标记档案: 埃里克森鲁宾

新星和顶级竞争者将在卡内洛 VS 上进行高风险的比赛. CHARLO SHOWTIME PPV UNDERCARD 周六, 九月 30

再加上全能崛起中量级选手伊利亚·加西亚 (Elijah Garcia) 和

Armando Reséndiz 在按次付费揭幕战中见面


拉斯维加斯 T-Mobile 竞技场按次付费

拉斯维加斯 – 八月 25, 2023 - 三场新星对决, 顶级竞争者和前世界冠军 147 到 160 英镑将凸显强劲的按次付费底卡CANELO阿尔瓦雷斯主场迎战. Jermell夏洛茨维尔周六无可争议的超中量级冠军对决, 九月 30 在拉斯维加斯 T-Mobile Arena 进行 SHOWTIME PPV 直播. 卡内洛促销活动将推出按次付费的顶级拳击冠军.

在合作的主要事件, 不败的感觉小耶稣“莫诺”拉莫斯.,将迎战实力强劲的顶级竞争者埃里克森“锤”鲁宾在 12 轮超次中量级特殊赛事中. 按次付费的节目还包括前世界冠军Yordenis Ugas马里奥·“阿兹特卡”·巴里奥斯争夺WBC次中量级临时冠军头衔. 行动开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT 正在崛起的中量级选手伊利亚·加西亚阿曼多 雷森迪斯 在 10 轮比赛中展开对决.

门票现场活动, 由 Canelo Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 推广, 可通过 AXS.com 获取。

“这三场比赛提供了拳击迷在按次付费底牌中所希望的一切,并且值得他们将导致的历史性主要赛事冲突,”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “每一位踏上擂台的拳手都有机会在 9 月份的一场胜利中跃升各自级别的榜首 30. 球迷们可以期待看到所有这些参赛者竭尽全力在拉斯维加斯 T-Mobile Arena 举行的 SHOWTIME PPV 比赛中取得胜利。”

一个强大的左撇子 22 还没有接近他作为一名战士的上限, 拉莫斯 (20-0, 16 科斯) 三月闪击当时不败的乔伊·斯宾塞, 在第一回合中击败了他,然后在第七回合中阻止了他,并在这场轰动的比赛中获得了 TKO 2023 大卫·贝纳维德斯对阵大卫·贝纳维德斯的底牌首秀. 迦勒·普兰特 (Caleb Plant) 参加 SHOWTIME PPV. 卡萨格兰德本地人, 亚利桑那州。, 拉莫斯还连续 10 轮一致判定战胜布莱恩·门多萨和哈维尔·莫利纳 2021, 随后他又击败了卢克·桑塔玛丽亚和弗拉基米尔·埃尔南德斯 2022. 总体, 年轻的拉莫斯凭借精彩的KO赢得了认可, 阻止了他最后的七次 10 对手, 展示他的技巧和提前结束战斗的能力。

“我很高兴能成为 9 月 30 日对阵强敌的这张大牌的一部分。”拉莫斯说道. “我知道卢宾正在刻苦训练,并且会赢得胜利, 这将带来一场有趣的战斗. 整张卡都堆满了,我们不想让大家失望, 所以球迷们将度过一个美好的拳击之夜。”

27岁的卢宾 (25-2, 18 科斯) 六月重返赛场,老将路易斯·阿里亚斯在第五轮比赛中令人印象深刻, 以前从未被阻止过的人. 卢宾之前的比赛是 2022 年最精彩的一场比赛之一, 四月,他在 SHOWTIME 节目中与竞争对手塞巴斯蒂安·方多拉 (Sebastian Fundora) 进行了击倒比赛 2022. 进入 Fundora 之战, 自从在2017年输给当时统一的、现在无可争议的154磅冠军杰梅尔·查洛之后,卢宾已经取得了令人印象深刻的六连胜。 2017, 包括战胜杰森·罗萨里奥的比赛, 特雷尔·高沙和伊什·史密斯. 奥兰多人, 佛罗里达州。, 卢宾转为职业球员 18 岁于 2013 并成为有史以来出现在发展系列中最年轻的新秀之一的ShoBox: 新一代®,荣获 ESPN 和 Ring 杂志颁发的“年度新秀”荣誉 2016.

“我知道全世界都会关注九月 30 我计划大获全胜,”卢宾说. “我们面前有一位年轻而有才华的战士, 但我也很年轻,也很有才华. 不同之处在于我曾与154磅级别的精英进行过战斗. 是否是奥运选手并不重要, 最有前景的人, 竞争者或冠军, 我已经接受了他们. 我心里有很大的压力,我知道随着这场胜利, 我将参加一场大型战斗. 我正在非常努力地训练,全世界都会看到它得到回报。”

乌加斯 (27-5, 12 科斯) 将于九月恢复行动 30 自四月以来首次 2022 统一战败给小埃罗尔·斯宾塞. 在放映时间 PPV. 在从两年多的休养中回归后,他确立了自己作为次中量级精英的地位。 2016 在连续亏损之后 2014. 他在一月份获得了世界冠军的门票 2021 九月份击败阿贝尔·拉莫斯赢得 WBA 拳王金腰带后 2020. 他在八月巩固了自己的世界冠军地位 2021, 当他顶替受伤的斯彭斯,以一致判定击败未来名人堂传奇人物曼尼·帕奎奥时. 来自圣地亚哥, 古巴,现居迈阿密, 佛罗里达, 这位奥运会铜牌得主在拉斯维加斯与著名教练伊斯梅尔·萨拉斯一起训练,并战胜了当时不败的拳手贾马尔·詹姆斯, 小奥马尔·菲格罗亚. 和布莱恩特·佩雷拉, 加上资深竞争者托马斯·杜洛姆和雷·罗宾逊.

“九月的胜利对我和马里奥·巴里奥斯都有很多好处 30, 所以我知道这场战斗将是一场值得铭记的战斗,”乌加斯说. “我非常尊重巴里奥斯. 他是一位真正的战士,与最优秀的人一起在拳击场上, 但我有信心我会取得胜利. 我还有很多战斗要做,我最好的技能将在这场战斗中展示. 祖国与生活, 我为我的人民而战。”

28岁的巴里奥斯 (27-2, 18 科斯) 最近在二月份轰动性地击倒了乔瓦尼·圣地亚哥,并在第八轮中击败了圣地亚哥. 巴里奥斯的上一场比赛是他的次中量级首秀,他在二月份艰难地做出了对前统一冠军基思·瑟曼的决定 2022. 圣安东尼奥产品, 他现在在拉斯维加斯与顶级教练鲍勃·桑托斯一起训练, 9月成为140磅世界冠军 2019, 利用他的侵略性风格击败了巴特尔·艾哈迈多夫并获得了一致判定. 巴里奥斯在另一场激烈的比赛中失去了超轻量级冠军头衔, 竞争激烈的回合, 六月,他被三级联赛五届世界冠军杰冯塔·戴维斯 (Gervonta Davis) 击败 2021.

“这场战斗将是一场战争, 因为我们都用心去战斗并且我们都没有退缩,”巴里奥斯说. “我迫不及待地想在今年最大的牌之一上参加这样的比赛. 这将是一个从头到尾都精彩的拳击之夜,墨西哥球迷可以期待看到“El Azteca”的爆炸性表现!”

奋战凤凰, 亚利桑那, 加西亚 (15-0, 12 科斯) 是 2023 年最耀眼的明星之一,他在 3 月份崭露头角,在第四轮中击败了此前保持不败的阿米尔卡·维达尔,宣布自己以 160 磅的体重亮相。. 这位 20 岁的球员延续了这一表现,在 4 月份的 SHOWTIME PPV 底牌对阵 Gervonta Davis 的比赛中,他统治了老将凯文·萨尔加多 (Kevin Salgado),并一致做出了决定. 瑞恩·加西亚. 早熟的加西亚自从转为职业球员以来动作迅速 2020 并淘汰了过去八个对手中的六个.

“这是我今年第二次使用巨额付费卡参加比赛,我非常兴奋,甚至比第一次准备得更加充分,”加西亚说,. “雷森迪兹和我一样是一位饥饿的战士, 所以我毫不怀疑,我们将为所有观看的粉丝上演一场精彩的表演。”

24岁的雷森迪斯(14-1, 10 科斯) 他在上一场比赛中击败了前统一冠军贾勒特·赫德,赢得了职业生涯最好的胜利 10 以及他们在 SHOWTIME 上三月对决的最后一轮. 当比赛因赫德嘴唇严重撕裂而停止时,雷森迪斯在所有三张牌上都领先. 纳亚里特人, 墨西哥, 他现在在洛杉矶出战,自九月份以微弱优势输给马科斯·埃尔南德斯以来,他将寻求取得三连胜 2021. 雷森迪斯于二月转为职业球员 2018 并在美国取得了成功. 出道四月 2021 以判定战胜 Quilisto Wood.

“我很高兴有这个绝佳的机会参加如此重要的比赛卡,“雷森迪斯说。 “我很高兴能够实现在拉斯维加斯打架的梦想, 就像我在电视上看到的拳击偶像一样. 我参加了一个很棒的训练营,这将帮助我在九月展现出最好的状态 30 并上演了一场与激励我的拳击传奇人物相媲美的表演。”

#          #          #

欲了解更多信息,请访问sho.com/ppv 和www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 关注#CaneloCharlo, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing 和www.Facebook.com/premierboxingchampions/.

GERVONTA戴维斯VS. 马里奥·巴里奥斯亚特兰大新闻发布会报价和照片

(图片来源: 以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME)

“巴里奥斯带着力量而来, 你肯定知道我是带着力量而来的. 可能最好的人赢,” – 戴维斯

“我们以前从未遇到过像彼此这样的战士. 我们将在六月看到 26 如果这对他来说是正确的举动,” – 邻里

四届世界冠军 Gervonta Davis 在三级联赛中与不败的超轻量级冠军 Mario Barrios 争夺 SHOWTIME PPV 的头条新闻® 星期六, 六月 26

点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片

点击 这里 从梅威瑟促销图片

亚特兰大 (五月 20, 2021) – 四届世界冠军 Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯 和不败的WBA超轻量级冠军 马里奥·“阿兹特卡”·巴里奥斯 星期四在新闻发布会上面对面,预览他们在星期六举行的 SHOWTIME PPV 主赛事, 六月 26 在亚特兰大屡获殊荣的州立农场体育馆参加由 Premier Boxing Champions 主办的活动.

年仅 26 岁的拳击巨星之一, 戴维斯将在不败的巴里奥斯接受一个决定职业生涯的挑战, 因为他着眼于在第三重量级中获得冠军. 用一场胜利, 戴维斯将同时在三个不同的赛区举行世界锦标赛, 历史上只有少数战士才能完成的壮举. 挡路的是不败的 26 岁的巴里奥斯, 谁拥有 9-0 在他 140 磅的统治期间以 8 次击倒的记录,并且比戴维斯拥有 6 英寸的身高优势.

戴维斯在去年 12 月的场地售罄后重返州立农场竞技场 2019 在一场星光熠熠的赛事中,他在 12最后一轮夺取轻量级冠军.

State Farm Arena现场活动门票, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销, 明天开始发售, 星期五, 五月 21 在 10 A.M. AND, 并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com.

以下是周四在 State Farm Arena 举行的新闻发布会参与者必须说的话:


“夏令营对我来说很棒. 我们知道巴里奥斯是个大个子,而且他可以拳打脚踢. 我们每天都在健身房努力, 因为我们将在六月面临一项重大任务 26.

“我们在生活中都会遇到挑战, 这就是让我们强大的原因. 这是我在成功之路上面临的另一个挑战. 我准备好走过它并继续推动.

“我们知道这是一场危险的战斗. 巴里奥斯带着力量而来,你肯定知道我带着力量而来. 可能最好的人赢.

“我参加这场比赛是因为我想变得伟大. 轻量级的所有其他大牌都安排了比赛,所以我觉得我想出去为我击败最好的拳手.

“即使他在战斗之夜比我大, 不要紧. 这都是这项运动的一部分. 我的目标是让他崩溃. 如果我能让他离开那里, 我会让他离开那里. 如果这样下去, 12 发, 就这样吧. 他又大又壮, 但他从来没有遇到过像我这样的人.

“我们必须等待,看看战斗之夜会发生什么. 不同的风格决定了我需要在战斗中展示什么. 我们将看看他带来了什么, 然后我们将利用它.

“我不担心因增加体重而失去任何速度. 无论如何我都会快点. 我想我会在 140 磅时达到最佳状态.

“就像我其他所有的战斗一样, 这将是动作丰富的. 打架时不要去拿爆米花, 因为它随时可能结束. 我带来了拳击需要的东西, 这就是兴奋. 我们都知道我打架的时候, 这绝不是一场无聊的战斗. 从第一轮, 直到它结束, 我只是继续来, 在我所有的战斗中. 这就是你将在 6 月 26 日看到的。”


“这对我来说是一个巨大的机会. “坦克”叫我出去. 我知道他正在尝试做一些伟大的事情, 但这对他来说是一场危险的战斗. 这将是一场动感十足的战斗. 我们以前从未遇到过像彼此这样的战士. 我们将在六月看到 26 如果这对他来说是正确的举动.

“我为代表我的城市和我的人民而战. 我要走出去,尽我所能让每个人都感到自豪.

“他们可能正在密切关注我与 Batyr Akhmedov 的战斗. 但我认为他的风格完全不同,如果他们只是观看那场比赛,这场比赛将会与他们所期望的不同. 我不知道他们在我身上看到了什么想要这场战斗, 但这对我来说都不重要. 所有问题都将在六月得到解答 26.

“‘坦克’正在跳跃两个重量等级. 他正在做很多伟大的战士都做过的事情. 他甚至说: 这对他来说不是一场轻松的战斗. 我们已经准备好面对任何人见过的最好的“坦克”版本,这将是一场战争.

“当我提到他的名字时,我感到很惊讶. 但不管你喜不喜欢《坦克》, 他是拳击界最知名的人物之一. 这是一种可以让我的名字飙升到这项运动最高水平的战斗类型.

“‘坦克’是好斗士,也是爆发力很强的斗士. 有一个问题是他是否将他的权力提升到 140. 不过我对此没有任何顾虑. 他是那个必须向人们展示他可以在这个体重下处理我的力量的人.

“我很高兴能在亚特兰大战斗. 这是我第一次来这里,但我知道这里的粉丝非常热情. 我期待在 State Farm Arena 看到巨大的投票率。”


“‘坦克’是一代战斗机. 他有一些其他人没有的能力. 他很特别, 但这对他来说是一场危险的战斗. 这是一个巨大的挑战,我为这场战斗感到非常兴奋.

“亚特兰大是一个热门市场. 很明显他们很长一段时间以来的第一场战斗是“坦克”vs. Yuriorkis Gamboa,这栋楼里挤满了售罄的人群. 粉丝们真的很享受. 这座城市需要这样的大型活动. 我们告诉粉丝我们要回来了,我们在这里.

“‘坦克’正在追逐历史. 当你回顾许多历史上的伟人时, 他们经历过别人从未经历过的事情. 想成为三级联赛冠军 26 岁是他追求伟大的另一个例子.

“‘坦克’是整个运动中最激动人心的斗士,他给了球迷他们想看到的东西. 他把屁股放在座位上. 人们被他的战斗方式所吸引. 我们拥有的新一代粉丝, 他们爱他。”

# # #

关于达维VS. 巴里奥斯
戴维斯VS. Barrios 将看到四届世界冠军 Gervonta “Tank” Davis 在周六的 SHOWTIME PPV 主赛事中面对 WBA 超轻量级冠军 Mario “El Azteca” Barrios, 六月 26 在亚特兰大屡获殊荣的州立农场体育馆参加由 Premier Boxing Champions 主办的活动.

按次收费的电视广播开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 将有两个顶级 154 磅的竞争者的战斗,因为 Erickson “Hammer” Lubin 在联合主赛事的 WBC 超次中量级冠军淘汰赛中面对前统一冠军 Jeison Rosario. 前统一超中量级冠军朱利安“J-Rock”威廉姆斯重返拳台,在 10 轮对决中与布莱恩·门多萨展开较量,在 12 轮 WBA 超轻量级对决中,强硬的奥运选手巴特尔·艾哈迈多夫与前世界冠军阿根尼斯·门德斯展开较量Title Eliminator 将开始按次付费电视转播.

该活动由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销. 艾哈迈多夫VS. 门德斯格斗与拳击世界联合推广.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxinghttps://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.



Top Contender Erickson Lubin and Former Unified Champion
Jeison Rosario Battle in WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in Co-Main Event

Former Unified Champion Julian Williams Takes On Rugged Contender Brian Mendoza and Hard-Hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov Duels Former World Champion Argenis Mendez In Pay-Per-View Action Beginning at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

Tickets on Sale Friday at 10 A.M. AND!

亚特兰大 (五月 19, 2021) – 四届世界冠军 Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯 will take on a career-defining challenge as he sets his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class when he faces undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion 马里奥·“阿兹特卡”·巴里奥斯 in a SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, 六月 26 在亚特兰大屡获殊荣的州立农场体育馆参加由 Premier Boxing Champions 主办的活动.

The pay-per-view undercard will feature a battle of two top 154-pound contenders as 埃里克森“锤”鲁宾 faces former unified champion 杰森罗萨里奥 在共同主赛事中的WBC轻中量级冠军消除器中. Former unified super welterweight champion 朱利安“J-Rock”的威廉姆斯 returns to the ring for the first time in 18 months to take on布赖恩·门多萨 in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian 巴特尔艾哈迈多夫 steps in against former world champion Argenis门德斯 in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT.

State Farm Arena现场活动门票, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销, go on sale Friday at 10 A.M. AND, 并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com. 艾哈迈多夫VS. 门德斯格斗与拳击世界联合推广.

年仅 26 岁的拳击巨星之一, 戴维斯职业生涯第一次将体重提高到 140 磅,因为他的目标是在他的出色履历中增加超轻量级冠军. Davis has already captured titles at 130 and 135-pounds. 用一场胜利, 戴维斯将同时在三个不同的赛区举行世界锦标赛, 历史上只有少数战士才能完成的壮举, 包括亨利·阿姆斯特朗和卡内洛·阿尔瓦雷斯. Standing in his way is the undefeated 25-year-old Barrios, 谁拥有 9-0 record with eight knockouts during his 140-pound reign while holding a six-inch height advantage over Davis.

“Gervonta Davis is looking to become a three-division world champion, and has a big undertaking in front of him in challenging Barrios for his WBA title at 140-pounds,”伦纳德·埃勒比(Leonard Ellerbe)说, 梅威瑟促销的CEO. “Barrios is a warrior, and this is going to be Davis’ toughest fight to date. 亚特兰大, be ready for a show on June 26!”

戴维斯 (24-0, 23 科斯) delivered a highlight-reel knockout in his last fight, producing another sensational and memorable performance that has made him a popular draw throughout the country. Davis stopped four-division champion Leo Santa Cruz with one powerful uppercut in that October 2020 fight and put Santa Cruz down and out for the first time in his illustrious career. 梅威瑟促销推广, Davis will make his second headline appearance on pay-per-view as he has asserted himself as a must-see headline attraction in his first pay-per-view

Davis first burst onto the scene with an explosive knockout victory over Jose Pedraza to win the IBF Junior Lightweight World Title in a star-making performance on SHOWTIME® 一月 2017. 当时, he became the youngest world champion in boxing at age 22. The Baltimore-native also owns knockout performances in world title fights over Jesus Cuellar in 2018 and Yuriorkis Gamboa in 2019. 该 2019 triumph over Gamboa came at a sold out State Farm Arena, during a year that also saw him fill venues in his hometown of Baltimore and Southern California.

“I’m excited to make history on June 26 in Atlanta and become a three-division world champion,“戴维斯说. “Atlanta welcomed me with open arms for my fight against Gamboa and I couldn’t wait to come back and headline a spectacular SHOWTIME PPV card. Mario Barrios is an undefeated champion, but he hasn’t ever faced anyone like me before. Moving up to 140-pounds is a big challenge but I’ve been working hard in camp and I’ll be ready. Thank you to my whole team for making this historic boxing event possible. Make sure you get your tickets early because this fight is definitely selling out! Keep supporting me and I’ll fight for you!”

邻里 (26-0, 17 科斯) captured his 140-pound championship in September 2019, scoring two knockdowns and fighting through a cut to win a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Batyr Akhmedov. The San Antonio-native trains in Oakland, 加利福尼亚州。, under the guidance of renowned coach Virgil Hunter. 在他最近的郊游, Barrios knocked out Ryan Karl in the sixth-round of their clash on the pay-per-view undercard of Davis vs. 圣克鲁斯.

Standing nearly six-feet tall, Barrios debuted as a pro at super bantamweight in 2013 and had success moving up the rankings in the super featherweight division. His first 140-pound bout came in 2017 and saw him increase his power from his previous performances. At super lightweight, Barrios has scored knockouts in every fight except the title-winning performance against Akhmedov, where his power was still on display with a pair of knockdowns.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME PPV is a dream come true and an opportunity that I’m going to take full advantage of,”巴里奥斯说. “Gervonta Davis is a pound-for-pound champion and it’s going to be an honor sharing the ring with him. This fight is my shining moment and the pinnacle of the boxing world, on the biggest stage possible. Boxing fans around the globe will be watching this fight and I’m coming to shock the world. To all my Mexican fans, I’m going to bring this historic victory home for La Raza.”

The 25-year-old Lubin (23-1, 16 科斯) has put together an impressive five-bout winning streak since a loss to unified 154-pound champion Jermell Charlo in 2017. 在他最近的郊游, he defeated U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha by unanimous decision in September of last year. Prior to the victory over Gausha, he became the first person to stop former champion Ishe Smith, in addition to a dominating victory over Nathaniel Gallimore in October 2019. 奥兰多人, 佛罗里达州。, Lubin is trained by acclaimed coach Kevin Cunningham as he continues his quest toward another title opportunity. 经过出色的业余职业, 卢宾转为职业球员 18 岁于 2013, eventually being named “Prospect Of The Year” by ESPN and Ring Magazine in 2016.

“I’m so ready for this fight and we’ve been working hard in preparation for Rosario,”卢宾说. “This fight is another step closer to getting that world title shot. Coach Cunningham and I have a great game plan in place. We know this is going to be a tough fight and the fans are going to see a much-improved version of myself. I’ve taken my training to the next level during this training camp. Rosario is a former world champion who I know is going to bring his best, which is going to make for a great night of boxing. This card is stacked, but I’m going to steal the show with an incredible performance. I will not be denied, I’m coming out on top. It’s Hammer Time!”

玫瑰园 (20-2-1, 14 科斯) will look to climb back into world title contention after losing his 154-pound belts to Jermell Charlo in their September 2020 冲突. The 26-year-old captured the WBA and IBF belts by stopping Julian Williams in one of 2020’s biggest upsets. 出生在多米尼加共和国和现在的战斗迈阿密的出, Rosario rode an eight-fight unbeaten streak into the showdown with Williams, including victories over 154-pound contenders Jamontay Clark, 贾斯汀迪洛克, Jorge Cota and Marcos Hernandez. Coming into the Charlo matchup, Rosario had established his power by earning a stoppage victory or scoring a knockdown in seven of his previous nine contests.

“I make no excuses for losing the fight to Charlo, but that was then, and this is now,罗萨里奥说. “I have turned to a new page in my career with my new trainer Herman Caicedo. I will not lose again, especially in this fight against Lubin. He’s a great contender, and I respect his abilities, but I will knock him out on June 26.”

费城的威​​廉姆斯 (27-2-1, 16 科斯) became a unified world champion at 154-pounds in May 2019 when he upset Jarrett Hurd in one of the year’s best fights, winning a close-quarters brawl by unanimous decision. The 31-year-old dropped the titles in his first defense, losing to Jeison Rosario in January 2020. Williams had been riding a five-fight winning streak going into the Rosario matchup, in which he added victories over former champion Ishe Smith and hard-hitting contender Nathaniel Gallimore to his ledger.

“This has been the longest layoff of my career, so I’m excited to get back in the ring,“威廉姆斯说. “Mendoza is a decent fighter. I’ve even been in the gym with him and he’s a good guy. But on June 26, it’s going to be all business. I just need to come out on top. He doesn’t have anything that I haven’t seen before. I know he’ll be ready because this is like the Super Bowl for him. So I know he’ll be ready, but I’ll be ready too. If I’m able to get the win, then it’s on to bigger and better opportunities. But I’m definitely not looking past Brian because I know how seriously he’s taking this fight.”

门多萨 (19-1, 13 科斯) earned a career best-victory in his last outing, beating veteran contender Thomas LaManna by unanimous decision in August 2020. 因为这位27岁的专业战斗 2014, with his only defeat coming by a narrow split-decision in November 2019 against Larry Gomez. Mendoza was born in Albuquerque, 新墨西哥, where he won two New Mexico Golden Gloves Championships as an amateur, and currently fights out of Las Vegas.

“This fight against Julian Williams is just the fight I’ve been waiting for,” said Mendoza. “I’m planning to take full advantage of the opportunity. Julian Williams is a great fighter, but after June 26, the whole world is going to know that I belong at this level.”

Born in Uzbekistan and now fighting out of Los Angeles, Akhmedov (8-1, 7 科斯) represented Turkey at the 2016 奥林匹克运动会. The 30-year-old turned pro in 2017 and won his first seven pro fights, with six coming by knockout. His lone blemish came in an action-packed title fight against Mario Barrios in September 2019, where he was able to survive two knockdowns to make it a close fight, before eventually losing by decision. 最近, Akhmedov blasted out Ray Perez in the first round of their September 2020 冲突.

“I can’t wait to get back in the ring for a big fight on June 26,” said Akhmedov. “I’ve been training hard to get another shot at the title. I know that if I make a big statement and defeat a former world champion in Mendez, I expect my next fight will be for the title. I’m always in exciting fights that fans love, and this matchup is going to be no different.”

前超羽量级冠军, 门德斯 (25-6-3, 12 科斯) 因向这项运动中的佼佼者提供严格的挑战而闻名,并已被证明是 140 磅重的持久竞争者, including his most recent outing that saw him drop a split-decision to Richardson Hitchins last December. 在 2019, Mendez fought to back-to-back draws against super lightweight contenders Anthony Peterson and Juan Heraldez. 出生于圣胡安德拉马瓜纳, 多明尼加共和国, 门德斯现在在扬克斯出战, 纽约州. 并战胜了埃迪·拉米雷斯, 伊万·雷德卡赫 (Ivan Redkach) 和前冠军米格尔·巴斯克斯 (Miguel Vazquez). 他还与前冠军兰斯·巴泰勒米和小罗伯特·伊斯特进行过正面交锋.

“I am ready for anything Akhmedov brings and then a world title fight after,”门德斯说. “I believe that I beat Hitchins in my last fight, even though I was coming off a long layoff. I’m in great shape right now. Akhmedov is a hard puncher, but the fans are going to see me shine against him. There is a lot left in my tank and that will be obvious to everyone on June 26.”

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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxinghttps://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


Hard-Hitting Tugstsogt Nyambayar Battles Unbeaten Cobia Breedy in Co-Main Event and Unbeaten Welterweight Jaron Ennis Takes On Juan Carlos Abreu in Telecast Opener

纽约 – 九月 3, 2020 – Top 154-pound contenders go toe-to-toe as hard-hitting 埃里克森“锤”鲁宾 战斗 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 特雷尔Gaushain a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator headlining a three-fight event presented by Premier Boxing Champions on Saturday, 九月 19 live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州.

欣欣拳击: 特别版本 在开始 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and features Mongolia’s Tugstsogt“王拖船“Nyambayar stepping in to face unbeaten Cobia “Soldier” Breedy in the 10-round featherweight co-main event bout. The telecast opener will see one of the top prospects in boxing, unbeaten welterweight 杰伦“靴子”恩尼斯, squaring off against the Dominican Republic’s 胡安·卡洛斯·阿布雷乌 在10轮对决.

该活动由TGB Promotions推广. 恩尼斯VS. Abreu bout is promoted in association with D & d拳击.

“The super welterweight division is red-hot, and the winner between Erickson Lubin and Terrell Gausha on September 19 will be in a prime position to be the next 154-pound world champion, including a possible matchup against the following week’s Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario winner,”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “Erickson Lubin has been on a tear since his only loss, showing his growth from the Prospect Of The Year to a top contender. Terrell Gausha has an impressive pedigree dating back to his time as a U.S. Olympian and like Lubin, he can earn a second world title opportunity with a win on September 19. Add in two exciting undercard attractions, and this is yet another fight card on SHOWTIME that boxing fans won’t want to miss.”

The 24-year-old Lubin (22-1, 16 科斯) has put together an impressive four-bout winning streak since a loss to Jermell Charlo in 2017. He became the first person to stop former champion Ishe Smith, 以及最近, he dominated Nathaniel Gallimore to earn a decision in October. 奥兰多人, 佛罗里达州。, Lubin is trained by renowned coach Kevin Cunningham as he continues his quest to another title opportunity. 经过出色的业余职业, 卢宾转为职业球员 18 岁于 2013, eventually being named Prospect Of The Year by ESPN and Ring Magazine in 2016.

“I’m focused and ready to make my 2020 亮相在Showtime,”卢宾说. “Terrell Gausha has been in the ring with a few good fighters and he’s also an Olympian, so I know he has the experience, but I’m expecting to dominate him. My mindset will be to execute my game plan and come out on top. I’m going to show the world that I’m one of the best 154 pounders out there and I’m ready to put a strap around my waist. It’s Hammer time!”

的成员 2012 中美. 国奥队, Gausha (21-1-1, 10 科斯) 出生于克利夫兰, Ohio but now fights out of Encino, 加利福尼亚州。, where he is trained by Manny Robles. The 32-year-old is coming off a split draw against former world champion Austin Trout in May 2019. Gausha won his first 20 专业的战斗, before suffering his only career defeat in a 2017 world title showdown against Erislandy Lara.

Training camp has obviously been a little different ahead of this fight, but we’ve done what we need to, and I’ll be ready on September 19,” said Gausha. “这对我来说是一个很大的战斗, being my second chance at getting to a world title. I know Lubin is a young, good fighter and I’m sure he’ll also be ready. But this is my fourth southpaw in a row, so I’m very prepared for this fight and I’m going to show that I’m on another level.

The 28-year-old Nyambayar (11-0, 9 科斯) won a silver medal representing his native Mongolia in the 2012 奥运会. He now lives and trains in Las Vegas. Nyambayar ascended the featherweight rankings after his extensive amateur career with victories over then unbeaten Harmonito Dela Torre and former interim champion Oscar Escandon. Nyambayar earned his first world title shot before earning the title shot when he defeated former champion Claudio Marrero in January 2019. The Mongolian dropped his most recent fight against long-reigning WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr. in February on SHOWTIME.

“I am excited to step in the ring and perform on September 19,” said Nyambayar. “The change in opponent to Breedy will have no effect on me. This is the fight game, so you always have to be prepared. I was already working hard and I will continue to work day by day to be at my very best when I compete on fight night.”

The 28-year-old Breedy (15-0, 5 科斯), from Bridgetown, Barbados and fighting out of Hyattsville, MD。, 转为职业球员在 2014 and trains in Barry Hunter’s Headbangers Gym in Washington, D.C. Fighting under the nickname “Soldier”, Breedy served three years in the Barbadian military. Inside the ring, he most recently stopped Titus Williams in December, 加盖一个成功 2019 where he added three wins to his unblemished record. Having campaigned at both 130 和 135 英镑, Breedy is looking to make a name for himself in the competitive 126-pound division.

“I’m very grateful for this opportunity and I’m thankful to my team for getting me this fight,” said Breedy. “I stay in the gym and I’m always prepared and staying ready. I have that mindset so I can take advantage of any opportunity that comes my way. My opponent is a good fighter, but on September 19, tune in and watch me go to war. The world will get to know who I am. I’m going to give 100 百分. I can do anything in the ring, and I will show it on fight night.”

A native of boxing-rich Philadelphia, 霸。, the supremely talented Ennis (25-0, 23 科斯) returns to the ring after stopping Bakhtiyar Eyubov in January. Ennis scored two emphatic knockout victories on 的ShoBox: 新一代 在 2018 before adding two more KO wins to his ledger in 2019. As his level of opposition has steadily increased since turning professional in 2016, the switch-hitter has scored 15 consecutive knockouts and 13 knockdowns in his six most recent bouts. “Boots,” who has yet to be pushed past the sixth round, 是一位杰出的业余选手,赢得了 2015 National Golden Gloves and was ranked as the No. 1 在业余 141 磅转职业.

“I’m getting better every single day, sharper every single day, and smarter every single day during training camp,”埃尼斯说. “我不知道很多关于我的对手, but not too many guys have been able to withstand my power and I don’t expect this to be any different. I’m just focused on myself, preparing so I can go into the ring, have fun, look phenomenal for everybody tuning in on SHOWTIME and come out victorious.”

出生在多明尼加共和国, 阿布雷乌 (23-5-1, 21 科斯) has now lived and trained in Salem, 质量。, for the last five years. The 33-year-old has battled a slew of top welterweights throughout his career, including Jamal James and Egidijus Kavaliauskas, while also earning a TKO victory over Jesus Soto-Karass. Abreu has never been stopped.

“Jaron Ennis is a great contender with good boxing IQ, speed and decent power, but this is not my first rodeo,” said Abreu. “I have fought first-class opposition and I would like to dance some good Merengue with him. I am having a great camp and I am excited and motivated by this opportunity. It is clear to me that this is a do-or-die fight for me, and therefore, come September 19, I am preparing mentally and physically to leave everything in that ring.”

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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


罗伯特·JR复活节. 收入超过阿德里安·格拉纳多斯决策在超轻量级登场 & 瑞星重量级弗兰克·桑切斯保持不败

点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

读, 霸. – 十月, 27, 2019 – 顶级超中量级的竞争者 埃里克森鲁宾 继续了他的回潮与主导10轮的一致决定胜利 纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔 在阅读在Showtime周六晚上从桑坦德竞技场, 霸.

鲁宾 (22-1, 16 科斯) 赢得了他连续第四次战斗,因为在淘汰赛输给杰梅尔·查洛在冠军挑战 2017. 这位24岁的登陆 42 他的力量拍摄的百分之途中范围的决定, 进球 99-91 由三名法官.

左撇子依赖于郊区的左钩拳, 从各种针对耐用加利莫尔角度的攻击 (21-4-1, 17 科斯) 他提高到 4-0 自从开始与左撇子专家凯文·坎宁安训练.

“我有一个巨大的训练营感谢凯文·坎宁安,” 鲁宾说:. “起初,我们有特雷尔·加莎但他掉了出来,由于他的伤害. 我很欣赏加利莫尔为加紧对板. 他给了我一场艰苦的战斗,我很欣赏它. 我们给了他们想要的东西的球迷. 我给他量了. 我只是计时他和我是能够降落我的电力杆.

“凯文是一个真正严格的教练,他是一个左撇子专家. 我们只是改进我们的游戏中的每个阵营. 我肯定想再次杰梅尔·查洛. 我的目标是复仇。”

坎宁安很高兴与他的学生, 谁是推过去的第五轮首次在三年以上.
“他一直是一个战士的地狱,我只是想微调和完善技能,” 坎宁安说. “他能做的一切,你可以教. 他是总包. 他有力量, 他有速度, 他有步法. 他比一个更争竞. 他是一个熟练的战斗机力量.

“他准备在师所有的顶级球员. 与安全带的人是他想要的东西。”

前轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·复活节, JR. 在他的首演胜利在超轻量级, 赢得了一致的决定 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 在所有行动的斗争中取得了 97-93, 98-92, 100-90.

复活节 (22-1-1 14 科斯), 谁与米奇·加西亚在一个统一的失去了他的轻量级冠军 2018, 他的第一次战斗超级对抗的一个轻量级被匹配拳击的最积极, 来向前战斗机和结果没有让人失望. 格拉纳多斯从开盘向前冲, 按下反对他瘦长的内, 5-尺11的对手. 在战斗上半年, 复活节赚足发而从远处的战斗, 扶着他的速度赢得了前四轮的三名法官’ 记分卡. 但战斗似乎在中途改变潮汐, 与格拉纳多斯能够迫使布特在近距离被质疑. 大红大紫七个贯穿 10 精选巨大, 回往复的交流和更积极的格拉纳多斯似乎得到交易所的更好.

战士合并扔 1,815 组合的总的冲头和 1,379 跨越式混合动力拳 12 发.

“我们知道他是一个战士的地狱在那里,” 复活节说. “这就是我们的训练. 这不是一个普通的对手,我们知道他要带它. 我并不感到惊讶,因为这就是他做什么. 你见过他的最好的最好的战斗,他扔下. 我知道他会抛出拳在束.

“这是一个考验的地狱,我在 140 我觉得强. 我不是专门喊人, 但你知道有这个重量级别冠军,我来为所有的皮带. 行“时间了。”

一拳击最可靠的行动战斗机, 格拉纳多斯 (20-8-2, 13 科斯) 扔更多的拳,并连接更多的,是再一次与没去他的方式的决定感到沮丧.

“我无语了. 我觉得我赢得了战斗,” 格拉纳多斯说. “那 100 到 90? 来吧.

“我已经厌倦了同样的老故事. 很显然,我控制的斗争. 他从来没有伤害我. 这是令人尴尬.

“我无法控制的判断. 这是非常令人沮丧. 我有一个梦想成为世界冠军,它只是好像它不切割出来我. 但我有一个冠军的心脏,我不会放弃。”

在转播的开幕回合, 不败的古巴重量级 弗兰克·桑切斯投了反对停业 杰克在lowayi, 赢得了10轮一致决定拿下 100-90 由三名法官.

桑切斯 (14-0, 11 科斯) 从一开盘更积极的战斗机, 针对身体对抗的防守强队Mulowayi (7-2-1, 3 科斯). 这位27岁的桑切斯, 谁是采取了10轮的距离首次, 抛弃了 250 比对手多拳.

“我的对手真的不想打, 他只是想打脏,” 桑切斯说. “因此,所有我能做的就是给他一些横向移动. 当有人并不想从事这很难. 我们想触摸他失望, 碰到他了高. 但是,一旦他得到了感动, 那家伙只是试图绑.

“有没有问题去 10 发. 我在伟大的形状,我已经准备好尽快再次争取尽可能. 我发现我的技术优势今晚. 所有重量级更好地观看。”

两年时间的超羽量级世界冠军Gervonta “坦克” 他继续为他的轻量级亮相十二月训练戴维斯上周六的电视节目中接受采访 28 在Showtime从国营农场球馆亚特兰大. 爆炸性戴维斯, 谁将争取Yuriorkis Gamboa的为WBA轻量级世界冠军, 继续召唤出顶级战士,当他与主持人布莱恩·卡斯特发言.

“我听说过所有这些人给我打电话了, 我不想听起来自大, 但我在这个重量级别的摇钱树,” 戴维斯说. “我和狮子座圣克鲁斯将会在2020年打。”

周六的欣欣拳击: 特别版tripleheader将重播上周一 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

行业领先的制作团队和剧组宣布交付的所有景点, 声音和戏剧从桑坦德体育馆. 资深广播人布赖恩·卡斯特主持电视节目, 多才多艺的格斗运动的声音毛罗·拉纳洛称为动作马戏团一起名人堂分析师阿尔伯恩斯坦和前双师世界冠军马里纳吉. 名人堂的三殿杀进欣欣转播团队 – 艾美奖® 获奖的记者吉姆·格雷, 非官方马戏团射手史蒂夫Farhood和世界著名的环播音员麦侬JR. 欣欣拳击的执行制片人: 特别版是大卫丁勤, JR. 和主任鲍勃·邓菲.

该电视节目通过辅助音频编程在西班牙语中是可用 (SAP) 亚历杭德罗·与月亮和前世界冠军劳尔·马尔克斯调用动作.

# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing
www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. 这次活动是由TGB促销和国王的促销推广.

不败的古巴重量级弗兰克·桑切斯面对杰克Mulowayi在欣欣拳击的电视转播开瓶器: 特别EDITION®这个星期六, 十月 26 从桑坦德Arena在阅读, 霸. – 尼日利亚重量级埃菲Ajagba退学后在腰部损伤


2016 奥海Eimantas Stanionis & 17-岁迷情
维托Mielnicki, 小, 轻量级奥马尔·道格拉斯 & 次中量级

读, 霸. (十月 21, 2019) – 不败的古巴猛男 弗兰克·桑切斯 将面临 杰克在lowayi 在八轮的重量级的吸引力打开欣欣拳击: 特别版这个星期六, 十月 26 住在Showtime® 从桑坦德Arena在阅读, 霸.

桑切斯 (13-0, 11 科斯) 步骤,以取代 卡通Ajagba, 谁从对一次挨打Mulowayi战斗撤退 (7-1-1, 3 科斯). Ajagba上周受伤,他在训练中背部.

夜晚因顶级超中量级的竞争者头条 埃里克森 “锤” 鲁宾 承担强硬 纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔 在10轮摊牌头条在开始的英超冠军拳击事件 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT. 前轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·复活节, JR. 将他的超轻量级首演反对 阿德里安 “埃尔蒂格雷” 格拉纳多斯 在10轮的共同特征的吸引力.

突出显示卡的动感十足的非电视部分的战斗特色不败 2016 立陶宛奥海 Eimantas Stanionis 现蕾对兰卡斯特, 宾夕法尼亚 TIE迪克森 在次中量级回合和17岁的次中量级前景 维托Mielnicki JR. 面对达勒姆, 北卡罗来纳州 马克林贝利 在四轮吸引力.

行动继续较量为特色墨西哥 何塞·米格尔·博雷戈 (15-2, 13 科斯) 承担哥伦比亚 Likar拉莫斯 (29-8, 22 科斯) 在八轮次中量级回合和威尔明顿, 特拉华 奥马尔·道格拉斯 (19-3, 13 科斯) 面对河滨, 加州的 温贝托·加林多 (12-0-1, 9 科斯) 为 10 两轮轻便行动.

门票活动, 这是由TGB促销和国王的促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以通过Ticketmaster.com或在桑坦德票房购买 (周一至周五, 10 A.M. – 5 下午, 星期六 10 A.M. – 2 下午).

还进入环是科罗拉多州的 瑞奇·洛佩兹 (20-4-1, 6 科斯) 在反对得克萨斯本土10轮超轻量级比赛 乔佩雷斯 (14-3-2, 10 科斯), 帕特森, 新泽西州 诺曼·尼利 (3-0, 3 科斯) 在四回合重量级的斗争德安杰洛Swaby (1-0, 1 KO) 巴哈马, 再加上迈阿密 杰西克鲁兹 (17-7-1, 7 科斯) 发生在墨西哥 埃内斯托·格雷罗 (32-29, 22 科斯) 在八轮超羽量级的吸引力, 和密歇根州本地 Raeese阿利姆 (14-0, 8 科斯) 在竞争对哥伦比亚的八轮超轻量级的战斗 马龙·奥莱亚 (14-5, 12 科斯).

为完善这个动作是不败的波多黎各轻量级前景 乔纳森·托雷斯 在六轮的战斗, 超中量级前景 Darrion劳森 弗林特, 密歇根反对尼加拉瓜的四回合的战斗 海梅·梅萨 和中量级 滑稽拉里 克利尔沃特, 佛罗里达州在反对四回合回合堪萨斯本土 安东尼奥·埃尔南德斯.

从他的家乡古巴前业余突出, 桑切斯现在住在拉斯维加斯,是保持不败,因为在成为职业球员 2017. 这位27岁的得分击倒在他的前六个亲打架, 拿起9个胜在 2018. 桑切斯最近拿下波多黎各的胜者比斯巴尔的主导停止在八月.

战斗在外面安特卫普, 比利时, 刚果民主共和国的方式, 你会lowayi他的母亲中美. 亮相十月 26 在可以追溯到一个职业生涯 2015. 32岁是他的第7个亲打架不败失去了一个狭窄的多数决定埃尔韦Bubeaux在一个回合在五月比利时重量级冠军之前. 他反弹击败阿图尔·库比亚克七月标题进入他对桑切斯的斗争.

# # #

关于LUBIN VS. 加利莫尔
鲁宾VS. 加利莫尔坑顶超中量级的竞争者 埃里克森 “锤” 鲁宾反对强硬 纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔 在上周六的10轮对决, 十月 26, 从桑坦德Arena在阅读生活在Showtime, 霸。, 由总理拳击冠军呈现事件.

三拼欣欣拳击: 特别EDITIONbegins住在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT和功能前轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·JR复活节. 使他的超轻量级首演反对战斗考验的老将 阿德里安 “埃尔蒂格雷” 格拉纳多斯在10轮的协调功能的吸引力, 再加上不败的重量级轰动 弗兰克·桑切斯 将进入环对一次挨打 杰克在lowayi 在八轮较量.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

顶级超中量级埃里克森鲁宾现在准备采取强硬的纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔的主赛事英超冠军拳击事件对星期六十月 26, 在阅读生活SHOWTIME®从桑坦德体育馆, 霸.

更多, 瑞星重量级轰动埃菲Ajagba加入到电视转播的卡装回拉奥肖·沃伦VS. 埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯

特雷尔Gausha & 拉奥肖·沃伦撤回由于伤病

读, 霸. (十月 10, 2019) – 顶级超中量级的竞争者 埃里克森 “锤” 鲁宾 现在将面对强硬 纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔 在上周六的10轮对决, 十月 26, 从桑坦德Arena在阅读生活在Showtime, 霸。, 由总理拳击冠军呈现事件.

在所有行动加利莫尔取代 特雷尔Gausha, 谁是被迫从主要事件回合让步由于对打过程中伤害到他的左手需要手术.

不败重量级轰动 卡通Ajagba 将进入环对一次挨打 杰克在lowayi 在10轮的较量,它取代了先前宣布的拉奥肖·沃伦VS. 埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯打. 沃伦从比赛让步由于对打期间遭受右手受伤.

三拼欣欣拳击: 特别版在开始直播 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT,还设有前轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·JR复活节. 使他的超轻量级首演反对战斗考验的老将 阿德里安 “埃尔蒂格雷” 格拉纳多斯 在10轮的协调功能的吸引力.

门票活动, 这是由TGB促销和国王的促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以通过Ticketmaster.com或在桑坦德票房购买 (周一至周五, 10 A.M. – 5 下午, 星期六 10 A.M. – 2 下午).

奥兰多, 佛罗里达州的鲁宾 (21-1, 16 科斯) 是上升最快的竞争者之一在拳击比赛中,他迅速跑到梯子的顶部,挑战杰梅尔·查洛的WBC 154磅重的冠军 2017. 继一冲, 第一轮停工查洛, 24岁的鲁宾曾与自己的三场连胜停止胜利反弹收复他的气势向着世界冠军.

二月里, 鲁宾成为第一个拳击手停止前冠军艾希·史密斯和即将关闭在扎哈里亚Attou将军澳胜利在他的最后一战在6月份SHOWTIME.

“这是不幸的Gausha不得不退出,因为我真的很期待这场斗争,” 鲁宾说:. “现在我面临的纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔, 谁是一个非常好的战斗机,其唯一的损失是顶级球员. 我期待一个非常艰难的战斗, 一个将是爆炸性的球迷, 但一个我知道我会赢. 这是我的时间向世界展示了我已经准备好回来的超中量级师的顶部。”

这位31岁的加利莫尔 (21-3-1, 17 科斯) 最近击败了安东尼奥·托德通过决定在八月从接近决策损失的统一冠军朱利安·威廉姆斯和世界排名第一的竞争者帕特里克·特谢拉在反弹 2018. 出生在金斯敦, 牙买加和战斗出来的埃文斯顿, 伊利诺伊, 加利莫尔把一个七战连胜威廉姆斯打之前, 包括竞争者贾斯汀·德洛克和杰森罗萨里奥击倒.

“我处理这个像任何其他大的战斗,这是在工作时间长,” 说加利莫尔. “我一直在等待这一刻在我的职业生涯了一段时间. 这是一个垫脚石,我想去,可以带我. 鲁宾是一个不错的拳击手,冲床. 他是在上升的时刻,我知道他来了. 这将是一个伟大的斗争. 我会让环中的任何调整到什么,我需要做的是胜利的那一夜获利。”

尼日利亚Ajagba (11-0, 9 科斯) 最近通过了他的职业生涯中最严峻的考验,当他击败了同胞 2016 奥海阿里二连Demirezen 10轮一致决定在七月. 这位25岁的Ajagba在八月获得了广泛的恶名 2018 当他的对手, 柯蒂斯·哈珀, 走出环的触摸手套之后开始第一轮. Ajagba赢得了战斗没有抛出一记重拳的哈珀被取消资格.

住在斯塔福德, 得克萨斯州与罗尼盾培训, Ajagba稳步提高他的竞争,并添加击倒战胜阿米尔·曼苏尔和迈克尔Wallisch今年.

战斗在外面安特卫普, 比利时, 刚果民主共和国的方式, 在lowayi (7-1-1, 3 科斯) 会让他U.S. 亮相十月 26 在可以追溯到一个职业生涯 2015. 32岁是他的第7个亲打架不败失去了一个狭窄的多数决定埃尔韦Bubeaux在一个回合在五月比利时重量级冠军之前. 他反弹击败阿图尔·库比亚克七月标题进入他对Ajagba斗争.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.


Super Welterweight Contender Takes on Former World Champion Ishe Smith This Saturday in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN Action From Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亚州. and Presented By Premier Boxing Champions

Digital Presentation Streams Live on SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel and SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page Beginning
在 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT

点击 这里 for Photos from Team Lubin

LAS VEGAS (二月 5, 2019) – Super welterweight contender 埃里克森鲁宾 will enter the ring under the guidance of coach Kevin Cunningham for the first time when he steps into the ring this Saturday against former world champion ISHE史密斯 作为其一部分 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN 从尊严健康体育公园出发, 前 StubHub 中心, 卡森, 加利福尼亚州,由超级拳击冠军颁发.

The digital presentation will stream on the 欣欣体育YouTube频道欣欣拳击Facebook页面 在开始 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT, and will also feature a showdown between super lightweights Juan Heraldez and Eddie Ramirez, all leading up to that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event. The three-fight SHOWTIME telecast begins live at 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT headlined by super featherweight world champion Gervonta Davis defending his title against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

Lubin will fight for the second time since losing his first world title challenge to Jermell Charlo in 2017, and for the first time with his new coach. The Orlando-native began training camp in West Palm Beach, but has been training in Las Vegas for the last month since the team moved west to finish the training camp for Adrien Broner’s fight against Manny Pacquiao.

Here is what Lubin had to say about Saturday’s fight and more:

On his matchup against Ishe Smith:

Ishe Smith has been in the ring with the best of them and he’s never been stopped. He knows how to fight and I’m expecting him to be at this best. I will have to dictate the pace right from the opening bell. My goal is to be the first person to take him out, but if it goes the distance, I’m okay with that as well. I’m going to win this fight and win it impressively.

On training with new coach Kevin Cunningham:

Kevin is a no-nonsense type of guy. He’s going to tell you the truth if you like it or not. If I’m doing something wrong in his eyes, he’s going to speak on it right away. He’ll do the same if I’m doing something right, so I like his style of training and I’m learning more each day we are together. This will be our first fight together and I’m excited to get back in the ring. We have a nice game plan in place that we will execute on fight night.

On training in Las Vegas for the first time in his career:

Training in Las Vegas is no joke, because we are training in higher elevation than what I’m used to in Florida. Getting away from the distractions at home has been relaxing. I’ve been getting great sparring and my timing is right on point. Las Vegas is definitely the place to be for high level sparring and training.

On fighting in Southern California for the second time in his career:

I really like fighting on the west coast. The fans are great, and the weather is beautiful. I know we’ll be fighting outdoors so I’m looking forward to that. Everyone knows this venue has hosted some really good fights. I’m looking to steal the show on Saturday night.

# # #
关于达维VS. 鲁伊兹
格文塔·戴维斯 vs. 周六,在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 的主赛中,雨果·鲁伊斯 (Hugo Ruiz) 将由 WBA 超羽量级世界冠军戴维斯对阵前世界冠军鲁伊斯, 二月 9 从尊严健康体育公园出发, 前 StubHub 中心, 卡森, 加利福尼亚州,由超级拳击冠军颁发.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 报道开始于 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT 中,不败的超轻量级马里奥·巴里奥斯 (Mario Barrios) 对阵墨西哥选手理查德·萨莫拉 (Richard Zamora),前世界冠军哈维尔·福图纳 (Javier Fortuna) 与轻量级竞争者谢里夫·博格尔 (Sharif Bogere) 交锋.

门票活动, promoted by Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing, 现已公开发售,并可以在AXS.com购买.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sportswww.premierboxingchampions.com 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions 和 Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & 福克斯驱逐最终新闻发布会语录 & 照片

Josesito Lopez vs. 米格尔·克鲁兹, Anthony Dirrell vs. 亚伯拉罕·汉 & Jorge Lara vs. Claudio Marrero Tripleheader 星期六, 四月 28 Live on FOX & FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, 得克萨斯州
点击 这里 鲁本·拉米雷斯的照片

STEP, TX. (四月 25, 2018) – Rugged veteran Josesito洛佩兹 不败 米格尔·克鲁兹 faced-off Thursday and discussed their upcoming showdown Saturday, 四月 28 as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, 得克萨斯州.




Also squaring-off Thursday and competing in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at 8:30 P.M. AND / 5:30 P.M. PT were former world champion 安东尼Dirrell的 and El Paso’s 亚伯拉罕·汉, who meet in a 10 round super middleweight clash, and featherweight brawlers 豪尔赫·拉腊克劳迪奥·马雷罗, who compete in a 10 轮的战斗.




演出门票, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已发售,可通过 Ticketmaster 购买.










I’m well prepared for this fight, I’ve had a great camp with Robert Garcia. I have a tough unbeaten opponent who’s really good. I just have to prove I’m better on Saturday night.




I’m so excited to be finally fighting in Texas and I’ve gotten so much love and support already from this city. I can’t wait to give these fans a show.




This is the kind of fight that I can really display my skills. I’m going to show everyone the same heart that I always do, combined with some skills that Robert Garcia has helped get.




I’m going to be prepared for anything on Saturday. Cruz is unbeaten and that brings its own kind of mentality. I know I have what it takes to conquer this challenge and fight the best in the division.




This is going to be a textbook Josesito Lopez performance. I’m going to fight my hardest from bell to bell and take this victory home with me.






El Paso has been great to me and I’ve really enjoyed my time here. I’m in this city to fight. I’m here to come and prove myself in this welterweight division.




I have respect for what Josesito’s done in the game, 但在这一天结束, this is the premier division in boxing. I feel I’m one of the best guys at 147 and I’ll be here for a while. I’m going to be a force.




I know Josesito is bringing the fight and I promise you I’m bringing it as well. I will come out on top. This is a can’t miss fight for sure.




I have to be smart and execute my game plan round after round. My jab will be key and if I can use that and wear him down to the body, I think I’ll have a great chance to stop him.




I know what it takes to win at this level now. I’ve gotten better each fight and I think my time is now. People are going to know my name after Saturday night.






I plan on going in there and getting the victory. I know Han is a great fighter who will bring the best out of me. That’s what I need right now.




Come Saturday it’s going to be just another fight for me. I take everybody seriously. I know that anything can happen in that ring. I prepared well for this fight and I’m ready to get the win.




Everyone knows that I’m a championship-caliber fighter and I’ll prove it again on Saturday. 这场战斗后, I’m ready to take on any of the super middleweight champions. I’ll beat any of them.




I’m the best fighter that he’s ever going to fight and he will see that on Saturday. I’m going to leave no doubt.






I’ve fought in many other people’s backyards so being able to fight here in my hometown is amazing. I turn it up to a different level here. The crowd will give me a big boost in energy and it’s going to help me get the win.




I hope the sports fans of El Paso come out and watch me put on a great performance. I know the type of challenge I have in front of me, but I also know that I have the skills to pull this off.





This is a great opportunity to show people outside of El Paso what kind of fighter I really am. I have a lot of experience and I’ve fought all over, but I don’t know if I’ve ever been more prepared for a fight.




Anthony Dirrell is a great champion but I’m a champion of this city. This is my chance to take down a big name and move to the next level of the sport.






I’m going to leave the ring Saturday night with my hand raised. I’ve had a wonderful training camp and I prepared perfectly for this fight. It will show on fight night.




Marrero better be ready, because I’m going to come at him and look for the kill early. I want to make a statement and I’ll go through him to make it.




I’m very focused and ready to take home this win on Saturday night. The fans are going to love my style and the heart that I fight with.






I hope that Jorge Lara is ready to fight on Saturday night. This is going to be a battle and I know that we’ll both leave everything in the ring.




I prepared well for this fight because I know that everything is on the line for me. I have to be victorious so I can go on and get where I want to in boxing.




I’m more skilled and more experienced than anyone that Lara has faced and on Saturday night I’m going to give him lots of problems.




# # #




球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.tgbpromotions.com,HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @FOXTV, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.


FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & FOX Deportes El Paso Media Workout Quotes & 照片

Josesito Lopez vs. 米格尔·克鲁兹, Anthony Dirrell vs. 亚伯拉罕·汉 & Jorge Lara vs. Claudio Marrero Tripleheader 星期六, 四月 28 Live on FOX & FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, 得克萨斯州
点击 这里 鲁本·拉米雷斯的照片

STEP, TX. (四月 25, 2018) – Fighters competing on Saturday’s Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes card, 通过标题 Josesito洛佩兹 作战 米格尔·克鲁兹 在次中量级行动, participated in a media workout Wednesday in El Paso before they step into the ring at Don Haskins Center.




Also participating in the workout was former world champion 安东尼Dirrell的 and El Paso’s 亚伯拉罕·汉, who meet in a 10 round super middleweight clash, and featherweight brawlers 豪尔赫·拉腊克劳迪奥·马雷罗, who compete in a 10 轮的战斗.




演出门票, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已发售,可通过 Ticketmaster 购买.




Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from Wolves Den Gym in El Paso:






Having Robert Garcia in my corner has given me the training and preparation of an elite fighter. It’s a big difference. He’s one of the best trainers in the world and I’m going to help show that on Saturday.




I’ve been training with Robert for quite some time now. I’ve been getting sharp working with other elite fighters in the gym. It’s kept me on my toes and that’s what I needed.




Cruz is tough, he’s undefeated and he comes focused to win. He’s a good fighter but I’m here this week to prove that I’m a better fighter.




Experience will definitely play a big part. But I also don’t think he’s faced anyone with the skills I have. All of my losses are to great fighters. I feel like I’ve taken a big step forward here.




It feels great to be headlining in El Paso on FOX and FOX Deportes. I bring exciting fights and I’m always in wars. Saturday will be no different.




I’m really excited to finally be fighting in Texas, it’s something I’ve looked for and asked about for many years. Texas holds a big piece of my heart and I’m ready to give the fans here a show on Saturday.






This was an excellent training camp. It was a hard camp. It was extensive but I got through it and it has me feeling very prepared. It was absolutely the most strenuous camp I’ve had. 我总是刻苦训练, but this one in particular, I had extra motivation.




To get the win I need to use my jab and work the body. There are more aspects of it, but those two things are essential for me winning this fight.




I’ve fought a lot of good, 年轻, strong fighters recently. Past a certain level you learn that you can’t just knock everybody out. You learn to weather the storm and use your energy more efficiently. I’ve learned a lot about myself as a fighter.




Josesito throws looping punches. That’s tough because it’s a bit unconventional. He throws looping punches that can take away your equilibrium. He’s got a lot of experience and that’s definitely a major factor in what I’ve been preparing for.




It feels great to be on this stage, but at the same time I know I earned my spot to be here. I remember watching Josesito fighting in 2011 在梅威瑟与. Ortiz undercard and I knew right then that I was going to be in the ring with these guys.






I had a great, eight-week long training camp with great sparring. I feel good and I’m ready to fight for sure.




I know that Han is a warrior. He’s rugged and that’s why I chose to fight him here in his backyard. I know that he’s going to bring a fight for me.




It’s just going to be me and him in the ring. The audience can’t help him. All his fans can’t help him. Coaches can only help him between rounds. I’m going to block everything else out and just focus on him.




I just need to stick to what we worked on in training camp. We have to implement those strategies and you’ll see it come Saturday night.




I’m a better, stronger and wiser fighter these days. I’ve been through a lot to stay in world title contention. Everybody knows how badly I want my title back. 周六, everyone will see that I’m a champion. I’m ready for anyone with a belt.






I’m so happy to be fighting at home on this big stage. In many ways this is a dream come true and something that’s been a long time coming. I can’t wait to perform in front of my people.




I know I’m the underdog versus Dirrell but that doesn’t bother me at all. I always train to be better than anyone expects me to be. This fight will be no difference.




This is a big fight for me and I’ve been training so hard to put on a great show for my hometown fans. This is a great fight town and I’m going to give the fans something to cheer about.






I’m so excited to get in the ring. I’m still eating right now leading up to the weigh-in and I feel ready to go. I’m eager to step into the ring.




I’m not worried about Claudio Marrero. I’m just staying loose and focused on what I have to do. Marrero has to focus on me because he’s never fought a guy like me. I’m going to stay loose and bring the fight to him.




The world title is my destiny. This is one shot closer to a world title. I’m highly ranked but the champions don’t want to give me a chance. So I will have to fight my way there.




I’m like a dog going after a bone in the ring. 我只想打架. I’m here to take the fight right to him.






It was a very hard training camp like always. I take it very seriously and I’m ready for this fight on Saturday night.




I know I’m facing a tough Mexican fighter who will leave it all in the ring. We worked very hard on a plan for him.




He must be mistaken if he thinks I’ve never seen a fighter like him before. It’s the other way around. He’ll definitely know what level I’m on after Saturday night.




My style is to both come forward, but have the ability to move backward. It’s all about what the fight dictates and what my corner wants.


# # #




球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.tgbpromotions.com,HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @FOXTV, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.