分类存档: 英国拳击

弗里曼剑圣滚滚向前 – 停止奥赖利在四

利物浦的不败量级前景马丁·弗里曼上周六晚上做一个有力的声明, 与他的第四轮停工战胜威尔奥赖利在银禧体育银行在他的家乡.

该 26 整个比赛岁的利物浦渗出类, 即使被迫到后脚由O'Reilly的使用不断前进全力进攻战术, 弗里曼刚刚适应他的战术来应对和控制轰动时尚大赛.

在利物浦的力量是比赛的决定性因素, 尤其是在第四, 当从弗里曼一个巨大的震撼权奥赖利的核心, 迫使曼彻斯特战斗者错开放回绳索和掩盖,就像比赛接近圆形的分钟大关.

转眼弗里曼上前,让RIP进行大规模的左派和权利的闪烁轰击, 奥赖利掩盖和吸收的第一对夫妇拍摄的手套和手臂, 但弗里曼的力量和精确定位确保了利物浦的Exocets开始通过曼彻斯特的后卫几乎没有阻力的路电源, 后一对夫妇特别恶毒的头部射击裁判克里斯·凯利的介入并停在第四轮一分钟和两个第二标记的较量.






无论弗里曼和Cooper会回来在下凯尔加拉格尔行动促进胜利在银禧体育央行3月28日在搏击俱乐部活动 2020.


报告: 赞布罗塔迪卡罗

上周六晚, 在发动机室林肯大学, 当地球迷在他的世界拳击联盟的防御力变成了支持当地的小伙子内森Decastro (WBU) 超中量级世界冠军他自4月举行,以及尝试添加世界拳击基金会 (WBF) 冠他的收藏对来自墨西哥的后期更换费尔南多·卡斯塔涅达.

本来Decastro是由于面对尼加拉瓜何塞·巴雷拉, 然而周三瓦雷拉, 谁是在西班牙的时候, 被拒绝了西班牙当局的出境签证,当他抵达巴塞罗那机场为他的飞行英国, 所以未能成行林肯.

战斗本身是相当麻烦的事, 由于卡斯塔涅达的持续持有, 以下Decastro在第一早期登陆一个恶性身体射门,明确是影响墨西哥, 因为每次Decastro上前让撕裂,他会抢抱以防止进一步的处罚身体.

回合二和三都以相似的口吻,虽然是公平有一个多一点拳击, 而不是摔跤, 行动. Decastro工作他的敌人的尸体时,他得到了机会, 这是不是常因命中和保持墨西哥的战术.

第四轮是具有卡斯塔涅达关于控股严词更为开放下面裁判李Murtagh的, 以至于出现了一些恶毒的交流随之而来, 但是每次Decastro针对性的身体卡斯塔涅达仍然将首先抢抱, so Decastro began firing exocets to the head.

Decastro clearly had enough of being frustrated by Castaneda’s tactics as the fifth stanza began, the Bardney man changed tactics slightly and began to go forward far more as well as quicker and land some serious shots in the first minute or so, Castaneda responded in kind but quite ineffectively due to his determination to protect his body from further punishment by keeping his distance.

About half way through the round Decastro backed the Mexican toward the rope and feigned a jab, causing Castaneda to raise his hands just enough to create an opening and let rip with a massive hook to the body that sent the Mexican to the canvas doubled up in pain.

Castaneda initially tried to rise, 但马上崩溃,在痛苦中翻腾, 裁判李Murtagh的立即放弃过战斗,召唤医生戒指作为Decastro和他的团队开始了他们的庆祝活动. 补时一分钟法定时间和第五轮的38秒.

此前Decastro-卡斯塔涅达看到苏菲瓦利在打击海梅·贝茨行动专业拳击理事会 (PBC) 国际锦标赛铜牌.

不得不说这是一个破解的战斗从开始到结束, 两个女孩为每一个轮的整个2分钟艰苦战斗. 瓦利登陆一些严重的大款, 其中包括在第六震撼贝茨的核心, 她的双腿都不见了,但不知何故,她设法不只是停留在她的脚却被精明足以给自己几秒钟挂出刺拳,以保持瓦利在海湾恢复她的镇静.

每一轮是所有行动,认真关闭, 以至于我无法将它们分割, 得分明智, 在几个回合,每个到我的脑海里已经获得了几个回合,不得不承认,我认为结果是平局, 我错了 (我显然不是法官材料) 作为三位经验丰富的法官记分卡读取; 阿德里安·索恩 57-59, 詹姆斯Ancliff 57-58 格雷姆比尤利 56-59 所有赞成海梅·贝茨.

此前瓦利 - 贝茨是谢菲尔德的首次亮相扎克Lane和尼加拉瓜弗雷德里克·卡斯特罗之间的另一个开裂斗争.

在风格的冲突是真正让这场战斗, 卡斯特罗有一个明显的向前来全力进攻风格, 而莱恩的模拟王子纳西姆的风格, 男孩哦男孩的年轻人做这种风格的自己, 浸渍每一次袭击尼加拉瓜扔刺痛柜台前摇曳的危险了. 话说,我要强调莱恩不是一维的所有, 在需要的时候,他更乐意去脚趾到脚趾, 让RIP使用非常快速和强大的左派和权利.

这是伟大的斗争观看, 关闭和所有在整个行动. 经过四个梦幻般的轮裁判李Murtagh的拿下了比赛 39-37 赞成开张扎克·莱恩的, 太多的卡斯特罗和他的角落的烦恼谁围住裁判争论比分, 我完全理解,因为他是最积极的,但不得不说莱恩中和墨西哥的攻击轻松和他的反制是煽情和我的看法做了足够多,以确保胜利.

此前莱恩与卡斯特罗又是所有的动作惊悚片, 对利兹杰克琼斯塞浦路斯土耳其共和国2名平保持不败战士糖Atahasan之间的时间.

Atahasan支配使用他够不着的优势,非常好的效果的第一个节. 不过他没有就他自己的方式特别是作为斗争的进展到第二琼斯耐心工作逃脱大款让裂口至Atahasan的身体和头部之前塑造开口.

Atahasan加紧齿轮,真正为它去了第三, 并在第一主导诉讼. 大同小异的第四, 很好,直到大约经过时,琼斯Atahasan采取了防守错误的优势和降落发送土族塞在画布上一个镜头的中途桃. Atahasan勉强降落,并在瞬间,并就重启站了起来走到硬,虽然快速的轮结束.

经过四个回合轰动李裁判员Murtagh的的记分卡读 37-38 赞成杰克琼斯.


再次多么美妙的一切行动战争, 同行去了硬性并保持打桩进行大规模的拍摄,身体和头部的压力,整个第一轮, Mwamakula是尽可能清楚地艰难,因为他们来承受来自同行的激烈强大的攻击力.

第二略低于激烈, 同龄人的当选开关的战术略有, 放慢步伐,并挑选他的投篮. 大部分在第三相同, 但在第四同行加紧步伐一点,作为第一目标的严重艰难坦桑尼亚的身体.

经过四个优回合拳击裁判李Murtagh的的记分卡读 40-36 赞成保罗同行的.

此前同行VS Mwamakula是巴罗因弗内斯李奇力和立陶宛的托马斯Vaicickas之间重量级的较量.

再次,这是一个完整的战争, 有两个人去全员出动大部分的较量. 凯利特的表现我已经从他在相当长一段时间看到的最好的, 他显得信心十足,真正是把他的杆落后这么大的权力.

Vaicickas是艰难的,因为他们打击的风格来之前,并愉快地吸收大款从巴罗人未来的路上. 虽然奇力主导轮的第一轿跑车, Vaicickas来到自己在第三,他加紧脚步了后.

四是所​​有的奇力虽然, 以至于当战斗进入最后一分钟,立陶宛似乎放弃,只是站在背对由于步伐奇力的绳索已成立,只是随意吸收拳.

经过四大回合这是裁判李Murtagh的的记分卡, 这勿庸置疑阅读 39-36 赞成李奇力的.


图兰克开始硬性, 在每一个机会投掷大量炸弹和字面上被殴打莱昂, 谁几乎找不到有这么多的大款经常未来的路上开到柜台.

波多黎各的角落是如此担心,围绕着第一轮的分钟标记他的角落认输,以努力拯救他们的人进一步处罚, 然而裁判李Murtagh的刚刚拉开毛巾出来,让战斗继续, which it did but not for long as Turunc landed another huge shot to send Leon down and out on the one minute and twenty seven second mark of the first round.

Please don’t get me wrong, yes it was all one way traffic, as seems to be the norm with Turunc, I’ve seen him fight before and know just how relentless he is, Leon tried his hardest to stay in the fight but was outclassed by the seriously tough and powerful Turkish Cypriot.

The opening fight of the night really set the tone for the whole evening, as I hope I’ve made clear earlier that all bar the main event and of course Turunc vs Leon, the fights were all closely fought Battle Royale’s of the highest level, well believe me the opening bout, between debuting Lewis Mulberry and Gerona, 根据西班牙尼加拉瓜巴勃罗·纳瓦埃斯, 再次另一个层面, 这是耸人听闻.

桑真的去为它从一开盘及感觉盒装, 纳瓦埃斯是人才那么毫无疑问他是弥补战斗,给了一样好,他得到的回报, 然而,当他得到了一杆的桃抓住送到画布上还有轻微的歪的尼加拉瓜第一 – 会说我见过纳尔瓦埃斯在行动了几次,这是我第一次看到他失望, 所以荣誉给年轻桑.

第二轮看到Narvaez的是多一点的防守意识, 尽管仍然乐意去脚趾到脚趾与大冲压年轻人. 第三轮,虽然看到了相反的命运中作为纳尔瓦埃斯真正开始采取诉讼的立足点, 这使桑向人们展示自己的防守才华和煽情阻遏. 第四个是一个不折不扣的战争与男女双方去为它为全3分钟. 经过四个回合闪烁的拳击裁判的李Murtagh的拿下了比赛 39-37 赞成开张刘易斯桑.

我必须让桑与纳尔瓦埃斯夜的战斗, 很迷人, 也不得不说桑真正打动, 他是真正的交易, 他拥有所有的工具在他胸口的方式全力以赴顶端在我们敬爱的运动, 我一个不能等待再次看到他的行动,这是肯定.

Title on the Line for McGivern Vs Iran II on 22nd June

Ben McGivern Vs Navid Iran II

世界拳击联盟 (WBU) International Light Heavyweight Championship


伦敦, 联合王国 – Monday 27th May 2019

Title on the Line for McGivern Vs Iran II on 22nd June

Sometimes there are fights that just capture the Boxing World’s attention, 加蒂 - 沃德, Ali-Frazier, Froch-Kessler, Holyfield-Bowe, Marquéz-Vazquéz etc that afterwards the fans go out of their way demanding a rematch and in some cases a trilogy or more as in the case of Marquéz-Vazquéz!

In each of the cases mentioned above these were prime time internationally broadcast events, however sometimes there’s a fight that slips under the radar of the majority of fans for one reason or another.

One such fight was the Ben McGivern versus Navid Iran ‘Fight of the Year’ nominated Battle Royale back in November last year, which was broadcast live only on Facebook.

Whilst it did pass under the radar of the majority of fans worldwide, it may surprise many readers to learn that after the first fight, so many boxing fans were lighting up Social Media calling for McGivern-Iran II, that Promoter Tommy Jacobs just couldn’t ignore them and so on the 22nd June at the Prince’s Theatre in Clacton-on-Sea these two warriors will enter the arena to battle it out once more, this time for the World Boxing Union (WBU) International Crown.

Back in November McGivern-Iran, battled it out for the vacant Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Silver International Light Heavyweight title was the headline bout on Tommy Jacobs’ history making event, the first professional boxing event in Clacton-on-Sea since 1939, when Mike Kevan beat Charlie Mack.

Battled it out is the correct term; 这是百年难遇的大逃杀.

从一关闭伊朗采取的斗争McGivern, 支持苏格兰人上的绳索,让撕裂与大左和权利乱舞. McGivern理智掩盖起来,等待机会反击, 他做了良好的效果,一旦机会出现.

然而,它并不足以阻止伊朗几乎立刻回来了类似有力的攻击. McGivern再次成功应对并初步采取控制.

随着一轮的进行,伊朗降落几个开裂拍摄,再次被迫McGivern掩盖的. Iran kept up the pressure with big shots, whilst McGivern caught many with his gloves some big rights got through the Scots guard, 摇晃他的核心.

How McGivern made it to the end of the round is unfathomable, his legs were well and truly gone, but somehow he did.

Round two see Iran come out hard and fast, however McGivern was ready for the assault, again initially covering up but this time instead of just countering and covering, he spun his opponent and went hard on the attack himself.

Round three see McGivern taking the fight to Iran, which led to some great technical boxing ensuing from both protagonists.

The next few rounds were fought in similar vein. The final round though was an out and out war; both boxers throwing caution to the wind and an all out slugfest ensued for the entire final three minutes – what an exhilarating round.

After eight fantastic rounds of boxing it was Ben McGivern declared victorious, but just who will reign victorious on the 22nd June.

Ben McGivern versus Navid Iran II, 对于世界拳击联盟 (WBU) International Light Heavyweight Championship is the main support for Nathan Decastro versus Tommy Jacobs for the World Boxing Union (WBU) and World Boxing Foundation Super Middleweight Championships that headlines the show.

Also on the card is a further Championship fight, one that pits St Albans’ Andy Hojdys against Latvia’s Dmitrijs Ovjannikovs for both the World Boxing League (WBL) International and European Boxing League (EBL) European Light Heavyweight titles.

In addition to the three Championship contests, there are also a number of International matches, the first featuring World Boxing Council (WBC) Asia-Pacific Champion, India’s Neeraj Goyat in an eight round non-championship bout against Tanzania’s Amos Mwamakula.

Ipswich’s unbeaten Super Middleweight prospect Rob Elden looks to keep a clean sheet and extend his tally of wins when he faces the highly experienced Nicaraguan hard-man Ronny McField in a six rounder.

Clacton-on-Sea’s undefeated Featherweight Ben ‘The Claxican’ Cook also seeks to increase his win tally, when he faces Pablo Narvaez, who also hails from Nicaragua, 在四圆.

The final Pro bout features Dean Porter, who is eager to get back to winning ways, following his loss to Jack Jones last month.

Porter also faces a Nicaraguan, in this case former International Boxing Organisation (IBO) 和世界拳击理事会 (WBC) Youth World Title challenger Michael Isaac Carreo in a four round non-championship contest.

Nathan Decastro versus Tommy Jacobs for the World Boxing Union (WBU) and World Boxing Foundation Super Middleweight Championships headlines the event that takes place at the Prince’s Theatre, Town Hall, Station Road,, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1SE on Saturday 22nd June 2019.

门票, priced £60 (要人) and £30 (标准座椅) are available by calling the ticket line on 07475 096532, or purchase on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com

KO me in 4! Sowah’s Dreaming, After We Fight He’ll Be Having Nightmares, Decastro Retorts

Bardney Lincolnshire’s Nathan Decastro has issued a chilling warning to his Ghanaian opponent, ‘Hitman’ Daniel Adjei Sowah, ahead of their upcoming World Title showdown at the University of Lincoln on Saturday 27th April, when the two protagonists face off for the World Boxing Union (WBU) Super Middleweight Championship of the World.

Decastro’s warning following posts on Social Media quoting a Ghanaian Newspaper article where Sowah states “I’m going to knock Decastro out in 4’ which clearly hit a nerve with the man whose ring name is ‘Nightmare’, whose response was.

“Knock me out in 4! Sowah’s dreaming, after we fight he’ll be having nightmares.

“I’ve never lost full stop, let alone been stopped

“He needs to think, they call me Nathan ‘The Nightmare’ Decastro for a reason, I’ve stopped eleven of my fourteen opponents as a pro, I’m more than just a handful to contain, I’m a living Nightmare for my opponents in the ring, I’m fearless and relentless.”

Decastro, who is Ranked #4, 由国际拳击联合会 (IBF) in their Intercontinental Ratings, then wryly smiled and shrugged before swiftly changing the topic of conversation.

“I’m so looking forward to the 27th, it’s been my dream to fight for a World title, specifically the WBU World title, not just because of my boxing heroes Ricky Hatton and my Promotor Lee McAllister had both won WBU World Titles, but also because Bracebridge Boxing Club, where I train, has a history with the title.

“Owner Denny Oliver’s son Kelly, a four time senior ABA Champion boxed for it in South Africa against Sebastian Rothmann. I’ve always looked up to Kelly so fighting for the same title as him is special.”

Decastro continued. “My first fight was 22nd May 2001 and from that day I knew I wanted to be a professional fighter and have the opportunity to be a Champion. 18 years later I’m getting the chance to make my dream a reality and challenge for a World title in my home City of Lincoln.

“I’d like to say a huge thank you to my fans, who are really getting behind me. This show will be a sell out. It really means a lot to me to have that kind of support.

“I would like to say thank you to my team, my sponsors, who make this all possible, my Dad for all his time training me, pad work etc. Sam Vickers my Strength and Conditioning coach, Craig Barton my Dietician, my Physio Dale Hibberd, my Promotor Lee McAllister, thank you for putting such a storming fight card together as well as giving me the chance to fight in my home City and lastly my Girlfriend Rachel Casey.

Rachel has been my absolute rock for this show! She has done everything on her own, organising everything, selling tickets, she’s taken all the pressure off me so I can concentrate on training. What she has done is incredible. I’m a very lucky guy to have someone who really pushes me to be the best person I can be.”

Nathan ‘Nightmare’ Decastro Versus ‘The Hitman’ Daniel Adjei Sowah for the World Boxing Union (WBU) Super Middleweight Championship of the World headlines the Lee McAllister Assassin Management and Promotions “Nightmare Back in Lincoln” event at The Engine Shed at the University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS.

门票: VIP Balcony: SOLD OUT, 马戏团: SOLD OUT, Standard: £30.00. To purchase tickets please call Rachel Casey on 07736 737750 or to buy online go towww.tkoboxoffice.com


Joyce And Stiverne Erupt Over 2017 Sparring Session At Final Press Conference In London For Saturday’s Co-Feature To James DeGale vs. 克里斯·尤班克JR.

精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 开始住在 3:45 P.M. ET / 12:45 P.M. PT

点击 这里 对于照片; 信贷: 伊恩·沃尔顿/欣欣

伦敦 - 二月 20, 2019 – Undefeated heavyweight Joe Joyce and former heavyweight world champion Bermane Stiverne sounded off at the final press conference on Wednesday for their 12-round showdown that opens a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader this Saturday live on SHOWTIME (3:45 P.M. ET / 12:45 P.M. PT) 从在伦敦O2.

乔伊斯 (7-0, 7 科斯), Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 科斯) and their respective camps had to be separated as they debated the truth surrounding a 2017 sparring session in Las Vegas. Stiverne was preparing for his November 2017 rematch with WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder while Joyce was readying for his professional debut after a decorated amateur career. Both Joyce and Stiverne promised to erase any doubt surrounding the sparring session this Saturday.

一 2016 奥运会银牌得主, Joyce aims to continue his perfect knockout streak as a professional and inch closer to a world title shot. A former WBC Heavyweight World Champion, Stiverne hopes to prove he’s still a force in the stacked heavyweight division following a disappointing 2017 loss to Wilder.

In the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, former two-time super middleweight world champion James DeGale will face-off with former world title challenger and British rival Chris Eubank Jr. in a 12-round grudge match. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer will host the doubleheader from London with versatile combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo calling the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein. 三名人堂成员将圆了转播团队 - 艾美奖® 获奖的记者吉姆·格雷, 拳击历史学家史蒂夫Farhood作为非官方马戏团射手, 和世界知名的环播音员麦侬JR.

Here’s what the fighters and their camps had to say during Wednesday’s press conference at Intercontinental at The O2.


“I had a really good camp in Big Bear and I’m ready to go and put a dent on Stiverne on Saturday night.

“Bermane Stiverne, all respect to him, he’s a former WBC Champion. I have a lot of respect for him for taking this fight. It’s the perfect fight right now for my situation. It’s a great stepping stone for my career.

“I’m top five in the WBA at the moment, I’m moving fast. Each fight is getting me closer and closer to the top three names in the heavyweight division. I’m just going to keep on working hard in the gym and if everything goes well I’ll be back training for the next one soon. This year I’m going to make big strides.

“It was four rounds [of sparring] but I think that’s all he could do at that stage. He says he took me to school but I went to university, if you know what I mean. When we sparred in his camp in Las Vegas he was a bit lethargic. 我不在乎, though – they can talk however they want but we’ll see what happens Saturday night.

“I know how good I am and I just need to show all of you guys. I’m happy with Richard [Schaefer] having the faith in me. I’m just going to do my job and show how good I am.

“He’s towards the end of his career. He’s going to want to beat me to get back in the mix, but good luck to him. I’d be happy if I beat him before seventh or eighth round. I’m not going to be Wilder. I won’t beat him in under a round. I’m not there yet, but I will be eventually.

“This is quite a step up for me. I have my eyes set on bigger fights and he is the right step for me. 说实话, I was surprised that he accepted the challenge. I think that he believes that a win over me will help him regain his status as a top heavyweight. He won’t beat me.

“He’s going to try to come in and try to take me out early, but he’s not going to be able. 我已经为他做好了准备. I’m confident that towards the end of the year my name will be among the top five heavyweights in the world.

“A Wilder fight, that’s a fight to make in the future. That’s a good fight, I like the WBC belt.”


“It’s good to be back. 我感觉好极了. 我有备而来. We can talk all we want right now but what matters is what happens Saturday night. 我准备. My team made sure of that.

“I’m not looking past Joyce. That’s what I have to take care of on Saturday. 我是早有准备. We can talk about the future once that business is taken care of.

“There are a lot of stories about our sparring, but it wasn’t anything too interesting. It was a couple, maybe four rounds. Nothing to talk about. I’m not going into this fight based on the sparring we had. I’ve never disrespected this man. I posted a picture and thanked him for the sparring.

“Obviously they are taking this fight based on what happened in the last fight with Wilder and I’m glad. They are underestimating me. We could go back and forth all day but that’s not what matters. What matters is what happens on Saturday at The O2.

“I’m a stumbling block, not a stepping stone.

“I’m glad he thinks I’m here as a gatekeeper or stepping stone. I’m not really worried about that. They didn’t call me last minute – I was already in the gym. However they view me, 我准备好了. I’ll tell you one thing, they didn’t catch me with my pants down. 我准备好了.

“I would have packed it up or hung it up if I wasn’t ready. 我来打.

“Wilder hit me with a right hand in the rematch and that was it. You’re not going to see the same thing on Saturday. This is the perfect fight for me. They’re taking me too lightly and it’s a mistake.”

ABEL SANCHEZ, Joyce’s Trainer:

“We’ve prepared for the Bermane that fought Chris Arreola.

“These are the types of fights that will prepare us for the elite later this year.

“I wasn’t with Joe when his sparring with Stiverne took place, but if it got a guy like Stiverne heated up, it must have been something.

“We feel he’s ready for the next step. Stiverne is the kind of test we have to go through to move forward with his career.

“Joyce is probably the most decorated fighter in the U.K. He’s smart, very athletic and he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with just like George Foreman was.

“In the heavyweight division one punch can define the outcome of a fight so we are preparing for the guy that fought Deontay Wilder for 12 发, the guy that defeated Arreola.”

CHARLES MOONEY, Stiverne的教练:

“I brought Tony Thompson to fight David Price, which they thought it was an accident and we knocked him out in the second round. They thought it was a fluke and they brought us back again and we stopped him again. I’m not a giant slayer, 但是我 2-0. I stopped an Olympic bronze medalist and now I’m going to stop a silver medalist. We’re working our way up to gold.

“Joe needs to grow up a bit. He’s not ready for this. We’re going to kick that ass. My opinion, I think he should have waited a little bit. He should have traveled the road instead of trying to leap over the fence. When the bell rings we’ll know.”

理查德·谢弗, Joyce’s Promoter:

“This card is historic and one of many ITV cards that Al Haymon and the PBC will bring to the U.K. 球迷.

“DeGale and Eubank is a 50/50 战斗, but this fight is going to steal the night. When I saw Stiverne walk into the room I knew that he means business. When Stiverne is in tremendous shape he is a very difficult guy to beat.

“I’m going to make a bold statement – Joe Joyce today is the best heavyweight in the world. By the end of the year, he’ll be heavyweight champion of the world. By next year he’ll be ready to take on Wilder, [安东尼] Joshua and [泰森] 愤怒.

“Joyce is a generational talent. This is going to be a very difficult test. We want to see the best Stiverne because Joe Joyce is going to make a statement.”

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Undefeated British sensation Joe Joyce faces Former World Champion Bermane Stiverne

Defends Commonwealth title alongside return of Former World Champion Lee Selby on massive DeGale v Eubank Jr. 卡, LIVE on ITV Box Office

Fast rising star makes fearless move in just EIGHTH pro fight to fast track towards World Title

Stiverne says it will be Joyce’s nightmare when he gets knocked out

Legendary promoter Don King promises to ‘Re Joyce’ when Stiverne recreates McCall victory over Lewis in London

伦敦(23 一月 2019) Poxon Sports and PBC are delighted to announce that heavyweight sensation Joe Joyce will defend his Commonwealth title in the biggest test of his unbeaten career when he takes a gigantic leap up to confront the Former WBC World Champion Bermane Stiverne on Saturday 23rd February at The O2, exclusively live on ITV Box Office.

Joyce vs. Stiverne, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Ringstar Sports and Don King Productions, will feature alongside the return of Former IBF World Featherweight Champion Lee Selby as one of the chief-supporting contests on an action-packed show, headlined with the thrilling all-British clash between fierce rivals James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr.

The 6ft 6in ‘Juggernaut’ from Putney, South West London, has destroyed all seven of his opponents since turning professional in October 2017 after capturing the Silver medal at the Rio Olympics and has singled himself out as one of the most feared talents in the heavyweight division.

It’s a monumental test for Joyce to be facing a former World Champion in just his eighth fight, the rock-solid and sledge-hammer hitting Stiverne, born in Montreal, 加拿大, of Haitian descent and based out of Las Vegas, has fought some of the biggest and best in the division, including Deontay Wilder and Chris Arreola.

The fight has added bad blood thrown in resulting from a sparring session between Joyce and Stiverne in which Joyce was angered by comments from Stiverne in an interview afterwards when he said he took Joyce to school.

Joyce said, “I had respect for Bermane Stiverne. We sparred in Las Vegas; he said he took me to school in an interview etc, it got ugly and it made this fight happen. I tried to be respectful of him, but he’s rude and was having none of it. He is a former World Champion that has gone 12 rounds with Deontay Wilder and will give me a real challenge; but my engine and my power will be too much for him, a fact he should be aware of!”

Joyce’s promoter Richard Schaefer, Ringstar Sports董事长兼首席执行官, 说, “After only seven fights Joe Joyce has become the number five ranked Heavyweight in the world. But the spectacular way in which he has won all of his seven fights by knockout have made him the number one fan favourite in the Heavyweight Division. Taking on the heavy-handed Former World Champion Stiverne shows that no challenge is too big for Joe as he continues to march towards the Heavyweight World Championship. Simply put: Joe Joyce has become must see TV, so make sure to tune in on February 23 or come and watch him live at the O2 in London!”

Stiverne Dirita, “I told my promoter Don King to get me any man on earth and I will fight for the right to prove myself to the world. Then the phone rings, it’s Don, he tells me Joe Joycea boxer with only seven boutsagrees to meet me! ‘Seven bouts?’. Seven fights and he has the audacity to box me? I have stopped Chris Arreola, Ray Austin, the then undefeated Kerston Manswelland a boxer with seven fights wants to box me?!.’ I said to Don ‘Sign it, take it, grab it,’ I’m ready. Seven fightsand he wants to box meFor me it is a dream come truebut for Joyce it will be a nightmare. I will knock out Joe Joyce and step over him to KO Anthony Joshua. I’m primed and ready. The real Bermane Stiverne will be there on February 23 and will knock out Joe Joyce en route to regaining my heavyweight crown.”

Stiverne’s legendary promoter Don King, 额外, “It is with my greatest pleasure that Don King Productions can announce our return to Jolly Old Englandthe ‘Cradle of Boxingwhere my pugilistic giantthe Former Heavyweight Champion of the World Bermane Stiverne begins his comeback at the expense of the Giant Joe Joyce. Unfortunately, for the local fans of Joe there will no ‘re Joycing’ – as my onceand future champion Bermane Stiverne will slay Joyce just like St. George did the dragon of old. But no matter, we will pick up the pieces and bring back Joyce just as I have brought back and helped build many a future together. I recall when I came here with Oliver McCall and he was given no chance against Lennox Lewis. Then the underdog became the top dog when Oliver KO’d the previously unbeaten champ and we went home with the title. History will repeat itself of February 23 when Bermane sends another undefeated Englishman to defeat. Now retooledresuscitated, renewed, rejuvenated and recommitted Bermane Stiverne will resurrect his career on February 23 when the ‘Lord of Ringcrushes theLord of the World” – ‘JuggernautJoyce on his inexorable march to regain the heavyweight championship of the world. Bless all British fans, God Save the Queenbut heaven help Joe JoyceWe will see you on February 23rd.

WBC World Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder also put forward his thoughts on the intriguing match up, 他说,, “Joe Joyce will be a good test for him (Stiverne). I’ve seen Joe Joyce before. 他是一个好战士. Joe Joyce fought Joe Hanks on my undercard with Tyson Fury but I didn’t get a chance to see him fight that night. But I’m looking forward to seeing him against Stiverne.

Richard Poxon, UK Promoter for PBC, 说, “I’ve known Joe from his amateur days up in Sheffield. His success at the Olympics didn’t surprise me at all. He’s transitioned well to the pros now and is clearly in a hurry. The heavyweight division is the one that everyone is looking at again and I fully expect Joe to be in the thick of the action in the coming year. Taking on a former WBC World Champion in only your eighth fight clearly shows what Joe’s ambitions are.”

Since embarking on his pro career in his quest to become World Heavyweight Champion, the quietly spoken Joyce has let his destructive fists do the talking in making bold statements to make the boxing world sit up and take notice of the fast-rising star.

在十月 2017 he astounded critics when he choose to fight the hardened Former British title challenger Ian Lewison, who had just extended big-punching Dillian Whyte to ten rounds, for his pro-debut and pounded him down in eight rounds.

Then in only his fourth fight with only 12 rounds under his belt and inside seven months of turning pro, Joyce demolished the Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion Lenroy Thomas in just two roundssetting a new record by heavyweight boxer to win the Commonwealth belt.

在他的最后一战, American fights fans got a brief taster of what the British star is all about when he smashed through Joe Hanks in a round to win the WBA Continental title at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles in making his glittering U.S debut.


oyce, now ranked #5 in the world by the WBA and progressing quickly towards a World Title shot, faces unquestionably his sternest career test to date against the vastly experienced and equally big-hitting Las Vegas based Haitian who has knocked out 21 opponents of his 25 wins in his 29 拼事业.

Stiverne formerly held the WBC crown for two years after defeating Chris Arreola on points in April 2013 to win the title and then in the rematch destroying him inside six rounds in the first defence of the title in May 2014.

The rock solid Stiverne then pushed the dynamite-punching Deontay Wilder the full twelve round distance in the next defence of his WBC World Heavyweight title clash in January 2015. Stiverne became the first man to take Wilder beyond who at that point had obliterated all his opponents inside four rounds. In the rematch nearly three years later, Stiverne stepped in at the last minute when Wilder’s original opponent Luis Ortiz failed a drugs test and due to his inactivity was stopped in a round.

Stiverne is now looking to return to the elite heavyweight mix and a victory over Joyce would propel him back into the limelight and on course towards a potential world title opportunity.

Tickets available fromwww.AXS.com and Inner Ringside/VIP Hospitality fromwww.sportandmusic.co.uk.

This fight will be shown exclusively on ITV Box Office. For further information and updates, please go towww.itvboxoffice.com 

Late last year, ITV announced a ground-breaking new deal with Haymon Sports and Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) to bring exclusive coverage of exciting PBC world-class boxing events to ITV viewers and fight fans in the UK.

The unique collaboration is the first time that Haymon Sports and PBC has partnered with a UK broadcaster to stage boxing events regularly in the UK. The exclusive three-year deal will guarantee a minimum of 15 televised events each year, drawing from PBC’s unrivalled group of over 160 of the best boxers in the world, which includes more than 60 current and former world champions in matches staged both in the UK and the US. PBC, the sports’ pre-eminent boxing brand, is broadcast over cable and network television in the United States.

The world-class action from events for the next three years will include free-to-air broadcasts on ITV’s channels, including ITV main channel and ITV4 and ITV Hub, and will also include pay per views on ITV’s PPV channel, ITV Box Office.

This new deal for boxing adds to ITV Sport’s portfolio of first class events, which includes exclusive free to air coverage of the England football team’s qualifiers for both the European Championship and World Cup, 该 6 Nations and exclusive coverage of the Rugby World Cup, UK horse racing, 环法自行车赛和法国网球公开赛. rell, ‘����Gb�


James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr will clash at London’s O2 on 23 February in the first major UK event of the new deal between ITV and Haymon Sports’ 总理拳击冠军, it has been announced.

The Super Middleweight match, to be screened exclusively live on ITV Box Office, will take place against a backdrop of hostility between two fighters who have long made no secret of their mutual dislike and are relishing the prospect of settling their differences in the ring.

James DeGale has already fired off an opening shot in the direction of his opponent.

他说: “Really excited and looking forward to being back home to a fight of this magnitude. “I believe Eubank doesn’t have the pedigree, the size and skill to beat me. “Eubank is a decent fighter but every time he has stepped up he has been found out. He has called my name for a long time so now I’ve finally got my chance to zip his lips.

Eubank Jr responded in kind, 话: “DeGale is going to get the schooling of his career. A good old-fashioned hiding.

Poxon Sport is the promoter of DeGale v Eubank Jr, as the exclusive promoter of all UK PBC events on ITV.

The fighters faced off at the Hotel Café Royal, in London on Thursday, January 3rd. Live streaming of the press conference was hosted by ITV’s Gabriel Clarke on the ITV Box Office Facebook page and Youtube channel.

Full details of the undercard and how to access this ITV Box Office PPV event across all platforms will be announced and made available in due course. For updated and further information, please go to www.itvboxoffice.com Tickets for the fight go on sale on Friday 4 January at midday to O2 members and to the wider public at midday on Monday 7 一月. Tickets available from www.AXS.com and Inner Ringside/VIP Hospitality from www.sportandmusic.co.uk.

News of the DeGale v Eubank Jr showdown follows the announcement at the end of December of two major world title fights to be shown free to air on ITV4 as part of the broad scope of the ITV and PBC deal.

星期日, 一月 13, Jose Uzcategui defends his IBF Super Middleweight World Championship against unbeaten top challenger Caleb Plant. Coverage will come live from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.

The following weekend, 上 19 一月, ITV4’s coverage will come live from Las Vegas where Manny Pacquiao will defend his WBA world welterweight title against Adrien Broner. The exclusive ITV4 coverage will also include the much-anticipated showdown between Badou Jack and Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight title.

Late last year, ITV announced a ground-breaking new deal with Haymon Sports and Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) to bring exclusive coverage of exciting PBC world-class boxing events to ITV viewers and fight fans in the UK. The unique collaboration is the first time that Haymon Sports and PBC has partnered with a UK broadcaster to stage boxing events regularly in the UK.

The exclusive three-year deal will guarantee a minimum of 15 televised events each year, drawing from PBC’s unrivaled group of over 160 of the best boxers in the world, which includes more than 60 current and former world champions in matches staged both in the UK and the US.

PBC, the sportspre-eminent boxing brand, is broadcast over cable and network television in the United States. The world-class action from events for the next three years will include free-to-air broadcasts on ITV’s channels, including ITV main channel and ITV4 and ITV Hub, and will also include pay per views on ITV’s PPV channel, ITV Box Office.

This new deal for boxing adds to ITV Sport’s portfolio of first class events, which includes exclusive free to air coverage of the England football team’s qualifiers for both the European Championship and World Cup, 该 6 Nations and exclusive coverage of the Rugby World Cup, UK horse racing, 环法自行车赛和法国网球公开赛.


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Photographs by: Jamie McPhilimey/Matchroom

伦敦(十二月 20, 2018) – Top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Derek Chisora took part in the final press conference before their highly anticipated rematch Saturday, 十二月 22 住在Showtime在 5:00 P.M. 与 / 2:00 P.M. PT from The O2 in London.

Whyte (24-1, 17 科斯) and Chisora (29-8, 21 科斯) will run back one of 2016’s best fights as the bitter rivals will continue what they started two years ago with Whyte narrowly edging Chisora in a close all-out war. The winner will have the inside track at a possible future mega-fight with IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua, who will be in attendance Saturday night.  

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL telecast is hosted by Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. Live fight coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office.

Here is what the principals had to say Thursday from the Canary Riverside Plaza Hotel in London:


“There are levels to this thing and my levels just keep rising. I keep improving. Derek will see how strong I am come Saturday night.

“This is boxing and I’m used to people saying, ‘I’m going to do this or that’ to get into my head. I’ve been around long enough and heard fighters say ‘I’m going to come out banging in the first round,’ and then they come and do something else. So I don’t think Derek himself knows what he’s doing or where he’s going.

“I respect everyone. It’s a tough job getting in the ring. I respect everyone from the journeyman to the world champion of the sport.

“You know me, I do whatever it takes to get the win. I don’t need to get up and shout, ‘I’m going to do this or that.’ I just conserve my energy. 我很放松. You guys know what I bring and that I can fight, and I can box, and I can hit. You guys know my power. So I don’t have to sit here and scream about what I’m going to do. There will be blood on Saturday night.”


“David [Haye] put together the pieces for my training. He didn’t train me, but he sat me down and said, ‘This is what we’re going to do to get what we want to get.’ It’s gone well training-wise and lifestyle-wise. Now it’s time to go to war and have a great fight.

On his table-throwing episode during the last press conference two years ago:

 “I think the tables are screwed down so you won’t have to worry about that. I don’t think I’m going to do that anymore. I do something when I want to do something and now I’m just happy that training’s gone well and everyone’s fine in my camp.

“I’m going to bring the same game I do for every fight and we’re going to come to fight. His coach says that his fighter will be a boxer and all of that. But truly he’s not in the ring and Dillian’s the one that has to fight and he’s going to try to run, or he can meet me in the middle which would be great for me. Whatever game plan they have is fine. We will come in and seek and destroy.

“The first fight was a great fight. The boxing fans loved it. My brain cells didn’t love it but I enjoyed it. We are going to drown him from the get-go. We know he’s fit, but we want to see how fit he is. We’re going to go BOOM from the gates.

“I don’t want this to go to points. I’m going to knock the sucker out. Hundred percent. 我要揍他. I’m going to pound him.”

MARK TIBBS, Whyte’s Trainer

“Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, a good boxer will beat a good brawler. [Dillian] is not only just a good boxer, he’s a boxer-fighter. We will box and fight our way to a very good victory. It ain’t going to be easy, but we will meet him and greet him and beat him to the punch.”

DAVID HAYE, Former Heavyweight Champion and Chisora’s Manager

“I think Derek has always had in him what he needs to be one of the best heavyweights on the planet. He’s had opportunities in the past but hasn’t capitalized on them the best he could and I think he realizes that now. His experiences have taught him that he needs to work hard and make the sacrifices, and that’s what he’s done. He no longer does the things he used to do and when he stands on the scales tomorrow, you’ll be able to see.

“I’m very confident and I know he has the capabilities. I’ve been in there with him, and I’ve felt his power and his presence in the ring. I’ve seen it. The intensity and ferocity I’ve seen in sparring shows that he’s coming for war. I think the first time he didn’t have 12 rounds of war in him. I think this time he does. I think the power Derek brings will make Dillian very uncomfortable, but the fans are going to love it.”

埃迪·赫恩, Head of Matchroom Boxing

“The winner of this fight Saturday night is so important to the global heavyweight scene and so much is at stake.

“I think the crowd is going to be with Chisora. You know the British fans love the underdog. What makes this fight intriguing to the average fan is that these guys are both characters and very entertaining fighters. At the first fight I sat next to Wladimir Klitschko and he said, ‘I don’t think this fight is going to be very good.’ And after three rounds we looked at each other just shaking our heads.

“The Whyte fight is a big fight for Anthony, but I will stress again the one fight we want is with [Deontay] 怀尔德. We’re talking now. People shouldn’t assume the rematch with Fury is happening because the deal won’t be that easy. It never is for a fight of that size. It all depends really on Wilder; if he wants to be undisputed and if that matters to him. He can fight Fury after if he believes he can beat A.J. We don’t get chances very often to have undisputed champions, and that’s what everyone wants.


SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL To Air Live This Saturday, December 22At 5:00 P.M. 与 / 2:00 P.M. PT* On SHOWTIME And The Network’s Streaming Service


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Photographs are complimentary from Matchroom Boxing for editorial use only. Please credit Jamie McPhilimey/Matchroom

伦敦(十二月 19, 2018) – Top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Derek Chisora worked out in front of the media just days before their highly anticipated rematch Saturday, 十二月 22 住在Showtime在 5:00 P.M. 与 / 2:00 P.M. PT from The O2 in London.

Whyte (24-1, 17 科斯) and Chisora (29-8, 21 科斯) will go toe-to-toe once again in a rematch of one of 2016’s best fights on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL. The all-British affair between the bitter rivals has been brewing since Whyte narrowly edged Chisora in a back-and-forth slugfest that necessitated a rematch. The stakes are high as both fighters have been working toward world title opportunities against IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua and WBC Champion Deontay Wilder.

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office with host Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood.

Here is what Whyte and Chisora had to say Wednesday from East Wintergarden in London:


“Everybody knows what I come with and what I bring into the ring. We worked on a few new things. We improved in every area. There’s been a lot of talk from him about how he’s given his life to god and he’s got David [Haye] here and all that. 我们会看到.

“I’ve changed a lot and improved over the last two years since the last fight. One thing I’ve improved is my consistency. 这是最主要的事情. I’ve been consistent. I’ve had hard fights, I’ve had boring fights, I’ve had exciting fights but I’ve been consistent.

“The first time I fought him it was only the second time I’ve ever been scheduled for 12 rounds and the time before that I got stopped. I remember the first time I went past five rounds it was like ‘oh crap, this is round six, round seven.’ But now I’ve been there and I’ve done it. I’m experienced and I show different things in different rounds. 即使在我的最后一战, I got put down in the 12 round and got up and did what I had to do to win the fight.”


“I’m ready for action. The fight is only a couple days away. 我们准备好了. 我很兴奋. Training’s gone well and I’m just a happy guy right now. The big difference with this camp is I’ve given all of the control to David [Haye]. From where I slept, what time I woke up, what I ate, 一切.

“We’ve trained hard for this fight. There’s only one way we’re going to go into this fight. We are going to war. Right from the get-go. I’m going to run over to his side and start pounding him down. I hope he’s listening. I’m going to pound you and pound you and pound you. It doesn’t matter what he’s done. He can’t hurt me. He doesn’t have a powerful shot that can bother me. I’m going to find this guy, hunt him down and beat him up.

“I’m born again. I have a new manager and a new training regime. I’m just loving life, 基本上. It’s working out great for me. As I’ve said before, we have to knock him out. We don’t want to leave it to Eddie [Hearn’s] judges to give him the decision. We have to knock him out. We’re not going to use judges in this fight. We are coming there with a knockout mentality. No points, we’re not coming to box. We’re coming to fight.

“I’m going to go straight at him and I know he’s going to come hard too. He’s not going to shy away from a fight. He knows what’s happening. I’d advise everybody not to sit down at the O2 Arena.”


SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL To Air Live At 5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. PT On SHOWTIME And The Network’s Streaming Service

纽约 - 十二月 18, 2018 - SHOWTIME Sports will present the highly anticipated rematch between top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Dereck Chisora this Saturday, 十二月 22 住在Showtime在 5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. PT. As with all SHOWTIME programming, the event will air live on air and via the networks’ streaming service.

Whyte (24-1, 17 科斯) and Chisora (29-8, 21 科斯) will go toe-to-toe once again in a rematch of one of 2016’s best fights, live from London’s The O2 on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL.The all-British affair between the bitter rivals has been brewing since Whyte narrowly edged Chisora in a back-and-forth slugfest that necessitated a rematch.

“SHOWTIME continues to lead the industry by delivering more of the most compelling boxing events from around the world to our premium cable subscribers and online streaming customers,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨说, 总统, SHOWTIME体育. “This network has televised all of the most important heavyweight fights during the division’s renaissance and we are proud to join Matchroom Sports in delivering Whyte-Chisora II to our audience. Their first fight was action-packed from bell to bell. 现在, with the stakes as high as they have ever been for both men,this bout promises to be even better. I hope that the boxing pundits have not yet cast their vote for Fight, Knockout and Round of the Year. Saturday’s matchup may challenge some of this year’s best.”

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office with host Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood calling the action.

The stakes are high in the rematch, as both Whyte and Chisora have been working toward world title opportunities against IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua and WBC Champion Deontay Wilder. Whyte holds the No. 1 ranking in the WBC and WBO, as well as the WBA’s No. 4 position. Chisora is ranked No. 5 双方的WBA和IBF, 还有没有. 9 由WBC. Their first matchup was widely regarded as the best heavyweight matchup of 2016, and round five of their “sensational fight” earned Round of the Year honors from ESPN.