Архіви: Foxwoods Resort Casino

The Special OneSharad Collier Back in action Oct. 10 at Foxwoods


ХАРТФОРД, Коннектикут. (Серпня 21, 2018) – Hartford blue-chip prospectThe Special One Sharad Collier returns to action October 20, on a show presented by CES Boxing, at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Uncasville, Коннектикут.




The two-time New England Golden Gloves champion made his professional debut this past June 16, on his promoter’s Hartford Boxing Promotionsinaugural event, “Fight Night at The Capital”, in which he registered a sensational first-round knockout of Antonio Castillo Jr. (1-1), at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




Collier will step-up in competition, fighting in to his first scheduled six-round bout Oct, 20, against undefeated Springfield, М. А. у напівсередній вазі Derrick Whitley, Молодший. (4-0, 0 КО), the son and uncle of well-known retired New England fighters.




I feel the same as I did in my pro debut, maybe less pressure, but I’m more familiar with the guy I’m fighting October 20ї,” Collier said. “I fought and beat his cousin and brother in the amateurs. I feel like he’s out for revenge for them.




I’m motivated to be fighting at Foxwoods. I feel like that’s fighting under the big lights, where I fought once as an amateur. I signed my contract the first day, I’ve been training hard in the gym every day. My pro debut was against a 1-0 guy, my second is against another undefeated fighter. I believe in my skills. I want to separate myself to show people that I am special.




The 21-year-Collier has dedicated his boxing career to his uncle and father. His uncle was murdered three years ago, outside of a venue in which Sharad was boxing and his father has been in and out of prison. Collier grew up in toughest part of (south) Хартфорд, spent time in a detention center and, at times, lived in and out of foster homes.




It was my idea to move up now to six rounds,” Collier noted. “I’m familiar with my opponent. I’m not sleeping on this kid but, if I don’t get him out early, it will just mean there are more rounds for me to beat him up.




We’re excited,” Collier’s promoter Tony Blanco доданої. “In his pro debut, he was up against a 1-0 противник, and now he’s stepping up to fight a 4-0 opponent in his first six-round fight. That’s why they call himThe Special One.'




Here’s what ‘Specialstands for: S = speed, P = power, E = enthusiasm, C = charisma, I = intelligence, A = athleticism, L = looks.



Facebook: /hartfordboxingcenter, /sharadcollier

Щебет: @hartfordboxing, @SheLovesIt

Instagram: @hartford.boxing.center/, @SharradCollier



Метт Реміллард (R) продовжив своє повернення вчора ввечері, здобувши велику перемогу у Фоксвудсі
(всі фотографії Емілі Харні / Дібелла Розваги)

Машантукет, Коннектикут (Червень 4, 2017) – Дивовижне повернення Метт “Влучний стрілець” Реміллард продовжилася вчора ввечері, коли популярна легка вага Коннектикуту зупинилася Фатіу Фасіну в Бродвей боксу Хедлайнер відбувся в Fox Theatre, в казино Foxwoods Resort, в Машантакеті, Коннектикут.
The Бродвей боксу Серія рекламується DiBella Entertainment і представлена ​​Nissan of Queens, Годинники Azad, OPTYX, і стейк-хаус Christos.
Реміллард, 30, був №. 2-у напівлегкій вазі світу 2011, коли програв майбутньому чемпіону світу Майки Гарсія (LRTD11). Боротьба з Манчестера, Коннектикут, Сьогоднішній бій був першим для Реміллара в його рідному штаті за шість з половиною років, у зв'язку з відбуванням покарання у вигляді п'яти років позбавлення волі. У квітні минулого року він повернувся на ринг, приймаючи рішення у восьми раундах Августин Маурас, в Вустере, Массачусетс.
У першому раунді, Реміллард (25-1, 14 КО) і гладкий уродженець Беніну, колишній міжнародний срібний чемпіон WBC Фасіну (27-6-3, 14 КО) пізнали один одного, оскільки обидва бійці були обережні. Реміллард відкрився у другому раунді, використовуючи ліву сторону до тіла, кинувши Фассіну в його кут на останніх секундах. Реміллард натиснув на дію в третьому, кидає Фассіну навколо рингу у своєму знайомому караючому стилі, поставивши Фасіну в його “Влучний стрілець” приціли для стрільби в четвертому. Фассіну не відповів на дзвінок у п'ятому раунді.
“Проти півня, лівий гачок в печінку є, удар, яким я відомий,” Реміллард прокоментував після бою. “Він був трохи неохайнішим, ніж я очікував. Я почував себе добре; Я 24/7 в спортзалі. Можливо, я проведу ще один бій цього року, щоб потрапити в кілька раундів, а потім готуйтеся до великого 2018. Я хочу матч-реванш із Гарсією, на 135 або 140 фунти, 100-відсотків. Він винен мені реванш. Хлопець, якого він побив, був не мною.”
Руслан Шамалов (L) & Джордж Аріас повернувся в Бій ночі
У со-функція, два важковаговики з Нью-Йорка, 6’5″ Російська Руслан Шамалов (4-1, 3 КО) і домініканська “Джентльмен” Джордж Аріас (7-0, 3 КО), боротьба з Брукліна та Бронкса, відповідно, поставити на карту свої непереможені рекорди. Силові удари Шамалова сколихнули набагато коротші 5’11” Арії в першому турі, але Аріас залишився поза канатом і боксував набагато краще у другому. Два бійці обмінювалися бомбами протягом приголомшливого третього раунду, якось, четвертий був навіть кращий з вперед-назад, безперервна дія. У п'ятому раунді темп трохи впав, створивши основу для шостого й останнього кадру, який не розчарував.
Шамалов і Арій билися в шаленому темпі, особливо для важковаговиків, у законному шестираунді “Бій року” кандидат. Арії, лідер Team Wash Em’ У Бронксі, виграв шість раундів одноголосним рішенням суддів за рахунком 60-54, 59-55, і 58-56.
“Ця перемога була величезною для мене,” — сказав щасливий Арій, після свого першого шестираундового бою. “У мене був план гри, але одного разу він завдав мені болю в першому раунді, моє серце взяло гору, і я просто боровся. Мені подобається боротися за людей, тому я тримався в першому замість того, щоб стати на коліно.”
Міккуан Вільямс (R) трохи раніше відсвяткував закінчення школи
Улюбленець публіки “Чудесний” Міккуан Вільямс (7-0, 4 КО) подарував собі подарунок на закінчення середньої школи, коли боєць Іст-Хартфорда переміг нікарагуанського напівсередньої ваги Аріель “Війна” Васкес (13-18-2, 9 КО) у першому шестираундовому бою колишнього. 19-річний Вільямс, п'ятиразовий чемпіон країни серед аматорів, це нова зірка з величезним плюсом. Врівноважений не по роках, Вільямс контролював темп проти свого випробуваного в боях суперника-лівші, хто 11 років Вільямс’ старший, демонструючи свій величезний арсенал ударів, особливо його комбінація ліворуч-праворуч, яка постійно випадала. Вільямс’ швидкі руки вибухнули вперше в кінці другого раунду, потім він підхопив свій напад у третьому, коли він дійшов до рішення про шатаут у шести раундах, з трьома підрахунками 60-54.
Вільямс закінчує навчання Червень 20 від Prince Tech. “Це був гарний подарунок на випускний,” Вільямс сказав,. “Швидкість моєї руки зіграла великий фактор. Він був міцним хлопцем, особливо для мого першого шестираундового.”
Дженніфер Салінас (R) було занадто багато для Маркіти Лі
чемпіон у напівлегкій вазі Дженніфер “Болівійська королева” Салінас (20-4, 5 КО) переможений Маркіта Лі (3-5) шляхом важкої боротьби за шість раундів одноголосним рішенням суддів. Салінас, борються з Провіденс, всюди був агресором, але Лі ніколи не робив кроку назад. Системи показників 59-55 двічі, і 58-56, все для Салінаса.
Боротьба з набагато досвідченішим і вищим суперником з Африки, багатообіцяюча Лінн, проспект М.А Khiry “Тротил” Тодд (5-0, 5 КО) виграв свій п'ятий професійний бій, всі нокаутом. A 2016 Нова Англія Золотого чемпіон рукавички, Тодд отримав безцінний досвід проти хитрої супернапівсередньої ваги Ніколас Саруна (12-9-1, 9 КО), Того, який став коліном після того, як отримав підступний аперкот у третьому раунді. Саруна не зміг подолати 10-ку, оскільки Тодд покращив свій ідеальний рекорд, із зупинкою технічним нокаутом 1:32 знак.
Раджаб Бутаєв залишив Авраама Альвареса на килимі з сильним болем
Непереможний російський гравець середньої ваги Раджаб “Python” Бутаєв (6-0, 4 КО) було занадто багато для мексиканця Авраам “Стриж” Альварес (20-11-1, 11 КО). Бутаєв завчасно відкинув Альвареса злісним лівим хуком, від якого Альварес так і не оговтався повністю. Брутальний правий у печінку знову поставив мексиканця на мат, в явному болі, як арбітр Джої Лупіно негайно відмахнувся від боротьби 1:05 першого раунду.
Кубинський супертяж Луїс “Лев” Гарсія (15-0, 12 КО) зберіг свій ідеальний професіональний рекорд, нокаутувавши в першому раунді свого суперника з Мексики Феліпе Ромеро (19-14-1, 13 КО), боротьба з Сан-Дієго. Зараз живе в Peekskill, Нью-Йорк, Гарсія скинув Ромеро ударом оверхенд прямо на перших секундах, і той ніколи не здавався, постійно завдаючи шкоди Ромеро серією руйнівних прав. Гарсія завершив шоу потужним аперкотом, провідний суддя Джонні Каллас щоб зупинити дію на 1:48 знак.
Триразовий член збірної Пуерто-Ріко з боксу Хосе Роман (4-0, 3 КО) пройшов дистанцію вперше проти гри Вільям Хілл (2-3), Детройт. Досвідчений пуерторіканець у супернапівсередній вазі чинив тиск зі стартового дзвінка, використовуючи запеклу атаку тіла на Хілла, який більшу частину бою був затиснутий на мотузках. Судді підраховували 40-36 двічі, і 39-37, все за Романа – одноголосним рішенням суддів.
Непереможний суперник DiBella Entertainment у напівлегкій вазі Луїс Роза також бився в суботу, виступив хедлайнером візиту в Floyd Little Athletic Center у своєму рідному місті Нью-Гейвен, Коннектикут, обличчям до Карлоса Осоріо, Манагуа, Нікарагуа. Роза тиснув на суперника протягом усього змагання, виснажуючи його постійним ударом по тілу. Осоріо був у грі та зробив жорсткий джеб, хоча внутрішні комбінації улюбленця рідного міста допомогли зменшити потужність нікарагуанця. Вважаючи, що Осоріо поніс велике покарання, рефері зупинив змагання на 1:25 знак шостому раунді, присудження Розі перемоги технічним нокаутом. З перемогою, Роза покращилася до 23-0 (11 КО), а рекорд Осоріо впав до 13-7 (5 КО).
Повні результати Foxwoods нижче:
MAIN EVENT – Легковаговиків
Метт Реміллард (25-1, 14 КО), Манчестер, Коннектикут
WTKO4 (3:00)
Фатіу Фасіну (27-6-3, 14 КО), Котону, Бенін
СУМІСНІСТЬ – Важковаговиків
Джордж Аріас (7-0, 3 КО), Бронкс, Нью-Йорк
WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 58-56)
Руслан Шамалов (4-1, 3 КО), Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк
Луїс Гарсія (15-0, 12 КО), Peekskill, Нью-Йорк
WTKO1 (1:48).
Феліпе Ромеро (19-14-1, 13 КО), Сан - Дієго, ТАКИЙ ЯК
Раджаб Бутаєв (6-0, 5 КО), Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк
WTKO1 (1:05)
Абрахам Альварес (20-11-1, 11 КО), Розарій, Мексика
СУПЕР напівсередньої ваги
Хайрі Тодд (5-0, 5 КО), Лінн, Массачусетс
WKO3 (1:32)
Ніколас Саруна (12-9-1, 9 КО), Ломе, Йти
Хосе Роман (4-0, 3 КО), Байамон, Пуерто-Ріко
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
Вільям Хілл (2-3), Детройт, МОЇ
Напівсередньої ваги
Мікуан Вільямс (7-0, 4 КО), Східний Гартфорд, Коннектикут
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
Аріель Васкес (13-18-2, 9 КО), Манагуа, Нікарагуа
Дженніфер Салінас (20-4, 5 КО), Провидіння, Род-Айленд
WDEC6 (59-55, 59-55, 58-56)
Маркіта Лі (3-5), Новато, ТАКИЙ ЯК
Щебет & Instagram: DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT


Машантукет, Коннектикут (Червень 2, 2017) – Всі боксери зробили вагу сьогодні на сьогодні (Сб, Червень 3) Бродвей боксу захід відбудеться в театрі Фокс, в казино Foxwoods Resort, в Машантакеті, Коннектикут,
Популярний Бродвей боксу Серія рекламується DiBella Entertainment і представлена ​​Nissan of Queens, Годинники Azad, OPTYX, і стейк-хаус Christos, покаже деяких найкращих бійців Нової Англії.

Головна подія – Легковаговики — (8)

(L) Метт Реміллард (24-1, 13 КО), Манчестер, Коннектикут 135 фунтів.

(R) Фатіу Фасіну (27-5-3, 14 КО), Котону, Бенін 133 фунтів.
Co-Feature – Важковаговики (6)
(L) Руслан Шамалов (4-0, 3 КО), Brooklyn, NY через Росію 233 фунтів.
(R) Джордж Аріас (6-0, 3 КО), Бронкс, Нью-Йорк шляхом Домініканської Республіки 230 фунтів.
Welterweights (6)
(L) Мікуан Вільямс (6-0, 4 КО), Східний Гартфорд, Коннектикут 146 фунтів.
(R) Аріель Васкес (13-17-2, 9 КО), Манагуа, Нікарагуа 147 фунтів.
Жіноча суперлегка вага (6)
(L) Дженніфер Салінас (19-4, 5 КО), Провидіння, Род-Айленд 135 фунтів.
(R) Маркіта Лі (3-4), Новато, ТАКИЙ ЯК 132 фунтів.
Супер напівсередня вага (4)
(L) Хайрі Тодд (4-0, 4 КО), Лінн, Массачусетс 149 фунтів.
(R) Ніколас Саруна (12-8-1, 9 КО), Ломе, Йти 148 фунтів.
Середньоваговиків (8)
(L) Раджаб Бутаєв (5-0, 4 КО), Brooklyn, NY через Росію 153 фунтів.
(R) Абрахам Альварес (20-10-1, 11 КО), Розарій, Мексика 157 фунтів.
Крузервейти (6)
(L) Луїс Гарсія (14-0, 11 КО), Peekskill, Нью-Йорк через Кубу 194 фунтів.
(R) Феліпе Ромеро (19-13-1, 13 КО), Сан - Дієго, CA через Мексику 195 фунтів.
Супер напівсередня вага (4)
(L) Хосе Роман (3-0, 3 КО), Байамон, Пуерто-Ріко 149 фунтів.
(R) Вільям Хілл (2-2), Детройт, МОЇ 148 фунтів.
ЩО: “Бродвей боксу” професійний бокс
КОЛИ: Субота, Червень 3, 2017
ДЕ: Театр Фокс, Foxwoods Resort Casino, Машантакет, Коннектикут
ОРГАНІЗАТОР: Дібелла Розваги
РИНГ ДИКТОР: Дейв Діамант
ПЕРШИЙ БІЙ: 7:30 p.m. І
КВИТКИ: За ціною $125, $75 і $45. Квитки можна придбати онлайн на Foxwoods.com, Ticketmaster.com, по телефону 800-200-2882, або відвідавши касу Foxwoods
Щебет & Instagram: DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT
Субота, Червень 3


Субота, Червень 3
Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк (5/22/17) – На Субота, Червень 3, DiBella Entertainment will return to the Fox Theater at Foxwoods Resort Casino, в Машантакеті, Коннектикут, for the latest exciting installment of its popular Бродвей боксу серія, presented by Nissan of Queens, Годинники Azad, OPTYX, і стейк-хаус Christos. The card will feature a bevy of New England talent, including fan favorite Shelly “Шлях Shelito в” Vincent in an eight-round special attraction featherweight bout, as well as lightweight Matt Remillard on the comeback and welterweight prospect Mykquan Williams on the rise.
I am happy to bring another great card back to Foxwoods, which continues to be a terrific venue for Бродвей боксу,” сказав Лу Дібелла, Президент Дібелла Entertainment. “Fans will not want to miss the always-entertaining Shelly Vincent, who is a great ambassador for women’s boxing. The stacked undercard will include local New England favorites Matt Remillard, Міккуан Вільямс, Jonathan Figueroa, and Khiry Todd, as well as Russian future world champion Radzhab Butaev and a battle between unbeaten heavyweight prospects Ruslan Shamalov and George Arias.
One of the most popular fighters out of the New England area, Буяє раковинами “Шлях Shelito в” Вінсент (19-1, 1 KO), born in New London, Коннектикут, but now residing in Providence, Род-Айленд, will compete at Foxwoods for the seventh time, in an eight-round featherweight bout. У серпні минулого року, Vincent entered enemy territory to challenge rival Heather Hardy in her adversary’s hometown of Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк. Their highly publicized grudge match was nationally televised by NBC Sports Net and was hailed by Ring Magazine as theFemale Fight of the Year” для 2016. Vincent was also honored by the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame as their “Винищувач року” для 2016, becoming the first female recipient of the award. She rebounded from her only defeat with a unanimous decision victory on Грудня 2, back home in Rhode Island. Before turning pro in October 2011, Vincent was a Connecticut State, Коннектикут Золоті рукавички, and National Golden Gloves champion as an amateur. Managed by Mike Criscio and trained by Peter Manfredo Sr., Vincent signed with DiBella Entertainment in 2016.
Метт “Влучний стрілець” Реміллард (24-1, 13 КО), of Hartford, Коннектикут, will continue his comeback, following a six-year ring absence, у вісім круглих легкий бій. It will be his first fight in his home state since November 2010. Про з 2005, Remillard is a former WBC Youth, WBC-USNBC, NABF and NABO featherweight champion. His only loss came in March 2011 to the unbeaten Mikey Garcia, now the WBC world lightweight champion. He is trained by Paul Cichon, a local legend and community leader, out of Manchester Ring of Champions Society boxing gym. Як любитель, Remillard accumulated a record of 115-25, and was a two-time Everlast Under-19 National amateur champion.
Highly touted East Hartford welterweight prospect Міккуан Вільямс (6-0, 4 КО) has kept a busy pace since turning pro last April. Promoted by DiBella Entertainment and managed by Jackie Kallen, the 19-year-old Williams will return to Foxwoods, where he has built a strong following, for the sixth time, in his first scheduled six-rounder. Williams is also trained by Cichon, whom he’s known since he was a child and looks upon as a surrogate father. His biological father was murdered when Mykquan was just a week old. Williams was a decorated amateur with a 45-13 запис, highlighted by three gold-medal performances at the Ringside World Championships, in addition to winning the PAL Tournament and Silver Gloves Championships.
Unbeaten New York-based heavyweights will collide in their toughest tests to date, when Russian Руслан Шамалов (4-0, 3 КО) meets Dominican Джордж Аріас (6-0, 3 КО) в шести туру конкурсу.
Born in Cherkessk, Росія, and now living in Brooklyn, the 6’5Shamalov was a two-time amateur MMA champion before switching to boxing and engaging in 30 amateur bouts while participating on the Russian National team. Shamalov turned pro in October 2016 and is trained by Eduard Kravtsov out of Wild Card Gym, в Лос-Анджелесі, ТАКИЙ ЯК. У своєму останньому бою на Квітня 5, Shamalov returned home to Russia and registered a first-round knockout versus Oleksandr Nesterenko in 43 секунд.
Arias was born in San Francisco de Macoris, Домініканська Республіка, then moved to New York City in 1996, at four years old. Однак, it wasn’t until graduating high school that Arias learned to box at Morris Park Boxing Gym near his home in The Bronx. He won the New York Golden Gloves tournament in 2014 then turned pro that October. Arias recently returned from a 13-month ring hiatus with a four-round unanimous decision versus Jamal Woods in Lawrenceville, Джорджія, квітня 29.
Кубинський супертяж Луїс Гарсія (14-0, 11 КО), based out of Peekskill, Нью-Йорк, will see action in a six-round bout. After being denied a berth on the Cuban Olympic team, despite winning in the Cuban Olympic qualifiers preparing for the Games in Beijing, Garcia defected from his native land and settled in Cork, Ірландія, where he turned pro in September 2008. Having built his record to a perfect 11-0 over the next 26 місяці, Garcia then relocated to the United States to resume his career. On December 5, 2015, Garcia made his New York debut at Barclays Center, в Брукліні, earning a 63-second knockout versus Willie Williams. Anther first-round knockout followed in his last bout on June 25, 2016, на Buffalo Run Casino, в Майамі, ДОБРЕ.
Russian amateur prodigy Раджаб Бутаєв (5-0, 4 КО), co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc. and managed by Vadim Kornilov, will make his second appearance at Foxwoods in an eight-round contest. На Листопад 19, Butaev earned an eight-round shutout victory versus experienced Hungarian Gabor Gorbics to win the NABF junior middleweight title. У своєму останньому бою, на Квітня 5, Butaev returned to Russia to stop Baxrom Payazov inside one round. The 22-year-old Butaev, born in Salsk, Росія, and now living in Los Angeles, was a highly accomplished amateur, having compiled an incredible 304-12 запис, з 164 нокаути. He participated in the World Series of Boxing as well, finishing at 9-1.
A native of the boxing rich city of Bayamon, Пуерто-Ріко, Хосе Роман (3-0, 3 КО) will make his US debut in a four-round welterweight contest. Roman began boxing at 13 years of age amassing a stellar 124-17 amateur record along the way. He joined the Puerto Rican National team in 2012, winning three consecutive National championships from 2013-2015.
Junior welterweight Jonathan Figueroa (2-1, 1 KO), of Hartford, Коннектикут, will fight in a four-round contest. Managed by Vinny Scolpino, Figueroa turned pro on a Бродвей боксу card held at Foxwoods on Вересень 1 в минулому році. Training out of Hartford PAL gym, Figueroa was a 2012 Golden Gloves champion as an amateur.
Середня вага Хайрі Тодд (3-0, 3 КО), від Lynn, Массачусетс, will make his Connecticut debut in a four-round contest. The 25-year-old Todd had 40 amateur bouts and won the New England Golden Gloves tournament before turning pro last December with a 42-second demolition of Patrick Leal.
Квитки на Червень 3 Бродвей боксу подія, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by Nissan of Queens, Годинники Azad, OPTYX, і стейк-хаус Christos, за ціною $125, $75 і $45. Квитки можна придбати онлайн на Foxwoods.com, Ticketmaster.com, по телефону 800-200-2882, або відвідавши касу Foxwoods. Двері відкриваються в 7:00вечора, with the first fight scheduled for 7:30вечора.


Catch The Replay This Понеділок, Липня 25 На 10 p.m. І/PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®


Натисніть ОСЬ Щоб скачати фото; Кредитна Розі Cohe / Showtime


Машантукет, Коннектикут. (Липня 23, 2016) – With a potential title shot on the line, Adam Lopez and Roman Reynoso fought to a 10-round draw in the main event of the 15-year anniversary telecast of ShoBox: Нове покоління П'ятниця на SHOWTIME® from Foxwoods Resort Casino.


In attendance ringside before the fight, newly crowned IBF Junior Featherweight World Champion Jonathan Guzman (22-0, 22 КО) announced that he’d like fight the winner of Lopez-Reynoso, raising the stakes for this matchup of 122-pound prospects. While the fight was close and entertaining, analyst Steve Farhood, who has called all 219ShoBox telecasts, didn’t believe either fighter did enough to earn an immediate title shot against Guzman.


The fight looked like a toss-up heading into the 10ї – with Lopez leading by just one connect after nine rounds – and the Ronnie Shields pupil came up with a huge final round rally. The undefeated prospect hurt Reynoso (18-1-2, 7 КО) in the final seconds with a flurry of shots, forcing the Argentine spit out his mouthpiece to buy himself nearly 30 seconds of rest. Seemingly out on his feet, Reynoso somehow survived the onslaught without falling to the canvas before the final bell. Лопес (15-0-1, 7 КО) out-landed Reynoso 34-21 в цілому і 34-20 in power shots in the final round, but it wasn’t enough to earn him the victory.


Judge Don Ackerman saw Lopez a 96-94 переможець, while Bill Morande had it 97-93 Reynoso, and Peter Hary cast the deciding ballot at 95-95. All three judges scored the last round 10-9 for Lopez. Had Reynoso fell to the canvas in the final seconds, the 10-8 round would have given Lopez the win.


«Це був важкий бій. He didn’t want to engage,"Сказав Лопес, who out-landed Reynoso 158-144 в цілому і 131-125 in power shots. “He’s slick and experienced and a good fighter. I feel that this was my best performance on ShoBox. I have been working on new things with Ronnie Shields and it showed in there. I know I hurt him in the last round.


“The decision was bullshit. He could not hit me.”


“It was a close fight, but I feel I won,” Reynoso said. “He never hurt me. The only thing that surprised me is that he was more aggressive than in other fights. I hurt my hand from hitting him.”


Late replacement Jerry Odom knocked out previously once-beaten Julius Jackson with a vicious third round knockout (1:57) в ShoBoxСо-функція.


Джексон (19-2, 15 КО), the son of former two-division world champion Julian “The Hawk” Jackson, was outworking Odom through two rounds, who took the fight 10-days notice after Ronaldo Ellis suffered a hand injury. That was until Washington, D.C.’s Odom (14-2-1, 13 КО) clocked Jackson with a flush right counter shot with one minute left in the third, spelling the end for Jackson, who couldn’t beat the count and suffered his second consecutive knockout loss.


“I saw the right hand. I was throwing combinations and I saw the opening and landed a good shot,"Сказав Одом. “As opposed to the last couple fights, I am in a great place physically, розумово і духовно. I have a great team around me. We are unbreakable.”


“He threw the punch at the right time and caught me,” Jackson said. “I was OK, but the referee stopped the fight. I felt up until that point, I was boxing well and winning every round.”


Rolando Chinea won a close, eight-round split decision victory over O’Shaquie Foster (10-2, 7 КО) in a matchup of lightweights, забив 79-73 (Chinea), 77-75 (Сприяти) і 78-74 (Chinea).


Chinea (13-1-1, 6 КО) was the aggressor, dictating the tempo of the fight from the outset. And while most rounds were extremely close – closer than the relatively wide scorecards – Chinea’s activity was the difference. Chinea threw 733 Усього ударів, у порівнянні з 641 for Foster, and he edged Foster by nearly 150 електричні удари (592-449).


“He is a hell of a fighter and it was fun to fight him,” said Chinea, who was largely able to minimize the jab, Foster’s best weapon. “Like I said before the fight, he could not take pressure. I brought the pressure. I blocked and slipped a lot of his punches. My will and desire to win outweighed his will to punch.


“He did not take my pressure well. I worked my shots well inside and that was a difference in the fight.”


Сприяти, who’s record fell to 10-2 з 7 КО, complained that he “had distractions and couldn’t focus.”


У першому бою телепередачі, Ian Green handed previously undefeated super welterweight prospect Khiary Gray the first loss of his career with a stunning second round TKO (2:50).


With former world champion and fellow Paterson, N.J., Kendall Holt in his corner, Зелений (10-1, 8 КО) came from behind to floor Gray with a big right cross to the chin that sent him tumbling face-forward into the canvas. Gray, a local favorite from nearby Worchester, Масса., tried to hold on with just 30 секунд до кінця раунду, but he couldn’t make it to the break and was falling backward into the ropes when the referee halted the contest.


“I got him good, and I got him out of there,” said Green, who out-landed Gray 14-0 in the final minute. “He got me good one time, but I kept my left hand up and hung in there. We’re going all the way up. This is just the start.”


Gray (13-1, 10 КО), who was seemingly in control of the fight and rocking Green with ease, став 151вулиця fighter to suffer his initial defeat on the prospect developmental series.


He just caught me,” Gray said. “I don’t even know what punch it was. I didn’t even see it. I tried to hold on and waste some time, but I got caught again. I just need to get back to the gym and fix my mistakes. I’ll bounce back.


П'ятниці four-fight telecast will re-air this Monday на 10 p.m. І/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.


Баррі Томпкинс називається ShoBox дії з рингу з Стів Farhood і колишній чемпіон світу Рауль Маркес виступає в якості експерта аналітиків. Виконавчий продюсер був Гордон Хол з Багатий Гогавиробництво та Рик Філліпс керівництво.


The event was promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Classic Entertainment & Sports Inc. (CES) and Sampson Boxing.



Tickets on Sale At Foxwoods Resort Casino

Photos by Rosie Cohe / Час Для Шоу CLICK HERE FOR MORE PHOTOS

Адам Лопес 121 – Roman Ruben Reynoso 121
Джеррі Одом 168 – Юлій Джексон 168
O'Shaquie Фостер 134 – Роландо Chinea 134
Khiary Gray 155 – Ян Зелений 157

Off-TV Bouts:
Джиммі Вільямс 145 – Antonio Fernandes 148
Leroy Davila 118 – Едгар Кортес 121
Brent Venegas 119 – Christian Foster 123
David Wilson 161 – Kendrick Ball Jr. 162
Divante Jones 135 – Ентоні Бургін 136
Двері відкриваються 6:30 PM ET
1вул Бут: 7 PM
Телебачення: ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ на 10 PM ET / PT
Квитки на заходи, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Classic Entertainment & Sports Inc. (CES) and Sampson Boxing, за ціною $45, $75 і $150 and can be purchased by phone from the Foxwoods Resort Casino at 800.200.2882 або на сайті www.foxwoods.com

Заключний Цитати:

АДАМ Лопес:
I’ve experienced and grown a lot over my last few fights. I’ve learned a lot about myself and overcame adversity. All my fights on ShoBox have been tough, but I’m hoping for a breakthrough victory в п'ятницю to prove I’m ready to face a contender.

Reynoso is a tough fighter. We know he swings for the fences. Because he’s from Argentina, a lot of people call him a little Marcos Maidana. He’s probably the toughest opponent so far, but we’re ready for whatever he brings.

I’m back to training with Ronnie Shields. I was with Ronnie for my first five fights and it’s good to be back. Ronnie is working on my jab and helping improve my basic fundamentals.

I want to win and look good doing it. If I get the KO, that’s great, but I’m not going to look for it. I don’t want to be on the canvas looking for it.

We want to show that we’re ready for bigger and better fights. But we know we can’t look past this guy.

This is the biggest fight of my career. Everything is motivating for me. I want the best for my family, and winning a fight like this can help me get there.

We moved up to Montreal for training camp and we’ve improved a lot. We’ve developed defense and a better boxing style. We used to be about just coming forward and punching, but we’re working on our movement, our boxing skills.

We are coming here to exploit Adam Lopez. We’re here to upset him.

I know he has a big left hook, but we’re going to take that away. We know he has a height and reach advantage, but we like to fight wars. If he wants a war, we’re prepared. If he wants to run, we’re prepared. We’ll see if he will be able to figure out how to beat me.

I’m used to being the shorter fighter. It doesn’t bother me.

I look up to (Маркос) Майдану, but he has his own style. I don’t try to mimic that.

This is my first time moving down to 122 фунти. In Argentina, it was hard to get fights at 122 – most of my fights were at 126 – but fighting at 122 is more natural for me. This is what we were looking for.

On Matias Carlos Adrian Rueda, who fights Oscar Valdez for the WBO Featherweight Championship в суботу:
That’s the only boxer who has beaten me. We wish him the best. We were looking for the rematch, but it didn’t happen. In the future, it needs to happen.

Джеррі ODOM:
I’ve been training all summer. Opportunities come and go. I was taught that when a window opens you have to jump in. That’s why we took this fight.

We’re not thinking about his (Jackson’s) last fight. That isn’t going to dictate our game plan. We know the opportunities to knock him out are there, but we need to worry about our game plan.

I’ve watched tape on him. He still has the same posture, he has no finesse. He’s a straight up type of fighter. Nothing we can’t handle.

Records don’t mean anything. You look at my record and see I have two losses. That doesn’t mean anything, doesn’t define me. He better not be overlooking me because I have two losses. That would be a big mistake.

The loss made me hungrier. I just got hurt. He hit me and I just couldn’t recover.

My team is confident I’m still a high-level fighter. We don’t just want opponents. We want guys that will test us.

The change in opponents doesn’t affect us. We’re just trying to perfect ‘The Chef.We want to get in there and do what it takes to win.

There’s definitely pressure. We know if I lose завтра it will set me back even more. But we’re not thinking about that. We’re coming to win. This is an opportunity to erase my loss.

Odom comes to fight. That’s what makes this an exciting fight. We’re both coming to fight.

Chinea is a one-punch puncher. He’s suitable to my style. We like the pressure he brings. We can break him down, break his will.

I’m supposed to be here. The loss in my first fight on ShoBox was a fluke. I showed in my last ShoBox fight that I belong here.

I don’t see anyone at lightweight that can beat me. Я лише 22, but at this point next year we want to be considered a contender for a title shot.

I’ve studied tape on him. He’s an accomplished fighter. But I know he doesn’t like pressure, and my style revolves around pressure. So he’s a tailor-made fighter for me.

We’re going to do what we do best: apply pressure.

This is my TV debut and I’m ready to make a statement. This is an opportunity that I need to take advantage of.

We’ve done everything we can in the gym. We’re been sparring with top fighters in Philadelphia. We’re ready to go.

I’m more of a boxer than a KO guy. I have a lot of knockouts, but that’s not what I’m always looking for. I consider myself more of a boxer.

I’ve always had late replacements in my fights, so that doesn’t give us a problem. I’ve seen clips of him, and we’re ready for him.

Going 10 rounds was a good experience for me. It taught me that my conditioning was there. That I can go the distance if I need to.

I switch to lefty when I have to. I can fight the whole fight lefty if I need to.

I sparred with Edwin (Родрігес) recently, sparred with Demetrius Andrade. It’s good work with those guys. I can hold my own in the gym with them.

There’s pressure fighting on TV, but I feel comfortable. People are going to know me after this. They’ll know that I’m ready to be a contender in the 154-pound division.

I’ve been in the gym since April. Я повинен був битися далі Липня 30, but this was a better opportunity and I jumped on it.

We have Kendall Holt in our corner, and we hope to be the next fighter from Paterson to win a title.

Gray is an aggressive guy, but my range and height is an advantage. I don’t think he’s faced anyone like me. He’s been touched a few times.

Once you see me завтра, you’ll see the real Ian Green.

Barry Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez will serve as expert analysts. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

Five members of GH3 Promotions stable to be on display this Friday on ShoBox: The New Generation at Foxwoods

Адам Лопес – Ramon Reynoso; Джеррі Одом – Юлій Джексон; O'Shaquie Фостер – Rolando Chinewa
Plus Olympic alternates LeRoy Davila and Brent Venegas in action in non-televised bouts
Tickets on Sale At Foxwoods Resort Casino

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Липня 18 2016) – У цю п'ятницю на Foxwoods Resort Casino, GH3 Promotions will feature five of it’s brightest prospects on a ShoBox: Нове покоління card that will be broadcast live on ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. І/PT).
У головній події 10-раундовому, undefeated top 10-ranked Адам “Mantequilla” Лопес (15-0, 7 КО), Сан-Антоніо, особи Roman Ruben Reynoso (18-1-1, 7 КО), of Argentina, в найлегша вага бій. Super middleweights Джеррі Одом (13-2-1, 11 КО) Балтимор, і Юлій Джексон (19-1, 15 КО) Св. Томас, Віргінські острови, will collide in the eight-round co-feature.
Два восьмій гилка буде круглий з чотирьох бою телепередачі. O'Shaquie Фостер (10-1, 7 КО), Оранський, Техас, відповідає Роландо Chinea (12-1-1, 6 КО), Ланкастер, Пенн., в легкому брухту.
Before the cameras roll, two United States Olympic Alternates will also see action as super flyweight LeRoy Davila (1-0, 1 KO), of New Brunswick, N.J., battled Едгар Кортес (2-2) з Вайнленд, N.J.
Також, Brent Venegas III, of Elk Grove, Каліфорнія., will make his pro debut against an opponent to be named in a bantamweight bout.
We are very excited about Friday,” said GH3 Promotios CEO Vito Mielnicki. “Adam Lopez is a couple of fights away from winning a world title. Jerry Odom has a real chance to put himself as a contender in the super middleweight division. O’Shaquie Foster is in a good fight to build on his last performance. We are really looking forward to seeing LeRoy Davila and Brent Venegas. They are the next two fighters that we are developing and they have huge upsides. We hope to fight them regularly and hope to have them on ShoBox in the next year or so.
Tickets for the GH3 Promotions event are priced at $45, $75 і $150 and can be purchased by phone from the Foxwoods Resort Casino at 800.200.2882 або на сайті www.foxwoods.com.


Odom Replaces The Injured Ronald Ellis In Co-Featured Bout Live On SHOWTIME® На 10 p.m. І/PT From Foxwoods Resort Casino In Mashantucket, Коннектикут.


НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Липня 15, 2016) – Prospect Jerry Odom steps up to face Julius Jackson in a matchup of super middleweights next Friday, Липня 22 на ShoBox: Нове покоління жити на SHOWTIME (10 p.m. І/PT) від Foxwoods Resort Casino в Mashantucket, Коннектикут.


The hard-hitting Odom (13-2-1, 12 КО) replaces Ronald Ellis, who pulled out of the bout в четвер with a right hand injury.


Odom was deep in training and looking to bounce back from a controversial draw with Ellis in February on ShoBox when he received the opportunity to face Jackson (19-1, 15 КО). Jackson is the older brother of John and son of former two-division world champion Julian “The Hawk” Jackson.


I have been training for a few fights that fell through. I’m in shape and ready to go,"Сказав Одом. “When my team got the call we decided it was the right decision to take this opportunity.


My power will be a big factor. Jackson has faced punchers before, but he hasn’t faced one like me. Це прекрасна можливість, and I will put on a show в наступну п'ятницю.”


Undefeated top 10-ranked super bantamweight Adam “Mantequilla” Lopez (15-0, 7 КО) faces Roman Ruben Reynoso (18-1-1, 7 КО) у головній події 10-раундовому. In an eight round lightweight bout, O'Shaquie Фостер (10-1, 7 КО) meets Rolando Chinea (12-1-1, 6 КО).


The Липня 22 ShoBox telecast marks the 15-year anniversary of the celebrated prospect developmental series.


World-Ranked Adam Lopez Risks Perfect Record Against
Roman Reynoso In Main Event Live
на 10 p.m. І/PT

Tickets on Sale At Foxwoods Resort Casino

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Червень 29, 2016) – The popular, prospect-orientated boxing series, ShoBox: Нове покоління celebrates its 15th anniversary with a quadrupleheader on П'ятниця, Липня 22, жити на ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. І/PT, затримка на західному узбережжі) від Foxwoods Resort Casino в Машантакет, Коннектикут.


У головній події 10-раундовому, undefeated top 10-ranked Адам "Масло" Лопес (15-0, 7 КО) of Phoenix faces Roman Ruben Reynoso (18-1-1, 7 КО) of Argentina in a bantamweight bout. Super middleweights Ronald Ellis (12-0-1, 10 КО) of Lynn., Масса., і Юлій Джексон (19-1, 15 КО) Св. Томас, Віргінські острови, will collide in the eight-round co-feature.


Два восьмій гилка буде круглий з чотирьох бою телепередачі. O'Shaquie Фостер (10-1, 7 КО), Оранський, Техас, відповідає Роландо Chinea (12-1-1, 6 КО), Ланкастер, Пенн., in a featherweight scrap and undefeatedKhiary Сіро-Питтс (13-0, 10 КО), of Worcester, Масса., will be opposed by fellow unbeaten Ismael Garcia (10-0, 4 КО), з Вайнленд, N.J., by way of Pahokee, Штат Флорида., in the super welterweight opener.


Tickets for the GH3 Promotions event are priced at $45, $75 і $150 and can be purchased by phone from the Foxwoods Resort Casino at800.200.2882 або на сайті www.foxwoods.com.
Since its premiere on July 21, 2001, 67 boxers who’ve appeared onShoBox went on to become world champions; the most recent,Rau’Shee Warren. An additional 75 fighters who appeared on ShoBoxhave fought for a world title.


Testament to the ShoBox mission statement and to the competitiveness of the fights – prospects are matched against their toughest opposition to date – 150 fighters have suffered their first loss on the developmental series.


Лопес, Ellis and Foster fought on GH3’s Лютого. 19 ShoBox at Atlantic City. Lopez and Foster triumphed; Ellis boxed a draw.


Adam Lopez vs. Roman Ruben Reynoso: 10-round bantamweight bout

The steadily improving Lopez, now trained by Houston-based Ронні Шилдс, will be making his fourth ShoBox start since March 2015. In his first three, he defeated previously unbeaten prospects (combined record: 44-0-2) on each occasion.


Останній Лютого. 19, the 5-foot-7, 25-year-old Lopez captured a career-best, highly competitive 10-round decision over Mario Muñoz (16-0-1) Мексики. Lopez survived a nasty cut over his right eye to win by the scores of 98-92 в два рази і 97-93. In his other fights on ShoBox, Lopez won a (then personal-best) 10-round majority decision over DominicanЕлієсер Акіно (17-0-1) у липні 17, 2015, and by second-round knockout over Пабло Крус (11-0) березня 13, 2015.


Regarding his upcoming fight against Reynoso, Lopez said, “Everything is good. I’m starting to turn up my sparring. I have switched trainers to Ронні Шилдс в Х'юстоні. I see a lot of improvement since my last fight.


“Reynoso is a good fighter from Argentina. He is in Canada now, so I am sure he is getting good sparring there. He is kind of wild, but guys like that are hard to fight because you don’t know where the punches are coming from, but we will be prepared for anything.”


Born in Phoenix and raised in Los Angeles, Lopez moved to San Antonio at 15. Він пішов 125-23 in the amateurs and won six national championships before turning pro at 21 в лютому 2012.

The 25-year-old Reynoso brings a 10-fight winning streak into his United States and ShoBox дебют. A five-year pro, the South American lightweight champion fought his initial 18 fights in Buenos Aires before winning his last fight and lone start this year on a decision over Cristian Arrazola останній Травня 20 в Канаді. Reynoso’s lone defeat came in his fourth fight.


“Everything is going well in training camp,’’ Reynoso said. “We know that Lopez is tall for 122 pounds and he has good hand speed. He has a good name and we will try to learn more in the next few weeks.


“This is a big opportunity for us and we will do our best. This is a big fight and we know we have to win. З перемогою, we would hope to get a world title opportunity.’’


Ronald Ellis vs. Юлій Джексон: Eight-round middleweight bout

Ellis gets an immediate opportunity to regain his winning ways after taking a sizeable jump up in class and boxing an eight-round draw with hard-hitting Джеррі Одом в його Лютого. 19 ShoBox дебют. A spirited, close contest throughout was scored 78-74 for Ellis and 76-76 шматок. The draw snapped a four-fight-knockout streak for Ellis, who’s won all 10 of his knockouts inside two rounds (eight in the first) з поворотним професіоналом в 2011.


“This is going to be another coming out party for me,’’ the 5-foot-11, 25-year-old Ellis said. “The last fight was a draw. I had some problems with my hand, but I’m back and this is a step for me. Hopefully he comes to fight. I hope he brings it 100 percent because I am bringing 200 відсотків.


“I am glad to be on ShoBox знову. I showed the fans a little bit in my last fight. They can expect the same thing but a little bit more on Липня 22.''


Jackson is making his second ShoBox початок. In his debut – and initial go in the U.S. – the older brother of Джон and son of former two-division world champion Julian “The Hawk” Jackson registered two knockdowns en-route to a ninth-round TKO over Jonathan Nelson (19-2, 10 КО) грудня. 20, 2014.


Much like Ellis, Jackson is also getting a quick-fix chance to redeem himself and get back on the winning track. Але, unlike Ellis, Джексон losthis most recent fight. His perfect record and 19-fight winning streak ended when he lost by second-round TKO to now top-rated super middleweight contender Хосе Ускатегі останній Жовтень. 6.


“I’m looking to redeem myself and come out with a win,’’ said the 6-foot-2 Jackson, який перетворює 29 на Серпня. 1. “This is my second ShoBox fight and I’m excited to get back to let the world see my talent. I’m getting better, my training has been good. I expect to be in with another really good fighter. It should be a great fight.’’


A 2008 Olympian for the Virgin Islands and a pro since January 2009, Jackson is fighting for the third time in a row in the U.S.


O’Shaquie Foster vs. Роландо Chinea: Eight-round featherweight bout

O’Shaquie (pronounced “oh-SHACK-ee”) Foster is making his third appearance on ShoBox. Останній Лютого. 19, he began to live up to expectations when he rebounded from a sub-standard performance in his ShoBox дебют (an eight-round decision loss to Самуель Seah в листопаді 2015) to register a seventh-round TKO over previously undefeated Lavisas Williams (8-0-1).


Сприяти, 22, dropped southpaw Williams four times – in the second, third, fourth and seventh rounds. Three of the knockdowns appeared to result from a push, but Williams’ gloves touched the canvas each time so they went into the books as knockdowns. After the final knockdown in the seventh, the fight was stopped at 52 секунд після початку раунду.


“Everything is going good,’’ Foster said. “I’ve been doing a lot of conditioning. I am in the best shape of my life. Chinea has a good jab and I know he will be in a good shape.

“Ever since I moved to Virginia to train, my conditioning, mentality and confidence has gone way up and that was the difference from my first fight to my last fight on ShoBox. На Липня 22, I will be even that much better.’’


A highly decorated amateur standout, the 5-foot-8½ inch Foster advanced to the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials where he lost to unbeaten pro prospect, Йосип "Джо-Джо" Діас. До цього, Foster was a 2010 PAL Чемпіон, a five-time Ringside National Champion and two-time National Junior Golden Gloves Champion.

Chinea, a 5-foot-8, 25-років, робить його ShoBox дебют. After going pro in November 2011, він пішов 10-0-1 before losing an eight-round decision to Ismail Muwendo у квітні 2015. He’s won two straight since, including a six-round decision over previously undefeatedLadarius Міллер (потім 9-0) в своєму останньому бою Лютого. 16.

“I treat every opponent the same,’’ Chinea. “I give everything I got and I leave it all in the ring. I know Foster was a good amateur. I know he can box and I know he has some pop.


“This is the moment I’ve dreamed about since I started boxing at 14. My main goal is to tune out the crowd and win. I want to be a main event fighter on SHOWTIME and this is the first step.’’

Khiary Gray-Pitts vs. Ismael Garcia: Eight-round super welterweight bout

Сіро-Питтс, 23, will be boxing on ShoBox Вперше. Ambidextrous with quick hands and feet, Gray-Pitts turned pro in June 2014. He fought three times that year, eight times in 2015 (8-0, 8 КО, seven in the first, one in the second) and this will be his third fight in 2016.


“I’m very excited,’’ Gray-Pitts said. “Now I get to showcase my skillset to the whole world. It’s something I’ve been waiting for. There’s still more that people haven’t seen yet when it comes to me. Now I get to see what I have the ability to do. I’m able to block [the crowd] out.


“The more pressure there is, the more relaxed I am. I don’t know a lot about my opponent, but it doesn’t matter as long as I go in there and get done what I need to get done.”


The 5-foot-9 Gray-Pitts is coming off a second-round knockout overQuinton Willis останній Травня 13. In his outing before last, the previous Лютого. 19, won a 10-round decision over Едуардо Флорес.


Гарсія, 29, has fought sporadically since turning pro in March 2010, although he’s been more active in the last 14 місяці. He fought in May and October in 2015 and won his one start this year on a six-round split decision over Карлос Гарсія останній Березня 18. Garcia’s initial seven fights took place in Atlantic City, the last three in Philadelphia.

“It is my television debut, and everything we have been working on in my first 10 fights we will put together for this fight,’’ Garcia said. “This is SHOWTIME. Being on ShoBox is a long time coming for me. It’s what I’ve dreamed about since I started boxing. It’s his TV debut as well so I know he will be on top of his game. We will be preparing 100 percent for that and then some.


“I have seen a little of Gray-Pitts on tape. This will be my toughest test, as I will be his toughest test. When you have 13-0 боротьба 10-0, it will be a good fight.’’


Баррі Томпкинс називатимемо ShoBox дії з рингу з Стів Farhood і колишній чемпіон світу Рауль Маркес will serve as expert analysts. Виконавчий продюсер Гордон Хол з Багатий Гога виробництво та Рик Філліпс керівництво.