Tag Archives: Kendrick Ball Jr.

“Cruïlla de camins: resultats de doble capçalera de N.H.: Kendrick Ball, Jr. hits home run vs.. Bryan Vera

Resultats "Crossroads" de New Hampshire

DERRY, N.H. (Abril 18, 2021) -Ex-campió de pes mitjà de Nova AnglaterraBall de Kendrick "Peppa", Jr. va representar la millor actuació professional a l’esdeveniment principal d’ahir a la nit contra perillososBryan "El guerrer" Vera a la part nocturna de la capçalera doble-dia "Crossroads", presentat per Granite Chin Promotions, al New England Sports Center de Derry, Nova Hampshire.

El pla previ a la lluita es va seguir com a Ball (16-1-2, 11 KOs) caixonat i mogut, mentre que Vera (28-17, 18 KOs) pressió aplicada, des de la campana d'obertura. Ball va prendre el control a la segona ronda, quan es va quedar a la butxaca, eliminant combinacions nítides. Ball va disparar combinacions més efectives a la tercera ronda quan Vera començava a perseguir el seu rival. Ball va començar a moure's al voltant de l'anell i a lluitar des de l'exterior al quart i es va mantenir en els dits del peu la resta de la lluita.

Ball va guanyar una decisió unànime de vuit rondes (79-73, 79-73, 78-74) per convertir-se en el Consell Mundial de Boxa (CMB) USNBC (Estats Units) Super campió de plata de pes mitjà.

“Aquesta va ser la meva millor lluita, a causa de qui vaig lluitar, i la magnitud de la lluita,”Va comentar Ball. “El pla era fer box i moure's perquè era molt més petit i lent. De vegades vaig xocar, quan vaig saber que no em feia mal, però no hauria d’haver assumit els riscos ”.

Vera, de 39 anys, no és el mateix combatent que va guanyar tres campions del món diferents:Andy LeeSergio Mora (dues vegades) iSerhiy Dzinziruk.  El texà ha de decidir si és hora de penjar finalment els guants.

“Va ser increïble, sens dubte, el nostre millor programa fins ara,”Granite Chin’sChris Traietti declarat després de l'espectacle. “Ens sentim molt bé en intensificar per donar aquests combatents, sobretot els locals, una plataforma per actuar davant dels fans. Crec que molts promotors s’han quedat mandrosos. Ens van donar un carril i Granite Chin ho va aprofitar. Aquest va ser el nostre quart espectacle amb fans durant l'any passat. Brian va lluitar molt i és un noi fantàstic, però no és el mateix tipus que era el 2011. Ha de pensar què farà.

“Granite Chin torna aquí al juny 26º amb una altra doble capçalera. L’espectacle de la tarda serà el Granite Chin Invitational per als boxadors d’elit oberts. Amb els Guants d'Or de Nova Anglaterra cancel·lats de nou, hi ha un buit per omplir. Si els promotors ajudaran els aficionats, Segur que ho faré, a partir de juny 26º."

DesafiadorMarquès Bates (8-4, 6 KOs) destronat campió defensor del pes welter de New HampshireRyan DiBartolomeo (3-2-1, 1 KO) mitjançant una aturada de la sisena ronda en una divertida co-funció. Un dret devastador de Bates li va donar la nova corona, ja que l'àrbitre ni tan sols comptava, ja que el metge de l'anell va entrar ràpidament a l'anell.

Larry "Hitman" Pryor va contractar el contracteScott Lambert i va perdre poc temps ocupant-se dels negocis per convertir-se en el campió de pesos creuers de New Hampshire. Pryor va aprofitar la seva alçada decisiva i va aconseguir avantatges, tancant l'espectacle amb un ganxo esquerre perfectament llançat que va enviar Lambert a la tela. Lambert va aconseguir superar el compte, però l'àrbitre va aturar la baralla a la meitat de la primera ronda quan va veure Lambert balancejant-se d'anada i tornada sobre les cames de goma.

Lanky esquerràFrancis "El tanc" Hogan (5-0, 5 KOs) es va graduar ahir a la nit amb una brillant actuació en contraLarry "Slo Mo" Smith, qui era a la seva 60º lluita professional. Hogan va derrocar Smith a principis de la tercera ronda i va atrapar al texà a la fi de la mateixa ronda amb una combinació d'esquerres al temple. Smith va guanyar el compte, però no va poder respondre al timbre de la quarta ronda, i Hogan, de 20 anys, es va convertir en el nou campió júnior de pes mitjà de New Hampshire.

Ex campió dels pesos pesants de Nova AnglaterraJustin "Tren boig" Rolfe (5-2-1, 4 KOs) es va posicionar per un altre N.E.. títol amb un eliminatòria espectacular deAlfredo “So” Trevino (9-9-1, 1 KO). El Rolfe de 263 lliures, lluitant fora de Fairfield, Maine, va carregar contra el timbre a la campana i va adormir el seu oponent d’Arizona al seu racó, quan es va comptar amb la marca de 20 segons.

El membre més nou de la família Fightin ’Whitley de l’oest de Massachusetts, l'invicte pes welterDenzel Whitley, va aconseguir la seva quarta victòria amb el seu quart eliminatòria. Va perforarAquilandro Brandao al final de la primera ronda i l'àrbitre va aturar la lluita.

El invicteJahye Brown (9-0, 7 KOs) va aconseguir el títol vacant de pes mitjà júnior de l'ABF Athletic amb una dura i disputada decisió unànime de vuit rondes sobre un rival mexicà,Potes dormint (12-4-1, 9 KOs).  The two fought toe-to-toe from the opening bell and Brown landed the more effective punches inside to earn the victory.

Promising middleweight prospectJulien “Black Dragon” Baptiste va millorar a 2-0 with his second knockout, blasting outBruno Dias in the third round.

Fighting for the first time in more than eight years, Fall River, MA welterweightDustin Reinhold (6-4, 2 KOs) won a 4-round unanimous decision over pro-debutingAntonioAndreozziin what can best be called a rough and tumble match

Mitjà júniorCarlos Castillo’s professional debut was a gem as the Holyoke, MA fighter droppedTheo Desjardon dues vegades, the last closing the show late in the first round.

“Cannon” Berry stops Ibarra in 5

UBO All-America Welterweight ChampionBrandon “The Cannon” Berry (21-5-2, 13 KOs) successfully defended in the afternoon card’s main event, superant un inici lent en què es va animar a aturar el rivalGael Ibarra (5-3, 4 KOs) a la cinquena ronda.

Berry va acabar la lluita al cinquè, quan va descarregar dos bombs de cops de puny sense resposta sobre un Ibarra atrapat fins que l'àrbitre va deixar la baralla.

"M'alegro que no hagi estat una lluita de 4 rondes,”, Va dir Berry després de la baralla. “Era un noi fort. Ho sentia. Em va posar a prova. Vull donar les gràcies a la meva família i amics d’aquí, i Granite Chin i tothom que participa en la promoció ".

En l'esdeveniment co estel·lar, Campió dels pesos pesants de Nova AnglaterraMike "Fly" Marshall (4-1, 3 KOs), en una lluita sense títol, noquejatTracey Johnson (4-10-6) in the third round.

Popular irlandès de BostonJimmy Torney (3-0, 3 KOs) - 6 '6 ", 269 lliura. – només necessitaven 42 segons i un gran dret per deixar de debutar amb el pes pesatMarco Nascimento

Pes welter de MassachusettsEric "Gladiator" Goff va guanyar convincentment el seu debut professional contraJader Alves(0-5) mentre va llançar un tancament de quatre rondes

Tres vegades campió de New England Golden GlovesDemek "Hightower" Edmonds va tenir un debut professional increïble, caiguda de pes creuerFrancisco Net dues vegades a la primera ronda, el segon, un cos cruel va acabar amb la lluita. Edmonds, a Southpaw de Worcester, Massachusetts, és graduat universitari i té una bona perspectiva de veure.

En una lluita sense títol, Campió de pes welter de Nova AnglaterraMike "Bad Man" Ohan, Jr. (12-1, 6 KOs) va escolaritzar el seu oponent de Las Vegas de 54 combats, mitjà júniorRynell Griffin. Ohan va equipar Griffin tres vegades a la primera ronda, el tercer amb un ganxo esquerre al cos del qual Griffin no va poder superar el compte.

Pes creuer canadencYan "Cosa salvatge" Pellerin (11-1, 5 KOs) va atorgar dos dràstics drets al cos d'un veterà de 63 combatsSteve "The Spoiler" Walker, tots dos pavimentaven el lluitador de Missouri, el segon va resultar en una eliminatòria d’obertura per al títol vacant de l’ABF Atlantic.

Pes welter de ConnecticutOmar "La bèstia" Borday, Jr. (1101, 3 KOs) dominador de 65 combats dominatDewayne Wisdom en ruta cap a una decisió unànime unilateral de vuit rondes.

Resultats oficials a continuació: 




Kendrick Ball, Jr. (16-1-2, 11 KOs), Worcester, Massachusetts

WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 78-74) 

Bryan Vera (28-17, 18 KOs), Austin, TX

(Pilota al títol de pes mitjà WBC USNBC Silver)  


Marquès Bates (8-4, 6 KOs), Taunton, Massachusetts

WKO6 (2 :26) 

Ryan DiBartolomeo (3-2-1, 1 KO), Leominster, Massachusetts

(Bates va guanyar el N.H. títol de pes welter) 


Larry Pryor (14-23, 8 KOs), Frederic, Maryland

WTKO1 (1:50) 

Scott Lampert (1-2, 1 KO), Dover Plains, Nova York

(Pryor va guanyar el N.H. títol de pes creuer) 


Francis Hogan (5-0, 5 KOs), Weymouth, Massachusetts

WTKO3 (3:00) 

Larry Smith (12-46-2 (8 KOs), Dallas, TX

(Hogan va guanyar el N.H. títol júnior de pes mitjà) 


Jahyae Brown (9-0, 7 KOs), Schenectady, Nova York

WDEC8 (79-72, 77-74, 77074) 

Potes dormint (12-3-1, 9 KOs), Woburn, Massachusetts

(Brown va guanyar el títol júnior ABF Atlantic de pes mitjà) 


Justin Rolfe (5-2-1, 3 KOs), Fairfield, Maine 

WKO1 (0:20) 

Alfredo Trevino (9-9-1, 1 KO), Douglas, LA


Denzel Whitley (4-0, 4 KOs), Holyoke, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2 :42) 

Aquilando Brandao (0-4), Boston, Massachusetts

Els pesos mitjans

Julien Baptiste (2-0, 2 KOs), Woburn, Massachusetts

WTKO3 (2 :26) 

Bruno Dias (0-5), Boston, Massachusetts


Carlos Castillo (1-0, 1 KO), Holyoke, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2:16) 

Theo Desjardin (0-7), Attleboro, Massachusetts


Dustin Reinhold (6-4, 2 KOs), Fall River, Massachusetts

WDEC4 (39-36, 39-036, 39-37 

Anthony Andreozzi (0-1), Swansea, Massachusetts



Brandon Berry (21-5-2, 13 KOs), West Forks, Maine

WTKO5 (1:29) 

Gael Ibarra (5-3, 4 KOs), Bisbee, LA

(Berry va conservar el títol de pes welter UBO All-America) 


Mike Marshall (5-1, 4 KOs), Brooklyn, Nova York

WTKO3 (0:38) 

Tracey Johnson, (4-10-6, 0 KOs), Boston, MA.


Pellerin lateral (10-1, 4 KOs), Montreal, Quebec, Canadà

WKO1 (1:02) 

Steve Walker (26-37, 18 KOs), Anníbal, MO

(Pellerin va guanyar el títol de pes creuer ABF Atlantic) 


Jimmy Torney (3-0, 3 KOs), Boston, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (0:42) 

Marco Nascimento (0-1), Arc, NH


Així doncs, Edmonds (1-0, 1 KO), Worcester, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2:56) 

Francisco Net (1-12), Woburn, Massachusetts


Mike Ohan, Jr. (12-1, 6 KOs), Holbrook, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2:52) 

Rynell Griffin (8-46-2, 2 KOs), Las Vegas, Nevada


Eric Goff (1-0, 1 KO), Weymouth, Massachusetts

WDEC4 (40-30, 40-34, 40-34) 

Jader Alves (0-5), Woburn, MA.


Omar Borday, Jr. (11-1, 3 KOs), Danbury, Connecticut

WDEC8 (80-70, 79-72, 78-72 

Dewayne Wisdom (7-56-2, 3 KOs), Indianàpolis, IN



Refilo: @Granite_Chin

No place like home for Undefeated lightweight prospect Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz

WORCESTER, Missa. (Febrer 11, 2020) – A lifelong dream will become finally reality on February 28º, when undefeated World Boxing Council (CMB) Youth World lightweight championJamaine “The Technician” Ortiz (12-0, 6 KOs) fights at home for the first time as a professional in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Ortiz will headline aCES Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS® event, promoted by Classic Entertainment and Sports (CES), at the historic Worcester Palladium. His opponent in the 8-round main event will be Mexican knockout artist“Loco” Luis Ronaldo Castillo (22-5, 17 KOs), a former WBC FECOMBOX lightweight champion.

“I’ve never fought in Worcester as a professional,” Ortiz said at a recent press conference. “I’ve wanted to do this bad to let people in Worcester see what it has. It’s going to be extra special because two of my closest friendsIrvin Gonzalez iKendrick Ball, Jr., are also fighting on this card. We’ve fought together since we were kids.”

The 23-year-old will not be defending his WBC Youth World title, because he will relinquish his belt in April, when turns 24 and becomes ineligible in terms of the age requirement (23 and younger).

“Jamaine had one of the most prestigious amateur careers ever in New England,” Ortiz’ promoterJimmy Burchfield (CES Boxing) said. “He already owns the WBC World Youth title and has World Champion written all over him.”

“The Technician” is fine tuning his game and he’s already looking ahead to the not too distant future.

“I’m very excited to be fighting February 28º for the first time in Worcester,” Ortiz added. “It’s an exciting card with action-packed fights. I expect it’ll be sold out and hope so, because I want to prove to my city, meu promotor, and local businesses that big-time boxing belongs here and will be supported by Worcester. In 2021, I want to bring world championship boxing to the new baseball stadium (Polar Park, the future home of the Worcester Red Sox, Triple A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox) across the street that will seat 10,000.”

The Feb. 28º show showcasing Ortiz worldwide will be streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports, a partir de 9 p.m. I / 6 p.m. PT.

To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, si us plau visitiwww.ufcfightpass.com.

Tickets are on sale and available to purchase at CESBoxing.com, the Palladium box office or from Team Ortiz. Doors open at 6 p.m. I, primera baralla a les 7 p.m./ ET.

Long-Awaited Pro Debut for Worcester Father Owen Minor

Owen Minor with his sons, (L) Ramiel and Amaren

WORCESTER, Missa. (Març 5, 2019) – Decorated amateur boxer Owen Menor has spent the past three years focusing on fatherhood responsibilities. Minor will make his long-awaited professional debut with his two sons at his side on theEvery Man for Himself” targeta, Shearns Boxing Promotions’ (SBP) inaugural event, on Friday night, Març 15, al Palladium a Worcester, Massachusetts.

The 32-year-old Minor, who didn’t start boxing until he was 23, captured bronze medals at the 2014 U.S. Boxing National and National Golden Gloves tournaments. New England boxing fans have been anxiously waiting for his pro debut.

Why did it take so long for Minor to turn pro, especially after a relatively late start in the sport, in addition to developing into quality national amateur boxer?

I was being a father,” Minor explained. “I have two sons, ara 11 i 8, and living in Worcester is tough. I wanted to make sure that I put them in the right direction.

A former standout football player (fullback/defensive end) at Holy Name High School, Minor knows what he’s talking about, working full-time with juvenile offenders for the Department of Youth Services in Westborough, Massachusetts.

We are excited to have Owen making his pro debut on our first card,” promotor Chuck Shearns remarked. “He is at a point in his life where he feels he can balance boxing and family. Owen is in tremendous shape and can punch through concrete! Fans will really enjoy watching his fight.

El 6′ 1″, 235-pound Minor will be making his pro debut on a card headlined by his cousin and fellow Worcester boxer, KendrickPeppa” Bola, Jr. (11-1-2, 8 KOs), who faces upset-minded Danny “Feel Good HollywoodRosenberger (4-6-4, 1 KO), de Youngstown, Ohio, in the six-round main event for the vacant New England middleweight title.

Kendrick Ball, Sr. trains his son as well as his nephew, Minor, who takes on Philadelphia’s Corey Morley (0-2-1) in the four-round, co-featured event.

It’s a privilege to make my pro debut in my hometown on a card headlined by my cousin,” Minor said. “Not every boxer gets a chance like this. It’s a great honor for me. I love the City of Worcester and the people who live here. Boxing has always been big in my family and I want to continue our legacy in Worcester boxing.

Undefeated Southbridge, MA welterweight Wilfredo “el Sucaro” pagà (5-0, 3 KOs) meets an upset-specialist, Peruvian Carlos Galindo (1-7), fighting out of Woburn, Massachusetts, in a four-round clash.

També lluitant a la targeta inferior, all in four-round fights, are Bridgeport, CT junior lightweightCarlos Marrero III (0-2-1) vs. Worcester’s Edwin Rosat (1-8-1, 1 KO), Worcester cruiserweight Jake Paradise (0-2) vs. Francisco Artri Neto (0-2), de Woburn, Massachusetts, New Haven, CT junior welterweight Anuel Rosa (1-0, 1 KO) vs. the BronxDanny Morales (0-7), and New Britain, Connecticut Nathan Martinez (2-0) vs. TBA.

Undefeated Providence light heavyweight Angel Camacho, Jr. (15-0, 5 KOs) returns to the ring after a three-year absence in a six-round bout against Dallas veteran LarrySlomoshun” Herrero.

Totes les baralles i els lluitadors estan subjectes a canvi.

General admission tickets are priced at $25.00 and available to purchase online atthepalladium.net. Boxers on the card have $50.00 i $25.00 tickets to sell.

Les portes obren a 6 p.m. I, first fight at 7 p.m. I.

Event sponsors include Lundgren Collision, Tecate, Grill 57, Worcester Railers, Worcester Red Sox, Palley Advertising, and Allstate Insurance.



Refilo: @ShearnsBoxing

Hometown favorite Kendrick Ball, Jr. headlining at home to establish his place in Worcester’s rich boxing history

WORCESTER, Missa. (Febrer 21, 2019) – Worcester boxer KendrickPeppa” Bola, Jr. is living the dream and closing in on some of his goals in the ring.

Bola (11-1-2, 8 KOs), fighting out of his native Worcester, Massachusetts, will headline his first show and fight for his first title belt, when he headlinesEvery Man For Himself”, the inaugural event presented by Shearns Boxing Promotions (SBP), on Friday night, Març 15, al Palladium a Worcester. This will be the first time Ball headlines a show, in addition to fighting for his first title, in the six-round main event for the vacant New England middleweight title,

The 26-year-old Ball, promoted by CES Boxing, rostres molestos de ment Danny “Feel Good HollywoodRosenberger (4-6-4, 1 KO), de Youngstown, Ohio.

This fight is so important for me because I’ve always wanted to headline in my hometown and fight for a title,” the 6′ 3″ Ball said. “Another goal of mine, before I started boxing, was to fight on a card with my cousin, Owen Menor, who will be making his pro debut. He’s a big puncher and people can expect a big KO from him.

I’m an exciting fighter who likes to get knockouts. Expect something big to happen March 15º. I’m working on boxing more, using my jab a lot, to improve. I don’t know a lot about my opponent, but I understand he likes to move a lot.

Shearns Boxing is happy to have Kendrick Ball, Jr. headline our Mar. 15º targeta,” SBP promoter Chuck Shearns comentat. “He’s a good kid whose family is rooted in Worcester boxing. There definitely is a rise in the number of quality fighters coming out of Worcester. This will probably be our last chance to watch Kendrick Jr. fighting in Worcester before his promoter, CES Boxing, has him fighting on the national scene.

Bola, who started boxing at 13, experienced an unusual start to his boxing career, losing his first nine amateur bouts, before becoming a decorated boxer who turned pro in 2016.

I wasn’t really ready, my head wasn’t into boxing when I started,” Ball explained. “I didn’t want to quit, and that experience taught me to never to give up. I knew that I was goodI had success sparring with prosbut it wasn’t there when I fought. I kept punching and grew into my own.

Ball captured gold medals at three Western Golden Gloves Championships, plus top honors at the Rocky Marciano Tournament, also becoming a prestigious USA New England champion.

Entrenat pel seu pare, Ken Ball, Sr., who owns and operates Camp Get Right gym in Worcester, Ball Sr. & Jr. have succeeded when many father-son relationships in boxing have often failed.

We have a tight bond and we’ve been doing this since he was little,” Ball Sr. reported. “It’s worked out well. I try to separate father-son and make it trainer-boxer, but that’s hard at times.

His son added, “It’s all good. Sometimes it’s difficult and becomes a little hard, but only because he’s pushing me. He’s my trainer, mostly, during fights.

Father and son agree that there is a boxing resurgence in Worcester, which has a rich history dating back a century, but it also went through a slow period. Ball is part of a gifted quartet that’s making noise today in boxing, joining Khiary gris, Jermaine Ortiz i Irvin Gonzalez.

Over the last three years,” Ball St. remarked, “boxing has been hot again in Worcester. There are a lot of talented, young boxers in Worcester. Once Khiary turned pro, that triggered a lot of boxers turning pro.

We’re all close,” Ball Jr. conclòs. “We’ve trained together and support each other.

Worcester boxing is on the rise and more talent is turning pro, starting Mar. 15º when Ball’s cousin, Minor, makes his long-awaited pro debut in a four-rounder versus Corey Morley (0-2-1), de Filadèlfia.

Undefeated Providence light heavyweight Angel Camacho, Jr. (15-0, 5 KOs) returns to the ring after a three-year absence in a six-round bout, co-featured event against Dallas challenger Taronze Washington (17-26, 9 KOs).

Undefeated Southbridge, MA welterweight Wilfredo “el Sucaro” pagà (5-0, 3 KOs) takes on upset-minded Peruvian Carlos Galindo (1-7), fighting out of Woburn, Massachusetts, in a four-round clash.

També lluitant a la targeta inferior, all in four-round fights, are Springfield, MA lightweightCalixto Cruz (1-0) vs. TBA, Worcester cruiserweight Jake Paradise (0-2) vs. Francisco Artri Neto (0-2), de Woburn, Massachusetts, New Britain, CT Nathan Martinez (2-0) vs. TBA, and Bridgeport, CT junior lightweight Carlos Marrero III (0-2-1) vs. Worcester’s Edwin Rosat (1-8-1, 1 KO).

Totes les baralles i els lluitadors estan subjectes a canvi.

General admission tickets are priced at $25.00 and available to purchase online atthepalladium.net. Boxers on the card have $50.00 i $25.00 tickets to sell.

Les portes obren a 6 p.m. I, first fight at 7 p.m. I.

Event sponsors include Lundgren Collision, Tecate, Grill 57, Worcester Railers, Worcester Red Sox, Palley Advertising, and Allstate Insurance.



Refilo: @ShearnsBoxing

3-temps, 2-division world champion Jose Antonio Rivera returns with a bang KO winner in his first fight in 7 any

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-campió del món de la divisió
Divendres, Agost 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
THE CHAMP IS BACK: referee Bob Benoit (L) and Jose Antonio Rivera

WORCESTER, Missa. (Agost 19, 2018) – Seven years after his last fight, “El Gall” José Antonio Rivera returned to the ring in grand fashion last night (Dissabte) al titular “Retorn, presented by Granite Chin Promotions in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment, al Palladium a Worcester, Massachusetts.




The 45-year-old Rivera (42-6-1, 25 KOs), 35 pounds lighter than he was in February when he started training, packed the house in his hometown, fully entertained his supportive fans. Tres vegades, two-division world champion Rivera pressured LarrySlomoshun: Herrero (10-38-1, 7 KOs) from the opening bell and he never let up.




It took a few rounds for Rivera to wear off the rust, but he fed Smith a steady diet of body shots, gradually breaking down his opponent, as he won round after round on points. Twice in the sixth round it looked like Smith was done, but the tough Texan showed a lot of heart to survive.




Finalment, Rivera closed the show in the seventh round, when Smith broke his hand in the fifth round and was unable to continue, kneeling in his corner, obviously in pain.




I’ve always been tough,” Rivera said after the fight, “but I was a little rusty. He tested me early but, once he saw I wasn’t going anywhere and knew he was in for a fight. I started warming up in the fourth round. I was always a 12-round fighter. I didn’t know he broke his hand until after the fight. Em sento molt bé. We gave a good fight to the fans who have always supported me.




I give myself a C+ tonight. I’m going to talk with my family, but I’m thinking about one more fight, to make it 50 for his pro career).”




José Antonio Rivera (R) had a successful comeback fight




En l'esdeveniment co estel·lar, Worcester super middleweight Kendrick Ball, Jr. (10-1-2, 7 KOs) demolished Fabian “El Lobo” Valdez (2-4), flooring him with a right uppercut and soon after finished him with a vicious body shot for a technical-knockout victory in the opening round. The popular Ball was fighting at home for the first time as a professional




The rematch between Worcester junior middleweight Khiary gris (16-4, 12 KOs) i Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-34, 4 KOs) ended in the same fashion as their first encounter did three years ago. Also fighting at home for the first time, Gray blasted out his game opponent, cracking him with a picture-perfect, left-fight combination that put Fernandez on his back. Fernandez beat the count, but referee Bob Benoit halted the action.



Southbridge, MA junior middleweight Wilfredo “el Sucaro” pagà (5-0, 3 KOs) romàs invicte, using a relentless body attack to drop EngelbertoGuarura” Valenzuela (11-15, 3 KOs) tres vegades, the last ending the fight midway through the third round.




Springfield, MA junior lightweight Joshua Orta (1-0, 1 KO) turned in an impressive pro debut in a barn-burner that ended when (1-8-1, 1 KO), of Worcester, was unable to continue fighting after the third round.




Worcester welterweight Eslih Owuso (1-0) pitched a shutout in his pro debut, decking veteran Bryan “The Brick” Abraham (6-31-2, 6 KOs) dues vegades en la segona ronda, en ruta a una victòria per decisió unànime.




In the opening bout of the night, 45-anys d'edat Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (5-14-1, 2 KOs) caigut Patrick Leal (0-5) 10-seconds into the fight, once more later in the opening round, and stopped him in the second. Oritz, fighting out of Springfield, MA by way of Puerto Rico, was fighting for the first time in five years, and he registered his first victory in seven.

Resultats oficials a continuació:




MAIN EVENT – Els pesos mitjans

José Antonio Rivera (42-6-1, 25 KOs), Worcester, Massachusetts

WTKO 7 (1:07)

Larry Smith (10-38-1, 7 KOs), Dallas, Texas




CO-FEATURE – Súper mitjans

Kendrick Ball, Jr. (10-1-2, 7 KOs), Worcester, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2:21)

Fabian Valdez (2-4, 0 KOs), Cananea Sonora, Mèxic





Jose Angel Ortiz (5-13-1, 2 KOs), Springfield, Massachusetts

WTKO2 (1:03)

Patrick Leal (0-5), Somerville, Massachusetts.





Khiary gris (16-4, 12 KOs), Worcester, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2:27)

Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-34, 4 KOs), Brockton, Massachusetts




Wilfredo Pagan (5-0, 3 KOs), Southbridge, Massachusetts

WTKO3 (1:29)

Engelberto Valenzuela (11-15, 3 KOs), Agua Prieta, Mèxic





Eslih Owusu (1-0), Worcester, Massachusetts

WDEC4 (40-34, 40-35, 40-36)

Bryan Abraham (6-31-2, 6 KOs), Schenectady, Nova York






Joshua Orta 1-0, 1 KO), Springfield, Massachusetts

WTKO3 (3:00)

Edwin Rosat (1-8-1, 1 KO), Worcester, Massachusetts





Event sponsors included Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Llic. Maria M. Rivera-Cotto Championsofhealth@USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings

Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57.




A portion of the proceeds was donated to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.


Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChinPromotions

Refilo: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

New “Retorn” opponent for headliner “El Gall” José Antonio Rivera

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-campió del món de la divisió
Divendres, Agost 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
Aquest divendres night at The Palladium in Worcester, Massachusetts

WORCESTER, Missa. (Agost 15, 2018) – Tres vegades, de dues divisions campió del món “El Gall” Jose Rivera has a new opponent for his comeback fight this Friday night in “Retorn”, presentat per Granite Chin Promotions (GCP) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), al Palladium a Worcester, Massachusetts.




The 45-year-old Rivera (41-6-1, 24 KOs), who was matched against RubenModern Day WarriorGalvan, didn’t find out until yesterday (Dimarts) that Galvan had broken a finger the night before. Texas veteran LarrySlomoshun” Herrero (10-37-1, 7 KOs) is the late replacement for Rivera in the eight-round main event.




I am not a fan of late changes,” Rivera said, “but at this point it’s either that or no fight, and I’ve trained too hard not to fight.




Rivera last fought in 2011, taking an eight-round decision over Paul Mpendo, at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut.




The name of the event is “Retorn” because five fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals.




Super middleweight Kendrick Ball, Jr. (9-1-2, 6 KOs) and junior middleweight Khiary gris(15-4, 11 KOs), both promoted by CES Boxing, will be fighting at home in Worcester as pros for the first time in a pair of six-round bouts. Ball faces Mexican FabianEl Lobo” Valdez (2-3) in the co-featured event, while Gray (15-4, 11 KOs) cares Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-33, 4 KOs), of Brockton, Massachusetts, in a rematch of a fight won by Gray.




Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in four-round bouts are Southbridge, MA welterweight Wilfredo “el Sucaro” pagà (4-0, 2 KOs) vs. EngelbertoGuarura” Valenzuela (11-14, 3 KOs), Springfield’s (Massachusetts) pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta vs. Worcester’s Edwin Rosat (1-7-1, 1 KO), Worcester’s pro-debuting welterweight Eslih Owusu.vs. Bryan “The Brick” Abraham (6-30-2, 6 KOs) i Springfield, MA welterweight Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (4-13-1, 1 KO) vs. Somerville’s (Massachusetts) Patrick Leal (0-4).




Totes les baralles i els lluitadors estan subjectes a canvi.




Entrades, preu de $75.00 (ringside) i $45.00 (entrada general), estan a la venda i disponibles per comprar a www.ThePalladium.net oa la taquilla Palladium (Només l'entrada general), o posant-se en contacte Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) o qualsevol dels combatents.




Les portes obren a 6 p.m. I, primer combat 7 p.m. I.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Llic. Maria M. Rivera-Cotto,Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.



Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Refilo: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

“El Gall” José Antonio Rivera “Retorn” Open Workout Photo Gallery

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-campió del món de la divisió
Divendres, Agost 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
“El Gall” José Antonio Rivera
“Retorn” Open Workout
Photo Gallery
El campió està de tornada – José Antonio Rivera
Photo Gallery belowall pictures courtesy of Cristian Nunez
WORCESTER, Missa. (Agost 9, 2018) — Tres vegades, de dues divisions campió del món “El Gall” Jose Rivera held an open workout yesterday at Camp Get Right in Worcester, Massachusetts, in preparation for his comeback fight Agost 17, com a cap de cartell “Retorn, presentat per Granite Chin Promotions (GCP) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), al Palladium a Worcester, Massachusetts.
Rivera (41-6-1, 24 KOs) headlines against RubenModern Day WarriorGalvan (27-26-4, 10 KOs) in the eight-round main event.
The name of the event is “Retorn” because five fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals: Kendrick Ball, Jr. (9-1-2, 6 KOs), mitjà júnior Khiary gris (15-4, 11 KOs) and pro-debuting Eslih Owusu.
Bola, Jr. and Owusu, along with nearby Southbridge’s Wilfredo “El Sacaro” pagà and Worcester’s Edwin Rosat, joined Rivera at last night’s open workout.
Entrades, preu de $75.00 (ringside) i $45.00 (entrada general), estan a la venda i disponibles per comprar a www.ThePalladium.net oa la taquilla Palladium (Només l'entrada general), o posant-se en contacte Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) o qualsevol dels combatents.
Les portes obren a 6 p.m. I, primer combat 7 p.m. I.
Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Llic. Maria M. Rivera-Cotto, Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).
A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.
Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions
Refilo: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera, @Granite_Chin

(L-R) — Co-promoter Chuck Shearns & José Antonio Rivera

Jose Antonio Rivera with Kendrick Ball, Jr. being interviewed in background

José Antonio Rivera

José Antonio Rivera
Kendrick Ball, Jr.
Kendrick Ball, Jr.
Kendrick Ball, Jr.

“El Gall” Jose Antonio Rivera to headline “Retorn”

El campió està de tornada!
Agost 17 al Palladium a Worcester, Massachusetts
“El Gall” Jose Antonio Rivera hitting the pads with his trainer Sean Fitzgerald


WORCESTER, Missa. (Juliol 31, 2018) – A dozen years after he captured his third world title in two different weight classes, seven since his last fight, “El Gall” Jose Rivera returns to the ring August 17 al titular “Retorn”, presentat per Granite Chin Promotions (GCP) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), al Palladium a Worcester, Massachusetts.




The 45-year-old Rivera (41-6-1, 24 KOs) has already lost more than 30 lliura, now within four pounds of his contracted weight, since he started training earlier this year. He will headline against RubenModern Day WarriorGalvan (27-26-4, 10 KOs) in the eight-round main event.




En 1997, Rivera captured the International Boxing Organization (IBO) World welterweight title, parada Gilberto Flores en la segona ronda. Six years later, he traveled to Germany to take on undefeated, favorit local Michel Trabant (38-0) for the vacant World Boxing Association (AMB) World Welterweight Championship, in which Rivera won a 12-round decision and the belt.




In front of nearly 10,000 hometown fans in Worcester, Rivera capped his boxing career by winning a 12-round unanimous decision in 2006 over defending champion Alejandro Garcia(25-1) for the WBA World super welterweight title.




The idea to return to the ring started with my son. A. J., and I talking about chasing history,” Rivera ha explicat. “We are not able to put that together right now (A. J. was born with Spina Bifida and he was unable to secure medical clearance in time for the Aug. 17º show.), but because of my hard work these last six months, I felt that it was only fitting to continue with my fight.




Granite Chin Promotions has been very instrumental to make sure that this show is put together in the most professional manner possible. I won’t think our promotional company (Jos and A.J. own and operate RPE Promotions Entertainment) would have been able to pull this off. All the negotiations had to be done and me training the only way I know how, at a championship level, would have been too much for us to handle.




Promocions de Granit Chin’ co-promoter Chuck Shearns addicional, “When Jose and I started talking about his ring return, I was the last person to think he was crazy. We were friends during his championship days and I know how incredibly committed and disciplined Jose is. Vaig lluitar en 49 anys, not to compare myself to the level Jose has been on, but I know that it can be done. What everyone should know is how well Jose has taken care of himself during his thirties and into his forties. Did I ever think that Chris (Traietti, GCP co-promoter) and I would be co-promoting Jose’s comeback? No, but I’m happy to be involved and I will support him as far as he wants to take this. He’s been training like he’s 25 and Jose’s going to surprise some people.




During Rivera’s title reigns, unlike other world champions, he also held a full-time job as a court officer in the Massachusetts Trial Court, a position in Worcester that he still holds 17 years later. Between working and training, never mind his family responsibilities, Jose somehow manages to balance everything in his extremely busy life.




Let’s just say it makes for a busy schedule,” Rivera remarked. “I am committed to taking care of my family and will do whatever it takes. I usually run before work and train after work. Starting early and finishing late makes for busy days, but the job needs to get done. Ara, I’m in the middle of the hardest period of training. The week of the fight is more about preparing mentally and making weight. There’s nothing you can do the week of the fight to help you get into better shape.




Rivera isn’t under any illusions that his comeback will lead to another major world title. The plan is for him to have two more fights to reach a total of 50 com a professional, but he’s taking things one fight at a time, and he still hopes his next fight, tentatively slated for later this year, will be on the same card as his son’s pro debut.




Rivera last fought in 2011, taking an eight-round decision over Paul Mpendo, at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut. The battle-tested Galvan, his Aug. 17º opponent from Indiana, has fought other world champions, Including Zab Judah, Juli Cèsar Chavez, Jr., Jorge Paez i Paul Spadafora.




I hear he comes to fight and that he likes to fool around a bit to try and get into his opponent’s head,” Rivera added. I’ve concentrated on me, my timing and focus on the game plan




Training for this fight has been more mental than anything else. I have been able to reach peak performance at 45 training like I did in my prime. The most important thing is that, working with my trainer Sean Fitzgerald, I’ve been focused on making sure my timing gets better since it’s been seven years since I last fought.




“I, per descomptat, it’s always a great feeling to box in front of my hometown fans. Their support is always appreciated.




The name of the event is “Retorn” because six fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals.




De pes mitjà Kendrick Ball, Jr. (9-1-2, 6 KOs) and junior middleweight Khiary gris (15-4, 11 KOs), both promoted by CES Boxing, will be fighting at home in Worcester as pros for the first time in a pair of six-round bouts. Ball meets Demetrio Walker (8-21-2, 4 KOs) in the co-featured event, while Gray (15-4, 11 KOs) cares Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-33, 4 KOs), of Brockton, Massachusetts, in a rematch of a fight won by Gray.




Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in four-round bouts are Springfield, MA welterweight Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (4-13-1, 1 KO) vs. Seth Basler (0-8) and pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta vs. Worcester’s Edwin Rosat (1-7-1, 1 KO), Southbridge, MA welterweight Wilfredo “el Sucaro” pagà (4-0, 2 KOs) vs. TBA, and Worcester’s pro-debuting welterweight Eslih Owusu.vs. Bryan “The Brick” Abraham (6-30-2, 6 KOs).




Totes les baralles i els lluitadors estan subjectes a canvi.




Entrades, preu de $75.00 (ringside) i $45.00 (entrada general), estan a la venda i disponibles per comprar a www.ThePalladium.net oa la taquilla Palladium (Només l'entrada general), o posant-se en contacte Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) o qualsevol dels combatents.




Les portes obren a 6 p.m. I, primer combat 7 p.m. I.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Llic. Maria M. Rivera-Cotto,Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.



Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Refilo: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin


Airing on FITE TV PPV, Juny 9, from Rhode Island
CIUTAT DE NOVA YORK (Juny 8, 2017) — Boxing fans may watch tomorrow night’s entire CES Boxing card, a partir de 7:00 p.m. I, simply by downloading the FITE app and then cast the fight to the big screen by using the instant stream-to-TV function. L'aplicació FITE funciona amb qualsevol televisió connectada per Wi-Fi d'arreu del món, Dispositius iOS i Android, així com dispositius de streaming com Roku, Chromecast i molt més. Els aficionats també poden veure els combats en directe al lloc web de FITE a www.fite.tv des de qualsevol ordinador.
Esdeveniment Inici – New England Junior Middleweight Championship (8)
Greg Vendetti (14-2-1, 10 KOs), Campió, Stoneham, Massachusetts 152 lliura.
Khiary gris (14-2, 11 KOs), Desafiador, Worcester, Massachusetts 154 lliura.
Co-Feature – Junior Middleweights (8)
Mark DeLuca (18-0, 12 KOs), Quincy, Massachusetts 154 lliura.
Chris Chatman (14-6-1, 5 KOs), Chicago, Illinois 156 lliura.

Pesos pesats (6)

Juiseppe Cusumano (10-1, 8 KOs), Richmond, Virginia 235 lliura.
Dan Biddle (9-6, 5 KOs), Wilmington, DE 224 lliura.
Els pesos mitjans (6)
Kendrick Ball, Sr. (6-0-2, 5 KOs), Worcester, Massachusetts 163 lliura.
Godson Noel (6-0-1, 4 KOs), Newark, Nova Jersey 162 lliura.
Lightweights (6)
Anthony Marsella, Jr. (4-0, 2 KOs), Providència, Rhode Island 135 lliura.
Abraham Torres (3-1, 1 KO), Dallas, TX 136 lliura.

Lightweights (4)

Michael Valentin (per al debut), Providència, Rhode Island 137 lliura.
Kevin De Freitas (per al debut), Somerville, Massachusetts 137 lliura.

Matt Doherty (6-3-1, 4 KOs), Salem, Massachusetts 138 lliura.

Placido Hoff (1-1-1), Providència, Rhode Island 136 lliura

Featherweights (4)
Ricky Delossantos (1-0), Pawtucket, Rhode Island 126 lliura.
Malcolm Simms (0-0-1), Newark, Nova Jersey 124 lliura.
QUAN: Divendres, Juny 9, 2017
ON: Twin River, a Lincoln, Rhode Island, EUA
LIVE STREAMING: Available to watch live on the FITE app and its website for a suggested retail price of $14.99.
FITE TV és una xarxa d'esports de combat que inclou boxa, Programació de MMA i lluita lliure. FITE ofereix als espectadors l'opció de veure el programa en línia a www.FITE.tv, al seu dispositiu mòbil o al seu televisor connectat a WiFi mitjançant l'aplicació FITE. L'aplicació FITE es pot descarregar gratuïtament a Google Play o a les botigues d'aplicacions d'iTunes.

FITE TV to stream New England Jr. Middleweight Championship

FITE TV to stream
New England Jr. Middleweight Championship
Live on PPV, Juny 9, from Rhode Island
CIUTAT DE NOVA YORK (Maig 25, 2017) – FITE TV will stream the entire CES Boxing card, featuring the New England junior middleweight title fight, el divendres nit, Juny 9, a partir de 7 p.m. I / 4 p.m. PT, live on Pay Per View from Twin River Casino in Lincoln, Rhode Island.
FITE TV és una xarxa d'esports de combat que inclou boxa, Programació de MMA i lluita lliure. FITE ofereix als espectadors l'opció de veure el programa en línia a www.FITE.tv, al seu dispositiu mòbil o al seu televisor connectat a WiFi mitjançant l'aplicació FITE. L'aplicació FITE es pot descarregar gratuïtament a Google Play o a les botigues d'aplicacions d'iTunes.
The June 9º CES Boxing show is available to watch on the FITE app and website for a suggested retail price of $14.99.
Els aficionats a la boxa poden veure la targeta sencera simplement baixant l'aplicació FITE i després llançar la lluita a la pantalla gran mitjançant la funció de transmissió instantània a la televisió. L'aplicació FITE funciona amb qualsevol televisió connectada per Wi-Fi d'arreu del món, Dispositius iOS i Android, així com dispositius de streaming com Roku, Chromecast i molt més. Els aficionats també poden veure els combats en directe al lloc web de FITE a www.fite.tv des de qualsevol ordinador.
N.E. Junior Middleweight champion Greg Vendetti (14-2-1, 10 KOs), fighting out of Stoneham (Massachusetts), will defend his title against Worcester’s (Massachusetts) Khiary gris (14-2, 11 KOs) in the eight-round main event. Vendetti is riding a 10-fight win streak, knocking out eight opponents during this stretch, while Gray is a former Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) International and Northeast Junior Middleweight champion.
The best fighter on the card is undefeated junior middleweight Mark “bazuca” DeLuca (18-0, 12 KOs), a U.S. Marine from Quincy (Massachusetts) who fought in Afghanistan. He’ll be tested by always-dangerous Chris Chatman (14-6-1, 5 KOs), de Chicago, in the eight-round co-feature bout.
En combats sis assalts, Worcester’s Kendrick Ball Jr.. (6-0-2, 5 KOs) faces fellow unbeaten middleweight Godson Noel (6-0-1, 4 KOs), de Newark (Nova Jersey); highly-touted Providence lightweight prospect Anthony Marsella, Jr. (4-0, 2 KOs) returns to fight Abraham Torres (3-1, 1 KO), de Dallas; Virginia heavyweight Joe Cusumano (10-1, 8 KOs) adquireix Dan Biddle (9-6, 5 KOs); New Bedford (Massachusetts) mitjà júnior Ray Oliveira, Jr. (7-1 1 KO) – son of former two-time IBU World champion Rayo “SucraOliveira – es reuneix Jose Rivera (3-1, 3 KOs), fighting out of Hartford (Connecticut), in a rematch of a fight won by Oliveira.
In another hotly-contested regional showdown, New London (Connecticut) welter júnior Cristobal Marrero (4-0, 2 KOs) squares off with fellow unbeaten Miguel Ortiz (2-0, 2 KOs) de Springfield (Massachusetts), in a four-round bout. Oher four-round matches include Salem (Massachusetts) welter júnior Matt Doherty (6-3-1, 4 KOs) vs. Providence’s Cido Hoff (1-1-1), Pawtucket (Rhode Island) pes ploma Ricky Delossantos (1-0) vs. Newark’s Malcolm Simms (0-0-1), and Providence’s pro-debuting Michael Valentin vs. TBA.
Totes les baralles i els lluitadors estan subjectes a canvi.
Cada setmana s'estan programant baralles de PPV addicionals a FITE TV.


Refilo: @FiteTV