标记档案: 达戈贝托阿圭罗

瑞星140磅淘汰赛艺术家BRANDUN LEE面对古巴CAMILO PRIETO在ShoBox: 新一代FRIDAY, MARCH 13 住在离HINCKLEY, 明尼苏达州.


纽约 - 二月 20, 2020 - 人才不败超轻量级前景Brandun李将他的标题第一ShoBox: 新一代 当他在卡米洛·普列托在10轮超轻量级比赛的头条quadrupleheader上周五重头戏, 三月 13 住在Showtime (10 ET / PT) 从大赌场欣克利在欣克利, 从.

这四个打架包括五个拳击手谁尚未品味失利,总战绩 107 胜刚遭遇三连败2平. 在协调功能回合, 不败布赖恩·诺曼JR. (16-0, 14 科斯) 把他完美的纪录就行了,因为他需要对弗拉维奥·罗德里格斯 (9-1-1, 7 科斯) 在八轮次中量级对决. 亚历杭德罗·格雷罗不败 (11-0, 9 科斯) 满足何塞·安古洛 (12-1, 5 科斯) 在八轮轻量级废料,而另一个不败战机亚兰Avagyan (9-0-1, 4 科斯) 发生在同胞不败达戈贝托阿圭罗 (17-0, 11 科斯) 在八轮轻量级的战斗.

门票活动, 其通过的Salita促销相关联促进与d&d拳击和Rapacz拳击, 售价为 $75 马戏团, $50 保留的, $25 普通门票, 和 $62.50 桌席 (两票最低), 而在销售现在 ticketmaster.com 或大赌场欣克利票房.

“我们很高兴我们的三月 13 卡, 其中包括业余全国冠军, 淘汰赛艺术家和不败的战士,”戈登·霍尔说, 对于执行制片人 的ShoBox: 新一代. “我们与unbeatens的战斗开拓,这将岁以下后跟三拳顶级前景 22. 这三个非常有才华的前景都有恒星的业余生涯,并且每个都以自己的方式才华. 他们都有一个共同点,这就是权力的三人已合并 39 在其击倒 45 打架. 你可以期待一个动感十足的卡,肯定有些科斯。”

“3月13日, 拳击迷都在为一种享受,“说着德米特里Salita, 的Salita促销总裁. “这个奇妙 的ShoBox 卡展示了一些在拳击比赛中最有才华的前景. 从上到下, 将是战斗的必须注意的夜晚, 闪亮的聚光灯在我看来,, 在一些明天的冠军“。

“这四个了不起的对决之间上崭露头角的年轻战士,” d的卡梅伦邓肯说&d拳击. “Brandun李在他的面前一大考验了他的第一个主要事件 的ShoBox. 布赖恩·诺曼和亚历杭德罗·格雷罗都将是其职业生涯的最艰难的战斗,以及. 这四个电视回合都有可能被爆. 这些类型的战斗,拳击需要的。”

刚 20 岁, 淘汰赛艺术家李 (18-0, 16 科斯) 从拉昆塔, 加利福尼亚州。, 已KO'd他的对手除了两个 (88.89 百分), 含 11 在第一轮, 4在第二和一个第三. 第三年的职业正在他的第二个 的ShoBox 出现. 九月, 李对阵米尔顿Arauz第二轮淘汰赛在他的 的ShoBox 登场. (视频). 这是李的第二次战斗 2020 因为他在一个非电视月份淘汰米格尔·萨穆迪奥 17 布特在斯隆, 爱荷华州.

李某曾与一个估计的记录装饰的业余生涯 196-5. 他是 2015 中美. 少年全国冠军, 带回家的金牌 145 英镑. 以闪电般的快速的手也包电源, 令人兴奋的李对打与米奇·加西亚, 德文 - 哈尼, 毛里西奥·埃雷拉, 蒂莫西·布拉德利小, 托马斯Dulorme, 仅举几. 李由他的父亲Bobby·李培训,也是一个全职的大学生.

“我很高兴能成为领衔我第一次精彩表演秀,“李说. “我期待着给球迷一些不同的东西,他们没有从我见过. 他们会看到我展示我的拳击技能多了很多. 在我的最后两场战争, 我觉得我并没有真正表现出我的防守有多好. 我会用左手多了很多感觉他出去. 进而, 当时间是正确的, 我将下降炸弹. 领衔我的第一个 的ShoBox 是一个巨大的成就. 它会按的像拳击毕业的高中. 在这之后, 我希望移动到大学水平的拳击一样精彩表演拳击锦标赛或按次收费查看.

这位33岁的普列托 (15-1, 10 科斯) 是骑七战连胜与他最后的损失在二月到来 2017. 他在十一月的最后一战, 普列托对记录埃雷拉Yogli六轮一致决定. 在各地迈阿密和过去一年的各种体育场馆普列托列车一直与前轻重量级世界冠军和罗伊·琼斯JR. 征服者格伦“公路勇士”约翰逊.

“这是与Glen良好的工作,”普列托说. “我从一个前世界冠军,谁知道如何才能在顶部水平,并已在那里获得前知识. 他知道如何推动和引导你大的战斗这样的正确方法. Brandun李看起来像一个年轻的, 不败战斗机对我, 但我没有看到什么太令人印象深刻, 老老实实. 你可以期望看到烟花当晚. 我要真的来了,并把Brandun到测试. 他从来没有遇到任何人一样好,我. 这将是一个动感十足的战斗。“

诺曼, 19岁的亚特兰大居民, 像李也赢得了所有,但由击倒他的两个战斗. 最近, 诺曼赚了Evincii迪克森一致决定胜利一月 17 在斯隆, 爱荷华州. 诺曼的推移,绰号“刺客II”作为他的父亲布赖恩·诺曼锶. 被称为“刺客”从一个职业拳击手 2003-2011. 诺曼由两个父亲和巴里·理查森受训.

“我不是在寻找的只是一个胜利 的ShoBox, 我想炫耀,”诺曼说. “我想展示我能做些什么. 我想打破我的对手下来,让大家都知道我在这里. 你可以期望看到很多烟花. 爸爸和巴里是给了我他们所有的, 而我给它回. 我知道罗德里格斯是一个短, 压力战斗机. 他基本上由我来打。”

在Capetillo拳击学院在东洛杉矶罗德里格斯列车. 他的业余纪录 86 胜 14 损失,是在少年奥林匹克国民银牌得主.

“战斗在Showtime是一个梦想成真,”罗德里格斯说. “成长, 我一直想成为的球员之一,是战斗在电视上, 所以这是非常令人兴奋,以有机会这样做,向世界展示自己的技能. 一场胜利将意味着很多对我, 尤其是战胜别人一样坚韧,因为我打架的家伙. 我希望战胜他能带给我做大的机会,为世界冠军而战。”

格雷罗是一个很大的冲孔前景谁已经赢得了淘汰赛他最后的三次战斗. 一个著名的业余谁赢得了两个小辈全国冠军, “猪排”与米奇·加西亚和布兰登·里奥斯的对打喜欢在著名的加西亚拳击学院在加利福尼亚州. 战斗了休斯敦, 21岁的将他的国家电视台亮相三月 13 和即将关闭达内尔Jiles Jr的第二轮TKO. 在今年一月.

“我爱我得到这个机会,”格雷罗说. “我已经训练了此一生的人. 我的梦想是成为世界冠军, 这样一场胜利将意味着这么多,我和我的家人. 我一直在训练真的很难为这场斗争, 知道这将是国家电视台. 我真的不知道很多关于安古洛, 但我们努力训练的人. 结果将始终是相同的. 我将永远是赢家。”

安古洛, 瓜亚基尔, 厄瓜多尔, 战斗后,将他的美国亮相 12 他 13 专业的战斗在他的祖国. 他孤独的损失排在他唯一的厄瓜多尔外打, 一致决定瑞安皮诺在波多黎各. 由于损失, 安古洛已经列举了连续六场胜利, 包括在第二击倒和第一轮他的最后两场战争的, 分别.

“这里将是一个巨大的惊喜03月13日等待格雷罗,”安古洛说. “他喜欢在里面战斗,他有很多ofaggression挺身而出太, 所以他对我和我的方式喜欢打架完美的风格. 我很期待自己展现在这个大平台,并把我所有的技能,工作. 我会赢得。”

Avagyan, 从埃里温29岁, 亚美尼亚, 代表他的家乡在 2016 奥运会. Avagyan有一个成功的业余生涯, 获奖在两个铜牌 2013 和 2015 欧洲锦标赛. 转为职业选手后的 2016 里约热内卢奥运会, Avagyan九月战斗俄罗斯叶夫根尼·斯米尔诺夫的分裂决定之前赢得了他的前八个专业的较量 2018. 他最后一次, 他做了他的中美. 亮相CANELO阿尔瓦雷斯 - 丹尼尔·雅各布斯的的undercard, 在那里,他轻而易举地出盒装当时的不败旧金山埃斯帕扎途中一致决定.

“每场战斗是一个机会来证明自己,上升到顶部,” Avagyan说, 是谁签的Salita促销. “当我就往环, 我只是想赢得任何成本. 阿圭罗就是这样必须在我的方式移出另一个障碍. 每个不打不相识, 我投降自己对战斗的为期一天的培训百分之百使, 我不后悔走过的路. 搏击之夜就像是我的一个节日,因为时间已经到了,我正准备“。

这位26岁的阿圭罗是在他的祖国多米尼加共和国令人印象深刻的业余. 阿圭罗是在一个银牌 2011 泛美运动会在瓜达拉哈拉, 墨西哥, 只输了未来两届奥运会金牌得主罗伯西·拉米雷斯. As a pro, 在圣克里斯托瓦尔本土夺得第一 10 使他的中美之前他在他的祖国的事业战斗. 首次在二月 2017 当他赢得了他年轻的职业生涯在Olimjon纳扎罗夫的最令人印象深刻的胜利.

“战斗在Showtime是我们一直在等待,”阿圭罗说:, 谁是目前培训帕霍基, 佛罗里达州. “我把它看成显示我是谁的人有机会,当我赢了这场战斗, 这将是一个伟大的拳击生涯,在那里我可以养活我的家人,给他所需要的,值得我儿子一切的开始。”

巴里·汤普金斯将调用从马戏团的动作与拳击历史学家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军劳尔·马尔克斯作为专家分析. 执行制片人戈登·霍尔与理查德·高根生产和里克·菲利普斯导演.

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大约 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 81 谁曾出现在战士 的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.



大西洋城, 新泽西州. (五月 15, 2018):–The eyes of the boxing world will once again be on Atlantic City when Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing makes it’s Atlantic City debut on 星期六, 6月2日 Adrian Phillips Theater 里面 浮桥厅 as part of the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend.




With Evander Holyfield as the lead inductee in this year’s Hall of Fame class, 真正的交易拳击, 与联想 错误唐宁促销 and the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, has put together a sensational card featuring world class fighters along with a who’s who of local talent.




Headlining the evening will be The Real Deal Boxing’s top 10 ranked featherweight contender, 卡恩克拉里成为 (24-1, 17 科斯). The Liberian born southpaw, now based out of Providence, Rhode Island is set to take on Mexico’s Emmanuel Dominguez (22-6-2, 14 科斯) in what promises to be an action-packed high stakes fight for the NABA Featherweight Title.




In preparation for the title shot, Clary is currently on the west coast working with Hall of Fame trainer, Freddie Roach at The Wildcard Boxing Gym in Hollywood.




This has been a long, 刻苦的训练营. I’ve been pushing myself ten times harder than usual with no distractions other than missing my family.”, explains Clary. “All I do out here is concentrate on boxing. I have a great support team, starting with a new addition, Freddie Roach.




Clary has impressed Roach throughout the past few weeks of training as well.




So far training camp has been great,” insists Roach, the 7-time winner of BWAA Trainer of the Year award. “I’m continually impressed with Toka’s speed, power and overall skills. The next 3 weeks we will be concentrating on sharpening all the tools and come June 2nd, Team Clary will be ready.




The undercard features an exciting mix of The Real Deal Boxing prospects and a host of next generation New Jersey and Philadelphia based fighters who are willing to be tested early in their careers.




The Real Deal Boxing’s Rayonta Whitfield (29-2, 15 科斯), who fights out of Augusta, Georgia will challenge former NABO champion and the pride of Cleveland, 俄亥俄, 一ntonio Nieves (17-2-2, 9 科斯) 在 8 round bout that should see the winner move into contender status in the bantamweight division.


达戈贝托阿圭罗 (13-0, 9 科斯), the undefeated super bantamweight from Florida and one of The Real Deal Boxing’s most promising prospects, will take on the toughest challenge of his career in New Brunswick, 新泽西州 豪尔赫·迪亚兹(Jorge Diaz) (19-5-1, 10 科斯) 在 8 round clash.




The Real Deal Boxing’s undefeated Philadelphia based lightweight prospect, 史蒂文·奥尔蒂斯 (8-0, 3 科斯) will take on Massachusetts’ 扎克拉姆齐 (8-3, 4 科斯) 在 8 轮的较量.




Atlantic City’s very own, 安东尼·扬 (18-2, 6 科斯) will put his excellent record on the line against the Bronx’s 恩维尔·哈利利 (10-1, 3 科斯) 在 8 round welterweight clash.




In a Philly vs. AC bragging rights battle, 亚历杭德罗·吉米内斯 (1-0, 1 KO) 将在 Dallas Holden (1-2) 在 4 round featherweight bout.




Promising Philadelphia welterweight and recent The Real Deal Boxing signee, 波因德克斯特骑士 (3-0, 2 科斯) will look to maintain his perfect record against an opponent to be named in a 4 轮的较量.


布兰登·罗宾逊 (10-1, 7 科斯) 上部Darby的, Pennsylvania, one of the busiest fighters in the game having fought an unbelievable 9 times last year, will appear against an opponent to be named in a 6 round super middleweight bout. Robinson is signed to Marshall Kauffman’s Kings Promotions.




Undefeated Bowie, Maryland native and a member of The Real Deal Boxing roster, 格雷格·奥特洛 (4-0, 1 KO) will take on Lanoka Harbor, 新泽西州 丹·默里 (3-1-1) 在 6 round junior welterweight battle.




Rounding out the stacked card will be two fighters making their pro debuts in separate 4 轮较量.




Decorated national amateur champion, 超轻量级, Sacred Downing 特伦顿, New Jersey will take on an opponent to be named and super lightweight, Dalyonn Butt of Philadelphia will take on the Bronx’s Samuel Forjue (0-2).




Evander Holyfield himself couldn’t be more excited about The Real Deal Boxing’s AC debut and his induction into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.




From my second professional fight to defending the heavyweight championship of the world against George Foreman in one of the biggest fights of the decade, Atlantic City holds a special place in my heart.”, explains the legendary 4 time heavyweight champion now turned promoter.




With my induction into the Hall of Fame, it felt like this was the ideal time to bring The Real Deal Boxing to Atlantic City. We believe Atlantic City is poised to make a comeback as of one of the premier destinations for professional boxing and The Real Deal Boxing is committed to being a part of that.




The Real Deal Hall of Fame Special Edition takes place Saturday, June 2nd at the Adrian Phillips Theater inside Boardwalk Hall and is presented in association with Mis Downing Promotions and the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame. Tickets are on sale now and priced at $150, $100, $50 和 $35. Tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.com and in person at the Boardwalk Hall Box Office. For more information visit www.therealdealboxing.com and www.acbhof.com.

Weights from Wilmington, Delaware for Jones vs Gunn

Skill vs. 将”

威明顿, DE (二月 16, 2017)Weights from Thursday’s weigh in for theSkill vs. 将” Pay Per View card featuring future Hall of Famer Roy Jones, JR. taking on Bare Knuckle Legend Bobby Gunn. The show will be televised LIVE ON PAY-PER beginning at 9 PM ET/ 6 PM PT
鲍比·冈恩 197.4 – 罗伊·琼斯, JR. 199
(WBF Cruiserweight title)
Kanat Islam 154.2 – Robson Assis 154.6
弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 130.2 – German Meraz 129
乔伊Tiberi, JR. 136 – Bryan Timmons 138.2
Dan Biddle 214 – Lamont Singletary 204.8
Olimjon Nazarov 119.4 – 达戈贝托阿圭罗 118.6
Henry Stewart 176.6 – 马丁兹·威廉姆森(Martez Williamson) 190.6
埃迪·奥尔蒂斯 162.2 – 杰夫CHIF沼泽 157.4
促销员: David Feldman Promotions, Nelsons Promotions, 国王的促销


6:00 PM–门打开
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PMPay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, 蒂姆·威瑟斯庞, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury

罗伊·琼斯 – Bobby Gunn Press Conference quotes

Skill vs. 将”

威明顿, DE (二月 16, 2017)Below are quotes from Wednesday’s press conference in advance of Friday night’sSkill vs. 将” Pay-Per-View showdown between Roy, 琼斯, JR. and Bobby Gunn.
On Bobby Gunn as an opponent:
The thing I stand for and respect and representI love a person who won’t quit, 和 [鲍比·冈恩] won’t quit for nothing. 他有 72 胜与 72 击倒 – bare-knuckleyou’re really a professional bully! You just beat people up for the hell of itIt’s what I love. People ask why I’m so motivated to fight Bobby Gunnit’s because what I stand for in boxing, he is in bare-knuckle. I respect that.
On the opportunity to be in the ring on Friday:
We are getting an opportunity to share the ring, and entertain the people while we share the ring, and I am at-heart an entertainer. And this man is a killer. I’m not saying that this man is not a killer, it’s just that I trust in my abilities to go out and do things differently because that’s who I am.
On his conditioning:
I am in very good shape for the first time in four or five years. I feel better than I have felt in a long time. 我知道我忙得不可开交, and I know my hands are ready for battle. I know this man is coming to bring it. But that’s what we live for; that’s what we love. Come Friday night be ready for a very entertaining fight.

On Roy Jones Jr. as an opponent:
I’m born and bred a fighting man, since birth. I’m fighting one of the greatest fighters who ever lived. I’ve seen a lot of horsesh!t on the Internet, people running him down. Saying he’s too old, this or that. Why don’t you guys get in the ring and fight him, 然后? Let me tell you something right nowI respect him more today than [the fighter he was] 20 几年前. Because he’s more dangerous, he’s cagey, he’s a veteran. There’s nothing you can do to him he hasn’t seen.
On his mental and physical condition coming into the fight:
I’m coming here to fight my guts out. I’m in good shape. I’ve been training hard for this one for a long timethis man’s been in my head a long time. I go to sleep with Roy, and I wake up with Roy. He’s part of my family, we’re sick of talking about Roy. I can’t wait to see him Friday night and get it over with! I’m coming here to fight.
On critics of the matchup:
In a few days here, me and Roy are going to battle. We’re doing to prove a lot of critics wrong, a lot of doubters. When that bell rings, it’s only me and him in there. 为了跟你说实话, critics mean zero. Their opinions mean nothing… [小罗伊琼斯] said he’d come and fight me, and he’s here. He has the heart of the lion. But we’re going to get it down. I’ll shake your hand today, but I’ll tell you [to Jones Jr.] we’re in for a good fight, both of us. Roy Jones won’t forget my name for the rest of his life.

In the main event the legendary 罗伊·琼斯, JR. takes on Bare Knuckle legend 鲍比·冈恩 for the WBF Cruiserweight title 住在PAY-PER-VIEW Chase Center in Wilmington, 特拉华州.
Media Week Schedule

5:00 PM–Media Check in
6:00 PM–Fighters on the scales

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
威明顿, 特拉华州 19720


6:00 PM–门打开
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PM–Pay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, 蒂姆·威瑟斯庞, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury

King’s Promotions fighters Aguero and De Alba to appear on JonesGunn undercard

Skill vs. 将”


Dagoberto Aguero battles Olimjohn Nazarov
Frank De Alba takes on German Meraz

威明顿, DE (二月 14, 2017)-这个星期五 夜晚, two members who fight under the King’s Promotions banner will be in action as 达戈贝托阿圭罗 发生在 Olimjohn Nazarov in a super bantamweight bout scheduled for eight-rounds, while junior lightweight 弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 发生在 German Meraz 在预定八轮的回合中.
In the main event the legendary 罗伊·琼斯, JR. takes on Bare Knuckle legend 鲍比·冈恩 for the WBF Cruiserweight title 住在PAY-PER-VIEW Chase Center in Wilmington, 特拉华州.
Aguero, 23 years-old of San Cristobal, Domincan Republic will be looking to make a big impression in his United States debut when he takes on the battle tested Nazarov.
I want to thank David Feldman Promotions, 国王的促销. Nelsons Promotions, and Raynelo Management are giving me an opportunity of a lifetime to show my skills in the ring,” said Aguero. “I come from nothing in the Dominican Republic, and I managed to get out alive and now I have to take advantage of opportunities like this. I’m on the card with Ring Legend Roy Jones Jr. in my first debut in the US, 这是一个梦想成真. “
Aguero is coming off a 1st round stoppage over Juan Miguel Garcia on 6月24日.
Nazarov of Tashkent, Uzbekastan has a record of 14-4 同 8 击倒, will already be making his 2nd start of 2017. 1月20日, he was in a tough battle with world ranked bantamweight Stephon Young before dropping an 8-round unanimous decision in Atlantic City

读德阿尔瓦, PA has a record 20-2-2 同 9 knockouts has won 3 in a row since dropping a hotly contested majority decision to then-undefeated Omar Douglas on December 29, 2015 在伯利恒, PA.

He has rebounded nicely with wins over Daniel Perales, 乔纳森·佩雷斯, and an explosive 2nd round stoppage over Kiun Evans on September 9, 2016 在读, PA.
My training has been good. I have been waiting to get back in there after 5 个月,”说德阿尔瓦.
I know Meraz is a Mexican, and I expect him to come forward, and it will be a great war.
De Alba is very excited about the opportunity to fight on a high profile card that will be headlined by Roy Jones, JR.
I am very much looking forward to fight on this card that will be headlined by Roy Jones, JR. He is a legend, and to share the same ring as him is a great honor.
The Douglas fight was a good experience for De Alba, and his performance in his subsequent bouts has shown that he has learned and raised his game from that contest.
After the Douglas loss, that fight made me aware of my talent. I could have won that fight. I learned that I have the talent and now the experience that will pave the way in my career. But first things first. I am just ready to get back in the ring 在周五 and perform in Wilmington, and hopefully make some new fans for Team De Alba.
Meraz of Agua Prieta, Mexico has fought a staggering 97 时 在 12 岁月. 在刚 30 years-old Meraz has posted a record of 55-41-1 同 32 击倒.

Meraz has fought 5 世界冠军.

在他的最后一个回合, Meraz lost a 6-round unanimous decision to Hairon Socarras on February 3rd in Philadelphia.
塞缪尔·佘 (9-1-1, 3 KO的) 发生在 Daniel Parales (10-7-1, 5 KO的) 蒙特雷, Mexico in a super lightweight bout.
乔伊Tiberi, JR. (13-2, 6 KO的) 纽瓦克, Delaware will fight Bryan Timmons (5-8, 5 KO的) 圣. 约瑟夫·, Missouri in lightweight bout.

Henry Stewart (2-0, 2 KO的) of Toronto, Canada squares off Robert Mendoza (1-8, 1 KO) of Frankfurt, 印地安那.

Dan Biddle (9-5, 5 KO的) 威尔明顿, Delaware will fight Lamont Singletary (7-1, 4 KO的) of Dover, Delaware in a cruiserweight battle.
埃迪·奥尔蒂斯 (2-0-1, 2 KO的) 圣安东尼奥, Texas takes on pro debuting 杰夫CHIF沼泽 威尔明顿, Delaware in a middleweight bout.
Media Week Schedule
11:30 调幅Media Check in

The Chase Center

815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

1:00 Media only check-in

2:00 Open WorkoutsPublic let in

Crossfit Riverfront
512 Jutison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801


5:00 PMMedia Check in
6:00 PMFighters on the scales

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
威明顿, 特拉华州 19720


6:00 PM–门打开
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PMPay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, 蒂姆·威瑟斯庞, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury
SKILL VS WILL will be distributed live throughout North America via cable and satellite in High Definition by New York-based MultiVision Media, Inc. The broadcast will premiere on Friday, February 17th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT and will be carried throughout the month on video-on-demand. Please consult your local guide for channels and encores in your area. The suggested retail price is $24.99. The event will also be available worldwide on home computers, 笔记本电脑, 智能电视, iPhone, iPads, AppleTV, and Android devices on FITE-TV, 弗利普斯, and other OTT (over-the-top) streaming services.
Tickets are on sale now ranging from $55 – $300 并且可以通过调用被购买 (484) 935-3378 & www.firststatefights.com

罗伊·琼斯, JR. vs Bobby Gunn, promoted by David Feldman Promotions and the Casino at Delaware Park.

King’s Promotions sign junior welterweight prospect Clarence Booth plus undefeated bantamweight Dagoberto Aguero to promotional deals


阅读, PA (一月 11, 2017)- Marshall Kauffman’s King’s Promotions is pleased to announce the signing of junior welterweight prospect 克拉伦斯·布斯 as well as undefeated bantamweight 达戈贝托阿圭罗 到促销合同.
These are two quality fighters that we are excited to add to the King’s Promotions roster,”said CEO of King’s Promotions, 马歇尔考夫曼.
They both have big upsides and we are eager to keep them active and get them into big fights, which will come sooner rather then later.
Booth of Saint Petersburg, 佛罗里达州有一个记录 14-2 同 7 击倒.

Clarence Booth signs the contract
该 29 year-old Booth had a brief 28 fight amateur career.

他转为职业选手 2011 with a four round unanimous decision over Tommy Bryant.

Booth has showed a willingness to fight all comers as he taken on 4 不败的敌人, which includes scraps with top prospects Cletus Seldin and Alex Saucedo.
Booth has victories over Luis Joel Gonzalez (11-2-1); 奥森汉巴斯克斯 (8-2-1); 乔纳森·佩雷斯 (5-0) and Marcus Powell (1-0).
Booth is coming off a 8-round unanimous decision over Cesar Soriano on July 2nd 位于 圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达.

Booth has facilitated his training by becoming a regular sparring partner to undefeated WBA Welterweight champion Keith Thurman.

I am excited about this opportunity. I love that Marshall has faith in me, and I am ready to get on the road to winning a world title. Marshall will have my best interest in doing that, and I am ready to work. I hope to fight for some type of title by the end of the year. I am putting my opponents to sleep. It would be great to end the year with a title fight through King’s Promotions,” said Booth.
Aguero of San Cristobal, 多明尼加共和国有记录 10-0 同 8 击倒.
该 23 year-old turned professional on August 8, 2013 with technical decision over Jonathan Vidal Sanchez. He has fought every one of his bouts in his native country, and will make his American debut shortly.
He is coming off a 1st round stoppage over Juan Miguel Garcia on 6月24日, He has stopped his last 6 对手.
I’m excited to fight first of all, and I very happy and thankful to be doing it with people that are like my family,”said Aguero. “My Manager Nelson Lopez Jr. RAYNELO management and Nelson Lopez Sr of Nelsons Promotions told me we need to be working with Marshall Kauffman of Kings Promotions and what they says goes. In my country, it’s no secret, we are poor looking for an opportunity with out knowledge of the business. Nelson López and King Promotions are providing me this, and I will fight every fight like a championship fight to show my appreciation and make sure to make the most of this gift that God has given me. Thank you to my team and family.