标记档案: 赫苏斯·古铁雷斯

不败前景卡斯塔内达和小维内加斯. 12 月 1 日在圣安东尼奥争夺 NABA 超轻量级冠军头衔, TX

WBA-NABA 超轻量级拳王
剑道 “伟大的” 卡斯塔内达 vs. 吉尔伯特 “盖罗” 威尼斯
十二月 1, 2018 AT苏格兰RITE剧院在圣安东尼奥, TX

SAN ANTONIO, TX (十月 30, 2018) - TMB & PRB娱乐罗伊·琼斯JR. Boxing Promotions, 当下 “谁的‘0’会变成2”, 圣安东尼奥苏格兰仪式剧院正在举办现场拳击比赛, TX, 上月 1, 2018. 在10轮的主要事件, 不败超轻量级 剑道卡斯塔涅达 (14-0, 7 科斯) 和 小吉尔伯特·韦内加斯. (10-0, 6 科斯), 将争夺空缺的WBA-NABA冠军头衔. 整张卡片将通过 Facebook 进行流式传输 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 渠道, 自5月以来已为超过300万格斗迷提供服务 2017.




维内加斯时代 24, 即将取得令人印象深刻的一致判定胜利 阿曼多·卡德纳斯 (9-2, 5 科斯), 九月在苏格兰仪式剧院发生的一场战斗 8, 2018. 势头在他身边, 维内加斯决心战胜卡斯塔尼达保持不败.




“卡斯塔内达以不败记录登场, 所以这无疑将是我职业生涯中最难对付的对手, 但我相信我能赢得这场战斗。”小吉尔伯特·维内加斯说道. “我非常努力才来到这个职位, 争夺冠军, 所以请放心, 我不会放过这个机会. 因为这将是我第一次尝试夺冠, 你最好相信我会赢, 并令人印象深刻地获胜. 我将在 12 月成为新的 NABA 超轻量级冠军 1ST, 我将举起胜利的双手。”




24岁的卡斯塔内达, 由小罗伊·琼斯提拔的人. Boxing Promotions, 最近击败了前 WBC 美国冠军, 耶稣 “丘伊” 古铁雷斯, 经过8轮一致判定. 凭借这场胜利, 卡斯塔涅达, 谁居住在圣安东尼奥, TX, 将力争在对阵维内加斯的比赛中保持不败记录.




“我预计将会有一场精彩的表演,卡斯塔内达说. “我已经准备好让大家眼花缭乱, 放牧它们并使它们晕眩, 迷惑和虐待他们. 在我与小罗伊·琼斯的第二场比赛中获得 NABA 冠军. 拳击对我来说代表着一扇被踢倒的大门. 如果我不能打败维内加斯这样的人, 我与拳击无关。”




门票价格 $35 普通门票 $40 在门口, 和 $100 马戏团, 现已公开发售, 并且可以通过调用被购买 (210) 449-5599(210) 322-9974. 苏格兰仪式剧院位于 308 大道è, San Antonio, TX 78205. 门开处 4:00 PM, 在第一钟 5:30 PM.




按照通过社交媒体的所有行动,在 FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE 在Facebook上, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE

Instagram上和 @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ 在Twitter, 或通过使用#标签 #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE.


# # #

克劳迪奥·马雷罗 (CLAUDIO MARRERO) 在 FS1 顶级拳击冠军的主要赛事中首轮淘汰卡洛斯·赞布拉诺 (Carlos Zambrano) & 福克斯从拉斯维加斯的山姆镇驱逐出境

中量级纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔在联合主赛事中第六回合 TKO 击败杰森·罗萨里奥
超轻量级新秀拉达留斯·米勒第八回合TKO战胜赫苏斯·古铁雷斯 & 前世界冠军蕾拉·麦卡特 (Layla McCarter) 在 FS2 预赛第七轮中击败西尔维娅·萨巴多斯 (Szilvia Szabados) & FOX体育
点击 这里 从伊德里斯艾尔芭/梅威瑟促销图片
点击 这里 从瑞安Hafey /英超冠军拳击照片
LAS VEGAS (四月 29, 2017) – 新加冕WBA临时羽量级冠军 克劳迪奥·马雷罗 (22-1, 16 科斯) 震惊之前不败 卡洛斯·赞布拉诺 (26-1, 12 科斯) 在主赛事中首轮淘汰赛 总理拳击冠军 在FS1和福克斯Deportes进行, 星期六 拉斯维加斯 Sam’s Town 现场演出之夜.
“现在有很多情绪在我脑海中闪过, 我仍然无法描述现在成为冠军的感觉,” 马雷罗说. “我不会让它分散我的注意力, 因为我会和我的体重级别中最好的人战斗. 我知道我要面对什么样的战士,我知道我必须做什么. 我饿了”
这场战斗突然结束,圣多明各的马雷罗 (Marrero), 多米尼加共和国投出了坚如磐石的直左手,将利马送出, 秘鲁的赞布拉诺 (Zambrano) 登上画布, 导致他无法站立,裁判 Vic Drakulich 挥手示意比赛结束 1:30 唯一一轮. 马雷罗延续七连胜.
“闲置一年后, 当然,我的时机有点不对劲,我对自己的表现一点也不满意,” 赞布拉诺说. “这是一场期待已久的战斗,我知道马雷罗已经关注我有一段时间了, 所以事情的结局很不幸.
“我需要回到美国并找到能够真正帮助我达到我想要的水平的陪练伙伴,” 赞布拉诺继续. “此刻我的记录将被打破, 真的很令人失望,我没有其他词可以形容它。”
FS1 和 FOX Deportes 电视转播的联合主赛以第六回合被饥饿的中量级 TKO 结束 纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔 (18-1-1, 15 科斯) 金斯顿的, 牙买加结束 杰森罗萨里奥 (12-1, 9 科斯) 圣多明各, 多米尼加共和国。 两位拳手在第一轮比赛中都表现出色,罗萨里奥在所有三位裁判的记分卡上都取得了胜利. 玫瑰园, 从未通过第四轮的选手在第五轮开始放慢速度,因为加利莫尔接管了比赛.
“我充满信心地参加战斗,然后在某个时候发生了一些事情, 我的身体开始变慢,” 罗萨里奥说. “我有点累了开始战斗有点马虎. 我的计划是回去并开始持续进行注射, 这是我在整场比赛中的弱点。”
加利莫尔在第六回合从角落里出来决心结束战斗并成功. 他抛弃了罗萨里奥, 但多米尼加人站了起来, 只会被猛烈的上勾拳击倒. 到底, 罗萨里奥第三次也是最后一次用左勾拳倒地,裁判杰·纳迪挥手示意比赛结束。 2:15 第六轮.
“他整场比赛都打得非常肮脏, 我想他很早就知道自己受伤了,” 说加利莫尔. “我知道我有更多的经验,所以我开始一轮又一轮地击败他,这就是我获胜的原因. 这是他第一次绕这么多圈, 所以我认为他真的已经到了最后几轮努力坚持下去的地步. 我是来结束他的,这就是我所做的。”
在 FS2 和 FOX Deportes 电视转播的主要赛事中, 超轻量前景 Ladarius米勒 (13-1, 4 科斯) 停车前表演令人印象深刻 赫苏斯·古铁雷斯 (14-2-1, 4 科斯) 在他们对决的第八轮也是最后一轮中.
“我对自己的表现非常满意,” 米勒说. “这是我展示过的最好的 Ladarius Miller. 我对他作为一名拳击手很熟悉,所以我知道我在拳击场上必须做什么. 我以为我在第一轮就用上勾拳打败了他, 但他的状态比我想象的要好得多. 他承受了重拳,但最终我知道我会赢得胜利. 我已经准备好重返擂台并展望下一个挑战。”
米勒通过动作和左手的结合击败了古铁雷斯,控制了战斗的第一部分. 古铁雷斯试图拉近他和米勒之间的距离, 但无法聚集足够的进攻来减缓对手的速度.
“这是一个伟大的斗争, 我认为我们给了球迷他们想看到的东西,” 古铁雷斯说. “我对拉达留斯只有尊敬, 他出来了 今晚 并展示了他是由什么构成的. 我一直施加压力,我认为这足以得到他。”
几次来回的混乱决定了比赛的最后两轮,米勒最终能够用右手大拳打倒古铁雷斯并迫使裁判拉塞尔·莫拉停止比赛。 2:34 进入第八轮.
FS2 和 FOX Deportes 的首场比赛见证了前世界冠军 蕾拉麦卡特(39-13-5, 10 科斯) 主导并最终停止 Szilvia Szabados (15-10, 6 科斯) 在次中量级比赛的第七轮中.
“我在战斗初期就看到了机会, 为了身体,这就是我所做的,” 麦卡特说. “她受到了很大的伤害,是一个很难对付的对手. 我觉得我可以让事情变得更加困难, 我有一个很棒的训练营,我希望我能带来我知道我可以带来的莱拉。”
萨巴多斯从一开始就表现出侵略性, 但在萨巴多斯开始疲惫不堪并变得沮丧之前,经验丰富的竞争者麦卡特在前几轮中就用强力拳打倒了她.
“她对我来说是一个伟大的对手, 肯定还有很多事情需要我回家去做,” 萨巴多斯说. “总体, 她是为了胜利而来,她也证明了这一点. 我带来了很多坚韧, 但最终她脱颖而出。”
裁判托尼·威克斯(Tony Weeks)因萨巴多斯(Szabados)在第七回合初期对后脑勺的打击而被扣分,随后麦卡特(McCarter)的最后一阵骚动迫使裁判停止了比赛 56 秒到圆.
PBC 的 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 由 Mayweather Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 推广,并由 Corona Extra 赞助, 最好的啤酒.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
欲了解更多信息: 访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com,www.mayweatherpromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass /主页, 万维网.foxdeportes.com.和 www.TGBPromotions.com 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 万维网.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes一个d www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina 并由 Mayweather Promotions 推广.

FS2 超级拳击冠军预赛特别版 & FOX Deportes 报道了前世界冠军蕾拉·麦卡特 (Layla McCarter) 与前冠军挑战者西尔维亚·萨巴多斯 (Szilvia Szabados) 的对决 & 超轻量级新秀拉达留斯·米勒周六对阵曾经被击败的耶稣·古铁雷斯, 四月 29 从拉斯维加斯直播

电视报道开始于 8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. PT
LAS VEGAS (四月 24, 2017) – 前世界冠军 蕾拉麦卡特 (38-13-5, 9 科斯) 会见前冠军挑战者 Szilvia Szabados (15-9, 6 科斯) 在女子次中量级对决中,同时也是超轻量级的前景 Ladarius米勒 (12-1, 3 科斯) 遭受一次打击 赫苏斯·古铁雷斯 (14-1-1, 4 科斯) 在特别版中 总理拳击冠军 预赛于 FS2 FOX体育 星期六, 四月 29 从山姆城直播在拉斯维加斯.
FS2 和 FOX Deportes 开始电视报道 8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. 在切换到 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 之前进行 PT 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. 由 WBA 临时羽量级冠军领衔的表演赛的 PT 卡洛斯·赞布拉诺 (26-0, 11 科斯) 与曾经被击败的竞争者捍卫自己的冠军头衔 克劳迪奥·马雷罗 (21-1, 15 科斯).
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, 售价为 $75, $50 和 $25, 与现已公开发售. 门票可在线购买: www.samstownlv.com/entertain.
这项运动中最有成就的女拳击手之一, 麦卡特自转职业以来一直处于最高水平 1998. 她赢得了羽量级冠军, 轻量级, 超轻量级和超次中量级. 在 2008 她在加拿大击败了耶琳娜·米尔杰诺维奇,成为 WBA 轻量级世界冠军,并在 2009. 麦卡特赢了 15 进入四月连战 29 其中包括战胜诺尼·腾格,为她赢得了空缺的 WBA 超次中量级冠军.
26岁的萨巴多斯转为职业选手 2014 并赢得了她的前五场比赛. 匈牙利之外的战斗, 她向尼基·阿德勒 (Nikki Adler) 挑战 168 磅级世界冠军 2015. 随着她的晋升,她将继续赢得接下来的四场比赛. 萨巴多斯在比赛中取得了两场补时胜利 2017 三月份,夹在两届奥运会金牌得主克拉丽莎·希尔兹 (Claressa Shields) 的挑战之下.
亲自 2014, 米勒赢得了他的前九场职业比赛,他利用自己的速度和技巧击败了对手. 来自孟菲斯,但现在在拉斯维加斯生活和训练, 米勒已经连赢三场比赛,其中包括在补时阶段战胜卡洛斯·卡斯蒂略, 去年 10 月在拉斯维加斯,对之前保持不败的梅纳德·阿利森 (Maynard Allison) 的决定以及最近在第二轮 TKO 罗纳德·里瓦斯 (Ronald Rivas).
战斗在外面拉斯维加斯, 古铁雷斯在第一场比赛中保持不败 15 职业比赛,包括战胜拉沙德·加纳威(Rashad Ganaway),为他赢得了地区轻量级冠军. 这位 28 岁的选手战胜了之前不败的迈克·马尔多纳多以及老将罗伯托·阿塞维多和巴勃罗·贝塞拉.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
欲了解更多信息: 访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass /主页, 万维网.foxdeportes.com.和 www.TGBPromotions.com 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 万维网.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes一个d www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.


LAS VEGAS – “Knockout Night at the D,” the boxing fight card to feature headliners Zab Judah vs. Josh Torres at the 拉斯韦加斯市中心活动中心 (DLVEC), has been cancelled for 星期六, 三月 12.
Derek Stevens, CEO of 对D拉斯维加斯 和DLVEC, 说, “昨晚, I received multiple calls from the Nevada Athletic Commission regarding eligibility concerns. After our discussions, it became apparent the fight card could not move forward. Although I’m disappointed with the situation, I appreciate the phone calls and look forward to working with the Nevada Athletic Commission on future boxing events at the DLVEC.
去年, DLVEC launched several successful boxing events, with Stevens leading the charge to bring outdoor boxing back to Las Vegas.
All ticket purchases will be reimbursed. Credit card transactions will be automatically refunded and cash refunds will be issued at their point of purchase.
位于三街的拐角处. 和卡森大道. 来自全国各地 对D拉斯维加斯, 在拉斯维加斯市中心的活动中心,最多可容纳 11,000 来宾,设有最先进的舞台, 音响和灯光. 露天的设计是邀请到游客和当地居民,并提供了音乐会的理想场所, 公约和其他大型活动. 拥抱拉斯维加斯市中心的不羁精神, 新的场地做东一个阵容策划的活动,包括一流的演唱会, 美食节等. 场地也是第一娱乐领域在拉斯维加斯接受比特币为货币. 欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.dlvec.com 或者按照在Facebook, Instagram的和Twitter的 DLVEC.

克拉格特 vs. Bryan tops “Knockout Night at the D” UNDERCARD

Judah vs. Torres headlines 这个星期六 夜晚
Live on CBS Sports Network from DLVEC in Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS (三月 7, 2016) – Canadian welterweight champion 史蒂夫 “The Dragon” Claggett 接受老兵 Jeremy “好莱坞” 布赖恩 in an 8-round Special Attraction, providing chief undercard support 这个星期六 for the inaugural event kicking-off “Knockout Night at the D”, 晾干 (8 P.M. PT / 11 P.M. AND) 住在 CBS体育网 from the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC).
主讲 对D拉斯维加斯 and promoted Englebrecht Promotions, 该 “Knockout Night at the D” 系列’ 就职典礼 海. 12 will take place inside the DLVEC’s tent, located in the heart of the downtown Las Vegas casino district, 距世界著名的弗里蒙特街仅一个街区 (200 S. 3rd St.).
五年时间, 二科世界冠军 Zab “超级” 犹大 (42-9, 29 科斯) 脸上不高兴的态度 乔希 “比特犬” 托雷斯 (15-4-2, 7 科斯) in the 10-round main event of theKnockout Night at Dnew monthly pro boxing series,
Rising star lightweight star ÇhuyEl Huracan” 古铁雷斯 (14-0-1, 4 科斯) 面孔 莱昂 “The Third GenerationSpinks III (11-3-1, 7 科斯) in the 8-round co-feature.
Claggett (23-3-1, 16 科斯), 26, is the reigning Canadian Professional Boxing Council and Canadian welterweight titles. As an amateur in Calgary, he captured four Alberta Championships and three Golden Gloves titles, all prior to his 18 生日.
At the famous Wildcard Gym in Los Angeles, Claggett gained invaluable experience working with Hall of Fame trainer 罗奇. He also benefitted from working out at Mayweather Gym in Las Vegas, where he learned from trainer 罗杰·梅威瑟, and sparred there with two-division world champion 杰西·巴尔加斯. During his 7 ½ year career, Claggett has also sparred with great fighters such as Judah and 阿方索·戈麦斯, 以及 Urbano Antillon during training camp in preparation for his world title fight against Humberto Soto.
An outstanding U.S. 业余拳击手, 布赖恩 (17-6, 7 科斯), of Patterson, 新泽西州, has been a gatekeeper of the welterweight division the past few years. 他是一个 2004 和 2005 National Golden Gloves light welterweight champion, 以及 2004 Under-19 and 2005 National PAL 139-pound class gold medalist. 在 2008 美国奥运选拔赛, he was eliminated by future professional world champion 丹尼·加西亚, who Bryan had defeated in the opening round.
During his pro career, Bryan has pulled off several upsets, including an eighth-round decisions in 2013 到 Yuri Ramananau (22-2) in Miami and 还挺issouf (16-1) 在纽约市. Bryan has also taken top contenders and promising prospects the full distance, albeit in losing efforts, 例如 阿米尔我, 萨达姆·阿里, 的Mikael Zewski雷蒙德·塞拉诺.
The remainder of the undercard showcases promising prospects in four-round bouts: Las Vegas junior featherweight Salvador Perez (2-0) VS. Fabian Naranjo (3-2-1, 1 KO), 墨西哥, Las Vegas welterweight Jeremy “J Flash” Nichols (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. Jason Gavino (3-1, 2 科斯), 墨西哥, and New Jersey heavyweight Dakota Walker (1-0, 1 KO) VS.Cashton Young (1-0, 1 KO), 洛杉矶. Nichols (描绘到左侧) gained invaluable experience as a sparring partner for 梅威瑟, JR. for his mega-fight versus 帕奎奥.
优惠票, 售价 $65.00 场边和 $20.00 seated general admission, remain on sale at www.Ticketmaster.comwww.DLVEC.com. Suites are $1000.00, 最多 10 宾客, and includes a beverage package. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
门开处 5:00 P.M. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:30 P.M. PT.
该 “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network is available across the country through local cable, 视频和电信供应商,并通过卫星上的DirecTV频道 221 和Dish Network频道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一个完整的节目时间表,以及如何让CBS体育网, 到 www.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D”
叽叽喳喳: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV
Instagram的: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @SuperJudah, @PitbullTorres, @ElHuracan88, @LeonSpinksIII, @SDragonClaggett, @RealTeamBryan

楚河古铁雷斯 & Leon Spinks III: You will know my name!

Judah vs. Torres headlines “Knockout Night at the D”
海. 12 live on CBS Sports Network from DLVEC in Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS (三月 3, 2016) – Rising star lightweight star ÇhuyEl Huracan” 古铁雷斯(14-0-1, 4 科斯) and his March 12 对手, 莱昂 “The Third GenerationSpinks III(11-3-1, 7 科斯), are both looking to make their own mark in their 8-round “Knockout Night at the D” 共同特征. Gutierrez is seeking to expand his marquee on a national level, while Spinks attempts to shine on his own terms despite his spotlight catching last name.
五年时间, 二科世界冠军 Zab “超级” 犹大 (42-9, 29 科斯) 发生在乔希 “比特犬” 托雷斯 (15-4-2, 7 科斯), in the 10-round main event of the inaugural show of the new monthly pro boxing series, “Knockout Night at the D”, 晾干 (8 P.M. PT / 11 P.M. AND) 住在 CBS体育网 from the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC).
主讲 对D拉斯维加斯 and promoted Englebrecht Promotions, 该 “Knockout Night at the D” 系列’ 就职典礼 海. 12 will take place inside the DLVEC’s 20,000-square-foot tent, located in the heart of the downtown Las Vegas casino district, 距世界著名的弗里蒙特街仅一个街区 (200 S. 3rd St.).
The 27-year-old Gutierrez (14-0-1, 4 科斯), 战斗了拉斯维加斯, is ready to make a name for himself and Mar. 12 is scheduled to be his coming out party on a national stage. He’s rapidly become a fan favorite in Las Vegas because of his exciting, aggressive style of fighting. Chuy’s ready to spread his wings, now being showcased fighting on national television, and expand his growing fan-base.
Born in the fertile boxing town of Sinaloa, 墨西哥, which produced Hall of Famer 塞萨尔查韦斯, 老, 在许多其他, Gutierrez is making up for lost time. He was a baseball prospect who didn’t box until he was 21. “I played sports in high school, baseball was my first love, and I dreamed of becoming a big leaguer,” Gutierrez said. “Boxing found me. I was attending college at Southern Nevada and working, but the first day I walked into Johnny Tocco’s gym, 我爱上了拳击. I’ve watched so many greats train there and I learned a lot from them.
I have a lot of respect for Spinks, but I’m just fighting the man, not his family. His grandfather was world champion, but I’m not fighting his grandfather. I’m excited to be fighting him on CBS Sports Network.
斯宾克斯 (11-3-1, 7 科斯), who fights out of Huntington Beach, 例如, is not only the grandson of former world heavyweight champion and 1976 奥运金牌得主, Neon” 莱昂斯平克斯, his great uncle is world light heavyweight and heavyweight champion, 除了是一个 1976 奥运金牌得主, 迈克尔·斯平克斯. And young Leon, 谁把 28 this past Valentine’s Day, is also the nephew of former 2-division world champion Cory Spinks.
His familiar last name in boxing has been a blessing, albeit one that has also put a lot of pressure on Leon. “Things have always been that way (压力) because I’m named after my grandfather, ‘Pops,“” Leon III explained. “From the beginning of my pro career, I was put in tough fights because of my name, just tough fightsreal wars.
I got to 8-0 but that hurt me because I couldn’t get good fights. But I’ve always really been my own man. This is a very, 很, very big event for me, my family will be in the house supporting me.
优惠票, 售价 $65.00 场边和 $20.00 seated general admission, remain on sale at www.Ticketmaster.comwww.DLVEC.com. Suites are $1000.00, 最多 10 宾客, and includes a beverage package. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
门开处 5:00 P.M. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 P.M. PT.
该 “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network is available across the country through local cable, 视频和电信供应商,并通过卫星上的DirecTV频道 221 和Dish Network频道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一个完整的节目时间表,以及如何让CBS体育网, 到 www.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” 系列.
叽叽喳喳: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens
Instagram的: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @SuperJudah, @PitbullTorres, @ElHuracan88, @LeonSpinksIII.

Zab Judah fighting to become 6-time world champion

Josh Torres looking for upset to
Make name for himself & NM boxers
“Knockout Night at the D”, 海. 12 at DLVEC in Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS (三月 1, 2016) – Future Hall of Fame candidate Zab “超级” 犹大 正在为他的遗产而战. His road back to the top starts 星期六 夜晚,三月 12, against upset-minded 乔希 “比特犬” 托雷斯, in the 10-round main event kicking off the new monthly pro boxing series, “Knockout Night at the D”, 现场播出 (8 P.M. PT / 11 P.M. AND) 上 CBS体育网 live from the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC).
主讲 对D拉斯维加斯拉斯韦加斯市中心活动中心, along with Neon Star Media and Roy Englebrecht Promotions, 该 “Knockout Night at the D” 系列’ 就职典礼 海. 12 will take place inside the DLVEC’s 20,000-square-foot tent, located in the heart of the downtown Las Vegas casino district, 距世界著名的弗里蒙特街仅一个街区 (200 S. 3rd St.).
犹大 (42-9, 29 科斯), 战斗了拉斯维加斯, has been a professional boxer for nearly 20 岁月. The southpaw has defeated seven world champions during his outstanding career: 少年维特, Terron Millet, 德马库斯科利, Raphael Pineda, Corey Spinks, 约书亚·克洛蒂 和(interim champ) 卢卡斯Matthysse. The Brooklyn native has an outstanding 11-8 (9 科斯) 世界冠军争夺战记录.
现在, 虽然, his past is in the rearview mirror and Judah’s on a mission to capture his sixth world title. That’s what drives the 38-year-old originally from Brooklyn. “I’m very happy to be headlining the first show of the ‘Knockout Night at the D’ 系列,” Judah said. “I’m always comfortable and happy in the squared ring. I enjoy the sport of boxing and have one more goalto be six-time world champion of the world!”
Due to a variety of reasons, Judah has been out of action for two years, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he hasn’t been ready to rock in the ring. “我很高兴能在环回,” Judah remarked. “I helped 弗洛伊德 (梅威瑟) get ready for (曼尼)帕奎奥 and last May came out of that camp in great shape. I’ve been ready to fight since then.
I’ve studied him (托雷斯) and he’s a hungry, young guy with a great opportunity in front of him. We aren’t overlooking him.
The 24-year-old Torres (15-4-2, 7 科斯) may not have the same name recognition as many of Judah’s past opponents, but the determined prospect from Albuquerque, NM has nothing to lose and everything to gain fighting Judah.
I believe this fight can be life changing, not only for me, but also for upcoming New Mexico fighters,” Torres commented. “Boxing doesn’t get a lot of attention in my state.
Torres is a protégé of the late 5-time world champion约翰尼·塔皮亚. His brother-in-law, Chris Chavez, now trains Torres, who has been sparring with fellow New Mexican and former world junior middleweight champion, 奥斯汀鳟鱼, to prepare for the left-handed Judah.
Torres is also a professional barber who’d like to clip Judah, 可以这么说. “I haven’t had a promoter or manager,” he explained the need for him to be a barber as well as a pro boxer. “I’ve always had to work to pay bills. It’s just had to be that way in my boxing career.
Fast rising Las Vegas lightweight star, Mexico-born ÇhuyEl Huracan” 古铁雷斯 (14-0-1, 4 科斯), 会见 莱昂 “The Third GenerationSpinks III (11-3-1, 7 科斯) in the 8-round co-feature.
优惠票, 售价 $65.00 场边和 $20.00 seated general admission, remain on sale at www.Ticketmaster.comwww.DLVEC.com. Suites are $1000.00, 最多 10 宾客, and includes a beverage package. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
门开处 5:00 P.M. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 P.M. PT.
该 “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network is available across the country through local cable, 视频和电信供应商,并通过卫星上的DirecTV频道 221 和Dish Network频道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一个完整的节目时间表,以及如何让CBS体育网, 到 www.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” 系列.
叽叽喳喳: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens
Instagram的: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @SuperJudah, @PitbullTorres, @ElHuracan88, @LeonSpinksIII

Title Boxing The official apparel & glove partner for “Knockout Night at the D” boxing series

三月 12 main event fighters Zab Judah (L) & Josh Torres (ř)
LAS VEGAS (二月 26, 2016) – the D Las Vegas and Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC), along with Neon Star Media and Roy Englebrecht Promotions, have announced an agreement in which Title Boxing will be the official apparel and gloves partner of the “Knockout Night at the D” professional boxing series.
Eight “Knockout Night at the D” events are planned in 2016, 开始 三月 12, will are live from the DLVEC open air venue located adjacent to the D Las Vegas. The inaugural event, 然而, will take place inside the DLVEC’s 20,000-square-foot tent.
We’re excited to have Title Boxing in our corner for the ‘Knockout Night at the D’ 系列,” said John Anderson, Neon Star Media, SVP of integrated sales. “Title Boxing is one of the top brands in combat sports in terms of apparel and equipment. Partnering with Title Boxing is a KO win for us.
It’s exciting to be associated and working with people who are interested in progressing the sport, not just profiting from it,” added Douglas Ward, Title Boxing Director of Marketing. “That’s a philosophy that ‘Knockout Night at The Dand TITLE Boxing both have in common and is part of what will set the stage for what will be a highly successful boxing series.
From EQUIPMENT design, to real INVOLVEMENT in the sport, to having INTEGRITY in business, TITLE continually delivers the best boxing gear in the industry. 因为 1998 TITLE Boxing has been dedicated to making everyone’s pursuit of the sweet science a positive experience by being the industry leader in safety, innovation and setting the standard of what great gear really means. Every piece of equipment that bears the TITLE logo, is a demonstration of their deeper passion for prizefighting and support of your journey towards greatness.
To celebrate this partnership, Title Boxing (www.titleboxing.,com) is offering any fighter, fan or follower to enter promo code KND20 to receive 20-percent off entire Title Boxing orders (some exclusions apply) 通过 海. 15, 2016.
五年时间, 2处世界冠军 Zab “超级” 犹大 (42-9, 29 科斯) takes on upset-minded junior welterweight 乔希 “比特犬” 托雷斯 (15-4-2, 7 科斯) in the Mar. 12inaugural event’s 10-round main event.
Popular Las Vegas Las Vegas light weight 丘伊 “El Huracan” 古铁雷斯 (14-0-1, 4 科斯) 会见 莱昂 “The Third GenerationSpinks III (11-3-1, 7 科斯) in the 8-round co-feature
门票, 售价 $65.00 场边和 $20.00 seated general admission, are now on sale at Ticketmaster.com or the D Las Vegas box office (702.288-2111). Suites are $1000.00, 最多 10 宾客, and includes a beverage package. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
门开处 5:00 P.M. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 P.M. PT.
该 “Knockout at the Dseries was developed in partnership with the DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network is available across the country through local cable, 视频和电信供应商,并通过卫星上的DirecTV频道 221 和Dish Network频道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一个完整的节目时间表,以及如何让CBS体育网, 到 www.cbssportsnetwork.com.
(L-R) – Main event fighter Josh Torres speaks at the recent “Knockout Night at the D” press conference in Las Vegas.
Co-feature fighters Chuy Gutierrez (L) and Leon Spinks III ®
叽叽喳喳: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens
Instagram的: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @SuperJudah, @PitbullTorres, @ElHuracan88, @LeonSpinksIII

“Knockout Night at the D” Press Conference Pictures & 引号

(L-R) — 楚河古铁雷斯, 朱达, Derek Stevens, Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn G. 好人, Josh Torres and Leon Spinks III (see photo gallery below)
LAS VEGAS (二月 25, 2016) — 对D拉斯维加斯拉斯韦加斯市中心活动中心 (DLVEC), along with Neon Star Media and Roy Englebrecht Promotions, hosted a press conference this past 星期二 afternoon to promote its new monthly boxing series, “Knockout Night at the D”.
The inaugural event, 预定 星期六, 三月 12, will be held inside the DLVEC’s 20,000-square-foot tent.
Guest speakers included Derek Stevens, 所有者 & 首席执行官, 对D拉斯维加斯; Carolyn G. 好人, Mayor of Las Vegas; 促进者 Roy Englebrecht, 海. 12 main event fighters Zab “超级” 犹大 (42-9, 29 科斯) 和 乔希 “比特犬” 托雷斯 (15-4-2, 7 科斯), co-feature boxers 丘伊 “El Huacan” 古铁雷斯 (14-0-1, 4 科斯) 和 莱昂 “The Third GenerationSpinks III (11-3-1, 7 科斯).
We’re thrilled that the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center is going to showcase outdoor boxing and play a role in bringing it back to Las Vegas,” said Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn G. 好人. “The series will impact Las Vegas in a new and exciting way by bringing boxing fans from all over the world to the heart of the city in a state-of-the-art venue, presenting a wonderful new way to experience Las Vegas.
In addition to promoting the “Knockout Night at the D” 系列, as well as its Mar. 12 事件, it was announced that the 8-event series will air live on CBS Sports Network and include all-star broadcasting team of 铝伯恩斯坦, 吉姆 “JR” 罗斯 和前世界冠军 凯文·凯利.
该 “Knockout Night at the D” presser was streamed live and is still available to watch atHTTPS://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUimxhSX14k. Media and fans from around the boxing world emailed questions that were asked at the press conference and answered by the participants.

Below find quotes from principal fights the press conference and a photo gallery (by Tom Donoghue / 对D拉斯维加斯).

朱达:It’s been a little bit of a long road for me on my comeback. I want to give a shout out to Derek Stevens and the D Las Vegas for putting on this beautiful event March 12. You won’t want to miss this fight! I also want to thank CBS Sports Network, Team Judah and my manager, who is my brother, Bill Halkias. He’s got us back to where we should be. And I want to thank the City of Las Vegas.
Josh Torres:To be on the first series show is a dream come true. I’m fighting a legend, Zab ‘Super’ 犹大. But I’m also fighting for New Mexico boxers. I want to inspire youth, that’s what it’s all about. 永不放弃, dreams do come true.
楚河古铁雷斯:I’d like to thank the D Las Vegas for having me on this CBS Sports Network show. 再来一次, 让我们继续!”
Leon Spinks III:This is a very, 很, very big event for me. I’m grateful and honored to be part of the first ‘Knockout Night at the Devent on CBS Sports Network. My family will be here. My grandfather, Pops, is Leon Spinks. It’s going down at the D.
门票, 售价 $65.00 场边和 $20.00 seated general admission, are on sale at Ticketmaster.com or DLVEC.com. Suites are $1000.00, 最多 10 宾客, and includes a beverage package. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
门开处 5:00 P.M. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 P.M. PT.
该 “Knockout at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network is available across the country through local cable, 视频和电信供应商,并通过卫星上的DirecTV频道 221 和Dish Network频道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一个完整的节目时间表,以及如何让CBS体育网, 到 www.cbssportsnetwork.com.
叽叽喳喳: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens
Instagram的: @downtownlasvegaseventscenter, @thedlasvegas
Follow these fighters and our broadcasters on Twitter: @SuperJudah, @PitbullTorres, @ElHuracan88, @LeonSpinksIII
(L-R) – 朱达, Derek Stevens & Josh Torres
Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn G. 好人
(L-R) – Derek Stevens & 朱达

“Knockout Night at the D” series To air on CBS Sports Network

Hall of Fame broadcast team
铝伯恩斯坦, 吉姆·罗斯 & Kevin Kelly
Tickets on sale for inaugural event 海. 12
Zab Judah returns in main event vs. Josh Torres
LAS VEGAS (二月 23, 2016) – CBS Sports Network will be home of the new monthly professional boxing series, “Knockout Night at The D,” which officially launches 星期六夜晚, 三月 12, 在拉斯维加斯市中心活动中心 (DLVEC).
It has also been announced that the “Knockout Night at the D” broadcast team will feature a pair of Hall-of-Fame announcers, 颜色评论员 铝伯恩斯坦吉姆 “JR” 罗斯 will handle blow-by-blow responsibilities, as well as former world featherweight champion凯文· “Flushing FlashKelley, who will conduct post fight and celebrity interviews.
该 “Knockout Night at the D” 系列, created by the D Las Vegas and DLVC, along with Neon Star Media and Roy Englebrecht Promotions, will be held at the DLVEC open air venue located adjacent to the D Las Vegas. The inaugural event 海. 12日, 然而, will take place inside the DLVEC’s 20,000-square-foot tent.
Eight “Knockout Night at the D” events are planned in 2016. There are three other series broadcast dates四月 16, 五月 13 and June 10 (subject to normal Nevada Commission approval) – with other dates to be determined in September, 十月, November and December.
It has been our vision to bring outdoor boxing back to the city, so it excites us to see this dream of ours come to life at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center,” Derek Stevens, CEO of the D Las Vegas and DLVEC said. “We look forward to partnering with Neon Star Productions to present a series of incredible match-ups that will be talked about for years to come.
Bernstein is arguably the preeminent boxing announcer in the world. 在 1980, Bernstein joined ESPN as its boxing analyst. 该 1988 Sam Taub Award winner for excellence in boxing broadcasting journalism, Bernstein served as boxing analyst for NBC’s coverage of the 1992 和 1996 奥运会. 一 2012 国际拳击名人堂名人堂, Bernstein has been boxing analyst for Showtime Championship Boxing since 2003, as well as the main commentator the past four years for Channel 5, a terrestrial network in the United Kingdom.
I am extremely happy to be a part of the ‘Knockout Night at the D’ 系列,” 伯恩斯坦说. “The venue is great, the event creates a lot of excitement in Downtown Las Vegas, and CBS Sports Network viewers will see excellent boxing on our telecasts. The operative word here is fun. I’m looking forward to it.
The wildly popular Ross, who was the voice of the WWE, was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2007. Although he is best known for his work in wrestling, Ross is an experienced sports commentator who has called professional boxing and mixed material arts events. He has also developed his own brand of barbeque sauces and cookbooks.
I am beyond excited to have this opportunity to broadcast big time, world-class boxing from the fight capital of the world, 拉斯维加斯,” Ross remarked. “Working with Boxing Hall of Famer Al Bernstein, the best analyst in the game, and with the ‘Flushing Flash’, Kevin Kelly, equates to a unique broadcasting trifecta. Ring the bellit’s Slobber Knocker time!”
Kelley (60-10-2, 39 科斯) captured the World Boxing Council featherweight championship December 4, 1993 in Reno, by way of a unanimous 12-round decision, and he successfully defended his title twice against Jesse BenavidasJose Vida Ramos. Kelley, who lives in Las Vegas, is an experienced boxing analyst.
I would like to thank the team of CBS Sports Network, the D Hotel, Al Bernstein and Jim Ross for this life changing moment,” Kelley commented. “With my hands-on fighting experience and their knowledge of boxing, we come together perfect like a hand in glove.
五年时间, 2处世界冠军 Zab “超级” 犹大 (42-9, 29 科斯), 战斗了拉斯维加斯, meets upset-minded Albuquerque, NM junior welterweight 乔希 “比特犬” 托雷斯 (15-4-2, 7 科斯) in the Mar. 12 10-回合主要事件.
在8轮的共同特征, Las Vegas fan favorite 丘伊 “El Huracan” 古铁雷斯 (14-0-1, 4 科斯) faces lightweight 莱昂 “The Third GenerationSpinks III (11-3-1, 7 科斯).
门票, 售价 $65.00 场边和 $20.00 seated general admission, are now on sale at Ticketmaster.com or the D Las Vegas box office (702.288-2111). Suites are $1000.00, 最多 10 宾客, and includes a beverage package. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
门开处 5:00 P.M. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 P.M. PT.
该 “Knockout at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network is available across the country through local cable, 视频和电信供应商,并通过卫星上的DirecTV频道 221 和Dish Network频道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一个完整的节目时间表,以及如何让CBS体育网, 到 www.cbssportsnetwork.com.