Архивы: Лу ДиБелла

Непобедимый Mykquan Уильямс оставаться в форме бокса, насколько возможно при условиях пандемии

МАНЧЕСТЕР, Коннектикут. (Март 23, 2020) - Как и большинство профессиональных боксеров, непобедимый супер легкий перспектива«Изумительный» Mykquan Williams (15-0-1, 7 КО) делаем большую часть из сложной ситуации, как он готовится к своему неизвестному будущему в боксе.

Коронавируса выключился бокс всемирный. События приостановлена ​​на неопределенный срок, боксеры ограничены в плане обучения, и ближайшее будущее остается шатким в лучшем случае.

Невозможно тренироваться в тренажерном зале его, Манчестер ROCS, который закрыт в связи с государственным заказом Коннектикута, 21-летний Уильямс обработка этой пандемии в зрелом образом, что опровергает его молодой возраст. Нет ныть, нет чувства «бедного меня».

«Это трудное время для всех, в том числе и те из нас, в боксе,»Ист-Хартфорд (Коннектикут) говорит житель Williams. «Там нет бокс по телевизору, никто не может конкурировать, и все изолировано. Это просто несчастный, но я предпочел бы быть в безопасности, чем потом сожалеть. Забота о здоровье и всегда должна быть главным приоритетом «.

Уильямс не был в действии с прошлого 24 октября, когда он воевал с сомнительным восьмым раундом розыгрыша большинства сTre'Sean Уиггинс, в котором Уильямс сохранил свой Всемирный боксерский совет (WBC) США (USNBC) супер легкий вес. Большинство наблюдателей считает, что Williams заслужили победу решением судей.

С начала 2020, Уильямс был тренинг для ожидаемого боя в первой трети года, и он до сих пор обучение, чтобы оставаться в форме, хотя это не точно так же, как если бы он имел подтвержденную дату боя.

«Я до сих пор делают некоторые тренировки,»Объяснил Уильямс. «Мне нужно, чтобы оставаться в форме, когда вызов приходит после того, как бокс возвращается. Я в приличной форме, и когда я получу свой следующий бой дату, Я не должен идти от нуля, чтобы подготовиться. Я хочу, чтобы сохранить 50 для 60 проценты формы, а затем закончить обучение по графике для моего следующего боя «.

«Я знаю, что MYKEY до сих пор была запущена,»Главный тренер WilliamsПол Cichon добавлено. «Мы собираемся вернуться обучение в ближайшее время. Я считаю, что все происходит по причине. MYKEY и мне было селекторное совещание с (менеджер) Джеки Каллен и (промоутер) Лу ДиБелла, и мы полагаем, что, так скоро, как возможно, MYKEY будет снова в действии «.

Потому что Уильямс не включается 22 до апреля этого года 6, в дополнение к уже будучи профессиональным боксером в течение почти четырех лет, его молодые деятели бокса карьеры возобновить быстрее и сильнее, чем у многих старых боксеров. Потеря шесть месяцев не должны препятствовать перспективе, как Уильямс так же, как ветеран, который не может иметь почти столько же сопоставимого качество конкурентоспособного времени, оставшееся в кольце.

«Я не уверен, если возраст является то, что большая преимущество,»Уильямс возразил. «Если какие-то боевики обжечься, потому что они боролись много, принимать время, является ли это из-за вируса или нет, перерыв может помочь им вернуться лучше и сильнее, чем когда они в последний раз дрались «.

Уильямс был пятикратный национальными любительским чемпионом, компиляции 45-13 любительские записи, выделены три Ринга мира названия, в дополнение к золотой медали выступления на чемпионате Национальной PAL и Национальный Серебряные перчатки.

«Я не знаю, когда бокс вернется,»Заключил Уильямс, «Но бокс никогда не умрет. Люди всегда будут хотеть видеть, ребята, пробивая друг друга в лицо. Бокс это спорт богатые традиции и, прямо сейчас, есть еще много талантов придумать «.

И Mykquan Уильямс будет прямо во главе этой новой волны, когда запрет бокса окончательно рассеялось.


Щебет:  @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen

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DICAIRE против. SUAREZ IBF World Super Уэлтер Чемпионат ноября 23 в Videotron центре Квебека

Билеты поступят в продажу в эту пятницу в 10 AM

КВЕБЕК, Канада (Октябрь 1, 2019) — Videotron центр в Квебеке будет сцена другого исключительного боксу, которая будет увенчана матчем чемпионата мира с участием любимца профессионального бокса в Квебеке, непобежденным Мари-ЕВА Dicaire (16-0-0, 0 КО).

Харизматический Международная ассоциация любительского бокса (IBF) супер-полусреднем весе чемпион мира женщин будет защищать свой пояс в третий раз против опасного и опытного Ogleidis Suarez (29-3-1, 13 КО), IBF в Нет. 2-рейтинг соперник из Венесуэлы.

Билеты поступят в продажу в общественном завтра (Пятница) на 10 утра, И.

“Videotron центр занимает особое место для меня,»Сказал Dicaire. «Первый на декабрь, Я написал страницу истории и в этот момент останется выгравированным навсегда в моей памяти. Для того, чтобы вернуться сюда спустя почти год является очень важным. Я счастлив и особенно взволнован, чтобы иметь возможность быть в состоянии продемонстрировать моим сторонникам результат года усилий и тяжелой работы «.

Блокбастера событие совместно способствовать Groupe Ивон Мишель (СПОРТЗАЛ) и Gestev, представленный Videotron в ассоциации с Mise-O-Jeu.

2 МИРОВОЙ ЧЕМПИОНАТВ качестве бонуса, болельщики будут иметь привилегию присутствовать на четвертую защиту титула на Всемирной боксерской ассоциации (WBA) супер полусредний вес чемпиона мираХанна Gabriels (20-2-1, 11 КО). Эта борьба в сотрудничестве гениального Нью-Йорке на основе промотора, Лу ДиБелла. Противник Коста-Рики родной скоро будет объявлено. План на объединительный бой в марте, 2020 в Videotron центре между Dicaire и Gabriels при условии, что они и сохраняют свои названия.

“Я рад видеть, что моя команда делает все возможное, чтобы позволить мне вернуться на ринг как можно скорее,” Gabriels прокомментировал. “Впервые в моей карьере, У меня есть выигрышная комбинация с выдающимся менеджером, Hector Fernandez, в дополнении к моему промоутеру, ДиБелла Развлечения. Я очень близко к моей цели стать единым чемпионом в своем дивизионе. Конечно, Я остановлюсь сначала на победу моего боя на 23 ноября. Затем, Я хочу, чтобы столкнуться с другими чемпионами в моей категории, которые смеют ко мне. Если мисс Dicaire хочет быть первым, Я буду счастлив бить ее дома. Это мечта для меня, чтобы бороться в Канаде, удивительная страна. “

“Я рад, что Ханна Gabriels сможет защитить свой титул в Квебеке в этом крупнейшем мероприятии, организованном моим другом Ивон Мишель,” добавленный DiBella, Президент ДиБелла Entertainment. “Хана Gabriels и Мари-Ив Dicaire является двумя из самых талантливых женщин в профессиональном боксе. Единение между этими двумя спортсменами будет один из самых больших боев на женской спортивной арене. С другой стороны, два чемпион должен выиграть свои поединки ноября 23 прежде чем думать о следующем этапе.”

Zewski И BOUCHARD В PIVOT БоретсяТакже признаки будет стремящимся чемпион мираМикаэль Zewski (33-1-0, 22 КО), а также родной город Квебек любимца, Себастьян Бушар (18-1-0, 8 КО), которые оба будут в чрезвычайно важных сражениях с точкой зрения их соответствующих профессиональных карьер. Всемирная боксерская организация (WBO) Не. 8-Zewski оценивалось, царящая североамериканских боксерская организация (СОСЕДИ) полусреднем весе, будет защищать свою корону против американского претенденташтифтик “Король” Соломон (28-1-0, 9 КО) из Дугласвилла, Грузия. Бушар будет стучать в двери мирового рейтинга, победив Монреаль Аяз Хуссейн (13-1-0, 10 КО) за вакантный титул IBF в Северной Америке.
Со своей стороны, Zewski рад вернуться в Квебек-Сити: “Я очень рад и взволнован, чтобы возвращаться в Квебек, чтобы показать людям, что я являюсь частью элитного дивизиона и продолжают подниматься в рейтинге. Я ожидаю, что сильное сопротивление со стороны Соломона. Я готов к этому вызову! “

Бушар хочет сделать Квебек вибрировать для его 5й бой в Videotron центре: “Я никогда не возбуждались местных сражений, но я знаю, что поклонники постоянно спрашивают о них. Ивон, и я решил провести этот поединок, чтобы сделать Квебек и вибрировать Videotron Центр по ноябрю 23 и таким образом поблагодарить поклонников бокса за их постоянную поддержку. “

“Мы очень рады, что возвращение к Videotron Центра четвертого чемпионата мира бой Мари-Евы,»Отметил GYM президент Ивон Мишель. «Она получила этот титул IBF 1 декабря, прямо здесь, в Квебеке, при обстоятельствах, мы знаем,. При участии Zewski, Бушар и Gabriels, Есть четыре чемпионата драки на этот нагруженный, в том числе два титула чемпиона мира боев. Это будет вечер богат талантами и очень решающий для его участников. Шоу будет фантастический вечер бокса, а не может пропустил событие для поклонников «.

“Videotron Центр имеет особые отношения с Мари-Ева Dicaire," отметил Мартин Трамбле, Главный операционный директор Quebecor спорта и Entertainment Group. «Мы с нетерпением ожидаем еще одного великого события ноября 23, когда первой женщины бой титул чемпиона мира будет заголовок бокса событие в крупном амфитеатре. Локальный компонент также имеет важное значение для этого торжественного события. Мы рады возможности для Себастьена Бушара, чтобы выиграть свой первый титул Североамериканского перед своими поклонниками Квебека.”

БОЛЬШОЙ ВИЗИТ С Адонис Стивенсон Бывший чемпион мира в полутяжелом весе мира Адонис Стивенсон, которые боролись пять боев титул чемпиона мира в Квебеке во время его правления, подтвердил свое присутствие, чтобы поддержать Мари-ЕВА Dicaire. Он вернется в первый раз в амфитеатре, где он был его последний бой, В тот же вечер, что Dicaire начал свое царствование в качестве чемпиона мира. Адонис будет в разделе VVIP и доступны для интервью, фотографии и автографы. Он будет сопровождать его жена, Simone Бог.

FERNAND Маркотт в зале QUEBEC СПОРТА. Недавно, Quebecer Фернан Маркотт был введен в Квебеке спортивный зал славы увенчать свою блестящую карьеру кулачный. Особая дань будет дан ноября. 23 и он также будет присутствовать и доступны в области VVIP.

Билеты, начиная с $49 (налоги и сервисные сборы включены), будет продаваться в Gestev.com и Ticketmaster.ca, в весе клуб бокса (514-376-0980) и GYM (514-383-0666), или позвоните по телефону 1-855-790-1245.

ПРИВИЛЕГИЯ РАЗДЕЛ VVIPПривилегия раздел VVIP зарезервирован для удовлетворения клиента, который хочет, чтобы насладиться уникальным и незабываемым:

• Ограниченное количество, только 100 билеты
• Раздел резервируется на полу возле кольца
• Персонализированная VVIP аккредитация с плакатом вечера
• Доступ к VIP Lounge или закуски и коктейли будут обслуживаться бесплатно
• Близость к знаменитостям Квебека профессионального бокса, включая Фернан Маркотт, Адонис Стивенсон, Лучиан БутеЖан ПаскальEleider Альварес иОскар Ривас, среди других, для возможности фото и автографы.
• Доступ к партии после Гала с главными звездами кольца, Мари-ЕВА Dicaire, Микаэл Zewski и Себастьен Бушар.
• В стоимость каждого билета $500

В КАНАЛЕ ИНДИГО В ТЕЛЕ ПОРЦИОННО.The “Dicaire-Zewski-Бушар-Gabriels” Мероприятие будет транслироваться в Канаде с оплатой за просмотр черезканал IndigoБелл ТВ иШоу TV.



#Videotron центр


“It’s time for America to wake up and understand they have the baddest man on the planet right here” – Deontay Wilder

Wilder Shares His Thoughts With Below The Belt Host Brendan Schaub As He Prepares To Face Fury December 1 Live On SHOWTIME PPV®

Фото кредит: Эстер Лин / Showtime

WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder sat down with SHOWTIME Sports correspondent Brendan Schaub as part of a wide-ranging interview providing a glimpse into the mindset of the undefeated champion as he prepares for the most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. более чем 15 годы. The 6-foot-7 Wilder meets 6-foot-9 lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury December 1 жить на Showtime PPV® от Staples Center в Лос-Анджелесе.




Уайлдер, who is America’s only true heavyweight champion since 2007, discusses everything from his career-defining win over Luis Ortiz and his incredible knockout power, to the pressures of being the heavyweight champion of the world and his love for his family in the candid 35-minute interview from a double-decker bus in Los Angeles.




The Tuscaloosa, Ала. родной, однако, had the most to say about his upcoming battle with Fury. “Throughout my whole career, guys always said I only had one hand,” Wilder explains to Schaub as they head to Los Angeles International Airport following Monday’s media day in Santa Monica. “But when you get in the ring, it’s going to be different. The game plan is going to go out the window, like Mike Tyson said.




“This is the moment in time for America to wake up and understand they have the baddest man on the planet right here,” Wilder passionately continues. “And you think I’m going to let this Gypsy come in here and mess up all those plans for me? I don’t think so.”




The heavyweight showdown headlines the December 1 Showtime PPV жить с Staples Center в Лос-Анджелесе (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). Уайлдер, who has knocked out all seven challengers of his title, will attempt to make his eighth WBC Heavyweight defense. In the third fight of his comeback, Fury has the opportunity to become a two-time heavyweight world champion.








WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Battles Lineal Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury Saturday, December 1On SHOWTIME PPV® From STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Эстер Lin / Showtime
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Ryan Hafey/
Премьер Бокс чемпионов


ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Ноябрь 5, 2018) – WBC в супертяжелом весе мира Deontay Уайлдер held a jam-packed media day Monday in Los Angeles where he discussed his blockbuster matchup against lineal heavyweight champion Тайсон Фьюри проходит субботу, Декабрь 1 на SHOWTIME PPV® от Staples Center в Лос-Анджелесе.




Wilder arrived in Los Angeles, along with trainer Jay Deas, to show off his skills in front of media at Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica. The most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. более чем 15 годы, Уайлдер против. Fury tests the raw power of the 6-foot-7 Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of the 6-foot-9 Fury.




Билеты на мероприятия, который продвигается BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, уже в продаже. Цены на билеты начинаются от $75, plus applicable fees and are available via AXS.com. Уайлдер против. Ярость будет производиться и распространяться SHOWTIME PPV.




Here is what Wilder and Deas had to say Thursday at media day, where Wilder was joined by his girlfriend Telli Swift and their eight-month-old daughter Kaorii:


Deontay Уайлдером




I feel like I’m at my very best right now. Умственно, physically and emotionally I’m ready to go. Все отлично. I just want to get in the ring and show action. Tyson Fury doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into.




As a true champion, I know how to adjust to any fighter that’s in front of me. My experience facing fighters of all styles has prepared me for this special fight.




I’ve had tremendous sparring. Every day I’m making adjustments and getting myself right so I can get my timing and style exactly how it needs to be. If the fight was this weekend, Deontay Wilder is ready to go.




Luis Ortiz was the most avoided fighter in the heavyweight division and I understand why he had never gotten the title shot before. I’m the type of fighter who gives people opportunities and he was the fighter I needed to face to prove to the world what I’m all about.




This is not a game for me. Everyone has heard about what it’s like to be in the ring with me, but until you’re in there, you don’t know for sure that what you’ve been hearing is for real. Я лучший в мире. I don’t think any heavyweight has been through what I’ve been through.




I’m training for a certain type of mission. As a fighter I have to have the mindset that I must be ready for anything. Затем, once it’s time for the bell to ring, I become ‘The Bronze Bomber’.




Fury has height just like me and he also brings an awkward style like myself. He’s rangy, mobile and he believes he’s the best in the world. You’ll get two giants who are athletic and move around the ring like no one else in this sport.




They say that I have the power and he has the boxing skills. We’ll see on December 1. It’s a puncher versus a boxer. I think the puncher is going to box his lights out, and then I’m going to knock his lights out.




I don’t watch too much film or study guys past getting their style down and seeing how they use their styles. My trainers watch film and use that knowledge to give me advice throughout the fight. I find that my opponents fight differently depending on who they’re facing, so I can’t dwell too much on watching past fights.


JAY приятно, Тренер Уайлдера




Tyson Fury is kind of like a Rubik’s cube. But a Rubik’s cube can be solved. Fury is a very versatile fighter who can move, he can box and fight from lots of distances. He’s the total package as a fighter and on top of that he’s strong-willed mentally.




We have our hands full, but I know that Deontay Wilder is the guy to handle Tyson Fury. Deontay is the the right guy to take over boxing and this is the first step in that.




Deontay has had a fantastic camp and we’ve had really good sparring partners. Fury is a tall fighter, but it’s really the athleticism that makes him what he is. We believe we’re better off finding more athletic guys who are slightly shorter than Fury, rather than someone his height who is a statue.




Fortunately Deontay has always been a focused fighter, so keeping him right mentally I don’t think will ever be a problem. Deontay can handle any chaos around him better than anyone I’ve seen. When he says he’s the man for this job, he really means it.




The tough thing with preparing for Tyson Fury is that even he doesn’t know exactly what he’s going to do in there. He can fight lefty, righty, dirty or clean. We’re working on being prepared for all of these things and more.




Both guys are very athletic and very awkward style-wise, but once this fight combusts, it’s going to be phenomenal. You don’t want to blink or go to the bathroom, the pretzel can wait, because you’re going to want to catch every second of it.


# # #




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Lineal Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury Battles WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Saturday, Декабрь 1 On SHOWTIME PPV® From STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Эстер Lin / Showtime

ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Октября 25, 2018) – Lineal heavyweight champion Тайсон Фьюри hosted a Los Angeles media day Thursday at Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica as he prepares to take on WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Уайлдер Суббота, Декабрь 1 from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles on SHOWTIME PPV®.




Ярость, who is training in Big Bear, arrived nearby by helicopter for the media workout to discuss the showdown with Wilder before jumping into the ring to show off the skills that made him an IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight champion.




Билеты на мероприятия, который продвигается BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, уже в продаже. Цены на билеты начинаются от $75, plus applicable fees and are available viaAXS.com. Уайлдер против. Ярость будет производиться и распространяться SHOWTIME PPV.




Fury was working out in shorts from Oddball, a company that donates all of its proceeds to research to fight testicular cancer, a cause Fury has championed. Here is what Fury and his trainer, Ben Davison, had to say Thursday from Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica:






This is an important fight for boxing, because it’s two undefeated champions facing off. There have been people not getting in the ring with top guys for whatever reason, but here you have two fighters stepping up and onto the line.




It’s a pretty easy fight to analyze, Deontay Wilder needs to connect with that big right hand and knock me out, and I need to not let him do that. I need to do whatever I can to get out the way of that right hand, and make him worry about defending my punches.




I already became a unified champion; I’ve crossed the bridge into the very upper echelon of the sport. This time I’m back and I’m here for good.




I’m back to reclaim my throne. Even though I’ve had the tune-up fights, I feel like this is my true comeback fight.




I’m used to being in hostile, solitary environments for training camp. For the Wladimir Klitschko fight I was in Holland, in a forest 10 miles away from any shop or town. I thrive in the condition in Big Bear.




There have been no distractions training up in Big Bear. It’s perfect. There’s nothing but a few bears and rattle snakes. That’s it as far as distractions.




I have a great up-and-coming trainer and he’s going to have me ready for the challenge.




I wear these funky shorts in public a lot and I wore them today because they represent a company called Oddballs, and every penny spent on these pants goes to research to fight testicular cancer. A friend of mine went through it recently, and I want to spread awareness for him and this cause.


BEN DAVISON, Тренер ярости




I have a great sense of Tyson Fury and can feel what he needs when he wakes up each day and walks into the gym. Our relationship has really gelled these last 12 месяцы.




It’s going to be an action-packed fight that’s for sure. Both men are violent freaks of nature to be honest with you. It’s going to be an epic battle.




I think physically alone you can see how far Tyson Fury has come. That takes a lot of willpower and dedication. He’s put a lot of work in just physically, and that’s really just a slice of what he’s shown in the gym.




All heavyweights can punch, if any one of them hit you on the chin, you’re going to have problems. It’s not the power of Wilder that we’re focusing on, it’s the agility, speed and awkwardness that he brings. We’re studying his habits and watching every little thing that he does in the ring.




It takes fights like these to bring the best out of Tyson Fury. He’s a fighter who raises his game to what’s in front of him.




# # #




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Настроения вспыхивают в финальной остановке международного пресс-тура, когда гиганты в тяжелом весе сойдутся в третий день подряд перед декабрем 1 Чемпионат мира WBC в супертяжелом весе в прямом эфире на SHOWTIME PPV ®

“When I knock him out I can say I knocked someone out that was fearless.” – Deontay Wilder

“Only in dreams does Deontay Wilder ever knock Tyson Fury out” – Tyson Fury

Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит Аманда Уэсткотт / SHOWTIME

Watch the Full Press Conference ВОТ

Билеты уже в продаже

ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Октября 3, 2018) – Three days of a boisterous, tension-fueled international press tour came to a close on Wednesday in downtown Los Angeles when heavyweight giants Deontay Уайлдер и Тайсон Фьюри had to be separated by security after the verbal sparring threatened to turn physical in front of a large contingent of both Wilder and Fury supporters.




In the closing moments of the third-straight press conference ahead of their December 1 showdown for the WBC Heavyweight World Championship at STAPLES Center, emotions appeared to boil over as both fighters had to be held back (See the scuffle ВОТ). To watch Wednesday’s press conference in full, visit the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel: https://s.sho.com/2QiGaPg




With the whirlwind press tour in the rear-view mirror, the fighters now have 58 days to prepare for the biggest heavyweight fight on U.S. soil since Lennox Lewis KO’d Mike Tyson in June 2002. Уайлдер против. Fury is the latest major heavyweight event to take place in the Southland, expanding an already deep history of heavyweight boxing featuring Hall of Famers Joe Louis, Мухаммед Али, Lennox Lewis and Vitali Klitschko, the last of whom faced off at Staples Center in 2003, with Klitschko also stopping Chris Arreola at Staples Center in 2009.




Билеты на мероприятия, который продвигается BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, are ON SALE NOW. Tickets are priced starting at $75, плюс применимые сборы, and are available via AXS.com.




Below are flash quotes from today’s event at The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Живая:


Deontay Уайлдером




“I fought one of the best and I think I’m fighting the next best in line in the heavyweight division, and I do think he’s tough. The thing about Tyson, he’s mentally tough. He’s the Gypsy King and you know what they say about Gypsies; they’re traveling people and they’re fearless people. And that’s why he’s the perfect opponent for this situation, for this occasion of bringing the heavyweight division back. So when I knock him out I can say I knocked someone out that was fearless.




“He’s great for the heavyweight division. He’s charismatic, he can talk, I’ve got a great dancing partner. He’s fearless in the ring and he’s got a background of boxing in his blood; he’s named after Mike Tyson and all that is great. It’s good that he’s from another country so you get to see different cultures, different personalities from the two of us. You’ve got one from America and you’ve got one from Great Britain. So that’s going to make it even more pleasurable for me when I knock him out.




“All this adds up. This is exciting for me and I can’t wait to get back to L.A. What I’m saying is I’m going to knock him out.




“You know what I come to do and you know what I’m coming to do December 1. When you come to see fights you come to see somebody get knocked out. You’re not coming to see 12-round fights. I know you’re coming to see some skills but you’re coming to see this man’s body on the canvas and that’s what I’m going to deliver to you.”






“There isn’t a man born from his mother that Tyson Fury is afraid of, and especially not a man who wears pigtails every day. I don’t fear anything about him; I don’t fear anything he can do.




“It’s a fight. We can do all this stuff on stage, I can walk around here and I can talk as good as any man in the country. But when it comes to a fight, это будет адская борьба. Deontay Уайлдер: massive puncher. Мне: skillful boxer. It’s going to be an epic night. This is a legacy fight and I do believe that’s true. And after I win, he’s going to hire me as his publicist because I do believe I can promote Deontay Wilder back to being heavyweight champion of the world in no time. But there’s no shame in losing to me because I am the greatest boxer of my generation and I can’t be beat, especially not by him.




“There have been many, many fighters before like Deontay Wilder, but there’s never been a Tyson Fury before in the history of boxing. I know that because I studied the game inside out.




“I’m giving [Уайлдер] the opportunity to fight The Gypsy King. I have the claim to the throne that goes back years and years so I’m giving him the opportunity to become something.




“Only in dreams does Deontay Wilder ever knock Tyson Fury out. Only in his dreams




“Deontay Wilder needs Tyson Fury but Tyson Fury doesn’t need Deontay Wilder. I chose Deontay Wilder as an easy victim. This is going to be the easiest fight of my career.”






"Это будет отличный бой. В последнее время, I’ve seen Tyson fury singing the song, ‘There’s only one Tyson Fury’. I think he stole that from Ricky Hatton and you saw what happened to him. I think that trend will continue.”






“I think Tyson is one of the best, he’s certainly one of the most colorful heavyweights that has come out of Britain. His skills are sublime, he does the impossible. He went over to Germany, he took Klitschko to school; a good Klitschko. He fought the guy and like he said, he’s the lineal champion. He loves the challenge and he’s a traveler. That’s why he’s coming to Deontay’s backyard. He’s coming to the States, he’s fighting one of the most explosive heavyweights in recent years, a guy who can punch. I think styles make fights, and everybody is saying that Tyson is going to be running and Deontay is going to be coming after him. I don’t think that’s going to happen; I think on the night, you’re going to see Tyson stand his ground and you’re going to see some serious fireworks take place.




"Это великий бой, it’s a fight for the fans, it’s great to be here in L.A. to do this fight. It’s great that we are in America to bring another Brit over here to take the belt back.




“This is the best fighting the best; the two top heavyweights in the world who have stepped up to the plate and made a fight like that.”


Стивен Эспиноза




“We have a very special event. What makes it so special? Четко, it’s a big heavyweight title fight but there’s a different kind of mystique and buzz for a heavyweight title fight. We’ve got a heavyweight title fight between two elite athletes. We’ve got the hardest puncher in boxing against one of the most skilled boxers in the sport, certainly in the heavyweight division. It’s a fascinating matchup of styles. We have two huge personalities and the two tallest fighters in the heavyweight division.




“In a city of big events, we have the biggest of events. L.A. has certainly had its share of big fights – Henry Armstrong, Art Aragon, Бобби Чакон, Оскар Де Ла Хойя, Shane Mosley – they’ve all fought here. And L.A. has even hosted its share of heavyweight fights. Jim Jeffries, Jack Johnson fought here, Muhammad Ali fought here as well. But in terms of major heavyweight title fights in Los Angeles, the list is very short. There have been three Vitali Klitschko fights vs. Крис Арреола, Corrie Sanders and Lennnox Lewis. Это оно. Four fighters have fought for the heavyweight world title in Los Angeles in its history. This is a rare event in Los Angeles. Not since 2009 have we seen a heavyweight title event in L.A. and in a city of can’t-miss events, this is the pinnacle. There’s more than the WBC title at stake, more than pride, this is about legacy and history.”


Tempers Flare For Second Straight Day As Three-Day International Press Tour Continues In New York City Ahead of December 1 Чемпионат мира WBC в супертяжелом весе в прямом эфире на SHOWTIME PPV ®

“We’ve brought the sport back to life in the heavyweight division.” Deontay Wilder

“You’re very nervous right now because all the pressure is on you.” Tyson Fury

Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит Аманда Уэсткотт / SHOWTIME

Watch the Full Press Conference ВОТ


НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Октября 2, 2018) – The Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury international press tour continued on the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum on Tuesday and the heavyweight giants wasted no time getting up close and personal with one another once again ahead of their December 1 showdown for the WBC Heavyweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME PPV from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.




The fighters were led on to the stage by the Brooklyn Nets Beats Drumline and immediately met face to face. Just like a day before in London, the 6-foot-7 Wilder and the 6-foot-9 Fury had to be separated midway through the press conference when Fury ordered Wilder to take his sunglasses off so he could see his eyes. Watch one of the confrontations ВОТ. To watch Tuesday’s press conference in full, visit the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel: https://s.sho.com/2xJsF4f



Уайлдер против. Ярость, the biggest heavyweight event in the U.S. since Mike Tyson-Lennox Lewis in 2002, tests the raw power of Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of Fury. America’s only heavyweight champion since 2007, Wilder has 39 заглушки в 40 Профессиональные бои, including knockouts in all seven of his title defenses. Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight world champion who is undefeated in 27 professional fights and holds boxing’s coveted lineal heavyweight title.



Билеты на мероприятия, который продвигается BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, go on sale tomorrow/Wednesday, Октября 3 на 12 p.m. PT. Tickets are priced starting at $75, плюс применимые сборы, and are available via AXS.com.




Уайлдер vs. Fury International Press Tour concludes Wednesday at The Novo By Microsoft at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles.




Below are flash quotes from today’s event at Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York:

Deontay Уайлдером



“This fight means everything to the heavyweight division. This division was once in a dark place. A lot of people considered the division boring and not entertaining and not enough great fighters. Вы знаете, people always look back at the past and say, ‘Where are the golden days? Where has it gone?’ And now today’s era is different… We’ve brought the sport back to life in the heavyweight division.




“We all know with me it comes with power and with knockouts. And that’s what I do. I get you guys motivated and I get you guys inspired to come and see a heavyweight fight. Because what you guys come to see in a heavyweight fight is a knockout. And I deliver that each and every time. Like I’ve said before, when I say I promise you, I promise you I’m going to knock out the Gypsy King, также. TIMBERRRRRR!"




“I’m the one who brought him back. I’m the one who encouraged him when he was in that dark place. Я сказал ему, ‘You can do it.’ I dared him to come back. I dared him for this very moment. I want him to have confidence. I want him to have energy. Как вы видите, that’s nerves. That’s all nerves. Because he knows what’s going to happen. He knows his face is going to get smashed in. And he knows his body will be on the pavement. Let him burn out this energy. It’s entertaining. Because when we get in the ring he’s gonna be all by himself and his demeanor will change. His mannerisms are going to change. He’s so nervous right now. He don’t know what do to with himself.




“Don’t give people false promises. I was born off of false promises and got nothing for free. I promise I’m going to knock you out. I speak it, believe and receive it and it’s mine. I don’t have to show so much energy, детка."





“Even Deontay Wilder knows to sit in the presence of greatness. Why I am going to beat this bum is because he can’t box. He’s a big swinger and he’s knocked a few bums out. He’s been in 40 бои и 35 of them have been against total tomato cans who can’t fight back. So really he’s only had five fights. If he thinks a five-fight novice is going to land one of those big swinging windmills onto my chin, then he can think again. After he feels a bit of power and a few stiff jabs in the face his ass is going to fall out. This is what’s going to happen: At about round five or six I’m going to start landing the overhand right and going downstairs to the body. And then around eight, 9 10, the championship rounds then it’s welcome to my world. He’s only been 12 rounds once in his career, and I’ve been 12 rounds championship distance many, много раз.




“I’m very experienced and I’ve come back against all odds. I’m here today having beaten so many, many problems. How am I going to let this little spaghetti noodle beat me? How am I going to do that? They don’t call me the Gypsy King for nothing. I didn’t come to New York and Los Angeles and all these press conferences to be embarrassed by this little skinny runt. I’m going to knock him spark out.




“I’m a big, fat, bearded man who can fight like hell. You don’t need to see this fat. We all know I’m the master of disaster. We all know I have a fat stomach. But it’s going to look even worse for you when you get beaten by a fat man.




“I don’t want the Deontay Wilder belt. I want the Tyson Fury belt. I want the limited edition WBC belt. There’s only one Tyson Fury!




“You are on a suicide mission. You know I’m a CRAZY man. I’m gonna make this bum quit. I’m going to make him quit. I’m going to show him what’s it’s like to fight a real man. A real world champion. Does he even know they don’t just give lineal champion belts away? This man has never beaten a world champion. He fought some bum [Bermane] Stiverne that no one’s ever heard of.




“You already know you’ve lost the fight. You’re very nervous right now because all the pressure is on you.”


Лу ДиБелла



“On Dec. 1 on the floor of the Staples Center it’s going to be bombs away. You’re going to get to see the Power, and the Fury when the undefeated, hardest punching and most feared heavyweight of the world, the WBC champion, the Bronze Bomber Deontay Wilder faces the fearless Gypsy King, the undefeated linear heavyweight champion of the world.




“There’s no magic to making a fight of this magnitude. All it takes is for each champion to want to fight. В декабре 1 two of the three best heavyweights in the world are fighting each other, and the winner can walk away saying, ‘I AM the man!’ Until proven otherwise. That’s what this is all about. As the heavyweights go, так идет бокс. And the heavyweight division is heading for big things. В декабре 1 you are going to see a heavyweight fight for the generations.”

Стивен Эспиноза



“There is something undeniably unique about a heavyweight title fight. Not just unique in boxing, but unique across sports. There’s a mystique, a mythical quality. Boxing’s heavyweight champions have always been heroic figures; almost super heroes. There’s a feel, a buzz in a heavyweight championship fight that is unique across all sports. And there’s certainly a unique feel to this fight, также. We have the two tallest men, the biggest men in the heavyweight division – 6-foot-9 and 6-foot-7; two huge figures both literally and figuratively.




“Deontay Wilder: 40 бои, 39 КО, most in devastating fashion. He’s one of the hardest punchers not just in boxing today, but modern boxing history. In Tyson Fury we certainly have a unique skill set. You do not see athletes who are 6-foot-9 who move the way Tyson Fury moves. He has a unique set of skills with athleticism. Outside of the NBA there’s not another more athletic 6-foot-9 athlete on the planet. It’s a fascinating clash of personalities and it’s a fascinating clash of styles and we are happy to bring it to you on SHOWTIME Pay-Per-View.”


Tensions Rise As Two Larger-Than-Life Personalities Trade Verbal Jabs In Kick-Off Of International Press Tour Ahead of December 1 WBC Heavyweight Title LIVE on SHOWTIME PPV ®

Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Credit Mark Robinson/SHOWTIME

Watch the Full Press Conference ВОТ

ЛОНДОН (Октября 1, 2018) – The Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury Press Tour got off to a combative start as the two heavyweight giants went face-to-face in London on Monday, exchanging verbal jabs ahead of their December 1 showdown for the WBC Heavyweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME PPV from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.




Amidst the back-and-forth jawing, the 6-foot-7 Wilder and the 6-foot-9 Fury had to be separated when Wilder refused to back down from Fury’s challenge to engage in a sparring session.




“I want to feel the power,” Fury said to Wilder. “You’re going to feel the Fury, I want to feel the Alabama slammer.”




“I’m going to show you the full power”, Wilder quipped back. “This ain’t no game!” Watch the confrontation ВОТ




To watch Monday’s press conference in full, visit the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel: https://s.sho.com/2Qf3mgW



Уайлдер против. Fury tests the raw power of Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of Fury. America’s only heavyweight champion since 2007, Wilder has 39 заглушки в 40 Профессиональные бои, including knockouts in all seven of his title defenses. Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight world champion who is undefeated in 27 professional fights and holds boxing’s coveted lineal heavyweight title.



Билеты на мероприятия, который продвигается BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, go on sale Wednesday, Октября 3 на 12 p.m. PT. Tickets are priced starting at $75, плюс применимые сборы, and are available via AXS.com.




In anticipation of the biggest heavyweight event in the U.S. since Mike Tyson-Lennox Lewis in 2002, the Wilder vs. Fury International Press Tour continues Tuesday at Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York and concludes Wednesday in Los Angeles.




Below are flash quotes from today’s event at BT Sport Headquarters in London:

Deontay Уайлдером



“I believe every word that I say. When I say I’m going to knock a man out and tell him where and how he may lay, it comes to pass. I’m all about devastating knockouts, это то, чем я занимаюсь. Там нет давления на меня. You just need to be there to witness it.




“He has two months to get ready. He’s lost a lot of weight but he needs to lose a little bit more. He already knows he’s going to get knocked out. He can hoot and holler, he can build himself up but he needs to take my advice and speak it, believe it, receive it. He’s going to feel pain he’s never felt before.




“Some people don’t even think I should be fighting Fury at this point in time. Whether they want to see another fight or they don’t think he’s ready right now, we can’t live off other’s opinions. When you come to see a Deontay Wilder fight, you’re only coming to see one thing and that’s me knocking somebody out. You all are looking at the 41улица person that’s going to be knocked out.




“The antics aren’t going to work against me. Я не (Владимир) Кличко, this is Deontay Wilder.




“I definitely think I’m the No. 1 heavyweight in the world. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t feel I was the best. I’m not worried about any other fighters or what they’re saying or how they are hyping themselves up. I already know I’m the part. All you have to do is tune in. I’m about to put him in the oven and make a muffin.”





“I am no challenger for no man. I am the lineal heavyweight champion of the world. That means I’m the best of the best. The elite champion. This is two champions colliding, this is equal-rights champion vs. чемпион.




“I’m savoring nothing. The only thing I’m savoring is smashing Deontay Wilder’s teeth in. The press has all turned up today to see the biggest fight of our generation between two undefeated giants, and boy are you going to get a fight. You’re in for a real treat, don’t worry about that. I’m in no mood to dance around the ring. There’s not a 15 stone man on the planet that can beat Tyson Fury.




“I have no concern at all about my lack of fights in recent years. If you can fight, you can fight. I picked this fight. I said to Frank, get me this fight. I could have fought another 10 bums and won them too. Nobody forced me to fight Deontay Wilder, I picked him because I believe he’s an easy touch.”




“I will stand right in front of him and prove what I will do. I will punch his face seven days a week and twice on a Sunday. If we fought 30 раз, I’d win 30 times.”


Лу ДиБелла



“It’s been a long time since the heavyweight division has had two giants like this. Two champions at the top of their game, at the top of their division willing to fight one another. It’s not rocket science making a fight. Deontay spent a lot of time trying to make a fight with another guy from England who didn’t want to fight. When Fury got himself back into the ring and got himself in the shape he is in now, Изобилующий раковинами (Финкель) and Frank (Кроличий садок) were able to make this fight very quickly.




“When two great champions want to make a fight, the fight happens. That’s why December 1 is happening. We’re going to know right then and there who the best heavyweight on the planet is until proven otherwise. The winner of this fight will be the best heavyweight on the planet.




“Fury is an interesting guy who has had to overcome a lot of adversity. I think he should be proud of himself for getting his life in order and being able to turn things around. What he’s done in the last six months has been remarkable. I’m still going to admire him after he gets knocked out on December 1.”





“I have nothing but respect for our challenger, Ярость. When I was handling Klitschko, we didn’t think Fury had a chance against him. He proved me wrong. He won’t prove me wrong twice.




“We didn’t pick to fight Tyson because we thought he was easy, we believe he’s the best out there. We want to fight the best, and only the best. We have respect for you because your countryman didn’t want to fight even though he was offered a fortune to fight. When it was presented, he said no. I commend you for stepping right in.”





“These are the two best heavyweights because they’re willing to step in the ring together. That’s what great fighters do. We are going to see something special on December 1. I think it’s going to be a fight that nobody expects. This is not going to be cat and mouse, это будет война. Tyson has a fighter’s mentality. He’s not trying to duck out through contracts, through a backdoor method. He wanted the fight and Shelly and I worked together to make this happen. You cannot miss it. This will be one of the best heavyweight fights for a long time.




“Fury is traveling to the other guy’s backyard like he did when he went to Germany and took Klitschko to school. He’s going to take Deontay’s belt and this is a fight you cannot afford to miss.”


Стивен Эспиноза



“This is a fight that has captivated America and will continue to captivate America. We have two mythical figures and that’s what people love about the heavyweight division; they are almost superheroes. In particular, these two individuals are the two largest men in the heavyweight division and I mean that in a physical sense as well as their personalities. На бумаге, в кольце, on the press tour, it’s a phenomenal matchup.”



SHOWTIME Veteran Ivan Baranchyk Dominates Petr Petrov in IBF Junior Welterweight Eliminator



Heavyweight Prospect Junior Fa Remains Unbeaten with Majority Decision Victory



Catch The Replay Saturday, Март 10, На 5:30 p.m. ET / PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®



Нажмите ВОТ Чтобы скачать фото; Кредит Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME


ДЭДВУД, SD. (Март 9, 2018) – Undefeated 140-pound contender Реджис Prograis scored a sensational second-round knockout over former unified world champion Julius Indongo to capture the Interim WBC Super Lightweight title Пятница night on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION from Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, SD.





С победой, ПРОГРАММЫ (21-0, 18 КО) will now likely face the winner of next week’s Amir Imam (Нет занимает. 1 WBC) and Jose Ramirez (Нет занимает. 3 WBC) matchup for the currently vacant WBC world title belt. ПРОГРАММЫ, Хьюстон путем Новый Орлеан, was dominant from the opening bell and has now scored knockouts in 14 из его последних 15 бои.





“I had to put on a show for SHOWTIME, for Deadwood, and for all my fans in Houston and New Orleans and just the whole division,"Сказал Prograis. “I had to put on a show for everybody. I am now the man at 140.”





In the final seconds of the opening round, Prograis landed a fierce jab that knocked Indongo (22-2, 11 КО) to the canvas. Во втором туре, Prograis continued to attack the much taller Indongo, and floored him for the second time with a huge left hand. With a wobbly Indongo returning to his feet, Prograis continued the onslaught and immediately attacked his prone opponent and knocked him down for a third time in the fight. Referee Ian John-Lewis gave Indongo one more opportunity to remain in the fight, but Prograis ended it once and for all with a third knockdown in the round via a left hook and fourth in the fight at 2:54 of round number two.





Following the knockout, SHOWTIME analyst Steve Farhood spoke to the rising star in the wide-open and competitive 140-pound division. Farhood was especially impressed with Prograis, who was making his fifth SHOWTIME appearance.





“It was an awesome performance,” said the International Boxing Hall of Famer and noted boxing historian Farhood. “I was surprised he finished Indongo as quickly as he did and as emphatically as he did.






“I think now boxing fans know that this guy deserves to be rated among the top three or four in the 140-pound division. Because it was a such an emphatic win, all the other fights at 140, whether it’s завтра fight between Mikey Garcia and Lipinets, you got to feel like they have to answer to Regis. He deserves it.”





The WBC No. 2 оценивается боец ​​на 140 pounds immediately turned his attention to a possible matchup with the winner of next week’s Imam-Ramirez matchup.





“I want the real title now, and I don’t think those two dudes will fight me after tonight,"Сказал Prograis. “Indongo only had one loss to Terrence Crawford, the pound for pound best, and I stopped him a round before Crawford did. I don’t see anybody trying to fight me right now.”






In an IBF Junior Welterweight eliminator, Иван Baranchyk (17-0, 11 КО) thrilled fans at The Deadwood Mountain Grand with his all-action style, остановка Петр Петров (38-6-2, 18 КО) на 1:12 of round number eight.





Baranchyk, making his sixth appearance on SHOWTIME, was the much stronger, more aggressive fighter than his game but ultimately overmatched opponent, who showed commendable toughness and resiliency to stay in the fight. Baranchyk knocked Petrov to the canvas with the very first punch of the fight, and scored a second knockdown in the second round with a barrage of powerful punches.





With a bruised and battered Petrov trapped against the ropes in the eighth round, referee Mark Nelson stopped the fight. С победой, Baranchyk moves a step closer to becoming the mandatory challenger for the winner of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event on Saturday night between 140-pound IBF world titlist Sergey Lipinets and lightweight titleholder Mikey Garcia.





Baranchyk, who out-landed Petrov 159-118 in total punches and 94-76 в силовых пуансонов, was pleased with the improvements he showcased tonight.





“I thought I fought a more controlled than in the past and something my new coach has been helping me with,- сказал Баранчик, who is currently ranked No. 4 in the IBF 140-pound division. “I knew I had to keep punching to the body, punching to the body. And I did that well tonight.





“I was surprised they stopped the fight when they did. I felt like I won every round and controlled the fight. Я знал, что я выиграл бой. It was a good fight for me.”





В первом бою телепередачи, супертяжеловес Junior Fa (14-0, 8 КО), Окленда, Новая Зеландия, kept his unbeaten record intact with a majority decision victory over Detroit’s Craig Lewis (14-2-1, 8 КО). The judges scored the eight-round fight 76-76, 78-74, 79-73.





Fa, who twice beat fellow New Zealand native and current WBO heavyweight champion Joseph Parker in the amateurs, was the more active fighter against the 33-year-old former collegiate basketball player Lewis, who took the fight on just two weeks’ notice. Fa started the fight quickly, throwing a fight-high 53 punches in round one and a 24-13 lead in overall connects in the first two rounds. Поскольку борьба продолжалась, Fa’s pace slowed and Lewis was able to grow into the fight, out-landing Fa 50-45 in rounds five through eight, to close the overall gap to 82-81 in favor of Fa.





Fa, who made his SHOWTIME debut in November with a first-round knockout of Freddy Latham, was unhappy with his performance despite the win.





“I’m happy I was able to get the decision, but I wasn’t happy with my performance at all,” said Fa. “If I had to give myself a grade, it would be an F. I fought with too much emotion the first few rounds and that threw me off a little bit.





“I was pretty surprised with the one judge who saw it even. I saw him getting tired but I was just flat tonight. I can learn a lot from this fight and where I went wrong and what not to do in my next fight.”





Lewis felt that taking the fight on short notice played a role in the outcome.





I needed a little more time to train as my conditioning fell off a bit towards the end,” said the former National Golden Gloves gold medalist Lewis. “But overall, I was happy with my performance, I thought it was probably a draw.”





В не-телевизионном андеркарте действия, непобедимый проспект в супертяжелом весе Трей Липпе Моррисон (14-0, 14 КО), the son of former heavyweight world champion Tommy Morrison, остановился Oswaldo Ortega (3-8, 1 KO) with a third-round (1:18) technical knockout in his first fight в 15 месяцы since suffering a hand injury.





Непобедимый 2016 Олимпийский чемпион США Чарльз Конвелл (7-0, 5 КО) earned a unanimous decision victory over Mexico’s Juan Jesus Rivera (28-20, 18 КО). The six-round junior middleweight bout was scored 60-53 on all three judges’ scorecards.





Пятницы tripleheader will replay on Saturday, Март 10, на 5:30 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® и SHOWTIME В ЛЮБОЕ ВРЕМЯ®.





Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Исполнительным продюсером был Гордон Холл с продюсером Ричардом Гоганом и режиссером Риком Филлипсом.


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SHOWTIME БОКС: СПЕЦИАЛЬНОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ В прямом эфире на 10 p.m. И/PT From Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, Южная Дакота
НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Март 8, 2018) – Despite taking the bout on less than five days’ уведомление, two-time world title challenger Petr Petrov is ready for his showdown with junior welterweight Ivan Baranchyk, в эту пятницу night on a SHOWTIME БОКС: SPECIAL EDITION live на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ(10 PM ET/PT)

Петров, who has not fought in eleven months since dropping a decision to undefeated WBO Lightweight champion Terry Flanagan, was training for a return bout in his native Spain before getting the call last weekend after Anthony Yigit fell out of the fight with Baranchyk.
Petrov arrived at the Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, Южная Дакота, and he is confident going into this important fight.
“Я чувствую себя хорошо. I am always training, and was getting ready for a fight in a couple months in my native Spain, so I don’t find this to be a big deal to accept this fight on short notice,” Саид Петров.
What made it easy for him to take the fight, was the opportunity to fight for the number-2 position in the IBF.
My goal is to be a world champion, and this fight gets me close to that. I don’t know anything about Baranchyk, but I know he has never fought anyone with my experience, and combined with being on the stages where I have competed will prove to be the distance в пятницу ночь.”
The Baranchyk (16-0, 10 КО) против. Петров (38-5-2, 19 КО) bout is promoted by DiBella Entertainment, in association with Fight Promotions Inc., Холден Productions & Баннер Акции.
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