标记档案: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略

彼得罗扬, 基尔霍尔茨, 海达, & BOLANOS 从 BELLATOR 跆拳道中脱颖而出 5 在都灵


四月 8, 2017

乔治·彼得罗相 (84-2-2, 1 NC) 击败阿曼西奥·帕拉希夫 (23-5-1) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 29-27, 30-26)

Giorgio Petrosyan 名言: “我花了很多时间研究这个对手,我觉得我很了解他的战斗风格,所以我能够制定一个可靠的游戏计划并成功执行它,” 彼得罗相说. “现在我期待着休息一下, 我们将让 Scott Coker 和 Carlo DiBlasi 决定我的下一步行动。”

彼得罗相 VS. 帕拉希夫照片

Denise Kielholtz (46-3) 击败玛蒂娜·米切莱托 (18-11-3) 通过一致决定 (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)

丹尼斯·基尔霍尔兹名言:胜利对我来说是一个美好的夜晚, 但这是一场艰苦的战斗. 她是一个更高的左撇子战士,她真的带来了它. 所有的回合都是为了我,这对我来说是最重要的. 保留这条腰带真是太好了, 这是我在这项运动中获得的最大奖项,我很荣幸成为 Bellator 的世界冠军,” 基尔霍尔兹 说. “真, 对我来说, Bellator是世界上最大的跆拳道组织, 他们真的很适合战士, 所以我很高兴能代表这家公司. 下次你在外面看到我时,可能会在 Bellator 笼子里打 MMA. 我们在训练的各个方面都非常努力,所以希望在夏天结束之前你会看到我与 MMA 战斗。”

基尔霍兹 VS. 米切莱托照片

约翰韦恩帕尔 (96-32) DEF. 南多·卡尔泽塔 (45-10) 通过头踢 2:59 圆的 2

约翰韦恩帕尔名言: “他很坚强, 他来打. 他想混合和交易,但我很乐意用手来做. 我以为我更敏锐一点, 但他有一个裂缝——他做得很好,希望这对人群来说很有趣,” 约翰韦恩帕尔说. “在这场比赛之前,我真的很想做一些令人印象深刻的事情并获得令人印象深刻的结束,因此获得头球淘汰赛就像灌篮一样. 我现在感觉像迈克尔乔丹. 我一直在看 Bellator,我只想成为这里的明星,希望今晚能在我的腰带上加分,帮助我实现这个梦想。”

帕尔VS. 卡尔泽塔照片

Mustapha Haida (46-5-2) 击败恩里克·凯尔 (45-12-1) 通过拆分决定 (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)

穆斯塔法·海达名言: 我为胜利感到非常高兴. 我想我在第二轮摔断了手或手腕,所以我不确定我是否能够完成战斗, 但我深挖并能够通过比赛,” 海达说. “在意大利为 Bellator 跆拳道而战对我来说是一次很棒的经历,我希望继续在这里战斗。”

海达 VS. 凯尔照片

加斯顿·博拉诺斯一致判定击败卢卡·迪桑托 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

加斯顿博拉诺斯名言: “今晚我来到了某人的家乡, 这家伙在跆拳道方面的经验比我多得多, 所以我对胜利很满意. 外面的节奏不一样. 我习惯了泰拳, 我一生都在练习. 尽管仍然是泰拳,但我已经打过几次没有肘部的战斗,所以这与我今晚所做的有点不同. 我刚参加了一场综合格斗比赛,所以我不得不改变我的整个训练营,但这就是我想做的,这就是 Bellator 为我提供的机会, 所以我会接受它并尽可能保持忙碌,” 博拉诺斯 说. “我要感谢 Bellator, 斯科特·科克尔, 我的教练 Kirian Fitzgibbons 和我在 CSA Gym 的团队为我提供了帮助并给了我在职业生涯中获得的所有机会. 我希望很快能在这里再打一场 MMA 并在那里发展节奏. 我想成为这两项运动中最大的明星,我知道我有机会和才能做到这一点。”

博拉诺斯 VS. 迪桑托照片




拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (14-1) 击败梅尔文·曼霍夫 (30-14) 通过头踢 3:15 圆的 4

拉斐尔·卡瓦略的名言: “最后一场战斗没有像我预期或公众预期的那样进行,” 卡瓦略说. “这场比赛我知道需要一个无可争议的胜利者,我很高兴我是那个带着胜利离开的人. 我将继续在 Bellator 捍卫我的中量级冠军头衔, 但我也有兴趣在我们的轻重量级比赛中进行一场超级战斗,或者在 Bellator Kickboxing 中进行一场比赛. 那对我来说会很有趣。”

卡瓦略VS. 曼霍夫战斗照片在这里

Anastasia Yankova (5-0) 击败埃琳娜·卡利奥尼杜 (5-2) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

引用阿纳斯塔西娅·扬科娃的话: “打完之后感觉还好. 我现在的脸看起来比上次打架后好多了,” 扬科娃说 “这并不完美,但我每天都在进步,我会继续和迈克一起努力训练 [斯威克] 在AKA泰国. 我正在努力减轻体重 125 磅. 我想很快成为 Bellator 的冠军。”

扬科娃 VS. 卡利奥尼杜战斗照片在这里

米尔恰·瓦列 (14-4) 击败 Djamil Chan (12-4) 通过多数决定 (29-28, 29-28, 28-28)

Valeriu Mircea 的名言: “我为自己在场上的表现感到非常自豪. 在整个战斗中保持冷静和耐心是我比赛计划的一部分,我很高兴得到了积极的结果,” 米尔恰 说. “我正在摆脱令人沮丧的膝伤,这让我只有一个半月的时间来准备. 胜利是甜蜜的,我很高兴我的牺牲带来了好的结果。”

米尔恰 VS. 陈斗照片在这里

米哈伊尔·尼卡 (6-0) 击败桑巴·库利巴利 (11-4) 通过 Anaconda Choke 在 0:36 圆的 1

米哈伊尔·尼卡的名言: “我感到非常积极和高兴,我的努力得到了回报,” 尼卡 说. “我期待着回到健身房 明天 提高我的技能. 我想在 Bellator 继续我不败的职业生涯, 也许很快在美国. 我认为在那里打架会很棒,因为那里的受欢迎程度. 我想成为意大利球迷的英雄,为这个国家的 MMA 欢呼并激发他们对 MMA 的热情。”

尼卡 VS. 库利巴利战斗照片在这里

今日 BELLATOR 的照片 176 和BELLATOR跆拳道 5 新闻发布会


即将举行的活动 星期六 在都灵, 意大利






TORINO, 意大利 – 双方的战士 Bellator 176: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2 Bellator Kickboxing 5 聚集在历史悠久的 Comune di Torino 参加在都灵的 Pala Alpitour 举行的活动的官方新闻发布会, 意大利. 除了战士, Bellator总统 斯科特·科克尔, 与 Okatagon 总统一起 卡洛·迪布拉西 和都灵体育部长 罗伯托·费纳尔迪, 都谈到了 星期六 预计夜数卡.

Bellator 176: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2 播出这个 星期六, 四月 8 对在穗 3 P.M. AND 并将紧随其后 Bellator Kickboxing 5, 播出时间 5 P.M. AND. 活动门票现已在 www.oktagon.it 并包括访问 Oktagon跆拳道 除了两个 Bellator 事件之外的事件.


Bellator 176 以中量级冠军争夺战为标题 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) 针对 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC) 还有俄罗斯的 Anastasia Yankova (4-0) 与 埃琳娜·卡利奥尼杜 (5-1).

Bellator Kickboxing 5 将在“医生”之间进行一场轻量级的较量 乔治·彼得罗相 (83-2-2, 1NC), 谁接手罗马尼亚老兵 阿曼西奥·帕拉希夫 (23-5-1) 和 Bellator Kickboxng 女子蝇量级世界冠军 Denise Kielholtz (46-3), 谁将首次捍卫自己的腰带,对抗 ISKA 和 WKU 世界冠军 玛蒂娜·米切莱托 (34-12-5).


更新 Bellator 176: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2 主卡:

量级世界冠军布特: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) VS. 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

女子标准重量级比赛: Anastasia Yankova (4-0) VS. 埃琳娜·卡利奥尼杜 (5-1)

轻量级功能战: Djamil赞 (12-3) VS. 米尔恰·瓦列 (13-4)

轻量级功能战: 桑巴·库利巴利 (11-4) VS. 米哈伊尔·尼卡 (5-0)


更新 Bellator Kickboxing 5 主卡:

轻量级功能战: 乔治·彼得罗相 (83-2-2, 1NC) VS. 阿曼西奥·帕拉希夫 (23-5-1)

女子蝇量级世界冠军争夺战: Denise Kielholtz (46-3) VS. 玛蒂娜·米切莱托 (34-12-5)

重量级功能战: 南多·卡尔泽塔 (45-9) VS. 约翰韦恩帕尔 (95-32)

重量级功能扑灭: Mustapha Haida (45-5-2) VS. 恩里科·凯尔 (45-11-1)

羽量级功能扑灭: 加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (8-1) VS. 卢卡·迪桑托 (36-13-4)




SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十二月. 6, 2016) – It was announced today that one of MMA’s hottest prospects, 和露丝 (1-0), will waste no time continuing to build his resume, as he fights Emanuele Palombi (5-2) for his second fight in as many months. The bout takes place 这个星期五“Bellator 168: Sakara与. 贝尔特兰,”十二月. 10 from the Mandela Forum in Florence and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 4下午ET/PT.


仅在 26 岁, Ruth is looking to pave the way for the other members of “The New Breed,” a group of highly accomplished wrestlers who have all signed to fight under the Bellator MMA banner including: 乔伊·戴维斯 (1-0), 泰瑞尔财富 (1-0), 贾罗德·特里斯 (1-0) 以及 亚伦微微罗梅罗棉 – the last of which have yet to make their highly anticipated professional debuts. Before he was a three-time National Champion and four-time All-American wrestler at Penn State University, Ruth attended the world-renown Blair Academy in Susquehanna Township, PA, where he was the top-ranked recruit in the nation for his weight class. Having achieved great success at every stage of competition throughout his life, Ruth aspires to have the Bellator middleweight gold around his waist before long. After making the move across the country to Fresno, 加利福尼亚州。, where he now trains at Dethrone Basecamp with other Bellator MMA fighters like 乔希Koscheck克里斯·哈尼科特, Ruth made his professional MMA debut just last month on 十一月. 4, when he finished Dustin Collins-Miles with strikes at 3:19 进入第一轮.


Ruth now faces Rome’s Palombi, a seven-fight veteran with five victories including three KO’s and one submission. Ruth, who is taking the fight on less than a week’s notice, must quickly learn how to tune out a hometown crowd, who will certainly be heavily in favor of the Italian fighter.


The evening is highlighted by a main event featuring Italy’s most renowned mixed martial artist 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC), who will duke it out with 乔伊·“吸毒者”·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC) in a light heavyweight main event. Other Bellator MMA competitors will also be in action, 含 约翰·索尔特 (12-3), 山内达 (31-9) 和 菲利普林斯(10-1).


The Bellator Kickboxing brand will also be on display in Italy with a card that features a female flyweight rematch between Denise Kielholtz (45-3) 和 专家的荣耀 (11-1-1), but this time, a world title will be on the line. “Bellator跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨” will also include a lightweight clash between 乔治·彼得罗相 (82-2-2, 1 NC) and British kickboxing champion 乔丹·沃森 (48-11-2), a middleweight matchup pitting 乔·希林 (19-9) 针对 Victorio Lermano (30-7), a welterweight contest pairing Luca Novello (22-4-2) 同 Karim Ghajji (96-13-1), 和 Kevin Ross(31-9) 见面会 Alessio Arduini (26-14-2) 在一个轻量级的战斗. “Bellator跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨” airs 星期五, 十二月. 16 在 11:15 下午ET, 紧随其后 “Bellator 169: 莫王 vs. 石井。”


完成“Bellator 168: Sakara与. Beltran” Card:

轻重量级功能扑灭: 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) VS. 乔伊·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC)

轻重量级功能扑灭: 菲利普林斯 (10-1) VS. Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7)

Middleweight Feature Fight: 约翰·索尔特 (12-3) VS. Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4)

轻量级功能战: 山内达 (31-9) VS. 米尔恰·瓦列 (12-3)

Middleweight Feature Fight: 和露丝 (1-0) VS. Emanuele Palombi (5-2)

Complete “Bellator Kickboxing: 佛罗伦萨”卡:

轻量级功能战: 乔治·彼得罗相 (82-2-2, 1 NC) VS. 乔丹·沃森 (48-11-2)

Flyweight World Title: Denise Kielholtz (45-3) VS. 专家的荣耀 (11-1-1)

Middleweight Feature Fight: 乔·希林 (19-9) VS. Victorio Lermano (30-7)

重量级功能扑灭: Luca Novello (22-4-2) VS. Karim Ghajji (96-13-1)

轻量级功能战: Kevin Ross (31-9) VS. Alessio Arduini (26-14-2)




SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (十一月 30, 2016) - 一个轻量级回合蚀 山内达 (20-3) 针对 米尔恰·瓦列 (12-3) completes the MMA portion of “Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2,” on a night which will feature both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands inside the Mandela Forum in Florence.

此外, due to an injury suffered by Pietro Cappelli, 菲利普林斯 (10-1) 现在将要见面 Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7) in light heavyweight action on 十二月. 10.

The mixed martial arts portion of action on 十二月. 10 is headlined by a middleweight world title fight featuring a rematch between 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) 和 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC), while Italy’s own 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) 将在 乔伊·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC) at 205-pounds, 和 约翰·索尔特 (12-3) 会见 Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4) 在一个回合中量级. “Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 4下午ET/PT.

The Bellator Kickboxing card features a female flyweight rematch between Denise Kielholtz (45-3) 和 专家的荣耀 (11-1-1), but this time, a world title will be on the line. “Bellator跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨” will also feature a lightweight clash between 乔治·彼得罗相 (82-2-2, 1 NC) and British kickboxing champion 乔丹·沃森 (48-11-2), a middleweight matchup pitting 乔·希林 (19-9) 针对 Victorio Lermano(30-7), a welterweight contest pairing Luca Novello (22-4-2) 同 Karim Ghajji (96-13-1), 和 Kevin Ross(31-9) 见面会 Alessio Arduini (26-14-2) 在一个轻量级的战斗. “Bellator跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨” airs 星期五, 十二月. 16 在 11:15 下午ET, 紧随其后 “Bellator 169: 莫王 vs. 石井。”

An 8-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Yamauchi enters the cage in search of his 21ST career win and seventh under the Scott Coker-led promotion. You would be hard-pressed to find a fighter with more promise than the 23-year-old top prospect, who has already taken down proven veterans the likes of Martin Stapleton, 小林勋, 以及最近 瑞安时装. The former featherweight returned to the lightweight division to face the aforementioned Couture earlier in the year at “Bellator 162: Shlemenko VS. 树林,” a fight in which Yamauchi dominated from the get-go, earning yet another first round submission victory. Yamauchi has finished his opponent in 17 他 20 职业生涯胜, 含 14 in the opening round of action. The Japanese-Brazilian submission specialist continues to make great strides in the sport, consistently displaying the flawless Brazilian jiu-jitsu technique that has given opponents many nightmares year after year.

Challenging Yamauchi will be Valeriu Mircea, a Moldova-born competitor that has also seen a great deal of success early on in his MMA career. The 23-year-old knockout artist will be making his Bellator MMA debut following three consecutive victories, 包括一对首轮淘汰赛. 追溯到 2015, Mircea has collected wins in nine of his last 10 bouts and has already tallied six victories over his 2016 运动. With three of his last four wins coming by way of first round knockout, you can expect an early array of attack in this pairing of two top prospects.

Taking on Lins will now be Raimundo Silva, a 28-year-old striker who will be making both his 2016 和Bellator MMA亮相. 追溯到 2011, “Orgulho” has won seven of his last 11 竞赛, highlighted by his most recent knockout victory over Claudio Rocha, 刚刚来的 3:25 进入第一轮.


完成“Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” Card:

量级世界冠军布特: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) VS. 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

轻重量级功能扑灭: 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) VS. 乔伊·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC)

轻重量级功能扑灭: 菲利普林斯 (10-1) VS. Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7)

Middleweight Feature Fight: 约翰·索尔特 (12-3) VS. Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4)

轻量级功能战: 山内达 (31-9) VS. 米尔恰·瓦列 (12-3)

Complete “Bellator Kickboxing: 佛罗伦萨”卡:

轻量级功能战: 乔治·彼得罗相 (82-2-2, 1 NC) VS. 乔丹·沃森 (48-11-2)

Flyweight World Title: Denise Kielholtz (45-3) VS. 专家的荣耀 (11-1-1)

Middleweight Feature Fight: 乔·希林 (19-9) VS. Victorio Lermano (30-7)

重量级功能扑灭: Luca Novello (22-4-2) VS. Karim Ghajji (96-13-1)

轻量级功能战: Kevin Ross (31-9) VS. Alessio Arduini (26-14-2)



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十一月 1, 2016) – A light heavyweight bout pitting 菲利普林斯 (10-1) 针对 Pietro Cappelli (2-1) and a middleweight fight between 约翰·索尔特 (12-3) 和 Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4) have been added to “Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2,” which will feature both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands emanating from the Mandela Forum in Florence on Dec. 10.

The evening is highlighted by a main event middleweight world title rematch pitting 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) 针对 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC). 此外, Italy’s own 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) 和 乔伊·“吸毒者”·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC) will duke it out in a light heavyweight feature fight. “Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” will air on SPIKE at 4下午ET/PT.

A native of Florence, 意大利, Cappelli has made an immediate splash in MMA, earning consecutive victories following his professional debut in 2015. Cappelli’s first career win came at the expense of Andrzej Kulik, when the 32-year-old delivered a brutal first round knockout. He then parlayed the emphatic victory with another first round finish, displaying his noteworthy ground game with a keylock submission just one minute and one second into the bout. With a noticeable message reading “unscarred” across his stomach, the Italian competitor prepares to dive in head first with a challenging matchup against the veteran Lins in his Bellator MMA debut.

The 31-year-old Lins will enter the cage for the 12th time in his career and fifth since making his Bellator MMA debut in 2014. 来自巴西海陵, Lins began his professional career on a nine-fight winning streak, finishing opponents in seven of the victories. “Monstro” has recorded a trio of significant victories since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion, including two first round finishes and his most recent knockout win over fellow Brazilian competitor 威廉·维亚纳“Bellator 159: 考德威尔 VS. Taimanglo.” Lins hopes to build off of his big win and silence a crowd that will be heavily in favor of his Italian opponent Cappelli.

Fresh off of his first career victory, a first round knockout over Ilyrian Hoxhay, the 32-year-old Annicchiarico looks to continue his success when he enters the cage for the first time under the direction of Bellator MMA. The Italian middleweight will face a difficult first test in Salter, a 15-fight veteran that hasn’t been defeated since 2012. With a pair of submission defeats to Salter’s name, look for Annicchiarico to take the fight to the ground and grind it out there.

The former Strikeforce competitor Salter will make his third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, after recording victories in his first two bouts with the promotion. He is riding a recent string of success, having won four consecutive contests and seven of his past eight. Over his seven-year career, the 31-year-old Nashville, 天恩, native has collected a dozen professional victories, recording finishes in all. 与他的九个 12 career wins coming in the opening round of action, Salter is known to be one of the quickest strikers in the division and most recently finished former middleweight champion Brandon Halsey.


完成“Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” Card:

量级世界冠军布特: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) VS. 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

轻重量级功能扑灭: 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) VS. 乔伊·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC)

轻重量级功能扑灭: 菲利普林斯 (10-1) VS. Pietro Cappelli (2-1)

Middleweight Feature Fight: 约翰·索尔特 (12-3) VS. Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4)



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十月 7, 2016) – Bellator MMA is returning to Italy with another action-packed combo event on 十二月. 10 from the Mandela Forum in Florence, featuring both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands. The Scott Coker-led promotion today announced the MMA portion’s main event, which will feature 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) 和 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC) in a rematch for Carvalho’s 185-pound championship. 与此同时, “Bellator跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨” has added a lightweight matchup between Italian superstar striker 乔治·彼得罗相 (82-2-2, 1 NC) and British kickboxing champion 乔丹·沃森 (48-11-2).


The mixed martial arts event will also boast Italy’s most popular and beloved mixed martial artist, 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC), 谁与墨西哥裔美国重击手较量 乔伊·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC) 在轻重量级的比赛中.


Exact broadcast details for “Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” “Bellator跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨” will be revealed shortly.


The Bellator Kickboxing card also features an anticipated female flyweight rematch between Dutch striking ace Denise Kielholtz (45-3) 以及今年六月击败她的女人, 专家的荣耀 (11-1-1) for the inaugural Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight World Championship. 另外, other Bellator superstars Raymond Daniels, Kevin Ross 乔·希林 也有可能在这张卡上与稍后指定的对手竞争.


If you ask both Carvalho and Manhoef, the two’s first meeting didn’t go as planned for either party. 主要活动 “Bellator 155” saw both men go toe-to-toe for 25 minutes before the three judges rendered a split decision in favor of the incumbent champion; a verdict that many deemed controversial. 现在, nearly seven months after their first meeting, the pair of competitors will meet again.


Carvalho’s second-round body kick knockout of Brandon Halsey at “Bellator 144: 哈尔西VS. Carvalho” was the third biggest oddsmaker upset in 2015, and was the bout that earned the gold he wears around his waist today. The 30-year-old will be making his fifth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner and will look to extend his current winning streak to 14-bouts.


With a resume of knockouts as violent as Manhoef, it’s no surprise the Dutch competitor has earned the nickname of “No Mercy.” Known for his relentless striking style, the former K-1 and Strikeforce competitor finds himself once again in a position to lay claim to the Bellator 185-pound MMA title, and has even further incentive to leave the judges’ out of it.


Adoringly referred to by his fans as “The Doctor,” Petrosyan is one man you do not want an appointment with. The top-ranked Armenian-Italian striking ace will be making his debut with the budding Bellator Kickboxing Promotion when he squares off against Watson on 10 十二月. Training alongside his brother Armen, the 30-year-old southpaw put together an incredible 42-fight unbeaten streak, cultivating an extensive trophy case that includes multiple championship belts as well as “Kickboxer of the Year” accolades in both 2011 (BloodyElbow.com) 和 2012 (LiverKick.com).


When you compete in the lightweight division in the world of kickboxing, aside from striving to earn the title, you’re also looking towards a fight with the No. 1 kickboxer in the world in Petrosyan. An ISKA World Champion and K-1 UK runner up, Watson will get that chance when he meetsThe Doctor” 在 “Bellator Kickboxing: Florence.It will be interesting to see what game plan the British striker implores when he meets his opponent — but if his nickname of ‘Quadzilla’ is any indication, the 28-year-old will utilize his kicks to keep the vicious striking of Petrosyan at bay. Training extensively around the world, Watson has also spent a good amount of time in the Muay Thai scene, accruing a knack for finishes (21) 沿途. Victorious in his lone 2016 战斗, Watson hopes to soar into 2017 with a win against arguably the greatest kick boxer in the world under his belt.

更新了“Bellator 168: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2” Card:

量级世界冠军布特: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (13-1) VS. 梅尔文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

轻重量级功能扑灭: 阿莱西奥Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) VS. 乔伊·贝尔特兰 (17-13, 1 NC)

更新了“Bellator 跆拳道: 佛罗伦萨”卡:

轻量级功能战: 乔治·彼得罗相 (82-2-2, 1 NC) VS. 乔丹·沃森 (48-11-2)

Flyweight World Title: Denise Kielholtz (45-3) VS. 专家的荣耀 (11-1-1)