标记档案: 柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯


比利·乔·桑德斯 (Billy Joe Saunders) 将于 12 月登上擂台 16 在加拿大成为 WBO 中量级卫冕冠军, 早在 12 月就赢得了一条腰带,成为他自豪的拥有者 2015 击败同路人安迪·李时.


但自从以多数票胜出爱尔兰人李之后 在曼彻斯特竞技场成为世界冠军, 桑德斯仅两次为其辩护, 以一致判定战胜了阿图尔·阿卡沃夫和小威利·门罗。, 最近.


对阵俄罗斯阿卡沃夫比赛, 这位不败的世界冠军得主最终在苏格兰土地上的泻湖休闲中心做出了如此轻松的决定,这远非令人印象深刻,甚至可能是幸运的. 对美国挑战者小门罗的胜利要好得多, 随后任命多米尼克·英格尔为他的最新教练.


但后一场比赛仍然是一场单调的比赛,并没有进一步或提振桑德斯’ 吸引更广泛的受众, 因为他轻松地击败了纽约出生的左撇子. 对于大部分卫冕, 他几乎没有被要求去工作, 门罗的比赛计划极其低效.


然而, 28岁的 接下来无疑将面临他迄今为止最严峻的职业考验 对阵前 160 磅冠军 David Lemieux, 这是一个比缺乏经验且年轻的小克里斯·尤班克(Chris Eubank Jr)更严峻的挑战, 冷漠的安迪·李和远没有威胁的小威利·门罗.


加拿大选手勒米厄 (Lemieux) 实力强劲,将进入环绳赛场 作为最新拳击赔率中的局外人 在本土取得胜利, 对于最近胜利激增的战斗机来说,这是一个有前途的价格. 自从十月份在与分区主力根纳季·戈洛夫金的英勇表现中被恶意阻止以来 2015, 这位28岁的选手已经取得了四连胜, 其中包括格伦·塔皮亚(Glen Tapia)和柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯(Curtis Stevens)的两次大击倒.

迄今为止,桑德斯在所有对手中都曾正面交锋过, 没有人拥有勒米厄那样的出拳力量, 这可能是战斗之夜的决定性因素. 后者的主场希望是由奥斯卡·德拉·霍亚的金童推动的, 他们似乎热衷于将加拿大人与主要摇钱树索尔·卡内洛相匹配’ 阿尔瓦雷斯明年, 而不是把他扔进“GGG”’ 再次在备受期待的复赛中.


尽管他是最有希望获胜并保持不败记录的人,但这将是他职业生涯中在英国以外的首次冒险, 看来桑德斯在最近的这次遭遇中胜算不大.


已经很明显了, 太, 桑德斯并不拥有强大的力量,能够让脚步敏捷的勒米厄在比赛中远离危险区域. 淘汰赛艺术家勒米厄(Lemieux)在三月份残酷地将史蒂文斯击倒时,创造了最终被评选为年度最佳停赛的比赛’ 纽约市熄灯.


在本土,另一场恶性停赛是否会成功?? 桑德斯和英格尔需要完美地执行他们即将到来的比赛计划,以确保在客场取得一场令人印象深刻的胜利, 但这看起来可能是魁北克真正考验的夜晚.

Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev Media Workout Quotes & 照片


信贷: Craig Bennett/Main Events

Click Here for PhotosCredit Craig Bennett/Main Events

奥克斯纳德, 加利福尼亚州: 昨天, WBO, WBA和IBF轻重量级世界冠军 谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 (30-0-1, 26 科斯) held an open workout for members of the media in advance of his upcoming “Pound For Pound” showdown on 十一月 19 against Andre “S.O.G.” Ward (30-0, 15 科斯) at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas and distribute live by HBO Pay-Per-View. Also in attendance were Curtis “The Cerebral Assassin” Stevens (28-5, 21 科斯) who will take on James “The King” De La Rosa (23-4, 13 科斯) for the WBA Continental Americas Middleweight Title and Oleksandr “The Nail” Gvozdyk (11-0, 9 科斯) who will face Isaac “Golden Boy” Chilemba (24-4-2, 10 科斯) for the NABF Light Heavyweight Title on the Kovalev-Ward HBO Pay-Per-View telecast.


WBO, WBA, and IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion

科瓦廖夫: “I’m excited and everything is going good. I’m waiting for this day, 十一月 19, and I am ready to fight.”


SK: “I don’t have anything personal about him (病房). I should to win this fight, I only have to prove (到) myself who I am. I am fighting for me first of all, and after this really for boxing fans. This is my boxing career since 11 years old and right now Andre Ward (是) in my way. And he wants to get my titles but I’m still alive.”


SK: “I don’t have any plans for each fight, just get into the ring and do my job. I must be ready for everything what he (病房) will bring.”


SK: “I got some experience from my fight against Bernard Hopkins. He showed that never give up. That you should to fight all 12 rounds and hope for your win.”


题: Do you expect Andre Ward will hold you and use his head?

SK: “Yes I think he will use it and I am ready for this too. It will be wrestling and not fight [笑].”


SK: “I think he (病房) will look much better in my fight 十一月 19 because he long time didn’t fight, couple years he had a rest and Sullivan Barrera was first fight when he returned. And with Alexander Brand he was better than against Sullivan Barrera. I accept that he’s going to look much better 十一月 19. In best shape.”


SK: “John (David Jackson) just gives me freedom to do what I want, what I would like to do. 你知道, just like adjust some things and advice between rounds about technique. Working a lot with mitts. I like work with him and feel comfortable.”


SK: “I don’t think that Andre Ward (将) let me use a lot of body shots because he has great legs and a lot of movements. You know he’s very smart. And I think first part of this fight is going to be a lot mentally, but I should prove that I’m Krusher and that I’m going to do my job. He’s going to do his job, me to do my job.”


SK: “I think my last fight against Chilemba, it was like a similar fight you know, because Chilemba’s a little bit style as Andre Ward. But Andre Ward is Andre Ward, a little bit different and stronger, 聪明, undefeated and more motivated than Chilemba. I’m interested what he will bring 十一月 19 to the ring.”


SK: “We agreed two fights before our fight. I was ready last year to fight, but Andre wasn’t ready to fight without two fights at light heavyweight. We sign agreement that two more fights and then let’s fight in 2016.”


SK: “I work out morning time. After this some massage therapy, some treatments, after this some rest, little bit nap, cook the food, take a rest and go again to work out. Today two work outs, this was just the first. My plan was a little broke today because usually my first workout is morning time, but right now already almost 3下午. My interview is a workout [笑].

Curtis “The Cerebral Assassin” Stevens

WBA Continental Americas Middleweight Champion

题: Do you want David Lemieux and the rematches?

史蒂文斯: “We all know I want David Lemieux. 现在的问题是, is he willing to fight me? Who else? Tureano约翰逊, he was winning the fight, but the fight wasn’t over until the final bell rung, and he got knocked out. Some people say it was a premature stoppage, but me, the ref say, you know… I want to be world champion. That was one of my goals, to become a world champion and become a unified world champion.”

Q: How do you feel about being part of this big card?

CS: “感觉太棒了. Second big card of the year. The first one was Canelo–Khan and now Kovalev–Ward. Opened up the first one and now I’ll open up the second one. 这是一种很棒的感觉, 伟大. 我非常荣幸. It’s a pleasure.”


Q: What are your thoughts on De La Rosa?

CS: “A fight is a fight. You can call it a stay busy fight, you can call it a real, well it’s a real fight in general, but you can call it what you want to call it. A fight is a fight at the end of the day.”


CS: “I’m a different type of breed. I come from Brownsville. I’m just a different type of guy. What people fail to realize is that some people wasn’t raised how I was raised. 你知道? I’m from an era where you sign up in the US Championships, the National Golden Gloves, you couldn’t pick who you wanted to fight. This isn’t a show fight; this is a tournament. First day you got your Andre Ward, you got Gennady Golovkin, you got your David Lemieux’s. I mean the first day! No finals, no nothing. I fought Ward three times, he gave me my first loss ever. Then the second time I fought him, it was a US Championship semi-finals, then the third one was the US Championship semi-finals again. You don’t know where you’re going to meet these guys at.”


CS: “I will always be the chin checkers, 我就是做这个的, I check in and I check out, I will always be that. I got rid of Showtime. Showtime’s a thing of the past, that’s when I was with my old team. I’m with JDJ now, I’m the Cerebral Assassin, I got to run this tight ship wisely, instead of recklessly. Wisely, get it?”


CS: “John (David Jackson) makes me more relaxed, 你知道? Let my hands go a little more. Tells me l’m powerful in both hands, so don’t just look to go in there and knock them out.”

Oleksandr “The Nail” Gvozdyk

NABF Light Heavyweight Champion

格沃兹德克: When I first started boxing it was for getting stronger. Then I liked it and it became a hobby. Now boxing is everything. It is my life. It is my job. It is my hobby.

题: A lot of people don’t know you yet. What would you like them to know about yourself?

OG: I would like to become popular in the ring. I do my best and they supposed to watch it. I hope they’re going to like me.

OG: My nickname is “The Nail” and that is just a translation of my last name. I have had this nickname since I was ten years old so I am used to that. When I came here everyone started to call me that.

Q: Talk to us about your opponent.

OG: Chilemba is a very strong fighter. Very smart. He is skilled. He has good defense. It is not going to be easy. I am happy with my preparation so far and I am expecting a good fight.

Q: Talk about the transition you made from amateur to pro.

OG: Whether it is amateur or pro boxing, it is still boxing. You just have to get used to some different timing. You have to learn to distribute your power for ten or more rounds. You have to get more power in the pros but basically it is the same.

Q: Talk about your preparation for the fight and the dedication it takes in the gym every day to prepare to one day get to the level of Sergey Kovalev and Andre Ward.

OG: I think that if you want to be champion you have to train hard. You are supposed to do your best and train as hard as possible. 如果你想成为最好的, you have to fight the best and you have to train with the best. That is what I try to do. Now Sergey and Ward have both proved that they are the best fighters and now they get to find out who is Pound For Pound #1. I watch them and I try to do the same steps to be like them.

Q: Who do you think wins Kovalev-Ward?

OG: I think Kovalev wins. I know it is like 50-50 fight and it is a very interesting fight for me. It is a fight between intelligence and power.

科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “货真价实”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, 奖金皇冠, Zappos的, JetLux and Monster Products. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 门票可在 axs.com 和 T-Mobile Arena 票房.


使用#KovalevWard 关注对话. 跟着我们:


www.kovalboxer.com @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /克鲁舍 /科瓦尔博克
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www.t-mobilearena.com @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena

AC Sports Management Presents: “Protect Yourself At All Times: The Documentary

达拉斯, TX (十月 24, 2016) – 2016 has been a huge year for boxing manager, 阿德里安·克拉克. Along with being named one of Forbes magazines top 30 下 30 game-changers in sports, he also created the ‘Boxer-Manager Agreement’, which serves as a contract for the fighters to sign manager’s. 最近, Clark released his second book titled, ‘Protect Yourself at All Times: 指南对职业拳击手’ available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com.

该 30 year-old owner of AC Sports Management, LLC is now following up the Protect Yourself at All Times book with a documentary which is to release in the spring of 2017.
The Protect Yourself at All Times campaign is something that is much needed in the sport of boxing. With no regulation in the sport to protect the athletes, I am making a conscious effect to bring awareness directly to the fighters in hopes to transcend the sport for the fighters.Clark stated.
Clark is the strategic partner of Willie Monroe Jr who just won the WBO Intercontinental title on HBO PPV vs Gabe Rosado. He also represents James de la Rosa who squares off against Curtis Stevens on the undercard of Ward-Kovalev, Nov 19th on HBO PPV.

Curtis Stevens vs. James De La Rosa Added to Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” Non-Televised Undercard

LAS VEGAS, 内华达州 (十月 6, 2016): Curtis “Cerebral Assassin” Stevens (28-5, 21 科斯) returns to the ring and the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada on the Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” non-televised undercard to face James “The King” De La Rosa (23-4, 13 科斯) in a ten-round middleweight showdown.


史蒂文斯, 31, 布朗斯维尔, Brooklyn returned to the ring on 五月 7 of this year and stopped previously undefeated Brazilian prospect Patrick Teixeira in the second round on the HBO Pay-Per-View® undercard of Canelo-Khan. The victory over Teixeira catapulted Stevens back into the ranking of all four sanctioning bodies, including top ten ratings in both the IBF and WBC. He is hoping to continue that momentum and secure another shot at the middleweight title.


De La Rosa, 28, is originally from Mexico but now resides in San Benito, 得克萨斯州. His most recent win was a unanimous decision upset over former title contender Alfredo Angulo on the undercard of Mayweather-Maidana. De La Rosa has suffered two back-to-back losses since his win over Angulo but both have come at the hands of two previously undefeated prospects in Hugo Centeno Jr. and Jason Quigley. Commonly, fighters in his position would prefer a tune-up to get back on a winning track but, 在这种情况下, De La Rosa opted out of that easy route and decided to test himself against another former title contender in Stevens.


According to Stevens, “I’m happy someone is willing to fight me. Bless the Gods. 现在, it’s time to turn it up a notch and get ready to check in and check out. The Bully is back!”


This will be Stevens’s second fight working with world-renowned trainer and former world champion John David Jackson. Jackson added, “Curtis Stevens is happy to be stepping back in the ring on 十一月 19 against De La Rosa. He is eager to show the world that he deserves another chance to win the middleweight world title.”


“It’s always good to fight on a big stage,” said De La Rosa. “As always, I’m coming to fight and put on a show. I know I have a tough fighter in front of me in Curtis Stevens. With his style and my style, we’ll warm the fans up for Kovalev-Ward. Thanks to Main Events and AC Sports Management, LLC for putting this together.”


De La Rosa’s manager Adrian Clark added, “This is a must win situation for James and I know that he has the potential to pull off an upset. Curtis Stevens is a very dangerous opposition but again, I believe that JDLR can spoil things and leave Vegas with a ‘W’. It is great to finally work with Main Events again. It has been too long!”


Main Events’ matchmaker and 2015 NABF Matchmaker of the Year Jolene Mizzone had this to say about the match-up: “Kudos to both guys for taking this fight. Curtis Stevens could have waited around for someone to finally accept his challenge, but he wants to keep busy and challenge himself at the same time. James could have looked for that every popular “tune-up” fight but instead opted for a much tougher competitor in Stevens. It’s a breath of fresh air when I get to work with boxers who want to fight!”


*注意: This morning (十月 6, 2016) Curtis Stevens and his fiancée welcomed their son King Stevens at 10:12 是. King weighed in 4 lbs 12oz. Mother and baby are both doing well.


科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 发生 星期六, 十一月. 19, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, 内华达州. and will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View beginning at 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. “Pound for Pound” 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions and Andre Ward Promotions and sponsored by MGM Grand Hotel & 赌场.


使用#KovalevWard 关注对话. 跟着我们:


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www.andresogward.com @安德烈沃德 @AndreSogWard /安德烈索格沃德  
www.mainevents.com @主要活动 @主要活动 /主要赛事拳击 /ME拳击系列
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