標記檔案: 科羅拉多​​州

與Atif Oberlton代表市博愛一路世錦賽

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (八月 22, 2019) - 有國際拳擊舞台上新崛起的力量,他的名字是 與Atif Oberlton, 從費城輕重量級, 誰是一個使命在拳擊比賽中,使自己的名字.

Oberlton將在優秀男子世錦賽的競, 九月 7-21, 在葉卡捷琳堡, 俄羅斯.

缺乏信心是不是21歲的拳擊手誰索賠問題, “這對我來說,做的很好,並在世界贏得是非常重要的, 因為我知道一個事實,即, 在我心裡, 我在世界上最好的戰鬥機。也, 我在國際舞台上新, 所以它的時候我給了一塊,他們已經錯過了什麼。“

Oberlton在九歲的時候開始拳擊, 雖然他沒有開始比賽,直到他 14, 因為他在他家中唯一的男孩, 和他的父親希望他學習如何為自己辯護。像許多隊友, 他愛上了拳擊.

在過去的五年, Oberlton已抓獲在金牌 2018 和 2016 全國金手套錦標賽, 2018 東方精英預選賽和 2014 全國青少年奧運會。他也是美國VS勝利者. 荷蘭雙.

“我最大的成就至今正在美國隊並且是我在哪裡, 因為好多年我被拒絕, 在這裡我今天在屬於我的頭把交椅。我是一個頂級的戰鬥機現貨, 所以我活該, 我放下拔尖工作, 太”

Overlton已在中美冤大頭的訓練在科羅拉多斯普林斯. 奧林匹克訓練中心, 在那裡,他已經顯示出改善從第一天開始, 磨練自己的技能,成為一個完整的拳擊手.

“空調扮演我的進步很大一部分; 還看到不同風格, 和獲得最高的工作已經提升了我,“他談到訓練作為美國隊的成員。 “我總是打破的道路上偉大而這個新障礙 (世界的) 是另外一個我期待粉碎通過。“

除了代表自己的國家, Oberlton是一個值得驕傲的費城戰鬥機繼續長, 豐富的拳擊傳統,在市博愛, 這產生了這樣的人伯納德·霍普金斯大學馬修·薩阿德·穆罕默德本尼·布里斯科喬伊Giardello邁克·羅斯曼,詹姆斯·舒勒尤金·哈特 多年來那麼多偉大的戰士.

“我的城市是著名的偉大的拳擊歷史,我穿'費城的”在我的背上,“Oberlton補充。 “在接下來的幾十年過去了, 我看到自己領先費城拳擊手的下一個浪潮。事實上, 我覺得我的波, 現在, 因為我們說話。每個人都在看我. 我會做所有這些驕傲, 無論從老和年輕一代.

“我還沒有去過俄羅斯,我期待著去那裡。這是一件好事,看世界. 我總是喜歡回到我來自哪裡,並嘗試說服別人看世界, 因為它比我們的鄰居要大得多“。

Oberlton是像在環變色龍, 不斷變化和調整,以他的對手。 “我認為我的風格像水,“他總結道。 “這是波浪,因為我調整獲勝, 我可以擊敗任何風格。我可以智取人, 戰鬥精神高於物質。拳擊是80%的精神, 20-%的物理, 我擁有這一切.


信心是絕對不是與Atif Oberlton問題.



嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing


科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (八月 19, 2019) – 密爾沃基不是號稱世界級的拳手的領先生產商之一, 然而, 美國隊中量級
哈維爾·馬丁內斯 可能是罕見的例外.

“密爾沃基是不是真的對拳擊的好地方,” 馬丁內斯同意, “但 (教練) 阿科斯塔的Izzy 一直是產生了很多全國冠軍的一個偉大的計劃. 希望, 有一天,我可以做什麼,他對我做市. 我們確實有一些優秀的戰士走出我的健身房誰仍然在上升. 當心我的孩子, 路易斯·費利西亞諾, 前美國國家冠軍 (26歲的初中量級是 12-0 與八勝由擊倒親).”

最著名的戰鬥機出來密爾沃基是世界自由搏擊冠軍 幹草堆 “噴氣” 魯弗斯. 已經有一個值得注意的幾個密爾沃基拳手多年來, 含 邁倫 “粉紅” 米切爾, 誰成為世界第一初中量級冠軍 1922, 羅伯特· “穴居人” 莫哈 (1910-15), 前國手 泰隆 “蝴蝶” 瞬間, 和泛美運動會銅牌得主,兩屆全國業餘冠軍, LeChaunce謝潑德.

馬丁內斯目前在中美訓練在科羅拉多斯普林斯. 奧運會和殘奧會培訓中心世錦賽, 九月 7-21, 在葉卡捷琳堡, 俄羅斯.

“這是一個很好的感覺,我打算趁著這個機會,充分利用,” 馬丁內斯談到在世界錦標賽的競爭. “我喜歡來科羅拉多; 它就像療法對我來說, 讓我遠離雜念回家. 我很高興能去俄羅斯. 我感謝美國拳擊所有我有機會, 我希望帶回俄羅斯獎牌。”

馬丁內斯說,他沒有一個正常的童年, 解釋說,他抬頭看向錯誤的人. 他的生活變好了,他的父親把他介紹給拳擊和滿足教練阿科斯塔, 誰是最近由美國拳擊校友會表彰他對業餘拳擊的貢獻作為一個拳擊手和教練在過去的半個世紀.

“我不知道我會做的今天 (如果不是拳擊),” 注意馬丁內斯, 誰轉 24 八月 24. “我只知道,拳擊是我的出路在'罩. 教練的Izzy是一個非常有愛心的人, 和一個偉大的人有大約. 他有一個很好的拳擊生涯中,它是偉大的,有一個人一樣,在我的角落。”

馬丁內斯, 誰是否. 2 中量級排名在美國, 捕獲在金牌 2018 精英全國錦標賽,並在銀 2016 & 2017 精英全國錦標賽. 他還帶回家銅牌從 2013 全國青少年奧運會和費利克斯·斯塔姆錦標賽.

自我描述為一個尷尬的左撇子誰可以給任何人的問題, 馬丁內斯’ 短期目標是成為一名奧運金牌得主, 長期成為世界冠軍.

哈維爾·馬丁內斯正在密爾沃基榮幸能夠punchin’ 他的方式達到頂峰.

嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing


科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (七月 8, 2019) – 前拳擊前景 拉蒙特英格拉姆 已經經歷人間地獄, 其中包括他失去了他的生活幾乎所有, 現在他回饋給傑克遜在邊緣青少年, 田納西.

上個月, 英格拉姆被選中的美國拳擊最優秀的裁判 2019 全國少年奧運會.

英格拉姆的恢復簡直可以說是令人難以置信, 尤其是考慮到他從一名優秀的業餘拳擊手去, 誰在全國業餘錦標賽競爭成功, 無家可歸, 失明的雙眼, 兩次失敗的自殺企圖和, 可惜, 更絕望.

“我不再感到羞愧的是我經歷的,因為它使我的人說我今天,” 38歲的英格拉姆說. “我的生活一直這麼辛苦,我很羞於談論它這麼久. 我現在明白了,我的鬥爭是我對旁邊的人的證詞看,他或她可以做,如果他們繼續努力.

“拳擊是所有我知道, 但我看不出一隻眼了 (角膜損傷) 所開發的時代 19. 我在神生氣的想退休. 我情緒低落,不明白為什麼這事發生. 在 2008, 我成了無家可歸者在第一時間無處可去. 我失去了一切, 包括我的家人, 然後去 (法律上) 盲目的另一只眼睛. 然後, 上帝告訴我兒童工作, 我也打開了非盈利中途之家.

“拳擊教我如何永不放棄,不管如何努力,得到. 在 2013, 我失去了一切第二次: 我的事, 我的家人, 一切…..我又去了無家可歸. 但我從未放棄! 次年, 當大家說,這是在我, 上帝給了我一切回來兩三次. 我失去了我的建築在, 但最終我發現了另一座大樓. 我沒有錢,我失去了建設 2013. 上帝還給了我 2016, 當誰買它的人, 還給了我. 現在, 我在田納西州的特殊和普通人群僅有的兩個聯邦和各州的中途之家超過 50 床. 我主要在產能與所有男人的時候誰做 50 萬年日曆到那些誰做了五年。”

英格拉姆操作第二次機會 “新的開始” 中途之家和流浪者收容所, 以及團隊英格拉姆拳擊 & 導師計劃.

拉蒙特開始拳擊時,他是 14, 因為他曾經被嚴重欺負到其頭上的點搗爛成磚牆, 扔進垃圾箱, 並多次跳上別人. 英格拉姆的母親把他送到一個拳擊教練, 雷福德柯林斯, 這竟然是他可以說是一生中最生活變化的時刻.

“我喜歡拳擊,” 拉蒙特回憶. “我是不是最好的拳擊手, 但我沒有打一些很好的拳擊手. 我是一個非常有決心的年輕人, 雖然. 我是 58-10 同 35 擊倒作為業餘拳擊手. 我得到了我的特殊教育高中畢業文憑,後來我從卡普蘭大學畢業, 3.7 GPA在商業和藥物依賴.

“大多數孩子 (在拳擊項目) 付不起費用,以我們的夏令營或拳擊項目正在進行,現在. 我們給他們提供免費的早餐和午餐. 我真的很喜歡這個, 但我從來沒有想過我會做我在做什麼。”


創建冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, -拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,並希望保持與業餘拳擊連接. 成員被授予各種特別活動由校友協會主辦的訪問, 包括其成名接待年度美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記 alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費. 新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

團隊英格拉姆拳擊俱樂部 & 導師項目始建於 2017, 後他不希望任何與拳擊有關Ingram的長期鬥爭, 因為他相信上帝做了他是錯的,從他喜歡做帶走,並善於, 拳擊. 當他的業餘教練, 柯林斯, 死在 2016, 拉蒙特決定採取在健身房發揮更大的作用, 給點意見,他天天有.

“出於某種原因,我想成為其中的一部分,並幫助像我的教練曾經幫助挽救我的生命,” 英格拉姆解釋. “拳擊幫助我. 我的教練是非常堅定, 嚴格而有紀律, 但他愛我們,只想對我們最好的. 我們有這麼多的成功案例,範圍從那些無人可以處理, 那些誰在學校有F公司, 再加上那些誰已經沒有希望. 這些年輕人是我的世界; 我看到我自己,我知道,改變是可能的, 因為我改變.

“我計劃的最終目標是培養生活技能,將與每一位年輕的人去在他們的個人生活像它適合我. 我明白,不是每個人都將是一個奧運冠軍, 或使美國奧運代表隊, 成為全國或世界冠軍. 它們可以是一塊母豬,從來沒有離開他們就播種到一個種子。”

英格拉姆已註冊的美國拳擊教練和官員三年. 成為級別之後 2 官方, 他被選為裁判的最後一天 2018 東區預選賽, 一種罕見的壯舉相對缺乏經驗的官員, 至少可以說. 在 2019, 他判斷在西方預選賽和位列第十. 9 出 100, 這是一種成就前所未聞的用於水平 2 官方.

“拳擊救了我的生活,它改變了我的生活,” 英格拉姆聲稱. “我有一個壞的憤怒問題. 我就是不聽,我是不尊重我的父母和權威人物. 我住在麻煩, 在密集的緩刑, 或少年拘留中心被鎖定.

“我是一個尊重, 誰愛拳擊,看的人實現自己的目標謙虛和專用官方. 人們總是告訴我,我不能做; 拳擊向我展示我能做些什麼。”

和無數的青年男女在田納西州和中南部, 不只是拉蒙特, 今天受益者拉蒙特英格拉姆的真正了不起的變態.

嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing


賈邁爾 “永遠忠誠” 鯡魚愛國者, 奧林匹亞 & 現在世界冠軍

美國拳擊校友: (L) 賈邁爾鯡魚和他的stablemate, 特倫斯 “芽” 克勞福德
(米奇·威廉姆斯的圖片禮貌 / 熱門排名)

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (六月 13, 2019) – 新加冕的世界拳擊組織 (WBO) 超羽量級冠軍 賈邁爾 “永遠忠誠” 鯡魚 一直是一個戰士幾乎所有他的生活作為中美. 海洋和精英拳手.

這位33歲的鯡魚 (20-2, 10 科斯), 戰鬥了辛辛那提, 已經兜了一圈,因為他在歲開始拳擊 15. “我開始因為我在學校表現不佳, 從籃球隊除名,” 他為什麼他選擇了甜蜜的科學解釋. “我不想在街上. 這不是我的性格, 所以我只好找點別的事情做. 一位朋友向我介紹了拳擊和我堅持了下來. 我最終得到了我的成績備份和採用高光榮榜。”

鯡魚也發展成為一個奧運拳擊手, 主要是當他在中美經過九年的獄中. 海軍陸戰隊員, 甚至當他在伊拉克部署了兩次. 他編寫了一個 81-15 業餘紀錄, 包括在最高榮譽 2011 & 2012 武裝部隊錦標賽, 2011 中美. 奧運選拔賽和 2012 美國國民金牌得主, 隨著在銀牌 2010 世界軍人運動會. 他是第一位現役中美. 海洋晉級美國拳擊隊自 1992, 以及所述第一U.S. 海洋在競爭 2012 奧運會.

“我在空閒時間,我的第二個部署期間盒裝一點點,” 他指出,. “我從我朝結束第二部署回來 2007 並開始拳擊海軍陸戰隊 2008. 我的大部分業餘生涯中遭到海軍陸戰隊. 我學到了很多與海軍陸戰隊前往. 我看到更多的款式,並在全國比賽競爭的海洋. 他們也有資金來送我。”

他的業餘生涯的亮點是在代表他的國家 2012 在倫敦奧運會上為美國隊隊長. 雖然他失去了 (19-9) 在首輪以兩個時間哈薩克拳手 丹尼亞爾·耶萊西諾弗, 誰在奪得金牌 2013 世界錦標賽,並在以後 2016 奧運會, 開幕奧林匹克儀式是他的整個的業餘拳擊生涯中最難忘的時刻特殊原因.

“那是我女兒的逝世紀念日,” 赫林說. “它讓我知道,不管什麼, 你仍然可以完成任何事情, 甚至通過跌宕起伏。”

其他成員 2012 美國奧運代表隊隊長鯡魚中包括親隊伍當今世界冠軍,如 埃羅爾·斯彭斯, JR., Claressa盾馬庫斯·布朗, 前世界冠軍 拉奧肖·沃倫, 和世界冠軍挑戰者 特雷爾Gausha, 邁克爾·亨特多米尼克Breazeale.

鯡魚仍然接近美國拳擊, 話: “美國拳擊幫助我,因為關係我創建, 其中有許多今天仍然. 我遇到了其他戰士來自世界各地,我一直有良好的合作關係. 這也幫助我成為更多人的人我今天的. 作為球隊的隊長教我的耐心, 因為我要處理很多個性, 我今天仍然使用這些特質. 今天,我仍然接近我的奧運隊友。”


創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,並希望保持與業餘拳擊連接. 成員被授予各種特別活動由校友協會主辦的訪問, 包括其成名接待年度美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記 alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費. 新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

“賈邁爾是彈性和持久性的完美典範,” 提到 克里斯tofflemire, 美國拳擊校友會主任. “他的辛勤工作, 犧牲, 並不能退出,無論他遇到將繼續激勵下一代的冠軍多年什麼障礙. 美國拳擊校友會要感謝他所有,他已經給他人, 無論是在和在圓環外面。”

沒有曾經來容易賈邁勒鯡魚, 他的女嬰的慘痛損失後,尤其是他的顯著好轉, Ariynh, 其中,奧運會開幕式之前發生三年的日子.

“我的路是不容易,” 鯡魚加, “我有我的酸甜苦辣. 我是一名奧運選手, 但沒有什麼是以往任何時候交給我. 我不得不為爭取一切我已經得到. 這是我的時間!”

必然是, 尤其是在他擊敗衛冕WBO超輕量級冠軍 伊藤正幸, 今年五月 25, 成為世界冠軍. 證明了好東西確實發生在好人身上.

嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing


科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (五月 29, 2019) – 義和團的各種原因打. 美國隊最輕量級 拉根公爵 由他的兩個歲的女兒在健身房和環驅動, 肯尼迪拉根.

這位21歲的裡根訓練在科羅拉多斯普林斯他的同胞精英班成員, 科羅拉多​​州, 這是從他的家和女兒在辛辛那提很長的路要走.

“這是很難與她的分離,” 裡根承認, “但她激勵我. 我在拳擊我們的未來。”

裡根在拳擊前途是光明的. 他是否. 1 輕量級在美國, 誰打算套現後 2020 日本奧運.

雖然他有他的第一業餘比賽的時候,他是七, 裡根,實際上已經誕生框, 穿著嬰兒的拳擊手套的他的照片作為嬰兒明顯. 他的父親兼教練, 德里克 “公爵” 抹布一個, 誰命名他的兒子和他自己的暱稱, 有很多的朋友誰是拳擊手. 當杜克大學的哥哥通過6年, 路易斯·沃克, 在他們的叔叔受訓 肖恩·辛格爾頓的健身房, 年輕的公爵正在家裡由他的父親訓練的.

“我玩其他運動時,我還年輕, 但我並沒有在高中,” 拉根說,. “我父親開始訓練我,當我六歲,一年後, 我在健身房訓練和對打. 我不想玩拳擊比其他任何運動。”

拉根有 151-19 業餘紀錄, 他在銀牌表現突出 2017 世錦賽. 他在拍攝金 2016 & 2018 精英全國錦標賽, 排位賽他為 2020 拳擊奧運選拔賽, 以及在 2016 全國金手套錦標賽.

除了在奪得銀牌和銅牌 2017 世錦賽, 裡根已經成功在其他國際比賽, 採取的最高榮譽 2017 化學杯, 亞軍的 2018 總統杯, 和第三位完成的 2017 洲際錦標賽和 2019 泛美預選賽尼加拉瓜. 在後面的比賽, 拉根失去了在半決賽厄瓜多爾 凱塞多讓, 3-2, 有資格獲得泛美運動會, 七月 27 利馬, 秘魯.

拉根正期待著在泛美運動會報復他有爭議的損失凱塞多. “我是沒有. 1 種子泛美預選賽, 我想我會是無. 1 種子在泛美運動會,” 拉根評論. “我想我在半決賽中有一個錯誤的決定. 會有泛美運動會的一些良好的競爭, 但沒有人對我操心。”

自我描述為誰喜歡周圍的環搶購刺戳移動純拳擊手, 裡根也有足夠的力量把對手睡覺. 他想成為辛辛那提豐富的拳擊歷史的一部分, 已經生產的所有時間偉人如 亞倫普賴爾,埃澤德·查爾斯, 阿德里安Broner, Rau'shee沃倫蒂姆·奧斯汀, 等等.

“普賴爾和查爾斯在同一個社區盒裝我長大的地方,” 拉根指出. “我真的沒有做任何事情, 但它會很酷成為世界冠軍和他們一樣。”

美國拳擊在裡根的年輕的生命方面發揮了重大作用,, 如果他得到了他的願望, 它會繼續為至少一年左右. “我的主要重點是 2020, 我會擔心之後轉為職業選手,” 他說. “業餘拳擊給我帶來了一個很長的路要走. 我更紀律, 更好地集中, 和更聰明的拳擊手. 我有一個較高的智商拳. 我還必須學會作出犧牲, 因為我必須是一個人要抓緊時間給我的小女兒. 所有這一切都讓我準備成為一名專業.

拉根已在世界各地遊歷作為美國隊的拳擊手到過德國和哈薩克斯坦 (每人兩次), 波蘭, 保加利亞和尼加拉瓜. 最終,, 杜克裡根希望繼續代表他的國家,周遊世界, 希望, 預訂一趟東京明年.

嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @ Duke1Ragan
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing

特洛伊艾斯利脫落最大的勝利, 準備 2020 奧運會

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (五月 6, 2019) – 美國拳擊中量級 特洛伊艾斯利 即將關閉他年輕的職業生涯中最顯著勝利, 當他擊敗了 2016 奧運金牌得主, 古巴 阿倫·洛佩茲, 在最近舉行的泛美運動會預選賽在馬那瓜, 尼加拉瓜.

洛佩茲曾擔任艾斯利積極的晴雨表在他的潛力方面 2020 奧潤. “擊敗洛佩茲是我最大的勝利,到目前為止,” 艾斯利承認. “他在上屆奧運會上獲得一枚金牌. 我報了仇我輸給他 2017. 我們在大陸幣幾乎打, 但他在四分之一決賽中失去了, 我失去了在半決賽. 我們可以在泛美運動會在七月再次面對對方。”

在 2017, 艾斯利捕獲在Elite世界錦標賽金牌, 這標誌著第一個六年來美國精英的拳擊手. 他進步了一年按一年, 採取的最高榮譽 2012 & 2013 全國PAL錦標賽, 2014 全國少年奧運會, 2016 & 2017 精英全國錦標賽. 今年到目前為止,, 除了在泛美運動會預選賽獲勝, 他還參加了黃金在Strandja錦標賽在保加利亞.

對於誰真的不喜歡拳擊小子不是太寒酸成績, 特別是相對於足球, 這是他最喜歡的運動成長.

“當我回到我在訓練的健身房, 亞歷山大 (VA) 拳擊俱樂部,” 美國國家隊助理教練 凱Koromba 記得,” 他們需要幫助,一個年輕的孩子, 特洛伊艾斯利. 我有一個簡單的對話與他. 他說他會回來健身房,如果我在那裡執教. 我沒回去了一小會兒,他沒有回. 我最終接手健身房當教練離開, 和特洛伊返回.

“特洛伊是朋友 Keyshawn DAV是 (美國拳擊沒有. 1-額定輕量級). 他們都住在弗吉尼亞州 (特洛伊亞歷山大, Keyshawn紐波特) 和我一起訓練的亞歷山大拳擊俱樂部, 當我們不是生活在科羅拉多斯普林斯訓練. 他們打的孩子並成為好朋友. 所有其他拳手在這裡查找到他們。”

“我只是 8 起初我真的不喜歡拳擊,” 現在20歲的艾斯利談到他介紹了業餘拳擊. “我更感興趣的是團隊運動,如足球, 但我放棄了拳擊的時候我選擇在框中附加賽爭奪. 我只是想成為一個孩子,你不能打拳擊. 我又回到了健身房和打了大家. 教練凱告訴我的父親,他可以讓我變成了一個全國冠軍, 這給了我很多的自尊。”

一種自描述的拳擊手沖床, 艾斯利是一個智能, 良好的口語拳擊手與眼於未來, 拳擊之外, 通過德銳大學採取上線商業課程. “我可以做到這一切,” 他主動約他的拳擊風格. “我正在使用更多的刺戳是一個更好的全能拳擊手. 戳設置進攻了. 我的工作我的刺拳,因為你可以用刺拳贏得戰鬥。”

促銷員正在排隊投他們公司簽署艾斯利, 誰擁有涉及使一個明確的計劃 2020 美國奧運拳擊隊, 金牌日本, 然後轉專業.

“奧運會只有一年之遙,” 艾斯利注意. “我很親近Keyshawn和 沙庫爾(史蒂文森, 2016 奧運會銀牌得主和 11-0 職業前景). 與他們的訓練,使事情變得更容易為我們所有的人. 我們互相驅動,火車對不同風格. 我總是拿起新的東西. 我們互相幫助培訓, 陪練, 而只是說. 我們總是在一起, 無論是在亞歷山大還是科羅拉多斯普林斯. 派克還去那裡好陪練.

“派克告訴我們很多關於他在奧運會上的經歷,現在作為一個親. 我和Keyshawn一直談到了美國拳擊奧運代表隊的相處. 我們一直在努力工作,繼續專注. 這一直是我們的夢想。”

夢想成真,但, 第一, 艾斯利正在籌備泛美運動會和, 或者, 他的橡膠比賽與衛冕奧運金牌得主, 洛佩茲.

嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing

World Class referee….. Tom Cleary USA Boxing Alumni Association, 等級 2018 Inductee

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月 12, 2018) – The late 湯姆·克利 was one of the most respected referees in the world during his illustrious career. He joins a select group in the Class of 2018 getting inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame.




The second annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception, held in conjunction with the 2018 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships and Junior and Prep Open, 十二月 2-8, will be held December 7, at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) in Salk Lake City, Utah.




In addition to Cleary, 之類的 2018 also includes U.S. 奧運代表隊的選手和世界 (專業的) 冠軍 羅伊·瓊斯, JR., 沃德Claressa盾, as well as a past USA Boxing National Director of Coaching, 已故 伊曼紐爾管家.




The charter class inducted last year included 穆罕默德·阿里霍利菲爾德, as well as veteran coaches 羅斯福桑德斯湯姆·庫爾特.




A longtime resident of Westchester, 俄亥俄, Cleary was a USA Boxing member since 1982, and he served as Chief of Officials for the National Collegiate Boxing Association from 2002 until his passing May 21, 2017.




He refereed in 12 不同的國家, on four continents, as an International Official assigned by AIBA. Tom earned a three-star rating and he was selected to work the World Series of Boxing.




Tom’s dedication to amateur boxing and respect he garnered from boxers, coaches and fellow officials are second to none,” 說 克里斯tofflemire, 美國拳擊校友會執行董事. “The Alumni Association emphatically endorsed his case for the Hall of Fame, and his induction was received both by those close to him, as well as the entire amateur boxing community. Tom’s commitment to serving USA Boxing provides a great example for all of us and we couldn’t be prouder to call him a member of this year’s Hall of Fame class.




Tom never forgot where he came from, dedicating countless hours to the youth of Cincinnati, in addition to helping boxing clubs run efficiently throughout his community for more than a quarter-century.




該 2017 NCBA Official of the Year, Tom worked local, regional, national, International, world and Olympic levels of boxing. Highlights included working numerous U.S. 全國錦標賽, four U.S. 奧運選拔賽 (2000, 2004, 2008 & 2012) 而 2007 World Championships in Chicago.




When I was a young coach at the Air Force Academy,” USA Boxing coach 埃德·韋徹斯 評論, “we needed to replace an AIBA top notch referee who was retiring. We were looking for a highly qualified person and Tom Cleary was recommended. He came out the next 25 年直. Tom was one of the best referees. He cared so much about the safety of the boxers and Tom was also a valuable mentor.




Tom was a wonderful man who everybody loved. He administered referee clinics in the United States and always helped those in need, youngsters and adults. Tom’s work in the Cincinnati area influenced so many boxers and coaches for more than 25 歲月. We dearly miss him.






創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.




美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,並希望保持與業餘拳擊連接. 成員由校友會授予訪問各種特別活動的主機, 包括名人堂接待的美國拳擊校友會館.




加入校友會, 只需在登記 alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費. 新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.





Tom is survived by his wife, Diane, their two children and eight grandchildren.




Tom Cleary’s leadership and mentor-ship inspired all those who were fortunate enough to meet him. He cared passionately about the boxers he shared the ring with, offering words of advice before, during and after bouts.




嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: 1972 Olympic Bronze Medalist JESSE VALDEZ

(L-R) – 奧斯汀鱒魚, 傑西·瓦爾德茲(Jesse Valdez), Raphael Marquez and B.J. 花卉

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十月 5, 2018) — 1972 奧運銅牌得主 傑西·瓦爾德茲(Jesse Valdez), who was an outstanding amateur boxer, never turned pro because he chose security for his family rather than take a risk and parlay his amateur pedigree into a prize fighting career.




Valdez first went to the local BoysClub when he was 11. The youngest of seven children in a low-income family, headed by his single mother, in which the kids all slept in one bedroom, girls in a bed, boys on the floor, sharing space with cockroaches.




I started going to the club and I guess I did well because I started beating older and bigger guys,” Valdez remembered. One day a coach asked me if I was interested in learning how to box. 在 11, USA Boxing people were interested in me, not me the boxer, and they always gave me guidance. Because of my background, I knew I wouldn’t be going to college, and these people helped me and gave me guidance.




在 1964, 16-year-old Valdez upset Olympic bronze medalist Quincey Daniels at the National AAU Championship in the welterweight division, and later that year he qualitied for the U.S. Olympic Team as an alternate. Valdez captured a gold medal at the1967 National Golden Gloves in the light middleweight weight class and he added a bronze medal from the prestigious Pan-American Games.




I wanted to be a better boxer and that (defeating Daniels) also helped me become a better person. I had never traveled outside of Texas before then. I went to the Regionals and Nationals and then I was asked if I wanted to go to East Africa. All I knew about Africa was Tarzan, Jane and Cheetah. In high school, I was offered college scholarships, but my grades were bad because I spent more time out than in school. I didn’t have a father figure.




While he served in the U.S. 空軍, Valdez won a gold medal at the 1970 National AAU Championship as a light middleweight and two years later, he became the 1972 National Golden Gloves welterweight champion. A USA Olympic Team alternate for the second time in 1968, the third time was the charm for Valdez, who qualified for the 1972 中美. Olympic Boxing Team by defeating future world champion 埃迪·穆斯塔法·穆罕默德.




My dream came true in 1964,Valdez noted. “I was a USA Olympic Team alternate in 1964 and again in 1968. But in 1972, I wanted to win a gold medal, even though I ended up with bronze.




Valdez became a household name in America because his Olympic fights in Munich, 德國, aired live on ABC Wide World of Sports, the award-winning Saturday afternoon show during the seventies, when legendary announcer 霍華德·科塞爾 took a shine to Valdez. 不幸, Jessie was eliminated in the semifinals by the eventual gold medalist, Emilio Correa, by way of a controversial decision, and Jesse settled for a bronze medal.




該 1972 奧運會, 然而, is sadly remembered for the deaths of 11 Israeli athletes and coaches taken hostage and murdered by a Palestinian terrorist group, Black September.




The Olympic village was built in a circle,” Valdez explained. “There were athletes everywhere from all around the world. My roommate and I had a routine after eating. We walked to digest our food and that night we started to walk, when guards with guns and rifles wouldn’t let anybody go past them. We didn’t know why and didn’t speak German. We then asked our coaches what had happened, and they said people were shot that afternoon. 後, we saw what happened on television.




I was team captain and all the captains from every sport were asked what the athletes wanted to do, continue (competing) or go home. We decided to go on because, if we had stopped, that’s what they (terrorists) wanted. The Olympics were halted one day for a memorial recognizing those who had died.







Team USA and Team Germany, two of the world’s top amateur boxing programs, will meet in Chattanooga, 田納西, for two separate duels taking place Saturday, 十月 6 和星期五, 十月. 12, at the Chattanooga Convention Center.




The duels will feature some of the top male and female elite boxers as they prepare for the lead up to the Olympics in 2020. The two events will take place alongside this year’s Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships, which is expected to have more than 650 拳擊手, aged 8-40, compete from Oct. 8-13.





After the 1972 奧運會, promoters lined-up to offer Valdez a pro contract, but he quickly turned down all offers having other options as well. He could have remained in the Air Force and been a coach. 代替, he accepted an offer from a Houston television station that wanted to benefit from hiring the Olympic bronze medalist returning home. Valdez became a reporter and the station’s ratings immediately went up, but other reporters became jealous and that became a problem for Jesse. 首先, he contemplated a return to the Air Force, but Valdez liked working in television and he became a photo journalist until he retired in 2005.




Why not take advantage of his fame as an Olympic bronze medalist and turn pro?




“當我 14 或 15 there were pros training at the gym I went to after school,” Valdez explained, “There was one professional boxer there I really liked and looked up to. He was a world champion, who will remain nameless, and I watched him work out. I’ll never forget, he asked me if he could borrow $1.00. I didn’t even have a nickel and that really opened my eyes. Here was a world champion asking me for money. It stuck in my mind. I took a job as a reporter because I really needed (medical) benefits.




I try to go to clubs and help amateurs, but I don’t watch pro fights.






創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.




美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,並希望保持與業餘拳擊連接. 成員被授予各種特別活動由校友協會主辦的訪問, 包括其成名接待年度美國拳擊校友會館.




加入校友會, 只需在登記 alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費. 新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.





現在 70, the Mexican-American from Houston has never regretted the decision he made nearly a half-century ago, 或, 當然, his experience at the 1972 奧運會. Jesse Valdez has become a valued speaker for the USA Boxing Alumni Association.




嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger successfully transitioned from amateur to pro boxing



科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (六月 13, 2018) — 名人堂裁判大廳 史蒂夫 “Double SSmoger, arguably the most recognizable and respected official in boxing history, holds the unique distinction of officiating in more states and countries than any of his peers.




Smoger ranks among the top six all-time, 別. 2 美國, in terms of most pro boxing matches officiated (1015), including an incredible 220 world time matches. He has been a referee in some of the greatest boxing matches everVernon Forrest-Shane Mosley, Bernard Forrest-Felix Trinidad, Kelly Pavlik-Jermain Taylor, 羅伊·瓊斯, Jr.-Hopkins, Micky Ward-Emanuel Burton, Andre Ward-Carl Froch and Miguel Cotto-Antonio Margarito II among the most notable.




還, Smoger has refereed matches featuring a Who’s Who of Boxing: 邁克·泰森, 倫諾克斯·劉易斯, 拉里·霍姆斯, 霍利菲爾德. 羅伯托·杜蘭, Hector Camacho Sr., 詹姆斯·托尼, 邁克·麥卡勒姆, 溫尼拉巴斯, 小梅威瑟, 阿圖羅·加蒂, 費利克斯·特立尼達, 科拉萊斯迭戈, 根納季·戈洛夫金, Lucia Rijker, Christy Martin and so many others..




In addition to the International Boxing Hall of Fame, Smoger has also been inducted into four other Hall of Fames in New Jersey, 賓夕法尼亞, Philadelphia and Atlantic City.




As a youngster, Smoger got hooked on boxing, primarily because his father was anawesome fan”, who religiously watched the popular Friday night boxing series, Gillette Cavalcade of Sports, with his son. Steve’s father told him that boxing was the last version of will and skill, one-on-one, to determine the better man that night.




Smoger said he was too small to play football, too short for basketball, so he became a cross-country runner in high school. A friend invited Smoger to the local YMCA in New Jersey to get checkout its boxing program. Only one day working with a pro boxer was enough for Steve to realize that being a boxer wasn’t for him. But he still loved boxing.




After he started refereeing amateur matches in southern New Jersey and Delaware, Smoger got the break of his life that dramatically changed his life. “Everything in life is timing,” Smoger explained. “The gentleman who gave George Foreman the small American that he proudly waved after winning a gold medal at the 1968 奧運會, Pat Duffy, opened a gym in southern Jersey. I told him that I wanted to train as a referee. I trained under the great Frank Cappuccino and then had to honor to train with Zach Clayton. He trained to music so referees moved without being herky-jerky. 在 1978, I started officiating then-AAU boxing and worked out of the Atlantic City PAL gym, which remains a vibrant amateur boxing club. I’m still there 40 years later, serving on its Board of Directors, and I’m also its legal counsel.




“然後, the boxing gods shined on me. Casinos were coming to Atlantic City in 1978 and boxing was involved at all the casinos there. I was the district attorney in Atlantic City, so after work I went to the PAL gym to workout with the kids. 有一天,, the phone rang in the gym. Nobody else was there, so I answered. It was the New Jersey Boxing Commissioner, ‘JerseyJoe Walcott, who asked me who was in charge. I said that, 當時, I was in charge. He said there was a pro show that night and they were short of inspectors. He said that they need somebody to watch the hand wrapping. I told him I was well versed in hand wrapping and that was it, I was hired to work that show and they gave me the royal treatment.




Walcott’s chief second was Chief Roy Johnson, who Walcott brought into the state commission. He hired me in 1982 as a probationary referee. 兩年後, I was a licensed referee and, 正如他們所說, the rest is history.




今天, Smoger is still a very active referee, traveling around the world to officiate, as well as co-chairman of the International Boxing Association (IBA) 官員, and a valued USA Boxing Alumni Association advisor. Steve has made several appearances at Alumni Association gatherings across the country.




I am honored to be the ‘unofficialrepresentative of all officials who’ve made the transition from amateur to pro boxing,” Smoger commented. “I’m the only active referee (Alumni Association advisor) who made the transition from the amateur to the pro level.




The accent has always been No. 1, on boxers, 和No. 2, 教練. USA Boxing is the best group I’ve ever been associated with and, for me personally, I’ve seen what amateur boxing does for kids in this country. They learn under difficult circumstances, through boxing, to successfully reach different levels in life. I enjoy watching the development of youths who go through the USA Boxing program and do very well.




Boxing enables boxers. My accent is on youths, to watch them grow and develop, not turn pro, to better their lives.




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Facebook的: /USABoxing

Keyshawn Davis is Pushing His Way to the Top Norfolk, 將. native is 2020 Olympic hopeful for Team USA


科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (六月 8, 2018) Overcoming adversity is something many people deal with throughout their lives, and it makes that person who they are. For Keyshawn Davis, he has been overcoming adversity from the beginning, and he is now on his way to the top of the boxing world.




Davis began boxing when he was just nine-years-old, after his mother took him and two of his brothers to the gym. They were constantly fighting each other and fighting in school. After about an hour of watching two kids around his age spar his mother asked if they wanted to sign up. The next day Keyshawn and his two brothers were in the gym training.




自那以後, Davis has won numerous titles and is now on his first elite high-performance squad following his win at the 2017 美國拳擊全國錦標賽. Following that win, he has made Colorado Springs, 膝部. a second home, as he spends a great deal of his time training at the United States Olympic Training Center.




Training for his first year at the elite level began with one of the largest multi-nation training camps USA Boxing has ever hosted. Davis got the opportunity to spar with not only his American teammates, but boxers from Great Britain, New Zealand and Poland. The preparation led to one of his proudest moments of his young career, his first elite international tournament and title at the Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria.




It was a very different experience, being that it was my first time out of the country,” stated Davis. “I really had to get used to the different environment, especially the time difference, as it threw off my sleep schedule at first.




然而, he did not let anything distract him from reaching the top of the podium.




The feeling was just so unreal,” said Davis about his gold medal performance in Bulgaria. “I told myself that this is just one gold and I need to be standing here after every tournament. It was just a great feeling.




Shortly after his winning performance in Bulgaria, Davis was back in the ring representing Team USA on the USA vs. IRL Northeast Boxing Tour. Only fighting in one of the three stops of the tour, Davis made every minute of it count, as he pulled off another impressive victory in front of a large number of American fans.




然而, before the success came struggles.




I am a kid from Norfolk, 將. that started with nothing; Just my mother and her five children,” stated Davis.




As life went on, I kept getting better in the ring, but outside the ring was horrible, from anger problems to getting sent to a mental institution,” continued Davis. “I would’ve never thought I would be in the position I am today, so I thank God that he blessed me with all my supporters; from my sisters, Shanice and Shantel Davis, also my brothers, Keon and Kelvin Davis, and of course my mother, Wanda Davis. Without them I wouldn’t be here today. I am a walking miracle and I just want to show the world what Keyshawn Davis really can do.




Helping Keyshawn get past his struggles has been his coach who has been there from the beginning, Kay Korma, 以及 2016 Olympic silver medalist Shakur Stevenson.

Last year when I was put in the mental home, they were both right there pushing me to get back on track,” Davis stated. “They never gave up on me or doubted me. They always knew what I was capable of, even though I was in a bad place.




Another source of motivation and help came from another teammate, 特洛伊艾斯利, who has been there by his side getting to experience Keyshawn’s first year as an elite with him.




Troy has been a huge help for me during my first year on the elite high-performance squad,” mentioned Davis. “He has been telling me what foods I might need on a trip to help me maintain weight.




When Davis went to Bulgaria for his first international tournament, Troy was there representing Team USA with him. “He told me how he felt his first time fighting internationally, and I just took all his information and used it to my advantage.




Now the goal is to continue training and being successful at the international level. He has hopes of becoming an Olympic Champion in 2020 and being able to give back to his family.




My biggest motivation is just to give my family a better life.




With one gold under his belt, Davis will look for his second international title at the 2018 Chemistry Cup later this month. You can continue to follow his journey to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics through social media via Instagram (@keyshawndavis1) or SnapChat (@key4999).




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