標記檔案: 雷·羅傑斯

USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame Reception another KO

等級 2019: 馬克布雷蘭, 喬·弗雷澤,
阿爾·米切爾 & 雷·羅傑斯

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十二月 19, 2019) – The Class of 2019 was inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame this past Friday night at Golden Nugget Hotel & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州.

The HOF reception was held in conjunction with the 2020 中美. 奧運代表隊選拔賽拳擊和 2019 全國錦標賽. 廣播名人堂大廳 鋁伯恩斯坦 from Showtime Sports served once again as the event’s emcee.

Olympic gold-medalists 馬克布雷蘭 “斯莫'” 喬·弗雷澤 along with decorated coach 阿爾·米切爾 and famed cut-man 雷·羅傑斯, were inducted during the 3RD annual USA Boxing Alumni Association HOF reception.

其. 約翰·麥凱恩 was posthumously presented a special Lifetime Achievement Award. His daughter, 梅根·麥凱恩, sent an acceptance video on behalf of her family that was played for the audience.

We are extremely thankful for the hundreds of USA Boxing Alumni who showed up to support this year’s Hall of Fame class and enjoy an incredible evening of reflection, camaraderie, and joy,” said USA Boxing Alumni Association Director 克里斯tofflemire. “不幸, George Foreman was unable to attend the event, so we will be sure to honor him at a later date. 然而, the legacies of Ray Rodgers, 阿爾·米切爾, 喬·弗雷澤, 馬克布雷蘭, and Senator John McCain were celebrated with passion and gratitude. It was an evening to remember, and we look forward to a strong 2020 for the USA Boxing Alumni Association.

The ceremony was well attended, 超過 200 traveling to Lake Charles in celebration of this year’s class. 1988 Eastern Olympic Qualifier Champion 約翰· “冰人” Scully, 1972 奧運金牌得主 Sugar Ray Seales, 1984 奧運金牌得主 弗蘭克·泰特, former middleweight and light heavyweight champion Sweet” 雷吉·約翰遜, 和 1992 奧林匹亞 勞爾·馬爾克斯 celebrated amongst peers from their amateur days.

To watch the entire ceremony, 走 這裡

Below are quotes from the inductees, or those representing inductees, with pictures:

類 2019


馬克布雷蘭: “I enjoy boxing, it’s a lot of fun. I’m glad to be here because I’ve seen a lot of fighters I grew up with in the amateurs. I enjoy boxing because it kept me off the streets. I wasn’t a street guy., My father would have beaten me up if I had gotten into trouble in the streets. Boxing kept me off the streets, kept me in the gym. I guess I was good at it. I had a fight with a bully when I was 14 and I beat him up. I went to the gym the same day and my coach asked me what happened. My knuckles were shredded with blood. I told him I had a fight in the street. He said you can’t fight in the street. Then I realized boxing and street fighting are two different things.

謝莉·芬克爾 (his manager), when he came into my life, changed a lot of things. Things changed a lot. I focused more on boxing, focused on the Olympic Games, and won championships. Every tournament I went into, 我贏了, but it was a lot of fun. I wanted to inspire youths. I hope I can inspire some amateurs coming up. To keep going, stay off the streets, and do something that can change your life in a good way., Eddie Futch for life!”


馬維斯弗雷澤(Joe’s son, 合照): “It is so good today to speak about my father, what he meant to me, and Joe Frazier always said to me, ‘There’s no right way to do wrong, no wrong way to do right.’ 他說, if you don’t do right, you’re going to smell this, putting his left fist right to my nose. When it was time for me to do bad, it wasn’t me, wasn’t Marvis Frazier. 所以, 今天, I’m still smelling it even if he’s not here.

I just love to talk boxing. As an amateur I was 46-1 and then when I turned pro, I beat the guy who had knocked me out. I love my father. He was a good guy and a champion. I know everybody know Muhammad Ali and I know everybody know ‘SmokinJoe Frazier.


阿爾·米切爾:I got rid of anybody over 16 who didn’t want to go to school. I’ve been doing this the longest time and I want to thank the coaches. I had three or four who didn’t care about boxing, but they wanted their kids to get an education. Izzy Acosta is one. I got a perfect record at Marquette High, they’ve all graduated. I have four kids with master’s degrees, I’ve got 14 who have degrees, and four guys who are policemen and no way they should be policemen. 我很幸運.

Old coaches would tell one you’re only as good as your memories. It’s crazy with kids 14, 14, 15. I had a kid named Vernon Forrest, a four-time world champion., It’s not just about boxing. It’s getting an education and after ten years they have a good life. I want to thank you all for putting me in the Hall of Fame.

Michael Rodgers (Ray’s son): “第一, I want to apologize for my father for not being here. He hurt his back over the weekend working a boxing match, believe it or not, and he apologizes for not being here.

I want to thank USA Boxing and the Alumni Association for recognizing my father for this award. And when he heard about this, he said he didn’t do any of these things during the 72 years he’s been in the sport for awards. He just did what he did for the love this sport and he did what needed to be done.


邁克·麥卡蒂, Executive Director, 美國拳擊 (合照): “On behalf of the Board of Directors, President Tyson Lee, I can only say thank you, 謝謝, and thank you. 今晚, is a culmination of work between our members, our alumni association, but I have to recognize a couple of people. This great event wouldn’t be done without Chris Cugliari, Al Valenti and Nicole Anderson, our Alumni Association Coordinator.

I have the honor of talking about boxing and obviously we have passion. When Marvis Frazier said this was a brotherhood, a sisterhood, and none of us, quite frankly, who’ve stepped in the ringI include myself in thatwe’re not right. Takes a special person to climb in the ropes. You all can give yourselves a hand for not being right.

USA Boxing is proud of our history, but more proud of our future, and I can tell you the young men and women battling at the elite levels, we started at 104 and that will be taken down to 13 by Sunday evening. 但, 更重要的是, we’re going to be breeding the next generation of champions, because this is closing the chapter of 2020, but starting the chapter of 2024, and ultimately, when the Olympic Games comeback here in 2028. This is a special time.

克里斯tofflemire, Executive Director, 美國拳擊校友會: “Three years ago a group of us sat around a table in Kansas City at the National Championships and this idea was hatched: 約翰·布朗, Al Valenti, 約翰·斯卡利, Christy Halbert, Mike McAtee and a few others. 所以, it’s something I’m very proud of and an organization I’m proud to lead with the support of all of you.

A quick update of the Alumni Association, we’re at about 1200 members right now and this is our third year. We had events across the country the past year, honoring Micky Ward and Vinny Pazianza in the New England area. We gathered in Chicago. We honored Izzy Acosta at the Junior Olympics in Wisconsin, as well as Buster Douglas and coach Mike Stafford at the Ohio Legends celebration, and here we are today honoring our third Hall of Fame class. We’ve come a long way. Our theme in 2020 is two missions: 第一, we want to take this down to the grassroots level, second is supporting our athletes and their families as they travel to the 2020 Olympic Games.

Al Valenti, Special Projects Consultant for USA Boxing: “USA Boxing is the one fundamental difference that makes a difference in a young person’s life. The path to self-confidence, the path to self-respect, 紀律, 勝利, and how to accept defeat all comes through amateur boxing.

“今晚, the story will be told. 今晚, we will take you on a path, of amateur boxing in the United States that rivals no other nation. Gold medalists, silver medalists, 教練, 官員, doctorsthey’re all here. It’s like Woodstock for boxing; everybody’s here!”

鋁伯恩斯坦, Master of Ceremonies: “I’m delighted to be back here for my third year at USA Boxing’s Alumni Association Hall of Fame. I hosted a lot of events, MC’d a lot of events, and this is the final event because it’s in the end of December. It’s definitely my favorite.


創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,並希望保持與業餘拳擊連接. 成員由校友會授予訪問各種特別活動的主機, 包括名人堂接待的美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記 alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費. 新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

類 2017: 該憲章類是為首 穆罕默德·阿里霍利菲爾德, 除了老牌教練 羅斯福桑德斯湯姆·庫爾特.

類 2018: 中美. 奧運代表隊的選手和世界 (專業的) 冠軍 羅伊·瓊斯, JR., 沃德Claressa盾, 教練的還有前美國拳擊全國總監 伊曼紐爾管家 和美國老將拳擊官員 湯姆·克利.

嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing


其. 麥凱恩兌現

等級 2019 儀式這個星期五 在掘金酒店 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十二月 11, 2019) - 參議員約翰·麥凱恩 將呈現追授終身成就獎,他的不懈努力,以保護拳手,並在掘金酒店在接待名人堂的美國拳擊校友會館中一個特殊的儀式提升運動這個星期五晚上 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州.

該HOF接收在同期舉辦與正在進行 2020 中美. 奧運代表隊選拔賽拳擊和 2019 在查爾斯湖文娛中心全國錦標賽. 奧運選拔賽的決賽將在週日舉行, 十二月. 15, 在掘金酒店在 & 賭場. 廣播名人堂大廳鋁伯恩斯坦 從欣欣體育將作為活動的司儀第三年連續.

美國拳擊校友會第三HOF類還包括三枚奧運金牌,獎牌得主, “大”喬治·福爾曼馬克布雷蘭“斯莫'”喬·弗雷澤, 還有傳奇教練阿爾·米切爾 和雷·羅傑斯.

已故森. 麥凱恩盒裝在中美. 海軍學院, 其中5'7“輕量級比賽三年誰據說總是上前無畏的拳擊手, 從來沒有倒擋。在他的最後一年, 他所管理的營拳擊隊一大隊冠軍.

“我們的家人認為我們的父親會欣然接受這個獎是一個非常高的榮譽,“女兒梅根·麥凱恩 代表麥凱恩家族的說. “勇氣, 需要步入環的性格和行動是他感覺特別強烈.

“他學拳,通過許多生活經驗教訓, 包括健身價值, 紀律, 個人績效的培訓和工作作為一個團隊的一部分。針對反對派跑起來義和團,他們不知道如何進攻或防禦, 但他們弄清楚和了解自己, 以及過程中的發展耐力“。

“麥凱恩參議員是一位真正的盟友體育, 其親自了解那些誰進入環所需要的勇氣與冒險,“說ÇHRIS tofflemire, 美國拳擊校友會執行董事。在他從政, 美國拳擊連通他的辦公室無數次的合作努力,以保障奧運風格的未來的一部分, 業餘拳擊, 和麥凱恩會毫不猶豫地提供給我們的運動員做的更多。對於這一點,許多其他原因, 美國拳擊校友會期待著這個週末紀念他的遺產“。

已確認的特邀嘉賓包括: 1988 奧運金牌得主安德魯·梅納德, 年的三次全國AAU教練 (1972-76-77) 喬·克拉夫, 1984 奧運金牌得主弗蘭克 泰特和他的兄弟托馬斯, 1972 奧林匹亞蒂姆·德門特, 2002 全國金手套冠軍Jaidon Codringtion, 1980 奧運會預選賽傑基·比爾德, 1981 青少年奧運會格倫Modicue, 四全國冠軍埃里克·凱利, 1988 東方奧運會預選賽冠軍約翰·斯卡利奧比鬍子馬克·蘭頓 而斯蒂芬斯兄弟 - 唐納德安東尼 和傑里.


創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,想留在業餘拳擊連接。成員由校友會授予訪問各種特別活動的主機, 包括名人堂接待的美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費。新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

類 2017: 該憲章類是為首穆罕默德·阿里 和霍利菲爾德, 除了老牌教練羅斯福桑德斯 和湯姆·庫爾特.

類 2018: 中美. 奧運代表隊的選手和世界 (專業的) 冠軍羅伊·瓊斯, JR., 沃德 和Claressa盾, 教練的還有前美國拳擊全國總監伊曼紐爾管家 和美國老將拳擊官員湯姆·克利.



嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

關於美國拳擊:  美國拳擊的使命是要使美國的運動員和教練員,以實現持續的競爭優勢, 個性發展, 支持拳擊運動, 並促進和在美國長大奧運風拳。美國拳擊的責任是不僅要生產奧運金牌, 同時也監督和管理在美國業餘拳擊的每一個方面。

Simply The Best! 馬克布雷蘭

等級 2019 儀式十二月. 13 在掘金酒店 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十二月 3, 2019) – Arguably the greatest American amateur boxer of all-time馬克布雷蘭 will be inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame on Friday night, 十二月 13, 一類特殊的時 2019 ceremony at the Golden Nugget Hotel & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州.

該HOF接收與同期舉辦 2020 中美. 奧運代表隊選拔賽拳擊和 2019 全國錦標賽, 十二月. 7-15, 在查爾斯湖文娛中心. 奧運選拔賽的決賽將在週日舉行, 十二月. 15, 在掘金酒店在 & 賭場. 廣播名人堂大廳鋁伯恩斯坦 從欣欣體育將作為活動的司儀第三年連續.

美國拳擊校友會第三HOF類還包括另外兩個奧運金牌,獎牌得主, “大”喬治·福爾曼“斯莫'”喬·弗雷澤, 還有傳奇教練阿爾·米切爾 和雷·羅傑斯

其. 約翰·麥凱恩 將被追授提出一個特殊的終身成就獎,他的不懈努力,以保護拳手和提升運動.

“I’m very happy to be inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame,” Breland said. “It really means a lot, especially going in this year with Foreman and Frazier. I guess it proves I’ve done a lot in boxing. I’m happy to be going in. I had a lot of fun in USA Boxing. To be going into the same Hall of Fame with埃文德 (霍利菲爾德) (穆罕默德, 領班, Frazier…champs like that, it’s something for me to be with them.”

布雷蘭, 具有諷刺意味的, first got into boxing at the age of eight, due to him being brought to his first boxing match, Frazier-Ali I, at Madison Square Garden. “We were up in the top seats,” the Brooklyn-born and raised Breland remembered like it was yesterday. “The crowd, the atmosphere…all I could think of was, wow!  I didn’t realize until I got older that there were so many stars there watching Ali and Frazier, because they were all at ringside.

“The next day I went to a gym. I was really skinny, small, but I came back the next day. I enjoyed working out and fell in love with boxing. I wanted to box in big tournaments. This is what I wanted to do, but I had hid boxing from my parents. They knew I had I played football, but that was okay with them, because unlike in boxing, we had a helmet. I won at the Junior Olympics and it was in the papers. I saw it and thought my mother was going to kill me. My mother asked me why I hadn’t told her, so I invited her to watch me fight in the Golden Gloves. She was in one of the front rows, but afterwards when I asked her what she thought when I knocked out my opponent, she said she didn’t see it because she had closed her eyes.”

Breland went on to become a five-time New York Golden Gloves champion with a 21-0 記錄, 含 19 擊倒, 14 coming in the opening round. In 1982, Breland captured a gold medal at the prestigious World Championships in Munich, 德國, after which he was named the No. 1 welterweight in the world by AIBA. He was also selected as Boxer of the Year (1982) by USAABF.

在 1984 奧運會, held in Los Angeles, Breland fought his way to a gold medal,

along with eight of his American teammatesPaul GonzalezSteve McCroryMeldrick泰勒Pernell惠特克Jerry Page,弗蘭克·泰特Henry Tillman 和Tyrell Biggs.

布雷蘭, who completed his amateur career with an amazing 110-1 (73 科斯) 記錄, appeared to be cooler than the other side of the pillow on a hot, steamy night. No real celebrations after he won gold, to the contrary, Mark was emotionless, the same as he still is today as a trainer of champions.

“I’ve always been really laid back,” he explained. “I just remember raising my hands. At an Olympic press conference, I was asked if I was happy, and I just said I was glad it was over. I guess I didn’t seem excited. I was happy but calm. It’s the same way now (as a trainer); it’s just me. I’m happy to win and happy to be doing what I do.”

“Mark’s dominance over his competition throughout his USA Boxing career cements him as a legend,” commentedÇHRIS tofflemire, 美國拳擊校友會執行董事. “His ring intelligence, commitment to his craft, and ability to fight at any pace against any style makes him a tremendous example for today’s group of amateur champions. It has been a long time coming, but the Alumni Association looks forward to reflecting on his accomplishments and honoring Mark in Louisiana.”

已確認的特邀嘉賓包括: 1988 奧運金牌得主安德魯·梅納德, 年的三次全國AAU教練 (1972-76-77) 喬·克拉夫, 1984 奧運金牌得主弗蘭克 泰特和他的兄弟托馬斯, 1972 奧林匹亞蒂姆·德門特, 2002 全國金手套冠軍Jaidon Codringtion, 1980 奧運會預選賽傑基·比爾德, 1981 青少年奧運會格倫Modicue, 四全國冠軍埃里克·凱利, 1988 東方奧運會預選賽冠軍約翰·斯卡利奧比鬍子馬克·蘭頓 而斯蒂芬斯兄弟 - 唐納德安東尼 和傑里.


創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,想留在業餘拳擊連接。成員由校友會授予訪問各種特別活動的主機, 包括名人堂接待的美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費。新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

Breland made his much-anticipated pro debut November 15, 1984, at the famed Madison Square Garden, defeating Dwight Williams by way of a six-round unanimous decision. During his illustrious pro career (1984-1997), Breland compiled a sterling 35-3-1 (35 科斯) record and he was a two-time World welterweight champion.

The 56-year-old Breland, who once trained the late, 偉大 1992 US Olympian弗農阿甘, currently trains another great USA Boxing alumni and 2008 奧運銅牌得主, Deontay懷爾德, the reigning World Boxing Council heavyweight champion.

“Once I started boxing in the amateurs,” Breland concluded, “I started progressing. I learned a lot from other amateurs like different styles. Boxers from New York/New Jersey had different styles than boxers from Georgia/Florida, and fighting Cubans was completely different. I was beating up a Cuban fighter, but every time I hit him, somehow, they took away a point from me. I knew right away that I had to knock him out to win, and they did end up stopping the fight.”

類 2017: 該憲章類是為首穆罕默德·阿里 和霍利菲爾德, 除了老牌教練羅斯福桑德斯 和湯姆·庫爾特.

類 2018: 中美. 奧運代表隊的選手和世界 (專業的) 冠軍羅伊·瓊斯, JR., 沃德 和Claressa盾, 教練的還有前美國拳擊全國總監伊曼紐爾管家 和美國老將拳擊官員湯姆·克利.



嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

關閉切口 & 控制血液流動導致83歲的雷·羅傑斯進入名人堂的美國拳擊校友會館

等級 2019 儀式十二月. 13 在掘金酒店 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月 25, 2019) – 阿肯色州拳擊圖標 雷·羅傑斯已成功地處理了比大多數外科醫生更切, 一路進入名人堂的美國拳擊校友會館, 其中,他將在週五晚上被引導, 十二月 13, 一類特殊的時 2019 儀式, 在掘金酒店在 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州.

該HOF接收與同期舉辦 2020 中美. 奧運代表隊選拔賽拳擊和 2019 全國錦標賽, 十二月. 7-15, 在查爾斯湖文娛中心. 奧運選拔賽的決賽將在週日舉行, 十二月. 15, 在掘金酒店在 & 賭場. 廣播名人堂大廳 鋁伯恩斯坦 從欣欣體育將作為活動的司儀第三年連續.

美國拳擊校友會第三HOF類還包括三枚奧運金牌,獎牌得主, “大” 喬治·福爾曼, “斯莫'” 喬·弗雷澤 馬克布雷蘭, 還有傳奇教練 阿爾·米切爾.

其. 約翰·麥凱恩 將被追授提出一個特殊的終身成就獎,他的不懈努力,以保護拳手和提升運動.

沒有太多拳擊, 如果有什麼, 這羅傑斯還沒有做: 拳擊手, 官方, 訓練者, 管理員, 當然, 切丁. “我是一個拳擊的傢伙,” 羅傑斯在他的南方鼻音說. “我一直在各地塊, 幾次. 但我不說,我是一個人切, 我是一個裂傷管理專家。”

羅傑斯第一次進入拳擊時,他在小學五年級, 早在俄克拉何馬州, 他在那裡出生. 備忘錄舉行的第二天,在當地高中的體育館派人四處會有拳擊試訓. 他的父母給他們的許可,讓他試用, 他令人難以置信的拳擊生涯的第一章.

“從第一時刻,” 迷人的拳擊人物想起, “我就迷上. 我仍然有我在拳擊比賽中收到的信. 那是在 1947 而我仍然在拳擊. 我很自豪。”

羅傑斯已經工作 39 世界冠軍戰鬥在職業拳擊, 作為切丁 (他只訓練的業餘拳擊手) 對於世界冠軍的喜歡 杰梅因 - 泰勒, 韋恩·麥科洛湯米·莫里森.

“它已經超出了信仰的一個普通老拳擊傢伙像我,” 羅傑斯說他在拳擊比賽中的生活. “我走過世界各地, 多次, 作為切丁。”

他是金手套和銀手套雙方的第一次全國正式. 更多, 他已經被裹脅在FAME的三殿: 銀手套, 金手套和阿肯色體育HOF.

“雷人的犧牲,無數的青年作為一個教練, 導師, 切丁, 和整個業​​餘拳擊界的領導者是鼓舞人心,” 評論 克里斯tofflemire, 美國拳擊校友會執行董事. “他的工齡,他已經傳遞給其他代知識是什麼使他名人堂, 我們期待著,以表彰他在12月。”

羅傑斯並沒有減慢, 儘管最近慶祝他 83RD 生日. 他仍然擁有和西小石城經營雷羅傑斯拳擊俱樂部, 阿肯色州, 除了擔任阿肯色州金手套的導演和中南部錦標賽, 其包括路易斯安那, 密西西比, 西田納西州和阿肯色州. 而且他也是全國金手套的副總裁和董事長的全國銀手套.

“在我的年齡, 我很高興能有什麼生日,” 羅傑斯開玩笑. “我希望再活 10-12 歲月, 主願意. 這一切都在上帝的手中; 控制血液的流動, 雖然, 在我手上。”

已確認的特邀嘉賓包括: 1988 奧運金牌得主 安德魯·梅納德, 年的三次全國AAU教練 (1972-76-77) 喬·克拉夫, 1984 奧運金牌得主 弗蘭克·泰特 和他的兄弟 托馬斯, 1972 奧林匹亞 蒂姆·德門特, 2002 全國金手套冠軍 Jaidon Codringtion, 1980 奧運會預選賽 傑基·比爾德, 1981 青少年奧運會 格倫Modicue, 四全國冠軍 埃里克·凱利, 1988 東方奧運會預選賽冠軍 約翰·斯卡利, 奧比鬍子, 馬克·蘭頓斯蒂芬斯 兄弟 – 唐納德, 安東尼傑里.


創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,並希望保持與業餘拳擊連接. 成員由校友會授予訪問各種特別活動的主機, 包括名人堂接待的美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記 alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費. 新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

類 2017: 該憲章類是為首 穆罕默德·阿里霍利菲爾德, 除了老牌教練 羅斯福桑德斯湯姆·庫爾特.

類 2018: 中美. 奧運代表隊的選手和世界 (專業的) 冠軍 羅伊·瓊斯, JR., 沃德Claressa盾, 教練的還有前美國拳擊全國總監 伊曼紐爾管家 和美國老將拳擊官員 湯姆·克利.


等級 2019 儀式十二月. 13 在掘金酒店 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月 21, 2019) - 一個拳擊的所有時間最偉大, 已故, 偉大“斯莫'”喬·弗雷澤, 將被追授入選的美國拳擊校友會館, 週五晚, 十二月 13, 一類特殊的時 2019 儀式, 在掘金酒店 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州.

該HOF接收與同期舉辦 2020 奧運選拔賽和 2019 全國錦標賽十二月. 7-15, 在查爾斯湖文娛中心. 奧運選拔賽的決賽將在週日舉行, 十二月. 15, 在掘金酒店在 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州. 廣播名人堂大廳鋁伯恩斯坦 從欣欣體育將作為活動的司儀第三年連續.

美國拳擊校友會第三HOF類還包括另外兩個奧運金牌,獎牌得主, “大”喬治·福爾曼馬克布雷蘭, 除了對裝飾的教練, 阿爾·米切爾 和雷·羅傑斯

其. 約翰·麥凱恩 將被追授提出一個特殊的終身成就獎,他的不懈努力,以保護拳手和提升運動.

“我代表我們全家的,“喬的兒子馬維斯弗雷澤 說, “我們要感謝美國拳擊校友會為紀念喬·弗雷澤。孝敬他這個樣子會介紹給他的拳擊迷新一代.

“我的父親得知他需要去贏得奧運金牌,做什麼,他需要成為世界冠軍的紀律。他的人認為這個優點和節拍穆罕默德·阿里 在世界上最好的戰鬥。他們是兩個誰共同努力,向人們展示拳擊是真正意義的偉大的冠軍“。

出生於南卡羅來納州, 弗雷澤是知名的作為一個精英費城拳擊產品, 編譯 38-2 業餘紀錄。他是三次全國金手套冠軍,其唯一的兩場失利都是以巴斯特馬西斯, 誰是擊敗弗雷澤的唯一對手, 包括決策損失 - 根據可疑的弗雷澤 - 在奧運選拔賽。

中美時. 國奧隊的重量級預選賽巴斯特馬西斯 無法在競爭 1964 奧運會因傷, 弗雷澤趁著這個機會,充分利用作為替代.

弗雷澤後來成為只有四個美國拳擊手之一,以金牌在東京, 喬孤獨金牌得主, 儘管在半決賽中打破了大拇指. 在首輪比賽中, 弗雷澤淘汰喬治Olynello (烏干達), 隨後的第三輪停工阿瑟爾麥昆 (澳大利亞) 在四分之一決賽中。反對瓦迪姆·耶梅爾亞諾威 (俄羅斯) 在半決賽, 弗雷澤贏得了第二回合KO的方式, 儘管他打破了他的左手拇指.

不願告訴任何人,他打破了他的拇指, 怕他不會允許打, 弗雷澤表明他成名的巨大砂礫贏得了密切的決定, 3-2, 與漢斯·胡伯 (德國聯隊) 在最後的冠軍捕捉金牌.

“贏得一枚奧運金牌是他的業餘生涯的亮點,“馬維斯指出。 “這意味著,他是世界上最好的, 它也為他下一步進入的利弊做事情變得更容易. 我想,他覺得它幫助使他成為真正的男人, 世界上最好的, 並沒有多少人能說。勝出的奧運金牌有一個破碎的拇指表明我們的父親,他可以做什麼,證明了他是男人。他不怕把工作做好。沒有理由, 得到的慢跑完成, 正是我自己的父親說所有的時間。你最好已經得到完成任務“。

弗雷澤 (32-4-1, 27 科斯) 後來成為三度世界重量級冠軍, 擊敗的喜歡穆罕默德·阿里吉米·埃利斯 (兩次), 鮑勃·福斯特, 奧斯卡·博尼亞韋納(兩次), 傑里採石場, 馬西斯, 道格·瓊斯埃迪·梅欽 和喬治Chuvalo 在他16年的職業生涯.

上市僅 5-11 ½, 弗雷澤是最適合他的鮑比知, 織布, 無情的壓力和肝臟損傷的左鉤拳。他去世十一月 7, 2011 由於在年齡從肝癌的並發症 67.

“喬的遺產將永遠活在整個美國拳擊,“ 添加克里斯tofflemire, 美國拳擊校友會執行董事. “他的韌性和心臟都是首屈一指, 而今天的美國拳擊冠軍可以看看喬進出環的冠軍的定義。我們期待著尊敬他的遺產作為名人堂成員將於十二月霍爾 13.”

已確認的特邀嘉賓包括: 1988 奧運金牌得主安德魯·梅納德, 年的三次全國AAU教練 (1972-76-77) 喬·克拉夫, 1984 奧運金牌得主弗蘭克·泰特和他的兄弟托馬斯, 1972 奧林匹亞蒂姆·德門特, 2002 全國金手套冠軍Jaidon Codringtion, 1980 奧運會預選賽傑基·比爾德, 1981 青少年奧運會格倫Modicue, 四全國冠軍埃里克·凱利, 1988 東方奧運會預選賽冠軍約翰·斯卡利奧比鬍子馬克·蘭頓 而斯蒂芬斯 兄弟 - 唐納德安東尼 和傑里.


創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,想留在業餘拳擊連接。成員由校友會授予訪問各種特別活動的主機, 包括名人堂接待的美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費。新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

類 2017: 該憲章類是為首穆罕默德·阿里 和霍利菲爾德, 除了老牌教練羅斯福桑德斯 和湯姆·庫爾特.

類 2018: 中美. 奧運代表隊的選手和世界 (專業的) 冠軍羅伊·瓊斯, JR., 沃德 和Claressa盾, 教練的還有前美國拳擊全國總監伊曼紐爾管家 和美國老將拳擊官員湯姆·克利.  



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關於美國拳擊:  美國拳擊的使命是要使美國的運動員和教練員,以實現持續的競爭優勢, 個性發展, 支持拳擊運動, 並促進和在美國長大奧運風拳。美國拳擊的責任是不僅要生產奧運金牌, 同時也監督和管理在美國業餘拳擊的每一個方面。