World Class referee….. Tom Cleary USA Boxing Alumni Association, Clasa de 2018 inductee

Colorado Springs, Poală. (Noiembrie 12, 2018) – Tarziu Tom Cleary was one of the most respected referees in the world during his illustrious career. He joins a select group in the Class of 2018 obtinerea introdus în asociere Hall SUA box Alumni of Fame.




Al doilea Statele Unite ale Americii de box Asociatia Alumni Hall anual de recepție Fame, a avut loc în colaborare cu 2018 Statele Unite ale Americii Box Elite și Campionatele Naționale de Tineret și Junior și Prep Deschideți, Decembrie 2-8, va avea loc decembrie 7, la Hotel Radisson (215 S. Temple St.) in Salk Lake City, Utah.




In addition to Cleary, Clasa de 2018 also includes U.S. Olympic Team medalists and world (profesional) champions Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward și Claressa Shields, as well as a past USA Boxing National Director of Coaching, târziu Emanuel Steward.




The charter class inducted last year included Muhammad Ali și Evander Holyfield, as well as veteran coaches Roosevelt Sanders și Tom Coulter.




A longtime resident of Westchester, Ohio, Cleary was a USA Boxing member since 1982, and he served as Chief of Officials for the National Collegiate Boxing Association from 2002 until his passing May 21, 2017.




He refereed in 12 tari diferite, on four continents, as an International Official assigned by AIBA. Tom earned a three-star rating and he was selected to work the World Series of Boxing.




Tom’s dedication to amateur boxing and respect he garnered from boxers, coaches and fellow officials are second to none,” a spus Chris tofflemire, Box Alumni Director Executiv Asociatia Statele Unite ale Americii. “The Alumni Association emphatically endorsed his case for the Hall of Fame, and his induction was received both by those close to him, as well as the entire amateur boxing community. Tom’s commitment to serving USA Boxing provides a great example for all of us and we couldn’t be prouder to call him a member of this year’s Hall of Fame class.




Tom never forgot where he came from, dedicating countless hours to the youth of Cincinnati, in addition to helping boxing clubs run efficiently throughout his community for more than a quarter-century.




The 2017 NCBA Official of the Year, Tom worked local, regional, national, International, world and Olympic levels of boxing. Highlights included working numerous U.S. Campionatele Naționale, four U.S. Procesele Olimpice (2000, 2004, 2008 & 2012) și 2007 World Championships in Chicago.




When I was a young coach at the Air Force Academy,” USA Boxing coach Ed Weichers comentat, “we needed to replace an AIBA top notch referee who was retiring. We were looking for a highly qualified person and Tom Cleary was recommended. He came out the next 25 years straight. Tom was one of the best referees. He cared so much about the safety of the boxers and Tom was also a valuable mentor.




Tom was a wonderful man who everybody loved. He administered referee clinics in the United States and always helped those in need, youngsters and adults. Tom’s work in the Cincinnati area influenced so many boxers and coaches for more than 25 an. We dearly miss him.




Statele Unite ale Americii Asociația Alumni de box


Creat pentru un campion pe tot parcursul vieții, relații reciproc avantajoase între Statele Unite ale Americii de box si absolventii sai, –boxeri, oficialii, antrenori și fani de box — Asociația Alumni se conectează generații de campioni, inspirat și dând înapoi viitorii campioni de box Statele Unite ale Americii de box a lui, în și afară din inelul.




Statele Unite ale Americii de box Alumni Asociația este deschisă pentru oricine care are o dragoste pentru box și-ar dori să rămână în legătură cu boxul amator. Membrii li se acordă acces la o gamă largă de gazdă evenimente speciale de către Asociația Alumni, inclusiv SUA box Alumni Association Hall of Fame recepție.




Pentru a vă alătura Asociației Alumni, pur și simplu se înregistreze la Pentru o $40.00 pe an, taxa de membru. Noii membri vor primi un tricou, keychain și e-portofel.





Tom is survived by his wife, Diane, their two children and eight grandchildren.




Tom Cleary’s leadership and mentor-ship inspired all those who were fortunate enough to meet him. He cared passionately about the boxers he shared the ring with, offering words of advice before, during and after bouts.



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