻找淘汰赛。”

出生于埃尔博多, 哥伦比亚和现在的战斗迈阿密的出, 佛罗里达州。, 安古洛 (26-1, 22 科斯) 进入他的第二个世界冠军的机会在三战连胜, 包括超过此前保持不败的战士2场胜利. 安古洛停止雷纳尔多·冈萨雷斯 2018 自从在今年早些时候失去了一个决定,当时的超中量级冠军吉尔伯托·拉米雷斯他的第一次战斗. 他打进了决定胜利的今年一月在安东尼西姆斯JR. 使自己能够再次挑战该部门的最佳人选。

“我已经准备好迎接8月15日发生的任何事情,”安古洛说. “由于我带给戒指的风格,对球迷来说这将是一场伟大的战斗. 贝纳维德斯是一个强大的冠军, 但是我的风格对他来说太过分了,我将在战斗之夜举起我的手。”

战斗在外面拉斯维加斯, 内华达州,罗梅罗(11-0, 10 科斯) 在他的比赛中增加了三场淘汰赛胜利 2019 在他之前 2020 首次亮相使他在二月份停止了此前不败的Arturs Ahmetovs. 梅威瑟促销中心的快速崛起前景, 24岁排在第. 10 WBA,他将寻求扩大他在八月份的六连败 15.

“回到圆环并为如此巨大的机会而奋斗真是太好了,”罗梅罗说. “这是我职业生涯中最好的阵营, 我就这样说, 如果大流行使您无法训练, 那你就不要那么糟. 我已经相信我应该和顶尖球员在一起, 但世界实际上会看到我是我说的我. 我对自己的斗士能力充满信心,并且在业务中拥有最好的能力, 梅威瑟, 在我后面. 我认为这场战斗将很快结束, 但你会看到我作为斗士的成长. 这是另一场战斗,将进一步证明我在这里留下来. 注册KO!”

“这对罗兰多来说是一大进步, 他一直在等待机会展示他的才华,”伦纳德·埃勒比(Leonard Ellerbe)说, 梅威瑟促销的CEO. “他有一个巨大的考验来证明自己. 这将是您不想错过的另一个, 所以在星期六收看SHOWTIME, 8月15日。”

29岁的玛丽娜(Maríñez) (19-0, 7 科斯) 持有WBA的. 6 排行, 他赢得了罗兰多·吉奥诺(Rolando Giono)和肯宁·贝当古(Kenin Betancourt)的胜利,而在 2018 和 2019. 代表他的家乡圣多明哥, 多明尼加共和国, Maríñez在美国取得了成功. 去年12月首次亮相, 在两个回合中阻止Yardley Armenta Cruz.

“我在这场战斗中拥有出色的训练营,”Maríñez说. “我一直在与Vergil Ortiz和Jose Ramirez争吵, 以及罗伯特·加西亚(Robert Garcia)健身房的其他战士, 这让我准备踏入圈中. 我知道罗梅罗是一个坚强而持久的战士, 所以这不会容易, 但我将竭尽所能将标题带回家。”

沃林 (20-1, 13 科斯) 自9月份差一点击败泰森·弗瑞(Tyson Fury)以来,他将首次重返赛场 2019, 当他以合法的拳打将Fury的右眼割破后,几乎停止了战斗. 而这位29岁的老人失去了决定, 他证明了自己是潜在的未来重量级冠军的勇气. 代表他的祖国松兹瓦尔, 瑞典, Wallin与前冠军Joey Gamache在纽约训练.

“我很高兴终于重回赛场,瓦林说. “从很多方面来说,这是漫长而疯狂的一年,准备重新踏上比赛圈真是太好了. 自从Fury战斗以来,我一直在稳定训练,我觉得自己在很多方面都开发了自己的游戏. 考夫曼是个坚强的老将,如果他想. 他是一名球迷友好的战士,我必须时刻做好准备. 我们一如既往地制定了出色的游戏计划,而且我的状态也很不错. 我知道我拥有击败考夫曼的所有工具。”

重量级景观的资深人士, 考夫曼 (32-3, 23 科斯) 拥有分类帐,其中包括路易斯·奥尔蒂斯(Luis Ortiz)等顶级重量级人物的挑战, 克里斯·阿雷奥拉(Chris Arreola)和阿米尔·曼苏(Amir Mansour), 除其他. 阅读, 这位宾夕法尼亚州本地人最近一次输掉了奥尔蒂斯, 跟随一个 2018 击败斯科特·亚历山大.

“这是我七年来第一次没有纳齐姆·理查森兄弟的训练营, 但我知道他不希望我离开营地,他希望我保持专注,考夫曼说. “让他在营地去世是我必须面对的最艰难的事情之一, 但是我曾经经历过的每一个营地都有逆境. 如果没有逆境要克服,我会感到不对劲. 我的父亲, 马歇尔, 回来当我的首席教练. 我们知道我们要面对一个年轻人, 饥饿的战士, 但是我比他有更多的经验,我认为他不能持久 10 在我身边时 100% 就像我会在8月15日一样。”

其他非电视化的动作将包括超级中量级竞争者Alantez福克斯(26-2-1, 12 科斯) 与加纳作战哈比卜·艾哈迈德(Habib Ahmed)(27-1-1, 18 科斯) 在八个回合中.

#          #          #

欲了解更多信息,请访问www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

明智的决定 4 年前发现 “奇妙” Mykquan威廉姆斯 15-0 作为职业,而不是今天的业余精英

Mykquan威廉姆斯 (照片由艾米莉·哈尼 / 威廉姆斯车队)

曼彻斯特, 康涅狄格州. (九月 9, 2019) – 如果不是因为一个关键的决策四年前, 21-岁 “奇妙” Mykquan威廉姆斯 很可能是精英业余训练的一个广告位展开竞争 2020 美国拳击奥运代表队, 而不是 15-0 冉冉升起的新星今天,他是在职业拳击.

威廉姆斯 (15-0, 7 科斯), 谁住在东哈特福德 (CT), 克服了当Mykquan只有八个月大他的父亲被谋杀了改变生活的障碍, 和家里的房子被夷为平地时,他是 10.

对于不符合条件的一个名额展开竞争 2016 美国拳击奥运代表队,因为他太年轻, 威廉姆斯有两种选择: 保持了四年的业余没有奥运会预选赛中的任何保证, 或者得到他的职业生涯一个跳跃开始. 他选择了后者,并没有回头.

威廉姆斯是家装饰业余其风格, 回想起来, 为更好的适合职业拳击比业余. 他有一个 45-13 业余纪录, 三金牌表演,马戏团世锦赛突出, 除了在国家PAL和全国银手套锦标赛拍摄最高荣誉.

“我太年轻了最后一个,” 威廉姆斯解释他的决定时,他做了转职业。” 威廉姆斯解释. 我结束了我的业余生涯后有得分的变化. 我失去了一些艰难的决定. 我决定采取下一步行动,并亲去获得报酬. 我的风格是比较适合的利弊. 我不扔 100 拳圆; 我挑我的斑点时,我有开口.

“我不想等待数年. 我选择转职业 (当他在科技王子高级). 我已经 15-0, 攀登排名, 而我得到报酬要做到这一点. 我是为了做到这一点。”

威廉姆斯是卫冕世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 美国超轻量级冠军, 额定无. 5 由美国拳击协会 (USBA), 和No. 12 由北美拳击联合会 (NABF).

“我相信的myKey准备转职业,” 凯伦评论. “在保罗的指导下,他是远远不够先进,急于解决的利弊. 他的风格是非常适合的利弊,并在 18 岁的他正准备采取的飞跃. 他的青春美貌使他成为理想的年轻人的前景。”

我当时关注的是国奥队,没有把握的事情,” 新增Cichon, 谁培养了威廉姆斯过去 10 岁月. 我在的myKey信心, 但风险是不值得的增益. 我们决定去亲。”

四年后, 而不是在他的重量级别对美国的精英业余拳击手的竞争 – Keyshawn戴维斯, 布鲁斯·卡林顿DALIS属性 — 在 2020 奥运选拔赛和美国拳击全国锦标赛, 十二月 7-15, 查尔斯湖, 路易斯安那州, 威廉姆斯是前21岁及以下的拳击前景之一.


叽叽喳喳: @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen
Instagram的: @ M.mkw_, @ jackie.Kallen
Facebook的: /MykquanWilliams, /PaulCichon, /JackieKallen

维尼修斯·德热苏斯停止克里斯·洛萨诺留住CES MMA中量级冠军

哈特福德, 康涅狄格州. (九月 7, 2019) - CES MMA世界重量级冠军 维尼修斯·德热苏斯 他的第一个卫冕今晚, 停止游戏挑战者 克里斯“克利夫兰刺客”洛萨诺 在康涅狄格州会议中心在哈特福德的第三轮中的“CESMMA 58”重头戏.

主卡进行现场直播,并专门在UFC FIGHTPASS®, 世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务.

洛萨诺 (10-5) 下降德热苏斯 (9-2) 在首轮与拍摄到寺庙, 但巴西人弹了起来,奋起反击。作为两个战士轮流扮演侵略者的前两轮都打了比较谨慎。德热苏斯主持在连接上拳打脚踢第三, 同时避免洛萨诺有限的进攻攻击。一个强大的德热苏斯冲抢购Lazano的头上,这就是卫冕机会,建立了开放。他撞坏Lazano周围笼, 诱捕他,因为他扔惩罚组合,直到裁判挥手通过第三动作中间。

“我很欣赏他 (洛萨诺) 接受这一斗争时,其他人没有,”激发德热苏斯的战斗后称赞他的对手。 “我很尊重他,希望他没事,背笼很快。我有很高的智商打,他是难打。这是我的粉丝和家人.

“我的拳击回报。我父亲指导我框. 现在, 我在寻找大秀, 狮子在UFC“。

在共功能的事件, 哈特福德重量级帕克波特 (8-5) 和他的巴西对手, Dirlei桥队 (16-7) 放在一个非常有趣的节目。波特不能错过他在第一轮上手的权利, 但Broenstrup回应在第二和出来的热第三。突然波特的卸载上Broenstrup的下巴直权利,这一切,她与钟剩下不到两分钟写道:.

“我知道我开始在第三轮累,”波特评论。 “我觉得我已经赢得了前两轮,我的心态是维持生命和没有得到取出。我很想得到在我的下一场比赛的CES重量级带了一枪。”

老兵辛辛那提轻量级雷吉Merriweather (13-5) 毁了黑夜的衣锦还乡类型的流行和以前不败杰西·詹姆斯Kosakowski (3-1) 从沃特伯里, CT. Merriweather登陆数枚炸弹, Kosakowski拿出几个果酱, 然后突然Merriweather关闭展现着一个右旋冲中途通过第一轮。 Kosakowski的大群支持者表达了他们的集体感情裁判不得不过早地停止战斗, 但底价已经在书.

马萨诸塞轻量级“狠”罗比·勒鲁 接通位置皮特“热”罗杰斯, JR.  通过反向治愈抱的方式取胜 (如下图所示) 迫使抽头出来。看来,罗杰斯有优势,是时刻远离胜利勒鲁做他的事.

佛罗里达州的最轻量级Jornel “A1” 卢戈, 谁住在沃灵福德 (CT), 用他的速度和角度,停止哈里斯“肮脏的哈里” Bonfilgio 在第一轮拳. “只有一两件事支付帐单...技巧,”卢戈的斗争后说。 “每个人都不停地告诉我要提防他几脚。我学习 - 我是偏执狂 - 所以我准备“。

临开张布鲁克林轻量级阿德里安·哈利 从了分裂的决定贾斯汀“剑圣”瓦伦丁, 梅里登 (CT), 在UFC FIGHT PASS活蒸了夜的第一次战斗.

“CESMMA 59”十月. 25, 2019 在双子河赌场在林肯, RI

普罗维登斯轻量级肖恩·索里亚诺 (12-6) 将标题“CESMMA 59”上周五晚上, 十月 25, 2019, 在双子河赌场在林肯, 罗德岛。一对不败, 烧红的前景, 纽约的次中量级约翰·高蒂三世 (4-0) 和康涅狄格轻重量级威廉“Knightmare”骑士 (5-0), 还计划在什么承诺争取成为一个装卡.

本地喜爱尼克Giuiletti, 战斗了附近的沃灵福德, 跳下各地轻量级科迪Schieve 马上钟, 他驾驶过匹配的对手在垫子上,并发动悬而未决拳攻势,直到在undercard战斗止步不前只有38秒到圆一个由技术击倒的方式。

马萨诸塞州重量级和兰德尔 用来对付一个有效的地面和磅的攻击杰西·鲍曼, 谁通过首轮轻拍中间。




主卡 - CES MMA中量级世界冠军

 维尼修斯·德热苏斯, 德热苏斯OK / 诺沃克, CT巴西的方式

WTKO3 (3:22)

克里斯·洛萨诺, 仓库勇士 / 克利夫兰, OH

(德热苏斯保留了CES MMA冠军)

共同特征 - 重量级

帕克波特, 哀兵OK / 哈特福德, CT

WKO3 (3:17)

Dirlei桥队, 阿米努战斗队 / 里奥格兰德, 巴西


雷吉Merriweather, 亚伦·托马斯军

柔术 / 辛辛那提, OH

WKO1 (2:37)

杰西·詹姆斯Kosakowski, PSDTC / 沃特伯里, CT


罗比·勒鲁, 培训团 / 福尔里弗, 嘛

WSUB (1:55)

皮特·罗杰斯, 小, 皮特·罗杰斯空手道 / 诺维奇, CT


卢戈Jornel, 搏击俱乐部 & 良好 / 西棕榈滩, FL

WKO1 (3:27)

哈里斯Bonfilgio, 终极MMA / 吉尔福特, CT


阿德里安·哈利, 布鲁克林MMA / 布鲁克林, 纽约

WDEC3 (29-28. 29-28, 28-29)

贾斯汀·瓦伦丁, 哀兵OK / 梅里, CT



尼克Giuletti, 终极MMA / 沃灵福德, CT

WTKO1 (0:38)

科迪Schieve, 团队Schieve / 碧玉, 在


和兰德尔, FAA /格兰比, 嘛

WSUB1 (2:33)

杰西·鲍曼, Team链接北 / 利特尔顿, NH


威尔史密斯, 金鹰MMA & FAA / 西黑文, CT

WDEC3 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

艾伦·雷斯, 杰克逊表情MMA / 夏克海茨, OH


Websites:  www.cesmma.comwww.ufcfightpass.comwww.ctconventions.com

叽叽喳喳: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass, @ctconventionCT

Instagram的: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass

Facebook的: /CESMMA, /UFCFightPass, /CTConventions

“特殊的一个” Sharad Collier Back in action Oct. 10 at Foxwoods


哈特福德, 康涅狄格州. (八月 21, 2018) – Hartford blue-chip prospect “特殊的一个” 沙拉德·科利尔 returns to action October 20, on a show presented by CES Boxing, at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Uncasville, 康涅狄格.




The two-time New England Golden Gloves champion made his professional debut this past June 16, on his promoter’s Hartford Boxing Promotions’ 就职典礼, “Fight Night at The Capital”, in which he registered a sensational first-round knockout of Antonio Castillo Jr. (1-1), at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




Collier will step-up in competition, fighting in to his first scheduled six-round bout Oct, 20, against undefeated Springfield, MA量级 德里克·惠特利, JR. (4-0, 0 科斯), the son and uncle of well-known retired New England fighters.




I feel the same as I did in my pro debut, maybe less pressure, but I’m more familiar with the guy I’m fighting October 20,” Collier said. “I fought and beat his cousin and brother in the amateurs. I feel like he’s out for revenge for them.




I’m motivated to be fighting at Foxwoods. I feel like that’s fighting under the big lights, where I fought once as an amateur. I signed my contract the first day, I’ve been training hard in the gym every day. My pro debut was against a 1-0 家伙, my second is against another undefeated fighter. I believe in my skills. I want to separate myself to show people that I am special.




The 21-year-Collier has dedicated his boxing career to his uncle and father. His uncle was murdered three years ago, outside of a venue in which Sharad was boxing and his father has been in and out of prison. Collier grew up in toughest part of (south) 哈特福德, spent time in a detention center and, at times, lived in and out of foster homes.




It was my idea to move up now to six rounds,” Collier noted. “我对我的对手很熟悉. I’m not sleeping on this kid but, if I don’t get him out early, it will just mean there are more rounds for me to beat him up.




We’re excited,” Collier’s promoter 托尼·布兰科 额外. “在他的职业首秀中, he was up against a 1-0 对手, and now he’s stepping up to fight a 4-0 opponent in his first six-round fight. That’s why they call himThe Special One.'




Here’s what ‘Specialstands for: S = speed, P = power, E = enthusiasm, C = charisma, I = intelligence, A = athleticism, L = looks.



Facebook的: /hartfordboxingcenter, /sharadcollier

叽叽喳喳: @hartfordboxing, @SheLovesIt

Instagram的: @hartford.boxing.center/, @SharradCollier

Ringsiders脱口秀节目将覆盖职业拳击手和业余拳击手; 向当前参与这项运动的人表达声音.

丹伯里, CT (七月 13, 2018) – A new boxing talk show is set to hit the internet. Ringsiders will feature hosts that are currently in the sport of boxing, including both professional and amateur boxers, 教练, 经理, promoters and more. The goal of the show is to give viewers a true insider’s look between the ropes. Another major difference of the show is that it will be taped, and feature different visual effects for viewers enjoyment as well as other innovative concepts.




Ringsiders will be taped in Champs Boxing Club in Danbury, CT, which is owned by professional boxing manager A.J. 加兰特, who will also co-produce the show. He sees Ringsiders as a show that can help give everyone involved with boxing a voice, and a platform to elevate the sport. “Even though we will feature it, Ringsiders is not really about mainstream boxing news. Our main goal is to cover boxing’s other 99% and their perspectives. Boxing is made up of more blue collar individuals then millionaires. We want to do something different, we are looking to highlight the club shows, the club fighter, the up and coming trainer, amateurs trying to find their way, 在旁边, B-Side, 不要紧, if it is interesting we want to highlight it, and give people a true insiders look, and have a lot of fun in the process.




Ringsiders is set to have a rotation of hosts and guests, all who are involved currently with boxing, but two mainstays will include Professional BoxerFlyMike Marshall and amateur sensation Fernely Feliz Jr. Mike Marshall is currently 3(3 kos) – 1 as a professional and is also a licensed USA Boxing Amateur coach for Champs Boxing Club’s amateur team, the CBC Wolfpack. Fernely Feliz Jr. is a Danbury native and one of the top Super Heavyweight amateurs in the Nation. He is a 3 time Western New England and All New England Golden Gloves Champion. A.J. Galante says he couldn’t think of a better embodiment of Ringsiders, “I think both Mike and Fernely fit exactly what this show is about. Mike is a talented pro, who hasn’t always gotten the best opportunities in his career. He’s coming off a loss and in the process of making a comeback, but he is going to also be one of the best trainers in the game in time. He has a great personality and says a lot of things most just think. Fernely is one of the best kids in the world. He is super talented, and can give a lot of insight into the amateur scene, and can give insight into just how hard it is to train and compete, deal with high expectations and trying to prepare for a professional career.




The shows director of production will be Danbury native Teyonte Best. “I don’t come from a boxing background, but that’s what A.J. and I like about my involvement, just bringing a different perspective.Best stated, “We believe in different concepts, not telling the same stories, reporting the same news, and we are very much committed to providing an entertaining and informative product for viewers. We want fans and viewers to be involved, and we are working with a few interactive concepts we think will be awesome. As A.J. has stressed to everyone involved, this show is about bringing the whole boxing community together, and we will definitely succeed.




Ringsiders is set to debut in August at a date to be announced. Have an idea for the show or want to have your voice heard? Contact the show at ringsidersboxingshow@gmail.com


Fight Night in The Capital” 官方结果

Toot, Toot!
理查德 “大力水手” Rivera smokes Jaime Solorio in 8th round

哈特福德, 康涅狄格州. (六月 17, 2018) – Rising Hartford folk hero 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 kept his pro record perfect (8-0) 完整, knocking out his tough opponent, JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-4-2, 9 科斯), in the eighth round to capture the vacant ABF Continental cruiserweight title, 昨夜 (星期六) in the main event on theFight Night at The Capitalpro boxing card, at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




The reigning UBF All Americas light heavyweight champion, 里维拉 (8-0, 7 科斯) is arguably the hardest pound-for-pound puncher in New England, if not the entire Northeast. After breaking his last opponent’s ankle with the force of his power, the incredibly popular Hartford fighter




Boxing trainer 托尼·布兰科 and his Hartford Boxing Center gym partner, Michael Tran, recently teamed with Rivera to form Hartford Boxing Promotions, which was promoting its first pro boxing event, “Fight Night at The Capital.




I’m excited to have promoted our first show here in Hartford and I hope other promoters will follow,” Blanco commented. “I’m happy for all of the fighters. This was our first but not last show. We’re bringing boxing back to Hartford.




I’m also excited about Sharrad’s pro debut (Collier), who is like a son to me, and Richie, my brother and partner. Everything I do is for them, that’s who I work for them.




The durable Solorio had only been knocked out once in 17 pro fights going into the ring against Rivera, who has knock out six of his seven victims.




The first was a feeling-out round, but Rivera picked up the pace in the second, landing several hard shots on his game Mexican opponent. The highly entertaining Rivera cruised through the third through fifth, picking his spots better, but it was bombs away in the sixth as Rivera landed a right that sent Solorio to the deck. Solorio was penalized a point in the sixth for unsportsmanlike conduct.





In the seventh round, Solorio appeared to be fighting to survive, frequently holding and clinching, but he came forward in spurts as Rivera started loading up for a knockout that finally came in the eighth round. Rivera had never fought more than four rounds, but he was determined to ward off his opponent’s wrestling, landing a right-left-right uppercut combination to close the show with only 30 seconds left in the contest.




I want to thank everybody for being here and bringing our community together in one house,” 里维拉说. “Happy Father’s Day. I dedicated this fight to my father who I love so much. I told everybody that he was going down in three, but Solorio was tough. I took him in deep water and I’m strong to the finish because I eat my spinach…..嘟, 嘟!”




In an intra-Connecticut clash of junior welterweights, Danbury’s undefeated 奥马尔 “野兽” 博罗伊岛, JR. (6-0, 2 科斯) 淘汰 亚历山大 “厄尔尼诺布拉沃” 花边上饰边的小环 (2-6-1), 哈特福德, with only one second left in the sixth and final round of co-featured event.




Bordoy was hampered by a cut over his right eye, suffered during the second round from an unintentional headbutt, who was fighting in his first scheduled six-rounder. He pivoted and threw a short, straight right that rocked Picot, dropping him forward on the mat as referee Shada Murdaugh immediately waved off the count, calling the doctor into the ring.




A star was born in a professional debut as two-time New England Golden Gloves champion “特殊的一个” 沙拉德·科利尔 (1-0, 1 KO, fighting at home in Hartford, displayed his vast arsenal of skills, 淘汰 Antonio Castillo, JR. (1-1) 在第一轮比赛.




The 21-year-old Collier showed the poise of a veteran and surprising power, especially considering he fought two full divisions higher than his natural weight class, due to his opponent weighing in as a junior middleweight. Collier decked Castillo early and finished him off with a barrage of unanswered punches until referee Danny Sciavone 停止了行动.




Everything went the way I had planned,” Collier said after the bout. “Before the fight, I knew I was going to win, because I felt so good. People were asking me before the fight how I was feeling and, 老实说, I was a lot more nervous as an amateur.




新天堂, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa (1-0, 1 KO) turned in an explosive pro debut, blasting an overwhelmed 罗杰·布兰肯希普 (1-3) around the ring until the referee Murdaugh stopped the action at the 49-second mark of the opening round. The 21-year-old Rosa dedicated the fight to his cousin, 已故 路易斯 “KO王” 罗莎 (23-1, 11 科斯), who tragically died last January in a car accident at the age of 26.




New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez (1-0) had another very impressive pro debut, pitching a complete shutout (40-35) 在所有三个法官’ scorecards against 亨利·加西亚 (0-2), despite it being an action-packed bout from start to finish. Martinez used lethal body shots, dropping Garcia with a left hook to the liver, and crisp combinations.







理查德·里维拉 (8-0, 7 科斯), 哈特福德, CT

WTKO8 (2:30)

Jaime Solorio (12-4-2, 9 科斯), San Quinton, 墨西哥




共同特征 – JUNIOR的welterweights

奥马尔博罗伊岛, JR. (6-0, 2 科斯), 丹伯里, CT

WTKO6 (2:59)

Alexander Picot (2-6-1), 哈特福德, CT by way of Puerto Rico





沙拉德·科利尔 (1-0, 1 KO), 哈特福德, CT

WTKO1 (2:20)

Antonio Castillo, JR. (1-1), Canton, OH





Anuel Rosa (1-0, 1 KO), 新天堂. CT

WTKO1 (0:49)

罗杰·布兰肯希普 (1-4), 克利夫兰, OH





Nathan Martinez (1-0, 0 KO), New Britain, CT

WDEC4 (40-35, 40-35, 40-35)

亨利·加西亚 (1-1), 新贝德福德, 嘛





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Boxing the way out for pro-debuting “特殊的一个” 沙拉德·科利尔

六月 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, CT











哈特福德, 康涅狄格州. (六月 7, 2018) – Hartford boxing prospect “特殊的一个 “沙拉德·科利尔 has overcome tougher obstacles in life than he may ever face in the ring.




The two-time New England Golden Gloves champion will make his professional debut Saturday night, 六月 16, on Hartford Boxing Promotions’ 就职典礼, “Fight Night at The Capital”, at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




I’m excited to make my pro debut at home in Hartford,” Collier said. “Fans are going to see a whole new beast: 更多的权力, speed and I’m not just in the ring to fight. 我要去作秀. Here’s what ‘Specialstands for: S is for speed, P for power, E for enthusiasm, C for charisma, I for intelligence, A for – 运动能力, L is for the looks.




Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) All America light heavyweight champion 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (7-0, 6 科斯) will defend his title and fight Mexican challenger JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-3-2, 9 科斯) 在八轮的主要事件. They will also fight for the vacant ABF Continental Americas Championship.



The 21-year-Collier, who will fight Ohio’s Antonio Castillo, JR. (1-0) in a four-round Special Welterweight Attraction, has dedicated his boxing career to his uncle and father. His uncle was murdered three years outside of a venue in which Sharad was boxing and, sadly, his father has been in and out of prison. Collier grew up in toughest part of (south) 哈特福德, spent time in a detention center and, at times, lived in and out of foster homes.




I’ve been through a lot in life,” the charismatic Collier admitted. “I’ve had to fight my whole life. My goals include becoming world champion, making good money, and buying a house. I have two kids and I want them to have a better life than I did. I love boxing and it’s my way out.




Undefeated Danbury, CT lightweight 奥马尔 “野兽” 博罗伊岛, JR. (5-0, 1 KO) will fight in his first scheduled six-round bout versus. 亚历山大 “厄尔尼诺布拉沃” 花边上饰边的小环 (2-5-1), fighting out of Hartford by way of Puerto Rico.



也争取在undercard, 所有四个轮较量, are Hartford featherweight 路易斯 “Lobito” 里维拉 (4-3) VS. Phillip Davis (1-1-1), 伍斯特, 嘛; pro-debuting New Haven, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa VS. Cleveland’s 罗杰·布兰肯希普 (1-3), New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez in his professional debut vs. 新贝德福德 (嘛)亨利·加西亚 (0-1), Hartford lightweight Jose Maysonet VS. Justin Morales, 新贝德福德, 嘛, in a battle of pro-debut fighters, and another pair of pro debut fighters, 布里奇波特, CT featherweight Jacob Marrero VS. Jimmy Santiago, 纽约市, and New Haven junior welterweight prospect 杰弗里·托雷斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) VS. TBA。.




Boxing’s rich roots in the Hartford market dates back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers 威利 “Will othe WispPepChristopherBattlingBattalino. Other top-area boxers include world champion 马龙 “魔术师” Starling, 世界冠军挑战者 加斯帕 “印第安” 奥尔特加, 和 以色列 “宁” 卡多纳, 和 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain 劳伦斯·克莱贝.







门票, 售价 $80.00, $60.00 和 $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, 以及 $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.



门开处 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合开始于 7 P.M. AND.




Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.


Facebook的: /hartfordboxingcenter

叽叽喳喳: @hartfordboxing

Instagram的: @hartford.boxing.center/

你管: /c/HartfordBoxingCenter

Fight Night at the Capital” 新闻发布会行情

六月 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, CT
Press Conference group picture courtesy of Jason Rodriguez / Superelite Boxing
哈特福德, 康涅狄格州. (五月 31, 2018) – Hartford Boxing Promotions (HBP) hosted a press conference yesterday at the Hartford Boxing Center to promote its first event, “Fight Night at the Capital”, 六月 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, 康涅狄格.
Below are quotes from yesterday’s press conference.
HBP’s goal is to bring quality boxing back to Hartford, which has a rich tradition dating back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers 威利 “Will othe WispPepChristopherBattlingBattalino. Other top-area boxers include world champion 马龙 “魔术师” Starling, 世界冠军挑战者 加斯帕 “印第安” 奥尔特加, 和 以色列 “宁” 卡多纳, 和 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain 劳伦斯·克莱贝.
门票, 售价 $80.00, $60.00 和 $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, 以及 $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.
门开处 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合开始于 7 P.M. AND.
冠军 挑战者
哈特福德, CT San Quinton, 墨西哥
7-0 (6 科斯) 12-3-2 (9 科斯)
共同特征 — 轻量级 – 6 ROUNDS
丹伯里, CT 哈特福德, CT by way of Puerto Rico
5-0 (1 KO) 2-5-1
2-time New England Golden Gloves Champion
哈特福德, CT
羽量级 – 4 ROUNDS
哈特福德, CT 伍斯特, 嘛
4-3 1-1-1
轻量级 – 4 ROUNDS
新天堂, CT 克利夫兰, OH
亲亮相 1-3
羽量级 – 4 ROUNDS
New Britain, CT 新贝德福德, 嘛
亲亮相 0-1
轻量级 – 4 ROUNDS
哈特福德, CT 新贝德福德, 嘛
亲亮相 亲亮相
羽量级 – 4 ROUNDS
布里奇波特, CT 纽约, 纽约
亲亮相 亲亮相
JUNIOR的welterweights — 4 ROUNDS
新天堂, CT
4-0 (2 科斯)
(所有打架 & 战士可能会改变)
托尼·布兰科, 促进者: “I’m really excited to do this in Hartford. There wouldn’t be a show without these guys. We work for them.
Michael Tran, 促进者: “We’re really excited to feature some of top Connecticut boxers including many pro debuts of some of Connecticut’s best young fighters. Fans will be able to see them all in action on June 16. We’re bringing boxing back and it’s only right that we have this event in the capital of Connecticut.
理查德·里维拉:People ask me why I box? 我喜欢它, no other reason. 作为一个业余爱好者, I fought for the love of the sport. I’m blessed now because I’m getting paid, but I still love it. We do need to eat and because we have a lot of pro debuts on this card, it means we have a lot of hungry fighters. 六月 16, I’m going to do my thing and, 相信我, there are going to be a lot of fireworks. I’ve watched a lot of these guys train. We’re finally fighting in our hometown and we’re going to better all the time.
Boxing helps save lives. Boxing is a performing art. Kids get off the street in in the gym. This is a movement! We are a forced to be reckoned with and boxing gives everybody a chance.”.
沙拉德·科利尔:I’d like to thank Tony Blanco and Hartford Boxing Promotions for putting me on this card and my team. It’s going to be a good night. 我已经准备好去. I’m going to keep working hard and keep being smart.
路易斯·里维拉: I want to thank Hartford Boxing Promotions and my coach, Papo Colon. Come June 16, it’s going to be an interesting night.
Nathan Martinez:I’m thankful for this opportunity on June 16. Come June 16, expect a big fight.
Jose Maysonet: Thanks to my team and on June 16, I will be ready.
Anuel Rosa:Thanks to Hartford Boxing Promotions for putting me on this show and to my trainer, 路易斯·罗萨, for my eight weeks of training. I knew this day was coming and I’ll be ready. When people see me fight, you’ll want me on the next card.
Jacob Marrero: I want to thank Tony Blanco for this opportunity to make my pro debut and my team for getting me ready for my fight.
杰弗里·托雷斯: “I want to thank my coach, 路易斯·罗萨. I’ll be 100-percent ready on June 16.”
* * *
Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.
Facebook的: /hartfordboxingcenter
叽叽喳喳: @hartfordboxing
Instagram的: @hartford.boxing.center/
你管: /c/HartfordBoxingCenter

Undefeated light heavyweight Richard “大力水手曼” Rivera to HeadlineFight Night at the Capital

六月 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, CT

哈特福德, 康涅狄格州. (五月 15, 2018) – New England’s hottest, most popular and hardest hitter, 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉, will defend his Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) All America light heavyweight title at home on Hartford Boxing Promotions’ 就职典礼, “Fight Night at the Capital”, 六月 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, 康涅狄格.



里维拉 (7-0, 6 科斯) has partnered with his trainer, 托尼·布兰科, and Hartford Boxing Center gym co-owner, Michael Tran, to form Hartford Boxing Promotions and bring world-class boxing back to Hartford.



Boxing’s rich roots in the Hartford market dates back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers 威利 “Will othe WispPepChristopherBattlingBattalino.


Other top-area boxers include world champion 马龙 “魔术师” Starling, 世界冠军挑战者 加斯帕 “印第安” 奥尔特加, 和 以色列 “宁” 卡多纳, 和 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain 劳伦斯·克莱贝.



Rivera will take on JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-3-2, 9 科斯) in the eight-round main event versus an opponent to be determined.



There’s a lot of pressure fighting at home because, 当然, I want a victory, but I also need to be impressive for me to be recognized,” 里维拉说. “I’m all about boxing. My partners, Tony and Michael, take care of the business end of Hartford Boxing Promotions. I’m excited about fighting June 16 and I expect a great turnout. A lot of people know who I am from fighting all over New England. 现在, I want to expand my horizons. I have a huge following from our gym and church, but I want to bring non-boxing fans to our show to make them boxing fans.



There’s no such thing as an easy fight. It all starts with training, which makes fighting easier. I may get an early knockout, but I always train to go the distance. My opponent has fought on television a few times against some fighters with good records. I know that I am going to be in a fight. I’ll be ready for war!”



This past April in New Hampshire, Rivera hit his opponent, 兰迪·坎贝尔, so hard with a powerful right, that the force broke Campbell’s ankle only seconds into the contest.



Fighting is a way of life,” 里维拉解释. “All the training and fighting, it’s for the love of boxing, not money. Fighting never leaves a boxer.



Rivera originally got his nickname because, when he was younger, his forearms were considerably larger than his biceps. Fighters in the gym jokingly teased Rivera about his enlarged forearms, calling him “大力水手,” and the nickname has stuck. 现在, Rivera showcases his Popeye persona in full, which has added many females and children to his growing fanbase of hardcore boxing fans. 六月 16will open a new chapter in the life of for the man who’s always good to the finish because he eats his spinach.



在共功能的事件, undefeated Danbury, CT lightweight 奥马尔 “野兽” 博罗伊岛, JR. (5-0, 1 KO) will be in his first scheduled six-rounder against. 亚历山大 “厄尔尼诺布拉沃” 花边上饰边的小环 (2-5-1), fighting out of Hartford by way of Puerto Rico.



“特殊的一个,” 沙拉德·科利尔, 哈特福德外的战斗, is competing this week Omaha (NE) at the National Golden Gloves Championships, before returning home to turn pro in a four-round Special Junior Welterweight Attraction versus an opponent to be determined.



也争取在undercard, 所有四个轮较量, are Hartford featherweight 路易斯 “Lobito” 里维拉 (4-3) VS. Phillip Davis (1-1-1), 伍斯特, 嘛; pro-debuting New Haven, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa VS. Cleveland’s 罗杰·布兰肯希普 (1-3), New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez in his professional debut vs. 新贝德福德 (嘛) 亨利·加西亚 (0-1), Hartford lightweight Jose Maysonet VS. Justin Morales, 新贝德福德, 嘛, in a battle of pro-debut fighters, and another pair of pro debut fighters, 布里奇波特, CT featherweight Jacob Marrero VS. Jimmy Santiago, 纽约市, and New Haven junior welterweight prospect Jeffrey Torres (4-0, 2 科斯) VS. TBA。.






门票, 售价 $80.00, $60.00 和 $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, 以及 $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.



门开处 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合开始于 7 P.M. AND.



Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.



Facebook的: /hartfordboxingcenter

叽叽喳喳: @hartfordboxing

Instagram的: @hartford.boxing.center/

你管: /c/HartfordBoxingCenter