標記檔案: Labor Day

團隊塔弗花勞動節餵養無家可歸 & 其他在救世軍在坦帕


TEAM塔弗 (L-R) – 賈米爾·湯普森, 安東尼奧·塔弗, 安吉拉·米切爾, 奧蘭多·費爾南德斯和Eboney德哥斯達黎加.
TAMPA (九月 10, 2015) — 團隊塔弗, 為首的5次世界冠軍和世界重量級的競爭者 安東尼 “魔人” 塔弗 (31-6-1, 22 科斯), 花過去的勞動節,服務於逾 150 無家可歸, 殘疾人,, 當地的退伍軍人, 在救世軍在坦帕.
“我真的很喜歡的社區服務,我們一直在做,最近因為它讓我覺得我做在人們的生活中誰是少的財富,然後我一個差,” 塔弗說,. “To know that my team seems to be enjoying it just as well makes this even more special for me. I really appreciate them for taking part every time they’re called upon. 我不能等到我們的土耳其贈品和聖誕節玩具在坦帕/奧蘭多. If any non-profit organizations or potential sponsors are willing to join Team Tarver, please don’t hesitate to visit my web-site at OfficialAntonioTarver.com as we continue to make a difference where it counts.
有關更多信息,, 贊助查詢,或作出捐贈, please email officialteamtarver @gmail.com 或訪問其網站www.OfficialAntonioTarver.com.
