标记档案: 玛丽夏娃Dicaire

Marie-Eve Dicaire learned invaluable lesson from Claressa Shields fight

MONTREAL (三月 31, 2021) – Popular Canadian boxer玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire learned an invaluable albeit disappointing lesson  her decision-loss to now-undisputed world super welterweight championClaressa盾 (11-0, 2 科斯) on the March 3RD “SUPERWOMEN” pay-per-view event.

Dicaire (17-1) suffered her first loss as a professional and in boxing that often leads in one direction or the opposite: learning from the overall experience and improving as a boxer or continue fighting as just a former world champion chasing opportunity.

Two weeks after the Shields fight, Marie-Eve was right back in training, rather than wallowing in her first loss and feeling sorry for herself.

“Clearly,” Dicaire说, “I learned a lot. I went right back to the gym with a precise plan to take my boxing to another level. I’ve realized many things, some good and some bad, but it will definitely help become a more complete fighter.

“After two weeks off, I had more than enough. Also, during the last year we experimented with a new way to work. I go to the gym for intense training for a few weeks, then take a few days off to rest. This method has brought me to another level, so we decided to work this way for my upcoming camp, because I felt great in the ring. I’m an overachiever. I can’t rest when I know I lost. I needed to get the work done to enjoy true vacations. I know I will be in the ring again soon.”

Losses ultimately lead to changes but Dicaire’s goal of becoming undisputed world champion remains the same. What’s changing, 虽然, is her style, at least to some degree, especially considering she has zero knockouts during her pro career.

“I was born ready, so the sooner, 更好,” Dicaire spoke about winning another world title. “I want to become a unified, undisputed world champion and this is why I am already back to work. We’re working on improving some of my weaknesses that weren’t a priority before. I’ll be working on improving my power and inside fighting during this training camp.”

Dicaire also learned that her support system has grown, remarkably, even after the initial setback on her otherwise undefeated record.

“I thought I was going to deal with the loss alone with my family and close friends,” Dicaire concluded, “but it’s been the exact opposite. I have never experienced so much support from fans during my entire career. It is like everybody is aware I have everything it takes to become champion of the world again and they’re with me during this new journey.”

Marie-Eve Dicaire determined underdog against Claressa Shields inSuperwomenPPV this Friday Night

MONTREAL (三月 1, 2021) – Unbeaten underdog 玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire, the reigning IBF female super welterweight World champion, has fully prepared physically and mentally for this Friday night’s undisputed showdown against undefeated WBC and WBO title holder and self-proclaimed GOAT Claressa盾(10-0, 2 科斯).

A tribute to International Women’s Day, “女超人: 盾VS. 迪卡雷” will be broadcast live in USA on InDemand Pay Per View and streamed live on FITE.TV, and in Canada On Canal Indigo, 贝尔电视, Shaw TV and streamed live on FITE.TV and YOOP. 开始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT, from Dort Financial Center in Flint, 密歇根. (To pre-order on FITE.TVwww.fitetv/watch/shields-vs-decaire/2p8qn/).

Dicaire (17-0), a popular French-Canadian boxer, understands and fully appreciates the significance of “女超人”, and what an upset victory would do for her building brand, particularly outside her native Canada.

I allowed myself to be excited,” Dicaire explained. “I know it is a significant fight, but I made sure I’m focused on the task I need to accomplish and not the outcome of the fight. My strategy is based on my skills. Where she puts her focus is up to her. On my side, I did everything I had to get ready for this fight. And I am!

I’ve always said that boxing is a passion, and I am happy to make a living out of it,” 她说. 但, 对我来说, it is more than that. It is a way to inspire people, to change society’s mentality. I want to achieve greatness to inspire people to dream big and this is what this fight is all about to me.

去年, 2-time Olympic boxing gold medalist Shields, who will be fighting Dicaire at home in Flint, 密歇根, signed a multi-year deal with mixed-martial-arts promoter PFL. Her transition to MMA will reportedly happen this year.

Dicaire, 具有讽刺意味的, was a world amateur champion in karate before transitioning to boxing, in which she has defeated five world champions.

My karate background has always been a powerful tool for me in terms of mindset and work ethic,” Dicaire commented. “I was built in martial arts and I think it is what made me the strong athlete that I am now.

这个星期五晚上 盾VS. Dicarie will determine the No. 1 woman in the super welterweight division, if not in all of boxing.


Claressa盾返回SHOWTIME®争夺成为FOUR-BELT ERA一次毫无争议的世界冠军两个师

希尔兹面对IBF超中量级冠军玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire有了所有四个主要腰带上线在154磅重的统一回合

 欣欣拳击: 特别版周六, 五月 9 在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT

纽约  - 三月 11, 2020 - 不败的三处世界冠军Claressa盾将试图成为四带时代的第一个拳击手成为无可争议的世界冠军,两个量级时,她面临着不败的IBF超中量级冠军玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire在154磅的统一回合上周六, 五月 9, 住在Showtime(9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT) 从多特联邦信贷联盟活动中心弗林特的盾牌的故乡, 我.

在欣欣拳击的冠军: 特别版主要活动将离开盾牌WBC和WBO冠军, Dicaire的国际羽联带, 和WBA (超级) 王冠. 这是其99年历史上首次将WBA已经获得了中超冠军腰带的女拳击手。

门票在的Salita促销活动开始 $35 并且可以在Ticketmaster.com并在多特联邦信贷联盟活动中心售票处购买.

“我等不及要再次创造历史上的5月9日,”希尔兹说. “在所有我的球迷面前弗林特战斗一直以来转向亲我的一个梦想。有机会通过在第二重师无可争议的冠军战创造历史的东西,我很自豪。对抗不败国际羽联154磅冠军玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire继续我的追求,以争取在女子拳击的最好. 而领衔精彩表演再次将继续我的目标是提升女子拳击到新的高度。我想给火石和争取球迷遍布世界一个晚上要记住五月 9!”

“我很高兴有这个机会,这是一种荣誉,面对像Claressa盾对手,” Dicaire说. “我很感谢我的子伊冯·米歇尔人人参与使这一切成为可能。为了我, 这是一个梦想成真. 我将准备最好的,我可以,我愿意放弃一切在擂台上赢得战斗!”

在四带时代, 只有七个战士已经无可争议的一个师, 连盾牌, 凯蒂·泰勒, 塞西莉亚Braekhus, 伯纳德·霍普金斯大学, 前锋泰勒, 特伦斯·克劳福德, 和奥莱克桑德·塞克.

 一月 10 在大西洋城, 新泽西州, 希尔兹声称WBC和WBO 154磅重的世界冠军超过伊万娜Habazin一个主导一致决定创造了历史. 希尔兹成为历史上增长最快的战斗机, 男女不限, 赢得世界冠军,在三个不同量级, 超越瓦西里Lomachenko和湖西田中的记录, 谁既完成的壮举 12 打架.

这位24岁的希尔兹 (10-0, 2 科斯) 从开盘制服Habazin, 利用一个强大的刺拳和留下克罗地亚大多是在防御模式在整个10轮的战斗身体拍摄稳定的饮食。在第六轮, 一系列的人体拍摄被迫Habazin采取膝盖在她的职业生涯的第一个击倒。

“SHOWTIME有特色的女子格斗运动最好的悠久历史, 无论是与吉娜·卡拉诺, 克里斯机器侠和龙达·鲁西在MMA, 或莱拉·阿里与克里斯蒂·马丁在拳击,”戈登·霍尔说, 欣欣拳击的执行制片人: 特别版本. “最近, 我们已经表明Claressa盾, 克里斯蒂娜·哈默, 轻量级冠军凯蒂·泰勒和七个分区冠军阿曼达·塞拉诺. 盾VS. Dicaire会因为我们的第12届女子拳击事件 2017. Claressa与Dicaire回合代表unbeatens的又一历史性战役,并尝试对SHOWTIME另一个“第一”作为Claressa看起来两个体重级别,成为无可争议的“。

“我很高兴能在多特联邦信贷联盟活动中心拳击带来了历史性的夜晚球迷弗林特并在Showtime那些观看,“说着德米特里Salita, 的Salita促销总裁. “在Claressa盾和玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire, 我们拥有世界上最好的两个初中middleweights的两个不败冠军无可争议的世界冠军战斗.  除了她已经历史性创举的列表, 如果胜利, Claressa将成为四带时代的前两分无可争议的冠军. 这将是一个胜利的夜晚在火石5月9日”

男性或女性 - - 赢得两个连续的奥运金牌成为历史上第一个美国拳击手后, 希尔兹转为职业选手后的 2016 奥运会和标题的第一个女子拳击主要事件在付费有线电视的历史中只是她在2017年第二盾牌专业的斗争, 谁将会领衔第七次在Showtime, 现在有上做出更多的历史她的视.

“Claressa盾依然是一座灯塔和女子拳击开拓者, 女子运动, 和整体拳击,”马克说Taffet, Shields的经理. “作为美国唯一赢回到后端奥运金牌的拳击, 有三个量级赢得世界冠军比在拳击历史上的任何男人或女人更快, 现在有成为第一人的机会 - 男人还是女人 - 是一个无可争议的冠军两个量级的四带时代, Claressa将继续增加对她的传奇名单, 前所未有的历史性的成就来5月9日,我感到自豪的是她的旅程的一部分“。

这位33岁的Dicaire (17-0) 从圣厄斯塔什, 魁北克, 加拿大, 在六岁的时候开始空手道. 她的工作她的方式通过了队伍,直到她得到她的黑色皮带。赢得五个世界冠军头衔后, Dicaire把注意力转向拳击并在12月获得IBF超中量级世界冠军腰带 2018 通过决定拉下马乌拉圭克里斯Namus在魁北克市Videotron的中心. 在她在十一月的最后一战 2019, Dicaire捍卫她的第三次跳动标题经历委内瑞拉Ogleidis苏亚雷斯一致决定. Dicaire将争取魁北克省以外的首次月 9 而将目光得分的盾牌的家乡球迷面前爆冷击败.

“玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire对Claressa盾, 对于所有标题2个不败冠军的较量 - 你不能在拳击比赛中更好的匹配,”伊冯·米歇尔说:, Dicaire的启动子, GYM总裁. “我们对所有盾牌伟大的尊重和敬佩已完成,但毫无疑问,玛丽 - 夏娃是最熟练的, 强大而敬业的对手Claressa面临. 我们非常有信心,所有的安全带会回到加拿大与美国. 感谢的Salita促销和精彩表演的机会. 玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire将为球迷和观众一个伟大的斗争“。

巴里·汤普金斯将调用欣欣拳击: 从马戏团特别版动作与拳击历史学家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军劳尔·马尔克斯作为专家分析. 执行制片人戈登·霍尔与理查德·高根生产和里克·菲利普斯导演.

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DICAIRE VS. 苏亚雷斯IBF世界超级中量级冠军十一月 23 在魁北克Videotron的中心

门票开始发售本星期五 10 调幅

魁北克市, 加拿大 (十月 1, 2019) — 该Videotron的中心在魁北克市将是另一个特殊的拳击事件现场, 这将通过一个世界冠军的比赛为特色的职业拳击在魁北克的宠儿被加冕, 不败 玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire (16-0-0, 0 科斯).

有魅力的国际拳击协会 (IBF) 女子超中量级世界冠军将捍卫她的腰带针对危险和所经历的第三次 Ogleidis苏亚雷斯 (29-3-1, 13 科斯), 国际羽联无. 2-来自委内瑞拉受好评的竞争者.

门票开始销售给公众的明天 (星期五) 在 10 上午, AND.

“该Videotron的中心是我一个特别的地方,” Dicaire说. “12月1日, 我写了历史的页面,这一刻会留在我的记忆永远镌刻. 几乎一年后回来这里是非常显著. 我很高兴,特别是兴奋得能够证明我的支持者一年的努力和辛勤工作的结果的机会。”

由Groupe Yvon的米歇尔重磅炸弹事件共同促进 (健身房) 和Gestev, 通过Videotron的关联呈现濑-O-JEU.

2 世界锦标赛作为奖励, 球迷将有参加由世界拳击协会第四次卫冕的特权 (WBA) 超中量级世界冠军汉娜Gabriels的 (20-2-1, 11 科斯). 这场斗争是一个合作的辉煌总部位于纽约启动, 娄DiBella. 哥斯达黎加本土的对手将很快公布. 该计划是在3月份有统一的斗争, 2020 在Dicaire和Gabriels的之间的Videotron的中心提供他们都保留其称号.

“我很高兴地看到,我的团队在尽一切让我尽快找回成环,” Gabriels的评论. “这是我职业生涯第一次, 我有一个优秀的管理者成功的组合, 赫克托·费尔南德斯, 除了我的子, DiBella娱乐. 我非常接近我的成为我司统一的冠军目标. 当然, 我将首先着眼于赢得11月23日我的战斗. 然后, 我要面对我的类别中的其他冠军谁也不敢面对我. 如果Dicaire小姐想成为第一, 我会很乐意在主场击败她. 这是一个梦想,我在加拿大打, 非凡的国家. “

“我很高兴,汉娜Gabriels的将能够通过我的朋友伊冯·米歇尔组织了这次大型活动保卫她在魁北克市称号,” 新增迪贝拉, DiBella娱乐总裁. “汉娜Gabriels的和Marie-夏娃Dicaire是两个最有才华的女性在职业拳击. 这两个运动员之间的统一,将是对女性体育场景中的最大的战斗之一. 另一方面, 两个冠军必须赢得11月的决斗的 23 之前想着下一阶段。”

ZEWSKI和BOUCHARD枢轴对抗同时展出的将有抱负的世界冠军的Mikael Zewski (33-1-0, 22 科斯), 以及家乡魁北克城最喜爱的, 塞巴斯蒂安·布沙尔 (18-1-0, 8 科斯), 谁都会处于非常关键的战斗在各自的职业生涯亲方面. 世界拳击组织 (WBO) 别. 8-额定Zewski, 卫冕北美拳击组织 (邻居) 次中量级冠军, 将捍卫他对美国的挑战者冠布拉德 “王” 所罗门 (28-1-0, 9 科斯) 道格拉斯的, 格鲁吉亚。布沙尔将在世界排名门口击败蒙特利尔阿亚兹·侯赛因敲 (13-1-0, 10 科斯) 空置北美IBF冠军.
对于他的部分, Zewski很高兴回到魁北克城: “我感到非常高兴和激动是回到魁北克表明我精锐之师的一部分人,并继续攀升的排名. 我期望从所罗门群岛强烈反对. 我准备好迎接挑战! “

布沙尔想让魁北克震动了他的 5 战斗在Videotron的中心: “我从来没有被激发局部战役, 但我知道,球迷们不断地问他们. 伊冯,我决定举行这场对决使魁北克市和Videotron的中心上月振动 23 因而感谢拳击迷的持续支持. “

“我们很高兴能够回到Videotron的中心玛丽夏娃的第四个世界冠军布特,” GYM总裁伊冯·米歇尔说。 “她赢得了IBF冠军12月1日, 这里在魁北克, 情况下,我们知道. 随着Zewski的参与, 布沙尔和Gabriels的, 有四个冠军战斗在这个装, 其中包括两名世界冠军战斗. 这将是一个晚上丰富的人才和参与者非常果断. 该节目将是拳击的一个梦幻般的夜晚, 一个不能错过的活动为球迷“。

“该Videotron的中心与玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire的特殊关系,”注意 马丁特伦布莱, 魁北克体育和娱乐集团的首席运营官. “我们期待着十一月又一盛事 23, 当第一个女人的世界冠军的争夺将标题拳击事件在大剧场. 当地的组件也是这个盛会重要. 我们很高兴能有机会为塞巴斯蒂安布沙尔赢得他的第一个北美冠军在他的魁北克球迷面前。”

与阿多尼斯·史蒂文森大走访 前世界轻重量级世界冠军 阿多尼斯史蒂文森, 谁是他在位期间在魁北克市转战五个世界冠军战斗, 证实了他的存在,以支持玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire. 他将返回首次露天剧场, 在那里,他有他的最后一战, 这Dicaire开始了她的王朝作为世界冠军的当天晚上. 阿多尼斯将在VVIP部分,可供采访, 照片和签名. 他将他的妻子陪同, 西蒙娜好.

魁北克体育FERNAND马科特在大厅. 最近, Quebecer 费尔南·马科特 在入选的魁北克省体育名人堂加冕了他辉煌的职业生涯拳击. 特别赞扬将于十一月给予. 23 而他也将是在VVIP区存在并且可用.

门票, 开始 $49 (税和服务费包括), 将是在Gestev.com和Ticketmaster.ca销售, 在冠军拳击俱乐部 (514-376-0980) 和健身房 (514-383-0666), 或致电 1-855-790-1245.


• 数量有限, 只要 100 门票
•接近魁北克职业拳击的大腕,包括费尔南德马科特, 阿多尼斯史蒂文森, 卢西恩弼让·帕斯卡尔Eleider阿尔瓦雷斯 和奥斯卡·里瓦斯, 等等, 对于照片和签名的可能性.
•访问晚会后党与环的主星, 玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire, 米卡埃尔·泽斯基和塞巴斯蒂安·布沙尔.
•每张门票的价格是 $500

运河INDIGO在TELE LA CARTE.该 “Dicaire-Zewski - 布沙尔,Gabriels的” 活动将在加拿大广播上通过付费观看运河靛蓝贝尔电视 和肖电视.




DICAIRE将面临NAMUS! 国际羽联世界轻中量级女SET锦标赛十二月 1 在魁北克市



魁北克市, 加拿大 (十一月 2, 2018) –– 魅力 玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire (13-0-0, 0 科斯) 必须让她做梦月成真的机会 1 在Videotron的中心在魁北克, 当她打架的国际拳击联合会 (IBF) 对世界冠军轻中量级冠军 克里斯Namus (24-4-0, 8 科斯), 乌拉圭. 玛丽 - 夏娃将在第一女子世界冠军布特打魁北克历史.




这位31岁的Namus, 战斗南美洲出来, 签订的合同过去的这个星期二捍卫她的官方针对Dicaire在共同功能的事件由世界拳击理事会标题上网卡 (WBC) 和直系轻重量级世界冠军布特之间 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 和挑战者 奥列克Gvozdyk, 加入一些香料已经烧红卡.




房子, 绰号 “萨尔瓦多Bombon凶手”, 一直IBF冠军,因为 2017, 当她击败阿根廷 Yamila埃丝特·雷诺索 空置标题. 她从那以后她的辩护一次带, 对她的同胞, 卡蒂娅Alvarino.



“首先,” Dicaire 说, “我必须说,我感到很荣幸能够有机会到世界冠军,第一次在这里魁北克箱. 这场斗争代表了多年的努力, 牺牲, 毅力和住那些谁这个动荡的旅程中支持我面前的那一刻是难以形容我.




“我对这场斗争的准备已经全面展开,我必须承认,Namus的签名刚添加了额外的动机,我的训练营的最后一个步骤. 所以, 注意! 我等不及要在环接触这个带!”




“玛丽 - 夏娃是一个很好的位置是在加拿大拳击史上的明星. 她不会有第二次机会留下一个良好的第一印象,” 新增GYM的运营和招聘副总裁, 伯纳德·巴利.




门票, 开始 $ 50.50, 税和服务费包括, 现于Gestev.com和Ticketmaster.ca销售, 在冠军拳击俱乐部 (514-376-0980), 在GYM (514-383-0666) 或 1-855-790-1245.


该 “强制性” 活动将在美国和加拿大通过电视转播的付费观看 靛青, 贝尔电视肖电视.






因为小小年纪的玛丽夏娃Dicaire一直在战斗运动. 仅在 6 岁, 空手道她神魂颠倒. 她获得了 黑带 甚至是之前赢得了加拿大冠军赛 11 岁.




在 18 岁, 玛丽 - 夏娃成为 空手道世界冠军 第一时间. 她会赢得这个称号等四倍.








一 5 度黑带和道场的所有者 (空手道Sunfuki), Dicaire使得转而使用自由搏击,有两个打架 (一胜一平) 开始前拳击.




在业余拳击场面, 她比打 50 在不到四年的时间.

她最好的一年是 2013, 当她赢得了 魁北克锦标赛, 加拿大锦标赛马戏团世界锦标赛, 再加上击败美国冠军在加拿大与美国会议.




Boxe魁北克也给她取名 2013 年度最佳运动员.




从圣厄斯塔什的战斗机, 魁北克, 使她的亲亮相十一月 20, 2015, 在索莱尔 - 特蕾西. 她打败了 克里斯蒂娜·巴里, 从马尼托巴, 一致决定.




一月 21 在蒙特利尔赌场, Dicaire击败克里斯蒂娜·巴里第二次把自己的不败纪录.




在她的第三郊游, 她击败了墨西哥老将 玛莎·帕特里夏·拉腊, 三月 17 在蒙特利尔赌场.




五月 24 在蒙特利尔赌场, Dicaire面对排名对手 16 世界由WBC, 美国 阿什利 - 库里. 随着一个充满活力的身体攻击, 她赢得了一致的决定.




10月20日, 这是墨西哥战士 卡拉萨莫拉轮到品尝Dicaire的药, 然后在十二月 10, 前NABF冠军 帕蒂·拉米雷斯, 墨西哥, 还击败.




论蒙特利尔赌场的歌厅2月9日, 玛丽 - 夏娃在职业拳击卡的最后一轮的第一次战斗. 这也是第一个女单决赛的GYM. 左撇子赢得了积极的美国一致决定发表他的第一个八轮对抗完美的表现 丽莎诺埃尔·加兰.




在她最近的表现六月 15, 她完全统治蒂华纳的艰难赛区的冠军。 亚历杭德拉·阿亚拉.




在第一 10 轮她的职业生涯而战, 十月 25, 2017 在LAC利米赌场, Dicaire赢得了对阿根廷的侵略冠军壮观的战斗 Yamila埃丝特·雷诺索, 一致决定获胜.


与拉米雷斯复赛的胜利后,, 左撇子面临前IBF世界冠军 玛丽莎·加布里埃拉·努涅斯 二月 15 在歌厅杜蒙特利尔赌场. 由于通过多数决定胜利 10 发, 她俘获了她的第一个专业带, 该 NABF轻中量级冠军.


习惯了在执行学科的最高峰, 其中,她已演变, Dicaire的目标是什么比一个世界冠军腰带少. 她目前排名 #1 由WBA, #2 由IBF和 #2 由WBC.











2012 Canadian Olympian Custio Clayton to headline

Undefeated welterweight prospect Custio Clayton will headline GYM’s 十月. 20日 show in Montreal

MONTRÉAL (九月 23, 2016) –– 该 “健身房 2016-2017 拳击系列”, 一 “Presentation of Casino de Montreal in collaboration with Videotronwill officially begin 十月 20 and that professional boxing card has been announced today by Groupe Yvon Michel (健身房) 总统

在10轮的主要事件, 2012 加拿大奥运选手 Custio克莱顿 (9-0, 7 科斯) will face the biggest challenge of his young career in his tenacious Mexican opponent, RamsesEl FaraonAgaton (17-4-3, 9 科斯).
克莱顿, based in Montreal since his professional debut, also headlined theGYM-CASINOseries last season. In three series bouts held at the Cabaret du Casino in 2016, 他停止了法国人 Stanislas Salmon (25-3-2), 美国 海克特·穆尼奥斯 (23-17-1) and Mexican Jose Emilio Perea (23-6-1).
I work hard every week and I always feel better when I work out,” Clayton said. “I had a solid training camp in Montreal and a few days in Ottawa with my trainer. 我会准备好!”
Agaton is a fast, skilled and aggressive southpaw who lost a tough, majority decision to the North American Boxing Federation (NABF) 次中量级冠军, 康斯坦丁·波诺马廖夫 (28-0), 俄罗斯, last November in Las Vegas. Agaton has notable victories over Ronald Montes (16-0), 亚历杭德罗·巴雷拉 (25-1) 和 Alvaro Robles (17-2-2).
Charismatic 玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire (4-0, 0 科斯), 圣欧斯塔什的, will step into the ring in a 6-round fight for only the second time of her career versus 卡拉萨莫拉 (3-2-0, 1 KO), 墨西哥, 在共同特征.
Dicaire will be fighting at Cabaret du Casino for the fourth time having already defeated Manitoba’s Christina Berry (0-2-0), 墨西哥人 玛莎·帕特里夏·拉腊 (9-4-0) 和美国 阿什利 - 库里 (7-9-4) in her previous appearances in her previous fights there
The Casino is becoming my home, ” the 30-year-old southpaw commented. “I cannot wait to box again This is the longest I’ve been without climbing into the ring and everything is good to the point. I am transformed! I look forward to applying the new details worked on in the gym.
A protégé of world light heavyweight contender and 2-time Russian Olympian, 阿图尔Beterbiev, pro-debuting super bantamweight Vislan Dalkhaev (7-0-0, 2 科斯) will try to continue his demolition work in the pro ranks against Rodrigo Adrian Campos (10-4-0, 5 科斯), 墨西哥, in a scheduled 8-round fight.
During his illustrious amateur career, Dalkhaev’s major accomplishment was defeating 2-time Olympic gold medalist Robeisy Ramirez, 古巴, at a 2010 tournament in Kazakhstan. Ramirez recently beat American star 沙库尔·史蒂文森 championship final of the bantamweight (56 公斤) division at the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil this past summer. Based on his rich amateur pedigree, Dalkhaev has a very promising pro boxing career.
Vislan is very impressive in training and he is improving with every bout,” 他的教练
马克·拉姆齐注意. “We see consistent development by him,”
Twenty-two-year old 达里奥·布雷迪森 (9-0, 3 科斯), who is trained by the Grant brothers, will also be in action against tough Frenchman Baptiste Castegnaro (8-9, 4 科斯).
An American of Romanian descent who was discovered by former world champion 卢西恩弼, Bredicean fought twice at the Casino last season, winning impressive decisions over Mexican 乔迪尔·泽佩达 (12-14-1) and Quebecer François Miville (7-4).
帕特里斯·沃尔尼 (2-0, 1 科斯), 蒙特利尔, will fight for the third time at the Cabaret of the Casino de Montréal. Spectacular in his two previous appearances there, where he delivered a brutal KO over米歇尔Tsalla (1-11-2) and dominated Charles Hauver (对于首次亮相), he will trade blows this time with pro-debuting Cuban Oscar Masso Cando, who is a veteran of 250 amateur fights and now lives in Lévis, Québec.
轻量级 Dwayne Durel, of nearby Laval (4-0-0, 2 科斯), is a former kickboxer, also trained by the Grant brothers, who also will be on the card against a rival to be determined.
Alexandre Choko against doping
In a special attraction, Montreal’s Alexandre Choko will make his pro debut at the age of 42. An activist in boxing’s anti-doping, he wants to raise awareness of the dangers of doping products by fighting in the ring himself.
The identity of his rival will be unveiled next week.
vents at The Casino
GYM BOXING SERIES PRESENTED BY THE CASINO DE MONTRÉAL IN COLLABORATION WITH VIDEOTRONis based on a formula that has been very popular from 2005 到 2010. 在这段时期, no less than nine participants went on to become world champions. 已经是第 13 个年头了, GYM repeated this formula in which the proximity of the action, along with the warm and electrifying ambiance, plus the intensity of the fights, provides a unique experience.
此外, at each event ticket holders will receive a private invitation to mingle with the athletes and observers in an exclusive Casino bar this unique purpose.
We are very proud to launch this series with this excellent event. This is the first of 18 planned at the Casino of Montreal and Lac Lemay, over the 3 next years, a real gift for boxing fans in QuebecMichel concluded. “These are our stars of 明天. And again, each event at the Casino is a colorful show, a one of a kind party. This is exactly the kind of happening that fight fans do not want to miss!”
Event tickets for the event or season tickets are available to purchase via www.admission.ca or by calling at GYM’s office (514-383-0666).
关于伊冯·米歇尔集团 (健身房): 狮伊冯·米歇尔 (健身房) 始建于 2004 作者:伊冯·米歇尔 (Yvon Michel) 和他的同事. 该组织的使命是通过教练支持,特别是竞争性管理,培养高水平拳击手. 实现其目标, GYM积极招募人才、举办活动,与热门剧集相关联, “总理拳击冠军 (PBC),” 并与 Loto Quebec 建立了主要的 Videotron 合作伙伴关系, TVA体育, 视频中心, 蒙特利尔赌场和利米湖, Tonik GroupImage 和 Lapointe 牙科中心, in addition to collaborating closely with Rixa.

Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson Scores Sensational Knockout Over Hard-Hitting Contender Thomas Williams Jr. In Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Main Event Friday Night From Centre Videotron in Quebec City, 加拿大

Middleweight Contenders Immanuwel Aleem & Demond尼科尔森
Fight to Majority Draw
Top Contender Eleider Alvarez Dominates Robert Berridge On Way to Unanimous Decision Victory
点击 这里 for Photos from Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions
点击 这里 for Main Event Highlights
魁北克市 (七月 30, 2016) – 轻重量级世界冠军 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森 (28-1, 23 科斯) delivered a highlight reel knockout victory over 托马斯 “Top Dogg” 威廉姆斯JR. (20-2, 14 科斯) in the fourth-round of an exciting main event showdown on 总理拳击冠军 Spike 星期五 night from Centre Videotron in Quebec City, 加拿大.
It was a firefight,” said Stevenson. “He put pressure on me so I decided to put pressure on him too. It was a fight with two guys who could punch and it was spectacular. It was my daughter’s birthday and I gave her a great gift.
The defending champion Stevenson, fighting in his adopted hometown, put Williams down in round one with a straight left hand. Williams was able to recover and began to fire back in round two. 然而, Stevenson’s jab consistently sent Williams backtracking, while Williams abandoned the jab and attempted to cut the distance with power punches from difficult angles. Williams staggered the world champion several times, using an effective counter right hand while getting the best of many exchanges.
Both men were hurt in an exciting third round that saw momentum swing in each man’s favor before the bell rang to end the round. A cut opened up over the left eye of Williams in the end of the round that was tended to in his corner. Williams hit the canvas as a result of a low blow early in the fourth, but regained his footing shortly after.
The notorious power puncher Stevenson eventually landed the deciding blow of the night when he caught Williamschin hanging in the pocket and delivered a straight left hand that put the challenger to the floor. 华盛顿, DC area-native was unable to recover, prompting referee Michael Griffin to stop the bout 2:54 进入第四轮.
Additional televised action saw rising middleweight contenders伊曼纽尔·阿利姆 (16-0-1, 9 科斯) 和 Demond尼科尔森 (17-1-1, 16 科斯) fight to a majority draw in their eight-round bout.
Neither fighter was able to control of the fight with Nicholson attempting to use his length and jab while Aleem tried to cut the distance and attack with short punches. Nicholson appeared to have the more effective attack in the early rounds, while Aleem began to have more success as the fight shifted to toe-to-toe action in the second half of the fight.
法官’ scores reflected the close nature of the fight as one judge had it 77-74 for Aleem while the other two judges had it a 76-76 平局.
The televised opener saw Eleider “风暴” 阿尔瓦雷斯 (20-0, 10 科斯) keep his perfect record intact with a unanimous decision victory over New Zealand’s 罗伯特·贝里奇 (27-5, 21 科斯) in a 10-round light heavyweight affair.
I am happy with the win, but I would have liked a knockout! 他很坚强, but he did not hurt me at all and I thought that I hurt him. I am ready for my next challenge, which will hopefully be a world title fight.
The top-rated contender for Stevenson’s title, Alvarez established his jab early on while attacking the body of Berridge with right hooks. Alvarez continued to control the fight from a distance as Berridge was slow to begin increasing his output before he started putting the pressure on in round five.
The southpaw Berridge was able to land occasionally on Alvarez with a looping left hand, but never put the undefeated fighter in danger. Alvarez began to have more success varying up his attack with right uppercuts and hooks that eventually left Berridge’s right eye swollen and bruised.
Alvarez took home the decision by scores of 99-90 和 98-92 两次.
PBC on Spike was promoted by Group Yvon Michel (健身房).
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.groupeyvonmichel.ca, 和www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳击冠军, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, TopDoggJr, @yvonmichelgym @SpikeTV和@SpikeSports,并成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,和 www.Facebook.com/Spike. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. ESPN 上的 PBC 由 Corona Extra 赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Adonis Stevenson vs. 托马斯·威廉姆斯JR. PBC on Spike Official Weights, 称重照片 & Fight Week Quotes

Please see below for the official weights along with fight week quotes from Adonis Stevenson and Thomas Williams Jr. heading into 明天的 Premier Boxing Champions on Spike main event live from Montreal.

点击 这里 For Photos From Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions

阿多尼斯·史蒂文森 – 173.6 磅
Welcome to Québec City Thomas. I saw your fight against Edwin Rodriguez. It was a nice performance with a beautiful KO. When I saw that bout, I told myself I wanted that fight with you. I knew I was going to be motivated.
I know Williams hits hard and that he has a name now in the United States, but I keep the same Kronk Gym mentality Emmanuel Steward taught me: we go for the KO. It is also the birthday of my daughter and I want to offer her a KO, I am motivated. This will be excitingdon’t blink!”
You don’t know what I have been through to be here. Tweets, talks and predictions won’t mean nothing 星期五 夜晚: facts will. There will be a new champion.
With only a 10 day notice, I am really happy to face a fighter of such a high caliber. Berridge is a tough guy who faced good names like Thomas Oosthuizen and Blake Caparello, but I prepared really hard for Chad Dawson. I am ready.
I am excited to be here and to face a solid boxer. Expect a good performance from me on Friday.
IMMANUWEL阿利姆 – 160.4 磅
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.groupeyvonmichel.ca, 和www.spike.com/shows/premier-boxing-champions, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, TopDoggJr, @yvonmichelgym @SpikeTV和@SpikeSports,并成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, 和www.Facebook.com/Spike. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. ESPN 上的 PBC 由 Corona Extra 赞助, 最好的啤酒.


七月 29 airing live on Spike TV from Videotron Centre
阿多尼斯 ”超人” 史蒂文森 – WBC and lineal light heavyweight world champion:
Welcome to Québec City Thomas. I saw your fight against Edwin Rodriguez. It was a nice performance with a beautiful KO. When I saw that bout, I told myself I wanted that fight with you. I knew I was going to be motivated.
I know Williams hits hard and that he has a name now in the United States, but I keep the same Kronk Gym mentality Emmanuel Steward taught me: we go for the KO. It is also my daughter’s birthday and I want to get her a KO, I am motivated. That will be excitingdon’t blink!”
托马斯 ”顶部狗” 威廉姆斯 – WBC #8 light heavyweight ranked challenger:
You don’t know what I have been through to be here. Tweets, talks and predictions won’t mean nothing 星期五 夜晚…..facts will. There will be a new champion.
Eleider ”风暴” 阿尔瓦雷斯 – WBC #1 ranked challenger and WBC Silver light heavyweight champion:
With only a 10-day notice, I am really happy to face a fighter of good caliber. Berridge is a tough guy who faced good names like Thomas Oosthuizen and Blake Caparello, but I prepared really hard for Chad Dawson. I am ready.
罗伯特· ”屠夫” BerridgeNew Zealand light heavyweight champion :
I am excited to be here and to face a solid boxer. Expect a good performance from me 星期五.”
伊冯·米歇尔 – GYM总裁:
The event is called ‘SHOOTOUTbecause of the aggressive style of Thomas Williams Jr, who fights like there is no 明天, combined with the explosive power of Adonis Stevenson.
Williams is a clear and present danger but we are convinced that Adonis is well prepared and will succeed, so that we will all be happy 星期六 morning while eating breakfast. We still have not seen his full potential yet.
The fight between Eleider Alvarez and Robert Berridge is really important for the rankings in the light heavyweight division. Alvarez is highly considered by all the independent rankings (午夜凶铃, BoxRec) and Berridge was already in training before the withdrawal of Chad Dawson, because he was supposed to fight on HBO PPV last weekend before the bout was cancelled for administrative reasons. He is fearless and a hard hitter.
门票 “SHOOTOUT” 事件, jointly promoted by GYM and Gestev and presented by Vidéotron, in collaboration with Mise-O-Jeu, 开始 $50.00 and are on sale and available to purchase at www.ticketmaster.ca, 该 Videotron Centre Box Office, calling GYM at (514) 383-0666 andthe Champion Boxing club (514) 376-0980, or by dialing 1-855-790-1245

Berridge replaces injured Dawson vs. 阿尔瓦雷斯


史蒂文森VS. 威廉姆斯
七月 29 airing live on Spike TV from Videotron Centre
MONTRÉAL (七月 23, 2016) Undefeated No. 1 轻重量级的竞争者 Eleider “风暴” 阿尔瓦雷斯 (19-0, 10 科斯) has found a solid boxer to face him on the 七月 29 卡, featuring the WBC and lineal world light heavyweight title fight between defending champion 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森 (27-1, 22 科斯) 和挑战者 托马斯·威廉姆斯JR. (20-1, 14 科斯), 在 Videotron 中心. WBC Silver light heavyweight champion Alvarez will face New Zealand southpaw slugger 罗伯特· “屠夫” Berridge (27-4-1, 21 科斯).
The Alvarez-Berridge co-feature, 预定 10 rounds at a 180-pound catch-weight, will air on 斯派克电视 在美国. ñamed “屠夫” because of his aggressive style and power, the 31-year-old Australian sputhpaw has won the several regional titles during his pro career including New Zealand (2013 和 2015), WBC Asia (2013), PABA (2013-2014) and WBO Oriental (2013-2014).
I prepared to face a southpaw in Chad Dawson and Berridge is also left-handed, so adapting will be easier,” 阿尔瓦雷斯说. “I tip my hat to him for accepted this challenge with only a 10-day notice
“当然, I am really disappointed in Dawson’s withdrawal, but these things happen that you cannot control. I’m still happy to get in the ring of the Vidéotron Centre in Quebec City.
Berridge is an aggressive, powerful and fierce fighter,” Groupe Yvon Michel president (健身房) 伊冯·米歇尔 额外. “We are pleased to have found an opponent of this quality to face Alvarez in front of the Spike TV cameras.
A new rival for Bouchard
Popular Sébastien Bouchard (13-1, 4 科斯), of Baie-Saint-Paul, 加拿大, has a new opponent,Alejandro Herrera (14-3-2, 5 科斯), 在六轮的较量.
Stevenson-Williams referee and judges announced
Names of the officials for the Stevenson vs. Williams main event fight have also been disclosed. The referee will be 迈克尔·格里芬 (魁北克), the three ringside judges Richard DeCarufel(魁北克), Massimo Barrovecchio (意大利) 和 Juergen Langos (德国), plus supervisor
Bob Logist (比利时).
Two public training sessions were planned this weekend on Grande Allée Boulevard in Quebec City. 第一, featuring Stevenson, took place today (星期六) and tomorrow several undercard boxers will workout starting at 1 P.M. AND.
门票 “SHOOTOUT” 事件, jointly promoted by GYM and Gestev and presented by Vidéotron, in collaboration with Mise-O-Jeu, 开始 $50.00 and are on sale and available to purchase at www.ticketmaster.ca, 该 Videotron Centre Box Office, calling GYM at (514) 383-0666 andthe Champion Boxing club (514) 376-0980, or by dialing 1-855-790-1245
关于伊冯·米歇尔集团 (健身房): 狮伊冯·米歇尔 (健身房) 始建于 2004 作者:伊冯·米歇尔 (Yvon Michel) 和他的同事. 该组织的使命是通过教练支持,特别是竞争性管理,培养高水平拳击手. 实现其目标, GYM actively recruits talent and organizes events. it is associated with the popular series, “总理拳击冠军 (PBC),” 并与 Loto Quebec 建立了主要的 Videotron 合作伙伴关系, TVA体育, 视频中心, Casino de Montreal, Lac Leamy, Tonik GroupImage 和 Lapointe 牙科中心, in addition to collaborating closely with InterBox and Rixa.
Festive, passionate, daring and creative, Gestev promises epic moments that you will remember for a long time. Gestev agrees to act as a catalyst of positive emotions and deliver experiences to meet your expectations. GESTEV manages the Videotron Centre which is a property of the city of Quebec.