Архіви: Ісаак Круз


Претендент у легкій вазі Айзек Круз б’ється з колишнім чемпіоном світу Юріоркісом Гамбоа на спільному змаганні Premier Boxing Champions від AT&Стадіон Т в Арлінгтоні, Техас

Зростаючий непереможний Хосе Валенсуела бере участь у поєдинку в легкій вазі з колишнім чемпіоном світу Франсіско Варгасом

Непереможний Коді Кроулі протистоять ветерану Хосесіто Лопесу
у Battle of All-Action Welterweights Starting Off
Плата за перегляд на 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

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Арлінгтон, Т.Х. – Березня 17, 2022 - Три сенсаційні поєдинки додано до лінійки PPV SHOWTIME, очолюваної чемпіоном світу за версіями WBC та IBF Еррол «Правда» Спенс мл. і чемпіон світу за версією WBA Йорденіс агаси у суботній боротьбі за об’єднання титулів у напівсередній вазі, Квітня 16 наживо з AT&Стадіон Т в Арлінгтоні, Техас у турнірі Premier Boxing Champions.

Телетрансляція з оплатою за перегляд починається о 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT і має захоплюючого суперника в легкій вазі Ісаак «Пітбуль» Круз беручи участь у ветерані, колишньому чемпіоні світу Юріоркіс Гамбоа у 10-раундовій співосновній події.

У складі також є безпрограшні Хосе Валенсуела борючись колишнього чемпіона світу Франциско "Ель Бандидо" Варгас в 10-раундовому бою в легкій вазі, плюс небитий Коді Кроулі зустрічається з ветераном Josesito Лопес у 10-раундовому поєдинку напівсередньоваговиків, який розпочинає телетрансляцію.

Квитки на турнірі, який рекламується TGB Promotions і Man Down Promotions, зараз у продажу та їх можна придбати на SeatGeek.com, офіційний постачальник квитків AT&Стадіон Т.

«Одна з найбільших подій року включатиме заслужену андеркарту з оплатою за перегляд, наповнену послідовними матчами, спрямованими на створення драми та дії.,»Сказав Том Браун, Президент TGB Акції. «Айзек Круз продемонстрував у поєдинку з Джервонтою Девісом, що він — зірка, яка тільки зароджується, і він знову намагатиметься продемонструвати ці таланти проти досвідченого суперника в особі Юріоркіса Гамбоа. Більше, ще одна висхідна зірка в особі Хосе Валенсуели посилить конкуренцію проти колишнього чемпіона Франциско Варгаса, у той час як Коді Кроулі та Хосесіто Лопес обоє виведуть на ринг свої високооктанові стилі в тому, що має стати «неможливим пропустити» протистоянням, щоб відкрити завантажений SHOWTIME PPV».

23-річний Круз (22-2-1, 15 КО) повернеться на ринг після відмови від змагального рішення проти чемпіона трьох дивізіонів Джервонти Девіса на SHOWTIME PPV у грудні. Уродженець Мехіко, Круз підняв рейтинг у легкій вазі 2020, оголосивши про свою присутність вражаючим нокаутом у першому раунді над ветераном Дієго Магдалено в жовтні. Круз пішов за цим 2021 здобувши перемогу одноголосним рішенням суддів над раніше непереможним Матіасом Ромеро в березні та перемігши колишнього чемпіона Франсіско Варгаса рішенням суддів у червні. Після створення свого U.S. дебют у грудні 2019, Круз не програв у наступних чотирьох поєдинках, з'являється на SHOWTIME® тричі, окрім перемоги над Магдалено на матчі Девіс проти. Лео Санта Круз SHOWTIME PPV андеркарт.

«Я не можу дочекатися повернення на ринг і битися в AT&Стадіон Т,"Сказав Круз. «Я люблю вболівальників у Техасі, вони завжди надають мені величезну підтримку. Мій промоутер, Менні Пакьяо, воював при AT&T Stadium раніше і виграв обидва рази. Я радий піти його стопами проти дуже досвідченого колишнього чемпіона в Гамбоа. Я прийшов, щоб показати вболівальникам, чому я один з найкращих легковаговиків у світі, і вивести Гамбоа на пенсію 16 квітня».

Гамбоа (30-4, 18 КО) є колишнім чемпіоном у напівлегкій вазі, тримаючи титули IBF і WBA у 126-фунтових титулах 2009 і 2011. Уродженець Гуантанамо, Куба, зараз він живе і тренується в Маямі, Флорида. Він програв розборку проти Теренса Кроуфорда в а 2014 Бій року, перш ніж відскочити, щоб виграти сім із восьми боїв. Ця серія включала перемоги над колишніми чемпіонами світу Джейсоном Сосою та Романом Мартінесом, повернувши Гамбоа в боротьбу за титул чемпіона світу. У своїх двох останніх боях, Гамбоа відмовився від змагань проти чинних чемпіонів світу в легкій вазі, програш через 12ї-раунд технічним нокаутом Джервонті Девісу 2019 і рішенням проти Девіна Хейні в листопаді 2020.

«Я завжди виходжу на ринг, щоб продемонструвати свої таланти та Ейпріл 16 не відрізнятиметься,- сказав Гамбоа. «Це дуже мотивує зустрічатися з молоддю, сильний суперник, як Ісаак Круз. Я збираюся перевірити його й перевірити, чи зможе він протистояти моїй силі. Я приходжу, щоб виграти, і зробити велику заяву про те, що у мене все ще є те, що потрібно, щоб знову стати чемпіоном».

22-річна Валенсуела (11-0, 7 КО) зараз тренується як стабільний напарник непереможного дворазового чемпіона світу Девіда Бенавідеза, оскільки він прагне перейти від перспективи до суперника в 2022. Народився в Лос-Мочіс, Сіналоа, Мексика, Валенсуела став професіоналом 2018 і провів серію з п'яти боїв нокаутом, перш ніж заробити своє перше рішення суддів у 10 раундах у перемозі над Дейнером Берріо у вересні 2021. Валенсуела завершив свій прорив 2021 в грудні, домінуючи над Остіном Дулеєм на шляху до технічного нокауту в четвертому раунді.

«Бути на високих ставках – це здійснена мрія, така складена картка,– сказала Валенсуела. «Я захоплювався Спенсом і вивчав його протягом тривалого часу, особливо тому, що ми обидва лівші. Я не можу дочекатися, щоб вийти на ринг. Я ні в якому разі не випускаю з уваги і не недооцінюю Франсіско Варгаса. Чекаю феєрверк. Ви завжди отримуєте великий бій, коли двоє мексиканських воїнів йдуть один до одного, тому я знаю, що вболівальники будуть у захваті від того, що вони побачать 16 квітня».

Боротьба з Мехіко, Варгас (27-3-2, 19 КО) виграв титул у вазі до 130 фунтів 2015 перемігши Такаші Міуру в одному з найкращих боїв року. 37-річний гравець продовжував битися з Орландо Салідо до насиченої нічиєю, а потім програв свій титул Мігелю Берчельту в іншій пам’ятній історії.. Пізніше Варгас переміг Стівена Сміта та Рода Салку, а потім програв у реванші Берчельту 2019. Зовсім недавно, Варгас розпочав кампанію в легкій вазі, здобувши послідовні перемоги над Езекіелем Авілесом у 2019 і Отто Гамес в 2020, перед тим, як відмовитися від рішення проти Ісаака Круза в його останньому бою в червні 2021.

«Це честь бути на такій великій карті з такою кількістю чудових бійців,- сказав Варгас. «Я прийду готовим до цього бою і готовим залишити ринг з перемогою. Я знаю, що Валенсуела намагатиметься зробити заяву, але я збираюся зробити те саме. Як завжди, вболівальники можуть очікувати неймовірної боротьби від початку до кінця».

Представляє своє рідне Онтаріо, Канада, Кроулі (20-0, 9 КО) повертається на ринг після сенсаційного дебюту в SHOWTIME у грудні 2021 що бачив, як він переміг раніше непереможеного Кудратілло Абдукахоров одноголосним рішенням суддів. Раніше Кроулі переміг Джоша Торреса у вересні 2020 після a 2019 пробігу, в якому він виграв титул чемпіона Канади в супер-напівсередній вазі, побивши рішенням суддів у 12 раундах над Стюартом Маклелланом у лютому, а потім успішно захистив цей титул домінуючим рішенням суддів над Міаном Хуссейном у жовтні. 28-річний гравець повернувся, щоб воювати в США. за свої останні два поєдинки після того, як сім з його перших восьми професійних боїв відбулися в США.

«Після моєї перемоги в грудні на SHOWTIME, Я готовий прийняти наступний виклик на шляху до того, щоб стати чемпіоном світу в напівсередній вазі,– сказав Кроулі. «Хосесіто Лопес завжди жорсткий, і він привносить захоплюючий стиль до столу. На жаль для нього, він дізнається що 20 бійці до нього навчилися, яка полягає в тому, що я не перешкоджу досягти своєї долі. Я хочу подякувати своїй команді за цю можливість продемонструвати свої навички, серце і невблаганність на цій чудовій карті вдома «Даллас Ковбойз».

Лопес (38-8, 21 КО) заслужив прізвисько «Ріверсайд Роккі» через його безпрограшний стиль на рингу. Він став навпроти деяких найкращих боксерів цього виду спорту, включаючи чемпіонів Канело Альвареса, Маркос Майдана, Андре Берто і Віктор Ортіс. 37-річний житель Ріверсайду, У Каліфорнії завжди важко на рингу, про що свідчить його поразка невеликою більшістю рішення від тодішнього чемпіона Кіта Турмана в 2019. З тієї втрати, Лопес здобув послідовні перемоги, перемогти Джона Моліну, Молодший. і Франсіско Сантана.

«Я нетерплячий і дуже вмотивований повернутися на ринг і довести себе як одного з найкращих бійців у світі.,"Сказав Лопес. «Я очікую жорсткого виклику від Кроулі, і вболівальники можуть сподіватися побачити мене в моїй найкращій формі. Я в чудовій формі і готовий поставити все на карту. Ви точно захочете переконатися, що не пропустите мій бій 16 квітня».

Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, підписуйтеся на #SpenceUgas, слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions, в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotionss або станьте шанувальником у Facebook за адресою www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.



Опис створено автоматично
Sebastian Fundora Outpoints Sergio Garcia in Co-Main Event;
Carlos Adames Defeats Sergiy Derevyanchenko in an Exciting Fight,
and Eduardo Ramirez Dominates Miguel Marriaga
in SHOWTIME PPV Undercard Action

Натисніть ОСЬ for Photos from Ryan Hafey / Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів

Натисніть ОСЬ for Photos from Esther Lin / ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ

Натисніть ОСЬ for Photos from Sean Michael Ham / Мейвезер Акції

ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Грудня 5, 2021) –Boxing superstar and five-time world champion Гервонта “Танк” Девіс put his boxing skills on display, winning a rousing 12-round round unanimous decision over the relentless Ісаак «Пітбуль» Круз to retain his WBA Lightweight World Title in front of a star-studded, sellout crowd of 15,850 at STAPLES Center live on SHOWTIME Pay-Per-View, у заході, представленому Прем'єр-чемпіоном боксу.

Оціночні прочитати 116-112 and two scores of 115-113, all for Davis.

The atmosphere in the arena was electric, with scores of current and former NBA stars in attendance, including Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Kawhi Leonard, Dwight Howard, Kenny Smith, Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce among others.

Accompanied by superstar rapper Lil Durk, Davis entered the ring in Laker purple and gold; tassels along his trunks with the late Kobe Bryant’s number “8” and “24” on each side. Cruz celebrated his Mexican heritage with a mariachi band behind him as he strode toward the ring.

There was no feeling-out process in the first. Cruz charged at the defending champion, pinning him against the ropes and wailing away.

“That’s my style. ‘Pitbull’ is always going to be on the attack,"Сказав Круз. “I think we retained rhythm from the start to the end.”

Davis found his rhythm in the second and third, circling the ring and walking Cruz into shots. In the fourth, Cruz concentrated his attack on the body, pounding Davis’ ribs.

The 27-year-old Baltimore native turned on the power in the fourth, alternating between the right hook and left cross behind his southpaw stance. More punishing blows came from Davis during the fifth.

“He’s a shorter fighter, so I was throwing down on the top of his head,"Сказав Девіс. “I hit him with my knuckle and messed it up. I hurt my hand in the sixth round. No matter if the opponent is taller or shorter, I’ve got to get through it. він воїн. Even though he didn’t win, a star was born tonight.”

“It was right around the fifth round I saw that his hand wasn’t working correctly,” Cruz observed.

Davis boxed beautifully in the middle rounds, firing quick shots and pivoting away from the return fire. A right hook in the eighth briefly buzzed Cruz and brought the audience to their feet. But just when it appeared as if the fight was slipping away, Cruz fought fire with fire, landing a flush uppercut seconds before the bell.

The 23-year-old Mexican picked up the pace in the latter rounds, keeping Davis on his toes and pounding away. Davis held his own, fighting back on even terms until the fight’s end.

Naturally, Cruz believed he deserved the victory.

“Viva Mexico. I have nothing to say, the fans are speaking on who won this fight,"Він сказав.

Following a successful title defense, Davis said he’s ready for all comers.

“L.A., we did it for Kobe,"Сказав Девіс. “At the beginning of the fight, he came on strong. I felt as the fight was going, he was breaking down. But I hurt my hand, so I wasn’t able to get him out of there.

“Whatever the best opportunity is for me, I’ll do it. All of them guys are easy work. I’m the top dog.”

У со-головній події, Sebastian “Towering Inferno” Fundora moved closer to a world title shot with a 12-round unanimous decision over the previously-unbeaten Sergio Garcia in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator.

Final scores read 118-110, 117-111 і 115-113.

Fundora established control quickly in the first, snapping Spain’s Garcia’s head back with a booming left. The two traded evenly through the early rounds. Garcia had his moments, including a sharp overhand right in the fifth that drew blood from Fundora’s nose.

The 23-year-old Fundora found his range in the sixth, pumping the jab and using his 6-foot-5 frame and 80-inch reach to keep Garcia at bay.

“I was using my distance a lot more. I wanted to display something different than what I’m used to,” said Fundora. “Height was definitely a difference in this fight.”

Garcia struggled to land during the second half of the bout, save for a couple moments in the 12ї when the two combatants stood toe-to-toe.

“Maybe things could have been different if I had been more aggressive from the beginning,»Сказав Гарсія. “I shouldn’t have let myself get carried away by what he was doing.”

Fundora believes he’s ready for a world title shot.

“We just beat the No. 2 в WBC, so we have No.1, and we have the champion,” said Fundora. “Whoever they give us next, we’re ready for.”

In a thrilling back and forth, Карлос Адамес (21-1, 16 КО) overcame a stiff challenge from former world title challenger Сергій Дерев'янченко (13-4, 10 КО) to win a 10-round majority decision in their WBC Middleweight World Title Eliminator.

Both combatants had their moments, but facing the toughest opponent of his career, the 27-year-old Adames shined. One judge scored the middleweight bout even at 95-95, while the other two scored it for Adames by scores of 96-94 і 97-93.

“This means a lot for me in my career and this is a big accomplishment winning against a fighter of his caliber,” said Adames, who was born in the Dominican Republic and fights out of Washington Heights in New York City.

I am aggressive and speedy by nature, so I came in ready to do my thing. He started slow, wanting to see what would happen, and simply had the wrong game plan. He got a bit tired as the fight went on, took a lot of hard shots from me and it was evident that I caused him a lot of damage.”

“I expect my opponent to fight the same style. It was nothing special for me, just a quality fight,"Сказав Дерев'янченко.

“He stayed southpaw, that was the difference in the fight. I don’t know what I’ll do next. I need a little bit of rest and then I will go back to the gym because I love boxing and I love the show.”

This gives me an opportunity to move on,” said Adames. “I dominate at both 154 і 160, so wherever they give me the opportunity to fight for a championship is where I’ll go.”

In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME PPV telecast, super featherweight contender Eduardo “Zurdito” Ramirez (26-2-3, 12 КО) was in peak form, winning a wide 10-round unanimous decision over former world title challenger Мігель Марріага.

“I would like to thank the fans, SHOWTIME and the Montiel family for supporting me. Marriaga was a tough opponent, but I managed to dominate,- сказав Рамірес. “I had a varied fighting style and kept him on his toes the whole time.”

Марріага (30-5, 26 КО) всюди був агресором, particularly in the first round as he backed Ramirez up with combination punching. The latter found his range midway through the frame, utilizing an accurate jab. In the third, a right hook followed by an overhand left floored an off-balance Marriaga for a flash knockdown.
“We started out strong, but then things got progressively harder. Having said that, we are pleased with the work we put in today,” said Marriaga. “We should have been more savvy, but we tried our hardest in the face of a great opportunity that unfortunately we could not take advantage of.”

Ramirez dominated after scoring the knockdown, punishing Marriaga from then on with an assortment of shots to the head and body. Final punch stats had Ramirez landing 280 з 762 (36.7%) total punches to Marriaga’s 159 з 689 (21.3%).

“Now I’m going to relax with my family and enjoy the holidays,- сказав Рамірес. “Then hopefully 2022 will come with a title shot for me.

Tonight’s blockbuster pay-per-view event will re-air on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Грудня 11 на 10 p.m. ET / PT. The delayed telecast of Davis vs. Cruz will open the telecast featuring WBC Bantamweight World Champion and future Hall of Famer Nonito Donaire as he will defend his title against undefeated top contender and fellow Filipino countryman Reymart Gaballo headlining in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Tennis Stadium in Carson.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME PPV telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial scorer Steve Farhood, and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The executive producer was four-time Emmy® award winner David Dinkins, Молодший. The telecast was directed by Bob Dunphy. Former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

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Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing і HTTPS://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

Gervonta Davis to Defend WBA Lightweight World Title Against Hard-Hitting Isaac Cruz – Неділя, Грудня 5

Unbeaten Five-Time World Champion Gervonta Davis to Defend WBA Lightweight World Title Against Hard-Hitting Isaac Cruz on Sunday, Грудня 5 на SHOWTIME PPV®

Cruz Replaces Rolando Romero in Main Event at

STAPLES Center in Los Angeles

Квитки у вільному продажу!

ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Листопад 3, 2021) – Unbeaten five-time world champion and boxing’s hottest attractionГервонта “Танк” Девіс will defend his WBA Lightweight Championship against hard-hittingIsaac “Pitbull’’ Cruz в неділю, Грудня 5 live on SHOWTIME PPV from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Хрест, Немає займає. 2 в IBF, steps in to replace Rolando Romero.

Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promotions and TGB Promotions, продаються зараз і їх можна придбати за адресоюAXS.com.

Davis’ third-straight pay-per-view headlining attraction will see him battle the hardnosed Cruz, who has rightly earned the nickname “Pitbull’’ during his professional career.

“This is going to be a tremendous fight on SHOWTIME PPV,”, - сказав Леонард Еллербе, Генеральний директор Мейвезер Акції. “Isaac Cruz was ready for this big opportunity and I expect him to come ready to deliver the fight of his life. Однак, Gervonta Davis is a generational talent who’s only getting better. This fight is going to end in spectacular fashion on December 5.”

“Kudos to Isaac Cruz for stepping in as a replacement opponent in a high-pressure, pay per view fight against one of the brightest stars in boxing in Gervonta Davis,’’ said Tom Brown, Президент TGB Акції. “Cruz presents a different, and some would argue a more difficult challenge to Tank Davis. Cruz won’t back down and he’ll bring the fight to Davis from the opening bell. We’ve all seen Gervonta’s blend of superb boxing skills and explosive power, and we know what he’s capable of. It will be the irresistible force versus the immovable object, which means fireworks at STAPLES Center and on SHOWTIME PPV on Sunday, December 5.’’

Девіс (25-0, 24 КО), star of the Mayweather Promotions stable, added another highlight filled performance in June, as he stopped previously unbeaten Mario Barrios to capture a 140-pound title and become a three-division world champion. The Baltimore-native captured his lightweight championship with a 12ї-round knockout of former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa in December 2019.

“I respect Isaac Cruz for stepping up and taking the fight, but everyone knows what I do,"Сказав Девіс. “I come in looking for the knockout and that’s exactly what I’m going to do in this fight. I’m back in Los Angeles where the stars shine and I’m going to light it up against Isaac Cruz at STAPLES Center on December 5.’’

23-річний Круз (22-1-1, 15 КО) will be looking to rough up Davis and make him work overtime if he wants to come away with the win. A native of Mexico City, Круз підняв рейтинг у легкій вазі 2020, announcing his presence with an electrifying first-round knockout over veteran Diego Magdaleno in September. Круз пішов за цим 2021 by winning a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Matías Romero in March, and most recently defeating former champion Francisco Vargas by decision in June. Since making his U.S. дебют у грудні 2019, the 23-year-old has gone unbeaten in his next four ring appearances, appearing on SHOWTIME three times in addition to beating Magdaleno on the Gervonta Davis vs. Лео Санта Круз SHOWTIME PPV андеркарт.

“First I want to thank Gervonta Davis and his team for this opportunity – an opportunity I won’t let get past me,’’ Cruz said. “God willing I’ll be world champion on December 5. This fight is a very big motivation for me as a professional and as a personal goal. I’m sure after December 5 everyone in boxing will know the name Isaac ‘Pitbull’ Cruz.’’

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Hard-Hitting Lightweight Contender Isaac Cruz Faces Former World Champion Francisco Vargas in the Co-Main Event

Former World Champion Angelo Leo Duels Mexican Contender
Aaron Alameda to Kick Off Telecast at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Tickets on Sale Tomorrow, Четвер, Травня 13 на 12 p.m. Коннектикут!

Х'юстон (Травня 12, 2021) – Undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo will enter the ring for a Juneteenth Day celebration in his hometown when he takes on hard-hitting Juan Macías Montiel в суботу, Червень 19 at Toyota Center in Houston headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event live on SHOWTIME.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and feature rising lightweight contender Ісаак Круз борючись колишнього чемпіона світу Франциско Варгас у 10-раундовій співосновній події. Kicking off the telecast, колишній чемпіон світу Angelo Leo returns to take on Mexican contender Аарон Аламеда в 10-раундовому бою найлегша вага.

Charlo has established himself as a force in two divisions and will seek to thrill his hometown crowd against Mexico’s Montiel, in a first-of-its-kind Juneteenth Day boxing celebration. Charlo will fight in Houston for the fourth time as a pro and look to keep his undefeated record intact against the upset-minded Montiel.

The event is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions. Tickets for the live event go on sale tomorrow, Четвер, Травня 13 на 12 p.m. CT and can be purchased attoyotacenter.com. Leo vs. Alameda is promoted in association with Mayweather Promotions.

Charlo (31-0, 22 КО) will return to fight in his hometown for the first time since a June 2019 unanimous decision victory over Brandon Adams on SHOWTIME. The 30-year-old most recently scored an impressive victory over top middleweight contender Sergey Derevyanchenko in their September 2020 розтин. Charlo has held the WBC middleweight belt since 2019, after a championship reign at 154-pounds that lasted from 2015 через 2017. He has compiled a perfect 6-0 record since moving up to middleweight and owns victories over former champions Julian Williams, Austin Trout and Cornelius Bundrage at super welterweight.

“It’s great to be back in the ring, headlining on SHOWTIME and defending my title in front of my hometown fans in Houston,” said Charlo. “Fighting on Juneteenth means a lot to me because there is a battle going on far greater than this. Тим не менш, I have to handle my business on June 19. Montiel is a tough, молодий, power puncher. I know he wants my crown, but I’m hungrier than ever and ready to put on a show for my fans. Get ready for a special, explosive night.”

Representing his native Los Mochis, Сіналоа, Мексика, Монтьель (22-4-2, 22 КО) has earned knockouts in all 22 of his pro victories, as the heavy-handed brawler established himself as a hard-hitting force. The 27-year-old has put together an unbeaten streak since moving up to middleweight, first competing at the weight in September 2017, and most recently scoring a first-round knockout victory over longtime contender James Kirkland in December 2020. He owns stoppages of Marco Reyes and Gustavo Castro, and a draw against Hugo Centeno, Молодший. в середньому. Montiel had previously campaigned at welterweight and super welterweight, dropping a February 2017 bout to former champion Jaime Munguia in a 147-pound fight.

“I know that I am fighting the best middleweight in the world, but he has never faced someone who can punch like I can,” said Montiel. “All my losses in the past are from not training properly and trying to win by one-punch knockout. I’ve grown up and become a man since then. I proved that I was different when I beat Marco Reyes in 2019, and I haven’t left the gym since then. I’ve worked hard every day to become world champion and I will display everything I’ve learned on June 19.”

The 22-year-old Cruz (21-1-1, 15 КО) shot up the lightweight rankings in 2020, announcing his presence with an electrifying first-round knockout over veteran Diego Magdaleno in September. Cruz followed that up this March, when he won a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Matias Romero. Since making his U.S. debut on the undercard of Jermall Charlo vs. Dennis Hogan in December 2019, the Mexico City-native has been unbeaten in his four ring appearances. This will mark his fifth fight in 20 місяці, the last four of which will have come on SHOWTIME, including headlining ShoBox: The Next Generation в лютому 2020.

“Me and Vargas are going to show the fans true Mexican-style boxing on June 19,” said Cruz. “He is also from Mexico City, so I know this fight will be toe-to-toe. It’s my time to show the fans that I’m the best Mexican lightweight in the world. In with the new, and out with the old. I want to thank my promoter, Senator Manny Pacquiao, for his support and belief that I will become world champion very soon.”

Also a native of Mexico City, Варгас (27-2-2, 19 КО) виграв титул у вазі до 130 фунтів 2015 перемігши Такаші Міуру в одному з найкращих боїв року. The 36-year-old would go on to fight Orlando Salido to an action-packed draw before losing his title to Miguel Berchelt in another memorable affair. Vargas went on to defeat Stephen Smith and Rod Salka before losing in his rematch with Berchelt in 2019. Зовсім недавно, Варгас розпочав кампанію в легкій вазі, scoring back-to-back victories with a technical decision over Ezequiel Aviles in October 2019 and a TKO over Otto Gamez in November 2020.

“I only know how to fight wars and the fans should expect nothing less on June 19,” said Vargas. “I am a warrior, and people are going to remember the reasons why I was in two Fight of the Year battles when they see me in the ring with Isaac Cruz. I want to thank my whole team for putting together this fight that I know the fans will enjoy.”

Лев (20-1, 9 КО), who fights out of the Mayweather Promotions stable, became the first world champion from his hometown of Albuquerque, Н.М., since legendary three-division champion Johnny Tapia, when he defeated Tramaine Williams by unanimous decision in August 2020. The 26-year-old dropped the belt when he lost a decision to unbeaten Stephen Fulton Jr. in January on SHOWTIME. Лев, who trains in Las Vegas, will look to re-establish his position in the stacked 122-pound division on June 19.

“I’m excited to get back in the ring for this fight,” said Leo. “I wasn’t the same fighter in my last fight, as I was when I won the title. That’s given me a big chip on my shoulder. I figured out my mistakes and learned a lot about myself. I’m here to show people that I’m still a top contender and a threat in this division. Alameda is a real contender and he’s not an opponent I’m taking lightly. Whoever comes out on top in this fight will be right there for another title shot and I plan on that being me.”

The 27-year-old Aaron Alameda (25-1, 13 КО) was able to stop Luis Nery’s knockout streak but came up on the short end of the decision in their super bantamweight title fight last September. Prior to the Nery fight, the Sonora, Mexico native had back-to-back knockouts over Jordan Escobar and Breilor Teran. Про з 2014, his previous action in the U.S. saw him earn a sixth-round knockout over Andre Wilson in 2016.

“I can’t wait for another big fight on June 19,” said Alameda. “I showed that I belong with the best in my last fight against Luis Nery, and I will be even better against Leo. My goal is to become world champion and I plan on displaying everything I’ve worked on in this fight. I’m excited to battle Leo and give the fans a great show.”

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Lightweight Sensation Isaac Cruz Earns Unanimous Decision Against Matias Romero In First Loss; Terrell Gausha Scores Emphatic TKO Victory Over Jamontay Clark in Telecast Opener on SHOWTIME® in Premier Boxing Champions Event

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Click Here to Watch the Main Event’s Final Moments

Click Here to Watch David Benavidez’s Post-Fight Interview

Ункасвілль, Коннектикут. – March 13, 2021 - Former two-time world champion Девід Бенавідес kept his perfect ring record intact with an 11ї-round technical knockout victory against veteran Ronald Ellis in their WBC Super Middleweight Title Eliminator main event on Saturday night’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast, live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., у чемпіонаті чемпіонів з боксу.

Phoenix’s Benavidez (24-0, 21 КО) flashed brilliant hand speed, accuracy and power as he dominated Ellis (18-2-2, 12 КО) Лінн, Масса., на 11 rounds before referee Johnny Callas finally waved off the fight at 2:03 of the penultimate round. The 24-year-old star held a significant lead on all three scorecards (99-91, 98-92 x2) під час зупинки.

“I rate my performance pretty good but I know I could have done better,” said Benavidez, who extended his perfect record to 24-0. “Ronald Ellis is a tough competitor. I just hope the fans like what they saw. I threw a lot of combinations, punches in bunches. There were a lot of times I thought Ellis was going to quit but he didn’t. Hats off to him, він крутий хлопець. It was a little later than I wanted but a stoppage is still a stoppage. I hope the fans got a good show tonight.”

A boxing prodigy turned youngest super middleweight world champion in boxing history, Benavidez turned in a masterful performance as evidenced by his punch stats, посадка 289 з 532 power punches thrown for an eye-popping connection rate of 54%. Benavidez connected on 50 punches in the 11ї round which ultimately led to the stoppage. Both fighters combined to throw 1,403 удари. Following his dominating win on SHOWTIME, Benavidez is one step closer to reclaiming a super middleweight world title.

“I want all the big guys,” Benavidez added. “Speaking for the fans too, they would love to see me against all the big guys because as you can see, I love throwing punches. I love stopping people so me versus any big name would be an amazing fight. Мені потрібно [Jermall] Charlo, Канело Альварес, Калеб завод, all of them.”

Елліс, 31, showed tremendous determination and a very sturdy chin as he absorbed the constant onslaught from the former two-time world champion. Often working off the ropes as Benavidez pressed the action, Ellis landed 89 з його 334 уколи.

“I could have popped the jab and controlled things a little bit more and not let him smother me,” said Ellis. “Hell yeah I wanted to finish. I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. I could have moved a little bit more and not taken so many shots to the head. Hats off to him. He did what he had to do. Він не мене не зашкодить, that’s the funny thing. I took a lot of shots but he didn’t damage me or have me super hurt. I never thought about quitting.”

The sports world lost an icon today as the death of Marvelous Marvin Hagler was reported hours before the live telecast began. A member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame, Хаглер, який був 66 років, fought in the first main event ever on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on March 10, 1986. Hagler was honored with a ceremonial 10-count prior to tonight’s main event. Click Here to Watch SHOWTIME’s Tribute to Marvin Hagler

Benavidez reflected on Hagler’s passing after the fight: “I had met Marvin once before and he was a great champion. Someone told me he fought the first fight on SHOWTIME. Someone on my team let me know a few hours before the fight that he had passed. It’s sad and he will be missed. He was a true legend.”

У со-головній події, Ісаак Круз (21-1-1, 15 КО) of Mexico City earned a unanimous decision victory over Argentina’s Matias Romero (24-1, 8 КО) in a 12-round WBA Lightweight Title Eliminator. It marked the first time that the 22-year-old Cruz went 12 rounds in his professional career. The judges’ scorecards read 114-113, 115-112 і 118-109. SHOWTIME’s unofficial scorer Steve Farhood scored the fight 115-112, giving rounds 10 через 12 to the rising star.

“I’m not happy about the style of the fight but I am satisfied I took the victory home and we’ve come to the No. 1 spot in the WBA,"Сказав Круз. “I didn’t know what was going to happen [as far as the judges]. We forced the fight at all times and it would have been very impossible for the judges to do something to me when I was the one pushing the fight.”

Throughout the 36-minute affair, Cruz constantly applied pressure against his opponent which led to Romero, the more seasoned professional, to hold excessively in an attempt to stall the pressure. Despite being warned frequently by referee Harvey Dock, the 24-year-old Romero was never penalized. During the rough-and-tumble contest, проте, Cruz was docked a point in the sixth round for a low blow.

“He was a fighter who didn’t want to exchange punches,” Cruz added, in reference to the persistent clinching. “I was very fed up with the clinches—there was never a warning toward him. I did my best out there. Not the best way I wanted to do it but thank God we won the fight and we’re taking the victory home.”

Romero presented an effective jab throughout the fight, посадка 89 з 282, but it was Cruz’s power punching that ultimately earned him the victory. Хрест, who is now the No. 1 contender for a world title shot at 135 фунти, приземлився 145 з 459 електричні удари, у тому числі 91 кадри тіла.

“Obviously I’m not happy with the decision,” stated Romero following his first professional loss. “I thought maybe it was a draw. Overall I’m happy with my performance. He’s supposed to the be the ‘Pit Bull’ and I went the distance. You have to take the opportunities when they are presented and I wish I would have had more time to get ready for this fight.”

In the evening’s opening bout, Cleveland’s Террелл Gausha (22-2-1, 11 КО) scored an impressive second-round technical knockout over fellow Ohioan Jamontay Кларк (15-2-1, 7 КО) Цинциннаті. Gausha, 33, did not land a single power punch in the opening round but worked well behind the jab, winning the round on two of the judges’ scorecards. As the second round neared completion, Gausha beautifully countered a lunging left hand from the southpaw Clark which sent the 26-year-old to the canvas for the first time in his professional career. Clark beat the count but moments later was met by a barrage of unanswered punches in the neutral corner. Referee Arthur Mercante jumped in and called a halt to the bout at 2:44 другого туру.

“I knew Jamontay was a tough kid, I’ve been watching him since Cleveland so I knew about him already,сказав Гауша. “I felt like I had a chance to knock him out but I didn’t know how the fight would play out. But I feel I did good, executed the game plan. My coaches had been studying film and we executed.

“I just took my time,” added Gausha. “I was setting traps. I knew he would be open eventually, but I had to be cautious too because he’s a rangy guy, has a good left hand. But I knew there were holes in his game and we executed and when the opportunity presented itself, we landed that big right hand.”

With his emphatic stoppage win, the 2012 Olympian emerges as a contender for a title shot in the super welterweight division. In his first and only world title shot in 2017, Gausha dropped a unanimous decision to current super welterweight world champion Erislandy Lara.

“I know I made a statement tonight,” added Gausha. “I put the division on notice. I’m locked and loaded and I’m ready. I want to be a world champion so I’m looking to fight whoever I need to fight to get to the belts.”

Суботу SHOWTIME ЧЕМПІОНАТ БОКС telecast will replay Sunday at 8:55 a.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME and Monday at 10 p.m. ET on SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast. Versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Two Hall of Famers rounded out the telecast team: boxing historian Steve Farhood as unofficial scorer and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The telecast was available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) with former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and Alejandro Luna calling the action. The executive producer was four-time Emmy® award winner David Dinkins, Молодший. The director was Bob Dunphy, son of legendary Hall of Famer Don Dunphy.

The event was promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing.

Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing та @TGBPromotions в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotionss або станьте шанувальником у Facebook за адресою www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.