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大卫·贝纳维德斯 (DAVID BENAVIDEZ) 在 Showtime® 星期五赢得对罗纳德·加维里尔 (Ronald GaVRil) 的分歧判定,成为拳击界最年轻的世界冠军

毁灭性的意外头撞结束了 J’Leon Love 和 Abie Han 在技术多数抽签中的战斗;

卡莱布·普兰特(Caleb Plant)因对安德鲁·埃尔南德斯(Andrew Hernandez)的封锁决定保持不败

赶上重播 星期一, 七. 11, 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®

点击 这里 要下载图片; 信用罗西Cohe / SHOWTIME


LAS VEGAS (七. 8, 2017) - 在 20 岁月, 9 几个月大, 大卫Benavidez 成为拳击界最年轻的世界冠军,也是超中量级有史以来最年轻的冠军,以分歧判定战胜 罗纳德Gavril 在周五 168磅的激动人心的夜晚 欣欣拳击: 特别版本 从在Hard Rock酒店联合 & 赌场. 通过 Twitter 链接查看该决定的视频 这里.


Benavidez (19-0, 17 科斯) 在击败前欧洲业余选手加夫里尔(Gavril)赢得冠军后,将之前空出的WBC超中量级腰带系在腰间 (18-2, 14 科斯) 贝纳维德斯后来形容这很可能是“年度最佳之战”。一张记分卡让加夫里尔获胜 116-111, 贝纳维德斯在另外两张记分卡上获胜, 116-111 和 117-111 在超级拳击冠军主办的赛事中.


“赢得这个冠军感觉太棒了,”凤凰城居民贝纳维德斯说道. “这是我从小就梦想的一切. 这是我全身心投入并努力工作的一切. 终于得到了回报。”


31岁的罗马尼亚人加夫里尔, 在拉斯维加斯梅威瑟健身房训练的埃迪·穆斯塔法·穆罕默德, 贝纳维德斯一记左勾拳将其打倒在地 50 野外还剩几秒 12 而最后一轮.


“我觉得我赢得了战斗. 我主导了节奏. 除了评委的决定之外,我不能说什么,“加夫里尔说, 他的发起人、历史上伟大的弗洛伊德·梅威瑟在场边观看了他的比赛. “我唯一能做的就是要求重赛。”


Benavidez, 谁在年龄转为职业球员 16 并且只有 15 业余打架, 很早就控制了战斗, 但加夫里尔似乎在战斗中获得了动力, 第七局出局并且比贝纳维德斯更活跃, 第八和第九轮. 回合中 11 和 12, 贝纳维德斯击败加夫里尔 66-35 整体和 53-14 用强力拳.


“我觉得我的表现还不错,除了最后一轮我太着急了,想把他击倒,贝纳维德斯说. “我让我的年轻球队接管比赛,我想给球迷一场精彩的战斗. 我并没有真正感到受伤,但那是一种震惊. 我知道要小心,更要小心. 这是一次学习经历。”




在另一场超中量级比赛中, 艾比韩 遭受毁灭性的​​意外头撞J'Leon爱1:02 进入第八轮,战斗进入记分卡阶段. 一位法官判定拉斯维加斯的《Love》获胜 79-73, 和另外两个 76-76 做出技术多数票的决定.


拳脚相加之后, 爱 (23-1-1, 13 科斯) 身体倾身,两名战士以暴力方式撞头. 他 (26-3-1, 16 科斯) 埃尔帕索, 得克萨斯州, 他被惊呆了,摔倒在地,鲜血从左眼上方的额头涌出,裁判肯尼·贝勒斯立即对他进行了检查。.


他, 在听到决定之前,他坐在担架上离开了竞技场, 赢得擂台上的统计战. 韩打了更多的拳头 (78-47 总体, 20-12 刺戳, 58-35 动力) 并且做得更准确 (24 %至 17 总体百分比, 16 百分之到百分之八的注射和 30 %至 27 百分比功率).




“我不能评价我的表现有多出色,因为我没有获得胜利, 我抽到了平局,”爱说, 他曾在底特律著名的克朗克健身房接受名人堂教练伊曼纽尔·斯图尔特 (Emanuel Steward) 的指导.


29岁的乐福重返擂台,结束了近一年的停摆. “我有点生疏了,但我觉得我按下了动作并试图把它带给他,“他说,. “除此之外,我觉得我的投篮更干净。”


在转播的开幕回合, 不败的超中量级前景 迦勒厂 (16-0, 10 科斯) 记录了对强硬对手的 10 回合封杀决定 安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 (19-7-1, 9 科斯), 100-90 三次.


厂, 经由阿什兰市居住在拉斯维加斯, 天恩, 是对战 31 岁的开关击球熟练手埃尔南德斯 (Hernandez) 的更活跃的拳击手, 谁在短短八天内参加了战斗’ 艾伦坎帕退学后的通知. 植物被有效刺伤 (81 的 271, 30 百分) 同时抵消埃尔南德斯通常有效的刺拳 (46 的 325, 14 百分). 普兰特的强力击球落地也很犀利 44 埃尔南德斯的百分比 19 百分.


“我对自己的表现非常满意,”普兰特说. “我拳击得很好,我决定了节奏. 当我需要压制时我压制,当我需要拳击时我拳击. 我觉得我为粉丝们奉献了一场精彩的表演. 我想成为拳击明星. 我知道通过努力我可以完成任何事情.


“埃尔南德斯很强硬, 我把所有东西都送给了他,他昂首挺胸,我向他致敬. 他是一个强有力的竞争对手。”


埃尔南德斯, 从凤凰城, 亚利桑那州。, 在第三场比赛中,他的左眼下方被割伤,这给他在整场比赛中带来了问题, 最后两轮开放并流血.


“对凯莱布·普兰特今晚的表现表示敬意,”埃尔南德斯说. “他进行了顽强的战斗,他有一个美好的未来. 我很高兴我能够呆在那里并度过整个过程 10 发.


“我觉得迦勒赢了, 但我不认为是这样 10 四舍五入到无. 但这不是我能决定的. 归根结底,这一切都取决于评委,他们的想法才重要。”


添加植物: “我已经准备好在竞争中与任何顶尖的人战斗 10 超中量级. 我关注了贝纳维德斯和所有其他世界冠军. 我来了!”


周五 三重赛将于周日重播, 七. 10, 在 9 A.M. AND/PT, 和 星期一, 七. 11, 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® 和SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.


巴里·汤普金斯 (Barry Tompkins) 在场边指挥这场比赛,伯恩斯坦 (Bernstein) 和前世界冠军劳尔·马克斯 (Raul Marquez) 担任专家分析师. 执行制片人戈登·霍尔与理查德·高根生产和里克·菲利普斯导演.


# # #


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大卫·贝纳维德斯 vs. 罗纳德·加维里尔最终重量, QUOTES & 照片

明天/周五, SEPT 8 欣欣拳击: 特别版本

从左到右: 迦勒厂, J'Leon爱, 大卫Benavidez, 伦纳德Ellerbe, 罗纳德Gavril, 亚伯拉罕·汉, 安德鲁·埃尔南德斯


住在Showtime®10:05 P.M. AND/硬石酒店 The Joint 的 PT & 赌场


“这是我一生中最大的战斗, 我必须利用这一点。” ——大卫·贝纳维德斯

“他们说他是一个精彩片段, 但他会被暴露 在周五 夜晚。” ——罗纳德·加夫里尔


点击 这里 要下载称重的照片; 信用罗西Cohe / SHOWTIME

点击 这里 从伊德里斯艾尔芭/梅威瑟促销图片


LAS VEGAS (七. 7, 2017) – 所有六名超中量级拳击手都达到了体重 周四, 堆积三重头球的前一天 明天/星期五, 七. 8 上 欣欣拳击: 特别版本 住在开演时间® (10:05 P.M. AND/PT) 来自联合 Hard Rock酒店 & 赌场.



大卫Benavidez: 167 ½磅

罗纳德Gavril: 166 ¾磅

J'Leon爱: 168 ¼磅

亚伯拉罕·汉: 167 ½磅

迦勒厂: 167 ¼磅

安德鲁·埃尔南德斯: 166 ¼磅




“我有点惊讶标题镜头来得这么早. 我爸爸告诉我要做好准备,如果机会来了, 我需要准备好出现.


“[Gavril] 认为我是个孩子, 我知道. 我 20 岁, 但我会让他犯错误并让他挺身而出, 那么我将接手.


“他从来没有面对过像我这样的人. 我会让他想他想想的. 我知道我可以做什么. 这是我一生中最大的一场战斗,我必须好好利用.


“离开菲尼克斯可能是我做过的最好的事情之一, 特别是对于我的拳击生涯.




“过去几场比赛非常艰难,我不能只考虑淘汰赛. 我必须把它们一块一块地拆开. 我的方法改变了. 我不会像迈克·泰森那样只是哭着进去. 我要剖析它们.


“我发现他是一个抗压者,并且身体素质很好. 他只有一种速度,没有任何其他档位. 我看了很多关于他的电影,觉得他有一些弱点我可以揭露. 我将以淘汰赛的方式结束这一切! 我已经准备好去 12 发, 但我要击倒他.


“这次我为任何一场战斗付出了最大的努力. 我有像加夫里尔一样的陪练伙伴.


“这个体重我感觉很舒服, 但我可以看到自己正在走向 175 在某一点, 也许三个或 四年后.


“我知道如果我赢了,我将成为有史以来最年轻的超中量级世界冠军. 这只是蛋糕上的糖霜。”



“我们的营地延长了两周,因为我们本来应该在八月战斗. 26. 但世界冠军争夺战即将来临,所以我们必须全力以赴.


“我要让他战斗. 我是一名更有经验的拳击手,并且比我的对手有更高的拳击智商.


“我并没有忽视贝纳维德斯. 他是一位坚强的战士,我们都知道这一点. 我的教练 [埃迪·穆斯塔法·穆罕默德] 一直在和我一起制定游戏计划. 我会为他带来的一切做好准备.


“这是一个很棒的训练营,我们有最好的陪练伙伴, 包括八斗 [千斤顶] 和何塞·乌兹卡特吉.


“我看过贝纳维德斯的视频. 他投出了很多组合和快速的手. 他们说他是精彩片段, 但他会被暴露 在周五 晚上“。



“我知道我已经停工一年了, 但我一直在健身房里纠正自己的错误并完善自己的比赛. 我已经过了前景阶段,现在我是一个竞争者.


“他不如我聪明. 我来发言. 他会尝试把战斗带给我, 但这并不重要. 我和一些大个子打过比赛, 轻重量级.


“很容易感到舒服, 但我从错误中吸取了教训. 我很幸运有弗洛伊德 [梅威瑟] 在我生命中, 但他不会永远在那儿. 我必须能够为自己做一些事情. 每个人都知道弗洛伊德拥有一切, 但他仍然拼命努力工作.


“西奥·钱伯斯现在回来训练我了,我不得不回到底特律的 Kronk Gin 让狗出来. 当我还是个孩子的时候我就开始和他在一起了 14 岁.


“我想要像詹姆斯·德盖尔这样的球员, 以及贝纳维德斯和加夫里尔的获胜者. 为什么不呢? 我对任何事物都感到饥饿. 我会尽一切努力成为世界冠军.


“有时你需要休息一段时间,裁员是件好事. 我治愈了我的心灵和身体. 我们已经做了一些工作,现在准备将其展示. 我从错误中吸取了教训.


“拳击对我来说很自然,我对自己的机会感觉非常好 星期五 晚上“。



“我并不总是专注于我的职业生涯, 但我已经把它拿回来了,我姐姐 [现任 IBF 女子羽量级世界冠军] 詹妮弗是一个重要原因. 我必须弄清楚一些事情. 整个高中她都打败了我. 人们会用黑眼睛看到我,并且知道她会把我打得落花流水. 被姐姐打的时候有点尴尬.


“这对我来说是一个很大的机会. 我输掉了两个分歧的决定 [塞尔吉奥·莫拉和费尔南多·格雷罗] 两者都可以选择. 两场比赛中我都是唯一的击倒对手, 但我是“B”方,所以你知道事情会如何发展.


“埃尔帕索正在努力成为一个战斗城镇,我们有很多优秀的教练, 但我们还有很长的路要走.


“几年前我的肩膀受伤了,无法使用右肩,所以我开始更多地用左撇子打架. 我在成长过程中接触过很多综合武术, 从拳击转向拳击并不难.


“J’Leon Love 拥有梅威瑟促销活动中最好的拳击团队之一. 我必须连续出拳。”



“我会像往常一样平静和放松地进入那里,并根据需要进行调整. 我可以告诉你我计划做的一切, 或可能发生什么, 但这就是拳击,每个人都知道它是如何运作的. 这取决于环内发生的情况, 我会做出调整.


“我的对手做了不同的事情,并且非常耐用并且会来战斗. 我们知道他移动得很好,可以做不同的事情并且成为进攻者. 他有不同的维度. 我们并没有忽视他.


“这不是第一次发生, 也不会是最后一个, 必须面对与我们训练时不同的对手. 归根结底,一切都是为了能够做出调整, 在擂台上和生活中. 我不期望任何低于 A+ 的表现.


“我不会掉以轻心地对待这场战斗. 这不是玩笑. 拳击对我来说是生死攸关. 这是我所拥有的一切,从我九岁起这就是我一生的全部. 我没有别的事了。”



“我已经提前一周收到了这场比赛的通知. 我当然会说是. 我不会逃避任何斗士或机会. 凯莱布是一个巨大的前景,他们正在谈论他很快就会争夺世界冠军. 由此可以带来很多机会.


“[迦勒] 没有太多弱点. 他有很好的手速和相当不错的力量以及很好的防守. 他是我的全部,我的工作已经完成. 但我对自己很有信心,希望能带他走进深水区.




“在我的职业生涯中我经历过一些挫折. 我已经这样做了足够长的时间,希望有一天也许我会为世界冠军而战,并在一切尘埃落定之前获得一份不错的发薪日. 我好饿。”


# # #


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, 在Twitter @SHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing 和 @MayweatherPromo, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, 和 www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions


大卫·贝纳维德斯 (David Benavidez) 接替罗纳德·加夫里尔 (Ronald Gavril) 填补空缺
SHOWTIME 上的超中量级世界冠军
Hard Rock酒店 & 赌场在拉斯维加斯
星期五, 九月 8
马里奥·巴里奥斯 (Mario Barrios) 与纳伊姆·尼尔森 (Naim Nelson) 在超轻量级比赛中相遇
摊牌于 “脚趾到脚趾星期二” 在 FS1 上 & 福克斯从伯利恒金沙活动中心驱逐出境
九月 19
不败的超级羽量级选手勒杜安·巴勒米 (Leduan Barthlemy) 和爱德华多·拉米雷斯 (Eduardo Ramirez) 展开对决 “”脚趾到脚趾星期二” 在 FS1 上 & 福克斯从罐头厂酒店驱逐出境 & 赌场
在拉斯维加斯 九月 26
LAS VEGAS (九月 7, 2017) – 拳击运动成为八月份关注的焦点,一场创纪录的大型赛事激发了公众的想象力. 九月份由顶级拳击冠军举办的三场表演将为球迷提供更多机会看到年轻拳击手在这项运动中的崛起.
“超级拳击冠军将呈现三场表演,带来球迷们所欣赏的兴奋感. 这三个节目都有拳击手在这项运动中拥有光明的未来,并且 明天的 明星,” 蒂姆·史密斯说, Haymon Boxing 通讯副总裁.
大卫Benavidez (18-0, 17 科斯) 将在 罗纳德Gavril(18-1, 14 科斯) 当两位拳击手在一场 12 回合的拳击比赛中展开对决时,这场比赛将产生历史意义,争夺空缺的超中量级世界冠军头衔: 特别版本®星期五, 九月 8 在 10 P.M. AND/PT. 20岁的贝纳维德斯有机会成为历史上最年轻的超中量级冠军以及当今这项运动中最年轻的卫冕拳击世界冠军. 加夫里尔希望赢得他的梅威瑟促销队友曾经拥有的冠军头衔, 八斗杰克, 谁腾出了头衔晋升到 175 8 月,他以压倒性优势击败内森·克莱弗利 (Nathan Cleverly),夺得轻重量级世界冠军. 26.
下卡将在超中量级中进行两场更精彩的比赛. 曾经被击败的竞争者 J'Leon爱 (23-1, 13 科斯) 将与德克萨斯州本地人战斗 亚伯拉罕·汉(26-3, 16 科斯) 在10轮比赛中并且保持不败的前景迦勒厂 (15-0, 10 科斯) 发生在 安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 (19-6-1, 9 科斯) 在 10 回合行动.
不败的超轻量级竞争者 马里奥·巴里奥斯 (19-0, 11 科斯) 将与费城发生冲突 纳伊姆·纳尔逊 (13-3, 1 KO) 在伯利恒金沙伯利恒活动中心举行的 10 回合战斗中, 宾夕法尼亚州 脚趾到脚趾星期二 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 上 星期二, 九月 16 在 10 P.M./7 P.M. PT. 来自圣安东尼奥的 22 岁巴里奥斯今年表现出色, 三月淘汰亚德利·阿门塔·克鲁兹,六月淘汰何塞·路易斯·罗德里格斯.
在其他电视转播的比赛中, 布鲁克林轻重量级新秀 伯爵纽曼 (10-0, 7 科斯) 承接托莱多的 保罗·帕克 (8-2, 4 科斯) 在一场八回合的比赛中展开广播,并有一对不败的羽量级新星 斯蒂芬·富尔顿 (11-0, 5 科斯) 和 亚当·洛佩兹 (8-0, 3 科斯) 在八轮联合主赛事中对决.
六名拳击手的总战绩为 72-1 将进行战斗脚趾到脚趾星期二 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 上 七. 26从罐头厂赌场 & 酒店在 拉斯维加斯: 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. AND. 不败的古巴超羽量级选手 Leduan缪 (13-0, 7 科斯) 见面会 爱德华多·拉米雷斯 (20-0-2, 7 科斯) 从 洛斯莫奇斯, 锡那罗亚, 墨西哥参加 10 轮主赛事.
在合作的主要事件 亚历杭德罗·萨利纳斯 (8-1, 8 科斯) 扬斯敦, 俄亥俄州之战 第二个视图 (12-0-2, 4 科斯) 麦迪逊的, 威斯康星州进行八回合超羽量级比赛. 在开幕式的电视比赛中, 布莱恩·菲格罗亚 (12-0, 5 科斯) 蒂华纳, 当他对阵时,墨西哥将首次在墨西哥以外的地方进行比赛 伊万·希门尼斯 (7-0-1, 4 科斯), 来自古巴但现在住在拉斯维加斯, 在八轮轻量级比赛中.

Erislandy Lara vs. 特雷尔Gausha; 杰梅尔·查洛 VS. 埃里克森鲁宾; Jarrett Hurd vs. Austin Trout SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader Press Conference Quotes & 照片

总理拳击冠军主办 星期六, 十月 14 巴克莱中心布鲁克林
点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ SHOWTIME照片
点击 这里 从埃德迪勒图片/ DiBella娱乐
布鲁克林 (九月 6, 2017) – Six of the top 154-pound fighters in the world spoke to media in Brooklyn 星期三 ahead of their respective 星期六, 十月 14showdowns featured in a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击家®.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy “美国梦” 拉拉 defending against undefeated 特雷尔Gausha plus hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “钢铁侠” 夏洛茨维尔 taking on top contender 埃里克森 “锤” 鲁宾“迅速” 贾勒特赫德 making his first title defense against tough former world champion 奥斯汀 “毫无疑问” 鳟鱼.
门票事件现已公开发售,并在开始 $50 (不包括适用的费用). 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays CenterGroup discounts are available by calling 844-BKLYN-GP.
以下是新闻发布会的参与者不得不说 星期三:
I like to do my talking in the ring. 上 十月 14 that’s exactly what I’m going to do. It’s an honor to be headlining on SHOWTIME and we’re looking forward to a great fight.
I’m excited to be part of this huge card. This is a great event. These are the best guys in the division. It’s a pleasure to be the main event and I look forward to putting on a show.
Gausha is a good fighter. He’s an Olympian and a guy who wants to win and become world champion. I know what that feels likes, but I also know what it takes. We’ll see how it plays out on 十月 14.
“我很高兴这场斗争. I’ve beat champions, former champions and now I’ll add an Olympian. After I take care of business I look forward to unifying the division.
My prayers and my thoughts are with everyone down in Houston. I have family and friends who were affected. It’s a sad situation, but Houston has to be strong. That’s why I’m going to have ‘Houston Strongon my trunks because we all need to stick together and unite. That’s the way we’ll make it through.
I was extremely excited to get the call for this fight. I’ve been working for this my whole career and it’s a great opportunity. Lara is considered to be the best in the division and I want to fight the best. Now is my time.
I’ll have to make adjustments in there. Obviously with Lara you have to cut the ring off. We have a game plan that I’m going to go in there and execute on 十月 14.
I’m fighting a tough competitor. He’s crafty. We all know he has skills. But I’ve prepared for this and I’m going to do what I have to do. I like to do my talking in the ring and I’ll leave it all on the line on fight night.
I’m a more mature fighter now. I’m a true professional. I’ve been through some things in my career that have helped me leading up to this fight. I’m well-seasoned and ready for the test.
I’m training with my coach Manny Robles in Norwalk, California and it’s been going really well. We’re adding a few things for this fight but mostly just putting in the same hard work that we always do.
“我很幸运,在这个位置上. I feel like all my hard work is paying off now that I’m on a big card like this. I worked hard and I deserve this chance.
I’m honored to be in Brooklyn. This is another exciting fight card like the last card I was on here. I did what I had to do in April. I let the opponent run his mouth and then I took care of him. I’m going to let that happen again.
“我要利用这个机会优势. I know that I have a lot of advantages but I just need to go seize the moment. 他是一个艰难的, strong fighter who’s going to be ready to take my title.
It’s interesting to see a guy as young as he is come for a world title. I’ve been here a long time in the pro game. It’s a big stage for both of us. I’ve fought a lot of tough guys up to this point. This is what I’ve been preparing for.
I want to fight Jarrett Hurd after this. I’d also like to get an opportunity to unify against Miguel Cotto. I want to show the old guard that the Charlo twins are as good as anyone.
I got my hands full with Ericskon Lubin and I know he comes to fight. He’s a dog, but I’m an animal as well. I’m going to step up and do what I’ve done each time before.
I’m doing this for Houston. Houston is going through a lot. My friends and family are all affected. It really doesn’t seem real to me. I’m ready to help however I can.
This is the fight I asked for. I said I wanted to go the WBC route and when it was officially announced I was really excited. I’ve been training for this since my last fight. I’m even more motivated now to go get the belt.
I’ve been sparring with bigger guys. Guys who throw one-two combos like Jermell. I’m getting prepared mentally and physically for this fight.
Jermell has some power. He moves pretty well, but I’ll be prepared for everything. Whether he pressures or boxes me I’ll be prepared.
I laugh at people who say this is too soon for me. Mike Tyson was 19 when he dared to be great. This is the perfect time for me to show that I’m not a regular 21-year-old.
This is a stacked card we have here and I’m ready to showcase my talent. I want to prove I’m the best in this division. I think we’re bringing back the era of all fighters going out there and giving it their all each time they step into the ring. I always steal the show and I’m planning to do that 十月 14.”
It means everything to be defending my belt on a card like this. I fought here at Barclays Center on the Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter undercard so to be back here against a veteran in Austin Trout is great. I can’t wait to put on a show.
We’re going to have two buses of fans coming up here. The ‘Swiftfans will be in the house. It’s going to be a great atmosphere on fight night.
In my last bout, Tony Harrison won some early rounds by boxing me, so we’ve known that my next opponent is going to try to outbox me. We expect him to move around and use the ring against me.
This has been a long training camp. We’ve had this bout set for a long time. We’re more than prepared.
We’ve been training to catch a ‘Trout.We’ll put the bait out there and let him come in. If he doesn’t take the bait, we’ll step right in the water and get him out of there.
I’m going to keep the pressure on him. I’m planning on attacking the body and making sure I cut off the ring. He’s going to be on the move so I have to be prepared.
My fans can expect a stoppage on 十月 14. He’s got three losses against great opponents but none have been able to stop him. I’m going to separate myself by being the first to do it.
This is going to put me back to where I belong. Right back on top. This is for my legacy so this is of the utmost importance.
It’s an honor to be on a card like this. I’m blessed to be a part of this great lineup of fighters. This place is the new hotspot of boxing and I can’t wait to perform.
Hurd is tall, he’s a big guy who I think is going to come forward. We’re preparing for the best possible Hurd that there could be.
I’m ready to take my career to a whole new level. I’ve been in big fights, but none like this. There is so much riding on this fight. He wants to make a name for himself off of my name.
He didn’t have to take this fight and I’m happy he did. But he messed up. I’m leaving the ring with his belt and his ‘0.’ I want to stake my claim as the best in the division.
I’m coming home as a world champion. I’ll be a two-time world champion who’s going to unify this division. I’m going to have my hand raised at the end of the night.
娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁
This is going to be a sensational show. If you’re a boxing fan this is going to be an amazing show. It’s going to bring some clarity to the division with six talented guys matching off. It’s a boxing fan’s fight and it’s priced that way.
What boxing needs is the best matchups. Boxing needs shows like this. These are the kind of shows that SHOWTIME has been showing for the last few years. There is no question that they’re the number one network in boxing.
This card is about finding out who will be the last man standing in the 154-pound division. It starts on 十月 14 and it’ll all go down on SHOWTIME.
Last week we had the world’s attention for an unprecedented event in Mayweather vs. 麦格雷戈. What this sport needs to do to continue to expand is to follow that up with high quality boxing matchups. That’s why this card is so important. It was critical that we had a top to bottom high quality card to capture those people who started paying attention to boxing on Aug. 26.
Over the last couple of years, SHOWTIME along with Barclays Center and DiBella Entertainment have brought fans the biggest and best fights in boxing. This might be the highest quality card from top to bottom since we started working with Barclays Center.
This tripleheader will be the 18, 19 和 20 world title fights this year on SHOWTIME. More than anyone else. More important and meaningful fights than anyone else. This is a talent-rich division we’ve been showcasing for years.
I’ve never had any doubts about boxing’s future. Boxing is very healthy. All you have to do is look at these six fighters in their prime, taking on top competition. I know that this sport is in very good health.
BRETT YORMARK, 布鲁克林体育的CEO & 娱乐
It has been an incredible year for BROOKLYN BOXING. Probably the best since we opened Barclays Center. 在十月, 28, we will celebrate our fifth anniversary. We’re very committed to boxing, not only showcasing the best and brightest talent, but to use it as a platform for those who aspire to get in this ring. We’re committed to their futures.
There are a lot of championships on the line which should make it a great night. All of these fights promise to bring action to our great fans. We look forward to seeing everyone on the 14.”
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,万维网.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,

Boxing Doubleheader Features Two Blockbuster Shows on Separate Networks from Both Coasts & Showcases Five World Championship Matches on Saturday, 十月 14 总理拳击冠军主办

Action Kicks Off With Leo Santa Cruz & Abner Mares Defending Their Titles in Separate Matches In Primetime On FOX & FOX Deportes from StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州. 在 7:30 P.M. AND/4:30 P.M. AND
Nightcap Features a Thrilling Tripleheader of
World Championship Matches in the 154-pound Division
Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn at
10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT
LAS VEGAS (九月 6, 2017) – Let’s play two! Boxing fans will have the rare opportunity to enjoy a boxing doubleheader with two separate live shows on different networks that will showcase five world championship matches from coast to coast on 星期六, 十月 14 由总理拳击冠军提出.
In the first show, sensational featherweight champion 狮子座圣克鲁斯 (33-1-1, 18 科斯) will defend his world title against 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯 (27-5, 20 科斯), while three-division world champion 押尼珥Mares (30-2-1, 15 科斯) defends his 126-pound belt against once-beaten 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯 (35-1-1, 25 科斯) 在StubHub的中心卡森, California in primetime on FOX & FOX Deportes at 7:30 P.M. AND/4:30 P.M. PT.
Following that will be a scintillating 154-pound world championship tripleheader on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn at 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT.
Erislandy拉拉 (24-2-2, 14 科斯), arguably the most-skilled boxer in the division and the longest reigning world champion, will headline and defend his title against undefeated 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 特雷尔Gausha (20-0, 9 科斯). Hard-hitting undefeated champion Jermell夏洛茨维尔 (29-0, 14 科斯) will take on top contender 埃里克森鲁宾 (18-0, 13 科斯) 而 贾勒特赫德 (20-0, 14 科斯) will make his first title defense against tough former world champion 奥斯汀鳟鱼 (30-3, 17 科斯).
It’s a common occurrence in Major League Baseball, the NFL and the NBA to be able to watch two or three games back-to-back on the same day, but it is rare in boxing to watch back-to-back live shows from two locations on the same day,” 蒂姆·史密斯说, Haymon Boxing 通讯副总裁. “This is a unique opportunity for boxing fans to watch two separate live cards on two different networks from both U.S. coasts, featuring five world championship matches in the 126-pound and 154-pound divisiontwo of the hottest divisions in boxing. If you’re a boxing fan you’re going to want to get your popcorn ready for October 14.
All five of the featured championship matches hold major significance in the future for the winners.
If Santa Cruz and Mares win their respective matches, they have both agreed to terms to meet in a highly anticipated rematch and featherweight title consolidation bout in early 2018. Santa Cruz won a hard-fought, narrow decision against Mares in 2015.
The 154-pound title tripleheader features four undefeated boxers and the very best the division has to offer. The winners in each match will face each other in the future to determine which one will eventually be the undisputed 154-pound world champion.

Caleb Plant Wraps Up Final Days of Training Camp, Talks New Opponent

Photo by Sean Michael Ham – 总理拳击冠军
Download more photos 点击这里
LAS VEGAS, NV (九月 5, 2017) Unbeaten middleweight contender, 迦勒 “Sweethands” 厂 (15-0, 10 科斯) is just a few days away from making his SHOWTIME debut 这个星期五 硬石酒店 & 在拉斯维加斯赌场. Plant will face late opponent, 安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 (19-6-1, 9 科斯) 在10轮的较量. 收听这个星期五 在Showtime (10 P.M. AND/PT).
With just a few days away from the fight, Plant gives is thoughts on facing Hernandez, 训练, 多, as he wraps up the final days of camp.
On his matchup with late opponent Andrew Hernandez
“说实话, it doesn’t matter who they put in front of me, I’ll fight anyone. I was originally supposed to fight Alan Campa, but he pulled out, like most of my opponents. Hernandez recently fought so I know he’s in good shape. I’m happy that he stepped up, but I’m going to put tips on him. There’s no two ways about it, 我要出人头地了。”
Training camp has been unbelievable. It’s no doubt, one of my best training camps ever. My weight is perfect and I couldn’t be happier with the way I’ve been looking in the gym. My trainer Justin Gamber is doing a phenomenal job, as well as my dad Richie. 拉里·韦德, my strength and conditioning coach, has got me in tip top shape. We are going to dictate our game plan on Hernandez, and try to get him out of there before the final bell. If it goes the distance, 我会做好准备。”
On making his Showtime debut
I’m very excited to be making my debut on Showtime. This is the first of many as I believe I can become a household name on their network. Showtime is looking for their next star and I believe it’s me. I’m going to put on a spectacular performance. Everyone watching can expect to see a very skilled and determined fighter when they see me fight 这个星期五夜晚。”
On fighting in his new hometown of Las Vegas
This will be my third time fighting in Las Vegas, the mecca of boxing, and I want to stamp my legacy here. Since moving here from Nashville about a year ago, I’ve been getting some great work with some top-level fighters. Nashville will always be home, but Vegas is where I’m at right now. I have a lot of new fans out here and I can’t wait to put on a great show for them.
On what a victory will do for his career
“A win 这个星期五 will get me one step closer to a world title shot. I’m currently ranked WBA #7 和 #11 由IBF. I’m right there knocking on the door. David Benavidez is fighting for the WBC title in the main event, and he’s definitely someone I want to fight. J'Leon爱, who’s world ranked, is also on the card. Both are on my radar. I’m want all the champions in my division. I’m going to be a world champion when I get my opportunity.



Unbeaten Rising Contender David Benavidez & Former European Amateur Star Ronald Gavril Battle for Vacant WBC Super Middleweight World Title

in Main Event of SHOWTIME BOXING: 特别版本® 星期五, 七. 8住在Showtime在 10:05 P.M. AND/PT

LAS VEGAS (七. 5, 2017) – Fight Week is here for the six boxers competing in 本周五的 欣欣拳击: 特别版本 电视节目, headlined by unbeaten rising star 大卫Benavidez 与竞争者 罗纳德Gavril will battle for the vacant WBC Super Middleweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME (10:05 P.M. AND/PT) 从在Hard Rock酒店联合 & 赌场, 拉斯维加斯.


本次活动, 由总理拳击冠军提出, will feature two additional showdowns in the super middleweight division. 曾经被打过 J'Leon爱 (23-1, 13 科斯) 将与德克萨斯州本地人战斗 亚伯拉罕·汉 (26-3, 16 科斯) in a 10-round bout while unbeaten prospect 迦勒厂 (15-0, 10 科斯) takes on 31-year-old Phoenix, 亚利桑那州。, switch-hitter 安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 (19-6-1, 9 科斯), who steps in for Alan Campa for the 10-round attraction.


门票现场活动, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Sampson Boxing, 售价为 $100, $50 和 $25, and are on sale Tuesday, 八月. 22. To purchase tickets visit AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & 赌场, Las Vegas Box Office.


The following is a training camp update from each of the fighters on 本周五的 tripleheader.


David “El Bandera Roja” Benavidez

  • He trains out of The Summit Gym in Big Bear, 加利福尼亚州.
  • His trainer is his father, Jose Benavidez Sr.
  • 用一场胜利, Benavidez (年龄 20) would become the youngest Super Middleweight to ever win a world title and the youngest current world champion.
  • He’s very familiar with the gym because his brother Jose Benavidez Jr. (former WBA interim super lightweight champion) used to train there when he was active.


Benavidez on training camp:

“My training camps are always fairly long. I only take a week off after every fight and go back into training. For the first couple weeks, it’s just moving around, then we slowly work into the hard training. For this one, I probably had like a month and a half, two months.”



“I feel like he [罗纳德Gavril] has a really good style for me to showcase my skills, like how I did against Rogelio Medina. With our sparring partners, we have brawlers and we have boxers, 还有. Whatever style he fights on that night, I’m going to be prepared for it.”


Ronald “The Thrill” Gavril

  • He trains at the Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas.
  • He is a former European amateur standout.
  • His trainer is Eddie Mustafa Muhammad (65 岁; former WBA light heavyweight world champion, retired in 1988 以创纪录 50-8-1, 39 科斯).

Gavril on training camp:

“I feel really sharp and I’m really happy with how everything has gone during training. This is the opportunity that I’ve worked so hard to get to and I’m definitely not letting it slip by. I know that everything needs to be 100 percent on fight night so I’m pushing myself to be ready to do whatever it takes to leave with the belt.”



“Benavidez is a strong guy who’s coming in with a lot of support behind him, but I’m not going to let any of that distract me from my preparation. Me and my trainer are going to have a great game plan for him. I know he wants to be active and smother me and we’re going to show him all of the parts of my game.”


“I got Ronald sparring with the IBF’s number-one super middleweight contender, 何塞Uzcategui. He’s giving us good work, too—he can fight. We also sparred Badou Jack for a couple rounds. We’ve got an abundance of guys that we’re working with.


“The way they’re talking about Benavidez, it’s like he’s King Kong. But it’s good—perfect! Ronald is a boxer-puncher, he can adapt. That’s the whole key. He has a wealth of amateur experience. This is our opportunity. We’ve talked about this for a while now, and Ronald is at a point where he’s ready right now…It’s going to be a great fight.”



  • He trains at the Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas.
  • His trainer is Theo Chambers.
  • He’s been in training camp for about five months


Love on training camp:

“My training camp—it’s been months! I started training in April. Being that we had fights fall out, I always stayed in the gym. That’s the hardest part, because I feel like I’ve had bad luck with fights falling out. But one thing I can say—we train our ass off! I just want to go on vacation after this.”


“We’ve had a lot of good sparring—Lionell Thompson and Denis Douglin have been in here working. We’ve had so many sparring partners throughout this camp, and we’ve just been working, 工作, 工作.



“I remember Abie Han from the amateurs. He’s always been a tough fighter. You can’t look past anybody. Everybody comes in that ring to fight. Everybody comes in with a different mode or a different drive, so this may be the drive he has to really come out and explode on the scene and beat me. 所以, I’m taking him absolutely, positively serious, like he’s a world championship fighter and we’re fighting for the world title.”


Abraham “The Sun City Warrior” Han

  • Trains out of his father’s martial arts studio in El Paso, 得克萨斯州 (Han’s Martial Arts).
  • He is trained by Louie Burke — 56 岁; former pro junior lightweight, retired in 1985 以创纪录 19-3, 12 科斯; won the “ESPN Junior Lightweight Title” on Apr. 14, 1983, with a 12-round unanimous decision against Freddie Roach; also won a 10-round decision against Roach in the rematch on Nov. 10, 1983.
  • He has sparred with former world champion Austin Trout.


Han on training camp:

“I train at my dad’s martial arts studio in El Paso – Han’s Martial Arts. I’m sparring mostly with local people from El Paso, and I also sparred with Austin Trout.


“I’ve been working hard and working with Austin (鳟鱼) and that makes a big difference. Austin makes me so much better. He’s been a world champion and he will be a world champion again. His expertise and his knowledge is amazing. He’s been in those situations and he tells me little things along the way and I think that will make all the difference in this fight.”


Caleb “Sweet Hands” Plant

  • Moved to Las Vegas from Nashville about a year ago to train
  • He is trained by Justin Gamber and his father Richie Plant.


Plant on training camp:

I’ve been living in Las Vegas for more than a year now – since August 24th, 2016. I’ve been in the gym consistently this whole time since my last fight, but my ‘officialtraining camp will be seven or eight weeks. We bounce around to a couple of different gyms for sparring. I’ve had good work this camp – great sparring, good strength and conditioning, good gym work, and I’ve had good rest. I have a good diet.


I know every boxer says, '哦, this is my best camp,’ and a lot of times they don’t mean it. But this has literally been my best camp. Things are very smooth.”



  • He is managed by his wife Jacquie Hernandez and trained by Alan Beirs.
  • Alfred Quintana serves as his cut man and strength and conditioning coach.
  • A late replacement, Hernandez got the call on Aug. 29 and accepted the fight; contract signed the next day.
  • Trains at Gents Gym in Arrowhead, 亚利桑那州.


What Hernandez has to say:

I’ve known my trainer, Alan Beirs, 一阵子. He actually helped me with my last couple of fights – we’ve only been together maybe six months or so. He worked my corner in February, but we weren’t working completely together. Then when I got back in the gym in March, that’s when we really started working together.


I train at a place called Gents Gym in Arrowhead, 亚利桑那州. I trained there with the Busted Knuckles Boxing crew – that’s Alan Beirscrew. We’re all pushing each other to get better and I know they’ll have me ready for fight night.”


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总理拳击冠军主办 & Headlined by
Erislandy Lara Defending Title Against Unbeaten Terrell Gausha; Also Features Unbeaten Champion Jermell Charlo Against Top Challenger Erickson Lubin, and Jarrett Hurd in First Defense Against Former World Champion Austin Trout
门票开始发售 明天, 八月 31 在 10 A.M. AND
布鲁克林 (八月. 30, 2017) – A trio of 154-pound world champions will defend their titles as part of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader headlined by Erislandy Lara defending against undefeated Terrell Gausha, in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions on 星期六, 十月 14 住在Showtime (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT)巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击家®.
卡片, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, will feature four undefeated 154-pound boxers and will pave the way for an undisputed king of the 154-pound division.
Erislandy “美国梦” 拉拉 (24-2-2, 14 科斯), generally recognized as the best boxer in the super welterweight division and its longest reigning champion, will defend his title against undefeated 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 特雷尔Gausha (20-0, 9 科斯).
在合作的主要事件, hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “钢铁侠” 夏洛茨维尔 (29-0, 14 科斯) takes on top contender 埃里克森 “锤” 鲁宾 (18-0, 13 科斯), 而 “迅速” 贾勒特赫德 (20-0, 14 科斯) will make his first title defense against tough former world champion 奥斯汀 “毫无疑问” 鳟鱼 (30-3, 17 科斯).
“在十月 14 在巴克莱中心, three world champions will be defending their belts, 在Showtime, in a night of tremendous super welterweight action,” 说娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “Long reigning Cuban Erislandy Lara takes on undefeated Olympian Terrell Gausha and newly crowned Jarrett Hurd faces respected former world champion Austin Trout. This card also features one of the best matchups that can be made between two undefeated fighters, champion Jermell Charlo and young sensation Erickson Lubin.
This is a blockbuster card for boxing fans,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “The 154-pound division is full of talent and this card is loaded with the best champions and top-ranked contenders in the division. The guy who will be the eventual king of the division is fighting on this show and the fans will be treated to matches that will determine who that unified champion will be.
Tickets to the event will go on sale on 明天, 八月 31 在 10 A.M. AND and start at $50 (不包括适用的费用). 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting 星期五, 九月 1 美国东部时间中午. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
We are thrilled to continue our best year yet of BROOKLYN BOXING with our fifth major boxing event of 2017,” 布雷特说Yormark, 布鲁克林体育的CEO & 娱乐. “We always aim to deliver fight fans an evening packed with top-notch matchups from start to finish, and this card certainly does that.
拉拉, a 34-year-old Cuban southpaw, owns victories over Trout, Alfredo Angulo and a slew of former champions and top contenders in addition to a controversial split decision loss to Canelo Alvarez on the way to cementing his credentials as the top boxer in the division. Lara will make the seventh defense of his world title as he continues to train with renowned trainer Ronnie Shields.
I’m very excited to be making another title defense back on SHOWTIME headlining a great tripleheader,” 拉拉说. “This is an interesting fight versus an undefeated U.S. Olympian in Terrell Gausha. I know he will be ready because it’s his opportunity to beat the best fighter in the division and become a champion. But come fight night, he will quickly realize and know why I’m the consensus No. 1 super welterweight in the world. After this performance, I look forward to, one-by-one, adding a WBC and IBF title to my collection.
The 29-year-old Gausha, 克利夫兰, 俄亥俄, earned a shot at the world title with solid victories in his last two matches. He won a hard-fought decision over Steven Martinez last August and followed it up with another impressive victory over Luis Hernandez on 二月. 10. Lara figures to be his toughest battle in his pro career that dates back to 2012.
I’ve been talking about this since I was a three-year-old watching Muhammad Ali on television,” said Gausha. “I’m here now and blessed for this opportunity. Lara’s a tough fighter, champion and the best opponent I’ll fight on paper. He’s been in with the bigger names. But the better the opponent, the better I am, and I’m coming to dethrone him. He’s crafty, but the world hasn’t seen all that I can bring to the table. I’ll make adjustments on the fly and do things that I’ve never shown before. Seeing other Olympic team members win titles gives me motivation to earn the victory and the notoriety I’ve been looking for.
Charlo of Houston, Texas will be making the second defense of his title, which he won by knockout victory over John Jackson on May 21, 2016. The 27-year-old Charlo successfully defended the title with a highlight reel knockout victory over fellow Texan Charles Hatley on四月 22 在巴克莱中心. 他和他的孪生兄弟, Jermall, both held world titles at 154-pounds, before Jermall relinquished his title to move up to 160 英镑. Charlo now trains in Dallas with Derrick James, trainer of world champion Errol Spence Jr.
Lubin is young and hungry and I know he always comes to fight, but there’s a reason why I’m where I am in the sport,” 说夏洛茨维尔. “I’ve been through the trenches and I don’t plan to stop anytime soon. This is what boxing always needstwo young, undefeated fighters willing to risk their ‘0“. But I think it’s a little early for Lubin to step in the ring with me, and I plan on keeping my title. 十月 14 I’ll show everyone why I’m a world champion.
鲁宾, 21, is nicknamed “哈默” because of his power in both hands and his ability to bring a quick conclusion to every match. Lubin of Orlando, 佛罗里达州。, has picked up 10 victories since the beginning of 2015 including seven knockouts on his way to contender status. Lubin most recently scored a sensational knockout of Jorge Cota in a title eliminator in March at Barclays Center.
This is a fight for the fans,” 鲁宾说:. “You have an undefeated champion against an undefeated Prospect of the Year. I’m very excited to be fighting for the belt and it’s truly been a dream of mine ever since I first got into boxing. 快来战斗之夜, Charlo will either give it to me or I’m going to rip the belt out of his hands. Many fans and reporters have said that he’s one of the best, and that will make it even sweeter. My mentality will be to seek and destroy, so everyone tune-in to SHOWTIME on 十月 14, you will witness boxing’s new superstar!”
赫德, 26, will be making the first defense of the title that he won with a KO victory over Tony Harrison on 二月. 25. 战斗了Accokeek的, 马里兰, Hurd soared up the rankings with stoppage victories over previously unbeaten fighters Frank Galarza and Oscar Molina at Barclays Center plus veteran Jo Jo Dan.
I got a Trout to catch,” 称,赫德. “His losses have all been to top champions Canelo Alvarez, Erislandy Lara and Jermall Charlo. But I’m on a streak of six straight knockouts and Trout has never been stopped, so I’m looking for the stoppage to make a statement that the other fighters couldn’t make. This is definitely my toughest fight, and I didn’t have to take it since it’s a voluntary defense. But I wanted this fight to stop Austin Trout, proving to the fans and people in general I’m the real deal and a true champion.
鳟鱼, a 31-year-old southpaw from Las Cruces, 新墨西哥, has faced some of the top 154-pound boxers in the division. He defeated Miguel Cotto in New York to win a title in 2012 and has close losses to Canelo Alvarez and Lara on his resume. In his most recent attempt at winning the title, Trout gave Jermall Charlo perhaps the toughest test of his career after looking impressive in four straight victories leading up to the challenge.
‘What a blessing it is to have this opportunity at a world title shot,” 特劳特说:. “I want to thank everyone who has been in my corner to help get me career defining fights. It’s refreshing to see young champions showing heart and testing their skill with the best in the game. With thatsaid, salute to Hurd for allowing this fight to go through.
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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,万维网.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions@BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,

弗洛伊德·梅威瑟在拉斯维加斯 T-MOBILE 竞技场的 Showtime PPV® 比赛中以第十回合技术淘汰赛战胜 UFC 明星康纳·麦格雷戈

Gervonta戴维斯, Badou Jack 和 Andrew Tabiti 全记录 四场 SHOWTIME PPV 赛事的胜利
延迟播出 今晚的 主赛事将在 SHOWTIME 独家播出® 周六, 九月 2
点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片
点击 这里 从伊德里斯艾尔芭/梅威瑟促销图片
LAS VEGAS (八月. 27, 2017) – 未来拳击名人堂成员 弗洛伊德 “钱” 梅威瑟 以时尚的方式结束了他历史性的职业生涯 周六 当晚,第十轮技术淘汰赛战胜了 UFC 巨星 康纳尔麦格雷戈 在拉斯维加斯 T-Mobile 竞技场举办的四场 SHOWTIME PPV 赛事的主赛事中.
40岁的梅威瑟, 第一次战斗 在 714 天, 比赛结束后宣布他不再参加比赛, 通过控制一场激动人心的全动作战斗,优雅地结束了他 21 年的职业生涯 14,623 世界各地的粉丝到场观看. 梅威瑟像他承诺的那样挺身而出, 裁判罗伯特·伯德终止了这场超次中量级的比赛 1:05 的 10 梅威瑟用一系列的打击惩罚了麦格雷戈,让他疲惫的对手感到震惊.
同赢, 这位来自拉斯维加斯的五级世界冠军成为第一位在拳击场结束职业生涯的拳击手 50-0, 打破了他之前与传奇人物洛基·马西亚诺 (Rocky Marciano) 共同保持的纪录.
“我认为我们给了球迷他们想看到的东西,” 梅威瑟在比赛结束后告诉SHOWTIME场边记者吉姆·格雷. “我欠他们帕奎奥之战. 我必须直接上前给粉丝们表演. 这就是我给他们的。”
三位评委全部 – 戴夫·莫雷蒂 (87-83), 伯特·克莱门茨 (89-82) 和吉多·卡瓦莱里 (89-81) – 停赛时梅威瑟在记分卡上领先. SHOWTIME 的非官方得分手史蒂夫·法胡德 (Steve Farhood) 帮助梅威瑟领先 86-85.
UFC历史上第一个两级冠军, 麦格雷戈, 从都柏林, 爱尔兰, 他表示,随着比赛进入后期阶段,他感到很疲劳. “他沉着冷静, 他没那么快, 他没那么强大, 但他在里面镇静吗?,” 29岁的麦格雷戈说. “我认为已经很接近了,而且我认为这有点提前停止了. 他的投篮更加冷静了. 我必须把它给他, 就是这样 50 职业战斗会为你做事。”
两位拳手都在前几轮中表现出色. 在第四轮, 梅威瑟迫使麦格雷戈后退并继续强行采取行动.
在战斗进行到一半的时候, 法胡德将前三轮让给了更具攻击性的麦格雷戈, 但第四轮, 五和六是更准确的梅威瑟.
“我们的比赛计划是慢慢来, 去找他, 让他尽早投篮,然后在最后阶段把他带出去,” 梅威瑟说. “我们知道他在 MMA 中为之奋斗 25 分钟. 后 25 分钟, 他开始放慢速度. 我向大家保证这不会走得太远.
“我们的比赛计划是直接前进. 我说过很多次我不会退缩,我就是这么做的。”
麦格雷戈表示他会考虑再次参加拳击比赛, 并且还将重返UFC比赛. “我在电视直播中被勒死然后又回来了,” 他说,. “当你在方圆里时, 一切都不同了. 让那个男人放下我, 这就是疲劳, 这不是损坏.
“最后两轮比赛在哪里进行? 让我走回我的角落,让自己平静下来。”
梅威瑟在最后一轮的精准度极高, 着陆 20 的 26 在裁判停止比赛之前强力出拳. 麦格雷戈有一个 51-40 前五回合中,拳头占据优势,但最终被超越 130 到 60 第六轮至 10 梅威瑟在他职业生涯的最后一场比赛中加了感叹号.
“洛基·马西亚诺是一位传奇人物,我期待着有一天能够进入名人堂,” 梅威瑟说. “这是我最后一次战斗 今晚. 当然. 今晚 这是我最后一次战斗. 今晚 我选择了合适的舞伴一起跳舞. 康纳, 你是一位出色的冠军。”
在合作的主要事件, 不败的后起之秀 Gervonta “坦克” 戴维斯 击败不败挑战者 弗朗西斯科·丰塞卡 通过有争议的第八轮淘汰赛 39 秒到圆.
22岁的戴维斯 (19-0, 18 科斯) 一系列干净利落的打击,随后头部后部明显中弹,丰塞卡倒地. 裁判拉塞尔·莫拉(Russell Mora)点了 10 秒,让戴维斯赢得了他在这场比赛中的第 18 场补时胜利。 19 专业的战斗. 比赛原定在戴维斯举行’ 第二次卫冕 IBF 青少年轻量级世界冠军, 但戴维斯没能增重 在周五, 比丰塞卡规定的 130 磅限制高出两磅 (19-1-1, 13 科斯) 权衡在.
“当他低下头时我投出了一枪,” 戴维斯说. “我最终肯定会阻止他. 在最后一枪之前他遇到了麻烦。”
戴维斯继续, “我要留在 130 磅并试图拿回我的头衔. 我还是想统一初级轻量级。”
“当我倒下时每个人都看到了, 他从背后打了我两次,” 丰塞卡说. “这是不合法的打击. 那是在拉斯维加斯, 所以他让人群追随他, 我只想重赛. 那次交流他从未伤害过我. 尽管他进来的时候 160 今天磅, 他的击球并不像他们说的那么猛烈。”
前超中量级冠军 八斗杰克 以TKO获胜成为两个级别的世界冠军 弥敦道巧妙 夺得WBA轻重量级世界冠军.
总部位于拉斯维加斯, 瑞典出生的杰克 (21-1-3, 13 科斯) 聪明地超越 (30-4, 16 科斯) 在一场一边倒的比赛中,裁判托尼·威克斯终止了比赛 12 第五轮比赛还剩几秒. 这是杰克自升职以来的第一场战斗 168 磅至 175 英镑.
“这是一个梦想成真,” 33岁的杰克说. “我了解到你不能把它交给法官。”
“杰克非常坚强,” 说巧. “他在第三回合抓住了我并打断了我的鼻子. 从那里开始呈螺旋式下降. 我受伤了并保护自己. 这很可怕,但也是这项运动的一部分。”
吉姆·格雷问杰克接下来他想和谁战斗, 安德烈·沃德或阿多尼斯·史蒂文森? “我认为阿多尼斯·史蒂文森, 让我们继续. 我会去加拿大. 我会去任何地方。”
“我有时会有点兴奋,但我几乎没有受到打击,” 杰克说. “我的拳击智商是这场比赛的关键. 每个怀疑我的人都激励着我. 我的教练和我的团队做得很好,让我达到了这一点。”
PPV电视转播以不败战绩开始 Andrew Tabiti 和前世界冠军 史蒂夫·坎宁安 在一场 10 回合的轻量级战斗中相遇. Tabiti (16-0, 13 科斯) 控制了对41岁坎宁安的行动 (29-9-1, 13 科斯) 在他一致决定得分的路上 97-93 两次, 100-90.
与老弗洛伊德·梅威瑟. 在他的角落里工作, 27岁的塔比蒂早早就定下了节奏,为整场比赛奠定了节奏. “我只是戳戳他并确保我保持聪明,” 塔比蒂说. “他是一名老将,所以我必须保持冷静. 我想证明我可以拳击. 这对我来说是一个进步,我在那里感到很舒服。”
芝加哥本地人,在拉斯维加斯生活和训练, 塔比蒂登陆 31 他的刺拳百分比 (70 的 229) 和 49 他百分之权力拳相比,只是 27 坎宁安的百分比. 同赢, 塔比蒂卫冕 NABF 轻量级冠军,并赢得 USBA 轻量级冠军.
“他的刺拳不错,但还不够忙,” 塔比蒂添加. “我只是不想犯错误. 如果你在对抗老将时起步太快,你很可能会被他抓住。”
坎宁安对塔比蒂印象不深. “我不认为安德鲁·塔比蒂是冠军级别的拳击手,” 他说,. “我以为我赢得了战斗. 我不认为我从他身上看到了什么特别的东西。”
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Floyd Mayweather vs. 康纳·麦格雷戈 (Conor McGregor) 是一场 12 回合的超次中量级对决,传奇拳击手梅威瑟 (Mayweather) 与 MMA 历史上最伟大的麦格雷戈 (McGregor) 在一场史无前例的四场付费拳击赛事的主赛事中对决. 梅威瑟VS. 麦格雷戈周六举行, 八月. 26 在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. 拉斯维加斯 T-Mobile Arena 的 PT. 该活动由 SHOWTIME PPV 现场制作和分发, 由梅威瑟促销推广并由 Corona 赞助.

Yordenis Ugas Earns Decision Over Thomas Dulorme in Action-Packed Welterweight Bout Featured on Mayweather vs. McGregor Prelims on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday Night from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas

Juan Heraldez Recovers From Knockdown to Win Decision Over Jose Miguel Borrego in Battle of Unbeaten Prospects
点击 这里 从伊德里斯艾尔芭/梅威瑟促销图片
LAS VEGAS (八月 26, 2017) – 次中量级竞争者 Yordenis Ugas (20-3, 9 科斯) took home a unanimous decision victory over 托马斯Dulorme (24-3, 16 科斯) despite being knocked down in Mayweather vs. McGregor preliminary action presented by Mayweather Promotions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday night from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Both men looked to establish their jab in round one but in round two Ugas landed a big uppercut that stunned Dulorme and forced him to take a knee. Dulorme rose to his feet and tried to fire back but was hit with a right hand that put him down for the second time in the round.
“这是一个伟大的斗争,” 赛义德·乌加斯. “I knew that Dulorme had a great camp preparing for Shawn Porter so when I knocked him down I figured he would get up. I only had nine days to prepare for this fight so I had to be smart and not waste anything.
“这是一个很好的战斗,” 说Dulorme. “这是一个非常艰苦的战斗. I came to fight and I took him seriously. I kept working. It was up and down but I kept working.
The bout was defined by good back and forth action with both men having their moments in control. Dulorme was committed to attacking the body to slow Ugas but was given a warning for low blows in the fifth round. Dulorme continued to test the body however and strayed too low early in the seventh round, forcing referee Vic Drakulich to deduct a point.
The deduction seemed to light a fire under Dulorme who pushed forward and began to break through the defense of Ugas. An uppercut temporarily stunned Ugas midway through the round and Dulorme followed up shortly after with a left hook that put Ugas on the canvas.
When I got knocked down I knew I had to get up and show heart and guts,” 赛义德·乌加斯. “That was the only way to do it.
The momentum of the fight continued to swing heading into the final round when Dulorme again delivered a low blow that forced the referee to deduct a point early in the frame. Both men pressed forward for the final minutes of the fight looking to score another decisive blow but after 10 rounds the fight was left up to the judges.
I thought the referee lost the fight for me,” 说Dulorme. “I didn’t agree with him. I didn’t think I was throwing low blows. I thought it was clean. I thought he was tired late in the fight so I tried to increase the pressure. But it was hard because the referee didn’t let me work on the inside like I wanted to.
I got a little tired at the end and should have closed the show,” 赛义德·乌加斯. “But that happens with short notice fights. I just have to keep getting better.
All three judges saw the bout in favor of Ugas by scores of 94-91 和 93-92 两次.
I’m going to get back in camp and keep learning,” 说Dulorme. “I’m not happy, but I’m going to keep learning. I got off the floor today and kept fighting and I’ll keep doing that in my career.
The opening bout of the telecast saw 胡安Heraldez (13-0, 8 科斯) box his way to a unanimous decision over 何塞·米格尔·博雷戈 (12-1, 11 科斯) 在他们10轮次中量级的斗争.
I was very prepared and I took advantage of this opportunity,” 赫拉尔德斯说. “I executed my plan and came out with a clear victory. 除了击倒之外, I thought that I outboxed him every other round. “The jab was really the key tonight. I dictated everything off of the jab and tried to use my angles, my footwork and my movement. I did what I wanted to do.
Heraldez controlled the ring for much of the fight with his jab and movement on the outside, while Borrego appeared focused on delivering power shots and a knockout. Heraldez controlled the pace in the first few rounds, landing scoring combinations before darting out of the way and avoiding Borrego’s return fire.
Heraldez ran the whole fight,” 博雷戈说. “I’m happy that the fans booed the decision because they know he ran. I came to entertain the fans and that’s what I did.
The 19-year-old Borrego was content to cover up and duck low while trying to navigate through Heraldez’s jab, but was unable to land enough left hooks to win early rounds in the fight. He had his first moment at the very end of the sixth when a looping left hook connected clean with Heraldez and appeared to stun him right before the bell ended the round.
Borrego continued to attack aggressively as he chased Heraldez with big power punches. In round nine Borrego connected cleanly with a left hook that put Heraldez on the mat midway through the round.
I let myself get distracted and that’s why I got knocked down,” 赫拉尔德斯说. I got a little ahead of myself. I’m the only person who can stop myself.
Despite Borrego’s continued aggression, Heraldez was able to hold on and survive the round without much further damage.
I have to cut the ring off better,” 博雷戈说. “I also need to let my hands go more and throw three or four punch combinations instead of just one or two at a time.
The final round saw Heraldez return to using his movement as he was able to avoid the charging Borrego for the last three minutes. 后 10 发, all three judges scored the bout in favor of Heraldez by scores of 96-93 和 97-92 两次.
It feels great to be on this stage and it’s moments like these where I can go out and compete and I can prove everyone right who gave me this chance,” 赫拉尔德斯说. “This was a prospect fight and now I’m on to bigger and better things. I’m ready to take the next step.
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