标记档案: WBF

Christopher Brooker to take on Eric Moon in co-feature bout on Friday, August 10th at SugarHouse Casino

Tyrone Crawley, JR. battles Ricardo Garcia for WBF Championship in main event
Undefeated fighters square off when Javier Oquendo takes on Joshafat Ortiz
Undefeated Poindexter Knight, 小, 三苏丁正义 & James Martin to see action


费城, 佩恩. (7月18日, 2018)–超中量级 克里斯托弗·布鲁克 将在 Eric Moon in the eight-round co-feature bout on 周五晚上, 八月 10 SugarHouse Casino.




The bout, which is part of a full night of action that is promoted by King’s Promotions.




在主要事件, Tyrone Crawley (7-1) 费城的会议 里卡多·加西亚 (14-3, 9 科斯) 圣多明各, Dominican Republic in a eight-round battle for the WBF Lightweight Championship.




费城的布鲁克有以下记录: 13-5 同 5 击倒.




该 27 year-old Brooker has proved to take-on, and defeat all comers as he has wins over Leo Hall (8-0), 约翰·玛格达 (11-0), Antowyan艾肯斯 (10-1-1), 加布里埃尔范 (6-0), & 埃尔文·阿亚拉 (28-7-1).




Brooker is coming off a eight-round unanimous decision over Jamaal Davis on March 2nd at SugarHouse Casino.




Moon of Marietta, Georgia has a record of 7-1 有六个淘汰赛.




该 27 year-old Moon turned professional in 2016, and won his first seven bouts, which was highlighted by a win over Simeon Hardy (13-1).




Hardy is coming off his 1st professional defeat when he lost to Meiirim Nursultanov on November 25, 2017 在纽约市.


six-round Bouts:


波因德克斯特骑士 (4-0, 2 科斯) 费城呈现 詹姆斯·罗宾逊 (5-11-4, 1 KO) 在次中量级回合


Javier Oquendo (3-0, 1 KO) 费城呈现 乔沙法特·奥尔蒂斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) 读, PA in a battle of undefeated Pennsylvania based super featherweights.


拉希德·约翰逊 (3-2, 1 KO) 费城的战斗 Tony Morris (4-1-1, 2 科斯) 杰克逊维尔, Florida in a welterweight bout.


In Four-Round Bouts:


三苏丁正义 (2-0, 2 科斯) 费城战役 安东尼·史密斯 (1-2-1, 1 KO) 弗雷斯诺, 加利福尼亚州.


保罗·克罗尔 费城将他的亲亮相反对 DeAngelo Alcorn (0-1) 塞西的, 阿肯色州.


Rasheen布朗 费城将他的亲亮相反对 塞尔吉奥·阿吉拉尔 (2-9, 2 科斯) 宅基地, CA in a super bantamweight bout.


Ryshine Collins of Philadelphia will make his pro debut against fellow pro debuter Yeuri Andujar 圣多明各, Domingo, Dominican Republic a super bantamweight contest.


詹姆斯马丁 (1-0) 费城再战亲开张 Jonathan Burrs of Hagerstown, Maryland in a super welterweight fight.


Nicoy克拉克 (1-1) Of Jersey City, New Jersey meets pro debuting Jose Nunez 读, PA in a heavyweight battle.




门票发售 $100, $75, $50, and can be purchased at SugarHousecasino.com








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打报告: 托马斯和杜津斯基首次饰演普里斯就给人留下了深刻的印象, 麦金泰尔和麦吉文在卡迪夫取得巨大胜利



本·麦吉文 VS. 本·霍夫
卡尔·托马斯 VS. 凯尔·麦克尼古拉斯
卡佩尔·杜津斯基 VS. 迈克尔·凯利
利维·格里菲斯 vs. 斯科特·麦金泰尔
利亚姆·普里斯 VS. 史蒂芬·休斯




周六 我从伦敦的家向西前往美丽的卡迪夫市,参加威尔士冰场举行的欧文·沃特金斯推广活动.

这场赛事的焦点是哈里·迈尔斯 (Hari Miles) 和多里安·达奇 (Dorian Darch) 之间备受期待的全威尔士重量级冠军争夺战, 世界拳击基金会 (WBF) 欧洲重量级冠军. 然而,由于达奇在几周前参加另一场比赛后被停赛,因此无法参加比赛,比赛不得不推迟.

尽管遭遇挫折,欧文·沃特金斯还是决定演出必须继续下去,我很高兴他做出了这一选择, 由于计划中的 Undercard 邀请了许多顶级业余选手,我一直期待着观看他们的职业首秀.

首先是卡尔·托马斯 (Carl Thomas) 与凯尔·麦克尼古拉斯 (Kyle McNicholas) 在四轮轻重量级比赛中首次亮相.


随着回合的进行,托马斯加大了压力, 将麦克尼古拉斯推到绳索上,并开始向利物浦人的身体和头部开枪.

当回合进入最后一分钟时,托马斯的一记猛击打中了麦克尼古拉斯的头部, 托马斯紧随其后,一记左拳打在身体上,紧接着又一记左拳打在身体上,将麦克尼古拉斯打倒在地。.

令人惊讶的是麦克尼古拉斯数到了, 他们确实在默西塞德郡培育了坚强的人, 因为那是下肋骨下方的一具恶毒的尸体, 你只是看不到人们在那些经常起床的人之后起床.

比赛重新开始后,托马斯直接发起进攻, 首先进行一次猛烈的刺击,然后向左身体再次刺痛,向右头部再次刺痛.

托马斯继续施加压力, 麦克尼古拉斯用一记邪恶的身体-头部组合猛击麦克尼古拉斯,然后又是一次有力的猛击,将麦克尼古拉斯打回中立角落,然后用一记精彩的左勾拳击中身体, 发送的 麦克尼古拉斯第二次倒下.

裁判罗杰·莱利开始计数,当计数刚刚到第八点时,麦克尼古拉斯开始尝试站起来,但没有成功, 当第一轮比赛结束的铃声响起时,裁判别无选择,只能挥手示意比赛结束。.


我对这场特殊战斗的最终想法是; 它可能只持续了一轮,但这是多么精彩的一轮.

接下来,卡茨·杜津斯基 (Kacper Dudzinski) 将在四轮超次中量级比赛中对阵贝尔法斯特的迈克尔·凯利 (Michael Kelly),这是他的职业首秀.


凯莉不是马克杯, 不是由一个长镜头, 他和他们一样精明, 但即便是他也不得不采取防御姿态,耐心等待机会, 无论多苗条, 反击, 老实说,这种情况很少见.


这可能是他的首次亮相, 但根据他的表现 周六 夜晚, 对阵前真正的冠军挑战者, 我认为他会一路走上巅峰,也是值得的, 任何能够像杜津斯基那样在几乎完整的四轮比赛中让凯利处于不利地位的人无疑是很特别的.


凯利在最后一轮后期的漂亮小触球, 遵循“矩阵式”反应动作, 这几乎阻止了他接触手套, 然而, 令他恼火的是,他收到了裁判克里斯·凯利的计数, 尽管凯利确信他实际上避免了手套接触画布, 但他没有站在那里抗议,而是倒下并在整个计数过程中做俯卧撑以表达他的不满, 多的人群的喜悦.

经过四轮精彩的比赛后,毫不奇怪,杜津斯基的手高高举起 – 官方结果显示杜津斯基以一分之差赢得了他的职业生涯首场胜利 40-35 分之差.

接下来是本·麦吉文 (Ben McGiven) 对阵本·霍夫 (Ben Hough) 的四回合轻量级比赛.

什么打架, 麦吉文主要主持诉讼程序, 在第一节的大部分内容中,迫使霍夫踩在后脚和绳索上. 霍夫在第一场比赛的大部分时间里可能都处于防守状态,但当机会出现时,他抓住了机会.

这实际上是第二轮的彻底转变, 霍夫摔跤控制并让麦吉文处于不利地位, 和绳索, 类似于苏格兰人在第一轮中的表现.

第三节是一场更加激烈的战斗, 太多了,所以我发现很难将它们分开, 明智点.

第四个开始或多或少与第三个结束一样, 两个主角都全力以赴, 但随着回合的进展,麦吉文加快了步伐,不仅确保了回合的安全, 但也是胜利.

经过四轮激动人心的所有行动回合, 正如我在上面放弃的, 麦吉文取得了胜利, 裁判罗杰·莱利为精彩比赛打分 39-37 有利于苏格兰人.

比赛结束后,两位拳击手都同意重赛, 我得到可靠消息称这可能会在利物浦举行 9月8日 – 把日期写在你的日记里这是一场不容错过的战斗!

当晚的倒数第二场战斗见布莱克伍德, 南威尔士’ 利亚姆·普里斯 VS 非常, 非常晚更换 Pentrefoelas, 北威尔士’ 斯特凡·休斯参加全威尔士比赛.

这场战斗真是一场激烈的战斗, 这是一部从开始到最后钟声响起的全动作惊悚片.

考虑到普里斯有相当大的体重劣势需要应对, 他真的很努力, 将战斗交给更有经验的人, 并且更重, 对手.


普里斯自始至终都给人留下了深刻的印象, 我确信当裁判克里斯·凯利的记分卡被读出为“一”时,威尔士冰场的任何人都不会感到惊讶 40-36 南威尔士小伙子取得积分胜利.


格里菲斯太圆滑了, 这位优雅的年轻人开局不错,打出了一些精彩的击球, 这迫使麦金泰尔很早就转向了“B计划”,试图保持在内线,以防止威尔士人打出他的大投篮.

麦金泰尔的 B 计划可能并不美好, 但是天哪,天哪,这非常有效.

在最初的‘开放’之后’ 期, 这让狡猾的威尔士人取得了巨大的成功, 大部分战斗可能发生在电话亭里.

麦金泰尔显然无意给格里菲斯任何机会让任何大人物撕破脸皮, 他只是把他一直绑着, 有时通过不正当手段, 如此之多以至于在多次警告要握住或不要打破时, 裁判罗杰·莱利扣了一分, 然而,即使被扣分也无法阻止利物浦球员获得胜利, 官方分数是 39-36.

不得不说, 虽然个人对迈尔斯-达奇 WBF 欧洲冠军争夺战没有举行感到失望, 发起人欧文·沃特金斯 (Owen Watkins) 制作了一张顶级的支持卡,我, 并确信出席的其他人都对所提供的票价感到满意,并期待他的下一次晋升, 将于尼思 (Neath) 的 Cwrt Herbert 休闲中心举行 22九月一日.

Tommy ‘Sweet TJacobs set to face Bilal Mohammad For WBF International Crown

Colchester’s Tommy ‘Sweet TJacobs is firmly on a fast track to achieving his dream of being a World Champion, when he takes on Ghana’s Bilal Mohammad for the World Boxing Foundation (WBF) International Super Welterweight Crown at the Charter Hall in Colchester on Saturday 30th June 2018.



Back in April this year Jacobs secured the WBF European Super Welterweight title with a convincing unanimous points victory over Matar Sambou, who to date has been the only boxer to beat him, when they first went toe-to-toe on Jacobsfirst defence of his British Masters crown back in October 2017.



雅各布, a former Team GB International Amateur star, only turned professional in March 2016 and in that short time has already secured three Professional Titles, the British Masters, the International Masters and the World Boxing Foundation (WBF) European Championships and is confident that he will be adding the WBF International crown on just his ninth professional fight.



More importantly Jacobseight fights to date have been against prospects, a rarity in the sport these days and one that sees Jacobs join such luminaries as all-time top fifty Pound 4 Pound Champions, 穆罕默德·阿里, 霍亚, Bob Fitzsimmons, Andre Ward and Joe Gans, who also only fought prospects with positive records in their first nine professional contests.



Really looking forward to the fight, I had tunnel vision before and was so fixated on facing and beating Sambou after the controversial way the initial contest ended. I couldn’t deal with losing to someone who wasn’t better then me.



Now that’s done I’m firmly looking to the future! In no way I’m overlooking my next opponent, he is many levels above anyone else I’ve faced previously, but I feel he is a gatekeeper to bigger and better things and cannot wait to show case my talents against an opponent of that calibre.



Tommy ‘Sweet TJacobs versus Bilal Mohammad for the World Boxing Foundation International Super Welterweight Championship takes place at the Charter Hall, Colchester Leisure World, Cowdray Avenue in Colchester on Saturday 30th June 2018.



Tickets are available direct from any boxer on the card or call the ticket line on 07475 09653

Salita Promotions Signs Women’s Superstar Christina Hammer to Multi-Fight Promotional Contract

Promoter Dmitriy Salita proudly announces the signing of undefeated women’s unified world middleweight champion Christina Hammer to a multi-fight promotional contract.
Already a superstar in Europe, “夫人锤” (22-0, 10 科斯), from Dortmund, 德国, (via Novodolinka, 哈萨克斯坦) is the current WBC and WBO Middleweight Champion. She has also previously held the WBF Middleweight, as well as WBO and WBF Super Middleweight Championships.
Under Salita’s promotional direction, Hammer will make her United States boxing debut on 星期五, 一月 12, 在旋石度假村赌场在维罗纳, 纽约, on the non-televised undercard of a ShoBox: 新一代 电视节目 (10 P.M. AND/PT), featuring unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa ShieldsWBC and IBF title defense against mandatory challenger Tori Nelson. Hammer is scheduled for a 10-round fight, highlights of which will be shown on SHOWTIME.
I never had any doubt that my manager Harald Pia and I would reach an agreement,” said a happy Hammer of the signing. “I love the U.S.,” 她继续. “If you are successful here, you will be successful everywhere. Since the beginning of my boxing career it has been a dream of mine to fight in the U.S.. 我不能等待 一月 12.”
Hammer joins the Salita Promotions roster that also includes women’s superstar, unified super middleweight champion and two-time gold medalist Claressa Shields, as well as world, 欧洲的 (2X) 和俄罗斯 (6X) amateur champion and 2012 奥林匹亚, Elena Savelyeva.
Christina has all the tools to become a star in the U.S.,” 说德米特里Salita. “Her skills, personality and appeal outside the ring make Christina a unique and special fighter in the talent-filled middleweight division. 我相信 2018 is going to be a historic year for women’s boxing all over the world.
Hammer is a technically outstanding boxer, but her outstanding physical strength is what separates her from the rest of the world’s 160-pound fighters. She was voted WBF Female Fighter of the Year in 2011 和 2013; the WBO Female Fighter of the Year in 2013; the BDB Female Boxer of the Year in 2016; the HERQUL Female Boxer of the Year in 2017 and is the only woman in Europe to earn the Diamond Ring of the WBO.
It is always a pleasure to work with highly professional partners,” said manager Pia of the deal. “I’m confident we have a contract that is good for all parties. Christina is very happy to be fighting in the U.S. It is a dream of hers to be successful over here and she can’t wait to show the U.S. public who Christina Hammer is!”
门票活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 目前发售 $75 马戏团的前两行, $65 剩余马戏团座椅和售价为所有其他 $49 和 $37, 加上任何适用的费用. 门票可亲自或通过调用在旋石度假村售票处购买 800.771.7711 或者在网上特玛.
In the telecast opener Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 科斯) 将面对同胞不败和前10名的排名桑尼弗雷德里克森 (18-0, 12 科斯) 托莱多, 俄亥俄. 在共同特征, 杰西·埃尔南德斯 (10-1, 7 科斯) 将于埃内斯托·加尔萨 (9-2, 5 科斯; 1-3 WSB) 在10轮超轻量级回合.

R.I.P. Kenny Barr

It was announced earlier today that Kenny Barr, 副总裁 (苏格兰) of the British & 爱尔兰拳击局 (比巴) and Scottish representative for the World Boxing Foundation (WBF) passed away yesterday.


肯尼, who was just 34 岁, leaves behind his beloved daughter Hayley.


赞布罗塔迪卡罗, CEO and Executive Vice President of the British & Irish Boxing Authority made the following statement on social media earlier.


“I am in total shock, I just cannot begin to describe the way I am feeling right now, I just cannot believe that BIBA Vice President (苏格兰) Kenny Barr has passed away, it just makes no sense to me at all.


My sincere condolences to Kenny’s family and friends, my thoughts are with you at this time of immense sadness.


Kenny has been by my side since the inception of the British & Irish Boxing Authority and he was there by my side when we first began sanctioning events in the UK under the Malta Boxing Commission banner and I just cannot believe that he will not be by my side as we grow bigger and stronger over the coming years.


Kenny was the main man for BIBA in Scotland, it was his determination and passion for the sport that made us so successful in Scotland.


His passion for the fighters is undeniable, they were always first and foremost in his mind, helping them in any way he could. Helping them to achieve their dreams, that was his true passion.


I’m going to miss seeing your beaming smile mate, as well as your angry scowl, I’m going to miss your passionate debates, and I’m going to miss us working together pioneering fighter and event health and safety. I promise you Kenny that we will continue to fight the fight to make this sport better, 更安全, and continue to help the fighters achieve their dreams.


Rest in Peace Kenny, you may be gone but you will never be forgotten xxx.”


The Board, of the British & 爱尔兰拳击局, as a whole join Mr. Di Caro in sending their sincere condolences to Hayley for the loss of her father, as well as to Kenny’s family and many, many friends.

罗伊·琼斯, JR. – Bobby Gunn Press Conference quotes, pictures and video

Skill vs. 将”
Fight to take place on 2月17日 at the Chase Center in Wilmington, 特拉华州

威明顿, DE (十二月 7, 2016) Below are quotes and the video from Tuesday’s press conference announcing the legendary Roy Jones, JR. taking on Bobby Gunn for the WBF Cruiserweight title.
That bout will take place on 2月17日 at the Chase Center in Wilmington, 特拉华州.
罗伊·琼斯, JR.
I am happy to be in the ring.

Delaware is starving for some activity.

I always do things that people don’t expect me to do.

I promised Bobby a long time ago that I would give him the opportunity, and I am a man of my word.

“例如 2月17日, I am going to shock the world again.


I am a Pitbull dog, and I am coming on 2月17日.”

Roy motivates me. To fight an all-time great is a huge thing for me and I believe that he is top-five all-time.

“后 2月17日, Roy will never forget me for the rest of his life.
罗伊·琼斯JR. - Bobby Gunn Press Conference
罗伊·琼斯JR. – Bobby Gunn Press Conference
罗伊·琼斯, JR. vs Bobby Gunn, promoted by David Feldman Promotions for the WBF World Cruiserweight Championship, 上 星期五, 二月 17, 2017 and will be aired live on PPV.

Tickets will range from $75 – $300 并且可以通过调用被购买 (484) 935-3378.

打报告: Churcher KOs Horvath To Secure WBF title as Herbert Shines In Wales

Lee Churcher pulled out a sensational against the odds victory over Hungarian Balazs Horvath 周六 night to secure the World Boxing Foundation Intercontinental Middleweight title, at the Pill Millennium Centre in his hometown of Newport.


Churcher, who was World ranked some two hundred plus places lower than Horvath, dominated the bout right from the off. Working behind a good solid jab, the Newport lad enthralled the local fans with some slick combinations, 身体和头部, so much so that the more experienced Hungarian soon had to result to holding tactics whenever Churcher was in close range.


The canny Welshman was having none of it though and just patiently waited for any opportunity that came his way to punish Horvath with vicious body shots.


By midway through the first round Churcher’s confidence really began to grow, after badly shaking Horvath with the aforementioned body shots, so it came as no surprise to anyone when shortly after Churcher sent Horvath to the deck.


Horvath recovered but once again resorted to holding tactics to frustrate Churcher through to the end of the round.


More of the same in round two more or less, except Churcher really started to get into a flow, catching Horvath with more vicious body shots, the Hungarian tried to cover up, before again trying to grab hold of the Welshman, Churcher is canny though and worked behind the jab again before letting rip with yet another huge right hand to send Horvath down for the second time.


The Hungarian made the count and immediately on the restart Churcher went back on the attack, but the Hungarian tried to stifle the Welshman’s attacks by attempting to grab hold again, Churcher though used this to his advantage and let rip with a huge body shot to send the Hungarian back down to the canvas.


Clearly in distress, Horvath made an initial attempt to get back to his feet before settling to be just up on one knee, the pain showing on the Hungarian’s face clear for all to see as he attempted to unsuccessfully beat the count.


Whilst it may not have been a classic, 没什么, but nothing can take away from Lee Churcher the artistry of his craft and tactics throughout and of course claiming the third Championship accolade of his career, the World Boxing Foundation Intercontinental Middleweight Championship, to add to his British Masters and BBBofC Welsh Area Title.


Main support for the Churcher-Horvath Championship bout, featured a four round Super Welterweight bout between Nottingham duo Carwyn Herbert and Matt Scriven.


多么艰难的战斗, both combatants going at it hammer and tongs in close combat for the full three minutes of each and every round.


After the full four rounds of non-stop action referee Chris Kelly scored the bout 40-36 to the youngster Carwyn Herbert, however that doesn’t really express the closeness of each round or the full on intent of either competitor throughout.


Supporting the two pro bouts were six Wales versus England exhibition bouts, supervision courtesy of Wales Boxing. Whilst I’m not going to cover these because they were not pro, have to say the final two bouts of the six were excellent and really could have featured on any pro card and nobody would have known the difference.


Have to say plaudits must go to co-promoters Dave Murphy (Acourtier Events) and Steven Fisher (Lights Out Promotions) for digging deep into their pockets to bring both the MBC and the WBF Championship to Wales for the first time, even if it meant there wasn’t enough money in the kitty to justify a full pro show, hopefully the Welsh fans will get behind Lee Churcher so his first defense of the WBF title can also be in Newport or nearby.


HILLYARD, 马斯顿 & 汗世界冠军的战役联合头条6thDec伦敦活动

伦敦子马克·莱昂斯已与冠军竞选玛丽安马斯顿共同推动一个巨大的圣诞节前的事件, 恰当地命名为齐上阵COMMENCE, 在纽约大会堂贝斯纳尔格林, 伦敦, 星期日, 该 6十二月.




布拉德福德的Tasif汗使他的第一次尝试在世界舞台上, 当他挑战加纳的艾萨克Quaye为世界拳击联盟超级次最轻量级冠军.


卫冕世界拳击联合会超中量级国际冠军, Jeezy, 埃塞克斯的乔治Hithard“Hillyard旨在空置盲联冠天下添加到自己的收藏, 当他面对一个尚未被命名的对手.


最后,英国 #1 和卫冕MBC国际超级轻量级​​冠军玛丽安斯顿会去脚趾趾与匈牙利Csilla Nemedi在四, WBU, WBF, WIBA & WIBC, 最轻量级世界冠军统一回合.




前英国队的明星伊恩“世尊”韦弗得到职业拳击锦标赛他第一次品尝, 当他挑战一个尚未被命名的对手国际大师超羽量级冠军.


Bardney, 林肯郡的不败前景, 内森“梦魇”Decastro也将争取国际大师赛冠军, 尽管在中量级.


最后的冠军回合将看到卫冕MBC国际重量级冠军, 哈克尼的SIAR厄兹居尔, 另一个国际皇冠挑战, 这次在超中量级.


支持六个冠军的较量九个回合特色的本地人才的奶油, 包括另一卫冕冠军, WBF超羽量级洲际掌门人保罗·伊科诺米在非冠军六圆.


在undercard加入保罗是另一个众所周知的冠军, 前英国和英联邦王, 迈克尔·爱迪斯, 谁在十月份他最欢迎的回归环回.


另一个广受欢迎的近期回国的神圣方形环, 超中量级万三史密斯也将在行动, 为将摇滚罗宾·迪肯, 谁将会寻求另一个胜利添加到他的卡, 在八月后,他战胜了Deniss Kornilovs回.


不败, 大冲压重量级前景丹尼尔·门德斯将寻求第三头皮添加到他的腰带上的夜晚, 正如亚当·泰勒寻求时,他面临着对一个尚未被命名的对手让他的职业生涯回到正轨.


早在今年8玛丽安·马斯顿, Shau​​nagh布朗和萨姆·史密斯创造了历史时,他们都战斗在同一个事件在纽约大会堂, 因为这是第一次,三个女的较量发生在英国一家亲活动, 以及对 6 12月份创纪录的将获得破, 因为卡上加入玛丽安将是前老大哥明星,多冠军挑战者天使'艺人'麦肯齐, 英国大师超轻量级冠军和世界冠军挑战者朱丽叶冬季,使她最可喜的回报这项运动杰米·约翰逊.


除了顶级的拳击Fayre的, 活动还将首次现场表演当地歌星斯蒂芬·丹特, 谁将会执行她的病毒粉碎'钉子难道“, 还有从她很快进一步的轨道被释放的首张专辑.


补习班这一切行动的大门会在打开 2:30下午, 与第一回合开始 3下午.


Tasif汗VS艾萨克Quaye, 玛丽安斯顿VS Csilla Nemedi和乔治·Hillyard VS TBA世界冠军较量共同标题的君主通信, BoxFit英国, 3X体育和Sulnox生态系统PLC发起的马克·里昂和玛丽安马斯顿共同促进齐上阵COMMENCE事件在纽约大会堂, 贝斯纳尔格林, 伦敦周日 6 十二月 2015.


此事件被认可的礼貌马耳他拳击委员会 (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


门票, 售价35英镑 (标准就位) 和65英镑 (马戏团) 可从任何参加义和团, 上线www.letbattlecommence.comwww.mariannemarston.com 或致电 07960 850645


叽叽喳喳: @LondonBattle





在仅八天时间里切斯特的保罗·伊科诺米进入环步骤进行他的世界拳击联合会的第一道防线 (WBF) 洲际超轻量级冠, 对加纳的繁荣Ankrah, 在斯蒂芬·沃恩促进LEGEND事件, 在安特里马术中心上周六 12 九月, 这是由罗伊·琼斯JR的首个英国打标题, 对托尼·莫兰.


伊科诺米, 谁耸人听闻地停匈牙利的大卫Kanalas在第二轮早在去年八月,以确保WBF洲际冠军, 并不陌生锦标赛行动, 在此前担保的WBF的国际冠短短四个月以前,以及在两个不同量级争取威尔士地区冠军.


Ankrah, 像伊科诺米, 也是一位经验丰富的冠军拳击手, 有担保的加纳最轻量级和西非拳击联盟最轻量级冠军既以及挑战为联邦和WBO国际冠.


虽然加纳可能是清楚的天堂最爱, 由于他的卓越战绩 24 胜 (15 停工) 和 5 损失, 对伊科诺米季“ 17 胜 (4 停工) 并且还具有 5 他的纪录亏损, 一些著名的英国专家正在逆势上涨, 预计,伊科诺米季将停止Ankrah.


其基础是所有的四个伊科诺米季“停工胜利都来过了一段十二个月,而不是他的四个一个对手在这段时间过去幸存第二轮,如果添加燃料这一论点的火, 他们指出这样的事实,伊科诺米季成为了第一个停止的高度耐用的两个时间英联邦冠军挑战者艾萨克Quaye.




“这是一个巨大的舞台这一个, 我很高兴能在这项法案作为罗伊·琼斯JR和托尼·莫兰冠军的争夺主要赡养.


疯狂,但我有点起初忘了我自己的战斗, 我有点过于兴奋的罗伊·琼斯拼.


一切的现在好了,我完全专注于九月 12 因为我知道我必须在我的手上战斗繁荣Ankrah的一项重大任务, 他的强悍, 他可以打,但没有问题,我更愿意为他.


战斗只是在一个星期了,我真的很期待它, 这是一个大舞台,但是,这并不打扰我.


这将是本赛季的事件,因此任何人谁没有把他们的票还没有, 让他们现在摆在为时已晚, 这将是一个非常, 非常特殊的夜晚, 不能等。“


门票, 售价40英镑, 60英镑, 100英镑和VIP马戏团150英镑的斯蒂芬·沃恩促进罗伊·琼斯JR. 与托尼·莫兰MBC国际重量级冠军为首的传奇事件在安特里马术中心在利物浦上周六九月 12 2015 现已推出, 在买就行 www.tkoboxoffice.com www.vaughanboxing.tv 或致电 0333 200 0905.


制裁对本次活动将是礼貌的马耳他拳击委员会 - www.maltaboxingcommission.com