标记档案: 新英格兰战斗


即时发布: 班戈, 缅因 (十一月 14, 2022) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回班戈的交叉保险中心, 缅因州二月 11, 2023, 及其下一个综合格斗 (MMA) 事件“NEF 51: 班戈的班格。”战斗推广已经宣布了一场业余冠军争夺战。关键巴尔塔扎 (2-0) 定要面对内特多尔 (2-0) 获得空缺的 NEF 业余最轻量级冠军.

Key Baltazar 在 2022 年作为业余选手首次亮相后保持不败。他的第一场比赛于去年 2 月在波特兰的“NEF 46”举行。 Baltazar 于当晚在第二轮提交了 Quinn Poirier。去年夏天,他将在“NEF 48”回归,与汉农·桑福德 (Hannon Sanford) 较量。经过一场恶战, 三回合战斗, Baltazar 在评委记分卡上一致判定获胜。他目前代表位于萨默斯沃思的 Nostos MMA, 新罕布什尔州.

“我喜欢 Nate 带给笼子的能量,”巴尔塔扎指出.  “但仅此而已. 我很高兴展示我风格的另一面. 最轻量级腰带将和我一起回到 Nostos。”

像巴尔塔扎, Nate Dorr 也在业余 MMA 中首次亮相 2022 并且目前以两场胜利保持不败。他的第一场比赛是去年春天在奥本的“NEF 47”对阵 Tyler Parent, 缅因州。多尔在那场比赛中以一致判定获胜。他将在“NEF 48”回归,参加与克利福德雷德曼的二年级比赛。多尔在第一轮通过技术淘汰赛击败了更有经验的雷德曼。他代表位于 Ellsworth 的 Acadia BJJ, 缅因.

“腰带一直在我的视线中,”多尔说. “我一直在为那个冠军头衔训练,我觉得准备好了. 没想到这么早, 但我完全打算在比赛结束后系上那条腰带。”

“NEF 51: Banger in Bangor”定于周六晚上, 二月 11, 2023, 在班戈的交叉保险中心, 缅因州。门票现在可以在www.TicketMaster.com.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.



即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (二月 8, 2022) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 带着它的下一个混合武术回来 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 46: 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯,多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 领先的区域促销活动于2月启动 11, 2012. 今天早些时候,, NEF宣布在战斗卡中增加一个专业的羽量级比赛。卡尔·兰斯顿(0-6) 将在扎克“洛奇”理查德 (1-0) 在战斗重量 145 英镑.

NEF宣布在战斗卡中增加一个专业的羽量级比赛。 (0-0) NEF宣布在战斗卡中增加一个专业的羽量级比赛。, NEF宣布在战斗卡中增加一个专业的羽量级比赛。 (2-1) NEF宣布在战斗卡中增加一个专业的羽量级比赛。.

NEF宣布在战斗卡中增加一个专业的羽量级比赛。, NEF宣布在战斗卡中增加一个专业的羽量级比赛。, NEF宣布在战斗卡中增加一个专业的羽量级比赛。.

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“NEF 46: “当我被要求在短时间内参加这场复赛时,这对我来说是理所当然的, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 门开处 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.com.  “当我被要求在短时间内参加这场复赛时,这对我来说是理所当然的“当我被要求在短时间内参加这场复赛时,这对我来说是理所当然的 “当我被要求在短时间内参加这场复赛时,这对我来说是理所当然的 $29.99.

多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯 46 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯 12

即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (一月 11, 2022) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 带着它的下一个混合武术回来 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 46: 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯,多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 领先的区域促销活动于2月启动 11, 2012. 今天早些时候,, 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯卡尔·兰斯顿(0-6)定于上肖恩·雷(2-1) 在战斗重量 155 英镑.

多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯. 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 从六岁开始练习跆拳道,并在青年奥林匹克水平的运动中获得奖牌。兰斯顿目前正在以独立战斗机的身份参赛.

“这场战斗对我来说是成败,”兰斯顿注意.  “我有各种工具可以击败肖恩和我最后的任何对手, 我只需要在精神上表现出来. 新年伊始,我的生活发生了一些重大的积极变化,未来还会有更多变化, 我觉得这将有助于在这场战斗中发挥重要作用. 我已经准备好咬住我的喉舌并完成这个任务. 我不觉得雷是一个真正的 55er——他对于重量级来说非常小——所以跳到 55 与他战斗证明了我的技能. 我将成为 2022 年的突破性斗士。”

肖恩雷去年夏天在米尔福德的“NEF 44”首次亮相NEF, 新罕布什尔州输给迦勒霍尔 (4-0).  雷毕业于伊斯顿伊斯顿高中, 马里兰州。他目前是沃特维尔的居民, 缅因州。像兰斯顿, 雷也是一个独立的战士.

“我很感谢有机会与一位经验丰富的前锋测试我的技术,”雷说.  “我认识卡尔并追随他的格斗生涯七年. 作为一名战士,我非常尊重他. 至于我自己, 我只是在做我喜欢做的事. 我觉得这是一场精彩的比赛。”

“NEF 46: 统治十年”将于周六举行, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 门开处 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.com.


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (一月 6, 2022) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 带着它的下一个混合武术回来 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 46: 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯,多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 领先的区域促销活动于2月启动 11, 2012. 今天早些时候,, 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯穆罕默德·Kinani(0-0)定要面对Chris “Ironfist” Rooney (0-1) 在战斗重量 155 英镑.

The fight will be the professional debut for Al Kinani who finished his amateur career with an impressive record of 9-1. He leaves the amateur division as the number-one ranked lightweight in both New England and the Northeast. Six of Al Kinani’s nine victories have been finishes, including a 34-second knockout in his final amateur fight last fall. The fight with Rooney will be Al Kinani’s first in his home state of Maine in over three years. He represents Evolution Athletix based in Saco, 缅因.

“This fight on February 12th is the first step of a long journey that I’ve been dreaming of for quite some time,” said Al Kinani. “It’s going to be a fight that’ll start and end with a handshake, but you know how I roll once I’m locked in there. It’s all business, 婴儿. 这就是我做什么: I take care of fucking business.”

Chris Rooney will make his first appearance in the NEF cage on February 12, but he is a longtime MMA veteran, having competed in the sport since February 2011. He won twelve fights as an amateur prior to making his professional debut last September. Rooney trains at Sargent Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in St. 奥尔本斯, 佛蒙特.

“I am very excited to announce that my next fight will be against Mo Kinani for New England Fights,” stated Rooney. “Though this will be my second fight as a professional, this will be my debut with NEF. I am looking forward to showcasing my knockout power and overall abilities as a mixed martial artist. Even though the fans in Maine may not yet know the name Rooney, they won’t forget it after they witness my iron-fist power.”

“NEF 46: 统治十年”将于周六举行, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 门开处 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.com


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (十一月 30, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 带着它的下一个混合武术回来 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 46: 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯,多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 领先的区域促销活动于2月启动 11, 2012. 今天早些时候,, NEF宣布增加了一个专业的轻量级回合的战斗卡. 前 NEF 业余羽量级冠军纳撒尼尔Grimard (0-0) 定于上安东尼回答 (0-0) 在145磅重的战斗.

纳撒尼尔·格里玛 (Nathaniel Grimard) 于 9 月首次亮相 NEF MMA 2019 在“NEF 40: 硬敲学校。”那晚, Grimard 提交了 Justin Kangas (0-3) 第一轮通过armbar. 在疫情封锁期间, 格里马尔在佛罗里达州参加了两次比赛,并将他的记录提高到 3-0. 他的不败战绩让格里马尔能够挑战当时空缺的 NEF 羽量级冠军. 八月, Grimard 阻止了 Brandon Maillet-Fevens (3-2) 在“NEF”的第二轮比赛中 44: Back in Black》成为 145 磅的冠军. Grimard在“NEF”的时候回到了笼子里 45: 起义”捍卫他的皮带对抗比利威尔逊 (7-1) 来自新墨西哥州著名的 Jackson Wink MMA 训练营. 格里马尔输掉了让威尔逊成为新冠军的费力五轮决定. 现在, Grimard 击中了重置开关,因为他计划转为专业对抗 NEF 新人, 安东尼回答. Grimard 代表 Somersworth 的 Nostos MMA, 新罕布什尔州,他在 UFC 和 Bellator 老将的指导下训练, 和前 NEF 职业轻量级冠军, 德文 - 鲍威尔 (10-5).

“我想不出比 NEF 的 10 周年纪念卡更好的方式来开始我的职业生涯,”格里马尔说. “我对自己有很大的目标,我准备好接受任何阻碍我的人. 我只尊重瓦斯塔和他的武术技巧, 但我从未如此专注。”

Anthony Vasta 也将在 NEF 首次亮相 46. Vasta 和 Grimard 在几个月内完成了各自的 MMA 业余首秀. Vasta 和 Grimard 有着另一条共同的纽带, 因为在大流行期间两人在佛罗里达州用同一张牌竞争. 瓦斯塔有一个 1-1 业余记录并在韦克菲尔德的防御边缘武术学院训练, 马萨诸塞州.

“能够与另一位我尊重的新兴新英格兰拳手进行职业首秀是令人兴奋的,” 瓦斯塔说. “是时候迈出我职业生涯的下一步了, 考验我的技能, 并抓住机会. 我的风格真的很不正统,很难准备. 我计划走出去,在这个部门的另一个艰难前景中表现出色。”

“NEF 46: 统治十年”将于周六举行, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 门开处 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.com


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (十一月 24, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 带着它的下一个混合武术回来 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 46: 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯,多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 领先的区域促销活动于2月启动 11, 2012. 今天早些时候,, NEF announced the addition of an amateur welterweight bout to the fight card.乔恩·阿萨姆 (2-3) is scheduled to take on former lightweight贾斯汀面料 (0-3) 在170磅重的斗争.

Jon Assam will have fought for NEF for four straight years when he steps in the cage on February 12. The Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) staple most recently made Austin Hamilton (0-3) retire on the stool in between rounds when they faced-off at the Hampshire Dome last August at “NEF 44: Back in Black” in New Hampshire. Assam will be looking to extend his win streak to two when he shares the cage with Kangas in February.

“I’m very excited to be part of another NEF event, always good cards and good fights,” Assam stated. “I don’t like to do much talking outside of the cage, but my opponent can expect the same thing I expect from him—the best version of ourselves—and we’ll see whose best is better.”

Justin Kangas has struggled to find his first win in NEF, having dropped losses to a who’s who of young up and coming talent including Nate “The Mule White (5-0) and former NEF Featherweight Champion Nathaniel Grimard (4-1). Standing 6’3”, the cut to 155-pounds has always been a struggle for the moonlighting mixed martial artist who spends his days working as a school principal. Having finally found the rhythm between his professional life and passion for training, Kangas is confident that the move up in weight class will help him secure that elusive first win in the NEF hexagon.

“I am extremely excited to step back into the NEF cage. It has been far too long. Covid has been rough on us all in a variety of ways, but if there is a silver lining, it’s that it gave me a ton of time to work on my deficits. When I first started fighting for NEF, I was only nine months into my training, and I was a fish out of water on the ground. Each fight gave me a lot to reflect on and gave me a full picture of what needed to change. Covid may have stopped a lot of things in our country, but it didn’t stop me from training and growing as a fighter.

“My weaknesses have become new passions and strengths for me. Losing and identifying faults doesn’t break me down. It excites me. Nothing is more rewarding than improving yourself. 毫无疑问,, I have done just that.

“After all the time off, I made the decision to jump up a weight class. I have been working hard to put on weight the right way over the last year and a half and have come leaps and bounds in my confidence and technique on the feet, the cage and the ground. I am a far more well-rounded and skilled fighter. I look forward to showing off that work.

“Jon Assam is a veteran in the NEF cage and he always goes to war. I am excited to share the cage with him and I know the fans won’t be disappointed. I took this fight because I knew it would push me to my limits and that’s how exciting fights are made. I don’t take fights looking for an easy win to pad my record. I’m here to push and challenge myself. My past three opponents have a combined record of 12-4. Expect nothing less than a battle in that cage.”

“NEF 46: 统治十年”将于周六举行, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 门开处 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.com


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (十一月 23, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 带着它的下一个混合武术回来 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 46: 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯,多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 领先的区域促销活动于2月启动 11, 2012. 今天早些时候,, NEF announced the addition of an amateur championship bout to the fight card. Former NEF Lightweight Contender“魔术师”迈克·默里(3-2) is scheduled to move up in weight to face扎克福克纳 (4-1) for the currently vacant NEF Welterweight Championship at a fight weight of 170 英镑. The Championship was recently vacated when former title holder Mike Bezanson (5-0) publicly stated that he will be turning professional in his next bout.

Mike Murray has dazzled fans since he made his NEF debut in June 2019. After rattling off impressive back-to-back first-round rear-naked-choke submission victories in his first two fights, Murray faced off against Zac Richard (1-0) for the then vacant NEF Lightweight Championship. After a lively five-round fight, Murray lost a decision to Richard. Murray rebounded with a win in Florida. Murray recently retired from a successful service career in the US Marine Corps.

“I’m extremely grateful and excited to be back after two years outside of the cage, and to be given the opportunity to fight for the 170-pound title against an absolutely game opponent,” Murray stated. “I personally feel like we are each other’s best match up after seeing his striking and jiu jitsu in his last fight. I’ve been two years out of the cage, but not two years out of the fight. This past summer alone, I went undefeated in Muay Thai, 并且有 15 jiu jitsu matches, and placed increasingly higher in each tournament. My prediction for this fight is that it’ll be the most entertaining amateur fight on this cardif not this year. I’ve been putting in the work to be the most lethal version of myself, and I believe this is the best I’ve ever been coming into a fight. There’s no animosity going into this one, this is purely two dogs getting locked in a cage. I’m so thrilled to be a part of this incredibly special 10-year anniversary card. This will for sure be a night to remember.”

Zach Faulkner made his triumphant NEF debut in 2017 在“NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” and has remained perfect inside the NEF hexagon ever since. He most recently won a unanimous decision victory over Curtis Ouellette (1-3) last August at “NEF 44” in New Hampshire. He trains with Jon Deupree (1-0) at Recon Fitness in Westbrook, 缅因.

“I’m super excited to not only have the opportunity to fight for the NEF welterweight title, but also to be able to fight on such a big card against a tough, 游戏对手,” Faulkner stated. “Winning would mean a lot to me because it would show that my fight journey is moving in the right direction and show that I’m ready to start to think about moving up to the next level.”

“NEF 46: 统治十年”将于周六举行, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 门开处 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.com



即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (十月 22, 2021) – When the bell rings at 7 pm EST to start the show on Friday, 十一月 5, it will be the first time New England Fights (NEF) has presented a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event in its home state of Maine in 21 months. Shortly after the venerable fight promotion held “NEF 42” at Merrill Auditorium in Portland on February 8, 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic gripped the state and the nation. The resulting shutdown forced the indefinite postponement of “NEF 43” which was scheduled to take place in Orono, Maine later that spring. With the state not fully opening for combat sports events until well into 2021, NEF decided to turn to neighboring New Hampshire to hold “NEF 44” last summer. “NEF 45: Uprising” on November 5 will see the fight promotion make its long-awaited return to action in Maine, as well as close out its first decade of business. The event will originate from Aura in Portland.

今天早些时候,, NEF announced the full fight card for “NEF 45.” It is scheduled to feature a total of 21 bouts with four championships to be decided.

在晚上的重头戏, 乔希“勾上”哈维(7-1-1) will defend the NEF Professional Featherweight Title against the challenge of阿吉兰多·布兰道(9-8).  Harvey has held the championship since February 2019. Brandao is a tough veteran with more than 15 years of cage experience.

The co-main event will seeMark “Pockets” Gardner(1-2)担当Nick Alley (7-4) in a professional welterweight contest. Both competitors are veterans of global promotion Bellator’s cage. Both will be looking to bounce back from losses in their respective previous bouts.

扎克“洛奇”理查德 (0-0) 将他的专业首演反对卡尔·兰斯顿(0-5) after a successful amateur career that saw Richard capture the NEF 155-pound title. Langston seeks his first win as a professional fighter.

In other pro boutsMatt “Ken Doll” Denning(5-10) meets former University of Southern Maine wrestling standoutJon Deupree (0-0) in Deupree’s pro debut, while former NEF Professional Middleweight ChampionCJ壶(3-3) 战斗肖恩·雷 (2-1) 在次中量级划分.

The amateur portion of the fight card will be headlined by three title fights奥斯汀迦勒(5-0) 面孔泰勒·斯迈思 (2-1) for the vacant flyweight beltFelipe Günter(3-0) is scheduled to square off with泰迪政治日报 (2-0) for the vacant bantamweight championship; 和纳撒尼尔Grimard(4-0) will defend his newly-won featherweight strap against比利威尔逊(6-1).

The sole women’s fight of the evening will also take place on the amateur card asBJ Garceau(1-1) 符合开张Hayley Martin (0-0) in a strawweight bout. Garceau last appeared in the NEF cage three years earlier at “NEF 36.”

“It feels like forever since we had a fight in Maine—and what a card to come back with,“说NEF共同拥有和媒人马特·彼得森.  “So many prospects in this lineup, so many undefeated fighters putting their perfect records on the line, so much at stake for so many impressive athletes putting themselves to the test on November 5th. Four title fights. For headliner Josh Harvey, his next fight could be the last chance to see him compete before he gets the call to the UFC —he’s that close. Leading up to the main event we have several undefeated amateur athletes that are on the cusp of turning pro and trying to follow in Harvey’s footsteps. AURA is the place to be November 5th!”

The full “NEF 45” fight card (如有变更,):


145 POUND TITLE: 乔希·哈维 (Ç) VS. 阿吉兰多·布兰道

170 镑: 尼克巷VS. Mark Gardner

140 镑: Carl Langston vs. 理查德·扎克

170 镑: Jon Deupree vs. 马特·丹宁

160 镑: Jay Ellis vs. 罗德里戈·阿尔梅达

170 镑: CJ Ewer vs. 肖恩·雷


125 POUND TITLE: Caleb Austin vs. 泰勒·斯迈思

145 POUND TITLE: Billy Wilson vs. 纳撒尼尔Grimard (Ç)

135 POUND TITLE: Felipe Günter vs. 泰迪政治日报

115 镑: BJ Garceau vs. Hayley Martin

200 镑: David McCarthy vs. Danny Dray

170 镑: Brian Cosco vs. Tyler Kingsbury

265 镑: Tucker Olinsky vs. George Pissimissis

170 镑: Curtis Ouellette vs. Derek Lambert

185 镑: Bryant Wade vs. Brandon Oldenberg

185 镑: Brett Martin vs. Justin Philbrook

155 镑: Jonas Ryerson vs. RJ Janeczek

165 镑: Austin Hamilton vs. 大卫·哈特

115 镑: Julian Menjivar vs. 马特·迈尔斯

155 镑: Jacob Routon vs. 埃米特胡伯

135 镑: Tyler Parent vs. Randall Hathorn

“NEF 45: Uprising” takes place on Friday, 十一月 5, 2021, 在Aura在波特兰, Maine. Doors open at 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.comThe event will also be live streamed on pay-per-view for the price of $29.99 在“当我被要求在短时间内参加这场复赛时,这对我来说是理所当然的.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (十月 7, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 带着它的下一个混合武术回来 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 45: Uprising,“ 在周五, 十一月 5, 2021, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。今天早些时候, NEF announced the addition of an amateur women’s strawweight bout to the fight card.BJ Garceau 见面会Hayley Martin 在战斗重量 115 英镑.

The fight will see Garceau (1-1) return to the NEF cage after a three-year absence. She made her debut at “NEF 32” in February 2018 with a split decision win over Sarah Ziehm (1-2).  Garceau then lost via technical knockout to Chelsea Tucker (3-3) in the third round of their bout at “NEF 36” in the fall of that year. She had been scheduled to make her return to action at “NEF 43” in 2020 until the COVID-19 pandemic forced the postponement of the event. Garceau represents Young’s MMA of Bangor, 缅因.

“I can’t believe I’m stepping back into the cage again this November,” exclaimed Garceau. “When we had to stop training last year, I felt like I lost my family, my health, and that hit me hard mentally and physically. I was a mess. So once (Young’s MMA head coach) Chris Young and so many other amazing coaches from other gyms said ‘come home’ a/k/a ‘get back into the gym,’ I finally felt whole again once we were on the mats. I didn’t think it would happen again, but honestly after everything that’s been going on in the world and personally the past 18-months, I’ve never wanted to fight this bad. I’m thankful for the opportunity and honestly it could have been anyone standing across from me at this point. I am happy to throw down with Hayley, and promise I will not let anyone down in that cageI would say more, but I gotta go train. Let’s do this!”

Hayley Martin will be making her in-cage debut in the fight with Garceau at “NEF 45”just a few weeks after celebrating her 50 birthday. Martin is an independent fighter whose dream it has been to actively compete in MMA.

“I’m beyond excited to step into the cage, test my skills and show what hard work and dedication looks like,” said Martin.  “I’m on this journey because I have never felt anything that makes me feel more alive, strong and confident. And when that moment happens on November 5th, I will leave it all in the cage and fight my ass off for every woman that thought dreams can’t come true.”

“NEF 45: Uprising” takes place on Friday, 十一月 5, 2021, 在Aura在波特兰, Maine. Doors open at 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.com


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

NEF 将获得轻量级头衔 45 在硅酸盐

即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (九月 21, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 带着它的下一个混合武术回来 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 45: Uprising,“ 在周五, 十一月 5, 2021, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。今天早些时候, NEF 宣布在战斗卡中增加了业余羽量级冠军赛。卫冕 NEF 业余羽量级冠军纳撒尼尔Grimard(4-0) 将捍卫他的腰带比利威尔逊 (6-1).

自9月出道以来 2019, undefeated Nathaniel Grimard has emerged as one of the top amateur prospects on the New England MMA circuit. Grimard submitted Justin Kangas (0-3) in the first round at “NEF 40” in Orono, Maine. During the Covid-19 pandemic, and the resulting shutdown of combat sports events in the northeast region, Grimard kept himself active by taking fights in Florida where he was victorious twice. Last month at “NEF 44” he won the NEF Amateur Featherweight Title with an impressive second-round technical knockout of Brandon Maillet-Fevens (3-2).  Grimard 代表 Somersworth 的 Nostos MMA, 新罕布什尔州,他在 UFC 和 Bellator 老将的指导下训练, 和前 NEF 职业轻量级冠军, 德文 - 鲍威尔 (10-5).

“I’m very excited to fight in Portland against my toughest opponent yet,” Grimard说. “Billy comes from a very credible gym with a little more experience than me, but that’s what motivates and excites me about this fight. I believe this will be a great fight, and I’m expecting to put on my best performance to date.”

Billy “The Kid” Wilson comes to Maine as the challenger on November 5Of his six victories, Wilson holds four finishes with three technical knockouts and one submission. He has actively competed in the sport since summer 2017. Wilson currently represents Jackson Wink based in Albuquerque, New Mexico – a world-renowned MMA training academy whose roster reads like a “who’s who” of UFC champions and legends like Jon Jones (26-1) and Holly Holm (33-2-3) 仅举几个.

“I’m very blessed to have the opportunity to go out and travel to a whole new area to compete,” said Wilson when reached for comment.  “I had just switched my camps to Jackson Wink, and I think the fans will see a whole new fighter.”

“NEF 45: Uprising” takes place on Friday, 十一月 5, 2021, 在Aura在波特兰, Maine. Doors open at 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.com


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.