分类存档: 斯派克电视



SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亚州. (十一月. 7, 2016) - 的提前一周 “Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 在圣何塞SAP中心, 加利福尼亚州。, Bellator MMA是高兴地宣布,万众瞩目的职业混合武术登场 凯文“宝贝切片”弗格森JR. 会反对 亚伦汉密尔顿 在卡片上月初步部分期间量级回合. 19.

本次大赛锚电动初步卡和连接,具有一个轻量级世界冠军的主要事件点蚀电流冠军穗电视主卡 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) 针对 本森亨德森 (24-6). 在当晚的合作主要事件, 不败英国杰出人才 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (11-0) 和加州的自己 冈萨雷斯 (25-13) 一决高下的次中量级和惊悚片 亚当Piccolot (8-0) 发生在 布兰登Girtz(14-4) 在一个轻量级的冲突. 最后, 光重量级对决点蚀 林顿的“群”瓦塞尔 (16-5) 针对 弗朗西斯Carmont (14-4) 和女轻量级行动蚀 凯丽·梅伦德斯 (登场) 针对 希拉·帕迪拉 (2-0) 还设置了主卡.

“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 架子生活和自由 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT斯派克并完成冠军战连续三周维亚康姆拥有的网络上. 该事件门票仍然有售,可以在购买 Bellator.com, 以及SAP中心售票处及票务.

后原本被提名,使他的专业首演在两个 “Bellator 160”“Bellator 162,“‘宝贝切片’现在看向他展示微调混合武术套路上 十一月. 19. 已故的儿子, 伟大的“Kimbo切片,奇科皮一个业余比赛中”取得了MMA界引起轰动, 马萨诸塞州, 在那里,他发表了残酷的淘汰赛冲刚 1:23 进入第一轮. 在什么是毫无疑问的人们谈论最多的促销历史上一个亮相, 切片希望大洲他的业余成功与专业电路与弘扬传统,他的父亲让后面一个难忘的表现. 从迈阿密海陵, 佛罗里达, 团队美体小铺的产品现在有他的眼睛对加盟的队友设置 A.J. 麦基 作为Bellator MMA的顶尖年轻前景之一.

汉密尔顿在他加州的家国家再次竞争, 对格里芬最大的喜欢以前的较量后,. “蛇”会使得无论他Bellator MMA的首演和次中量级登场, 作为185磅的猛男尝试减磅什么肯定是他职业生涯中最大的打击. 汉密尔顿最后比赛在三月和希望破坏片的期待已久的首次亮相.


完成“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基兆业”主卡:

轻量级世界冠军的主要事件: 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) VS. 本森亨德森 (24-6)

重量级的合作主要事件: 迈克尔页 (11-0) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (25-13)

轻重量级特征回合: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (25-11)

轻量级特征回合: 亚当Piccolot (8-0) VS. 布兰登Girtz (14-4)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 凯丽 - 安妮·泰勒·梅伦德斯 (登场) VS. 希拉·帕迪拉 (2-0)



重量级初步回合: 凯文·弗格森JR. (登场) VS. 亚伦汉密尔顿 (0-2)

轻量级初步回合: 卡林顿银行 (5-0) VS. 杰克·罗伯茨 (7-0)

中量级初步回合: 迭戈赫尔佐格 (3-2) VS. 尼克·皮卡 (5-0)

轻量级初步回合: 耶利米·莫纳汉 (9-5) VS. 文斯·默多克 (8-2)

重量级初步回合: 詹姆斯·特里 (17-9) VS. 贾斯廷·巴斯曼 (19-10-1)

轻量级初步回合: 阿尔文Cacdac (16-12) VS. 史蒂夫·拉米雷斯 (5-1)

轻量级初步回合: J.J. Okanovich (2-1) VS. 路易斯·巴尔加斯 (登场)

羽初步回合: 维克多·琼斯 (0-2) VS. 汉密尔顿博 (1-7)

轻量级初步回合: 雨果·卢汉 (0-1) VS. 塞萨尔·冈萨雷斯 (登场)

次中量级“VOW”初步回合: 多米尼克苏美尔 (登场) VS. 贾斯汀·罗斯韦尔 (1-0)

重量级初步回合: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) VS. 德怀特·格兰特 (6-1)

飞锤初步回合: 萨拉·达莱奥 (10-6) VS. Jaimelene Nievera的 (4-1)

任务完成, 菲尔·戴维斯 (Phil Davis) 以五回合的统治性胜利夺得 BELLATOR MMA 冠军


完整的事件照片此处 / 完整的活动亮点在这里


安卡斯维尔, 康涅狄格州. (十一月. 4, 2016) – 这是美好的生活 菲尔·戴维斯 (17-3), 谁废黜了 利亚姆McGeary (11-1) 在周五“Bellator 163,” 夺得轻重量级冠军.

正如戴维斯期间多次出现的情况一样’ 辉煌的事业, 他的摔跤血统是决定因素, 取消伦佐·格雷西训练的前冠军的世界级柔术. 近25分钟, “先生. 精彩的” 继续对这位纽约人施加最大压力, 让麦吉尔感到沮丧并让他在第五轮也是最后一轮陷入绝望模式. 麦基里英勇奋战,阻止并提交了联盟 MMA 的长期产品, 但最后, 戴维斯以记分卡一致判定 50-43, 50-45, 50-44.

McGeary, 谁遭受了他年轻职业生涯的第一次失败, 因失败而谦卑, 承认虽然戴维斯在主要赛事的战斗中表现更好, 他会回来夺回他认为理应属于他的东西.

带着新腰带返回南加州的家, 戴维斯现在把目光投向了怀孕的妻子, 谁即将生下第二个儿子 周一.

布伦南病房 & 萨阿德·阿瓦德提供 90 几秒钟的纯粹暴力

在绝对的谷仓燃烧器中, 布伦南病房 你阿瓦德 针锋相对 86 他们一起共享 Bellator MMA 笼的秒数, 尽最大努力模仿 Rock Em’ 袜子 Em’ 机器人直到 “爱尔兰的” 捕捉 “刺客” 上勾拳将巴勒斯坦人的脸首先打入画布. 随着淘汰赛, 沃德在此次促销活动的历史击倒次数榜上排名第六, 现在他的目标是未来与 170 磅的精英选手对决.

Neiman Gracie 讲述 MMA 世界, 格雷西柔术’ 回来了

发现他们将在 SPIKE 上现场比赛少于 24 进入 Bellator MMA 笼前几个小时, 奈曼格雷西 (5-0) 作出快速的工作 鲁迪熊 (16-15), 锁在臂杆上 4:39 进入开口框架并迫使水龙头从 “坏消息。” 格雷西(Gracie)能够增加他令人印象深刻的提交记录, 现在已在 Bellator MMA 比赛的三场比赛中取得三场胜利, 包括一对第一轮提交的作品. 27岁的他也能取悦 罗伊斯格雷西, 谁在晚上结束了他的比赛.

贾维·阿亚拉 (Javy Ayala) 破坏了谢尔盖·哈利托诺夫 (Sergei Kharitonov) 的回归 16 秒

许多人认为这将是 MMA 运动的胜利回归 谢尔盖Kharitonov (23-6), Javy阿亚拉 (10-5) 破坏了那个, 右手上手后,俄罗斯重量级拳手被打倒在地 16 比赛开始几秒. 凭借这场胜利, “秀色可餐” 立即将自己投入到进一步的大型比赛中, 两者都被命名 鲍比·拉什利Matt Mitrione 在他的赛后采访中. 在他最近的两场比赛中, 这位北加州人在首轮比赛中通过补时终结了他的对手.


和露丝 (1-0) 打败 达斯汀·柯林斯-迈尔斯 (0-1) 通过TKO (拳) 在 3:19 of round one

泰瑞尔财富 (1-0) 打败 科迪·米斯克尔 (0-1) 通过TKO (拳) 在 2:22 of round one

蒂姆·卡隆 (6-0) 打败 史蒂夫·斯克扎特 (8-9) 通过在将军澳 1:22 of round one

汉娜·雷吉娜 (1-0) 打败 萨拉支付 (1-4) 通过提交 (可怜的酒吧) 在 4:51 of round one

蒂姆·卡隆 (6-0) 打败 史蒂夫·斯克扎特 (8-9) 通过在将军澳 1:22 第二轮的

布莱尔Tugman (9-6) 打败 沃尔特·史密斯,Cotito (4-5, 1 NC) 通过一致决定 (29-28)

克里斯托弗·福斯特 (10-4) 打败 托马斯·英格利希 (6-7) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

泰勒·金 (12-4) 打败 约什 - 狄克曼 (15-8, 1 NC) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 1:39 第二轮的

卡洛斯·科里亚 (2-0) 打败 伊利亚Kotau (1-2) 通过分裂的决定 (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

维尼修斯·德热苏斯 (5-1) 打败 詹姆斯·博兰 (6-1) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 1:55 圆 2



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十一月 1, 2016) – A light heavyweight bout pitting 菲利普林斯 (10-1) 针对 彼得罗·卡佩利 (2-1) and a middleweight fight between 约翰·索尔特 (12-3) 和 克劳迪奥·安尼基亚里科 (1-4) 已添加到 “Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2,” which will feature both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands emanating from the Mandela Forum in Florence on Dec. 10.

The evening is highlighted by a main event middleweight world title rematch pitting 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) 针对 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC). 此外, Italy’s own 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) 和 乔伊·“吸毒者”·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC) will duke it out in a light heavyweight feature fight. “Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” will air on SPIKE at 4下午ET/PT.

A native of Florence, 意大利, Cappelli has made an immediate splash in MMA, earning consecutive victories following his professional debut in 2015. Cappelli’s first career win came at the expense of Andrzej Kulik, when the 32-year-old delivered a brutal first round knockout. He then parlayed the emphatic victory with another first round finish, displaying his noteworthy ground game with a keylock submission just one minute and one second into the bout. With a noticeable message reading “unscarred” across his stomach, the Italian competitor prepares to dive in head first with a challenging matchup against the veteran Lins in his Bellator MMA debut.

The 31-year-old Lins will enter the cage for the 12th time in his career and fifth since making his Bellator MMA debut in 2014. 来自巴西海陵, Lins began his professional career on a nine-fight winning streak, finishing opponents in seven of the victories. “Monstro” has recorded a trio of significant victories since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion, including two first round finishes and his most recent knockout win over fellow Brazilian competitor 威廉·维亚纳“Bellator 159: 考德威尔 VS. Taimanglo.” Lins hopes to build off of his big win and silence a crowd that will be heavily in favor of his Italian opponent Cappelli.

Fresh off of his first career victory, a first round knockout over Ilyrian Hoxhay, the 32-year-old Annicchiarico looks to continue his success when he enters the cage for the first time under the direction of Bellator MMA. The Italian middleweight will face a difficult first test in Salter, a 15-fight veteran that hasn’t been defeated since 2012. With a pair of submission defeats to Salter’s name, look for Annicchiarico to take the fight to the ground and grind it out there.

The former Strikeforce competitor Salter will make his third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, after recording victories in his first two bouts with the promotion. He is riding a recent string of success, having won four consecutive contests and seven of his past eight. Over his seven-year career, the 31-year-old Nashville, 天恩, native has collected a dozen professional victories, recording finishes in all. 与他的九个 12 career wins coming in the opening round of action, Salter is known to be one of the quickest strikers in the division and most recently finished former middleweight champion Brandon Halsey.


完成“Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” Card:

量级世界冠军布特: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) VS. 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

轻重量级功能扑灭: 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) VS. 乔伊·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC)

轻重量级功能扑灭: 菲利普林斯 (10-1) VS. 彼得罗·卡佩利 (2-1)

中量级特征战: 约翰·索尔特 (12-3) VS. 克劳迪奥·安尼基亚里科 (1-4)

帕特里克·皮特布尔 (Patricky PITBULL) 对阵德里克·坎波斯 (DEREK CAMPOS) 的轻量级复赛是永星世界赌场内 BELLATOR 双打比赛第二晚的主要赛事 & 采取



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (十一月 1, 2016) – 未公开的伤害 帕特·柯伦, 原本预定对战的是谁 约翰·特谢拉(20-1-2), 为轻量级主赛事进站打开了大门 Patricky斗犬 (16-8) 针对 德里克场 (17-6) WinStar 世界赌场内特别双打比赛的第二天晚上 & 度假村在Thackerville, 行。, 上 星期六, 十二月 3.


代替受伤的前羽量级冠军, 特谢拉现在将面对 贾斯汀·劳伦斯 (9-3) 在主卡动作中. 此外, Bellator MMA 很高兴地宣布三届全美摔跤新秀的职业首秀 贾罗德·特里斯, 谁来挑战 布兰登·李 (4-1) 在 Bellator.com 直播预赛卡期间.

第二天晚上的娱乐活动—— “贝拉托 167” – 与不败的新晋超级巨星进行蝇量级比赛 Ilima雷·麦克法兰 (4-0) 针对 艾米丽·杜科特(Emily Ducote) (4-1), 以及 赤帝Njokuani (15-4, 1 NC) 与 安德鲁·菲奥霍 (7-0) 在斯派克电视转播的主卡上进行三轮次中量级比赛.


轻量级世界冠军重赛将与现任冠军进行较量 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (18-4) 针对 乔·沃伦 (14-5) 以及一场羽量级的比赛,让不败的前景 A.J. 麦基 (5-0) 针对 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-3) 将凸显第一个夜晚的兴奋 “贝拉托 166。”最后, 之间的轻量级回合 马科斯加尔旺 (17-7-1) 和 C.R。. 戴维斯 (23-7) 也将出现在双赛开幕之夜的主卡上.


独特的双赛赛事门票只需 $45 并可在 WinStar 世界赌场购买 & 度假村售票处, 以及票务和Bellator.com.


“Bellator 167: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯 2” 周六在 SPIKE 上免费直播 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT。, 而 “Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2"免费直播 在周五 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. 两项赛事的预赛均将直播 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用.


这位 30 岁的巴西球星在职业生涯的辉煌起步后最初引起了促销活动的注意, 他在前八场比赛中赢得了七场胜利. 现在是 Bellator MMA 16 场比赛的老将, 弗莱雷在过去九场比赛中赢了六场,参加了比赛, 包括淘汰赛区强队 瑞安时装, 大卫Rickels, 最引人注目的是德里克·坎波斯(Derek Campos)在两年前两人的第一次争吵中. 第二轮战胜坎波斯,是他职业生涯第二次被对手击倒. 弗莱雷已经组建了一个明星 2016 运动, 战胜 Couture 和 Kevin Souza, 以及轻量级冠军争夺战 迈克尔·钱德勒. “比特犬”将在与同样经过考验的老将坎波斯的较量中展现强劲表现,进一步巩固自己在赛区精英赛中的地位.


在未公开的受伤之前, 坎波斯最初定于在意大利与“比特犬”进行复赛。 “贝拉特 152” 但现在这位 28 岁的德克萨斯人将在离本垒更近的地方进行复仇. 来自拉伯克, 得克萨斯州, “种马”在过去的八场比赛中获胜 11 结束, 包括淘汰梅尔文·吉拉德和埃斯特万·帕扬. 具有专业记录 3-1 在Thackerville, 包括 KOTC 青少年次中量级冠军 2012, 坎波斯明确声称拥有永星世界赌场 & 度假村是他的家外之家. 目前取得了一系列的成功, 坎波斯将寻求延续他目前的两连胜,并继续他在 OK 的统治地位.


29 岁的特谢拉继续在 Bellator MMA 羽量级级别中扬名, 继三连胜后,他将在升级的指导下第四次出场. 类似于他的对手, 特谢拉最近也取得了一系列成功,也步入了笼子, 赢得了过去八场比赛中的七场, 包括首轮淘汰赛的三人组. 在加入 Bellator MMA 之前, 特谢拉只在巴西开始了他的职业生涯, 创下不败纪录 12-0 一平局. 即将到来的比赛只是特谢拉九年职业生涯中第四次在祖国巴西以外的地方进行比赛. 同 14 他 19 事业胜利所击倒或提交的方式来, 在这场令人垂涎欲滴的对决中,你一定能看到“马卡帕”早早且频繁地发起最后一击.


最近有消息称帕特·库兰因未公开的受伤而被迫退出, 劳伦斯同意顶替特谢拉的位置. 在 Strikeforce 的指导下开始他的职业生涯, 劳伦斯在 Bellator MMA 强大的羽量级部门找到了归宿. 自去年加入斯科特·科克 (Scott Coker) 领导的促销活动以来,《美国小子》已经在精彩片段中击败了两场比赛, 包括他最近的胜利 小林勋“Bellator 157: 炸药2。” 这是他年轻职业生涯的第五次胜利,也是淘汰赛中的第四次. 追溯到 2013, 这位26岁的前锋在过去六场比赛中赢了五场, 其中三人是通过淘汰赛获得的. 来自太平洋, 密苏里州, 这位前UFC选手将寻求与特谢拉的另一个强敌对抗.


三届全美摔跤新秀贾罗德·特里斯将迎来他备受期待的职业首秀, 继今年早些时候他最近与促销签约之后. 特莱斯加入 亚伦微微, 和露丝泰瑞尔财富 作为最近签约的几位选手,他们组成了新一波才华横溢的摔跤前景涌入 Bellator MMA. 底特律, 密歇根人在中央密歇根大学参加比赛, 他还获得了国家冠军 120 公斤和两个希腊罗马国家冠军, 与一个在 120 千克,另一个在 98 公斤。这位27岁的人在令人印象深刻的50磅减肥转型后也取得了巨大成功, 在需要严格体重纪律的运动中肯定会派上用场的东西.


克林顿之战, 行。, 当李在 WinStar 世界赌场首次亮相时,他不必走很远的 Bellator MMA 首秀 & 度假村在Thackerville, 上 十二月 3. 这位 41 岁的重量级人物迄今为止已经取得了巨大的成功, 在地区晋升的指导下,他在职业生涯的五场比赛中取得了四场胜利. “送葬者”在他的四场职业胜利中每一场都在首轮击败了对手, 包括在今年早些时候他最近一场胜利中惨遭淘汰. 李将降级至 205 磅级别进行他的促销首秀, 期待破坏顶级前景 Jarod Trice 及其广受关注的职业首秀的派对.


完成“Bellator 167: 比特犬VS. Campos 2” 主卡:

轻量级主赛事: Patricky“斗犬”弗莱雷 (16-8) VS. 德里克场 (17-6)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 伊利玛·麦克法兰 (4-0) VS. 艾米丽·杜科特(Emily Ducote) (4-1)

次中量级功能回合: 赤帝Njokuani (15-4, 1 NC) VS. 安德鲁·菲奥霍 (7-0)

羽初步回合: 约翰·特谢拉 (19-1-2) VS. 贾斯汀·劳伦斯 (9-3)



轻重量级的初步回合: 贾罗德·特里斯 (登场) VS. 布兰登·李 (4-1)

重量级初步回合: 阿卜杜勒·拉扎克·阿尔·哈桑 (5-0) VS. 达科他科克伦 (26-10)

轻量级预赛: 乔纳森·加里 (11-6) VS. 亚伦·罗伯森 (5-4)

羽初步回合: 布兰登·飞利浦 (6-2) 斯蒂芬Banaszak (5-5)

重量级初步回合: 贾斯汀·帕特森 (7-1) VS. 科代尔·福特 (11-8)

重量级初步回合: 冈萨雷斯 (登场) VS. 克里斯·希克斯 (3-8)

丹尼·加西亚 & Omar Douglas Media Workout Quotes & 照片

Undefeated World Champion Danny Garcia Faces Colombia’s Samuel Vargas in Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Main Event 星期六, 十一月 12 从费城天普大学 Liacouras 中心出发
点击 这里 for Photos from
(More photos to be added shortly)
费城 (十一月 1, 2016) – 不败的世界冠军 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 held a media workout at his gym in Philadelphia on Tuesday as he prepares for his 总理拳击冠军 Spike showdown with Colombia’s 塞缪尔·巴尔加斯 发生 星期六, 十一月 12 来自费城天普大学 Liacouras 中心.
Also in attendance at Tuesday’s workout was undefeated rising prospect 奥马尔·道格拉斯, who battles former world champion 哈维尔财神 in PBC on Spike action that same night.
在穗电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT 和不败的后起之秀 贾勒特赫德 against former title challenger 乔乔丹 在超次中量级景点.
门票现场活动, 由 DSG Promotions 和 King’s Promotions 推广, 售价为 $200, $100, $75, $50 和 $35 与现已公开发售. 如需购买门票,请访问 LiacourasCenter.com/events 或致电 800-298-4200.
Garcia has teamed up during this promotion with 菲拉邦丹斯, 该地区最大的饥饿救济组织, 安排区域美食活动, 收集最需要的物品, 例如金枪鱼和蔬菜. 鼓励球迷将罐头食品送到利亚科拉斯中心 (1776 北布罗德街) 和 DSG 拳击馆 (3731 贾斯珀街). 另外, $10 每张售出的门票均已捐赠,并将提供 20 每张票为有需要的人提供餐食.
Here is what the participants had to say Tuesday:
“这感觉太棒了将在主场作战. This is what Philadelphia needed. We’re a fight town. I feel like people don’t know that all over the world. We have a great history and a lot of world champions from here, and they’ve been kind of been overshadowed. It’s an honor to be able to bring a fight back to these fans.
It’s very important to give back. I’m so happy to have the opportunity. With Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner I’m sure we’ll be making a big impact. There are a lot of families in Philadelphia who really need it and I’m glad I can help.
I’m very lucky to be where I am. It takes a lot of hard work, but you also need the right timing. My dad and I had a vision. We never gave up on that vision. We’ve been through so much in life, we didn’t want to stop till we reached our goals.
The city of Philadelphia needs a champion. They need someone to give them a hometown show. There’s a lot of excitement with the Eagles and Sixers right now, and I’m going to give them another thing to cheer for.
It’s a very short trip for me to the arena so I’m happy about that. I feel comfortable. I’m in my own backyard. We’re planning to make sure Vargas is very uncomfortable.
I love seeing these young kids from Philadelphia on the card. I love giving them an opportunity to get fights in front of their hometown fans too. There are a lot of doors opening up for young fighters from Philadelphia and I love that I can be a part of it.
I know Billy Briscoe (巴尔加斯’ 训练者) will have some tricks. We’re very familiar with each other and I know what kind of trainer he is. He’s never prepared to face someone like me.
I’ve watched the tape on Vargas. He’s a gritty fighter. He’s definitely a tough guy who won’t give up. I have to be ready. I’m going to have to be prepared. I feel ready to go.
I had to grow into 140-pounds before I started knocking people out. This will be my third fight at welterweight and I think I’m going to feel as good as I have in my career. That’s why we’re ready to take on the best.
This is just a task. I’ve been preparing for this moment all my life. Ever since I was eight-years-old. Not to take anything away from Fortuna, but he’s a gatekeeper in the division. I have to get through him to get to what I want.
Camp has been camp. It’s rough at times but it’s part of the process. I embrace it all though. I love being in camp. I’m bored when I’m not at camp so I’m definitely happiest when I’m in the gym.
My weight is on point and on target. We’re just slowing it down and getting ready to make sure I’m peaking on fight night.
Being able to fight in Philadelphia means the world to me. This is where I started my boxing career. I’ve been coming up the highway from Delaware to fight since I was a kid. Now a win here can propel me to another level.
Fortuna is where I want to be at. I want to get through him. I can’t look past him. I’m focused on Javier Fortuna and writing another chapter in my story.
You can expect a very exciting fight on 十一月 12. Hopefully he’s everything that people claim he is. I know that I am and I’m definitely going to come out on top.
ANGEL GARCIA, 丹尼的父亲 & 训练者
There are people in this country who don’t have food. My parents were farmers when they came to this country. When I was a child I was hungry. I ran around with no shoes and I wore my brother’s clothes. The first thing Danny and I do when we get in the ring is say a prayer and bow our heads for the kids in the world with nothing to eat. I always told Danny and my family to appreciate whatever we have gotten. We’re using our position now to make a difference.
Danny is completely ready for this fight. He’s healthy and on track to make weight. We’ll be in the ring on 十一月 12 and I think that if Samuel Vargas comes to fight and stands toe-to-toe with Danny, we’re going to end the night early.
We’ve brought in a lot of young prospects and guys with more experience for Danny to spar. I try to mix it up on Danny and keep him 100 %的准备. We can’t take anything away from Vargas though. I know Danny is a very talented fighter and he gives me what I want. 他一直在学习.
We don’t watch a lot of tape. My job is not to watch the opponent, it’s to train Danny Garcia. You can’t forget about what your fighter does well.
These are big things for Danny. He’s the champion and he should be on exciting cards like this. We’re looking to keep building and building his career.
We’re keeping Danny focused. He knows that he can’t underestimate anybody. We take every opponent very seriously. 该 32 people that he fought before were taken just as seriously as Vargas. We don’t change anything or take anything away. I make sure his circle is tight and that camp is focused.
I’m happy because headlining in Philadelphia is Danny’s dream. What makes Danny happy makes me happy. That’s what it’s about at the end of the day.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/英超 - 拳击冠军. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. 使用 #fight4philly 关注对话. 中国人民银行穗被电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.

前分区冠军马科斯·加尔沃重返对阵 L.C. 戴维斯在永星世界赌场举行的 BELLATOR MMA 双打比赛开幕之夜 & 采取



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (十月 31, 2016) – 最轻量级特色战斗坑 马科斯加尔旺 (17-7-1) 针对 C.R。. 戴维斯 (23-7) 以及一场中量级的冲突 克里斯·哈尼科特 (8-1, 1 NC) 和 本·瑞特 (17-1-1) 已被添加到的主卡 “Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2" 永星世界赌场内 & 度假村在Thackerville, 行。, 上 十二月 2.

第一晚的娱乐活动—— “Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2" — 将在现任冠军之间进行最轻量级世界冠军重赛 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (18-4) 和前皮带架 乔·沃伦 (14-5). 此外, 一场羽量级的冲突让不败的前景陷入困境 A.J. 麦基 (5-0) 针对 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-3) 还将在 SPIKE 电视卡上免费直播.

独特的双赛赛事门票只需 $45 并可在 WinStar 世界赌场购买 & 度假村售票处, 以及票务和Bellator.com.

“Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2" 免费直播 在周五 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. “贝拉托 167” 免费直播 周六 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. 两项赛事的预赛均将直播 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用. 另外的较量将在未来几周内公布.

巴西巨星马科斯·加尔沃 (Marcos Galvao) 重返赛场,赢得了过去九场比赛中的七场胜利,并准备好再次冲击分区冠军. 来自亚马逊, 巴西, 虚幻的“Loro”在过去七年里只完成了一次, 相反,他在五场比赛中击败了对手 11 同期获胜. 现在 Galvao 重返 WinStar 世界赌场 & 度假村, 在同一场地,他与乔·沃伦(Joe Warren)战斗并击败了雏量级金牌 “贝拉托 135。” 随后, 沃伦还将准备参加 “Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦2” 他和爱德华多·丹塔斯将在主赛事中对决. 不用说, 34岁的加尔沃将有巨大的获胜动力, 他曾经拥护的分区在萨克维尔占据了主导地位.

戴维斯第五次以 Bellator MMA 名义参加比赛, 在晋级的前四场比赛中取得三场胜利. 这位35岁的雏量级选手在比赛中击败了对手 15 他 23 职业生涯胜, 含 11 在首轮. 过去九场比赛中有七场获胜, 堪萨斯城, 密苏里州本地人始终发现自己处于与该部门顶级竞争者的对话中. 戴维斯希望复制他最近战胜常郎秀雄时所取得的成功。 “Bellator 135,” 他的分歧判定胜利被标记为雅虎! 体育界的“半年最佳战斗”。这位前普拉特社区学院摔跤教练现在面临着一个机会,在与摔跤界最好的选手之一的一场精彩对决中提升排名。.

Bellator MMA 六场比赛老将, 霍尼卡特在晋升期间的前两次出场给人留下了深刻的印象, 记录连续淘汰赛. 弗雷斯诺的战斗, 加利福尼亚州。, 这位28岁的淘汰赛艺术家以令人印象深刻的六连胜开始了他的职业生涯, 包括五次完赛和四次淘汰赛. “The Cutt”在他的 Bellator MMA 首秀中成功过渡到次中量级 2014, 在他最近一次胜利中回到中量级之前 米克尔我说话“贝拉托 156。”

在完成职业首秀后 2011, 赖特在职业生涯第一次失利之前取得了十六场胜利. 这位 29 岁的纽约人职业生涯早期主要在秘鲁比赛, 在印加格斗锦标赛的指导下进行战斗, 在加入 Bellator MMA 比赛之前 2014. 自从在斯科特·科克领导的组织中首次亮相以来, “猎人”在他已经令人印象深刻的履历上又增添了三场胜利, 他很快发现自己跻身该师的精英之列. 与他的九个 17 事业胜利所击倒或提交的方式来, 赖特希望在萨克维尔举行的两晚特别双打比赛的第一场比赛中再次取得好成绩,从而增加总成绩, 行. 身高六尺三寸, 赖特将寻求让他的对手霍尼卡特在身高和臂展上都具有显着优势.


完成“Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. Warren 2” 主卡:

最轻量级世界冠军主赛事: 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (18-4) VS. 乔·沃伦 (14-5)

轻量级联赛: A.J. 麦基 (5-0) VS. 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-3)

轻量级特征回合: 马科斯加尔旺 (17-7-1) VS. C.R。. 戴维斯 (23-7)

中量级功能赛: 克里斯·哈尼科特 (8-1, 1 NC) VS. 本·瑞特 (17-1-1)



羽初步回合: Treston Thomison (9-4) VS. 雷·伍德 (7-2)

轻量级初步回合: 克里斯·琼斯 (10-4) VS. 德里克·阿德金斯 (7-2)

轻重量级的初步回合: 肯尼迪·恩泽库库 (登场) VS. 乔恩·莱尔 (2-0)

重量级初步回合: 机会相遇 (8-2) 列维女王 (8-3)

中量级初步回合: 格雷戈里·巴本 (17-11) VS. 埃米利亚诺索尔迪 (14-5)

Javier Fortuna vs. Omar Douglas Camp Notes

Fortuna vs. Douglas Featured on Premier Boxing Champions on Spike
星期六, 十一月 12 From Temple University’s Liacouras Center
9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT
费城 (十月 27, 2016) – 前世界冠军 哈维尔财神 (30-1-1, 22 科斯) and undefeated rising contender 奥马尔·道格拉斯 (17-0, 12 科斯) are set to meet in a pivotal matchup as both men look to make a statement when they meet on 星期六, 十一月 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in 总理拳击冠军 Spike 行动.
电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT and is headlined by undefeated world champion 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 承担哥伦比亚 塞缪尔·巴尔加斯. Also featured in televised action is undefeated rising star 贾勒特赫德 与前冠军挑战者战斗 乔乔丹. 加西亚正在与 菲拉邦丹斯, 该地区最大的饥饿救济组织, 安排区域食品活动并在整个促销活动中筹集资金. 有关如何参与的更多信息, 访问活动网页 这里.
门票现场活动, 由 DSG Promotions 和 King’s Promotions 推广, 售价为 $200, $100, $75, $50 和 $35 与现已公开发售. 如需购买门票,请访问 LiacourasCenter.com/events 或致电 800-298-4200.
The former champion Fortuna and the unbeaten Douglas will meet in a 50-50 fight that could put the winner in a position to fight for a world title soon. Fortuna is known for his aggressive style while Douglas looks to impress against his toughest opponent to date.
这里是战士不得不说训练营, 彼此更:
How has training camp gone for this fight?
哈维尔财神: I’m having an excellent training camp. We’re working hard and figuring out how to break down my opponent. Hector Bermudez does a great job and I’m very comfortable training here in Boston. I’ve gotten great sparring with guys like Will Madero and Alden Whatley. I’m going to be just as strong in the final round as I was in the first.
奥马尔·道格拉斯: “训练一直进行得非常顺利. I was already working and staying sharp, because I knew a big fight was on the horizon. Training in Delaware with Douglas Petitford has been great for me and I’ve had incredible sparring. I’ve been in there getting rounds with (2016 中美. 奥林匹亚) Gary Antuanne Russell and a veteran in Hank Lundy.
What do you think of your opponent and how do you see this fight going stylistically?
JF: “Douglas is a prospect who has looked pretty good coming up. He wants to get to where I’ve been. He might be looking past me. I think that his style fits my style perfectly. I’m going to have openings and I just need to take advantage.
OD: Fortuna is a very decent and explosive fighter. He’s a former world champion and I expect him to stand up and get back what he thinks is his. He wants his rematch with Sosa and we are in each other’s way. He’s a frontrunner in the ring. He will try to start strong and I am prepared for whatever he brings to the table. Whether he boxes or fights me. I will make adjustments.
What kind of problems does your opponent pose?
JF: The only problem that he will pose is if he doesn’t show up and fight. I’m ready for anything he can bring, so I hope he’s ready to give the fans a show.
OD: He moves well. I can’t let myself get off-balanced trying to chase him. He’s awkward but I know that my jab will neutralize his strengths.
What are you looking for in the future if you can get the win on November 12? What are your goals for 2017?
JF: I want to fight the best out there. My first choice is a rematch with Jason Sosa so that I can win my belt back. I’d love to fight Vasyl Lomachenko. I don’t think he’s fought a guy quite like me yet.
OD: “我想一个世界冠军的争夺. That’s the goal. He is a former champion who just lost his title and 2017 is my year to make a run for a title.
How have you improved as a fighter since your loss? Do you believe a win over Douglas proves you’re still one of the best in the division?
JF: I have learned a lot of things since I lost. My defense and my confidence in myself has improved. If I can beat a guy who is 22-0 and make it two wins over previously unbeaten fighters, then I think I’m right back in contention. He’s still considered a prospect so I think whoever wins will be a contender at the top of the division.
How does fighting in Philadelphia motivate you, having fought there in the amateurs and being from nearby Delaware?
OD: In the amateurs I was one of the only guys from Delaware. I had a lot of obstacles. I’ve been fighting against Philly’s best fighters for years. Philadelphia is where I achieved my first goals in the sport and it will always be special to me to fight in Philly.
Why do you believe you’ll be victorious on fight night?
JF: With the work that I’ve been putting in, I know that I will be ready on fight night. I’ve been through too much not to leave the ring victorious.
OD: I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life and I believe I am the hungrier fighter. He doesn’t want it as badly as I do. I’ve been waiting in the shadows for a long time. I have all the skills necessary to get the job done.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/英超 - 拳击冠军. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. 使用 #fight4philly 关注对话. 中国人民银行穗被电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.



B170_1920x1080_tuneinEXCLUSIVE PRESALES BEGIN 明天 AT 12 下午PST


SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十月 27, 2016) – It’s a fight that many mixed martial arts fans thought they’d never see, 但 一月 21, 2017, 两 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (18-12-1) 和 Chael Sonnen的 (28-14-1) will return to action inside the beautifully renovated Forum in Inglewood, 加利福尼亚州。, 头条 “Bellator 170: VS奥尔蒂斯. Sonnen.” In college, the two met on the wrestling mat, in a matchup that Sonnen won by pinning Ortiz on his birthday. 现在, Ortiz will have the opportunity to avenge that loss when the compete in the Bellator MMA cage on SPIKE.

Tickets for this massive event go on sale to the general public 明天, 星期五, 十月. 28 在Bellator.com, 以及Ticketmaster.com, but if you are a member of Bellator Nation, you’ll have exclusive access to seats TODAY if you use the code “Bellator” when checking out.


本次活动将现场直播和免费秒杀 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和Bellator移动应用. 其他主赛和预赛卡牌比赛将在未来几周内公布.


Since shocking the world with his surprise signing with Bellator MMA last month, Sonnen has made it clear he wants to fight anyone and everyone – regardless of weight class, or anything else that could stand in his way. Sitting atop that list, is a name that has sat atop the sport of MMA practically since its inception, 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯.


Not one to shy away from any sort of challenge, “The Huntington Beach Bad Boy” wasted zero time welcoming “The American Gangster” to the fray as only he can, 由 responding to Sonnen’s call-out with open arms on his social media account.


Sonnen spent a vast majority of his 43-fight career with the UFC, a run where he competed against names the likes of Jon Jones, 安德森·席尔瓦 (2X), 拉沙德·埃文斯(Rashad Evans), “ Shogun” Rua, 德米安·马亚, 布赖恩·斯坦恩, and current middleweight champion Michael Bisping. In addition to his exploits inside the cage, 西林, 小时。, 本地人已经掌握了在镜头前的艺术, doing major broadcasting work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. 现在, after a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen looks to add to his impressive resume by defeating Ortiz.


Known to the masses as “The Huntington Beach Bad Boy” or “The People’s Champion” 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 是一个风扇喜爱世界各地. The former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion has always been one of the toughest competitors in the cage, utilizing his wrestling background; Ortiz is a grinder who defended his title an impressive five times. Always with a flair for the dramatic, 奥尔蒂斯曾在笼子里激烈的竞争与球员像肯三叶草, 查利德尔, 万德雷·席尔瓦, and Randy Couture. 最近, Ortiz challenged current Bellator MMA 205-pound champion 利亚姆McGeary“Bellator: 炸药1“。


更新了“Bellator 170: VS奥尔蒂斯. Sonnen” Main Card:

轻重量级的主要事件: 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (18-12-1) VS. Chael Sonnen的 (28-14-1)

投票给菲尔·戴维斯 2016 – 美国的绝佳选择

SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亚州. (十月. 25, 2016) - 嘿美国! 当我们接近 2016 总统选举, Bellator MMA 前往安卡斯维尔金神太阳体育场 (Mohegan Sun Arena), 康涅狄格州 星期五, 十一月 4 与今年最有趣的卡片之一. 成为此次活动的头条新闻, 菲尔“先生. 美妙的“戴维斯 正在竞选中,他正在准备与现任轻重量级冠军进行职业生涯中最大的一场比赛, 利亚姆McGeary.


在该卡的主要活动之前, Bellator 的数字团队与 Davis 和单口喜剧演员合作, 亚当·亨特, 制作六个原创数字活动视频的集合,并传达明确的信息:还有更好的选择! 补充数字短片, 球迷实际上可以通过按一下按钮为戴维斯投票 www.VoteForPhilDavis.com 直到战斗之夜 十一月 4. 同时, 观看下面这些“精彩”片段,看看为什么戴维斯在笼外的立场会让综合格斗再次伟大!


MMA 中最直言不讳的运动员之一, 戴维斯连续赢了三场比赛,并且在过去的九场比赛中赢了七场. 此外, 这位31岁的选手用一半的时间击败了对手 16 职业生涯胜, 包括五次降服胜利. 戴维斯凭借一场关键的胜利赢得了对麦吉尔的一击,并获得了令人垂涎的 205 磅腰带 “King Mo”“Bellator 154: 戴维斯VS. King Mo” 今年早些时候,. 参加过 13 场 UFC 比赛的老将, 戴维斯可能不会被金神太阳体育场的明亮灯光所困扰, 这可能是他辉煌职业生涯中最大的挑战. 期待这位前 NCAA 全国冠军摔跤手将这场比赛搬上舞台,在康涅狄格州拥挤的人群面前展示他无可挑剔的地面比赛.

















“Bellator 163: 麦基里 vs. 戴维斯”战斗卡

轻重量级世界冠军争夺战: 利亚姆McGeary (11-0) VS. 菲尔·戴维斯 (16-3)

重量级的合作主要事件: 你阿瓦德 (19-8) VS. 布伦南病房 (13-4)

次中量级功能回合: 保罗·戴利 (38-14-2) VS. 德里克·安德森 (14-2)

重量级特征回合: 谢尔盖Kharitonov (23-5) VS. Javy阿亚拉 (9-5)

羽特征回合: Marloes Coenen (23-7) VS. 塔利塔诺盖拉 (6-0)



中量级初步回合: 和露丝 (登场) VS. 马克·曼贾迪 (登场)

重量级的初步回合: 泰瑞尔财富 (登场) VS. 科迪·米斯克尔 (登场)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: 奈曼格雷西 (4-0) VS. 鲁迪熊 (16-14)

重量级的初步回合: 约什 - 狄克曼 (15-7, 1 NC) VS. 泰勒·金 (11-4)

羽初步回合: 布莱尔Tugman (8-6) VS. 沃尔特·史密斯,Cotito (4-4, 1 NC)

中量级初步回合: 迈克尔·齐歇尔 (8-4) VS. 蒂姆·卡隆 (5-0)

重量级初步回合: 伊利亚Kotau (1-1) VS. 卡洛斯·科里亚 (1-0)

飞锤初步回合: 萨拉支付 (1-3) VS. 汉娜·雷吉娜 (登场)

重量级初步回合: 基南雷蒙德 (3-3) VS. 谢玛·卡斯特罗 (登场)

重量级初步回合: 詹姆斯·博兰 (6-0) VS. 维尼修斯·德热苏斯 (4-1)

羽初步回合: 托马斯·英格利希 (6-6) VS. 克里斯托弗·福斯特 (9-4)

Undefeated Rising Star Jarrett Hurd Now Set to Face Former Title Challenger Jo Jo Dan in Super Welterweight Action Saturday, 十一月 12 on Premier Boxing Champions on Spike from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia

Jorge Cota Forced to Withdraw After Emergency Appendectomy
费城 (十月 26, 2016) – 不败的后起之秀 贾勒特赫德 (18-0, 12 科斯) will now match up against former title challenger 乔乔丹 (35-3, 18 科斯) 在一场 10 回合的对决中 总理拳击冠军 (PBC) Spike 星期六, 十一月. 12 来自费城天普大学 Liacouras 中心.
曾经被击败的竞争者 豪尔赫·科塔 was originally scheduled to face Hurd, but was forced to withdraw after an emergency appendectomy.
The event is headlined by Philadelphia’s own undefeated world champion 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚, who takes on Colombia’s 塞缪尔·巴尔加斯 在10轮的较量. 电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT and features a clash between former world champion 哈维尔财神 和不败的前景 奥马尔·道格拉斯.
门票现场活动, 由 DSG Promotions 和 King’s Promotions 推广, 售价为 $200, $100, $75, $50 和 $35 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Ten dollars from every ticket sold will go to Philabundance, feeding 20 people in need per ticket.
Hurd fights out of Accokeek, MD。, just south of Washington, D.C. and is perfect since entering the pro ranks in 2012. The 26-year-old has faced three straight undefeated fighters including a sixth-round stoppage of Frank Galarza in 2015 and a 10th-round TKO over Oscar Molina in the co-main event of the Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter card in June. The exciting boxer-puncher will look to continue his climb to a world title on November 12.
出生于罗马尼亚, 丹离开魁北克, Canada and hopes to stay perfect in his U.S. 郊游, having already won twice stateside. 亲自 2004, 丹在第一场比赛中保持不败 26 专业开始. He owns two impressive victories over Canadian rival Kevin Bizier and challenged Kell Brook for his welterweight title last year. Dan moved up to 154-pounds in his last fight, when he defeated veteran Rafal Jackiewicz by decision and he will look to announce his presence in the division when he faces Hurd on 十一月 12.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/英超 - 拳击冠军. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. 使用 #fight4philly 关注对话. 中国人民银行穗被电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.