Categorie Archieven: Show Time


Fighters Preview Showdowns die zondag plaatsvinden, Juni 6 op Mayweather vs. Logan Paul SHOWTIME PPV Undercard van
Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens

NEW YORK - (Mei 25, 2021) - WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal en kampioen in twee divisies Badou Jack, plus voormalig verenigd wereldkampioen "Swift" Jarrett Hurden ervaren mededinger Luis Arias, vooraf bekeken van hun respectievelijke confrontaties op een virtuele persconferentie dinsdag voordat ze in de ring stapten als onderdeel van de SHOWTIME PPV-undercard van Mayweather vs. Logan Paul vindt zondag plaats, Juni 6 van Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

Pascal en Jack zullen elkaar ontmoeten voor een herkansing van het kampioenschap in het co-main event van de pay-per-view, terwijl Hurd en Arias het tegen elkaar opnemen voor een gevecht van 10 ronden, ook op basis van pay-per-view. De uitzending, die wordt geproduceerd door SHOWTIME PPV, zal live begin lucht in 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT en zal ook de voormalige NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson vertonen die zijn boksdebuut maakt in een oefenwedstrijd tegen de veelzijdige vechter Brian Maxwell.

Tickets voor het live evenement zijn nu te koop bij

Hier is wat de vechters moest dinsdag zeggen:


"Ik ben erg enthousiast over de herkansing. Ik train sinds december in Puerto Rico. Ik heb de hele tijd gewacht op de herkansing en ik ben er klaar voor. Ik respecteer Badou, maar hij zeurt altijd nadat hij verliest. De jury zei dat ik het gevecht had gewonnen en dat is het dan.

"Het eerste gevecht, in de eerste zes ronden heb ik alles goed gedaan. Ik ben misschien een beetje overmoedig geworden. Daarna deed ik het iets te rustig aan. Het gevecht kwam dichtbij vanwege die knockdown die hij kreeg, die niet van een echte klap was. Zonder dat, het zou niet eens dichtbij zijn geweest. We gaan afrekenen in juni 6 in Miami.

“Ik denk dat ik mezelf een beetje beter moet passen in dit gevecht. Ik werd opgewonden omdat ik eerder met Badou heb sparren en weet wat ik kan doen. Ik ben een veteraan, dus ik had niet zo opgewonden moeten raken. Voor zover hij hem weer neerhaalde in dit gevecht, mijn moeder heeft me geleerd dat je alles een keer kunt doen, je kunt twee keer doen.

“Ik geloof echt dat Badou mijn kracht respecteert. Als hij dat niet doet, dan kan hij maar beter die vierde ronde nog eens bekijken. Maar ik heb ook vaardigheden met mijn kracht. Ik ben van nature begaafd en heb de betere vaardigheden. Ik ben geboren voor deze sport en gebouwd om te winnen.

"Ik denk echt dat het werk in de sportschool zal helpen, zodat ik geen ringroest heb. Ik ben een veteraan. Ik ben hier geweest en heb dat gedaan. Op deze leeftijd, het is beter om meer rust te hebben dan te lang getraind te zijn. Ik had de juiste intensiteit in het kamp om ervoor te zorgen dat ik niet overgetraind ben.

"Hij komt om wraak te nemen en ik kom met slechte bedoelingen. Het gaat om een ​​geweldige show te zijn, dus zorg ervoor dat je op deze afstemt. "

JACK Badou

"Ik voel me geweldig met mijn nieuwe trainer Jonathon Banks. Fysiek ben ik in een geweldige vorm en ik kan niet wachten. Nog anderhalve week en het gaat allemaal gebeuren.

“Dit is in de maak sinds ons eerste gevecht. Vorig jaar belde Floyd me en zei, ‘Het is aan.’ Toen sloeg de pandemie toe en werd het teruggeduwd. Er is een reden dat er een herkansing is, omdat iedereen weet wie dat gevecht heeft gewonnen. Het is beter laat dan nooit. Ik was maandag terug in de sportschool na het eerste gevecht.

“Er waren drie juryleden en Julie Lederman had het voor mij en de twee andere jongens hadden nog nooit een groot gevecht beoordeeld. We hebben twee rechters voor deze strijd: de rechterhand en de linkerhand. Dat is het. Ik heb veel vertrouwen in deze strijd en ik maak me geen zorgen over de juryleden. Ik weet dat Jean Pascal een krijger is, en ik ben een krijger. Ik ben gewoon klaar om te vechten.

“Kijkend naar het verleden, ja, Ik moet sneller beginnen. Elk gevecht, dat kan van toepassing zijn. Ik zal naar mijn hoek luisteren, en we gaan uitzoeken hoe we het gevecht kunnen winnen. Op alle mogelijke manieren die we nodig hebben.

'Hij kan alles zeggen wat hij wil als ik hem neerhaal. Ik raakte hem vijf keer achter elkaar en hij zwaaide en miste en ik sloeg hem. Daarom ging hij naar beneden.

'Dit wordt een vuurgevecht. Dat weten we al. Stem af op dit gevecht. Boksen is geen spel en dat ga ik iedereen laten zien en proberen de show te stelen.

"Ik heb het laatste gevecht een of twee keer gezien, misschien drie keer. Ik heb alleen wat kleine aanpassingen nodig. U kunt altijd beter doen. Ik heb meer zelfvertrouwen dan de vorige keer. Ik weet dat we allebei krijgers zijn. We hebben tegen iedereen gevochten. We zijn even oud (Jack is 37; Pascal 38), ook al zie ik er een beetje beter uit. Ik zie er jonger uit. Niemand heeft mijn geboorteakte gezien. Ik ben niet echt 37. Ik ben 27. "


“Trainingskamp was geweldig. Ik heb in anderhalf jaar niet gevochten, dus ik had de kans om echt mijn tijd te nemen met dit kamp. Ik heb veel tijd gehad om het werk te doen. Ik train met vechters zoals Terence Crawford, Shakur Stevenson, Troy Isley en nog veel meer. We werken hier allemaal dag in dag uit.

“Arias is een geweldige vechter. Dit wordt het soort teen-tot-teen-gevecht dat ik leuk vind. Hij zal daar voor me zijn en klaar om te vechten. Hij is nooit gestopt, dus ik ben bereid om tot het uiterste te gaan.

"We hebben dit verhaal eerder gezien van Arias. Hij praat een groot spel, maar kijk naar zijn gevechten tegen topvechters. Het maakt niet uit op welk gewicht ik sta, Arias weet wat er gaat komen. Ik heb een verlies geleden, maar ik heb de overwinning behaald in mijn laatste gevecht en ik ben op weg terug.

“Ik heb gewoon een dominante overwinning nodig in juni 6. Luis Arias kan het lelijk maken, maar ik moet overtuigend gaan winnen en iedereen laten weten dat ik terug ben. Ik wil niet op een slordige manier winnen, Ik wil er goed uitzien.

"Hij denkt misschien dat hij me op het juiste moment vangt, maar het wordt in juni geen goede tijd voor hem 6. Ik kan boksen en ik kan knallen, het maakt niet uit. We zullen op fight night beslissen welke stijl ik ga gebruiken. Ik weet dat ik hem hoe dan ook kan verslaan.

“Ik heb geprobeerd aan mijn slechte gewoonten te werken na mijn verlies. Ik was een rechttoe rechtaan man die net op je af kwam. Ik wilde in mijn laatste gevecht tegen Francisco Santana laten zien dat ik mijn lengte en bereik kan gebruiken als dat nodig is. Ik wilde alles in dozen doen 10 rondes en dat deed ik.

'Ik heb nog steeds te veel onafgemaakte zaken voor 154 pond. Ik heb veel ruzie, inclusief mijn rematch tegen Julian Williams, die ik nog steeds wil krijgen. Ik wil mijn titels terugkrijgen. Ik en Jermell Charlo is waarschijnlijk het grootste gevecht om 154 nu. Ik wil dat afhandelen voordat ik in gewicht ga stijgen. "


“Het kamp is uitstekend geweest. Ik ben enthousiast voor de strijd. Ik denk dat dit een perfect gevecht is en een perfecte kans. Het is een geweldige matchup. Ik heb aan de juiste dingen gewerkt om ervoor te zorgen dat ik honderd procent voorbereid ben op dit gevecht en ik denk dat ik Jarrett Hurd op het juiste moment vang. Hij wisselt van stijl. Hij weet echt niet hoe hij wil vechten.

'Toen ik dit gevecht kreeg, hij was gerangschikt nr. 1 in het Ring Magazine op 154 en dat is een deel van waarom ik deze strijd wilde. Leonard Ellerbe vroeg of ik bereid was tegen Hurd te vechten, en ik zei honderd procent. Het draait allemaal om jezelf uitdagen. Dit is weer een uitdaging en ik ga nooit een uitdaging uit de weg. Ik ben daar met de beste geweest en er is niets dat Jarrett Hurd naar de tafel kan brengen dat ik nog niet heb gezien.

“Een overwinning brengt me meteen weer in de mix. Ik ben altijd maar één stap verwijderd van het echt in de mix raken met de grote jongens. Mijn laatste paar gevechten waren allemaal maar één gevecht verwijderd van dat gevecht om de wereldtitel. Een keer versloeg ik Jarrett Hurd in juni 6, Ik ben daar met de grote honden. Hij roept Jermell Charlo en hij wil al die andere grote namen bevechten, maar hij zal door mij heen moeten komen. Als hij van mij verliest, Ik zal in positie zijn voor de gevechten die hij wil.

"Het wordt een zware strijd. Als hij wil knallen, we kunnen knallen. Als hij zegt dat hij wil boksen, hij is niet de betere bokser. Maar er is maar één manier om erachter te komen en dat zullen we over twee weken weten. Ik moet er alles aan doen om ervoor te zorgen dat ik kom opdagen en indruk maak.

"Ik ben nog jong en ik vecht me er nog steeds doorheen. Ik moest gewoon de juiste aanpassingen maken. Ik zal geen wanhopige vechter worden. Ik ga daar naar binnen en vecht zoals ik vecht. Ik heb altijd al gevechten op kampioenschapsniveau in me gehad, maar ik heb het gewoon niet laten zien. Dit is voor mij een perfecte gelegenheid om het te laten zien.

"Ik kom achter hem aan. Ik heb om te winnen. Hij hoeft me niet te vinden. Ik kom er zo aan. Als ik hem in het midden van de ring moet boksen of als ik mijn hoofd in zijn borst moet steken en hem eruit moet halen, dan is dat wat ik moet doen. Van de openingsbel tot de laatste bel, als we de laatste bel halen, Ik ga op hem af. We zullen zien wat voor soort aanpassingen hij aanbrengt, maar ik heb niet het gevoel dat hij een betere bokser is dan ik, en ik heb niet het gevoel dat hij een betere bokser is dan ik. "

LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO van Mayweather Promotions

“De wereld bruist van dit hele evenement, inclusief onze geweldige undercard met twee geweldige professionele periodes. Hurd vs.. Arias wordt een sprankelend gevecht. Ik heb Luis van dichtbij en persoonlijk gezien tijdens dit trainingskamp en ik weet dat hij dat is 100% voorbereid en klaar om van streek te raken. Hurd aan de andere kant probeert zijn voetafdruk in de 154-pond-divisie te behouden en te bewijzen dat hij de beste is op dat gewicht.

“Pascal en Jack hadden anderhalf jaar geleden een fantastische wedstrijd op SHOWTIME. Vanaf de opening bel, die jongens bewezen dat ze geweldige krijgers zijn en we verwachten niets minder in de herkansing in juni 6. De fans staan ​​die avond echt wat te wachten.

“De energie tussen deze vier vechters was vandaag ongelooflijk. Als promotor van dit evenement, Ik ben opgewonden, dus ik kan me alleen maar voorstellen waar de fans aan toe zijn. Hurd en Arias willen allebei een statement maken, en dat gaat regelrecht in Pascal rollen tegen Jack, die verdergaan waar ze gebleven waren in hun eerste gevecht. "

Mayweather vs. Logan Paul is een speciale tentoonstelling die wordt gepresenteerd door Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO en Mavathltcs die op zondag plaatsvinden, Juni 6 bij Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla. De uitzending, die wordt geproduceerd door SHOWTIME PPV, zal live begin lucht in 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT en kan nu worden gekocht bij De undercard bevat WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal vs. wereldkampioen in twee divisies Badou Jack in een herkansing van 12 ronden, plus voormalig unified super weltergewicht kampioen 'Swift' Jarrett Hurd tegen Luis Arias in een gevecht van 10 ronden en in een vierde PPV-gevecht, De voormalige NFL-ster wide receiver Chad Johnson zal zijn boksdebuut maken in een oefenwedstrijd tegen de veelzijdige vechter Brian Maxwell. Tickets zijn nu te koop bij

Voor meer informatie bezoek,, Volg op Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, MayweatherPromo,@ShowtimeBoxing en @FANMIO en op Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @BuienRadarNL, @ShowtimeBoxing en @FANMIO.


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c-Cris Cyborg (24-2, 1 NC) verslagen #4-Leslie Smith (12-9-1) via TKO (stakingen) bij 4:51 van ronde vijf

Cris Cyborg after retaining the title:

“I knew she was tough and I’ve fought her before. I know her and respect her and she’s a real fighter. I knew with her it would be a great match, because she’s capable and she’s tough."

“I was really working in sparring to keep going and going because I knew it was going to be this way. I noticed I enjoyed it a little more. It’s going to be 16 years as a professional fighter this month so I started to enjoy it in there."

“I’ve been working on grappling my whole life but I just feel like I’m getting better and better every day. I got a black belt, but it’s like a white belt because I’m always learning."

“I’ve been doing this 16 jaar, I’ve got four titles. But before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’ So, I’d like to fight with Cat Zingano and I will ask Scott Coker. Because before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’”

#6-Leandro Higo (20-5) verslagen Darrion Caldwell (15-5) via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

“I’ve been waiting for this fight for three years now. It’s exactly how I wanted it to go. I used my wrestling and I used my jiu-jitsu. I’m a complete fighter and I’m ready for any fighter on the planet because I believe I’m the best. I knew I had lost the first round, but in the second when he was throwing all those elbows and cut me open, I’m from a poor family in Brazil and that was nothing I hadn’t seen before. I felt happy being in that cage with blood all over me.

“He ended up taking me down in the second and I went for a kimura, which is something I’m very accustomed to doing, but he reversed it but then he didn’t do anything and I hit him with a lot of strikes on bottom. A lot of elbows and strikes and I stayed very on bottom and he wasn’t doing anything. That’s why I won the second and third round.”

“I think that I deserve a title shot. I just beat three of the biggest names in the game and I just beat a former world champion. And nobody has beaten the top three guys of this world-class caliber like I have done in three consecutive wins. I’m going for that world title and that’s what’s next for me. So let’s make it fast.”

#3-Austin Vanderford (11-0) verslagen #4-Fabian Edwards (9-2) via unaniem besluit (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Austin Vanderford following his unanimous decision win:

“I like my fights bloody, whether it’s me or my opponent. I’ll get a scab. But hats off to Fabian who cut me up a little bit. But happy to get the win.”

“He was a big, sterke man. I started feeling him give me that head and arm choke. Helaas, I didn’t capitalize on it. But I knew what I was going to do. I was going to just grind it out. He’s a good striker so I had to be careful but I felt good. Wrestling … it’s my heart. I’m ready for the next step.”

Jaleel Willis (15-2) verslagen Maycon Mendonca (11-5) via unaniem besluit (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Hannah Guy (3-1) verslagen #8-Valerie Loureda (3-1) via unaniem besluit (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Hannah Guy following her first win inside the BELLATOR cage…

“I felt like I had really good cardio, so that was awesome because I was really worried about that a little bit. I’m so thankful she took the fight and I’m so thankful BELLATOR gave me this opportunity.

“I thought I was going to finish with the triangle (choke), eerlijk. She just slipped right out of there, so that was awesome of her. Her defense was really good. I was really impressed with that. I didn’t know what her ground game was but it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

“Grappling is just where I want to be if you’ve seen any of my other fights. My striking has really improved a lot though so I’m hoping to change that. But grappling has always been my strong suit. I didn’t want to just depend on my grappling, but I thought I landed some shots pretty well a few times. In this fight I thought I could see when the punches were coming. And I was able to defend a little bit better and how I’ve grown. So I’m just really proud of myself right now.”

Voorlopige Card:
Je Awad (24-13, 1 NC) verslagen Nate Andrews (16-4) via KO (stakingen) bij 3:16 van de eerste ronde
#7-Grant Neal (6-0) verslagen #8-Tyree Fortune (5-1) via voorlegging (achter-naakte vernauwing) bij 4:20 van de eerste ronde
Sumiko Inaba (2-0) verslagen Kristina Katsikis (1-2) via TKO (stakingen) bij 3:35 van ronde drie
Aviv Gozali (6-0) verslagen Sean Felton (5-3-1) via voorlegging (hiel haak) bij 1:17 van de eerste ronde
#9-Davion Franklin (3-0) verslagen Tyler Koning (12-10) via KO bij 2:02 van de eerste ronde
#7-Leah McCourt (5-1) verslagen 6-Janay Harding (6-5) via voorlegging (driehoek stikken) bij 2:42 van de tweede ronde
Danny Sabatello (11-1) verslagen Brett Johns (17-3) via unaniem besluit (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Alexander Shabliy (20-3) verslagen #9-Alfie Davis (14-4) via unaniem besluit (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Kunt u terecht op voor aanvullende informatie.



Four-Part Documentary Series Premieres

Zondag, Juni 6 bij 8 PM ET / PT

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NEW YORK - Mei 21, 2021 - Showtime Sports Documentary Films has released the official trailer and poster art for the upcoming documentaryTHE KINGS, a four-part series chronicling the fierce rivalry between world champions and Boxing Hall of Famers known as the “Four Kings” –Roberto “Manos de Piedra” DuránMarvelous Marvin HaglerThomas “The Hitman” Hearns, enSugar Ray Leonard. Premiering Sunday, Juni 6 bij 8 p.m. ET / PT op Showtime, the series chronicles the four fightersdramatic and divergent ascents to greatness and the legendary matches they produced.

To watch and share the trailer, ga naar:

THE KINGS spotlights boxing’s evolution from the end of Muhammad Ali’s era to the era of the Four Kings, set against the seismic political and socio-economic shifts taking place in the United States. The Four Kings rose to fame as the presidency of Jimmy Carter and economic recession gave way to the boon of 1980s capitalism and excess harnessed by the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Struik. Through in-depth interviews and archival footage, the series also examines the very personal battles that each man waged on his unique journey to the center of the sports world.

THE KINGS is produced by Box To Box Film in association with Ingenious Media. The series is executive produced by James Gay-Rees (Amy, Senna, Drive To Survive) and Paul Martin (Diego Maradona, Drive To Survive), produced by Fiona Neilson (Oasis: Supersonic, Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams) and directed by Mat Whitecross (Oasis: Supersonic, Road To Guantanamo, Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams).


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DE ENGELEN - De belangrijkste gebeurtenis van Bellator 262 op vrijdag, Juli 16 will feature undefeated 125-pound world champion Juliana Velasquez (11-0) making the first defense of her title against BELLATOR Kickboxing’s Flyweight World Champion and No. 4 gerangschikt Denise Kielholtz (6-2). The card emanates from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. and airs live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

A limited number of tickets starting at $60 go on sale beginning Friday, Juni 4, with a special presale starting on Thursday, Juni 3 uit 10 a.m. naar 10 p.m. EN, and can be purchased at Ticketmaster and

The preliminary portion of BELLATOR MMA 262: Velasquez vs. Kielholtz begint 5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT and will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube-kanaal en Pluto TV. Extra periodes worden op een later tijdstip aangekondigd.

Hailing from Rio de Janeiro, Brazilië, the 34-year-old Velasquez makes the first defense of her flyweight title since dethroning inaugural champion Ilima-Lei Macfarlane bij Bellator 254 in December of last year. Sitting in the No. 2 slot on the BELLATOR women’s pound-for-pound rankings, Velasquez is a former Brazilian national champion in judo, a martial arts discipline she began training at age four. The Team Nogueira product has been a dominant force throughout her unblemished 11-fight professional career, including six wins under the BELLATOR banner.

“I’m extremely excited and happy to get back in the BELLATOR cage and defend my title for the first time,”Zei Velasquez. “I’ve been training really hard, and I’m fully prepared to put on an incredible performance for my fans. Denise has been a great champion in the BELLATOR kickboxing ring, but this MMA belt is mine and it will be going back to Brazil with me after the fight.”

Already the reigning BELLATOR Kickboxing Flyweight World Champion, Kielholtz is looking to capture the promotion’s MMA gold as well when she straps on the BELLATOR MMA gloves for the seventh time. The Dutch striking sensation, known to fans as “Miss Dynamite,” is riding a four-fight MMA winning streak, including a first round knockout over former title challenger Kate Jackson bij Bellator 247 in oktober vorig jaar. Much like her opponent, the 32-year-old Kielholtz holds a black belt in judo with multiple titles as a member of the Dutch National Judo Team.

“This is the moment I’ve been waiting for since I was a child,” said Kielholtz. “My journey in martial arts started when I was nine years old. I have earned multiple championships from kickboxing and judo and I feel like the universe has put everything together. All the hard work, all the sacrifices I have made in my life have all led me to this opportunity. This will be the crowning achievement of my career. This is mine.”

# # #

BELLATOR MMA 262: Velasquez vs. Kielholtz Hoofd Card:
Vrijdag, Juli 16 - 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Flyweight World Title Main Event: C-Juliana Velasquez (11-0) vs. #4-Denise Kielholtz (6-2)

Voorlopige Card:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube-kanaal | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube-kanaal | Pluto-tv
5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT

Voor meer informatie over aankomende BELLATOR MMA-evenementen, bezoek


(Photo Credit: Esther Lin / Showtime)

“Barrios is coming with power, and you know for sure I’m coming with power. Moge de beste winnen," – Davis

“We’ve never faced fighters like each other before. We’re going to see on June 26 if it’s the right move for him," – Buurten

Four-Time World Champion Gervonta Davis Seeks Title In A Third Division Against Unbeaten Super Lightweight Champion Mario Barrios Headlining A SHOWTIME PPV® Zaterdag, Juni 26
In A Premier Boxing Champions Event From State Farm Arena In Atlanta

Klik HIER Voor foto's van Esther Lin / Showtime

Klik HIER Voor foto's van Mayweather Promotions

ATLANTA (Mei 20, 2021) – Viervoudig wereldkampioen Gervonta "Tank" Davis and undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario "El Azteca" Barrios went face-to-face Thursday at a press conference to preview their SHOWTIME PPV main event taking place Saturday, Juni 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Een van de grootste bokssterren op slechts 26-jarige leeftijd, Davis will take on a career-defining challenge in the undefeated Barrios, as he sets his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class. Met een overwinning, Davis houdt tegelijkertijd wereldkampioenschappen in drie verschillende divisies, een prestatie die slechts door een paar vechters in de geschiedenis is bereikt. Standing in his way is the undefeated 26-year-old Barrios, who owns a 9-0 record with eight knockouts during his 140-pound reign and holds a six-inch height advantage over Davis.

Davis returns to fight at State Farm Arena after selling out the venue in December 2019 during a star-studded event that saw him stop former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa in the 12thand final round to capture a lightweight title.

Tickets voor het live-evenement in State Farm Arena, die wordt gepromoot door Mayweather Promotions, GTD-promoties en TGB-promoties, go on sale tomorrow, Vrijdag, Mei 21 bij 10 a.m. EN, en kunnen worden gekocht bij

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday at State Farm Arena:


“Camp has been great for me. We know that Barrios is a bigger guy and that he can punch. We’re working hard each day in the gym, because we’re going up against a big task on June 26.

“We all have challenges we go through in life, and that’s what makes us strong. This is another challenge that I have on my road to success. I’m ready to walk through it and keep pushing.

“We know this is a dangerous fight. Barrios is coming with power and you know for sure I’m coming with power. Moge de beste winnen.

“I took this fight because I want to be great. All the other big names at lightweight had scheduled fights so I felt like I wanted to go out and beat the best fighter out there for me.

“Even if he is bigger than me on fight night, het maakt niet uit. This is all part of the sport. My goal is to break him down. If I can get him out of there, I’ll get him out of there. If it goes 12 rondes, zo zal het zijn. He’s big and strong, but he’s never faced anyone like me.

“We have to wait and see what happens on fight night. Different styles dictate what I need to show in the fight. We’ll see what he brings to the table, and then we’ll capitalize off of it.

“I’m not worried about losing any speed by adding weight. I’m going to be quick regardless. I think I’m going to be at my best at 140-pounds.

“Like all of the rest of my fights, this is going to be action packed. Don’t go get popcorn during the fight, because it could end at any moment. I bring what boxing needs, and that’s excitement. We all know when I fight, it’s never a boring fight. Uit de eerste ronde, until whenever it ends, I just keep coming, in all of my fights. That’s what you’re going to see June 26.”


“This is a huge opportunity for me. ‘Tank’ called me out. I know he’s trying to do something great, but this is a dangerous fight for him. It’s going to be an action-packed fight. We’ve never faced fighters like each other before. We’re going to see on June 26 if it’s the right move for him.

“I fight to represent my city and my people. I’m going to go out there and do my best to make everybody proud.

“They might be looking at my fight against Batyr Akhmedov closely. But I think he has a totally different style and that this fight will be different than what they expect if they just watch that match. I don’t know what they see in me to want this fight, but none of it matters to me. All the questions are going to be answered on June 26.

“’Tank’ is jumping up two weight classes. He’s doing something a lot of great fighters have done. He even said it: this isn’t an easy fight for him. We’re ready to face the best version of ‘Tank’ that anyone has ever seen and it’s going to be war.

“I was surprised when his name was brought up to me. But whether you like ‘Tank’ or not, he has one of the biggest names in boxing. This is the type of fight that can skyrocket my name up there to the top level of the sport.

“’Tank’ is a good fighter and a very explosive fighter. There is the question of whether he’s bringing his power up to 140. I don’t have any concerns about it though. He’s the guy who has to show people he can handle my power at this weight.

“I’m excited to be fighting in Atlanta. This is my first time here actually but I know the fans here are very passionate. I’m expecting to see a great turnout here at State Farm Arena.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO van Mayweather Promotions

“’Tank’ is a generational fighter. He has certain abilities that others just don’t. He’s special, but this is a dangerous fight for him. This is a tremendous challenge and I’m really excited for this fight.

“Atlanta is a hot market. Obviously the first fight they had in a long time was ‘Tank’ vs. Yuriorkis Gamboa and it was a packed sold out crowd in this building. The fans really enjoyed it. The city needs big events like this. We told the fans we were coming back and here we are.

“’Tank’ is chasing history. When you look back at a lot of all-time greats, they’ve gone through things no one else ever has. Looking to be a three-division champion at 26 years old is another example of him chasing greatness like that.

“’Tank’ is the most exciting fighter in the entire sport and he gives the fans what they want to see. He puts butts in seats. People gravitate to the way he fights. This new generation of fans that we have, they love him.”

# # #

Davis vs. Barrios will see four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis set his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class when he faces undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios in a SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, Juni 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The pay-per-view telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature a battle of two top 154-pound contenders as Erickson “Hammer” Lubin faces former unified champion Jeison Rosario in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Former unified super welterweight champion Julian “J-Rock” Williams returns to the ring to take on Brian Mendoza in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast.

Het evenement wordt gepromoot door Mayweather Promotions, GTD-promoties en TGB-promoties. The Akhmedov vs. Mendez fight is promoted in association with World of Boxing.

Voor meer informatie bezoek,, volgen op Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, op Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BuienRadarNL, @TGBPromotionss of word een fan op Facebook op en



Top Contender Erickson Lubin and Former Unified Champion
Jeison Rosario Battle in WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in Co-Main Event

Former Unified Champion Julian Williams Takes On Rugged Contender Brian Mendoza and Hard-Hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov Duels Former World Champion Argenis Mendez In Pay-Per-View Action Beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Tickets on Sale Friday at 10 a.m. EN!

ATLANTA (Mei 19, 2021) – Viervoudig wereldkampioen Gervonta "Tank" Davis will take on a career-defining challenge as he sets his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class when he faces undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario "El Azteca" Barrios in a SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, Juni 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The pay-per-view undercard will feature a battle of two top 154-pound contenders as Erickson "Hammer" Lubin faces former unified champion Jeison Rosario in een WBC Super weltergewicht Titel Eliminator in het co-main event. Former unified super welterweight champion Julian "J-Rock" Williams returns to the ring for the first time in 18 months to take onBrian Mendoza in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Tickets voor het live-evenement in State Farm Arena, die wordt gepromoot door Mayweather Promotions, GTD-promoties en TGB-promoties, go on sale Friday at 10 a.m. EN, en kunnen worden gekocht bij The Akhmedov vs. Mendez fight is promoted in association with World of Boxing.

Een van de grootste bokssterren op slechts 26-jarige leeftijd, Davis stijgt voor het eerst in zijn carrière tot 140 pond terwijl hij ernaar streeft een superlichtgewichtkampioen toe te voegen aan zijn geweldige cv. Davis has already captured titles at 130 and 135-pounds. Met een overwinning, Davis houdt tegelijkertijd wereldkampioenschappen in drie verschillende divisies, een prestatie die slechts door een paar vechters in de geschiedenis is bereikt, waaronder Henry Armstrong en Canelo Alvarez. Standing in his way is the undefeated 25-year-old Barrios, who owns a 9-0 record with eight knockouts during his 140-pound reign while holding a six-inch height advantage over Davis.

“Gervonta Davis is looking to become a three-division world champion, and has a big undertaking in front of him in challenging Barrios for his WBA title at 140-pounds,”Zei Leonard Ellerbe, CEO van Mayweather Promotions. “Barrios is a warrior, and this is going to be Davis’ toughest fight to date. Atlanta, be ready for a show on June 26!"

Davis (24-0, 23 KO) delivered a highlight-reel knockout in his last fight, producing another sensational and memorable performance that has made him a popular draw throughout the country. Davis stopped four-division champion Leo Santa Cruz with one powerful uppercut in that October 2020 fight and put Santa Cruz down and out for the first time in his illustrious career. Bevorderd door Mayweather Promotions, Davis will make his second headline appearance on pay-per-view as he has asserted himself as a must-see headline attraction in his first pay-per-view

Davis first burst onto the scene with an explosive knockout victory over Jose Pedraza to win the IBF Junior Lightweight World Title in a star-making performance on SHOWTIME® in januari 2017. Tegelijkertijd, hij werd op leeftijd de jongste wereldkampioen boksen 22. The Baltimore-native also owns knockout performances in world title fights over Jesus Cuellar in 2018 and Yuriorkis Gamboa in 2019. De 2019 triumph over Gamboa came at a sold out State Farm Arena, during a year that also saw him fill venues in his hometown of Baltimore and Southern California.

“I’m excited to make history on June 26 in Atlanta and become a three-division world champion,"Zei Davis. “Atlanta welcomed me with open arms for my fight against Gamboa and I couldn’t wait to come back and headline a spectacular SHOWTIME PPV card. Mario Barrios is an undefeated champion, but he hasn’t ever faced anyone like me before. Moving up to 140-pounds is a big challenge but I’ve been working hard in camp and I’ll be ready. Thank you to my whole team for making this historic boxing event possible. Make sure you get your tickets early because this fight is definitely selling out! Keep supporting me and I’ll fight for you!"

Buurten (26-0, 17 KO) captured his 140-pound championship in September 2019, scoring two knockdowns and fighting through a cut to win a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Batyr Akhmedov. The San Antonio-native trains in Oakland, Calif., onder leiding van gerenommeerde coach Virgil Hunter. In zijn meest recente uitje, Barrios knocked out Ryan Karl in the sixth-round of their clash on the pay-per-view undercard of Davis vs. Santa Cruz.

Standing nearly six-feet tall, Barrios debuted as a pro at super bantamweight in 2013 and had success moving up the rankings in the super featherweight division. His first 140-pound bout came in 2017 and saw him increase his power from his previous performances. At super lightweight, Barrios has scored knockouts in every fight except the title-winning performance against Akhmedov, where his power was still on display with a pair of knockdowns.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME PPV is a dream come true and an opportunity that I’m going to take full advantage of,”Zei Barrios. “Gervonta Davis is a pound-for-pound champion and it’s going to be an honor sharing the ring with him. This fight is my shining moment and the pinnacle of the boxing world, on the biggest stage possible. Boxing fans around the globe will be watching this fight and I’m coming to shock the world. To all my Mexican fans, I’m going to bring this historic victory home for La Raza.”

The 25-year-old Lubin (23-1, 16 KO) has put together an impressive five-bout winning streak since a loss to unified 154-pound champion Jermell Charlo in 2017. In zijn meest recente uitje, he defeated U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha by unanimous decision in September of last year. Prior to the victory over Gausha, he became the first person to stop former champion Ishe Smith, in addition to a dominating victory over Nathaniel Gallimore in October 2019. Een inwoner van Orlando, Fla., Lubin is trained by acclaimed coach Kevin Cunningham as he continues his quest toward another title opportunity. Na een geweldige amateurcarrière, Lubin werd pro bij 18 jaar oud in 2013, eventually being named “Prospect Of The Year” by ESPN and Ring Magazine in 2016.

“I’m so ready for this fight and we’ve been working hard in preparation for Rosario,”Zei Lubin. “This fight is another step closer to getting that world title shot. Coach Cunningham and I have a great game plan in place. We know this is going to be a tough fight and the fans are going to see a much-improved version of myself. I’ve taken my training to the next level during this training camp. Rosario is a former world champion who I know is going to bring his best, which is going to make for a great night of boxing. This card is stacked, but I’m going to steal the show with an incredible performance. I will not be denied, I’m coming out on top. It’s Hammer Time!"

Rozenkrans (20-2-1, 14 KO) will look to climb back into world title contention after losing his 154-pound belts to Jermell Charlo in their September 2020 clash. The 26-year-old captured the WBA and IBF belts by stopping Julian Williams in one of 2020’s biggest upsets. Born in the Dominican Republic and now fighting out of Miami, Rosario rode an eight-fight unbeaten streak into the showdown with Williams, including victories over 154-pound contenders Jamontay Clark, Justin DeLoach, Jorge Cota and Marcos Hernandez. Coming into the Charlo matchup, Rosario had established his power by earning a stoppage victory or scoring a knockdown in seven of his previous nine contests.

“I make no excuses for losing the fight to Charlo, but that was then, and this is now,”Zei Rosario. “I have turned to a new page in my career with my new trainer Herman Caicedo. I will not lose again, especially in this fight against Lubin. He’s a great contender, and I respect his abilities, but I will knock him out on June 26.”

Philadelphia’s Williams (27-2-1, 16 KO) became a unified world champion at 154-pounds in May 2019 when he upset Jarrett Hurd in one of the year’s best fights, winning a close-quarters brawl by unanimous decision. The 31-year-old dropped the titles in his first defense, losing to Jeison Rosario in January 2020. Williams had been riding a five-fight winning streak going into the Rosario matchup, in which he added victories over former champion Ishe Smith and hard-hitting contender Nathaniel Gallimore to his ledger.

“This has been the longest layoff of my career, so I’m excited to get back in the ring,"Zei Williams. “Mendoza is a decent fighter. I’ve even been in the gym with him and he’s a good guy. But on June 26, it’s going to be all business. I just need to come out on top. He doesn’t have anything that I haven’t seen before. I know he’ll be ready because this is like the Super Bowl for him. So I know he’ll be ready, but I’ll be ready too. If I’m able to get the win, then it’s on to bigger and better opportunities. But I’m definitely not looking past Brian because I know how seriously he’s taking this fight.”

Mendoza (19-1, 13 KO) earned a career best-victory in his last outing, beating veteran contender Thomas LaManna by unanimous decision in August 2020. The 27-year-old has fought professionally since 2014, with his only defeat coming by a narrow split-decision in November 2019 against Larry Gomez. Mendoza was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he won two New Mexico Golden Gloves Championships as an amateur, and currently fights out of Las Vegas.

“This fight against Julian Williams is just the fight I’ve been waiting for,” said Mendoza. “I’m planning to take full advantage of the opportunity. Julian Williams is a great fighter, but after June 26, the whole world is going to know that I belong at this level.”

Born in Uzbekistan and now fighting out of Los Angeles, Akhmedov (8-1, 7 KO) represented Turkey at the 2016 Olympische Spelen. The 30-year-old turned pro in 2017 and won his first seven pro fights, with six coming by knockout. His lone blemish came in an action-packed title fight against Mario Barrios in September 2019, where he was able to survive two knockdowns to make it a close fight, before eventually losing by decision. Meest recent, Akhmedov blasted out Ray Perez in the first round of their September 2020 clash.

“I can’t wait to get back in the ring for a big fight on June 26,” said Akhmedov. “I’ve been training hard to get another shot at the title. I know that if I make a big statement and defeat a former world champion in Mendez, I expect my next fight will be for the title. I’m always in exciting fights that fans love, and this matchup is going to be no different.”

Een voormalig super vedergewicht kampioen, Mendez (25-6-3, 12 KO) heeft de reputatie de beste van de sport stevige uitdagingen te bieden en heeft bewezen een duurzame kanshebber te zijn van 140 pond, including his most recent outing that saw him drop a split-decision to Richardson Hitchins last December. In 2019, Mendez fought to back-to-back draws against super lightweight contenders Anthony Peterson and Juan Heraldez. Geboren in San Juan de La Maguana, Dominicaanse Republiek, Mendez now fights out of Yonkers, N.Y.. and owns victories over Eddie Ramirez, Ivan Redkach and former titlist Miguel Vazquez. He has also gone toe-to-toe with former champions Rances Barthelemy and Robert Easter Jr.

“I am ready for anything Akhmedov brings and then a world title fight after,” said Mendez. “I believe that I beat Hitchins in my last fight, even though I was coming off a long layoff. I’m in great shape right now. Akhmedov is a hard puncher, but the fans are going to see me shine against him. There is a lot left in my tank and that will be obvious to everyone on June 26.”

# # #

Voor meer informatie bezoek,, volgen op Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, op Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BuienRadarNL, @TGBPromotionss of word een fan op Facebook op en


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Elevate Sports Ventures Joins Bellator MMA To Support Sponsorship, Premium and Ticket Sales Strategies

NEW YORK – MAY 19, 2021 -BELLATOR MMA, a leading global mixed martial arts organization featuring the world’s most dominant combat sports athletes, is set to welcome back fans in attendance to watch live events beginning with BELLATOR 260: Lima vs. Amosovop vrijdag, Juni 11, and BELLATOR 261: Johnson vs. Moldavskiop Vrijdag, Juni 25, in het Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. Both events will be televised live on SHOWTIME®.

To amplify the anticipated return to fan-attended events, BELLATOR has tapped Elevate Sports Ventures, an innovative and resourceful sports and entertainment marketing firm, to support sponsorship, premium and ticket sales strategies for the internationally renowned mixed martial arts brand.

A limited number tickets starting at $60 will be made available beginning this Friday, Mei 21 for BELLATOR 260: Lima vs. Amosovand BELLATOR 261: Johnson vs. Moldavski for purchase at Ticketmaster and

Elevate’s integration comes on the heels of BELLATOR MMA’s move to its new exclusive U.S. television partner, SHOW TIME, which began televising the promotion’s events in April. The sports agency additionally will support BELLATOR’s marketing, operational and routing strategies for events moving forward.

“We are very excited to be getting into business with Elevate,” said BELLATOR MMA President Scott Coker. “They bring a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to the table with a proven track record of providing consistent results for top professional sports franchises, leagues and events. It feels like our family just got bigger, and I am confident that this new relationship will lead to the continued growth of the BELLATOR brand.”

“At Elevate, we are inspired by BELLATOR’s ambition to meaningfully connect and engage with current and new fans, and aggressively route new live events to its diverse, global fanbase,” said Elevate Sports Ventures Chairman and CEO Al Guido.  

Following this Friday’s BELLATOR 259: Cyborg versus. Smid 2, BELLATOR MMA will have hosted 16 events without spectators in attendance at Mohegan Sun Arena during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bovendien, the promotion held three cards in Milan, Italië, and a historic night of fights in Paris, which marked the first time a major MMA promotion held an event in France.

Elevate will leverage its “Insights” vertical, utilizing industry-leading data and analytics practices, to generate smarter sponsorship, premium and ticket-sales targets and strategies, including producing data-driven fan profile analysis, product and pricing strategies, lead-scoring modeling and more for BELLATOR MMA’s front office, global brand and future live events.

Voor meer informatie over aankomende BELLATOR MMA-evenementen,


Also Featuring Non-Televised Undercard Fighters Jean Carlos Torres, Dorian Khan Jr., Jalil Hackett and Micky Scala

Two-Division Champion Jack and Veteran Contender Arias Preview Respective SHOWTIME PPV Matchups Taking Place Sunday, Juni 6 van Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens

Klik HIER Voor foto's van Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (Mei 18, 2021) – Two-division world champion Badou Jack en ervaren mededinger Luis Arias previewed their respective showdowns during a Las Vegas media workout Tuesday, before they step in the ring for separate attractions of the Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul SHOWTIME PPV undercard on Sunday, Juni 6 van Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

Jack will return to the ring for a rematch against WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal, while Arias squares off against former unified champion "Swift" Jarrett Hurd on the pay-per-view beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Tickets for the live event are on sale now and available for purchase through

The event also featured Mayweather Promotions’ fighters Jean Carlos Torres, Dorian Khan Jr., Jalil Hackett en Micky Scala, who will compete in separate non-televised bouts on Sunday, Juni 6. Here is what the fighters had to say Tuesday from the Mayweather Boxing Club:

JACK Badou

“Floyd called me in January last year and told me the rematch was on for April. That was last year. It’s been done since we walked out of the ring the first time, but I’m happy it’s finally done. I’m happy it’s here and I’m ready to put on a show.

“I’m trying to perfect everything in preparation for this matchup. Better nutrition. Better conditioning. Better sparring. I’m trying to be better at everything.

“This is my second fight with my new trainer Johnathan Banks. The first was just a tune-up fight. It wasn’t a high-level fight. It was an eight-rounder, so it was just like a sparring session. But I’m in way better shape than I was in the last camp and I’m ready to go.

“My fight is going to be a hell of a fight. Everybody knows that. It was a Fight of the Year contender last time. Floyd vs. Logan is going to be entertainment. That’s a different kind of fight, but Floyd is going to put on a show. All of the eyeballs are going to be on that night so it’s going to be a great night.

“Pascal likes trying to get under my skin, but I’m too calm. I’m too confident for that. Aan het einde van de dag, he’s a veteran, I’m a veteran and it’s going to be a great fight night.

“I thought I won the first fight. 75 percent of everybody that watched the fight thought I won. There was only one judge that had experience, Julie Lederman, and she had me winning. The other two might have scored his so-called punches but it is what it is.

“Johnathan Banks is my new coach. He’s great. He’s only a year older than me so we have great chemistry together and everything has been working great. It was a little hard in the beginning to adjust to certain things, but now in camp I feel great in sparring and everything we’re doing right now.”


“It feels amazing to be involved in this event. For a fighter like me who’s been up and down, who was undefeated at one point and then lost it all, went from being one of the best to being overlooked, to be able to fight my way through and to be able to keep fighting and keep working to get back on this big stage is truly a blessing. Ik ben blij. Ik ben gezegend. I can’t wait to get on that stage.

“Boxing is my life and I had to make the necessary changes to get back to this level. I’ve already been to the highest level and I fell short. I got the experience of being there, I know what I need to do to get there and I made those necessary changes. It’s one of the reasons I came back to Vegas, to start training over here to get that experience, to get to that level and to get better. That’s what I’ve been doing and that’s why I’ve been able to prove that I still belong. Floyd saw it. I sparred Floyd. He sees that I still got it and I’m making the changes. He sees how my body is changing and he sees that I can still compete.”


“I’m very happy to be on this card. I am going to give the best fight that I can for all my fans. I’m going to do the best that I can.”


“It feels good to be a part of this event. I’m just getting ready for my fight and focusing on that, but it’s a good opportunity so I’m ready.”


“It’s amazing to sign with Floyd Mayweather and be a part of this event. Het is een droom die uitkomt. I’ve worked so hard since I was eight years old and I’m finally here getting the fruits of my labor.”


“It feels great to be part of the biggest event probably in boxing history. I’m super excited. My family and friends are super excited. We have a lot of fans that are excited and I can’t wait to put on a show. I’m very thankful to Mayweather Promotions for getting me on this card and giving me this opportunity. I’m going to make the best of it.

“That fight before the pandemic at Sam’s Town was a big motivation for me during the down time to stay ready because I knew another fight was going to come soon. My family was a big part of that motivation. I want to make sure that they can live however they want to, so I’m working hard every single day. I’ve been ready to fight since the day the pandemic started until now. I can’t wait to put on a show in Miami.”


“We have two hot events coming up. We have the Floyd event with him taking on Logan Paul. Tremendous undercard from top to bottom. We have all my pro debut guys. I call them my starting five. And then we have Chad Ochocinco who is going to be fighting in an exhibition. Everybody is dying to see that. And then we have former unified champion Jarrett Hurd taking on Mayweather Promotions’ own Luis Arias. I think that will be a tremendous fight. Those guys will be looking to steal the show in a 10-round bout. In de co-main event, we have none other than Pascal vs. Krik. That will be a war. Their first fight was a Fight of the Year and I expect nothing different. The fans are really in for a treat with that fight.

“We were just waiting for the right opportunity to make the Pascal vs. Jack rematch. This is a tremendous platform. It’s a huge event and it’s the type of platform that these two guys deserve, to be seen on a global situation around the world.

“My starting five is filled with top-tier talent. I know talent when I see it. Each and every one of these guys I’ve had a great look at up close and personal and I was beyond impressed. Floyd was also. All of them have big futures.

“Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul is entertainment. Floyd is an entertainer. Logan Paul is an entertainer. One thing about the Paul brothers is they’ve shown they can have an impact on anything that they do. I’ve been very impressed with both of those guys, especially Logan. I call him the king of the internet. One thing about both of them is that they’ve been extremely consistent at what they’ve been doing. I’m not going to stand here and pretend that these guys are ready for championship fights because they’re not, but they work extremely hard and they’re very good at what they do.”

# # #


WBC Middleweight World Champion Charlo Faces Hard-Hitting Montiel in Special Juneteenth Day Celebration Saturday, Juni 19 Headlining a Premier Boxing Champions Event Live on SHOWTIME®

Klik HIER Voor foto's; Krediet: Esther Lin/Showtime

HOUSTON – May 18, 2021 - Ongeslagen WBC wereldkampioen middengewicht Jermall Charlo and hard-hitting 160-pound contender Juan Macías Montiel met face-to-face for the first time Tuesday during a kick-off press conference as they preview the main event of a special Juneteenth Day celebration in Charlo’s hometown of Houston Saturday, Juni 19 at Toyota Center headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event live on SHOWTIME.

Charlo has established himself as a force in two divisions and will seek to thrill his hometown crowd against Mexico’s Montiel in a first-of-its-kind Juneteenth Day boxing celebration. Charlo will fight in Houston for the fourth time as a pro and look to keep his undefeated record intact against the upset-minded Montiel.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and feature rising lightweight contender Isaac Cruz vechten voormalig wereldkampioen Francisco Vargas in the 10-round co-main event. Kicking off the telecast, voormalig wereldkampioen Angelo Leo returns to take on Mexican contender Aaron Alameda in een 10-ronde super bantamgewicht Bout.

Here is what Charlo, Montiel and their trainers had to say Tuesday:


“Juni 19, het gaat om vuurwerk. A parade. A celebration. Me and Ronnie Shields get a chance to do it again. I’m working hard. I was working hard before I even knew who Montiel was. Deze keer, you get a chance to see all the hard work I’ve put in for so many years. It’s a dream come true to be able to fight in my city and I get a chance to do it with a crowd. Tune in and get your tickets because it’s going to be a great night of boxing.

“There’s no better day to fight than Juneteenth. It’s a celebration for me and my people and I get to represent them and carry them on my back. To be able to do it for my city right here at the Toyota Center – it’s going to be an amazing night of boxing.

“Montiel is fearless. He’s a fighter that I think deserves a chance. Op dit punt, he understands where he’s at. This is a big fight. A lot of people may not know who Montiel is, just like I didn’t, but he’s a strong fighter. The people want to see me get tested, rechts? I want to see those big fights, ook. In a matter of time, they’ll come. But Montiel should be a good fight.

“I’m going to whoop his ass. He doesn’t stand a chance. They’re all confident. I got the belt. The belt ain’t going nowhere. Toyota Center, get ready. It’s going to be fireworks June 19. He can be as confident as he wants, but when we get in there he’s going to have to figure it out.

“I’m ready to fight the best in the world. I’m the best in the world and I’m not going to let this guy over here stop me. The belt is not going nowhere. The belt is staying right here in ‘H Town.’ There’s nothing he could do about it. Nothing. It’s my belt. It’s my legacy. You’ll find out June 19.

“A fighter like Montiel is challenging to go in there and get the job done real clean and swiftly because if I look bad against a guy like this, they’ll take away from what I did in the Derevyanchenko fight. Maar, ja, tot op heden, Derevyanchenko was one of my hardest fights, but I made nice work of it and onto the next one.

“I got the belt. Champions fight champions. We unify. Maar als niet, we’re not just going to sit back. Those guys that have the belt like Triple G, Canelo and Andrade – the belts are out there so eventually it will happen. I’m not in a rush. Ik ben jong. I’m still having fun. I’m enjoying what I do best.

“If Triple G wants this WBC belt, I have it. It’s over here, it’s open. I’m ready to fight.”


“We are focused on preparing as well as possible. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and we are taking it as such with a lot of dedication and discipline. We are ready to put on a great show on June 19.

“This is the fight I always dreamed of. I am all about challenging myself and fighting against the best of the best. I have been training hard and I believe in myself. I will be ready to come out and win.

“We’re fighting in Houston because I don’t think that I’m in a position to choose or dictate anything right now. I will fight anywhere in order to make my dream of becoming a champion come true. If we have to fight on the moon, then let’s fight on the moon.

“I believe that power is the great equalizer, a legit advantage in boxing, since it can change the fortunes of any fighter inside the ring. I consider my power an advantage in my favor.

“I have fought and prepared so hard for the opportunity to go and get this championship belt. I have done things the right way, there is no reason for things to go wrong. As I said previously, I am not in a position to choose where to fight. I just have to keep training hard like I have since I was four years old.

“I’m happy that there will be fans in the stands. Ik voel geen enkele druk, because it’s all about Latin pride and support and that motivates me.

“I think Charlo is a great fighter, super talented and the world champion for a reason. I have been preparing my whole life for this.

“I don’t think that all Mexicans just go on attack mode by default, you also have to be smart and think things through depending on how the fight goes.”


“Jermall Charlo has worked his butt off in the gym and he continues to do that. To defend your title in your backyard, in your hometown, that’s a very special thing. Not only is it going to be special because of that, it’s going to be special because Juneteenth is a very special day for all African Americans in the state of Texas. We’re looking forward to a great fight. Montiel is a really great fighter and we know we can’t underestimate anybody. We’re going to be in the best condition we’ve ever been in every time we fight and we’re going to continue to do that. We’re looking forward to having everybody come out for this great celebration.

“I think a lot of people were surprised how easily Jermall beat Sergey Derevyanchenko. He was the No. 1 mededinger. He was the mandatory defense. He gave Triple G problems. He gave Danny Jacobs problems. And Jermall beat him.”


“Training camp is an ongoing process. Things are going swimmingly, just like we wanted them to. We are very happy and so glad people have welcomed us here in Houston with open arms.

“I’m hoping for Montiel to be in his best physical, mental and emotional shape to come out with a win on June 19. Our biggest advantage right now is that we are already settled in here in the United States, free of the distractions and temptations we might have back home in Mexico.

“I think that a victory of this magnitude would make Montiel the face of Mexican boxing, rubbing elbows with the Canelos of the world. Life would change overnight for him.”


“We welcome SHOWTIME and our friends from Premier Boxing Champions back to Toyota Center. We have a great history of hosting combat sports in this fine arena. We’re really excited about what Jermall Charlo and Juan Macías Montiel are going to bring to the Toyota Center on June 19. Tickets zijn nu te koop bij and we are looking forward to a great night as we bring back live events to this market. We can do it successfully and safely and we want to see everybody come and see a great championship boxing match.”

* * *

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LOS ANGELES– BELLATOR MMA heeft de volledige strijdkaart bevestigd voorBELLATOR MMA 259: Cyborg versus. Smid 2ditVrijdag, Mei 21 at Mohegan Sun Arena. The event caps off an exciting month of action for BELLATOR, and airs LIVE on SHOWTIME at9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

With plans to continue her dominance over the women’s featherweight divisionCris Cyborg(23-2, 1 NC) will put her world championship on the line against No. 4 gerangschikt vedergewichtLeslie Smith(12-8-1) in a rematch to crown the world’s top 145-pound female athlete.

De BELLATOR MMA 259 main card on SHOWTIME is loaded from top to bottom, including former bantamweight champion Darion Caldwell (15-4) rematching Niet Doen. 6 gerangschikt bantamgewicht Leandro Higo (20-5) in a 135-pound contest, a top-five middleweight clash between the undefeated No. 3 gerangschikt Austin Vanderford (10-0) en nr. 4 gerangschikt Fabian Edwards (9-1), and a welterweight matchup that will see the streaking Jaleel Willis (14-2) face off against former LFA champion Maycon Mendonca (11-4), who’ll be making his promotional debut. Capping off the main card action will be the undefeated Jackson Wink-product and No. 9 gerangschikt licht zwaargewicht Christian Edwards (4-0) challenging Mississippi’s Ben Parrish (4-1).

Als onderdeel van de lancering van BELLATOR MMA op SHOWTIME, het netwerk biedt kijkers die nieuw zijn bij de SHOWTIME-streamingdienst een gratis proefperiode van 30 dagen aan, gevolgd door een maandelijks abonnementsgeld met korting van $ 4,99 / maand voor de komende zes maanden. Kijkers kunnen zich aanmelden Abonnees krijgen gedurende de hele maand twee vooraanstaande BELLATOR MMA-evenementen per maand 2021 en verder, met alle geplande evenementen om live uitgezonden te worden 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

The nine-fight preliminary card has no shortage of action-packed bouts, featuring a top-10 light heavyweight matchup between No. 7 gerangschiktGrant Neal(5-0) en nr. 8 gerangschiktTyree Fortune(5-0) and the return of Israeli lightweight superstarAviv Gozali (5-0), as he looks to add to his five first round finishes and record breaking 11-second submission win. Meer, the charismatic No. 8 ranked women’s flyweightValerie Loureda (3-0), the always-excitingJe Awad(23-13, 1 NC), en nr. 6 ranked Australian featherweightJanay Harding (6-4), who takes on No. 7 ranked Irish sensationLeah McCourt(4-1). Eindelijk, Niet Doen. 9 gerangschikt lichtgewichtAlfie Davis (14-3) makes his sixth promotional appearance against BELLATOR newcomerAlexander Shabliy (19-3).

All prelims will stream live at5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT op het BELLATOR MMA YouTube-kanaal, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube-kanaal en Pluto TV. Full bout listings are below:

BELLATOR MMA 259: Cyborg versus. Smid 2Hoofd Card:


9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Vedergewicht Wereldtitel Main Event: c-Cris Cyborg(23-2, 1 NC) vs. #4-Leslie Smith(12-8-1)

Bantamgewicht Co-Main Event: Darrion Caldwell (15-4) vs. #6-Leandro Higo(20-5)

Middengewicht Bout: #3-Austin Vanderford (10-0) vs. #4-Fabian Edwards (9-1)

Weltergewicht Bout: Jaleel Willis (14-2) vs.Maycon Mendonca (11-4)

Light Heavyweight Bout: #9-Christian Edwards (4-0) vs.Ben Parrish (4-1)

 Voorlopige Card: 

BELLATOR MMA YouTube-kanaal | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube-kanaal | Pluto-tv

5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT

Lichtgewicht Bout: Je Awad (23-13, 1 NC) vs.Nate Andrews (16-3)

Light Heavyweight Bout: #7-Grant Neal (5-0) vs. #8-Tyree Fortune (5-0)

Vlieggewicht gevecht: Sumiko Inaba (1-0) vs.Kristina Katsikis(1-1)

Lichtgewicht Bout: Aviv Gozali (5-0) vs.Sean Felton (5-2-1)

Vlieggewicht gevecht: #8-Valerie Loureda (3-0) vs.Hannah Guy(2-1)

Zwaargewicht Bout: Davion Franklin (2-0) vs.Tyler Koning (12-9)

Vedergewicht Bout: #6-Janay Harding(6-4) vs. #7-Leah McCourt (4-1)

Lichtgewicht Bout: #9-Alfie Davis(14-3) vs.Alexander Shabliy(19-3)

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