標記檔案: 尼科·埃爾南德斯

裸關節格鬥冠軍賽利用實時評分在BKFC 11 威奇托, 堪薩斯這個星期六, 三月 14

費城, 賓夕法尼亞
三月 10, 2020

裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 將採用革命性的全新實時評分, 由堪薩斯州體育委員會提供, 在BKFC 11: 埃爾南德斯VS. 威爾遜, 這個星期六, 三月 14, 在INTRUST銀行競技場威奇托, 堪薩斯州. 在這樣做, BKFC會不會成為第二個促進堪薩斯州, 和第一裸關節推廣使用該系統並立即讓戰士, 自己的角落, 和球迷知道法官’ 一輪輪成績.

“BKFC 11” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看 (9 點ET / 6時PT) 通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.99. 它也將提供給BKFC國際廣播全球合作夥伴,並通過流都在家庭和外的家庭連接設備通過 FITE.

為現場活動門票現已公開發售,並可以在網上購買www.selectaseat.com, 通過電話855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面對面的選擇-A座票房INTRUST銀行競技場.

“當我得知堪薩斯州運動委員會打算在3月份開始發售,我很好奇 1 所有的戰鬥發起人的事件在他們的國家使用實時評分的選項, 但我想看看它在使用前先我做了約11 BKFC的決定,” 說BKFC創始人兼總裁大衛·費爾德曼. “在看到它在上週五的Invicta的MMA事件完美執行由堪薩斯委員會, 再加上繼起戰鬥機和戰鬥球迷的表演非常積極的響應, 我知道這是絕對去BKFC正道。”

實時評分, 也被稱為開放式進球, 目前由堪薩斯州體育委員會專門提供在北美. 該系統的變化已被用於世界拳擊理事會和榮耀跆拳道.

“香農納普和Invicta的最後一個星期五合作戰鬥的冠軍利用實時進球後, 我們收到的只是積極反饋的戰士和他們的營地,” 說堪薩斯州運動委員會執行董事亞當Roorbach. “雖然絕對不是強制性的, 實時評分是提供給所有的戰鬥發起人和促銷堪薩斯州. 我們很榮幸能夠舉辦BKFC 11, 並期待著他們利用這個系統。”

裸露的拳頭爭霸錦標賽呈現了由當地人才在星期六進入圓環突出顯示的裝載卡, MARCH 14 在威奇托, 能夠.

BKFC 11 Wichita Native主持的活動宣布了完整陣容 & 2016 美國奧林匹克銅牌得主. Nico Hernandez通過INTRUST銀行競技場按次付費觀看直播

威奇托, 能夠. (二月 27, 2020) – 完整的陣容令人興奮 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 週六攤牌, 三月 14 將擁有當地頂尖人才,還有更多, 所有導致BKFC 11 主賽事與本地球迷的最愛, 威奇託本地人和 2016 美國奧運銅牌得主, 尼科·埃爾南德斯 步入對陣威奇託本地人的行列 Chancey威爾遜 在INTRUST銀行競技場威奇托, 五月. 並按次付費.

“BKFC 11” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.99. 它也將提供給BKFC國際廣播全球合作夥伴,並通過流都在家庭和外的家庭連接設備通過FITE.

為現場活動門票現已公開發售,並可以在網上購買www.selectaseat.com, 通過電話855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面對面的選擇-A座票房INTRUST銀行競技場.

“很久了, 我們一直想將BKFC帶到堪薩斯州, 所以,我終於來了,我感到非常興奮,” 說BKFC創始人兼總裁大衛·費爾德曼. “我毫不懷疑,堪薩斯州最受歡迎的兩架戰鬥機將為他們的粉絲們帶來勝利. 這將是威奇托BKFC的美好夜晚, 堪薩斯州!”

威奇託本地人和前Bellator退伍軍人 戴夫 “穴居人” Rickels 在主賽事中參加175磅的比賽, 同時硬碰裸指關節重量級競爭者 山姆·舒克梅克 採取行動,應對前Kronk Gym業餘選手 喬希伯恩斯 在一個特別的吸引力.

作為Bellator的退伍軍人,Wichita攤牌對決延續了當地風味, 職業拳擊手和職業拳擊手 科迪·卡里略 面對10戰鬥職業拳擊老手耶利米書頁 在一個155磅重的戰鬥, 而Bellator和Strikeforce的資深人士 喬·沃爾夫 與Bellator老將比賽 L.J. Hermrick 以165磅的動作. 更多, 威奇託本地人和前UFC競爭者 傑克·林賽 戰鬥 肯尼學校, 他在11月的BKFC行動中被KO擊敗了Harris Stephenson,在165磅的回合中.

陣容還包​​括UFC資深球員 喬希 “牙醫” 下 對抗重擊的185磅重吸引力 羅尼福尼, 誰將使他的第二次BKFC開始. 此外, 恭Ferea 海倫·佩拉爾塔 將會以125磅重的BKFC重賽 7 在八月的對決中,佩拉爾塔贏得了決定.

四捨五入是BKFC的回報 達科他科克倫 梅爾文Guillard 在185磅的回合中. Cochrane在BKFC上擊敗Chris Leben 6 六月, 而吉拉德(Guillard)因在BKFC擊敗中受傷而受傷 7 對以撒·瓦利·弗拉格. 更多, 雅各布·阿金 將為包括專業MMA在內的簡歷增加無節制的戰鬥, 拳擊和跆拳道, 當他接任Bellator老手時 萬里麥當勞 在130磅的對決中.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的 HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc Instagram上的 HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ 在YouTube上,HTTPS://www.youtube.com/
信道/ UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A

裸拳比賽冠軍賽在星期六首次出現在堪薩斯州, MARCH 14!

特色威奇託本地人 & 2016 美國奧林匹克銅牌得主. Nico Hernandez在主賽事中

更多! 威奇託本地人 & 前Bellator老將Dave Rickels
在共同特徵中 & 硬漢Sam Shewmaker在

BKFC 11 透過按次收費觀看
威奇託的INTRUST Bank競技場, 堪薩斯州

週四發售門票, 一月 30 在 10 A.M. CT!

威奇托, KS. (一月 27, 2020) – 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽(BKFC) 將在星期六提供令人興奮的裸指關節動作之夜, 三月 14 由家鄉球迷的最愛登場,在威奇託的INTRUST Bank競技場打響, 堪薩斯州和按次計費.

主要事件將是威奇託本地人和 2016 美國奧運銅牌得主. 尼科·埃爾南德斯 在輕量級戰鬥中, 威奇托(Wichita)本地人和前Bellator退伍軍人 戴夫 “穴居人” Rickels 在共同比賽中參加165磅的比賽. 更多, 精打細算的拳頭重量級競爭者 山姆·舒克梅克 在一個特別的景點恢復活動.

“我們一直在與專員Adam Roorbach合作,將BKFC帶到堪薩斯州, 然後在三月 14 我們將進行期待已久的處女作,” BKFC創始人兼總裁David Feldman說. “擁有如此出色的佣金和出色的戰鬥迷,在這種狀態下不僅令人興奮, 但是我們在堪薩斯州有兩個最受歡迎,裝飾最全的戰鬥機. 三月 14, 我們有 2016 奧運會拳擊銅牌得主Nico Hernandez和前Bellator老手Dave “穴居人” ckle子. 三月 14 在威奇托將是一個電夜!”

“BKFC 11” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.99. 它也將提供給BKFC國際廣播全球合作夥伴,並通過流都在家庭和外的家庭連接設備通過 FITE.

現場活動的門票將於本週四發售, 一月 30 在 10 A.M. CT,可以在線購買 www.selectaseat.com, 通過電話855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面對面的選擇-A座票房INTRUST銀行競技場.

來自威奇託的不敗24歲, 堪薩斯州的職業生涯令人印象深刻 2016 奧運會擊敗意大利戰士, 俄羅斯和厄瓜多爾獲得輕型輕量級銅牌. 埃爾南德斯是美國第一個. 男子拳擊冠軍以來, 2008. 自三月份轉為職業選手以來 2017, 埃爾南德斯(Hernandez)已編撰了 7-0 記錄, 包括四場淘汰賽勝利. 他是第二位與BKFC簽約的奧運選手, 和第一位奧運獎牌獲得者.

“自從最初建造INTRUST Bank競技場以來,這一直是我的奮鬥目標,” 埃爾南德斯說. “我還沒有在威奇托打架. 我在附近戰鬥, 但實際上不在我的城市, 所以我為這場戰鬥感到非常興奮. 我迫不及待地要表演,​​並在三月帶出這座城市 14. 我準備摘下手套,為BKFC搏擊裸指!”

一位31歲的老將 23 喇叭手的回合, Rickels將在他的家鄉球迷面前首次亮相BKFC. Rickels參加了兩次戰鬥 2019, 擊敗AJ Matthews並輸給Yaroslav Amosov. 他在前九場Bellator比賽中贏得了八場, 是Bellator歷史上的第四次勝利,並在Bellator的輕量級冠軍賽中受到挑戰 2013. 總體, 他的表現令人印象深刻 21-6 在他職業MMA生涯中的記錄.

“我在威奇托(Wichita)建立了自己的名字,並因在這座城市的表演而與Bellator簽約,” 里克斯說. “住在這裡的人們的支持使我成為了我從事格鬥運動的人. 所以我有機會在他們面前表演, 我會跳上它。”

擺脫Gravois Mills, 密蘇里州, 自從在BKFC上首次亮相以來,Shewmaker已經參加了五次BKFC比賽 1 借助Eric Prindle的高光滾輪淘汰賽. 擊敗莫里斯·傑克遜後, Shewmaker在有史以來第一次BKFC重量級冠軍爭奪戰中輸給了Arnold Adams一個分裂決定. 他在二月份反彈擊敗了Joel Parades 2019 在BKFC 4, 在另一場BKFC重量級冠軍爭奪戰中進行平局之前, 這次在BKFC對陣Chase Sherman 5 四月.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的 HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc Instagram上的 HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ 在YouTube上,HTTPS://www.youtube.com/
信道/ UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A

Olympic Medal Winner Nico Hernandez Dominates Mexico’s Victor Trejo Garcia in UFC Fight Pass Main Event from Mulvane, 堪薩斯州

Fighting in the main event of a special two-hour live stream on UFC Fight Pass and in front of an adoring crowd of fans at the Kansas Star Casino in Mulvane, 堪薩斯州, hometown favorite and US Olympic bronze medal winner Nico Hernandez (7-0, 4 科斯) won his eight-round flyweight showdown by unanimous decision over a determined but out-gunned Victor Trejo Garcia of Mexico City, 墨西哥 (16-10-1, 8 科斯).

It was a good “learning” fight for Hernandez, as Garcia never threatened to win, but hung tough against the superior firepower to keep things entertaining throughout. 法官的得分分別為 79-73, 80-72 和 80-72. Hernandez appears to be progressing well in the professional game. He was sitting down on his punches well and picking spots for his punishing combinations like a veteran.

“I was feeling really good in there,” said Hernandez, 戰鬥後. “I’ve been working on fighting southpaws and I did better than I did last time against a southpaw. It was awkward for me, but I’m proud of my progress and I just need to keep working. He was a tough opponent and I take my hat off to him. If anybody is ready to step up next, have them call my team.”

As always the case, Kazakhstani buzzsaw Bakhtiyar “Bakha Bullet” Eyubov (14-0-1, 12 科斯) came out looking for a brawl and this time found a willing participant in Monterrey, Mexico’s Jose Luis “La Boa” Rodriguez (25-12-1, 13 科斯).

Fighting in the middle UFC Fight Pass bout, the two super lightweights did not disappoint, going to old-school inside warfare for eight exciting rounds. The entertaining Eyubov was the much more active fighter. He worked the body relentlessly while mixing in powerful hooks with both hands upstairs. Rodriguez weathered the relentless storm and came back consistently with hard, accurate counters.

到底, the judges couldn’t decide who won and a majority draw was the verdict. One judge had it 77-75 for Rodriguez, a bit surprisingly, but was overruled by stereo scores of 76-76. Give both fighters credit, it was an entertaining slugfest and the Kansas fans loved it.

In the six-round super flyweight Fight Pass opener, Pushkino, Russia’s Elena Savelyeva (5-1, 4 科斯) 剛需 36 seconds to dispatch Kansas City’s Tatiana Williams Kansas City (0-2). Williams was dancing and smiling before the action and came out looking to trade, but a taste of the former Olympian Saveleva’s power and she packed it in quickly.

Saveleva’s body work was ferocious as long as it lasted.

In the opening swing-bout of the night, a 10-round heavyweight bout didn’t last a full round, as knockout specialist Apti Davtaev (16-0-1, 15 科斯) of Kurchaloi, 俄羅斯, made quick work of Belton, 密蘇里州, veteran Richard Carmack 15-15-1, 12 科斯.

The two giants traded strong blows from the outset, with both landing. Davtaev, 然而, had the better accuracy and chin. One of his long right hands put Carmack down on a delayed reaction and another finished things at 2:26. KO 1.

後, the stern Russian, who trains at Detroit’s world-famous Kronk Gym and is featured in upcoming Ring Magazine “New Faces” section as a “Heavyweight to Watch” for 2019, signalled he is ready for a step up in competition in his next fight.

The UFC Fight Pass commentating team consisted of 戰網 veteran Cory Edrman and “2018 Female Boxer of the Year” and women’s world champion Claressa Shields, making her debut behind the microphone. The event was presented by Salita Promotions.

International Boxing Association (IBA)Fully committed to women’s boxing

IBA Strawweight World Champion Eva Guzman

VENTNOR CITY, N.J. (十二月 5, 2018) – The relaunched International Boxing Association (IBA) is making a full commitment to women’s boxing, commencing with a new rule change to sanction 12-round world title fights.

The IBA is going back to the future having been an original pioneer in terms of giving much deserved recognition to women’s boxing, represented by former IBA world champions such as 萊拉·阿里, 米婭聖. 約翰·冬青霍爾姆.

在 1991, two-time Major League Baseball all-star pitcher and Cy Young Award winner Dean Chance founded the IBA, guiding the international sanctioning body until his death in 2015.

Under a new group headed by IBA president J.C. Courreges, the IBA relaunched during the summer of 2017. “This is the IBA’s first step towards establishing equality between men and women in professional boxing,” Courreges announced. “Our goal is to offer equality for women boxers in our organization. Women’s world title fights are 10, 2-minute rounds, 不 12, like in the IBA. “

There is a new wave of women’s boxing, led by Claressa盾, 凱蒂·泰勒, 阿曼達·塞拉諾 and so many other rising female stars worldwide. The IBA plans to be in the forefront and we recently crowned our first woman world champion, strawweight Eva Guzman, of Venezuela. 在 2019, we look forward to crowning many other women IBA world champions, in what the IBA is calling the Year of Women’s Boxing.

Former IBA world champions during the past quarter-century include Hall-of-Famers 霍亞, 喬治·福爾曼, 羅伯托·杜蘭 阿圖羅·加蒂, as well as stars such as 羅伊·瓊斯, Jr.,Bernard Hopkins, 巴蒂爾莫斯利, 詹姆斯·托尼, Mikkel Kessler, Eric Morales, 科拉萊斯迭戈, 何塞·路易斯·卡斯蒂略, 格倫 - 約翰遜 安東尼奧·塔弗.


重量級: Vacant

重量級: Mairis鹿 (Latvia)

輕重量級: Vacant

超中量級: Vacant

中量級: 柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯 (美國)

超次中量級: Vacant

次中量級: Vacant

Junior Welterweight: Alexander Duran (巴拿馬)

輕量級: Vacant

Junior Lightweight: Vacant

羽量級 : Vacant

Junior Featherweight: Vacant

最輕量級: Otto Gamez (巴倫蘇埃拉)

Junior Bantamweight: Ronald Batista (巴拿馬)

飛錘: 尼科·埃爾南德斯 (美國)

Junior Flyweight: Vacant

Strawweight: Vacant

Based in Ventnor City, 新澤西州, the IBA also has an office in Florida. The IBA is establishing international representatives around the world in Germany, 羅馬尼亞, 保加利亞, 澳大利亞, Canada and South Africa.

The following championships are sanctioned by the IBA: 世界, InterContinental, Americas and International. The IBA sanctions the following Regional Titles: Latino, Caribbean, 歐洲的, African, Asian and South Pacific.

IBA Executive Committee members are J.C. Courreges, 總統; Stephane Cabrera, 副總裁, Jean Philippe Lustyk, 副總裁; 和 Bruno Wartelle, Ratings Chairman; Klaus Hagemann史蒂夫·斯莫傑 are Co-Chairmen of the IBA Officials Committee.

IBA INFORMATION: www.internationalboxingassociation.com

Facebook的: /IBABoxing

Instagram的: @IBABoxing



Nico Hernandez captures IBA flyweight World title in 5th professional fight Calls out fellow Olympic bronze medalist “愛爾蘭的” Paddy Barnes

Inaugural Event
星期六, 五月 19, 2018 * 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT
The new IBA World flyweight champion Nico Hernandez
(L-R) head trainer Lewis Hernandez, assistant trainer Villa, 尼科·埃爾南德斯, Hall of Fame referee and IBA official Steve Smoger and promote John Andersen.
(photo courtesy of Courtney Wells / Boyd Gaming Corp.)

MULVANE, 五月. (五月 21, 2018)History was made this past Saturday night on theSUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakespay-per-view card, 什麼時候 2016 Olympic bronze medalist and local hero, 尼科·埃爾南德斯, knocked out Hungarian challenger Szilveszter “沉默刺客” Kanalas in the opening round to capture the vacant International Boxing Association (IBA) Flyweight World Championship in only his fifth professional fight, 在堪薩斯星競技場Mulvane, 堪薩斯州.




In the first world title fight ever held in Kansas, 埃爾南德斯 (5-0, 4 科斯) overwhelmed Kanalas (14-7, 9 科斯), the former World Boxing Federation (WBF) super flyweight world champion, to become the youngest (22) IBA world champion ever, as well as setting the record for the fewest pro fights needied to become IBA world titlist.


SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes was launched as Super Channel’s new live boxing series,SUPERBOX LIVE, 與聯想 KO Night Boxing LLC, and it aired live exclusively in Canada on Super Channel.




Integrated Sports Media distributedSUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes” 在美國使用電纜, satellite and digital pay-per-view as it was live-streamed worldwide on FITE.TV 應用程式和網站 (不包括加拿大).




Hernandez was aggressive from the opening bell, pounding Kanalashead and body. A Hernandez left hook to the body really hurt Kanalas, who went down from a right that followed the vicious liver shot. Kanalas beat Hall of Fame 史蒂夫·斯莫傑‘s count, and it was only a matter of time before Hernandez would end the fight. It came soon, right after another body-and-head combination put the over-matched Hungarian on the mat for the second and final time.




A lot of people underestimate my power,” Hernandez said after the fight. “I believe that once he felt my power, I don’t think he wanted it anymore. I felt like I took his heart away. I was patient, I wanted it to go a few rounds to see what he had, but I took his heart away. I can’t really be disappointed because I am a world champion now.




Nico was explosive Saturday night and he showed killer instinct,” 促進者 John Andersen 評論. “He was going to box, but I think he smelled fear, and Nico got into Kanalashead. He sensed it and jumped on him.




Before he left the ring, Hernandez took the microphone in the center of the ring and called out three-time Olympian and two-time Olympic bronze medalist, “愛爾蘭的” Paddy Barnes (5-0, 1 KO), who was the favored to win a gold medal in the flyweight division at the 2016 奧運會. He was eliminated in the round of 16 and Hernandez took home the bronze medal. “There’s a bronze medalist from (Northern) 愛爾蘭, Paddy Barnes, and that’s who I’d really love to fight.




I think that’s a fight we should start a conversation about,” Andersen remarked. “It’s not line Barnes is 21 (他 31) and I don’t know of a lot of 30 or older flyweights. It makes a lot of sense and can be a big fight. They’re both Olympic bronze medalist, already fought in scheduled 10 和 12 round fights, and have belts. (Barnes is the WBO Intercontinental flyweight champ). Nico needs to step up in terms of competition, 太. I think they should get in the ring and then we can see what happens.




If they don’t want to make this fight right away, maybe we can build it up by putting them on the same card, and then fight next year. This fight makes a lot of sense for both fighters and Nico has already said he wants to fight Barnes.




Hernandez joined reigning IBA world champions, 輕重量級 謝爾蓋·科瓦廖夫 and junior middleweight 馬克·德盧卡, as well as past IBA world champions such as Hall of Famers 霍亞, 喬治·福爾曼, 羅伯托·杜蘭 阿圖羅·加蒂, in addition to stars羅伊·瓊斯, 小, 伯納德·霍普金斯大學, 巴蒂爾莫斯利, 詹姆斯·托尼, Mikkel Kessler, Eric Morales, 科拉萊斯迭戈, 何塞·路易斯·卡斯蒂略, 格倫 - 約翰遜安東尼奧·塔弗.




2011 Russia Junior Championships gold medalist Andrey Afonin (6-0, 3 科斯) kept his undefeated record in tact when PedroEl Reguilete” 羅德里格斯 (23-4, 19 科斯), the Cuban native and former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedalatin cruiserweight champion, was unable to answer the bell in the third round of the co-featured event.




Unbeaten Ukrainian heavyweight 奧列克Teslenko (13-0, 11 科斯), promoted by DiBella Entertainment and fighting out of Toronto, 停 TerranceBig JimMarbra (9-6, 7 科斯) in the second round.




Undefeated Washington featherweight Victor Morales, JR. (9-0, 5 科斯) was too much forDavid Berna (15-4, 14 科斯), of Hungary, who complained of an elbow injury and lost by way of a second-round technical knockout, 在首戰電視.




In the television swing bout, which was held prior to the main event, popular Wichita junior welterweight Jeff Strum (3-0, 2 科斯) kept the train rollinwith a second-round knockout of Nigeria-native Archie Weah (2-11).




In the most competitive fight of the night, as well as the lone match that went the complete distance, 聖. Louis cruiserweight Leroy Jones (3-3, 2 科斯) won a four-round unanimous decision over Kansas City, KS favorite Chris Harris (2-3-2, 2 科斯).









尼科·埃爾南德斯 (5-0, 4 科斯), 威奇托, KS

WTKO1 (2:52)

Szilveszter Kanalas (14-8, 9 科斯), Pecs, 匈牙利

(Hernandez won vacant IBA World flyweight title)





Andrey Afonin (6-0, 3 科斯), Kursky, 俄羅斯

WTKO2 (3:00)

Pedro Rodriguez (23-5, 19 科斯), 邁阿密, FL by way of Cuba





奧列克Teslenko (13-0, 11 科斯), 多倫多, Canada by way of Ukraine

WKO2 (0:30)

Terrance Marba (9-6, 7 科斯), 聖彼得堡, FL





Leroy Jones (3-3, 2 科斯), Saint Louis, MO

WDEC4 (39-37, 39-37, 39-37)

Chris Harris (2-3-2, 2 科斯), Kansas City, KS





Jeff Strum (3-0, 2 科斯), 威奇托, KS

WTKJO2 (2:56)

Archie Weah (2-11), Norcross, GA by way of Liberia





Victor Morales, JR. (9-0, 5 科斯), 溫哥華, WA

WTKO2 (2:56)

David Berna (15-4, 14 科斯), Budapest, 匈牙利





Canadian fight fans can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, 包括優質系列, 電影以及更多, 低至 $9.95 每月.



Venum (www.venum.com) is the official gloves and apparel provider for SUPERBOX LIVE.






www.konightboxing.com, www.internationalboxingassociation.com




嘰嘰喳喳: @NicoMHernandez @KONightBoxing @SCSportsTV Kansas_Star @KansasStarArena @IntegratedPPV @Fitetv @NeonStarSE

Canadian heavyweight Oleksandr Teslenko Bringing power & Ukrainian magic to Kansas

Inaugural Event

星期六, 五月 19, 2018 * 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT
LIVE on Super Channel & 按次付費 (我們)
Hernandez-Kanalas IBA World flyweight title fight Headlines solid card this Saturday night in Kansas
住在商超渠道在加拿大 & PPV IN U.S.

奧列克Teslenko (courtesy of DiBella Entertainment
LAS VEGAS (五月 15, 2018)Undefeated Toronto heavyweight prospect 奧列克Teslenko is bringing his vaunted power and Ukrainian magic to Kansas this week for his fourth pro fight in the United States, this Saturday night on theSUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakespay-per-view card, airing live from Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, 堪薩斯州.




The 12-round main event pits 2016 奧運會銅牌得主和家鄉的英雄, 尼科·埃爾南德斯 (4-0, 3 科斯), against former WBF super flyweight world champion Szilveszter “沉默刺客” Kanalas (14-7, 9 科斯), of Hungary, for the vacant International Boxing Association (IBF) World flyweight title. 埃爾南德斯VS. Kanalas will be fighting in the first world championship boxing match ever held in Kansas history.


SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes will launch Super Channel’s new live boxing series, SUPERBOX LIVE, 與聯想 KO Night Boxing LLC, airing live exclusively in Canada on Super Channel.




綜合體育媒體將分發 “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes” 在美國使用電纜, 通過iN需求進行衛星和數字按次計費, 無處不在, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide on FITE.TV 應用程式和網站 (不包括加拿大) 對於只有一個建議零售價 $19.95.




The 25-year-old Teslenko (12-0, 10 科斯), who is promoted by DiBella Entertainment, is the latest in a growing list of boxing talent out of Ukraine. Teslenko faces dangerous TerranceBig JimMarbra (9-5, 7 科斯), fighting out of Saint Petersburg, 佛羅里達, 在八輪較量.




在共功能的事件, 2011 Russia Junior Championships gold medalist Andrey Afonin (5-0, 2 科斯) meets former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedalatin cruiserweight champion PedroEl Reguilete” 羅德里格斯 (23-4, 19 科斯), 古巴, in a eight-round heavyweight battle.




Undefeated Washington featherweight Victor Morales, JR. (8-0, 4 科斯) 纏結帶 David Berna (15-3, 14 科斯), of Hungary, in an eight-round throw-down to open the televised segment of the program.




也爭取在undercard, 所有四個輪較量, is popular Wichita junior welterweight 傑夫·斯特姆 (2-0, 1 KO) VS. Nigeria-native Archie Weah (2-10), and Kansas City, KS cruiserweight Chris Harris (2-2-2, 2 科斯) VS. Leroy Jones (2-3, 2 科斯), of Saint Louis (MO.






門票售價 $120.00 (要人), $80.00, $50.00 和 $30.00 (價格不包括服務費) and available to purchase online at www.ticketmaster.com, Kansas Star Casino and .. 門票售價 $120.00 (要人), $80.00, $50.00 和 $30.00 (價格不包括服務費) and available to purchase online at www.ticketmaster.com, Kansas Star Casino and US Logo, 公司. (520 ñ. West St., 威奇托 / 316.264.1321).




這是一個老少咸宜的顯示. 門開處 6:00 P.M. CT with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 P.M. CT. The first televised fight will air at 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.



觀看 “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakeslive in Canada, showcasing undefeated Canadian heavyweight Teslenko, in addition to more exciting boxing to come in 2018, fight fans can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, 包括優質系列, 電影以及更多, 低至 $9.95 每月.




Venum (www.venum.com) has been named the official gloves and apparel of SUPERBOX LIVE






www.konightboxing.com, www.internationalboxingassociation.com




嘰嘰喳喳: @NicoMHernandez, @KONightBoxing, @SCSportsTV, Kansas_Star, KansasStarArena, @IntegratedPPV, @Fitetv, @NeonStarSE, @DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella,


Hungarian Invasion! Szilveszter “沉默刺客” Kanalas going to Kansas to upset Olympian Nico Hernandez for IBA Flyweight World title


Inaugural Event

星期六, 五月 19, 2018 * 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT
LIVE on Super Channel & 按次付費 (我們)
住在商超渠道在加拿大 & PPV IN U.S.



LAS VEGAS (五月 10, 2018 – Hungarian invader Szilveszter “沉默刺客” Kanalas (14-7, 9 科斯) has a plan designed to upset local favorite 尼科·埃爾南德斯 (4-0, 3 科斯), 一 2016 奧運銅牌得主, May 19th in their showdown for the vacant International Boxing Association (IBA) World Flyweight Championship, headlining SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes at Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, 堪薩斯州.

埃爾南德斯VS. Kanalas will launch Super Channel’s new live boxing series,SUPERBOX LIVE, in association with KO Night Boxing LLC, airing live exclusively in Canada on Super Channel.


綜合體育媒體將分發 “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes” 在美國使用電纜, 通過iN需求進行衛星和數字按次計費, 無處不在, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide onFITE.TV 應用程式和網站 (不包括加拿大) 對於只有一個建議零售價 $19.95.




In the first world championship boxing match ever held in the state of Kansas, Kanalas challenges 22-year-old Hernandez, the reigning IBA Americas champion, in the 12-round main event.




Fighting hometown hero Hernandez in his backyard, where the Wichita fighter made his pro debut last year, apparently doesn’t faze the 19-year-old Kanalas. “I think it’ll be fantastic fighting him in the arena,” Kanalas said. “It will be a good atmosphere for me and Nico. We will both be giving our all.




Nico seems like a good guy, but I don’t want to be friendly with him before the fought, or in the ring. Maybe after the fight. We won’t talk in the ring, only fight. Nobody knows before a fight what will happen in the ring. Everybody has a plan, 當然, and I do as well. I’m not going to talk about my plan to win the fight, but I can tell you Nico will not love my plan.




兩年前, Kanalas became one of the youngest (17) world champions ever, when he defeated fellow Hungarian boxer, 約瑟夫Ajtai, for the vacant World Boxing Federation (WBF) Super Flyweight World Championship.




I was very happy when I won my first title,” Kanalas remembered. “I thought the world was mine, but life isn’t easy. I had some private life problems and I didn’t prepare enough for my second title fight opportunity for the IBF Youth World title fight in Indonesia. The fight started good for me with two judges giving me the first round, but I got tired and lost in the third round. I’m very happy that I have this title fight and will try to take advantage of this great opportunity.




I’m very happy that fans back home will be able to watch the fight live. I will not feel alone. I want to show my family and friends that I can do big things in the ring.




The prestigious list of IBA world champions during the past quarter-centory includes Hall-of-Famers 霍亞, 喬治·福爾曼, 羅伯托·杜蘭阿圖羅·加蒂, as well as stars such as 羅伊·瓊斯, JR., 伯納德·霍普金斯大學, 巴蒂爾莫斯利, 詹姆斯·托尼, Mikkel Kessler, Eric Morales, 科拉萊斯迭戈, 何塞·路易斯·卡斯蒂略, 格倫 - 約翰遜安東尼奧·塔弗.




CLICK HERE FOR PROMO VIDEO: HTTPS://ims-channel-videos.s3.amazonaws.com/IntegratedSports/trailer/KO_Boxing_NicoSyl_trans.mp4



Russian heavyweight prospect Andrey Afonin (5-0, 2 科斯) takes on Cuban fighter PedroEl Reguilete” 羅德里格斯 (23-4, 19 科斯) in a eight-round, 在共功能的事件. Afonin was a 2011 Russian Junior Championships gold medalist, while Rodriguez is a former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedalatin cruiserweight champion.




Another heavyweight also fighting on the televised segment of the show is undefeated Ukrainian heavyweight prospect 奧列克Teslenko (12-0, 10 科斯), fighting out of Toronto, 針對對手待定.




Undefeated Washington featherweight Victor Morales, JR. (8-0, 4 科斯) 會見 David Berna(15-3, 14 科斯), of Hungary, 在八輪較量.




Also fighting on the under, 所有四個輪較量, are popular Wichita junior welterweight 傑夫·斯特姆 (2-0, 1 KO) VS. Nigeria-native Archie Weah (2-10), Kansas City, KS cruiserweight Chris Harris (2-2-2, 2 科斯) VS. Leroy Jones (2-3, 2 科斯), of Saint Louis (MO), Topeka-, KS welterweight 布賴恩·克萊門茨 (0-1-1) VS. Nebraska’s Luis Marquez (0-2), and undefeated Texas junior middleweight Joe Alday, JR. (7-0, 7 科斯).




門票售價 $120.00 (要人), $80.00, $50.00 和 $30.00 (價格不包括服務費) and available to purchase online at www.ticketmaster.com, Kansas Star Casino and .. 門票售價 $120.00 (要人), $80.00, $50.00 和 $30.00 (價格不包括服務費) and available to purchase online at www.ticketmaster.com, Kansas Star Casino and US Logo, 公司. (520 ñ. West St., 威奇托 / 316.264.1321).




這是一個老少咸宜的顯示. 門開處 6:00 P.M. CT with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 P.M. CT.




觀看 “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakeslive in Canada, showcasing undefeated Canadian heavyweight Teslenko, in addition to more exciting boxing to come in 2018, fight fans can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, 包括優質系列, 電影以及更多, 低至 $9.95 每月.




Venum (www.venum.com) has been named the official gloves and apparel of SUPERBOX LIVE






www.konightboxing.com, www.internationalboxingassociation.com




嘰嘰喳喳: @NicoMHernandez, @KONightBoxing, @SCSportsTV, Kansas_Star, KansasStarArena, @IntegratedPPV, @Fitetv, @NeonStarSE, @DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella,

History being made May 19th 1st world title fight in Kansas history 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez Fighting for IBA World title in 5th professional fight


Inaugural Event

星期六, 五月 19, 2018 * 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT
LIVE on Super Channel & 按次付費 (我們)

埃德蒙頓, 加拿大 (五月 7, 2018)History will be made May 19th in several categories, when International Boxing Association (IBA) Americas flyweight champion 尼科·埃爾南德斯 (4-0, 3 科斯) 面孔 Szilveszter “沉默刺客” Kanalas (14-7, 9 科斯) for the vacant IBA World Flyweight Championship, headlining SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes at Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, 堪薩斯州.

埃爾南德斯VS. Kanalas will launch Super Channel’s new live boxing series, SUPERBOX LIVE, 與聯想 KO Night Boxing LLC, airing live exclusively in Canada on Super Channel. 綜合體育媒體將分發 “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes” 在美國使用電纜, 通過iN需求進行衛星和數字按次計費, 無處不在, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide on FITE.TV 應用程式和網站 (不包括加拿大) 對於只有一個建議零售價 $19.95.




The winner of the 12-round main eventthe first world championship boxing match ever held in the state of Kansasbetween Wichita-native Hernandez, 21, and his 19-year-old Hungarian opponent, Kanalas, will become the youngest ever IBA World champion. If Hernandez emerges victoriously, he will also set a record for fewest professional fights needed to win an IBA World title (5).




I think that says how skilled a fighter I am and that I’m ready to compete with the best in the world,” Hernandez responded to being asked what it says about him fighting for a world title in only his fifth pro fight. “But I look at every fight the same and I never underestimate my opponent. I’ve been training just as hard for this fight as for any of my other fights. The only difference this fight is that I’m training to go more rounds.




I’ve been making history since I was a kid. I’ve always been on top and the one to beat, so I feel like this is another step I’m taking forward in my career. I also hope to be a role model, not only for kids, but also people older than me, and to bring more events and excitement to my city. I love fighting anywhere in Wichita because of the support I get from my hometown fans. 這場戰鬥 (at Kansas Star Arena where he made his pro debut) will definitely bring back some good memories.




兩年前, Kanalas became one of the youngest (17) world champions in pro boxing history, when he defeated fellow Hungarian boxer, 約瑟夫Ajtai, for the vacant World Boxing Federation (WBF) Super Flyweight World Championship.




I’m not really worried about my opponent,” Hernandez added. “I just focus on what I need to do because, if I’m on my game and trained hard, nobody can be me except me! I’ll be prepared to anything and one of my best assets in the ring is adapting. I’ll see how I’m feeling after the first round. I’m not going into the ring looking for a knockout, but I don’t plan on this fight going 12 輪。”




Hernandez can join other US Olympians who were IBA World champions such as Hall-of-Famers 霍亞喬治·福爾曼, along with stars such as 羅伊·瓊斯, JR. 安東尼奧·塔弗.




在共功能的事件, Russian heavyweight prospect Andrey Afonin (5-0, 2 科斯) faces veteran Cuban fighter PedroEl Reguilete” 羅德里格斯 (23-4, 19 科斯) 在八輪較量. Afonin was a 2011 Russian Junior Championships gold medalist, while Rodriguez is a former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedalatin cruiserweight champion.




Another heavyweight also fighting on the televised segment of the show is undefeated Ukrainian heavyweight prospect 奧列克Teslenko (12-0, 10 科斯), fighting out of Toronto, against to soon be determined.




Undefeated Washington featherweight Victor Morales, JR. (8-0, 4 科斯) steps up in class to face David Berna (15-3, 14 科斯), of Hungary, in an intriguing eight-round match up.




Also fighting on the under, 所有四個輪較量, are popular Wichita junior welterweight 傑夫·斯特姆 (2-0, 1 KO) VS. Nigeria-native Archie Weah (2-10), Kansas City, KS cruiserweight Chris Harris (2-2-2, 2 科斯) VS. Leroy Jones (2-3, 2 科斯), of Saint Louis (MO), Topeka-, KS welterweight 布賴恩·克萊門茨 (0-1-1) VS. Nebraska’s Luis Marquez (0-2), and undefeated Texas junior middleweight Joe Alday, JR. (7-0, 7 科斯).




觀看 “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakeslive in Canada, showcasing undefeated Canadian heavyweight Teslenko, in addition to more exciting boxing to come in 2018, fight fans can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, 包括優質系列, 電影以及更多, 低至 $9.95 每月.




Venum (www.venum.com) has been named the official gloves and apparel of SUPERBOX LIVE.






www.konightboxing.com, www.internationalboxingassociation.com




嘰嘰喳喳: @NicoMHernandez, @KONightBoxing, @SCSportsTV, Kansas_Star, KansasStarArena, @IntegratedPPV, @Fitetv, @NeonStarSE, @DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella

Super Channel to launch boxing series, “SUPERBOX LIVE” 五月 19 in Kansas

Launching new series

Inaugural Event

星期六, 五月 19, 2018 * 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT
LIVE on Super Channel & 按次付費 (我們)
中美. Olympian Nico Hernandez in IBA World flyweight title fight



埃德蒙頓, 加拿大 (四月 25, 2018)Super Channel has announced the formation of a new live boxing series, SUPERBOX LIVE, debuting Saturday, 五月 19, 與聯想 KO Night Boxing LLC, from Kansas Star Casino in Mulvane, 堪薩斯州,




國際拳擊協會 (IBA) Americas flyweight champion 尼科·埃爾南德斯 (4-0, 3 科斯) 將在 Szilveszter Kanalas (14-7, 9 科斯) for the vacant IBA World Flyweight Championship in the 12-round main event.




Wichita-native Hernandez captured a bronze medal at the 2016 奧運會. 兩年前, Kanalas became one of the youngest (17) world champions ever, when he defeated fellow Hungarian boxer, 約瑟夫Ajtai, for the vacant World Boxing Federation (WBF) Super Flyweight World Championship.



The card will also feature two heavyweight showdowns as rising Canadian star 奧列克Teslenko (12-0, 10 科斯) faces an opponent to be determined on the televised broadcast, while Russian heavyweight prospect Andrey Afonin (5-0, 2 科斯) meets veteran Cuban fighter PedroEl Reguilete” 羅德里格斯 (23-4, 19 科斯).




Additional bouts will soon be announced for the televised portion of the May 19 事件.




綜合體育媒體將分發 “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes” 在美國使用電纜, 通過iN需求進行衛星和數字按次計費, 無處不在, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide on FITE.TV 應用程式和網站 (不包括加拿大) 對於只有一個建議零售價 $19.95.




觀看 “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakeslive in Canada, showcasing undefeated Canadian heavyweight Teslenko, as well as more exciting boxing to come in 2018, fight fans can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, 包括優質系列, 電影以及更多, 低至 $9.95 每月.




We have had tremendous success over the last two years airing live boxing on Super Channel from around the world,” 說 Don McDonald, 總統 & CEO of Super Channel. “This is why we felt on top of continuing to acquire events, we would start working directly with promoters. We have co-created the SUPERBOX LIVE series to further demonstrate Super Channel’s commitment to create original content that we can air and distribute worldwide.




Media executive Mike Garrow, who is the co-creator of SUPERBOX LIVE, has been appointed executive producer of the new series.




Events that fans will watch on SUPERBOX LIVE will showcase stars of tomorrow, as well as feature established fighters from around the globe,” Garrow commented. “Our series shows will take place in venues throughout North America. We look forward to working with various fighters, promotions, 經理, and sanctioning bodies to make SUPERBOX LIVE a ‘go-toshow for fight fans.




Venum (www.venum.com) has been named the official gloves and apparel of SUPERBOX LIVE.




We’re honored to be involved in SUPERBOX LIVE‘s inaugural event,” IBA president J.C. Courreges 評論. “With U.S. Olympian Nico Hernandez, our Americas champion, and an outstanding European boxer, Szilveszter Kanalas,matched in the main event, ‘High Stakeswill make history as the first World Championship ever held in Kansas.



長, prestigious list of IBA world champions during the past quarter-century includes Hall-of-Famers Oscar de la Hoya, 喬治·福爾曼, Roberto Duran and Arturo Gatti, as well as stars such as Roy Jones, 小, 伯納德·霍普金斯大學, 巴蒂爾莫斯利, 詹姆斯·托尼, Mikkel Kessler, Eric Morales, 科拉萊斯迭戈, 何塞·路易斯·卡斯蒂略, Glen Johnson and Antonio Tarver.






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超級頻道的使命是通過提供獨特的獨家娛樂體驗來娛樂和吸引加拿大觀眾. 以誠信和問責為核心基礎, 我們致力於實施創新的節目策略和無與倫比的團隊合作,為觀眾提供非凡的價值和多樣性.




超級頻道歸Allarco Entertainment所有 2008 公司, 一家位於埃德蒙頓的媒體公司.




超級電視目前可在貝爾電視上播放, 邵氏直接, 羅傑斯Anyplace TV, 邵氏電纜, Cogeco電纜, 存取通訊, 貝爾·艾倫電視, 源電纜, 薩斯通電話, MTS, Novus, 東聯, TELUS, Videotron, Westman Communications和其他區域提供商.







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About KO NIGHT Boxing LLC




KO Night Boxing is an emerging combat sports promotional company whose core value isFighters First!” KO Night Boxing produces live events for CBS Sports Network. Follow us on Twitter @KONightBoxing