标记档案: 迈卡拉迈耶

美国拳击羽量级安德烈梅迪纳closing在 2020 在东京奥运会现场

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (二月 10, 2020) - 度过了连续亚军完成的重大赛事, 美国拳击轻量级安德烈梅迪纳 是代表在奥运会东京她的国家之一比赛中 2020.

十二月, 20岁的麦地那失去了一个分裂的决定卢佩古铁雷斯 在 2020 中美. 奥运代表队选拔赛拳击, 和 4-1 到尤利娅Tsyplakova (乌克兰) 上个月在Strandja锦标赛在保加利亚。在丘拉维斯塔, 加利福尼亚州的拳击手最近被任命为美国拳击奥运东京 2020 拳击资格团队.

“在试验配售仅次于让我更加渴望拿到奥运资格现货,”梅迪纳说。 “我只是想表明美国拳击,我是一个在代表 57 公斤。我只会变得更好,我迫不及待地向世界展示的一切,我得到了.

“为了它 (Strandja) 是我的第一次国际比赛, 我很自豪我在比赛中走多远了,并得到那个银牌。我很高兴与所有我的表现,我很高兴能回去的东西的工作,我需要改进的。除了所有, 去不同的国家是真棒,我不能等待更多的旅行做我最爱的人。”

麦地那和她的美国队stablemates在国家的最先进的美国奥运和残奥培训中心正在训练在科罗拉多斯普林斯。要获得今年的参加奥运会, 麦地那需要在57公斤跻身前三名完成 (125 磅。) 师在美国的资格赛, 3月26日 - 四月 3, 在布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷。在世界预选赛在巴黎的最后一次机会, 法国, 她在其中可以通过跻身前五名将晋级奥运会.

“这意味着我的世界是在美国拳击奥运资格团队,”麦地那加。 “这是我的一切已经工作了,因为我开始在八岁竞争,我不能相信奥运会只有几个月。由是使奥运代表队的拳击第一人在圣地亚哥创造历史是一个大问题,我的家人, 我的城市和我自己。我无法表达多么兴奋,我远远地来了这个, 但仍有很多事要做, 我已经准备好了.

“我觉得我在压力下工作得更好,我坚信我将有资格东京, 无论是在阿根廷和法国, 但我的主要目标, 现在, 是刻苦训练得到阿根廷的黄金。”

梅迪纳认为她的戒指里面主要力量是她在战斗中调整的能力。她更喜欢战斗在外面, 但如果需要的话,她可以群殴, 因为她喜欢扔了很多权力拳.

梅迪纳也意识到她在关于女子拳击运动的日益普及,成为首选, 在美国拳击以下两届奥运会金牌得主脚步Claressa盾 和奥运会铜牌得主玛琳·埃斯帕扎, 随着过去美国奥运选手如女王安德伍德 和迈卡拉迈耶.

“女拳只会变得更大,”麦地那的预测。 “今天作为一个女战斗机意味着很多我, 因为我一直在做这 15 多年来, 并看到它成长年复一年只能说明女强人如何以及我们能做到。我预测,, 在将来, 拳击将不会被看作是男人的运动, 但将是中性的男性和女性。”

在奥运会上的竞争一直是麦地那一生的梦想, 但她也有她的近期计划.

“晚晴奥运会一直贯穿我的拳击生涯,我的主要目标,”安德烈说, “所以现在,它是如此的接近让我想工作就更难了。我的其他的目标是从大学毕业,我自己的公寓, 我会做毕竟这是在.

“我打算在奥运会结束后转为职业选手, 最有可能的开头或中间的 2021, 这样我就可以完成学业,让我的身体休息和恢复“。

安德烈麦地那是如此接近参加奥运会,并与成就有关,她几乎可以伸手去感觉它的一切。最后一个步骤, 无论是在布宜诺斯艾利斯和巴黎, 而这将是任务完成了她.



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关于美国拳击:  为了促进和在美国成长奥林匹克式的业余拳击和激发不懈追求奥运金牌,使运动员和教练获得持续的竞争优势。另外, 美国拳击努力教所有参与者的角色, 信心和关注,他们需要成为弹性和多样化的冠军, 无论是在和在圆环外面。美国拳击是一个团队, 一个国家, 力争金牌!


美国拳击校友会, 等级 2018 应征

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十二月 3, 2018) – 两届奥运会金牌得主 Claressa盾 不仅率先在女子拳击的新浪潮, 她已经发展成为无数年轻人真正的榜样.




希尔兹将在盐湖城进入名人堂的美国拳击校友会馆这个星期五晚上, 随着等级 2018 成员 罗伊·琼斯JR. 和, 沃德, 以及后期 伊曼纽尔·斯图尔特 汤姆·克利.




名人堂接收的第二届年度美国拳击校友会馆, 结合召开 2018 美国拳击精英和青年全国锦标赛和少年,并准备打开, 十二月 2-8, 将于12月 7, 雷迪森酒店 (215 S. 圣寺) 在盐湖城, 犹他州.




“我感到很荣幸,” 希尔兹谈到正在进入名人堂的美国拳击校友会馆,” 我只是 23 岁,将进入名人堂的美国拳击馆是一个伟大的荣誉, 同时也震惊了我. 我认为我对得起任何荣誉, 但我知道事情需要时间, 我一直以为我会放名人堂的年龄 40 或 50. 这是一个大问题,对我来说,我觉得太荣幸了. 只是有我的名字旁边像沃德和罗伊·琼斯伟人提及的名字真的很激励我. 我很荣幸!”




弗林特的骄傲, 密歇根, 希尔兹已经成功豪赌她的业余成功的专业队伍, 她在其中是 7-0 (2), 并且不由统一 (IBF, WBA & WBC) 世界中量级冠军.




希尔兹完成了她的业余生涯有一个令人难以置信 77-1 (18 科斯) 记录, 由她在奥运金牌,表现突出 2012 和 2016. 她没有在擂台上,因为失去了 2012, 什么时候 萨凡纳·马歇尔 (英国) 赢得点, 14-8, 在中国的世界锦标赛.




“美国拳击走进我的生活作为两届少年奥林匹克冠军,” Claressa解释了她的美国拳击关系. “从美国拳击的帮助是非常重要的: 只是注意到我作为一个年轻的运动员,知道我会成为一个强大的年轻女子表示美国在未来; 会议 朱莉Goldsticker, 谁是祝福我,她帮我了很多十几岁, 而仅仅有教练阿卜杜拉, 教练 阿尔·米切尔, 和教练 凯莱皮克 教我不同的风格和如何使用我的所有属性. 美国拳击赐予了我很多跟我所有的奥运队友和教练的奥运知识和终身的友谊. 我最喜欢的教练, 科罗马, 从字面上是陪我度过了整个路 2015-2016, 帮助我的建议外环线和环内。”




希尔兹是当今女子拳击的驱动力之一, 携带美国女子拳击运动的先驱,如移交火炬 克里斯蒂·马丁, 莱拉·阿里 和其他几个人.




“有很大的变化回事,现在 — 我, 迈卡拉迈耶, Franchon克鲁斯, 凯蒂·泰勒, 阿曼达·塞拉诺 和其他几个妇女现在携带女子拳击火炬,” 希尔兹解释. “进展是快, 每个网络今年已经有一个妇女在电视上打, 尤其是欣欣, 关于这一点我已装箱的重头戏四倍. 女子拳击能走多远. 我相信,总有一天,我们可以支付几百万就像男人一样。”




通过打开门,打破障碍, Claressa已经成为年轻人真正的榜样各地, 进出拳.




“感觉好是他们的榜样 (女性), 也为如此多的男拳手,” 希尔兹指出. “拳击是在不同的时代,我只是想使它更容易为女孩来了, 所以当他们转职业, 拳击将接近平等。”




“Claressa在业余拳击的历史上最伟大的故事之一,” 说 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会执行董事. “她开车, 承诺, 天赋, 和性格使她成为美国拳击奥运冠军, 青史留名,这将持续很长一段时间. 她是女子拳击开拓者,并建立了她的地方作为有史以来最有影响力的美国拳击校友会成员之一. 美国拳击校友会要感谢她为了鼓励业余拳击界和用作下一代的冠军有很大的示范作用。”






创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 包括名人堂接待的美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





尽管所有的荣誉和赞誉, 她已经如此丰富收到, 盾牌也没有忘记在这一切开始, 她仍然积极参与美国拳击.




“我一直在与很多女运动员的接触,并给他们建议,如果他们问我,” Claressa添加. “我还去了科罗拉多州的5天,是未来奥运希望一种动力,并发表主题演讲. 之后我的职业生涯结束了在约 15 岁月, 我想成为一名拳击教练带领女队更多奥运金牌, 如果有机会. 我也想成为一个学校的老师和青年辅导员。”




希尔兹, 可惜, 不能出席名人堂接收这个周五晚上的大厅,因为她在训练深为她的标题防御这星期六晚上在HBO, 从家得宝中心球场卡森生活, 加利福尼亚州, 针对 Fenmke赫曼斯 (9-1).




“可悲的是,” 希尔兹总结, “我不能有,但, 如果我在那里, 我会说: 感谢您对美国拳击在时代对我的信任 16. 这是代表美国的荣誉, 不仅一次,而是两次参加奥运会! 我感谢教练 比利 (沃尔什) 让我深挖, 具有处理他的爱尔兰的方式和笑话, 也为改变美国拳击文化. 特别感谢教练凯, 也, 我不能在我的手上,我们有多少天算的培训 1 上午, 多少次,我敲开了房门就跑, 他有多少次,因为我哭或家庭问题,拿我的手机从我. 他是教练,我可以告诉一切, 同时他也祝福我与他的拳击知识,让我总觉得对自己的安全,当他是在角落里. 美国拳击不仅仅是员工 – 美国拳击是家庭! 尽管我已经受够了几句话 马修·约翰逊 和其他工作人员, 我感谢他们对我是硬,并确保我处理我的责任. 爱所有的美国拳击员工, 我真的感谢。”




Claressa盾比世界和奥林匹克冠军更, 她是一个类的行为,以及, 到底发生了那么今天迫切需要.




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Sharahya-Taina Moreu to make USA Boxing Women’s Elite debut at home in Albuquerque

2018 Western Elite Qualifier and Regional Open Championships
海. 6-10 at Albuquerque Convention Center

ÇOLORADO SPRINGS, 膝部. (三月 1, 2018) – High school senior Sharahya-taina moreu, one of the top youth amateur boxers in the world, will make her USA Boxing in the Women’s Elite Division at home in Albuquerque, 三月 6-10, 在 2018 USA Boxing Western Elite Qualifier and Regional Open Championships.

The 18-year-old Moreu, who plans to attend community college next year, 是 2016 USA Boxing National Champion, in addition to a four-time Native American and 2014 Gene Lewis champion. She was a silver medalist at the 2015 Junior/Youth Open and 2014/2015 Junior Olympic championships.

拳击, her father/coach, 约鲁巴·莫鲁(Yoruba Moreu), 已故 约翰尼·塔皮亚 helped her overcome the life-changing tragedy of her mother’s death in an automobile accident, forging a new path for her as a role model and 2020 Olympic hopeful. “I was only eight when my mother died,” Moreu remembered. “I was laying on her when the car-rolled and she was thrown through the back window. I was the first out of the card and on the freeway asking for help.

I’m a better person because of that accident, 虽然. 首先, I was regretful and angry, getting in fights and on a bad path. I got into boxing, 愤怒管理, and became motivated. I didn’t realize that I’d become a role model until girls started asking me for advice. They do look up to me and some of them I now coach.
Moreu started boxing at the age of 12 and Tapia, 五年时间, 三个赛区世界冠军, in addition to the 1983 和 1985 全国金手套冠军, had a tremendous impact on Sharahya-Taina that will remain in her heart and soul for life.
We became like family,” Moreu said. “首先, he didn’t like girls boxing, so he worked me real hard. I was a good basketball player and he kept telling me to go play basketball. But he became a big person in my life, 我认为, because I had lost my mother at such a young age. He helped me in and out of the ring in so many ways. Johnny Tapia was the nicest, most humble man I’ve ever met. We became family until the gym fell apart. He only coached me about eight months, but he taught me that boxing defines you as a person, 进出环. I feel safe in the ring. I’m a better person because of Johnny and boxing.

风格明智, Sharahya-Taina preys on her opponentsmistakes, adjusting in the ring the same as, 她说, “Just like in life.At 5′ 10″, Moreu has a distinct height and reach advantage over most of her middleweight opponents, using those attributes, her speed and stiff jab to relentlessly pile up points.

She strongly believes that, because of Claressa盾gold-medal performances in the 2012 和 2016 奥运会, the doors are open wider for women in boxing. “I saw an American woman do what Clarissa did and become a dominant force in boxing,” Moreu remarked. “(2016 中美. Olympian and three-time USA Boxing National Champion)) 迈卡拉迈耶 (3-0, 2 KOs as a pro) has helped a lot, 太. She signed with a good promoter (热门排名). Boxing is slowly getting better for woman, maybe not equal to men, but there are more girls boxing today than ever before and that’s a good sign.

Fighting at home in the Western Qualifier has a special meaning for Moreu. “I thought fighting in Albuquerque would be a lot of pressure,” 她承认, “but there’s not much pressure on me because of all the support I’m receiving. It’s easy here. Albuquerque isn’t like a big city but it’s becoming a fight town.

I like to travel and meet different people. 去年, I represented to United States in India at the Youth Championships, and I saw another part of the world, how people trained and had different life styles. I’m turning 19 在五月, so this is my first-time boxing in an Elite tournament, and it’s great doing it in my hometown.

Moreu also credits her father for a large amount of her success in the ring and life. “He’s been a single parent, but he’s always been there doing his best for me as a father and coach,” Sharahya-Taina noted. “Most people don’t know that he’s Puerto Rican, my mother a Native American (Pueblo).”

Like most young, elite athletes, Sharahya-Taina has a dream. “2020 在奥运会上,” she concluded. “I want to establish myself as an amateur and eventually go pro and have a good career.

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Facebook的: /USABoxing

Selina Barrios Spooks Her Opponent, Zarina Tsoloyeva Backs Out of Fight

RAYNE, LA (十一月 2, 2017)Two days after Halloween, unbeaten female sensation, 轻量级 周梁淑怡 “阿兹特克皇后” 邻里 (2-0, 1 KO), has spooked her opponent, Zarina Tsoloyeva (亲亮相) from Zhaksy, 哈萨克斯坦, as she backed out of their scheduled 4-round bout, set to take place today at The Rayne Civic Center in Louisiana. Tsoloyeva refused to step on the scale at yesterdays weigh-in.
Selina Barrios is one of the most avoided female fighters in the United States and now Kazakhstan. Ebony Jones from Alabama, Alpha Patricia Lopez from Mexico, 现在 Zarina Tsoloyeva from Kazakhstan, all signed to fight Selina but backed out to fight her at the last minute. Jones and Lopez were no shows, while Tsoloyeva who is from the distant land of Kazakhstan, showed up to the weigh-in, but declined to step on the scale.
I was willing to fight Zarina Tsoloyeva, the decorated amateur from Kazakhstan, but she pulled out at the last minute, like my last two opponents.said Selina Barrios from San Antonio. “It’s been very difficult getting opponents to fight me. I’ve always said, I don’t care who they put in front of me, I’ll fight anyone. I have that much confidence in my skills. I have no choice but to move on, but I’m respectfully sending a message to everyone in the lightweight and super-lightweight divisions, 我哪儿也不去, eventually you will all have to fight me.
Nothing will derail Selina as she stays positive and continues to work hard, looking for that opportunity to challenge the best the lightweight and super-lightweight divisions has to offer. Selina’s handlers must now move her to six and eight round bouts right away, to chip away and get to a championship fight as she gains more ring experience as a professional.
Looking at all the top lightweights and super-lightweights, I predict Selina will fight for a world championship before her tenth fight,” said advisor Kerry Daigle. “Possibly by fight number seven or eight. We’re going to move her into six and eight rounders moving forward. I’m already in talks with the sanctioning bodies to get her ranked.
If no one wants to fight me, then I’m calling out all the name fighters in the division,” Selina Barrios continued. “阿曼达·塞拉诺, 迈卡拉迈耶, Jessica McCaskill 而且当然, 凯蒂·泰勒, I’m willing to fight you guys anytime, 随地. 就像我说的, 在某一点, you will all have to fight me.

Salina Aztec Queen Barrios Returns to the Ring Nov 2 Against Decorated Amateur Zarina Tsoloyeva

SAN ANTONIO, TX (十月 27, 2017)Undefeated female sensation, 超轻量级 周梁淑怡 “阿兹特克皇后” 邻里 (2-0, 1 KO), 返回到环 星期四, 十一月 2, 2017 in Louisiana at The Rayne Civic Center. Barrios will face the highly touted Zarina Tsoloyeva (亲亮相) from Zhaksy, 哈萨克斯坦, in a 4-round bout in the super-lightweight division. 卡片名为 RAYNE RISINGis presented by Bad Chad’s Boxncar Promotions.
邻里, 谁来自圣安东尼奥, TX, is the older sister of undefeated super-lightweight contender, 马里奥·巴里奥斯 (20-0, 12 科斯). 作为一个业余爱好者, Selina had a remarkable record of (80-3), most of which came by stoppage. She has a notable win against USA Olympian and Top Rank fighter, 迈卡拉迈耶 (2-0, 2 科斯), and vows to make a statement against Tsoloyeva.
Even though Tsoloyeva is making her pro debut, she’s a big step up in competition,” Selina Barrios said. “She had a great amateur career and I know she’s going to be a tough opponent. All I know is I’m going to bring the heat, and show her why I’m the most dangerous fighter in women’s boxing.
Selina Barrios is guided by longtime boxing manager, 凯瑞·戴格尔, who believes Barrios is one of the most exciting boxers he’s seen in years.
Selina has that fighting style that every boxing fan loves,” said Kerry Daigle. “She’s nonstop action every time she steps in the ring. I haven’t seen a fighter like her in a long time, 男女不限. She has that special something that you can’t explain but you know is extraordinary. She’s in a very competitive fight, against a very skilled fighter in Zarina Tsoloyeva. When I asked her if she was willing to fight such a decorated amateur fighter, she said yes, with no hesitation. That’s what I love about Selina, she’s ready to fight anyone, anywhere.
Zarina Tsoloyeva, best known for her resemblance to actress Angelina Jolie, won a bronze medal in the Kazakh national championships. She’s a highly accomplished amateur champion with great boxing skills.
门票 RAYNE RISING priced $25 普通门票 (Pre-sale), ($30 general admission tickets at the door), $125 VIP马戏团, 和 $800 1st Row Executive Tables, 到货了在 HTTP://www.boxncar.com/buy-tickets/ 或致电 (337) 298-7658.

The Rayne Civic Center is located at 210 Frog Festival Dr, Rayne, LA 70578. 门开处6:00 P.M. 在第一钟 7:00 P.M.