标记档案: 新泽西州

Team Pennsylvania Defeats Team New Jersey in Inaugural MMA Pro League Fight Card at Hard Rock Hotel & 大西洋城赌场

点击 这里 for Photos from Mike Dorsi/MMA Pro League

大西洋城, N.J. (九月 16, 2018) – MMA中的最新实体, MMA职业联赛, launched Saturday as 宾夕法尼亚队 led by head coach Daniel Gracie defeated 新泽西队 led by head coach Dan Miller by a score of 14 – 6 硬石酒店 & Casino Atlantic City and on FloCombat.com.




In the opening bout on FloCombat.com, Joseph Penafiel of Team Pennsylvania defeated 图帕尔·哈姆扎耶夫 of Team New Jersey by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28), securing three points for Team Pennsylvania.



Getting that first win for my team meant everything,” said Penafiel. “I wanted to set the tone for my team and let everyone know we’re here to bang. I knew (Khamzayev) was tough, but I’m way too much for him. Even when he tried to strike me I was able to stay comfortable. And in the grappling department I don’t think many people can mess with me.




The second official team bout saw 科迪·希尔 of Team Pennsylvania secure a TKO victory over 加布里埃尔·鲁伊斯 of Team New Jersey 3:43 into round two and earning Team Pennsylvania five more points, expanding their lead 8 – 0.




I finally feel like I’m hitting my rhythm in the cage,” said Hier. “I did everything that I could to help Team Pennsylvania get the win tonight. I could tell Ruiz was out and he was quitting. When I hit him with that first big ground and pound, I felt how well I tagged him. And then when he tried to go to his side that’s when I really got aggressive and finished him.




In the third fight, Team New Jersey’s 克劳迪娅·莱德斯玛 won by unanimous decision (29-27, 30-27, 30-27) 以上 安德烈·贝尔纳多 of Team Pennsylvania, earning Team New Jersey their first three points and tightening the team contest 8 – 3.




I was glad to do my part for my team,” said Ledesma. “I’m a little mad that I wasn’t able to stop him, 虽然. I hit him with everything but the kitchen sink, but I just couldn’t finish him. After the second round, once I realized that I probably wasn’t going to finish (贝尔纳多), I knew my main goal was to just secure the win and that’s what I did.




The fourth official contest of the night featured a unanimous decision (29-27, 29-27, 29-27) victory by 西底家蒙塔内兹 of Team Pennsylvania over 迈克·帕加诺 of Team New Jersey, capturing three more points for Team Pennsylvania and growing the lead 11 – 3.




It felt great to get the win. I was just trying to listen to my coach and my teammates,” said Montanez. “I also had my son right there watching me tonight. He helps remind me what I do this for. But tonight, I was happy to get this experience under my belt and get the win for my team.




In the evening’s fifth bout, Team Pennsylvania’s 拉斐尔·塞莱斯蒂诺 defeated Team New Jersey’s 灵光Walo 一致决定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28). With Celestino’s win, Team Pennsylvania collected three more points, widening the score 14 – 3, and officially securing Team Pennsylvania victory.




I’m very happy with my win and to be able to help my team earn the victory tonight,” said Celestino. “Walo is a very tough opponent and he came to fight tonight, but I did enough to get the win and am happy with my performance.




The sixth and final official contest showcased an exhilarating finale as 凯文·西尔斯 of Team New Jersey scored a unanimous decision (29-28, 29-27, 29-27) 以上 Ahmed Samir of Team Pennsylvania, making the final team score 14 – 6 in favor of Team Pennsylvania.




I went in there and fought for my team, but I was also fighting for my daughter and my family,” said Sears. “I’m doing this to make my daughter’s life better. She helps push me and drives me to fight. Samir had me shook in the first round, and then again in the second, but I just dug deep and did what I needed to get this win.




The way we won showed me a lot about my team,” said coach Gracie. “We won decisively and showed the type of performance that I’ve come to expect from my guys.




MMA needs innovation and something new to excite the fans and help bring the masses to our sport,” added Gracie. “I think MMA Pro League and this team concept is exactly what will help bring that added attention and take this sport to the next level.




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访问所有 MMA Pro League 动作的实时和点播报道, 访问 FloCombat.com 并成为每月或每年的 PRO 订阅者. 任一订阅均可解锁对整个 FloSports 网络的优质内容的访问权限. 通过在 iOS 上下载 FloSports 应用程序在所有屏幕上观看比赛, 年, 或苹果电视 4.





欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.MMAProLeague.com, 关注 Twitter @MMAPro_League 上的对话, @丹米勒185, @丹尼尔格雷西, @Hani_Darwish1 和 @MarkTaffetMedia, Instagram上的 Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1 和 Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, 以及在 Facebook.com/MMAProLeague 上的 Facebook.


MMA 职业联赛媒体锻炼报价 & 照片

本周六开幕活动, 九月 15 从Hard Rock酒店 & 大西洋城赌场 & 在 FloCombat.com 上直播
主教练丹尼尔·格雷西 & 宾夕法尼亚队
点击 这里 来自 MMA Pro League 的照片

大西洋城, N.J. (九月 13, 2018) – 随着首届 MMA Pro League 赛事的战斗之夜临近, 来自主教练丹米勒的新泽西队和主教练丹尼尔格雷西的宾夕法尼亚队的战士周四在大西洋城的硬石现场参加了媒体训练.

MMA 的最新实体将于本周六开幕, 九月 15 在新的硬石酒店 & 大西洋城赌场在 FloCombat.com 上直播比赛 (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT). 首期门票 “硬石综合格斗职业联赛” 可在 Ticketmaster.com 获得.

完整的回合表可在此处获得. 这是出席的战士和联盟高管周四必须说的话:

丹米勒, 新泽西队主教练

“成为新泽西队的教练意义重大. 这是我的家乡,对它来说是一件大事. 我喜欢团队理念,我很自豪能担任这个职位.

“我们在这里代表整个州. 我们让团队一起训练并建立友情. 这就像一场摔跤比赛,每个团队都派人出去.

“每个人在训练营看起来都很好很健康. 我想我们准备好了. 所有这些战斗都将是精彩的. 这些都非常匹配,这应该是一个有趣的夜晚. 宾夕法尼亚队最好做好准备, 因为我们的家伙是。”

丹尼尔·格雷西, 宾夕法尼亚队主教练

“训练中的一切都很完美. 我已经和这些人中的大多数人合作了很长时间,所以我们只是保持了我们一直在做的事情. 有了团队概念,我们可以关注更多的人,而不仅仅是一两个人. 虽然我们已经有了很好的化学反应, 所以一切都很顺利.

“我们的业余选手转为职业选手将表明他们属于这些战斗. 是时候抓住聚光灯了. 你的第一次战斗是给人留下深刻印象的最佳机会.

“我认为MMA需要一些新的东西来吸引人们的注意力. 这是一个很好的机会,可以吸引不关注 MMA 的粉丝,让他们有机会支持当地球队。”

哈尼达尔维什, MMA职业联赛CEO

“粉丝们应该期待一些与他们习惯完全不同的东西. MMA 一直是一项团队运动,我很高兴我们将成为向世界展示它的人. 这些家伙一直与团队一起训练, 因为你不能自己训练.

“我们相信这将是 MMA 的新时代. 我们将为世界各地的城市和州提供真正支持自己团队的机会.

“经过大量艰苦的工作和战略规划,最终实现了这一目标. 这是我们实施的愿景,一旦我们找到合适的人,我们就知道这是一个我们非常相信的主题,因此我们决定执行。”


“我们将在这项运动中创造遗产,将持续几代人. 我有幸推出 HBO PPV 30 几年前,我看到了很多历史. 现在我有机会再做一次, 和我的搭档哈尼·达尔维什一起.

“我在 HBO PPV 的第一场比赛是在大西洋城为埃文德霍利菲尔德对阵. 乔治·福尔曼. 回到大西洋城全新的硬石酒店对我来说意义重大 & 赌场有机会创造精彩时刻的新篇章.

“MMA Pro League 最重要的事情之一就是让合适的教练带领球队. 丹米勒和丹尼尔格雷西都是天生的领导者, 导师, 伟大的前战士和伟大的老师. 它们代表了我们想通过 MMA Pro League 代表的一切。”

马克科尔克 (新泽西州) VS. 祖尔卡奈因·卡米别科夫 (PA) – middleweights的

科尔克: “这真的很令人兴奋,我非常感谢这个机会. 我们正在做一些与其他人不同的事情,我认为这可能是一些特别的事情.

“我知道我有一个会摔跤的对手,而且作为一个业余爱好者是不败的. 我觉得我有击败他的工具. 我能抓, 早早溜走,拿东西把他收起来. 或者,如果他想走得更远,我们也可以这样做. 我预测我会把他击倒。”

卡姆奇别科夫: “这是我的第一次职业比赛,我很高兴有机会. 我不太了解我的对手,但我会做好准备. 我已经非常努力了,我将展示我的摔跤和打击来获得这场胜利。”

加布里埃尔·鲁伊斯 (新泽西州) VS. 科迪在这里 (PA) – 轻量级

鲁伊斯: “回到笼子里感受肾上腺素的感觉真好. 我希望给每个人一个伟大的战斗.

“我知道我的对手是一名摔跤手,所以他会试图让我失望. 他不想和我站在一起, 但我已经做好了很多摔跤的准备. 我想把他打晕去吃汉堡。”

这里: “成为这个 MMA Pro League 冒险的一员真是太棒了. 这是一个很好的机会,我很高兴能在一楼.

“我的对手休息了一段时间,但我知道他会准备好战斗. 我没有睡在他身上. 这将是一场动作大战。”

克劳迪奥·莱德斯玛 (新泽西州) VS. 安德烈·贝尔纳多 (PA) – 雏量级

莱德斯马: “能够代表新泽西州真是太棒了. 我很高兴有这个机会. 到目前为止,这是一次很棒的经历.

“我不太了解我的对手. 我喜欢专注于我所做的事情,并在必要时做出调整。”

贝尔纳多: “取得今天的成就是一条艰难的道路,我很感激能够为 MMA 职业联赛而战.

“我面对的是一位经验丰富的战士. 他有柔术黑带,是一个全面的战士. 他仍然必须进入
在那里和我战斗. 我知道我们最终会走向地面,我打算扼杀他。”

迈克·帕加诺 (新泽西州) VS. 西底家蒙大拿 (PA) – welterweights的

帕加诺: “我很自豪能参加第一次 MMA 职业联赛表演. 我很高兴能在笼子里代表我的状态.

“我的对手看起来很冷静. 他喜欢在投掷前坐下来打拳击. 每个人都有一个计划,直到你被打脸, 所以我要出去战斗。”

蒙塔内斯: “在这个位置感觉真的很好. 职业格斗一直是我的梦想,现在它就在这里. 我非常努力地走到了这一刻,我真的很兴奋.

“我知道我面对的是一个喜欢施加压力并直截了当的摔跤手. 我们为他向我扔的任何东西做好了准备,我会适应他向我扔的任何东西. 这将是一场战争,但我只需要走出去,尽我所能。”

贾斯汀·奥斯本 (新泽西州) VS. 安迪·希门尼斯 (PA) – welterweights的

奥斯本: “我很高兴能出去做我喜欢做的事. 我迫不及待地想进入那个笼子,盯着一个准备把我的头拿掉的人.

“我知道我正面临着一个不败的业余爱好者首次亮相,所以我已经准备好迎接任何事情. 我准备好了整个九码. 我预测完结。”

约瑟夫·皮纳菲尔 (PA) VS. 图尔帕尔·哈姆扎耶夫 (新泽西州) – 雏量级

皮纳菲尔: “拥有这个平台对我来说意味着一切. 这是一个发展我职业生涯的机会. 我在这里得到了惊人的治疗. 星期六我要全力以赴.

“我在他自己的后院面对一个硬汉. 但我是来发表声明的. 想把他干掉,给大家好好打. 我希望他能给我带来最好的. 我要赢. 我已经准备好以任何可能的方式完成他。”

凯文西尔斯 (新泽西州) VS. 艾哈迈德·萨米尔 (PA) – 权重股

西尔斯: “这对我来说意义重大. 我参加过 10 联赛,这是迄今为止最好的体验. MMA Pro League只关心他们的战士.

“萨米尔看起来很坚强,我知道他有很多经验. 在这个级别每个人都很危险,只有打拳才能入睡. 我要从一开始就去完成。”

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访问所有 MMA Pro League 动作的实时和点播报道, 访问 FloCombat.com 并成为每月或每年的 PRO 订阅者. 任一订阅均可解锁对整个 FloSports 网络的优质内容的访问权限. 通过在 iOS 上下载 FloSports 应用程序在所有屏幕上观看比赛, 年, 或苹果电视 4.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.MMAProLeague.com, 关注 Twitter @MMAPro_League 上的对话, @丹米勒185, @丹尼尔格雷西, @Hani_Darwish1 和 @MarkTaffetMedia, 在 Instagram.com/mmaproleague 的 Instagram 上, Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie, Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1 和 Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, 以及在 Facebook.com/MMAProLeague 上的 Facebook.

Full Lineup Set for MMA Pro League Inaugural Event This Saturday, 九月 15 从Hard Rock酒店 & 大西洋城赌场 & 在 FloCombat.com 上直播

主教练丹尼尔·格雷西 & 宾夕法尼亚队

大西洋城, N.J. (九月 11, 2018) – MMA中的最新实体, MMA职业联赛, is just days away from their inaugural event with an exciting lineup of fights that pits fighters from 新泽西队, 由主教练带领 丹·米勒 米勒兄弟, 针对 宾夕法尼亚队 和他们的主教练, 丹尼尔·格雷西 著名的格雷西家族.




The fighters square-off this 星期六, 九月 15 在新的硬石酒店 & 大西洋城赌场在 FloCombat.com 上直播比赛 (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT). 首期门票 “硬石综合格斗职业联赛” 可在 Tick​​etmaster.com.




The MMA Pro League event will see 克劳迪娅·莱德斯玛 承担 安德烈·贝尔纳多 in a bantamweight fight, 加布里埃尔·鲁伊斯 in a featherweight clash against 科迪·希尔 and a light heavyweight contest that pits 灵光Walo 针对 拉斐尔·塞莱斯蒂诺.




Featherweight action will feature 迈克·帕加诺 in a bout against 西底家蒙塔内兹, 更多 凯文·西尔斯 发生在 Ahmed Samir in a heavyweight attraction and a bantamweight affair that sees 图帕尔·哈姆扎耶夫 战斗 Joseph Penafiel.




Rounding out the exciting inaugural night of MMA Pro League fights are 马克科尔克 面对 Zulkarnaiyn Kamchybekov in a middleweight fight, a lightweight showdown between Shan Cella 弗朗西斯科·穆尼兹 and a welterweight matchup between 贾斯汀奥斯本 安迪·希门尼斯.


莱德斯马 是西奥兰治本地人, 新泽西州目前拥有 14-7 职业拳击手记录. 贝尔纳多 最初来自 Botucatu, 圣保罗, 巴西并拥有专业记录 8-4.


鲁伊斯 林地公园外的战斗, 新泽西州 0-1 职业拳击手记录和业余拳击手记录 5-2-1 在轻量级师. 这里 is originally from Daison, MY. 后来他搬到费城在格雷西健身房训练. 希尔有记录 1-1 作为最轻量级的职业拳击手.


出生于克利夫兰, 哦,他在那里度过了他生命的最初几年,然后在很小的时候就搬到了利比里亚. 瓦洛最终返回美国. 加入美国国民警卫队并被派驻伊拉克监狱担任警卫. 在伊拉克期间, Walo was exposed to mixed martial arts and quickly fell in love with the sport. When Walo returned home, he began training and made his professional debut in December 2010. He has accumulated a professional record of 12-2-1. Celestino is from Brasilia, Brazil and has a 5-2 record as a professional fighter in the Middleweight division.


帕加诺, 美国退伍军人, 最初来自费耶特维尔, NC. 后来他搬到新泽西州与丹·米勒的米勒兄弟 MMA 一起训练. 帕加诺还是健身房的教练,并担任健身房“小斯巴达”青少年武术和反欺凌项目的总教练. 他是巴西柔术黑带 0-1 职业拳击手记录. 蒙塔内斯 是一位来自宾夕法尼亚州的综合格斗选手. 他有一个 3-2 record in the featherweight division.




Originally from Colorado Springs, 科罗拉多州, 西尔斯 is an eleven-fight MMA veteran who owns seven wins after a strong amateur career. Representing his native Egypt, Samir won his only professional MMA fight by knockout and owns an 11-1 record as a professional boxer.




Bantamweight brawler Khamzayev was born in New Jersey and turned professional in May of this year when he lost his debut. He takes on Orlando’sPenafiel, who won a decision in his professional debut in April.


科尔克 will represent New Jersey, but was born and raised in Alabama. He made his professional MMA debut in June 2017 with a decision victory. After amassing an amateur record of 4-0, 卡姆奇别科夫 will make his his professional MMA debut on Saturday night.




A 23-year-old from New Jersey, 细胞 will return to action for his second professional MMA fight. Muniz is originally from Caguas, 波多黎各. His preferred discipline is Brazilian jiu-jitsu. 穆尼兹 has fought five times in his native Puerto Rico, 达到记录 4-1.


奥斯本 is originally from Tennessee before representing New Jersey. He emerged victorious in his professional debut in August. Fighting out of New York, 希门尼斯 是 3-0 in amateur MMA bouts and will fight for the first time professionally on Saturday’s card.


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访问所有 MMA Pro League 动作的实时和点播报道, 访问 FloCombat.com 并成为每月或每年的 PRO 订阅者. 任一订阅均可解锁对整个 FloSports 网络的优质内容的访问权限. 通过在 iOS 上下载 FloSports 应用程序在所有屏幕上观看比赛, 年, 或苹果电视 4.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.MMAProLeague.com, 关注 Twitter @MMAPro_League 上的对话, @丹米勒185, @丹尼尔格雷西, @Hani_Darwish1 和 @MarkTaffetMedia, Instagram上的 Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, 并在Facebook上 Facebook.com/MMAProLeague.




大西洋城 (九月 10, 2018)–德卡洛佩雷斯 安托万·艾肯斯(Antowyan Aikens)辜负了击倒前的大肆宣传- 拖延战争最终使佩雷斯在周六晚间在大西洋城Showboat Hotel酒店内的波旁厅(Bourbon Room)达成了八轮一致决定.


大西洋城对手之间的较量, 佩雷斯获得了新泽西州超中量级冠军, 标题为新星促销所推广的出色的10回合扑克牌.



战斗中,佩雷斯在第二轮将艾肯斯扣入绳索时提早行动. 艾肯斯不仅阻止了潮流, 但又强力地回来了, 当他获得完美的权利时,这使佩雷斯走上了画布.


现在似乎有了艾肯斯的控制权. 佩雷斯(Perez)在下一轮又回来了,这是一个完美的左钩,将艾肯斯(Aikens)放在画布上. 看来佩雷斯能够结束这场战斗, 但是艾肯斯回来了,与佩雷斯站在一起, 并给予他所收到的.


割伤他的左眼, 佩雷斯能够在战斗中摆脱困境, 令容纳人群和Showboat Hotel激动不已的.




大西洋城的佩雷斯以 77-72, 76-74 和 75-74 改善 17-6-1. 大西洋城的艾肯斯酒店 13-5-1.




“安托万(Antowyan)使他感到如此一致,使我感到惊讶. 当他确实打倒我时, 我能够保持镇定, 保持镇定. 我对自己说要保持冷静, 我还有回合,尝到了他的力量. 我把他打倒了, 我知道我们甚至, 我只想赢最后几回合. 他开始了强大的回合, 但我的压力不仅影响了评委, 但开始让他失望. 他开始摆脱恐惧而不是技巧,” 佩雷斯说. “只要我保持稳定并保持压力, 我知道我会占上风。”




艾肯斯(Said Aikens), “这是一个很好的战斗. 这是一场充满战斗的战斗. 我们俩都取得了一些好成绩. 他们根据他的击倒给了他,” 艾肯斯说. “我把他打倒之后, 我应该放慢脚步,慢慢来. 在下一轮, 他以出色的表现抓住了我. 在这场战斗的准备过程中,有很多事情要说, 我摆脱了很多愤怒. 我会回来的. 我是一个真正的战士. 所有冠军都不赢腰带。”






在新泽西州的次中量级比赛中, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) 通过对拉沙德·博加尔(Rashad Bogar)的六轮一致决定仍然不败


在第三轮, 包扎(Bauza)左手平直投下博加(Bogar).


包扎(Bauza)以数十分的胜利率回家 60-53 在所有卡.


包扎, 139 磅北卑尔根, 新泽西州是 11-0. 博加尔, 139 纽瓦克磅, 新泽西州是 4-8-1.


奥马尔·萨利姆 在他们预定的四轮中量级回合的第一轮结束时阻止了迈克·安德森(Mike Anderson).


塞勒姆主导了唯一的框架, 安德森(Anderson)说,由于手臂受伤,他无法继续.


塞勒姆, 165 磅的布鲁克林, 纽约是 4-0 一个淘汰赛. 安德森, 165.5 磅的费城是 0-3.



以赛亚·哈特 Dillon Kasprzak在中量级比赛中第2轮停赛,这是一场激动人心的职业比赛首秀.


第一轮, 哈特用坚硬的左钩子敲开卡斯普扎克. 哈特在第二轮比赛中以两个硬左和一个右手落地而出, 战斗在 16 秒.


Hart, 160.7 磅是大西洋城 1-0 一个淘汰赛. 卡斯普扎克, 159 磅的费城是 0-2.



纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) 在初中次中量级回合中对格伦福德·尼克尼(Glenford Nickey)进行了四轮一致决定.


奥尔布赖特, 140 磅的费城以的分数获胜 40-36 两次, 40-35 提高他的纪录 4-1. 尼基, 140 磅的布鲁克林是 4-2.



Jahmal代尔 在预定的四轮轻量级比赛的最后一轮中阻止了Marco Lugo.


第一轮, 代尔(Dyer)用左钩子将卢戈(Lugo)甩到头部. 代尔在第四回合中打败了对手, 当他用坚硬的右手摔下卢戈时. 代尔(Dyer)取得了巨大的权利,这使卢戈(Lugo)退回,从而掀开了一连串的猛攻,结束了事情。, 战斗在 1:29.


代尔, 132.9 磅的巴尔的摩现在 6-1 四击倒. 卢戈, 131 磅的葡萄园, 新泽西州是 0-2.




瑞安·威尔扎克(Ryan Wilczak) 在中量级比赛中对阿尔贝托·德尔加多(Alberto Delgado)的四轮一致决定仍然不败.


狼狗, 158 磅斯克兰顿, PA赢得分数 40-36 和 39-37 两次,现在 7-0. 德尔加多, 160.9 磅罗阿诺克, VA是 0-4-3.



Ry'Shine柯林斯 通过在预定的四轮超级最轻量级比赛的第一轮停止Lucky Holt,首次成为职业选手.


柯林斯投下了一系列硬弹,使霍尔特失望了, 战斗在


科林斯, 122.3 磅的费城是 1-0 一个淘汰赛. 林地, 120.8 汉尼拔磅, MO是 0-3.



卡洪·哈钦森(Kashon Hutchinson) 在次中量级回合中击败史蒂夫·摩尔赢得了四轮一致决定.


哈钦森, 145.3 磅的阅读, PA赢得分数 40-36 两次, 39-37 提高他的标志 4-5. 摩尔, 144.1 磅橙, 新泽西州是 1-5.



特拉维斯·托莱多(Travis Toledo) 通过在预定的四轮轻量级比赛的第二轮中停止塔赫利克·泰勒(Tahlik Taylor),保持了不败的态势.


在第二轮, 托莱多用一个大左钩子掉下泰勒. Seconds later, 这是泰勒(Taylor)踏上画布的镜头, 战斗在 2:02.


托莱多, 172,3 磅的巴尔的摩, MD是 2-0 有两个击倒. 泰勒, 175.3 磅的格林斯伯勒, NC是 3-12-1.




冉冉升起的新星促销活动将于周六回到Showboat, 11月3日,随着世界排名的回归,托马斯·拉曼纳(Thomas LaManna)出现在主赛事中. 这张卡还宣布将争夺新泽西州中量级冠军头衔,克里斯·托马斯(Chris Thomas)捍卫自己的头衔,击败埃迪·埃德蒙兹(Eddie Edmonds).


Head Coach Daniel Gracie’s Team Pennsylvania Battles
Team New Jersey in MMA Pro League Inaugural Event Saturday, 九月 15 从硬石酒店 & 大西洋城赌场 & Streaming on FloCombat.com
Team Pennsylvania Talks Motivation, Fighting Style & 更多!

大西洋城, N.J. (九月 7, 2018) – As the inaugural fight night approaches for the newest entity in MMA, MMA职业联赛, get to know the fighters for head coach Daniel Gracie’s 宾夕法尼亚队 before they battle Team New Jersey Saturday, 九月 15 从硬石酒店 & Casino Atlantic City and streaming live on FloCombat.com.

首期门票 “硬石综合格斗职业联赛” 周六, 九月 15, featuring Team New Jersey vs. 宾夕法尼亚队, 可在 Ticketmaster.com 获得.

Here is what Daniel Gracie’s Team Pennsylvania fighters had to say as they prepare to take on head coach Dan Miller’s Team New Jersey:


Weight Class: 羽量级

故乡: North Philadelphia, PA

Why do you fight?

I fight because it is what I love. There’s no better feeling than the rush of overcoming the uncertainty in a cage or ring with complete faith and belief in your ability.

Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

I always pay my homage to the fighters that led me towards this path. Boxers like Fernando Vargas and Floyd Mayweather. 更多, MMA champions like Connor McGregor, Michael Chandler and more. But I am my own self. I do take a bit of every fighter, shake it up and come out with whatever I’ve been working on.

What is your fighting background and style?

I don’t try to focus on one solid background. I am a mixed martial artist now. I always keep an open mind, and try to dig into all aspects of the game.

Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

I’m excited to be working with MMA Pro League, and by the looks of it, everything is great! They’re a good up-and-coming, humble and respectable organization that’s trying to bring change to the game, and together the sky is the limit for all of us.

What is your favorite thing about Pennsylvania?

The whole experience of being from here. It’s where I was raised. My family and all of my ups and downs happen here.


Weight Class: 最轻量级

故乡: Davison, MY

Why do you fight?

I fight to give my family the things I never had.

Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

I’m a fan of lots of fighters, but my style is all my own.

What is your fighting background and style?

I have a strong wrestling background that has led to my MMA career.

Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

MMA Pro League is the next big thing and I’m glad to be a part of the ground floor. It’s going to be a great ride.

What is your favorite thing about Pennsylvania?

The sports fans! There’s really nothing like them.


Weight Class: 130 lb catchweight

故乡: 奥兰多, FL

Why do you fight?

“我争取的骄傲, family and money.

Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

Bruce Lee, but I steal from everyone.

What is your fighting background and style?

I practice jeet kune do and have experience wrestling.

Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

Because they’re going to put together challenging fights and they have top-class treatment of their fighters.

What is your favorite thing about Pennsylvania?

I like the ladies and the Philly cheesesteaks.


Weight Class: 轻量级

故乡: 皇后, 纽约

Why do you fight?

I fight because I have a passion for mixed martial arts and I’m a badass.

Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

My favorite MMA fighter is Georges St-Pierre.

What is your fighting background and style?

My fighting background is jiu jitsu under Renzo Gracie.

Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

MMA Pro League is the right fit for me because I have a versatile background and I would like to portray this within the team structure.

What is your favorite thing about Pennsylvania?

My favorite thing about Pennsylvania is Renzo Gracie PA.

# # #

访问所有 MMA Pro League 动作的实时和点播报道, 访问 FloCombat.com 并成为每月或每年的 PRO 订阅者. 任一订阅均可解锁对整个 FloSports 网络的优质内容的访问权限. 通过在 iOS 上下载 FloSports 应用程序在所有屏幕上观看比赛, 年, 或苹果电视 4.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.MMAProLeague.com, 关注 Twitter @MMAPro_League 上的对话, @丹米勒185, @丹尼尔格雷西, @Hani_Darwish1 和 @MarkTaffetMedia, Instagram上的 Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1 和 Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, 以及在 Facebook.com/MMAProLeague 上的 Facebook.


Head Coach Dan Miller’s Team New Jersey Battles
Team Pennsylvania in MMA Pro League Inaugural Event
星期六, 九月 15 从硬石酒店 & 大西洋城赌场 & Streaming on FloCombat.com
Team New Jersey Talks Motivation, Fighting Style & 更多!

大西洋城, N.J. (九月 5, 2018) – As the inaugural fight night approaches for the newest entity in MMA, MMA职业联赛, get to know the fighters for head coach Dan Miller’s 新泽西队 before they battle Team Pennsylvania Saturday, 九月 15 从硬石酒店 & Casino Atlantic City and streaming live on FloCombat.com.




首期门票 “硬石综合格斗职业联赛” 周六, 九月 15, featuring Team New Jersey vs. 宾夕法尼亚队, 可在 Ticketmaster.com 获得.




Here is what Dan Miller’s Team New Jersey fighters had to say as they prepare to take on head coach Daniel Gracie’s Team Pennsylvania:



Weight Class: 飞锤

故乡: West Orange, 新泽西州


Why do you fight?

I fight because I love the sport and I feel I was gifted the ability to do it competitively. So I can’t let it go to waste.


Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

My favorite fighter is actually a blend of Frankie Edgar and Marlon Moraes. I look up to both of them as fighters and try to put a little piece of each of them in my game.


What is your fighting background and style?

I’m a jiu jitsu black belt. Jiu jitsu is what got my foot in the door but now I’m a complete fighter and don’t really favor any single style.


Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

I love New Jersey. I was born and bred here. MMA Pro League allows me to represent my state!”


What is your favorite thing about New Jersey?

It’s the diversity. Jersey is a melting pot of different cultures and backgrounds. I believe this state breeds the toughest guys around.



Weight Class: 130-pound Catchweight

故乡: Clifton, 新泽西州


Why do you fight?

I fight because it’s in my blood. I was born to fight and that’s what I do best.


Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

Growing up as a kid I used to watch boxing, and some of the boxers I really enjoyed watching were Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson and Prince Naseem Hamed. I also steal a little bit of everyone’s styles from different contact sports, because you can’t be a one-dimensional fighter in modern MMA.


What is your fighting background and style?

My fighting background is pretty much all aspects of contact sports. I’ve earned a second-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, I have multiple grappling titles, multiple kickboxing/Muay Thai titles and three amateur MMA titles in two different promotions and in two different weight classes.


Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

MMA Pro League is the right fit for me because they are doing something new. It’s something that has not been done before, having two states compete against each other to see who wins. It is also a little different from other promotions because in other promotions you just go and fight for yourself, but in MMA Pro League you have a whole state behind you, and all the pressure is on you because you don’t want to let your team down.


What is your favorite thing about New Jersey?

My favorite thing about New Jersey is that we always bring the heat in any competition against anyone.



Weight Class: 重量级

故乡: 纽瓦克, 新泽西州

Why do you fight?

There’s a lot of different reasons why I fight. The first reason was because I was a fan. I love the sport and entertainment, but the real reason why I fight is for my daughter and to show her you can chase your dreams and be great at something you’re passionate about.




I visited the UFC Expo at the first one they had in Las Vegas. It was a totally life-changing experience. I was just a fan of UFC and MMA, but when I went down there I knew that I was destined to be a fighter, gladiator and a badass.


Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

My favorite fighter more recently was Kimbo Slice, may he rest in peace. I did have a favorite fighter growing up, and yes, it was the one and only Georges St-Pierre. If it wasn’t ‘GSPthen it was Tito Ortiz, just some all-around badass dudes.




Nowadays I really don’t follow fighting, but if I had to say my favorite active fighter fighting now, it’s definitely Jose Aldo. I’m an old school UFC guy from back in the day. Now I just see competition.


What is your fighting background and style?

My fighting style is just brawl and cause damage in there. I really don’t have a style. I go in there and try to get the job done even if it’s sloppy. You could say I’m emulating Kimbo combined with a wrestler.


Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

MMA Pro League is for me because it’s my next challenge and I can’t wait.


What is your favorite thing about New Jersey?

My favorite thing about New Jersey is my Aunt Denise, my grandma and my cousin Jazz. They lived in Newark most of their lives. Those are my people.



Weight Class: 次中量级

故乡: Mobile, AL


Why do you fight?

I like to fight because fighting is one of the few things in life I’m truly passionate about and gives me purpose. Also fighting provides the opportunity for a better life.


Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

I don’t really emulate any one fighter. I try to pick up as much as I can from different fighters and coaches and mix them into my game.


What is your fighting background and style?

I am a mixed martial artist and have been fighting as an amateur and professional for four years now.


Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

I am excited to fight for MMA Pro League because it is a well-run organization, and the opportunity to fight on their first show in Atlantic City seems like a great opportunity.


What is your favorite thing about New Jersey?

I am not from New Jersey although I train there. I am representing Mobile, 阿拉巴马州. My favorite thing about Mobile is that on the coast we are a family, and we are eager to show the talent we have on the Gulf Coast.



Weight Class: 羽量级

故乡: 韦恩, 新泽西州


Why do you fight?

I fight for many reasons. I have a lot of passion for this sport and am looking to become the best.


Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

My favorite fighter other than myself would have to be Muhammad Ali because of the impact he had around the world. I wish to do the same one day, in my own way. I watch many fighters and am always studying combat, taking techniques from all the greats in all combat sports.


What is your fighting background and style?

I started in full on MMA, not one specific background.


Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

MMA Pro League is the right fit for me because they are professionals and take it seriously just like me.


What is your favorite thing about New Jersey?

My favorite thing about New Jersey is most people from here are blue collar, hard-working people, and it pushes me to chase my dreams.



Weight Class: 140-pound Catchweight

故乡: 卡瓜斯, 波多黎各


Why do you fight?

Because I have a huge chip on my shoulder.


Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

I don’t have a favorite fighter, I just try to be me.


What is your fighting background and style?

Brazilian jiu jitsu is my style.


Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

Because they’re giving me a shot that I’m worthy of.


What is your favorite thing about New Jersey?

It’s close to so many great things, like New York.



Weight Class: 最轻量级

故乡: Woodland Park, 新泽西州


Why do you fight?

I fight because I love to compete and the rush of going out there to the cage and being the best man of the night.


Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

My favorite fighter is Rich Franklin. I kind of got my style from him. I just go out and fight and put my heart out there.


What is your fighting background and style?

I have an all-around background, but I love to stand up. I feel comfortable anywhere though.


Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

MMA Pro League is the right fit for me because we are taken care of and it has a lot of benefits that people are going to see both immediately and over time.


What is your favorite thing about New Jersey?

My favorite thing in New Jersey is the people. We’re Jersey strong. 还, the food is great here.



Weight Class: 羽量级

故乡: Stanhope, 新泽西州


Why do you fight?

I fight because when I was growing up I was picked on and bullied a lot. I had to learn how to stand up for myself. 还, later on in my youth I had to take care of my father who was very sick with brain cancer, which took his life in 2008.




Seeing my father go through his daily battles and frustrations made me realize I could overcome anything in life. My father was and will always be my hero. He was one of the toughest, stubbornest, hardest workers I had the pleasure of knowing and had the pleasure of calling my dad. Each time I step into that cage I know he`s with me.


Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

My favorite fighter, or fighters if I could merge them together, would have to be Georges St-Pierre, Dominick Cruz, Mike Tyson and Buakaw Banchamek. As far as emulating their styles, each has something I like within their fighting styles or fighter I.Q., but for me I like to be my own fighter. I never want to be a paper cut out version of someone else. That`s the beautiful thing about MMA, all these different styles can mesh into one and you can create your style how you want.


What is your fighting background and style?

I`m a wrestler, boxer and black belt in jiu jitsu under SeanShorty RockSantella.


Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

I feel MMA Pro League is the right fit for me because they are starting their own chapter in MMA and I love being a part of it! I like the concept as far as team versus team and the way you can collect points for your team by either KO/TKO, Submission, or Decision. It definitely makes a fighter want to push harder for that big win!”


What is your favorite thing about New Jersey?

The Pizza!”



Weight Class: 轻量级

故乡: Mobile, AL


Why do you fight?

It’s what I love to do. This is what comes naturally to me. I was born to fight, plain and simple.


Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

I’m trying to emulate the best Justin Osborn possible.


What is your fighting background and style?

Wrestling is my style.


Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

They are giving me a cage to fight in and an opponent to fight. I’m here to fight my heart out and they are giving me a platform to do so.


What is your favorite thing about New Jersey?

I’ve never been on the East Coast before, so I’m looking forward to experiencing it.




# # #




访问所有 MMA Pro League 动作的实时和点播报道, 访问 FloCombat.com 并成为每月或每年的 PRO 订阅者. 任一订阅均可解锁对整个 FloSports 网络的优质内容的访问权限. 通过在 iOS 上下载 FloSports 应用程序在所有屏幕上观看比赛, 年, 或苹果电视 4.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.MMAProLeague.com, 关注 Twitter @MMAPro_League 上的对话, @丹米勒185, @丹尼尔格雷西, @Hani_Darwish1 和 @MarkTaffetMedia, Instagram上的 Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, 并在Facebook上 Facebook.com/MMAProLeague.


Antowyan AIkens在周六的新主赛事中与DeCarlo Perez争夺新泽西州超级中量级冠军, 9月8日,在大西洋城的Showboat酒店

格雷格·杰克逊(Greg Jackson)夺得尤利乌斯·戴伊斯(Julius Dyis)的WBF中量级冠军
不败的约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza), 奥马尔·萨利姆, 迈克尔·威廉姆斯(Michael Williams Jr.), & 瑞安·威尔扎克(Ryan Wilczak)在行动

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (八月 22, 2018) – 格伦·塔皮亚(Glen Tapia)在训练中受伤, 从而提升了 “全大西洋城市之战” 在超级中量级之间 Antowyan艾肯斯德卡洛佩雷斯 参加第八轮主要赛事 星期六, 9月8日波旁厅 该酒店演艺船 大西洋城.




战斗, 这将是为 新泽西州超级中量级冠军, 将标题卡 “浮桥拳击: 第三回合”, 由新星促销推广




大西洋城的艾肯斯(Aikens)有记录 13-4-1 一个淘汰赛. 该 29 岁的艾肯斯赢得了他的前十回合. 他在不败的谢尔曼·阿里特(Sherman Arits)上取得了重大胜利 (2-0) & 阿米尔·沙巴兹(Amir Shabazz) (4-0).




艾肯斯(Aikens)经历了两连胜, 就像上一次比赛一样,他于5月11日在林肯赢得了针对Rich Gringas的六轮一致决定, 罗得岛.








“对我来说这场斗争是您梦about以求但从未想到会发生的斗争之一,” 艾肯斯说. “这场战斗将是很多年以后的话题,我期待在家乡的家人和朋友面前进行一场精彩的表演. 言语无法表达我多么快乐和兴奋. 我迫不及待地想在当晚演出出色的演出. 我周围有一支很棒的团队. 我专注于手头的任务; 我准备好提供他们所提供的任何服务。”




“我准备好迎接九月的到来 8. 我的戳刺和出色的拳击技巧将使我走向在体育馆中自杀的原因,那就是新泽西州立冠军赛(NJ State Championship). 那天晚上我不会被拒绝. 您将获得有史以来最好的冰人,这是事实. 那天晚上我要采取一切行动, 首先在家里打架 3 岁月. 除了带上我的A游戏,我什么也做不了. 这是一个漫长的等待,但现在和现在, 我已经准备好战争”




佩雷斯(Perez)有记录 16-6-1 有六个淘汰赛.




该 27 岁的佩雷斯(Perez)是八年专业人士.




佩雷斯(Perez)战胜沙莫内·阿尔瓦雷斯(Shamone Alvarez) (21-5), 但丁·摩尔 (8-0-2), 贾马·弗里曼 (9-1-2), 马库斯·威利斯 (13-3-2), Tyrone Brunson (22-2-1), 杰西·尼克洛(Jesse Nicklow) (24-5-3), 胡安·乌巴尔多·卡布雷拉 (23-0) & Lanell波纹管 (16-1-1).




在他的最后一个回合, 佩雷斯(Perez)在四月被前两次获得世界冠军的挑战者罗纳德·加夫里尔(Ronald Gavril)阻止 29, 2017 拉斯维加斯.




“我对这场斗争的想法与其他任何斗争一样. 我要进去, 运用我的技能,并允许制定游戏计划, 简单明了. 现在是否有人会问游戏计划是什么, 很简单,那就是一定要赢。” 佩雷斯说. “对我来说,这是另一场战斗,有人试图把我家人的头顶掉, 试图从那里取出食物,我必须确保他们不会. 它的头衔使我处于一个我的工作道德正好乘以一百万甚至更多的地方。. 我很高兴能在自己的家乡打架,迫不及待地要进行一场精彩的表演。”




“我饿了. 我认为很多人看到我还没有活跃起来,并认为他们可以利用它. 好吧,这是个坏主意,因为我一直在训练并且总是在准备自己. 你知道他们说了什么, ‘准备好,所以您不必准备’ 我就是做这个的. 我想很多人都会同意,并说我是一个非常强大的对手,我很快就知道了,现在基本上给了我 10 几个星期为某人做准备, 所以我很兴奋,并希望能带给我最好的。”








在八轮的共同特征 格雷格·杰克逊 将在 朱利叶斯·戴伊斯(Julius Dyis) 在WBF次中量级冠军的八轮战斗中.




费城的杰克逊(Jackson of Philadelphia)具有欺骗性的记录 8-7-1 有两个击倒.




杰克逊面对五个不败的对手, 并击败了萨德·克拉克 (2-0) & 格莱德温·奥尔蒂斯(Gledwin Ortiz) (3-0). 杰克逊(Jackson)将于6月30日在菲尼克斯(Phoenix)击败弗农·布朗(Vernon Brown)的六轮多数票决定中.




克拉克斯代尔(Dyis of Clarksdale), 密西西比州有记录 9-1 四击倒.




该 30 一岁的戴伊斯(Dyis)是四年制专业人士.




当他击败奥斯卡·瓦尔迪兹时,他已经击败了两个不败的对手 (1-0), 在最后一次回合中,他赢得了塞缪尔·埃尔斯沃思(Samuel Ellsworth)的六轮一致决定 (3-0-1) 六月 24, 2017 在图尼卡, 密西西比.






乔尔·德拉巴斯 (7-1, 4 科斯) 大西洋城, 新泽西州将在 塔赫利克·泰勒(Tahlik Taylor) (3-11, 1 KO) 格林斯伯勒的, NC在轻量级比赛中.


约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (10-0, 5 科斯) 北卑尔根, 新泽西州将在初中次中量级回合中面对一个将被命名的对手.






奥马尔·萨利姆 (3-0) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将争取 迈克·安德森 (0-2) 费城的中量级回合.


迈克尔·威廉姆斯, JR. (5-0, 5 科斯) 费耶特维尔的, 北卡罗来纳州将在初中次中量级回合中与一名对手相提并论.


纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) (3-1,1 柯) 费城与 格伦福德·尼克(Glenford Nickey) (4-1, 1 KO) 布鲁克林的轻量级比赛.


以赛亚·哈特 Atlantic City的职业球员首次亮相 迪琳·卡斯普扎克(Dillion Kasprzak) (0-1) 费城的中量级回合.


马科斯·卢戈(Marcos Lugo) (0-1) 葡萄园的, 新泽西将反对 Jahmal代尔 (4-1) 巴尔的摩, 在轻量级比赛中.


史蒂夫·摩尔 (1-4, 1 KO) 奥兰治, 新泽西州发生在 卡洪·哈钦森(Kashon Hutchinson) (3-5, 1 KO) 读, 次中量级的PA.


瑞安·威尔扎克(Ryan Wilczak) (6-0, 3 科斯) 斯克兰顿, PA. 将在初中权重比赛中与对手同名.



门票价格是 $55 I $80 I $125 并在www.RSPBoxing.com上可用


Golden Nugget Casino, 饭店 & Marina in Atlantic City.

Tickets on sale NOW 通过 Tick​​etmaster.com

LAS VEGAS, 内华达 – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will head toThe World’s Famous Playgroundwith a pair of welterweight duels at the top of LFA 49, when the promotion visits Atlantic City, New Jersey in September. This will be the LFA’s first trip to the northeast.




LFA的重头戏 49 will feature a welterweight showdown when two of the sport’s most highly-touted prospects collide. The high-stakes headliner pairs Sean Brady and Gilbert Urbina in a battle of undefeated prospects. LFA 49 – Brady vs. Urbina takes place Friday, September 14th at the Golden Nugget Casino, 饭店 & Marina in Atlantic City, 新泽西州. 整个主卡将被电视直播,并在全国范围AXS电视上的 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.




I am excited to bring LFA to the northeast,” 规定苏亚雷斯. “Atlantic City is a great fight town with a long, storied history in prize fighting. On September 14th, LFA will add another chapter to the city’s combat sports history. LFA 49 will feature a top-tier main event between undefeated prospects Sean Brady and Gilbert Urbina, which takes place at the world-famous Golden Nugget Casino, 饭店 & Marina in Atlantic City.




LFA 门票 49 – Brady vs. Urbina are available for purchase NOW at Tick​​etmaster.com.




Brady (8-0) is the top prospect on the east coast and widely-considered one the best welterweight prospects in the world. He comes to LFA after winning all eight of his professional fights, which includes regional title fights in his last three contests. The Renzo Gracie Philly standout won his first title in May of last year by submission. He then defended it by submitting LFA vet Mike Jones this past October. The biggest win of his career, 然而, came this past March in his second title defense. This came against UFC vet and 终极战士 16 winner Colton Smith. Brady defeated the four-time UFC vet via Unanimous Decision. Now the 25-year-old Philadelphian has upped the ante by signing with LFA to face a fellow unbeaten prospect at LFA 49.




Urbina (5-0) is perhaps the only welterweight prospect that can match the intrigue surrounding Brady. This is due in large part to the fact that Gilbert Urbina, 年龄 22, comes from a famous Texan fighting family. His older brother Hector Urbina, 年龄 30, is a three-time UFC vet that was also a cast member on two seasons of the UFC’s hit reality television show 终极战士 (TUF 19 and TUF 25). 与此同时, his other brother Elias Urbina, 年龄 24, has competed on UFC President Dana White’s television series Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series 以及 终极战士 as he was a cast member on TUF 23. Now Gilbert Urbina, after a quick submission victory at LFA 7, is looking to build his own legacy by securing a marquee win at LFA 49.




LFA联合主赛事 49 will also feature a welterweight clash when two of the division’s most exciting fighters look to make a statement during the LFA’s first trip to AC. They happen to be men used to bright lights and media attention. The first is Jonavin “蜘蛛” Webb (10-2), who is a teammate of Brady at Renzo Gracie Philly. Webb made a name for himself on the east coast before signing with the UFC in 2015. Webb is currently riding a two-fight win streak and will meet one of the flashiest fighters in the division. That would be Tanner “哈默” Saraceno (7-2). When Webb was fighting in the UFC, Saraceno was busy making a name for himself by competing on the sixth season of the WWE’s professional wrestling television series Tough Enough. Saraceno, who now lives in South Carolina, is eager to continue his rise in MMA by capturing the biggest win of his career at LFA 49.




The main card of LFA 49 will also feature one of the year’s most anticipated debuts in women’s MMA. That would be the debut of three-time USA national boxing champion Danyelle Wolf. 在 2014, Wolf appeared in ESPN’s world-renownedThe Body Issuealongside boxing legend and fellow southeastern Pennsylvania native Bernard Hopkins. Wolf was a three-sport athlete at Millersville University of Pennsylvania, where she competed in basketball, track (heptathlon), and field hockeybefore winning her three USA national boxing titles, Golden Gloves title (拳击), and IBJJF title (柔术). Wolf competed at 152-pounds in boxing, but will be competing at 145-pounds in MMA. That next chapter in her career begins against LFA vet Courtney King at LFA 49. King is a well-known Upset Queen in LFA, who made a name for herself last summer by derailing the highly-anticipated debut of Colbey Northcutt, who is the older sister of UFC star Sage Northcutt. King stopped Northcutt via TKO at LFA 14 and will look to spring another upset at LFA 49.



目前公布的主卡 (在 AXS TV 上播出 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT):


主要事件 | 次中量级回合 (170 磅)

Sean Brady (8-0) VS. Gilbert Urbina (5-0)


合作的主要事件 | 次中量级回合 (170 磅)

Jonavin Webb (10-2) VS. Tanner Saraceno (7-2)


女子轻量级比赛 (145 磅)

– 丹耶尔·沃尔夫 (0-0) VS. Courtney King (1-1)


轻量级布特 (135 磅)

– 安德鲁·萨拉斯 (5-1) VS. 艾哈迈德的Kayretl (8-2)





LFA 49 will serve as the fourth LFA event to take place on the east coast. It will also be the first time that LFA has traveled toThe Garden Stateof New Jersey before or after the merger. 有关 LFA 的更多信息 49 将很快公布. LFA全主卡 49 将进行现场直播,并在全国范围AXS电视在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.




请访问 LFAfighting.com 对于回合更新和信息. LFA 的 Facebook 网址为 传统格斗联盟. LFA也对在Instagram的 @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.




在 2017 RFA和传统FC合并组建LFA, 在混合武术最大的发展机构. LFA的联合部队发动过的职业生涯 130 athletes to reach the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC. 在五月 2018 促进加盟伦敦信托传媒控股集团公司.

MMA 职业联赛周六开幕赛前七场比赛已定, 九月 15 从新硬石酒店出发 & 大西洋城赌场 & 在 FloCombat.com 上直播

主教练丹尼尔·格雷西 & 宾夕法尼亚队

大西洋城, N.J. (七月 31, 2018) – MMA中的最新实体, MMA职业联赛, 已经确定了周六首届赛事的前七场比赛, 九月 15 在新的硬石酒店 & 大西洋城赌场并在 FloCombat.com 上进行直播.




九月 15 活动将让战士们从 新泽西队, 由主教练带领 丹·米勒 米勒兄弟, 针对 宾夕法尼亚队 和他们的主教练, 丹尼尔·格雷西 著名的格雷西家族.




“我们非常高兴地宣布周六在 Hard Rock 活动中举行的首届 MMA 职业联赛的前七场比赛, 9月15日,” MMA 职业联盟首席执行官哈尼·达尔维什 (Hani Darwish) 说道. “战士们很自豪能够代表新泽西队和宾夕法尼亚队, 并致力于当晚为球迷带来一场精彩的表演。” 达尔维什和 MMA 职业联盟主席马克·塔菲特 (Mark Taffet) 正在领导职业团队运动领域的最新成员的努力.




MMA职业联赛的行动将会看到 克劳迪娅·莱德斯玛 承担 安德烈·贝尔纳多 在一个轻量级的战斗, 加布里埃尔·鲁伊斯 在一场最轻量级的比赛中 科迪·希尔, 职业 MMA 首秀 弗朗西斯科·穆尼兹 因为他需要 乔·希克 在 140 磅级和女子雏量级之间的对决 埃里卡·博比尔凯莉·奥赫恩.




目前确定的战斗阵容是 萨迪克·伊斯梅洛夫 作战 安德鲁·萨拉斯 在一个轻量级的景点, 迈克·帕加诺 在一场羽量级比赛中 西底家蒙塔内兹 以及一场中量级比赛 灵光Walo 针对 拉斐尔·塞莱斯蒂诺.




九月份的其他拳手和对决将会公布 15 比赛之夜前几周举行的活动,米勒教练和格雷西教练为他们的球队准备开创性的比赛之夜.




“我对我的新泽西队战士感到非常兴奋,” 米勒说. “九月我们会保持良好的状态 15 并让我们的球迷战胜丹尼尔·格雷西和宾夕法尼亚队. 这是 MMA 的新时代,我们将轰然开启它!”




“我迫不及待地想在与新泽西队的比赛中测试自己作为综合格斗教练的能力,” 格雷西说. “我来到这个联盟就是为了赢球. 这种团队理念是 MMA 的未来,它将使这些战斗更加精彩. 作为格雷西, 我期待我的团队努力工作, 但胜利是我唯一的想法. 我不是在玩. 米勒教练最好让他的球队做好准备!”


首期门票 “硬石综合格斗职业联赛”将于八月起在 Ticketmaster.com 上发售 1.


莱德斯马 是西奥兰治本地人, 新泽西州目前拥有 14-7 职业拳击手记录. 贝尔纳多 最初来自 Botucatu, 圣保罗, 巴西并拥有专业记录 8-4.


鲁伊斯 林地公园外的战斗, 新泽西州 0-1 职业拳击手记录和业余拳击手记录 5-2-1 在轻量级师. 这里 最初来自戴维森, MY. 后来他搬到费城在格雷西健身房训练. 希尔有记录 1-1 作为最轻量级的职业拳击手.


穆尼兹 最初来自 卡瓜斯, 波多黎各. 他最喜欢的运动是巴西柔术. 穆尼兹在他的祖国波多黎各参加过五次战斗, 达到记录 4-1. 希克, 从 汉密尔顿, 新泽西州, 是一个部门 1 摔跤手. 他以业余身份开始格斗 2015. 一年内, 希克积累了业余记录 5-0. 然后他转为职业球员并拥有 1-2 职业排名记录. Schick 也是 Fairlawn 的一名中学老师, 新泽西州,他在那里教授科学, 比赛和社会研究.


Bobier 有业余记录 0-1 密歇根州外的战斗. 她将于九月首次亮相 15. 奥赫恩 记录了一个 3-1 马萨诸塞州业余记录战斗. 她也将迎来自己的职业首秀.


伊斯梅洛夫, 战斗了莫斯科, 俄罗斯, 有创纪录 1-2 作为最轻量级的职业拳击手. 萨拉斯 隶属于威尔基勇士队, 总部位于布里奇沃特, 新泽西州. 他目前拥有一个 5-1 职业拳击手记录.


帕加诺, 美国退伍军人, 最初来自费耶特维尔, NC. 后来他搬到新泽西州与丹·米勒的米勒兄弟 MMA 一起训练. 帕加诺还是健身房的教练,并担任健身房“小斯巴达”青少年武术和反欺凌项目的总教练. 他是巴西柔术黑带 0-1 职业拳击手记录. 蒙塔内斯 是一位来自宾夕法尼亚州的综合格斗选手. 他有一个 3-2 羽量级拳击手的业余记录.


出生于克利夫兰, 哦,他在那里度过了他生命的最初几年,然后在很小的时候就搬到了利比里亚. 瓦洛最终返回美国. 加入美国国民警卫队并被派驻伊拉克监狱担任警卫. 在伊拉克期间, Walo was exposed to mixed martial arts and quick fell in love with the sport. When Walo returned home, he began training and made his professional debut int December 2010. He has accumulated a professional record of 12-2-1. Celestino is from Brasilia, Brazil and has a 5-2 record as a professional fighter in the middleweight division.




For additional information and official statistics on MMA Pro League fighters, 请访问 HTTPS://everipedia.org/wiki/mma-pro-league/.


# # #




访问所有 MMA Pro League 动作的实时和点播报道, 访问 FloCombat.com 并成为每月或每年的 PRO 订阅者. 任一订阅均可解锁对整个 FloSports 网络的优质内容的访问权限. 通过在 iOS 上下载 FloSports 应用程序在所有屏幕上观看比赛, 年, 或苹果电视 4.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.MMAProLeague.com, 关注 Twitter @MMAPro_League 上的对话, @丹米勒185, @丹尼尔格雷西, @Hani_Darwish1 和 @MarkTaffetMedia, Instagram上的 Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, 并在Facebook上 Facebook.com/MMAProLeague.

韦伯斯特决定大西洋城的里奥哈斯由谢顿获胜, 阿贾姆, 维金斯和外套

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (六月 1, 2018)–超中量级 德里克 - 韦伯斯特 在主赛事的五回合牌局中,他以 10 轮一致决定击败奥斯卡·里奥哈斯(Oscar Riojas) 克拉里奇酒店.




Mis Downing Promotions 推广近产能秀.




同赢, 韦伯斯特夺得美国拳击联合会美洲大陆超中量级冠军.




韦伯斯特用他的刺戳精确, 随后他进行了坚实的车身工作,使里奥哈斯的两侧变红. 韦伯斯特数次惊呆了坚韧不拔的里奥哈, 但是来自蒙特雷的访客, 墨西哥展示了一个很好的下巴,并在十轮比赛中保持站立.




分数都是 100-90 支持格拉斯伯勒的韦伯斯特, 新泽西州, 现在是谁 26-1. 里奥哈斯是 16-10-1.




“那里是拳击. 我装上显示器. 罗伊琼斯告诉我要留他很久, 这就是我所做的. 我开始身体工作有点晚, 但刺拳是我的关键. 我本可以对身体做更多的事情, 但刺拳就是今晚的一切,” 韦伯斯特说.




“在第一轮, 我用一只大右手打他, 但钟声救了他. 我又打了他好几次. 有些人知道如何生存, 他就是其中之一。”




“我们一直在与 USBA 讨论为他们的头衔而战. 这会让我到达我需要去的地方. 我准备好拍摄世界冠军了. 我一直在说我想和乔治·格罗夫斯或泰伦·祖格战斗. 我会去中国或德国或任何地方与那些家伙战斗。”


伊塞亚·塞尔顿 在超级中量级比赛中以六轮一致决定击败拉马尔哈里斯的途中两次击倒.




在第四轮, 谢顿完成了一个完美的反击,将哈里斯送到了甲板上. 在五轮, 疯狂的哈里斯是另一项权利’ 手套第二次触摸画布.




大西洋城的谢顿赢得了 60-52 两次, 59-53 并且现在 12-1-1. 圣哈里斯. 路易斯是 9-15-4.




巴迪·阿贾穆亲王 在重量级复赛中以八轮一致决定战胜埃德加佩雷斯. 卡姆登的阿贾姆, 新泽西赢了 80-72 两次, 79-73 提高他的标志 29-4-1. 芝加哥的佩雷斯是 7-25.


詹姆斯·威尔金斯 在他们预定的四轮羽量级比赛的第二轮结束时阻止了乔·格博拉.




威尔金斯在第二轮中途放弃了 Gbolo, 然后在剩下的回合中猛击他的对手. 回合在两轮之间停止.




布鲁克林的威尔金斯, 纽约是 4-0 同 4 击倒. 纽伯格的 Gbolo, 纽约是 3-3-2.




在当晚的开幕回合, 菲利克斯·曼苏埃塔 在预定的四轮次中量级比赛的第二轮中阻止了安东尼奥·艾伦.




曼苏埃塔猛烈攻击阿伦,直到比赛在 1:17.




多佛的曼苏埃塔, 特拉华州 2-0 两次胜利都是通过停工来实现的. 费城的艾伦是 0-8-1.




这张卡在大西洋城名人堂周末举行, 和小罗伊琼斯这样的明星。, 里迪克·鲍, 霍利菲尔德, 小赫克托·卡马乔, 布鲁斯·塞尔顿, 马克布雷兰, 马龙·斯塔林, 迈克尔·斯宾克斯和杰夫·钱德勒是坐在马戏团旁边的贵宾。”





Mis Downing Promotions要感谢他们的赞助商,其中包括大西洋城拳击名人堂, 克拉里奇酒店, 幻多奇度假村, AEI保险, 紧急回应, 头发X, 购买智能电机 & 新视野物业管理.