标记档案: 鲍比·冈恩

乔·里格斯 (Joe RIGGS) 裸指关节格斗锦标赛前训练营引言 (BKFC) 配对


星期六, 十月 20 在 “BKFC 3: 收购”
从密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西生活, 密西西比
& 按次付费
里格斯谈 BKFC 首秀, 赤指关节纪律,
与韦弗的对决 & 更多

费城 (十月 4, 2018) – 以上的老将 60 职业 MMA 格斗,乔·里格斯 作为他的下一次淘汰赛的一部分 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 他对当 疝气韦弗 周六, 十月 20 在密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, 密西西比州和按次付费直播.


“BKFC 3: 收购” 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.95. 该节目的标题是 是 “乡巴佬锤子” 秀梅克 面对 阿诺德 “阿杰” 亚当斯 BKFC重量级锦标赛决赛.




门票 “BKFC 3: 收购” 可现在独家 www.bareknuckle.tv 在开始 $35.




曾在众多 MMA 实体的顶级赛事中战斗过, 包括终极格斗冠军赛, 里格斯将带来他的 47 职业综合格斗选手在美国首次合法且受制裁的裸指关节比赛中获胜. 请参阅下文,了解里格斯关于过渡到这一新学科的说法, 球迷们可以期待在擂台上看到什么以及更多:






“我从小就注定要成为冠军. 我花了很长时间才成长为一个男人和一名战士. 但我终于把它们放在一起了, 我的身体仍然正常并且运转良好. 所以, 现在是我转投 BKFC 并希望获得 BKFC 腰带的时候了. 我真的很喜欢裸拳格斗. 我参加过很多不同的项目,这非常适合我.




成为美国首次举办合法且受监管的裸拳搏击组织的一员也非常酷. 一百多年来. 能够参与这项古老运动的复兴是一种荣幸。”


你看过BKFC的比赛吗? 如果是这样, 你对此印象如何?




“我没有机会观看 BKFC 1 或 2 住, 但我回去看了肯德尔·格罗夫的比赛, 以及克里斯·莱特尔和乔伊·贝尔特兰. 我认为生产质量很棒, 战斗本身也很引人注目, 尤其是重量级人物. 那些家伙在那里敲打着。”






“我被培养成一名战士, 不论纪律. 赤手空拳的格斗迫使我使用我优越的攻击力. 我拳击打得很好. 这是我多年来一直在做的事情, 所以我的单口站立比赛非常出色。”












“我在训练营中关注的主要事情是努力加强我的核心. 我在训练中的某些出拳方式也与在真正的战斗中略有不同. 我们也在努力谨慎对待身体镜头, 就像对肝脏的一拳. 但我的身体状况很好,而且最近我越来越努力。”


你周围的人对徒手格斗回归以及你正式与 BKFC 签约有何评价?




“对于普通人来说, 徒手格斗可能看起来很疯狂. 但如果你退后一步想一想, MMA 在当时也曾被认为是一个疯狂的概念. 这实际上只是两个职业拳手在那里相互竞争的另一种形式。”






“我观看了韦弗最近的一些比赛. 他看起来出拳很快,是个硬汉. 我的底线是我永远不想忽视任何人. 我曾经犯过这样的错误并为此付出了代价. 但我绝对不认为韦弗能打败我. 虽然我们都是职业战士, 我们将看看 10 月 20 日会发生什么。”




# # #



六月 2, 2018, 总部位于费城的裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 由格斗运动的历史,当它推出了第一部法律, 批准,自美国监管裸关节活动 1889. “BKFC 1: 开端” 发生在夏延, 怀俄明州和特色 10 专业的较量, 所有怀俄明格斗体育委员会的主持和控制下.




BKFC仅使用建立谁曾在拳击比赛专业战斗机, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. BKFC 的所有比赛均由 ABC 成员体育委员会批准和监管.




“BKFC 3: 收购” 将受到密西西比州体育委员会的制裁和监管, 由董事长乔恩·刘易斯领导.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上关注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 并在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.


裸关节格斗冠军赛周六返回, 十月 20 住在按次付费查看从密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, 密西西比

“BKFC 3: 收购” 将举行重量级锦标赛决赛, 鲍比·冈恩的回归 & 肯德尔格罗夫,
UFC老将乔·里格斯 (Joe Riggs) 首次亮相 BKFC
& 男子轻量级锦标赛四分之一决赛

费城 (九月 24, 2018) – 不败的职业拳击手 是 “乡巴佬锤子” 秀梅克 将面对资深综合格斗选手 阿诺德 “阿杰” 亚当斯 在决赛中 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 周六重量级比赛, 十月 20 在密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, 密西西比州和按次付费直播.




重量级冠军赛将作为本次比赛的重头戏 “BKFC 3: 收购”, 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.95.




“在四分之一决赛和半决赛的表现之后, 肖梅克和亚当斯已经证明,他们有资格赢得首条 BKFC 重量级腰带,” 说BKFC创始人兼总裁戴维·费尔德曼. “我期待着一场精彩的战斗, 我不希望走这么远. 两位拳手都将参加淘汰赛,并以壮观的方式夺得冠军。”




门票 “BKFC 3: 收购” 可现在独家 www.bareknuckle.tv 在开始 $35.




“我要击倒他,” 肖梅克说. “我是更好的战士,他会在第一轮比赛开始的铃声响起的那一刻发现这一点。”




“这条重量级腰带将和我一起回到芝加哥,” 亚当斯说. “我已经准备好迎接 10 月 20 日 Shewmaker 的任何尝试。”




BKFC 3 还将展示男子135磅轻量级比赛的开始, 预计将在 2019. 所有四场四分之一决赛回合的战斗, 加上锦标赛的交替回合, 将于10月进行角逐 20. 轻量级锦标赛参赛阵容将包括 UFC 和 Bellator 老将 约翰尼·贝德福德 反对职业拳击手 小雷吉·巴内特., 迄今为止,两人在BKFC比赛中均未尝败绩.




不败的裸拳格斗传奇人物、《警察公报》裸拳重量级冠军重返 BKFC 鲍比·冈恩, 以及 UFC 和 Bellator 老将 肯德尔格罗夫. 格罗夫将对阵前阿拉巴马大学线卫 马塞尔邮票, 在综合格斗和裸拳格斗中都保持不败的人.




在 BKFC 首次亮相 3 会是 乔·里格斯, 他在 UFC 有着悠久的履历,并且是前 WEC 中量级冠军. 里格斯将与综合格斗老将见面 布洛克·韦弗. 该卡还将具有 恭Ferea 詹妮弗·泰特 在两位女性的第一次裸拳比赛中.



马亚VS. 乌斯曼回顾, New ESPN Deal, Boxing Promotional Battles are topics of discussion on this week’s FNU Combat Sports Show

本周在FNU搏击运动展, 汤姆, Tony and Rich discuss a wide variety of topics. We start out with the ESPN/UFC broadcast rights deal for five years, 30 fight cards and $1.5 billion. We also discuss the infighting among boxing promoters lately with both Bob Arum and UK upstart Eddie Hearn scrambling to sign free agents while trying to fill slots for slated shows in the United States over the coming year. We go on to recap last week’s combat sports action, highlighting the Adonis Stevenson vs. Badou Jack majority draw and the Usman vs Maia 5-round snoozefest headlining last Saturday night’s UFC Fight Night card. We of course also preview this weekend’s boxing matches and the UFC and Bellator cards coming out of England. We even touch on the regulation of bareknuckle boxing and Bobby Gunn’s claim of no fatalities recorded in the sport. 最后, we wrap up with a reminder of what this weekend is all about: saluting our servicemen and women. Listen to the whole show at the link below:



裸拳格斗锦标赛全套卡牌 & 第一法律, 美国受监管和认可的裸指关节活动. 因为 1889

星期六, 六月 2 住在美国各地. 和加拿大
Cheyenne Ice 的按次付费 & 活动中心
在夏延, 怀俄明
UFC 重量级冠军 里科·罗德里格斯 VS. 刘易斯·拉姆齐

直系裸拳重量级冠军鲍比·冈恩 vs.
马塞洛·塔瓦雷斯 & 前任之间的女子对决
UFC 拳击手贝克·罗林斯 & 丹佛的阿尔玛·加西亚

夏安, 怀伊 (五月 25, 2018) – 首届比赛的完整阵容已经确定 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 战斗卡将具有特色 12 周六比赛, 六月 2 Cheyenne Ice 的按次付费直播 & 夏延活动中心, 怀俄明.



第一个合法的, 自此以来,美国的裸指关节活动受到监管和批准 1889, “BKFC: 开端,” 将通过 MultiVision Media 在美国和加拿大按次付费播放, Inc., 在 FITE-TV 应用程序上以及 菲特电视 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.99 4K. 该活动可以在 www.bareknuckle.tv/bkfc1.



按次付费电视节目将由前拳击世界冠军出演 安东尼奥·塔弗 提供色彩评论.



这张卡的主角是前 UFC 重量级冠军 里科·罗德里格斯 挑战宾夕法尼亚州 刘易斯 “野兽” 拉姆齐 在五轮重量级比赛中, 而直系裸指拳击重量级世界冠军 鲍比·冈恩 与巴西队作战 马塞洛·塔瓦雷斯 在七轮景点中.



女子组五回合对决 “吵闹的” 贝克·罗林斯 阿尔玛·加西亚 还将出现在开创性的按次付费活动中. 前 UFC 选手, 罗林斯 在她的七场职业 MMA 胜利中,有两场是 UFC 胜利. 29岁,来自布里斯班, 澳大利亚进入拳击场,希望将她标志性的侵略风格带入裸指拳击中. 她将担当 加西亚, 职业拳击手,参加过七场比赛,来自丹佛, 科罗拉多州.




在怀俄明州竞技体育委员会的赞助和控制下举行, 由主席 Bryan Pedersen 领导, 该卡仅包含参加过拳击比赛的成熟职业拳手, MMA, 跆拳道或泰拳.




BKFC 重量级比赛将由亚利桑那州的 埃里克 “美国士兵” 普林德尔 与密苏里州作战 我Shewmaker的, 拉斯维加斯本地人 莫里斯 “大猩猩” 杰克逊 对夏威夷 戴尔 好的 和芝加哥的 阿诺德 “博马耶” 亚当斯 与加州竞争 DJ “门徒” 林德曼 在一系列五轮四分之一决赛的对决中.




裸指拳击之夜的其他比赛包括弗吉尼亚州 雷吉·巴尼特 与宾夕法尼亚州相比 特拉维斯·汤普森 在五轮 135 磅的比赛中, 德克萨斯州本地人 约翰尼 “残酷” 贝德福德 137磅的, 与怀俄明州队的五轮比赛 缺口 “加菲猫” 打架 以及菲尼克斯队之间155磅的对决 埃斯特万 “可怕” 帕扬 和华盛顿的 奥马尔 “精品公鸡” 阿弗拉尔 预计进行五轮比赛.




这场比赛的最后一场比赛是圣地亚哥的两场 145 磅重的比赛 乔伊·贝尔特兰 符合加州的 托尼 “氪石” 洛佩兹 在五轮比赛和温尼伯的比赛中 德斯蒙德·约翰逊(Desmond Johnson) 与新墨西哥本地人较量 奥斯汀·沃德 在五轮比赛中,再加上加拿大的 布兰登·切弗菲尔德 反对印第安纳州 豪尔赫·冈萨雷斯 在 165 磅重的五轮比赛中.




现场活动门票现已独家发售 www.bareknuckle.tv 价格从 $50 到 $200.


# # #


关于 BKFC: 开始

“BKFC: 开端” 将于周六按次付费直播, 六月 2 在 9 东部时间下午/太平洋时间下午 6 点,可提供超过 100 美国和加拿大的 100 万个家庭通过有线和卫星, 并通过传统电视转播至世界各地, 应用, 智能电视, 家用电脑, 笔记本电脑, iPhone, 通过 Chromecast 的 iPad 和 Android 设备, 苹果电视, 索尼游戏机, 等.




请咨询您当地的指南以了解整个月的频道和重播. 建议零售 “BKFC: 开端” 是 $29.99.


“BKFC: 开端”, 将采用最先进的 4K 格式制作并由总部位于纽约的 MultiVision Media 发行, Inc. 执行制片人是布莱恩·里科.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在 Twitter 上关注@BKBChampionship, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 并在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Former world champion Imamu Mayfield interested in tonight’s JonesGunn clash

Freehold , 新泽西州 (二月. 17, 2017) – Former IBF World Cruiserwight word champion Imamu Mayfield has thrown his hat in the ring to face the winner of tonight’s Roy Jones, JR. – Bobby Gunn WBF World Cruiserweight title bout that will shown LIVE on Pay-Per-View.

Mayfield of Freehold , New Jersey ended a eight-year hiatus in losing to then-undefeated heavyweight Dan Pasciolla, but came back to Knockout a game Anthony Caputo Smith in six-rounds on 11月12日 在大西洋城.

Mayfield’s longtime friend/manager Vinny LaManna is adamant that that Mayfield will have the right style to beat Jones or Gunn.

This is a fight we would love to have. Imamu is in great shape, and after his win over Caputo Smith, he has the confidence that he can beat any cruiserweight out there,” 说拉曼纳. “Jones has beating lesser guys, and a win over either of them would catapult Imamau back into the rankings and then he can see his way back to the title. The fight would make sense as it would put two older guys together in a fight that would have meaning. I am rooting for Gunn tonight, Bobby is a gentleman. If Bobby can pull the victory off 今晚, Mayfield vs Gunn would be a big draw in New Jersey because both guys live in the Garden State. The point being is simple, if Imamu can’t beat the likes of Roy Jones’s or Bobby Gunn than who can he beat?”

Weights from Wilmington, Delaware for Jones vs Gunn

Skill vs. 将”

威明顿, DE (二月 16, 2017)Weights from Thursday’s weigh in for theSkill vs. 将” Pay Per View card featuring future Hall of Famer Roy Jones, JR. taking on Bare Knuckle Legend Bobby Gunn. The show will be televised LIVE ON PAY-PER beginning at 9 PM ET/ 6 PM PT
鲍比·冈恩 197.4 – 罗伊·琼斯, JR. 199
(WBF Cruiserweight title)
Kanat Islam 154.2 – Robson Assis 154.6
弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 130.2 – German Meraz 129
乔伊Tiberi, JR. 136 – Bryan Timmons 138.2
Dan Biddle 214 – Lamont Singletary 204.8
Olimjon Nazarov 119.4 – 达戈贝托阿圭罗 118.6
Henry Stewart 176.6 – 马丁兹·威廉姆森(Martez Williamson) 190.6
埃迪·奥尔蒂斯 162.2 – 杰夫CHIF沼泽 157.4
促销员: David Feldman Promotions, Nelsons Promotions, 国王的促销


6:00 PM–门打开
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PMPay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, 蒂姆·威瑟斯庞, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury

罗伊·琼斯 – Bobby Gunn Press Conference quotes

Skill vs. 将”

威明顿, DE (二月 16, 2017)Below are quotes from Wednesday’s press conference in advance of Friday night’sSkill vs. 将” Pay-Per-View showdown between Roy, 琼斯, JR. and Bobby Gunn.
On Bobby Gunn as an opponent:
The thing I stand for and respect and representI love a person who won’t quit, 和 [鲍比·冈恩] won’t quit for nothing. 他有 72 胜与 72 击倒 – bare-knuckleyou’re really a professional bully! You just beat people up for the hell of itIt’s what I love. People ask why I’m so motivated to fight Bobby Gunnit’s because what I stand for in boxing, he is in bare-knuckle. I respect that.
On the opportunity to be in the ring on Friday:
We are getting an opportunity to share the ring, and entertain the people while we share the ring, and I am at-heart an entertainer. And this man is a killer. I’m not saying that this man is not a killer, it’s just that I trust in my abilities to go out and do things differently because that’s who I am.
On his conditioning:
I am in very good shape for the first time in four or five years. I feel better than I have felt in a long time. 我知道我忙得不可开交, and I know my hands are ready for battle. I know this man is coming to bring it. But that’s what we live for; that’s what we love. Come Friday night be ready for a very entertaining fight.

On Roy Jones Jr. as an opponent:
I’m born and bred a fighting man, since birth. I’m fighting one of the greatest fighters who ever lived. I’ve seen a lot of horsesh!t on the Internet, people running him down. Saying he’s too old, this or that. Why don’t you guys get in the ring and fight him, 然后? Let me tell you something right nowI respect him more today than [the fighter he was] 20 几年前. Because he’s more dangerous, he’s cagey, he’s a veteran. There’s nothing you can do to him he hasn’t seen.
On his mental and physical condition coming into the fight:
I’m coming here to fight my guts out. I’m in good shape. I’ve been training hard for this one for a long timethis man’s been in my head a long time. I go to sleep with Roy, and I wake up with Roy. He’s part of my family, we’re sick of talking about Roy. I can’t wait to see him Friday night and get it over with! I’m coming here to fight.
On critics of the matchup:
In a few days here, me and Roy are going to battle. We’re doing to prove a lot of critics wrong, a lot of doubters. When that bell rings, it’s only me and him in there. 为了跟你说实话, critics mean zero. Their opinions mean nothing… [小罗伊琼斯] said he’d come and fight me, and he’s here. He has the heart of the lion. But we’re going to get it down. I’ll shake your hand today, but I’ll tell you [to Jones Jr.] we’re in for a good fight, both of us. Roy Jones won’t forget my name for the rest of his life.

In the main event the legendary 罗伊·琼斯, JR. takes on Bare Knuckle legend 鲍比·冈恩 for the WBF Cruiserweight title 住在PAY-PER-VIEW Chase Center in Wilmington, 特拉华州.
Media Week Schedule

5:00 PM–Media Check in
6:00 PM–Fighters on the scales

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
威明顿, 特拉华州 19720


6:00 PM–门打开
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PM–Pay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, 蒂姆·威瑟斯庞, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury

King’s Promotions fighters Aguero and De Alba to appear on JonesGunn undercard

Skill vs. 将”


Dagoberto Aguero battles Olimjohn Nazarov
Frank De Alba takes on German Meraz

威明顿, DE (二月 14, 2017)-这个星期五 夜晚, two members who fight under the King’s Promotions banner will be in action as 达戈贝托阿圭罗 发生在 Olimjohn Nazarov in a super bantamweight bout scheduled for eight-rounds, while junior lightweight 弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 发生在 German Meraz 在预定八轮的回合中.
In the main event the legendary 罗伊·琼斯, JR. takes on Bare Knuckle legend 鲍比·冈恩 for the WBF Cruiserweight title 住在PAY-PER-VIEW Chase Center in Wilmington, 特拉华州.
Aguero, 23 years-old of San Cristobal, Domincan Republic will be looking to make a big impression in his United States debut when he takes on the battle tested Nazarov.
I want to thank David Feldman Promotions, 国王的促销. Nelsons Promotions, and Raynelo Management are giving me an opportunity of a lifetime to show my skills in the ring,” said Aguero. “I come from nothing in the Dominican Republic, and I managed to get out alive and now I have to take advantage of opportunities like this. I’m on the card with Ring Legend Roy Jones Jr. in my first debut in the US, 这是一个梦想成真. “
Aguero is coming off a 1st round stoppage over Juan Miguel Garcia on 6月24日.
Nazarov of Tashkent, Uzbekastan has a record of 14-4 同 8 击倒, will already be making his 2nd start of 2017. 1月20日, he was in a tough battle with world ranked bantamweight Stephon Young before dropping an 8-round unanimous decision in Atlantic City

读德阿尔瓦, PA has a record 20-2-2 同 9 knockouts has won 3 in a row since dropping a hotly contested majority decision to then-undefeated Omar Douglas on December 29, 2015 在伯利恒, PA.

He has rebounded nicely with wins over Daniel Perales, 乔纳森·佩雷斯, and an explosive 2nd round stoppage over Kiun Evans on September 9, 2016 在读, PA.
My training has been good. I have been waiting to get back in there after 5 个月,”说德阿尔瓦.
I know Meraz is a Mexican, and I expect him to come forward, and it will be a great war.
De Alba is very excited about the opportunity to fight on a high profile card that will be headlined by Roy Jones, JR.
I am very much looking forward to fight on this card that will be headlined by Roy Jones, JR. He is a legend, and to share the same ring as him is a great honor.
The Douglas fight was a good experience for De Alba, and his performance in his subsequent bouts has shown that he has learned and raised his game from that contest.
After the Douglas loss, that fight made me aware of my talent. I could have won that fight. I learned that I have the talent and now the experience that will pave the way in my career. But first things first. I am just ready to get back in the ring 在周五 and perform in Wilmington, and hopefully make some new fans for Team De Alba.
Meraz of Agua Prieta, Mexico has fought a staggering 97 时 在 12 岁月. 在刚 30 years-old Meraz has posted a record of 55-41-1 同 32 击倒.

Meraz has fought 5 世界冠军.

在他的最后一个回合, Meraz lost a 6-round unanimous decision to Hairon Socarras on February 3rd in Philadelphia.
塞缪尔·佘 (9-1-1, 3 KO的) 发生在 Daniel Parales (10-7-1, 5 KO的) 蒙特雷, Mexico in a super lightweight bout.
乔伊Tiberi, JR. (13-2, 6 KO的) 纽瓦克, Delaware will fight Bryan Timmons (5-8, 5 KO的) 圣. 约瑟夫·, Missouri in lightweight bout.

Henry Stewart (2-0, 2 KO的) of Toronto, Canada squares off Robert Mendoza (1-8, 1 KO) of Frankfurt, 印地安那.

Dan Biddle (9-5, 5 KO的) 威尔明顿, Delaware will fight Lamont Singletary (7-1, 4 KO的) of Dover, Delaware in a cruiserweight battle.
埃迪·奥尔蒂斯 (2-0-1, 2 KO的) 圣安东尼奥, Texas takes on pro debuting 杰夫CHIF沼泽 威尔明顿, Delaware in a middleweight bout.
Media Week Schedule
11:30 调幅Media Check in

The Chase Center

815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

1:00 Media only check-in

2:00 Open WorkoutsPublic let in

Crossfit Riverfront
512 Jutison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801


5:00 PMMedia Check in
6:00 PMFighters on the scales

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
威明顿, 特拉华州 19720


6:00 PM–门打开
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PMPay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, 蒂姆·威瑟斯庞, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury
SKILL VS WILL will be distributed live throughout North America via cable and satellite in High Definition by New York-based MultiVision Media, Inc. The broadcast will premiere on Friday, February 17th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT and will be carried throughout the month on video-on-demand. Please consult your local guide for channels and encores in your area. The suggested retail price is $24.99. The event will also be available worldwide on home computers, 笔记本电脑, 智能电视, iPhone, iPads, AppleTV, and Android devices on FITE-TV, 弗利普斯, and other OTT (over-the-top) streaming services.
Tickets are on sale now ranging from $55 – $300 并且可以通过调用被购买 (484) 935-3378 & www.firststatefights.com

罗伊·琼斯, JR. vs Bobby Gunn, promoted by David Feldman Promotions and the Casino at Delaware Park.

World rated junior middleweight Kanat Islam looking to steal the show on JonesGunn undercard

Skill vs. 将”

威明顿, DE (二月 13, 2017)-World rated junior middleweight Kanat Islam is looking for a big outing this 星期五 夜晚 他对当 Robson Assis (16-3, 9 KO的) 在罗伊·琼斯, JR. – Bobby Gunn WBF Cruiserweight title Pay-Per-View co-featured bout at the Chase Center in Wilmington, 特拉华州.
The IslamAssis bout is scheduled for 10-rounds.
Islam (22-0, 18 KO的) has been training in his adopted home of Pahoke, Florida by way of Kazakhstan, is ready for whatever Assis will bring to the ring.
“培训已经很大. I know Assis is a southpaw, and he likes to box. That’s about it! Between all my amateur experience and pro bouts all over the world, I am ready for anything,”said Islam.
Before taking this fight, Islam was mentioned as possible opponent for WBO junior middleweight champion Canelo Alvarez, before the Mexican superstar took a bout with Julio Cesar Chavez, JR. This would be a fight that the 32 year-old Islam would relish.
My people in Kazakhstan would love to see this fight. My team wants to see it, and I want to be in that fight. If that opportunity comes, I will focus and get the right sparring, and be ready for that opportunity.
But before any of that can happen, Islam must 1st get past Assis on a card headlined by the legendary Roy Jones, JR. This is an opportunity, that Islam isn’t taking lightly.
“罗伊·琼斯, JR. is a legend, and a big name in boxing. In the past and still today he is big. It is an honor to fight on a card that he is in the main event.
Back home in Kazakhstan, Islam is getting close to legendary status himself, as onOctober 29th, he defeated Patrick Allotey in front of 18,000 fans in his homeland to capture the WBO Inter-Continental title and retain his WBA Fedlatin Super Welterweight titles.
Fighting in front of my home people means more to me than anything. It shows them that I represent their culture and they like to see my fighting style. It was a dream come true to fight in front of so many of my people. They were cheering my name, and for that I am thankful for them.
We will return there to Kazakhstan and fight again. I don’t want them to miss the fight on2月17日 that I have with Assis. I am always thankful for my fans who always support me. I want to thank Nelsons Promotions, Raynelo Management and my sponsor Zheizu Company. I always want to David Feldman Promotions, King’s Promotions and Roy Jones for giving me the opportunity to fight on this card.
在8轮的较量, 达戈贝托阿圭罗 (10-0, 8 KO的) of San Cristobal, Domincan Republic takes on Olimjon Nazarov (14-4, 8 KO的) of Tashken, Uzbekistan in a super bantamweight bout.
弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 (20-2-2, 9 KO的) 读, PA之战 German Meraz (55-41-1, 32 KO的) of Agua Prieta, Mexico in a junior lightweight.
塞缪尔·佘 (9-1-1, 3 KO的) 发生在 Daniel Parales (10-7-1, 5 KO的) 蒙特雷, Mexico in a super lightweight bout.
乔伊Tiberi, JR. (13-2, 6 KO的) 纽瓦克, Delaware will fight Bryan Timmons (5-8, 5 KO的) 圣. 约瑟夫·, Missouri in lightweight bout.

Henry Stewart (2-0, 2 KO的) of Toronto, Canada squares off Robert Mendoza (1-8, 1 KO) of Frankfurt, 印地安那.

Dan Biddle (9-5, 5 KO的) 威尔明顿, Delaware will fight Lamont Singletary (7-1, 4 KO的) of Dover, Delaware in a cruiserweight battle.
埃迪·奥尔蒂斯 (2-0-1, 2 KO的) 圣安东尼奥, Texas takes on pro debuting 杰夫CHIF沼泽 威尔明顿, Delaware in a middleweight bout.
Media Week Schedule
11:30 调幅Media Check in

The Chase Center

815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

1:00 Media only check-in

2:00 Open WorkoutsPublic let in

Crossfit Riverfront
512 Jutison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801


5:00 PMMedia Check in
6:00 PMFighters on the scales

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
威明顿, 特拉华州 19720


6:00 PM–门打开
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PMPay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
威明顿, 特拉华州 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, 蒂姆·威瑟斯庞, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury
SKILL VS WILL will be distributed live throughout North America via cable and satellite in High Definition by New York-based MultiVision Media, Inc. The broadcast will premiere on 星期五, February 17th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT and will be carried throughout the month on video-on-demand. Please consult your local guide for channels and encores in your area. The suggested retail price is $24.99. The event will also be available worldwide on home computers, 笔记本电脑, 智能电视, iPhone, iPads, AppleTV, and Android devices on FITE-TV, 弗利普斯, and other OTT (over-the-top) streaming services.
Tickets are on sale now ranging from $55 – $300 并且可以通过调用被购买 (484) 935-3378 & www.firststatefights.com

罗伊·琼斯, JR. vs Bobby Gunn, promoted by David Feldman Promotions and the Casino at Delaware Park.

Bobby Gunn to Roy Jones, JR. “Roy will know that he was in a fight, and he will never forget me

Skill vs. 将”

Fight to take place on 2月17日 at the Chase Center in Wilmington, 特拉华州

World Ranked Kanat Islam squares off with Robson Assis;
Frank De Alba takes on Sergio Gomez;
Joey Tiberi takes on Bryan Timmons;
WBC Asian champion Neeraj Goyat makes his American debut;
Samuel Teah battles Daniel Parales;
Dan Biddle takes on Lamont Singletary;
Eddie Ortiz takes on Jeff Chiffens
Plus undefeated Henry Stewart
威明顿, DE (二月 8, 2017)–Bare Knuckle Boxing Legend 鲍比·冈恩 is ready for his opportunity of a lifetime, when he takes on all-time great 罗伊·琼斯, JR 定于一回合 12 rounds for the WBF Cruiserweight title that will take place on 星期五夜晚, 2月17日 The Chase Center 威明顿, 特拉华州. The bout can be seen 住在PAY-PER-VIEW.
Gunn of Hackensack, New Jersey has been preparing for this fight, and is ready for the biggest fight of his career. “
I am fighting an all-time great, and styles make fights. It will be a hell of a fight,” said Gunn.
Gunn wanted to raise the stakes for the fight, but he doesn’t think that Jones has the confidence that he will come out victorious.
I laid it out to him for a winner-take-all bout. I am a puncher, so I know I will win this fight.
This will be Gunn’s 1st bout 在 38 个月, but the Bare-Knuckle Legend has been active fighting on the Bare-Knuckle circuit, and has a perfect record of 72-0 同 72 knockouts in those bouts.
People can look, and think that I haven’t been active, but a fight is a fight and I have been fighting the Bare-Knuckle fights. Fighting is Fighting. The only difference in those fights is that the gloves protect the hands. Despite what it says on my boxing record, I have always been active. But the time out of the ring plus being against Roy Jones, JR, the fans will see a different Bobby Gunn.
Gunn, usually a mild-mannered fighter, has also been motivated by someTrash-Talkfrom Jones.
He said that I don’t deserve to be in the same ring as him. I was already motivated for this, and he will find out otherwise on 2月17日. 后 2月17日, he will remember me for the rest of his life. I am not coming to dance. I am coming to fight, and early on, Roy will know that he has a fight on his hands.
In the 10-round junior middleweight co-feature, world ranked junior middleweight Kanat Islam (22-0, 18 KO的) 帕霍基的, FL takes on Robson Assis (16-3, 9 KO的) 圣保罗, 巴西.
Neeraj戈亚尔 (8-2-2, 2 KO的) will take on an opponent to be named in an eight-round bout for the WBF International Welterweight title.

弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 (20-2-2, 9 KO的) 读, PA将在 Sergio Gomez (20-21, 16 KO的) 马那瓜, Nicaragua in a 10-round bout for the WBF Junior Lightweight International title.

在6轮的较量, 塞缪尔·佘 (9-1-1, 3 KO的) 费城战役 Daniel Parales (10-7-1, 5 KO的) 蒙特雷, Mexico in a super lightweight bout.
乔伊Tiberi (13-2, 6 KO的) 纽瓦克, Delaware will battle Bryan Timmons (5-8, 5 KO的) of Saint Joseph, 密苏里州.
Henry Stewart (2-0, 2 KO的) of Toronto, Canada will take on an opponent to be named in a light heavyweight bout.
Dan Biddle (9-5, 5 KO的) 威尔明顿, DE will face Lamont Singletary (7-1, 4 KO的) of Dover, DE in a cruiserweight tussle.
埃迪·奥尔蒂斯 (3-0-1, 2 KO的) 圣安东尼奥, Texas will square off with pro debuting Jeff Chiffens 威尔明顿, DE in a middleweight fight.
Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, 蒂姆·威瑟斯庞, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury
SKILL VS WILL will be distributed live throughout North America via cable and satellite in High Definition by New York-based MultiVision Media, Inc. The broadcast will premiere on 星期五, February 17th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT and will be carried throughout the month on video-on-demand. Please consult your local guide for channels and encores in your area. The suggested retail price is $29.99. The event will also be available worldwide on home computers, 笔记本电脑, 智能电视, iPhone, iPads, AppleTV, and Android devices on FITE-TV, 弗利普斯, and other OTT (over-the-top) streaming services.
Tickets are on sale now ranging from $75 – $300 并且可以通过调用被购买 (484) 935-3378 & www.firststatefights.com

罗伊·琼斯, JR. vs Bobby Gunn, promoted by David Feldman Promotions and the Casino at Delaware Park.