标记档案: 拉斯希尔顿


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (二月 10, 2020) - 多于 2000 上周六晚,新英格兰战斗冒着寒冷的气温 (NEF) 带来了其最新的混合武术 (MMA) 事件美林礼堂在波特兰的阶段。 22 战斗发生的阴影下,世界著名的 1911 Kotzschmar纪念器官。这是NEF的首次亮相百年会场, 和事件打开了古老的斗争推广的MMA比赛的第九个赛季.

在晚上的重头戏, UFC老将曼尼“的贝穆德斯三角”贝穆德斯(15-2) 提交布鲁斯“漂亮男孩”Boyington (19-12) 在第一轮断头台阻。布特原本定有争议的NEF专业轻量级冠军, 但缺少贝穆德斯重量冠军, 他没有资格获得该带。标题目前仍然空置.

贝穆德斯的胜利加盖一个完美的夜晚的南岸Sportfighting队罗克兰, 马萨诸塞州. 队友 达里尔·安德鲁斯 (1-0) 和 蒂姆·伯肯黑德 (2-0) 都是成功的在各自的战斗来提升自己的健身房到 3-0 记录的事件.

也要去 3-0 在晚上是基于索科球队演进Athletix的, 缅因州。泰迪政治日报 (1-0), 我渐变 (1-0), 和泰勒·斯迈思 (1-0) 全部停止了第一轮各自的战斗的第一分钟内,他们的对手赢得各自的业余亮相.

当晚最大的故事, 无疑, 排在合作的主要事件为长期NEF老将杰西“海盗”埃里克森(10-8) 手乔希“勾上”哈维(7-1-1) 他的职业生涯的首次亏损。埃里克森, 谁代表两个中央缅因州巴西柔术和侦察健身, 穿上能记住几年来辉煌的柔道诊所。被困对抗哈维笼早在第一轮, 埃里克森在与armbar迫使tapout最后才定居拉后卫和转变通过提交链, 发送波特兰挤进一个绝对疯狂.

在野生重量级的激烈殴斗也发生在卡的专业部分, 拉斯“Rasquatch”希尔顿 (5-3) 被击倒布拉德·李(0-1) 通过在第二轮技术击倒。感觉对方出几分钟后, 一对在后的往复口水-敲击在第一轮的关闭时刻交换。过了一分钟,进入第二轮小, 裁判叫停的行动后,从6'6” 希尔顿几个悬而未决的罢工.

希尔顿的头等舱MMA队友雅各布Deppmeyer(1-0) 有一个成功的亲亮相, 击败卡尔·兰斯顿(0-5) 通过第一回合技术击倒。 Deppmeyer, 反向三角形被困兰斯顿和雨点般落下的一系列悬而未决弯头, 给裁判没有选择,但在这一点上停止回合.

在业余卡, 顶级的前景迈克Bezanson (5-0) 的风道场仍然与技术不败淘汰赛战胜格雷格石原(2-2) 在第一轮.

也仅剩不败的业余队伍是内特“骡子”白(5-0) 和迦勒“博士. 感觉良好”奥斯汀 (4-0), 双方的战斗CMBJJ出, 谁完成了各自对手,在第一轮.

另一个CMBJJ产品, 加里·卡尔 (3-1), 打破了自己的纪录为连续第二次,当他成为, 再次, 最老的运动员赢得的NEF笼子里的斗争。在58年,年轻, 卡尔采取了一致决定胜利超过23岁的奥斯汀汉密尔顿 (0-2) 在catchweight业余打架.

NEF还宣布,其下一个事件会看到在柯林斯艺术中心于四月晋升回归缅因大学奥罗诺校园 18 与“NEF 43: 狂暴。”已经确认了事件, 扎克“洛奇”理查德(6-2-1) 将抵御NEF业余轻量级冠军德文 - 科森(3-1), 而切尔西塔克(3-3) 将会见俄勒冈州的CAREE山(6-2) 为NEF业余女子锦标赛飞锤, 迦勒面临奥斯汀詹姆斯PLOSS (1-2) 在他们的争议的一个期待已久的复赛 2017 结束.

完整的“NEF 42”从波特兰结果, 缅因:


曼尼·贝穆德斯DEF. 通过水龙头断头台布鲁斯Boyington, 圆 1

杰西·埃里克森DEF. 通过水龙头armbar乔希·哈维, 圆 1

拉斯希尔顿DEF. 通过技术击倒布拉德·李, 圆 2

克里斯Caterino DEF. 通过水龙头armbar内特鲍彻, 圆 1

雅各布Deppmeyer DEF. 通过技术击倒卡尔·兰斯顿, 圆 1


蒂姆·伯肯黑德DEF. 通过龙头迈克·默里kneebar, 圆 2

乔·霍华德DEF. 贾斯汀面料通过KO, 圆 1

迈克Bezanson DEF. 通过技术击倒格雷格石原, 圆 1

费利佩冈特DEF. 通过一致决定向能桑福德

内特白色高清. 通过技术击倒布赖恩中远, 圆 1

达里尔安卓高清. 通过一致决定泰特斯潘内尔

贾森·兰德里DEF. 通过技术击倒达斯汀载体, 圆 2

泰勒斯迈思DEF. 通过技术提交克利福德雷德曼, 圆 1

加里·卡尔DEF. 通过一致决定奥斯汀汉密尔顿

瑞安福格DEF. 经医生停止朱利亚诺·罗西, 圆 2

本·格雷迪DEF. 乔恩·阿萨姆通过KO, 圆 1

蒂姆·伯杰龙DEF. 通过技术击倒亨利·杰夫斯, 圆 1

迦勒奥斯汀DEF. 经由抽头到后裸扼流圈狄龙亨利, 圆 1

迪伦·威廉姆斯DEF. 通过分裂的决定悦Sochin

兰德尔Hathorn DEF. 通过技术击倒蒂姆·默里, 圆 1

亨利·克拉克DEF. 通过技术提交泰勒·巴特利特, 圆 1

泰迪政治日报DEF. 凯文Lamay通过水龙头木村, 圆 1

新英格兰战斗’ 未来混合武术事件, “NEF 43: 乱闹,” 将于周六, 四月 18, 2020, 在柯林斯艺术中心在缅因大学奥罗诺. 门票将于本周在售www.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (一月 22, 2020)

星期五, 二月 7 周六, 二月 8 承诺是在波特兰一个重量级的周末, 缅因州布拉德·李.

在开幕式晚会, 李会把他的肺对测试作为主唱的称为煽动硬核乐队, 这将结合举办的CD发行方,其在格诺的摇滚俱乐部表现.


李将他的MMA首演反对老将的Ras“Rasquatch”“牙买加三叶草”希尔顿 (4-3) 在NEF一个专业回合 42: “毁灭交响曲”内的另一个著名的音乐厅, 美林礼堂.

“我绝对要谋生出来的,”李多样化的格斗运动的成长经历后说,他立即跳转到亲队伍的. “我觉得我还算适销对路. 我想我可以做一个有点飞溅在世界的这个角落. 我会说我有谦虚自信“。

他更低调的关于音乐的漏洞. 李刻画他的表现艺术性的那一面,与小梦的典型的车库乐队.

“这是我生命中的重要部分. 如果你是一个大孩子带滑板, 它可能会导致音乐和战斗最终,“李说.

“但是,这绝对不是钱,“ 他加了. “这是字面上的朋友做周末与我们的其他朋友挂出了带. 我们不能 (不在乎) 关于体育场馆. 我们不是Metallica的. 这只是一种爱好. 这是一个出口,我得到了 (东西) 那是在我的脑海. 这只是一个业余爱好“。

以同样的方式,新的战斗机必须向上赚取的战斗海报的方式, 背风处, 谁说,他“涉猎”吉他, 声音最兴奋的总部位于英国的新乐队与他们煽动得到共享阶段.

“死亡拒付和残忍前手, 如果你知道的那一幕什么, 那些大牌,“李说. “这将是一个伟大的演出,不管我们是否有或没有。”

在NEF六角转为职业选手,没有任何业余背景是不是典型的旅程, 但李认为这是最明智的路径试图找到愿意对手一个令人沮丧的一年后.

最有潜力的敌人, 他说,, 他身高6英尺4帧受到恐吓,什么是当时的超过行走计重 300 英镑. 重量级极限 265.

“我有五个不同的对手有三个不同的促销活动, 连NEF, 取消对我. 我有打架指对手带着打我, 变卦, 然后拿着同一张卡上一个重量级的斗争,“李说. “我不想指名道姓, 但在拉斯一个人’ 圈 (做过某事). 我只是厌倦了与人隐瞒我的职业生涯恼火。”


希尔顿, 谁投下了一个类似的气势在阴影 6-6, 被关闭的两负的顺序来在他过去的三次出现, 包括淘汰赛损失克里斯Sarro - 另一种战斗机他的亲亮相 - 去年九月.

“马特把拉斯在那里. 我看过的影片,并同我的教练和与它径自,“李说. “他度过了两个硬战. 他似乎是一个尊重人. 我敢肯定,有些人在他的阵营认为我是个 (混蛋). 关于我在社交媒体世界上的事情是,我只释放了我希望人们能看到. 人们可以谈 (掷骰子) 所有他们想要的“。

在他的影片之一, 其中李有权, “是什么让一个专业一个专业?,”他打破了他所认为的误解,认为一个业余的职业生涯是成功的MMA的必需品.

“看看乔恩·琼斯. 现在, 我不是说我是乔恩·琼斯, 但他成为了世界冠军,没有任何 (武术) 在所有皮带,“李说. “那么是什么? 难道他可以敲出来的家伙? 我已经练习过了一群人在我的生命. 难道他的心? 我的心很不错.

“你懂, 我只是厌倦了等待周围其他人. 当我正准备打大约一年前, 我知道我是对的重量级别的顶部, 但它像人都被吓. 我的意思是, 如果你不想成为一个重量级的,然后踏踏实实地 205 管他呢. 我有很多更轻,更好的形状,现在. 人们可能会一直掉去年的战斗我更好。”

拳击和柔道是李的工具包的主要技能, 尽管他把自己描述成一个贪婪的交叉训练.

“我认为,在拳击颇有几分MMA世界睡觉,“李说. “泰拳似乎是事, 但泰拳球员得到他们的脸上打了很多. 但是我训练予取予求. 我会做太极与某人的一个公园,如果它可以帮助我变得更好, 我不在乎“。

背风处, 29, 克林顿是基于圣骑士搏击运动的出, 马萨诸塞州, 他说,他将在战斗体育比赛叠起他的日程安排和强度等级对几乎任何人他的大小.

“赢或输, 我会在周一在健身房. 相比我已经从最UFC和Bellator可见权重股, 我工作了难度比大多数,“李说. “我曾是 316 英镑不到一年前. 如果有人想检查我在我的动机或奉献, 告诉他们检查规模 (在秤上称体重) 2月7日”

之后, 球迷被邀请跟随李某到街上格诺的听他追求他的其他激情的夜晚,他做他的首演在NEF笼前.

新英格兰战斗’ 未来混合武术事件, “NEF 42: 毁灭交响曲,” 将于周六, 二月 8, 2020, 美林礼堂在波特兰, 缅因. 门票现已公开发售,在www.PortTix.com.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


即时发布: 奥罗诺, 缅因 (七月 11, 2019) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) will debut in Orono on September 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts with the promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 40: School of Hard Knocks.” 今天早些时候,, NEF announced the first professional fight signed for the card. The Jamaican ShamrockRasRasquatch” 希尔顿 (4-2) 将在 克里斯Sarro (0-0) 在重量级较量.

Ras Hylton is coming off a big win last April over Charles Penn (0-1) 在波特兰, Maine. The doctor stopped that fight in the first round when a cut over Penn’s eye could not be closed. Hylton opened the gash with a straight right hand that left blood pouring down to the mat.

Hylton is a mainstay of the NEF heavyweight and cruiserweight divisions. The 6’6athlete holds a second-degree black belt in Shotokan karate. He currently trains with Dragon Fire Martial Arts in Portland and First Class MMA in Brunswick, 缅因.

I am quite fortunate to be at the point in my career when I’m called upon to introduce new professionals to our work experience,” said Hylton.  “Boxers like my opponent offer a great risk with their familiarity in the pocket and at distance, so of course we’ll both be more than happy to trade our best shots for the win! I love the arts, but it’s in the fighting aspects of martial arts that competitors like us truly live and find purpose. So we train like our lives depend on it, because to us, that’s how it is. Welcome to the school of hard knocks, 克里斯. MMA 101 is now in session.

As noted by Hylton, his opponent Chris Sarro may be a newcomer to the MMA cage, but he is no stranger to the world of combat sports. Sarro made a name for himself as an amateur boxer with a record of 7-1. He captured the 2019 Northern New England Golden Gloves championship in the superheavyweight division. A native of Ellsworth, 缅因, Sarro currently represents Acadia Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

“I’m just excited to fight close to home,” said Sarro.  “Orono feels like my backyard. Come September 7th, I’m going to show the world there’s a new heavyweight in town. This is my time.”

新英格兰战斗’ 未来混合武术事件, “NEF 40: SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS,” 将于星期六, 九月 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts at the University of Maine as the promotion debuts in Orono, Maine. Tickets are on sale now atwww.collinscenterforthearts.com.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


波特兰, 缅因 (四月 28, 2019) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) returned to Aura in Portland on Saturday night with its latest mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 38: STORMBORN.”  The event was in homage to the HBO seriesGame of Thrones complete with ring girls attired as theMother of DragonsDaenerys Targaryen and Sansa Stark, as well as a cello player opening the event with music from the hit show’s soundtrack. A capacity crowd of over 1100 was on hand for the action.

在主要事件, 拉斯希尔顿 (4-2) defeated Charles Penn (0-1) in a heavyweight contest. The ringside physician stopped the bout in the first round when a cut on Penn’s forehead could not be closed. Hylton landed a perfectly-placed straight right hand that opened the gash on Penn’s head and left blood pouring to the mat in a gruesome stream of crimson.

迦勒大厅 (3-0) remained undefeated to start his professional career with his third straight win. Hall submitted journeyman Jay Ellis (15-86) in the first round of the co-main event of the evening.

关于格斗卡的业余部分, four titles were at stake.

In the first championship bout of the evening, Tom Pagliarulo (3-1) captured the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight strap with a unanimous decision victory over Zac Richard (3-1-1).  在这样做, Pagliarulo, a native of Haverhill, 马萨诸塞州, handed Richard the first loss of his career.

邓肯·史密斯 (5-3) defended the NEF Amateur Welterweight Title against Jon Tefft (2-1).  After five hard-fought rounds, Smith was declared the winner on all three judgesscorecards. It was a good night for Smith’s team of Evolution Athletix. The Saco, Maine-based team went 4-0 on the evening with Smith’s teammates Adina Beaudry (3-0), 基冈科尔夫 (4-11), and Megan Rosado (1-1) all picking up wins.

Taylor Thompson (4-0) made short work of Michigan’s Andrea Howland (2-1) to become the first-ever NEF Women’s Amateur Bantamweight Champion. Thompson submitted Howland in the first round with an armbar. The fight was brought to Portland by NEF in conjunction with Queen MMA Media.

在第四, and final, championship bout on the amateur card, 锦阿诺德 (5-0) kept his knockout streak alive with a first-round downing of Henry Clark (5-5).  It was the fifth straight knockout for Arnold who retained the amateur bantamweight belt.

The fight promotion also announced several fights for its long-awaited return to Lewiston on June 22 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. The event is titled “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.

Hometown favorite Jesse Erickson (9-7) will take on Lewis Corapi (8-5) that evening in a lightweight contest. Erickson is a mainstay of the NEF cage and a perpetual top contender to the promotion’s professional 155-pound title. MassachusettsCorapi is a seasoned veteran of the New England MMA circuit, finally making his NEF debut on June 22.

乔希·哈维 (6-0-1) announced that he would return to the cage atNEF 39to take on Jordan Downey (5-4) from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Harvey will defend the NEF Pro Featherweight Title that evening looking for his first successful defense since capturing the belt last February in Bangor. Downey is on a two-fight win streak.

内特鲍彻 (4-3) will take on Robert Presley (5-4) for the vacant NEF Amateur Flyweight Title. Boucher has finished his last two opponents in the first round to move himself back into contention for another shot at the 125-pound belt. Presley represents the Lancaster Academy of MMA in Lancaster, 俄亥俄.

In a solemn moment to open the event, NEF paid tribute to longtime staff member Casey Main with a ten-bell salute. The Wiscasset, Maine resident passed away unexpectedly late last week. The promotion dedicated the event to his memory.

The full results from Portland, 缅因:


拉斯希尔顿DEF. Charles Penn via doctor stoppage, 圆 1
迦勒堂DEF. Jay Ellis via submission, 圆 1
Keegan Hornstra def. Zenon Herrera via submission, 圆 1
Bryant Bullock def. Fred Lear via submission, 圆 2


锦阿诺德DEF. 通过KO亨利·克拉克, 圆 1
Taylor Thompson def. Andrea Howland via submission, 圆 1
Duncan Smith def. Jon Tefft via unanimous decision
Tom Pagliarulo def. Zac Richard via unanimous decision
Arii Fernandez def. Ryan Savage via submission, 圆 1
Titus Pannell def. Justin Philbrook via TKO, 圆 2
布赖恩中远DEF. Garry Carr via TKO, 圆 1
Megan Rosado def. Amanda Bennett via split decision
贾森·兰德里DEF. Justin Boraczek via submission, round 1
布兰登MAILLET-Fevens DEF. Jesse Fitzsimmons via submission, 圆 1
Jordan Norman def. Greg Ishihara via TKO, 圆 2
内特白色高清. Clifford Redman via tapout to strikes, 圆 1
Schuyler Vallaincourt def. Dillon Henry via ref stoppage, 圆 2
Adina Beaudry def. Traci Baldwin via TKO, 圆 2

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” 将于周六, 六月 22, 2019 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因州 响铃时间 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.TheColisee.com.


波特兰, 缅因 (三月 11, 2019) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) heavyweight ‘Rasquatch’ ‘The Jamaican Shamrock’ Ras Hylton (3-2) had a mixed bag of a mixed martial arts (MMA) run in 2018. Hylton recently joined host Jason Floyd on 该MMA报告 podcast to discuss the ups-and-downs of the last year and his goals for 2019.

After losing a fight in New York last May, Hylton rebounded with a beautiful knockout victory over longtime MMA veteran Eric Bedard (6-8) in Rhode Island last August. The win put Hylton in the position to fight Yorgan De Castro for the inaugural NEF Cruiserweight title, a 225-pound division that Hylton has been championing for the widespread adoption of in MMA. De Castro and Hylton shared a wild two-and-a-half minutes in the cage before De Castro ultimately knocked out Hylton to win the title.

“I was trying to change things up and, 你知道, it’s kind of like playing with a chemistry set for the first time,” Hylton said in describing his 2018. “You get a bunch of ingredients, and elements, and chemicals in front of you and some you’re familiar with and some you’ve got to learn and tinker with some before you can really hone down what it’s going for.”

A lifelong martial artist, Hylton credits his father for putting him on the path that lead to his eventual career choice as a professional fighter.

“Ever since I started learning how to box a little bit with my dad when I was a kid, I’ve always been fascinated with fighting in general,” Hylton told Floyd. “He never really would have wanted me to be a fighter, but he put a bug in and I never really let go, so it was just the next logical evolution of my learning was getting in there and testing it out in an environment that supports growth and change. 所以, it’s been a great learning experience. I’ve met a lot of great people and had a lot of fun doing it.”

It’s no secret to anyone that has seen Hylton compete in the cage that he prefers the standup aspect of the sport as opposed to the ground game, but when asked why he choose to pursue mixed martial arts competition over boxing, he answered without hesitation.

“The variety and the options available,” Hylton replied. “不要误会我的意思, I completely respect boxing as a sport, but the fact that there’s so much focus on just the upper body and punches to the head and more frequently than not. 我的意思是, we’re all looking for the knockout shot, but MMA offered the opportunity to really open up and give us more of a realistic approach to one-on-one combat. I mean as long as you play fair, you get to use all the same tools and figure out how to play a different kind of game that still beats the other guys.”

Standing at 6’6”, Hylton has become known for his menacing height as much as he has for his memorable performances in the cage. However, Hylton was quick to note that his height can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to combat.

“It definitely focuses things for both myself and my opponent,” Hylton stated. “I’ve got a body type that speaks very blatantly of what the advantages are and what the disadvantages are, so it really helps to focus the training and where’s there fewer big people than there are small people, you need some sort of way to fine tune things as quick as possible. 你知道, there’s not much of a learning curve before you start getting hurt by it.”

Hylton’s next fight is set for April 27 when he takes on Charles Penn at “NEF 38: Stormborn” in Portland, 缅因. 佩恩, who fights for Hyaston MMA, will be traveling from North Carolina for the bout.

“This has been probably the biggest question mark fight I’ve ever had,” Hylton stated. “I mean, at least with everybody who’s come before there’s been some avenue of recent information, but I mean he did bring his amateur career, 6-3, but his last fight was, 什么? 2013? 所以, there’s a big question mark there, there’s a big gap there, where he could have gone in any direction. So it’s kind of simplified things for me, because now I get to just stick to my plan of using 2019 to do what I have to do to be the best fighter I can be. 所以, I get to keep on at him. I don’t have the distraction of trying to figure out the other guy. It’s really played towards my mental strengths to start off this year.”

“Execution,” Hylton continued. “Execution of the game plan is what I’m really looking to stick to from here on out. I want to take this as far as I can go. I want to go up as high as I can. And I’ve been lucky with the support that I’ve got between my family and my gyms to be able to do something that really makes me feel whole. I want to pay back that investment in full and with as much interest as possible, 尽早. I’m in my 30’s now, got to make something happen, 你知道?”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” 将于周六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州 响铃时间 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.AuraMaine.com.

About New England FightsNew England Fights (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


波特兰, 缅因 (二月 26, 2019) – 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 将展示其未来的混合武术 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” 四月 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional heavyweight fight to the card.The Jamaican ShamrockRasRasquatch” 希尔顿定要面对Charles Penn.

At 6’6,Ras Hylton is one of the largest competitors ever to step foot in the NEF cage. He started his amateur MMA career three years ago this month and went 3-0 prior to making his professional debut at “NEF 27” in February 2017. Hylton has put together a record of 3-2 作为一个亲. He will be looking to bounce back from a loss to Yorgan De Castro (4-0) in an unsuccessful bid to capture the inaugural NEF Cruiserweight Championship atNEF 36” 去年十一月.

Hylton trains with First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine as well as Dragon Fire Martial Arts in Portland. He is a longtime practitioner of Taekwondo, a discipline in which he holds a black belt.

“I’m really grateful to be fighting in my home again,” said Hylton. “After my humbling return late last year, it’s been a time of reflection on what is necessary for my success. 幸运的是我, I have family in every part of my life. From home, 健身房, to the dojo, to my job, I’m constantly getting my motivation to do things better. Thank you for keeping me going, and helping me find excellence. It’s going to be a great year!”

Hylton’s opponent atNEF 38,Charles Penn, will be making his professional debut. Penn put together an impressive 6-3 record as an amateur competing throughout the Midwest. He now represents Hayastan MMA based in North Carolina.

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” 将于周六, 四月 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland, 缅因州 响铃时间 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.AuraMaine.com. ��



即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (十一月 18, 2018) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) held its most recent mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” on Saturday night at Aura in Portland, 缅因. The event officially sold-out days prior to doors opening. It was the fifth and final NEF event of the 2018 季节, and what many in attendance insisted was the standout show of the year.

在主要事件, 瑞安·桑德斯(Ryan Sanders) (18-9) put the NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Title on the line against 雅各布·博恩 (7-6). Sanders retained the championship after the cageside doctor stopped the fight due to a cut on Bohn’s head in the second round.

History was made when 拉斯希尔顿 (3-2) 和 Yorgan De Castro (3-0) faced off to crown the first-ever NEF MMA Professional Cruiserweight Champion in the co-main event. De Castro captured the strap in dramatic fashion with a violent first-round knockout of Hylton.

马特·普罗宾 (3-0) made his long-awaited NEF debut against Lionel Young (7-16). Probin remained undefeated in his professional career when he forced a referee stoppage to strikes early in the second round.

In the opening fight of the evening, Taylor Thompson (3-0) 和 Catie Denning (1-1) waged an absolute war that had the entire crowd on its feet to kick off the amateur card. Thompson won a unanimous decision on the judges’ 记分卡.

Later on in the amateur card, 梅根·罗萨 (0-1) 和 沃森的荣耀 (2-0) battled back and forth in another crowd-pleasing thriller that went the distance. Watson was victorious via split decision in a very close fight.

In the third and final women’s fight of the evening, 切尔西塔克 (1-3) picked up the first win of her amateur career with a late-fight technical knockout of BJ Garceau (1-1).

理查德·扎克 (3-0) remained undefeated with a first-round submission of Chris Lachcik (0-2). It was a fight that Richard had dedicated to the memory of his older sister Lacey who passed away from cancer six years ago this weekend at the age of 23.

同样地, in a post fight interview, an emotional 亨利·克拉克 (5-4) dedicated his victory over Killian Murphy (1-2) to a friend of his named Justin who recently passed away.

NEF further announced that its next event, “NEF 37: 零度以下,” would originate from the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine on Friday, 二月 1, 2019. The main event will feature 乔希 “Hook On” 哈维 (5-0-1) 和 法案 “Jonesi” 琼斯 (13-11) squaring off for the vacant NEF MMA Professional Featherweight Title.

The full results from Portland, 缅因:


瑞恩·桑德斯def. Jacob Bohn via doctor stoppage, 圆 2

Yorgan De Castro def. Ras Hylton via knockout, 圆 1

Jose Lugo def. Ernesto Ornelas via rear-naked choke, 圆 1

Matt Probin def. Lionel Young via technical knockout, 圆 2



Chelsea Tucker def. BJ Garceau via technical knockout, 圆 3

亨利·克拉克DEF. Killian Murphy via unanimous decision

内特鲍彻DEF. Jordan Young via tap to rear-naked choke, 圆 1

扎克理查德DEF. Chris Lachcik via tap to rear-naked choke, 圆 1

荣耀沃森高清. Megan Rosado via split decision

Ben Peters def. Brandon Maillet-Fevens via verbal submission to Kimura, 圆 1

Felipe Günter def. Schuyler Vaillancourt via tap to rear-naked choke, 圆 2

穆罕默德·阿尔·基纳尼 def. 通过TKO克利福德·雷德曼, 圆 1

Jordan Norman def. 乔恩·阿萨姆(Jon Assam)通过分裂决定

Taylor Thompson def. Catie Denning via unanimous decision


NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 37: 零度以下,” 将于星期五, 二月 1, 2019 在班戈的交叉保险中心, 缅因州 响铃时间 8 下午. Tickets are on-sale now atwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com now with pre-sale codeNEF.



波特兰, 缅因 (十一月 2, 2018) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) will hold its final mixed-martial-arts event of 2018, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” 周六, 十一月 17 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因. 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced the fight card for the event featuring a full slate of professional and amateur fights.




The professional side of the card will be headlined by a pair of title fights as 瑞安·桑德斯(Ryan Sanders) (17-9) defends the lightweight strap against 雅各布·博恩 (7-5) 和 拉斯希尔顿 (3-1) 会见 Yorgan De Castro (2-0) to crown the first-ever NEF cruiserweight champion.




Sanders has held the lightweight title since April 2017 当他击败乔恩·莱姆克时 (7-9) in a tournament final. He has won a remarkable eight in a row in the NEF cage, not losing on Maine soil in four years. New York’s Jacob Bohn has won his last two in a row over veterans Kenny Foster (12-13) and Lewis Corapi (8-4) 分别.




Ras Hylton is coming off a highlight-reel elbow knockout of Eric Bedard (6-8) 去年八月. The 6’6resident of South Portland, known to fans asThe Jamaican Shamrock,” 是一个完美的 3-0 in the NEF cage where he also went 3-0 作为一个业余. Yorgan De Castro is undefeated as a professional, having finished both of his opponents by technical knockout. The bout will be the first in the newly-created NEF 225-pound cruiserweight division which will fall between the light-heavyweight (205-英镑) 而权重股 (265-英镑) 类.




Also on the professional card will be a flyweight contest between Portland fan-favorite 埃内斯托·奥尼拉斯 (4-7) and undefeated Massachusetts prospect Jose Lugo (3-0). Ornelas is riding a two-fight win streak while Lugo, 绰号 “El Salvaje,” has finished all three of his opponents.


马特·普罗宾 (2-0) is scheduled to make his long-awaited debut with NEF when he meets veteran Lionel Young (7-15) 在轻量级比赛. Probin has won back-to-back bouts in Vermont via knockout to start his professional career.




截至记者发稿时, NEF was still searching for a replacement opponent for 卡尔·兰斯顿 (0-1) in a professional featherweight bout after several previous opponents had pulled out. Interested featherweights should contact NEF matchmakers via email at newenglandfights@gmail.com. Serious inquiries only please.




The amateur portion of the card is scheduled to feature a total of three women’s MMA bouts. 沃森的荣耀 (1-0) 将在 梅根·罗萨 (0-0), 而 BJ Garceau (1-0) 会见 切尔西塔克 (0-3) 和 Catie Denning (1-0) 与面临关闭 Taylor Thompson (2-0). 沃森, Garceau and Tucker are all members of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine owned and operated by coach Chris Young. The trio has been nicknamed “克里斯’ Angels.




The full “NEF 36” fight card (如有变更和缅因州的战斗体育局批准):





225*TITLE 拉斯希尔顿 3-1 (头等舱MMA) vs Yorgan De Castro 2-0

155*TITLE 瑞安·桑德斯(Ryan Sanders) 17-9 (Ç) (年轻的MMA) vs Jacob Bohn 7-5 (Behring Jiu Jitsu NY)

145 马特·普罗宾 2-0 (侦察) vs Lionel Young 7-15 (Citadel Martial Arts)

125 埃内斯托·奥尼拉斯 4-7 (财研究所) vs Jose Lugo 3-0 (BST MMA & 身体素质)






175 乔恩·阿萨姆 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jordan Norman 0-1 (坏小瀑布道场)

155 理查德·扎克 2-0 (Nostos) VS 克里斯·拉奇克 0-1 (独立)

155 穆罕默德·Kinani 4-1 (进化竞技) VS克利福德雷德曼 0-6 (独立)

155 Brandon Mailet 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs Ben Peters 0-0 (泰坦竞技)

140 梅根·罗萨 0-0 (进化竞技) VS 荣耀华生 1-0 (年轻的MMA)

140 亨利·克拉克 4-4 (财研究所) vs Killian Murphy 1-1 (Nostos)

135 Taylor Thompson 2-0 () VS 凯蒂·丹宁 1-0 (年轻的MMA)

135 Schuyler Vaillancourt 0-0 (Nostos) vs Felipe Gunther 0-0 (头等舱MMA)

135 内特鲍彻 2-3 (CMBJJ) 对阵 乔丹·杨 1-1 (独立)

125 切尔西塔克 0-3 (头等舱MMA) vs BJ Garceau 1-0 (年轻的MMA)




NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” will see the company make its return to Aura in Portland, 缅因. The event is scheduled to take place Saturday, 十一月 17, 2018 响铃时间为 7 下午. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.AuraMaine.com.






新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


波特兰, 缅因 (十月 15, 2018) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) will hold its final mixed-martial-arts event of 2018, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” 周六, 十一月 17 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因. 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional cruiserweight championship bout to the card. The Jamaican ShamrockRasRasquatch” 希尔顿(3-1) will meet undefeated Yorgan De Castro (2-0) to crown the first-ever NEF Professional Cruiserweight Champion.

The fight will officially give birth to the brand-new NEF cruiserweight division. This bout, as well as future bouts in the weight class, will take place at the 225-pound limit. The division, which sits between light-heavyweight and heavyweight, was approved as an official weight class for MMA by the Association of Boxing Commissions at their annual conference in July 2017. NEF will be one of the first promotions in the country to institute a cruiserweight division.

The adoption of new weight classes at the highest levels of the sport in order to account for the wide gaps in the current championship class structure is inevitable—we’re just getting there first,” 说NEF共同所有者和媒人马特·彼得森. “There’s no more perfect way to usher in this new era of the 225-pound weight class than with a championship fight on the year-end “Battle for the Gold” show between two high-caliber, hungry opponents that NEF fans are very familiar with. This action-packed event was tailor made to include this breakthrough boutit’s just one more element to an already blistering card. Fans can be certain that they will get their money’s worth on November 17th.

Ras Hylton will return to the NEF cage after nearly a year-and-a-half absence. He is a five-fight veteran of the NEF cage where he is undefeated with three wins as an amateur and two as a professional. 去年八月, Hylton knocked out veteran Eric Bedard (6-8) in Rhode Island with a single elbow strike after absorbing a barrage of shots from Bedard that had little-to-no effect. Standing at a towering 6’6,Hylton holds a black belt in Taekwondo. He trains with both First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine and Dragon Fire Martial Arts of South Portland.

“I’m ecstatic about the response to my FaceTime call to action, and that I get to kick off my cruiserweight run back home,” said Hylton. “I’ve spoken at length about my dream to elevate the draw and excitement to see the heavier divisions, so I thank (NEF所有者) Matt Peterson and Nick DiSalvo for working with me again, and launching the title here with NEF! Yorgan is a good strong fighter with heavy hands that I saw work against my best friend Nick Gulliver in another belt war. Now I move to follow ‘The Guardian’sexample, and keep the inaugural strap right here in Maine. Thanks for staying with us everyone!”

As Hylton noted, this will not be the first time Yorgan De Castro has come to Maine looking to take gold back with him to Massachusetts. De Castro faced Hylton’s teammate Nick Gulliver for the NEF Amateur Heavyweight Title in a losing effort at “新EF 26” almost two years to the day he will fight Hylton.

I’m very excited to become the first 225-pound NEF champion,” said De Castro. “We will be sure to put on a great show for the fans. I’ve been through some very dark moments in my all life and on November 17 I’ll make sure I bring all my demons with me and Ras will have to deal with them. This fight will be absolutely epic.

A native of Portugal now residing in the fighting city of Brockton, 马萨诸塞州, De Castro has had success to date in his professional career. He has finished both of his previous opponents via technical knockout at light-heavyweight. For fighters like De Castro and Hylton, the creation of a cruiserweight division in NEF opens a new realm of career possibilities that did not exist before. De Castro was one of the first individual to respond positively to Hylton’s Face Time video calling for the creation of a cruiserweight division.

I’m excited to make my NEF debut as a professional fighter in the inaugural cruiserweight division,” De Castro continued. “This is a huge opportunity for fighters and I’m looking to make my mark in that division. I have nothing but respect for Ras—he’s a class act man and very tough—but he has never faced a more dedicated and focused Yorgan and on November 17, I’ll be victorious and write my name in NEF history.

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” will see the company make its return to Aura in Portland, 缅因. The event is scheduled to take place Saturday, 十一月 17, 2018 响铃时间为 7 下午. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.AuraMaine.com.

DIRIGO ALUM DALEY 平衡工作, 家庭与综合格斗笼斗



即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (六月 14, 2017) – 德里克·戴利 (Derek Daley) 相信他的综合武术训练给他的职业生涯带来了优势. 他还认识到接受一流 MMA 训练使他成为一名更好的综合武术家.


戴利的生活很忙碌, 一名执法人员和 6 岁女儿的父亲, 艾拉. 他会在当晚疯狂地挣脱一些时刻。星期六, 六月 17, 当他一年内第一次回到新英格兰六角形比赛时.


戴利, 27, 是代表他的不伦瑞克体育馆参加“NEF”的七名拳手之一 29: 星星 & Stripes.” The opening bell is set for 7 P.M. at Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.


“I’ve improved in every area, and I’ve really improved my cardio,“戴利说:. “My first fight I was worried about what might happen if I got to the third round.”


There was barely time to break a sweat. 戴利, a two-time Maine high school wrestling champion at Dirigo High School in Dixfield who later played college football at Husson University, dispatched Johel Stephenson in only 55 秒.


“We had a game plan to hit him with a straight jab to set him up for an overhead right, then get it down to the mat and finish it with ground-and-pound,“戴利说:. “It actually went exactly as we planned it, which was great.”


这次, 戴利 (1-0) takes on the more seasoned Frank Johanson (2-2) 刘易斯顿缅因州中部巴西柔术在羽量级业余比赛中的表现.


戴利加盟拉斯希尔顿, 多米尼克·琼斯, 拉斐尔Velado, 乔什·琼斯, 杰克·德普迈耶 (Jake Deppmeyer) 和乔恩·泰夫特 (Jon Tefft) 入选一流特遣队. 他被当地另一名充满战斗热血的警察引诱到训练中心和MMA现象, 杰伊的尼克·格列佛.


“我一直在法明顿的 Foundry 训练柔术,“戴利说:. “尼克说 (MMA) 将很好地转化为执法部门, 他是对的. 更多, 约翰和乔迪 (射线) 都是伟大的人。”


莱奥在高中和大学摔跤垫上的经验使他成为戴利的天然导师, 他在 Dirigo 大学三年级的时候就达到了 100 场胜利的巅峰.

戴利 (Daley) 在大二时赢得了 119 磅级的州冠军,并在大四时支持了这一目标 135 英镑, 离他今天战斗的地方不远 145.


“德里克是一位出色的运动员,也是我们最好的摔跤手之一,”拉约说. “他态度坚定,并给予 100 每堂课和陪练课程的百分比。”




他最初是威尔顿的一名军官. 搬到里士满后, 他申请了周边三个城市的工作. 奥古斯塔是第一个向他提出报价的人.


“我从 11 月份就来了,这里非常适合我,“戴利说:. “我有一位出色的中士和一支出色的团队。”


警察工作是一种家庭传统. 戴利的父亲, Hart, 是牛津县治安部门的副首席代表.




“我的专业是体育,”戴利指出. “爸爸说, '当老师. 不要进入执法部门。’ 但这是家庭中必须相当顽固的事情之一, 因为我和我哥哥都是警察. 日程安排很艰难且难以预测。”


一流的综合格斗帮助戴利实现他作为警察和战士的承诺. “这是一次很棒的锻炼. 我不太喜欢传统举重. 我的意思是, 我在大学踢橄榄球时就这么做过 (哈森). 这样我就能得到锻炼, 但感觉我没有在工作,“他说,. “如果我作为一名警官不得不进行身体对抗,这肯定会让我感觉更舒服。”


射线, 作为 NEF 早期最受欢迎的拳手之一,现已退出笼子, 了解家 vs. 工作与. 家庭平衡. 他是两个孩子的父亲,并在美国全职工作. 当他渴望再次尝试格斗运动时,邮政服务.


还, 如果戴利决定完全专注于笼子,他对他的学生的潜力非常看好.


“天空是他在这项运动中的极限. 我可以看到他进入 UFC 或 Bellator(如果这是他选择的道路),”拉约说. “他是一位杰出的警察,也是一位伟大的父亲. 他做任何事都把女儿放在第一位。”


戴利回敬赞美, 坚持认为即使他对综合格斗的尝试最终只是一杯咖啡, 他将继续在头等舱进行健身训练. 他将这种气氛描述为紧密的朋友圈和兄弟情谊.


“这是一群很棒的人. 没有自我,“戴利说:. “当我第一次出现时我有点担心. 我会成为 (目标) 因为我是一名警察, 还是有一群人都想成为领头羊? 但事实恰恰相反. 就像一个大家庭. 你正在打一个人的脸, 但你们是家人。”


这对于他与格列佛的友谊来说是双倍的, 作为业余重量级选手谁不败.


“当我和尼克一起锻炼时,我感觉自己就像一只小大猩猩和它的妈妈在一起,“他打趣道. “我认为对他来说,攻击我就是一种享受。”


当他有机会在 NEF 卡上挑选与他身材相仿的人时,这无疑减轻了他的压力, 尽管戴利知道不能轻视老将约翰逊.


CMBJJ战士进入两连胜, 他击败了First Class’ 德普迈耶二月.


“弗兰克是一个很难对付的对手. 我看到他和杰克的战斗,“戴利说:. “他有一个坚硬的下巴. 他投篮并不断向前推进。”


尽管他在高中时曾四次在州摔跤表演赛上在数千人面前进行战斗, 戴利很谦虚地承认 NEF 节目是一种不同的动物.


“我完全神经崩溃了, 几乎到了我准备在窗帘后面呕吐的地步,“他谈到自己的首秀时说道. “然后当我踏入笼子时, 它消失了,我只是做了我必须做的事. 我能够稍微抖掉铁锈.


“但这和摔跤还是不一样. 那时我的脸还没有被打。”


六月 17 卡上有四场专业 MMA 比赛, 四场职业拳击比赛, 以及笼子里的七场业余小冲突. “NEF”门票 29: 星星 & 条纹”开始于 $25 并且可通过调用 (207) 783-2009 分机. 525www.thecolisee.com. 想了解更多战斗卡信息, 请访问www.newenglandfights.com.