标记档案: 迈克尔·斯平克斯

两科世界冠军迈克尔·斯平克斯证实了第六届鸿运扇博览会, 在五月五日节周末, 周六五月 2, 在拉斯维加斯

鸿运扇博览会 – 在最大的拳击迷的事件在中美举行 –


门票销售在现在 Eventbrite在线上售票


拉斯维加斯 (二月 20, 2020) – 双师世界冠军迈克尔·斯平克斯已经确认他将出现在第六届年度鸿运扇博览会上周六, 五月 2, 2020, 从考克斯馆在拉斯维加斯 10 A.M. 到 5 P.M.

斯平克斯将举行会见 & 举行在五月五日节周末风扇活动期间与球迷打招呼,在他的摊位.

箱式风扇博览会是一年一度的球迷活动,与一些体育重合’ 传奇, 经典战斗在拉斯维加斯, 连梅威瑟与. Maidana的II, 梅威瑟VS. 叶贝, CANELO VS. 查韦斯, CANELO VS. GGG II, 和CANELO VS. 雅各布. 集中在拳击的长期家庭 – 拉斯维加斯 – 今年的世博会是斗争的球迷在未来的这个传奇周末必做, 拥有数十名专业的战士, 促销员, 并参与拳击产业公司. 世博会是在美国举办的规模最大和唯一的拳击迷博览会. HTTP://boxfanexpo.com– @BoxFanExpo


斯平克斯将他第二次出现在今年的’ 世博会,将是签订手套, 照片, 个人物品和纪念品. 斯平克斯也会对销售的商品在他的摊位, 和球迷也将有机会一起拍照这个拳击传奇人物也被称为 “金克斯。”

斯平克斯是一个两分世界冠军, 已经举行无可争议的轻重量级冠军 1983 到 1985, 和直系重量级冠军从 1985 到 1988. 他被引导到入选国际拳击名人堂 1994. 作为一个业余爱好者,他在中量级划分在获得金奖 1976 夏季奥运会.

斯平克斯是前世界重量级拳王利昂·斯平克斯的兄弟, 和科里斯平克斯的叔叔, 前中量级和轻中量级冠军.
斯平克斯去了不败在他的第一 31 专业的战斗, 击败这样的对手是德怀特·莫哈末·坎威, 埃迪·穆斯塔法·穆罕默德, 马文·约翰逊和埃迪·戴维斯途中成为无可争议的轻重量级冠军. 以下十个成功卫冕, 斯平克斯向上移动到重量级, 并且作为一个失败者击败长期卫冕IBF重量级冠军拉里·霍姆斯; 在这样做, 斯平克斯成为第一个卫冕轻重量级世界冠军赢得重量级冠军. 斯平克斯只是在他的职业生涯的失败来到迈克·泰森的手在六月 27, 1988. 所有时刻的十大轻重量级之间的国际拳击研究组织和BoxRec秩斯平克斯.

鸿运扇世博会是最终的拳击迷体验活动, 这使得球迷见面拳击的代表,过去的明星, 目前和未来的运动. 随着托管亲笔签售, 满足和映入眼帘的当前和前拳击世界冠军, 限量版商品销售, 赠品多, 这是对这项运动的球迷最终事件.

已经过去参加拳击明星包括: 梅威瑟, 迈克·泰森, 罗伯托·杜兰, 糖光芒伦纳德, 塞萨尔查韦斯, 马奎兹, 汤米赫恩斯, 罗伊·琼斯JR, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 莫拉雷斯, 沃德, 米奇·加西亚, 马科斯Maidana, 德文 - 哈尼, 大卫Benavidez, 埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR, 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亚, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay怀尔德, 阿米尔汗, 肖恩·波特, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 押尼珥Mares, 詹姆斯·托尼, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 温尼拉巴斯, 米娅圣约翰, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 八斗杰克, 特里·诺里斯, 里迪克·鲍, Earnie剃须刀, 迈克尔· & 莱昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, Claressa盾, Teofimo洛佩兹, 布兰登·里奥斯, 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯, 还有很多.

参展商包括拳击发起人, 齿轮, 服饰, 设备, 能量饮品, 补充产品, 广播媒体, 制裁机构, 和其他公司谁展示自己的品牌爱好者和拳击行业作为一个整体.

纵观未来数个月里事件, 会出现在许多明星每周更新,将在拳击世博会提交其外观.

门票鸿运扇世博会可在Eventbrite在线上售票 –

拳击传奇人物, 4 处世界冠军罗伊·琼斯JR. 证实了第五届框扇世博会期间五月五日节周末, 六可 4, 在拉斯维加斯

鸿运扇世博会是最终的球迷体验活动,让拳击迷见面的机会和迎接顶级战斗机, 现任和前任世界冠军, 拳击名人和行业的人在近距离个人设置.

门票销售在现在 Eventbrite在线上售票


拉斯维加斯 (四月 23, 2019) – 拳击传奇人物 & 四个师世界冠军罗伊·琼斯JR. 已经确认他将出现, 有一个摊位,并举行见面,并在上周六日的第五次年度鸿运扇世博会与他的歌迷打招呼 4, 2019 在拉斯维加斯会议中心. 世博会是从开放 10 A.M. 到 5 下午, 在五月五日节周末. 拳击世博会也将与VS丹尼·雅各布斯CANELO阿尔瓦雷斯之间翘首以盼的斗争一致, 将要发生后,当晚在T-Mobile的竞技场.

门票鸿运扇世博会可在Eventbrite在线上售票 –

琼斯将他的第二次亮相在今年的’ 世博会,将是签订手套, 照片,个人物品,也有商品出售供球迷欣赏. 拳击迷将有机会也采取这种拳击活着的传奇图片, 许多人认为,作为英镑的最大镑之一, 和所有的时间最好的拳击手.

琼斯加盟梅威瑟促销, 安东尼Dirrell的, WBA, 塞萨尔查韦斯, RiddickBowe, 米奇·加西亚, 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 米娅圣,约翰·, 马奎兹, 温尼拉巴斯, 德文 - 哈尼, Earnie剃须刀, 铝伯恩斯坦, 迈克尔·斯平克斯, WBC, 莫拉雷斯, 詹姆斯·托尼和杰西·巴尔加斯作为早期的承诺,到今年的鸿运扇博览会, 与更多的拳击明星揭晓.

罗伊·琼斯JR. 是谁一直在拍摄中量级冠军无数的美国职业拳击手, 超中量级, 轻重量级和重量级师. 他是历史上唯一的拳击手,开始他的职业生涯的超次中量级, 并继续赢得重量级冠军. 他还指出,用于保持WBC, WBA, IBF, IBO, NABF, WBF, 和IBA轻重量级冠军; 也创下了七次带的同时. 琼斯留下了他的标记在拳击历史时,他赢得了WBA重量级冠军, 成为第一个前中量级冠军赢得一个重量级冠军 106 岁月. 截至2月 2018, 琼斯先生为最胜统一的轻重量级冠军较量在拳击历史记录, 十二点. 名为琼斯年度中的战斗机环杂志 1994, 名人堂和世界拳击名人堂将他评为年度战斗机 2003. 他也是最好的拳击手ESPY奖三冠王 (1996, 2000, 和 2003). 琼斯命名 “十年的战斗机” 对于上世纪90年代由美国拳击作家协会.

鸿运扇世博会是最终的拳击迷体验活动, 这让球迷们见面和迎接今天的拳击巨星, 现任和前任世界冠军, 运动传奇和其他拳击名人. 球迷们可以期待体验各种交互,例如签名和照片会议, 对恃与您最喜爱的拳击手, 与环卡少女图片, 现场DJ音乐, 机会赢取大奖, 购买商品和纪念品,从不同参展商的展位, “在一个屋檐下”. 你不会想错过这个必须参加的世博会!

鸿运扇世博会已经与球迷和拳击业内人士一个巨大的成功. 许多拳击明星出席了最后四个世博会如梅威瑟, 迈克·泰森, 罗伯托·杜兰, 汤米赫恩斯, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 小罗伊琼斯, 沃德, 米奇·加西亚, 马科斯Maidana, 马奎兹, 莫拉雷斯, 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亚, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay怀尔德, 阿米尔汗, 肖恩·波特, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 朱达, 詹姆斯·托尼, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 温尼Pazienza, 米娅圣约翰, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 八斗杰克, 特里·诺里斯 , 里迪克·鲍 , Earnie剃须刀, 莱昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯, 布兰登·里奥斯和更多…
参展商包括: 拳击发起人, 齿轮, 服饰, 设备, 能量饮品, 补充产品, 广播媒体, 制裁机构, 和谁愿意参加其他公司将再次有机会展示自己的品牌爱好者和拳击行业.

纵观未来几天领导到事件, 会出现在许多明星更多的更新,将在拳击世博会提交其外观. 而对于在拳击行业或其他任何人参展 (非产业), 谁愿意参与和预留展位,



亚特兰大, GA (二月 28, 2019) - 加密义和团, 在blockchain技术的第一个也是唯一的拳击游戏运营, 继续使周围的虚拟绳索战略举措. 概念的创造者 安德鲁·吉列姆, 创始人兼CEO我N”地雷媒体, 还推出了一个挑衅的新标志摆动; 新网站 (HTTP://cryptoboxers.io/), 由独立游戏开发工作室设计, PlayStakes; 和TKO的比赛计划,使 “真正的拳击到blockchain. 推动技术信封超过目前的加密游戏的可用空间, 加密义和团在发烧玩家的期待,因为它会以真正的拳击手生活作为收藏令牌上复仇的虚拟格斗动作.

加密义和团的新标志,现在推出的播放器作为终极密码竞争者, 切换脱离重点的职业拳击手及以上的玩家. 动态新网站提供了一个预览到加密义和团完全沉浸, 人性化的世界里,玩家将体验到一个幻想拳击舞台,搞一个互动的“手套”环经验自己选择的拳击手.

“他们说这不可能做到,但我们这样做,”揭示了吉列姆. “后 459 拒绝, 我现在有重大承诺, 合作伙伴和谁现在给我们打电话职业拳击手越来越大的兴趣. 我们对blockchain第一家专业体育比赛, 我们计划去每一轮! 标志和网站都只是一个什么都还没来传情“。

Round4RoundBoxing, LatinoAthlete, FightTyme, 和 RichPlaceMedia 是第一个正式合作伙伴,通过加密义和团公布. 加密义和团将发布确认职业拳击手的名字, 拳击官员和法官,这将是在比赛快. 一些专业的拳击手目前的会谈,包括传说中的冠军像 霍利菲尔德, 拉里·霍姆斯, 迈克尔·斯平克斯安东尼奥·塔弗, 随着当前激活的香榭丽舍大街特伦斯·克劳福德 和女拳手 克里斯蒂娜·哈默.

扔杂物进入数字环和发射细节保持更新, 权衡与 加密义和团叽叽喳喳, Facebook的, 和 Instagram的 现在#GetIntheRing在 cryptoboxers.io !


Former Heavyweight Champions & Stars Discuss Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury Heavyweight Championship Showdown Taking Place This Saturday, 十二月 1 住在Showtime PPV® 洛杉矶斯台普斯中心
点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片



LOS ANGELES (十一月 30, 2018) – One day before the most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. 在过 15 岁月, heavyweight legends have descended on Los Angeles to discuss the Deontay Wilder vs. 泰森·愤怒的对决将在SHOWTIME上直播PPV® 在顶级拳击冠军举办的一项活动中,STAPLES中心的周六晚上.




媒体圆桌会议上有重量级的伟人 霍利菲尔德, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯, 里迪克·鲍, 格里·库尼, Earnie剃须刀, 克星道格拉斯 迈克尔·斯平克斯 他们打破了周六不败的巨人之战.




门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与TGB Promotions和DiBella Entertainment合作, 现在有售,可通过 AXS.com. 怀尔德VS. 愤怒将由SHOWTIME PPV制作和发行. 建议零售价 (镰刀) 按次计费的电视广播是 $64.99 用于标准清晰度.




圆桌会议由威斯汀博纳旺蒂尔酒店的SHOWTIME Sports获奖记者吉姆·格雷主持 & 套房, 洛杉矶. 这是重量级传奇周五不得不说的:





I feel that Deontay Wilder will win because eventually he’ll land that right hand. He’s very patient. He’s a thinker, but he can also take chances. When people take chances, they win.




Deontay might not have as much experience as we did in our day, but he’s got the power. That’s what the people want to see and I think they’re going to be happy when they see it.




There was a point in time where every great heavyweight was from the United States. We had a very good amateur program. I was the last true heavyweight champion from the U.S. before Wilder and until I lost the decision against Lennox.




To be the heavyweight champion of the world, and to say you’re the best, you have to fight any man.






I think it’s going to be a great fight. Deontay Wilder has a terrific right hand and when it lands, not too many people can stand up to it. I also think that you can’t hurt what you can’t hit. Tyson Fury is not an easy person to hit. He has great ability and movement. I’m going with Deontay early or Fury late.




We all know how it feels to lose the heavyweight championship. We know how hard it is to gain it back. Fury has lost it, and now he wants it back. I can see now that he’s sacrificing and saying to himself that he shouldn’t have lost it, and now he has to regain it.




I think the view in the U.K. is that Tyson Fury is the man that stepped up. The gauntlet was thrown out there and he stood up for Britain. Deontay came to England to challenge Anthony Joshua, but it was Tyson Fury who answered the call.




I would say that there are a couple of meccas in boxing that are places where everyone wants to fight. 拉斯维加斯, New York and of course, 洛杉矶. My fight against Vitali Klitschko at STAPLES Center was a great fight. My plan that night was not to box to go the distance, I boxed to go a short distance and it did.






I’m going with Deontay Wilder tomorrow night. He’s going to put on a great show for everyone and get another knockout.




Tyson Fury is skilled and tall, 但对我来说, he doesn’t do enough on offense. He moves but he doesn’t move his hands enough.






I think it’s a great fight tomorrow night. We know that Fury is coming back motivated. If Wilder finds a home for that right, he’s going to take Fury out. I think he’s going to connect at some point during the fight.




I think Tyson Fury is a great man for how far he’s come back in his life and for standing up to Deontay Wilder. Fury called him out, so maybe he knows something we don’t know.




I’m so glad to be up here. Look at all these great heavyweights and great guys. It’s special and they’re all here to watch this fight tomorrow night.






Me and Deontay are both from Alabama. I’ll be inducted into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame soon and Deontay will be there one day as well. Deontay is a great puncher and I’m pulling for him tomorrow night.




I fought in a great era. If you fight guys on the same level, you’ll get good fights. These guys today could get in there in our day and put on a good show.






I think this is going to be a good competitive fight. If I had to pick, I’d take Deontay Wilder by knockout in the eighth round.




I feel like Tyson Fury has already won by battling back and getting into great shape and being in this position. I’m sure many people thought they’d never see him back here. That’s a victory in itself.




My victory over Mike Tyson changed my life in a great way. I was now the heavyweight champion of the world. My dream had come true. Seeing my two youngest kids being born was the only thing that could top it.





“可能最好的人赢. I don’t know who’s in the best of shape but I think Fury being out of the ring makes me lean toward Deontay Wilder. If Fury is as big in person as they say he is, he’s got a great chance.



If you’re the underdog, you just have to go on what you know and what you’ve worked on. You can’t pay attention to the doubters. You focus on what you’ve prepared yourself for and give it your all. I always saw myself winning. It’s the greatest feeling to come out of the ring victorious.




# # #



Deontay怀尔德VS. Tyson Fury pits the WBC Heavyweight World Champion Wilder against the lineal heavyweight champion Fury on SHOWTIME PPV® 星期六, 十二月 1 from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and presented by Premier Boxing Champions. The PPV undercard begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and will featureunbeaten unified super welterweight world champion Jarrett Hurd returning to take onJason Welborn, Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortiz facing-off against Travis Kauffman and rising undefeated heavyweight Joe Joyce battling Joe Hanks.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @泰森_弗瑞, @TGBPromotions, @STAPLESCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝:www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.

USA Boxing declares JuneAlumni Association Membership Drive Month

Miguel Cotto Gerry Cooney
Kevin McBride Reggie Johnson
Michael Spinks Antonio Tarver

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (六月 11, 2018) – USA Boxing’sAlumni Association Membership Drive Monthgot off to a knockout start this past weekend in Canastota, 纽约, at the annual International Boxing Hall of Fame Class induction ceremonies, as nine high-profile boxers, featuring an incredible accumulate pro record of 365-51-7 (239 科斯) 和 24 major world titles, joined the growing USABAA ranks as proud, new members.


克里斯tofflemire约翰·斯卡利 represented USA Boxing Alumni Association, manning tables at the IBHOF golf tournament and Memorabilia Show, to increase USABAA awareness and recruit new members.




The spirit of amateur boxing was alive and well throughout the International Boxing Hall of Fame weekend,” explained Cugliari, 美国拳击校友会执行董事. “Information about the new USA Boxing Alumni Association was well received by the weekend’s guests, and esteemed alumni such as Jesse Vargas and Reggie Johnson mentioned that they are excited to become more involved. The Alumni Association thanks the support provided by many this weekend, particularly Micky Ward and Antonio Tarver, who continue to spread our mission.




The fact is that the vast majority of professional boxers who attend the Hall of Fame weekend at Canastota each year were at one time amateur boxers and knew each other well before they ever even turned professional,” added invaluable USABAA advisor Scully, who recruits boxers for group-sponsored events like this. “At some point in the conversations between boxers across the grounds, the topics frequently will eventually turn to their amateur days together.




“业余爱好者, 对我来说, was about fighting for respect,” 2处世界冠军 少年琼斯 (50-6, 28 科斯); 注意. “To go to different places and make it very far (作为一个业余), you have to learn how to conduct yourself and transact with others.




Other new USABAA members are six-time, 二科世界冠军 米格尔·库托(41-6, 33 科斯); four-time, 二科世界冠军, 以及 1976 Olympic gold medalist and Hall of Famer, 迈克尔·斯平克斯 (31-1, 21 科斯); Irish heavyweight who retired Mike Tyson, Kevin McBride (35-10-1, 29 科斯); two-time, 二科世界冠军杰西·巴尔加斯 (28-2-1, 10 科斯); five time world champion and 1996 奥运会铜牌得主 安东尼奥·塔弗 (31-6-1, 22 科斯); two-time, 二科世界冠军 雷吉·约翰逊 (44-7-1, 25 科斯), 三次, 三个赛区世界冠军 詹姆斯·托尼 (77-10-3, 47 科斯); and world heavyweight contender 格里·库尼 (38-3, 24 科斯).






创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只要注册在校友@ usaboxing,.组织的 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





“我觉得这很棒,” Jones talked about the formation of the USA Boxing Alumni Association. “Fighters who turned pro were great amateurs, but there are also a lot of amateurs who didn’t turn pro. Everybody doesn’t become champion, but they tried and gave their best, and that’s why this organization is good because all boxers are appreciated.




Although Hall of Fame weekend tends to focus on the professional careers of many fighters,” Cugliari concluded, “it was hard not to notice the effect that amateur boxing has had on the lives of many of these great champions. The USA Boxing Alumni Association wants to thank Ed Brophy for his generosity and support for boxing, and we look forward to a long partnership with the International Boxing Hall of Fame.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing


韦伯斯特决定大西洋城的里奥哈斯由谢顿获胜, 阿贾姆, 维金斯和外套

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (六月 1, 2018)–超中量级 德里克 - 韦伯斯特 在主赛事的五回合牌局中,他以 10 轮一致决定击败奥斯卡·里奥哈斯(Oscar Riojas) 克拉里奇酒店.




Mis Downing Promotions 推广近产能秀.




同赢, 韦伯斯特夺得美国拳击联合会美洲大陆超中量级冠军.




韦伯斯特用他的刺戳精确, 随后他进行了坚实的车身工作,使里奥哈斯的两侧变红. 韦伯斯特数次惊呆了坚韧不拔的里奥哈, 但是来自蒙特雷的访客, 墨西哥展示了一个很好的下巴,并在十轮比赛中保持站立.




分数都是 100-90 支持格拉斯伯勒的韦伯斯特, 新泽西州, 现在是谁 26-1. 里奥哈斯是 16-10-1.




“那里是拳击. 我装上显示器. 罗伊琼斯告诉我要留他很久, 这就是我所做的. 我开始身体工作有点晚, 但刺拳是我的关键. 我本可以对身体做更多的事情, 但刺拳就是今晚的一切,” 韦伯斯特说.




“在第一轮, 我用一只大右手打他, 但钟声救了他. 我又打了他好几次. 有些人知道如何生存, 他就是其中之一。”




“我们一直在与 USBA 讨论为他们的头衔而战. 这会让我到达我需要去的地方. 我准备好拍摄世界冠军了. 我一直在说我想和乔治·格罗夫斯或泰伦·祖格战斗. 我会去中国或德国或任何地方与那些家伙战斗。”


伊塞亚·塞尔顿 在超级中量级比赛中以六轮一致决定击败拉马尔哈里斯的途中两次击倒.




在第四轮, 谢顿完成了一个完美的反击,将哈里斯送到了甲板上. 在五轮, 疯狂的哈里斯是另一项权利’ 手套第二次触摸画布.




大西洋城的谢顿赢得了 60-52 两次, 59-53 并且现在 12-1-1. 圣哈里斯. 路易斯是 9-15-4.




巴迪·阿贾穆亲王 在重量级复赛中以八轮一致决定战胜埃德加佩雷斯. 卡姆登的阿贾姆, 新泽西赢了 80-72 两次, 79-73 提高他的标志 29-4-1. 芝加哥的佩雷斯是 7-25.


詹姆斯·威尔金斯 在他们预定的四轮羽量级比赛的第二轮结束时阻止了乔·格博拉.




威尔金斯在第二轮中途放弃了 Gbolo, 然后在剩下的回合中猛击他的对手. 回合在两轮之间停止.




布鲁克林的威尔金斯, 纽约是 4-0 同 4 击倒. 纽伯格的 Gbolo, 纽约是 3-3-2.




在当晚的开幕回合, 菲利克斯·曼苏埃塔 在预定的四轮次中量级比赛的第二轮中阻止了安东尼奥·艾伦.




曼苏埃塔猛烈攻击阿伦,直到比赛在 1:17.




多佛的曼苏埃塔, 特拉华州 2-0 两次胜利都是通过停工来实现的. 费城的艾伦是 0-8-1.




这张卡在大西洋城名人堂周末举行, 和小罗伊琼斯这样的明星。, 里迪克·鲍, 霍利菲尔德, 小赫克托·卡马乔, 布鲁斯·塞尔顿, 马克布雷兰, 马龙·斯塔林, 迈克尔·斯宾克斯和杰夫·钱德勒是坐在马戏团旁边的贵宾。”





Mis Downing Promotions要感谢他们的赞助商,其中包括大西洋城拳击名人堂, 克拉里奇酒店, 幻多奇度假村, AEI保险, 紧急回应, 头发X, 购买智能电机 & 新视野物业管理.

31stannual环 8 旅游活动 & 颁奖典礼回顾 & 照片

(L-R) — Ring 8 的穆罕默德·阿里年度国际拳手瓦西里·洛曼琴科 & 环 8 总裁Jack赫希. (所有图片由彼得Frutkoff)
纽约 (十二月 11, 2017) – 少于 24 在他击败之前不败的几个小时后 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, WBO 青少年轻量级世界冠军和两届奥运会金牌得主 Vasyl “高科技” Lomachenko 参加了昨天的 (星期天, 十二月. 9) 31ST 年轮 8 接受戒指的假日活动和颁奖典礼 8 2017 穆罕默德·阿里年度国际拳手奖.
晚会在霍华德海滩的 Russo’s On The Bay 举行, 纽约, 和 大卫迪亚曼特 再次担任活动司仪.
六位世界冠军出席, 其中包括三名获奖者: Lomachenko), 国际名人堂成员 迈克尔·斯平克斯 (历史奖), 和五届世界冠军 阿曼达 “真正的交易” 塞拉诺 (纽约州年度最佳女拳击手); 世界冠军 维托安托费尔莫, 伊朗巴克利 路易斯·科拉佐 表达了他们的支持.
“我们的颁奖晚宴是有史以来最好的之一,” 环 8 总统 杰克·赫希 说. “我们深感荣幸瓦西里·洛马琴科在他职业生涯中最大的一场比赛结束后的第二天参加了比赛. 他的出现营造了一种激动人心的气氛, 很少见到的类型. 其他获奖者, 由迈克尔·斯平克斯领导, 度过了一个永远难忘的下午。”
2017 RING 8 获奖者
年度拳王阿里国际战斗机: Vasyl Lomachenko
历史奖: 迈克尔·斯平克斯
年度国际展望: 迈克尔·康伦
年度NYS战斗机: 马库斯·布朗
年度NYS女战士: 阿曼达·塞拉诺
恩光花园奖:: 鲍比·卡西迪, SR.
(鲍比·卡西迪, JR. 与主持人亨利·哈斯卡普 (Henry Hascup) 一起为他的父亲接受)
年度展望NYS: Devaun利
山姆·凯勒曼媒体奖: 马特·克里斯蒂
年度最佳教练NYS: 赫克托·洛克
长 & 功: 埃德温·托雷斯
年度NYS官方: 罗伯特·佩雷斯
年度NYS启动: 梅赛德斯 - 瓦斯奎兹西蒙斯
(与主持人 Melvina Lathan 合影)
无冕冠军: 理查德·基利
(与主持人文尼·马达龙 (Vinny Maddalone) 合影)
年度马戏团医生: 博士. 空间Osric王
好人奖: 乔安妮·多伊尔哈钦斯
环 8 年度会员: 乔治·纽曼
社区服务奖: 迈克·里诺
(与主持人鲍勃·达菲 (L) 和鲍比·麦奎尔)
瑞星竞争者奖: Skender & 恩维尔·哈利利

31stannual环 8 旅游活动 & Awards Ceremony This Sunday afternoon in New York

纽约 (十二月 5, 2017) – 这周日下午的门票仍然有限 31ST 年轮 8 假日活动及颁奖典礼, 间 12:30 和 5:30 P.M. AND, 在俄的上涌在霍华德海滩, 纽约.
Six world champions will be attending, 其中包括三名获奖者: WBO 青少年轻量级世界冠军和两届奥运会金牌得主 Vasyl “高科技” Lomachenko (年度拳王阿里国际战斗机), 霍尔的名人堂成员 迈克尔·斯平克斯 (历史奖), 和五届世界冠军 阿曼达 “真正的交易” 塞拉诺 (纽约州年度最佳女拳击手).
Another Hall-of Fame star, 霍利 “真正的交易” 霍利菲尔德, is unable to attend the festivities because of a travel conflict but he did receive his Legends Award at the last Ring 8 会议.
世界冠军 维托安托费尔莫, 伊朗巴克利 和路易斯·科拉佐 are cnfirmed special guests.
Other 2017 环 8 award winners include two-time Irish 奥海迈克尔·康伦 (年奖的国际展望), 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 “先生” 马库斯·布朗(年度纽约州战斗机), 史泰登岛.
The anticipation is continuing to grow as we move closer to the Ring 8 awards banquet星期日,” 环 8 总统 杰克·赫希 说. “We are honored that Vasyl Lomachenko and Michael Conlan will be attending despite having fought at Madison Square Garden the night before. Many consider Lomachenko the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world, and Conlan the best prospect. And it will be a special treat for fans to see Michael Spinks, who will be given recognition as being the first light heavyweight champion in history to have won the heavyweight crown.
The awards banquet is very reasonably priced. Not only will people get to mingle with great fighters, but the food at Russo’s on the Bay is superb and the atmosphere first rate.
2017 RING 8 获奖者
年度拳王阿里国际战斗机: Vasyl Lomachenko
历史奖: 迈克尔·斯平克斯
年度国际展望: 迈克尔·康伦
年度NYS战斗机: 马库斯·布朗
年度NYS女战士: 阿曼达·塞拉诺
恩光花园奖:: 鲍比·卡西迪, SR.
年度展望NYS: Devaun利
瑞星竞争者奖: Skender & 恩维尔·哈利利
山姆·凯勒曼媒体奖: 马特·克里斯蒂
年度最佳教练NYS: 赫克托罗莎
长 & 功: 埃德温·托雷斯
年度NYS官方: 罗伯特·佩雷斯
年度NYS启动: 梅赛德斯 - 瓦斯奎兹西蒙斯
无冕冠军: 理查德·基利
年度马戏团医生: 博士. 空间Osric王
好人奖: 乔安妮·多伊尔哈钦斯
环 8 年度会员: 乔治·纽曼
社区服务奖: 迈克·里诺
大卫迪亚曼特 将再次担任仪式的活动的主.
门票 $125.00 and include a complete brunch with cocktail hour upon entry, 其次是座位在颁奖仪式上, 晚餐和甜点, 和顶级的整个下午的开放式酒吧. Contact Ring 8 总裁Jack赫希 (516.790.7592Ajhirsch5@aol.com) 购买门票.
去网上 www.Ring8ny.com for additional information about Ring 8 或者其年度假日活动及颁奖典礼.
俄的上涌位于 162-45 Crossbay大道. 在霍华德海滩(718.843.5055).
关于RING 8: 在形成 1954 由前职业拳击手, 杰克Grebelsky, 环 8 成为当时被称为全国退伍军人义和团协会第八子公司 – 故, RING 8 – 今天该组织的宗旨仍然是: 义和团拳民帮助.
RING 8 完全致力于在拳击界谁可能需要援助的支付房租方面支持不那么幸运的人, 医疗费用, 或任何合理需求.
去行 www.Ring8ny.com 关于RING更多信息 8, 其在美国的超过的最大群体 350 成员. 每年的会费是唯一 $30.00 每个成员都有权享用自助晚餐RING 8 月度会议, 除七月和八月. 所有活动的拳击手, 业余和专业, 有权免费RING 8 年度会员. 环客人 8 欢迎会员在只有成本 $7.00 每人.

Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Inducts 24 Charter Class Members

(大西洋城, 新泽西州 – 六月 15, 2017) – Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF) Inaugural Induction weekend held on May 26, 27 and 28th was a smorgasbord of boxing royalty, celebrity guests and legions of boxing fans. ACBHOF mission is to create visibility and awareness through annual inductions ceremonies; boxing champions, as well as the boxing community at-large will have their names enshrined into immortality by being inducted into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.

Watching my vision come together with the assistance of Rodrick Green, the VP of Business Strategy, and Angela Crockett our Communications Director, along with the rest of my team and countless other supporters and fans across the country, who’ve embraced this endeavor has been overwhelmingly impressive.” – Ray McCline, Founder & 总统

The trio of events, which were sponsored by the Claridgea Radisson Hotel, kicked-off May 26th with a pre-reception and welcome address in the VÜE Rooftop Bar. 该 150 guests included: Red Carpet Host Whitney Ullman, Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian, Councilman Frank Gilliam, 博士. Nina Radcliff, Flo Anthony, Aaron Snowell, Lillo Brancato, Alan Goldberg, 雷默瑟, 马克布雷兰, 伊朗巴克利, 冰人约翰·斯卡利, 特雷西 - 帕特森, Milton Luban, Chuck Zito, Grandy Twins, sponsors and stakeholders alike.

The Claridgea Radisson Hotel was proud to have hosted Atlantic City’s first Boxing Hall of Fame induction class. It’s events like this that make hospitality and history come to life in this city. From the Fight Fan Expo to the Gala it was a pleasure to see new faces and passion throughout a weekend of exceptional events. We look forward to hosting the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame events for years to come at The Claridgea Radisson Hotel.”- Cem Erenler, V.P. of Hotel Operations & Business Development

五月 27, the festivities continued into the Fight Fan Experience, a festive boxing themed environment that included a Boxing Fantasy Camp, Pop-Up Barber Shop, Jack Johnson Exhibit Icons of Boxing, The Legacy Exists Joe Frazier Scholarship Fund, James O’Neal Sculptures, The Press of Atlantic City Exhibit, Food vendors and music by DJ Young Hitta.

The evening of May 27th concluded with an Honoree Gala in the Art Gallery celebratingWomen in Boxing.Host for the evening, Nino Del Buono. Honorees included: Cathy Burke, 玛丽安·穆罕默德|, Joan Pierce, Renee Aiken and AltheaVern” 桑德斯.

The culminating Induction celebration concluded Sunday, May 28th with a little over 500 宾客. The master of ceremonies for the ceremony, President of NJ Boxing Hall of Fame, 亨利Hascup. The star-studded Charter Class members included: 唐金, 迈克尔·斯平克斯, Larry Hazzard, 史蒂夫·斯莫杰, Mike Rossman, 德怀特·莫哈末·坎威, Frank Gelb, 唐·艾尔鲍姆, J Russell Peltz, Dave Bontempo, Ken Condon, Robert Lee, 老, Larry Holmes and Mike Tyson.

I would like to sincerely congratulate Mr. Ray McCline, Roy Foreman, Rodrick Green, Angela Crockett and all of the wonderful people responsible for the great Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame weekend which took place on May 26th, 27日, and 28th. The event was an astounding success and it allowed many of us, who attended, the opportunity to relive some of the exciting moments of our past boxing history. The establishment of the ACBHOF will also ensure that the great legacy of Atlantic City Boxing, will be remembered and celebrated for many years to come!! Once again congratulations and I look forward with great anticipation to next year’s celebration. God Bless!!” – Commissioner Larry Hazzard, NJ State Athletic Control Board

Posthumous Inductees: 阿图罗·加蒂 (received by Sofia Bella Gatti); Leavander Johnson (received by his Son); Mathew Saad Muhammad (received by Mustafa Ameen); 卢·杜瓦 (received by Dino Duva); 杰克Obermayer (received by his daughter Ellen Kaplan); Bert Sugar; Dennis Gomes (received by his daughter Danielle Gomes and Mrs. Gomes); Mike Hall, SR. (received by his son Mike Hall, 小) 和博士. Frank Doggett (received by his daughter YvonneMissyDoggett).

It was such an incredible honor to be part of such a historic event. We had a blast at the HARD Kickoff party with Michael Spinks and Ray Mercer. It was so amazing to see all the young kids enjoying the Boxing experience. They are the new generation of Atlantic City Boxing. The Highlight of the weekend for us was the Gala, it was truly a memorable evening. Congratulations to Ray McCline and the inductees on a successful Inaugural Induction. The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will be a staple destination for Boxing Fans in the years to come.” – Gregory V. Posella, 总统 & Co-founder HARD Beverage

Former Miss America, Suzette Charles, Chicken Bone Beach Jazz Band and saxophonist Parris provided entertainment for the evening. Entertainment was coordinated by Kevin Crump.

Title Sponsors: Hard Lifestyle Beverages, Designer Wraps and Hammer Fiber Optics. The Atlantic City Police Athletic League is ACBHOF’s charitable arm. Keebler Media was the official ACBHOF videographer.

Other sponsors and supporters: City of Atlantic City; Triax 57; 2300 竞技场; FantaSea Resorts; Adams Boxing; Rumble TV Network; Tina Davido Promotions; Abrams Boxing, Adams Boxing, Plush Vodka, Punzoné Organic Vodka, House of Genesis and WBC.

While the menus consisted of scrumptious passed hors d’oeuvres and signature drinks, the Honoree cake designed by Cake King of Queens and the unveiling of Commemorative Paintings by Nicolosi were stunning show stoppers.

Another extraordinary highlight from the weekend was when Arturo Gatti’s 11-year old daughter Sofia Bella Gatti accepted her father’s award alongside his longtime friends Chuck Zito and Mike Sciarra.


Social Media Platforms: @acbhof

Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Inaugural Induction Weekend Photos from Kick Off Meet and Greet

Below are Photos from Friday’s Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Kick off Meet and Greet Celebration that was held at the Vue Restaurant at The Claridge Hotel.
(Click on Photos to Enlarge)–Free to use for Journalistic Purposes. Credit-ACBHOF
Michael Spinks Don Elbaum
Steve Smoger Michael Spinks & 罗素佩尔茨

罗素佩尔茨 & Chuck Zito Chuck Zito & Arturo Gatti Painting

迈克尔·斯平克斯 & Mike Rossman Russell Peltz & Mike Rossman

WHO: The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF)
什么: The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will enshrine 24 Charter Class members.
Confirmed to attend Honorees:
迈克·泰森, 迈克尔·斯平克斯, 唐金, Larry Hazzard, 德怀特·莫哈末·坎威, J Russell Peltz, Frank Gelb, Mike Rossman, 比尔·约翰逊, 史蒂夫·斯莫杰, Dave Bontempo, 唐·艾尔鲍姆, Bob Lee and Ken Condon.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will celebrate and remember the legacy of Lou Duva, 阿图罗 “雷声” 加蒂, Matthew Saad Muhammad as well as hometown hero Leavander Johnson for their extraordinary careers spanning seven decades.
Special Guests
  • *雷默瑟 (BULLYINGWe’re KickinIt Spokesperson)
  • *马克布雷兰
  • *伊朗巴克利
  • *Milton Luban
  • *特雷西 - 帕特森
  • *约翰·斯卡利
  • Non Fighters
  • *Don Guardian, Mayor of Atlantic City
  • *Rodney Jerkins, multi Grammy-award winner
  • *Suzette Charles, former Miss America
  • *Sophia Gatti, daughter of Arturo Gatti
  • *Pat Lynch, renowned Boxing Manager
  • *Lillo Brancato, 演员
  • *Grandy Twins
  • *Vincenzo Vaccaro: Cake King of Queens
  • *Atlantic City Police Athletic League
  • *Aaron Snowell, co-organizer the Jack Johnson Exhibit
  • *BULLYINGWe’re Kickin’ 之
  • *The Legacy Exists Joe Frazier Scholarship Fund
  • *Joseph Nicolosi, Artist known for his signature Pop Art portraits
  • *James O’Neal, Wood Sculpture Artist
WHERE: The ClaridgeA Radisson Hotel, 123 South Indiana Avenue, 大西洋城, 新泽西州 08401
星期五, May 26th, Sunday May 27th and Sunday, May 28th