Tag Archives: Ivana Habazin


La sensació de pes pesat Jaron Ennis continua la ratxa eliminatòria; Elin Cederroos afronta Alicia Napoleon Espinosa a la Unificació del Campionat Mundial de Pes Mitjà Super

 Mireu la presentació d ’Encore dilluns a 10 P.m. ET/PT On


 Feu clic aAQUÍ Per a fotos de Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

CIUTAT ATLÀNTICA - Gener 11, 2020 - Claressa Shields va tornar a la història reivindicant els campionats mundials WBC i WBO de 154 lliures amb una decisió unànime dominant sobre Ivana Habazin divendres a SHOWTIME de Ocean Casino Resort a Atlantic City.

Shields es va convertir en el lluitador més ràpid de la història, mascle o femella, guanyar títols mundials en tres divisions de pes diferents, superant el rècord de Vasiliy Lomachenko i Kosei Tanaka, que van realitzar la gesta tots dos 12 baralles. Es va aconseguir el tancament gairebé tancat 99-89, 100-90, 100-89. 

Escuts (10-0, 2 KOs) va dominar Habazin des de la campana d'obertura, utilitzant una forta punxa i una dieta constant de tirs corporals que van deixar al croat principalment en mode defensiu durant la lluita de deu rondes. A la sisena ronda, una sèrie de trets corporals van obligar Habazin a arrossegar-se el genoll en el primer tomb de la seva carrera. També va ser el primer enderrocament per a la doble medallista olímpica d'or i indiscutible campiona del món de pes mitjà de la seva carrera professional.

Després del tomb, Habazin va continuar endavant però ho va fer sense llançar molts cops de puny. Habazin (20-4, 7 KOs) va tirar just 285 comparat amb 516 per a Escuts, qui també es va connectar 38 per cent dels seus trets de poder en comparació amb només 18 per cent per a Habazin.

En la baralla co-estel·lar, sensació de pes welter Jaron Ennis va anotar la seva 15º eliminatòria consecutiva amb un TKO de quarta ronda dominant sobre el resistent Bakhtiyar Eyubov.

El nadiu de Filadèlfia que va canviar va sortir amb un ritme fulgurant a la primera, canviant de southpaw en el minut inicial mentre mostrava la seva potència i velocitat de mà. Una embestida de cops de puny perfectament sincronitzats va fer que el Eyubov, normalment resistent, fos per primera vegada a la seva carrera a mitjans de la primera ronda. Eyubov (14-1-2, 12 KOs) es va aixecar però va ser abandonat contra just 20 segons després, mentre el ritme tòrrid continuava. Eyubov va sobreviure a la ronda i Ennis (25-0, 23 KOs) va treure una mica el peu del gas al segon, però el pes welter invicte encara va aterrar a voluntat contra Eyubov, que va continuar avançant.

Abans de la quarta ronda, El comissari Larry Hazzard va advertir a Eyubov que deixaria la lluita si no veia millores. Amb Eyubov encara pressionant cap endavant però menjant desenes de cops de puny, l'àrbitre Earl Brown va intervenir per aturar la baralla :34 a les instruccions del Hazzard.

Ennis ara sí 23 nocauts en 25 baralles i 13 derrotes durant els seus últims sis combats. Durant quatre rondes, l’ennis increïblement efectiu va aterrar 47 per cent dels seus trets de poder.

“Sabíem que venia a lluitar i exercir pressió, així que ho vam barrejar,”, Va dir Ennis. "Era un bon lluitador, però en realitat no era tan fort. M’estaven colpejant una mica massa, però així ho vam fer per aconseguir la eliminatòria.

“Estàvem preparant-lo per a trets de força. Només calia calmar-me, això és tot. Estava massa exagerat. Un cop em vaig calmar i vaig entrar en el meu ritme, això era tot.

“Prenia molts càstigs. Sens dubte, va ser un gran lluitador. Agraeixo que lluiti perquè molts nois no volen lluitar contra mi ”.

Amb una altra actuació dominant, Ara Ennis fixa la seva mirada en el nivell superior d’una de les divisions més profundes i emocionants de la boxa.

“Hem estat desitjant a tots els nois,”, Va dir Ennis. “Continuen corrent. No poden córrer més. Sóc aquí mateix."

A la primera baralla de la transmissió per televisió, El campió del món de pes mig mitjà de la IBF, Elin Cederroos, va superar la campiona de l’AMB, Alicia Napoleon Espinosa, per unificar la divisió de pes mitjà super en una lluita intensa d’actes marcada 95-94 tres vegades.

Cederroos (7-0, 4 KOs) va ser més actiu des de la campana d'obertura, llançament 747 cops de puny total 10 rondes en comparació amb 432 per al lleugerament més eficaç Napoleó Espinosa (12-2, 7 KOs).  Però la diferència en els quadres de puntuació estrets va ser un tomb de segona ronda que Cederroos va registrar amb un control perfectament cronometrat de ganxo esquerre en els moments finals del segon. Va ser el primer enderroc de la carrera de Napoleó Espinosa i, finalment, el factor decisiu en els quadres de comandament.

"Estic tant feliç. Vaig demostrar que puc fer boxa i portar una guerra,”, Va dir Cederroos. “Però quan em vaig relaxar, els cops de puny van venir. Se sent tan meravellós. Alicia era una gran contrincant ”.

Napoleó Espinosa va ser un joc i va ferir el Cederroos suec diverses vegades, però va ser en gran part incapaç d’entrar-hi contra el seu oponent més alt que va aconseguir constantment els cops més grans a distància.

«No em pensava haver perdut. Vaig pensar que estava força a prop, però vaig pensar que estava per davant,”, Va dir Napoleó Espinosa. "És el que és, però no crec que hagi perdut aquesta baralla.

“Sé que era forta, però volia una baralla dura. Sé que Elin és atleta. No sento que vaig perdre. Tinc la sensació que era a prop ”.

Napoleó Espinosa esperava que una victòria la posicionés per a un 2020 lluita amb Claressa Shields al pes mitjà amb els quatre títols de 160 lliures de Shields a la línia.

"Enhorabona per la baralla amb Shields perquè això era el que esperava,”, Va dir Napoleó Espinosa.

L’esdeveniment va ser promogut per Salita Promotions en associació amb T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS.

Divendres SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader es reproduirà dilluns a les 10 p.m. ET / PT a SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Un equip de producció líder en la indústria i la tripulació d’anuncis van oferir totes les vistes, sons i drama d’Atlantic City. El veterà emissor Brian Custer va acollir la transmissió, la veu versàtil dels esports de combat, Mauro Ranallo, va cridar l’atenció al costat de l’analista del Saló de la Fama Al Bernstein i l’excampiona mundial de dues divisions Paulie Malignaggi. Tres salons de la fama van completar l’equip de transmissió SHOWTIME: Emmy® premiat reporter Jim Gray, el golejador no oficial de la zona, Steve Farhood, i el locutor de renom mundial, Jimmy Lennon Jr. El productor executiu de SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING va ser David Dinkins, Jr., el productor va ser Ray Smaltz i el director va ser Bob Dunphy.

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Un campió indiscutible de pes mitjà protegeix les batalles Habazin per al CMB vacant & Títols WBO 154 lliures en directe a SHOWTIME des de

Ocean Casino Resort a Atlantic City, N.J.

MIAMI(Gener 2, 2020) – A mesura que el calendari passa a una nova dècada, campió indiscutible de pes mitjàClaressa Escutsva compartir la seva resolució d'Any Nou abans del seu proper enfrontament contra l'excampionaIvana Habazinper als títols vacants de WBC i WBO de 154 lliures que tenen lloc divendres, Gener 10 viure en SHOWTIME des de l'Ocean Casino Resort a Atlantic City, N.J.

“Realment només tinc una resolució principal per al nou any – cap compromís,”, Va dir Shields. “Això val tant per a la meva vida personal com professional. També vull apropar-me a Déu i mantenir-me invicte. Jo anava a dir que deixeu de maleir també, però això no està passant ".

escuts vs. Habazin obrirà el 2020 any de grans esdeveniments de boxa, amb els Shields que volen convertir-se en el lluitador més ràpid de la història de la boxa, mascle o femella, per convertir-se en campió del món de tres divisions.

"Estic molt content de començar el 2020", va dir Shields. “Va acabar Gervonta Davis 2019 a SHOWTIME i, a continuació, el GWOAT aporta el nou any per a SHOWTIME a 2020. Serà un bon començament d’any. Entraré amb un xoc i disparo contra la eliminatòria.

«Estic molt emocionat de tenir Jaron Ennis a la targeta interior, massa. A mi, és el següent Roy Jones Jr.. de boxa. És llis, té poder, pot boxar i és un atleta dedicat a tot el món. Tinc ganes de compartir la targeta amb ell com a futur campió del món ”.

Shields s’ha entrenat a Miami amb el seu entrenador principal John David Jackson abans del seu debut de 154 lliures i ha pogut mantenir el focus i ha treballat per mantenir-se fort malgrat els dos ajornaments de la lluita.

"Vaig fer 154 lliures a l'octubre abans de la cancel·lació,”, Va dir Shields. “Després de cancel·lar la nostra lluita, Em vaig mantenir actiu i només em vaig posar a sobre 10 lliura. He estat a Florida les darreres sis o set setmanes. Ha estat un treball dur. M’he empès i no prenc a la lleugera Habazin. Vull la eliminatòria perquè Ivana parla massa. Em mantinc concentrat en estar concentrat, i no deixar que ningú em llanci dient tonteries.

«Ja no menjo carn. No he passat més de tres mesos, així que el meu cos està més tonificat ara. En realitat tinc un paquet de sis ja amb una mica més de pes a perdre. Crec que la gent se sorprendrà de la meva versió de 154 lliures. Seré molt fort i molt ràpid perquè bàsicament tinc cinc mesos per preparar-me i preparar-me específicament per a ella ".

Tot i el camp d’entrenament que la porta a través dels nombrosos esdeveniments festius que les masses celebren amb gola, Shields s’ha mantingut disciplinada per davant de la seva oportunitat de fer més història.

"Fer equilibris al voltant de les vacances és una cosa que faig des de fa anys,”, Va dir Shields. “Vaig estalviar molts diners en no tornar a casa per Nadal, això és segur. Però encara vaig parlar amb tota la meva família i vaig connectar amb tothom. Tinc una dieta molt estricta al campament i de fet em vaig entrenar el Nadal. Considero la meva dieta més com un pla de vida en general, i tinc els meus dies on espavilaré, però em mantinc disciplinat ”.

Abans de l’acte de la setmana que ve a Atlantic City, Shields planeja desencadenar i fer una altra declaració en el seu camí cap a una altra actuació guanyadora del campionat.

“No importa el que digui, aquest cop va arribar a l'octubre,”, Va dir Shields. “L’únic que faig és portar-lo a Atlantic City. La faré fora. Vaig a posar-li un cop molt diferent a causa del nivell de falta de respecte que m’ha demostrat. No deixaré que sigui irrespectuosa amb mi i la faré fora per tancar-la ".

L’esdeveniment està promogut per Salita Promotions en associació amb T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS.


La lluita femenina afegida a Blockbuster Shields vs.. Habazin Showdown a SHOWTIME BOXING: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL® Live At 9 P.m. ET / juny p.m. PT de Ocean Casino Resort a Atlantic City, N.J.

NOVA YORK - Desembre 13, 2019 - S'ha afegit un segon súper femení a la superproducció Claressa Shields vs.. Divendres esdeveniment d'Ivana Habazin, Gener 10, a l’Ocean Casino Resort a Atlantic City, N. J., Alicia "The Empress", campiona de la Super WBA de pes mitjà de la WBA, Napoleó-Espinosa, s'enfrontarà a la invicta campiona de l'IBF, Elin Cederroos, en una unificació de 10 rondes en directe a SHOWTIME.

Napoleó (12-1, 7 KOs), de Lindenhurst, N.Y. i Cederroos (7-0, 4 KOs), de Vasteraas, Suècia, es reunirà a la primera sessió de SHOWTIME BOXING: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL (9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT) en suport de l'esperat enfrontament entre la indiscutible campiona del món de pes mitjà Claressa Shields i l'excampiona Ivana Habazin pels títols mundials vacants de la WBC i la WBO de 154 lliures.

Si Shields i Napoleó guanyen els seus respectius combats el gener 10, s'espera que s'enfrontin al campionat mundial indiscutible de pes mitjà de 2020 amb els quatre títols de 160 lliures de Shields a la línia.

L’esdeveniment està promogut per Salita Promotions en associació amb T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS. Salita Promotions promou la lluita Napoleó-Espinosa contra Cederroos en associació amb DiBella Entertainment.

Napoleó es va convertir en campió de l'IBF Super Middleweight amb una decisió unànime de 10 rodes sobre l'excampiona mundial Femke Hermans al març 2018. La jove de 33 anys va defensar amb èxit el cinturó amb una altra decisió de deu ronda, aquesta vegada sobre l’escocesa Hannah Rankin a l’agost 2018. Napoleó va ser vist per última vegada fent la segona defensa amb èxit del seu títol aturant Schemelle Baldwin de Filadèlfia en quatre impressionants rondes a l'agost 2019.

“Estic molt emocionat d’unir-me amb el campió del món de l’IBF, Elin Cederroos, a SHOWTIME,”, Va dir Napoleó. “Estic molt agraït al meu promotor Lou DiBella, gerent Brian Cohen, els entrenadors Leon Taylor i Delen Parsley i el meu marit Roberto Espinosa per ser els ingredients clau per fer realitat aquest somni. Tinc un equip d’homes increïble que es manté fort al meu costat creient en mi, preparant-me i treballant molt per obrir-me les portes per prosperar. Estic beneït i preparat per guanyar i ofereixo una actuació memorable per a que tot el món la vegi aquella nit. Tinc ànims tremendos, estic emocionat i preparat per a la nit que ve. Gràcies a tothom, el meu equip, família i aficionats, per fer realitat aquesta oportunitat en un somni fet realitat ”.

Cederroos, de 34 anys, va reivindicar el seu campionat IBF només en la seva sisena baralla amb una decisió majoritària sobre Hermans al març de 2019. Lluitant com la persona baixa al jardí del seu oponent, Cederroos encara va ser capaç d’impressionar prou als jutges com per aconseguir la impressionant gesta. En el seu darrer combat, Cederroos va vèncer la kenyana Florence Muthoni en una lluita sense títol al novembre 2019 per KO de tercera ronda dominant.

“Alicia Napoleon és una gran campiona i serà la meva prova més dura, però estic preparat,”, Va dir Cederroos. “És un honor per a mi fer els meus Estats Units. debutar amb una targeta tan prestigiosa i fer-ho en una batalla d’unificació del títol mundial. Alicia i jo farem un gran espectacle.”

“Gener 10 Acabo de ser encara més emocionant amb l'afegit del partit entre dos campions de la divisió de pes mitjà súper,”, Va dir Dmitriy Salita. "Els assistents a la baralla a l'Ocean Casino Resort i tothom que la vegi en directe a SHOWTIME veuran els millors combats entre els millors en aquesta lluita de" pick-em "tan competitiva.. Un bon començament per a la boxa el 2020 ”.

“Alicia Napoleó-Espinosa és una campiona del món que té tot el paquet. És atlètica, ferotge, físicament fort i carismàtic,” va dir Lou DiBella, El president de DiBella Entertainment. “de gener 10, té la seva oportunitat més gran per lluitar contra Elin Cederroos, un altre campió del món. Aquesta és l’etapa més gran fins ara per a Alicia i Elin i espero que aportin tot el que tenen. Un d’ells sortirà del ring com a campió del món unificat i rival d’elit per Claressa Shields. Alicia confia que la seva mà estarà alçada.”

Un equip de producció líder en la indústria i la tripulació d’anuncis oferiran totes les vistes, sons i drama d’Atlantic City. L'emissor veterà Brian Custer acollirà la transmissió, mentre que la versàtil veu esportiva de combat Mauro Ranallo convocarà l'acció al costat de l'analista del Saló de la Fama Al Bernstein i l'excampiona del món de dues divisions Paulie Malignaggi al ring. Tres salons de la fama completen l’equip d’anuncis de SHOWTIME: el reporter guanyador del premi Emmy® Jim Gray, el golejador no oficial del ring Steve Farhood i el locutor de ring de renom mundial Jimmy Lennon Jr.. El productor executiu de SHOWTIME BOXING: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL és David Dinkins, Jr. amb la direcció de Bob Dunphy. La transmissió estarà disponible en castellà a través de la programació d'àudio secundària (SAP) amb Alejandro Luna i l'excampió del món Raúl Márquez convocant l'acció.


Shields Bidding To Become Fastest Three-Division Champion In Boxing History; BOXA DE SHOWTIME: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL® Live At 9 P.m. ET / juny p.m. PT From Ocean Casino Resort In Atlantic City, N.J.

NOVA YORK – Novembre 15, 2019 – The long-awaited showdown between undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Shields and former champion Ivana Habazin has been rescheduled for Friday, Gener 10 live on SHOWTIME from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J. Shields and Habazin will face off for the vacant WBC and WBO 154-pound world titles as Shields attempts to make history as the fastest fighter in boxing, mascle o femella, per convertir-se en campió del món de tres divisions.

Shields and Habazin were scheduled to fight on October 5 in Flint, em. The bout was called off less than 36 hours from the opening bell following an altercation at the official weigh-in that resulted in an injury to Habazin’s trainer, James Ali Bashir. This is the third date for Shields and Habazin. They were first scheduled to meet on August 17 before Shields withdrew due to a minor knee injury.

El gener 10 BOXA DE SHOWTIME: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL transmissió comença a 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT and will feature a WBA Super Lightweight World Title Eliminator between Shohjahon Ergashev (17-0, 15 KOs) and Keith Hunter (11-0, 7 KOs). The winner becomes the mandatory challenger for WBA Super Lightweight World Championship currently held by Mario Barrios.

escuts vs. Habazin is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS. Ergashev vs. Hunter is promoted in association with Greg Cohen Promotions. Ticket information for the live event will be announced next week.

The 24-year-old Shields (9-0, 2 KOs) became the undisputed middleweight champion with a near-shutout victory over previously undefeated world champion Christina Hammer in April on SHOWTIME. In doing so, the two-division titlist joined Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Oleksandr Usyk and Cecilia Braekhus as the only fighters to have unified all four major world titles in any weight class (Katie Taylor has since joined the prestigious list). de gener 10, Shields will seek to make even more history in her sixth headlining appearance on SHOWTIME. With a win over Habazin, Shields would become a three-division champion in just 10 extrems, breaking the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko and Kosei Tanaka, que van realitzar la gesta tots dos 12 baralles.

My goal is to become three-division champ faster than any man or woman in history,” Shields said. “This is a very significant fight for both of us. We have both trained really hard twice and great opportunities await the winner, so hopefully three times is the charm.

Habazin (20-3, 7 KOs), of Zagreb, Croàcia, is ranked No. 1 by the WBO at 154 lliura. The 30-year-old, who will be making her U.S. debut, won the IBF Welterweight Title over Sabrina Giuliani in 2014. In her next fight, Habazin dropped a unanimous decision to Braekhus in a historic unification bout where Braekhus picked up all four major world title belts. Més recentment, Habazin avenged one of only three losses in her career to Eva Bajic in Zagreb.

Habazin will train in her native Croatia and has dedicated the fight to Bashir.

I’ve been thinking about this since October and I have more of an incentive now given what happened,” Habazin said. “I feel like I’m fighting for James Ali Bashir, as well as for my own pride and respect. I’m also fighting for my country. I want to make Croatia proud that I am their daughter, and I feel that I now have their full support. Claressa is just a brief stop on my journey. I have bigger dreams and bigger shoes to fill in my life. I’m on my way to fulfilling my personal legendbeing crowned the undisputed women’s junior middleweight champion. This is just another step on that journey. Given my faith, I feel that while what happened in October was incredibly unfortunate, this was God’s plan. And I have faith that my hand will be raised in victory in January.

Shields was the first American boxer in history – mascle o femella – to win consecutive Olympic gold medals. She turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and headlined the first women’s boxing main event in premium television history in just her second professional fight in 2017. Shields became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight, and a two-division champion in her sixth professional contest. She was crowned the undisputed 160-pound champion in her ninth fight, less than three years after turning professional following the 2016 Jocs Olímpics.

“Gener 10 is going to be an important date in boxing history as Claressa continues her unprecedented journey toward greatness,” va dir Dmitriy Saleta, President of Salita Promotions. “A win over Ivana Habazin would make Claressain just her tenth fightthe fastest boxer ever to acquire world title belts in three weight categories. But a very determined, skilled and experienced boxer stands in her way, and Ivana is pursuing her own world championship dream. History will be claimed in the ring on January 10 at the Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City and live on SHOWTIME.

With five world titles in just nine professional fights, Claressa Shields has been making women’s boxing history at a record pace,” said manager Mark Taffet. “Ara, in her 10º fight on January 10, she seeks to win a world title in a third weight division faster than any man or woman in history, and in remarkable fashion by going down in weight each time. Claressa continues to render the impossible possible. It’s truly Herstory.

Ocean is proud to host Shields vs. Habazin inside Ovation Hall this January,” said Michael Donovan, Chief Marketing Officer and Senior Vice President, Ocean Casino Resort Atlantic City. “We are excited to bring world class boxing to Atlantic City and look forward to more shows in 2020.

Hard-hitting super lightweight Shohjahon Ergashev (17-0, 15 KOs), d'Uzbekistan, is ranked in the top-15 in three of the four major sanctioning bodies. The 27-year-old Ergashev is coming off an impressive fourth round knockout of veteran Abdiel Ramirez this past August on ShoBox: La Nova Generació. In his previous appearances on the prospect developmental series, the former member of the Uzbek national team scored a third round knockout against then top-10 rated Sonny Fredrickson, and a 10-round unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Mykal Fox. The hard-hitting southpaw currently trains in Detroit with Javan “Sucre” Hill at the new Kronk Gym with stablemate Vladimir Shishkin.

My goal is to be the junior welterweight champion of the world in 2020,Ergashev said. “After I win this fight I will be just one step away from realizing my dream of bringing the world title home to my country Uzbekistan.

The 27-year-old Hunter is ranked No. 12 a l'AMB. A native of Las Vegas, the 6-foot Hunter will make his national television debut against the first undefeated opponent of his career. Hunter, who is the younger brother of former Olympian Michael Hunter, trains at Bones Adams Gym in Las Vegas and is co-managed by former heavyweight champion Hasim Rahman.

I’m looking forward to making my national television debut on Showtime,” said KeithThe Bounty” Hunter. “Boxing is in my blood and January 10 will be my chance to take my career to the next level. Ergashev has a bounty on his head, I’m here to collect!”

Un equip de producció líder en la indústria i la tripulació d’anuncis oferiran totes les vistes, sons i drama d’Atlantic City. L'emissor veterà Brian Custer acollirà la transmissió, mentre que la versàtil veu esportiva de combat Mauro Ranallo convocarà l'acció al costat de l'analista del Saló de la Fama Al Bernstein i l'excampiona del món de dues divisions Paulie Malignaggi al ring. Three Hall of Famers round out the SHOWTIME announce teamEmmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, el golejador no oficial del ring Steve Farhood i el locutor de ring de renom mundial Jimmy Lennon Jr.. The Executive Producer of BOXA DE SHOWTIME: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL is David Dinkins, Jr. amb la direcció de Bob Dunphy. La transmissió estarà disponible en castellà a través de la programació d'àudio secundària (SAP) amb Alejandro Luna i l'excampió del món Raúl Márquez convocant l'acció.
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Undisputed Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields and Former Champion Ivana Habazin Meet for WBO Junior Middleweight Title Saturday, Octubre 5 En viu per Showtime®From Flint, em.

Feu clic a AQUÍ Per a les fotos; Crèdit: Julian Lajtai/SHOWTIME

MIAMI BEACH (Setembre 24, 2019) – Undisputed Middleweight World ChampionClaressa Escuts participated in a media workout in Miami on Tuesday in preparation for her upcoming showdown with Ivana Habazin dissabte que ve, Octubre 5 live on SHOWTIME from Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center in Flint, Michigan.

Shields will look to become the fastest fighter in history, mascle o femella, to win world titles in three divisions when she faces Habazin for the WBO Junior Middleweight World Title in the main event of BOXA DE SHOWTIME: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL in her hometown of Flint.

Also participating in Tuesday’s workout was IBO Super Welterweight Champion Hannah Rankin, who competes in a non-televised undercard attraction next Saturday.

escuts vs. Habazin is promoted by Salita Promotions. Tickets for the live event can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com and at the Dort Center box office.

In the televised co-feature on October 5, undefeated welterweight sensation Jaron Ennis will return to national television against once-beaten Demian Daniel Fernandez in a 10-round bout. In the SHOWTIME opener, undefeated heavyweight prospect Jermaine Franklin will face once-beaten Pavel Sour less than an hour from his hometown of Saginaw, em.

Here’s what the fighters had to say on Tuesday from the famed 5º Street Gym in Miami Beach:

Claressa ESCUTS, Undisputed Middleweight World Champion

I love boxing and I love that I’m one of the women who is carrying the sport, making it bigger and more well known. We’re getting more respect.

There are fighters out there who believe that they can beat me and that really motivates me. That’s why I train and put in the time that I do.

I want to show everybody that I’m a truly great fighter. I can beat Vasiliy Lomachenko’s record of winning titles in three divisions in 10 fights instead of 12. Més, I’m going backwards, not going up in weight, where there are better challenges for me.

My performances will lead to bigger fights and bigger purses for me and my opponents. I’m just going to keep building my name and building my brand.

With this fight against Habazin, I’m definitely going in looking for the knockout. If I get it in spectacular fashion, that will go viral and help push my career forward.

It means everything to have this fight back in my hometown. I want to be the good news for Flint and make people smile. I’m happy to be bringing a fight back home while I’m still on top. I feel like Flint will be uplifted by that.

Everyone back home is really excited for this event. It’s going to be a huge homecoming for me on October 5.

Muhammad Ali has trained here at 5º Street Gym and every time I train here I feel like I’m in his presence. It makes me want to be even greater. He’s the GOAT and I’m going to be the GWOAT.

Being here in Florida is great for the weight cut. I’ve been down here for nine weeks and it’s hot every day. I’m sweating and working hard and the pounds are just coming off.

HANNAH RANKIN, IBO Super Welterweight Champion

It’s fantastic to be in Florida training for this fight. Everything has been perfect and I’m feeling great.

I’m really looking forward to October 5. Me and my opponent are going to put on a great show for fans for six rounds or as long as it lasts. I want to show them what women’s boxing is about.

There are lots of exciting things in the cards for me after this fight. I’m ready to take on the top fighters and pursue world titles at 154-pounds. I can’t wait to show everyone what I can do.

# # #

Undisputed Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields will aim to make history by becoming the fastest fighter in boxing, mascle o femella, to become a three-division world champion when she takes on former world champion Ivana Habazin Saturday, Octubre 5 en viu per SHOWTIME.

The showdown for the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight Title headlines a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION telecast at 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT from Dort Federal Event Center in Shieldshometown of Flint, em. The vacant WBC Women’s Diamond Super Welterweight Championship will also be on the line in Shieldsfirst professional fight in her hometown.


Més “All DetroitShowdown Between Rising Contender Ja’Rico O’Quinn & James Smith Highlights Non-Televised Undercard Action From Dort Federal Events Center In Flint, em.

NOVA YORK – Setembre 5, 2019 – Undefeated American heavyweight prospect Jermaine Franklins'enfrontarà aPavel Sour en dissabte, Octubre 5 live on SHOWTIME from Dort Federal Events Center in Flint, em.

Franklin (19-0, 13 KOs) will make his third consecutive SHOWTIME appearance of 2019 as he seeks a definitive victory less than an hour from his hometown of Saginaw, em. The 25-year-old will take on once-beaten Czech Republic heavyweight Sour (11-1, 6 KOs) a la cartellera d'unBOXA DE SHOWTIME: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL telecast headlined by Claressa Shields vs. Ivana Habazin.

Headlining the non-televised undercard will be anAll Detroitshowdown between crosstown rivals, as West Detroit’sJa’RicoGreat Lakes KingO’Quinn and East Detroit’sJames “O.G.” Herrero battle in a 10-round fight for Motown super flyweight supremacy.

Tickets for the live event, el qual és promogut per Saleta, are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com and at the Dort Center box office.

Considered one of the top American heavyweight prospects, Franklin is a former amateur standout and 2014 National Golden Gloves Champion. He passed on the opportunity to compete for a spot on the 2016 Olympic Games and, after turning professional in 2015, built his undefeated record with relative ease through his first 17 baralles. En 2019, Franklin stepped up his level of opposition in consecutive fights on SHOWTIME, earning a unanimous decision over former No. 1-ranked U.S. amateur Rydell Booker in April, followed by a hard-fought split-decision over Jerry Forrest in July. Ara, the 6-foot-2 Franklin returns for his third bout of the year seeking a conclusive victory for his hometown fans.

This is what I have been waiting for,” said Franklin. “I can’t wait to put a show on in front of my hometown with friends and family in the crowd. I’ve been working on my diet and taking better care of my body since my last fight. I’m focused on not wasting any punches and letting the knockout come naturally, not pushing for it. I’m going to be better conditioned and more patient and finally prove to fans why I’m America’s next great heavyweight.

Sour turned professional in 2016 and has won 11 de la seva primera 12 baralles professionals. The 36-year-old is coming off a career-best win over previously undefeated Tomas Salek for the regional Czech heavyweight title. The 6-foot-5 Sour has fought all but one of his professional bouts in his native Czech Republic and will make his U.S. debut against Franklin. He was an accomplished amateur overseas and racked up an 80-43-2 record while representing the Czech national team from 2008 a 2015. The lone blemish on Sour’s record is a 2017 loss to highly regarded unbeaten heavyweight Filip Hrgovic.

I have the technique, speed and power to beat Jermaine Franklin,” said Sour. “I am in great shape, I’m training hard and I’m very confident heading into this fight. Franklin is underestimating me because of my age, but I’m going to show him he’s wrong and have my hand raised when the final bell rings.

Jermaine Franklin is on a mission to show the world that he is the top new heavyweight on the scene,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita, President of Salita Promotions. “He will fight the big and strong Pavel Sour who is coming off a career-best win. This is a significant heavyweight fight that will add to the already historic and electric event on October 5 headlined by Claressa Shields vs. Ivana Habazin.

The 24-year-old O’Quinn (12-0-1, 8 KOs) stands 5-foot-6 and is rated No. 13 in the world by the WBO. Blazing-fast hands and effortless combination punching have allowed the undefeated O’Quinn to become a favorite among Motor City fight fans. O’Quinn was the No. 1-ranked amateur bantamweight in the country before turning professional in 2015. He was last seen on April 13 of this year at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, winning a dominant unanimous eight-round decision over Minnesota veteran Vicente Alfaro Martinez.

On October 5 you can expect nothing less than what I always do and that’s win!” said O’Quinn. “This is the biggest fight of my professional career and my first 10-round fight and I’m taking it very seriously. I will look the best I’ve looked as pro on that night and after the fight I’ll be looking for bigger names to take on in the super flyweight division.

A 29-year-old standing 5-foot-3, Herrero (13-2, 7 KOs) carries a reputation as a throwback and one of the most exciting Detroit fighters of the last decade. Known for his fearless aggression in the ring, Smith’s fights are alwaysmust seefare for Detroiters. Also an accomplished amateur, Smith is a former National Amateur Champion and eight-time Golden Gloves Champion. His last fight came in February of this year at the Performance Arts Center in Dearborn, Mich., where he won a unanimous six-round decision over Mexico’s Jonathan Lecona Ramos.

My opponent is solid, but he’s not on my level,” va dir Smith. “He throws a lot of punches but he slaps a lot. There is nothing he can show me that I have not already seen before. The fans can always expect an exciting fight when it comes to me. I’m going to always put it all on the line to win.

Detroit is one of the best boxing fight cities in the country and this fight is an example of that,” Said Paraula. “Ja’Rico is touted as one of the best American super flyweights, while James Smith was a can’t-miss prospect when he turned professional. This fight could turn out to be the fight of the night because both guys will leave it all in the ring to win. Will it be Ja’Rico’s speed and timing, or will James Smith grind him down with his aggression and pressure? No matter who wins, this will be an unforgettable war.

Barry Tompkins will call theBOXA DE SHOWTIME: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing. U�5rkl�


Shields Fights To Become Three-Division World Champion
In Hometown Debut From Dort Federal
Event Center In Flint, em.

Live At 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT

Tickets on Sale TODAY at 2 p.m. I!

NOVA YORK – Agost 6, 2019 – Undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Escuts’ attempt at history has been rescheduled for Saturday, Octubre 5 en viu per SHOWTIME. Shields will aim to make history as the fastest fighter in boxing, mascle o femella, to become a three-division world champion when she takes on former world championIvana Habazin for the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight Title onBOXA DE SHOWTIME: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL (9 p.m. I / 6 p.m. PT) from Dort Federal Event Center in Flint, em.

The vacant WBC Women’s Diamond Super Welterweight Championship will also be on the line in Shieldsfirst professional fight in her hometown.
The homecoming fight was initially scheduled for August 17 and postponed in June after Shields suffered a minor injury to her right knee while doing roadwork.
escuts vs. Habazin is promoted by Salita Promotions. Tickets for the live event go on sale today/Tuesday, Agost 6 a 2 p.m. ET and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com and at the Dort Center box office.
The 24-year-old Shields (9-0, 2 KOs) is a two-division titlist who became the undisputed middleweight champion with a near-shutout victory over Christina Hammer in April on SHOWTIME. In doing so, she joined Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Oleksandr Usyk and Cecilia Braekhus as the only fighters to have unified all four major world titles in any weight class (Katie Taylor has since joined the prestigious list).
Ara, the Flint star seeks to make even more history in her sixth headlining appearance on SHOWTIME. With a win over Habazin, Shields would become a three-division champion in just 10 extrems, breaking the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko, who accomplished the feat in 12 baralles.
I’m more excited than ever. Estic 100 percent recovered, and I can’t wait to get back in the ring and fight in front of my hometown fans in Flint as undisputed champion of the world,” va dir Shields. “Having the opportunity to become world champion in a third weight division faster than any man or woman in boxing history will make October 5 a night I will cherish forever. It’s another big step in history, and giant step forward in lifting women’s boxing on the road to equality.
Habazin (20-3, 7 KOs), of Zagreb, Croàcia, is ranked No. 1 by the WBO at 154 lliura. El jove de 29 anys, who will be making her U.S. debut, won the IBF Welterweight Title over Sabrina Giuliani in 2014. In her next fight, Habazin dropped a unanimous decision to Braekhus in a historic unification bout where Braekhus picked up all four major world title belts. Més recentment, Habazin avenged one of only three losses in her career to Eva Bajic in Zagreb.
It’s an honor and a dream to fight in the U.S. on national television,” Habazin said. “A lot of fighters never get this opportunity in their careers so I know I need to make the most of it. I’ve been training for this fight since June and the postponement has only given me more time to get ready. I intend to put my best effort forward to impress the fans and show that I am for real.
I am not just coming to fight for a world title, I am fighting for my life and my career. I believe I am the best and now I got the chance to prove that, and there is no better opponent for that than Claressa Shields.
Shields was the first American boxer in history – mascle o femella – to win consecutive Olympic gold medals. She turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and headlined the first women’s boxing main event in premium television history in just her second professional fight in 2017. Shields became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight, and a two-division champion in her sixth professional contest. She was crowned the undisputed 160-pound champion in her ninth fight, less than three years after turning professional following the 2016 Jocs Olímpics.
From Christy Martin and Laila Ali to Cris Cyborg and Ronda Rousey, and now Claressa Shields, SHOWTIME has long been the pioneer in women’s combat sports,” said Gordon Hall, Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: EDICIÓ ESPECIAL.  “Without question, Claressa Shields is the face of women’s boxing and we’re excited to present yet another historic milestone in her career as she looks to capture a third division championship in record time. This is Claressa’s sixth appearance on SHOWTIME and yet another test as she continues her personal quest to become the greatest of all time.
With the new date, this fight is going to be even more significant,” va dir Dmitriy Saleta, President of Salita Promotions. “Claressa has had time to get 100 percent healthy and in the best shape of her life as she goes down in weight to fight for another historic accomplishment. D'altra banda, Ivana has used this extra time to prepare for Claressa both mentally and physically. She has remained in camp throughout the summer as she prepares to come to America to upset Claressa and fulfill what she feels is her destiny. It’s going to be two fighters at the top of their games.
“Octubre 5 will be a magnificent event for Claressa Shields, for women’s boxing, and for Claressa’s hometown city of Flint,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields. “Claressa continues to shine a beacon of light on the sport, making history in each and every fight and reaching levels previously unimaginable. She is a once in a lifetime athlete and young woman, and if she is victorious on October 5 she will become the fastest man or woman in boxing history to win a world title in a third weight division.
Barry Tompkins will call the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. El productor executiu és Gordon Hall amb Richard Gaughan produint i Rick Phillips dirigint.
The undercard for the telecast will be announced in the coming weeks.