Архіви: Larry Wade

Al Bernstein Emcees House of Boxing Champions Event

House of Boxing Champions Chrystal Safety Award Event: Грудня 15, 2021
The House of Boxing is a Nationally recognized 501 (з)3 благодійна організація. HOBC will be hosting a recognition ceremony for the City Boxing Club (Лас-Вегас) on behalf of Coach Larry Wade.

About Coach Larry Wade
Coach Larry Wade has received 8 world titles as a Strength and Conditioning Coach. He has an impressive professional boxing clientele which includes, but is not limited to, Шон Портер (Чемпіон WBC, Чемпіон світу за версією IBF), Баду Джека (Олімпієць, WBC Super Middle Weight World Champion), Калеб завод (IBF Super Middle Weight World Champion) and Rolando Romero (WBA Light Weight interim World Champion). Coach Wade has had over 30 fights in 2020 і 2021 and has only lost 3 їх. Він має 3 pay-per-view world title fights scheduled within the next 30 днів.

About the City Boxing Club and the BEST program under the leadership of Armin Van Damme
The City Boxing Club was established in 2017 as a program dedicated to assist at-risk youth to stay out of the penal system and/or provide a positive transition back into family and community for incarcerated youth. Youth are referred to the “BEST” program through the Department of Juvenile Justice, Clark County School District, or directly from families. City Boxing Club train youth, while they are incarcerated, to transition back to their families and their communities. They also train Juveniles the from Evening Reporting Center (ERC) and provide free gym memberships once youth has successfully completed their programs. The BEST program emphasizes recreational therapy, provides positive mentorships, develops communication and stress management skills, and critical thinking.

HOBC’s Impact
The House of Boxing Champions was created to support local youth boxing gyms around the country. HOBC targets youth that are most at-risk or have been previously incarcerated. Donations to HOBC are used to help pay for gym membership fees, facility fees, training safety equipment and competition travel grants.

About our Event
The event will be held on December 15, 2021 починаючи з 3:30 p.m. The award presentation ceremony will begin at 4:30 вечора, на 3401 Sammy Davis Jr. Drive. Лас-Вегас, Невада, 89109-000. Al Bernstein will serve as the Master of Ceremony and it will be hosted by the House of Boxing Champions . There will be a boxing memorabilia auction, raffle sales. giveaways, and HOBC’s pop-up shop (t-shirts, caps, і т.д.) Refreshments, light lunch, music will be provided. You can become a sponsor by visiting www.houseofboxing.com or contacting an HOBC staff member.