標記檔案: 瑞安時裝

BELLATOR 209: 皮布爾vs. 桑切斯結果 & 照片




完成 Bellator 209 主卡結果:

帕特里西奧“鬥犬”弗萊雷 (28-4) 打敗 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (17-4) 通過一致決定 (48-47, 48-47, 48-46)

瑞安時裝 (12-6) 打敗 哈伊姆·維多多 (8-6) 通過一致決定 (30-26, 30-27, 29-27)

瓦迪姆Nemkov (10-2) 打敗 菲爾·戴維斯 (19-5) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

奧爾加·魯賓 (5-0) 打敗 辛迪·丹多瓦 (12-4) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-26, 29-27)

您可以搜索亞當 (3-0) 打敗 基里爾Sidelnikov (11-6) 通過KO (罷工) 在 1:12 圓一個


Khonry格雷西 (1-1) 打敗 羅恩·貝克爾 (2-2) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

特拉維夫維多多 (1-0) 打敗 安東·拉澤諾夫(Anton Lazebnov) (0-1) 通過提交 (armbar) 在 4:27 圓一個

賈米爾·伊布拉吉莫夫(Jamil Ibragimov) (2-0) 打敗 傑基·高什(Jackie Gosh) (7-2) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 1:37 圓一個

西德瑪·奧諾里奧(Sidemar Honorio) (13-6) 打敗 劉德維克·肖利尼安 (3-1-1) 通過一致決定 (30-26 X3)

丹尼斯·帕蘭西卡(Denis Palancica) (7-0) 打敗 基里爾Medvedovsky (11-6) 通過一致決定 (29-28 X3)

維多利亞·馬卡洛娃(Viktoria Makarova) (1-0) 打敗 尤利婭·薩科夫(Yulia Sachkov) (0-2) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 2:44 圓一個

安德烈·巴巴羅薩(Andrei Barbarosa) (6-6) 打敗 榮譽凱萊什 (3-1) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

克里斯托斯·尼古拉(Christos Nicolaou) (2-1) 打敗 法迪·海耶德 (0-1) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 4:48 圓一個

西蒙Smotritsky (5-0) 打敗 他們殺死了列維 (3-1) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

伊斯蒂克·魯賓諾夫(Itsik Rubinov) (2-0) 打敗 離子彈出 (8-12-1) 通過一致決定 (29-28 X3)

尼卡本Tuashy (1-0) 打敗 Nisim Rozalis (0-1) 通過KO (罷工) 在 :47 圓一個


欲了解更多信息, 請訪問 Bellator.com.

重量級冠軍在PATRICIO的“ PITBULL”和EMMANUEL SANCHEZ頭條新聞之間發生爭吵, 以色列十一月. 15





LOS ANGELES – Bellator返回特拉維夫, 以色列是連續第三年在周四, 十一月. 15 輕盈的世界冠軍頭銜衝突 帕特里西奧“鬥犬”弗萊雷 (27-4) 針對 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (17-3) 設置為錨點 Bellator 209 梅諾拉米塔奇姆競技場內部. 此外, 哈伊姆·維多多 (8-5) 看起來要報仇 瑞安時裝 (11-6) 在共同主賽事次中量級比賽中, 而 菲爾·戴維斯 (19-4, 1 NC) 將在 瓦迪姆Nemkov (9-2) 在輕重量級. 另外, 不敗的以色列人之間的女子輕量級比賽 奧爾加·魯賓 (4-0) 而老將 辛迪·丹多瓦 (12-3) 將在卡片上顯示.




門票現已開始銷售,可通過以下網站購買 Eventim.co, 以及Bellator.com. 該活動將於星期五播出, 十一月. 16 在 9 P.M. ET / 8時三十分. 最重要網絡上的CT,也可以在DAZN上流式傳輸.




Bellator與Ananey Communications合作, 一家以色列電視集團誇口 14 頻道, 包括EGO和EGO TOTAL頻道, 從那以後在以色列播出了Bellator 2012.




從納塔爾海陵, 巴西, 兩次輕量級冠軍帕特里西奧·皮特爾(Patricio“ Pitbull”)將於11月第20次進入Bellator籠子,創造促銷記錄. 15. 同 15 在Bellator的保護傘下獲勝, 自從奪回世界冠軍以來,“比特犬”將進行第二次冠軍爭奪戰 Bellator 178 針對 丹尼爾·斯特勞斯 去年. 最近, “鬥牛犬”戰敗 丹尼爾Weichel, 通過分裂決定淘汰對手 Bellator 203 在羅馬. 贏得了 20 他 27 贏得作為一個專業, 這位衛冕冠軍已經成為興奮的代名詞,球迷們一定會在他進入十一月的籠子時期待更多的煙火. 15.




桑切斯(Sanchez)在特拉維夫(Tel Aviv)輕量級冠軍爭奪戰中正式脫穎而出. 不像他的對手, 桑切斯(Sanchez)將於11月進入陌生領域. 15, 作為28歲的密爾沃基, 威斯康星戰鬥機將首次在美國以外的地方亮相. “薩爾瓦多鬥牛士”將尋求他的第10個促銷冠軍和他連續第5個勝利, 去年1月開始的連勝. 他的最後一次失敗是兩年前的事,最近戰勝了前Bellator冠軍 丹尼爾·斯特勞斯 和Marcos Galvao, 以及 山姆西西里, 在Bellator名單上可能沒有其他運動員比Roufusport Academy產品更值得進行冠軍爭奪.




Renzo Gracie團隊成員, Gozali在20年的職業生涯中第五次重返Bellator籠子. 以色列戰鬥機將於11月再次與Ryan Couture戰鬥. 15, 在三輪驚悚片之後 Bellator 180 上個夏天. 對抗蝙蝠蔭, 以色列, “蝙蝠俠”贊成家庭草坪上的活動, 在Menora Mivtachim Arena舉行的兩場比賽中,每場比賽都獲得了兩個首輪提交勝利. 現在, 他的八項職業勝利中有七項是順從的, 這位前以色列陸軍士兵希望將與Couture的比賽保持在法官的手中.




Couture希望復制他在與Gozali的首場比賽中所取得的成功, 去年六月,當他在麥迪遜廣場花園(Madison Square Garden)贏得一致決定勝利時. UFC和STRIKEFORCE的資深人士, Couture已在Bellator籠子中出現過六次,並將跳升至次中量級,以期獲得他職業生涯的第12場胜利. 拉斯維加斯Xtreme Couture會員, 當兩個人在特拉維夫重賽時,這名西雅圖本地人將扮演扮演Gozali的破壞者的角色.




來自哈里斯堡的稱呼, 佩恩. 戴維斯在傑出的10年職業生涯中贏得了出色的比賽冠軍, 包括贏得喜歡 町田龍太, “國王莫”拉瓦爾, 利亞姆McGeary 以及最近 林頓瓦塞爾Bellator 200 今年早些時候,. 從聖地亞哥出發, 加利福尼亞州. 賓州州立大學前四屆NCAA Division-1全美摔跤手幾乎無懈可擊 6-1 在Bellator. “先生. 精彩的列車與當前的Bellator最輕量級冠軍並列 Darrion考德威爾, 多米尼克·克魯茲(Dominick Cruz)和 A.J. 馬修斯 在Alliance MMA等機構中.




戰鬥從舊奧斯科爾的, 俄羅斯, 26-歲的淘汰賽藝術家瓦迪姆·內姆科夫(Vadim Nemkov)在與戴維斯見面時將在貝拉特(Bellator)中出道. Bellator重量級的產品 費多爾艾米連科, 內姆科夫將尋求在他的淘汰賽勝利上進一步發展, 其中包括擊敗前輕重量級冠軍 利亞姆McGearyBellator 194. 在他的九場職業勝利中,有八場是通過首輪停賽而來的, 前三寶世界冠軍並沒有在籠子裡浪費很多時間. 當他遇到戴維斯時,將考驗他完成比賽的能力, 一個尚未完成職業生涯的運動員.




以色列女子輕量級選手奧爾加·魯賓(Olga Rubin)第三次退回到貝拉特(Bellat)籠子裡,將自己不敗的連勝表現出在自己祖國的線上. 憑藉她先前在 Bellator 164 Bellator 188 通過將軍澳來, “大壞蛋”已成為該部門中較為危險的前景之一. 現在,她將接任UFC和Invicta FC老手Cindy Dandois, 擁有事業的人擊敗了Marloes Coenen, 喬琳娜·巴爾(Jorina Baars) 和梅根·安德森(Megan Anderson). 在拉斯維加斯的Xtreme Couture培訓, “戰貓”目前正在四連勝, 包括在RIZIN中的勝利戰役.


更新 Bellator 209: “鬥牛犬” vs. 桑切斯 戰卡:

羽量級世界冠軍布特: 帕特里西奧“鬥犬”弗萊雷 (27-4) VS. 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (17-3)

次中量級聯手主賽事: 哈伊姆·維多多 (8-5) VS. 瑞安時裝 (11-6)

輕重量級功能事件: 菲爾·戴維斯 (19-4, 1 NC) VS. 瓦迪姆Nemkov (9-2)

女子輕量級比賽: 奧爾加·魯賓 (4-0) VS. 辛迪·丹多瓦 (12-3)


Special Broadcast on Friday, 七月 28 從 9-11:30下午ET/PT

LOS ANGELES – From a wild and rare double-knockdown featuring an MMA icon, to a back-and-forth battle for the lightweight title fight, to an even more shocking upset of an MMA prodigy – Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦 was certainly entertaining, exciting and often unpredictable.


For those who missed the Pay-Per-View telecast on 六月 24, Spike will present a special encore presentation of this memorable event on星期五, 七月 28 從 9-11:30 P.M. AND/PT.


Emanating from Madison Square Garden in in the heart of New York, Bellator’s biggest fight card featured a double main event between fierce rivals Chael Sonnen的萬德雷·席爾瓦, 而 馬特·米特里恩 stood toe-to-toe with the iconic 費多爾艾米連科 in a heavyweight showdown for the ages. 此外, two explosive title fights took place, 如 道格拉斯·利馬 looked to defend his welterweight crown against 勞倫斯·拉金 and lightweight champ 邁克爾·錢德勒 took on the undefeated 布倫特博智. Rounding out the action, 亞倫微微 made his long-awaited MMA debut against Zach Freeman in a lightweight bout and Brazilian jiu-jitsu ace奈曼格雷西 put his skills on display against New York’s Dave Marfone.



洛杉磯 – Ahead of Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦, fans are invited to the first ever Bellator Nation Rally on 星期五, 六月 23 在 4:30 P.M. AND inside the Theater at Madison Square Garden. Members of the Bellator Nation will have the opportunity to meet with MMA legends Randy Couture and Dan Henderson, current Bellator heavyweight Cheick Kongo, as well as Bellator personalities, including Mike Goldberg and the Bellator Ring Girls. The event is FREE and OPEN to the public. Space is limited, so fans are encouraged to arrive early.

另外, prizes, including two cageside tickets to Bellator NYC, will be given away to fans in attendance.

6 P.M. AND, fans are also invited to be a part of the Bellator NYC Bellator 180 weigh-ins inside The Theater at Madison Square Garden, as the fighters take the scale and square off for the final time prior to entering the cage 週六 夜晚. The event is FREE and OPEN to the public.

One of the most recognizable MMA fighters of all time, 名人堂成員 蘭迪時裝 transitioned nicely into the entertainment world after his fighting career, starring in several television shows and movies, 含 The Expendables movie franchise and Dancing with the Stars. Inside the cage, Couture was a fearless underdog, often defeating men with great size advantages. “The Natural” was a multi-time heavyweight and multi-time light heavyweight champion in the UFC.

丹·亨德森, known simply as “Hendo,” is one of the most feared one-punch strikers in all of MMA and put away many opponents with his “H-Bomb” overhand right. A former PRIDE and STRIKEFORCE champion, Henderson owns notable wins over Michael Bisping, 費多爾艾米連科, “Shogun” Rua and Wanderlei Silva. Now retired, Henderson also represented the U.S. 在此期間 1992 和 1996 Olympics as a member of the Greco-Roman wrestling teams.

自從加入Bellator MMA戰局 2013, 謝赫·金剛, a French-born kickboxer, has strung together an impressive run that has seen him emerge victorious in nine of 11 競賽, including five consecutive victories. 同 39 career fights under his belt, “The Darknesshas tallied 27 贏得作為一個專業, 含 12 by way of knockout. Kongo most recently handed Augusto Sakai the first loss of his professional career at Bellator 179 在倫敦.

Mike Goldberg, set to make his Bellator broadcast debut at Bellator NYC Bellator 180, is best known for his 20 plus years of play-by-play work in professional MMA and trademark calls that made him popular with fans around the globe. In addition to his two decades in mixed martial arts, he has broadcast every major sport at the network level, most notably his 900 games in the NHL, both nationally and with the Minnesota Wild, Vancouver Canucks and Detroit Red Wings. He has also hosted entertainment shows, 含 Shaq Vs. A graduate of Miami (俄亥俄) 大學, Goldberg now resides in Phoenix, 亞利桑那州.

請訪問 Bellator.comBellatorNYC.com for upcoming event information.

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦 卡 (按次付費):

輕重量級的主要事件: Chael Sonnen的 (29-15-1) VS. 萬德雷·席爾瓦 (35-12-1, 1 NC)

重量級的主要事件: 費多爾艾米連科 (36-4, 1 NC) VS. 馬特·米特里恩 (11-5)

Welterweight World Title Bout: 道格拉斯·利馬 (28-6) VS. 勞倫斯·拉金 (18-5, 1 NC)

Lightweight World Title Bout: 邁克爾·錢德勒 (16-3) VS. 布倫特博智 (7-0)

輕量級功能回合: 亞倫微微 (登場) VS. Zach Freeman (8-2)


Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader 卡 (SPIKE):

輕量級世界冠軍爭奪戰: 菲爾·戴維斯 (17-3, 1 NC) VS. 瑞安貝德 (22-5)

羽量級布特: 詹姆斯·加拉格爾 (6-0) VS. Chinzo Machida (5-2)

次中量級回合: 奈曼格雷西 (5-0) VS. Dave Marfone (5-2)

Women’s Flyweight Preliminary Bout: 希瑟哈迪 (登場) VS. Alice Yauger (4-5)


Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader 初步卡 (Bellator.com):

重量級初步回合: 瑞安時裝 (10-5) VS. 哈伊姆·維多多 (7-3)

輕量級初步回合: Jerome Mickle (2-1) VS. Anthony Giacchina (1-1)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout (168 1bs.): John Salgado (4-7-1) VS. Hugh McKenna (0-1)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout (130 1bs.): Matt Rizzo (9-2, 1 NC) VS. Sergio da Silva (6-8)

輕量級初步回合: Nate Grebb (3-1) VS. Bradley Desir (9-5)




LOS ANGELES – With the recently announced additions of veteran commentators Mauro Ranallo and Mike Goldberg to the current Bellator broadcast team, fight night roles have been determined for the biggest evening in the promotion’s history when Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦 Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader air live on Saturday, 六月 24 from Madison Square Garden in New York.

Bellator’s stacked pay-per-view event, Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦, will see play-by-play analyst 毛羅Ranallo join longtime Bellator color commentator 吉米·史密斯 for the first time live at 10 P.M. AND/7P.M. PT, 而 Mike Goldberg will anchor the desk for the historic broadcast.

Earlier that evening, Goldbergis set to call the play-by-play action alongside Smith, with Ranallo set to hostBellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader from the desk live on SPIKE at 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. Goldberg and Smith will alsocall the additional preliminary match-ups on Bellator.com at 6 P.M. AND/3 P.M. PT.

Jenn Brown will host SPIKE’s live pre-show during preliminary action, where she will be joined by popular MMA personality 布倫丹·紹布 and Bellator lightweight 喬希湯姆森, who will offer unique insight and analysis leading into the historic event. Schaub and Thomson will later join Ranallo at the desk duringBellator 180. The voice of Bellator, 邁克爾·C. 威廉姆斯, will take his familiar position inside the cage as the evening’s ring announcer.

Headlined by the long-awaited bout between two of the biggest names in mixed martial arts history, Chael Sonnen的 (29-15-1) 和 萬德雷·席爾瓦 (35-12-1, 1 NC), Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦 airs live on pay-per-view beginning at 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT. Emanating from Madison Square in New York City, the mecca of combat sports, this blockbuster event includes a heavyweight bout between MMA legend 費多爾艾米連科 和強硬 馬特·米特里恩, along with two championship bouts, 含 道格拉斯·利馬 (28-6) defending his 170-pound strap against 勞倫斯·拉金(18-5, 1 NC) and current lightweight champion 邁克爾·錢德勒 (16-3) putting his world title on the line against the undefeated 布倫特博智 (7-0).

Prior to the pay-per-view, SPIKE will air Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader LIVE and FREE on both coasts beginning at 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT. The event is headlined by a light heavyweight title bout between current champ 菲爾·戴維斯 (17-3, 1 NC) 和頂級競爭者 瑞安貝德 (22-5). 另外, Bellator 180 prelims will air exclusively on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App at 6 P.M. AND/3 P.M. PT.

請訪問 Bellator.comBellatorNYC.com for upcoming event information.


Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦 卡 (按次付費):

輕重量級的主要事件: Chael Sonnen的 (29-15-1) VS. 萬德雷·席爾瓦 (35-12-1, 1 NC)

重量級的主要事件: 費多爾艾米連科 (36-4, 1 NC) VS. 馬特·米特里恩 (11-5)

Welterweight World Title Bout: 道格拉斯·利馬 (28-6) VS. 勞倫斯·拉金 (18-5, 1 NC)

Lightweight World Title Bout: 邁克爾·錢德勒 (16-3) VS. 布倫特博智 (7-0)

輕量級功能回合: 亞倫微微 (登場) VS. Zach Freeman (8-2)

Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader 卡 (SPIKE):

輕量級世界冠軍爭奪戰: 菲爾·戴維斯 (17-3, 1 NC) VS. 瑞安貝德 (22-5)

羽量級布特: 詹姆斯·加拉格爾 (6-0) VS. Chinzo Machida (5-2)

次中量級回合: 奈曼格雷西 (5-0) VS. Dave Marfone (5-2)

Women¹s Flyweight Preliminary Bout: 希瑟哈迪 (登場) VS. Alice Yauger (4-5)


Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader 初步卡 (Bellator.com):

重量級初步回合: 瑞安時裝 (10-5) VS. 哈伊姆·維多多 (7-3)

輕量級初步回合: Jerome Mickle (2-1) VS. Anthony Giacchina (1-1)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout (168 1bs.): John Salgado (4-7-1) VS. Hugh McKenna (0-1)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout (130 1bs.): Matt Rizzo (9-2, 1 NC) VS. Sergio da Silva (6-8)

VOW Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Nate Grebb (3-1) VS. Bradley Desir (9-5)




LOS ANGELESBellator has signed longstanding MMA commentators Mike Goldberg毛羅Ranallo to multi-event broadcast agreements beginning with Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦 Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader 星期六, 六月 24. The move sees Goldberg return to SPIKE for the first time since 2011, while Ranallo reunites with Bellator President Scott Coker, having worked together through 2013. The pair will join a broadcast team that currently includes Jimmy Smith, Jenn Brown and Chael Sonnen.

“Mike Goldberg and Mauro Ranallo are two of the best in our business and I couldn’t be happier about them joining the Bellator family,“斯科特說科克爾. “In addition to 六月 24, we look forward to working together to make future Spike broadcasts even more exciting for our fans as we add further depth to an already-exceptional broadcast team.

“The addition of highly-regarded announcers Mauro and Mike to our fantastic lineup of broadcasters, and our first-rate production led by Scott Fishman, further demonstrates our commitment MMA fans and expanding the global Bellator brand,” added Spike SVP, Sports and Specials Jon Slugger.

Mike Goldberg is best known for his 20 plus years of play-by-play work in professional MMA and trademark calls that made him popular with fans around the globe. In addition to his two decades in mixed martial arts, he has broadcast every major sport at the network level, most notably his 900 games in the NHL, both nationally and with the Minnesota Wild, Vancouver Canucks and Detroit Red Wings. He has also hosted entertainment shows, 含 Shaq Vs. A graduate of Miami (俄亥俄) 大學, Goldberg now resides in Phoenix, 亞利桑那州.

Mauro Ranallo gained notoriety with MMA fans during his tenure with PRIDE, and later STRIKEFORCE, where his voice became synonymous with the now-legendary events. Throughout his career, Ranallo has spent time working with various sports outside of MMA, including boxing, 職業摔跤, kickboxing and ice hockey, and will continue his work with Showtime Boxing. Ranallo, a native of British Columbia, 加拿大, now resides in Los Angeles, 加利福尼亞州.

請訪問 Bellator.comBellatorNYC.com for upcoming event information.




LOS ANGELES – The biggest night in the history of Bellator continues to grow, 通過加入 菲爾·戴維斯 (17-3, 1 NC) defending his light heavyweight world title against one of the promotion’s newest free agent acquisitions, 瑞安貝德 (22-5), during the main event of Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader June 24th 在麥迪遜廣場花園在紐約市.

The five-round contest will anchor the LIVE and FREE broadcast of Bellator 180, which airs on SPIKE. 此外, 不敗 奈曼格雷西 (5-0) will return to action when he meets Dave Marfone (5-2) 在次中量級. This contest, along with “Mr. Wonderful” versus “Darth” Bader joins a previously announced bout pitting “The Strabanimal” 詹姆斯·加拉格爾 (6-0) 針對 Chinzo Machida (5-2).

It was also announced last week that 亞倫微微 would make his long-awaited MMA debut against Zach Freeman(8-2) 中 Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦, leading off a pay-per-view blockbuster that features a double main event of Chael Sonnen的 (29-15-1) 和 萬德雷·席爾瓦 (35-12-1, 1 NC), 以及 費多爾艾米連科 (36-4, 1 NC) 會議 馬特·米特里恩(11-5).

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦 also includes two championship bouts, 同 道格拉斯·利馬 (28-6) defending his 170-pound strap against 勞倫斯·拉金 (18-5, 1 NC) and current lightweight champion 邁克爾·錢德勒 (16-3) putting his world title on the line against the undefeated 布倫特博智 (7-0).

The Bellator.com-streamed preliminary portion of the Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader action on June 24 adds 瑞安時裝 (10-5) making his welterweight debut against Israel’s 哈伊姆·維多多 (7-3). Three additional preliminary bouts are also confirmed and are listed below.

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦 airs LIVE on pay-per-view beginning at 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT. Prior to the pay-per-view event, SPIKE will air Bellator 180 LIVE and FREE on both coasts, 在開始 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT. 另外, Bellator 180 prelims will air exclusively on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App at 6 P.M. AND/ 3 P.M. PT.

Tickets for the event start at $60, 不包括適用的服務費和稅款, and are currently on sale at Ticketmaster, TheGarden.com and Bellator.com.

Follow the conversation using #BellatorNYC on social media.

完成 Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席爾瓦 卡 (按次付費):

輕重量級的主要事件: Chael Sonnen的 (29-15-1) VS. 萬德雷·席爾瓦 (35-12-1, 1 NC)

重量級的主要事件: 費多爾艾米連科 (36-4, 1 NC) VS. 馬特·米特里恩 (11-5)

Welterweight World Title Bout: 道格拉斯·利馬 (28-6) VS. 勞倫斯·拉金 (18-5, 1 NC)

Lightweight World Title Bout: 邁克爾·錢德勒 (16-3) VS. 布倫特博智 (7-0)

輕量級功能回合: 亞倫微微 (登場) VS. Zach Freeman (8-2)


更新 Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader 卡 (SPIKE):

輕量級世界冠軍爭奪戰: 菲爾·戴維斯 (17-3, 1 NC) VS. 瑞安貝德 (22-5)

羽主卡布特: 詹姆斯·加拉格爾 (6-0) VS. Chinzo Machida (5-2)

重量級主卡布特: 奈曼格雷西 (5-0) VS. Dave Marfone (5-2)


更新 Bellator 180: 戴維斯VS. Bader 初步卡 (Bellator.com):

重量級初步回合: 瑞安時裝 (10-5) VS. 哈伊姆·維多多 (7-3)

輕量級初步回合: Jerome Mickle (2-1) VS. Anthony Giacchina (1-1)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout (168 1bs.): John Salgado (4-7-1) VS. Hugh McKenna (0-1)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout (130 1bs.): Matt Rizzo (9-2, 1 NC) VS. Sergio da Silva (6-8)

“圓 7, Operation Knockoutcharity event for Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation Airing this Sunday night on CBS Sports Network

LAS VEGAS (十一月 25, 2016) – 該 “圓 7, Operation Knockoutamateur mixed-martial-arts and grappling card, presented by Tuff-N-Uff in association with Neon Star Media, will air TONIGHT (十一月. 27), 開始 11 P.M. AND / 8 P.M. PTCBS體育網.
The seventh annualOperation Knockout,” held last Saturday evening at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, was created to help Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation raise funds and awareness for wounded soldiers and their families.
There was something for everyone with nine amateur MMA fights, four of which were for title belts, and six super-fight grappling bouts featuring Bellator’s 瑞安時裝, ex-UFC fighter Ulysses Gomez and current UFC fighter Anthony Birchak, former Bellator fighter and active military, Michael Parker, former Lion Fight fighter Fanny Tommasino, and current Combate Americas fighter and former Tuff-N-Uff fighter, 凱拉Batara.
Veteran MMA announcers 肖恩德豐, Joey Varner and living legend Couture called all the action live from ringside.
复刻時裝G.I. 基金會為受傷的士兵和他們的家庭提供必要的支持與​​服務, 其中許多人返回外傷性截肢, 槍傷, 燒傷和爆震傷. One-hundred percent of the proceeds are given as Operation Knockout continues to build on its efforts to raise more money and help more wounded soldiers and their families. With help of its generous sponsors and donations, “Operation Knockhad raised more than $170,000 going into this year’s event.
CBS Sports Network is available across the United States through local cable, 視頻和電信供應商,並通過衛星上的DirecTV頻道 221 和Dish Network頻道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一個完整的節目時間表,以及如何讓CBS體育網, 到 www.cbssportsnetwork.com
嘰嘰喳喳: @tuffnuff, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture

“圓 7, Operation Knockoutcharity event for Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation To air Sunday, 十一月. 27 on CBS Sports Network

LAS VEGAS (十一月 22, 2016) – 該 “圓 7, Operation Knockoutamateur mixed-martial-arts and grappling card, presented by Tuff-N-Uff in association with Neon Star Media, 將播出 星期天, 十一月 27 (11 P.M. AND / 8 P.M. PT) 上 CBS體育網.
The seventh annualOperation Knockout,” held this past Nov. 19 在拉斯維加斯市中心活動中心, was created to help Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation raise funds and awareness for wounded soldiers and their families.
這一令人興奮的, unique charity event featured a night of amazing fights and a fabulous silent auction that featured gloves signed by 蘭迪時裝, Luke Rockhold, Miesha TateGray Maynard, tickets to Criss Angel, Rock of AgesLegends in Concert, and many more items. There was something for everyone with nine amateur MMA fights, four of which were for title belts, and six super-fight grappling bouts featuring Bellator’s 瑞安時裝, ex-UFC fighter Ulysses Gomez and current UFC fighter Anthony Birchak, former Bellator fighter and active military, Michael Parker, former Lion Fight fighter Fanny Tommasino, and current Combate Americas fighter and former Tuff-N-Uff fighter, 凱拉Batara.
Veteran MMA announcers 肖恩德豐, Joey Varner and living legend Couture called all the action live from ringside.
Tuff-N-Uff is honored to have a hand in helping to raise funds for and bring awareness to our brave service members who have sacrificed so much for our great country,” Tuff-N-Uff CEO 傑夫·邁耶 說. “Any little bit helps and the least we could do was put together a fight card with the Future Stars of MMA, as well as some big names in MMA who participated. We can’t thank everyone enough for helping put this amazing event together for a good cause.
复刻時裝G.I. 基金會為受傷的士兵和他們的家庭提供必要的支持與​​服務, 其中許多人返回外傷性截肢, 槍傷, 燒傷和爆震傷. One-hundred percent of the proceeds are given as Operation Knockout continues to build on its efforts to raise more money and help more wounded soldiers and their families. With help of its generous sponsors and donations, “Operation Knockhad raised more than $170,000 going into this year’s event.
I can’t tell you how thankful I am for the support from Tuff-N-Uf, Downtown Las Vegas Events Center and the D Las Vegas of ‘Round 7, Operation Knockoutand wounded veterans through xcgif.org,” Couture commented. “We at XCGIF appreciate your help and support of this cause.
We train our warriors to suppress strong emotional reactions in the face of adversity, to tolerate physical and emotional pain, and overcome the fear of injury and death. The military can’t decrease the intensity of that conditioning without negatively affecting the fighting capability of our military. It is a Catch-22. A chilling truth is service members are, simply put, more capable of killing themselves by sheer consequence of their professional training and we are losing 22 a day. This must change. We need to retrain our warriors on what defines success for them.
It’s going to be a great night of fighting and grappling. Thank you all for your contributions.
CBS Sports Network is available across the United States through local cable, 視頻和電信供應商,並通過衛星上的DirecTV頻道 221 和Dish Network頻道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一個完整的節目時間表,以及如何讓CBS體育網, 到 www.cbssportsnetwork.com
嘰嘰喳喳: @tuffnuff, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture


About Tuff-N- UFF: A 22-year old combat sports organization, the Las Vegas-based TUFF-N- UFF presents the best amateur mixed martial arts (MMA) action in the nation. It has given rise to some of the biggest stars in the sport today, including former UFC bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey, as well UFC and Strikeforce veteran Ryan Couture and UFC welterweight Alan Jouban. TUFF-N-UFF has helped grow the careers of many other MMA athletes including Jessamyn Duke, 阿什莉·埃文斯·史密斯, 湯妮雅Evinger, 喬恩惠譽, 傑西·福布斯, 克里斯霍爾茲沃思, 布拉德IMES, 吉米·瓊斯和傑西·泰勒. 在 2013, TUFF-N- UFF became the first combat sports organization to be included on the UFC International Fight Week schedule of events. 在 2014,

TUFF-N- UFF presented a second event 星期四, 七月 3 住在離德州站, earning status as the first event promotion to be listed on the UFC International Fight Week schedule two years in a row. TUFF-N- UFF celebrated its historic 20th anniversary Saturday, 六月 7, 2014, 超過 15,000 球迷, 在托馬斯馬克中心內售罄現場活動. 在 2014, TUFF-N- UFF partnered with the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) 呈現, 作為UFC國際撲滅週的一部分 2014, 有史以來第一次業餘MMA世界錦標賽. Jeff Meyer is the CEO of TUFF-N- UFF and runs the organization in dedication to his late brother, Barry Meyer, who founded TUFF-N- UFF in 1994. TUFF-N- UFF is committed to growing the sport of MMA and building theFuture Stars of MMA”.
About Neon Star Media LLC: Neon Star Media is a marketing and content company that creates highly effective brand-integration experiences for our clients, executed through a uniquestory-tellingapproach that empowers client’s product messaging to soar while delivering results. At Neon Star Media, we maximize client media spends by leveraging our relationships with various sporting events, cable channels, digital platforms and other social media outlets. We work with our clients to engage, endorse and advance their message with audiences on all platforms 24/7.
關於對D拉斯維加斯: 對D拉斯維加斯 delivers the fresh, 充滿活力的態度和歡樂的氣氛代名詞,拉斯維加斯市中心. 新賭場酒店擁有 629 remodeled rooms and suites and a unique two-level casino featuring modern and vintage floors. 雞尾酒, 裡面的賭場LONGBAR和D處酒吧弗里蒙特街的經驗啤酒,冷凍飲品比比皆是. the D offers contemporary American fare at D Grill, 底特律活塞隊的傳奇科尼狗在美國康尼島和高檔的牛排和正宗的意大利菜喬維卡里的Andiamo意大利牛排餐廳. 在D拉斯維加斯的展廳擁有出色的娛樂,從獲獎的晚宴劇場和百老匯製作音樂, 喜劇多. Follow the D on Facebook的嘰嘰喳喳.
關於拉斯維加斯市中心活動中心: 位於三街的拐角處. 和卡森大道. 來自全國各地 對D拉斯維加斯, 在拉斯維加斯市中心的活動中心,最多可容納 11,000 來賓,設有最先進的舞台, 音響和燈光. 露天的設計是邀請到遊客和當地居民,並提供了音樂會的理想場所, 公約和其他大型活動. 擁抱拉斯維加斯市中心的不羈精神, 新的場地做東一個陣容策劃的活動,包括一流的演唱會, 美食節等. 場地也是第一娛樂領域在拉斯維加斯接受比特幣為貨幣. 欲了解更多信息, 訪問 www.dlvec.com 或者按照在Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @dlveventscenter.


10 Kendall Grove V Alexander Shlemenko_0051


Alexander Shlemenko returns with a patented livershot TKO over Kendall Grove


孟菲斯 (十月. 21, 2016) – The most decorated middleweight in Bellator history, 亞歷山大Shlemenko (54-9, 1NC) returned to the cage今晚 in a big way against 肯德爾格羅夫 (23-16). The first round saw aggressive back and forth action with each fighter getting rocked. Shlemenko successfully utilized powerful spinning backfists and heelkicks to close the distance on the 6’6 Hawaiian. “The Storm” stalked Grove throughout the cage before ultimately connecting with a nasty combo that saw a left hand to the liver, followed by a right hand to the chin, sending his towering opponent to the mat. Shlemenko followed up with a barrage of strikes to “Da Spyda” before “Big John” McCarthy waved the fight off at 1:43 第二幀的.



Lashley sinks in a rear-naked choke to end Appelt’s night in round two


鮑比·拉什利 (15-2) continued to live up to his nickname of “The Dominator” as he tossed his opponent, Josh Appelt (12-6) to the mat at will. Throughout the first round, Lashley jockeyed for position as he rained down punches while trying to lock in a submission in front of his friend from his days as a WWE Superstar, Jerry “The King” Lawler, who watched from his cage side seat. Appelt landed a couple strikes to start the second frame before being slammed to the mat and ultimately submitted with a one-armed rear-naked choke at 1:43 of Round 2.




Yamauchi finishes Couture with armbar submission just one minute into bout

The 23-year-old submission specialist 山內達 (20-3) 打敗 瑞安時裝 (10-5) via arm bar submission just 1:01 進入首輪. Making his lightweight debut, Yamauchi becomes the first opponent to submit Couture over his 15-fight career. The win gives the Brazilian-Japanese prospect 20 total over his career, including five since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion back in 2013. The slick arm bar marks the 16 submission victory for Yamauchi, 13 of which have come in the first frame.



Kato scores TKO victory over Matthews


The first televised fight of the evening featured two highly gifted strikers in A.J. 馬修斯 (8-6), a muay-Thai practitioner and 久木加藤(7-2), who holds a black belt in Kyokushin Karate. Both fighters exchanged great combinations throughout the entirety of the first round, with Matthews even wobbling Kato halfway through the frame. but was unable to capitalize, allowing Kato to regain his composure. A break in the action because of an accidental eye poke to Matthews allowed Kato to completely recover, and when the fight continued, Kato utilized his right kick to the body-left hand to the dome combination to send Matthews to the canvas, pouncing with a flurry of punches forcing the referee to call a stop to the action at 4:58 的第一幀的.



Complete Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:


輕量級初步回合: 史蒂夫·加西亞 (7-1) DEF. Ronnie Lawrence (1-1) via UD

重量級初步回合: 瑞奇雷尼 (12-4) DEF. 吉爾伯特·史密斯 (12-6) via UD

羽初步回合: 朱莉婭·巴德 (9-2) DEF. 阿琳Blencowe (7-6) via MD

重量級的初步回合: 維吉爾Zwicker (15-5-1) DEF. 查爾斯·丹 (10-4-1) 通過在將軍澳 4:31of Round 2

重量級的初步回合: 大通葛姆雷 (14-5, 1 NC) DEF. Bobby Brents (17-6) via SD

重量級初步回合: Wade Johnson (11-1) DEF. Tyler Hill (6-1) via SUB (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 3:35 of Round 3

輕量級初步回合: James Wallace (2-0) DEF. Jonathan Burdine (4-5) via SUB (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 3:33 of Round 2

中量級初步回合: Eryk Anders (5-0) DEF. Brian White (5-5) 通過在將軍澳 0:23 of Round 1

Catchweight (160 lb.) Preliminary Bout: Jaleel Willis (7-0) VS. Omar Johnson (4-1) via UD

輕重量級的初步回合: Grady Hurley (10-1) DEF. Chad Cook (10-11) 在 2:29 of Round1

重量級的初步回合: Mike Wessell (15-8) VS. 弗蘭克·泰特 (4-2) via UD