Tag Archives: sievietes


Diamond to be honored at Raging Babe Brunch: Shine Bright on September 16th
UZ TIEŠĀ Release

LAS VEGAS – Augusts 8, 2017 – Par September 16th, on the morning of boxing’s next mega-fight, Canelo Alvarez vs. Genādijs Golovkin, boxing’sRaging Babeswill gather at Mandalay Bay to celebrate and honor WBC Cares Chair and Journalist Jill Diamond at the Raging Babe Brunch, nodēvēts “Shine Bright.Diamond joins an exclusive group of women who have received the awarda group that includes promoters, journalists and executives who blazed the trail for other women in the boxing industry.
A WBC/NABF Official and Supervisor, Diamond has devoted her life to boxing, a passion that was ignited by her father-in-law, ClydeThe Texas TornadoChastain, and cultivated over years of service and volunteerism. Diamond is the International Chair of WBC Cares, a program that assists impoverished children in 165 countries around the world. She is also the Director of World Champions for Hope, an organization that encourages professional athletes to mentor young talent, and awards scholarships. Šogad, the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame honored Diamond with the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Diamond has championed women in boxing since she first walked into a boxing gym in 2005. She originally joined the gym to raise her spirts after her husband’s passing, but it quickly became clear she’s found her calling in elevating women in and outside the ring, in a sport long-dominated by men. After realizing she rarely heard of female boxers competing, Diamond reached out to then WBC President, Jose Suliaman, asking why there were no female boxing champions. Diamond was surprised to receive an invitation from Suliaman to that year’s WBC Convention in Spain, and was even more surprised to learn, on her arrival, that she was named in the Convention program as a member of the Women’s Championship Committee. In that same year, WBC’s profile began to elevate, and it sanctioned the very first Women’s Championship bout. Other sanctioning bodies followed suit. It was just the beginning of what’s been more than a 20 year tenure in the sport for Diamond.
It’s a terrific honor,” said Diamond of being slated to receive the Raging Babe Luminary Award. “It’s also a real giggle, because events like this one show how far women in boxing have come. When I began working in boxing in 2005, there weren’t many women in the business. In any industry, when the pie is so small, people fight for crumbs. The fact that events like this exist, and that women are now supporting and opening doors for each other, shows how much women’s roles in boxing have evolved.Diamond continued, “To be honored by other women means the world to me. It warms my heart.
It’s such an honor that Jill agreed to be honored at this year’s brunch,” said Raging Babe founder Michelle Rosado. “She has dedicated her life to boxing, and specifically furthering the interests of women in boxing, and has devoted herself to service of others. She truly thrives on her passion, and all of boxing is better for it. She sets such a great example for women and men entering the business. I’m very excited to honor her on September 16th.”
Proceeds from the brunch, which will be held at Mandalay Bay’s Border Grill, will benefit the Prichard Colon Foundation, which helps cover the exorbitant medical and insurance costs for the young fighter who suffered a brain injury in 2015. For those interested in donating directly to the Prichard Colon Foundation, donations may be deposited in Scotia Bank account directed to Fundación Puerto Rico Unido por Prichard Colon, account number 92100011708.
The Raging Babe Brunch is a labor of love for Rosado, and relies solely on the support of donations and sponsor contributions. Thank you Golden Boy Promotions, Champs Bokss Club, John Francis Agency, WAR TAPE, World Champions for Hope, Bokss Insider, Big Berns Boxing Promotions, Porter Hy-Performance Center and Red Beach Advisors for making this event possible.
For information on sponsoring or attendingShine Bright,” please contact Michelle Rosado at michelle@ragingbabe.com.

Boksa visietekmīgākajiem sievietes “STAY GOLDEN” AT Nikns Babe vēlās brokastis

LAS VEGAS – Novembris 5, 2015 – Mazāk nekā trīs nedēļas, cīņa ventilatori un boksa vadošie nozares talantus no visas pasaules būs nolaisties uz “Boksa Capital of the World” par ļoti gaidīts sadursme starp Saul “Canelo” Alvarez un Miguel Cotto. Par rītā 21. novembris kāršu atklāšana, Boksa spilgtākajiem un ietekmīgāko sieviešu pulcēsies vēlās brokastis pie Mandalay Bay godāt Golden Boy Promotions’ Viceprezidents operāciju, Monica Sears. Šī gada pasākums, nodēvēts “Palieciet Golden,” turpinās senas Nikns Babe tradīciju hostinga notikumiem, kas ir ekskluzīva, powerful platforms for building personal and professional relationships between boxing businesswomen.
Šogad nikns Babe vēlās brokastis, sestais šāds notikums, vadīs “Nikns Babe” Michelle Rosado, un “Pirmā lēdija boksa,” Jackie Kallen. Šogad honoree, multi-talantīgu Monica Sears, pirmais sāka savu ceļojumu ar Golden Boy Promotions in 2007 kā sabiedrisko attiecību koordinators. Viņa ātri izveidota sevi kā iet-to personai, lai sabiedrība, tās cīnītāji, televīzija, Norises vieta un sponsorēšanas partneri, un mediji. Uz 2010, viņa tika paaugstināti direktora Komunikāciju un Notikumi. Tas bija šajā lomā, ka viņa ieguva apbalvojumus par viņas “tranšejās,” visaptveroša stilu saražot disciplīnās. Ja viņa nav uzņemšanu vai credentialing medijus pasākumā, viņa bija aizkulisēs, gredzenu, konsultējot kameras operatoram labāko leņķi… Īsumā, viņa bija visur. Uz 2013, viņa bija reklamēti viņas pašreizējo lomu viceprezidents operāciju par boksa Powerhouse. Teica Eric Gomez, Golden Boy Promotions’ Sr. Viceprezidents Sears, “I am very proud of Monica and her development as a promoter. In my opinion she is the hardest working woman in boxing. It is a pleasure to have her on our team.
Iepriekšējie nikns Babe notikums honorees ir iekļauti Jackie Kallen, Sabiedriskās attiecības ace Kelly Swanson, TV celmlauzis Claudia Trejos, Nevada boksa Slavas zāle Chief Operating Officer Michelle Corrales-Lewis, un, pēdējoreiz, sirds transplantācija saņēmējs un iemiesojums “Nikns Babe,” Kennedy Cunningham. “Nikns Babe Brunch un citi notikumi ir tālu pārsniedza visas cerības, man bija, kad es ieņemts šo domu par sievietes kopā ar tīklu un dalīties savā pieredzē un triumfē kā sieviešu boksa rūpniecībā,” teica Michelle Rosado. “Mūža draudzību un biznesa partnerība ir viltots iepriekšējās pasākumos, un Stay Golden būs neatšķiras. Tas ir prieks ir iespēja godināt Monica Sears, un es esmu saviļņots redzēt notikums turpina augt un būt veiksmīga.”
Rosado mentors Jackie Kallen, kas ir ilgstošu klātbūtni Nikns Babe notikumi, būs uz rokas, lai kopīgi rīkot pasākumu. “Es nevarētu būt laimīgāki solis lomu co-host pie šī vērtīgā pasākumā,” Teica Kallen. “Es esmu saviļņots, ka abas nikns Babe uzņēmumu, un "Nikns Babe’ Michelle Rosado turpina celt sievietes kopā virzīties uz priekšu produktīvā veidā boksa rūpniecībā. Monica Sears ir ideāls honoree šai gadījumā, ņemot vērā lielumu šīs nedēļas nogalē cīņas, un daudzi citi viņa ražoti.”
Šī gada pasākums ir iespējams ar dāsnu atbalstu no Pasaules Boksa padome un Jauniešu Cīņa Forward, New York balstītas bezpeļņas organizācija veltīta, lai izveidotu čempioniem un ārpus ringa. Jauniešu Cīņas Forward ir filiāles Brooklyn un Danbury, Connecticut.
Lai iegūtu informāciju par apmeklējot vai sponsorējot šo prestižo notikumu, lūdzu, sazinieties armichelle@ragingbabe.com.