标记档案: 弗朗西斯Carmont

“BELLATOR 165: 钱德勒VS. HENDERSON”官方电话会议流和转录引述迈克尔·钱德勒, 本森·亨德森, MICHAEL“毒液”页面和费尔南多·冈萨雷斯


SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十一月 15, 2016) - 笼子的门关闭之前 这个星期六 在圣何塞SAP中心, 从主要和合作的主要事件战斗机 “Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“参加了媒体电话会议. 如果你不就行了, 你可以听它 这里, 或阅读一对夫妇低于报价.


“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 目前特色冠军 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) 针对 本森亨德森 (24-6) 在领衔作用, 而合作的主要事件的行动将有英不败的Phenom 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (11-0) 和加州的自己 冈萨雷斯 (25-13) 一决高下的次中量级的惊悚片. 湾区是自己 凯丽·梅伦德斯 让她的职业MMA登场, 一样 凯文·弗格森JR. 更好地称为 Kimbo切片JR.


事件摆架子生活和自由 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT斯派克并完成冠军战连续三周维亚康姆拥有的网络上. 该事件门票仍然有售,可以在购买 Bellator.com, 以及SAP中心售票处及票务.


Q: 对于本森......是否有任何额外的动力来证明自己在这场斗争中的最后一战结束以后的路?

本森亨德森: 我要说的是,有没有一大堆额外的动力这场战斗的. 我是一个相当高度自我激励个人. 我想赢得所有的战斗. 我不需要任何额外的奖励. 我希望有我的手在每一个战斗募集.

Q: 这是Bellator你的第二个冠军的争夺. 你有什么从第一次复飞得知你将到这场斗争?

本森亨德森: 我不知道,如果有什么事,我从最后的冠军争夺战教训, 只是作为Bellator笼中更加舒适和习惯的罢工,并找到了自己的节奏.

Q: 您现在正在争取标题. 你觉得自己是一个轻量级? 这是在那里你打算留或另一趟次中量级在未来的可能性?

本森亨德森: 我不会说,我认为自己是一个轻量级的必然. 对我来说, 这是 155 磅. 或 170 磅。, 只是地方更有趣的和有趣的对决是. 但, 首要的事情, 我要照顾生意 周六 夜晚.

Q: 你提到好玩和有趣的战斗. 是你想想,以及标题的东西? 本周的故事线是双科状元在其他促销. 那是一个梦想,你在你的职业生涯有自己或者你只是想留下来,成为最主导轻量级冠军,你可以?

本森亨德森: 我要去在得到这个带 155 磅。, 但在那之后我不会说带提供了一大堆额外奖励. 显然,皮带是巨大的,带背后的含义是,你在这个星球最好的,这意味着有很多的说,你是在那重量级别最佳, 但我不一定只打了带. 你想带, 但现在所有我专注于被 从现在4天 和一个叫迈克尔·钱德勒.

Q: 对于迈克尔......你有没有想过尝试另一个带? 我知道这是你的标题王朝早期, 但有过穿越你的心? 和, 如果你没有去另一个带, 这将是次中量级和轻量级?

迈克尔·钱德勒: 我还没有把很多心思它. 对我来说, 我只是在寻找我能得到的最大的打击. 我知道有没有办法,我可以使 145 磅。, 因为我走动约 190 磅。, 之间的战斗. 所以, 我不是在失去肌肉质量感兴趣,我已经辛辛苦苦构建. 如果有什么, 我会跳起来 170 磅。, 但现在我专注于我的战斗 这个星期六 晚上,我很高兴能走出去,进行.

Q: 为什么亨德森对你的职业生涯的一个重要对手?

迈克尔·钱德勒: 每一个对手是非常重要的. 每一次我们吵架, 我们把我们自己, 我们的生活, 我们的记录, 和我们上线的口碑. 它只是恰巧我, 我得到一个机会,争取谁是被一个冠军,并做了一些伟大的事情在这项运动中一个家伙. 但幸运的是, 这对我来说和错误的时间对他来说正确的时间. 我非常高兴能有走出去,把一个语句这场战斗 周六 夜晚. 他绝对是一个伟大的, 愿对手, 但我很高兴能有出去找终点.

Q: 对于MVP ......显然, 它是一个梦幻般的一年,你在Bellator, 特别是你在伦敦的表现. 你有没有对流行文化的脉搏你的手指,现在是有什么在那里,你从你正在寻找一些娱乐因素,利用搏击之夜中汲取灵感?

MVP: 是啊, 我总是社会意识, 但我必须把工作先做,这就是最重要的事情.

Q: 在这一刻, 在多个重量等级的战斗,并在多个部门的战斗似乎是愤怒,现在,我知道在过去,你刚​​才提到下降到的可能性 155 磅。, 是的东西,你还有兴趣?

MVP: 在这一刻, 别. 现在, 我只是专注于战斗在次中量级划分.

Q: 如果你可以记录超过冈萨雷斯的胜利, 多少更多的战斗,以及还有多少胜,你认为你是在标题画面之前为标题射击战斗?

MVP: 那不是我的主要关注. 我只是去那里和娱乐,我会继续这样做,直到我的位置结束了,我应该在.

Q: 对于迈克尔·钱德勒......有了你从远处看本森很长一段时间, 你是怎么把他当作自己的职业生涯进展?

迈克尔·钱德勒: 本森有一个惊人的职业生涯. 早些时候, 他是UFC冠军,我是Bellator冠军. 他被排在第一位,我被排在世界第三位,这是始终是“如果”的对决. 如果这两个家伙会打什么......而现在我们终于能看到. 他继续留下深刻的印象. 他继续赢. 伟大事业和伟大的遗产不能没有伟大的对手来了. 我看看本森·亨德森为正是, 但我会,如果我要一步成笼被定罪 周六 晚上失去这种带. 我训练我的尾巴断, 我已经通过了一些最棘手的艰辛,任何人都可以在这项运动中经历的了...一连输了三次战斗, 回来, 并相信,无论什么, 我的下一个大突破迫在眉睫权. 我还没想到戒烟, 在这里我想有很多人在这种情况下会. 我去过的地方,并在那里我现在, 我相信,我很高兴,只是去那里,并把它全部上线针对的是世界上最好的之一,在这项运动中的大腕之一. 这是斯派克电视的大好机会, 现场免费.

Q: 对于费尔南多...关于视频包,迈克尔网页已经制作和今年发布的问题, 最近万圣节期间. 你看他们,什么是视频包你的反应?

冈萨雷斯: 我看了两者的视频,认为这是一种有趣的, 尤其是最后一个. 食品我猜不错的选择. 他基本上是吃球和喝牛奶, 而拔火罐品尝味道. 所以, 我不知道我是否应该把它看作一个电话出去, 但我觉得孤独胜利将是足以让我.

Q: 迈克尔 (页面) 就行了,现在, 不费尔南多有任何种类的消息对他领导到战斗?

冈萨雷斯: 这是相同的消息,我之前给. 刚露面. 我尊重战斗机, 但毕竟这他会向我祝贺,并感谢我让他一个更好的战斗机. 他的强硬, 但他并没有经过测试,我打算给他他的首次亏损.

Q: 迈克尔你有没有一个响应?

MVP: 我是过敏废话, 所以没有一点回应.

Q: 对于本森·亨德森......在阿纳海姆的标题消除斗争, 你有一个冷静和深思熟虑的神态遍及斗争,才可以真正看到你爆炸, 斗犬被带走以伤害. 你要看看设置与钱德勒更快的步伐, 还是我们会看到一个更测量响应?

本森亨德森: 我们将看到它是如何发挥出来. 这很难决定说什么,我该怎么办. 如果我是一个NFL教练, 我不会有第一的教练之一 15 游戏的剧本剧本出来,不管发生什么事, 我们坚持这些 15 播放. 对我来说, 我觉得它和随大流. 但, 对我来说,我不认为这将是一个缓慢的节奏打. 我期待这是节奏最高端的一个, 您在Bellator笼已经看到了动感十足的战斗.


完成“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基兆业”主卡:

轻量级世界冠军的主要事件: 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) VS. 本森亨德森 (24-6)

重量级的合作主要事件: 迈克尔页 (11-0) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (25-13)

轻重量级特征回合: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (25-11)

轻量级特征回合: 亚当Piccolot (8-0) VS. 布兰登Girtz (14-4)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 凯丽 - 安妮·泰勒·梅伦德斯 (登场) VS. 希拉·帕迪拉 (2-0)



重量级初步回合: 凯文·弗格森JR. (登场) VS. 亚伦汉密尔顿 (0-2)

轻量级初步回合: 卡林顿银行 (5-0) VS. 杰克·罗伯茨 (7-0)

中量级初步回合: 迭戈赫尔佐格 (3-2) VS. 尼克·皮卡 (5-0)

轻量级初步回合: 耶利米·莫纳汉 (9-5) VS. 文斯·默多克 (8-2)

重量级初步回合: 詹姆斯·特里 (17-9) VS. 贾斯廷·巴斯曼 (19-10-1)

轻量级初步回合: 阿尔文Cacdac (16-12) VS. 史蒂夫·拉米雷斯 (5-1)

轻量级初步回合: J.J. Okanovich (2-1) VS. 路易斯·巴尔加斯 (登场)

羽初步回合: 维克多·琼斯 (0-2) VS. 汉密尔顿博 (1-7)

轻量级初步回合: 雨果·卢汉 (0-1) VS. 塞萨尔·冈萨雷斯 (登场)

次中量级“VOW”初步回合: 多米尼克·萨姆纳 (登场) VS. 贾斯汀·罗斯韦尔 (1-0)

重量级初步回合: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) VS. 德怀特·格兰特 (6-1)

飞锤初步回合: 萨拉·达莱奥 (10-6) VS. Jaimelene Nievera的 (4-1)



SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亚州. (十一月. 7, 2016) - 的提前一周 “Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 在圣何塞SAP中心, 加利福尼亚州。, Bellator MMA是高兴地宣布,万众瞩目的职业混合武术登场 凯文“宝贝切片”弗格森JR. 会反对 亚伦汉密尔顿 在卡片上月初步部分期间量级回合. 19.

本次大赛锚电动初步卡和连接,具有一个轻量级世界冠军的主要事件点蚀电流冠军穗电视主卡 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) 针对 本森亨德森 (24-6). 在当晚的合作主要事件, 不败英国杰出人才 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (11-0) 和加州的自己 冈萨雷斯 (25-13) 一决高下的次中量级和惊悚片 亚当Piccolot (8-0) 发生在 布兰登Girtz(14-4) 在一个轻量级的冲突. 最后, 光重量级对决点蚀 林顿的“群”瓦塞尔 (16-5) 针对 弗朗西斯Carmont (14-4) 和女轻量级行动蚀 凯丽·梅伦德斯 (登场) 针对 希拉·帕迪拉 (2-0) 还设置了主卡.

“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 架子生活和自由 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT斯派克并完成冠军战连续三周维亚康姆拥有的网络上. 该事件门票仍然有售,可以在购买 Bellator.com, 以及SAP中心售票处及票务.

后原本被提名,使他的专业首演在两个 “Bellator 160”“Bellator 162,“‘宝贝切片’现在看向他展示微调混合武术套路上 十一月. 19. 已故的儿子, 伟大的“Kimbo切片,奇科皮一个业余比赛中”取得了MMA界引起轰动, 马萨诸塞州, 在那里,他发表了残酷的淘汰赛冲刚 1:23 进入第一轮. 在什么是毫无疑问的人们谈论最多的促销历史上一个亮相, 切片希望大洲他的业余成功与专业电路与弘扬传统,他的父亲让后面一个难忘的表现. 从迈阿密海陵, 佛罗里达, 团队美体小铺的产品现在有他的眼睛对加盟的队友设置 A.J. 麦基 作为Bellator MMA的顶尖年轻前景之一.

汉密尔顿在他加州的家国家再次竞争, 对格里芬最大的喜欢以前的较量后,. “蛇”会使得无论他Bellator MMA的首演和次中量级登场, 作为185磅的猛男尝试减磅什么肯定是他职业生涯中最大的打击. 汉密尔顿最后比赛在三月和希望破坏片的期待已久的首次亮相.


完成“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基兆业”主卡:

轻量级世界冠军的主要事件: 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) VS. 本森亨德森 (24-6)

重量级的合作主要事件: 迈克尔页 (11-0) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (25-13)

轻重量级特征回合: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (25-11)

轻量级特征回合: 亚当Piccolot (8-0) VS. 布兰登Girtz (14-4)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 凯丽 - 安妮·泰勒·梅伦德斯 (登场) VS. 希拉·帕迪拉 (2-0)



重量级初步回合: 凯文·弗格森JR. (登场) VS. 亚伦汉密尔顿 (0-2)

轻量级初步回合: 卡林顿银行 (5-0) VS. 杰克·罗伯茨 (7-0)

中量级初步回合: 迭戈赫尔佐格 (3-2) VS. 尼克·皮卡 (5-0)

轻量级初步回合: 耶利米·莫纳汉 (9-5) VS. 文斯·默多克 (8-2)

重量级初步回合: 詹姆斯·特里 (17-9) VS. 贾斯廷·巴斯曼 (19-10-1)

轻量级初步回合: 阿尔文Cacdac (16-12) VS. 史蒂夫·拉米雷斯 (5-1)

轻量级初步回合: J.J. Okanovich (2-1) VS. 路易斯·巴尔加斯 (登场)

羽初步回合: 维克多·琼斯 (0-2) VS. 汉密尔顿博 (1-7)

轻量级初步回合: 雨果·卢汉 (0-1) VS. 塞萨尔·冈萨雷斯 (登场)

次中量级“VOW”初步回合: 多米尼克苏美尔 (登场) VS. 贾斯汀·罗斯韦尔 (1-0)

重量级初步回合: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) VS. 德怀特·格兰特 (6-1)

飞锤初步回合: 萨拉·达莱奥 (10-6) VS. Jaimelene Nievera的 (4-1)




SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十月 19, 2016) - 预期的混合武术登场轻量级的 凯丽·梅伦德斯 会反对 希拉·帕迪拉 (2-0) during the main card of “Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 在圣何塞SAP中心, 加利福尼亚州. 11月. 19.


此外, 一个轻量级回合蚀 卡林顿银行 (5-0) 针对 杰克·罗伯茨 (7-0) 已加入Bellator.com-流初步卡.


的较量加入由配备了轻量级世界冠军的主要事件强调了动感十足的战斗 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) 针对 本森亨德森 (24-6). 此外, 次中量级不败的英国前锋的比赛 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (11-0) 和加州的自己 冈萨雷斯 (25-13) 也将是该卡的合作主要事件. 四舍五入了电视转播行动, 一个轻量级对决蚀 亚当Piccolot (8-0) 针对 布兰登Girtz (14-4) 和光重量级对决点蚀 林顿的“群”瓦塞尔 (16-5) 与 弗朗西斯Carmont (14-4) 本周早些时候加入.


“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ will take place on 十一月 19, 宣扬SPIKE LIVE和自由 9 P.M ET/ 8 P.M. CT. 该事件门票现已公开发售,并可以在购买 Bellator.com, 以及SAP中心售票处及票务.


臭名昭著的Skrap包在北加州女王, 梅伦德斯的跆拳道部分期间让她在胜利的首次亮相 “Bellator: 炸药1,“ 并随访另一个胜利在 “炸药2”。 梅伦德斯计数的一 4-1 带她去人才的专业电路之前业余大关, 她目前持有 4-1 跆拳道记录. 32岁的轻量级现在过渡到MMA, 格斗运动的迭代,她的丈夫, 吉尔伯特·梅伦德斯有很多成功的. 不辜负她的诺言使她出道的 2016, 梅伦德斯将主卡上的竞争 “Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 在圣何塞SAP中心, 加利福尼亚州. 上 十一月. 19.

战斗维塞利亚出, 加利福尼亚州。, 帕迪拉将进入Bellator MMA磨损以下的区域现场两个成功的胜, 未来双方在 2016. 在精英团队下Bellator MMA老将道格·马歇尔培训, 这将是帕迪拉的机会,真正使一个名字为自己对梅伦德斯, 当她在竞争SPIKE LIVE.


就像他的对手, 银行进入笼不败,并准备让他的第二次战斗另一飞溅自从加盟斯科特·科克主导推动. 皮奥里亚, 伊利诺伊州本地人已经完成了他的两个5名受害人的支配和他的三个决定胜利, 收入按每个品种一致. “的Jetsetter”将目光转向使用罗伯茨作为他的跑道成功为Blackzilian产品希望能对夫妇自己Bellator MMA亮相胜利又一壮举,并继续他爬上轻量级排名. 在堪萨斯州的专业竞争后, 得克萨斯州, 和爱荷华州, 行程康涅狄格州将迎来银行首次在东海岸. 调整到Bellator.com的即时串流初步行动,以找出是否漫长的旅途中将对“的Jetsetter”,而他的表现没有任何影响.


“北县噩梦”还没有什么感觉丝毫的想法失去, 作为25岁进入他的第八个专业比赛在一个令人钦佩 7-0. 已经通过第一轮提交的方式赢得了他的前四个专业打架的所有五个业余的较量和各, 这是罗伯茨的地面进攻,在晚上让他的对手了. 然而, 罗伯茨 2016 运动一直是关于权力, 回录到后面的淘汰赛结束后, 在他Bellator MMA首演在一个有力的第一轮淘汰赛突出 “Bellator 160: 亨德森VS. 斗犬“。 罗伯茨希望出没银行梦想当​​两个冲突的SAP中心在圣何塞的亮点, 加利福尼亚州.



完成“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基兆业”主卡:

轻量级世界冠军的主要事件: 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) VS. 本森亨德森 (24-6)

重量级的合作主要事件: 迈克尔页 (11-0) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (25-13)

轻重量级特征回合: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (25-11)

轻量级特征回合: 亚当Piccolot (8-0) VS. 布兰登Girtz (14-4)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 凯丽 - 安妮·泰勒·梅伦德斯 (登场) VS. 希拉·帕迪拉 (2-0)



轻量级初步回合: 卡林顿银行 (5-0) VS. 杰克·罗伯茨 (7-0)

中量级初步回合: 迭戈赫尔佐格 (3-2) VS. 尼克·皮卡 (5-0)

轻量级初步回合: 加布卡拉斯科 (7-0) VS. 罗兰·贝拉斯科 (10-4)

重量级初步回合: 詹姆斯·特里 (17-9) VS. 贾斯廷·巴斯曼 (19-10-1)

羽初步回合: 何塞·佩雷斯 (2-1) VS. J.T. 唐纳森 (2-1)

轻量级初步回合: J.J. Okanovich (2-1) VS. 路易斯·巴尔加斯 (登场)

轻量级初步回合: 雨果·卢汉 (0-1) VS. 塞萨尔·冈萨雷斯 (登场)

次中量级“VOW”初步回合: 多米尼克苏美尔 (登场) VS. 贾斯汀·罗斯韦尔 (1-0)

重量级初步回合: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) VS. 德怀特·格兰特 (6-1)

飞锤初步回合: 萨拉·达莱奥 (10-6) VS. Jaimelene Nievera的 (4-1)



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十月 11, 2016) – A lightweight showdown pitting 亚当Piccolot (8-0) 针对 布兰登Girtz (14-4) 和光重量级对决点蚀 林顿的“群”瓦塞尔 (16-5) 与 弗朗西斯Carmont (14-4) 已被添加到的主卡 “Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 在圣何塞SAP中心, 加利福尼亚州. 11月. 19.


The bouts join a pair of action-packed fights highlighted by a lightweight world title main event featuring 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) 针对 本森亨德森 (24-6). 此外, 次中量级不败的英国前锋的比赛 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (11-0) 和加州的自己 冈萨雷斯 (25-13) 也将是该卡的合作主要事件. 其他比赛将在未来几周内公布.


“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ will take place on 十一月 19, 宣扬SPIKE LIVE和自由 9 P.M ET/ 8 P.M. CT. 该事件门票现已公开发售,并可以在购买 Bellator.com, 以及SAP中心售票处及票务.


After emerging victorious in his first four professional fights, Piccolotti has continued with more of the same under the Scott Coker-led promotion’s banner. Since making his Bellator MMA debut in 2015, the California native has recorded wins in each of his four bouts, including three consecutive finishes via submission. Piccolotti opened his 2016 campaign with a nifty first round finish of 雷·伍德“Bellator 154: 戴维斯VS. 莫景,” lifting his overall record to 8-0. The 27-year-old will look to protect his unblemished mark when he challenges Girtz on 十一月 19 inside SAP Center.


One year removed from an impressive first round finish that left opponent 德里克场 on the Bellator MMA canvas just 37 seconds into the bout, Girtz returns to the cage in an attempt to build off of his current three-fight winning streak. The Mankato, 从。, native holds an impressive 6-2 promotional mark since joining Bellator MMA, including four finishes and a pair of first round knockouts. 由于使他的专业首演 2008, the 31-year-old Girtz has recorded 10 饰面, eight of which have come by way of submission. Having won five of his last six bouts, the powerful grappler will look to pick up right where he left off and further his case for a 155-pound title shot.


A seven-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Vassell has recorded five wins since making his promotional debut in 2013. The 33-year-old British striker is known for ending fights early with his elite striking and a near-flawless ground game. 总, “The Swarm” has finished 13 他 16 对手, 含 10 first round finishes and six knockout blows. Vassell hopes to build off of a strong performance at the record shattering “Bellator 149: 沙姆洛克VS. 格雷西“ 事件, where he defeated Emauel Newton. Vassell now turns his attention to Francis Carmont, an opponent that he was originally slated to face earlier in the year at “Bellator 158: 戴利VS. 酸橙,” before an injury forced Vassell to withdraw.


类似于他的对手, former UFC competitor Francis Carmont also has a knack for finishing opponents early and often in his bouts. The 34-year-old Carmont has stopped his opponent in 17 他 25 职业生涯胜, 含 11 submission victories and six knockouts. 来自巴黎, 法国, “Limitless” credits much of his success to the top-notch trainers at Tristar Gym in Montreal, 加拿大. The well-known training camp is loaded with accomplished instructors, who have helped develop a number of talented fighters, including recent Bellator MMA free agent signee 罗里·麦克唐纳. With more than half of his submission finishes coming in the opening round of action, we can expect the dynamic Carmont to attack his opponent right off the bat in hopes of adding to that remarkable total.


更新了“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基兆业”主卡:

轻量级世界冠军的主要事件: 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) VS. 本森亨德森 (24-6)

重量级的合作主要事件: 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (11-0) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (25-13)

轻重量级特征回合: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (25-11)

轻量级特征回合: 亚当Piccolot (8-0) VS. 布兰登Girtz (14-4)



中量级初步回合: 迭戈赫尔佐格 (3-2) VS. 尼克·皮卡 (5-0)

重量级初步回合: 詹姆斯·特里 (17-9) VS. 贾斯廷·巴斯曼 (19-10-1)

羽初步回合: 何塞·佩雷斯 (2-1) VS. J.T. 唐纳森 (2-1)

轻量级初步回合: J.J. Okanovich (2-1) VS. 路易斯·巴尔加斯 (登场)

轻量级初步回合: 雨果·卢汉 (0-1) VS. 塞萨尔·冈萨雷斯 (登场)

次中量级“VOW”初步回合: 多米尼克苏美尔 (登场) VS. 贾斯汀·罗斯韦尔 (1-0)

重量级初步回合: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) VS. 德怀特·格兰特 (6-1)

飞锤初步回合: 萨拉·达莱奥 (10-6) VS. Jaimelene Nievera的 (4-1)




伦敦 — (七月 16, 2016) - 道格拉斯·利马 (27-6) 和 保罗·戴利 (38-14-2) had been bound to cross paths throughout their Bellator MMA tenures, and on Saturday night at The O2 in London, the welterweight battle finally came to a head.

主要活动 “Bellator 158: 伦敦” pitted the former 170-pound titlist against “Semtex型爆炸物,” an Englishman who has been on a tear since coming back into the fray. Over the course of 15 分钟, the two warriors ripped into each other’s bodies, rocking their foe with shots and scoring takedowns. Much to the chagrin of Daley’s hometown faithful, Lima got the better of Daley, earning a unanimous decision of (30-27 X3). 同赢, 酸橙, eyes a rematch with 安德烈Koreshkov, the man who took his title nearly a year ago.

Matt Mitrione Moves to 2-0 Under the Bellator MMA Umbrella

Matt Mitrione (11-5) returned to the Bellator MMA cage fresh off his victory at “Bellator: Dynamite 2and finished Oli Thompson (17-9), winning his second fight in three weeks. “Meatheadand the former Britain’s strongest man winner went toe-to-toe for the better part of two rounds, but at 4:21 in the second frame, Mitrione turned the lights out for Thompson. 现在, Mitrione moves ever closer to a shot at the vacant heavyweight belt, something he hopes to claim before the end of 2016.


Michael Page’s Knee Catches Itself A ‘Cyborg

It’s rare when antics following a fight upstage a flying knee knockout, 但 迈克尔页 (12-0) managed to do just that with his second round finish of Evangelista “Cyborg” (21-19) on Satuday night in London. 结局来得 4:31 第二帧的, when Cyborg shot for a takedown but was caught in the head with a knee that sent him sprawling to the mat.


之后, “Venom” continued to do what he does best – entertain.

Click here to watch the post-fight celebration everyone is talking about.

Francis Carmont Submits Opponent in Opening Round

In light heavyweight action, 弗朗西斯Carmont (25-11) 打败 Lukasz Klinger (7-3) via submission to bounce back from his defeat at the hands of 菲尔 戴维斯. 最终来了在 3:54 开放框架, when Georges St. Pierre’s training partner used the D’Arce choke to make his opponent tap out.

James Gallagher is 19-Years-Old & is a “Strabanimal”


In the opening contest of “Bellator 158: London” 詹姆斯·加拉格尔 (4-0) 保持他的不败纪录完整, cruising to a unanimous decision victory against Mike Cutting (6-6). “The Strabanimal” did all he could to have an action-packed Bellator MMA debut, but Cutting – who missed weight on Friday – relentlessly circled the cage, avoiding as much toe-to-toe combat as possible. 到底, it didn’t matter, as the 19-year-old cruised to a unanimous 30-27 胜利.


James Mulheron (9-1) 打败 Neil Grove (12-8-1) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-26)

Michael Shipman (9-1) 打败 Dom Clark (7-10) 通过提交 (Anaconda Choke) R1

Pietro Menga (13-0) 打败 Spencer Hewitt (12-11) 通过淘汰赛 (冲床) 在 :41 of R1

路易斯·托斯塔 (8-4-1) 和 Dean Garnett (7-0-1) fought to majority draw

杰森·拉德克利夫(Jason Radcliffe) (9-2) 打败 Jack Mason (29-16-1) 通过淘汰赛 (膝盖) 在 :14 of R1

Manuel Garcia (28-19) 打败 Alex Reid (11-10-1) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Danny Mitchell (18-7) 打败 J. Meeks (5-2) 通过提交 (twister) 4:25 of R1

Nathanial Wood (9-3) 打败 蔡斯·莫顿 (6-3) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 3:59 of R3




伦敦 — (七月 5, 2016) – 受伤 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5, 1 NC) has derailed “The Swarm’s” summer plans of competing in front of his fellow Englishmen against 弗朗西斯Carmont (24-11) during the main card of “Bellator 158: 伦敦,” 这将发生在七月 16 inside one of the world’s most popular venues, The O2 in London, 英国. 代替, Carmont will now fight Lukasz Klinger (7-2) at 205-pounds.


One of the card’s featured preliminary fights has also changed, with the news that the always-exciting James Mulheron (8-1) will now enter the cage to fight London native Neil Grove(12-7).


In addition to these newly announced bouts, fans will also have the pleasure of watching the always-entertaining British sensation 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2), as he prepares to put on a show for his hometown fans against former welterweight world champion and knockout specialist,道格拉斯·利马 (26-6). 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (10-0) aims to continue his raging pace and remain unbeaten when he challenges himself against MMA veteran “机器人”桑托斯 (21-17). 四舍五入了电视转播行动, Matt Mitrione (10-5) will return after his emphatic win last month to face “Britain’s Strongest Man” Oli Thompson (17-8) in a heavyweight beater, 和詹姆斯·加拉格尔 (3-0) 发生在 Mike Cutting (6-5).


In the United Kingdom, “Bellator 158: London” will be broadcast on SPIKE UK from 9 – 10 P.M. BST and Channel 5 从 10 P.M. – midnight BST. Meanwhile in America, the card will air 现场免费 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/PT.


Tickets start at only £40.00 and are on sale now at TheO2.co.uk or The O2 Box Office.


来自巴黎, 法国, the 34-year-old Carmont will be making his first appearance of 2016 and fourth under the Bellator MMA umbrella. Carmont had strung together a couple wins before his most recent appearance at “Bellator MMA: 炸药1“。 After winning his first bout of the evening, Carmont replaced an injured 穆罕默德“王莫”拉瓦尔 on just a few minutes’ notice, to face a formidable 菲尔·戴维斯 in the tournament final, where he was defeated. 现在, “Limitless” looks to upset Klinger during the main card of “Bellator 158: London.”

A native of Przemysl, 波兰, Klinger has been competing professionally since 2013 and taken fights almost exclusively in the United Kingdom. The 32-year-old went nearly three years without suffering his first loss as a pro, amassing finishes in all seven of his victories. “Hitman” has laced up the gloves once already in 2016, and now looks to impress in his Bellator MMA debut when he faces Carmont on 七月 16 at The O2 in London.


“Bellator 158: London” Fight Card

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: 道格拉斯·利马 (26-6) VS. 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2)

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: Matt Mitrione (10-5) VS. Oli Thompson (17-8)

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: 迈克尔页 (10-0) VS. 杰利斯塔“机器侠”桑托斯 (21-17)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: 弗朗西斯Carmont (24-11) VS. Lukasz Klinger (7-2)

Bellator羽量级MMA特征回合: 詹姆斯·加拉格尔 (3-0) VS. Mike Cutting (6-5)



Bellator MMA Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: James Mulheron (8-1) VS. Neil Grove (12-7)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: Michael Shipman (8-1) VS. 李·查德威克 (21-12-1)

Bellator MMA飞锤初步回合: Pietro Menga (12-0) VS. Spencer Hewitt (12-10)

Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 路易斯·托斯塔 (9-2) VS. Dean Garnett (7-0)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: 杰森·拉德克利夫(Jason Radcliffe) (8-2) VS. Jack Mason (29-15)

Bellator MMA重量级初步回合: 蔡斯·莫顿 (6-2) VS. Nathaniel Wood (8-3)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: Alex Reid (11-9-1) VS. Manuel Garcia (27-19)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: J. Meeks (4-1) VS. Danny Mitchell (17-7-1)



伦敦 — (七月 1, 2016) – Fresh off his emphatic knockout victory over Carl Seumanutafa“Bellator: 炸药2” 前NFL球员 Matt Mitrione (10-5) has cleared medical testing and will now face “Britain’s Strongest Man” winner Oli Thompson(17-8) during the main card of “Bellator 158: 伦敦,” which will take place on July 16 inside one of the world’s most popular venues, The O2 in London, 英国.


此外, fans will also have the pleasure of watching the always-entertaining British sensation 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2), as he prepares to put on a show for his hometown fans against Brazilian knockout specialist 道格拉斯·利马 (26-6). 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (10-0) aims to continue his raging pace and remain unbeaten when he challenges himself against MMA veteran “机器人”桑托斯 (21-17), 和 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5), who returns to action against 弗朗西斯Carmont (24-11).


In the United Kingdom, “Bellator 158: London” will be broadcast on SPIKE UK from 9 – 10 P.M. BST and Channel 5 从 10 P.M. – midnight BST. Meanwhile in America, the card will air 现场免费 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/PT.


Tickets start at only £40.00 and are on sale now at TheO2.co.uk or The O2 Box Office.


The 37-year-old Mitrione will enter the Bellator cage for the second time under a month, after knocking out Seumanutafa (10-6) in his promotional debut on June 24, in a journey that was brilliantly documented by Chuck Mindenhall. A native of Indianapolis, “Meathead” joined the Bellator MMA team as one of the highest profile free agent acquisitions ever, carrying with him a talented athletic background that includes stints in the NFL with the New York Giants, San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings. Mitrione is a 14-time UFC veteran that is known for ending fights early and violently, with nine of his ten victories coming by way of knockout and six of them ending in the first round.


A resident of East Sussex, 英国, Thompson will be making his Bellator MMA debut after 25 career fights amongst the heavyweight division’s elite. “The Spartan,” who solidified himself as “Britain’s Strongest Man” in 2006, is looking to build off an impressive 2015 运动, in which he emerged victorious in all five of his bouts, including two first round knockouts. 由于使他的专业首演 2009, Thompson has fought under the direction of multiple regional promotions, and the UFC. 在 36 岁, he will undoubtedly make the most important appearance of his career when he takes center stage in front of thousands of hometown fans in the main event of “Bellator: London” 七月 16.

“Bellator 158: London” Fight Card

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: 道格拉斯·利马 (26-6) VS. 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2)

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: Matt Mitrione (9-5) VS. Oli Thompson (17-8)

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: 迈克尔页 (10-0) VS. 杰利斯塔“机器侠”桑托斯 (21-17)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (24-11)

Bellator羽量级MMA特征回合: 詹姆斯·加拉格尔 (3-0) VS. Mike Cutting (6-5)



Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: Michael Shipman (8-1) VS. 李·查德威克 (21-12-1)

Bellator MMA飞锤初步回合: Pietro Menga (12-0) VS. Spencer Hewitt (12-10)

Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 路易斯·托斯塔 (9-2) VS. Dean Garnett (7-0)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: 杰森·拉德克利夫(Jason Radcliffe) (8-2) VS. Jack Mason (29-15)

Bellator MMA重量级初步回合: 蔡斯·莫顿 (6-2) VS. Nathaniel Wood (8-3)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: Alex Reid (11-9-1) VS. Manuel Garcia (27-19)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: J. Meeks (4-1) VS. Danny Mitchell (17-7-1)



伦敦 — (六月 20, 2016) – A featherweight matchup pitting top Irish MMA prospect 詹姆斯·加拉格尔 (3-0) 针对 Mike Cutting (6-5) 已添加到主卡 “Bellator 158: 伦敦,” which emanates from the world’s most popular entertainment venue, The O2 in London, 英国, 七月 16.


The fight adds to a main card that features a welterweight fight between 道格拉斯·利马 (26-6) and British superstar 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2). 此外, British Phenom 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (10-0) will look to remain unbeaten in a welterweight slugfest when he takes on MMA veteran “机器人”桑托斯 (21-17) and a light heavyweight bout pitting 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) 针对 弗朗西斯Carmont(24-11) round up the main card of what amounts to a stacked Bellator MMA international event.


In the United Kingdom, “Bellator 158: London” will be broadcast on SPIKE UK from 9 – 10 P.M. BST and Channel 5 从 10 P.M. – midnight BST. Meanwhile in America, the card will air 现场免费 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/PT.


Tickets start at only £40.00 and are on sale now at TheO2.co.uk or The O2 Box Office. 另外的较量将在未来几周内公布.


七月 16 marks the Bellator MMA debut of Gallagher, a 19-year-old featherweight prospect, who recently joined the promotion in April. 北爱尔兰人, the undefeated Gallagher is a teammate of Conor McGregor and has received consistent praise from many top athletes in his highly acclaimed gym of SBG Ireland. Gallagher has begun his professional career with three consecutive victories, all of which have concluded by way of submission in the opening frame. He will look to build on his budding young career when he challenges “Gip” next month at The O2 in London.


A native of Hampshire, 英国, Cutting will have a unique opportunity to put on a show in front of his fellow countrymen while also making his Bellator MMA debut on 七月 16. “Gip” began his career under the direction of a local promotion in 2010, emerging victorious with a first round rear-naked choke submission over Mike Taylor. 划界案专家, Cutting has since gone on to collect six professional wins, all of which have come by way of submission and three have ended in the opening frame. The British featherweight has his eyes set on putting an end to his opponent’s unblemished mark when the two square off at this highly anticipated event at The O2 this summer.


更新了“Bellator 158: London” Fight Card

Bellator MMA Welterweight Bout: 道格拉斯·利马 (26-6) VS. 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Bout: 迈克尔页 (10-0) VS. 杰利斯塔“机器侠”桑托斯 (21-17)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Bout: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (24-11)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Bout: 詹姆斯·加拉格尔 (3-0) VS. Mike Cutting (6-5)


Bellator MMA Heavyweight Bout: 马克Godbeer (11-2) VS. James Mulheron (8-1)

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: Michael Shipman (8-1) VS. 李·查德威克 (21-12-1)

Bellator MMA Prelim Flyweight Bout: Pietro Menga (12-0) VS. Spencer Hewitt (12-10)

Bellator MMA Prelim Bantamweight Bout: 路易斯·托斯塔 (9-2) VS. Dean Garnett (7-0)

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: 杰森·拉德克利夫(Jason Radcliffe) (8-2) VS. Jack Mason (29-15)

Bellator MMA Prelim Featherweight Bout: 蔡斯·莫顿 (6-2) VS. Nathaniel Wood (8-3)

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: Alex Reid (11-9-1) VS. Manuel Garcia (27-19)

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: J. Meeks (4-1) VS. Danny Mitchell (17-7-1)

Updates to ‘Bellator 158: 伦敦’ 大事

伦敦 (六月 9, 2016) – Arguably England’s two top welterweights, 保罗“Semtex型爆炸物”戴利(38-13-2) 和 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (10-0) have each been assigned new opponents for the upcoming “Bellator 158: London” 事件. Former welterweight world champion 道格拉斯·利马 (26-6) has agreed to fight Daley after an undisclosed injury forced 乔希Koscheck to withdraw from the highly anticipated matchup. 此外, gritty Brazilian veteran 杰利斯塔“机器侠”桑托斯 (21-17) will step in for 冈萨雷斯 to fight undefeated British superstar Page.



The main card also features a light heavyweight contest between local hotshot 林顿的“群”瓦塞尔 (16-5) 和 Francis “Limitless” Carmont (24-11) as well as a heavyweight slugfest pitting 马克Godbeer (11-2) 针对 James Mulheron (8-1) in a British brawl that you do not want to miss.


We will have to wait a little longer for the highly anticipated faceoff between Daley and Koscheck. The 33-year-old now directs his attention to “The Phenom” as he looks to add to his five fight winning streak. A native of Nottingham, 英国, “Semtex” has recorded wins in nine of his last ten fights, with eight of those victories ending in a knockout. A four fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Daley has put his stamp on the welterweight division, posting a 4-0 record with three knockouts, including his most recent first round finish of top contender Andy Uhrich 在主要事件 “Bellator 148: 戴利VS. Uhrich“。


After originally being slated for the co-main event of “Bellator 156: 加尔旺主场迎战. 丹塔斯2“六月 17, Lima has been given the opportunity to take his talents overseas and challenge Daley in a welterweight thriller. 在他的第一 10 appearances under the Bellator MMA fray, the 28-year-old Brazilian has collected eight wins, seven of which have come by way of knockout. A former champion of Bellator’s stacked 170-pound division; Lima has continuously proven his worth with highlight reel victories over former Bellator MMA veterans the likes of Rick Hawn, Ben Saunders (两次) and Bryan Baker. With past winning streaks of nine, 六, and five, Lima’s most recent string of victories consisted of five consecutive knockouts over the span of three years. “The Phenom” will look to begin another streak of success when he challenges “Semtex” Daley on his home turf on 七月 16.


Having made his professional debut in 1997, “Cyborg” Santos is undoubtedly one of the most experienced MMA athletes in the game today. The 38-year-old Brazilian veteran has amounted 21 victories over his illustrious career, 他强调 12 击倒, 10 of which came in the first round. In his Bellator MMA debut, “Cyborg” stunned an electric Connecticut crowd when he delivered a first round win over 布伦南病房 via heel hook submission at“Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 亨德森。” Before signing a multi-fight contract with Bellator MMA this year, Santos also made four appearances under the Strikeforce banner from 2009 到 2011. “Cyborg” will have to prepare for one of the most feared fighters in the sport of MMA, when he meets the undefeated “MVP” in his home country on 七月 16.


With an unblemished record of 10-0, “MVP” remains one of the brightest young stars in the world of MMA. Page received a new opponent, with the news that “Cyborg” Santos would replace 冈萨雷斯 in one of the evening’s welterweight feature fights. The 29-year-old London native has a knack for finishing his challengers in the early stages of the bout, collecting nine first round victories with only one fight reaching the judges’ scorecards. “Venom” thoroughly impressed in his 2016 登场, when he forced budding star 雷米霍洛威 into an Achilles lock submission just 2:15 into the first round in their clash at“Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 亨德森。” It will be more of the same for the knockout specialist Page, as he will enter the cage on 七月 16 with the full intention of adding to his impressive tally of first round finishes.


“Bellator 158: London” will be broadcast free on SPIKE UK and Channel 5 在英国, while in America the card will air FREE on SPIKE. Exact broadcast details for the event will be revealed in the near future. Tickets are on sale now and start at only £40.00. 它们可在 TheO2.co.uk or The O2 Box Office.


更新了“Bellator 158: London” Fight Card

Bellator MMA Welterweight Bout: 道格拉斯·利马 (26-6) VS. 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Bout: 迈克尔页 (10-0) VS. 杰利斯塔“机器侠”桑托斯 (21-17)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Bout: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (24-11)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Bout: 马克Godbeer (11-2) VS. James Mulheron (8-1)



Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: Michael Shipman (8-1) VS. 李·查德威克 (21-12-1)

Bellator MMA Prelim Flyweight Bout: Pietro Menga (12-0) VS. Spencer Hewitt (12-10)

Bellator MMA Prelim Bantamweight Bout: 路易斯·托斯塔 (9-2) VS. Dean Garnett (7-0)

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: 杰森·拉德克利夫(Jason Radcliffe) (8-2) VS. Jack Mason (29-15)

Bellator MMA Prelim Featherweight Bout: 蔡斯·莫顿 (6-2) VS. Nathaniel Wood (8-3)

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: Alex Reid (11-9-1) VS. TBD

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: J. Meeks (4-1) VS. Danny Mitchell (17-7-1)






伦敦 (五月 17, 2016) – A heavyweight match-up between Mark ‘The hand of’ Godbeer (11-2) 和 James Mulheron (8-1) will kick off the televised portion of the highly anticipated “Bellator: London” card when the promotion arrives at the O2 Arena in London on 七月 16. The collision course that the two big men are on will divide the British fans in attendance as the three-round attraction sees Northern UK go head to head with Southern UK, with both men looking for the big KO.


The newly-announced scrap joins a star-studded event that features Kimbo切片 (6-2) 承担 詹姆斯·汤普森 (20-16) 和 乔希Koscheck (17-10) 针对 保罗“Semtex型爆炸物”戴利 (38-13-2). Additional matchups include a light heavyweight pairing between 林顿的“群”瓦塞尔 (16-5) 和 Francis “Limitless” Carmont (24-11) and British welterweight highlight reel 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (9-0) 与 冈萨雷斯 (25-13).


Several preliminary matchups have been revealed, including former Big Brother winner Alex Reid (10-9-1-1), who has been scheduled to fight against an opponent to be announced later.


After scoring a TKO victory this past 星期六, Godbeer comes into this fight hot on a three-fight winning streak. The exciting heavyweight is known to leave it all on the line, as evidenced by the fact that he has never let a fight go to the judge’s scorecards. For Godbeer it is a welcome second chance with the Bellator promotion. “I personally think Bellator is one of the leading organisations there is today; it’s a great honour to fight for them once again. Last time I fought off of the back of an 18 month lay-off due to a big injury and feel I wasn’t myself, so I’m glad to get another chance to show them the real me.”


Both Godbeer and Mulheron are hard-hitting heavyweights with great cardio and athleticism and share a common fight strategy: knock the other guy out. Mulheron won a regional title with the M4TC promotion, and will be competing in Bellator for the first time. “I don’t really go into fights with a game plan,” said Mulheron. “I go in with an open mind. I think every fighter needs to be able to adapt in fights but everyone who watches me knows I come to fight and this fight will be no different.”


In the United Kingdom, the event will be broadcast free on SPIKE UK and Channel 5, while in America the card will air FREE on SPIKE. Exact broadcast details for “Bellator 158: London” will be revealed in the near future. Tickets for the event are on sale now and start at only £40.00. 它们可在 TheO2.co.uk or The O2 Box Office.


更新了“Bellator 158: London” Fight Card

Bellator MMA重量级的主要事件: Kimbo切片 (6-2) VS. 詹姆斯·汤普森 (20-16)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: 乔希Koscheck (17-10) VS. 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Bout: 迈克尔页 (9-0) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (25-13)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Bout: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (24-11)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Bout: 马克Godbeer (11-2) VS. James Mulheron (8-1)



Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: Michael Shipman (8-1) VS. Chris Widmer (5-1)

Bellator MMA Prelim Flyweight Bout: Pietro Menga (12-0) VS. Spencer Hewitt (12-10)

Bellator MMA Prelim Bantamweight Bout: 路易斯·托斯塔 (9-2) VS. Dean Garnett (7-0)

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: 杰森·拉德克利夫(Jason Radcliffe) (8-2) VS. Jack Mason (29-15)

Bellator MMA Prelim Featherweight Bout: 蔡斯·莫顿 (6-2) VS. Nathaniel Wood (8-3)

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: Alex Reid (11-9-1) VS. TBD

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: Bola Omoyele (8-4) VS. 李·查德威克 (21-12-1)

Bellator MMA Prelim Middleweight Bout: J. Meeks (4-1) VS. Danny Mitchell (17-7-1)