標記檔案: 拳擊


10 跑馬燈活動在整個上半場 2018
12 世界冠軍; 14 不敗的戰士
12 世界冠軍戰鬥
丹尼·加西亞 * Deontay懷爾德 * Jermall夏洛茨維爾 * 米奇·加西亞 * Erislandy拉拉
阿德里安Broner * 基思·瑟曼 * 獅子座聖克魯斯 * 押尼珥Mares
* Jermell夏洛茨維爾 * 埃羅爾 斯彭斯JR.
紐約 一月 24, 2018 欣欣體育和拳擊總理冠軍已經宣布了精彩表演拳擊錦標賽的電視陣容® for the first half of the year. Airing 10 直播世界級的拳擊比賽 – 特色 12 世界冠軍和 12 世界冠軍戰鬥 – 中國人民銀行和SHOWTIME正在建立一個第一流的拳擊賽季的行業標準和組織的水平從來沒有見過在運動前.
The schedule features more than two dozen elite fighters competing in boxing’s deepest and most talent-laden weight divisions and boasts the largest collection of stars in the sport today. 石板提供七種對決前10名的排名戰鬥機, 五大排名第一的戰士四個對決, 四上面10磅磅評為世界冠軍和一次世界冠軍統一回合.
欣欣和中國人民銀行的領導, 拳擊經歷了文藝復興 2017 既定的世界冠軍米奇·加西亞, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亞, Deontay懷爾德, 獅子座的聖克魯斯和安東尼·約書亞, 旁邊萌芽明星Gervonta戴維斯, 埃羅爾小斯彭斯, Jermell和傑默爾·查洛和大衛Benavidez. 在 2018, 所有正逐步由梅威瑟的退休之後, 弗拉基米爾克里琴科, 米格爾·庫托等人.
“明星們真正對齊, 和Showtime和中國人民銀行將再次刷新速度為里程碑意義的一年在拳擊,” 斯蒂芬說埃斯皮諾薩, 總統, 體育 & 事件編程, 欣欣網絡公司. “要繼續積極勢頭, 我們的目標是一致的基礎上提供最佳的戰鬥,以最廣泛的受眾. This lineup delivers pivotal bouts with frequency and purpose – 所有免費為我們的用戶. SHOWTIME是遙遙領先的無. 1 目的地拳擊迷全國。”
該 27 戰士在這個行業領先的陣容亮相自己 731 總勝, 106 world title victories and a staggering win percentage of .957. Fourteen of the fighters are undefeated and all but four have earned at least one world championship. Also included in this lineup are four of the consensus top-10 ranked welterweights, 兩個共識五大羽量級排名, 三個在154磅重的部門的共識五大戰機.
拳擊比賽的充分的板岩播出所有SHOWTIME直播平台 – 電視, 手機和網絡的互聯網流媒體服務.
在 2017, 欣欣體育推出了業界最顯著和一致的時間表 – 25 nights of live boxing featuring 33 世界冠軍戰鬥和超過 70 bouts in all. 再次, 作為網絡呈現在拳擊比賽中最全面,最引人注目的時間表最耀眼的明星將面臨關閉, 如下圖所示:
2018 SHOWTIME拳擊附表
一月 20 SPENCE vs. PETERSON Brooklyn
IBF Lightweight World Championship
二月 17 GARCIA vs. RIOS 拉斯維加斯
海 3 WILDER VS. 奧爾蒂斯 布魯克林
海 10 GARCIA vs. LIPINETS San Antonio
四月 7 LARA vs. HURD
五月 19 KEITH瑟曼 布魯克林
WBA / WBC次中量級世界冠軍
五月 19 史蒂文森VS. JACK Canada
六月 9 SANTA CRUZ vs. MARES II Los Angeles
六月 16 埃羅爾SPENCE JR. 達拉斯
2018 事件通過事件
一月. 20: 斯彭斯VS. 彼得森 – 巴克萊中心在布魯克林
一個拳擊最受推崇的年輕冠軍, 不敗IBF次中量級世界冠軍 埃羅爾·斯彭斯JR. (22-0, 19 科斯) 拉開序幕的計劃與前兩處世界冠軍和前10次中量級排名的第八輪將軍澳拉蒙特彼得森 (35-3-1, 17 科斯) in Spence first title defense. 在共同特徵, 不敗的IBF輕量級世界冠軍 羅伯特·JR復活節. (20-0, 14 科斯) 贏得了接近, 分裂決定戰勝前世界冠軍 哈維爾財神 (33-1-1, 23 科斯) 在動感十足的戰鬥.
二月. 17: 加西亞VS. 里奧斯 – 曼德勒海灣活動中心在拉斯維加斯
雙師世界冠軍 丹尼·加西亞 (33-1, 19 科斯) returns to the ring to begin his quest toward another welterweight world championship. Garcia’s long reigns at 140 和 147 pounds ended last March in a close decision loss to unified champion Keith Thurman. 現在, 加西亞將挑戰艱難的前世界冠軍 布蘭登·里奧斯 (34-3-1, 25 科斯), 所有行動的戰鬥機誰已爭取在這項運動最好的. 在合作的主要事件, 拳擊歷史上最年輕的世界冠軍, 21-歲 大衛Benavidez (19-0, 17 科斯), 將他的第一個衛冕反對頂級競爭者複賽 羅納德Gavril (18-2, 14 科斯). 該超級middleweights打了一場驚心動魄的搏殺去年9月在Benavidez一個有爭議的決定結束.
三月 3: 懷爾德VS. 奧爾蒂斯 – 巴克萊中心在布魯克林
重量級世界冠軍師的復興繼續. 美國的不敗, 別. 1 重量級, WBC世界冠軍 Deontay懷爾德 (39-0, 38 科斯),將面對同胞不敗的挑戰者 路易斯·奧爾蒂斯 (28-0, 24 科斯) 在協商一致預期的對決前五權重股排名. 自一月份以來懷爾德已舉行了夢寐以求的綠化帶 2015 並提出了六項成功衛冕. 現在, 威爾德面臨與奧爾蒂斯大沖壓電力高技能的古巴拳擊手. 合作的主要活動將包括前超中量級冠軍和頂級量級的競爭者 Jermall夏洛茨維爾 (26-0, 20 科斯) 承擔一次挨打的競爭者 雨果·森特諾JR. (26-1, 14 科斯)在臨時WBC中量級世界冠軍.
三月 10: 加西亞VS. Lipinets – 自由人體育場在聖安東尼奧
一頂磅磅戰鬥機在拳擊, 米奇·加西亞 (37-0, 30 科斯) 將嘗試通過在第四重類捕捉世界冠軍創造歷史. 他的方式站在不敗電穿孔和IBF JR. 次中量級冠軍 謝爾蓋Lipinets (13-0, 10 科斯), 是誰在做他的第一個衛冕. 兩個140磅重的冠軍將上線為兩科狀元 Rances繆 (26-0, 13 科斯)看起來,成為第一個古巴拳擊手有史以來贏得世界冠軍,在三個不同的重量等級,當他面對 柯利Relikh (21-2, 9 科斯) 在他們的爭議回合五月的複賽, 此時空置WBA超輕量級冠軍.
四月 7: 拉拉VS. 赫德 – 地點待定
WBA世界冠軍 Erislandy拉拉 (25-2-2, 14 科斯) and IBF World Champion 賈勒特赫德 (21-0, 15 科斯) 將符合統一職稱的一個決定性的時刻為154磅重的部門. 在 2017, SHOWTIME電視8次交鋒全部為特色的五大排名超中量級冠軍和挑戰者以非官方賽事. 這種統一的比賽將坑古巴拉拉針對赫德的實力和決心的技術巫術.
四月 21: Broner VS. 菲格羅亞 – 巴克萊中心在布魯克林
四分裂世界冠軍 阿德里安Broner (33-3, 24 科斯) 已經確立了自己不僅是最大的一個吸引在運動, 但作為一個戰士,誰總是願意面對最艱難的競爭. 當他在不敗的前世界冠軍,將繼續 奧馬爾·菲格羅亞 (27-0-1, 19 科斯), 所有行動爭競誰永遠沒有退步, as the former champions meet in a WBC Super Lightweight Final Eliminator. The co-main event will feature one of boxing’s brightest young stars in Gervonta戴維斯 (19-0, 18 科斯) 作為23歲的不敗前冠軍看起來恢復他的頭銜.
五月 19: 瑟曼衛冕世界冠軍 – 巴克萊中心在布魯克林
基思·瑟曼 是唯一統一的147磅重的世界冠軍,在沒有達成共識. 1-排名戰鬥機在拳擊比賽中最傑出的重量部門. 不敗瑟曼(28-0, 22 科斯) 先後舉辦了WBA冠軍,因為 2015. 他聲稱WBC的腰帶有決定性的擊敗此前在今年最受矚目的回合不敗丹尼·加西亞去年三月, 欣欣拳擊的哥倫比亞廣播公司介紹. 以下是需要手術治療的肘傷, 瑟曼將返回到行動,打擊對手,以確定.
五月 19: 史蒂文森VS. 千斤頂 – 來自加拿大
WBC輕重量級世界冠軍 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 (29-1, 24 科斯) 在有他的八個衛冕的六人得分擊倒,將可能面對他最艱難的挑戰時,他再戰兩科狀元 八斗傑克 (22-1-2, 13 科斯).傑克抓住了他的輕重量級登場175磅重的世界冠軍在8月和以立即五大排名輕重量級的這個對決放棄了帶.
六月 9: 聖克魯斯VS. 母馬II – 洛杉磯
他們的後 2015 冠軍對決帶來了斯台普斯中心的人群,它的腳, WBA羽量級冠軍 獅子座聖克魯斯 (34-1-1, 19 科斯) 三處世界冠軍 押尼珥Mares (31-2-1, 15 科斯) 將在洛杉磯的他們共同的家鄉再次相遇. 聖克魯斯, 誰也舉行了冠軍,在三個部門在過去六年, 仍然是最多產的戰鬥機之一,在當今體育. 母親, 前世界冠軍最輕量級, 超輕量級和輕量級, 目標是在密切的多數決定損失聖克魯斯後進行報復 2015. 這種高風險的共識之間的對決五大排名羽量級將進一步明晰,以堆疊的部門,包括加利羅素小, Carl Frampton and Lee Selby. The consensus No. 1 在戰鬥機 154 英鎊, Jermell夏洛茨維爾 (30-0, 15 科斯) 將捍衛他的WBC超中量級世界冠軍的共同特徵對對手被確定.
六月 16: 斯彭斯衛冕中量級冠軍 – 從達拉斯
斷食對前10名的前中量級冠軍主導性能, 磅磅的偉大的羅爾·斯彭斯JR. (23-0, 20 科斯) 回到他的達拉斯的家鄉為IBF次中量級世界冠軍的第二次防務.
欣欣網絡公司. (SNI), CBS Corporation的全資子公司, 擁有和經營的付費電視網絡SHOWTIME®, 電影頻道™和FLIX®, 並且還提供了精彩表演ON DEMAND®, 電影頻道™ON DEMAND和FLIX ON DEMAND®, 而網絡的認證服務SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. 欣欣數碼有限公司, SNI的全資子公司, 操作單機流媒體服務SHOWTIME®. 訂戶目前可以通過電纜觀看SHOWTIME, DBS和電信供應商, 並通過蘋果公司的獨立流媒體服務®, 年®, 亞馬遜, 谷歌, 的Xbox One和三星. 消費者還可以通過Hulu的訂閱SHOWTIME, YouTube電視, 吊帶電視, 現在直播, 索尼的PlayStation® Vue和Amazon頻道. SNI還管理史密森網絡, SNI和史密森學會的合資企業, 它提供了史密森頻道, 並提供史密森地球通過SN數碼有限責任公司. SNI營銷和分銷的體育和娛樂活動的展覽用戶在付費觀看基礎上,通過SHOWTIME PPV®. 欲了解更多信息, 到 www.SHO.com

Undefeated N.E. prospect Omar Bordoy, JR. Prepared to make statement at “新英格蘭的未來5”

二月. 10 在伍斯特, 嘛

伍斯特, 質量. (一月 24, 2018) – One of New England’s leading pro prospects, 初中量級 奧馬爾博羅伊島, 小, has prepared to make a statement February 10 在 “新英格蘭的未來5”, presented Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), 在伍斯特鈀.
Fighting out of Danbury, 康涅狄格, 博羅伊島 (3-0, 1 KO) faces Puerto Rican-born opponent, 亞歷山大 “厄爾尼諾布拉沃” 花邊上飾邊的小環 (2-4-1), in a four-round bout. “My opponent is tough, and he always comes to fight,” Bordoy said. “He keeps coming forward and that’s going to make for an exciting fight.
The 22-year-old Bordoy is the typical example of a volatile teenager who found his way in boxing. He was a high school football player who started boxing at the age of 17. Bordoy had an abbreviated amateur career, highlighted by his winning performance at the New England Golden Gloves as a novice boxer.
I was a bad hot head as a kid,” Bordoy admitted. “有一天,, my cousin Edgardo, invited me to his gym after football practice and he beat me up. I was knocked down a few notches. I got into boxing and enjoyed watching 米格爾·庫托邁克·泰森. I even have some of Cotto’s tattoos. 現在, I’m more of a boxer, like a Pernell惠特克 梅威瑟, JR. I’m a come- forward boxer who can still brawl. I’m working on my defense and feel that making adjustments in the ring is what I do best.
博羅伊島, JR. credits Team Bordoy — 經理 A.J. 加蘭特, 頭教練 Bennie Little, cut-man Luis Marichal, strength-and-conditioning coach Chris MulfalmiDave McDonoughfor his success.
I’m pleased to be with the right people to bring me to the top and I’m willing to do what’s needed to get there,” Bordoy added.
博羅伊島, who works fulltime as a repair technician, made his pro debut last May and he fought a total of three times in 2017, his most recent last October in Worcester on an RPE-promoted show, in which he stopped 34-fight veteran 布賴恩·亞伯拉罕 在第四輪.
We enjoy working with Team Bordoy,” 促進者 何塞·安東尼奧·里維拉 remarked. “I am proud of Omar and his accomplishments so far. He is a young, throwback fighter with a lot of potential. I see big things in his future and I am glad to see he is being guided in the right direction by his team.
In the eight-round main event, 哈特福德不敗 (CT) 輕重量級 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里維拉 (5-0, 4 科斯) 發生在 凱文· “新英格蘭惡霸” 科布斯 (10-2, 4 科斯), fighting out of South Boston (嘛), 空置通用拳擊聯合會 (UBF) 新英格蘭冠軍在八輪的主要事件.
伍斯特的兩屆全國業餘冠軍 鮑比 “BH3” 哈里斯, III (2-0) faces Brazilian super middleweight 索爾·阿爾梅達 (0-8-1) 在四個輪的共同功能的事件. 哈特福德超中量級 何塞 “R級” 里維拉 (4-1, 3 科斯) 會見 特洛伊 “奧馬爾KO藝術家” 藝術家 (4-7-1 (3 科斯), 丹伯里的 (CT) 在六輪的較量.
戰鬥在undercard, 所有四個輪比賽, 是南橋 (嘛) 初中量級 維爾弗雷 “該Sucaro” 異教徒 (3-0, 1 KO) VS. 親開張 尼克·佩拉爾塔, 勞倫斯, 斯普林菲爾德不敗 (嘛) 輕重量級 射線 “火箭筒” Graceski(5-0, 3 科斯). VS. 哈特福德的親開張 保羅Bansiak, 斯普林菲爾德量級起重機 “壞男孩” 惠特利 (2-0) VS. 羅傑·布蘭肯希普 (1-2), 不敗的波多黎各超中量級 Jelame加西亞 (6-0, 6 科斯) VS. 巴西人 羅德里戈·阿爾梅達 1-7), 布里奇波特的 (CT) 親開張的次中量級 約瑟夫·戈斯 VS. 塞斯·巴斯勒 (0-3), 和哈特福德初中輕量級VS. 布里奇波特的 卡洛斯Marraro, III (0-1).
門票, 售價 $75.00 (馬戲團) 和 $45.00 (一般取), 有售,並提供購買的 www.ThePalladium.net 或鈀票房 (只是一般入學), 或通過聯繫聖何塞維拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里維拉 (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) 或任何戰機.
門開處 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.
收益的一部分將捐獻給路易斯·羅薩, JR. 獎學基金.
贊助商包括倫德格倫本田, 熱門版稅, 好事達, USANA, 阿蒂. 瑪麗亞中號. 里維拉,庫托, 野心MUSIK, Hill Team Associates and Lundren Insurance & 金融服務.
嘰嘰喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_


一月 22, 2018 – Victory and Now Boxing Promotionsprospects are staying busy in the new year. The promotionstop prospect, JaronBootsEnnis (17-0, 15KO) is back in action this 星期五, January 26th in his hometown of Philadelphia. 該 20 year old boxer, widely considered the best prospect in Philadelphia, will appear on the Real Deal Boxing card at Sugarhouse Casino. Brian Norman Jr., son of super middleweight Brian Norman (17-11, 5KO) 亞特蘭大, won in his professional debut in Houston 週六, 和 Christian Montano advanced to 4-0 (4KO) on the same card. All three fighters are managed by 卡梅隆鄧肯 和推動下 Chris Middendorf of Victory Boxing Promotions, 和 Joseph Dunkin of Now Boxing Promotions.

Christian Montano
Welterweight Brian Norman, 小, 誰是他的父親訓練的, dropped Kire Lucas (0-3) with a body shot before finishing him with another body shot in one minute, 31 在第一輪的秒. Montano also finished his opponent in the first round, stopping the experienced Keith Collins with a hook to the body, and straight right to the head at the 1:06 馬克.

這個星期五, “Bootswill face rugged Mexico City talent Gustavo Garibay (13-9, 5KO), who is the Mexican Super Welterweight Champion, and is a former WBC Latino Super Welterweight Champion. It’s the second fight in the United States for Garibay, his last being a loss to Zhankosh Turarov (22-0, 15KO) in Boca Raton.

Ennis, who trains with his father, former fighter DerrickBozyEnnis in Philadelphia, last fought in December at the 2300 競技場, where he knocked out George Sosa inside of two rounds. The young pugilist is moving quickly, and fought nine times in 2017. Ennis is three months shy of his 21st birthday. Dunkin and Middendorf may not get him to 21 wins by his 21st birthday, but both feel certain that 2018 will be the real ‘coming outyear for the young talent.


We always like to have Boots fight at home,” said Victory Boxing Promotions founder and Promoter Christopher Middendorf. “He’s getting great experience with veterans like Garibay. This is the first champion-caliber fighter he’s faced, and we’ll get to see how he handles that. I’m hoping the Philly boxing fans get out to support him.

門票 週五 event are available at Ticketmaster outlets and at therealdealboxing.com, 並且售價 $125 和 $50. Doors to The Real Deal Showcase Series I open at 6 P.M., and first bell is at 7 P.M.


布魯克林 (一月. 23, 2018) – 不敗的WBC重量級世界冠軍 Deontay “青銅轟炸機” 懷爾德 will face his toughest opponent to date when he meets hard-hitting Cuban southpaw 路易斯 “真正的金剛” 奧爾蒂斯 星期六, 三月 3 從 巴克萊中心, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
The co-feature of the evening will see the return of undefeated former 154-pound world champion Jermall夏洛茨維爾, a powerful knockout artist who is looking to prove that he is a dangerous contender in the star-studded middleweight division. 曾經被擊敗的競爭者 雨果·森特諾JR. will test Charlo’s 160-pound credentials when they meet in a 12-round match to determine the WBC interim champion, with the winner immediately stepping into the picture for middleweight supremacy.
Tickets for the show, 這是由DiBella娛樂和TGB促銷推廣, 開始 $50 與現已公開發售. 購買門票, visit Ticketmaster.com, BarclaysCenter.com, 或致電 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
We’re very excited to bring the heavyweight champion of the world, Deontay懷爾德, back to Brooklyn for his seventh title defense and third appearance at Barclays Center, 布魯克林拳擊™的家,” 說婁DiBella, DiBella娛樂總裁. “This fight is happening because Deontay wanted to silence his critics by taking on the biggest challenge available. Deontay has an axe to grind with Ortiz and will swing it on March 3. Former 154-lb. champion Jermall Charlo is already a top player at middleweight and plans to prove he’s carried his power with him by facing one of the division’s best prospects, Hugo Centeno Jr., who is coming off a huge knockout victory in his last fight.
Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz is one of the best fights that can be made in the heavyweight division and itswhat heavyweights are all aboutpower versus power,” 說湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統. “Everybody loves the knockout and that’s what Wilder and Ortiz specialize in. 在合作的主要事件, Jermall Charlo is strictly seek and destroy in the ring. That ferocious spirit made him a force at 154 and he has brought it with him to the 160 pound ranks. Centeno is a rugged competitor and he doesn’t back down from anyone. That makes this a can’t miss fight for the boxing fans.
True heavyweights in every sense of the word, the 6-foot-7, 228-pound Wilder and the 6-foot-4, 240-pound Ortiz have 62 combined knockout victories.
The 32-year-old Wilder (39-0, 38 科斯), the only reigning American heavyweight world champion, is a knockout artist with the power to end any fight in spectacular fashion. His only professional match that went the distance was the fight in which he won his world title with a dominant 12-round unanimous decision over Bermane Stiverne on Jan. 17, 2015 -the birthday of legendary heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali. The champion out of Tuscaloosa, Alabama added Stiverne to his list of knockout victims in his last fight with a devastating first round destruction in their rematch at Barclays Center on 十一月. 4.
Wilder was originally supposed to fight Ortiz that night, but Ortiz was pulled from the match after he tested positive for a banned substance. Ortiz was later cleared after the WBC determined he had failed to list medication that he was taking on his pre-testing paperwork, which triggered the positive test. He was assessed a fine and allowed to resume boxing.
懷爾德, a Bronze Medal winner for the U.S. Olympic boxing team at the 2008 Beijing Games, has successfully defended the title six times. This will be his third title defense at Barclays Center. In his first defense at Barclays Center, Wilder scored a memorable ninth-round knockout over Artur Szpilka back in Jan. 2016.
I’m looking forward to returning to Barclays Center to defend my title for a seventh time,” 懷爾德說. “Luis Ortiz is one of the toughest guys around and he’s supposed to be the boogeyman in the heavyweight division. But I’ve never been afraid of the boogeyman and I’ve knocked out every opponent that I’ve faced. I plan on keeping that streak going. Everyone standing in my way of becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion has to go down. It’s Luis Ortiz’s turn.
The 38-year-old Ortiz (28-0, 24 科斯), of Camaguey, Cuba by way of Miami, 佛羅里達州。, will make his Barclays Center debut when he meets Wilder for his first title shot. The hard-hitting southpaw turned pro seven years ago after defecting from Cuba and has since been steadily climbing the heavyweight ladder. He cemented his standing in the division with victories over veteran contenders Bryant Jennings, Tony Thompson and Malik Scott and is the No. 1-ranked contender by the WBC. 在他最近的戰鬥, Ortiz scored a devastating second-round knockout of Daniel Martz in Miami, 佛羅里達州 十二月. 15.
If Ortiz wins, he will become the first Cuban born fighter to win a heavyweight world championship.
This really is the best versus the best as far as the heavyweight division, and everyone who knows boxing knows that,” Ortiz said. “There’s been too much talking already. It’s time to fight. All I ask now is that the winner of this fight receives the respect from the other man, from the public, from the media and the fans that they deserve as the best heavyweight in the U.S.
夏洛茨維爾 (26-0, 20 科斯) won his super welterweight title with a dominant knockout of Cornelius Bundrage in 2015 and eventually achieved the distinction of holding a world title in the same weight class (154 英鎊) as his twin brother after Jermell won a title in 2016. After successfully defending his 154-pound title three times, Charlo of Richmond, Texas decided to move up to 160 pounds to win another title in a different weight class. In his debut at 160-pounds the 27-year-old scored a TKO victory over Jorge Sebastian Heiland at Barclays Center on 七月 29.
I really love fighting in Brooklyn and at Barclays Center,” 說夏洛茨維爾. “The fans in Brooklyn always show me a lot of love. Since my last fight I’ve had a chance to work on my patience and work on improvements to my game. I’ve got the same feeling that I had before I won my first world title. I want to be a champion at 160 more than I did the first time at 154. More than anything I just want to get back in the ring. Centeno is a tough fighter. He’ll be a hard test for someone who isn’t at my level. 我沒有從他身上秋毫. But he’s just another fighter that’s in my way. I don’t feel like I have anything to prove to anyone else in this fight. I’m all about proving things to myself now. In the 160-pound division you’re hearing my name more and more. It’s more than you did when I was at 154 磅。”
The 26-year-old Centeno (26-1, 14 科斯) caught everyone’s attention when he scored a stunning knockout of Immanuwel Aleem in his last fight on 八月. 25. It was enough to springboard Centeno into middleweight title contention. Centeno of Oxnard, California successfully rebounded from a tough TKO loss to Maiej Sulecki on June 18, 2016 with a victory over Ronald Montes before his match against Aleem.
I’m excited for the opportunity,” said Centeno. “I think my last outing had a lot to do with this/ It helped to put me in this position. Charlo is a great fighter with a lot of talent. I feel like we have similar statures. It’s going to be an interesting fight. I think it’s going to come down to who is the smarter fighter that night and who has more left in the tank toward the end. This is a life-changing, career-changing fight for me that could lead to bigger and better things. I’m coming to win.
# # #
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FIGHTNIGHT LIVE打開 2018 石板上週五與明星拳擊直播長島

紐約 (一月. 23, 2018) – 星期五 night fireworks are in store for fans on Facebook as FIGHTNIGHT LIVE partners with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing for its first show of the New Year. Fight fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 7:30 P.M. AND live from Long Island, 在任何設備上隨時隨地Facebook是可用, as the combat sports platform opens 2018 有九個月大的平台上第十一個節目.
“我們已經非常高興同系列的增長, 和 週五 show will be incredible with the addition of a mystery commentator, 誰將會在本週晚些時候揭曉. 該FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列有機會在僅能達到其觀點1,000,000 11 表明我們要感謝無處不在的鬥爭球迷的支持,” 說 馬克·弗拉托, 利納克爾媒體的主要. “在週五, 來自全國各地的長島和世界各地的球迷將能夠收聽趕上通過星拳擊的Facebook頁面和一些優秀的對決我們FIGHTNIGHT LIVE頁面。”
在主要事件 在週五 夜晚, 長島 安東尼 “開演時間” Karperis (14-3, 5 科斯) 而尋找他在會場13日勝利在派拉蒙的第17次戰鬥, taking on Nicaragua’s 尼爾森拉拉 (17-9-4, 9 科斯). Undefeated fighters 泰隆 “漂亮男孩” 詹姆斯 (6-0, 3 科斯), 溫迪·杜桑 (7-0, 2 科斯) 和 司徒德 (2-0) 將目光打動長島人群和Facebook觀眾, and fight fans will witness the pro debut of Huntington’s own 肖恩·肯尼迪, 加上音樂表演,更.
“這將是拳擊的一個驚心動魄的夜晚. 球迷們將看到幾個不敗的前景和安東尼Karperis, who is always in fan-friendly wars. Fights from The Paramount are reminiscent of the old days at the Blue Horizon – 驚心動魄的戰鬥, 不適和熱情的球迷,” 說 喬DeGuardia, CEO和星拳擊總統. “這是偉大的,整個世界將能夠看到這個在Facebook上. The world is changing so much and for boxing and it’s great that fans can tune in from anywhere and be a part of the action. 是的, the Paramount will be sold out 星期五 夜晚 – 但你仍然可以通過調整進Facebook的看到了打架。”
在今年首八個月的編程, the numbers on the 10-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of more than 93,000 fight fans tuning in per event and nearly one-million fans served. 該 七. 9 “實打實促銷: 帝國” 從雲頂賭場 (225,000), 八月CES “超級 星期六” 從快活 (203,000), 在九月. CES “雙子河Twinbill” 從林肯, R.I. (157,000) 所有居首 150,000 意見, and collectively the 10-show series saw a total of almost 17,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 930,933-plus users across all devices.
除了原料收視人數, 完全互動, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 130,000 集體生活後訂婚 (13,000-再加上每場), 包括超過 91,000 “喜歡” 或 “愛,” 多於 16,000 意見和4900加股.
觀看FIGHTNIGHT LIVE直播, 76 %為男性, 24 %的女性. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, 其中包括大約 30.0 觀眾的百分比, 一般.
七. 9 “實打實促銷: 帝國” 設置新的標準 224,658 意見七. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to 四分之三的 - 一百萬,在短短四個多月的意見. 該 八月. 26 Foxwoods “超級 星期六” 節目單獨站出來用 3,336 觀看內容的實時時間, 而 七. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 觀眾互動 幾乎包括了 39,000 “喜歡” 或 “熱愛。”
在週五 夜晚, 一月. 26, 從派拉蒙亨廷頓生活, 長島, 紐約州, 球迷們可以期待一個高衝擊, 多攝像頭流媒體體驗完整的圖形, 動畫, 重播, 面試和由吹氣播音員主持的播音隊 馬克·艾布拉姆斯 的AWE, NBC體育費城, 15Rounds.com和AbramsBoxing.com. Former Golden Gloves Champion 卡拉·卡斯特羅納瓦, 現在淘汰賽肥胖基金會, will contribute analysis and deliver post-fight interviews in the ring. 為觀眾提供完全互動的馬戲團體驗, 評論家會問,並在整個直播從Facebook的聽眾的提問作出回應.
創建和利納克爾媒體產生了紐約市, 在FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的特色專業播音員, 多個攝像機角度, 電視圖形, 重播和幕後的訪問和採訪. 流式傳輸的節目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不僅該計劃使球迷從世界各地來調, 但也給了後起的戰士一個全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 給促銷員的訪問 “廣播” 解決方案並給出了贊助商通過品牌內容達成大量觀眾的能力.
更多FIGHTNIGHT LIVE冬/春 2018 日期將在未來幾週內正式公佈.
按照通過社交媒體的所有行動,在 FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE 在Facebook上,@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE Instagram上和 @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ 在Twitter, 或通過使用#標籤 #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有關最新利納克爾媒體事件和廣播時間表, 跟隨 @LinacreMedia 在所有的社交平台,或使用標籤 #LinacreMediaEvents #LinacreMediaOnTV.

兩屆世界冠軍克米特辛特龍採取喬治·索薩在加入中量級的吸引力週二, 二月 13 在金沙伯利恆活動中心

Undefeated fighters Colby Madison, 邁克爾Coffie, 胡安·桑切斯, & 儒勒·馬蒂諾在行動

伯利恆, PA (一月 23, 2018) – 兩屆世界次中量級冠軍,克米特辛特龍 has been added to an already deep card when he takes on 喬治·索薩 in a ten-round bout on 星期二, 2月13日金沙伯利恆活動中心.

已經宣布了兩個八輪的合作主要事件為特色 弗蘭克·德阿爾瓦(22-2-2, 9 科斯) 承擔 卡洛斯·帕迪拉 (16-6-1, 10 科斯) 以及 麥凱樂福克斯(15-0, 4 科斯) 作戰 里卡多·加西亞 (14-1, 9 KO的) 在超輕量級回合.
雷丁辛特龍, PA有紀錄 39-6-3 同 30 科斯.
該 38 year-old Cintron is a 18 年的職業誰贏得了他的第一個 23 打架 (20 通過停工) 通過擊敗萊昂皮爾遜喜歡 (9-1-1), 薩義德·利 (7-0), 奧馬爾·達維拉 (12-2), 伊恩Mackillop (14-1), 路易斯·羅薩 (29-5), 埃利奧·奧爾蒂斯 (25-6), & 泰迪·里德 (22-5-1).
四月 23, 2005, Cintron was stopped by Antonio Margarito in his bid to win the WBO Welterweight title.

Cintron scored two wins, 其中包括了競爭者大衛埃斯特拉達第10輪停工 (18-2) 在六輪停止馬克·蘇亞雷斯之前捕捉到十月的IBF重量級冠軍 28, 2006 在棕櫚灘, 佛羅里達.
Cintron made two defenses of the crown which was highlighted by a two-round destruction over Walter Matthysse (26-1), 在他們的複賽馬加里托而停止.
Cintron then sandwiched wins over Lovemore Ndou (46-10-1), 阿爾弗雷多·安古洛 (15-0) 和利亞諾·拉莫斯 (15-2) 周圍的塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯平局 (44-1-1) 與世界冠軍保羅·威廉斯和卡洛斯·莫利納下降打架之前.
在他的最後一個回合, 辛特龍被泰隆布倫森五輪停止.
該 “年度費城撲滅” 考生看到辛特龍得二擊倒在四個回合, 但是布倫森回來下降辛特龍的三倍輪五.
This is a fight to comeback to get back where I need to be. After the Brunson fight, it was back to the drawing board. this fight will start to get me back to the top one more time,” 辛特龍說.
“在索薩, 我是他的最後一戰廣播, 而在簡要的戰鬥, I did not see anything special. I been working hard, 並獲得充分的準備,我將準備戰鬥。”
辛特龍知道有強勁的表現和他的專業簡歷, 他可以進入大干一場, 和辛特龍已經有人在心中.
“我看到阿米爾汗回來, 我說是,我想打架。”

費城索薩有紀錄 15-11-1 同 15 擊倒.
該 31 歲是一個7年的職業誰知道採取頂級賽事,如伊曼紐爾·泰勒, 羅賓森, 托馬斯·拉曼納, 而在他的最後一個回合,當他停下來不敗的頂級前景攪得恩尼斯上月 1, 2017 費城.
在八輪較量, 重量級的競爭者 喬·漢克斯 (22-2, 14 科斯) 紐瓦克, 新澤西州將爭取 尼克Guivas (14-9-2, 9 科斯) 托皮卡, 堪薩斯州.
科爾比麥迪遜 (5-0-1, 4 科斯) 奧因斯米爾斯, 馬里蘭會打
但丁塞爾比 (2-3-1) 費城的重量級回合.
布雷克菲爾德 (5-1-1, 3 科斯) 伯靈頓, NC將打 達里爾·邦廷 (3-2-2, 1 KO) 阿斯伯里帕克的, 新澤西州的中量級傾斜.
Chiase納爾遜 (6-1, 3 科斯) 曼斯菲爾德, OH會打 文森特·詹寧斯 (5-4-1, 4 科斯) 大急流城, MI在一個輕量級的戰鬥.
邁克爾Coffie (1-0, 1 KO) 將於親開張 Nicoy克拉克 澤西市, 新澤西州的重量級回合.
儒勒·馬蒂諾 (2-0) 阿倫敦, PA會打 馬利克魯豐 (1-0, 1 KO) 蘇特蘭的, MD在輕量級回合.

胡安·桑切斯 (4-0, 1 KO) 阿倫敦, PA將在 塞爾吉奧·阿吉拉爾 (2-6, 2 科斯) 宅基地, FL在輕量級回合.
門票現場活動, 這是由國王的促銷推廣, 售價為 $50, $75 和 $100, 不包括適用的服務費和稅收,現已公開發售. 門票可在 www.ticketmaster.com. 要通過電話特瑪在充電 (800) 745-3000.





LOS ANGELES – A flyweight feature fight pitting renowned boxing champions 希瑟哈迪 (1-1) 針對 安娜Julaton (2-3) has been added to the main card of Bellator 194: 尼爾森VS. Mitrione星期五, 二月 16 在金神體育館安卡斯維爾, 康涅狄格州. The event will air live and free on Paramount Network at 9 P.M. AND.




The bout will be the first part of a dual event scenario in which the fighters are also expected to compete in a boxing match at a later date. While the MMA bout will be held under the Bellator banner, DiBella Entertainment and Orion Sports Management will handle promotional duties for the boxing event.




門票 Bellator 194: 尼爾森VS. Mitrione are available now and can be purchased at the Mohegan Sun Arena Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster and Bellator.com. 本次活動將進行現場直播,並免費派拉蒙網絡上的 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行動將流於Bellator.com和全球的Bellator移動應用. Additional contests will be announced in coming weeks.




Making her third appearance inside the Bellator MMA cage, Hardy hopes to duplicate the game plan that earned her an impressive knockout win over Alice Yauger in her professional debut at Madison Square Garden. Hailing from Brooklyn, 紐約州, Hardy built an imposing boxing resume prior to joining forces with Bellator, where she collected a pair of titles in multiple weight classes, including the WBC International Female Super Bantamweight belt and WBC International Female Featherweight belt. “The Heat” protected an unblemished mark of 20-0 through a five-year stint inside the boxing ring.




An accomplished professional boxer herself, Julaton also brings a unique style to the Bellator cage as she prepares for just her sixth career MMA bout. The former WBO and IBA super bantamweight world champion made the transition to mixed martial arts in May of 2014, collecting a convincing knockout over Aya-Saeid Saber. Since making her professional MMA debut, “The Hurricane” has competed for multiple world-renown promotions and trains alongside Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix competitor 弗蘭克·米爾 在拉斯維加斯.




更新 Bellator 194: 尼爾森VS. Mitrione 戰卡:



Heavyweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout: 羅伊·尼爾森 (23-14) VS. 馬特·米特里恩 (12-5)



輕型合作的主要事件: 帕特里克“比特犬” (18-8) VS. 德里克場 (19-6)



Women’s Flyweight Feature Bout: 希瑟哈迪 (1-1) VS. 安娜Julaton (2-3)




Bellator.com and Bellator Mobile App Preliminary Card:



輕量級初步回合: 馬庫斯·蘇林 (4-1) VS. 漢考克院長 (3-1)



輕量級初步回合: Ross Richardson (親亮相) VS. Nick Giulietti (親亮相)



165-磅. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Peter Nascimento (親亮相) VS. 傑瑪卡斯特里奧特· (1-1)



羽初步回合: Regivaldo Carvalho (4-2) VS. Tom English (6-8)


Sampson Boxing Inks Promotional Deal with Panamanian Rising Star Jose ‘El MagnificoNunez

Promoter Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing proudly announces the signing of undefeated Panamanian lightweight JoseEl MagníficoNunez.
19-year-old Nunez is considered one of the most exciting Panamanian prospects to watch. He was awarded the title ofProspect of the year 2017by his homeland’s press and the Panamanian Boxing Commission.
Originally from Curundu Panama, Nunez started fighting at the early age of 10, holds an undefeated record of 5-0 作為一個專業.
I am very grateful that Mr. Sampson is going to promote my career as a professional fighter. Now is my turn to demonstrate him and everybody else that I came to this sport to be the best and beat the best,” said Nunez.
Manager and trainer José Murillo says he’s also happy with his young fighter’s new deal.
We are well aware of who Mr. Lewkowicz is and what he is able to accomplish for Nunez and we can´t be more confident that he is in the best hands possible. What Sampson promises, Sampson delivers. We have full confidence that we have taken the right decision signing this deal.
It is a great honor to work with another Panamanian, as I did with ex world champions AnselmoChemitoMoreno and Roberto “蜘蛛” 瓦斯奎茲,” 桑普森說Lewkowicz. “I am confident that Jose will become another world champion of their quality.
Nunez is scheduled to appear in his first international fight on 二月 9, in Santa Fe, 阿根廷, against Lucio Alberto Ayala from Buenos Aires. The fight is being promoted by Sampson Boxing, Tello-Box and JEB Boxing and will be televised trough TyC Sports and VTV Uruguay.

2016 奧運會銅牌得主尼科·埃爾南德斯完全康復,並鉚足了勁在第一個冠軍的爭奪進入

“KO拳擊之夜: 金 & 榮耀” 為
空置IBA美洲輕量級冠軍VS. 約瑟夫Ajtai
二月. 10 在哈特曼競技場帕克城, KS
PARK CITY, 堪薩斯州 (一月 22, 2018) – 2016 奧運會銅牌得主和家鄉的英雄 尼科·埃爾南德斯 已經從推遲了他的十二月傷病完全恢復 2ND 打Saturdeay, 二月 10, 與匈牙利名將 約瑟夫 “小紅” Ajtai 為空置國際拳擊協會的八輪的主要事件 (IBA) 美洲輕量級冠軍, 領銜 “KO拳擊之夜: 金 & 榮耀” 卡, 在哈特曼競技場帕克城, 堪薩斯州.
“KO拳擊之夜: 金 & 榮耀” 是的KO晚上拳擊LLC的介紹。, 與哈特曼競技場協會, 和部分贊助 帕克城 (KS), 龍捲風市哈雷戴維森 地鐵PCS.
這位22歲的埃爾南德斯 (3-0, 2 科斯), 戰鬥出來的威奇托, 遭遇,迫使他從十二月撤回未公開的傷害. 2ND 戰鬥. 無論是埃爾南德斯和他的子, John Andersen (KO拳擊之夜, LLC), 已經透露了尼科的傷害任何細節,以避免給對手任何可能的優勢,在環靶.
“我感覺很好, 準備戰鬥,” Hernandez commented. “我們想確保我的傷害自由,我是100%. I’m going to do whatever is needed to win this fight. Fighting for my first title means a lot to me. I didn’t think it would happen this fast. I want everybody to see that I can be competitive with the best in my division. 一場勝利 2月10日 會讓我有很多更近.

“喜歡我的對手跑了很多,他很快, so I need to have my legs under me. Other than that, 雖然, I should be okay. He has fought some good guys. I can’t wait to get in the ring in front of my fans.
Ajtai (19-9, 12 科斯), 誰為一年六天比年輕的埃爾南德斯, 已經在五個冠軍戰打. 他還來到了完整的10輪的距離, 儘管通過決定的損失 2016, 以兩屆奧運會金牌得主 Shiming Zou, 前世界拳擊組織 (WBO) 輕量級世界冠軍. 在對手的家鄉戰鬥不是Ajtai問題, 誰擁有在美國已經打了作為一個親廣闊的道路體驗, 英國, 西班牙, 德國, 烏克蘭和斯洛伐克.
“尼科不會知道我會在環,” Ajtai預測. “當他看向左側為我, 我會去的權利; 當他試圖找到我的權利, 我會在左邊. 當他想休息, 我會挺身而出衝; 當他想衝, 他不會找我.
“我對這場鬥爭的一個計劃,我敢肯定,他確實也. 但, 在環, 只有一架戰鬥機的計劃能成功. 這將是一個很好的戰鬥, 但我不能保證公眾尼科將成為贏家。”
“我很高興尼科是對這場鬥爭的100%的健康,” 安德森說:. “我們不能快樂帶給這個偉大的鬥爭, 和許多在我們向前邁進, 在偉大的城市威奇托的。”
在六輪的共同功能的事件, 明尼阿波利斯次中量級 Javonte斯塔克斯 (13-2, 7 科斯), 前未來之星全國冠軍的業餘, 發生在墨西哥老將戰鬥機 塞薩爾·索里亞諾 (28-36-1, 17 科斯), 前者FECARBOX輕量級錦標.
有前途的密爾沃基超次中量級前景 黑色的Akeem (3-1, 1 KO) faces pro-debuting 德里克·克萊頓, 戰鬥出來的貝克斯菲爾德 (例如), 在四回合首戰電視.
威奇托中量級 傑夫·斯特姆 (1-0) 滿足跨州對手 布賴恩·克萊門茨 (0-0-1), 托萊多, 在四回合的電視擺回合.
另外,根據卡上的戰鬥是華盛頓特區. 重量級 莫里斯 “貨運火車” Brerm (13-2-1, 9 科斯) 再戰300磅重的堪薩斯城 (MO) 敵人 理查德 “銀背” 卡馬克 (15-12-1, 12 科斯) 在六輪比賽. 一對四圓場找到不敗貝克斯初中量級前景 米格爾對照時代 (5-0, 4 科斯) 投擲下來與他的對手格魯吉亞, 阿奇衛 (2-9), 和加利福尼亞州初中量級 Chazz馬西亞斯 被提名使他的親亮相對對手被確定.
門票開始發售 明天 (星期二, 十月. 24 @ 10 A.M. CT) 在哈特曼競技場票房和 HTTP://www.ticketmaster.com/場地/ 50551?品牌=哈特曼. 價格 $115.00 (要人), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 和 $20.00 (價格不包括服務費). Student tickets are available – 通過大學幼兒園 – 為 $15.00 美元,但只在舞台上出售. 學生證是報應.
這是一個老少咸宜的顯示. 門開處 5:00 P.M. CT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 P.M. CT.
嘰嘰喳喳: @KONightBoxing, @IBABoxing
Facebook的: /NeonStar, /IBABoxing

Undefeated Bantamweight sensation Christian Carto takes on James Smith in headlining bout on Friday, March 2nd at The SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia

費城, 佩恩. (一月 22, 2018)–Popular and undefeated bantamweight Christian Carto will headline a packed night of boxing when he takes on 詹姆斯·史密斯 in an eight-round bout on 星期五, 3月2日The SugarHouse Casino費城.
Carto of Philadelphia has a record of 13-0 同 11 擊倒. 該 21 year-old has established himself as one of the top prospects in Philadelphia, and the popular Carto continues to draw large and enthusiastic crowds to his fights.
Carto, who had a very active 2017 as he mustered seven victories and has a signature win over Alonso Melendez (14-1). Carto is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Luis Fernando Saavedra on December 1st at The SugarHouse Casino.
This will be Carto’s 7th appearance at The SugarHouse Casino.
Smith of Detroit has a record of 12-1 七擊倒.
該 27 year-old is a seven-year professional, who won his first 11 結束, which was highlighted by a win over Olimjon Nazarov (14-2).
After suffering his lone defeat, Smith won his last bout as he stopped Yaqub Kareem on August 4, 2017 在底特律.
In an eight-round all-Philadelphia super middleweight bout, 克里斯托弗·布魯克 (12-5, 5 科斯) 戰鬥 賈馬爾·戴維斯 (16-12-1, 7 科斯).
在八輪較量, Tyrone Crawley, JR. (7-0) of Philadelphia takes on Anthony Mercado (10-3, 9 科斯) of Arecibo, PR in a super lightweight bout.
大衛·岡薩雷斯 (8-2-2, 2 科斯) 費城會打 Victor Vazquez (9-3, 3 科斯) 揚克斯的, NY in a super lightweight contest.
不敗 馬庫斯·貝茨 (8-0-1, 6 科斯) 華盛頓, DC will take on an opponent to be named in a eight-round super bantamweight fight.
卡洛斯·羅薩里奧 (7-3, 4 科斯) 品薩肯的, NJ will square off with Seifullah明智 (3-4, 1 KO) of Philadelphia in a super featherweight fight.
大流士歐文 (4-1) of Los Angeles tangles with Jesus Perez (3-0, 1 KO) 讀, PA in a super lightweight fight.
Jerrod Miner (1-1, 1 KO) of Philadelphia fights Rondarrius Hunter (1-2, 1 KO) of Atlanta in a four-round super flyweight bout.
門票發售 $100, $75, $50, 可以在以下位置購買 SugarHouseBoxing.eventbrite.com.