标记档案: 蛋白


真正的香草荨麻根 使用低的热提取方法以得到高质量的有力的提取物由高品质的荨麻根被制造. 除了其在前列腺健康的好处, 荨麻根还含有蛋白质, 钙, 磷, 铁, 镁, β-胡萝卜素, 以及维生素A, B群, Ç, and D. 这绝对是一个补充值得考虑.

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Whey vs. Casein Protein Powder

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Proteins are important body building blocks. They provide the body with essential amino acids which aid in the formation of muscle. There are numerous protein sources out there, however not all of them are equal in their concentration of amino acids. The most concentrated proteins are found in milk; whey and casein.

Whey protein is the by-product of cheese. Both whey and casein protein powder are good sources of protein; however they are quite different in a number of ways. One is that whey is usually absorbed very fast in the body (大约 30 分钟) while casein can take hours before it is completely absorbed into the body.

How Does Whey Stimulate Protein Synthesis?

The reason why whey protein powder is considered fast acting is because it is emptied in the stomach fast. This means that amino acids are released into the body quickly and thus means that it increases the synthesis of proteins when they are being broken down.

此外, whey is the only protein that has high concentration of leucine amino acid which is responsible for protein synthesis. If you want to get the most from whey protein powder then consuming at least 50 grams will increase protein synthesis and thus increase the production of amino acids necessary for muscle balancing after work outs.

Digestion Of Casein Protein Powder

Casein is found in milk in larger quantities of about 80% compared to whey at about 20% 只要. It is not readily soluble even in powder form compared to whey which takes less than 30 分钟.

During the procession of milk using high heat or acid, structures known as peptides and micelle denature themselves to form simple structures known as gelatinous which result in lower digestion rates. However this facilitates the steady release of amino acids to aid in rebuilding muscle tissues.

Should The Two Be Combined?

Studies have shown that whey releases amino acids faster than casein. Since whey promotes faster protein syntheses and casein tends to block it, then a combination of the 2 can produce good effects.

The combination of the 2 helps increase muscle retention and at the same time allows the body to consume only the required nutrients and not an excess. Some studies show that the 2 can be combined and taken before work outs although this is subject to debate.

Whey protein powder is also effective during breakfast and is recommended for people who are always in a hurry. However since whey has fast protein synthesis, it means that its benefits are short lived. This means that after taking the protein powder in soluble water, you should follow it later with that which contains casein. This will enhance absorption and anabolism after work outs.

Casein is perfect if taken before bed, because since it is slow it will act best in an anti-catabolic surrounding. Since whey and casein have different effects, as a body builder, you should always keep both of them on hand. If possible try mixing the 2 together to get the most out of the proteins.

Learn about Rheo Blair nutritionist at HTTP://www.rheoblair.com and also be sure to follow on facebook at HTTPS://www.facebook.com/rheohblair/