标记档案: 瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach)

20-1 加州超蝇量级选手罗科·圣毛罗 (Rocco Santomauro) 与瑞恩·罗奇 (Ryan Roach) 的 Fighter Locker 签约

波士顿 (二月 23, 2021) – 瑞恩·罗奇 (Ryan Roach) 的 Fighter Locker 宣布已与加州超级蝇量级签约Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (20-1, 6 科斯) 独家管理合同。

33岁的圣毛罗, 战斗出苹果谷, 例如, 自从职业生涯唯一一场失利之后,他已经取得了 7 场连胜,战绩为 14-0迭戈霍亚 大约五年前。

“我 33 岁了,”Santomauro 说道, 但我确实觉得自己正处于巅峰期。我的技能水平处于最佳状态并且一直在进步. 当谈到与顶尖人物一起进入那里时, 我曾与许多世界冠军一起在擂台上, 打架之外, 我已经不仅仅是坚持自己的了。这只是时间问题,我觉得我的时间就在这里。我相信我现在非常接近一场超蝇量级的重大比赛。这一切都是为了让自己处于正确的位置,我觉得, 现在, 我有合适的团队来做到这一点,还有 Ryan Roach 和 Fighter Locker 的支持。

“我与瑞安和他的战斗机储物柜签订了一份管理合同,因为我知道这是一个很好的举动。经过过去一年半的自我管理, 我知道我需要值得信赖的帮助才能达到新的水平。瑞安和我在社交媒体上是朋友. 我知道他正在与 Fighter Locker 签约拳手, 所以我开始观察和研究他,看看他和他的战士们相处得怎么样。喜欢我所看到的 – 瑞安在他的战士们身边,并与他建立了良好的关系,时不时地交谈 — 我们能够达成协议,将我提升到一个新的水平,并进行一场重大的战斗。”

“我很高兴能够在我们的马厩中添加这样一位经验丰富的战斗人员,”罗奇评论道。 “罗科满足了教练对战士的要求。他的环智商很高。他速度快,防守出色, 罗科(Rocco)是一位非常有活力的战士。他距离世界冠军头衔已经很近了; 再打一两场比赛,我们将与顶级超级蝇量级选手进行比赛。罗科有能力击败那些家伙。”

一位意大利父亲的儿子希望他的儿子成为“动物”,” 罗科生来就有战斗精神, 小时候有攻击性, 并受到启发洛矶马尔恰诺.  罗科开始接触拳击, 很大程度上, 因为追随哥哥的脚步, 他是一位获得荣誉的业余拳击手。他第一次打拳击是因为他的兄弟, 然后通过希斯皮里亚当地的拳击俱乐部 (例如), 除了在家练习,他还观看 ESPN Classic 上他最喜欢的拳手比赛。

桑托毛罗的业余生涯从未真正起飞。他居住的地区很少有拳击比赛, 并需要前往箱子, 这导致他决定在长大后搬到拉斯维加斯来掌控自己的拳击事业。他在那里发展了自己的技能并决定 2009 在美国国民队经历了他认为是一个错误的决定后转为职业球员。

一位精力充沛、聪明的拳击手, 侵略性反击拳手, Santomauro 还检查了身体, 并为擂台带来兴奋。他迄今为止最好的一场比赛是他最近的一场比赛 (十一月. 7, 2020), 当他停止克里斯蒂安·奥马尔·恩里克斯 (10-4-2) 在蒂华纳举行的第六轮比赛中。

“我得到了 Fighter Locker 和我的团队的支持,”罗科指出。 “我专注并接受了适当的心理训练,以完成我在比赛中必须做的事情, 年轻的对手,有获胜记录. 我把他打晕了! 我们做得很明智,并且能够在性能方面达到所有目标。”

疫情期间的训练和战斗充满挑战, 至少可以说, 而成为超级蝇量级只会让问题变得更加复杂。

“作为一名美国超蝇量级选手,参加比赛非常困难,”桑托毛罗补充道, “尤其是从羽量级到初级羽量级的体重下降。没有人愿意给我机会, 他们也不认为我能以初级轻量级身份出道,参加那个重量级别的比赛。我基本上就被束之高阁了, 作为自由球员被左右拒绝 14-1 记录当时的情况。我达到了一个 1 半年裁员, 只得到针对临时通知的对手的低价报价。我的教练, 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教, 我决定在墨西哥开始战斗是明智的, 那里有超级蝇量级选手可以战斗。

“大流行期间的训练对我来说绝对是地狱, 几乎所有健身房都关闭了,但很高兴能够参观, 时, 外卡拳击馆和丘吉尔拳击俱乐部。但这不是我所习惯的。为了保持健康,我必须自己进行很多我称之为“Rocky 4”的训练。我也很幸运能够与我的推广人在墨西哥建立良好的关系, 所以我很幸运总是可以选择在蒂华纳保持忙碌。我做到了。”

现在, Roach 和 Fighter Locker 为 Santomauro 提供支持, 他的未来是充满希望的。

Fighter Locker 不断壮大的天才拳击手包括, 特洛伊, NY ABF 美国西部超轻量级雷杰“毁灭者”贝穆德斯(12-0, 9 科斯), 多伦多, 加拿大次中量级 West Haven, CT超次中量级吉米“安静的风暴”威廉姆斯 (16-5-2, 5 科斯), 超中量级肖恩·麦卡曼(Shawn McCalman)(6-0, 4 科斯), 中美. 陆军超轻量级丹尼尔·贝利, JR. (2-0, 1 KO), 轻量级莱昂内尔·德洛斯桑托斯 (2-0, 2 科斯),, 一 2-时间 多米尼加共和国奥海, 职业首秀波士顿羽量级特洛伊·安德森(Troy Anderson), JR., 多米尼加共和国次中量级选手胡安·索拉诺 (Juan Solano) 首次亮相, 和盐湖城, 犹他兄弟, 超轻量级伊格纳西奥·凯雷兹 (7-0-1, 4 科斯) 轻巧加布里埃尔·凯雷兹 (3-0, 2 科斯). 


网站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

脸书:  /战斗机, /罗克桑托马罗

推特:  @RoachRyan, @RoccoSantomauro

插页: @ RyanRoach82, @RoccoSantomauro

关于战斗机储物柜: 成立于 2019, Fighter Locker 是一家管理职业拳击手的综合体育机构。 Fighter Locker 还通过 100% 的定制服务寻找他们的声音,从而帮助品牌拳击手。 Fighter Locker 并不真正相信工作模型。它相信正在运行的合作伙伴优化模型。

Fighter Locker 使用四个创造性的步骤,因为它相信“基础就是一切”: 1. 构思巧妙, 2. 创造性地克制, 3. 自豪地判断, 4. 针对性强。

Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, JR. Benefited from sparring with undisputed world lightweight champion Katie Taylor

波士顿 (二月 17, 2021) – Boston featherweight特洛伊·安德森(Troy Anderson), JR.  hasn’t made his pro debut yet, but he did get the opportunity to recently spar with undisputed world lightweight champion凯蒂·泰勒 (17-0, 6 科斯), 该 2012 Olympic gold medalist from Ireland, who was a 5-time AIBA world champion as an amateur.

The 28-year-old Anderson, who is managed by Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker, was supposed to make his pro debut earlier this year in Mexico. He showed up but his opponent tested positive for COVID-19 and their fight was canceled.

Taylor frequently travels from Ireland to Connecticut, where she prepares for fights with her trainerRoss Enamait.    

安德森, a union Sheetmetal worker in local 17, was a decorated amateur who won a gold medal at the 2016 洛基马尔恰诺锦标赛, as well as The New England’s Tournament twice in 2018-2019, and won Central Division of the New England Golden Gloves Tournament twice and runner-up twice during his four-year (2016-2019) run. He also competed in three national tournaments.

Anderson benefitted from being a southpaw when his trainerMarc Gargaro, was contacted by Enamait about needing a lefthanded sparring partner for Taylor. “I’ve only sparred with her once,” Anderson said, “but I believe I will be getting more work with Katie at her training camp in the near future. I’ve already been asked back for more sparring.

“In the ring, Katie is patient, 锐, and quick with her combinations. She also doesn’t waste any movements all all. She is very tough and aggressive. Outside the ring, she is very nice, always smiling when talking, and a generous, decent human being.”

There’s nothing better for a young boxer than to train and spar with a world-class athlete, even if it’s a female against a male, the experience in invaluable.

I believe getting experience with a world champion helped me build up my confidence. It definitely opened my mind and eyes to trying new things like different movements and combinations, as well as make sure my defense and foot work was on point. Learning to become better at changing the tempo of combinations I was throwing. Also, realizing the things Katie did during and after sparring, understanding her mentality, and letting me know and see what it takes to be the best in the world, will help me grow big-time as a boxer.

“It is a little different sparring a woman but, 老老实实, it helped me work on my craft in areas I’ve been trying to improve on. I am still available to give and get good, solid work and effort. It’s expanding my mind, I was still able to pick and choose when to dig hard shots to make sure I was still solidly sparring for her, unlike with guys’ majority of punches are thrown hard.

Ortiz’ manager瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach) 评论: “This is a great opportunity for Troy. Anytime you share the ring with a world champion, even sparring, is a great way to elevate your level of confidence. As many know there are a lot of levels to this sport and these opportunities are crucial in building a fighter. I am really proud of Troy. His debut got pushed back, but he’s stayed in the gym and remains positive waiting for his shot. He has a great coach and team at Nonantum Boxing.”

Sparring Taylor may not have erased the disappointment of Anderson’s pro debut being canceled; 然而, the experience will surely make him a better fighter.

“Sparring a world champion was unbelievable,” Anderson concluded. “Just having the opportunity to step foot in the ring with world champion Katie Taylor was amazing. Literally, leading up to the day of sparring, that’s all I could focus on and think about. I was extremely locked in, because I wanted to give Katie Taylor good work and show her that reaching out to my coach Marc was not a mistake, and his words about me were solid. Seeing how Katie is when moving, throwing combinations, and on defense picking and choosing when to be aggressive and not, is unexplainable. It was truly a blessing and I will forever be grateful and thankful for the experience and opportunity to be able to spar with a world champion, Katie Taylor”


网站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

脸书:  /战斗机

推特:  @RoachRyan, @_troyandersonjr

插页: @ RyanRoach82

关于战斗机储物柜: 成立于 2019, Fighter Locker 是一家管理职业拳击手的综合体育机构。 Fighter Locker 还通过 100% 的定制服务寻找他们的声音,从而帮助品牌拳击手。 Fighter Locker 并不真正相信工作模型。它相信正在运行的合作伙伴优化模型。

Fighter Locker 使用四个创造性的步骤,因为它相信“基础就是一切”: 1. 构思巧妙, 2. 创造性地克制, 3. 自豪地判断, 4. 针对性强。

Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker Signs Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, JR.

波士顿 (十二月 7, 2020) – Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker has signed Boston featherweight 特洛伊·安德森(Troy Anderson), JR. 的独家管理合同.

安德森, a union Sheetmetal worker in local 17, was a decorated amateur who won a gold medal at the 2016 洛基马尔恰诺锦标赛, as well as The New England’s Tournament twice in 2018-2019, and won Central Division of the New England Golden Gloves Tournament twice and runner-up twice during his four-year (2016-2019) run. He also competed in three national tournaments.

安德森, 虽然, 直到他才开始拳击 23, when he walked into a gym for the first time, 10 years after his two best friends introduced him to boxing. “I started in boxing because I hoped to succeed and reach my goals through boxing,” Anderson explained. “I train at Nonantum Boxing Club in Newton (嘛), 哪里 Marc Gargaro is my coach. He’s one of the best in New England. He coaches for USA Boxing. I wouldn’t be in this business without him because he’s built me from scratch. I’m so glad to be coached by him and we’ve developed a bond like family.

在年龄 28, Anderson has decided to turn pro, 哪, 当然, is relatively late in boxing. But he still feels 21 because of the way he moves and that he wasn’t on the wrong end of beatings in the amateurs. He’s also gained confidence sparring with some of New England’s top pros and amateurs.

I put a lot of hard work in the gym the past 5 或 6 years and I got tired of the amateurs,” Anderson explained why he decided to turn pro now. “It’s not too late for me; others have started late like me and went on to become world champion. I want to be in that group.

I thank Ryan Roach for giving me this opportunity to join Fighter Locker. He’s honest and I was comfortable with him. I like him and know he’s going to keep an eye on me. Why not sign with a Boston manager to help put boxing here back on the map?”

I’m excited about signing Troy Anderson, 小” Roach said. “I’ve been watching him for years and he’s developed well under Marc. Troy has fought the best in the country. He’s a very well-rounded fighter. I’m excited about adding him to the stable. He’s a BOSTON fighter and a great young man. It’s a win-win for us.

Anderson realizes that he needs to move to set up his shots, throw multiple punches, and change angles. He’s a slick southpaw who normally doesn’t rush in the ring. Anderson is thrilled to know that ripping body punches will score points, unlike in the amateur ranks, and breakdown his opponent. He predicts that he’ll display more power than he did as an amateur.

I’m driven to reach my goals,” 他总结. “I hope to make my pro debut early next year, pending pandemic restrictions. Ryan has kept his fighters busy, some fighting in Mexico. I love the challenge and can’t wait!”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers includes Dorchester, MA量级 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (15-3, 4 科斯), 特洛伊, NY超轻便 Ray Jay “破坏者” Bermudez (10-0, 科斯), 多伦多, 加拿大次中量级 杰夫 “麻烦1” 大不里士 (8-3, 7 科斯), 西黑文, CT超次中量级 吉米 “安静的风暴” 威廉姆斯 (16-4-2, 5 科斯), 超羽量级 耶稣巴斯克斯, JR. (6-0, 2 科斯), 超中量级 The AmazingShawn McCalman (4-0, 2 科斯), 中美. 陆军超轻量级 丹尼尔·贝利, JR., 轻巧 莱昂内尔·德洛斯桑托斯, a 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian

网站: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
脸书: /战斗机
推特: @RoachRyan, @_troyandersonjr
插页: @ RyanRoach82

Former college football player Jimmy “安静的风暴” Williams accepts challenge to fight 19-0 Brandun利

I will give Lee his first loss!”

Airing this Wednesday night on Showtime

波士顿 (十月 5, 2020) – “安静的风暴” planning a Perfect Storm!

Former Southern Connecticut State University football player 吉米 “安静的风暴” 威廉姆斯 is looking forward to shocking the boxing world this Wednesday night (十月. 7), when he takes on undefeated, 蓝筹股的前景 Brandun利 (19-0, 17 科斯) 上 的ShoBox: 新一代, airing live on 开演时间 来自安卡斯维尔的Mohegan Sun Arena, 康涅狄格.

李VS. Williams was originally scheduled for September 19, but it was pushed back until Oct. 7, and will be contested at a 145-pound catchweight. “It’s been a plus to have more time to prepare,” Williams spoke about the change of date. “这对我来说是一个很大的战斗, and the extra time was only a few weeks. I’ve stayed sharp.

The 33-year-ol Williams (16-3-2, 5 科斯), fighting out of West Haven, 康涅狄格, was a cornerback in college who, as an undrafted player, was invited to NFL tryouts as a free agent by the Raiders, Chiefs, Colts and Falcons.

通过推广 吉米·伯奇菲尔德‘s Classic Entertainment and Sports (CES), Williams will be making his debut as a member of manager 瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach)‘s growing Fighter Locker stable.

I think this is a great opportunity for Jimmy, Roach added. This is a big fight for us and a must win. Jimmy is up for the challenge. We’ve been waiting for this call. He has been working hard every day with his trainer, Dave Forsyth.

This is our first fight together as a team and I am really looking forward to it. I know Brandun is special, but he hasn’t seen anything like Jimmy before, and he will stop this kid in the later rounds.

Williams is a decisive underdog versus Lee, a rising star whose goal is to become the first world champion of Korean dissent. The 21-year-old Californian was a highly decorated American amateur: 3-time U.S. National Silver Gloves, 2013 PAL National and 2015 中美. National Juniors champion. 然而, he’s never fought past four rounds and Williams will attempt to extend the gifted Lee, taking him into deep water in hopes of making him gas.
I’m honored to fight on Showtime,” 威廉姆斯说. “I never thought I’d have this opportunity in my career. My whole life I’ve been the underdog. I love the challenge and that’s what made me who I am today. I overcome things.

I thank God and my promoter, CES and 吉米·伯奇菲尔德, and my manager, 瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach). I’m truly blessed. This is going to be a great fight and I will give Lee his first loss.

Williams will be fighting for the memory of his mother, Belinda Jordan Williams, who was strangled to death in 2008, and the case remains open.

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers also includes a talented Ukrainian trio of North American Boxing Association (还) 超中量级冠军头衔 斯坦尼斯拉夫·斯科福霍德(19-2, 16 科斯), 字级次中量级 卡伦·楚卡季(Karen Chukhadzhian) (16-1, 7 科斯) 和超轻量级 佐拉沃(Zoravor Petrosyan) (9-0, 4 科斯). Other Fighter Locker stablemates includeDominican Republic welterweight 胡安·卡洛斯· “酥皮” 阿布雷乌 (23-6-1, 21 科斯), 前IBF青年世界超级轻量级​​冠军, 林恩, MA超中量级 基里 “TNT” 托德 (10-1, 8 科斯),多切斯特, MA量级 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc)(15-3, 4 科斯), 特洛伊, NY超轻便 雷·杰·伯穆德兹, 多伦多, 加拿大次中量级杰夫 “麻烦1” 大不里士 (8-3, 7 科斯), Englewood, CO super featherweight 耶稣巴斯克斯, JR. (6-0,2 科斯), Auroraa, CO super middleweight The AmazingShawn McCalman (4-0, 2 科斯) plus Irish National champion 保罗·瑞安, a welterweight in the pro ranks, 和U.S. 陆军超轻量级 丹尼尔·贝利, JR., who will both be making their pro debuts.

网站: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
脸书: /战斗机
推特: @RoachRyan
插页: @ RyanRoach82

乌克兰超轻量级选手 ZORAVOR PETROSYAN 保持不败

波士顿 (九月 14, 2020) – 不败的乌克兰超轻量级前景佐拉沃(Zoravor Petrosyan) 将他的职业记录提高到 8-0 (4 科斯) 上周六晚上在俄罗斯, 停止出类拔萃欧贝尼·瓦泽姆 在叶卡捷琳堡的第四轮。

彼得罗扬, 谁是管理瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach)的战斗机储物柜, 在三位评委的记分卡上都赢得了前三轮, 30-27.  22岁的彼得罗相, 在基辅战斗, 被超过 7 ¼ 磅对后期替换 Vazem (9-12, 4 科斯), 当他们与他们的对手相比时,他们的体重优势更大 7 四分之一磅. 称重时的差异。

“我为我的战士感到非常自豪,”罗奇说。 “他的对手摔倒了,他的对手是一个比 Zoravor 高两个体重级别的对手。他做得很好,展示了一些很棒的拳击技巧。他很好地适应了体型差异并将他击垮。这对 Petroysan 队来说是一场巨大的胜利。”

彼得罗相是一位多国冠军,在 2016 世界 19 岁以下青年锦标赛。

Fighter Locker 越来越多的天才拳击手包括由北美拳击协会组成的乌克兰天才三人组 (还) 超中量级冠军头衔斯坦尼斯拉夫·斯科福霍德 (19-2, 16 科斯), 和字级次中量级卡伦·楚卡季(Karen Chukhadzhian) (16-1, 7 科斯).  其他战斗机储物柜马厩包括塞勒姆, MA量级胡安·卡洛斯·“梅伦格”·阿布雷乌 (23-5-1, 21 科斯), 前IBF青年世界超级轻量级​​冠军; 林恩, MA超中量级克里斯·托德(Khiry Todd) (10-1, 8 科斯), 多切斯特, MA量级加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (15-3, 4 科斯), 特洛伊, NY超轻便雷·杰·伯穆德兹 (9-0, 6 科斯), 多伦多, 加拿大次中量级杰夫“麻烦 1” 大不里士 (8-3, 7 科斯), 西黑文, CT超次中量级吉米“安静的风暴”威廉姆斯 (16-3-2, 5 科斯), 超羽量级耶稣巴斯克斯, JR. (6-0, 2 科斯), 超中量级肖恩·麦卡曼(Shawn McCalman)(4-0, 2 科斯) 加上爱尔兰全国冠军保罗·瑞安, 谁将在职业级别的次中量级比赛, 和U.S. 陆军超轻量级丹尼尔·贝利, JR., 谁将首次亮相。


网站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

脸书:  /战斗机

推特:  @RoachRyan

插页: @ RyanRoach82

关于战斗机储物柜: 成立于 2019, Fighter Locker是一家管理职业拳击手的综合性体育机构。 Fighter Locker 还通过 100% 定制服务找到拳击手的声音,从而帮助打造拳击手品牌。 Fighter Locker 并不真正相信工作模型。它相信动态的合作伙伴优化模型。

Fighter Locker 使用四个创造性的步骤,因为它相信“基础就是一切”: 1. 构思巧妙, 2. 创造性地克制, 3. 自豪地判断, 4. 针对性强。


波士顿 (八月 4, 2020) –瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach)不断壮大的战斗机储物柜(Fighter Locker)增加了另一个前景广阔的前景, 肖恩·麦卡曼(Shawn McCalman)(4-0, 2 科斯), 极光中的超级中量级, 科罗拉多州。

“当我与瑞安交谈时 (他的联合主教练和前世界冠军) 弗农·菲利普斯 介绍了我们,麦考曼谈到要与Fighter Locker签订管理合同。 “我们遇到了,他是一个真正关心他的战士的人。他指出自己的战士就像他的家人一样。我在很短的时间内就知道他,他让他的战斗机取得了成功。老实说, 我认为在拳击中很少见, 我真的很感谢Ryan。”

“肖恩和我进行了精彩的交谈,我们立即点击了,罗奇评论. “这对我们两个人都有意义. 对于我来说,获得一架新战斗机总是很令人兴奋,而肖恩确实拥有了一切。他又快又壮,曾与世界级的拳击手一起训练营. This is a great opportunity. I’m looking forward to Shawn showcasing his skills and climbing the ranks.”

Colorado-native McCalman, who had a 65-7 业余纪录, was a 3-time Colorado State Golden Gloves champion, as well as a 3-time regional winner. The 26-year-old McCalman made his pro debut September 22, 2018, 当他淘汰Jake Featherman in the opening round. He has since defeated, 为了, Isaiah William Reyez (WTKO2), Damarian Kelly (WDEC4) and 5-2Lorawnt Nelson (WDEC6) in his most recent fight this past January.

Former World champion托尼·哈里森 has used McCalman has his chief sparring partner, including his World Boxing Council (WBC) World super welterweight-winning performance in 2018 of defending champion previously undefeated (31-0) Jermell夏洛茨维尔.  

“The Roach name is well respected in the boxing sphere and the opportunity presented itself to bind our legacy was too good to pass up,” McCalman noted. “I’m a young, 饿, talented diamond in the rough. Ryan taking a chance means a lot and I think the two of use together will accomplish great things. Once this train gets going there’s no stopping it. So, jump aboard now…..next stop world championship level!”

McCalman joins Fighter Locker’s growing stable that includes a talented Ukrainian trio of North American Boxing Association (还) 超中量级冠军头衔斯坦尼斯拉夫·斯科福霍德 (19-2, 16 科斯), 字级次中量级卡伦·楚卡季(Karen Chukhadzhian) (16-1, 7 科斯) 和超轻量级佐拉沃(Zoravor Petrosyan) (7-0, 3 科斯).  Other Fighter Locker stablemates include Dominican welterweight胡安·卡洛斯·“梅伦格”·阿布雷乌 (23-5-1, 21 科斯), 前IBF青年世界超级轻量级​​冠军; 林恩, MA超中量级克里斯·托德(Khiry Todd) (10-1, 8 科斯),多切斯特, MA量级加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (15-3, 4 科斯), 特洛伊, NY超轻便雷·杰·伯穆德兹, 多伦多, 加拿大次中量级杰夫“麻烦 1” 大不里士 (8-3, 7 科斯), 新天堂, CT超次中量级吉米“安静的风暴”威廉姆斯 (16-3-2, 5 科斯), super featherweight Jesus Vasquez, 小, 加上爱尔兰全国冠军保罗·瑞安, 谁将在职业级别的次中量级比赛, 和U.S. 陆军超轻量级丹尼尔·贝利, JR.  The latter two will make their pro debuts when boxing returns in full.


网站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

脸书:  /战斗机

推特:  @RoachRyan

插页: @ RyanRoach82

瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach)的“战斗机储物柜”(Fighter Locker)墨守成规的乌克兰拳坛拳手Karen Chukhadzhian & 佐拉沃(Zoravor Petrosyan)

波士顿 (五月 11, 2020) – 瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach)的战斗机储物柜(Fighter Locker)宣布,该公司已经签下了一对有希望的乌克兰前景, 字级次中量级 卡伦·楚卡季(Karen Chukhadzhian) (16-1, 7 科斯) 和超轻量级 佐拉沃(Zoravor Petrosyan) (7-0, 3 科斯), 签订独家管理合同.
“我很荣幸代表Karen和Zoravor这样的高素质乌克兰战士,” 战斗机储物柜总裁瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach)说 “他们都接受了世界冠军的训练 维亚切斯拉夫·申琴科. 任何时候您都可以将如此出色的战斗机添加到您的马stable中, 特别是像凯伦这样的冠军, 是梦想成真. 我期待着他们到美国来参加战斗。”

24岁的Chukhadzhian, 排名第. 14 世界由世界拳击协会 (WBA), 在今年2月的最后一场比赛中获得了WBA国际中量级冠军 1, 通过对先前不败的十轮决定塞尔吉·沃罗比耶夫(Sergy Vorobiev) (9-1).
Chukhadzhian还是前世界拳击组织 (WBO) 青年与世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 青年银次中量级冠军. 像伟大的伯纳德·霍普金斯一样,他也失去了职业生涯的首秀, 他已经退缩了 16 连胜.
早在 2008, 观看电影之后,楚卡扎先开始受到启发“王” 亚瑟·亚伯拉罕 克服下颚的问题做出决定爱迪生·米兰达(Edison Miranda). 凯伦继续约有 200 业余打架并加冕 2014 乌克兰国家冠军.  
“我很高兴与Ryan Roach和Daniyar Ganik签订了合同 (训练者),” 楚卡季说. “我期待着在美国打仗和攀登新山。”


彼得罗扬, 21, 是一位装饰有素的业余拳击手,在比赛中获得铜牌 2016 世界青年 (19岁以下) 冠军赛, 除了获得乌克兰国家冠军以外. 迄今为止,他职业生涯的所有七场大战, 从十月开始 2, 2018, 已在乌克兰首都举行, 基辅.
“我等不及要在美国开始拳击了,” Petrosyan评论了. “我不敢相信我的拳击生涯现在将在美国建立. 我有信心成为世界冠军,现在已经准备好参加青年冠军争夺战。”
楚卡季(Zhukhadzhian)和彼得罗(Petrosyan)一起加入了Fighter Locker成长中的马stable,其中已经包括他们的同胞, 北美拳击协会 (还) 超中量级冠军头衔 斯坦尼斯拉夫·斯科福霍德 (19-2, 16 科斯). 其他稳定伴侣是多米尼加次中量级 胡安·卡洛斯· “酥皮” 阿布雷乌 (23-5-1, 21 科斯), 前IBF青年世界超级轻量级​​冠军; 林恩, MA超中量级 克里斯·托德(Khiry Todd) (10-1, 8 科斯),多切斯特, MA量级 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (15-3, 4 科斯), 特洛伊, NY超轻便 雷·杰·伯穆德兹, 多伦多, 加拿大次中量级 杰夫 “麻烦1” 大不里士 (8-3, 7 科斯), 再加上前哈萨克斯坦国家队轻量级 阿列克谢(Alexey Sevostyanov) 和爱尔兰国家冠军 保罗·瑞安, 谁将在职业级别的次中量级比赛. 拳击比赛回来时,后两个选手将首次亮相。

乌克兰, 当然, 在生产拳术等方面,已经发展成为最多产的国家之一瓦西里·洛马琴科亚历山大·乌斯克(Aleksandr Usyk)奥列克Gvozdyk谢尔盖Derevyanchenko 和维克多·Postol, 乌克兰最著名的当代战斗机之一.  

网站: fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com
脸书: /战斗机
推特: @RoachRyan
插页: @ RyanRoach82