Tag Archives: motivational speaking

The Worlds Number One Boxing Designer Javier Zinzun Jr. Gives Inspirational Speech to Students

The Worlds Number One Boxing Designer Javier Zinzun Jr. Gives Inspirational Speech to Students
SANTA ANA, TAL COM (Novembre 15, 2021) – Last week, the worlds number one boxing designer and WBC Cares Ambassador, Javier Zinzun Jr., gave an inspirational speech to students at the Samulai Academy in Santa Ana, Califòrnia, giving back to the community he was raised in.

I know firsthand the perils of drug abuse, violence, peer pressure and more, so it’s very important for me to give back in my own community,” said Zinzun Jr. with a smile on his face. “When people are young, they’re very impressionable, and for me to be living my dream in a positive and cool manner, is what I want to do. I want to lead by example, and let people know anything is possible.”

Life was not always easy for Zinzun as he almost lost his life in 2011 due to alcohol and drug abuse. This near-death experience was a turning point for him.

I knew in the middle of my overdose this couldn’t be it,” continued Zinzun. “I have told the story many times, but it was up to me to find my own path. I went home, got rid of everything, the drugs, alcohol, all of that and told my family, I was a new person, and since then never looked back.

“I want to thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to our campus and share your knowledge with our students,” said Oscar Reyes. “It is at events like these that our students get the most value and impact. It is not every day that our students get to be in front of professionals like you and hear their life journey and success stories which is where they find inspiration to keep finding their way in life. The feedback I received from staff, teachers, and especially students was overwhelmingly positive and that of gratitude.”

Zinzun who has designed trunks for “Canelo” Alvarez, Ryan Garcia, recounted stories of creating the ring outfit for the brave boxers performing on fight night.

A lot of the young people are fans of the fighters, so just to tell them stories about the people I have worked with and let them know they’re people just like us and see the joy in hearing these stories makes it so meaningful,” concluded Zinzun. “I am just trying to be the person I wish I had when I was their age.”
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Photo by Ryan Hafey – PBCPhoto by Golden Boy Promotions
Javier Zinzun Jr. is a self-made American success story overcoming the perils of drugs and alcoholism to start one of the best boxing fashion brands “I Got My Own Back”, working with the likes ofRyan GarciaCanelo Alvarez, iMario Barris, as well as being involved in the creative design process of“Creed 2”the movie. Above you will see his designs worn byDavid Benavidez iJaime Munguia, both whom fought this past Saturday on the global stage.