Tag Archives: Emanuel Steward

Formatorul CAPRA box….. Emanuel Steward

Statele Unite ale Americii Asociația Alumni de box, Clasa de 2018 inductee
(L-R) – Marele Tommy Hearns & regretatul Manny Sămădăul

Colorado Springs, Poală. (Noiembrie 19, 2018) – Tarziu Emanuel Steward, fără îndoială, cel mai mare formator de box din toate timpurile, este un membru al clasei de 2018 obtinerea introdus în asociere Hall SUA box Alumni of Fame.




Al doilea Statele Unite ale Americii de box Asociatia Alumni Hall anual de recepție Fame, a avut loc în colaborare cu 2018 Statele Unite ale Americii Box Elite și Campionatele Naționale de Tineret și Junior și Prep Deschideți, Decembrie 2-8, va avea loc decembrie 7, la Hotel Radisson (215 S. Temple St.) în Salt Lake City, Utah.





Steward a fost un boxer, antrenor extraordinar, și HBO comentator până la moartea sa prematură în 2012 la vârsta de 68. Cariera sa de box a culminat cu inducerea lui în Boxing Hall of Fame în Internațional 1996.




La vârsta de 12, Manny sa mutat cu mama sa din Virginia de Vest la Detroit, în cazul în care viața lui în curând a apelat la box. Ca un boxer amator, el a compilat un 94-3 record, evidențiat de o performanță de aur-medalie de la 1963 Turneul Național de mănuși de aur ca bantamweight, dar el a decis împotriva încerca pentru echipa SUA olimpic de box.




În 1971, Steward a devenit un antrenor part-time la Kronk Gym, în cazul în care el în cele din urmă condus mulți dintre boxeri amatori de top din țară. Kronk Gym mai târziu a devenit o proprietate a lui Steward și el a dezvoltat într-una dintre cele mai de succes și celebre sălile de box din lume.






Steward, de asemenea, a servit ca director al National Coaching pentru SUA box în inceputul anilor 2000.




De-a lungul carierei sale incredibile, Steward relatărilor instruit 41 campioni mondiali, poate, cele mai notabile au fost Thomas Hearns, Lennox Lewis și Wladimir Klitschko. De asemenea, el instruit Julio Cesar Chavez, Miguel Cotto, Oscar de la Hoya, Naseem Hamed, Evander Holyfield, și Mike McCallum. Manny antrenat, de asemenea, un tanar rapper din Detroit, Eminem, cum să caseta Kronk Gym.




Ultimul campion mondial Manny antrenat a fost Adonis “Supraom” Stevenson, care rămâne en-titre Consiliul Mondial de box (WBC) lumina campion mondial la categoria grea, deoarece 2013.




“Emanuel ar spune întotdeauna, knockout vinde!” Stevenson rememorate cu plăcere. “El a fost, de asemenea, primul să-mi spui, „Vei fi un superstar și un campion mondial. Doar asigurați-vă că nu asculta oamenii cu intenții rele pentru că ai talent natural.’ El a crezut în mine, chiar dacă unii oameni nu cred că mi-ar deveni vreodată un campion mondial.”




“Emanuel Steward afectat viața atât de mulți care au intrat prin ușile de Kronk Gym,” a spus Chris tofflemire, Box Alumni Director Executiv Asociatia Statele Unite ale Americii. “În timp ce el este cel mai recunoscut pentru realizarea lui la nivel profesional, impactul său a fost semnificativă în amatori. Manny servește ca un antrenor model pentru Statele Unite ale Americii Box astăzi, și impactul său va fi resimțit pentru o lungă perioadă de timp. Box Alumni Association Statele Unite ale Americii sprijină o majoritate covârșitoare de inducție lui și așteaptă cu nerăbdare să-l onora ca parte din Hall of Fame clasa din acest an.”


Statele Unite ale Americii Asociația Alumni de box




Creat pentru un campion pe tot parcursul vieții, relații reciproc avantajoase între Statele Unite ale Americii de box si absolventii sai, –boxeri, oficialii, antrenori și fani de box — Asociația Alumni se conectează generații de campioni, inspirat și dând înapoi viitorii campioni de box Statele Unite ale Americii de box a lui, în și afară din inelul.




Statele Unite ale Americii de box Alumni Asociația este deschisă pentru oricine care are o dragoste pentru box și-ar dori să rămână în legătură cu boxul amator. Membrii li se acordă acces la o gamă largă de gazdă evenimente speciale de către Asociația Alumni, inclusiv SUA box Alumni Association Hall of Fame recepție.




Pentru a vă alătura Asociației Alumni, pur și simplu se înregistreze la alumni@usaboxing.org Pentru o $40.00 pe an, taxa de membru. Noii membri vor primi un tricou, keychain și e-portofel.





“De ani de zile el va veni la meu mănuși Național de argint turneu pe care am sponsorizat și a pus pe în Kansas City doar pentru a arăta sprijinul său programului de tineret,” Președintele a adăugat SUA Box Ioan Maro adăugat. “În fiecare an, i-aș spune să-mi spună dacă el vine, așa că am putea să-l VIP, și în fiecare an, el va ignora mine și arată doar în liniște în sus. Eu l-ar observa în mulțime. Mi-ar pasă să-l afară și apoi am făcut același lucru în anul următor.




“De asemenea, am folosit să-l văd la lupte mari și ar face întotdeauna să mă simt specială spunând compania mea a salvat de box în anii șaptezeci și optzeci, prin furnizarea în condiții de siguranță, bine facut, echipamente de box echitabil la prețuri pentru sport. Nimeni altcineva nu mi-a dat vreodată că recunoașterea. El a fost umil și nu un blowhard, genul meu de om.”




Emanuel Steward a lăsat amprenta pe pământ, nu numai ca o personalitate cu mai multe fațete în box, dar el, de asemenea, amintit pentru munca sa de caritate mărinimos în Detroit, în care el a ajutat tinerii în urmărirea lor de educație.




Pe scurt, deși, el a învățat box, și nimeni nu le-a făcut vreodată mai bine.




Stare de nervozitate: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

USA Boxing Alumni Association announces Hall of Fame Class of 2018

Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward, Claressa Shields,
Emanuel Steward & Tom Cleary
Decembrie. 7 reception in Salt Lake City, Utah


Colorado Springs, Poală. (August 6, 2018) – The USA Boxing Alumni Association has announced its second class to be inducted into its Hall of Fame, Decembrie 7, la Hotel Radisson (215 S. Temple St.) in Salk Lake City, Utah.




The reception is being held in conjunction with the 2018 Statele Unite ale Americii Box Elite și Campionatele Naționale de Tineret și Junior și Prep Deschideți, Decembrie. 2-8, also held in Salt Lake City.




The Class of 2018 includes U.S. Olympic Team medalists and world (profesional) champions Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward și Claressa Shields, as well as former USA Boxing National Director of Coaching Emanuel Steward and veteran USA Boxing official Tom Cleary. The latter two will be posthumously inducted.




This year’s inductees were selected amongst a group of 17 nominees by the hundreds of registered USA Boxing Alumni Association members during the months of June and July.




USA Boxing Alumni Association is extremely excited to honor this year’s Hall of Fame class, as each inductee represents everything good that amateur boxing has to offer,” a spus Chris tofflemire, Box Alumni Director Executiv Asociatia Statele Unite ale Americii. “Last year’s class contributed to a fantastic inaugural Hall of Fame reception and we’re looking forward to recognizing this year’s class with an even better event.




Creat pentru un campion pe tot parcursul vieții, relații reciproc avantajoase între Statele Unite ale Americii de box si absolventii sai, –boxeri, oficialii, antrenori și fani de box — Asociația Alumni se conectează generații de campioni, inspirat și dând înapoi viitorii campioni de box Statele Unite ale Americii de box a lui, în și afară din inelul.




The charter class inducted last year included Muhammad Ali și Evander Holyfield, in addition to veteran coaches Roosevelt Sanders și Tom Coulter.




Each inductee has given so much to Olympic-style amateur boxing and the alumni community wants to thank them, for doing so,” Cugliari added. “We look forward to seeing USA Boxing Alumni members come out in droves to support this year’s Hall of Fame class in December.




Statele Unite ale Americii de box Alumni Asociația este deschisă pentru oricine care are o dragoste pentru box și-ar dori să rămână în legătură cu boxul amator. Membrii li se acordă acces la o gamă largă de gazdă evenimente speciale de către Asociația Alumni, inclusiv SUA box Alumni Association Hall of Fame recepție.




Pentru a vă alătura Asociației Alumni, pur și simplu se înregistreze la alumni@usaboxing.org Pentru o $40.00 pe an, taxa de membru. Noii membri vor primi un tricou, keychain și e-portofel.




Stare de nervozitate: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

‘Detroit BrawlPro Boxing Series Continues to Grow

Boxing Fans Help Salita Promotions Donate Over 3000 Meals to Forgotten Harvest
Promoter Dmitriy Salita proudly announces his latest installment ofDetroit Brawl,” Sâmbătă night at the Masonic Temple, was a tremendous success, helping him donate over 3000 meals to Forgotten Harvest, one of the nation’s largest food rescue organizations.
In the night’s main event, WBO #5, IBF #5, și WBC #7 and current NABF heavyweight champion, Andy “The Destroyer from Mexicali” Ruiz (28-0, 19 KO), stayed unbeaten and showed off some fast, powerful fists, as he stopped Miami’s Josh “Dempsey” Gormley at 1:42 a treia rundă.
În altă acțiune, super lightweight Girorgi Gelashvili (5-0, 3 KO) survived an early knockdown to stop Eric Hall (8-10-1, 4 KO) of Durand, Michigan, in four rounds; cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (8-0, 4 KO) of Detroit dropped Eric George (4-12) of Niagara Falls in the first round, but ended up having to settle for a unanimous six-round decision victory; super bantamweight Zach Shamoun (4-0-1, 3 KO) of Royal Oak, Michigan, took a four-round unanimous decision over Jose Elizondo (1-1) San Antonio, Texas; welterweight Sedar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 KO) of Turkmenistan won an entertaining four-round unanimous decision over formerly undefeated Steven Andrade (3-1, 2 KO) of Atlanta Georgia; Detroit bantamweight Jarico O’Quinn (2-0, 2 KO) was impressive in stopping Sergio Aguliar (0-4) of Miami Beach in three rounds; and lastly, Dearborn welterweight GheithSouthpaw PrinceKarim made his pro debut a successful one by stopping Dean Walsh, Jr., în primul tur de scrutin.
Cuvânt, who donated a portion of every ticket sold to Forgotten Harvest, says the event’s success went a lot further than the boxing ring that night.
When we started these events, the goal was not only to bring a regular professional boxing program back to Detroit, but also to give back to this wonderful city and I’m happy to say we’re doing it,” Said Word. “I couldn’t be more proud. Thank you to the fans who came out that night and to my wonderful sponsor, Thomas Magee’s. Thank you to my entire team and to all the fighters for their brave efforts. Thank you to the team at the Masonic and to all the big-name Detroit fighters who showed up in support of the event. We will be doing it again soon.
Based in Oak Park, Michigan, Forgotten Harvest was formed in 1990 to relieve hunger and prevent food waste throughout the metro Detroit area. Forgotten Harvestrescued” peste 40 million pounds of food last year by collecting surplus prepared and perishable food from over 800 locations, including grocery stores, fruit and vegetable markets, restaurante, caterers, dairies, farmers, wholesale food distributors and other Health Department-approved sources.
This donated food, which would otherwise go to waste, is delivered free of-charge to 280 emergency food providers in the metro Detroit area. Forgotten Harvest has been ranked as a four-star charity by Charity Navigator for nine consecutive years.
Learn more about Forgotten Harvest and how to help drive hunger from our community at


Gormley Confident that Undefeated Ruiz Will Taste Defeat at ‘Detroit Brawl’ pe Sâmbătă, Iulie 16

, at Masonic Temple

Having already experienced being a world-rated TV-level fighter under tremendous pressure to win every fight impressively, Miami-based slugger Josh “Dempsey” Gormley says he much prefers the lowered expectations of being considered the “adversar” since coming back to boxing.
There’s a lot of pressure on you as the A-side guy,” explained Gormley. “As an opponent, I’m supposed to lose, so when I win it’ll be that much more dramatic.
Gormley (22-4, 21 KO) will face WBO #5-, IBF #5-, and WBC #7-rated and current NABF heavyweight champion AndyThe Destroyer from Mexicali” Ruiz (27-0, 18 KO) in a non-title fight sâmbătă în Detroit. The two bruising heavyweights will meet in the 10-round main event of Salita PromotionslatestDetroit Brawlevent at the Masonic Temple.
Sponsored by Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar, Bilete pentru “Detroit Brawlwill be priced at VIP $123, Box Seats $100, Ringside $93, Reserved $63 și $38, and Balcony $28, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tickmaster.com.
Gormley says he isn’t prepared to go along with the expected outcome for a 41-year-old fighter taking on a top contender in just his third fight since returning from a 16-year retirement. He’s coming to Detroit to win.
“E perfect pentru mine,” he said of Ruiz. “I feel like I’m fighting the weakest guy in the top 10. He doesn’t punch hard and I won’t have to look for him. He comes forward a lot and he’s not Floyd Mayweather. I don’t think he can handle my power. Now that I’m older, I hit harder than ever and I’m in great shape. I doubt it’ll last the distance. I’ll get him out of there in about five rounds. Even if he does, I’m in great shape to beat him over the distance.
Gormley, reportedly the grandson of all-time-great heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey, a devenit profesionist în 1992 and flirted with world-contender status before suffering a pair of tough losses and retiring in 1999. Totuși, box, like any addiction, eventually lured him back.
I just want to take opportunities and see what I can do,” el a spus. “Câștiga sau pierde, I’m just carrying on my legacy and seeing what I can still do. My goal is to be champ of the world. But I’m not chasing that dream lie I used to. A long time ago I chased the heavyweight championship dream so hard that every loss was devastating. Acum, I want to take the opportunities as they come and win some of them. And hey, when I beat this guy, I’m back in the top 10!”
Scheduled in support of the main event that night will be Giorgi Gelashvili (4-0, 2 KO) of Brooklyn via Georgia facing comebacking veteran Eric Hall (8-9-1, 4 KO) of Durand, Michigan in a super lightweight six-rounder.
De asemenea, Serdar Hudayberdiyev (2-0, 2 KO) of Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan, will face fellow undefeated fighter Steven Andrade (3-0, 2 KO) de Atlanta, Georgia in a welterweight four-rounder.
The opponent for the long-awaited pro debut of Dearborn, Michigan’sSouthpaw PrinceGheith Karim, a three-time national amateur champion, will be two-fight welterweight scrapper Dean Walsh Jr. of Monroe, Michigan.
Detroit prospect Demetrius Banks (7-0, 4 KO) is scheduled for a six-round cruiserweight match-up against Niagara Falls, New York’s Eric George (4-11).
Promising Detroit bantamweight Jarico O’Quinn (1-0, 1 KO), a recent Salita Promotions signee, will take on Sergio Aguilar (0-3) of Miami Beach, Florida, într-un meci de patru rotund; super bantamweight Zach Shamoun (3-0-1, 3 KO) of Royal Oak, Michigan, will face also-unbeaten Jose Elizondo (1-0) San Antonio, Texas; and so-far perfect undefeated cruiserweight Clarence Dubose (3-0, 3 KO) of Detroit will look to keep his KO streak intact against Karinn Davis (2-6, 2 KO) Jackson, Michigan.
Detroit middleweight Dorell Van Horn Jr. (9-0, 6 KO) will face Rapid City, South Dakota’s Ryan Soft (3-5-1, 1 KO) într-o perioadă de șase-rounder.
Remember, every ticket purchased toDetroit Brawlbuys charitable meals for the Forgotten Harvest food rescue organization. Each regular ticket purchased will buy 10 meals that will be distributed to disadvantaged families and each VIP buys 15.
Based in Oak Park, Michigan, Forgotten Harvest was formed in 1990 to relieve hunger and prevent food waste throughout the metro Detroit area. Forgotten Harvestrescued” peste 40 million pounds of food last year by collecting surplus prepared and perishable food from over 800 locations, including grocery stores, fruit and vegetable markets, restaurante, caterers, dairies, farmers, wholesale food distributors and other Health Department-approved sources. This donated food, which would otherwise go to waste, is delivered free of-charge to 280 emergency food providers in the metro Detroit area. Forgotten Harvest has been ranked as a four-star charity by Charity Navigator for nine consecutive years.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar offers patrons an old-school sports and whiskey bar in Downtown Detroit’s Eastern Market district. Thomas Magee’s prides itself on providing every sport, every game, and every fight, plus great beer and whiskey!
For more information on theDetroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, vizita www.salitapromotions.com. Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar is located at 1408 E Fisher Service Drive in Detroit. Pentru mai multe informații, apel 313-263-4342 or visit their official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ThomasMageesSportingHouseWhiskeyBar

La luptă noapte, ușile deschise la 6:30 pm and the fights begin at 7:15 pm.

Full Card Announced for ‘Detroit Brawl’ sâmbăta, Iulie 16, at Masonic Temple

The exciting undercard has been announced for the Sâmbătă, Iulie 16, “Detroit Brawl” eveniment, presented by Salita Promotions at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit.
In support of WBO #5-, IBF #5-, and WBC #7-rated and current NABF heavyweight champion AndyThe Destroyer from MexicaliRuiz’s (27-0, 18 KO) 10-round non-title battle against comebacking KO artist JoshuaJosh DempseyGormley (22-4, 21 KO) will be a strong mix of local and international talent in intriguing match-ups.
Sponsored by Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar, Bilete pentru “Detroit Brawlwill be priced at VIP $123, Box Seats $100, Ringside $93, Reserved $63 și $38, and Balcony $28, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tickmaster.com.
Scheduled in support of the main event that night will be Giorgi Gelashvili (4-0, 2 KO) of Brooklyn via Georgia facing comebacking veteran Eric Hall (8-9-1, 4 KO) of Durand, Michigan in a super lightweight six-rounder.
De asemenea, Serdar Hudayberdiyev (2-0, 2 KO) of Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan, will face fellow undefeated fighter Steven Andrade (3-0, 2 KO) de Atlanta, Georgia in a welterweight four-rounder.
The opponent for the long-awaited pro debut of Dearborn, Michigan’sSouthpaw PrinceGheith Karim, a three-time national amateur champion, will be two-fight welterweight scrapper Dean Walsh Jr. of Monroe, Michigan.
Detroit prospect Demetrius Banks (7-0, 4 KO) is scheduled for a six-round cruiserweight match-up against Niagara Falls, New York’s Eric George (4-11).
Promising Detroit bantamweight Jarico O’Quinn (1-0, 1 KO), a recent Salita Promotions signee, will take on Sergio Aguilar (0-3) of Miami Beach, Florida, într-un meci de patru rotund; super bantamweight Zach Shamoun (3-0-1, 3 KO) of Royal Oak, Michigan, will face also-unbeaten Jose Elizondo (1-0) San Antonio, Texas; and so-far perfect undefeated cruiserweight Clarence Dubose (3-0, 3 KO) of Detroit will look to keep his KO streak intact against Karinn Davis (2-6, 2 KO) Jackson, Michigan.
Detroit middleweight Dorell Van Horn Jr. (9-0, 6 KO) will face Rapid City, South Dakota’s Ryan Soft (3-5-1, 1 KO) într-o perioadă de șase-rounder.
Remember, every ticket purchased toDetroit Brawlbuys charitable meals for the Forgotten Harvest food rescue organization. Each regular ticket purchased will buy 10 meals that will be distributed to disadvantaged families and each VIP buys 15.
Based in Oak Park, Michigan, Forgotten Harvest was formed in 1990 to relieve hunger and prevent food waste throughout the metro Detroit area. Forgotten Harvestrescued” peste 40 million pounds of food last year by collecting surplus prepared and perishable food from over 800 locations, including grocery stores, fruit and vegetable markets, restaurante, caterers, dairies, farmers, wholesale food distributors and other Health Department-approved sources. This donated food, which would otherwise go to waste, is delivered free of-charge to 280 emergency food providers in the metro Detroit area. Forgotten Harvest has been ranked as a four-star charity by Charity Navigator for nine consecutive years.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar offers patrons an old-school sports and whiskey bar in Downtown Detroit’s Eastern Market district. Thomas Magee’s prides itself on providing every sport, every game, and every fight, plus great beer and whiskey!
For more information on theDetroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, vizitawww.salitapromotions.com. Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar is located at 1408 E Fisher Service Drive in Detroit. Pentru mai multe informații, apel 313-263-4342 or visit their official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ThomasMageesSportingHouseWhiskeyBar
La luptă noapte, ușile deschise la 6:30 pm and the fights begin at 7:15 pm.

Andy Ruiz to Face Josh Gormley in Main Event of Salita Promotionsnext ‘Detroit Brawl’ sâmbăta, Iulie 16, at Masonic Temple


An intriguing heavyweight showdown will go down on Sâmbătă, Iulie 16, as WBO #5-, IBF #5-, and WBC #7-rated and current NABF heavyweight champion AndyThe Destroyer from Mexicali” Ruiz (27-0, 18 KO) has agreed to face comebacking KO artist JoshuaJosh DempseyGormley (22-4, 21 KO) in his next ring appearance.
Sponsored by Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar, Bilete pentru “Detroit Brawlwill be priced at VIP $123, Box Seats $100, Ringside $93, Reserved $63 și $38, and Balcony $28, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tickmaster.com.
26-ani Ruiz, from Mexicali, Baja California, Mexic, will face the determined and upset-minded 41-year-old Gormley, from Torrance in a non-title fight in the 10-round main event of Salita Promotions’ următorul “Detroit Brawlinstallment at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit.
Ruiz has made four successful defenses of his NABF Championship. Inainte de asta, he held the WBO Inter-Continental Heavyweight Championship and made an additional three successful defenses before relinquishing. In his last in-ring appearance, he stopped former world title challenger Ray Austin in the fourth round on Mai 14 in Studio City, California.
Gormley, who bills himself as a distant relative of former champ Jack Dempsey, reportedly trains with Dino Spencer and LuisChiroPerez at the 5th St. Gym in Miami, Florida. He is on a three-fight KO streak since coming back from a 16-year layoff in late 2015. Despite having had no amateur boxing career, Dempsey fought his way to up-and-comer status in the late 90s and was a fan favorite. He also worked with former champion Lennox Lewis as a sparring partner. Gormley is a former California State Wrestling Champion and MMA fighter and the older brother of UFC fighter Chase Gormley.
Giving theDetroit Brawlcrowd its usual international flavor will be welterweights Giorgi Gelashvili (4-0, 2 KO) Brooklyn via Georgia and Serdar Hadurbadyev (2-0, 2 KO) of Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan in separate six-round bouts.
De asemenea, making his long-awaited four-round pro debut that night will beSouthpaw PrinceGheith Karim, a three-time national amateur champion from Dearborn, Michigan. A product of the Kronk Gym, Karim was being touted as a future star by legendary Kronk founder Emanuel Steward since the age of 11. He will compete as a junior middleweight.
Also scheduled for action that night are crowd-favorite Detroit prospects including cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (7-0, 4 KO) într-o perioadă de șase-rounder; middleweight Dorell Van Horn Jr (9-0, 6 KO) într-o perioadă de șase-rounder; as well as promising Detroit bantamweight Jarico O’Quinn (1-0, 1 KO); super bantamweight Zach Shamoun (3-0-1, 3 KO) of Bloomfield Hills Michigan; and cruiserweight Clarence Dubose (3-0, 3 KO) of Eastpointe, Michigan, in separate four-rounders.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar offers patrons an old-school sports and whiskey bar in Downtown Detroit’s Eastern Market district. Thomas Magee’s prides itself on providing every sport, every game, and every fight, plus great beer and whiskey!
For more information on theDetroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, vizitawww.salitapromotions.com. Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar is located at 1408 E Fisher Service Drive in Detroit. Pentru mai multe informații, apel 313-263-4342 or visit their official Facebook page:www.facebook.com/ThomasMageesSportingHouseWhiskeyBar

La luptă noapte, ușile deschise la 6:30 pm and the fights begin at 7:15 pm.


VIDEO: Menard Knocks Out Previously Unbeaten Eudy Bernardo: http://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW

Prinde Replay Marți, Aprilie 19, la 10 p.m. ȘI/PT pe SHO EXTREME®

Faceți clic pe AICI Pentru a descărca Fotografii

Fotografie de credit: Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME®


VERONA, N.Y.. (Aprilie 15, 2016) – Undefeated bantamweight prospects Nikolay Potapov și Stephon Young fought to a majority draw in theShoBox: Noua generatie main event Vineri on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..


The bout was scored 96-94 Potapov and 95-95 de două ori.


Potapov and Young were facing their toughest opponents in each other. Potapov (14-0-1, 6 KO) controlled the pace early with his jab and was the more active fighter, throwing nearly double the punches that Young threw. Young picked up steam and gained confidence in the middle rounds and was at his best when he pressed the action and let his hands go. But the Russian Potapov, who had gone at least 10 rounds in his last six fights, was clearly more comfortable as the fight progressed.


After slowing in the seventh and eighth, Tineri (14-0-3, 6 KO) found another gear in an impressive ninth, winning the penultimate round on all the judges’ scorecards. Dar, even after urgent instructions from his corner, Young couldn’t carry the momentum into the 10lea and lost the final round on all three scorecards.


“I am very unhappy with the decision. For every time he hit me, I hit him twice,” said Potapov, care a aruncat 315 jabs compared to just 113 for Young. “I was the much busier fighter. I don’t know what fight the judges were watching. At the very most I lost four rounds.


“I’ve never had a draw before. I feel cheated from a win. I was very happy to be fighting in America but I now feel cheated.”


După lupta, St. Louis native Young was disappointed but knew that he needed to throw more punches.


“I feel like it was a good fight, but I should have got the decision,” Young said. “I hurt him every time I hit him. I let him be busier than me, but as far as the contact, I feel like I landed the more effective punches. That was my strategy.


“I should have come on a bit sooner. That was my plan, but I got a little relaxed in the fight. I came on in the ninth round when my coach told me to get him out of there.


“I most definitely want a rematch. I would like to do that again.”


Once-beaten Louisiana lightweight Mason Menard knock-out neînvinsă anterior Eudy Bernardo with a vicious one-punch KO at2:11 a treia rundă. VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW


Facing his toughest opponent to date, Menard floored (31-1, 23 KO) Bernardo for the first time in his career with a series of rights near the end of the second round. The Dominican Bernardo beat the count and finished the round, but he had no answer for Menard’s power. Less than one minute into third, Menard connected with a huge right, knocking Bernardo (21-1, 15 KO) out before he even hit the canvas.


“I made a statement la noapte. Not many people knew who I was going into this, but they know me now,” said Menard, who landed nearly 50 sută de fotografii sale de putere. “My speed, power and footwork were the difference.


“I said a prayer for him in the middle of the ring that he goes back to his family healthy.”


Bernardo, who was removed from the ring on a stretcher as a precautionary measure, was taken to nearby Oneida Healthcare where he was awake and responsive.


În meciul de deschidere al transmisiunii, undefeated cruiserweightConstantin Bejenaru mână Alexey Zubov the first loss of his career in a convincing eight-round unanimous decision scored 77-74, 78-73 de două ori.


Save for a flash seventh round knockdown, Bejenaru (11-0, 4 KO) controlled the fight from the outset. The Moldova native overcame a four-inch height disadvantage, attacking from different angles and controlling the exchanges on the inside and outside. Zubov (10-1, 6 KO) never got into rhythm and failed to capitalize on his reach advantage against the active and athletic southpaw.


“He was a good classical boxer, but he’s too straight up and he couldn’t adjust,” Bejenaru said. “It wasn’t as easy as it looked to beat him. I adjusted my style to do that because I knew it would make him hesitate. I knew if I just constantly attacked him he wouldn’t know what to do.”


Zubov and Bernardo are now the 146lea și 147lea boxers to suffer their first pro loss on the prospect developmental series.


Vineri three-fight telecast will re-air Marți la 10 p.m. ȘI/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning April 16

Barry Tompkins numit ShoBox acțiune de la ring cu Farhood și fostul campion mondial Raul Marquez servind ca analiștilor experți. Producătorul executiv a fost Gordon Hall cu Richard Gaughanproducerea și Rick Phillips director.


Brooklyn, NY (Aprilie 13, 2016) – Popular UK boxing network Box Nation has acquired the rights to broadcast Salita Promotions night of world-class boxing this Vineri, Aprilie 15, la Turning Stone Resort Casino din Verona, New York.
Headlined by the 10-round NABA Bantamweight Championship showdown between Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 KO), of Podolsk, Rusia, și Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 KO), Sf. Louis, Missouri, the event also features Eudy Bernardo (21-0, 15 KO) of the Dominican Republic faces Zidar “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard (30-1-0, 22 KO), of Rayne, Louisiana, in an eight-round battle.
In a third match-up, former amateur standout now rising cruiserweight pro sensation Alexey Zubov (10-0, 6 KO) luând în Constantin Bejenaru (10-0, 4 KO, WSB: 0-1-1) of Mandilesti, Moldova, in an eight-round test.
The exciting tripleheader of fights will also be broadcast live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ȘI/PT, întârziat pe Coasta de Vest) and Match TV of Russia.
BoxNation is a 24-hour dedicated boxing Pay television channel, operated by Boxing Channel Media and promoter Frank Warren, available in the United Kingdom and Ireland. BoxNation features live cards with domestic and international fights, classic match footage, magazine shows and interviews with current and former fighters. The channel has already broadcast over 70 live world title fights featuring Floyd Mayweather Jnr, Vitali Klitschko, Nathan ingenios, Amir Khan, Miguel Cotto, Dereck Chisora, and Bernard Hopkins amongst many others.
Biletele pentru eveniment, presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers, are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, or online at Ticketmaster.com. They are priced at $60 pentru scaunele ring, $35 și $25.
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Salita Promoții
Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 de Dmitriy Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.


BROOKLYN, NY (Aprilie 12, 2016) – As a kid growing up in Magnitogorsk, Rusia,Cruiserweight Alexey Zubov heard stories about the fabled Kronk Gym and the late legendary trainer Emanuel Steward, but never thought he’d have a chance to join the team. Dar apoi într-o zi, the former amateur champion was asked to come to Detroit to spar with Kronk’s Johnathon Banksand the rest is history.
Acest Vineri, Aprilie 15, the undefeated Zubov (10-0, 6 KO) will face Mandilesti, Moldova’s Constantin Bejenaru (10-0, 4 KO, WSB: 0-1-1) in the eight-round opener of an internationally televised ShoBox: Noua generatie live on SHOWTME (10 p.m. ȘI/PT, întârziat pe Coasta de Vest) la Turning Stone Resort Casino din Verona, New York.
Presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers,the mainevent will featureIBF No. 10-clasat în greutate Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 KO), of Podolsk, Rusia, luând în Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 KO), Sf. Louis, Missouri in a 10-round bout. În cazul în care co-principal, Eudy Bernardo (21-0, 15 KO) of the Dominican Republic faces Zidar “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard (30-1-0, 22 KO), of Rayne, Louisiana, in an eight-round battle.
Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, or online at Ticketmaster.com. They are priced at $60 pentru scaunele ring, $35 și $25.
I’ve been in Detroit for the last two months and I am so happy; I want to stay here, train here and live here,” said Zubov. “Every Russian fighter knows about Kronk Gym and Emanuel Steward.
Zubov is currently winding down camp with his trainer and Steward’s nephew Javan “Zahăr” Hill at the resurgent Kronk Gym. “I like Javan’s style,” said Zubov, “and I’ve learned so much about hand speed and footwork and about using intelligence in the ringhow you need to think when you’re in a fight.
Alexey is able to learn a lot and absorb boxing knowledge easily,” said Hill. “He barely speaks English and yet he soaks it in. It’s amazing. I brought him in to spar with Banks and when we were training, Alexey just sat on the side and watched. Mai târziu, he was sparring with Johnathon and I told him to stop. I said ‘listen here. I’m training Jonathon Banks and you’re doing everything I told him to do. What’s wrong with you?’ Then I laughed and said ‘I like that. Keep watching. I’ll teach you everything you want to know.’ “
Hill says this camp with Zubov was a transition for the fighter. “We are moving into the championship level where you train for a specific fighter. A lot of it is strategy and planning. The only thing I worry about is him being too excited. He’s very high-strung and wants to prove things. I have to control him and keep him from getting over-excited. That’s what we’ve been working on. He gets antsy when he’s excited.
Training was prefect. Eu sunt 100 la sută gata,” said Zubov. “I know Bejenaru is a southpaw and he is a short guy with a good record. It’s my first time on SHOWTIME and I am so happy to be showing the world what I can do.