Архивы: Лондон

Роберт Дюран-младший царствует Supreme на британском Debut

Роберт Дюран-младший, сын легендарной четыре дивизии чемпиона мира Роберто Дюран, сделал успешный дебют в Великобритании в субботу вечером, когда он воевал в Никарагуа Хуан Карлос Сантана на бывшего WBO и «тыкать не Stabbing» Благотворительная акция IBF Intercontinental Champion Dr Mark Prince ОБЕ-х, чтобы собрать средства для принца фонда Киян (КПФ) www.thekpf.com в Лондонском Ирландский центр в Камден, Лондон.

Флорида, основанный США Дюран Jr, чей рекорд равнялся 3-1-0 до его поездки в Великобритании, присоединились звезды из профессионального бокса, такие как WIBA чемпион мира и WBC Муай Тай чемпион мира Denise замок, Британский и WBO чемпион Европы Брэдли Skeete, WBF International & Чемпион Европы Tommy Jacobs и бывший WBC Интерчемпион Herol Грэм, а также от футбола, таких как Гарри Реднапп и Питер Питер Одемвингие в поддержку принца Фонда Киян (КПФ).

Дюран-младший. должен был быть на пике формы, как Сантан вытащил все останавливается, чтобы попытаться предотвратить Floridian обеспечения его девичью Великобритания победы, Дюран-младший. хотя бы купил его «Игра» и был более чем счастлив пойти на войну с жесткой никарагуанского и после того, как четыре сцинтилляционных все раунды действий он был Дюран-младший, что судья Адриан Торн считается победителем по а 40-37 точки маржа.

Ранее сегодня Дюран-младший сказал.

«Я хочу начать, говоря о том, что я очень благодарен за участие и быть частью такого специального мероприятия, В Киян Принс Фонда «тыкать не Stabbing», который состоялся в минувшую субботу в Лондоне в минувшую субботу в память о молодой Киян Prince.

«Огромное спасибо д-р Марк Принц и г-н Джанлука Ди Каро для добавления меня в качестве хедлайнера вечера боев. Такая особая ночь, чтобы продемонстрировать свое мастерство и направить молодую молодежь от уличного насилия и создавая выход через бокс.

«Большая любовь и признательность д-р Князя и г-н Ди Каро за возможность, Я люблю Лондон, и люди вернулись любовь.

«Надежда, чтобы вернуться в ближайшее время и увидеть все мои новые друзья и поклонники еще раз. Спасибо Лондон!"


О Киян Prince Foundation:

Принц Фонд Киян был создан в 2008 в память о Kiyan Prince, пятнадцать-летний сын доктора Принс и талантливый футболист, который был ранен ножом в сердце, при попытке разбить бой, вне школьных ворот. Эта ужасная трагедия положила начало пути, который не только трансформированной жизнь доктора принца, но и снабдили его знаниями и навыками для поддержки семей и помогают предотвратить подобные случаи. В этом процессе, он должен был победить два из самых сложных жизненных проблем - гнев и мести, найти в себе силы простить и приверженность заменителя гнев с положительными жизненными навыками.

О Киян Prince:

Киян Принс был первым сыном, рожденным от Марка Принса и Трейси Камбербэтч 25 ноября 1990.

Он был общительным и любимым молодым человеком, который ладил со всеми. Учителя, одноклассники, Футбольная команда «Куинз Парк Рейнджерс»… фактически любой, кто вступал в контакт с Кияном, считал это честью, что сделал это.

18 мая 2006 Жизнь Кияна обернулась трагическим, несвоевременный и ненужный конец. Любящая природа, по которому он был известен, было то, что заставило его вмешаться и защитить своего друга, которого выбрал другой юноша.

Инцидент произошел за пределами ворот его школы, Лондонская Академия, расположен в Edgware North London. Киян попытался разрешить ситуацию самым мирным путем, бросив прямой вызов агрессору.

Убийца', 16 летний Ханнад Хасан, чувствовал, что Киян был уважал его, потому что он встал к нему. Затем он повернулся и бездушно убил Киян - погружая нож прямо в грудь. Киян умер от одного, но со смертельным исходом, ножевое ранение в сердце его.

Киян, который играл за футбольную команду Куинз Парк Рейнджерс Under-16. Он получил название «The Bullet» из-за его скорости, и он был провозглашен как следующий Уэйн Руни ... наконечниками, чтобы играть в Англии.

Киян был красивым, заботливая, добрый и внимательный молодой человек. . Как он жил отражалось в том, как он умер ..., вероятно, в последних словах он когда-либо говорил ...

Несмотря на то, что он должен был очень напуган и боль ... в смерти он все еще представлял жизнь он жил. Его сердце было настолько полно любви и сочувствия к другим. В последние минуты его мысли, даже тогда, еще других. Когда он лежал кровотечение, он сказал своим друзьям: «Если это мои последние слова ... сказать моей маме, что я люблю ее.»

О Mark Prince:

Д-р Марк Принц генеральный директор и основатель Фонда принца Киян, благотворительность принесена из боли, страдания и горе. Через ряд личных проблем (бездомность, наркотики и злоупотребление алкоголя и преступная деятельность); триумфы и трагедии, тогда известный Марк Принц, разработала жгучее желание поддержать молодых людей втянуты в нисходящей спирали насилия в городах. Разрушительная трагедия убийства его сына в 2006 еще раз подтвердил важность раннего вмешательства в жизни молодого человека, с тем, чтобы предотвратить то, что часто кажется, неизбежное путешествие в отчаяние.

Образование и спорт:

Значительная часть работы фонда является целевыми детьми школьного возраста и молодых людей от первичного до среднего и высшего образования, через наставничество, жизненные навыки и программа обучения. Будучи профессиональным боксером достижения названия, такие как IBF и WBO Inter-Continental Light-тяжелом весе чемпионата по (1997) и борьба за титул чемпиона мира в 1998, Доктор Принц имеет бесценные навыки и опыт, которые помогают в развитии и преобразовании жизни молодых людей на благо. Его автобиография Князь мира, написанный доктор Князя и Пол Zanon уже бестселлер.


Prince Фонд Кияна это проект, который видел доктор князь сотрудничать с целым рядом известных лиц, организации, СМИ, правительственные чиновники и знаменитости, чтобы пролить свет на социально-экономические проблемы, влияющие на молодых людей и семей на национальном уровне. Он принимал участие в создании и была особенность ИТВ документального, «Поместите ножи и расстреливает» экранируется на ИТВ Лондон Сегодня вечером Special; член комиссии по Новостям кампании в мире «Сохранить наши улицы»; Основной докладчик в городской полиции операции программы Trident; и приглашенный докладчик на конференциях, такие как, в NBCPA Национальная Черная Корона Прокуроры Ассоциация Ежегодная конференция и Национальная Тюремный губернатор Ежегодная конференция Ассоциации.

Признание и видение:

В знак признания значительного вклада в общество и борьба с преступностью ножом, Д-р Принс получил несколько заслуженной награды например. Детский Награду Чемпион от премьер-министра Гордона Брауна; Почетная степень доктора из университета Excel; и в последнее время в списке Нового года с отличием королевы (2019) получить ОБЕ.

Это видение фонда, чтобы получить финансирование / поднять доход для доставки#inspiringfuturechampions кампания, которая включает в себя доставку мощных сообщений в каждую школу в Лондоне первыми, вдохновляющими динамики, которые являются высокими авторитетами уровня среди молодых людей вместе с обменом доктором Принс с ними, как использовать свою силу воли, признать их потенциал, индивидуальность, цель, как оценить себя, вернуться от невзгод и сила веры в себя, который, когда понял, все ведет к молодежи Избегая ружей и ножей, что является проблемой ума, а не от ножа.

Stars from Boxing & Football Turning Out in Force For Kiyan Prince Foundation Charity Boxing Event ‘Jabbing Not Stabbing’ on 21st December

Football and Boxing Stars, such as Harry Redknapp, Peter Crouch, Peter Odemwingie, Les Ferdinand and Jimmy Bullard from Football and WBO Inter-Continental Champion Anthony Yarde and WBF International & European Champion Tommy Jacobs from Professional Boxing have pledged their support for the Kiyan Prince Foundation (КПФ) Charity event that takes place at the London Irish Centre in Camden in London on Saturday 21st December

The above named stars plus many more will be attending the Charity Boxing event to raise funds for the Kiyan Prince Foundation (КПФ), which is hosted by former WBO & IBF Inter-Continental and MBC International Champion and KPF founder Dr Mark Prince OBE.

The event will feature five amateur contests, featuring local boxers and one professional bout, featuring Robert Duran, son of legendary Panamanian four division World Champion Roberto Duran.

In addition to the boxing action Slim the Comedian will entertain the crowd with a set and well as a memorabilia auction (Football and Boxing)

Билеты, по цене 30 фунтов стерлингов (Стандартный Сидя) and £40 (Ринга) for ‘Jabbing not Stabbing’ that takes place at the London Irish Centre, Camden Square, Камден, London NW1 9XB on Saturday 21st December 2019 are now available on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com


О Киян Prince Foundation:

Принц Фонд Киян был создан в 2008 в память о Kiyan Prince, пятнадцать-летний сын доктора Принс и талантливый футболист, который был ранен ножом в сердце, при попытке разбить бой, вне школьных ворот. Эта ужасная трагедия положила начало пути, который не только трансформированной жизнь доктора принца, но и снабдили его знаниями и навыками для поддержки семей и помогают предотвратить подобные случаи. В этом процессе, он должен был победить два из самых сложных жизненных проблем - гнев и мести, найти в себе силы простить и приверженность заменителя гнев с положительными жизненными навыками.

О Киян Prince:

Киян Принс был первым сыном, рожденным от Марка Принса и Трейси Камбербэтч 25 ноября 1990.

He was an outgoing and well loved young man who got along with everybody. Учителя, одноклассники, Футбольная команда «Куинз Парк Рейнджерс»… фактически любой, кто вступал в контакт с Кияном, считал это честью, что сделал это.

18 мая 2006 Жизнь Кияна обернулась трагическим, несвоевременный и ненужный конец. Любящая природа, по которому он был известен, было то, что заставило его вмешаться и защитить своего друга, которого выбрал другой юноша.

Инцидент произошел за пределами ворот его школы, Лондонская Академия, расположен в Edgware North London. Киян попытался разрешить ситуацию самым мирным путем, бросив прямой вызов агрессору.

Убийца', 16 летний Ханнад Хасан, чувствовал, что Киян был уважал его, потому что он встал к нему. Затем он повернулся и бездушно убил Киян - погружая нож прямо в грудь. Киян умер от одного, но со смертельным исходом, ножевое ранение в сердце его.

Киян, который играл за футбольную команду Куинз Парк Рейнджерс Under-16. Он получил название «The Bullet» из-за его скорости, и он был провозглашен как следующий Уэйн Руни ... наконечниками, чтобы играть в Англии.

Киян был красивым, заботливая, добрый и внимательный молодой человек. . Как он жил отражалось в том, как он умер ..., вероятно, в последних словах он когда-либо говорил ...

Несмотря на то, что он должен был очень напуган и боль ... в смерти он все еще представлял жизнь он жил. Его сердце было настолько полно любви и сочувствия к другим. В последние минуты его мысли, даже тогда, еще других. Когда он лежал кровотечение, он сказал своим друзьям: «Если это мои последние слова ... сказать моей маме, что я люблю ее.»

О Mark Prince:

Д-р Марк Принц генеральный директор и основатель Фонда принца Киян, благотворительность принесена из боли, страдания и горе. Через ряд личных проблем (бездомность, наркотики и злоупотребление алкоголя и преступная деятельность); триумфы и трагедии, тогда известный Марк Принц, разработала жгучее желание поддержать молодых людей втянуты в нисходящей спирали насилия в городах. Разрушительная трагедия убийства его сына в 2006 еще раз подтвердил важность раннего вмешательства в жизни молодого человека, с тем, чтобы предотвратить то, что часто кажется, неизбежное путешествие в отчаяние.

Образование и спорт:

Значительная часть работы фонда является целевыми детьми школьного возраста и молодых людей от первичного до среднего и высшего образования, через наставничество, жизненные навыки и программа обучения. Будучи профессиональным боксером достижения названия, такие как IBF и WBO Inter-Continental Light-тяжелом весе чемпионата по (1997) и борьба за титул чемпиона мира в 1998, Доктор Принц имеет бесценные навыки и опыт, которые помогают в развитии и преобразовании жизни молодых людей на благо. Его автобиография Князь мира, написанный доктор Князя и Пол Zanon уже бестселлер.


Prince Фонд Кияна это проект, который видел доктор князь сотрудничать с целым рядом известных лиц, организации, СМИ, правительственные чиновники и знаменитости, чтобы пролить свет на социально-экономические проблемы, влияющие на молодых людей и семей на национальном уровне. Он принимал участие в создании и была особенность ИТВ документального, «Поместите ножи и расстреливает» экранируется на ИТВ Лондон Сегодня вечером Special; член комиссии по Новостям кампании в мире «Сохранить наши улицы»; Основной докладчик в городской полиции операции программы Trident; и приглашенный докладчик на конференциях, такие как, в NBCPA Национальная Черная Корона Прокуроры Ассоциация Ежегодная конференция и Национальная Тюремный губернатор Ежегодная конференция Ассоциации.

Признание и видение:

В знак признания значительного вклада в общество и борьба с преступностью ножом, Д-р Принс получил несколько заслуженной награды например. Детский Награду Чемпион от премьер-министра Гордона Брауна; Почетная степень доктора из университета Excel; и в последнее время в списке Нового года с отличием королевы (2019) получить ОБЕ.

Это видение фонда, чтобы получить финансирование / поднять доход для доставки#inspiringfuturechampions кампания, которая включает в себя доставку мощных сообщений в каждую школу в Лондоне первыми, вдохновляющими динамики, которые являются высокими авторитетами уровня среди молодых людей вместе с обменом доктором Принс с ними, как использовать свою силу воли, признать их потенциал, индивидуальность, цель, как оценить себя, вернуться от невзгод и сила веры в себя, который, когда понял, все ведет к молодежи Избегая ружей и ножей, что является проблемой ума, а не от ножа.


Undefeated Heavyweights Joe Joyce Knocks Out Bermane Stiverne In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Открывалка

Watch The Encore Presentation Tonight At 10 p.m. ET / PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®

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Для фотографий; Кредит: Ian Walton/SHOWTIME

LONDON – February 23, 2019 - Юбенк младший. earned a career-defining victory with a hard-fought unanimous decision over British rival and former two-time world champion James DeGale in a super middleweight grudge match Saturday on SHOWTIME from The O2 in London.

Eubank, сын британской легенды бокса и бывший двукратный чемпион мира Юбенк Sr., floored DeGale twice en route to the clear decision, который был забит 114-112, 115-112, 117-109. Видео Основные: https://s.sho.com/2E6mWI8

Working in his first bout with a full-time trainer, Eubank fought a controlled fight. The former world title challenger floored DeGale in a rough moment in the second, stunning his rival with a big left hook against the ropes and flooring him moments later with a strong right cross that sent DeGale to the canvas for just the second fight of his career.

DeGale, who established his championship career as a slick southpaw, was unable to jab at range and couldn’t handle the constant pressure from Eubank. The former Olympic Gold Medalist resorted to lunging from the outside and was largely ineffective on the inside, often clinching while in close quarters.

“I knew he was going to come at me like that,” Eubank said. “He’s a slick southpaw, but my game plan worked. Smart pressure and not getting too ahead of myself. He’s a hell of a fighter, hell of a competitor but at the end of the day my head and my heart won this fight.”

“There was a lot of animosity leading to this fight. Я сказал ему, ‘This is my time,’ and it was. He’s a veteran of the game, he throws big shots and he manages to stay up. To get up after those knockdowns is a statement about his tenacity and the type of fighter he is.”

The second knockdown came in the 10й as Eubank landed a powerful left hook that buckled DeGale with just 30 секунд до конца раунда. Еще раз, DeGale tried to clinch to avoid the knockdown, but his hand touched the canvas and was ruled just the third knockdown of his career.

После боя, DeGale, who was the first British fighter to earn an Olympic Gold Medal and a world championship, appeared to be leaning toward retirement.

“I definitely I didn’t do enough,"Сказал DeGale. “He was on it and I didn’t do enough. You have to do more than enough to counter someone that came forward like Chris.

“I’m going to go back and talk to my team, моя семья, and decide. I left my mark in boxing. I won an Olympic Medal, two world titles and it may be the time to hang it up.”

While DeGale contemplates retirement, Eubank has his sights set on another shot at a world title.

“This was the most important fight of my career, and I made a statement. I’m back where I’m supposed to be, at the top of the food chain. I’m coming for all the belts in the middleweight and super middleweight division. I’m fighting everyone they put in front of me.

“I’m glad to make my American debut here on SHOWTIME. I’m glad to be introduced to the American public this way – making a statement.”

В первом бою Даблхедер SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС, undefeated heavyweight Joe Joyce kept his knockout record intact with a sixth-round TKO of former heavyweight world champion Bermane Stiverne.

After an exciting first round, Joyce opened up the action in the second with a monstrous straight right and unloaded from bell to bell against a defenseless Stiverne, who continued to punch back despite eating damaging shots. After a series of combos in the opening minute of the third, Joyce caught Stiverne with a straight right hand to send him to the canvas for the fifth time in his professional career. Stiverne survived the round while throwing looping shots but failed to return any meaningful punches.

Джойс, the 2016 Серебряный призер Олимпийских игр, consistently set up a powerful straight right behind an accurate and effective left jab throughout the fight. With Joyce (8-0, 8 КО) continuing to tee off against a largely defenseless Stiverne, referee Howard Foster stepped in to halt the contest at 2:26 of the sixth. Stiverne (25-4-1, 21 КО) did not protest the stoppage.

“Big respect to Stiverne – like a true champion, he’s very tough and was still throwing shots, but I guess I was just a bit too much,— сказал Джойс.. “It was about being patient. He’s such a tough guy that he took those shots no problem.

“I was hitting him with everything I had, including the kitchen sink. I listened to Abel (Санчес) in the corner, did everything he said and it went well. My jab was really effective. I’m a seasoned vet. I picked up my poise and remained calm along the way.

“Big things are coming. My next one will be for the WBA Regular (Название) and I’ll be back in the gym soon. I need to have a couple more fights like this and then I’ll be ready for the big champions.”

Highlights of former world champion Lee Selby’s lightweight debut were featured during Saturday’s telecast. A former champion at featherweight, Селби (27-2, 9 КО) overcame a second round accidental head butt to win a 12-round unanimous decision (116-112, 116-112, 115-114) over Omar Douglas (19-3, 13 КО).

An encore presentation of Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader will air tonight/Saturday at 10 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME, Sunday at 9 a.m. ET / PT в SHOWTIME и в понедельник в 10 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the doubleheader from London with versatile combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo calling the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein. Two Hall of Famers rounded out today’s telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer was David Dinkins Jr. with Rick Phillips directing. Saturday’s telecast was a co-production with ITV.

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subscribe to the канал SHOWTIME Спорт YouTube, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

# # #


“It’s retirement time. Whoever loses this fight is finished.” – DeGale

“There’s nothing he can do in that ring that I can’t handle. I’m going to box his head off.” – Eubank

SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® Begins Live At 3:45 p.m. ET/12:45 p.m. PT

Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит: Ian Walton/SHOWTIME

LONDON – February 21, 2019 – Former two-time super middleweight champion James DeGale and former world title challenger Chris Eubank Jr. faced off at the heated final press conference on Thursday for their 12-round showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING this Saturday, Февраль 23 жить на SHOWTIME (3:45 p.m. ET/12:45 p.m. PT) from The O2 in London.

DeGale (25-2-1, 15 КО) и Юбэнк (27-2, 21 КО) will finally settle their long-running score when the two outspoken rivals meet in London. In the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING co-feature bout, Olympic Silver Medalist and top prospect Joe Joyce (7-0, 7 КО) will measure against former WBC Champion Bermane Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 КО) in a 12-round heavyweight clash.

Бывший двукратный чемпион мира, Chris Eubank Sr., was in attendance and not shy about stating this is not going to be an easy fight for his son. “This is a 50/50 fight and for the first time I am petrified of what the outcome can be. I am petrified that Junior may not win this fight,"Он сказал.

The event is promoted by Poxon Sports and presented by Premier Boxing Champions. Joyce-Stiverne is promoted in association with Ringstar Sports and Don King Productions. The doubleheader will air live in the U.S. exclusively on SHOWTIME and on ITV Box Office in the U.K.

Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer will host the doubleheader from London with combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo calling the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein. Three Hall of Famers will round out the telecast team – Emmy® наградами репортер Джим Грей, историк бокса Стив Фархуд как неофициальный бомбардир ринга, и всемирно известный диктор Джимми Леннон младший.

Here’s what the fighters and their respective camps had to say during Thursday’s press conference at Intercontinental at The O2:

Джеймс DeGale:

“I vacated my title for fights like this. Chris Eubank has been calling my name for a long time and finally I get a chance to punch him in his face.

“I have no respect for him. None. This guy is a diluted idiot. And on Saturday night I can’t wait to deal with him. I’m going to come and give it to him properly. He can’t box. We’ve all heard this before.

“This is the biggest fight of his career. It’s retirement time. Whoever loses this fight is finished. It’s do or die on Saturday…His retirement fight is here. It’s his last fight, я обещаю вам, что.

“I’m proven. Я был там, сделали это. I’ve won everything. He’s done nothing. And I’m going to retire him.

“Eubank is a tough fighter, он сильный. He has a lot of good attributes, but I’m too good for him. To mix it up and go to the very top you need more than strength and toughness. Every time he’s stepped up, he’s lost.

“The fear of losing is because I know what’s on the line. This is do or die. If I can’t beat him, if I can’t beat Chris Eubank Jr., Я задолбался.

“A lot of people think I’ve seen better days. A lot of people think I’m on the decline. I’ve had issues in the past, but I can honestly say I’m fully fit. I’m in the best shape I’ve been for a long, долгое время, physical and mentally. When I feel like I feel no one can beat me.

“If I can’t beat Chris that means I’m shot, that means I’m over the hill.”


“This guy is a bum. He talks a good game. He’s going to have a good go, but at the end of the day I’m going to be too much for him.

“We are both at a stage where we can’t lose. We are both fighting for our careers. He knows he can’t handle me. He’s asking himself, ‘Can I survive?’ And the answer is absolutely not.

“There’s nothing he can do in that ring that I can’t handle. I’m going to box his head off.

“I’ve got a full time trainer now. Впервые в моей карьере, I have a trainer day in and day out focusing on strategy to prepare me for what James is – a slick southpaw. That’s why I’m so confident. If he wants to run, we have the gameplan. If he wants to stand and swing, we have the gameplan. We have a plan for everything.

“What matters is that James’ career is over in a few days. I sent him a message after he lost to [Джордж] Groves saying he needs to keep up because we are going to fight one day. And now that we’re finally here I look into his eyes and I don’t see a confident guy.

"Это мое время. I’m expecting the best he’s ever been and that’s still not going to be enough.

“I’m a world-level fighter. Anyone in the boxing game knows that. This is my opportunity to prove that once and for all to set the record straight and prove I’m the real deal. I know this is a defining fight in my career. It is do or die and I’m ready for that.

“James knows what’s coming. В конце концов,, his last performances haven’t been up to par, but i don’t think he respected his [past] противники. He respects me, and I respect him and that’s why this is a real fight.

“I’ve been in the game for a long time but this is just the beginning of a long journey for me. This is my biggest fight. Я должен выиграть. Если я выиграю, I’m back on the world stage. Beating James DeGale sets me up for a world title which is the whole reason I started in this game.”

Джим Макдоннелл:

“There are levels to boxing. Chris was a good prospect coming through but he’s not on the same level as James. He’ll find out what it takes to be a world champion. James DeGale is levels above Chris Jr.

“Chris may have all the drive he needs but he doesn’t have the skills to beat James DeGale.

“I know James is not losing. James DeGale is probably the best British fighter I’ve seen in my country.”


“I’ve seen the pinnacle of James and it’s intoxicating. With Chris, not everything I’ve said has been applied. It may have been heard, but not applied. What I said works. I wouldn’t have 19 championship wins if it didn’t.

“I’m not convinced [Chris will win] because James DeGale has pedigree. Being an [олимпийский] Gold Medalist and former world champion is real. I respect the man’s abilities. Junior hasn’t.

“My son looks at the physical aspect of boxing and, from a physical point of view, I don’t think there is anyone who can stand with him. But boxing isn’t just physical – it’s also spiritual, and that’s where Junior lacks. I don’t know whether he has that.

“This is a 50/50 fight and for the first time I am petrified of what the outcome can be. I am petrified that Junior may not win this fight.

“This is the wisdom of someone who has been here. You never underestimate your opponent based on past performances. Anyone who thinks this guy is on a slide because of past performances is making a mistake.

“From a physical aspect, Junior has the upper hand. From a spiritual aspect and pedigree aspect, James has the upper hand, and that’s why this is a 50/50 борьба.

“I do know Chris has learned and let’s see what is produced. It can be a brilliant fight.”

Поли Малиньяджи:

“I like our chances. I know the guy that I have been in camp with. The things I’ve seen, I like. They are much more positive this time around.

“You can’t underestimate a guy like Eubank. He always comes to win. Но, regardless of the gameplan, there is a certain mentality and my guy has it. He’s a Gold Medalist and he knows what mentality to bring on Saturday.

“James has won two major world titles, an Olympic Gold Medal. Chris has had some good wins but when he went to that elite level, он потерял. Chris is a good fighter but he’s not beaten this level of opposition.”

# # #

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Two-Fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Telecast Includes Heavyweight Prospect Joe Joyce vs. Veteran Bermane Stiverne; Live On SHOWTIME And The Network’s Streaming Service


Нью-Йорк - февраль 6, 2019 - SHOWTIME Sports will present the highly anticipated super middleweight matchup between fierce British rivals James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr. Saturday, Февраль 23 live on SHOWTIME from London’s The O2. In the co-featured bout, fast rising prospect Joe Joyce battles former world champion Bermane Stiverne in a 12-round heavyweight clash. The event will air live on air and via the networks’ streaming service at a start time to be announced.

ВЫСТАВКА ЧЕМПИОНАТА ПО БОКСУ® event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions on ITV in the U.K. and promoted by Poxon Sports. The co-feature bout is promoted in association with Ringstar Sports and Don King Productions.


DeGale (25-2-1, 15 КО) и Юбэнк (27-2, 21 КО) will finally settle their long-running score when the two outspoken rivals finally go toe-to-toe in front of the excitable hometown London crowd in the all-British affair.


The 33-year-old DeGale was the first British boxer to win a Gold Medal in the Olympics and a world championship as a professional. He won his world title with a unanimous decision over Andre Dirrell in 2015 and made two successful defenses before fighting to a draw against Badou Jack in 2017. DeGale avenged his December 2017 loss to Caleb Truax to reclaim his IBF Super Middleweight belt in April 2018 на SHOWTIME. After voluntarily vacating the belt, DeGale stopped veteran Fidel Munoz his last time out.


The 29-year-old Eubank Jr., the son of former two-division world champion Chris Eubank, is highly motivated to challenge for more world titles after he lost a unanimous decision to George Groves for the WBA Super Middleweight belt one year ago. The rivalry between DeGale and Eubank has been brewing for several years after a series of run-ins. The duo has sparred each other in the gym and have traded several verbal jabs on social media. Eubank, who has been training in Las Vegas at the Mayweather Boxing Club, has won nine out of his last ten fights and has registered knockouts in eight of those wins.


The 6-foot-6 Joyce, лондонский, Англия, has started his professional career with a 100 percent KO rate after turning professional in 2017 в возрасте от 32. Опытный любитель, Joyce claimed the super heavyweight silver medal for Great Britain at the 2016 Олимпийские игры. Джойс, who trains in Big Bear, Халиф. under renowned trainer Abel Sanchez, knocked out Joe Hanks at 2:25 of round one in his last fight on the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury undercard.


Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 КО), who was the first ever Haiti-born boxer to own a piece of the heavyweight crown, won the WBC title with a convincing sixth-round TKO over Chris Arreola in 2014. Stiverne then lost the belt in his next fight against Deontay Wilder, despite becoming the first fighter to take the current American champion the distance. The 40-year-old has not fought since his loss in the 2017 rematch against Wilder but is anxious to bounce back with a statement win over the highly regarded Joyce.


James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr will clash at London’s O2 on 23 February in the first major UK event of the new deal between ITV and Haymon Sports’ Премьер Бокс чемпионов, it has been announced.

The Super Middleweight match, to be screened exclusively live on ITV Box Office, will take place against a backdrop of hostility between two fighters who have long made no secret of their mutual dislike and are relishing the prospect of settling their differences in the ring.

James DeGale has already fired off an opening shot in the direction of his opponent.

Он сказал: “Really excited and looking forward to being back home to a fight of this magnitude. “I believe Eubank doesn’t have the pedigree, the size and skill to beat me. “Eubank is a decent fighter but every time he has stepped up he has been found out. He has called my name for a long time so now I’ve finally got my chance to zip his lips.

Eubank Jr responded in kind, говоря: “DeGale is going to get the schooling of his career. A good old-fashioned hiding.

Poxon Sport is the promoter of DeGale v Eubank Jr, as the exclusive promoter of all UK PBC events on ITV.

The fighters faced off at the Hotel Café Royal, in London on Thursday, January 3rd. Live streaming of the press conference was hosted by ITV’s Gabriel Clarke on the ITV Box Office Facebook page and Youtube channel.

Full details of the undercard and how to access this ITV Box Office PPV event across all platforms will be announced and made available in due course. For updated and further information, please go to www.itvboxoffice.com Tickets for the fight go on sale on Friday 4 January at midday to O2 members and to the wider public at midday on Monday 7 Январь. Tickets available from www.AXS.com и внутренний рингсайд/VIP-гостеприимство от www.sportandmusic.co.uk.

News of the DeGale v Eubank Jr showdown follows the announcement at the end of December of two major world title fights to be shown free to air on ITV4 as part of the broad scope of the ITV and PBC deal.

On Sunday, Январь 13, Jose Uzcategui defends his IBF Super Middleweight World Championship against unbeaten top challenger Caleb Plant. Coverage will come live from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.

The following weekend, на 19 Январь, ITV4’s coverage will come live from Las Vegas where Manny Pacquiao will defend his WBA world welterweight title against Adrien Broner. The exclusive ITV4 coverage will also include the much-anticipated showdown between Badou Jack and Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight title.

В конце прошлого года, ITV announced a ground-breaking new deal with Haymon Sports and Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) to bring exclusive coverage of exciting PBC world-class boxing events to ITV viewers and fight fans in the UK. The unique collaboration is the first time that Haymon Sports and PBC has partnered with a UK broadcaster to stage boxing events regularly in the UK.

The exclusive three-year deal will guarantee a minimum of 15 телевизионные мероприятия каждый год, drawing from PBC’s unrivaled group of over 160 of the best boxers in the world, который включает в себя более 60 current and former world champions in matches staged both in the UK and the US.

PBC, the sportspre-eminent boxing brand, is broadcast over cable and network television in the United States. The world-class action from events for the next three years will include free-to-air broadcasts on ITV’s channels, включая основной канал ITV, а также ITV4 и ITV Hub, and will also include pay per views on ITV’s PPV channel, Касса ITV.

This new deal for boxing adds to ITV Sport’s portfolio of first class events, which includes exclusive free to air coverage of the England football team’s qualifiers for both the European Championship and World Cup, the 6 Nations and exclusive coverage of the Rugby World Cup, Британские скачки, Тур де Франс и Открытый чемпионат Франции..


“It’s time for America to wake up and understand they have the baddest man on the planet right here” – Deontay Wilder

Wilder Shares His Thoughts With Below The Belt Host Brendan Schaub As He Prepares To Face Fury December 1 Live On SHOWTIME PPV®

Фото кредит: Эстер Лин / Showtime

WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder sat down with SHOWTIME Sports correspondent Brendan Schaub as part of a wide-ranging interview providing a glimpse into the mindset of the undefeated champion as he prepares for the most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. более чем 15 годы. The 6-foot-7 Wilder meets 6-foot-9 lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury December 1 жить на Showtime PPV® от Staples Center в Лос-Анджелесе.




Уайлдер, who is America’s only true heavyweight champion since 2007, discusses everything from his career-defining win over Luis Ortiz and his incredible knockout power, to the pressures of being the heavyweight champion of the world and his love for his family in the candid 35-minute interview from a double-decker bus in Los Angeles.




The Tuscaloosa, Ала. родной, однако, had the most to say about his upcoming battle with Fury. “Throughout my whole career, guys always said I only had one hand,” Wilder explains to Schaub as they head to Los Angeles International Airport following Monday’s media day in Santa Monica. “But when you get in the ring, it’s going to be different. The game plan is going to go out the window, like Mike Tyson said.




“This is the moment in time for America to wake up and understand they have the baddest man on the planet right here,” Wilder passionately continues. “And you think I’m going to let this Gypsy come in here and mess up all those plans for me? I don’t think so.”




The heavyweight showdown headlines the December 1 Showtime PPV жить с Staples Center в Лос-Анджелесе (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). Уайлдер, who has knocked out all seven challengers of his title, will attempt to make his eighth WBC Heavyweight defense. In the third fight of his comeback, Fury has the opportunity to become a two-time heavyweight world champion.








WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Battles Lineal Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury Saturday, December 1On SHOWTIME PPV® From STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Эстер Lin / Showtime
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Ryan Hafey/
Премьер Бокс чемпионов


ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Ноябрь 5, 2018) – WBC в супертяжелом весе мира Deontay Уайлдер held a jam-packed media day Monday in Los Angeles where he discussed his blockbuster matchup against lineal heavyweight champion Тайсон Фьюри проходит субботу, Декабрь 1 на SHOWTIME PPV® от Staples Center в Лос-Анджелесе.




Wilder arrived in Los Angeles, along with trainer Jay Deas, to show off his skills in front of media at Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica. The most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. более чем 15 годы, Уайлдер против. Fury tests the raw power of the 6-foot-7 Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of the 6-foot-9 Fury.




Билеты на мероприятия, который продвигается BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, уже в продаже. Цены на билеты начинаются от $75, plus applicable fees and are available via AXS.com. Уайлдер против. Ярость будет производиться и распространяться SHOWTIME PPV.




Here is what Wilder and Deas had to say Thursday at media day, where Wilder was joined by his girlfriend Telli Swift and their eight-month-old daughter Kaorii:


Deontay Уайлдером




I feel like I’m at my very best right now. Умственно, physically and emotionally I’m ready to go. Все отлично. I just want to get in the ring and show action. Tyson Fury doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into.




As a true champion, I know how to adjust to any fighter that’s in front of me. My experience facing fighters of all styles has prepared me for this special fight.




I’ve had tremendous sparring. Every day I’m making adjustments and getting myself right so I can get my timing and style exactly how it needs to be. If the fight was this weekend, Deontay Wilder is ready to go.




Luis Ortiz was the most avoided fighter in the heavyweight division and I understand why he had never gotten the title shot before. I’m the type of fighter who gives people opportunities and he was the fighter I needed to face to prove to the world what I’m all about.




This is not a game for me. Everyone has heard about what it’s like to be in the ring with me, but until you’re in there, you don’t know for sure that what you’ve been hearing is for real. Я лучший в мире. I don’t think any heavyweight has been through what I’ve been through.




I’m training for a certain type of mission. As a fighter I have to have the mindset that I must be ready for anything. Затем, once it’s time for the bell to ring, I become ‘The Bronze Bomber’.




Fury has height just like me and he also brings an awkward style like myself. He’s rangy, mobile and he believes he’s the best in the world. You’ll get two giants who are athletic and move around the ring like no one else in this sport.




They say that I have the power and he has the boxing skills. We’ll see on December 1. It’s a puncher versus a boxer. I think the puncher is going to box his lights out, and then I’m going to knock his lights out.




I don’t watch too much film or study guys past getting their style down and seeing how they use their styles. My trainers watch film and use that knowledge to give me advice throughout the fight. I find that my opponents fight differently depending on who they’re facing, so I can’t dwell too much on watching past fights.


JAY приятно, Тренер Уайлдера




Tyson Fury is kind of like a Rubik’s cube. But a Rubik’s cube can be solved. Fury is a very versatile fighter who can move, he can box and fight from lots of distances. He’s the total package as a fighter and on top of that he’s strong-willed mentally.




We have our hands full, but I know that Deontay Wilder is the guy to handle Tyson Fury. Deontay is the the right guy to take over boxing and this is the first step in that.




Deontay has had a fantastic camp and we’ve had really good sparring partners. Fury is a tall fighter, but it’s really the athleticism that makes him what he is. We believe we’re better off finding more athletic guys who are slightly shorter than Fury, rather than someone his height who is a statue.




Fortunately Deontay has always been a focused fighter, so keeping him right mentally I don’t think will ever be a problem. Deontay can handle any chaos around him better than anyone I’ve seen. When he says he’s the man for this job, he really means it.




The tough thing with preparing for Tyson Fury is that even he doesn’t know exactly what he’s going to do in there. He can fight lefty, righty, dirty or clean. We’re working on being prepared for all of these things and more.




Both guys are very athletic and very awkward style-wise, but once this fight combusts, it’s going to be phenomenal. You don’t want to blink or go to the bathroom, the pretzel can wait, because you’re going to want to catch every second of it.


# # #




Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comи www.staplescenter.com follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @Tyson_Fury, TGBPromotions,@STAPLESCenter и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по адресуwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions иwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.



Lineal Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury Battles WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Saturday, Декабрь 1 On SHOWTIME PPV® From STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Эстер Lin / Showtime

ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Октября 25, 2018) – Lineal heavyweight champion Тайсон Фьюри hosted a Los Angeles media day Thursday at Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica as he prepares to take on WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Уайлдер Суббота, Декабрь 1 from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles on SHOWTIME PPV®.




Ярость, who is training in Big Bear, arrived nearby by helicopter for the media workout to discuss the showdown with Wilder before jumping into the ring to show off the skills that made him an IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight champion.




Билеты на мероприятия, который продвигается BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, уже в продаже. Цены на билеты начинаются от $75, plus applicable fees and are available viaAXS.com. Уайлдер против. Ярость будет производиться и распространяться SHOWTIME PPV.




Fury was working out in shorts from Oddball, a company that donates all of its proceeds to research to fight testicular cancer, a cause Fury has championed. Here is what Fury and his trainer, Ben Davison, had to say Thursday from Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica:






This is an important fight for boxing, because it’s two undefeated champions facing off. There have been people not getting in the ring with top guys for whatever reason, but here you have two fighters stepping up and onto the line.




It’s a pretty easy fight to analyze, Deontay Wilder needs to connect with that big right hand and knock me out, and I need to not let him do that. I need to do whatever I can to get out the way of that right hand, and make him worry about defending my punches.




I already became a unified champion; I’ve crossed the bridge into the very upper echelon of the sport. This time I’m back and I’m here for good.




I’m back to reclaim my throne. Even though I’ve had the tune-up fights, I feel like this is my true comeback fight.




I’m used to being in hostile, solitary environments for training camp. For the Wladimir Klitschko fight I was in Holland, in a forest 10 miles away from any shop or town. I thrive in the condition in Big Bear.




There have been no distractions training up in Big Bear. It’s perfect. There’s nothing but a few bears and rattle snakes. That’s it as far as distractions.




I have a great up-and-coming trainer and he’s going to have me ready for the challenge.




I wear these funky shorts in public a lot and I wore them today because they represent a company called Oddballs, and every penny spent on these pants goes to research to fight testicular cancer. A friend of mine went through it recently, and I want to spread awareness for him and this cause.


BEN DAVISON, Тренер ярости




I have a great sense of Tyson Fury and can feel what he needs when he wakes up each day and walks into the gym. Our relationship has really gelled these last 12 месяцы.




It’s going to be an action-packed fight that’s for sure. Both men are violent freaks of nature to be honest with you. It’s going to be an epic battle.




I think physically alone you can see how far Tyson Fury has come. That takes a lot of willpower and dedication. He’s put a lot of work in just physically, and that’s really just a slice of what he’s shown in the gym.




All heavyweights can punch, if any one of them hit you on the chin, you’re going to have problems. It’s not the power of Wilder that we’re focusing on, it’s the agility, speed and awkwardness that he brings. We’re studying his habits and watching every little thing that he does in the ring.




It takes fights like these to bring the best out of Tyson Fury. He’s a fighter who raises his game to what’s in front of him.




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Настроения вспыхивают в финальной остановке международного пресс-тура, когда гиганты в тяжелом весе сойдутся в третий день подряд перед декабрем 1 Чемпионат мира WBC в супертяжелом весе в прямом эфире на SHOWTIME PPV ®

“When I knock him out I can say I knocked someone out that was fearless.” – Deontay Wilder

“Only in dreams does Deontay Wilder ever knock Tyson Fury out” – Tyson Fury

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Билеты уже в продаже

ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Октября 3, 2018) – Three days of a boisterous, tension-fueled international press tour came to a close on Wednesday in downtown Los Angeles when heavyweight giants Deontay Уайлдер и Тайсон Фьюри had to be separated by security after the verbal sparring threatened to turn physical in front of a large contingent of both Wilder and Fury supporters.




In the closing moments of the third-straight press conference ahead of their December 1 showdown for the WBC Heavyweight World Championship at STAPLES Center, emotions appeared to boil over as both fighters had to be held back (See the scuffle ВОТ). To watch Wednesday’s press conference in full, visit the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel: https://s.sho.com/2QiGaPg




With the whirlwind press tour in the rear-view mirror, the fighters now have 58 days to prepare for the biggest heavyweight fight on U.S. soil since Lennox Lewis KO’d Mike Tyson in June 2002. Уайлдер против. Fury is the latest major heavyweight event to take place in the Southland, expanding an already deep history of heavyweight boxing featuring Hall of Famers Joe Louis, Мухаммед Али, Lennox Lewis and Vitali Klitschko, the last of whom faced off at Staples Center in 2003, with Klitschko also stopping Chris Arreola at Staples Center in 2009.




Билеты на мероприятия, который продвигается BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, are ON SALE NOW. Tickets are priced starting at $75, плюс применимые сборы, and are available via AXS.com.




Below are flash quotes from today’s event at The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Живая:


Deontay Уайлдером




“I fought one of the best and I think I’m fighting the next best in line in the heavyweight division, and I do think he’s tough. The thing about Tyson, he’s mentally tough. He’s the Gypsy King and you know what they say about Gypsies; they’re traveling people and they’re fearless people. And that’s why he’s the perfect opponent for this situation, for this occasion of bringing the heavyweight division back. So when I knock him out I can say I knocked someone out that was fearless.




“He’s great for the heavyweight division. He’s charismatic, he can talk, I’ve got a great dancing partner. He’s fearless in the ring and he’s got a background of boxing in his blood; he’s named after Mike Tyson and all that is great. It’s good that he’s from another country so you get to see different cultures, different personalities from the two of us. You’ve got one from America and you’ve got one from Great Britain. So that’s going to make it even more pleasurable for me when I knock him out.




“All this adds up. This is exciting for me and I can’t wait to get back to L.A. What I’m saying is I’m going to knock him out.




“You know what I come to do and you know what I’m coming to do December 1. When you come to see fights you come to see somebody get knocked out. You’re not coming to see 12-round fights. I know you’re coming to see some skills but you’re coming to see this man’s body on the canvas and that’s what I’m going to deliver to you.”






“There isn’t a man born from his mother that Tyson Fury is afraid of, and especially not a man who wears pigtails every day. I don’t fear anything about him; I don’t fear anything he can do.




“It’s a fight. We can do all this stuff on stage, I can walk around here and I can talk as good as any man in the country. But when it comes to a fight, это будет адская борьба. Deontay Уайлдер: massive puncher. Мне: skillful boxer. It’s going to be an epic night. This is a legacy fight and I do believe that’s true. And after I win, he’s going to hire me as his publicist because I do believe I can promote Deontay Wilder back to being heavyweight champion of the world in no time. But there’s no shame in losing to me because I am the greatest boxer of my generation and I can’t be beat, especially not by him.




“There have been many, many fighters before like Deontay Wilder, but there’s never been a Tyson Fury before in the history of boxing. I know that because I studied the game inside out.




“I’m giving [Уайлдер] the opportunity to fight The Gypsy King. I have the claim to the throne that goes back years and years so I’m giving him the opportunity to become something.




“Only in dreams does Deontay Wilder ever knock Tyson Fury out. Only in his dreams




“Deontay Wilder needs Tyson Fury but Tyson Fury doesn’t need Deontay Wilder. I chose Deontay Wilder as an easy victim. This is going to be the easiest fight of my career.”






"Это будет отличный бой. В последнее время, I’ve seen Tyson fury singing the song, ‘There’s only one Tyson Fury’. I think he stole that from Ricky Hatton and you saw what happened to him. I think that trend will continue.”






“I think Tyson is one of the best, he’s certainly one of the most colorful heavyweights that has come out of Britain. His skills are sublime, he does the impossible. He went over to Germany, he took Klitschko to school; a good Klitschko. He fought the guy and like he said, he’s the lineal champion. He loves the challenge and he’s a traveler. That’s why he’s coming to Deontay’s backyard. He’s coming to the States, he’s fighting one of the most explosive heavyweights in recent years, a guy who can punch. I think styles make fights, and everybody is saying that Tyson is going to be running and Deontay is going to be coming after him. I don’t think that’s going to happen; I think on the night, you’re going to see Tyson stand his ground and you’re going to see some serious fireworks take place.




"Это великий бой, it’s a fight for the fans, it’s great to be here in L.A. to do this fight. It’s great that we are in America to bring another Brit over here to take the belt back.




“This is the best fighting the best; the two top heavyweights in the world who have stepped up to the plate and made a fight like that.”


Стивен Эспиноза




“We have a very special event. What makes it so special? Четко, it’s a big heavyweight title fight but there’s a different kind of mystique and buzz for a heavyweight title fight. We’ve got a heavyweight title fight between two elite athletes. We’ve got the hardest puncher in boxing against one of the most skilled boxers in the sport, certainly in the heavyweight division. It’s a fascinating matchup of styles. We have two huge personalities and the two tallest fighters in the heavyweight division.




“In a city of big events, we have the biggest of events. L.A. has certainly had its share of big fights – Henry Armstrong, Art Aragon, Бобби Чакон, Оскар Де Ла Хойя, Shane Mosley – they’ve all fought here. And L.A. has even hosted its share of heavyweight fights. Jim Jeffries, Jack Johnson fought here, Muhammad Ali fought here as well. But in terms of major heavyweight title fights in Los Angeles, the list is very short. There have been three Vitali Klitschko fights vs. Крис Арреола, Corrie Sanders and Lennnox Lewis. Это оно. Four fighters have fought for the heavyweight world title in Los Angeles in its history. This is a rare event in Los Angeles. Not since 2009 have we seen a heavyweight title event in L.A. and in a city of can’t-miss events, this is the pinnacle. There’s more than the WBC title at stake, more than pride, this is about legacy and history.”