Tag Archives: médios

Houston-Native Miguel Flores Lutas em Hometown Contra o México Luis Maio sábado, Junho 29 de NRG Arena como parte de jam-embalados Charlo vs. Adams Undercard

Apresentando também perspectivas imbatíveis Omar Juárez, Cerceta Mychal & Mais!

O invencível campeão dos médios Jermall Charlo faz com que a cidade retorne à batalha de Brandon Adams no evento principal do Premier Boxing Champions ao vivo no SHOWTIME®

HOUSTON (Junho 11, 2019) – Nativo de Houston Miguel Flores vai voltar ao ringue para lutar em sua cidade natal contra o México Luis May Sábado, Junho 29 em uma luta de 10 rounds super pluma que destaca uma noite cheia de ação de atrações undercard da NRG Arena em Houston.

O evento é encabeçado por outro nativo de Houston, invicto WBC interino campeão dos médios Jermall Charlo, que enfrentará o candidato dos médios Brandon Adams no evento principal ao vivo no SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT).

Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, que é promovido pela Lions Somente Promotions e Promoções TGB, já estão à venda e podem ser adquiridos através da Ticketmaster. Charlo vs. Adams é promovido em associação com Promoções bandeira e O Torneio dos contendores.

Lutas Undercard também apresentam Brownsville invicto, Texas nativo Omar Juárez em uma atração welterweight de quatro rounds contra a Pensilvânia Seifullah Wise, invictoCerceta Mycheal de St. Petersburg, Florida assumindo Mark Beuke para um caso de peso médio de quatro rounds e invicto nativo de San Antonio Raymond Guajardo enfrentando Compton, Califórnia de Jaime Meza em uma luta de quatro médios rodada.

Arredondando a ação está invicto Weslaco, Texas nativo César Cantúparticipando de um confronto de quatro rounds super pluma contra o Carolina do Norte Sing Bowens, uma luta leve de seis rounds entre McAllen, Texas nativo Nelson Hampton e da Virgínia Ocidental Dakota Linger e a estréia profissional de Zamy larry em um confronto super-médio de quatro rounds contra o da Carolina do Norte Carlos Umanzor.

Nascido em Michoacan de Ocampo, México e morando em Houston, Flores (23-2, 11 KOs) retornará ao ringue pela primeira vez desde abril 2018, quando ele parou Raul Chirino em duas rodadas. O jogador de 26 anos estava programado para desafiar Leo Santa Cruz por seu título mundial de pluma em fevereiro, antes de sofrer uma lesão no tornozelo em treinamento. Ele parece estar mais perto de recuperar uma oportunidade de título quando enfrentar o brasileiro de 35 anos de idade. (21-14-1, 8 KOs) de Yucatan, México.

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Jermall Charlo VS. Brandon Adams HOUSTON CITAÇÕES Conferência de Imprensa & FOTOS

Jermall Charlo VS. Brandon Adams HOUSTON CITAÇÕES Conferência de Imprensa & FOTOS

“Eu vou terminar essa luta…Você pode ser um candidato, mas é outra coisa para ser um campeão,”Charlo

“Eu não esperava que o meu caminho para ser fácil, porque nunca foi fácil para mim ... O melhor homem vai ganhar em 29 de junho,” Adams

Invicto Top Middleweight Jermall Charlo Faz Hometown Voltar à Batalha Brandon Adams sábado, Junho 29 vivo no canal Showtime® de NRG Arena, em Houston e Apresentado pela Premier Boxe Campeões

Clique AQUI para fotos de Andrew King / SHOWTIME

HOUSTON (Maio 30, 2019) – Invicto WBC campeão Middleweight Interim e Houston-nativo Jermall Charlo fui cara a cara com candidato middleweight Brandon AdamsQuinta-feira em uma conferência de imprensa na cidade natal de Charlo para visualizar seu confronto sábado, Junho 29 vivo no canal Showtime (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) de NRG Arena e apresentado pela Premier Boxe Campeões.

Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, que é promovido pela Lions Somente Promotions e Promoções TGB, já estão à venda e podem ser adquiridos através da Ticketmaster. Charlo vs. Adams é promovido em associação com Promoções bandeira e O Torneio dos contendores.

No canal Showtime Championship Boxing® evento principal, Charlo vai lutar em Houston pela primeira vez desde 2012, como ele olha para cimentar ainda mais o seu lugar entre a elite médios contra Adams, que atirou no ranking de 160 libras ao vencer o 2018 reinicialização The Contender.

Aqui está o que os participantes da conferência de imprensa tinha a dizer quinta-feira de Hotel ZaZa Museum District em Houston:


“Eu e meu irmão Jermell ter passado por tanta coisa no boxe. Estamos fazendo isso desde que éramos oito anos de idade. Para torná-lo a este nível de classe mundial e fazê-lo para Houston, ele se sente muito bem.

“Vai ser fogos de artifício. Eu estou vindo para o nocaute cada vez. Houston é quente eo calor vai estar lá a noite de luta. Eu vou fazer o que eu faço normalmente e dar a emoção multidão.

“Ronnie Shields me mudou de ser uma criança para perceber quem eu sou como um homem no esporte do boxe. Ele teve campeões mundiais antes de mim, então eu sei que ele pode julgar a minha progressão. Ele vai ter certeza que eu ficar neste nível.

“Eu estou andando no ringue e estou lidando com o meu negócio. Este é definitivamente um passo luta por Brandon Adams, mas eu só estou preocupado com o que eu tenho que fazer. Eu estou indo só para se preparar para ser o meu melhor. Nós estamos indo para tanto dar o nosso melhor e eu vou ser vitorioso.

“O boxe é sobre as experiências e eu ainda estou aprendendo. Eu vou ter meus altos e baixos, porque nenhum lutador é perfeito. Mas eu sempre vou me preparar bem e é por isso que eu ainda estou invicto. Eu precisava de uma luta como o meu último a ficar ainda melhor.

“Eu vou terminar essa luta. Meu objetivo é fazer o trabalho rápido de Brandon e mostrar-lhe que há níveis a este. Você pode ser um candidato, mas é outra coisa para ser um campeão.

“Eu recebo um monte de suco da multidão da cidade natal. Basta ter a minha família lá sozinho é o que eu realmente preciso para obter os nervos e emoção para onde eu preciso deles. Eu estou indo para ser confortável e eu vou ficar com meu plano de jogo. Eu não estou aqui para fazer erros.

“Assim campo agora tem sido ótimo. Eu me sinto incrível e eu estou bem preparado. É uma sensação incrível estar a lutar na minha cidade natal. É quase um sonho tornado realidade para mim. Para ter meu próprio cartão a este nível e neste palco, ele mostra o apoio Houston tem para mim “.

Brandon Adams

“Agradeço a oportunidade eu tenho que entrar no ringue com este homem à minha frente. Estou super animado com isso e eu não posso esperar. Estes são dois melhores lutadores ficando no ringue e vamos dar aos fãs um show.

“Não é apenas o que eu vejo em Jermall, é o que eu acredito em mim mesmo. A combinação de trabalhar com Dub Huntley e Freddie Roach é perfeito. Ambos são veteranos experientes e eles me ensinar algo novo todos os dias.

“Eu não esperava que o meu caminho para ser fácil, porque nunca foi fácil para mim. Eu estou na estrada e eu entendo que. Estou preparado para fazer minhas malas e ir para onde eu preciso, para que eu possa tornar-se o que eu deveria tornar-se. O melhor homem vai ganhar de junho 29.

"Antes The Contender Eu senti que eu não tinha uma oportunidade de mostrar o quão bom eu sou. Durante toda a série era sobre a obtenção de volta ao ringue e sacudir a ferrugem, em seguida, mostrando quem eu sou.

"Ganhando The Contender ajudou-me aqui, mas eu sempre tive confiança e acreditou em mim desde o primeiro dia. Na escolha de aceitar o desafio de Charlo, Eu tinha em minha mente que eu pertenço aqui.

“Foi a pressão cada vez que eu lutei em The Contender. Cada rodada foram adversários de qualidade que antecederam a final e tudo isso vai me preparar para Charlo. Ele merece tudo o que ele é chegado e eu respeito-o como um homem, mas eu vou aproveitar esta oportunidade.

“Sua equipe não tem que lutar comigo, mas preferiram. Aprecio seus fãs saindo para apoiá-lo, porque eles vão ver nós dois. Espero que eu possa ganhar alguns deles over “.

Ronnie Shields, Instrutor de Charlo

“Nós fizemos um monte de estudar de Brandon Adams e ele é um lutador muito bom. Vencedor The Contender não é uma tarefa fácil. Ele é verdadeiramente um candidato, por isso temos de ter certeza de que estamos trabalhando duro todos os dias.

“Nós não estamos sentar e esperar por alguém para lutar contra nós. Temos de continuar a ser ocupado. Você ainda tem que lutar lutas duras quando você está no topo e é isso que estamos fazendo. Estamos preparando o caminho certo.

“Estou tão feliz que todo mundo saiu para apoiar Jermall porque ele está esperando para fazer o seu regresso a casa e é isso. É importante para ver todos do seu lado.”

DUB HUNTLEY, Treinador Adams’

“Eu espero que todo mundo sai para um presente, porque isso vai ser uma grande luta. Eu estive com Brandon por um longo tempo e sei que ele vai vencer essa luta e colocar em um desempenho memorável. Charlo é um grande lutador, mas Brandon tem todas as ferramentas necessárias para entrar em sua cidade natal e conseguir a vitória.”

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Charlo vs. Adams vai colocar invicto WBC Provisório Middleweight Championand Houston nativo Jermall Charlo contra-médios contendor Brandon Adams em troca cidade natal de Charlo sábado, Junho 29 viver no canal Showtime da NRG Arena, em Houston e apresentada por Premier Boxe Campeões.

Showtime Championship Boxing começa às 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT e apresenta contundente welterweight super Erickson Hammer”’’Lubin assumir contendor Francês Zakaria Attou em um ataque eliminação título WBC 12-redonda no evento co-principal. Abrindo a cerimônia é um WBA eliminador de título dos penas entre mancha canhoto mexicano Eduardo Ramirez e poder de perfuração Dominicana Claudio Marrero.

Para mais informações visite www.SHO.com/Sports
siga no Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions e @Swanson_Comm ou tornar-se um fã no Facebook em www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Lewiston, Maine (Maio 22, 2019) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Androscoggin Bank Colisee no sábado, Junho 22 com seu próximo evento de artes marciais mistas, “NEF 39: TODOS OS AMERICANOS.” Hoje cedo, a promoção da luta anunciou a adição de uma luta pelo título amador ao card. Carlton Charles (3-2) vai enfrentar Jordan Norman (2-1) para o cinturão de peso médio amador vago.

Antes de entrar no MMA, Carlton Charles deixou sua marca no campo de futebol. Ele jogou pela Windham High School em Windham, Maine e mais tarde levaram a equipe a um título de classe A como assistente técnico. Charles passou a jogar como zagueiro na University of Maine Black Bears. Ele fez sua estreia na NEF no verão de 2017 com uma vitória por nocaute de 23 segundos. Ele superaria esse desempenho com uma vitória por nocaute de 12 segundos em fevereiro de 2018. Depois de uma tentativa malsucedida de conquistar o título meio-médio amador contra Duncan Smith (5-3) último Junho, Charles voltou à jaula há um mês em New Hampshire e conquistou mais uma vitória por nocaute no primeiro assalto.

“Como sempre, Me sinto abençoada e muito grata pela oportunidade de lutar pelo cinturão,” disse Charles.  “Eu sei que Jordan já percorreu um longo caminho neste esporte e está sempre treinando forte e melhorando. Procurarei não ser pego por um daqueles grandes ganchos de carne que ele tem nas mãos. Ele é um cara grande e poderoso, e vou treinar duro como sempre para ser capaz de sair e dar o melhor de mim. Eu sei que meus treinadores vão me preparar para este! não tenho dúvidas de que os fãs terão um verdadeiro mimo com este.”

Jordan Norman já percorreu um longo caminho desde sua estreia no NEF em junho passado. Ele perdeu naquela noite por nocaute no primeiro assalto, mas Norman voltaria atirando em suas próximas duas lutas. Ele ganhou uma decisão dividida sobre John Assam (0-1) último outono, e no mês passado terminou Greg Ishihara (0-1) na segunda rodada. Norman representa o Bad Little Falls Dojo.

“Estou honrado pela oportunidade de entrar na jaula do NEF e competir pelo título amador contra alguém como Carlton,” exclamou Norman. “Ele e eu faremos um show incrível para o público de Lewiston. Nós dois viemos lutar e não será diferente no dia 22 de junho. Eu não tenho nada além de respeito por ele e sua equipe. Estou animado para a tarefa em mãos e lutando pelo título dos médios. ”

A luta pelo título dos médios entre Charles e Norman é a quarta já anunciada para o “NEF 39” cartão. Josh “Hook On” Harvey (6-0-1) deve defender o título profissional peso pena contra Jordan Downey (5-4), enquanto Nate Boucher (4-3) vai se enfrentar com Robert Presley (5-4) para o cinto de peso mosca masculino amador vazio, e Glory Watson invicto (4-0) enfrenta Caree Hill (4-1) para coroar o primeiro campeão amador feminino peso mosca da NEF. Também anunciado para o cartão, Jesse “O Viking” Erickson (9-7) enfrenta Lewis Corapi (8-5) em uma luta profissional leve.

“NEF 39: TODOS OS AMERICANOS,” acontecerá no sábado, Junho 22, 2019 no Colisee Androscoggin Bank em Lewiston, Maine com hora do sino de 7 pm. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.TheColisee.com.

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar eventos da mais alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.

Troy Isley coming off biggest win, Preparing for 2020 Jogos Olímpicos

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Maio 6, 2019) – USA Boxing middleweight Troy Isley is coming off the most significant victory of his young career, when he defeated the 2016 Medalhista de ouro olímpico, Cuba’s Arlen Lopez, at the recent Pan American Games Qualifier in Managua, Nicarágua.

Lopez served as a positive barometer for Isley in terms of his potential 2020 Olympic run. “Beating Lopez is my biggest win so far,” Isley admitted. “He won a gold medal at the last Olympics. I avenged my loss to him in 2017. We almost fought in The Continentals, but he lost in the quarterfinals, and I lost in the semifinals. We could face each other again in July at the Pan American Games.

Em 2017, Isley captured a gold medal at the Elite World Championships, which marked a first for an American elite boxer in six years. He’s progressed year-by-year, taking top honors at the 2012 & 2013 National PAL Championships, 2014 National Junior Olympics, 2016 & 2017 Campeonato Nacional de elite. So far this year, in addition to winning at the Pan American Games Qualifier, he also took gold at the Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria.

Not too shabby accomplishments for a kid who really didn’t like boxing, especially compared to football, which was his favorite sport growing up.

When I returned to the gym I trained at, Alexandria (VA) Boxing Club,” USA National Team assistant coach Kay Koromba remembered,” they needed help with a young kid, Troy Isley. I had a simple conversation with him. He said he’d come back to the gym if I was there coaching. I didn’t go back for a little while and he didn’t return. I eventually took over the gym when the coach left, and Troy returned.

Troy is friends with Keyshawn Davé (USA Boxing’s No. 1-rated lightweight). They both live in Virginia (Troy in Alexandria, Keyshawn in Newport) and train with me at the Alexandria Boxing Club, when we aren’t living and training in Colorado Springs. They fought as kids and became good friends. All of the other boxers here look up to them.

“Eu só foi 8 and at first I really didn’t like boxing,” the now 20-year-old Isley spoke about his introduction to amateur boxing. “I was more interested in team sports like football, but I gave up boxing when I chose to compete in the Box-Offs. I just wanted to be a kid and you can’t play boxing. I went back to the gym and beat up everybody. Coach Kay told my father that he could make me into a national champion, and that gave me a lot of self-esteem.

A self-described boxer puncher, Isley is an intelligent, well-spoken boxer with eyes on the future, outside of boxing, taking on-line business courses through DeVry University. “Eu posso fazer isso tudo,” he offered about his boxing style. “I’m working on using more jabs to be a better all-around boxer. The jab sets the offense up. I’m working on my jab because you can win fights with a jab.

Promoters are lining up to pitch their companies to sign Isley, who has a definitive plan that involves making the 2020 USA Olympic Boxing Team, medal in Japan, and then turn professional.

The Olympics is only a year away,” Isley noted. “I’m close with Keyshawn and Shakur(Stevenson, 2016 Olympic silver-medalist and an 11-0 pro prospect). Training with them makes things easier for all of us. We drive each other and train against different styles. I’m always picking up new stuff. We help each other training, treino, and just talking. We’re always together, either in Alexandria or Colorado Springs. Shakur still goes there for good sparring.

Shakur tells us a lot about his experiences in the Olympics and now as a pro. Me and Keyshawn have always talked about being together on the USA Boxing Olympic Team. We keep working hard and staying focused. It’s been our dream.

Dreams do come true but, primeiro, Isley is preparing for the Pan-Am Games and, possibly, his rubber match with the defending Olympic gold-medalist, Lopez.

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Canelo ALVAREZ VS. Daniel JACOBS ** In-Depth Preview e Análise **

Por: Tony Penecale

The biggest week in boxing is upon us with the annual Cinco de Mayo weekend extravaganza in Las Vegas. The Mexican marquee star Saul “Canelo” Alvarez returns to his home-away-from-home to face the challenge of fellow middleweight titlist, Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs, who is intent on spoiling the homecoming.

Can Canelo sprinkle some extra cinnamon on an explosive victory? Or will it be Jacobs who provides another miracle in his story-book comeback?


Alvarez: Idade: 28 anos
Registro: 51-1-2 (35 Knockouts)
Altura: 5’9”
Peso: 167 * * Peso para última luta (12-15-18)
Alcançar: 70"

Jacobs: Idade: 32 anos
Registro: 35-2 (29 Knockouts)
Altura: 5’11”
Peso: 159 * * Peso para última luta (10-27-18)
Alcançar: 73"


WBC júnior campeão dos médios (’11-’13)
WBA júnior campeão dos médios (‘13)
Ring Magazine Junior Middleweight Champion ('13)
WBC campeão dos médios (’15-Pres)
WBA Middleweight Champion (’18-Pres)
Ring Magazine Middleweight Champion (’18-Pres)
WBA Super Middleweight Champion (’18-Pres)
Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #3 Boxer

WBA Middleweight Champion (’14-‘17)
IBF Middleweight Champion (’18-‘Pres)


Um agressivo, physical fighter with underrated boxing skills, Alvarez muitas vezes usa os adversários para baixo com pressão consistente e socos de mão pesada. Will use feints and counters to throw is opponent’s timing off and create openings for a strength-sapping body attack. Carries fight-changing power in both hands but sometimes doesn’t throw enough punches. While he is most known for his offensive skills, Alvarez você decente, mas não ótimo, habilidades defensivas que deslizam e bloquear socos.

A lanky, long-armed boxer with versatile skills who often fights aggressively and is not afraid to exchange punches. Jacobs couples good boxing skills and fundamentals with knockout power in both hands. Will sometimes be too offensive-minded and is susceptible to counter punches. Shows tremendous heart in the face of adversity.


* Power – Alvarez carries thunder in both fists. He has knockout power in either hand, mas a sua arma mais devastadora reside em seu gancho de esquerda, especially to the body. He has three knockout-of-the-year candidates in his career.

* Força - Alvarez é um lutador fisicamente-amadurecendo e densamente construído com força sobrenatural. He is effective in backing fighters up, mesmo quando não o desembarque socos descarga. He has grown from junior-middleweight and has competed recently at super-middleweight.

* Experience – Alvarez has come a long way during his professional career and has competed against some of the biggest names in boxing. He has been in this moment numerous times and the raucous atmosphere will be second nature to him.

* Character – Jacobs stood up to and defeated the most daunting adversary of his career when he overcame bone cancer in 2011. His character shows in the ring as he has handled some difficult challenges in his career.

* Power – Jacobs has registered 29 da sua 35 professional victories via stoppage. He has the power to change the fight with one punch and the killer instinct to finish a wounded opponent.

* Versatile – Jacobs possesses good boxing skills and movement, sometimes switching between orthodox and southpaw stances. If against another aggressive opponent, Jacobs will box on his back foot and seek counter-punching opportunities. He is adept at accelerating the pace when needed.


* Tactical Mistakes – Alvarez has made tactical mistakes in some previous fights, including trying to beat Floyd Mayweather Jr. by boxing with him on the outside. Em outras lutas, he has allowed his opponents to control the pace and steal rounds.

* Easy-to-Hit – While his offensive skill is his calling card, Alvarez has a decent defense. When he loses focus or becomes overly aggressive, he is wide open for straight right hands and counter punches.

* Heavy Feet – Alvarez has good boxing ability but is often slow-footed in the ring. When matched against taller fighters with good lateral movement, he frequently struggles, as was the case in his bouts with Austin Trout and Erislandy Lara.

* Suspect Chin – Jacobs is no stranger to tasting the canvas. He was knocked out in devastating fashion by Dmitry Pirog in his first professional loss. He was also on the canvas against Gennady Golovkin and Sergio Mora.

* Reckless – In his first fight against Mora, Jacobs became overly aggressive after scoring a knockdown and left himself wide open for a counter punch that put him on the canvas. He was also off-balance and reckless again when he had Peter Quillin stunned.

* Atmosphere – Jacobs has fought in Las Vegas before and main-evented in Madison Square Garden. Contudo, this is his first marquee Las Vegas Cinco-de-Mayo weekend extravaganza.

Luta anterior

Alvarez: (12/15/18) – Alvarez made a successful super-middleweight debut by destroying the game but overmatched Rocky Fielding in three rounds. Alvarez punished Fielding’s body, marcando quatro knockdowns, and finishing him with his signature left hook to the liver.

(10/27/18) – Jacobs had a tough encounter with undefeated but unknown Serhiy Derevianchenko, winning a 12-round split decision. Jacobs scored a 1st-round knockdown and landed more punches during the back-and-forth contest.

3 Melhores desempenhos

* James Kirkland (5/9/15) – The fireworks were on display from the opening bell as Kirkland engaged Alvarez with a kamikaze attack. Alvarez countered and scored a 1st-round knockdown and ended the fight in the 3
rd round with a picturesque right hand.

* Liam Smith (9/17/16) – Alvarez methodically broke down the previously-undefeated Smith, controlling the bout from the beginning. Alvarez scored knockdowns in the 7
th e 8th rounds before ending the show with his left hook to the liver in the 9th redondo.

* Carlos Baldomir (9/18/10) – Alvarez was a 20-year-old prodigy facing a durable former world champion in Baldomir. Alvarez was successful boxing early and using his advantages in speed and skill to sweep the first five rounds. But it was his display in the 6th that was memorable. Alvarez rocked Baldomir before finally dropping with a left hook, tornando-o inconsciente antes de ele bater a esteira e lidar ele sua única derrota paralisação em uma carreira de 16 anos.

* Sergio Mora (9/9/16) – Jacobs wiped away any controversy from their first fight, which ended with Mora injuring his ankle, by dissecting him in the rematch, culminating in an impressive 7
th TKO rodada. Jacobs scored a knockdown each in the 4th e 5th rounds before opening up and dropping Mora three times in the 7th redondo, forcing the stoppage.

* Peter Quillin (12/5/15) – In a battle for Brooklyn Bragging Rights, Jacobs stunned the undefeated and favored Quillin with a 1
st TKO rodada. Jacobs landed a right hand early, sending Quilling staggering into the ropes. A follow-up flurry sent Quillin across the ring where the referee stopped the fight.

* Caleb Truax (4/24/15) – Jacobs dominated Truax with a masterful performance over 11 rounds, controlling the action with a heavy jab, and wearing his game opponent down. Comfortably ahead going into the final round, Jacobs unloaded on his weakened adversary until the referee saved him from further punishment.

Chaves para a vitória

* Start fast and don’t allow Jacobs to become confident

* Cut off the ring and force Jacobs to fight in confined spaces

* Go to the body early and often

* Use a stiff jab and lateral movement to keep Alvarez off balance

* Land something to get Alvarez’s respect early

* Do not get reckless


* Will the move back to middleweight drain Alvarez?

* Is Alvarez overlooking Jacobs?

* Will Alvarez become frustrated if Jacobs uses effective lateral movement?

* Can Jacobs win a decision in Las Vegas?

* Will Jacobs be able to exploit Alvarez’s tactical shortcomings?

* How will Jacobs handle the pro-Alvarez atmosphere?


The crowd will be buzzing at the opening bell. Alvarez will move forward, hands up, probing with his jab and trying to set his feet. Jacobs will be moving laterally, pawing a tentative jab and using head feints. The cautious 1
st round will end with Alvarez stepping in and throwing a few hard body shots, causing the partisan crowd to erupt in cheers.

Alvarez will continue to apply pressure in the 2
nd e 3rd rounds with Jacobs working to establish his jab with more authority. Jacobs will land a few heavy jabs to the face with Alvarez countering with right hands over the top. Jacobs will step to his left to avoid Alvarez’s left hook to the body.

The action will continue to intensify through the middle rounds. Jacobs will be following his jab with a straight right hand. Alvarez will be crouching and using his strength on the inside, using overhand rights and hooks to the arms and ribs.

Alvarez will sport some redness around his eyes and Jacobs will show welts across his torso. The pro-Alvarez crowd will gasp as Jacobs lands a series of hard right hands in the 6
th round but will then erupt in the 7th when an exchange of left hooks sees Alvarez land first, sending Jacobs sprawling back to the canvas.

Jacobs will rise and affirm to referee Tony Weeks that he is okay to continue. Alvarez will attack, throwing his left hook to the body and head. Jacobs will stagger back, set his feet, and respond with a right hand and wild left hook. Alvarez will land a counter left hook to the head and Jacobs will clinch, with the bell ending the round.

The crowd will be wild with anticipation going into the 8
th redondo, sensing the Alvarez might be closing in on victory. Jacobs will use lateral movement while he clears his head, probing with his jab to keep Alvarez at bay. Alvarez will continue to look for the homerun punch, but Jacobs will stay out of range for the duration.

Throughout the 9
th e 10th rounds, Jacobs will be sufficiently recovered and willing to engage Alvarez, throwing more right hands, and increasing the tempo. Alvarez will land a series of thudding hooks to the body and Jacobs will counter with uppercuts on the inside.

O 11
th round will continue the intense action with both fighters having their moments. Alvarez will become inactive for stretches of the round, allowing Jacobs to again control the pace.

Going into the final round, Jacobs will know that he is in danger with the bout being so close. He will initiate the pressure on Alvarez and there will be some toe-to-toe exchanges. As Alvarez takes a deep breath, Jacobs will successfully back him on his heels with a jab, followed by a straight-right hand. Alvarez will roll with the punch and counter with his own right hand. The crowd will be on its feet as the fighters exchange punches and embrace the final bell.

The decision will be unanimous with Dave Moretti and Glenn Feldman both scoring 115-112 and Steve Weisfeld with a wider margin of 117-110, all in favor of Saul “Canelo” Alvarez.

Below you can access this week’s radio show where Tony , “Psíquico” Tom Padgett and “Ralé Rousin '” Rich Bergeron discuss the fight.

Listen to “Canelo vs. Jacobs Visualização, Lesnar se aposenta do MMA, perguntas MacDonald irá manter ferir pessoas depois Fitch Desenhar” on Spreaker.

Claressa Shields Is The BWAA’s 2018 Feminino Lutador do Ano

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By Joseph Santoliquito/BWAA President

In a pivotal year for women’s boxing that saw the sport reach more
people than ever before, two-time United States Olympic gold medal
winner Claressa Shields continued to soar, as she successfully defended her two world middleweight titles, then added three super middleweight belts before the end of a campaign that earned her the 2018 Christy
Martin Award, which is given to the Boxing Writers Association of
America’s Female Fighter of the Year.

I am thrilled and honored to receive the Fighter of the Year award from the Boxing Writers Association of America. It is a dream come true, and it furthers my goal to lift women’s boxing to new levels,” Shields disse.

“Em 2019 my goals are to become undisputed champion, to be ranked in the top 10 pound-for-pound list regardless of gender, and to continue
the march of women’s boxing toward equality with men.

The 23-year-old from Flint, Michigan becomes the second winner of the award, which was established in 2017. She will be honored at the
BWAA’s annual award dinner, which will take place in 2019 at a site and date to be determined.

In such a big year for women’s boxing, it wasn’t a surprise that there
were so many worthy nominees for this award, but in 2018, Claressa
Shields took things to a new level by becoming a two-division world
champion and successfully defending her titles at both 168 e 160
pounds in Showtime and HBO-televised bouts,” said Thomas Gerbasi,
chairman of the BWAA’s women’s boxing committee. “That’s impressive in its own right, but the fact that she’s done this all before her tenth pro
fight and under the glare of the spotlight that comes with being the face of the sport in the United States made her a unanimous choice for this
year’s Christy Martin Award.

Joining Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward and the late Emanuel Steward as
members of the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame’s Class of 2018, Shields began the year on a collision course with middleweight
champion Christina Hammer, but first she finished up her business at
168 pounds by successfully defending her IBF and WBC titles with a
shutout victory over Tori Nelson in January.

Next was Shieldsmiddleweight debut against Hanna Gabriels in June,
and what followed was a Fight of the Year candidate that saw Shields
rebound from the first knockdown of her career to win a clear-cut
decision and the IBF and WBA belts. Soon after, the news came that
Hammer had to withdraw from her November clash with Shields due to
ferimentos, mas “T-Rex” didn’t slow down, as she defeated Hannah Rankin and Femke Hermans to successfully defend her middleweight titles while
adding the WBC crown to her trophy case.

Brandon Adams dominates Shane Mosley Jr. to win The Contender championship

PHILADELPHIA, PENN.(Novembro 9, 2018)-Brandon Adams was dominant in pounding Shane Mosley Jr. over 10-rounds to win a wide unanimous decision and claim The Contender championship at the Forum in Inglewood, Califórnia.




Na segunda rodada, Adams landed some solid shots with both hands on the inside. Adams continued to land the quick accurate punches through the first half of the fight. Adams in-and-out punching had Mosley thinking more than punching.




In round six, Adams started to pick up the tempo, and landed a series of power punches with both hands. Adams featured several hard rights and ripping uppercuts. In round seven, Adams continued to land flush punches and hurt Mosley with each connect. Mosley was cut over his left eye in the 7th frame. Adams continued his dominance down the stretch and won by scores of 100-90 duas vezes e 99-91.




My camp, everybody helped me. They pushed me. All of the combatants were tough. They pushed me, and they helped me reach new heights.,said Adams in the ring after the fight.




It was a dominant win for Brandon. He put on a terrific performance, and he proved that he is one of the top middleweights in the world. There will be plenty of big fights on the horizon for Brandon,” disse Promoções bandeira presidente, Artie Pelullo.




With the win Adams (21-2, 13 KOs) is guaranteed a top-10 ranking by the WBA.




The Contender was seen Live on EPIX ®.




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Marcos Hernandez Looking to Steal the Show on The Contender Finale

FRESNO, TAL COMO (Novembro 8, 2018) – Middleweight Mad Man” Marcos Hernandez (12-1-1, 3 KOs) will look to continue his recent success on The Contender finale this Friday at The Forum in Inglewood, Califórnia. The 6-round bout will be televised on EPIX, as he takes on fellow cast member Quantavious Cash (10-1, 7 KOs).

Hernandez, who hails from Fresno, TAL COMO, is the only cast member of The Contender that didn’t lose a single fight on the show, besides Shane Mosley Jr. (11-2, 8 KOs) e Brandon Adams (20-2, 13 KOs), who will meet in the finals. Em sua luta mais recente, Hernandez defeated Daniel Valdivia (14-3, 10 KOs) in a fight that Valdivia was rocked badly in the last two rounds. Some controversy happened after the bout as Valdivia was originally announced the winner, despite being out boxed and beaten, an official at ringside counted the scores again and realized a judging error and announced Hernandez, the rightful winner.

On top of the bizarre ending, Hernandez was cut in the fight and forced to sit, because of his cut. Valdivia replaced him and got dropped and beaten by Shane Mosely Jr., who now is in the finals.

Hernandez is readier than ever now to make things happen as he wishes to keep his momentum moving forward and face the best in the division.

I have had a great camp with my trainer Henry Ramirez in Riverside, como, and I am ready for Friday night.” Disse Hernandez. “I am going to show all of my skills when I step in the ring and I’m going to steal the show.

I have never seen Hernandez train this hard, be this motivated and want to prove a point this badly,” stated his longtime advisor, Peter Lopes. “This is a different ‘Mad Man’.

GH3 Promotions signs Former World Title Challenger Dominic Wade

NUTLEY, NJ., (Novembro 5, 2018) – GH3 Promotions has signed former world title challenger and middleweight contender Dominic Wade to a Promotional deal.




Vadear, 28 years-old of Largo, Maryland tem um recorde de 18-1 com 12 nocautes.




Wade was a four-time Junior Olympic Champion and a participant in the 2007 Provas olímpicas de boxe.




He turned professional on March 14, 2009 with a 1st round stoppage over undefeated Chris Davis (3-0). Wade climbed up the rankings with victories over Michael Faulk (2-0), Grover Young (4-0), Nick Brinson (16-1-2) and former world champion Sam Soliman.




Those wins catapulted Wade to face unified Middleweight world champion Gennady Golovkin on April 23, 2016 no The Forum em Inglewood, Califórnia.




Wade suffered his only professional defeat in that fight, and has not fought since the world title opportunity.




I am excited to get back in the ring, and the show the world what I got. I will get back to the top of the rankings, and do it better, and more proper this time.said Wade.




It is time to show the world that I am back. I want to take my time until the big fights come up. I can see me in fights against Canelo Alvarez, Golvkin, Daniel Jacobs, Jermall Charlo, Demetrius Andrade or any of the other top middleweights out there. I feel that after a couple of fights, I will be up there with the top names in the division. I am just excited to do my thing. I got to the top of the rankings with just natural talent. Now I have a good team behind me with GH3 Promotions, I have a great work ethic, and I am back with my original trainer Adrian Davis. I feel the best is still ahead of me.






I feel that we can get Dominic back to the top really soon. I plan to have him fight November 17th in Indiana, then I want to bring him back in December in New Jersey, and a 3rd fight in January, that will get him in a fight that will get him in position. He has always had the talent, now he is with us, and we will have him on a schedule to get him back in the rankings, and eventually another world title shot,” said Vito Mielnicki of GH3 Promotions.

Isiah Seldon ready for undefeated middleweight Tyler Howard on November 16th in Oklahoma City

Atlantic City, NJ (Novembro 1, 2018)Middleweight Isiah Seldon is getting ready for his biggest fight of his career when he takes on undefeated Tyler Howard in a bout scheduled for eight-round on November 16th at The Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City.




O ataque, which is promoted by Top Rank, will be streamed live on ESPN+.




The main event will see WBO Junior Welterweight champion Maurice Hooker defending against Alex Saucedo.




Seldon (12-1-1, 4 KOs) has been training in Atlantic City under the watchful eye of Bill Johnson.




I am looking forward to this great opportunity,” said Seldon. “I have been longing for an opportunity to take on a fighter such as Howard as a win will take my career to the next level.




Team Seldon, has been working diligently with longtime manager Jim Kurtz very excited about the opportunity that Seldon has in front of him.




It doesn’t get any bigger than fighting on a Top Rank show with an explosive main event between Hooker and Saucedo. The staff at Top Rank has been top notch. I am really excited for Isiah to get this opportunity to display his talents on a big stage. Myself and co-manager Joe Thompson are convinced Isiah is ready to shine on November 16th and it can’t get here fast enough,” said Kurtz, who has managed Seldon from day one.




Kurtz also managed Seldon’s father, WBA Heavyweight champion, Bruce Seldon.




Isiah has reunited with his original trainer Bill Johnson and they haven’t skipped a beat. This is the first time Isiah has had a full fledged training camp. We haven’t left any stone unturned in preparation for this fight. Isiah’s conditioning is at a point that I have never seen with him before. He is getting great sparring and his improvement working with Bill in preparation for this fight has been incredible. He is ready to show the world a new and improved Isiah Seldon. He has a large legacy to follow being the son of former WBA Heavyweight Champion Bruce Seldon but Isiah is determined to make his own mark on the sport of boxing.




He has always had power in both hands, scoring knockdown in almost every fight, but now he is learning to remain calm and finish guys instead of getting overly excited and letting them off the hook. He is punching harder than ever before, putting his punches together and his boxing ability has reached a level where he can control the pace of the fight. We have taken it slow with Isiah considering he didn’t have any amateur fights but we are now at the point where he is ready to make his mark on the Middleweight division.




We know Tyler Howard is a good undefeated fighter. He had a good amateur career, comes from a family with a boxing background, and has a solid management team who have done a great job with him. On November 16th we expect a tough fight with some fireworks but we are confident Isiah will emerge victorious and this will lead us to bigger and better opportunities.