標記檔案: 重量級

After Sensational Victory over Donovan Dennis, The Sky is Now the Limit for Heavyweight Slugger Jarrell ‘Big Baby’ 磨坊主


Promoter Greg Cohen of Greg Cohen Promotions says he could not be happier with the performance turned in last Friday night by the fighter he co-promotes (with Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions), undefeated heavyweight slugger Jarrell “大寶貝” 磨坊主.
磨坊主, 現在 16-0-1, 14 科斯, showed both his frightening power and excellent boxing skills while scoring a brutal TKO 7 over an extremely game Donovan Dennis. Fighting in the co-main event of a nationally televised ShoBox: The New Generation from the Casino Del Sol in Tucson, 亞利桑那, Miller made believers out of many by displaying depth and ring intelligence to go with his sledgehammer fists.
Jarrell showed he’s not just a big puncher,” 格雷格說,科恩. “He showed the ability to change up his game plan during a fight. That’s very important at the higher levels of the division. He nearly took Dennishead off in the first round, but when he saw that somehow he was going to survive for a while, he switched up to boxing and re-established his dominance that way. It was exactly what he should have done in there.
磨坊主, who won the NABA Heavyweight Championship with the victory, is now in line for an even higher-profile showdown with a rated contender.
Jarrell is a force to be reckoned with and with his power, skill, athleticism and charisma, he can become a worldwide star and be the man to restore the heavyweight division to its glory of yesteryear,” 科恩繼續. “People love him and can’t enough of him!”
Cohen says that even though Miller called out the champions of the division after the victory, the probable next step will be a top-ten fighter in one of the sanctioning organizations.
We believe he can beat any of the champions right now, 今天. But to get him there we will have to next focus on someone rated above him and take their spot by force. But I have every confidence we are less than a year away from getting Jarrell the world title shot he wants more than anything.

New Heavyweight Champ Charles Martin Says: ‘My Time to Shine Will Come!’

Brand new IBF Heavyweight Champion “王子” 查爾斯·馬丁 (23-0-1, 21 科斯) should be on cloud nine.
In just his seventh year of boxing and slightly over third as a professional, Martin already finds himself the sixth southpaw to have ever won a heavyweight championship after scoring a TKO 3 over Ukrainian top contender Vyacheslav Glazkov last Saturday night, 一月 16, at the Barclay’s Center in New York.
Winning any world title is an amazing accomplishment that most never reach in decades of boxing. Add in that Martin took out the 2008 Olympic Super Heavyweight bronze medalist to become the second current American heavyweight champion in a suddenly rejuvenated division.
“感覺不錯,” admits Martin. “I wanted to do it fast. I couldn’t wait,” he explains of his quick ascension. “Some things they say take time but when you’re really determined to do something, you’ll do it as soon as possible.
With his place already assured in the boxing history books and several lucrative possible showdowns on the near horizon, why isn’t Martin the happiest man on the planet?
It was the way he won.
I have an empty feeling right now,” said the 29-year-old champion. “I was in front of so many people and it was my time to shine on Showtime and show the world my skills. I felt that he had no power and said to myself that he would be easy work. I knew I was going to have a great night. I was going to KO him and then everyone would love mebut it didn’t happen like that.
Glazkov stopped fighting in round three due to torn ACL in his knee and Martin was declared the winner of the then-vacant title by way of injury-induced TKO.
I wanted to win the belt my way,” continued the disappointed Martin. “He would have got knocked out eventually. It was coming to him. I never even got to use my uppercut on him, but it’s all good.
Humble and extremely likeable, Martin remained polite, post-fight and expressed his condolences to the disappointed Glazkov. 然而, since that night, Glazkov has gone on to say he hadfigured Martin outand that the championship would have certainly been his had he not been injured.
Oh my goodness, I’m trying to stay humble about the situation, but that’s so crazy what he said,” 馬丁說. “If he really thinks that, he’s tripping. Things were about to get a lot worse for him. 我答應你, once he started slowing down, my combinations would have started to come out. I was throwing the one/two because he was getting out of the way pretty good in the first few rounds. I was just getting started. I thought I would box him for a while and then start going at him and whip his butt. I promise you I could have. That injury saved him. It broke my heart that I didn’t get to do what I wanted. How does that happen? I was having fun.
Martin says his team and friends and relatives have been good to remind him the abbreviated ending was out of his control. He also says he’ll take a quick vacation and then get right back to work.
So what comes next for the new American heavyweight champion?
Tyson Fury or Deontay Wilder. I want them both. I want all the best. That’s the next move. My time to shine will come. I’m a world champion now and I can say that the belt is in the right hands. I’m not going to sit around. I want to fight.
Martin also says that is Britain’s world champ, 泰森怒, ever points his taunting antics at him, he won’t mind.
It’s good for boxing for him to do that kind of stuff. 我喜歡. It’s all business. At the end of the day he has no crazy beef with anybody. Nobody choked anybody’s mother. It’s just boxing. You got to get attention somehow. He makes people want to see a fight. We’re in the entertainment and hurt business. It’s definitely a real fight in the ring though. It’s a non-personal thing that very gets personal once they step in the ring with me. That’s two guyslivelihood in there. That’s our income for our families.

“BRONCO” BILLY WRIGHT: “沒有人能否認,我已經贏得了戰鬥Deontay懷爾德對他的WBC的冠軍權”

LAS VEGAS (十二月 7, 2015) – 白細胞拉丁裔和FECARBOX重量級冠軍, 野馬比利·賴特 (49-4, 38 科斯), is willing and able to step up and challenge Deontay懷爾德 (35-0, 34 科斯) 對於他的世界冠軍. 目前額定 #20 由WBC, 野馬比利·賴特目前正在騎20戰連勝與 17 這些勝利淘汰賽的方式到來.
如果懷爾德, 誰是目前尋找一個對手為他預定 一月 16, 2016日期, 要採取這種鬥爭, 他將面臨一場的對手懷特, who hasn’t lost a fight since 1998. 同 31 第一回合擊倒對手,他的功勞, 比利覺得他有什麼需要廢黜懷爾德.
“沒有人能否認,我已經贏得了戰鬥Deontay懷爾德對他的WBC的冠軍權,” 說野馬比利·賴特. “我在上面已經排 20 with the WBC for the last three years. This is the American Dream for a fighter like myself who’s been waiting patiently to get an opportunity to fight for a world championship. 我已經付了會費,我已經準備好迎接這個挑戰。”
“沒有任何理由,為什麼這場戰鬥不應該發生,” Wright說的經紀人 Ivaylo Gotzev. “從比利使他的復出到現在的一天, he’s made a believer out of me with everything that he’s accomplished. This is America where everyone should have an opportunity to fulfill their dreams, that’s what makes this country great. The man is active having just fought last month. Age should not be a factor. 如果喬治·福爾曼和伯納德·霍普金斯可以在總冠軍級別在他們的晚年鬥爭, then the networks should not have a double standard when it comes to Bronco Billy. He wants to raise the bar and become the oldest heavyweight champ in boxing history. He currently holds two WBC belts which makes him more than qualified. There should be no discrimination in this matter. 比利是準備好了打懷爾德!”

Re'zin FF宣布比賽支架, 對決的八人重量級錦標賽十二月 29 和 31

Fighters comment on the highly-anticipated tournament that will award its winner a $300,000 grand prize

東京, 日本 (十一月. 30, 2015) -A圖紙來確定比賽支架和第一階段的對決為RIZIN陣法大獎賽 2015 八人, 重量級的比賽,這將發生在兩天的課程 – 十二月 29 和十二月 31and will award its winner a grand prize of $300,000, was held today in Tokyo.

BAMMA重量級冠軍 馬克Godbeer, 誰被安排在賽事競爭, was forced to withdraw due to a neck injury sustained in training. BAMMA will announce a replacement fighter for the tournament soon.

之前附圖, 主席 榊原信行 聲明, “本次比賽將是RIZIN的亮點. 來自世界各地的誰是驕傲的戰士表示他們的晉升和國家, 並渴望利用這個平台來提高自己的職業生涯,使自己的名字都聚集在比賽中. 大多數今天誰收集的媒體可能不太了解這些運動員, 但是,當K-1首先在拉開序幕 1993, 沒有人知道 布蘭科Cikatić邁克·貝爾納. 誰打開了新的大門的戰士是那些誰超越他們的期望。“

The seven contestants slated for tournament action appeared at the press conference. Each drew an envelope numbered one through seven, and those who drew numbers one through four received the opportunity to choose their respective places in the tournament draw.

The first stage tournament matchups will be as follows:

回合 # 1: Lawal vs BAMMA fighter
回合 # 2: Aukstuolis vs Cappelozza,
回合 # 3 Ishii vs Prochazka,
回合 # 4: Reljic vs Nemkov.

A tournament reserve bout between Valentine Moldovsky and Yuta Uchida was also announced during the press conference.


– 1ST匹克= “莫景” 拉瓦爾 – 選定槽位

“我很榮幸能為RIZIN打. 我很高興向人們展示我的技能,在日本球迷面前,並把工作做好. 我很高興能夠挑選一把手. 我永遠是第一位. 我是在一個位置,別人會接我, 我的工作是粉碎誰站在我旁邊。“

““我目前還沒有對手, 但我敢肯定,BAMMA將派遣一個好戰士,我. 但不幸的是什麼人將得到砸了,所以他最好做好準備. 我覺得石井避免我和我支架做了一個明智的選擇. 為他好。“

“這是一個很多錢! 我就買了一堆冰淇淋, 一些漂亮的衣服, 去迪斯尼世界,看到了一堆電影. 我會去拉斯維加斯和黨, 買黃金飾品噸。“
– 2第二選擇= 西奧多·高大 (BUSHIDO歐洲冠軍) – 選擇插槽C

“我很感激給予這樣的機會. 在競爭的這個級別, 你必須要準備好打任何人,所以我不關心誰是我的對手將是. 我相信自己,我準備打任何人。“

“對我來說,, 成為冠軍要比金錢更重要. 資金將遵循為成為一名真正的冠軍結果. 我的心被設定為贏得比賽。“

“為什麼我在這裡的原因是因為我相信我自己. 我會爭取能代表我的小國. 我的對手有野生引人注目的,但沒有任何理由為什麼我會輸. 我會做戲和出來的勝利。”

– 3rd Pick = 戈蘭Reljic (KSW前輕重量級冠軍) – 選擇槽G中

“我不關心誰打架了我. 我的夢想,因為我小時候在日本打, 而我生活的夢想,現在, 我的目標是要顯示在除夕我最好的表現。“

“我喜歡的對決. 我一直在訓練與三寶世界冠軍 Blagoi Ivanov 和我熟悉的三寶戰鬥風格. 我知道他來自一支偉大的球隊, 但我將準備好採取任何他所提供的所以這將是一個很好的戰鬥。“

“我住一個兒時的夢想. 我更側重於繼續我的旅程我的夢想,成為日本冠軍. 我會想到做什麼用的錢,一旦我達到我的目標。“

– 4日匹克= 石井敏 (北京奧運會柔道金牌得主) – 選擇的插槽E

“準備好. 我不覺得吵架是一拼, 在奈戰鬥才剛剛開始“。


“這是我無法拒絕的好報價. 一個MMA賽事, 好對手, 良好的獎金. 我不想過多地專注於贏得比賽,因為這會影響我的心理遊戲, 所以我將專注於在一個時間一拼。“

– 5日匹克= 布魯諾Cappelozza (叢林戰百公斤冠軍) – 選擇插槽D

“我真的不知道任何戰鬥機今天在這裡, 所以我會選擇我的對手,希望我很幸運。“

“這類型的大資金會改變我的生活和我的家庭生活. 而且還成為冠軍. 這兩個方面將是巨大的成就對我來說。”

“這一直是我的夢想在日本打. 我不知道太多關於我的對手, 但我敢肯定,我們都將是一個激動人心的戰鬥準備. 我認為這將是一個很好的戰鬥。“

– 6日匹克= 瓦迪姆Nemkov (MMA聯盟重量級冠軍) – 選擇的狹槽H

“我將代表三寶. 我想顯示三寶的美麗和三寶的藝術。”

– 7日匹克= Jiri Prochazka (GCF捷克輕重量級冠軍) – 選擇插槽F“我非常高興能夠展示我的技能,在一個國家裡的武士誕生. 我不會讓你失望。“

“每個人都在這裡是艱難. 因為我將爭取在家鄉的喜愛, 我的戰鬥將收集的關注. 我想利用這個機會,這一挑戰將成為下一件大事。“

“這是這麼多錢,我不知道從哪裡開始. 我相信,這些錢以後還會來. 因此,截至目前, 我的重點是給這一切我必須作出RIZIN自豪的是,他們選擇了我要參加。“

總經理 高田延彥 拿著話筒的圖紙後,, “我覺得一個熟悉的, 舒適又不失緊張的氣氛,現在. 我只是高興地看到未來明星的誕生. 我希望能石井的方式,他將讓我們日本球迷感到驕傲執行. 石井的第一個成就是贏得金牌, 但我們還沒有看到任何突出的成績,從他在MMA. 我真的希望他可以利用這個機會來實現他的職業生涯中最大的成就。”

三分球利普 - 莫里森殲鮑比·托馬斯 90 秒!

邁阿密, 行 (十一月 14, 2015) - 塔爾薩瑞星重量級轟動三分球利普 - 莫里森, OK繼續他的行軍邁向一個球員在重量級藉由得分毀滅性的 80 鮑比·托馬斯在布法羅運行賭場在邁阿密第二次淘汰賽, 行.
戰鬥中的售罄觀眾面前,並與傳奇教練羅奇在他的角落, 利普 - 莫里森是從開盤一團一個人. 隨著他的球迷歡呼他的另一個淘汰賽的希望, 利普 - 莫里森用硬右鉤托馬斯連’ 頭剛剛超過一分鐘到開放節, 托馬斯發送到畫布. 裁判開始數實現之前,托馬斯是沒有資格繼續, 放棄回合送行 1:20.
我喜歡與羅奇的工作,因為他讓我打磨,“佔主導地位的演出後利普 - 莫里森說. “我沒有一個業餘的職業生涯,所以他真的幫助我的學習曲線。”
唇 - 莫里森, 現在是誰 10-0 他的所有勝淘汰賽, 非常滿意他的表現,但堅稱自己是不是通緝擊倒.
信不信由你, 我沒有開槍擊倒快,但他們來了,我很高興能取悅球迷. 我繼續改善,因為在房地美的手錶一個拳擊手,將與我的團隊對下一步的協商。“
托尼·霍爾登, 利普 - 莫里森的啟動子, 相信他的戰鬥機是通往明星的.
三分球看起來像一個未來的冠軍,他打了難以置信的信心. 他只有盒裝 12 輪作為一個專業的,只是淘汰了去了五輪有兩師世界冠軍Beibut Shumenov戰鬥機. 我們一直在試圖讓特雷輪通過加強競爭,但他繼續敲人在毀滅性的時尚。“
在undercard的行動, 巴特爾斯維爾的同胞不敗重量級麥肯齊威特, 行, 拿下約旦布朗的令人印象深刻的第二輪淘汰賽. 威特, 誰提高到 6-0-1 同 5 擊倒跟隨勝利, 是利普 - 莫里森的兄弟和已故重量級冠軍​​湯米·莫里森的兒子.

布賴恩特·詹寧斯 & LUIS·奧爾蒂斯爭奪WBA臨時重量級冠軍

星期六, 十二月 19
從旋石度假村賭場酒店, 維羅納, 紐約電視直播在HBODARK®後
LOS ANGELES (十月. 23, 2015) – 兩位重量級巨頭將收出 2015 拳擊一年上一個爆炸 十二月 19, 作為前世界冠軍爭奪者 科比 “通過-通過” 詹寧斯 (19-1, 10 科斯) 發生在最近加冕WBA臨時重量級腰帶持有人 路易斯 “真正的金剛” 奧爾蒂斯(23-0, 20 科斯) 在12輪的爭奪冠軍. 本次活動將在旋石度假村賭場, 在維羅納, 紐約將實況轉播在HBO拳擊天黑以後.
“頭條HBO的事件和戰鬥像詹寧斯前世界冠軍爭奪是我一直在準備我的整個職業生涯,” 路易斯說,奧爾蒂斯. “我知道這場戰鬥後的人會知道,我應該得到射擊在成為世界的'重量級冠軍​​。’ 我覺得詹寧斯甚至不知道他的真實踩著上 19, 我來發言. 這場鬥爭將是一個令人興奮的墊腳石,實現我的夢想。”
“與速度的混合, 電源和業餘血統是第二個無, 路易斯·奧爾蒂斯已經迅速確立了自己作為重量級力,” 說 霍亞, 總統金童推廣和CEO. “路易斯是太餓了,繼續他的崛起,他已經同意僅僅兩個月後,路易斯打一場才華橫溢的對手科比詹寧斯師’ 破壞馬蒂亞斯Vidondo贏得WBA拳王稱號臨時. 拳擊迷尋找首演重量級的鬥爭應確保調整到HBO的拳擊天黑以後就 12月19日.”
It’s my pleasure to bring another great heavyweight showdown to the boxing fans with Bryant Jennings taking on an undefeated fighter like Luis Ortiz. The fans know that I have always, 並將繼續, 穿上真正的競爭戰,” 說 加里·肖.
肖繼續, “Jennings is a true professional who remains in phenomenal shape throughout the year. He showed in his last fight versus Klitschko that he belongs with the elite heavyweights and understands the challenges that lie ahead. 奧爾蒂斯, 誰帶來了較高的淘汰賽比環, 將他的雙手滿, 和詹寧斯沒有像他剛才打的戰鬥機, whom he knocked out in the third round. Ortiz has never faced a challenge of a Philadelphia fighter like Bryant Jennings and he’s going to find out real quick that this is another level. Jennings is ready to continue his quest to become heavyweight champion with VADA testing agreed to by both promotional companies for this fight.
“我很高興能夠取回在環對路易斯·奧爾蒂斯, 另一大權重股,” 科比說詹寧斯. “He’s coming off an impressive win and he thinks he’s at the top of his game. These are the typical type of opponents I like to showcase my skills against. I’ve come a long way since my last fight against Klitschko, and I have continued to train with a fierce intensity. When you suffer defeat for the first time you learn things about yourself you never knew. I’ve improved a great deal on all aspects of my game both mentally and physically. The world will see a great fight when I square off against Ortiz, 我可以向你保證. 我會開車的WBA拳王腰帶回老家費城。”
“這場戰鬥是二勢均力敵的重量級人物之間, 並且總是有一個純度它的神秘色彩,” 說 彼得·尼爾森, vice president of programming for HBO Sports. “Jennings has proven to have heart in equal scale to what Ortiz has shown in power. 十二月 19, 我們將看到意志的較量。”
“我們期待著舉辦拳擊另一個令人興奮的夜晚,在談到石與HBO, 金童推廣和加里邵氏製作,” 說 雷Halbritter, 奧奈達國家代表和國家企業CEO. “在這三年裡, 我們已經舉辦 16 全國電視​​播送的戰鬥, 區分我們的度假酒店作為首選目的地為世界級的拳擊。”
路易斯 “真正的金剛” 奧爾蒂斯幾乎已經積累了 350 使他的方式到美國去追逐總冠軍黃金作為一個專業的前勝. 不敗的 25 結束, 36歲的左撇子持有超過蒙巴雷特淘汰賽勝利,在六月需要不到一個回合​​派遣拜倫·波莉. 奧爾蒂斯最後一次被看到戈洛夫金的undercard的VS. 勒米厄為按次視圖直播擊敗馬蒂亞斯阿里爾Vivdondo通過第三輪淘汰賽的一部分,獲得了WBA重量級臨時世界冠軍.
被譽為在這項運動中最好的重量級拳擊手之一, Bryant Jennings has faced some of the most feared fighters in the sport. 在 2014 獨, 詹寧斯在七月和阿圖爾Szpilka在一月擊敗了邁克·佩雷斯通過分裂的決定通過技術擊倒. 在 2013, 詹寧斯通過了職業生涯第一次測試的時候,他在六月擊敗安德烈Fedosov通過六輪淘汰賽. 最近, 詹寧斯被認為在環對重量級冠軍​​弗拉基米爾小克里琴科在四月, suffering his first defeat since his professional debut in 2010. 現在, 泰坦是尋找救贖和另一射擊在世界冠軍的明星,當他面臨奧爾蒂斯的WBA過渡重量級冠軍.
詹寧斯VS. 奧爾蒂斯 對於臨時WBA重量級冠軍​​加里邵氏製作提出金童推廣協會在12輪的重量級回合的戰鬥. 門開處 6:00 P.M., 而HBO拳擊天黑轉播開始後,住在 10:15 P.M. AND/PT.
主機事件, 奧奈達國家的旋石度假村賭場繼續脫穎而出的首選目的地重磅炸彈拳擊比賽. 該 十二月 19 戰鬥將迎來旋石度假村賭場酒店的16全國電視播送拳擊事件在不到兩年的時間, 固井度假村的聖地淘汰賽電視打架. 位於紐約州北部, 四個賽季的目標度假村提供世界級的娛樂和遊戲, 屢獲殊榮的住宿, 餐廳多樣化組合, 豪華水療中心和一些夜生活場所.
專業媒體請求的憑據 十二月 19 鬥爭必須與阿卜杜·凱利, 旋石度假村賭場公關經理 (315) 366.9291kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.
Tickets will go on sale in early November. Additional ticket information will be announced soon.
欲了解更多信息, 訪問 www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.garyshawproductions.com,www.hbo.com/boxingwww.turningstone.com. Follow on Twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, @GaryShawBoxing, HBOBoxing, @TurningStone成為Facebook上的粉絲在www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/Gary-Shaw-製作,www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing or www.facebook.com/打開黑色碳粉. 請訪問我們的Instagram @GoldenBoyBoxing, @turningstone.


TAMPA (十月. 19, 2015) – 5次世界冠軍 安東尼 “魔術師” 塔弗 (31-6-1, 22 科斯) 激烈地反駁他的失敗新澤西州的拳擊委員會的藥物測試的結果之前採取了12輪戰平兩次IBF冠軍史蒂夫 “USS” 坎寧安 今年八月 14 紐華克.
A report claims Tarver tested positive for synthetic testosterone. He categorically denies taking any banned substance before his fight with Cunningham. “我不知道我怎麼尿樣檢測呈陽性,因為我沒有採取任何非法的,” 塔弗說,. “無論是測試被污染, or mixed-up with another sample. We believe in the process and I will fully comply. Further analysis will prove I’m 100-percent innocent because I’ve done nothing wrong.

團隊塔弗花勞動節餵養無家可歸 & 其他在救世軍在坦帕


TEAM塔弗 (L-R) – 賈米爾·湯普森, 安東尼奧·塔弗, 安吉拉·米切爾, 奧蘭多·費爾南德斯和Eboney德哥斯達黎加.
TAMPA (九月 10, 2015) — 團隊塔弗, 為首的5次世界冠軍和世界重量級的競爭者 安東尼 “魔人” 塔弗 (31-6-1, 22 科斯), 花過去的勞動節,服務於逾 150 無家可歸, 殘疾人,, 當地的退伍軍人, 在救世軍在坦帕.
“我真的很喜歡的社區服務,我們一直在做,最近因為它讓我覺得我做在人們的生活中誰是少的財富,然後我一個差,” 塔弗說,. “To know that my team seems to be enjoying it just as well makes this even more special for me. I really appreciate them for taking part every time they’re called upon. 我不能等到我們的土耳其贈品和聖誕節玩具在坦帕/奧蘭多. If any non-profit organizations or potential sponsors are willing to join Team Tarver, please don’t hesitate to visit my web-site at OfficialAntonioTarver.com as we continue to make a difference where it counts.
有關更多信息,, 贊助查詢,或作出捐贈, please email officialteamtarver @gmail.com 或訪問其網站www.OfficialAntonioTarver.com.



閱讀, PA (八月 18, 2015)–上週五晚上在保誠中心inNewark, 新澤西州, 重量級競爭者特拉維斯考夫曼 (29-1, 21 KO的) scored a first round stoppage over Richard Carmack in Kauffman’s first fight in 19 個月.

考夫曼降落一個完美的右鉤拳從發送卡馬克下來的左撇子立場 2:07.


“我不認為像他那樣卡馬克會打硬. I went out there with the mindset of going some rounds to work off ring rust. As soon as he hit me with a right hand, 我知道他很堅強,希望得到他快. The gameplan that we worked on was to go to the body and once I dropped him, 我知道他在做,” 考夫曼說:.

考夫曼是9月到期回 18 在克拉里奇在大西洋城.

“我沒有浪費時間,我已經回到與Naazim理查德森健身房,我爸和我準備向前邁進更大的戰鬥. I expect this fight to be another tune up and then I will be ready for a much bigger fight.



點擊 這裡 對於照片從埃德·迪勒/ DiBella娛樂
紐瓦克, 新澤西州 (八月 15, 2015) – 權重股 安東尼 “魔術師” 塔弗 (31-6, 22 科斯) 和 史蒂夫 “美國標準” 坎寧安 (28-7, 13 科斯) 戰鬥到了分裂的決定平局的主要事件 今晚的 總理拳擊冠軍 (PBC) 在穗的Prudential中心紐瓦克, 新澤西州.
無論塔弗和坎寧安戰鬥在一個步伐一致整個回合, 在前幾輪交換均勻拳. Tarver caught Cunningham in the fourth round with a sneaky right cross that wobbled the younger fighter who quickly regained his composure and finished out the round. The back and forth action, 留下傷痕累累坎寧安和眼睛周圍浮腫, 導致與法官比分平局 115-113 坎寧安, 115-114 塔弗和 114-114.
在轉播的開幕回合, 波蘭 克日什托夫·Glowacki (24-0, 15 科斯) 打進 11 輪技術擊倒戰勝德國 馬可·哈克 (38-2-1, 26 科斯) 在看到Glowacki抓住哈克的重量級冠軍​​的一個巨大的冷門. 哈克希望設置為最重量級衛冕了一個新紀錄 14 成功防守 今晚. 這兩種戰機都使他們的美國首演在人群的前面 5,843, 其中許多是他們的波蘭和德國的同胞生活在美國本土.
在付出與收穫重量級較量, Glowacki出來了強大的前幾輪就在裡面擊敗哈克與他的力量和速度. Huck started to find his rhythm in the middle rounds and out of nowhere put Glowacki on the canvas in the sixth with a punishing left hook to the temple. Glowacki recovered quickly and was able to finish the round. 兩人都呆忙著為後來的幾輪與法官聽取贊成哈克由10年底的剩餘部分. 然而, Glowacki出來的 11 並全面投入後期哈克在畫布上用硬左右的組合. 哈克擊敗計數,僅立刻對他Glowacki跳, 扔了一系列拳,迫使裁判停止在戰鬥 2:39 in the round. Glowacki shocked the boxing world with a devastating 11 的技術擊倒 8-1 在什麼一定會一拼考慮冷門一年的青睞哈克.
“我知道他們沒有受過教育對我的防守和環大將. 我扔更難拳和不累. 我控制了比賽節奏, 我不停地忙碌戳,感覺就像我outboxed他了.
“他沒有傷害我,不能讓我的身體. 我做了什麼,我不得不這樣做,但沒有獲得勝利. 我們得到了一場平局,我不會滿足於它。”
“我是男人,我一直是和之前的戰鬥後,, 這一決定, 你不會找到我踢和尖叫.
“美國市場現在是開放的我, 和世界各地的球迷將不得不現在尊重重量級分工.
“當我在第六輪撞倒,我不知道我在哪裡,花了我整整一輪奪回自己. 我還是不能很好聽. 我是聽我的角落,雖然,當我聽到有只有一分鐘留在第十一輪,我知道我必須開始走強.
“我一直反對惡霸的事和哈克試圖欺負我在那裡. 所以我就拿來給他. 我要感謝我所有的球迷在波蘭和來自世界各地對我的支持. 我們不停 “相信” 這就是我們如何贏得這個世界冠軍. 這是我一生中最大的夜晚。”
對於無法報價. 無論Glowacki和哈克被送往羅格斯大學醫院前警戒觀察.