标记档案: 拆分-T管理

莉安娜·克鲁兹, 阿萨·史蒂文斯和哈维尔·扎马龙在亚特兰大保持不败; 莎玛拉·伍兹在多米尼加共和国大放异彩

纽约 (八月 22, 2023) – 四名 Split-T Management 战士在周末保持不败.
周五晚上在亚特兰大, 莉安娜·克鲁兹 (LeAnna Cruz) 在蝇量级比赛中以六回合一致判定击败玛丽根·韦林加 (Maryguen Vellinga),保持不败.

克鲁兹着陆 88 的 271 拳. 韦林加是 34 的 224.

十字, 111.6 阿伦敦磅, PA赢得分数 60-54 在所有卡上并且是 6-0. 韦林加, 111.2 帕克城磅, UT 是 4-4-2.

史蒂文斯, 121.7 怀厄奈磅, HI以分数获胜 40-36, 39-37 霍普古德拿了一张卡片 39-37.

史蒂文斯着陆 66 的 205 拳. 霍普古德是 67 的. 273.

史蒂文斯是 5-0. 霍普古德, 121.2 密尔沃基 磅 是 2-2-1.
哈维尔·扎马龙 (Javier Zamarron) 在羽量级比赛中四回合一致判定战胜萨巴斯蒂安·圣地亚哥 (Sabastian Santiago),保持不败.

第一轮, 扎马龙用一记完美的反击击中了圣地亚哥的头部,击倒了圣地亚哥.

在第四轮, 扎马龙右眼周围有伤口,
扎马龙登陆 87 的 265 拳. 圣地亚哥是 52 的 307.

扎马龙, 128.2 密尔沃基磅以分数获胜 40-35 所有的卡和现在 5-0. 圣地亚哥, 128.4 西德拉磅, PR是 0-2.

在多米尼加共和国, 新的 Split-T 签约人莎玛拉·伍兹 (Shamara Woods) 在四轮比赛中一致判定战胜了罗西奥·德莱昂·奎里 (Rocio De Leon Query). 阿伦敦森林, PA现 3-0.

伍兹将于 9 月 20 日在普兰特城参加 Probox 电视卡比赛,立即回归赛场, 佛罗里达.

图片来源 / 加时赛拳击.

Split-T Management 签下两届全国金手套冠军 Abel Gonzalez

的获胜者 2021 全国金手套大赛最杰出拳手奖
纽约 (一月 3, 2022) — Split-T Management 与备受赞誉的业余爱好者和两届全国金手套冠军 Abel Gonzalez 签订了一份管理合同. 冈萨雷斯最近赢得了 2021 国家金手套在超竞技 178 磅. 重师, 将锦标赛最杰出拳手奖带回家 (178-201+) 进行中.

冈萨雷斯, 海厄利亚, 佛罗里达, 将在超中量级进行职业首秀. 他由父亲训练, 紫杉醇, 关塔那摩, 古巴人并将古巴巨星特奥菲洛·史蒂文森和菲利克斯·萨文列为他在这项运动中影响最大的一些人. 冈萨雷斯是一名拳击手,拥有惊人的力量和出色的环智商.

“我很高兴与 Split-T Management 签约. 这是我一直在等待的时刻. 在分裂-T, 我觉得我将能够实现我所有的目标并成为世界冠军,” 冈萨雷斯说.

“Abel 是一个非常强壮的年轻人,他的右手具有毁灭性的能力,而且他的左勾拳同样强大. 我们希望他能够无缝过渡到职业选手并成为 168 磅及以上,” Split-T Management 的 Brendan Segalas 说.

冈萨雷斯, 24, 整理了一份总记录 65-8 并且是两届全国金手套冠军; 四次佛罗里达精英金手套冠军; 三届佛罗里达 PAL 冠军和 2013 业余青年金手套冠军. Gonzalez 已准备好在 Split-T Management 和他的父亲/教练的坚定支持下在专业队伍中留下自己的印记.

Split-T Management 签下重量级的 Devon Young

纽约 (七月 26, 2021) – Split-T Management 与重量级的 Devon Young 签订了一份管理合同.

该 22 一岁的 Young 来自 Aiken, 南卡罗来纳州, 并编制了令人印象深刻的 42-12 标记为业余.

“我觉得这很棒. 戴夫·麦克沃特 (Dave McWater) 是拳击界的顶级经理人之一, 这将使我处于实现梦想的绝佳位置, 那就是成为世界冠军,” 说年轻. “Split-T 有很多有才华的战士, 我很高兴加入他们. 我希望在 9 月 4 日在哥伦比亚进行我的职业首秀, 南卡罗来纳州. 我是一个更具侵略性的拳击手,我喜欢挺身而出. 我很运动, 我迫不及待地向世界展示我的才华”

作为一名业余拳手, 年轻人做到了 2020 奥运选拔赛, 并且是西部预选赛冠军 2017 & 2018, 而 2015 青年公开赛冠军. 他也是一个 2014 青少年奥运冠军.



德文由他的叔叔特里·凯德 (Terry Cade) 训练, 他本人曾是职业拳击手.

4 战斗, 3 牌, 2 国家–Split T Management 周六在北美各地亮相

4 战斗, 3 牌, 2 国家

Split-T Management Fighters 周六在北美各地亮相

乔瓦尼·桑蒂兰 (Giovani Santillan) 在拉斯维加斯迎战塞西尔·麦卡拉 (Cecil McCalla) (ESPN+)

迭戈帕切科在墨西哥与不败的耶稣莫罗约基帕洛马雷斯战斗 (DAZN)

Charles Conwell 与 Silverio Ortiz 和 Haven Brady Jr 打架. 在亚什兰与内森·本尼丘战斗, 肯塔基州

纽约 (六月 25, 2021)–周六, 拳击的最高管理公司, Split-T Management 将有四名顶级拳手出现在整个北美的比赛中.

在拉斯维加斯的维珍酒店, 不败的次中量级乔瓦尼·桑蒂兰 (Giovani Santillan) 在 10 轮比赛中与塞西尔·麦卡拉 (Cecil McCalla) 交战.

在瓜达拉哈拉, 墨西哥, 不断上升的不败前景迭戈·帕切科在八轮超中量级比赛中迎战不败的耶稣·帕洛马雷斯.

在亚什兰, 肯塔基州, 世界排名超次中量级的查尔斯辛威尔挑战西尔弗里奥奥尔蒂斯, 而小黑文布雷迪. 在四轮轻量级比赛中对阵内森·本尼丘.

米基威廉姆斯摄 / 通过 Getty Images 获得最高排名

桑蒂兰, 谁由汤普森拳击和顶级排名提升, 有记录 26-0 同 15 击倒. 圣地亚哥的桑蒂兰, 战胜了迈克尔·巴拉西 (10-2), 达尼亚尔·汉尼克 (10-0), 奥森汉巴斯克斯 (7-1-1), 爱德华多·里维拉 (9-1-2), 埃内斯托·奥尔蒂斯 (10-2), 奥马尔商店 (18-3), 萨米·瓦伦丁 (12-0), 凯梅进入 (19-1), 亚历杭德罗·巴尔博萨 (11-1) 以及他在六月击败前世界冠军安东尼奥·德马科的最后一场比赛 16, 2020 在拉斯维加斯.

兰德尔斯敦的麦卡拉, 马里兰, 有创纪录 23-4 同 10 击倒.

McCalla 击败了 Ivan Zigar 等人 (1-0-1), 安东尼奥·沃尔斯 (2-0), 约翰麦基 (11-2-1), 加里·林奇 (4-0) 和奥斯卡戈多伊 (13-2). 麦卡拉连续赢了两场, 并且将于 10 月 16 日在普兰特城对阵菲德尔·蒙特罗萨·穆尼奥斯的第二轮停赛中结束, 佛罗里达.

桑蒂兰称重 147.6 磅和麦卡拉是 147 周五称重时的磅数.

这场比赛可以在 ESPN+ 上看到 7:15 PM.

埃德·穆赫兰摄 / Matchroom的拳击

洛杉矶的帕切科是 11-0 八击倒.

该 20 一岁的帕切科将面对他三年职业生涯中的第五个不败对手. 他已经战胜了菲利克斯·阿吉拉尔, 吉列尔莫·马尔多纳多, 何塞·埃斯帕扎和特里·费兰德斯. 帕切科还对胡安·安东尼奥·门德斯进行了第二轮停赛 (12-2). 帕切科对小鲁道夫戈麦斯做出一致决定. 2月21日在迈阿密.

索诺拉的帕洛马雷斯, 墨西哥 7-0-1 四击倒, 并且在最近两场比赛中击败了两个不败的对手. 他对克里斯蒂安·埃莫西约(Christian Hermosillo)进行了第二轮停赛 (3-0) 11 月 19 日在索诺拉,帕洛马雷斯在他的最后一场比赛中赢得了对海梅波蒂略的一致决定, 墨西哥.

帕切科和帕洛马雷斯 167 周五称重时的磅数

在亚什兰, 在迈阿密推迟比赛后,肯塔基康威尔和布雷迪得以预定比赛.

克利夫兰的康威尔被 IBF 排名第七, 有创纪录 14-0 同 11 击倒,

该 2016 美国奥运选手是 USBA 冠军, 进行了三场防守的人战胜了罗克·泽奥达 (4-1-3), 特拉维斯·斯科特 (19-3), 他对考特尼·彭宁顿 (Courtney Pennington) 的 USBA 冠军争夺战 (12-3-3) 以及对不败的 Webdy Toussaint 的防御 (12-0) 和马迪亚尔·阿什克耶夫 (14-0).

康威尔, 由 DiBella Entertainment 和 Holden Productions 提拔的人签到了 158 磅.

尤西坦的奥尔蒂斯, 墨西哥的纪录 37-26 同 18 击倒, 并且是一个 21 年的老将,

他曾与许多世界冠军和冠军挑战者交手,并且对丹尼尔·塞达(Daniel Seda)感到不满, 米格尔·安赫尔·韦尔塔, 米安·侯赛因和拉姆赞·贝萨罗夫

奥尔巴尼的布雷迪, 格鲁吉亚是 2-0 既通过胜淘汰赛未来. 他称 128 磅.

该 19 一岁的布雷迪, 谁由 Top Rank 提拔, 将于 12 月 12 日在拉斯维加斯对迈克尔兰德进行第二轮停赛.

普埃布拉的 Benichou, 墨西哥的纪录 2-4 有两个击倒.

Split-T Management’s Christopher Pearson ready for anyone at 160 或 168 磅.

纽约 (七月 28, 2020) – Surging middleweight contender Christopher Pearson is ready for a breakthrough performance against any of the top names at 160 或 168 divisions.

Pearson of Trotwood, 俄亥俄, is managed by Split-T Management, and he recently moved to San Antonio, 得克萨斯州, 有创纪录 17-2, and is riding a three-fight winning streak which includes a win over former Olympic Bronze Medal winner and undefeated Yamaguchi Falcao.

皮尔森, who trains in Los Angeles under world-championship trainer Manny Robles, has already begun preparations for his next assignment.

I started training down here in San Antonio at Jesse James Leija’s gym. I just moved down here, and it took a minute to find a gym, but once the gym opened, this is a great place to be. I will go to Los Angeles on July 30th and start with Manny,” 皮尔逊说.

皮尔森, who began his career with 13 连胜, feels that he is a stern challenge for anybody at middleweight or super middleweight.

I am looking to fight the best in those two divisions,and solidify myself as the best in the sport. I feel that that the 2nd half of my career is proving that I am the best.

The Falcao fight proved that Pearson can fight anyone in those divisions, and despite getting a late call for the fight, he performed at a high-level to come home with the emphatic unanimous decision victory.

I took that fight on four weeks notice. I am not short on confidence, and I know what I am capable of doing.

Recently Pearson had his named mentioned for a showdown with Canelo Alvarez, and he believes that Canelo’s handlers were not too keen in a fight with the 29 year-old Pearson.

I know that I am one of four or five guys from Golden Boy Promotions that was offered that fight. Out of all of those guys, they must of looked at me as a high-risk, low-reward fight. Fighting me is dangerous. They know me, because I have sparred with him, and he knows what I am capable of.

Canelo is a counter-puncher, but he is not better then me in the department. He has more power, but he is not as capable as me. 一旦我们在环获得, anything can happen..especially at 168 磅。”

Another fight that I would like to get is with Jaime Munguia. He is at 160 pounds now. I can outclass him. I don’t see anything special about him. If it takes beating other fighters like David Lemieux or Taureano Johnson to get those fights, then bring them on. Right now I am ready to take on anyone.

Pearson is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions.

Interview with Middleweight Christopher Pearson


纽约 (十一月 26, 2019)–星期六晚上在魁北克市, 拆分-T管理的拉奎尔·米勒捕获与在Alma伊瓦拉10轮的一致决定的WBA中期超中量级世界冠军.

旧金山米勒控制的行动,并保持了此前不败的伊瓦拉在海湾和分数拿下 99-91 和 98-92 两次.

同赢, 被称为战斗机 “蛮兽” 引起了她的完美标志 10-0.


“这是一个很好的战斗. 阿尔玛很艰难, 这是一个很好的战斗. 我打得很好, 现在我会看在战斗, 看看有什么我可以做的更好. 我是占主导地位的,因为我大部分的两轮夺得. 我把这个战斗在最后一分钟, 所以我很高兴与斗争和结果,” 米勒说.

“我要感谢大家谁拥有和不支持我. 还有更多的惊喜. 我只是想告诉大家的是,他们可以把自己的梦想,并且不采取任何作为一个答案。”


Split-T Management’s Holmes, Miller and Dixon Get Big Wins on Saturday Night

纽约 (五月 20, 2019) –Three cites, three wins for Split-T Management fighters this past Saturday night as Ardreal HolmesRaquel Miller remained undefeated while 卡洛斯·迪克森 scored a big knockout in his hometown.

Holmes went to 9-0 with a six-round unanimous decision over veteran Lanardo Tyner in Dearborn, 密歇根.

该 24 year-old Holmes of Flint, Michigan was systematic in winning by shutout tallies on two cards at 60-54 和 58-56 to raise the former amateur star’s record to 9-0.

Miller moved a step closer to winning a world championship as she captured the NABF Middleweight title with a 7th round stoppage over Erin Toughill inHawaiian Gardens, 加利福尼亚州.

Miller of San Francisco knocked Toughill down in the 1st round with a body shot, and then she dropped Toughill with a vicious combination that was punctuated by a nasty left hook in the 7th round that sent Toughill to the canvas. Toughill got up, but was in no condition to continue, 和布特是在停止 1:01.


同赢, the fighter dubbed “蛮兽” 现 9-0 四击倒.

Also on Saturday night in Louisville, 肯塔基州, 22 year-old super bantamweight, Carlos Dixon stopped Jeno Tonte in the 2nd round of their scheduled six-round bout.

With the win over the 17 老将拼, Dixon of Louisville, 现 8-1 有六个淘汰赛.

Holmes and Miller are promoted by DiBella Entertainment.

Split-T Management’s Chris Pearson Scores Unanimous Decision Win over Previously Undefeated Olympic Bronze Medal Winner Yamaguchi Falcao in Las Vegas

照片由汤姆·霍根 / Hogan Photos Golden Boy

纽约 (五月 3, 2019) –Middleweight contender Chris Pearson scored a major victory over previously undefeated Olympic Bronze Medal winner Yamaguchi Falcao in a 10-round bout at The Joint at The Hard Rock in Las Vegas.

The win netted Pearson the WBO Latino Middleweight title.

Pearson boxed very well as he befuddled Falcao, and consistently beat the former amateur star to the punch throughout the contest.

皮尔森, who already held a win over Falcao in the World Series of Boxing, repeated the verdict of 2011 by using good head-speed that saw the judges scorecards read 97-93 和 96-94 两次.

The win will gain Pearson a high-ranking in the WBO, and improves the Trotwood, Ohio native’s record to 17-2.

This was the 3rd consecutive win for Pearson, who is managed by Split-T Management.

My plan was to be patient and control the pace. I was able to capitalize on him being a bit slower then me,” 皮尔逊说. “This win gets me back to where I need to be.

I’m blessed with this victory,” continued Pearson. “Nobody knows the trials I’ve gone through. If I can be someone that inspires, then I’ll be happy. I’m going to rest for a couple days and then get right back to the gym.

The fight was the main event of a Golden Boy Promotions card on Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook watch.

Split-T Management Fighters Pick Up Four Wins In New York City

伊万·戈卢布, Normatov, Ceballo and Williams reign Victorious

纽约 (四月 12 2019)–This past Wednesday night at Sony Hall in the heart of Manhattan, four prized members of the Split-T Management stable had their hand raised in victory on a DiBella Entertainment Broadway Boxing card.

在主要事件, 次中量级 伊万·戈卢布 defended his WBC USNBC title with an easy ten-round unanimous decision over Manuel Alejandro Reyes.

Golub used good body work in the beginning of the fight that slowly set up hard right hands, and the Ukranian came home with the victory by scores of 100-90 两次, 和 99-91 to raise his impressive mark to 16-1.

超次中量级 Hurshidbek Normatov won a six-round unanimous decision over Calvin Metcalf.

Normatov of Uzbekistan established his jab early, and dropped Metcalf with a right hook in the 3rd frame. 梅特卡夫 (9-2) was able to survive, but it was to no avail as Normatov won by scores of 60-53 on all cards and his his mark to 8-0.

Five-time New York Golden Gloves champion, Brian Ceballo was impressive in stopping Ricardo Garcia in the 2nd round of their welterweight contest.

Ceballo of New York City decked Garcia in round two with a perfect right hand to the chin. Garcia was able to get to his feet, but Ceballo was able to pummel Garcia with a combination, 和布特是在停止 2:33.

Ceballo, 谁是促进 360 Promotions raised his perfect mark to 8-0 while notching his fourth knockout.

约瑟夫·威廉姆斯 remained undefeated with a six-round unanimous decision over Mario Flores in a cruiserweight bout.

After being off for two years, Williams looked very sharp landing combinations to the head and body, 通过赢得分数 60-54 on all cards to go to 13-0.

What made the win more impressive that Reyes was coming off a win over 16-0 Armando Pina.

Williams is looking to move down to the light heavyweight division by the end of 2019, and challenge for a title.

Split-T Management Signs 21-Time National Amateur Champion Otha Jones III

新的 约克 (一月 16, 2019) — Split-T Management is proud to announce the signing of 21-time National Amateur Champion, Otha Jones III to a managerial contract.

该 18 year-old Toledo native was among the top talents in the United States, as he compiled a staggering 283-13 amateur record, highlighted by representing Team USA in several international tournaments including winning a Gold Medal at the International Youth Continental Americas Tournament and Silver Medal at the Emil Jechev Memorial Tournament as well as winning several national tournaments, such as the winning gold medals in United States National Championships (两次) and the World Championship Qualifier.

琼斯, who was also a four-time State Wrestling Champion, was influenced to sign with Split-T Management because of what the company has done for his gym mates.

After seeing the hard work and dedication and excellence that Split-T Management has shown to my teammates Charles Conwell and Isaiah Steen, I definitely could not think of signing with anyone else,” 琼斯说.  Split-T is definitely the best management team in boxing. I am honored to be a part of the team.

琼斯’ dad, also named Otha, shares the same sentiments as his son.

Based upon the quality of boxers that Split-T Management has signed, and been successful at moving, it was just a natural progression that I would sign my son with them,” said the elder Otha.

Split-T Management feels that Jones will captivate the boxing world because of his fan friendly style that is reminiscent of fellow Ohio native, 亚伦普赖尔, as he fights aggressively while throwing nonstop punches from all different angles with power.

Said Tim Van Newhouse of Split-T Management, “At a conventional or southpaw stance, Otha is a relentless pressure fighter, who is composed beyond his years, with a dynamic blend of aggression, 速度和力量.

Otha Jones is one of the most exciting fighters we have ever signed,” Said Split-T Management CEO, 大卫·麦克沃特. “l will never forget the first time that I saw him on tape, or the first time I saw him live. I knew right away this kid had everything. 他’ is exactly the kind of athlete I got into this business to represent.

There will be a major announcement Jonesfuture very soon.