标记档案: 尼克·基斯纳


WBO中量级冠军锤同胞中量级冠军Claressa盾花费无可争议的中量级冠军星期六, 四月 13 住在Showtime® 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城

点击 这里 从促销的Salita视频

大西洋城, N.J. (四月 5, 2019) – 之前,她来到纽约,周四为她的训练营的最后一部分, WBO中量级世界冠军 克里斯蒂娜·哈默分享了她摊牌了无可争议的中量级冠军反对WBA她的想法, WBC和IBF中量级冠军 Claressa盾 周六日 13 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城住在Showtime, N.J.

德国之锤已经举办以来中量级世界冠军 2010, 保卫它无数次,包括在她中美. 最后登场六月的精彩表演中,她击败了托里·纳尔逊. 现在她在看历史书在这个对决对盾牌,很多人都在呼吁女子拳击历史上最显著的斗争,杜绝她的名字.

门票现场活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 售价为 $150, $100, $55 和 $35 并且可以通过特玛并在购买boardwalkhall.com.



克里斯蒂娜·哈默: “我真的很兴奋,因为这是一个非常大的战斗. 我等不及去那里, 步入环,并把一个伟大的表现。”


CH: “这将是最大的妇女在历史上的战斗. 我们都是冠军, 她拥有奥运金牌和其他荣誉, 所以与所有的结合, 这将是一个改变游戏规则我们这项运动。”


CH: “我是一个很长一段时间的冠军,我知道在做环. 我知道我有能力打她. 我有很大的足了功夫,我的目标是击败她很不好。”


CH: “Claressa显然已经完成了很多可以追溯到奥运会. 这是她的一大进步,我认为这将是她的一个挑战. 作为一个人, 她只是我的对手, 就这样。”

你能描述你的战斗作风,什么球迷们可以期待在四月 13?

CH: “我身高为我师,所以我用我够不着. 我有很大的步法和技巧和力量,我想炫耀所有这些技能. 我要表明,克里斯蒂娜锤是一个伟大的冠军. 我喜欢和我的对手发挥, 而当那一刻是正确的, 我打她了。”


CH: “我喜欢造型,因为它是我的不同部分. 你可以更有女人味和运动. 我三年前我第一次拍,我从来没有做过类似的事情. 我已经在我的技能在那里工作过.

“要成为一个模型是一件容易的事, 它只是给我信心. 作为一个战士很难. 你必须付出一切, 因为在环你不能逃跑. 你必须战斗,战胜别人。”


CH: “我不知道. 拳击是对我最好的运动. 这是我的激情. 我付出一切的运动,我的梦想现在是成功的在美国。”


CH: “莱拉·阿里是一个伟大的冠军,如果我打了她,这将是一个伟大的斗争。”


CH: “是的, 它真的长大近年来. 有对我们的大平台,更多的战斗,我认为这仅仅是个开始。”


CH: “拳击是一项伟大的运动. 你需要的技术, 智能,它让你感觉更自信. 如果有事, 你能照顾好自己. 这是最好的锻炼,我建议给大家。”

# # #

关于盾牌VS. 锤子
盾VS. 锤将坑不败的中量级世界冠军Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜锤彼此在战斗中冠无可争议的160磅重的世界冠军, 什么可以说是最显著妇女在历史拳击事件. 共同特征将坑杰梅因·富兰克林承担韦迪尔布克一场惊心动魄的10轮的重量级回合,并在电视节目开门红, 在10轮比赛的重量级奥托沃林和尼克·基斯纳将争夺. 欣欣拳击: 特别版tripleheader将直播视频上的精彩表演 9 P.M. 从浮桥厅ET / PT在大西洋城, N.J.


“克里斯蒂娜不知道什么是未来的她. 我要打破锤半” – 希尔兹

点击 这里 从何塞·皮内罗/ SHOWTIME照片

WBC, WBA & IBF中量级冠军Claressa盾备战无可争议的中量级冠军摊牌反对克里斯蒂娜锤周六, 四月 13 住在Showtime®



点击这里 从何塞·皮内罗/ SHOWTIME照片


MIAMI(四月 4, 2019) – WBA, WBC和IBF中量级世界冠军Claressa盾主办媒体在锻炼 5 街健身房迈阿密周四,她接近她对WBO中量级世界冠军的对决克里斯蒂娜·哈默 无可争议的中量级世界冠军周六四月 13 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城住在Showtime, N.J.

两届奥运会金牌得主盾牌和不败锤看起来成为历史上第六位战士统一所有四大世界冠军在欣欣拳击的主要事件: 特别版本 (9 P.M. ET / PT).

门票现场活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 售价为 $150, $100, $55 和 $35 并且可以通过特玛并在购买boardwalkhall.com.

希尔兹已经培训在佛罗里达州的最后一个星期和她的教练约翰·戴维·杰克逊, 在中美消费前五周后. 奥林匹克训练中心在科罗拉多州. 这里是盾牌不得不说星期四:


“克里斯蒂娜不知道什么是未来的她. 我要打破锤一半.

“当我们在那里, 它是关于谁更硬拳. 这是一个真正的战斗. 仅仅因为她有高度, 并不意味着她会决定会发生什么. 她将不得不做了很多让我离她远点.

“我有两枚奥运金牌, 三个带多来. 我要所有的标题在夜上4月底 13.

“我努力工作, 真的很难. 如果我是一个男人, 我大概是最有名的拳击手出一个有. 有一个性别差距. 我们都知道它. 我正在努力改变这种. 我们努力工作, 我们得到更少的钱和更少的识别, 但世界正在发生变化. 我们正在改变它.

“锤一直谈论嫌,但我并不担心她. 我只是准备战斗. 她谈到了很多的东西,没有任何与拳击. 我在等她说她会打我勾拳什么, 但它更多的相同。

“在这里被在佛罗里达州完成了训练营真的被理想. 我还是一直在非常努力, 但在这里,我有一点点额外的空间和阳光. 这是时间在训练营的一些新的风景,我认为这是带我进入战斗星期完美搬家.

“我一直对我的阿里洗牌,”这个体育馆启发了我. 如果你看到我在战斗中突破出来,不要感到惊讶. 我有一些技巧,我的袖子。在新闻发布会上会有一些惊喜太多 - 我有一个拿起衣服是要大出风头“。

“这场战斗是早就和我很高兴,我会得到我的机会,以显示她一个真正的冠军是什么. 有人会倒在四月 13 我保证这不会是我.

“人们可以说他们不关注你,而不是你学习, 但他们在说谎. 我很高兴她看着我紧紧虽然. 锤飞到我的一个朋友在那里是一个陪练伙伴, 甚至不知道,她没有对打我多年,什么都不知道关于我的. 这让我知道我在她的脑海里. 她可以用安·沃尔夫晶石,她还是不会打我。”

#          #          #

关于盾牌VS. 锤子

盾VS. 锤将坑不败的中量级世界冠军Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜锤彼此在战斗中冠无可争议的160磅重的世界冠军, 什么可以说是最显著妇女在历史拳击事件. 共同特征将坑杰梅因·富兰克林承担韦迪尔布克一场惊心动魄的10轮的重量级回合,并在电视节目开门红, 在10轮比赛的重量级奥托沃林和尼克·基斯纳将争夺. 欣欣拳击: 特别版tripleheader将直播视频上的精彩表演 9 P.M. 从浮桥厅ET / PT在大西洋城, N.J.

瑞星不败重量级JERMAINE FRANKLIN & OTTO WALLIN TALK即将举办的较量 & ROAD TO重量级冠军 – 富兰克林战役韦迪尔布克虽然沃林面临尼克·基斯纳活在Showtime星期六, 四月 13 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城, N.J.


富兰克林战役韦迪尔布克虽然沃林面临尼克·基斯纳活在Showtime® 星期六, 四月 13 领导到Claressa盾VS. 从浮桥厅克里斯蒂娜锤主赛事
在大西洋城, N.J.

大西洋城, N.J. (四月 3, 2019) – 不败上升重量级竞争者杰梅因·富兰克林 奥托沃林 将期待引起轰动,并在重量级宣布自己当他们介入了单独的较量住在Showtime周六, 四月 13 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城.

欣欣拳击: 特别版tripleheader将空气中开始 9 P.M. ET / PT,由Claressa盾标题争夺克里斯蒂娜锤无可争议的女子中量级冠军.

富兰克林将面临韦迪尔布克同时沃林发生在尼克·基斯纳在一双10轮,景点通往的主要事件. 对于这两种富兰克林和沃林, 他们看到四月 13 作为实现其更大目标的一个步骤.

“布克是在哪里,我最终想成为的方式,” 富兰克林说:. “我就是下一代重量级的一部分,我努力工作,最终成为了重量级冠军尘埃落定. 我总能找到赢球的办法,我要告诉它在4月13日。”

“来到中美. 我的职业生涯的第二部分是非常令人兴奋,” 瓦林说. “我在我的职业生涯欧洲完成了很多,但这是一个新的开始. 这是我一直梦想的,因为我第一次系带手套的那一刻,我迫不及待地介绍自己这里的球迷。”

从萨吉诺一名25岁, 密歇根, 富兰克林希望证明他引到成为下一个美国重量级冠军, 并准备采取从目前的WBC锦标Deontay怀尔德地幔和长线他之前来到美国重量级冠军.

“我要提高权重股之间的竞争,” 富兰克林说:. “该部门是绝对背地图,我打算在具有再次使其成为必备的看电视手. 美国需要另一张面孔,在重量级而这将是我.

“我已经认为我是世界上最好的重量级. 有很多大的, 权重股强劲, 但我是一个平衡的运动员, 这使我不同. 我很坚强, 快, 体育和掌握各打更好。”

虽然他的祖国瑞典不知道拳击, 沃林的母国先前已产生了英格玛·约翰松一个重量级冠军, 谁的名言停止弗洛伊德帕特森在洋基球场在他们的第一次战斗 1959. 在他的最后一战击败瑞典同胞重量级阿德里安·格拉纳特后, 沃林决定是时候在美国打, 继纽约之前的训练营与教练乔伊·加马奇.

“在纽约这里训练给我带来了巨大的能量,它体现在我的表现,” 瓦林说. “这是世界的中心, 同时我完全专注于训练, 我养活了能源城.

“英格玛·约翰松当然是一个很大的启发,我. 当他来到中美. 并击败弗洛伊德帕特森, 他是这个星球上最不好的人. 我期待采取地幔,成为一个英雄年轻的瑞典拳手, 就像他一直是我。”

除了是沃林的中美. 登场, 不败的重量级人物将在Showtime首次亮相,这将是东北富兰克林的第一次战斗. 他们希望每一个炫耀各自的才华和什么自带的上升平台准备.

“这是一个伟大的机会,我向人们展示我的技能, 但我还是把它当作只是另一次战斗,” 富兰克林说:. “我要去适应我的对手,暴露他的弱点. 我一直在提高,因为一旦你认为你知道这一切, 当你发现你什么都不知道那是。”

“我刚从瑞典的一个小镇上的孩子,我一直努力让这一点,” 瓦林说. “在这里中美培训. 这里的战斗是要帮我把我的职业生涯的最佳表现. 开始的乐趣四月 13 我不会停止,直到我是冠军。”

双方最近德米特里Salita的促销的Salita并于4月签署 13 将开始一年,有可能使每个战斗机上打出了标题的悬崖.

“四月 13 两个世界上最好的重量级, 从美国一个, 来自瑞典的一个, 都将有机会提出索赔,他们已经准备好挑战重量级冠军,” 所述字.

“杰梅因·富兰克林是迄今为止最好的美国重量级的前景谁是即将成为竞争者,冠军. 他都会向有经验的一个很好的机会来展示自己的能力和价值, 饿了,有成就的莱德尔布克.

“拳击是个人故事的运动和奥托·瓦林就是一个很好的例子. 来自瑞典的一个小镇上收视率最高的重量级, 他表示梦想, 加之辛勤工作, 可成真. 他是来自欧洲和上月最佳的重量级竞争者之一 13 他将证明他是属于在美国的精英”

有了这个机会宣布自己在复苏的重量级, 富兰克林和沃林均可用于开眼界的表演下周六.

“我的最终目标是要成为世界冠军,我相信现在我在正确的道路上,” 瓦林说, 谁是排名第. 5 由IBF和WBA. “我有好多年奋战在欧洲, 但现在是时候让我去一个新的水平. 我迫不及待地想告诉大家什么我全和给球迷伟大的战斗。”

“我计划在今年年底前重量级的主要力量,” 富兰克林说:. “这是我走出来党. 我觉得我的梦想会成真. 我要告诉大家我是谁: 在世界上最好的重量级新车。”

门票现场活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 售价为 $150, $100, $55 和 $35 并且可以通过特玛并在购买boardwalkhall.com.

# # #

关于盾牌VS. 锤子
盾VS. 锤将坑不败的中量级世界冠军Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜锤彼此在战斗中冠无可争议的160磅重的世界冠军, 什么可以说是最显著妇女在历史拳击事件. 共同特征将坑杰梅因·富兰克林承担韦迪尔布克一场惊心动魄的10轮的重量级回合,并在电视节目开门红, 在10轮比赛的重量级奥托沃林和尼克·基斯纳将争夺. 欣欣拳击: 特别版tripleheader将直播视频上的精彩表演 9 P.M. 从浮桥厅ET / PT在大西洋城, N.J.

不败的重量级前景JERMAINE富兰克林和奥托WALLIN COMPETE在单独的协调功能吸引力星期六, APRIL 13 住在SHOWTIME®从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城

欣欣拳击: 特别版本® 主要事件

纽约 – 三月 7, 2019 – 两个不败的重量级前景将会把自己完美无瑕的记录就行了,当他们在单独的较量斗争上周六, 四月 13 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城住在Showtime, N.J对Claressa盾,克里斯蒂娜锤突破性事件的undercard. 美国顶尖重量级的前景 杰梅因·富兰克林 将在前者无. 1-中美排名. 业余 韦迪尔布克 在10轮的协调功能回合,而瑞典不败重量级 奥托沃林 将争夺装饰性强的业余 尼克·基斯纳 在10轮比赛将打开欣欣拳击: 特别版tripleheader在 9 P.M. ET / PT.

在主要事件, 不败的中量级世界冠军盾牌和锤子将满足加冕女子无可争议的160磅重的世界冠军有什么可以说是最显著妇女在历史拳击事件.

门票现场活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 售价为 $150, $100, $55 和 $35 与现已公开发售. 门票可通过特玛和购买 boardwalkhall.com.

“重量级是有才华和令人兴奋如初,我们很高兴能够加入两个不败warriorsto四月 13 电视节目,” 所述启动子德米特里Salita. “我们在杰梅因 - 富兰克林美国最好的重量级的前景和奥托瓦林最好的欧洲重量级竞争者之一. 这些战斗将是巨大的领先造访历史盾VS. 锤主要事件,将创建一个晚上要记住全球拳击迷。”

这位25岁的富兰克林 (17-0, 13 科斯), 从萨吉诺, 密歇根州。, 是前业余突出和 2014 全国金手套冠军. 一个可能的候选人,代表中美. 在 2016 奥运会, 富兰克林拒绝了机会,在队中的位置竞争,而是选择开始他的职业生涯中 2015. 被广泛视为美国顶尖重量级的前景, 富兰克林已经建立了相对容易的不败纪录自从转为职业选手, 淘汰他的第一个九 10 专业的对手. 度过了一个片面10轮的决定了克雷格·刘易斯在七月, 富兰克林的目标是继续在连升死灰复燃重量级的行列 2019 和自己定位为标题射击.

“我不能等 – 我愿意证明我在重量级的新好男人,” 富兰克林说:. “韦迪尔是一个很好的战斗机,但他是在我赢得重量级世界冠军的目标铺平道路. 四月 13 将是我走出来党和我非常荣幸地邀请到在Showtime这个机会。”

布克 (25-1, 12 科斯), 从底特律, 密歇根州。, 是前排名第一的中美. 业余谁曾经有一个上升的重量级的前景 22-0 记录. 他遭受了他唯一击败前三个师世界冠军詹姆斯·托尼, 谁是未来战胜瓦西利·吉罗维和霍利菲尔德, 在 2004. 服12年徒刑后,, 布克已经回到环希望得到他的人生轨迹回辜负他曾经看好的预期, 注册在三个一致决定胜利 2018 前世界冠军吉米·保罗师从.

“这意味着很多有这个机会在Showtime战斗,” 说,38岁的布克, 谁与重量级世界冠军安东尼·约书亚在他九月份准备对打 2018 回合亚历山大Povetkin. “我已经准备好展示在国家舞台我的人才,使每个人都知道韦迪尔布克再次是谁. 我认为杰梅因·富兰克林是一个相当不错的战斗机,但他从来没有打过任何人与我的经验, 知识在环或我的戒指精明. 我要教他在四月一些新的经验教训 13. 我有满满一袋东西和技巧,在我手上,我会教这个年轻搅打甲鱼。”

沃林 (20-0, 13 科斯), 谁将会使他的U.S. 登场, 转为职业球员在 2013 并通过记录的排名逐渐上升 20 连胜. 这位28岁的左撇子, 谁最初玩冰上曲棍球和足球在他的家乡瑞典找到甜科学之前, 赢得了瑞典拳击冠军在16岁, 攻打约书亚两次作为业余选手,是瑞典国家拳击队的一员. 目前排名第. 5 双方的WBA和IBF, 沃林最近在四月赢得了12轮一致决定在阿德里安·格拉纳特 2018 现在已经把目光瞄准了成为他的国家的第一个重量级冠军以来,蒙面约翰松在设置 1960.

“我很兴奋有关使我的中美. 亮相在Showtime,” 瓦林说, 谁花了近两年开展在纽约训练营与他的教练和前两次分区冠军乔伊·加马奇. “是这样一个大的卡上的战斗非常鼓舞人心. 我一直梦想着这一刻,因为我第一次在岁开始拳击 15. 我会把上月良好的表现 13 并介绍自己的美国球迷. 我会一步步接近对我赢得重量级世界冠军的目标. 就像我以前说过的, 我是来自瑞典的一个小镇上的孩子和我的我是从哪里骄傲,是我到目前为止已经实现, 但我觉得这是乐趣的开始时所有。”

这位28岁的Kisner (21-4-1, 6 科斯) 转职业以来在已经参加在两个重量级和重量级 2010 一个成功的业余生涯后,. 在Kisner的众多业余认可, 巴尔的摩, 马里兰州. 本机是三次全国银手套冠军, 两次国家少年金手套冠军和马戏团世界冠军. 他拥有的是美国历史上最年轻的拳击手的区别有史以来重量级在赢得男子全国冠军称号 17 岁. As a pro, 三Kisner的四场失利都来打击对手谁搏击之夜吹嘘的不败纪录. 在他的最后一个回合, Kisner捍卫他的WBA中美. 重量级冠军以多数决定战胜斯科特Sigmon.

“我梦见我的整个1天战斗生活在全国电视上,现在的时间是在这里, 我要充分利用它,” 说Kisner. “瓦林是非常好的,但我要证明我是最好的重量级人物之一地球上. 我已经证明我能打败世界上最好的业余和专业水平德才兼备我会再干上4月13日。”

巴里·汤普金斯将调用欣欣拳击: 从马戏团特别版动作与拳击历史学家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军劳尔·马尔克斯作为专家分析. 欣欣拳击的执行制片人: SPECIAL EDITION戈登·霍尔与理查德·高根生产和里克·菲利普斯导演.

Kisner-Guerrero title match headlines May 12 在马里兰州

Unbeaten Wallace and 2012 Olympian Romero featured on undercard
巴尔的摩, MD (四月 27, 2017) – Baltimore Boxing returns 星期五, 五月 12 to Michael’s Eighth Ave in Glen Burnie, MD for “Mayday Mayday,” a talent rich card featuring top local, national and international talents.
门票从 $50 are on sale by going to Baltimoreboxing.com or calling 410-375-9175.
Boxing great Vinny Paz, the subject of critically acclaimed Bleed for This, is attending as a special guest of Baltimore Boxing Promotions and will be available to meet and greet all VIP ticket holders.
Topping this outstanding evening of action is a ten round cruiserweight title showdown between NABA champion “Slick” Nick Kisner of Baltimore and former champion Alex Guerrero.
Fighting out of Baltimore, Kisner has an impressive 19-3-1 专业与总帐 6 KO的. Kisner won his last three bouts including the NABA title winning effort where he traveled to Ohio to outpoint local favorite Brian Holstein. Never afraid of a challenge, the 26-year-old Kisner defeated 8-1 Lamont Singletary March 30 at Michaels Eighth and will have a tough task come May 12.
Representing Salisbury, MD and originally from the Dominican Republic, Guerrero will look to regain the title he captured via 8 round stoppage of Anthony Ferrante in 2014. 在 12-1-1 同 6 KO的, Guerrero lost his last fight but will enter the ring looking not only to win back his title but to prove he’s worthy of fighting the cruiserweight division’s elite.
In just his third professional fight “Dangerous” Donald Wallace looks to capture the vacant East Coast Middleweight Championship when he faces Devin Butcher in an eight round battle of Baltimoreans. 上 一月 13, 华莱士, 2-0 (1 KO), won a six round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Tahir Thomas. Prior to his pro career, he generated local buzz by impressing in tournaments as a newcomer to the sport. Butcher is 6-1 同 3 wins by knockout and is coming off a decision victory over Eric Govan.
2012 Dominican Olympian Wellington Romero will face an opponent to be named in a special attraction welterweight contest. Now fighting out of Newburgh, 纽约, Romero’s 12-0-1 同 6 胜利淘汰赛. He is promoted by Roc Nation Sports.
Welterweight Matthew “Boogieman” Bowling, 4-0 (4 KO的), and heavyweight Colby Madison, 4-0 (3 KO的), will both face opponents to be named in four rounders.
This is an excellent card from top to bottom,“杰克·史密斯说:. “Fans will get to witness two evenly matched title fights, four undefeated fighters and a former Olympian under one roof. 五月 12 is going to be a great evening of boxing at Michaels Eighth.”
欲了解更多信息, 参观Baltimoreboxing.com.

Baltimore Boxing returns to Michael’s Eighth March 30

巴尔的摩, MD (三月 9, 2017) – Jake “The Snake” Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions is back in action 星期四, 三月 30 在迈克尔的第八大道格伦伯尼, MD with an exciting pro-am card stacked with local standouts.
Ticket are on sale by calling 410-375-9175 or going to Baltimoreboxing.com. 门开处6:30 and the first bell will sound at 8.
Headlining the card is NABA champion “Slick” Nick Kisner against Lamont “The Problem” Singleton. 在巴尔的摩生活和战斗, Kisner has a solid 18-3 professional ledger with six wins by knockout. 在他最近的回合, Kisner outboxed hometown favorite Brian Holstein to capture the aforementioned NABA belt. Prior to his pro career, Kisner was one of the best amateurs in the country, winning various championships.
Hailing from Dover, 特拉华州, Singleton owns an impressive 8-1 record and has six knockouts. Fresh off a first round knockout in February, Singleton is confident he’ll earn his biggest victory to date against Kisner.
The non-title bout is scheduled for 8 发.
Middleweight prospect “Dangerous” Donald Wallace looks to raise his record to 3-0 when he squares off with Barry Trotter in four round all-Maryland showdown. Wallace of Baltimore is fresh off an exciting six round decision victory over previously unbeaten Tahir Thomas in September. Fighting out of Columbia, Trotter’s 2-2 and has a win over 3-0 Tracey Brewer.
Welterweight phenom Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazey of Baltimore meets durable Washington DC Lamont White in a four rounder. The popular Veazey, who called out UFC star and boxing hopeful Conor McGregor, turned pro last October with a decision win. A seven fight veteran, White’s faced 5 unbeaten opponents and has never been stopped.
Steve “Show Stealer” Wheeler returns to the squared circle for the first time in 6 ½ years to face an opponent to be named in a four round cruiserweight contest. Wheeler, 6-0 (5 KO的), is a massive ticket draw and looks to continue where he left off.
The amateur portion of the card will feature former East Coast heavyweight titlist Brian “Bam Bam” Haneschlager of the Baltimore Boxing Gym. Haenschlager, a heavy handed fighter, is expected to turn pro in the near future.
Michaels Eighth has been a magical place for Baltimore Boxing,“杰克·史密斯说:. “We have the best and most loyal fan base in the region. The best way to show them our appreciation is by putting on quality fighters. The main event is a ShoBox type fight between two boxers who have plans of fighting bigger bouts in the near future. We’ve packed the house so make sure to get your tickets early.”
欲了解更多信息, 到 Baltimoreboxing.com.

Seldon and Mussachio earn big wins on the Boardwalk


Capers upsets Kisner; Big wins by Davila, & 约翰逊

Davis and Maye battle to draw


大西洋城, 新泽西州 (五月 30, 2016)–This past Friday night at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City, Rising Promotions staged it’s third consecutive fight card in front of a large crowd that saw Isiah Seldon defeat Eddie Edmond in the six-round main event.

The middleweight bout highlighted a entertaining six bout card.

Seldon rocked Edmond several times with right hands that had the Newark, New Jersey resident holding on. The grabbing got much more severe and Edmond was deducted a point in round four. 在第六轮中, Seldon sealed the fight when he landed a right hand that forced Edmond’s glove to touch the canvas for a knockdown.

塞尔顿, 156 lbs won by scores of 59-54, 59-53 和 58-54 提高他的纪录 9-1. Edmond, 158 lbs is 4-5-2.

在共同特征, Chuck Mussachio shook off 39 months of ring rust to pound out a six-round unanimous decision over Willis Lockett in a cruiserweight rematch of a draw that occurred almost eight-years ago.
Mussachio was adept with his jab and landed some hard right hands that stunned Lockett. Despite the long layoff, Mussachio was sharp with his punches and reflexes looked on-point as he was only hit with a couple right hands. Mussachio thrilled his fan base that has stood by him throughout his eleven year career and the Lower Cape May Regional High School guidance counselor will look to make one more run at a title fight.

Mussachio, 183 lbs of Wildwood, 新泽西赢了 60-54, 59-55 和 58-56 并且现在 19-3-2. 洛克特, 205.3 磅塔科马公园, 马里兰州是 14-17-5.

In an action filled welterweight bout, Quan Johnson made a successful pro debut with a fourth round stoppage over Adrian Wilson in the final scheduled round of their welterweight bout.

Johnson showed fast hands from his southpaw stance and he got off to a good start when a straight left hand in round one landed for a knockdown. 过了一会儿, a hard straight left sent Wilson down for a second time in the opening frame, Wilson began to bleed from his nose in the next round and his troubles worsened when a cut over the right eye formed after another hard left. Wilson showed heart as he fought back hard but, he was outgunned as he tasted the canvas two more times in round four from first a right hook and then finally an accumulation of punches forced the bout to be stopped at 2:15 四个圆形的.

约翰逊, 148.6 樱桃山, New Jersey is 1-0 同 1 昏死. 威尔逊, 147.3 lbs of Atlantic Cuty is 0-3.

Heavyweight’s Quian Davis and Soloman Maye battled to a four round majority draw

Davis boxed but Maye came forward in attempt to make the fight. The judges liked the aggressiveness of Maye and gave him credit for two rounds on two cards ad Davis took a card 39-37 while two read even at 38-38.

戴维斯, 253 lbs of Mays Landing, New Jersey is now 2-0-2. Maye, 226.7 纽黑文磅, Connecticut is 1-6-2.

2016 United States Olympic Alternate, LeRoy Davila stopped Dominic Whitehurst in the second round in a scheduled four round bantamweight bout featuring pro debuter’s.

Davila showed quick hands from his southpaw stance and dropped Whitehurst with a body combination in round two. Davila landed a three punch combination to the body to register a second knockdown. Davila ended things when he landed a hard left hand and the fight was stopped at 2:34.
Davila, 116.9 lbs of New Brunswick, New Jersey is now 1-0 一个淘汰赛. Whitehurst, 117.5 lbs of Chillicothe, 俄亥俄州 0-1.

Said Davila’s manager, Pete Festa, “Rising Promotions is the best up and coming promoter in the industry.

Lamont Capers opened up the show by scoring a eight round split decision over Nick Kisner in a cruiserweight bout.

Capers was effective with the right hand that continued to get through on Kisner. Kisner landed some good shots that made Capers nose bleed, but he wasn’t as consistent or active enough to pile up the rounds. Kisner was deducted a point for holding in round seven.

刺山柑, 196.2 霍利磅, Pennsylvania won by scores of 77-74 两次, while Kisner took a card 76-75. Capers is now 6-8-2. Kisner, 197.8 磅的巴尔的摩, Maryland falls to 16-3-1.

We are the most active promoter in New Jersey and our mission is bring world class boxing back to the boxing capital of the state and that’s Atlantic City. We are working on bringing TV into the picture in the very near future,” said Rising Promotions Thomas LaManna.

Debbie LaManna and Rising Promotions have done a tremendous job in trying to restore Atlantic City’s reputation as a boxing town again. They seem to have found a niche by bringing local fighters who have strong fan bases to a great venue like the Claridge,” said prominent boxing writer, Dave Weinberg of The Atlantic City Press.

The next Rising Promotions card will take place on Friday, 七月 22 at The Claridge Hotel with the return of welterweight contender, 托马斯 “玉米片” LaManna in the main event.

Instagram的: risingpromo

Cruiserweight contender Nick Kisner ready for Boardwalk debut this Friday night at the Claridge in Atlantic City

Isiah Seldon battles Eddie Edmond in main event

Chuck Mussachio takes on Willis Lockett in Light Heavyweight rematch

Plus undefeated Heavyweight Quian Davis,

The pro debut of former United States amateur sensation LeRoy Davila


大西洋城, 新泽西州 (五月 26, 2016)–这个星期五 夜晚, May 27th, a big night of boxing will kick off a holiday weekend at The Claridge in Atlantic City as Rising Promotions will present a terrific card of boxing.
在主要事件, It will be about New Jersey bragging rights as 伊塞亚·塞尔顿 将在 埃迪·爱德蒙 在预定六轮的回合中.
In a one of the undercard bout, Baltimore-based cruiserweight contender, “华而不实的” 尼克·基斯纳 将在 拉蒙特雀跃.
Kisner, who was a prized amateur that saw him become a 3-time National Silver Gloves champion, a 2-time National junior Golden Gloves champion and a Ringside World championship, just to name a few of his big wins in the non-paying ranks.
该 25 year-old has a record of 16-2-1 有六个淘汰赛.
I have had a very good training camp,” 说Kisner. “Capers is a tough and durable opponent. He has been in with some very good fighters, but I am very confident about getting the win 在周五.”
Kisner has won two in a row since his highest profile bout to date when he dropped a ten round unanimous decision to former two-time world title challenger Lateef Kayode,
在该回合, Kisner fought well and had some moments in the bout, but came up just short in a fight that seemed closer then the official scorecards.
I learned a lot about in that fight. I went 10-rounds for the first time. I did that against one of the best fighters in the divisions. That was the fight where, also learned the best way to get down to 200 英镑. 这不打不相识, I would kill myself to make the weight.
That training regimen has worked so well, that Kisner is now contemplating a move to light heavyweight.
“这就是计划. 事实上, if everything goes well 在周五, that I am looking at a big name at light heavyweight in August.
但首先, he has to deal with Capers, not far from Kisner’s hometown of Baltimore.
I am excited to be fighting in Atlantic City. It is one of the big stages in boxing. 例如星期五, I am going to put on a great show, and I am going to show the world that I am great fighter. I have learned from my previous fights. I have matured and 在周五, people will see that I am on the best fighters in the world.
在六轮的共同特征, one of the most popular fighter’s from the shore area, 轻重量级 Chuck Mussachio will be back in the ring after a 39-month lay off when he takes on 威利斯洛基特 in a rematch of a bout that that ended in a draw on September 19, 2008.
In a four round Welterweight bout, 阿德里安·威尔逊 (0-2) of Atlantic City will take on pro debuting Da’Quan Johnson 品萨肯的, 新泽西州
Quian戴维斯 (2-0-1, 1KO) of Mays Landing, 新泽西州将争取 Soloman Maye (1-6-1, 1 KO) 纽黑文, CT in a Heavyweight out.
Also on the card will be the pro debut of Bantamweight 达洛拉(Lerooy davila) 新不伦瑞克省, New Jersey battling fellow pro debuter Dominic Whitehurst of Chillicothe, OH.
Davila, 谁曾在 60 amateur fights was ranked second in the United States in his weight class.
门票 $125 for premium, $77 Ringside stage and $52 reserved and are available atwww.risingboxingpromotions.com609-487-4444
Instagram的: risingpromo
瑞星促销与成为一个日用品名字与瑞星促销能够协调的体育和娱乐行业内的多元化特别活动数组的关键目标的意图创建, 在瑞星促销首席执行官和合作伙伴觉得对于成长机会是无限的. 我们想给的机会和未来的专业以及业余拳击手,其他发起人就不会轻易放弃机会. 瑞星计划来协调这些活动将提供急需的实惠, 家庭友好的体育娱乐.

Isiah Seldon ready for 1st headlining appearance this Friday night at the Claridge in Atlantic City

Chuck Mussachio takes on Willis Lockett in Light Heavyweight rematch

Plus undefeated fighetrs Quian Davis, & Lawrence Newton

Nick Kisner battles Lamont Capers in Cruiserweight attracton

Anthony Burgin to appear in Lightweight bout

The pro debut of former United States amateur sensation LeRoy Davila

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (五月 23, 2016)–这个星期五 夜晚, May 27th, a big night of boxing will kick off a holiday weekend at The Claridge in Atlantic City as Rising Promotions will present a terrific card of boxing.
在主要事件, It will be about New Jersey bragging rights as 伊塞亚·塞尔顿 将在 埃迪·爱德蒙 在预定六轮的回合中.
塞尔顿, who is the son of former WBA Heavyweight champion, Bruce Seldon will be making his 2nd appearance in three months as he is coming off a 6-round on March 19th over Michael Mitchell, has been in the gym to round back into form after 33-month layoff.
“训练营已经很大. We have been doing a lot of boxing as I been still shaking off some rust from the layoff,” 塞尔登说. “To come right back is not a big deal. I am an athlete and I am always in good shape. My body feels better when I am active and in the gym. Even when I wasn’t getting the fights, I was always in the gym.
In Edmond, he is fighting a fighter from Newark, New Jersey and has similar experience.
I have seen some video of him. He comes forward and he throws punches. That is the kid of fight that I want to be in. He will come to fight and that should ,make for entertaining fight.
This will be the 2nd straight fight for Seldon against a fellow foe from the Garden State, but that doesn’t matter to the 27 year-old native of Atlantic City.
I don’t care where a person is from. 打架就是打架. 事实上, I actually want to see all the locals make it. That is unless they are fighting me. It is always fun fighting in Atlantic City. I will have a lot of friends there supporting me.
Seldon credits his return to the ring to Rising Promotions, who will be staging their 3rd show in the past six months.
I would like to thank Rising Promotions, Thomas LaManna and the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame. They are all trying to bring boxing back to Atlantic City the way it used to be. I feel I have an opportunity to become the face of Atlantic City boxing. I have been working very hard and I feel very good. To be headlining for the first time feels really good. Rising Promotions has given me this opportunity to showcase my skills and 在周五, I am going to put on a great performance.
在六轮的共同特征, one of the most popular fighter’s from the shore area, 轻重量级 Chuck Mussachio will be back in the ring after a 39-month lay off when he takes on 威利斯洛基特 in a rematch of a bout that that ended in a draw on September 19, 2008.
In an eight-round Cruiserweight bout, 尼克·基斯纳 (16-2-1, 6 KO的) 巴尔的摩, MD将在 拉蒙特雀跃 (5-8-2) 霍利, PA.

In a four round Welterweight bout, 阿德里安·威尔逊 (0-2) of Atlantic City will take on pro debuting Da’Quan Johnson 品萨肯的, 新泽西州
Quian戴维斯 (2-0-1, 1KO) of Mays Landing, 新泽西州将争取 Soloman Maye (1-6-1, 1 KO) 纽黑文, CT in a Heavyweight out.
轻量级 安东尼•布尔金 (9-1, 2 KO的) 费城会打 柯蒂斯·莫顿(4-5-4) 哈林, 纽约.
Also on the card will be the pro debut of Bantamweight 达洛拉(Lerooy davila) 新不伦瑞克省, New Jersey battling fellow pro debuter Dominic Whitehurst of Chillicothe, OH.
Davila, 谁曾在 60 amateur fights was ranked second in the United States in his weight class.
Lawrence Newton (3-0, 3 KO的) of Florida will take on an opponent to be named
门票 $125 for premium, $77 Ringside stage and $52 reserved and are available at www.risingboxingpromotions.com609-487-4444
Instagram的: risingpromo

After three year absence, Chuck Mussachio returns in in rematch against Willis Lockett, Next Friday night at the Claridge in Atlantic City

Isiah Seldon battles Eddie Edmond in main event

Plus undefeated fighetrs Quian Davis, Fred Latham & Lawrence Newton

Nick Kisner battles Lamont Capers in Cruiserweight attracton

Anthony Burgin to appear in Lightweight bout

The pro debut of former United States amateur sensation LeRoy Davila

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (五月 3-, 2016)–在周五 夜晚, May 27th, a big night of boxing will kick off a holiday weekend at The Claridge in Atlantic City as Rising Promotions will present a terrific card of boxing.
在主要事件, It will be about New Jersey bragging rights as 伊塞亚·塞尔顿 将在 埃迪·爱德蒙 在预定六轮的回合中.
在六轮的共同特征, one of the most popular fighter’s from the shore area, 轻重量级 Chuck Mussachio will be back in the ring after a 39-month lay off when he takes on 威利斯洛基特 in a rematch of a bout that that ended in a draw on September 19, 2008.
Mussachio of Wildwood, 新泽西州有纪录 18-3-2 with five knockouts and will be looking to get back to winning ways that made him a contender.
He will be marking his ring return in a familiar town where he has performed 17 时.
“一切进行得都很顺利. I am back in the swing of things and getting good sparring three days a week,” said Mussachio. “I started getting the itch again when I was helping Isiah Seldon ready for his fight in March. I am not worried about the layoff. I got that ring rust off in February. That wore off quickly and that motivated me to get back in the room quickly. I have been in the gym the whole time, 陪练. I was in Bernard Hopkins last two camps, so I have been in good shape this whole time.
塔科玛公园洛克, 马里兰州有一个记录 14-16-5 五击倒.
His record does not tell the story as Lockett has faced theWhose-Whoof fighters between Super Middleweight and Heavyweight.
他拥有质量赢在泰隆泰特 (5-1), Calvin Riley (1-0), 威利·威廉姆斯 (6-1), 前世界冠军挑战者拉里·马克斯, Joe McCreedy (10-2-1) & 约翰·伦诺克斯 (13-3). The winner of Lennox was part of Rising Promotions maiden card on December 5, 2015.
Lockett has faced eight undefeated fighters. Lockett will look to break a two-fight losing streak. 在他的最后一个回合, Lockett was disqualified against Jordan Shimmell (19-1) 上 二月 27 华盛顿, DC.
When we fought before,” said Mussachio, “我赢得了战斗. I can’t believe they ruled that a draw. 我有一些东西需要证明, because I took every round in that fight. 回头看, I couldn’t even tell you how he is. He never hit me. I am just going to do what I did last time, 但这一次, I have to do more.
Mussachio, who is a guidance counselor by day, isn’t just coming back for one fight. He wants to get back to the status that got him to a 17-1-2 record and came within seconds of becoming USBA Cruiserweight champion before getting stopped by Garrett Wilson in 2011.
The goal is to take this as far as I can. I have my rhythm back. This is not just one fight. I want to get a big opportunity. I already have the record for that.
I feel rejuvenated. I haven’t took a pounding and I still have good legs.
Mussachio would not have his comeback fight anywhere else and is impressed by the way Rising Boxing Promotions has handled business leading up to the fight.
I don’t like fighting anywhere else but Atlantic City. This is my 2nd home and it means a lot. After all this time, the interest is still there for me and my fans are coming out. It is like the old days. I want to thank everyone for their continued support of my career which is now going on 12 岁月. Debbie and Thomas LaManna have been great with Rising Promotions. They are very professional and great to work with.
In an eight-round Cruiserweight bout, 尼克·基斯纳 (16-2-1, 6 KO的) 巴尔的摩, MD将在 拉蒙特雀跃 (5-8-2) 霍利, PA.

In a 6-round Heavyweight bout, Fred Latham (9-0-1, 5 KO的) 匹兹堡, PA会打 乔恩·博尔登 (8-10-1, 6 KO的) of New York.

In a four round Welterweight bout, 阿德里安·威尔逊 (0-2) of Atlantic City will take on pro debuting DaQuan Johnson 品萨肯的, 新泽西州
Quian戴维斯 (2-0-1, 1KO) of Mays Landing, 新泽西州将争取 Soloman Maye (1-6-1, 1 KO) 纽黑文, CT in a Heavyweight out.
轻量级 安东尼•布尔金 (9-1, 2 KO的) 费城会打 柯蒂斯·莫顿 (4-5-3) 哈林, 纽约.
Also on the card will be the pro debut of Bantamweight 达洛拉(Lerooy davila) 新不伦瑞克省, New Jersey battling fellow pro debuter Dominic Whitehurst of Chillicothe, OH.
Davila, 谁曾在 60 amateur fights was ranked second in the United States in his weight class.
Lawrence Newton (3-0, 3 KO的) of Florida battles Julio Crespo (0-1) of Puerto Rico in a Bantamweight bout
门票 $125 for premium, $77 Ringside stage and $52 reserved and are available at www.risingboxingpromotions.com609-487-4444
Instagram的: risingpromo